Meur@news 13
Meur@news 13
NEWS Traditionally pioneers since 1845 N°13 APR. 2010 Dear Readers, The global financial crisis means that our customers around the world have to find ways to lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) of their production infrastructure. Thus, doing more with less will be the mantra for good business practice for the next couple of years. At Meura, our main challenge in regard to the competition is to design and manufacture high quality brewing equipment with the best TCO (CAPEX and OPEX) optimization for our customers. Meura has always developed equipment with the most advanced technologies and the highest OPEX savings. For sustainable growth, we are focusing on supplying our customers with affordable technologies that are of the utmost reliability but not of lower quality because of CAPEX reduction reasons. We hope this newsletter will help you to continue to keep an eye on OPEX when considering a new investment. I wish you pleasant and instructive reading. Yours sincerely, Christian De Brackeleire Chief Executive Officer CONTE NT S lavutich Kiev p2 Faxe Brewery p 4 Meura and the PSLA p 6 Current News p7 Slavutich Kiev With a production of about 32 million hectolitres of beer, the Ukrainian brewing world is the second largest in the CIS, the former Soviet Union. The Ukrainian market is far from unknown for Meura. Plants such as the Rogan Brewery, the Chernigov Brewery, the Lvivska Brewery and Slavutich Kiev Brewery are all equipped with Meura’s brewhouse technology. Together they represent about 60% of the whole Ukrainian beer market. In Ukraine, Carlsberg owns the two Slavutich breweries (in Kiev and Zaporizhya) and the Lvivska brewery in Lviv. The Kiev Brewery was started as a greenfield project and opened in 2004. The Zaporizhya Brewery was acquired in 1996 and the Lvivska Brewery in 1998. 2 MEURANEWS 13 In 2003, the Slavutich Kiev Brewery entrusted Meura with an order for a turnkey brewhouse integrated into a new greenfield brewery. The brewhouse was sized for brews of 600 hl cold wort (see our report in our Meura News No. 4). At that time, the idea was already to extend with a second brewline in a near future. In 2008, with the first brewhouse producing at full capacity and the demand increasing, the Slavutich Kiev Brewery decided to double its brewhouse capacity. Their main request was to increase the productivity of the brewery, but they also wanted it to be even more flexible. Satisfied with their first Meura brewhouse, Slavutich has decided to invite Meura to partipcipate in tender for the new project. The project The extension occurred in two phases. The first step was the extension of the milling line and the installation of a third mash kettle, which was required to allow a capacity of 14 brews / day in case of adjunct brewing. The milling line was composed of a Classicmill (a hammermill of 20 T/h) and two grist bins. This step was commissioned in 2008. The next step, which started up in 2009, included the installation of a second brewhouse. Meura’s scope of supply went from the mashing-in to the wort cooler: It considered a turnkey project including the mechanical and electrical equipment, start-up and commissioning of the installation. The second brewhouse has been in operation since the end of April 2009 and was commissioned end of September 2009. The design of this double brewhouse offers full flexibility between the two lines while enabling a high productivity. This perfectly fulfils the Slavutich brewery’s requirements! Conclusion It’s not the first time that Meura has collaborated with the Slavutich team, and this partnership has led to very successful projects each time. We once again congratulate Slavutich for this new state-of-the-art brewhouse and thank them for their ever-increasing trust in our technologies! a Mechamasher 50T/h a mash tun (thus four in total for the two lines) a cereal cooker a Meura 2001 mash filter equipped with 65 chambers a wort buffer tank a wort kettle with hop dosing a heat recovery system on the wort kettle a whirlpool and trub tank an extension of the sugar syrup plant electricity and automation (S7 with WinCC Scada) The Meura 2001 Carbo+ and Ukraine The majority of Ukrainian beers are produced using Meura equipment. As an example, since 2002 Meura has already sold eight Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filters in Ukraine, all equipped with 65 chambers (12 T malt throw). This represents more than 50,000 hectolitres brewed each day with a Meura touch! Lay-out of the 2 brewhouses MEURANEWS 13 3 In 2008 Royal Unibrew decided to close its brewery in Aarhus and move the production to Faxe (also the name of the town where the brewery is located). Therefore Royal Unibrew had to increase the capacity of its brewery in Faxe. In 1989 Faxe Brewery merged with Jyske Bryggerier to form Denmark’s second largest brewery company, known today as Royal Unibrew. The new merged company produces beer and soft drinks for both the domestic and international markets. Faxe is the brand that represents Royal Unibrew in Europe and overseas. Among the most famous varieties of the brand’s beers are Faxe Premium, Faxe Royal Export, Faxe 10% and Faxe Red. Since the bottleneck of the old brewhouse was the two lauter tuns, the company decided to invest in new state-of-the-art equipment, and in June 2008 Meura was entrusted with this turnkey project. Because the brewery is located in a residential area, the possibility of installing any new buildings was very restricted. Faxe 4 MEURANEWS 13 Average Mash Filter Occupation Time (min) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 DOR DIS HEX Wort type Without spent grains removal added only a small milling tower beside the old building, but the rest of the equipment had to fit into the old premises. In the milling tower, Meura installed a Classicmill (CLM3, 9 T/h), a malt grist bin (12 T) and a Mechamasher (50 T/h). The following modifications were made to the old brewhouse: Two new agitators for the existing mash tuns A Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filter equipped with 58 chambers (extendable to 65) An inline wort preheater combined with the existing energy recovery system A new whirlpool A new trub tank A new deep cooler A CIP station for the mash filter With spent grains removal Today the Faxe brewery has a monthly capacity of about 245,000 hl and produces 12 brews a day with an extract yield of 100%. Recently the brewery has even achieved 14 brews a day with the same extract yield of 100%, which is above and beyond the agreed guarantees. On the occasion of this article Meura would like to thank the Faxe Brewery for its trust and collaboration in this exciting project. Installation started in August 2008. For the welding works Meura fruitfully collaborated with its sister company Boccard Polska from Poland. All the strict performance guarantees set by Royal Unibrew were complied with in full. Meura was also able to fulfil the requirements of reduced downtimes and short time limits. Moreover, and to the satisfaction of the Faxe Brewery, the new equipment produces top quality wort. The commissioning of the new brewhouse took place in December 2008 and the final acceptance tests were approved in February 2009, only eight months after the order. MEURANEWS 13 5 The Performance SLA, a growing success story During the commissioning of a Meura 2001 mash filter, MEURA carries out the fine tuning of process parameters in order to achieve the best possible performance. Later on, changes in external factors such as the brew recipe, loading, types and characteristics of raw materials, modification of brewing conditions, etc. may lead to deviations from the optimum level. As with all other technologies, the user should adapt the process parameters to the new situation. To help brewers maintain their Meura 2001 mash filter at the optimum level, Meura decided to develop a Performance Service Level Agreement. This technology was already presented and analysed in depth in our last Newsletter (see MeuraNews 12, September 2009, page 6). After the publication of this article and the additional presentations made at Drinktec 2009, a great many brewers have demonstrated their interest. The central part of the Performance Service Level Agreement (Performance SLA) is the Ilobox. The Ilobox (Iterative Logic Box) recalculates brew by brew an optimised set of parameters, in order to maintain the optimum efficiency while respecting the user’s temporary priorities. Since their commercial introduction in early 2009, five ILOBOXes have already been installed and about 15 other brewers are planning to proceed with the Performance SLA in the near future. This clearly shows how essential this technology is for brewers willing to maintain the efficiency of their equipment and thus of their brewery. The figure below shows the three main functions of the Ilobox. Meura, always keen to fully satisfy its customers, is therefore very proud to be able to offer them the best technology with the best efficiency! Optimization of the mash filter process parameters Two years archiving Remote connection for audit 6 MEURANEWS 13 Current news DRINKTEC 2009 From 14 to 19 September 2009, Meura took part in the Drinktec fair organised in Munich, Germany. With its thousands of visitors Drinktec, organised once every four years, remains “the place to be” for all global brewing equipment manufacturers and is the most international fair of the brewing sector. The 2009 edition of Drinktec was a huge success for Meura. Despite the global economic crisis, Meura was able to make a large number of very interesting contacts during those six days. Indeed, nearly each visitor to Meura’s booth came with a real project or with a specific interest in our technologies and new developments. Moreover, during this event Meura, together with all the other members of the BBTT (Belgian Beer Technology Team), organised an evening party which met with enormous success. This was the perfect occasion for meetings and discussions with our customers or prospects in a more relaxed atmosphere. We would like to take the opportunity here to thank all our visitors for their visits to our booth! Meura’s projects The most recent orders: 1. APB Guangzhou, China: Ordered a Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filter and a Classicmill. 2. Chimay Brewery, Belgium: A new steam energy recovery and an external boiler will be installed. Meura is on the move all over the world. Here is a quick overview of Meura’s current projects: Major projects being carried out: 1. Balaji Breweries (United Breweries), India: A hammermill (Classicmill) and a Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filter will be integrated into the brewhouse delivery by Praj Industries Ltd. 3. Ilesha Brewery, Nigeria: In addition to the revamping of their mash filter Meura 2001 the brewery has ordered a new milling line with a Classicmill and grist bin. 2. Nocal Brewer, Angola: Has ordered a Clarisaver and a CIP Unit. 4. Empee Distilleries, India: A hammermill (Classicmill) and a Meura 2001 Junior mash filter will be integrated into the brewhouse delivered by Praj Industries Ltd. 4. Chongqing Brewery (S&N), China: Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filter and Meuraclean. 5. Harboes Brewery, Denmark: Ordered an Ilobox with a performance service level agreement (PSLA). 6. Koumassi Brewery Cameroon: A hammermill and two Mechamashers (one for malt and one for adjuncts) will be installed. A second-hand Meura 2001 mash filter will be integrated into the brewhouse. 7. Cuca Brewery, Angola: The brewery has ordered a mash tun and a mash kettle. 8. Consolidated Breweries, Nigeria: For their turnkey project Meura will install a mash tun, a Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filter, and an internal boiler as well as the automation. 3. Ilesha Brewery, Nigeria: Meura will carry out the revamping of the Meura 2001 mash filter. 5. El Aguila Brewery (SABMiller), Colombia: Brewhouse revamping with two Meura 2001 mash filters, a Classicmill and a Mechamasher. 6. Heineken Gauteng, South Africa: Greenfield project with a Classicmill, a Mechamasher and a Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filter. 7. Kolwezi Brewery, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Brewhouse revamping. 8. Frankfurther Brauhaus, Germany: Classicmill, Mechamasher and a double mash filter with an Ilobox replacing the recent mash filter from the competition. 9. United Breweries Andrah-Pradesh, India: Meura is supplying a hammermill (Classicmill) and a Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filter that will be integrated into the greenfield brewery supplied by Praj Industries Ltd. 10. sobebra Brewery, Benin: Integration into the existing brewhouse of a second-hand Meura 2001 mash filter, a new hammermill and a Mechamasher. In addition the milling line will be modernised. Major projects recently commissioned: 1. BBH Kiev, Ukraine: Complete 600 hl brewhouse in parallel with a similar brewhouse supplied by Meura in the year 2002. 2. Jagatjit Industries Ltd, India: Meura 2001 Carbo+ mash filter and Classicmill incorporated into a brewhouse from Praj Industries Ltd. 3. Huambo, Angola: Classicmill, Mechamasher and Meura 2001 Junior mash filter. 4. Lagos Brewery (Nigerian Breweries, Heineken), Nigeria: Complete grain treatment, milling and brewhouse. 5. Coopers Brewery, Australia: An Ilobox with a PSLA is in operation for their Meura 2001 mash filter. MEURANEWS 13 7 Prospective is a state of mind The value of an idea lies in the using of it. Thomas Alva Edison - 1879 Editorial Department : Editor-in-Chief : Jeroen VANDENBUSSCHE, Sales and Marketing Manager Managing Editor : Bénédicte Everaert, Marketing Communication Manager Design, layout & printing : Ex nihilo - Belgium Traditionally pioneers since 1845 Meura S.A . Rond-Point J.-B. Meura, 1 - B-7600 Péruwelz (Belgium) - P: +32 69 88 69 88 - F: +32 69 88 69 80 - -
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