Purim 2015 - Temple Sinai


Purim 2015 - Temple Sinai
Winner of a Solomon Schecter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Adar/Nissan / 5775
Volume 69, Number 4
Feb/March 2015
directed by Debbie Thomas
March 11-15,2015
Sunday, March 1
Religious School Megillah Reading
Wednesday, March 4
PURIM Superhero “Pajama” Party
Breakfast for dinner
(open to preschoolers)
6:30pm– 7:00pm
PreSchool Purim Celebration - Sanctuary
Family and Congregation Program - Auditorium
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Pre–School Purim DJ Dance & Dessert Party - Auditorium
Family and Congregation Megillah Reading - Sanctuary
8:15pm – 9:15pm
Family and Congregation Purim DJ Dance,
Dessert Party - Auditorium
Traditional Megillah Reading - Chapel
9:15pm – 10:30pm
See inside for delicious hamentashen recipe
Adult Purim Celebration
Rabbi Adam
On March 17, Israelis will go to the polls to cast their ballot for the 20th
Knesset (Israel’s Parliament). By means of their votes, Israelis express
their opinions on a host of issues: improving the economy and educational opportunities, expansion of communities in Judea & Samaria, pursuing
a two-state solution with the Palestinians, just to name a few.
We American Jews will not have a say in these matters, but we can have a
say about the future of Israel by voting in another election already underway.
Elections for the World Zionist Congress began on January 13 and run through April 30. Jews throughout the
world have the opportunity – and I would go so far as to say the obligation – to cast a ballot. Doing so requires
a mere 5 minutes of your time and yet the impact of your vote will be enormous.
The First World Zionist Congress was convened in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland at the initiative of Theodor Herzl,
the founder of political Zionism. Herzl and his fellow Zionists were devoted to “establishing for the Jewish
people a legally assured home in Palestine.”
Today, now that Israel is nearly 65 years old, the efforts of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) are devoted
promoting Zionism through Israel education;
instilling the centrality of Israel deep within Jewish consciousness;
fashioning an exemplary society in the Jewish state;
expanding Zionist education including Hebrew language instruction;
and combating Anti-Semitism.
How does this impact me, you might ask?
If you have visited Israel or if you follow news from Israel, then you know that not all streams of Judaism have
equal footing there.
The movements which are not Orthodox – primarily the Conservative/Masorti movement and the Reform
movement – receive practically no funding and very little recognition. But the number of Israelis who are
affiliating with Conservative/Masorti synagogues and institutions continues to grow and our view of Jewish
life is receiving more recognition and greater appreciation because of the positive impact that it is having on
Israeli society.
In order for the Conservative/Masorti movement to continue to grow, to receive funding from the (WZO) and
the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), and to help Israeli society reflect the type of Judaism that we espouse, it is
imperative that every one of us cast a vote for MERCAZ in this election.
You can learn more about MERCAZ, its platform and the WZO elections by visiting http://www.mercazusa.
org/. There you will see that the MERCAZ slate of candidates includes Temple Sinai’s own Barbara Rosenau,
past-President of our congregation.
I ask that you register today. Cast your vote for MERCAZ USA: Slate #2. Your vote will strengthen Conservative/
Masorti Judaism in Israel and give us a stronger position from which to contribute to our Jewish homeland’s
Let Your Voice Be Heard!
You will soon be receiving a link to a survey that has been created specifically for our congregation with the assistance of United Synagogue
of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). All organizations, synagogues included, should regularly evaluate their offerings, determine whether or
not they are adhering to their mission, and appropriately plan for the
growth and the changes that are necessary to remain vibrant.
This survey will give you the opportunity to express your thoughts about what is working well and what we
could improve upon at Temple Sinai, to weigh in on what you most enjoy about our synagogue and what
changes you would like to see in the future.
The survey responses will go directly to and be evaluated by USCJ. USCJ professionals will share their findings
with our congregation’s leadership and then we will have the opportunity to make decisions regarding our
programs and services that will allow us to better serve our membership and, grow and enhance our congregation and Temple Sinai community.
As with any survey, the more responses that are submitted, the more helpful and the more accurate the findings will be. Because I know that you care a great deal about the synagogue and its future direction, I ask that
you please take the time to complete the survey and submit your responses as quickly as possible.
Thank you in advance for participating in this important initiative. More detailed information about the survey will be available shortly.
We look forward to hearing from you!
It’s late Wednesday afternoon, December 31st. I’m sitting at my desk
trying to get a few more items crossed off my to-do list before heading
out. No one is around except for our custodian Gene and me.
I’m just about ready to pack-up and leave when the front door buzzer
sounds. “Can I help you?” I ask. Yes says a voice on the other end;
“We’re prospective members and were wondering if there’s someone
Edwin Altman
we could talk to?” I go down to get a sense of things and find a young
couple together with three beautiful children in tow. They quickly tell me that they’re from out of town, staying with friends through New Year’s and wanted to check out our synagogue as they will be relocating to this
area later in the year.
Over the next hour I had the chance to find out more about their backgrounds and interests, was able to
share something of our synagogue’s makeup and then took them on a tour of our building. They had many
questions but the one that stays with me the most was: What makes Temple Sinai special and different from
other synagogues? In thinking over my answer, then and now, I find that a number of things come to mind.
First, the level of programming that we offer is nothing less than amazing. We truly have something for everyone. Whether you love to read, sing, act or cook, there are groups of others who share your interests. If Adult
Education is your passion, there are weekly classes to fill your thirst for learning. Crafting groups, our Annual
Play or Adult Choir offer additional outlets. Interested in caring for others? There are blood drives, opportunities to visit the sick, Cook for a Friend or, package Passover food for needy families. Want to deliver Purim
packages or decorate our Sukkah, all you need to do is let us know. Enjoy reading from the Torah, leading daily
services or giving a D’var Torah, no problem. Want to help plan an event, get involved with Boy/Girl Scouts
or volunteer with USY, Makor or Kadima, we’ll make the necessary introductions. Looking for companionship
and expansion of your friendship circle? Join with Hazak, Sisterhood and Men’s Club activities year round. The
list is endless; it’s almost impossible to not find a way to participate.
Second, while many synagogues have reputations for being “closed and exclusive” leaving people to feel like
they are on the outside looking in, Temple Sinai is known to be quite different. Energy and focus are placed
on encouraging members to become involved in the wide array of committees that make up our synagogue
infrastructure. Opportunities for involvement abound whether for planning one-time events or assuming
on-going roles within committee memberships. Congregants are actively encouraged to take on new and increasingly larger roles affording the leadership ranks across Committees, the Board and Executive Committee
to continually evolve, re-new and grow.
Third, and perhaps most importantly, is the extraordinary cooperation, support and genuine affection that is
felt amongst our Temple Sinai employees for each other, as well as, between and among employees and the
membership. Organizations do their best work in an atmosphere of partnership, not one of competition or
rivalry. How much we enjoy working with each other, the respect shown to one other and the level of caring
is something that uniquely sets us apart and drives much of the incredible work that is accomplished.
Perhaps there are other things that differentiate us as well but suffice it to say that Temple Sinai is a special
community truly characterized by LEARNING, SERVING AND CARING.
…If you’re wondering what happened to the visiting family, I’m happy to share that after coming back a couple
of times and being received so warmly by our members and staff, they’ve decided to join our congregation…
Wishing everyone a Chag Purim Sameach!
The award winning Temple Sinai Players are proud to present the classic musical OLIVER!, an event for the
whole family. Oliver! is the story of an orphaned London workhouse boy who bravely asks for more. In
punishment for his daring, Oliver is taken out of the workhouse and sold. Unafraid and wanting better,
he soon escapes, and finds friendship and adventure on the streets of London with Fagin, his gang of pickpockets led by the Artful Dodger, and Nancy, the woman who helps him find his true family. This show is a
haunting testament to the resilience of youth and ultimately an uplifting tale about the ties that bind the
Oliver! is filled with toe-tapping, high energy production numbers such as “Food, Glorious Food”, “Consider Yourself”, “Oom-Pah-Pah” and “Who Will Buy” and beautiful ballads such as “Where is Love?” and “As
Long as he Needs Me.” We guarantee that these memorable tunes will stay with you long after you leave
the theater.
Our directors, cast and crew have been hard at work creating the London of the 1830s for your viewing
pleasure. Come watch your friends and family dance down the colorful streets of London celebrating the
sights and sounds of the city’s markets; watch them jump on the tables and chairs of the seedier London
bars toasting each other and enjoying the ribald entertainment; and listen to them trying to sing and speak
in an authentic cockney accent.
Won’t you consider yourself part of our family and join us for a night of rousing and entertaining musical
theater. The Temple Sinai Players are proud to give you “more” of what makes our congregation so special.
Show dates/times: March 11, 12 and 14 at 7:30 pm and March 15 at 11:30 am and 4 pm. To order your
tickets call 215-643-6510 or visit www.tsinai.com/oliver. All seats are reserved and tickets are discounted
for advance purchase, so order early for best seating. We look forward to having you join us.
Oliver will be presented March 11-15, 2015.
Director of
In previous newsletters, I have written about different aspect of the
Temple Sinai Religious School’s mission statement. But rather than
hearing more from me, this month you will hear directly from the students!
I posed two questions to students in Kitah Daled (4th), Hey (5th), and
Vav (6th) to gain some insight about their religious school experience
and how it matches the beliefs and goals of our school.
As much as we can see their growth and learning in the classroom, wanted to understand both some of the
big messages they take away, and how they think about some of their relationships to Temple Sinai. I asked
these students to describe how the values they are learning in class have affected their life as a Jew outside
of the classroom; and to describe the relationship they have with their classroom teachers as well as the
relationship they have with the clergy (Rabbi Wohlberg and Cantor Freedman).
Transmitting their values outside of the classroom:
“I had the option of watching tv or helping my sister with her homework. I decided to be a mensch and help
my sister” (Kitah Daled student)
“When my friend was gossiping to me I was thinking about religious school and I decided to change the
subject”. (Kitah Hey student, reflecting on her Jewish values curriculum)
“I saw a student taking a pencil off of the teacher’s desk. Instead of accusing him of stealing I gave him the
benefit of the doubt and thought that he must have had permission”. (Kitah Hey student, referring to the
Jewish value of giving the benefit of the doubt)
“My teachers are there for us and we are there for them. They make us feel really at home”.
“She (the teacher) is very sensitive to the needs of the students and tells us what to work on instead of
making us feel badly about what we don’t know”.
“I appreciate my friends more now. They are worth so much more than money”. (Kitah Vav student)
On their relationships with the clergy:
“Cantor understands us since he’s been with us for so long”.
“I have a really good relationship with Cantor because I’ve known him since 3rd grade. I was in the choir and
it kept getting better. It’s really nice being with him in Yad Squad”. (Kitah Vav student)
“We get his jokes now (Cantor)”. (Kitah Vav student)
“Rabbi always makes me feel special when he smiles at me during services”. (Kitah Vav student)
“I’ve known Rabbi since preschool. He’s a really great person. It’s great watching him during services. He’s a
really nice person and he’s great at what he does”. (Kitah Vav student)
Clearly, something is working. Our children are learning, and able to translate what they are learning in the
classroom into action. It is wonderful that they feel so close and connected to the clergy and their teachers.
The rabbi and cantor have a lasting impact on our children, and we are so fortunate to be fostering meaningful and often life-long relationships between our children and our clergy. I hope to continue to build those
types of relationships amongst the students, clergy, and teachers.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
One of the four mitzvot of Purim is to participate in a Purim seudah
(feast). This festive meal is different than a typical meal since the
atmosphere is expected to be silly. So this Purim I hope your family
will participate in this mitzvah by having an enjoyable family meal.
To give you encouragement I wanted to share some interesting findings about the importance of “the family dinner table”.
Although families eating dinner together used to be “the norm”,
in today’s fast paced society it no longer is common. Families are disconnected both physically (challenging
parent work schedules) and emotionally (children utilizing technology instead of interacting with others). It
is essential to utilize meal time as a special family time. Research supports this theory.
Studies have shown that a child receives developmental/physical benefits from eating with their family
They learn how to communicate through holding conversations.
They learn independence skills like serving themselves/ others and cleaning up their space.
They learn to be a listener.
They absorb the world around them.
They make healthier choices.
They process boundaries and why they are created.
There is also a continued benefit in adolescence since teenagers that continue to dine with their families are
less likely to engage in cigarette, alcohol or drug use.
Please join us in the Preschool for a festive Purim. We will do the other 3 mitzvot:
We will read from the Megillah in an age appropriate way on March 4th.
We will prepare food baskets and exchange them.
We will give to the needy (The preschool has taken the giving of tzedakah very seriously this year and
have designated special charities each month. This month’s recipient is The National Brain Tumor Society.)
So please help your child complete the fourth mitzvah by having a Purim seudah. You will be glad you did!
Camp registration is now open. We have a wonderful summer planned. Don’t miss the fun!
Contact the Main Office / 215.643.6510
Prep Time: 2 Hours Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 2 Hours 15 Minutes Servings: 36
1 1/2 cups butter or margarine, softened
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
6 tablespoons orange juice
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons baking powder
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 (12 ounce) can poppyseed filling
1. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir
in the orange juice and vanilla. Mix in the baking powder, then gradually stir in the flour until the dough forms
a ball. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours. I like to do mine overnight.
2. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets.
3. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut into 3 inch circles using a cookie
cutter or drinking glass. Place circles on the prepared cookie sheets. Spoon 1 teaspoon of filling onto the center
of each circle. (Any more and it will ooze out) Pinch the sides of each circle to form a triangle, covering as much
of the filling as possible. The cookies may be frozen on the cookie sheets if desired to help retain their shape
while cooking.
4. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, until light golden brown. These are best undercooked
slightly. Cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before removing to wire racks to cool completely.
Traditonal fillings such as apricot, prune, cherry, chocolate and poppy are always popular, but if you are
looking to change it up a bit, why not try these:
Caramel Apple
Carmelized Onion & Goat Cheese
Cinnamon Dulce de Leche
Coffee Cake
Peanut Butter and Chocolate
Chocolate, Raspberry & Coconut
Rum & Raisin
Gingerbread with Spice Apple
White Chocolate and Cherry
Chocolate Ganache and Salted Caramel
These are just to name a few! If you’d like the recipes and more great ideas visit:
I would like to begin by wishing everyone a happy Purim and Pesach.
Our Hazak programs so far have been both educational and entertaining and we will continue to bring you more interesting, creative
and entertaining programs in 2015.
In January, we had nineteen seniors take the 4 hour AARP refresher
driving course. Our instructor, Les Duman, made what could have
been a boring course taught straight from the book very interesting
with his added light humor. I heartily recommend this course for those looking to lower their insurance rates
and updating their knowledge of driving rules and regulations in the future. We will probably offer the full 8
hour class a year from now for those seniors who have never taken an AARP course.
By the time this newsletter goes to press we will have had our own Stu Weitz Trio program at our February
8th Sunday Brunch. Stu Weitz will have presented Partytime featuring Nevis Truitt, vocalist, and Joe Mariani,
a very versatile and talented musician who also sings. They have been here many times before to entertain
us. Their show emphasizes Jewish song composers.
On March 22nd Glen Hurricane Schwartz, from Philadelphia NBC News is coming to Temple Sinai at 10 AM
for Sunday Brunch. Anyone from Temple Sinai who is interested in the phenomenon of “Climate Change” or if
there is such a thing as “Global Warming” is welcome to attend. We will charge only $12 for brunch whether
or not you are a member of Hazak as long as you pay in advance. We welcome members of the Temple Sinai
family who are not seniors to attend this interesting discourse.
On April 12th at 10 AM we expect Merrill Reese, the Voice of the Eagles to join us at Temple Sinai for Sunday
morning brunch.
Again Hazak would like to reach out to other members of the Temple Sinai family who are not members of
Hazak but Sports Fans to attend this brunch. All advance purchases will be just $12 if you are a member of
Temple Sinai, Sisterhood, Men’s Club or Hazak. We will talk about the future of the Eagles, the Draft and what
they need to do to improve the team. Bring your ideas and listen to Merrill give us the real inside view.
For more information contact Steve Rosen stevearosen@comcast.net
Send checks made out to Hazak for events to Rose Beck
P.O Box 1448
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Men’s Club
Hoagie Fundraiser
On Superbowl Sunday, MITK volunteers helped assemble
and sell delicious hoagies to help raise hundreds of dollars
for the Religious School. Thanks to all of the volunteers
who helped make this fundraiser a success. Due to the
success of the event, MITK has plans to run future hoagie
sales during the next Eagles’ season. It’s a simple and fun
way to get involved in kitchen activities. Please consider
joining us!
World Wide Wrap
As we do every year, The Men’s Club hosted the annual World Wide Wrap. A signature program of FJMC,
“Wraps” are performed in synagogues across the world
on Super Bowl Sunday. Members engaged students in
sixth and seventh grades and help them put on tefillin
(often for the first time). After, we all participated in
Minyan lead by the Rabbi and Cantor.
Daddy Daughter Dance
Breaking ticket sales records and the hearts of young fathers, the 2015 Daddy Daughter Dance was an immense
success. This community event brought nearly 300
guests out of the winter’s cold and into Temple Sinai for a
Frozen-themed gala. Couples danced beneath a fairytale
canopy and took occasional breaks to enjoy sweet treats.
Dads received a commemorative photo and daughters
left with a goodie bag filled with fun keepsakes. Successful ticket sales and generous sponsors made this year’s
DDD a great fundraiser.
Temple Sinai Sisterhood didn’t let the cold weather slow us down this
winter! On Saturday, January 31st we held our annual Torah Fund
Sisterhood Shabbat and the temperature outside was frightful but the
feeling inside was delightful. The Shabbat service was completely run
by Sisterhood women coordinated by the very capable hands of Farrah Barrow and Amy Brody. We were treated to a wonderful speaker,
Lisa Green, a 4th year Cantorial Student at the H.L Miller Cantorial
School at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Lisa spoke about the legacy of Debbie Freedman as a major
force and inspiration in Jewish music. Our Torah Fund committee, Ilene Blatman, Susan Budman, Flossie
Albert and Linda Goldberg, was also instrumental in making the day a success. We concluded the morning
with a lovely luncheon organized by Judy Marku and Arlene Smuckler. They did a lovely job making the
room remind us that spring will be here before we know it.
The Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is a grassroots fundraising campaign dedicated to perpetuating Conservative Judaism by supporting its seminaries around the world:
The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, the
Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos
Aires. It’s not too late to help the Jewish Theological Seminary and the other Conservative Schools to continue to grow and flourish. Please support the future of the conservative movement with a donation of
any amount. You can drop off or mail your check payable to JTS in the synagogue office, please put to the
attention of Susan Budman. Thank you for your support of this important cause!
Sisterhood also held its third annual Tu B’shevat Seder on February 3, attended by 16 women who participated in readings and partook of delicious holiday foods and drink. Thanks to the Tu ‘Bshevat committee
of Faith Rubin, Sara Wenger, Lynn Alexander, Soroosh Michaels and Karen Petkun, a beautiful and spiritual
evening was enjoyed by all.
As we look toward spring, save Monday March 30th for an entertaining evening featuring the music of
Jewkebox, Temple University’s a cappella group. Hope to see you all there!
Sisterhood Jewish Living
by Joan Winokur
Be happy, it’s Adar! remember this year there’s only one. Last year for leap year, there were two.
Adar is a month of joy because the only added obligation is to hear the Megillah, (and blot out Haman’s
name). That is if you don’t have orders for specially-filled hamantaschen, the favorites. It’s such a thrill to
get those requests and to dream up new filling reipes. I never tire of that. It’s amazing that cookie dough
shaped and filled can become such “meichel”.
Sooooo make arrangements to hear the Megillah, bake or buy your hamentaschen, prepare or let Sisterhood prepare your Shalach Manot, and revel in the joy that is Purim.
Again, “Be happy. It’s Adar!”
More than a million children perished in the
Nazi death camps. Since Children guarantee the
future of Jewish people, they were among the
first to fall prey to the Nazi killing machine.
It’s up to us to keep the memory of these children
alive so that they are more than mere statistics of
a long ago atrocity
Temple Sinai’s Men’s Club has been supplying Yellow Candles for Yom HaShoah for many years. This
year, to give added meaning to the remembrance of The Holocaust, we will initiate a program of
supplying Yellow Candles, symbolizing The Six Million souls who perished. The Yad Vashem database
will enable participants to connect to an individual child or adult for whom
there is no one else to say Kaddish.
One candle is to be lit on each of the four Holy Days: Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Passover, Shavout and
an additional one on Yom HaShoah. The final candle is to be lit on the birthday of the victim if known,
or on the birthday of those who participate in this mitzvah. The Men’s Club feels this is a valuable way
to teach our congregation’s families about the Holocaust and connect them with their heritage.
While there is no cost to participate, a voluntary donation to the Men’s Club will help defray the costs.
Donations of eighteen dollars or more may be made by check to Temple Sinai Men’s Club or via PayPal
at www.tsinai.com/yellow-candles .
Remembrance of Those We Lost
Participation Agreement
I _____________ pledge to recite the Memorial Prayer and to light a Yellow Memorial Candle on behalf of a victim of the Holocaust. I will do so on
the following five days on the Jewish calendar and the victim’s birthday, if
known, or on my birthday:
Yizkor on Yom Kippur
Yizkor on the final day of Passover
Yizkor on the last day of Shavout
Yizkor on the 7th day of Succot – Shemini Atzeret
Yom HaShoah Holocasut Remembrance Day
Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________ Email: _________________________
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Boy Scout
In Honor of
Frank Romanoski's 70th birthday ......... Ellen & Garry Spear
......................................... Ilene, Arthur and Marcia Blatman
Risé Bressler Chesed
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Nancy Goldsmith ..................................
Speedy recovery for Marjorie Schwartz .................................
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
In Memory of
Esther Eilberg.........................................................................
.................... Allison & Edward Goldis and Michelle Bressler
Irv Segal ........................................Barbara & John Rosenau
Stephen J. Carr, CPA .....................................Barry Bressler
Bertha "Bunny" Stein .............................................................
Dolores Ragusa .....Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Bernice Getz ................... Frank & Roz Romanoski & Family
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Bertha "Bunny" Stein ...... Frank & Roz Romanoski & Family
Max Shusman ............................................ Dennis Shusman
Cantor’s Charity
In Honor of
Cantor Stephen Freedman ................................ Ralph Levin
........... The Abramson, Zimmerman & Pearlmutter Families
..........................................................................Gilda Gispan
In Memory of
Flory Goldman..................................................... Alan Brown
Howard Lipschutz .................................... Barbara Lipschutz
Seth Dembowitz ......................................... Randi Freedman
Chernoff Interfaith Activities
In Memory of
Ed Cohen .................................... Stan & Krendelle Nosheny
Dorothy Nosheny ................... Stanley & Krendelle Nosheny
Cook For A Friend
In Memory of
Irv Segal ............................................... The Kempner Family
Irvin Solkov.................................................. Gertrude Solkov
Ed Cohen ........................................ Harriet & Phil Weinstein
Bernard Weinstein .......................................Philip Weinstein
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Memory of
Irv Segal .................................................................................
Bertha "Bunny" Stein ................................ The Florin Family
Ellen Ross ......................................................... Helene Ross
Elaine Marx ..........................................................Philip Marx
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Memory of
Bernice Getz ........................................... Dina & Hal Rovner
Irv Segal ................................... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Memory of
Bessie Abramson ...................................................................
Mother of Wayne Snyder .......................... Herma Abramson
Elaine F. Katz .........................................................................
Julius Katz ..............................................................................
Millie Katz ............................................................... Alan Katz
Zina Muldawer........................................................................
Sara Fannie Goldstein ................ Barry & Barbara Goldstein
Augusta Polsky ................................................... Carl Polsky
Norma Leopold Blumberg ......................................................
Anne Blumberg Hahn................................... Debra Drossner
Jonathan Gispan ....................................................................
Rose Seldun.............................................. Herma Abramson
Natalie Cohn ..................................................... Jeffrey Cohn
Ed Cohen ...................................................... Marge Listman
Ed Cohen ...............................................................................
Melanie Gonnella ...................................................................
Nathan Franco .......................................................................
Gary Golden ...........................................................................
Esther Gardner....................................... Meryl & Larry Stern
Rabbi Greenberg Scholar-in-Residence
In Honor of
Birth of Judah Aron Glassman ......Barbara & John Rosenau
Birth of Lucas Max Lamberg ..................................................
................................ Mary & Nathan Relles and Josie Vogel
Mayah Nossbaum becoming a Bat Mitzvah ... Faye Laveson
In Memory of
Bertha "Bunny" Stein ......................... Mary & Nathan Relles
Eli Stock .......................................................... Howard Stock
Joe Grossman ........................................................................
Celia Grossman ....................................... Renee Greenberg
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas
In Honor of
Shira & Rabbi Adam Wohlberg .......... Mary & Nathan Relles
.......................... Alan Woronoff & Shira Goodman & Family
Engagement of Mollie Pressman to Taylor Carpenter ..........
......................................................... Cindy & Adam Warkow
Birth of Lucas Max Lamberg ..................................................
............................................. Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg
In Memory of
Bertha "Bunny" Stein ........... Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg
Lillian Fisher .................................................... Sharon Taylor
Handicap Accessibility
In Honor of
Frank Romanoski's birthday ................... Susan & Paul Bratt
In Memory of
Irving Silver .......................................... Faith Silver & Family
Lewis Lyons ........................... Marcy Lyons Gohen & Family
Richard Harris Memorial
Etz Hayim Chumash
In Memory of
Robert Friedland .................................Bonnie & Larry Solish
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Honor of
Their 20th anniversary ......... Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg
In Memory of
Sydell Hertzberg.....................................................................
Morris Albert ...........................................................................
Samuel Elster ...................................................Flossie Albert
In Memory of
Fanrose Small .................................................. Judith Reider
In Memory of
Dr. Jerry Garfinkle ..................... Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
Birth of Penelope Drew Haven ..............................................
........................................ Frank & Roz Romanoski & Family
Jack & Emily Cohn becoming B'nai Mitzvah..........................
Birth of Penelope Drew Haven ..............................................
Birth of Lynn Turkington's new grandchild .............................
Speedy recovery for Harriet Berardocco .. Herma Abramson
Marriage of Nathan Gendelman & Caroline Rothenberger ...
Mayah Nossbaum becoming a Bat Mitzvah ..........................
Speedy recovery for Larry Allen ............................................
Birth of Judah Aron Glassman ...............................................
Birth of Penelope Drew Haven ..............Don & Diane Factor
Jack & Emily Cohn becoming B'nai Mitzvah..........................
Speedy recovery for Larry Allen ............................................
Speedy recovery for Steve Rosen ....................... Rose Beck
Speedy recovery for Larry Allen ............................................
................................................... Temple Sinai Daily Minyan
David Hertzberg Scholarship
Holocaust Education
In Honor of
Mayah Nossbaum becoming a Bat Mitzvah ..........................
Frank Romanoski's 70th birthday ............Becky & Jeff Miller
Anneliese Nossbaum ......................................... Mary Relles
Mayah Nossbaum becoming a Bat Mitzvah ... Joan Winokur
In Memory of
Bernice Getz ............................................Becky & Jeff Miller
Bertha "Bunny" Stein ................... Audrey & George Marcus
Eric Jacobs.................................... David & Gladys Menaker
Louise Shanis................................................. Donald Shanis
Manfred Schoen .............................................. Marcia Cherry
Jack Adler .......................................................... Martin Adler
Eric Jacobs......................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
Louis Yarrow .................................................Phyllis Gardner
Charles Wisotsky ...................................................................
Mollie Wisotsky .................................................... Toby Adler
Imagine 613
In Honor of
Birth of Lucas Max Lamberg ..................................................
Birth of Josie Maya Vogel ................... Cindy & Stu Lamberg
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Memory of
Sarah Jacobs ........................................... Barbara Lipschutz
Bernice Getz ..........................................................................
Stephen Sandrow ......................... Gladys & David Menaker
Martin Josephs Library
In Memory of
I. William Kaplan ..............................................Karen Kaplan
Ann Kay Adult Education
In Memory of
Jerome Udell .........................................................Joel Udell
Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat
In Memory of
Tillie Horwitz ...........................................................................
Rose Brodsky .................................................. Enid Horowitz
Norman Krasnov Fine Arts
In Memory of
Abraham J. Berg ............................................. Judith Hauser
Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities
In Memory of
Jack Ross.......................................................... Helene Ross
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship
In Memory of
Elaine Span ......................................................... Craig Span
Robert Lazovitz ................................ Linda & Howard Koffler
Elliott Herman.............. The Gross, Gordon & Kurtz Families
Prayer Book
In Honor of
Jack & Emily Cohn becoming B'nai Mitzvah .........................
......................................................... Joyce & Fred Kempner
In Memory of
Bernie Osser .............................................. Nancy Goldsmith
Rabbi’s Charity
In Honor of
Engagement of Mollie Pressman to Taylor Carpenter ..........
......................................................... Cindy & Adam Warkow
........................................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
.............................................................. Sara & Bob Wenger
Birth of Josie Maya Vogel ................................Gail Wolfberg
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg .....................................Gilda Gispan
........... The Abramson, Zimmerman & Pearlmutter Families
In Memory of
Irv Segal .................................................................................
Lindy Kay ......................Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
Ed Cohen .............................................. Ellen & Garry Spear
............................................................. Ferne & Mort Kleban
.............................................................................. Fran Pach
......................................................... Joyce & Fred Kempner
......................................................Linda & Steve Schechner
........................................................................ Lisa Chatburn
................................................ Lynne Jacobus & Al Gottlieb
................................... Marilyn Cohen & Warren Rosenberg
.................................................. Marla & Leonard Rosenthol
.........................................................Renata Fisher & Family
.............................................................Susan & Steve Teich
Jack Schuchman....................... Jerry & Yonina Schuchman
Adrienne Brown .................................................. Alan Brown
Dusia Paulan ........................................... Batame Hertzbach
Lillian Sugarman ...............................................Cheryl Baum
William Milner........................................ Edith & Israel Milner
Joseph Teitelbaum...........................................Ellen Brenner
Louis Raphaelson ..................................................................
Jonathan Raphaelson ..................................... Fern Camann
Max Cohen ......................................... Gilbert & Zena Cohen
Stanley L. Wendkos ..................................... Karen Wendkos
Michael Toland............................................Marilyn Adelman
Bella Isele.................................................Sheila Gendelman
Phyllis Coopersmith Roberts ....................... Sheila Richman
Bernice Getz .............................................The Gertel Family
In Honor of
Birth of Josie Maya Vogel ........................ Ilene & Stu Fredd
In Memory of
Shirley Whitman ...............................Joyce & Fred Kempner
Faith Rubin Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Eden Sloane Miller ......................Bob & Joan Parkin
Birth of Josie Maya Vogel ..................... Judy & Jerry Caplan
In Memory of
Anne Schildkret.............................................. Bonnie Shanis
Jerome Hartenbaum ............................... David Hartenbaum
Bernard Dall ........................................ Gail & Bob Rosenthal
Anna N. Carp .................................................... Joseph Carp
Ed Cohen ...............................................................................
Jonathan Gispan................................... Judy & Jerry Caplan
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Josie Maya Vogel ............. Barbara & John Rosenau
Engagement of Mollie Pressman to Taylor Carpenter ..........
........................................................Lauren & Jeff Gladstone
Birth of Josie Maya Vogel ..... Ruth & Steven Segal & Family
Frank Romanoski's 70th birthday .........Beth & Dan Heyman
Birth of Josie Maya Vogel .................... Linda & Jerry Schatz
In Memory of
Irv Segal ............................................. The Gladstone Family
Victor Plavner.........................................................................
Sidney Solomon....................................... Florence Solomon
Abe Sussman.................................................Mark Sussman
Hannah G. Sterner Memorial
In Memory of
Marvin Levin..................................................... Sherrie Levin
Temple Sinai General
In Honor of
Engagement of Mollie Pressman to Taylor Carpenter ..........
Birth of Josie Maya Vogel ..................Sally & Len Grossman
Engagement of Mollie Pressman to Taylor Carpenter ..........
............................................. Shelley & Alan Bilsky & Family
.................................................................. Janet & Eric Lynn
Janet & Steven Rosen's 50th anniversary ........Aileen Salus
Engagement of Gregory Brody to Jillian Kessler ..................
......................................................Bart & Batame Hertzbach
In Memory of ................................................... Donor
Franklin Glatter ............. Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
Bertha "Bunny" Stein .................... Barbara & John Rosenau
Irv Segal ............................................. Jill & Jeffrey Hampton
Ed Cohen .................................................... Arlene Smuckler
Irving Cohen...........................................................................
Jonathan Gispan................................................ Diane Sovel
Bernice Getz ................................. Jules & Mindy Shamberg
Ed Cohen ............................................. Lois & Jay Steinberg
Donald Fisher.................................................. Renata Fisher
Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship
In Honor of
Stu Weitz........................................................... Gilda Gispan
In Memory of
Rebecca Brown .....................................................................
Rickey Goldman ................................................. Alan Brown
Bruce Winokur Memorial
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Steve Rosen .........................................
Speedy recovery for Mike Michaels ................Joan Winokur
In Memory of
Edward Barol .....................................................Ellen Taupin
Ishaya Goldfarb ...............................................Joan Winokur
Samuel Shapiro .....................................................................
Judith Cramer .................................................. Marilyn Stock
Kodrat Mikail ................................................... Mike Michaels
In Memory of
Ann Ruth Vernick ............................... Sandy & Alex Murland
William Shore ....................................................... Alan Shore
Jack Klemow ................................................ Andrea Domsky
Sara First ...............................................................................
Allen Cohen ...........................................................................
Betty First ............................................................. David First
Judah Gispan .................................................... Gilda Gispan
In Memory of
Erwin Oliner.................................................. Harvey Krevolin
Manya Swartz ......................................... Jerome Lieberman
Jerome Ellick ..........................................................................
Gertrude Ellick.................................................... Joan Parkin
Lila Brody ...............................................................................
Herbert Brody .................................................. Joshua Brody
Bertha W. Berger ........................................... Joyce Brodsky
Edith Blumstein ...................... Marcy Lyons Gohen & Family
Max Meyerowitz .............................................Mary Ginsburg
Jack Sherman ............................................ Monna Schwartz
Norman Dissin....................................................... Reda First
Anne Parkin..................................................... Robert Parkin
Rose Cohen ...................................................... Shirley Levin
Harold Karon .............................................. Sondra Levinson
In your hectic life, how can you fit in another “to do”?
You may not even need it (God willing) for a long
time. Why not put off thinking about it for now?
Why not? Because no one knows when the need will arise.
When it does, many tasks must
be handled and decisions made in a limited amount of time.
Contacting loved ones
Selecting and purchasing a gravesite
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Handling the affairs of the deceased
Now is the time to lessen the burden placed on your family by
purchasing a gravesite for that
inevitable need. Having one less decision to research and make
during that difficult time is
one of the greates gifts you could give them, along with the peace
of mind of knowing that
everything has been arranged exactly the way you wanted.
Temple Sinai has available gravesites at nearby King David
Memorial Park in Bensalem, PA at reasonable costs for its
members and their families.
For more information, please call the
Temple Sinai office at 215.643.6510 or
email mainoffice@tsinai.com.
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Join us in our
“Shabbat dinner pyramid scheme!”
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas® encourages congregants to host others for Shabbat dinners and then, in
subsequent months, if they are able, the guests “pay it forward” and host other congregants. Specific dates
are designated, but you are welcome to host any Friday night that works for you!
We provide a challah and a brochure with a recipe and lots of information to make it easy on you. The brochure also has the three main brachot (blessings) for Shabbat – in English, Hebrew, and transliteration and
we also send them on audio file.
All you have to do is invite other congregants and make dinner – or make it pot luck! No stress; dinner can
be anything from pizza to your Bubbie’s roasted chicken.
It’s not about the food; it’s about strengthening our Temple Sinai family one Shabbat dinner at a time.
To sign up to host, click here.
Official dates are (but feel free to host ANY Friday night! Just let Debbie Albert know.):
March 13 • May 1
Questions? Call Debbie Albert at 215-643-0564 or reach out via email at guesswhoTsinai@gmail.com
World Wide Wrap
On Sunday, February 1st
Temple Sinai joined thousand of Jews
around the world to celebrate the
Mitzvah of Tefillin
Life Cycle Events
Lucas Max Lamberg, son of Rachel & Michael Lamberg, grandson of Cindy & Stu Lamberg
Josie Maya Vogel, daughter of Sara & Jeff Vogel, granddaughter of Mary & Nathan Relles
Isella Semonova Eventov daughter of Stephanie Singer Eventov & Simon Alexander Eventov, granddaughter of
Dottie & Rich Singer
HaMakom Menachem (May God Comfort)
Bernice Getz, mother of Nancy Getz (Andrew Meyer)
Ed Cohen, husband of Carol Cohen
Bertha “Bunny” Stein, mother of Joanne (Bruce) Shanzer, grandmother of Naomi & Rebecca Shanzer
Irv Segal, father of Tali Segal (David Glatter), grandfather of Aliza & Aaron Glatter
Sidney Kauffman, brother-in-law of Joan Winokur
Ruth Corson, grandmother of Shira (Cobi) Weissbach, great-grandmother of Rena and Ari Weissbach
Esther W. Cohen, longtime congregant
Engagements & Weddings
Engagement of Mollie Pressman, daughter of Stacy & Rob Pressman to Taylor Carpenter
Refuah Shelemah
Jerry Leventhal
Linda Barrer
Nancy Goldsmith
Marjorie Schwartz
Mike Michaels
Amy Goldman
Debbie Kaufman
B’nai Mitzvah
Billy Cohen Son
Robyn & Adam
Marshall Matez
Son of
Laurie & David
Jacob Steiner
Son of
Melissa & Bill
February 28
March 7
March 7
Billy is a seventh grade student at
Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy
and previously attended Perelman
Jewish Day School. He loves playing
on the middle school soccer and
basketball teams, and also playing
on the travel soccer team for Upper
Dublin. Billy enjoys hanging out with
his family and friends! He thinks
it’s especially fun to play piano,
basketball, baseball and golf with his
father and brothers, and to spend
Shabbat dinners and time at the
shore with my large family.
Billy loves going to Camp Ramah in
the Poconos during the summer, and
seeing his camp friends during the
year as well.
Since gan, he has enjoyed
volunteering at the Jewish Relief
Agency packing and delivering boxes
of food with his family and friends.
Billy also likes volunteering at
Dresher Estates, and recently started
volunteering at the Friendship Circle.
He is excited to share his barmitzvah with his parents, Robyn and
Adam brothers, Danny and Noah,
sister, Hannah, and his grandparents,
great-grandparents, many aunts,
uncles, cousins, friends and Temple
Sinai congregants.
Marshall is currently a 7th grader at the
Robert Saligman Middle School at Jack
Barrack Hebrew Academy. Marshall
began his Jewish education at The
Ann Newman Preschool at Temple
Sinai and continued his learning at
the Perelman Jewish Day School. He
has a strong sense of Jewish values
and traditions which were instilled
in him through interactions with his
many teachers, peers and of course
his family.
Marshall enjoys many activities
including boy scouts, piano, and video
games. In his free time, he enjoys
reading and being with his cousins.
Marshall has volunteered at the
Jewish Relief Agency (JRA) for many
years. This program helps many in our
community who are in need of food
to make ends meet and provide for
their families. For his Bar Mitzvah
project, in addition to JRA, Marshall is
making cuddle pillows and collecting
necessities (for the families of children
who are sick) which will be donated to
the Ronald McDonald house to help
sick children feel more comfortable.
Jacob is in 6th grade at Bridge Valley
Elementary School. He began his
Jewish education at Temple Sinai at
the age of 5.
Jacob worked especially hard to
reach this day. He has autism, which
presents significant challenges to
learning, expressing himself, and
conducting social interactions. He is
largely nonverbal, so simply speaking
in English is not an easy task; this made
the challenge of learning Hebrew even
greater. However, he loves to learn
and work, is highly visual and has a
great love of music. His achievements
would not have been possible without
the support of his family, therapists
and the dedication and support
provided by Temple Sinai.
Jacob spends his free time riding his
bike, doing puzzles, playing on his
iPad, creating artwork, and listening
to music. For his mitzvah project,
Jacob and his family wanted to give
back to the autism community by
participating in bike races to benefit
the AJ Foundation in Wycombe,
and Autism Cares Foundation in
Marshall is grateful to share his special Southampton. He raised over $1,100
day with his parents, Laurie and David for these organizations!
and his siblings, Zachary and Liana.
Jacob thanks his Mom and Dad, his
He is blessed to have his grandparents
brother Aaron, his sister Marley,
Carole, Marian, and Jerry as well as
Margie Boxbaum, Cantor Freedman,
many aunts, uncles and cousins to
and all the other members of his
share in his special day.
education staff who have made
it possible for him to reach this
milestone in his life.
B’nai Mitzvah
Benjamin Bernstein
Charlotte Kassar
Daughter of
Bethany & Ami
Bailey Rifkin
Daughter of
Nicole & Andrew
Howard Bernstein
March 14
March 21
March 28
Charlotte Kassar is a 7th Grade
student at Barrack Hebrew Academy.
Previously she attended the Ann
Newman Pre-School at Temple Sinai
and Perlman Jewish Day School.
In her spare time Charlotte is an avid
swimmer for the Upper Dublin Swim
For Charlotte’s Bat-Mitzvah project
she did extensive work with the
Alzheimer and Dementia unit at
Dresher Estates.
She was a proud recipient of the
Young Adult Heroes Award for her
Charlotte is very excited to celebrate
her bat mitzvah with her Mom and
Dad, her brother Sam and all of her
friends and family!
Bailey is a 7th grade student at Sandy
Run Middle School. She is a 4th
generation Temple Sinai member and
has been going to school here since
the age of 2. She is also a part of
Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing and
performs in the Temple Sinai theatre
productions with her dad.
Bailey enjoys singing, acting, and
performing in theatre. She has been
doing so since 4th grade, and will
be returning for her second summer
to French Woods, a performing arts
camp. She also enjoys spending time
with her friends and family.
Son of
& Freda Pepper
Ben is currently a 7th grader at the
Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy.
Ben has attended Jewish Day School
since Gan, starting at the Perelman
Jewish Day School. Of course, he
began his Jewish education at the
Ann Newman Preschool.
Sports are Ben’s passion. Soccer and
basketball are his main focus. Ben
also enjoys spending time with his
friends, playing and watching sports,
or playing video games. Ben has
happily spent the last four summers
at Pine Forest Camp, a place he’s
made many close friends.
Tzedaka is a major part of Ben’s life.
He delivers for the Jewish Relief
Agency monthly and often attends
Kabbalat Shabbat services led by
Flossie Albert at Dresher Estates. Ben
also volunteers for the Friendship
Circle, an organization that matches
teenagers with children with special
needs. In connection with his bar
mitzvah, he’s helped recruit at least
seven kids to join him in participating
Bailey is overjoyed to be celebrating in the Friendship Circle’s MVP
her Simcha with her parents Nikki program.
and Andrew, her brother Jacob, her
grandparents, friends, and much Ben is looking forward to celebrating
more of her family on this special day. his becoming a bar mitzvah with
his parents, Freda and Howard,
his brothers Jesse and Aaron, his
grandmothers, Janet Rudofker mad
Florrie Bernstein, along with his
many aunts, uncles and cousins.
For her Mitzvah Project, Bailey wanted
to support a disease that is important
to her family, Multiple Sclerosis. She
went to Ocean City, New Jersey and
volunteered at the MS bike ride by
passing out medals to the finishing
riders. She also raised over 500
dollars for the National MS Society. In
addition, Bailey will participate in her
12th Walk for MS in April.
An easy way YOU can help
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Temple Sinai Sisterhood Gift Shop
1401 N. Limekiln Pike / Dresher, PA 19025
All sales support Temple Sinai
Sunday: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Monday thru Friday: 10:30am - 1:30pm
Tuesdays: 4pm-6pm
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Ask strangers if you can be of help to them
Be careful of people “piggy backing” to enter the building
Do not lend your key fob to others
Let the office know if you have lost your key fob
Be aware of people or cars loitering in the parking lot
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1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
8:45am Junior Choir
9:30am Religious School
12:00pm Yad Squad
1:30pm Bux-Mont
Passover Festival at BT-BJ
8:45am Junior Choir
9:30am Religious School
11:30am OLIVER!
1:45pm Boy Scouts
4:00pm OLIVER!
31 No RS School
29 No RS School
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Gratz
8pm Adult Choir
8:45am Junior Choir
1:30pm Creative Crafting
9:30am Religious School
with Faith Rubin
10:00am Hazak: Power of
12:00pm Yad Squad
3:30pm Boy Scouts Honor
1:30pm Creative Crafting
10:30am Adult Ed: Book Club with Faith Rubin
7:00pm Sisterhood Spring
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
7:30pm OLIVER! Opening
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
5:45pm Family Purim
7pm Family Magillah
8:15pm Traditional
Magillah Reading
4 Erev Purim
~ March 2015 ~
12:00pm Blood Drive
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
4:30pm Religious School
6:00pm Confirmation Class 8:00pm Board Meeting
6:45pm Gratz
8pm Adult Choir
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Gratz
8pm Adult Choir
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Gratz
8pm Adult Choir
8:45am Junior Choir
1:30pm Creative Crafting
9:30am Religious School
with Faith Rubin
Purim Carnival
11am Preschool
11:45am Religious School
12:00pm Yad Squad
March 2015
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
7:00am Cook for a Friend
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
7:30pm OLIVER!
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
5 Purim
Candle Lighting 7:02pm
6pm Minyan Sameach
Candle Lighting 6:55pm
6pm Minyan Sameach
6pm Preschool Shabbat
Candle Lighting 6:47pm
to Shabbas
6pm Minyan Sameach
9:30am Shabbat Services
with Adult Choir
10:00am Knesset
8:00pm OLIVER!
Benjamin Bernstein
9:30am Shabbat Services
10:30am Jr. Congregation
28 Bar Mitzvah of
9:30am Shabbat Services
with Adult Choir and Kitah
Gimel Aliyah
11:00am Tot Shabbat
12:00pm Sisterhood Rosh
21 Bat Mitzvah of Bailey
13 Guess Who’s Coming 14 Bat Mitzvah of Charlotte
Candle Lighting 5:40pm
7 Bar Mitzvah of Marshall
6pm Minyan Sameach with Matez
Bar Mitzvah of Jacob
Junior Choir
9:30am Shabbat Services
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
6 Shushan Purim
Sundays ………..8:45am
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
7:30pm Sisterhood Board
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
8:45am Junior Choir
9:30am Religious School
10:00am Hazak Brunch
12:00pm Makor Kadima
12:00pm Yad Squad
1:30pm Girl Scouts
1:45pm Boy Scouts
9:30am Religious School
10:00am Yom Hashoah
1:45 Boy Scouts
9:30am Religious School
10:30am Adult Ed Book
12:00pm Makor/Kadima
12:00pm Yad Squad
1:30pm Girl Scouts
1:45pm Boy Scouts
Preschool Closed
7:00am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
6 Pesach III
Pesach II No RS
9:30am Shacharit
7:30pm Mincha Ma’ariv
◄ Mar 2015
April 2015
23 Yom HaAtzma’ut
22 Yom Hazikaron
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Gratz
8:00pm Adult Choir
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
7:30pm Yom HaAtzma’ut
7:00am Cook for a Friend
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
16 Yom HaShoah
Preschool Closed
7:00am Morning Minyan
6:30pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
9 Pesach VI
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
8:00pm Board Meeting
Preschool Closed
7:00am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
7:00pm Executive
Committee Mtg.
8 Pesach V
4:30pm Religious School
9:30am Adult Ed with
6:00pm Confirmation Class Rabbi Wohlberg
6:45pm Gratz
8:00pm Adult Choir
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Gratz
8:00pm Adult Choir
Preschool / RS Closed
7:00am Morning Minyan
7:30pm Minyan
7 Pesach IV
~ April 2015 ~
Candle Lighting 7:30pm
6:00pm Minyan Sameach
6:00pm Mechina Dinner,
Service and Dessert
Candle Lighting 7:23pm
6:00pm Minyan Sameach
with Junior Choir
6:30pm Preschool Shabbat
Candle Lighting 7:16pm
Preschool / Offices Closed
9:30am Shacharit Service
6:00pm Mincha Ma’ariv
10 Pesach VII
Candle Lighting 7:09pm
May 2015 ►
9:30am Shabbat Services
10:00am Knesset
25 Bat Mitzvah of Lanie
9:30am Shabbat Services
with Adult Choir
10:30am Jr. Congregation
11:00am Tot Shabbat
12:00pm Sisterhood Rosh
18 Bar Mitzvah of Sam
9:30am Services with Adult
Choir / Yizkor
7:45pm Mincha Ma’ariv
11 Pesach VIII
9:30am Shabbat Services
12:15pm Mincha
4 Pesach I
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
7:00am Morning Minyan
Siyum for First-born Sons
5:30pm Mincha Ma’ariv
3 Erev Pesach
Sundays ………..8:45am
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025
E-mail: mainoffice@tsinai.com
Main Office: 215.643.6510 / Fax: 215.643.9441
Jodie Levinson / Executive Directors Assistant
Suzanne Teleha / Rabbi’s Assistant
Marcy Lyons Gohen / Accounting
Ellen McGrother / Accounting
Religious School
Ann Newman Preschool
Gift Shop
Be sure to follow us on
Pinterest for great holiday
recipes and ideas!
Professional Staff
Founding Rabbi
Cantor Emeritus
Executive Director
Director of Education
Early Childhood
Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
B’nai Mitzvah
Director of
Family Engagement
USY Advisor
Adam Wohlberg
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
Stephen Freedman
Nathan Chaitovsky
Edwin Altman
Shira Weissbach
Tracey Perchick
Faith Rubin
Marjorie Schwartz
x 107
Temple Sinai Officers
Jeffrey Hampton
Executive Vice President
Jeffrey Gordon
Vice President/Education
Robert Milrod
Vice President/Fundraising
Larry Florin
Vice President/Membership
Janet Lynn
Robert Moskovitz
Erica Rubenstein
TreasurerDavid Weiss
Gary Klazmer
Immediate Past President
William Kramer
Stacy Pressman
David Kepniss
Steven Rosen
Shelly Shotel
Cari Cantor
Sisterhood President
Men’s Club President
Hazak President
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You may log in to Chaverweb via our
website at www.tsinai.com.
On the top right corner, click the yellow link
that says Members Login
If you forgot your password, simply click
the link under the login to reset it. You will
receive a temporary password via email.
Copy and paste that when you go to log
back in. After that you can change the
password to something easier for you to
remember. All Passwords must contain at
least 7 characters and one must include
the Shift Key (ie: !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*).
If you have ANY questions, please don’t
hesitate to call the main office.