Registration guidelines. - Copernicus Space Component Data Access


Registration guidelines. - Copernicus Space Component Data Access
This document provides step by step guidelines to the use of the Coordinated Data
Access System (CDS) for
User Registration and Personal Area management,
SSO Login and Terms & Conditions signature
For further information, contact the Copernicus Services Coordinated Interface (SCI) Team at
Last updated on 6th November 2015
Eligible users can register to
the Coordinated Data Access
System by connecting to the
Copernicus User's Personal
You will be redirected to the Single Sign On
registration page to provide your basic profile
information (see SSO FAQs). Once you click on
the “Registration” button you will be
requested to complete your profile in the
Copernicus Data Service Portal
In order to complete the
registration request, you will
need to provide the following
- First and Last names
- Email and username will be
already available from the
previous page
- Country and contact details
- Company/Institution (1) –
User category (2)
- When applicable: CSP name
and user role (3)
1. Company/Institution: search/browse through available
companies or type your company/institution
2. User category: the available categories are explained here,
select the relevant one
3. CSP and role: in case of Copernicus Service Projects or Union Research Projects (space
and non-space) search/select the CSP and select your role within the CSP
(Coordinator/User). Should the CSP not be in the list, select the “Not in the list” entry.
Click on the green “+” to add each applicable CSP/Role combination
Once all fields have been completed correctly,
click on the submit button. This will result in a
confirmation message
During the registration process you will receive the following emails:
1. Registration confirmation from SSO system, requesting validation of your email
2. Registration confirmation from Copernicus User’s Personal Area (no action for you)
3. Registration acceptance and validation email from Copernicus User’s Personal Area,
informing you that your SSO account can be used to login into the CDS system
Single Sign On Login
You can login into the CSCDA service from the CSCDA Portal as well as the Copernicus
User’s Personal Area
You will be redirected to the SSO
login page where you can insert
your personal credentials
Terms and Conditions signature
If you haven’t signed the ESAUser license for the use of
Copernicus Contributing Missions
data - Data Warehouse phase 2
(2014-2020) you will be
requested to do so before being
able to subscribe to datasets or
place standard or emergency
data requests. To sign the license,
click on the relevant link
You should read the license before accepting it
In case signature is for a complete Copernicus Service
Project (CSP) consortium or the license is to be signed by
the legal representative of the company, contact the SCI
Team to obtain further information on the specific
license signature.
Copernicus User Personal Area 1/4
Personal Area allows you to update
your personal details:
(1) Profile and contact details
(2) Company/Institution, and
relevant CSP if applicable
(3) SSO account password
You can contact the SCI Team for
support in this interface (4)
Further details about these
functionalities can be found in the
next slides.
Copernicus User Personal Area 2/4
1. Edit your profile information
2. Should you have to update your
Company/Institution, User Category or CSP, you
will need to contact the SCI Team by clicking on
“Request account details update” and fill in the
relevant form (as shown below). Alternatively you
can write an email to the SCI Team at
Copernicus User Personal Area 3/4
3. To change your password you will
be redirected to the SSO system
4. To request support, you can write an email
to the SCI Team from your Personal Area,
using the online form. Select a request type
from the dropdown, insert a subject and the
text before clicking “send”
Copernicus User Personal Area 4/4
The Personal Area contains three further tabs:
My Standard Data Requests
This contains a searchable list of all your standard EO data requests
My SPERF Requests
This contains a searchable list of all your emergency EO data requests (SPERFs)
My Subscriptions
This contains a searchable list of all your subscriptions