Shavuot 2016 - Temple Sinai


Shavuot 2016 - Temple Sinai
Winner of a Solomon Schecter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Sivan / Tammuz 5776
Volume 70, Number 7
June/July 2016
A great night celebrating 75 years and honoring
Mary & Nathan Relles
Jackie & Stan Silverman
Special thanks to our committee chairs
Jill & Josh
Jodi & Matt
Ilene & Stu
Karen & Michael
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
An Evening of Learning
Saturday June 11th
Shavuot Services
June 12-13
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg
I just returned from this year’s Rabbinical Assembly Convention. This is the annual
conference for rabbis of the Conservative Movement, a great opportunity for me to
check-in with colleagues, to learn about programs taking place in other synagogues
and parts of our movement, and to hear about what our organization is working on.
Every year, the rabbis of our Movement are invited to address the issues of the day by submitting resolutions
that the assembly then votes upon. In past years, resolutions that were adopted advocated on behalf of:
Support for Israel
Religious pluralism in Israel
The historical and present-day significance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount to the Jewish People
Combatting attempts to delegitimize Israel
Helping the Poor in a Recessionary Economy
Jewish Education
Support for International Action in Darfur
Rabbi Adam
for Food Justice
Combatting Human Trafficking/Modern Day Slavery
Support for Jews in the American military
Ten resolutions were adopted this year addressing a variety of issues from “Affirming the Rights of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People” to “Paid Family Leave in the United States.” Please use this link to
read these resolutions:
One resolution places upon the rabbis the responsibility to be engaged in opposing anti-Muslim bigotry and I
want to share with you some of its language because I think it powerfully demonstrates that we take seriously
our role as advocates for a more decent and just society.
Resolution Against Anti-Muslim Bigotry and for Jewish-Muslim Dialogue
-Whereas Jewish tradition asserts that human beings are created in the Divine Image and that all life
is sacred; and
-Whereas Muslims are part of the integral fabric of the societies where Conservative/Masorti Judaism flourishes; and
-Whereas proactive efforts in interfaith relations with other faith traditions have improved understanding, cooperation and friendship with Jews; and
-Whereas extreme jihadist views are espoused by only some segments of Islam; and
-Whereas Muslims in our societies are subjected to discriminatory treatment as a result of such extreme views; and
-Whereas we as rabbis bear special responsibility to denounce insulting and derogatory behavior by
Jews toward non-Jews;
-Therefore, be it resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly and its members stand up against the intolerance and ignorance of anti-Muslim bigotry, helping to protect our Muslim neighbors in their communities, homes, places of worship and the public sphere; and -Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical
Assembly declare that the disparagement of another religious community by members of our own
community and the defense of actions directed against adherents of other faiths run contrary to our
values, and we therefore condemn such actions and urge upon other faith communities the adoption
of a similar declaration; and
-Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly declare that the disparagement of another religious community by members of our own community and the defense of actions directed against adherents of other
faiths run contrary to our values, and we therefore condemn such actions and urge upon other faith communities the adoption of a similar declaration; and
-Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly support Muslim leaders and adherents who work to extirpate violence in the name of Islam; and
-Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly urge its members and partner organizations to work together in solidarity with our Muslim neighbors, establishing friendship and partnership between our religious
communities and engaging in dialog to break down the stereotypes that lead to hatred and bigotry.
We live in a time of great anxiety and fear. Terrible people who claim to be adherents of Islam have committed
atrocities - inhumane and unspeakable acts. But if we treat all Muslims as terrorists and threats to our lives
and our country, it is not only they who suffer. Our society does. We who have been – and continue to be the victims of bigotry and prejudice, we must all take a stand against others being persecuted, discriminated
against or harmed simply because of their faith.
May the day soon come when people of all faiths, as well as those who belong to no faith, will realize that
we are one family, here on earth to support, comfort and appreciate one another. May we yet see a world
in which all human beings will respect and care for each other. Let us devote our efforts to bringing that day
Temple Sinai’s Yizkor Book of Remembrance offers a comforting selection of readings and prayers that
provide solace and reflection for congregants. A committee will be updating our Yizkor book. The goal is
to include additional readings that further enhance opportunities for reminiscence and connectedness
to one another.
To this end, we are inviting congregants to contribute personal writings to our Yizkor book committee in
the form of poems, narratives, or essays. Or, perhaps you have been moved by a prayer, poem or story
that you would like included (author must be cited). Personal writings should deal with one’s experiences dealing with loss and remembrance. For example, how have you been changed by your experience?
What makes you smile when you remember your loved one? Have you been strengthened or weakened
in ways that others could also relate to? Are there lessons you have learned that you could pass on to
others? How have you embraced mourning? Have certain rituals proved helpful, comforting, inspiring?
Please know that since this is a new project, the committee has no way of knowing whether we will
receive 1 or 100 submissions. We will not be able to include 100 submissions. Therefore, after reading
all submissions, the committee will make selections for the Yizkor book.
1. Submissions should be 500 words or less (may be as few as 3 lines)
2. We welcome poetry, narrative, essays.
3. FIRM DEADLINE : JUNE 28, 2016.
Please include your name, email and ph. #. DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME ON YOUR SUBMISSION, BUT
include the last 4 numbers of your phone#. (We request that your name not appear on your submission
so the committee’s selections are totally unbiased. Your name however, will appear in the Yizkor book.
There will be no charge for submissions, even those that are selected for inclusion in the Yizkor book.
Attach your submission in a word document and send to: or bring to the main
office. We hope through this process, congregants will feel less solitary in their grief and benefit from
sharing their tears and their joy and all the emotions in between that make us a community.
Beth Rabinowitz
I know it sounds cliché but the last year flew by in a blink of an eye. I ended a wonderful ten years at one Temple and literally the next day I walked into Temple Sinai and
started the next chapter of my professional career. The moment I entered the building,
I felt supported and welcomed by not only the staff but the families. Was I nervous as
I started my new position? Of course, but I was made to feel at ease instantaneously.
There is something special about Temple Sinai, which I felt all throughout the interview process, and I knew
this was the right move for me and my family. A year later I can tell you I feel so fortunate that I am now part
of this warm and inviting community.
Over the last nine months our preschool community has enjoyed numerous events. Summer started off with
Popsicles on the Playground. Fall began with Moms Night Out Cooking Class, Back To School Night and Welcome Back Shabbat Happening. During the winter months we celebrated Hanukkah with Peter Moses and
the Pajama Party with Liat was definitely one of my favorites. We were fortunate enough to host a Kehillah
concert for young families that was open to the entire Upper Dublin Community. The first Annual Wellness
evening, held in May, was very relaxing and beneficial to our moms. The year will end with twenty three children graduating from our Pre-K but this is not goodbye as they will then have the opportunity to attend our
amazing Religious School.
The most exciting news was the opening of our beautiful Infant Center. Can you believe we already have fourteen babies registered! If you haven’t checked it out you must come for a visit. With the baby center now up
and running we are planning to renovate and improve our outdoor playground. This will be a space where
children can ride big wheels, creating pies in the sandbox, paint masterpieces on an art easel, experiment with
water play and more activities than I could possibly write down. Think of an outdoor classroom where a child’s
imagination has unlimited potential.
Our school is place where children learn to share, understand new concepts, problem solve and of course have
fun but the love of Judaism is the heart of our school. Each week we gather at Shabbat, as a school, and we
teach the values of Torah. These values are integral to raising kind and loving children.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your child’s journey and I am looking forward to what year two has
to bring.
Have a wonderful summer,
Shira Weissbach
We had an amazing end to a wonderful year of Religious School! The year was filled
with hands-on experiences; lots of learning, and of course, fun! Our classes ended
with various Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) celebrations complete with
Israeli Dancing, Israeli food, and even an Israeli army obstacle course. I want to thank
the wonderful Religious School and Sinai High teachers for all of their hard work, as
well as our lay leaders and parent volunteers. Our LeV committee has been working
hard all year and over the summer we will be launching exciting new programming for the 2016-17 school
year. Enjoy the pictures below to get a taste of our year!
Steven Rosen
Happy Shavuot. It is hard to believe we have only one more program before our summer recess. We have had an interesting year and we are looking forward to planning
more interesting programs for 5777. I have outlined some of the highlights in April,
May and June.
On April 3, 2016 - Asaf Romirowsky, PhD discussed bias against Israel and the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe
and in our colleges and universities in the United States. He is traveling around the country speaking at various
institutions of higher learning to emphasize Jewish history and the importance of Israel. He is trying to involve
Millennials who may not have had prior instruction in Jewish History and have shown an indifference to Israel.
A Day to Remember
On April 11, 2016- 56 members of Hazak filled a bus headed
for NYC to visit the 9/11 Museum and the Museum of Jewish
Heritage to remember those from our past. All agreed it was a
wonderful trip and some plan to visit these sites again.
Asaf Romirowsky at Hazak Brunch
April 3rd
On Sunday, May 1, 2016 our speaker was Rabbi Dr. David Rabeeya, who was born in Bagdad, Iraq, migrated
to Israel during Israel’s formative years and later came to the United States. He gave us his Sephardic perspective of Judaism and his analysis of the origins of radical Islam through readings from the Koran. He emphasized the long term perspectives of Arabs versus the short term perspective of the Western world as a reason
why our war with ISIS might last a long time.
Our final Sunday brunch of the year will be on June 26th at
10:00 AM. Cantor Stephen Freedman will present an original
program entitled “Shana B’shira – The Year in Song”. He will
go through the Jewish calendar year in song, highlighting the
meaning and music of each holiday. This brunch will be FREE
for each person who pays his or her $20 annual Hazak dues for
the 2016-2017 calendar year.
Rabbi David Rabeeya, PhD at
Hazak Brunch May 1
Liz Shamir & Karen Mann
Greetings from Sisterhood as we slide into the final stretch of 5776! Thank you
to everyone for making it another great year. Sisterhood is truly a collaborative
effort so we are not going to even try to “name names” --it would take too long.
In the last few weeks, we have gone to see Fiddler on the Roof on Broadway; had our annual Installation Meeting; been inspired by Faith’s Rosh Chodesh entitled “May 14, 1948 - 5 Iyar 5708;” toured Laurel Hill Cemetery;
and fulfilled our pledge to Torah Fund, which supports the Conservative Movement’s Jewish Theological Seminary. Behind the scenes, planning has started for 5778.
First off, a special thanks to Joanne DiNovo for her very generous gift to Torah Fund, that took Sisterhood over
the finish line for meeting our goal! Thank you, Joanne. And, thank you to all the contributors—those who
answered our last minute appeal, and those who donated earlier!
Sisterhood’s Theater Trips continue to be hugely popular. Two busloads of mostly ladies (men are welcome)
went to see Fiddler on the Roof. How cool are we? We saw Hamilton this fall! Kudos to Meryl Stern and
Rhonda Yanoff, not only for their choice of shows, but for expanding this important fund raiser. Seats on three
busses are already filled for this September 21, when Sisterhood goes to see Waitress. Important lesson: Buy
your tickets as soon as they go on sale and if it is too late, get on the waiting list. There are always people who
can’t go at the last minute.
The Installation Meeting is organized by the past president. This year that honor fell to Stacy Pressman, who
did an incredible job. The screening of Oma and Bella was so successful that a second screening was arranged.
For those who missed both viewings, know that you can download the movie in which Oma’s granddaughter
follows Oma and Bella, two elderly Jewish widows living in Berlin. What emerges is an intimate portrait that
captures Oma and Bella’s love of life and their love of good food, without sidestepping the history they have
Every month a member of Sisterhood leads a Rosh Chodesh talk with lunch included. This May, Faith Rubin
spoke about Israel Independence. Everyone present participated by sharing their own connections to Israel,
which heightened the emotional resonance of the topic. Kol Hakovod, Faith!
The very next day, the focus was Philadelphia, when Sisterhood toured the Laurel Hill Cemetery, a National
Landmark, that is located on the left side of Kelly Drive, when traveling into Philly. We paid our respects,
learned some history, and admired the panoramic views.
Well, the year isn’t over, still to come:
• Sisterhood is availing itself of resources available from our parent organization, The Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. On Wednesday, June 1st, 7 PM Sandy Berenbaum will be leading a workshop on relevant topics including membership, dealing with Sisterhood challenges, leadership development, and team building. All are welcome!
• The next Rosh Chodesh program is planned for Thursday, July 7th, 12 noon, at Karen Petkun’s home. There will be a pareve/dairy potluck. Those planning to attend should RSVP directly to Karen.
Regarding the upcoming year: Planning has begun. All suggestions and comments are welcome!
All the best for a wonderful summer.
Shavuot Service Schedule
Saturday, June 11th
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
Sunday, June 12th
Shavuot Services
Mincha/Ma’ariv with Yizkor
Monday, June 13th
Shavuot Services with Yizkor
Shavuot is here. Jews everywhere will be
celebrating receiving the Torah.
In many Ashkenazi kitchens, blintzes will be
on the menu. My Baba, Grandmom Winokur,
my mom and mother-in-law and I made them.
(Grandmom Winokur kept us in awe with her
twelve blatlach (leaves) from one egg.)
I’ll be making them, but not like Grams.
They look like Torahs, reminding us it is Shavuot.
Whatever you do, whatever you prepare,
make it something that reminds you and yours
that being Jewish is walking the walk
and talking the talk.
According to the laws given us at Sinai.
See you in Shul.
Hag Sameach!
Joan Winokur
Because it is traditional to eat dairy on Shavuot, here is a
delicious recipe for Cheese Blintz Souffle. You friends and
family will be begging you to make it more often!
2 boxes frozen store bought cheese blintzes (I use Golden)
6 eggs
1 stick butter- melted
1.5 cup sour cream
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 cup superfine sugar
1/4 cup orange juice
Line up blintzes in a 9x13 pan. Beat all other ingredients for 5 min and then pour evenly
over blintzes. Bake 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Serve with a dallop of sour cream, your
favorite jelly /jam or apple sauce.
Samuel Caplan
son of Carolyn & Barry Caplan
Natalie David
daughter of Ilene & Eliahu David
Sam Kassar
son of Bethany & Ami Kassar
Samuel Klugherz
son of Dr. Bruce Klugherz
& Dr. Michelle Ecker
Kyle Rubenstein
son of Mary & Mitchel Rubenstein
Emily Steinslofer
daughter of Lisa & Marc Steinslofer
Max Steinslofer
son of Lisa & Marc Steinslofer
Danielle Stern
daughter of Sheryl & Alan Stern
Lauren Whitman
daughter of Michele & Jerry Whitman
Jason Woronoff
son of Shira Goodman & Alan Woronoff
71st Confirmation Class • Friday, June 10, 2016 • 4 Sivan 5776
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg
Cantor Stephen Freedman
Shira Weissbach Director of Education
Faith Rubin Coordinator of Enhanced Education
Jeffrey Hampton President
Mazal Tov to Our Littlest Graduates!
by Beth Ellen Chernoff • April 26, 2016
Eyeglass donations continued to pour in even after the delightful March program about
Jewish cuisine! I once had the opportunity to hear a Rotarian describe the process of distributing
eyeglasses to villagers in Guatemala, and seeing the sheer joy on the faces of people donning
glasses for the first time. Our collection of 40 pair of eyeglasses went to the Lions Club, where
they are likely bound for Mexico or the Dominican Republic. Helping someone’s eyesight is a very
special form of mitzvah, and I thank you all for your generosity.
On a personal note: Delivering Shalach Manot this year was a bittersweet experience. I
always scheduled Sara Segal as the last delivery, as I knew we would be spending hours talking
and laughing and looking at photos. I always looked forward to these visits, as I know she did also.
If you have a pet project you would like to see supported, please email me with your idea
at I particularly welcome ideas of Jewish interest as we have not done
that sort of collection in a while. Thank you for your continued support of our causes - and your
input, as well.
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Florence H. Albert Preschool Activities
In Honor of
In Memory of
Birth of Lane Marlow Relles .... Jill & Jeffrey Hampton
BIrth of Morgan Elise Charles ....................................
........................... Sally & Joel Rosenwasser & Family
Hyman Bierman .............................. Madeline Axelrod
Gil Newman ......... Sondra & Mitch Levinson & Family
........................................... Stephanie & Martyn Swift
Boy Scout
In Honor of
Rabbi Lou Diament ................ Family of Shirley Bilsky
In Memory of
Shirley Bilsky ....................... The Hartenbaum Family
In Honor of
Risé Bressler Chesed
Speedy recovery for Richard Greene .........................
Speedy recovery for Linda Boyd ................................
...Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Speedy recovery for Alan Bernstein ...........................
.................................................... Ralph & Ellen Levin
Speedy recovery for Larry Bressler ............................
........................................... Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
In Memory of
Carole Olitsky .............................................................
Risé Bressler ................... Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein
Marvin Langhaus ........................................................
Ruth Most ...................................................................
Evelyn Rosen Wylen ..................................................
.................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Ned J. Levine..............................................................
...Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Carole Olitsky .............................................................
................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg,
.................Allison & Ed Goldis and Michelle Bressler
Bella Cohen .......................... Barry Bressler & Family
Benjamin Feldman........................... Charla Sussman
Carole Olitsky .............................................................
Gerald Russakoff ..................... Ellen & Larry Bressler
Maurice P. Goldstein ... Ellen & Ralph Levin & Family
Arlene Melker ............................... Ellis & Sandi Miller
Dora Matlen ........................................... Helene Ross
Harvey Felt ....... Jeffrey & Barbara Fierstein & Family
Gerald Russakoff ....................... Joel & Carole Lukoff
Sidney Dublisky ............................. Leonard Schwartz
Harry S. Gross ............................. Lisa & Steve Green
Fannie Schechner ......................................................
Sylvia Menin .................................. Marjorie Schwartz
In Honor of
Cantor’s Charity
Cantor Stephen Freedman .........................................
..........Alan Woronoff & Shira Goodman and Brandon
................................................................. Lori Strauss
............................... The Weisman and Vass Families
Randi Freedman's special birthday ............................
.................................................. Judy & David Gilberg
.................................................... Sara & Bob Wenger
............................................ Sheryl & Marc Weinstein
Speedy recovery for Stuart Novey .............................
....................................................... The Parkin Family
In Memory of
Dr. Ruth Schultz ........................... Bob & Joan Parkin
Roscoe (Rocky) Waxler ............Cindy & Stu Lamberg
Elliot Rosenberg .............................. Ellen Rosenberg
Hans Lewinsohn ............................ Franklin Lewinson
Kitty Handel ................................................................
Dora Raivy ................................Hazzan Arlyne Unger
Ruth Kaplan ........................................... Laurie Matez
Melvin Fisher ........................ Renata Fisher & Family
Mary Unger ........................................... Ronald Unger
Cantor’s Charity (continued)
In Memory of
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ............... The Zeitzer Family
Carole Shtatman .................................. Vicki Edelman
Chernoff Interfaith Activities
In Honor of
In Memory of
Emma Dall becoming a Bat Mitzvah ...........................
Daniel Caplan becoming a Bar Mitzvah......................
.....................................Krendelle & Stanley Nosheny
Aaron Chernoff............................................................
Bella Chernoff ..................................... Beth Chernoff
William Bernard.................... Lorrie & Kurt Lichtenfeld
In Honor of
Cook For A Friend
Birth of Lane Marlow Relles ........................................
........................... Sally & Joel Rosenwasser & Family
In Memory of
Adam Warkow................... Bernard & Betty Roseman
Malcolm M. Blumberg ....................... Debra Drossner
Louise Altman ...................................... Eugene Heller
Leah Kohen....................................... Francine Kohen
Sadie Goldberg ................... Henry & Diane Goldberg
Abby Cooper Religious School Scholarship
In Honor of
Adam Gladstone becoming a Bar Mitzvah .................
........................... Sally & Joel Rosenwasser & Family
In Memory of
Adam Warkow................................ Janet & Eric Lynn
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Memory of
Lilly Dubin .............................................. Doree Sitkoff
................................................................ Sheryl Marx
Carole Olitsky..................... Sondra & Mitch Levinson
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Honor of
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Memory of
Fred Breslow ..............................................................
Bertha Cooper ............................................................
Fannie Goldstein ........................................................
Abraham B. Goldstein ................................................
Martyn Goldstein ........................................................
Mervyn Tuckman........................................................
Ed Rothman ...............................................................
Morris Cooper ............................... Barbara Goldstein
Lynn Cohen .................................. Bob & Joan Parkin
Sy Listman ....................... Douglas Listman & Family
........................................................... Marge Listman
Evelyn Levien .............................................................
Marvin Gross .................................. Herma Abramson
Louis Zeidenstein ................................... Leon Visnov
Rose Buckman ................................. Maxine Stutman
Rachel Franco ............................................................
Rachel Shapira ...........................................................
Gil Newman .................................Myrna & Larry Allen
................................................... Ruth & Leon Visnov
Nathan Gendelman .....................Neilson Gendelman
Rabbi & Hilda Greenberg
In Honor of
Beth Chernoff's birthday .............. The Gabbay Family
Samuel Gripman Memorial
In Memory of
Belle Gripman ...................................... Alice Gripman
Handicap Accessibility
In Honor of
In Memory of
Susan Bratt .............................. Terry & Michael Bratt
Herbert Levinson .............................Mitchell Levinson
Hyman Hauser .................................. Norman Hauser
Richard Harris Memorial
In Honor of
In Memory of
Birth of Lane Marlow Relles ........................................
....................................... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
Judy Beck becoming a Bat Mitzvah ...........................
...................................................... Dolly & Mike Love
Carole Olitsky..............................................................
Pauline Lefcoe ............................................................
Florence Dworkin ........... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
Jeanne Stredler Rayfield ..................Howard Stredler
Sophie Sue Leventhal ................................................
........................ Jerome Leventhal, Mark and Edward
Carol Cohen .......................................Jerry Leventhal
In Memory of
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Honor of
In Memory of
Nancy & George Day's 50th anniversary....................
........................................ Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
Irwin Karmel ................................................................
Mollie B. Karmel ..........................................................
Jerry Finkelstein ..........................................................
Raymond Goldfine .............................. Marilyn Keesal
Darryl Aarons .................. Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
In Memory of
Speedy recovery for Ben Supowitz.............................
.................................................... Don & Diane Factor
Don Factor ........................................... Gloria Ceaser
Speedy recovery for Frankie Jacome .........................
Speedy recovery for Marlyn Friedberg .......................
Speedy recovery for Mitchell Kline .............................
....................................................... Herma Abramson
The 65th anniversary of Bob Parkin's Bar Mitzvah .....
Joan Winokur .............................. Larry & Myrna Allen
Speedy recovery for Neil Gendelman .........................
......................................... Temple Sinai Daily Minyan
Zelda Fately ................................................ Alan Katz
David Hertzberg Scholarship
In Memory of
Rebecca Albert ...........................................................
David Hertzberg ................................... Flossie Albert
In Honor of
Holocaust Education
Audrey & George Marcus' 50th anniversary ..............
................................................ Mary & Nathan Relles
In Memory of
Shaindel Grunberger ............................... Edith Milner
Samuel Paul .............................. Ellen & Warren Katz,
................. and Jamie, Harris, Jacob & Bailey Cohen
Philip Henry Katz........... Francine & Douglas Listman
..................................................................... & Family
Fred S. Marcus ...................George & Audrey Marcus
Abram Jolinger ................................... James Jolinger
Bonnee Borgman ................................ Jody Borgman
Harvey Felt .......................... Marilyn & Jody Borgman
William Laiwint ............................... Marilyn Borgman
Carole Olitsky ....... Marilyn & Jody Borgman & Family
Frances Stiebel ..................................... Marsha Alent
Sonia Adler .............................................. Martin Adler
Reba Shapiro Brand............................Rita Rosenthal
Clara Sharf ..................................... Shirley Nirenberg
Hoori Rahimi ..................................Soroosh Michaels
Sidney West ............................... Toby & Martin Adler
Cele Hyman Sukkah
In Memory of
Leah Coopersmith Savage ................Howard Savage
Michael Kostrow .........................................................
Leah Coopersmith Savage ......................Joy Kostrow
Betty Essner .......................................Phyllis Gardner
In Memory of
Imagine 613
Benjamin Paul ........................................Michael Paul
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Memory of
Jacob Feldman ................................... Dorothy Singer
Hyman Silver ............................................ Faith Silver
Howie Bank ........................................... Felicia Albert
Adam Warkow .. Sharon & Glenn Rosenthal & Family
Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat
In Memory of
Max Barsher ................................... Flora Fine Shafer
Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities
In Honor of
In Memory of
Emma Dall becoming a Bat Mitzvah ..........................
................................................. Sally & Ed Rosenthol
Carole Olitsky .........Alan Woronoff & Shira Goodman
Hester Laver ...........................................Deena Laver
Robert Cole ................................................................
Braden Cole .............................................. Nyles Cole
Carole Olitsky .............................................................
Gil Newman ................................................................
Rhoda Lempert......................... Sally & Ed Rosenthol
Petluck Memorial Fund for Israel
In Memory of
Rabbi’s Charity (continued)
In Memory of
Adam Warkow .......... Carol & Jules Einhorn & Family
......................... Steven & Kymme Kaufman & Family
Yetta Pennock ....................................... Carol Cohen
Harry Waxler ...............................................................
Gerald Russakoff ..................... Cindy & Stu Lamberg
Paul R. Glatter ........................David Glatter & Family
Gil Newman ........................................ Doris & Si Izes
...................................................Jack & Ada Fishman
.................................................Mary & Nathan Relles
................................................ Michelle & David Berk
.................................................... Toby & Martin Adler
Martin Keller ......................................... Elaine Pollack
Elliot Rosenberg .............................. Ellen Rosenberg
Rebecca Camann .................................Fern Camann
Sylvia Cohen ............................ Gilbert & Zena Cohen
Leon Schuchman ............................Jerry Schuchman
Elsa Schoen ............................................ Kurt Schoen
Bernard Karp ........................................ Leonard Karp
Carole Olitsky ........................... Linda & Jerry Schatz
Barry Adelman ................................. Marilyn Adelman
Anne Maloney .............................................................
Frank Pollack .....................................Michael Pollack
Lee Sosnow ........................... Rabbi Aileen Hollander
Giuliana Goetzl .................................... Renata Fisher
Pearl Silverman ............................... Sheila Goldstein
Inez Coopersmith .............................. Sheila Richman
Harvey Felt................................Shelley & Larry Hahn
Berta Schoen .............................. The Kepniss Family
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ............... The Zeitzer Family
Alexander Gitlin ............................. Zena & Gil Cohen
Ruth & Budd Rockower Dues Assistance
In Memory of
Gil Newman .........Barbara & John Rosenau & Family
Michael Kostrow ................................Howard Savage
Rose Seskin .......................................... Lester Seskin
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship
Albert & Rose Rubenstein Children’s Library
In Honor of
In Honor of
Adam Saruya's college graduation ............................
............................................. Beth & Marc Rabinowitz
Birth of Lane Marlow Relles .......... Dolly & Mike Love
Max Kahn becoming a Bar Mitzvah ..... Harriet Levine
Birth of Lane Marlow Relles ....... Ilene & Stuart Fredd
Gil Newman ............................ Amy & Craig Firestone
................................ Sandy & Alex Murland & Family
Hannah Lickstein ....................................... Nina Reed
Adrienne Race......................................... Simon Stein
Arthur Smuckler ............................... Arlene Smuckler
Adam Warkow ............................... Ben & Ilana Israel
Sylvia B. Caplan ................................ Jerome Caplan
Carole Olitsky ............................ Judy & Jerry Caplan
Edward Field ........................ The Hartenbaum Family
In Memory of
In Honor of
Prayer Book
Naming of Morgan Elise Charles ...............................
............................................... Marc & Linda Fishman
In Memory of
Donald Blumberg................................ Judy Blumberg
Nathan Abrams ................................. Stephen Kasloff
Mickey Goldsmith ............................ Stuart Goldsmith
In Honor of
Rabbi’s Charity
Birth of Lane Marlow Relles ..... Cindy & Stu Lamberg
................................................... Laura & Alan Libove
.............................................. Linda & Jonathan Roth
David Kepniss receiving the Men's Club Joseph Fine Award
................................................ Mary & Nathan Relles
Speedy recovery for Larry Bressler............................
................................................ Michelle & David Berk
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg ................... The Bilsky Family
.............................. The Weisman and Vass Families
Naming of Morgan Elise Charles ...............................
.................................................... The Charles Family
In Memory of
Dorothy S. Schwarz.................. Ada & Jack Fishman
Abraham Libove ...................................... Alan Libove
Edna Lehman .............................................................
Gil Newman .................................. Bob & Joan Parkin
Faith Rubin Scholarship
In Honor of
Marjorie Schwartz ...................... Judy & Jerry Caplan
In Memory of
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Lane Marlow Relles ...... Linda & Jerry Schatz
Alexa Jakubowitz becoming a Bat Mitzvah ................
......................... Wendi & Kevin Kooperman & Family
In Memory of
Raymond Jaffe ............................................................
Elliot Rosenberg .............................. Ellen Rosenberg
Lillian Solomon ............................. Florence Solomon
Charlotte B. Weinstein ..............................Joan Keller
Arthur Steinberg ........................ Linda & Jerry Schatz
Carole Olitsky ............................. Marci & Bob Hackel
Irv Freemer ............................. Neil Freemer & Family
Arnold Levin ........................................... Shirley Levin
Gerald Russakoff .................. Stacey & Warren Bilker
Charlotte B. Weinstein .................. Stanton Weinstein
Temple Sinai General
In Honor of
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg................................................
......... Alan Woronoff & Shira Goodman and Brandon
Carly Strauss' graduation from the University of Michigan
................................................Eileen & Bernie Brown
Engagement of Ben Rosenau to Lilli Chang ...............
.............................................. Stacey & Warren Bilker
Temple Sinai General (continued)
In Memory of
Harvey Felt ............................... Alan & Shelley Bilsky
.................................... Gabriele Weber & Joel Straup
Gil Newman ........................................Arden Merback
...................................................... Bill & Anna Karbon
...............................................Edythe & Robert Mazer
.............................................. Harriet & Phil Weinstein
............................................. Helene & Jerry Feldman
.................................................... Janice & Hal Zorger
...................................................... Joan & Sandy Wilk
................. Karen & Fred Klein, Diane & Herb Cohen,
............................................. and Susan & Phil Bootel
............................................ Maxine & Asher Stutman
................................................ Will & Aileen Wishnow
Sylvia Gross ............................................. Arline Olim
Gerald Russakoff .................... Bonnie & Bill Kanefsky
Dorothy Cohen ...........................................................
Rose Sovel .................................................................
Minnie Sovel ...............................................................
Charles Sovel ..........................................Diane Sovel
Carole Olitsky ........................ Eileen & Bernie Brown
................................... Jill & Jerry Goodman & Family
.................................................... Karen & Bill Kramer
Sara Segal ................ Howard, Sandy and Lisa Belfer
Carol Olitsky ...............................................................
Harvey Felt .................................... Janet & Eric Lynn
Harvey Felt .......................... Pamela & Phillip Kofsky
.................................................. Randi & Robert Rush
William "Bill" Siegel ................................... Jill Cooper
Berta Schoen ............... Karen & Bill Kramer & Family
Adam Warkow ........................ Mary & Nathan Relles
.......................................... Rhoda & Seymour Kanter
...................................................The Hampton Family
Frank Shulman ........................ Randi & Robert Rush
Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship
In Honor of
In Memory of
Oren Serafin becoming a Bar Mitzvah .......................
........................................ Marci & Stu Weitz & Family
Stu Weitz ........................................ The Bilsky Family
Adam Warkow ................ Marci & Stu Weitz & Family
Bruce Winokur Memorial
In Honor of
In Memory of
Emma Dall becoming a Bat Mitzvah ..........................
Birth of Lane Marlow Relles .......................................
Naming of Morgan Elise Charles................................
Zoe Halperin being honored as a Bat Torah ..............
Speedy recovery for Mitchell Kline ....... Joan Winokur
Lorraine Barol ......................................... Ellen Taupin
Esther Gelman ...........................................................
Anna Winokur ....................................... Joan Winokur
Elliot Rosenberg ................................Steven Winokur
In Memory of
Ann Blaustin ................................... Andrea Levenson
J. Leon Seitchik ....................................Barbara Lestz
Dr. Louis Beloff ............................... Barbara Rosenau
William Minkin ......................... Bruce & Myrna Minkin
Shirley Herzberg ............................... Chaya Herzberg
Abraham First ............................................ David First
Dr. Joseph A. Flacker .......... Diane & Henry Goldberg
Gayle Wilensky .......................................Elaine Duritz
Isadore Liss ............................................ Eleanor Liss
Leonard Levine .....................................Harriet Levine
Mary Schwartz ............................................ Joan Wilk
Claire Dubin ................................................................
Ralph Dubin ....................................... Joyce Kempner
Albert R. Barnett ................................ Joyce Klugherz
Rebecca Meyerowitz .......................... Mary Ginsburg
Abraham Adelman .......................... Michael Adelman
Yahrzeit (continued)
In Memory of
Lillian Widetsky ........................................... Mimi Berg
Saul Charles ....................................... Robert Charles
Doris Wolfman ................................... Roger Wolfman
Dr. Leo E. Leonard .....................................................
................................Rona & Barry Ginsburg & Family
Nathan Vernick ........ Sandy & Alex Murland & Family
Abraham Wilk .........................................Sanford Wilk
Karen Kramer ....................................... Shelley Bilsky
Ethel Cohen ................................................................
Herman Cohen ...................................... Shirley Levin
Dr. Sumner Fredd ................................... Stuart Fredd
Edward Goldsmith ........................... Stuart Goldsmith
George Marmer ................................. William Marmer
Doreen Brown
Alan Bernstein
Larry Bressler
Matthew Schure
Bill Kanefsky
Josh Kramer
Hailey Marcus
Carolyn Brodsky
Jillian Fracht
Bruce Meltzer
Life Cycle Events
Lane Marlow Relles, granddaughter of Mary & Nathan Relles, niece of Tami & David Astorino and Sarah &
Jeff Vogel
Adam Warkow, husband of Cindy Warkow, father of Sami, Amanda and Lily
Carole Olitsky, mother of Lori (Victor) Strauss, grandmother of Ryan and Carly
Elliot Rosenberg, husband of Ellen Rosenberg
Harvey Felt, father of Eric (Lori) Felt , Randi (Carl) Scatena, grandfather of Danielle, Morgan, Michael, CJ,
Melissa and Cara
Gilbert Newman, husband of Sheila Newman
Berta Schoen, mother of Marcia (Steven) Cherry, grandmother of Brian and Lauren Cherry
David M. Seiden, father of Melanie (Adam) Lewin
When you have a family death please call the synagogue office (215) 643-6510 ext 103
so that we may inform the clergy and be of assistance. After business hours,
please call the main phone number and press star *
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Pictured above are Temple Sinai members
who participated in this year’s International
March of the Living. This annual event is an
educational program, which brings individuals
from all over the world to Poland and Israel,
in order to study the history of the Holocaust
and to examine the roots of prejudice, intolerance and hate. To date there have been 28
marches and some 230,000 people have participated. The photograph above includes Anneliese Nossbaum who spoke during the mission on the night prior to visiting Auschwitz
about her 29 year old Aunt Anita whose life
ended in that camp. Alongside of Anneliese
are Julie Gubernick (Mission Co-Chair) and
Pam Pearlmutter (Philadelphia Israel Experience Manager for the Jewish Federation of
Greater Philadelphia).
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Melissa and Jay Freedman and Rene and Adam Weiner
8:45am Minyan
10am Final Hazak Brunch
7:15am Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
7:30am Minyan
7pm Hebrew B’not Torah
7:30pm Minyan
7:15am Minyan
7:30am Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
7pm Hebrew B’not Torah
7pm Sisterhood Board Mtg. 7:30pm Minyan
8:45am Minyan
19 Father’s Day
7:30am Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
7:30am Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
8:00pm Board Meeting
7:15am Minyan
6:30pm Minyan
7:15am Minyan
6:30pm Minyan
7:30am Minyan
7:15am Minyan
7pm Executive Comm. Mtg 6:30pm Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
13 Shavuot II / Offices
9:30am Shavuot Services Closed
7:30am Minyan
8pm Mincha/Maariv Service 9:30am Shavuot Services / 7pm Hebrew B’not Torah
w/ Yizkor
7:30pm Minyan
8:45pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:45pm Havdallah
7:15am Minyan
6:30pm Minyan
12 Shavuot I
7:30am Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
7am Cook for a Friend
7:15am Minyan
6:30pm Minyan
7am Minyan
6:45pm 2019 Bar/Bat
Mitzvah Date Mtg.
7pm Hebrew B’not Torah
7:30pm Minyan
7 Rosh Hodesh Sivan
7:30am Morning Minyan
9:30am Adult Ed w/ Rabbi
7:30pm Minyan
8:45am Minyan
7:15am Minyan
10am Road to 18 Trip
6:30pm Confirmation
10:30am Adult Ed Book Club Rehearsal
7:30pm Minyan
June 2016
5 Yom Yerushalayim
June 2016
4 Bat Mitzvah of Clara
7:30am Minyan
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
8:16pm Candle Lighting
7:30am Minyan
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
8:14 Candle Lighting
7:30am Minyan
9am Braiding Bunch
10am 4 yr. old Move Up Day
7:30pm Shabbat Services w/
Confirmation Ceremonly
8:12pm Candle Lighting
9:30am Shabbat Services
9:30am Shabbat Services
Courtenay (AM)
Bat Mitzvah of Jamie
Greenberg (PM)
Erev Shavuot
9:30am Shabbat Services
12:30pm Sisterhood Rosh
7pm Leil Shavuot / Evening of
10 Last Day of Preschool 11 Bat Mitzvah of Allison
7:30am Minyan
9:30am Services w/ Adult
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm 75th Anniversary Dinner Choir
7pm Minyan Same’ach
8:08pm Candle Lighting
8:45am Morning Minyan
3:00pm Israel Scouts
7:15am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
8:45am Morning Minyan
24 Fast of 17th of Tamuz 25
7:15am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
8:45am Morning Minyan
7:15am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
7:30am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
7:30am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
7:30am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
8:45am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
8:45am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
No School / Offices Closed 7:30am Morning Minyan
4 Independence Day
8:45am Morning Minyan
July 2016
7:30am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
7:30am Morning Minyan
8pm Board Meeting
7:30pm Evening Minyan
7:15am Morning Minyan
6:30pm Minyan
7:15am Morning Minyan
6:30pm Minyan
7am Cook for a Friend
7am Morning Minyan
6:30pm Minyan
7 Rosh Chodesh
7:30am Morning Minyan
7:15am Morning Minyan
7pm Executive Committee 6:30pm Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
7am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Evening Minyan
6 Rosh Chodesh
July 2016
6pm Minyan Same’ach
7:59pm Candle Lighting
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
8:05pm Candle Lighting
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
8:10pm Candle Lighting
9am Braiding Bunch
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Devotion by the
Ocean in Ventnor
6pm Minyan Same’ach
8:14pm Candle Lighting
6pm Minyan Same’ach
8:16pm Candle Lighting
9am Braiding Bunch
9:30am Shabbat Services
9:30am Shabbat Services
9:30am Shabbat Services
9:30am Shabbat Services
9:30am Shabbat Services
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025
Main Office: 215.643.6510 / Fax: 215.643.9441
Jodie Levinson / Executive Director’s Assistant
Suzanne Teleha / Rabbi’s Assistant
Marcy Lyons Gohen / Accounting
Ellen McGrother / Accounting
Religious School
Beth Berkowitz / RS Assistant
Ann Newman Preschool
Gift Shop
Be sure to follow us on
Pinterest for great holiday
recipes and ideas!
Professional Staff
Adam Wohlberg
Founding Rabbi
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
Stephen Freedman
Cantor Emeritus
Nathan Chaitovsky
Executive Director
Edwin Altman
Director of Education
Shira Weissbach
Early Childhood
DirectorBeth Rabinowitzx113
Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
Faith Rubin
B’nai Mitzvah
Marjorie Schwartz
Director of
Family Engagement
Shelly Shotel
Temple Sinai Officers
Jeffrey Hampton
Executive Vice President
Tobey Grand
Vice President/Education
Melanie Lewin
Vice President/Fundraising
Steven Rosen
Vice President/Membership
Janet Lynn
SecretaryLauren Gladstone
Jeff Cohn
TreasurerDavid Weiss
ComptrollerGary Klazmer
Immediate Past President
William Kramer
Sisterhood President
Men’s Club President
Hazak President
Karen Mann & Liz Shamir
Greg Fisher
Steven Rosen
Make All Contributions
Pay Your Bill
View Congregant Directory
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You may log in to Chaverweb via our
website at
On the top right corner, click the yellow link
that says Members Login
If you forgot your password, simply click
the link under the login to reset it. You will
receive a temporary password via email.
Copy and paste that when you go to log
back in. After that you can change the
password to something easier to
remember. All Passwords must contain at
least 7 characters and one must include
the Shift Key (ie: !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*).
If you have ANY questions, please don’t
hesitate to call the main office.