Purim2016 - Temple Sinai


Purim2016 - Temple Sinai
Winner of a Solomon Schecter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Adar/Nissan 5776
Volume 70, Number 5
March/April 2016
Wednesday, March 23rd
Abbreviated Megillah Reading
for ALL
More Carnival Fun!
Ma’ariv Service
Full Megillah
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg
“Is there a ‘Jewish’ way to parent?”
This was the question posed by Moment Magazine to a group of rabbis who represented the full spectrum of Jewish movements from Humanist to Chabad. (January/
February 2016)
I believe that there is a Jewish way to parent if we want our children to remain Jewish. For anyone those of
us who have raised children or are in the midst of doing so, the question is an opportunity to reflect on what,
how, and why:
1. What values have I tried to impart to my children?
2. What pieces of history do I want my child to know so that he/she will better appreciate the world in which we live and understand the responsibilities we have towards one another?
3. How have I served as an example to my children of the values that I consider important?
4. How have I shown my daughter/son that being Jewish is important to me and that one of my
greatest hopes is that Judaism will live on through my children, my grandchildren and beyond?
I explained to my child why I think observing Jewish rituals and traditions is important?
6. Have I discussed with my daughter/son why I believe in God?I choose to be Jewish in spite of my struggle to believe in God?
The questions themselves remind us what an awesome responsibility it is to raise children and how thoughtful we must be in transmitting to them what we value.
It isn’t necessarily easy to explain to children what we want them to know about Judaism, how essential
these traditions are to our lives, or why we continue to adhere to teachings and customs that are centuries
old. But there are times of the year when we are aided by the calendar, and now is one of those times.).
In just a few weeks, we will celebrate Purim and a month later Pesach (Passover). Each of these holidays features themes, traditions and activities that can help parents explain to their children essential elements of
the Jewish enterprise.
Purim is an easy holiday to enjoy because it is a time for dressing up in costume, playing carnival games, eating triangle shaped pastries (hamantashen) . . . and we are encouraged to make a lot of noise in the service!
What could be more fun for kids?!? It would be appropriate to teach your child that we celebrate our survival
by giving gifts to those who are less fortunate (matanot la’evyonim). Kids will be most enthusiastic about
dressing up like Esther, Mordechai or their favorite superheroes, but let them know that tzedaka is also an
important part of how we celebrate as Jews.
Pesach also features a Jewish story of survival, but even more important is the theme of liberation. The Passover seder (lit. “order” but refers to the evening banquet) provides a great many opportunities for children to
be taught that we must care about and work to free, all people who are subjugated, imprisoned or enslaved.
This is our responsibility because once our people were slaves so we know the preciousness of freedom. This
piece of our history is retold each year through food, discussions and recitations, giving us the opening to
share our understanding of God and God’s role in the world.
Best of all, the seder is framed around questions – questions that children pose to their parents. The questions are found in the haggadah (book used as the seder) - and so are the answers! This is the easy bit of
teaching you will do all year.
There is a “Jewish” way to parent. It requires love, compassion, support, encouragement, and being a role
model. When you light Shabbat candles or recite Kiddush on Friday night with your children; when you say the
Shema at bedtime; when you eat with your children in a Sukkah or take them to Israel to see the birthplace of
our People, you have demonstrated what being Jewish entails.
The “Jewish” way to parent also means sharing with children our responsibility to make the world better. That
is what our Bible teaches; that is what God represents; and that is a lesson that we learn from many of our
holidays, chief among, them Purim and Pesach.
Please Join Us
April 16, 2016
Nathan & Mary Relles
Stan & Jackie Silverman
Cocktail attire
Kindly RSVP by
Friday, March 25, 2016
Beth Rabinowitz
We made it through February and now we are starting to inch our way into spring. Just
knowing Purim is around the corner I feel that we made it through the winter and we’ll
soon see flowers and sun once again. There are so many wonderful holidays throughout the Jewish calendar but I love Purim! We have delicious food, music, costumes and
just a feeling of excitement going on through the Synagogue and Preschool.
During this holiday there are a variety of lessons that you can share in your home with young children. First of
all, I know it is messy, but making Hamantaschen is a must. You can talk about shapes as you make your triangles, there are a variety of fillings to choose from, there’s measuring, counting, tasting and so many additional
developmental skills that happen while cooking. Groggers can easily be made with household items. Find a
paper towel roll or toilet paper roll, add some beans and close off both ends. Now you just need to decorate.
How about looking for a costume? Be creative and have fun coming up with a costume that your child will
enjoy showing off. Maybe let them raid your closet for something they can make up themselves? Don’t forget
mom and dad should also dress up and join the party. Shalom Sesame has a wonderful video which explains
the story of Purim in a manner that young children will understand and enjoy. Of course we cannot forget
about the Megillah reading. Make up your own story with your child and read it over and over again like we
do each year with the Torah and the Megillah. We learn best through repetition plus each year, as your child
grows, he/she will learn something new.
The love of Judaism begins with our traditions and by combining memorable experiences at home and Synagogue children grow up with a sense of belonging and commitment. I hope to see you all during our Purim
Carnival on March 23rd. Now I am off to find my costume….
OMG...How Exciting!
Temple Sinai is opening an
in Early Spring!
Spread The Word!
Shira Weissbach
It has been a fun and busy winter for the Temple Sinai Religious School and Sinai High.
We’ve had special programming, lots of classroom learning, and we are gearing up
for Purim and Passover. Although the original date for our Tu B’Shevat program was
snowed out we were able to make it even better for the rescheduled date in early
February. In celebration of Tu B’Shevat, students learned about water conservation in
Israel, biblical trees, had a fruit taste test and blessings station, read stories, and
played games! This year, as a special opportunity, our Kitah Gimel (3rd grade) created a shuk (market) to expose the rest of the school to Israeli products and foods that connect with the holiday. We sold baked goods
(baked by our Kitah Gimel students), Israeli snacks, fruit, and even freshly squeezed orange juice! The entire
school had an opportunity to visit the shuk, and many students purchased special treats. With the proceeds
from our sales and additional donations we raised $500.00 to plan trees in Israel through the Jewish National
Fund. A garden (100 trees!) will now be planted in honor of the students in the religious school. What an
amazing accomplishment!
Aside from our special programming the students are busy learning Hebrew, connecting to our holidays,
learning their tefillot (prayers) both in class and with Cantor Freedman, learning the Torah and its many lessons, building community and so much more!
We are looking forward to our Purim celebration/carnival/dinner on March 23rd. It promises to be fun for
the entire family. This will be a different format from past years but I know it will be a wonderful evening for
all of our families! The teachers and I already busy planning our Pesach (Passover) program, which will be
held on Sunday, April 10th.
The Sinai High students recently began their spring semester. Along with core courses in Holocaust Studies,
American Jewish History, and Rabbinics, the, students have the opportunity to take elective classes as well.
A new elective offering this spring, The Chalutzim of Israel, puts students in the shoes of the early pioneers of
Israel, prioritizing and making decisions just as they did years ago. The popular Conversational Hebrew elective is being offered again this semester, and it’s such a treat for me to hear the students speaking Hebrew to
one another in class. Sinai High registration will open in April. More information to follow!
The “practically perfect” nanny Mary Poppins flies onto the Temple Sinai stage March 9-13.
Will you be there to greet her? Everyone is familiar with the iconic story of the magical and
beloved Mary Poppins, the nanny who arrives at No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane in London when the winds
change. With both common sense and a bit of magic she teaches Jane and Michael, and their
parents George and Winifred Banks, how to be a loving and caring family again. Mary Poppins is
an enchanting mixture of irresistible story, unforgettable songs, breathtaking dance numbers, and
astonishing stagecraft. Filled with familiar songs such as Supercalifragilistic, Let’s Go Fly a Kite, and
Spoonful of Sugar, as well as toe-tapping dance numbers like Chim, Chiminee, there is something for
the whole family to enjoy. And yes, Mary Poppins and her chimney sweep friend Bert will fly!
With a cast, orchestra and crew more than 75 strong, Mary Poppins will run March 9, 10 and 12 at
7:30 pm and March 13 at 2 pm. There are discounts for groups of 10 for the Wednesday evening
show and we will have a special Mary Poppins Havdalah service before the show on Saturday at
6:45 pm. You can say hello to some of Mary’s friends after the service and before the 7:30 show.
Let us transport you to Victorian London, where you can experience the magic and wonder of Mary
Poppins. Tickets are available by visiting www.tsinai.com/poppins or by calling 215-643-6510.
All seats are reserved and discounted with advance purchase, so get your tickets “spit spot.”
We hope to see you there.
Any questions, please email TSPlayers@mail.com. We look forward to having you join us.
Fun for the
Entire Family
Wednesday, March 23rd
5pm Carnival & Dinner
6:30pm Family Megillah Reading
& Costume Parade
7:30pm Ma’ariv
& Traditional Megillah Reading
7:45pm Teen Gaga Competition
& More Carnival Fun!
Contact Shelly Shotel to sign up! rshotel2@gmail.com / 215.932.2602
(does not include carnival wristband )
$12 per person in advance / $18 at door
$40 per family in advance / $54 at door
•Hot Dogs •Tuna •Veggie Wraps
•Salad•Chicken Fingers •French Fries
•Soft Prezels •Hamantashen & more.
Advance tickets must be purchased
by March 18th
Carnival Wristband
(Does not include dinner)
$10 per child in advance / $12 at door
One wristband fee for
ALL Games & Activities
Advance tickets must be purchased
by March 18th
Liz Shamir & Karen Mann
Sisterhood is basking in the glow of the success of its Rummage Sale. It was our
best year ever! Over $10,000 was raised. We were concerned about the cold
weather but that did not stop our dedicated shoppers who have come to look
forward to this event. Shoppers were lined up as early as 7:45 AM for a 9 AM
opening! It was gratifying to raise so much money AND to have all our ‘stuff” find “happy homes” with our
most appreciative customers.
Kudos are well deserved for this collaborative effort.
• Of course, first recognition goes to our hardworking and dedicated committee: Cindy Horowitz, Benne Marmer, Debbie Krochtengel, and Anne Vey, with a special “shout out” to Suzan Hirsch.
• Mary Relles organized the cashiers, which included Shelley Bilsky, Marcia Cherry, Nancy Fagan, Laura Libove, Karen Mann, Audrey Marcus, Karen Petkun, Roz Romanoski, Liz Shamir, Arlene Smuckler, Gert Solkov,
Rick Solkov, Ellen Spear, Sarah Vogel, and Laurie Wernick.
• Costume Jewelry is one of our most important categories. Months ahead of the event our Jewelry ladies
were busy sorting and pricing. Special thanks to Faith Rubin, Joan Winokur, Karen Petkun, and Margie Hesney.
• Other helpers included Stu Weitz and Bill Marmer.
We couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you! This acknowledgement does not do justice to
the efforts of so many. Let me know if your name is left out. It is truly inadvertent and we will put it in the
next column.
Coming up:
• Shaloch Manot: It has never been easier to fulfill this mitzvah. This is the first year that Sisterhood is offering Shaloch Manot ordering online. Check out https://tsinai.happypurim.com.
• Saturday, March 12: Rosh Chodesh: Liz Shamir will be leading a discussion on “Fiddler on the Roof: The Back Story.”
• New! Friday, March 18: Trip to Reading. Car pool back and forth from Temple Sinai to Reading. Tour historic conservative synagogue, Kesher Zion, meet the Rabbi, share Sisterhood ideas, go to lunch, and visit Reading Museum’s galleries just in time to attend a curator lecture on the exhibit, The Eye of the Collector: The
Jewish Vision of Sigmund R. Balka. More information to follow.
• Friday, March 25: Sisterhood Shabbat. This will be a Friday evening service.
• Wednesday, March 30, 7:30 PM: Spring Event: Dr. Ken Koltun-Fromm, Professor of Religion at Haverford
College will present, “What does Jewish look like in Jewish Cooking?”
• To be announced: Rescheduling of Laurel Hill Cemetery Trip. Please watch the e-mails.
For next column: Where do Sisterhood funds go? Hint: look all around the synagogue and you will find places
where Sisterhood funds have been put to work.
Steven Rosen
We eagerly await the arrival of spring.
Many of our members have enjoyed climates a lot warmer than the icy
climates in our area. As they return, we will all enjoy a full schedule of
entertaining and informative programs. Welcome back!
March 19 and 20 Hazak Weekend - Talk to Neil and Sheila Gendelman about your participation in the Shabbat
service on March 19th. A luncheon will follow sponsored by Hazak. On March 20th at our Sunday brunch,
Rabbi Robyn Frisch will speak about what she has learned from working with interfaith families. Many of us
have someone in our family that does not practice Judaism and this program will assist us in our interfaith
April 3, 2016 - Asaf Romirowsky, PhD will discuss bias against Israel and Jews in general. Asaf served in the
Israel Defense Force as an international liaison in the West Bank and Jordan.
April 11, 2016 - All Day Trip to the 9/11 Memorial and Jewish Heritage Museum in New York City
We are awaiting with anticipation our trip on April 11th. Make sure you wear good walking shoes as we will
be covering a lot of ground on this trip. Our bus will be at Temple Sinai at 7:30 AM for boarding. We will be
leaving at 7:45 sharp so don’t be late.
Update: May 1, 2016 speaker will be Edward Turzanski, a political and national security analyst who is an
expert on International Relations, Espionage and Terrorism.
We look forward, as an integrated part of the Temple Sinai community, to sharing in the 75 anniversary of the
founding of Temple Sinai and participating in its gala event on April 16th.
Want to read to the
Contact Beth Rabinowitz
As I am writing this, we are all coming out of our Winter doldrums and marching steadily toward Spring. After a quiet few months, The Men’s Club ramped it up at the end
of January with our second annual Super Bowl Hoagie Sale that benefits our religious
school. We had our annual World Wide Wrap, which teaches kids how to put on tefillin, and included a special service run by the Rabbi. Our Texas Hold ’Em tournament
that raises money for Project Hope was a big success and we thank Sam Domsky for his
dedication to this worthy cause. Lastly, on February 19, we had our annual Men’s Club/
Boy Scout Shabbat, which was attended by close to 100 people.
Just as Punxsutawney Phil is eager to get his Spring on, we are excited for all the great programs we have
coming up. We will be hosting a Date Night on April 2nd at ComedySportz Philadelphia. Information about
this event will be sent out in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for it. Project Hope will be on April 17th,
the morning after Temple Sinai’s 75th Anniversary Gala. Hopefully, we can drag people out of bed after a short
sleep to package and distribute Passover meals.
It’s been a while since our last Pub Night, and we will again be going out on April 12th. The location of the
event is still being worked out and information will be sent out prior to the event.
We plan on having our award winning Oy’Lympics on May 22nd, the last day of Religious School. We are combining efforts with Shira Weissbach and the Religious School to flow easily from the last day events directly
into the Oy’Lympics festivities. There will be music, games and food, so we are really looking forward to this
I wish everyone a happy Purim and look forward to seeing all of you at Temple Sinai’s 75th Anniversary Gala.
United Synagogue Youth (USY) is a
Jewish Youth Organization for Jewish teens in
8th through 12th grades. It is a great way to
meet other Jewish teens in a fun and inviting
atmosphere. For me, it has become a home
away from home. I am never without a friend
at an event. Everyone is so welcoming, accepting, and inviting that it is impossible for me
to leave a convention without having made
at least one new friend. With these friends, I
have learned so much about my Jewish identi
ty through various discussions about any number of topics.
Everyone is so welcoming, accepting, and inviting that it is impossible for me to leave a convention without
having made at least one new friend. With these friends, I have learned so much about my Jewish identity through various discussions about any number of topics. In addition to unforgettable friends, USY has
given me more leadership opportunities than I can count. I am the Chapter President for Temple Sinai USY
and also the Regional Regalia Chair. Through these positions I have been given so many opportunities to
become a strong leader. I have planned programs, designed shirts, helped to coordinate social media, taken photos for events, and more. Getting involved in USY has been the best decision I have made. Getting
involved is extremely easy. Just keep your eye out for upcoming events and emails! We have events at the
chapter level (with Temple Sinai teens) and regional programs with teens from all over the Philadelphia
•3/5 -Hagesher and EPA regional Prom •4/2 Bubble Soccer
•4/8-4/10 -Hagesher and EPA Spring Convention
March 19th
April 9th
ALL CLASSES ARE FROM 11:30am-1:30pm
March 12th
April 2nd
April 16th
March 19th
How to Correctly Fold a Hamantaschen
• Cut circle at least
3” round
• Fill with NO MORE
than 1 tsp. of filling
• Grasp the right side
of the circle and fold
it towards the center, overlapping the
upper part of the left
side flap to create a
triangular tip at the
top of the circle. A
small triangle of filling
should still be visible
in the center
This way, each side of your triangle has a corner that folds over and a corner
that folds under-- it creates a “pinwheel” effect. This method if folding is not
only pretty-- it will help to keep the cookies from opening while they bake.
Pinch each corner of the triangle gently but firmly to secure the shape.
• Grasp the left side
of the circle and fold
it towards the center
to make a flap that
covers the left third of
the circles
• Grasp the bottom
part of the circle
and fold it upward
to create a third flap
and complete the
triangle. When you
fold this flap up, be
sure to tuck the left
side of this new flap
underneath the left
side of the triangle,
while letting the right
side of this new flap
overlap the right side
of the triangle.
To Live, To Love, To Learn
Dear Friends and Congregants,
We are excited to take yet another step in fostering an environment for scholarship and
community at Temple Sinai. In recent weeks, we have begun the groundwork for creating a
lay-led “nosh and drash” discussion group to take place sometime during Shabbat morning
Now we need your help. Anyone interested in being part of this endeavor is invited and encouraged to meet on Sunday, March 20th at 12pm to discuss everything from how often the
group will meet, to where/what time during services and what the structure/topics covered
will be.
There is no formal background or knowledge base required; everyone is welcome, and everyone is free to take part in the process of learning as is comfortable for them. We are excited
about this opportunity to learn with, and from, one another. And we look forward to seeing
as many of you as possible on Sunday, March 20th as we begin this exciting new journey into
exploring the whys and whats of Jewish life and learning, and how each of us understands
them in our own way.
If you can’t join us for the planning
meeting, please feel free to e-mail or call
TOBEY GRAND at tgrand10290@gmail.com
/ 215.393.0159 in order to share any ideas
you have for helping this exciting new group
take shape.
Sisterhood Jewish Living
by Joan Winokur
Here we go again. It’s Adar! It’s Adar! That’s no typo. Every 3rd, 6th, 8th, 14th
17th and 19th year we add a second Adar. “Be happy! It’s Adar!” Our joy comes
from the celebration of Purim. But in which month? This year it falls on the 14th
day of Adar II.
This extra month assures that our holidays and festivals fall in the right season, it
aligns the solar & lunar calendars.
Bake your hamantaschen to munch, remember shalach manot so others can too.
Get on your get up, bring the family and meet me in the schul Wednesday evening,
March 23rd to hear the Megillah of Esther, gragger out Haman’s name and be happy in Adar II.
B’nai Mitzvah
Melissa Chadrow daughter of Beth & Mitchell Chadrow
March 26
Marissa is very excited to become a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Sinai. Marissa is a 7th grader
at Sandy Run Middle School. She began her Jewish Education attending Temple Sinai
Preschool at the age of 2 and continues her education at the Temple Sinai Religious
Marissa has been very active in the synagogue. She has been part of Yad Squad and involved in the Junior
Choir. She is also part of the Rosh Hodesh youth group and has performed in the Temple Sinai Players productions at the synagogue. Marissa is involved in many activities. She loves to sing and act. She is part of the
chorus at school and has performed in the plays at Sandy Run Middle School. In addition Marissa plays soccer
and this past fall was a cheerleader for the Sandy Run Football team. Marissa enjoys spending time with her
family, taking vacations with her family to the beach and spending time with her friends.
Marissa’s mitzvah project focused on the continued research and cure for cancer by actively participating in
the Relay for Life cause for the past few years. This cause is very close to Marissa as her grandfather and aunt
both passed away from cancer.
Marissa is excited to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah with her parents Mitchell & Beth along with her sister Samantha along with her grandmothers, aunts, cousins, family and friends.
Oren Serafin son of Rotem Friede & Jason Serafin
April 2
Oren Serafin is excited to be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah and has enjoyed the learning
experience leading up to his special day. Oren has been enrolled in the Temple Sinai
Hebrew School since moving to the area three years ago.
Oren is currently a seventh grader at Sandy Run Middle School. Outside of school, he plays ice hockey for
the Wissahickon Warriors and the Upper Dublin Middle School. He is also an avid tennis player and currently
plays at the Upper Dublin Sports Center. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with his friends, playing chess,
video games and sports.
Oren spends his summers at various camps and at the pool. The highlight of the summer is an annual trip to
the Outer Banks.
Oren will be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah with his family including his parents, Jason and Rotem as well as his
brother, Ben, and his sister, Arielle. Oren is also thrilled to celebrate with his friends and relatives.
B’nai Mitzvah
Daniel Caplan son of Carolyn & Barry Caplan
April 9
Daniel is currently a 7th grade student at Sandy Run Middle School. He began his
Jewish education at Temple Sinai in it’s pre school and continues in religious school.
Daniel has participated in junior choir, yad squad as well as the youth group. Daniel
spends his summers at Camp Ramah in the Poconos.
At school, Daniel enjoys social studies and English as well as acting in the Sandy Run theater productions. He
is currently preparing to play adult Simba in the Lion King. Daniel also plays viola in the Sandy Run Orchestra
as well as drums outside of school.
Giving back is an ongoing part of Daniel’s life, so he felt the best way to make a difference for his Bar Mitzvah
project would be to give of himself and his time. He has been helping out in Mechina 2nd grade on Sundays.
Daniel loves the interaction with children the most.
Daniel celebrates this special milestone with his parents Carolyn and Barry, his brothers Sam and Asher,
grandparents Judy and Jerry Caplan and Harvey and Lynn Miller as well as his extended family, friends and
Temple Sinai members.
Camp begins on June 14th and runs through August 26th
Go to www.tsinai.com for registration forms
We are pleased to share with you
The Steven D. Josselson Tikvah Fund
at Camp Ramah in the Poconos
Dear Congregants,
It’s been eight months since our beloved Steve’s unexpected passing at only 39 years of age. We know from
the sheer number of you who’ve reached out to us over the past eight months that Steve meant something
to a great number of people. Of course, this doesn’t come as a surprise to us!
In Steve’s memory, we have begun a campaign to raise $20,000 to establish an endowment at Camp Ramah
in the Poconos. This summer Ramah Poconos will launch its Tikvah Residential Program for campers with
different needs. The Steven D. Josselson Tikvah Fund at Camp Ramah will provide funds for quality programming and training on inclusion, and invest in resources to support camper’s varying needs. This endowment
will live on in perpetuity in Steve’s memory. We gratefully acknowledge that an anonymous donor will
match contributions of $1000 or more.
As some of you know, Steve’s oldest son, Rafi (who is 8 years-old), has a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. Since a member of our family is a child with different needs than a neurotypical camper, we can think
of no better way to honor Steve than to work with Ramah Poconos to raise funds for inclusion.
Steve loved to tell Rafi and Ben stories about his summers at Camp Ramah in the Poconos. He hoped that
by the time each of them was old enough for overnight camp, they would be able to experience summers at
Ramah just like he had. Help us in making Steve’s hope a reality and in giving countless campers and their
families the gift of true, meaningful inclusion.
Maybe like us, you think about Steve every day. Maybe you hadn’t spoken with Steve in years, but remember him fondly. Maybe you feel as passionate about inclusion within the Jewish camping movement as Steve
did. Whatever your connection to Steve, we hope you’ll join us in supporting the Steven D. Josselson Tikvah
Fund to support inclusion at Camp Ramah in the Poconos.
Thank you,
The Josselson Family
Gail, Alan, Geoff, Meredith, Taylor, Benay, Rafi & Ben
Send donations to:
Camp Ramah of the Poconos
2100 Arch St. 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Attn: Missy Stein
Refuah Shelamah
Joe Carp
Alison Klugherz
Lauri Courtenay
Terri Goshko
Cliff Lipkin
Ed Field
Chelten a Church of Hope
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
1:30pm to 7:30pm
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Florence H. Albert Preschool Activities
In Honor of
Adam Weiss becoming a Bar Mitzvah ...................................
.......................... Heather, Scott, Shane & Hayley Haimovitz
Birth of Remy Jaye Millrood and Sonja Perle Millrood ..........
........................................................................ Joan Winokur
........................................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
In Memory of
Lena Grossman .....................................................................
Morris Barufkin .......................................................................
Rose Samoiloff .......................................................................
Jacob Joseph Barufkin................................... Helen Barufkin
Boy Scout
In Honor of
Birth of Finley Noah Coughlin ................................................
........................................ Frank & Roz Romanoski & Family
In Memory of
Dr. Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ...................................................
.............................. Frank, Roz, Sara and Adam Romanoski
........................................................ Harriet & Phil Weinstein
Risé Bressler Chesed
In Honor of
Heshy Stock being honored as MAR Man of the Year ..........
...............................Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Speedy recovery for Michelle Berk ........................................
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
In Memory of
Dr. Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ...................................................
...............................Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
............................................................... Ralph & Ellen Levin
Shirley Bressler ......................................................................
Rae Libove .............................................................................
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Marsha Goldberg ..Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg,
.............................................. Rachel and Joshua Eisenberg
Joseph Bressler .....................................................................
......... Barry Bressler, Ali & Ed Goldis and Michelle Bressler
Max Shusman ............................................ Dennis Shusman
Perle Hoffman .................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
........................................... Paula & Cliff Goldstein & Family
Rae Libove ........................................ Paula & Cliff Goldstein
Cantor’s Charity
In Honor of
Cantor Stephen Freedman ....................................................
Stu Weitz ................................................................................
Flossie Albert .........................................................................
Stan Lacks .............................................Marci & Bob Hackel
Cantor Stephen Freedman ......... Stuart Goldsmith & Family
................................................................. The Libove Family
In Memory of
Carole Cohn ................. Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
Janet Mintzer............................................................ Eric Felt
Manny Handel .................................... Hazzan Arlyne Unger
Benjamin Edelman .....................................Howard Edelman
Carmella Pinkenson .................................... Lana Pinkenson
Seth Dembowitz .....................................................................
Bernard Bergstein ...................................... Randi Freedman
Morris "Morrie" Shtatman ................................Vicki Edelman
Adele Bilker ....................... Warren & Stacey Bilker & Family
Anne Blumberg Hahn................................... Debra Drossner
Chernoff Interfaith Activities
In Memory of
Dorothy Nosheny ....................................... Stanley Nosheny
Cook For A Friend
In Honor of
Vera Glick's special birthday ..................................................
........................................ Frank & Roz Romanoski & Family
...................................................... Mindy & Jules Shamberg
In Memory of
Dr. Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ........ Betty & Bernard Roseman
.......................................................... Ilene & Arthur Blatman
Lillian Sugarman ...............................................Cheryl Baum
Tillie Horwitz .................................................... Enid Horowitz
Samuel Padol ........................................................ Pat Muller
Lillian Fisher .................................................... Sharon Taylor
Miriam Becker ........................................................................
Yetta Lieblein ...................................................... Sheila Katz
Abby Cooper Religious School Scholarship
In Honor of
David Menaker's 80th birthday and the 67th anniversary of
his Bar Mitzvah ....... Michael, Wendi and Charlotte Pacinelli
In Memory of
Abigail Cooper ............................... Harriet & Jeffrey Cooper
Dr. Jeffrey Cooper .................... Marci & Stu Weitz & Family
.............................................................. Rich & Dottie Singer
................................................................ The Rovner Family
Sandford Kepniss..............................The Jakubowitz Family
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Memory of
Elaine Marx ..........................................................Philip Marx
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Memory of
Dr. Jeffrey Cooper.......................... Jackie & Stan Silverman
Etz Hayim Chumash
In Memory of
Perle Hoffman ................................ Temple Sinai Sisterhood
Rabbi & Hilda Greenberg
In Honor of
Birth of Finley Noah Coughlin ....Jerry & Yonina Schuchman
In Memory of
Hilda Greenberg.................................................Eleanor Liss
.........................................................Ellen & Alan Rosenfield
Perle Hoffman ........................................................................
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ........................................................
Kitty Matusow .................................................. Faye Laveson
Morris Albert ...........................................................................
Samuel Elster .........................................................................
Bernie Albert ....................................................Flossie Albert
Celia Grossman ........................................Renee Greenberg
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas Fund
In Memory of
Bernie Albert ................................................. Deborah Albert
Handicap Accessibility
In Memory of
Harvey Shernoff .............................Eileen Shernoff & Family
Perle Hoffman ................ Frannie Kohen & Danny Isaacman
Stanley L. Wendkos ..................................... Karen Wendkos
Richard Harris Memorial
Millie & Murray Fisher Center
In Memory of
Dr. Elliot Kane .....................................Bonnie & Larry Solish
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Memory of
Sydell Hertzberg ..............................................Flossie Albert
In Memory of
Nadine Lubarsky ................... Pam & Phillip Kofsky & Family
In Memory of
S. Helman Karmel ..................................................................
Michelle Mergaman........................................ Marilyn Keesal
Richard Cravitz ......................... Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
Heshy Stock being honored as MAR Man of the Year ..........
Retirement of Maxine Stutman ..............................................
Birth of Remy Jaye Millrood and Sonja Perle Millrood ..........
The 67th anniversary of David Menaker's Bar Mitzvah .........
................................................................. Barbara Goldstein
The double Bar Mitzvah of Adam Weiss ...............................
Birth of Remy Jaye Millrood and Sonja Perle Millrood ..........
Speedy recovery for Allen Rosenberg ...... Herma Abramson
Adam Weiss becoming a Bar Mitzvah ............ Joan Winokur
...................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
In Memory of
Minnie Schechter ............................................. Ada Fishman
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer .................... Alan & Gail Josselson
................................................................ Bob & Joan Parkin
...............................................................Don & Diane Factor
.............................................................. Janice & Jerry Dunn
............................................................. Karen & José Castel
.............................................................Lisa Weinstein Pistilli
.................................................... Maddie & Herman Axelrod
...............................................................Myrna & Larry Allen
............................................................................. Rose Beck
Julius Katz ..............................................................................
Millie Katz ............................................................... Alan Katz
Perle Hoffman ........................................................................
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ........................................................
Baruch Cooperman .................................. Barbara Goldstein
Augusta Polsky ................................................... Carl Polsky
Bessie Abramson ...................................................................
Norman Goldberg ..................................................................
Norman Levinson ...................................................................
Ruth Katz ...............................................................................
Perle Hoffman ........................................... Herma Abramson
Abraham Fishman........................................... Jack Fishman
Linda Goldstein .................................................. Jamie Alper
Natalie Cohn ..................................................... Jeffrey Cohn
Julius Weiss .......................................................Marty Weiss
Melanie Gonnella ...................................................................
Nathan Franco .......................................................................
Gary Golden ...........................................................................
Molly Franco............................................ Meryl & Lary Stern
Samuel Elster ............................... Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
Murray Parkin ......................................... Ruth & Harold Katz
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ........................................................
Libby Roth ............................................. Sara & Bob Wenger
Norman Levinson ..................................... The Barow Family
Hyman Cutsman ....................................Neilson Gendelman
Rose Polonsky .........................................Sheila Gendelman
David Hertzberg Scholarship
Holocaust Education
In Honor of
Birth of Finley Noah Coughlin .................. Becky & Jeff Miller
David Menaker's 80th birthday ..... Daniel & Amy Rosenberg
The 70th anniversary of David Menaker's Bar Mitzvah .........
......................................................George & Audrey Marcus
Jan & Jeff Nossbaum .......................... Harriet Levy & Family
In Memory of
Harry Lipkin ......................................................Clifford Lipkin
Bernice Kidorf ............................... Daniel & Amy Rosenberg
Eugene Silver...................................................... Faith Silver
William Milner ..................................................... Israel Milner
Annie Lichtenfeld ............................Kurt & Lorrie Lichtenfeld
Louis Yarrow ................................................. Phyllis Gardner
David Burstein .............................................. Rebecca Jackel
Nathan Weiner ..................................................... Sandi Katz
Ida Albert ............................................ The Gladstone Family
Mollie Wisotsky .................................................... Toby Adler
Theodore Lichtenfeld ................................... Kurt Lichtenfeld
Charles Wisotsky ................................................. Toby Adler
Imagine 613
In Memory of
Perle Hoffman ................. Frank & Roz Romanoski & Family
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Honor of
The 67th anniversary of David Menaker's Bar Mitzvah .........
............................................ Gladys Menaker, Randi & Allen
............. Joshua and Adam Joress, and Jen & Jay Menaker
Gladys & David Menaker's anniversary.................................
.........................................................Vivian & Paul Friedman
David Menaker's 80th birthday and the 67th anniversary of
his Bar Mitzvah ................................Vivian & Paul Friedman
In Memory of
Deborah Menaker ......................................... David Menaker
Perle Hoffman ........................................................................
Rae Libove ............................................ Rich & Dottie Singer
Ann Kay Adult Education
In Memory of
Perle Hoffman ............................... Barbara & John Rosenau
Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat
In Honor of
The Braiding Bunch ...................Greg Kidorf & Doree Sitkoff
Speedy recovery for Joseph Bogus...... Ruth & Leon Visnov
The Braiding Bunch ................................. The Barow Family
In Memory of
Isaac Shafer ...............................................Flora Fine Shafer
Norman Krasnov Fine Arts
In Memory of
Abraham J. Berg ............................................. Judith Hauser
Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities
In Memory of
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer .................................... Hope Parkin
Petluck Memorial Fund for Israel
In Honor of
Birth of Remy Jaye Millrood and Sonja Perle Millrood ..........
...................................................... Barbara & John Rosenau
In Memory of
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ............... Barbara & John Rosenau
Phyllis Coopersmith Roberts ....................... Sheila Richman
Leo Nothmann ............................................. Stephen Kasloff
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship
In Honor of
Mildred Chesney's special birthday ................ Harriet Levine
Birth of Remy Jaye Millrood and Sonja Perle Millrood ..........
........................................................................ Harriet Levine
In Memory of
Minnie Paul .......................................... Ellen & Warren Katz,
............................ and Jamie, Harris, Jacob & Bailey Cohen
Perle Hoffman ................................................. Harriet Levine
Sandford Kepniss .............................. Mary & Nathan Relles
Rochelle Plon ..................................................... Steph Black
Prayer Book
In Memory of
Nettie D. Beloff ............... Barbara & John Rosenau & Family
Fanrose Small .................................................. Judith Reider
Rabbi’s Charity
In Honor of
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg.................... Beth & Jimmie Edelman
................................................................ Gail & Marty Weiss
.................................... Jackie & Michael Schwartz & Family
............................................................... Marci & Bob Hackel
Retirement of Maxine Stutman ...................... David Stutman
................................................. Alexa and Amanda Stutman
.................................................... Jessica and Rebecca Izes
........................................................Jody & Richard Stutman
.................................................................... Judy & Paul Izes
.................................................................... Michael Stutman
Engagement of Elizabeth Teleha to Joe Orkwiszewski ........
.......................Gail & Marty Weiss Gladys & David Menaker
....................................... Julie & Mitchell Goldstein & Family
Birth of Finley Noah Coughlin ........... Jonathan & Linda Roth
Birth of Remy Jaye Millrood and Sonja Perle Millrood ..........
........................................................ Diane & Howard Becker
.......................................................... Jonathan & Linda Roth
...................................................... Karen Wendkos & Family
.......................................................Maxine & Asher Stutman
Daniela Barow becoming a Bat Mitzvah................................
.............................................................. Sara & Bob Wenger
In Memory of
Adrienne Brown .................................................. Alan Brown
Perle Hoffman .................................Betsy & Frank Lewinson
........................................................Debbie Aron & Joel Fish
.......................................................... Jonathan & Linda Roth
...................................................... Karen Wendkos & Family
.......................................................Maxine & Asher Stutman
........................................................ Nancy & Jeffrey Gordon
........................................................................ Renata Fisher
Dr. Norman J. Meyers.................................. Betsy Lewinson
Louis Richter .............................................. Bonnie Kanefsky
Eleanor Lesser................................................. Bruce Lesser
Leon Lipkin....................................................... Clifford Lipkin
Bertram I. Berk ..................................................... David Berk
Rae Libove ................................... Debbie & Paul Mendelson
Hilda Greenberg ............................ Diane & Henry Goldberg
Perle Hoffman ........................................................................
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ................. Diane & Howard Becker
................................................... Jerry & Yonina Schuchman
.......................................................... Sherrie & Nelson Klein
Rose Brodsky ................................................. Enid Horowitz
Irving Silver ..........................................................Faith Silver
Louis Raphaelson ..................................................................
Saul Camann ...................................................Fern Camann
Esther Weiss Cohen ........ Gerri & Alan Rosenberg & Family
Jerome Udell .......................................................... Joel Udell
Connie Yarof ..........................................................................
Martin W. Rosenfeld ..............................................................
Lillyan Rosenfeld ............................................... Joye Lesser
Carmella Pinkenson..................................... Lana Pinkenson
Dr. Elliot Kane ....................................... Laura & Alan Libove
.................................................................. Marci & Stu Weitz
Rabbi’s Charity (continued)
In Memory of
Albert Michael Toland ................................ Marilyn Adelman
Bernice Kidorf..................................... Michelle & David Berk
Ann Ginsberg ..................................................... Ronda Karp
Irene Wilk .......................................................... Sanford Wilk
Adele Bilker ....................... Warren & Stacey Bilker & Family
Norma Leopold Blumberg ............................ Debra Drossner
Sandford Kepniss........Steven & Kymme Kaufman & Family
Ruth & Budd Rockower Dues Assistance
In Memory of
Perle Hoffman ............................................Liz & Aby Shamir
Albert & Rose Rubenstein Children’s Library
In Honor of
Engagement of Scott Hartstein to Adena Rosenblatt ............
................................................................. Lucille Rubenstein
In Memory of
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer........................... Lucille Rubenstein
Rose Rubenstein ............................. The Rubenstein Family
Faith Rubin Scholarship
In Honor of
Susan Bratt becoming a Bat Mitzvah ................ Carol Mazor
........................................................ Ellen & Les Barenbaum
............................................ Eva, Bob and Rosalie Sherman
...................................................................... Linda Goldberg
Marilyn Senders' birthday ................................... Faith Rubin
Speedy recovery for Terri Goshko .........................................
Speedy recovery for Joe Carp ...............................................
................................. Faith Rubin's Thursday Morning Class
Adam Weiss becoming a Bar Mitzvah ...... Janet & Eric Lynn
Engagement of Liora Klein to Andrew Yallop ........................
.......................................................... Sherrie & Nelson Klein
In Memory of
Rae Libove ................................................ Barbara Newman
Mollie Kazansky ......................................... Bonnie Kanefsky
Louise Shanis................................................. Donald Shanis
Norman Levinson ................................................. Janet Lynn
Carole Cohn .......................................... Judy & Jerry Caplan
Sidney Bratt............................................................Paul Bratt
Adele Bilker ............................................. Susan & Paul Bratt
Robert William Pollyea ................................. Lynn Alexander
Norman Samoiloff Memorial
In Memory of
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer............ Marci & Stu Weitz & Family
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Honor of
Frank Romanoski .................................... Annelie Nossbaum
Elana Rivel becoming Director of Ramah Day Camp ...........
........................................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
In Memory of
Edna Feld .................................................... Barbara London
Robert Rudofker .............................................. Freda Pepper
Steven Weiner...................................................Linda Schatz
Rose Weiner .....................................................Linda Schatz
Isadore London ........................................... Stephen London
Sandra Winters ..................................................... Amy Field
Herman Morrison ..........................................Denise Stredler
Herman Plavner .....................................................................
David Plavner ..................................................Stanton Lacks
Temple Sinai General
In Honor of
Birth of Remy Jaye Millrood and Sonja Perle Millrood ..........
...................................................... Audrey & Howard Cohen
...................................................... Harvey & Susan Robbins
Speedy recovery for Joe Carp ..........Evelyn & Marty Snyder
Susan Bratt becoming a Bat Mitzvah..Glenn & Joyce Brown
Marriage of Sandra Visnov & Jarrod Glandt ... Gloria Ceaser
In Memory of
Perle Hoffman .............................. Andrea & Scott Rosenthal
...................................................... Audrey & Howard Cohen
................................................... Debbie & Alan Krochtengel
.............................................. Deborah White & Daniel Piser
..........................................................Evelyn & Marty Snyder
...................................................... Ina Weiner & Alan Shore
Dr. Elliot Kane .............................. Andrea & Scott Rosenthal
......................................................... Rabbi Gary Charlestein
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer.................... Bonnie & Bill Kanefsky
............................................ Dr. Sucha & Mr. Michael Asbell
...................................................... Mindy & Jules Shamberg
.............................................. Pam & Phillip Kofsky & Family
........................................................................ Renata Fisher
Temple Sinai General (continued)
In Memory of
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer .................... Susan & Larry Cramer
Sara Segal ....................................... Clifford & Lenore Lipkin
Irving Cohen ..........................................................................
Lewis Sovel ........................................................ Diane Sovel
Marsha Goldberg.....................Dr. Daniel & Amy Rosenberg
Sara Segal ......................................................... Eleanor Liss
Carole Cohn ....................................... Jill & Jeffrey Hampton
....................................................... Jules & Mindy Shamberg
............................................................... Karen & Bill Kramer
Sandford Kepniss ............................ Marcia & Steven Cherry
Carmella Pinkenson .................................... Lana Pinkenson
Rae Libove ................................... Shizue & Kenny Goldblatt
Allen Kaminsky ....................................The Kaminsky Family
Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship
In Memory of
Irving Kempner ........................................... Fredric Kempner
Perle Hoffman .......................................................................
Norman Levinson ...................... Marci & Stu Weitz & Family
Theodore Weitz ............Stu & Marci Weitz and Arleen Weitz
Bruce Winokur Memorial
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Joe Carp ..............................................
Betsy & Frank Lewinson's 35th anniversary .........................
Adam Gladstone becoming a Bar Mitzvah ...........................
Daniela Barow becoming a Bat Mitzvah ......... Joan Winokur
In Memory of
Edward Barol ..................................................... Ellen Taupin
Perle Hoffman .......................................................................
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer ........................................................
Ishaya Goldfarb ............................................... Joan Winokur
Kodrat Mikail ................................................... Mike Michaels
In Memory of
Tillie Gorenstein .............................................. Alan Budman
Harris Twer ............................................................................
Betty Twer ............................................................. Alan Twer
Jack Klemow ............................................... Andrea Domsky
Ida Krevolin ............................................... Andrea Levenson
David S. Wagner .........................................Barbara Wagner
Katie Saxe ........................................... Cindy & Stu Lamberg
Elias D. Weitzman .................................................................
Allen Cohen ...........................................................................
Betty First ............................................................. David First
Lena Epstein ...................... Doris Rosenberg, Sherrie Klein,
........................... Yonina Schuchman and Laurie Kauffmann
Samuel Wilensky ............................................... Elaine Duritz
Anna Cohen ..................................................... Gilda Gispan
Judah Gispan ........................................................................
Naomi Gessiness ............................................. Gilda Gispan
Freda Molitz ..................................................... Gloria Ceaser
Mollie Steinberg............................................... Jay Steinberg
Manya Swartz.......................................... Jerome Lieberman
Gertrude Ellick .................................................... Joan Parkin
Lila Brody ..............................................................................
Herbert Brody .................................................. Joshua Brody
Sara Blumberg .............................................. Judy Blumberg
Carmella Pinkenson .................................... Lana Pinkenson
Herbert Schriftman ........................................ Lee Schriftman
Harriet Karp ..................................................... Leonard Karp
Ida Bloomberg ................................................ Lois Steinberg
Harry Blumstein .....................................................................
Sarah Zembel .........................Marcy Lyons Gohen & Family
Max Meyerowitz ............................................ Mary Ginsburg
Henry C. Reier........................................ Maureen Liebergall
Jack Sherman ............................................ Monna Schwartz
Bernie Osser ..............................................Nancy Goldsmith
Norman Dissin .......................................................Reda First
Anne Parkin ..................................................... Robert Parkin
Blanche Wolfman Cohen ......................................................
Irving Wolfman ............................................. Roger Wolfman
Sarah Weisman .....................................................................
David Weisman ....................................... Roslyn Romanoski
Ann Ruth Vernick .......................................... Sandy Murland
Henry Rosenberg ............ Sherrie Klein, Yonina Schuchman
........................................................... and Laurie Kauffmann
Rose Cohen ...................................... Shirley Levin & Family
Harold Karon .............................................. Sondra Levinson
Celia Steinberg ..........................................Stanley Steinberg
Dorothy Schwartz ......................................... Susan Budman
Elliott Herman ........................................ The Herman Family
Armin Schafler ................................................. Karen Kaplan
Life Cycle Events
Remy Jaye Millrood & Sonja Perle Millrood twin granddaughters of Sara & Bob Wenger
Finley Noah Coughlin, grandson
of Debbie
& Dan Fein (May God Comfort)
Debbie Lusana, wife of Avi Lusana, mother of Yaniv, Leore and Arielle Lusana, sister of Marci (Bob) Hackel,
Leslie (Mitch) Weiss, aunt of Jess and Allie Hackel, Hannah and Ari Weiss, daughter of Sandy & Ed Levin
Dr. Elliot Kane, father of Paula (Cliff) Goldstein, grandfather of Ben (Nomi), Josh, Mollie, Ilana Goldstein,
great-grandfather of Yaki, Chaim and Shragy Goldstein
Norman Levinson, father-in-law of Jodie Levinson, husband of Donna Levinson, father of Cara Levinson, Marc
Levinson, Mason (Rosie) Levinson, grandfather of, Ryan, Rachel, Halle, Scarlett and Everett Levinson
Rae Libove, mother of Alan (Laura) Libove, grandmother of Jessica Libove (Mauricio Duran) and Adam
(Barbara)Libove, great-grandmother of Alia and Tali Duran
Perle Hoffman, wife of Dr. Charles Hoffman, mother of Stephen (Jim) Hoffman, Paul (Celia) Hoffman, Sara
(Bob) Wenger and David (Jennifer) Hoffman, grandmother of Leah (Seth), Nathaniel, Jesse (Becca), Zoe, Maia,
and William, great-grandmother of Mark, Max, Remy and Sonja
Marsha Goldberg, wife of Harvey Goldberg, mother of Jason (Jennifer) Goldberg, grandmother of Carly,
Hayley and Madison Goldberg
Carole Cohn, wife of Arthur Cohn, sister of Stuart (Nancy) Goldsmith, aunt of Jill (Josh) Ladov, great-aunt of
Matthew and Cory Ladov
Libby Roth, wife of Jack Roth, sister of Miriam Seres, Tetra Erlich, Israel Skolnick, mother of Howard (Meryl)
Roth, Rachel (Howard) Resnick, grandmother of Ariel Roth
Dr. Albert Daniel Zeitzer, husband of Marsha Zeitzer, brother of Leon (Evelyn) Zeitzer, father of Ken (Randi)
Zeitzer and Michael (Renee) Zeitzer, grandfather of Ryan and Ilana , Rachel, Fallyn and Carly Zeitzer
Ida Albert, mother of Pete (Jan) Albert, grandmother of Julie (Rob) Axelrod, David (Jen) Albert and Lauren
(Scott) Ravitz, great-grandmother of Jillian, Andrew and Claire Axelrod
Sandford Kepniss, husband of Linda Kepniss, father of David (Marla) Kepniss, grandfather of Talia, Emmett,
Max and Joel Kepniss
When you have a family death please call the synagogue office (215) 643-6510 ext 103
so that we may inform the clergy and be of assistance. After business hours,
please call the main phone number and press star *
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In Honor Of:
• Family Celebrations
• Joyous Milestones
• Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
• Engagements
• Weddings
• Birthdays
• Births
• Graduations
We invite you to purchase a “leaf” on the Stredler Family Tree of Life
located in our central lobby
In your hectic life, how can you fit in another “to do”?
You may not even need it (God willing) for a long
time. Why not put off thinking about it for now?
Why not? Because no one knows when the need will arise.
When it does, many tasks must
be handled and decisions made in a limited amount of time.
Contacting loved ones
Selecting and purchasing a gravesite
Making funeral arrangements
Handling the affairs of the deceased
Now is the time to lessen the burden placed on your family by
purchasing a gravesite for that
inevitable need. Having one less decision to research and make
during that difficult time is
one of the greates gifts you could give them, along with the peace
of mind of knowing that
everything has been arranged exactly the way you wanted.
Temple Sinai has available gravesites at nearby King David
Memorial Park in Bensalem, PA at reasonable costs for its
members and their families.
For more information, please call the
Temple Sinai office at 215.643.6510 or
email mainoffice@tsinai.com.
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Melissa and Jay Freedman and Rene and Adam Weiner
1:30pm Creative Crafting w/
Faith Rubin
7pm Membership Comm Mtg.
8pm TSMC Board Mtg Offsite
1:30pm Creative Crafting w/
Faith Rubin
10:30am Adult Ed: Book
1:30pm Creative Crafting w/
Faith Rubin
9am Shalach Manot
10am Hazak Event
12pm Nash & Drash Mtg.
2pm Mary Poppins
1:30pm Creative Crafting w/
Faith Rubin
8pm Religious School Comm.
8:45am Jr Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Religious School
12pm Yad Squad
13 Daylight Savings Time 14
8:45am Jr Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Religious School
12pm Yad Squad
1:30 Girl Scouts
2pm Boy Scouts
March 2016
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
7pm Adult B’not Torah Class
8pm Adult Choir rehearsal
7pm Adult B’not Torah Class
8pm Adult Choir rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
6pm Confirmation Class
6:45pm Sinai High
7pm Adult B’not Torah Class
8pm Adult Choir rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
7pm Adult B’not Torah Class
8pm Adult Choir rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
7pm Adult B’not Torah Class
8pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Adult Ed w/ Rabbi
7:30pm Sisterhood Spring
7:15am Morning Minyan
5pm Purim Carrnival
6:30pm Abbreviated Megillah
7:30pm Ma’ariv w/ Megillah
23 Fast of Esther
9:30am Adult Ed w/ Rabbi
8pm Board Mtg.
9:30am Adult Ed w/ Rabbi
7pm Executive Comm Mtg
7:30pm Mary Poppins
Opening Night
9:30am Adult Ed w/ Rabbi
7:30pm Girl Scout Ldrs Mtg.
March 2016
9am Braiding Bunch
5:38 Candle Lighting
7pm Minyan Same’ach w/ Jr.
Choir & Rahel Musleah
8pm Scholar-in-Residence
9:30am Shabbat Services w/
Adult choir
12:30pm Scholar-inResidence Program/Lunch
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
10:30am Adult Ed w/ Faith
6:30am Morning Minyan w/
Megillah Reading
10:30am Adult Ed w/ Faith
24 Purim
10:30am Adult Ed w/ Faith
7am Morning Minyan
7am Cook for a Friend
10:30am Adult Ed w/ Faith
7:30pm Mary Poppins
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
6pm Sisterhood Torah Fund
Shabbat Service & Dinner
7:01 Candle Lighting
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
6:30pm PS Shabbat
6:53 Candle Lighting
7am Morning Minyan
9am Braiding Bunch
5:46pm Candle Lighting
6pm Minyan Same’ach
9:30am Shabbat Services
26 Bat Mitzvah of Marissa
9:30am Shabbat Services
10am Family Service
11am Tot Shabbat
12pm Hazak Shabbat
9:30am Shabbat Services
11:30am Brachot, Books &
12pm Sisterhood Rosh
6:45pm Havdallah Service
7:30pm Mary Poppins
10 Rosh Chodesh Adar II 11 Rosh Chodesh Adar II 12 Bat Mitzvah of Julie
10:30am Adult Ed w/ Faith
Sundays ………..8:45am
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
7am Morning Minyan
1:30pm Creative Crafting w/
Faith Rubin
6:30pm Mincha Ma’ariv
9:30 Shacharit Service
8pm Mincha Ma’ariv
8:32pm Havdallah
1:30pm Creative Crafting w/
Faith Rubin
7am Project HOPE
8:45am Jr Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Religious School
12pm Yad Squad
4pm Friendship Circle
1:30pm Creative Crafting w/
Faith Rubin
8pm Religious School Comm.
8:45am Jr Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Religious School
12pm Yad Squad
1:30pm Youth Choir / Zimriyah
1:30pm Girl Scouts
2pm Boy Scouts
7am Morning Minyan
/ NO
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
7pm Adult B’not Torah Class
8pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
8pm TSMC Pub Night
4:30pm Religious School
5:30pm Taste of Rosh Hodesh
6pm Confirmation Class
6:45pm Sinai High
7pm Adult B’not Torah Class
8pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
7pm Adult B’not Torah Class
1:30pm Creative Crafting w/
Faith Rubin
8:45am Jr Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Religious School
10am Hazak Brunch
12pm Yad Squad
12pm Makor Kadima Event
2pm Boy Scouts
3 Confirmation Class NYC 4
April 2016
7am Morning Minyan
8pm Board Mtg.
9:30am Adult Ed w/ Rabbi
7pm Executive Committee
9:30am Adult Ed w/ Rabbi
7:30pm Girl Scout Ldrs Mtg.
April 2016
7am Morning Minyan
6:30pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:35 Candle Lighting
10:30am Adult Ed w/ Faith
10:30am Adult Ed w/ Faith
7pm Urban Trinity Program
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
9:30am Shacharit Service
6pm Mincha Ma’ariv / NO
9:30am Shacharit Service w/
Adult Choir and YIZKOR
8pm Mincha Ma’Ariv
9:30am Shacharit Service
12:15pm Mincha
8:38pm Havdallah
2nd Seder
7am Shacharit Service w/
Siyyum for First-Born Sons
7:29pm Candle Lighting
1ST Seder
9:30am Shabbat Services
11:30am Brachot, Books
7:15pm 75th ANNIVERSARY
16 Bat Mitzvah of Alexa
9:30am Shabbat Services w/
Adult Choir
11am Tot Shabbat
12pm Sisterhood Rosh
7pm TSMC Spring Date Night
9 Bar Mitzvah of Daniel
9:30am Shabbat Services w/
Adult Choir
11:30am Brachot, Books
8:30pm USY Bubble Soccer
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
7:22pm Candle Lighting
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
6:30pm PS Shabbat
7:15pm Candle Lighting
9am Braiding Bunch
6pm Minyan Same’ach
7:08 Candle Lighting
1 Guess Who’s Coming to 2 Bar Mitzvah of Oren
Sundays ………..8:45am
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025
E-mail: mainoffice@tsinai.com
Main Office: 215.643.6510 / Fax: 215.643.9441
Jodie Levinson / Executive Director’s Assistant
Suzanne Teleha / Rabbi’s Assistant
Marcy Lyons Gohen / Accounting
Ellen McGrother / Accounting
Religious School
Beth Berkowitz / RS Assistant
Ann Newman Preschool
Gift Shop
Be sure to follow us on
Pinterest for great holiday
recipes and ideas!
Professional Staff
Founding Rabbi
Cantor Emeritus
Executive Director
Director of Education
Early Childhood
Education Director
Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
B’nai Mitzvah
Director of
Family Engagement
Adam Wohlberg
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
Stephen Freedman
Nathan Chaitovsky
Edwin Altman
Shira Weissbach
Beth Rabinowitz
Faith Rubin
Marjorie Schwartz
Shelly Shotel
Temple Sinai Officers
Executive Vice President
Vice President/Education
Vice President/Fundraising
Vice President/Membership
Immediate Past President
Jeffrey Hampton
Jeffrey Gordon
Robert Milrod
Larry Florin
Janet Lynn
Tobey Grand
Erica Rubenstein
David Weiss
Gary Klazmer
William Kramer
Sisterhood President
Men’s Club President
Hazak President
Karen Mann & Liz Shamir
Greg Fisher
Steven Rosen
Make All Contributions
Pay Your Bill
View Congregant Directory
Register & Pay for Events
You may log in to Chaverweb via our
website at www.tsinai.com.
On the top right corner, click the yellow link
that says Members Login
If you forgot your password, simply click
the link under the login to reset it. You will
receive a temporary password via email.
Copy and paste that when you go to log
back in. After that you can change the
password to something easier to
remember. All Passwords must contain at
least 7 characters and one must include
the Shift Key (ie: !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*).
If you have ANY questions, please don’t
hesitate to call the main office.