Quad-Lum News/June 2014
Quad-Lum News/June 2014
June 2014 • Volume 27, Issue 1 Quad-Lum s w e N Inside This Issue: Advancement Efforts . . . . . . . 2 & 3 Living the Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Graduation News . . . . . . . . . . 6 & 7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fine Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . 10 & 11 Message from the Advancement Office . . . . . . . . . . 12 Newsletter dedicated to the ADVANCEMENT of Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School Jerome & Bernice Roth Bequest Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School was recently notified that the Jerome & Bernice (Koenig) Roth Estate included a bequest of $ 25,000 to Pope John. In addition, gifts of $ 25,000 were made to St. Boniface Church and $ 25,000 to St. Boniface Elementary School. Jerome and Bernice were married on September 1, 1955 and were members of the St. Boniface parish throughout their married life. They are the parents of 4 daughters Kathy (McPhillips), Jan (Starman), Lori (Beckman) and Mary (Hankla). Jerome and Bernice’s ties to the Catholic faith were deep and they were strong supporters of Catholic education. Their daughters all attended St. Boniface Elementary School and graduated from Pope John High School. Jan & Rick Starman and Lori & Gary Beckman’s children also attended St. Boniface and Pope John. Jan has been a teacher at St. Boniface Elementary School for 17 years. The Roth gift was announced at the 28th Annual Pope John Development Banquet, held at Werner Hall in Petersburg. The gift checks were presented to Principal Betty Getzfred and President Father Ross Burkhalter by three of the Roth daughters: Kathy, Jan and Lori. Please pray for the souls of these generous patrons! Patron of School Becomes Saint Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. Saint John XXIII — Canonized on April 27, 2014 Upcoming Events Petersburg St. John’s Alumni Banquet June 14 St. Boniface Alumni Banquet June 21 Elgin Q125 - June 20-22 PJ Alumni Softball/Banquet July 26-27 First Day of School - August 15 Did you know...... . . .bowling was offered for PE in 1968 . . . over 1,000 attended the 1977 CCPJ Breakfast . . . 1983 Spring Musical was “Rock and Roll” 2 Advancement Efforts Evening With Friends CCPJ “Evening with Friends” celebrated fifteen years with 240 of their closest friends on January 26th at the KC Hall in Elgin. The annual gala was another great success! Those in attendance were Charmed” with the theme, which featured rustic but elegant décor. Every detail was perfect, right down to the last turquoise napkin! Guests were wined and dined with an appetizer bar and sit down dinner prepared by Mrs. Jodine Meis. PJ students assisted with valet parking and coat check. (L to r): Decorating Chairs; Mike & Connie Dvorak, Dave & Tracy Hoefer and general chairs; Dave & Sharon Gossman, Tom & Bonnie Hoefer pose in front of the barn painted by Lori Pelster. Masters of Ceremonies were regulars Gary Hoefer and Dave Amick from US92. Ted Baum facilitated a lively “live” auction that included a juke box, Air Boat’nTrip, Brunch for a Bunch, Hockey Package, Steak Cookout, etc. Other entertainment included games, raffles and a silent auction. Principal Betty Getzfred garnered $2,900 in special donations for a new PJ spotlight. Total proceeds for the event were $71,000 which will go to operating expenses at Pope John! Other committee members are: Dave & Gwen Beckman, Jim & Bev Funk, Jeff & Kelli Gossman, Jerry & Jan Heithoff, Brian & Sue Henn, Paul & Brenda Kuhlman, Ben & Anna Meis, Dennis & Lynell Morgan, Ed & Anne Parks, Jake & Kari Schindler, John & Patty Thiele, and Kyle & Deb Warren. Development Dinner The 28th annual Pope John Development Banquet was delayed by a flash snow storm on Palm Sunday. But a full house showed up the following night, Monday, April 14th to support Pope John and Catholic education! One high point of the evening was the announcement of the Roncalli Award, named for Pope John XXIII (who was born Angelo Giuseppi Roncalli). It is presented each year to an individual or family that has made a significant contribution to the long term advancement of Pope John. The 2014 Roncalli Award was presented to Dr. Dwaine & Carmen Peetz by Mrs. Nancy Shavlik. Electricity filled the air when C.L. & Rachel Werner offered to match the proceeds of the evening in tribute to their friends Dr. & Carmen Peetz. The total for the evening came in at $99,260. In addition, the Werners gave a total gift of $175,000! Roncalli recipients Dr. Dwaine & Mrs. Carmen Peetz are surrounded by their special guests (l to r): Susie & Del Ames, Dr. Dwaine J. Peetz Jr., Frosty & Melanie Peetz and C.L. & Rachel Werner. The other highlight of the evening was the announcement of a bequest from the Jerome and Bernice Roth Family. Three gifts of $25,000 each were presented by the Roth daughters (Kathy, Jan and Lori) to Pope John, St. Boniface Church and St. Boniface Elementary School. Master of Ceremonies was Duane Childers and John Temme facilitated the live auction. Other fun included raffles for a tool box or gun, iPad, jewelry and groceries. $9,100 was raised as a match for the Distance Learning upgrade grant. The Development Committee co-chairs are Duane & Chelle Childers. Other committee members are: Sandi Henn, Sally Meis, Ralph & Deb Pelster, Nick & Beth Ramold, Al & Lisa Schrage, Jerry & Tami Schrage, Gene Heithoff, Mike & Kristin Zegers and Kyle & Deb Warren. Proceeds from the Development Dinner go to the Endowment, general operating expenses and other investments. Advancement Efforts Grain for the Brain Remember your local Catholic churches and schools with gifts of grain. “Grain for the Brain” donations can result in savings for you at tax time too! The transaction must take place at the buyer’s facility. The grain will be sold and the check made out to Pope John or St. Boniface School at the time of sale. Transaction forms are available at most local buyer facilities, the PJ office or St. Boniface Church. Think how just 1 bushel per acre can feed these young brains and perpetuate the Catholic faith! Gifts can be undesignated or designated for CCPJ Annual Fund, Development, the Endowment, general operating, etc. 2013/2014 Annual Fund Update Blue Legacy Members Msgr. James Cain✞ Pearle Fritz✞ Vincent Thiele Gary Schmidt Kyle & Deb Warren 2 Anonymous Delbert Salber✞ Brian & Kathy Dinslage Herman Ridder✞ GOAL $60,000 Margaret Schrage✞ Jerome & Bernice Roth✞ Bill & Ginni Fangman John Reuss Still Need $9,009.27 Currently Lawrence Goscha✞ Jim & Betty Getzfred Thank you for including Pope John in your will or estate plan. May God bless you for your generosity and commitment to Catholic education! Gifts & Donations $50,990.73 The annual fund runs from November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2014. There is still time to help make our goal! Please send donations to: Pope John, PO Box 179, Elgin NE 68636 Development Donations Anonymous donation - $1,285 Endowment Donations Sally Meis - $1,000 Robert Thiele Memorial - $ 1,000 (for 2014 Development Dinner) Don’t forget Scrip (Gift Cards)! Save gas and do your gift shopping at Pope John! Gift cards are available in various denominations for dozens of stores like: Subway, Pizza Hut, Shopko, Wal-Mart, Applebee’s, I-Tunes, Target, Cabela’s and many MANY more! This can save you time and money – plus PJ receives a small percentage for each card! They are great for birthdays, holidays and no occasion days! Call 402-843-5325 to order or pick up a gift card. Have YOU made provisions for Pope John in your will or estate plan? You don’t need to redo your entire will to include Pope John - just have your attorney prepare a codicil. Please let us know if we may include your name with the other Blue Legacy Members who have made this special commitment to Catholic education. Donation from the 2013 Development Dinner - $10,000 Bernice Roth Estate - $5,000 Endowment Memorials Mildred Simmons - $50 Jim Kerkman - $35 Lucille Benda - $1,025 Margaret A. Kluthe - $50 Cletus Thramer - $15 Sharon Steskal - $20 General Gifts Anonymous donation - $1,285 Thank you for Sharing God’s Gifts! 3 4 Living the Faith Servers Recognized These St. Boniface parish servers were recognized by the Norfolk Serra Club on Saturday April 12, 2014. Shown with Father Ross Burkhalter are (l to r): Marie Meis, Logan Henn, Paige Meis, Sydney Kerkman, Grace Henn and Nicki Payne. We thank them for their service to the Church and school! March for Life Twenty PJ Students made their way to Washington, DC for the March for Life. The students gathered with an estimated 650,000 other pro life individuals at the National Mall. They marched in protest of the passing of Roe v. Wade in 1973 which legalized abortion in the United States. The March continued down Constitution Avenue and ended at the Supreme Court. Our ”modern day pilgrims” were (l to r:, front row): Peter Starman, Kayla Nelson, Morgan Childers, Casey Pelster. Middle row: Corin Pelster, Taylor Schumacher, Karissa Dicke, Maria Bartak, Mallory Fangman, Allison Beckman. Back row: Regan Kerkman, Zach Eischeid, Jon Meis, Brienne Gossman, Baylie Schiltmeyer, Scott Moser, Lexie Heithoff, Terri Seier, Brandi Baker. Alex Pelster also attended the March but was unavailable for the photo. Birthright Shower The Junior Right-to-Life students at Pope John sponsored their annual baby shower in January. All of the items collected went to Birthright in Norfolk. Birthright provides caring, non-judgmental support to girls and women who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Co-presidents Allison Beckman and Brienne Gossman are shown with the 115 items and $ 50 collected during the shower! Community Service NHS The National Honor Society did their community service project on a blustery spring day before Easter. Some of the members; Casey Pelster, Corin Pelster, Allison Beckman and Regan Kerkman are shown cleaning up the landscaping around St. Boniface Church with the help of Mrs. Connie Dvorak. Academics 2014 Speech Home Show The Pope John Speech Home Show was held on St. Patrick’s Day March 17th. The students put on an evening of excellent entertainment. Their performances were the result of much practice and hard work. The 2014 Speech Team is shown during a light moment before The Home Show: (back row, l-r): Brienne Gossman, Zach Eischeid, Lexie Heithoff, Coach Mrs. Peggy Payne, Brody Hupp, Whitney Walker, Jon Meis, (front row, l-r): Casey Pelster, Shantel Preister, Emily Seier, Morgan Childers, Karissa Dicke, Maria Bartak, Erin Beckman and Terri Seier. State Speech Qualifiers Competing at the State Speech Contest in Kearney on March 28th were Casey Pelster (Poetry), Zach Eischeid and Brienne Gossman (Duet Acting) Scholastic Day Competition Twenty eight Pope John students participated in the Northeast Nebraska Community College annual Scholastic Day on Monday, April 7th. Jon Meis placed 1st in Welding/Gmaw and Logan Henn placed 1st in Algebra. Others placing and their events were: Seth Schumacher (Algebra II - 4th), Maria Bartak (Art History - 4th), Jacob Ramold (Calculus - 4th), Mike Benett (Computer Lit - 5th), Jordan Mescher (General Science - 5th), Karissa Dicke (Music - 5th) and Lexie Heithoff (Public Speaking - 5th). Math Champ MATHCOUNTS is a competition among teams of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students from northeastern Nebraska schools. The Pope John “mathletes” were Logan Henn, Sydney Kerkman, Calli Krebs, Marie Meis and Paige Meis. They competed in the Northeastern Chapter contest of the national MATHCOUNTS program on February 1, 2014 at Central Community College – Platte Campus. The top two schools from the written competition that went on to the state competition in Lincoln on March 22 were North Bend Central Jr/Sr High School (1st) and Boone Central Middle School (2nd). The PJ team finished 3rd in the written competition. Sydney finished in 12th place. Logan placed 1st in the individual competition in Columbus and went on to represent the Northeastern Chapter at the state competition on March 22! The competition was fierce with 13 teams and 22 individuals participating! Lux Middle School led the competition with 5 of their 6 teammates finishing in the top 10! The four highest scorers went on to the National Competition. The PJ Mathletes are coached by Sister Pat Hoffman. 5 6 Graduation Brandi Baker Amy Burbach (’86) Mike Bennett Mike Bennett (’82) Allison Beckman John Beckman (’85) Tracy Borer (’87) Jake Eischeid Paul Eischeid (’72) Brandon Funk Ron Funk (’85) Mallory Fangman Bill Fangman (’85) Ginni Pelster (’88) Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School Continuing the Tradition... The Graduating Class of 2014 Alex Pelster Bill Pelster (’79) Linette Benda (‘82) Taylor Knievel Corin Pelster Janice Beckman (’81) Bob Pelster (’77) Casey Pelster Connie Mescher (’84) Chuck Pelster(’81) Jacob Ramold Blake Schrage Lisa Dinslage (’82) Al Schrage (’79) Peter Starman John Starman (’80) Graduate Highlights Night at the Prom Carnival The Class of 2014...by the numbers: ….92% will go on to attend college or the military ….All have taken college level classes and earned college credit ….Average ACT score was 22.25, the highest score was 26 ….69.2% of graduates received scholarship money; class total is $ 250,701 to date Senior Farewell Mass ….% have at least 1 parent who is a PJ alumnus ….5 are from St. Boniface Parish-Elgin, 4 from St. Bonaventure-Raeville, 2 from St. Francis-Neligh, 1 from St. John the Baptist– Petersburg, 1 from Rural St. John the Baptist-Clearwater It was a “Wicked” Senior Sneak! “Hat’s Off” to the Class of 2014 7 8 Sports The Wolfpack Way... Boy’s Basketball Girl’s Basketball Golf Team Wrestling Team Wolfpack team members qualifying for the State Golf Tournament were (l to r): Regan Kerkman, Chad Bode, Jack Borer, Kyle Heithoff, Miles Schrage and their coach Mr. Jake Sladky. The State Tournament was held May 28 & 29 at Mahoney in Lincoln. Wolfpack qualifiers for the State Wrestling Competition on February 20-25th were Andrew Fangman and Brett Kinney (unavailable for photo). Andrew wrestled in the 145 bracket. Track Members of the 2014 Wolfpack Track Team qualifying for the State Track Meet on May 23 & 24 were: (l to r): Blake Schrage (110 hurdles) Jill Schindler (200 meter run), Jenna Parks (1600 meter run), Taylor Schumacher (400 & 800 meter runs), Madi Voborny (100 meter run) and Ryan Pelster (1600 meter run). Fine Arts “Once Upon a Mattress” The annual Spring Musical added another piece of history to the PJ annals. “Once Upon a Mattress” was the 47th school musical. This selection is a variation of “the Princess and the Pea” and was also performed on the PJ stage in1989 and 1974. Under the direction of Mrs. Rachel Becker, a cast and crew of 42 students performed for eager crowds on April 4th & 5th. The sets and costumes were exceptional and immediately swept the audience into the world of “once upon a time”. Lead roles were played by Casey Pelster (Princess), Zach Eischeid (Prince), Brienne Gossman (Queen), Jon Meis (King), Karissa Dicke (Minstrel), Scott Moser (Wizard), Nicole Beckman (Jester), Allison Beckman (Lady Larken), and Sir Harry (Brody Hupp). Congratulations to all for another fine Spring Musical! Spring Music Concert “Music is so important in our schools; it builds confidence and skills, encourages teamwork, challenges the mind, brings people together and opens doors for amazing experiences beyond high school.” Mrs. Rachel (Moser PJ ’04) Becker Pope John is now on Facebook! Keep up-to-date on the latest PJ happenings. Go to www.pjcc.esu8.org and “like us” 9 10 Alumni News Congrats! THE ALUMNI WEEKEND SCHEDULE Congratulations to Timothy Wiese - who graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BS in Math Education and Minor in History. He is the son of Melissa (Knust PJ’85) and Steve Wiese. Saturday, July 26 Congratulations to Greg Tharnish for winning the Norfolk Daily New’s essay contest “272” The Power of Words”. He divided his $500 prize among the 4 Churches in Elgin. His entry is listed below: 8:00 a.m. –1st round Softball Games – Petersburg Park 5:30 p.m. –Alumni Mass at St. Boniface Church 6:30 p.m. – Open House at PJCC 6:30 p.m. – Social at KC Hall 6:45 p.m. –Class photos 8:00 p.m. –Alumni Banquet at KC Hall 9:00 p.m. –More Social Time (Open to all alumni come join us after the banquet!) Sunday , July 27 10:00 a.m. - Softball resumes in Petersburg Bring your family, lawn chairs and sun screen! Tickets for the banquet are available at Dean’s Market, Rae Valley Grocery or PJ or by sending self addressed envelope to PJ Deadline is July 15 Softball Teams contact: Billy Pelster (843-8407) and Derek Scholl (843-8830) Don’t Forget... Elgin’s Q125 Celebration June 20, 21 & 22! Go to www.elginreview.com for a full schedule of events! Before the four winds blew and the seven wonders of the natural world were still just an idea, Our Father lived. His Son gave us the words of praise to Him, beginning with those two words that speak volumes: “Our Father.” When recited, we should know that, first of all, “our” indicates that we are one human family. There is no distinction between race, religion, sex, or nationality. “Father” insists that we are His children. We may be a ninety-year old, but when we say “Our Father” we are speaking as children in His eyes. Let’s not forget, less we go astray, the greatness of what our Father has given us. Let’s not forget to share these great gifts with those brothers and sisters of ours that God loves as much as us; brothers and sisters who’ve suffered from war, disease, and natural disasters; brothers and sisters who may have never heard of Our Father except through our words and, more importantly, our deeds. As we grow older, our days may seem long while our years may seem short. May we live not marking the years, but marking each day as a gift. Not just when times are good or bad, but every day when we wake, let us praise and glorify Our Father who’s given us the greatest of gifts: our freedom of will. Our freedom to worship or not worship. Our freedom to create or destroy. Our freedom to love or live in fear. It is an awesome responsibility, this freedom, but one we must embrace. It is one we must choose. And finally, one we must share. Alumni Babies Robert (PJ’00) & Codie Seier – a daughter, Linley Sage born on 1-16-14 Chris (PJ’07) & Kendra Warren – a daughter, Gracelyn Ann born on 12-13-13 Tyson (PJ’01) & Pam Dinslage – a son, Drake Richard born on 2-20-14 Tom & Julie (Beckman PJ’05) Krause – twin daughters, Bethany Jean & Grace Naomi born on 3-10-14 Kyle (PJ’05) Dinslage and Savannah Haskell – a daughter, Stella Margaret born 1119-14 Kyle (PJ’08’) & Cassie (Mitchell PJ’07) Childers - a daughter, Brecken Marie born on 2-28-14 Adam (PJ ‘05) & Tricia Spieker - a son, Leo John, born on 3-4-14 Abbey (Schindler PJ’01 ) & Donte Ramsey - a daughter, Savannnah Jayne-Marie born 4-6-14 Matt (PJ’02) and Traci Beckman – a son, Brayden Matthew born 5-19-14 Keith (PJ’04) & Audra Borer – a daughter, Emery Joyce born on 5-23-14 Alumni Weddings Nathan (PJ ’09) Dierks and Chelsey Chech on 7-20-13 Jordan (PJ’09) Engle & Jenna Schrant on 8-13-13 Melissa (PJ’ 07) Schindler & Tyler Legate on 5-24-14 Alumni News From the Mailbox: : Dear Fr. Ross & Betty NS! y CONGRATULATIO sa so , te no tle lit a st n’t This is ju canonized this year. Is be ill w hn Jo pe Po ating 1. Because good school (s) will be celebr ur yo re su am I ?! ul cause that wonderf thusiasm. And 2.) Be en d an y jo us do en em with tr r, simply fantastic! I te et sl w ne ul rf de on w larly! you have such a sending it to me regu r fo u yo k an th to t an St. John certainly w ss. I graduated from ne nd ki ur yo te ia ec to the pr I do ap e (1951!), as I belong ill ev Ra in ol ho Sc h ig that time. Berchmans H y Benedictine Sisters, ar on si is M e th of ew s” te “Candida ed of the buildings I kn ov m re en be s ha ng hi Since then, everyt so well. , istrator) in Tanzania in m ad l ita sp ho d an but I am (was a teacher ars I get home leave, ye 5 4y er Ev . 60 19 e Norfolk East Africa, sinc ille, or Elgin, though ev Ra to t ge to le ab I seldom am those occasions that I of e on on as w It . ay sletter is not s-o-o-o- far aw rmer editor of our new fo e th ith w s nd ie fr e met and becam (Donna Gregor). ld be Pope John XXIII wou at th d ar he I n he w ic High Well, immediately ere at Central Cathol th l al u yo of t gh ou th S on such a canonized, I CONGRATULATION n ai ag y sa e m t le , day! So School. ess each of you every Bl od G . ke sa em na prominently holy im, Sincerely yours, in H ers, onary Benedictine Sist Sr. Andrea Polt, Missi POB 202, Mtwara Hi Betty say p a quick note to ro d to t n a w st I ju the and interesting l a n io ss fe ro p how py . Its full color co is s ew n m u -L d Qua ad it….reminisce re to t n a w e m s make tI and families tha s d ki e os th t u bo a and ciate the school know and appre ad a s privileged to le parish that I wa ..God Bless…. “few” years ago… Fr. Owen Korte GOT NEWS? Email us at pjadvancement@esu8.org In Memory Laverna Jochum (SB’45): 10-17-13 Claudia R. Schuster (SB ’60): 12-24-13 May They Rest In Peace 11 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Quad-Lum News Permit No. 1 Non-Profit ELGIN, NE 68636 Newsletter dedicated to the ADVANCEMENT of Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School PO Box 179 Elgin, NE 68636-0179 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: 402-843-5325 Email: pjadvancement@esu8.org See our new look at: www.pjcc.esu8.org e h t f o e Hom ! s r e d a s u r C Message from the Advancement Office Are Catholic Schools still important in today’s world? • Catholic education is integral to the mission of the Church to proclaim the Good News. • Catholic Schools are the most effective way to perpetuate the faith and encourage vocations • Catholic Schools have a proven track record for outstanding academic achievement. • Catholic schools are one of the last institutions where we are free to teach morals and values to our children. These are just a few reasons why Catholic schools are still relevant in our world! How do we ensure that future generations will enjoy the same Catholic values-based education? One way is through Planned Giving. By leaving an Estate gift we: • Show gratitude for the blessings we have received. • Support the things we believed in during our lives even after our lives have ended. • Keep Catholic education available for the young families of our area. Remember our schools and Churches in your will, life insurance or estate plan. Your gift can be a specific amount or a percentage (which is the most common form of gifting) or as an additional “child” (i.e. 4 kids plus the school). Or you may include them as a beneficiary on a life insurance plan. No money is required from you now – merely the promise of a gift at the end of your life, per the details of your will. If your circumstances change, you may always revisit the decision any time by changing your will and notifying the school. Please help us make the goal of 50 Blue Legacy members by the 2017/2018 school year, when Pope John celebrates its 50th anniversary! Join the other Blue Legacy Members (listed on page 3) who have made this commitment to Pope John and Catholic education! Call Kyle or Deb Warren at 843-5325 for more information.
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