Presentation: VCWWD#1 Moorpark Desalter Project Update


Presentation: VCWWD#1 Moorpark Desalter Project Update
Public Works Agency
Public Works Agency
Water and Sanitation
Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1
Moorpark Desalter Project
David Sasek, P.E.
Water and Sanitation Department Director
Public Works Agency
February 24, 2016
Moorpark Desalter / Ventura County WWD No. 1 Service Area
VC Waterworks
District No. 1
(Area in Yellow)
Waterworks District No. 19
Service Area
Moorpark Desalter
Pilot Well Test Site/
Wellfield Site
Moorpark Wastewater
Treatment Plant
Slide 2
Public Works Agency
Groundwater Basins within
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency (GMA)
Proposed Moorpark
Desalter Project
Slide 3
Need for Project
Public Works Agency
High salinity and TDS levels in the South Las Posas Groundwater Basin
Problems for agricultural crops and human consumption
Salt plume is spreading into the East Las Posas Basin
Not meeting the salts TMDL set for the Calleguas Creek Watershed in Basin Plan
adopted by the RWQCB in October 2007.
VCWWD No. 8 in permit violation, on Adopted Time Scheduled Order, required to
be in compliance 6/30/19
Moorpark Desalter is part of the proposed solution for the Calleguas Creek
Watershed Salt and Nutrient Management Plan under development
California is in the fourth year of drought; water supply shortage
Imported water is not dependable, allocation cutbacks
Cost of imported water has increased by 300% in 20 years
Need to develop local water supply and reduce dependence on imported water
Need to stabilize customers’ water rates
Slide 4
Public Works Agency
Conditions (2012) Impacted by High Chlorides
Proposed Moorpark
Desalter Project
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Slide 5
Public Works Agency
Primary Recharge and Discharge Process
Slide 6
Public Works Agency
Project Description
 Construct 10 to 18 250-foot-deep production wells in the shallow
aquifer and extract 6,000 AFY of groundwater
 Membrane treatment process for brackish water
 Filter cartridges
 low-pressure reverse osmosis
 Disinfection and chemical conditioning processes
 Treated water quality will meet State drinking water quality standards
 Produce up to 5,000 AFY or 4.5 MGD of treated water
 Treated water will be connected to VCWWD No. 1 water distribution
 Brine will be discharged into Calleguas MWD’s Salinity Management
 One MW solar photovoltaic electricity generation system at MWTP
 Received $7 million Proposition 84 grant from State Dept. of Water
Resources through Watershed Coalition of Ventura County
Slide 7
Project Site Map
*Note, well field is depicted notionally, exact layout still being determined
Slide 8
Fox Canyon Aquifer and Shallow Aquifer
Moorpark Desalter
Maximum Depth:
200 – 250 feet
Slide 9
Salinity Management Pipeline
Calleguas MWD Salinity Management Pipeline, Information for Potential Discharges Updated September 2014
Slide 10
Project Physical Benefits
Public Works Agency
Provide up to 5,000 AF/yr of local water supply, reduce dependence and usage of imported
water, water supply sustainability and reliability, and drought relief
Remove up to 18 million pounds of salts per year from the Las Posas Groundwater Basin
Improve groundwater quality
Reduce migration of the salt plume to East Las Posas Basins
Help compliance with the RWQCB Calleguas Creek Watershed Salt and Nutrient
Management Plan
Support FCGMA Objective No. 2 in Las Posas Basin: “Abate and do not allow
groundwater quality to degrade beyond basin plan objectives without mitigation.”
Increase stream recharge including higher-quality storm water recharge and decrease water
losses from basin including ET and subsurface outflow
Locally produced desalted water uses less energy than imported water. The one-MW solar
photovoltaic system will also produce renewable electrical power and reduce greenhouse gas
Total energy Saving: 15,000 MWh per year
Produce water at about $835/AF versus imported water at $1,300/AF
Stabilize water rates, especially for about 4,600 customers in the economically
Disadvantaged Community around Old Town Moorpark
Provide integrated water related public access, stewardship, engagement, and educational
Slide 11
Public Works Agency
Project Progress
 Preliminary Design Report
Aug. 2010
 Pilot Well Tests Phase I
Nov. 2012
 Cone Penetrometer Tests
Nov. 2013
 Treated Water Distribution Infrastructure PDR
Nov. 2013
 Brine Disposal Alternatives Evaluation
Jan. 2014
 Prop. 84 Grant Application
Aug. 2015
 Pilot Well Tests Phase II
Jun. 2015
 Awarded $7 million Prop. 84 grant funding
Ventura County Brush Fire
Jan. 2016
 Groundwater Modeling Report (95%)
Jan. 2016
 CEQA Document (70%)
Feb. 2016
Ventura County Brush Fire
Slide 12
First Pilot Wells Site Location
Moorpark Desalter Pilot Well Test
Maximum: 225 gpm
Depth: 245 Feet
566 Feet
Maximum: 600 gpm
Depth: 230 Feet
Sucralose None Detected
86 Feet
Sucralose Detected
Sampling Event: 200 ng/L
2 Sampling Event: 160 ng/L
Slide 13
Second Pilot Wells Site Location
Moorpark Desalter Pilot Well Test
Slide 14
Public Works Agency
Well Field Design
Number of Wells:
Production Wells:
Maximum Depth:
10 to 18
8 at 465 gpm to 16 at 233 gpm
250 feet, well screening 70’-250’
Groundwater Pumping
i. For Membrane Treatment Purpose
ii. For Blending Purpose
Total Maximum Groundwater Pumping
4,750 AF/yr (2,945 gpm)
1,250 AF/yr
(775 gpm)
6,000 AF/yr (3,720 gpm)
Treated Water
• Permeate
• Blending
Total Maximum Treated Water
3,750 AF/yr
1,250 AF/yr
Brine Waste
1,000 AF/yr
Treated Water Quality
• Chloride
• Total Dissolved Solids
45 mg/l
400 mg/l
(4.46 MGD)
Slide 15
3-Dimensional Groundwater Modeling
Public Works Agency
Testing Operation of Project by
Steve Bachman, PhD - Hydrogeologist
Groundwater Flow Model with Particle Tracking Using Groundwater Vistas
Using U.S. Geological Survey’s MODFLOW, Model Code
Model Construction
Covers southern half of the
East Las Posas Management Area
200 ft. x 200 ft. grid spacing
Three layers, includes Fox Canyon,
San Pedro, Shallow Aquifer
Stream flow routing calculates stream
recharge and flow volumes
Quarterly stress periods
Model Calibration
Project Modeling
Includes period
during which mound
of brackish water was
Calibrated against
elevations, stream
gauges, stream
streamflow data
from 1979 –
2014; two
wet/dry cycles
3 scenarios
forward 30
Model pumping
at 6,270 AFY;
request is 6,000
Slide 16
3-Dimensional Analysis
Public Works Agency
Three Scenarios were Analyzed
Current conditions in future (current discharges
in Simi Valley and Moorpark ) – Moorpark
Desalter Project alone.
Projected conditions in future: Moorpark Desalter
Project plus 2015 UWMP planning Simi Valley and
Moorpark, high re-use of recycled water
Projected conditions in future, Moorpark Desalter
project plus 2015 UWMP planning Simi Valley and
Moorpark, low re-use of recycled water
Slide 17
Results of 3-Dimensional Groundwater Modeling
for Scenarios 1 and 2
Average Annual Recharge to Shallow Aquifer,
East/South Las Posas Sub-Basins
Public Works Agency
Without Project
Total Stream Infiltration
• Base Flow
• Storm Flow
Other Recharge/Discharge
(Mountain Front, Return Flow, Pond
Percolation, Change in Storage &
perc to U San Pedro, less
Subsurface Outflow, less ET)
12,770 AF/yr
6,040 AF/yr
6,730 AF/yr
15,220 AF/yr
6,370 AF/yr
8,850 AF/yr
4,980 AF/yr
13,930 AF/yr
Without Project
Total Stream Infiltration
• Base Flow
• Storm Flow
Other Recharge/Discharge
(Mountain Front, Return Flow, Pond
Percolation, Change in Storage &
perc to U San Pedro, less
Subsurface Outflow, less ET)
With Project
With Project
11,260 AF/yr
4,800 AF/yr
6,460 AF/yr
12,820 AF/yr
4,900 AF/yr
7,920 AF/yr
2,370 AF/yr
7,080 AF/yr
13,630 AF/yr
19,900 AF/yr
Slide 18
Key Changes to Water Budget in Shallow Aquifer
Scenario 1
Without Project
Shallow Aquifer
Project Yr 1-3
Project Yr 4-30
Steady State
Slide 19
Slide 20
Public Works Agency
Public Works Agency
Shallow Aquifer
Near Project
Shallow Aquifer
Near Somis
Effect on Shallow Wells
from Project Pumping –
Scenario 1
Slide 21
Public Works Agency
Fox Canyon Aquifer
Fox Canyon Aquifer
Fox Canyon Wells
3.2 Miles from Project
(Near Somis) –
Scenario 1
Slide 22
Public Works Agency
Shallow Aquifer
Near Project
Shallow Aquifer
Near Somis
Effect on Shallow Wells
from Project Pumping –
Scenario 2
Slide 23
Public Works Agency
Fox Canyon Aquifer
Fox Canyon Aquifer
Fox Canyon Wells
3.2 Miles from Project
(Near Somis) –
Scenario 2
Slide 24
Scenario 1
Public Works Agency
Length of Arroyo – Wet Year Conditions (Peak Wet Cycle)
Slide 25
Scenario 1
Public Works Agency
Length of Arroyo – Dry Year Conditions (Peak Drought)
Slide 26
Public Works Agency
Monitoring and Contingency Wells
Slide 27
Public Works Agency
Proposed Monitoring Plan
Monitoring Production
Groundwater Elevation,
Groundwater Elevation,
Electrical Conductivity,
General Minerals
Streamflow Data
Downstream Extent of
3 hr
3 hr
3 hr
3 hr
3 hr
3 hr
Slide 28
Public Works Agency
Selecting Contingency
Wells near Project Site
Slide 29
Contingency Well
Public Works Agency
In Shallow Aquifer
Figure 60. Shallow Aquifer contingency
triggers for well 2N/20W-12L-MW1
near project area.
Figure 62. Model results for well 2N/20W12L-MW1, CEQA and high re-use.
Slide 30
Contingency Well
Public Works Agency
in Shallow Aquifer
Figure 61. Shallow Aquifer contingency
Figure 63. Model results for well 2N/20Wtriggers for well 2N/20W-9Q8 in the Somis
9Q8, CEQA and high re-use.
Slide 31
Contingency Well
Public Works Agency
in Fox Canyon Aquifer
Figure 65. Fox Canyon Aquifer contingency Figure 65. Model results for well 2N/20W9Q5, CEQA and high re-use.
triggers for well 2N/20W-9Q5 in the Somis
Slide 32
Proposed Contingency Plan
Well Number
Trigger (ft msl)
Year of Low
Floor Level (ft msl)
Shallow Aquifer near Project
Approx. 1940
Shallow Aquifer near Somis
Nearby well1950
Fox Canyon Aquifer near Somis
Public Works Agency
Monitoring Point
• The trigger elevation is set at 30 feet below the groundwater modeling low
elevation with project operating
• The model run used is the Scenario 2, high reuse worst case scenario
• The floor elevation is set at 30 feet below the trigger elevation
• If groundwater elevation reaches trigger elevation, pumping will be reduced
by 10%
• Stepwise decrease in pumping until groundwater elevation stabilizes or
• If groundwater elevation rises above trigger level, pumping reduction will
be cancelled
• If groundwater elevation drops to floor elevation, pumping will be
Slide 33
Public Works Agency
Potential Mitigation Measures
• Flexible pumping and plant operations per Monitoring and Contingency Plan
• Preset action trigger levels with required measures
• Arundo removal in the impacted areas of Arroyo Simi
• Storm water retention basins to increase groundwater recharge
• Gabert Canyon Channel Restoration Project
• Arroyo Simi Widening near downtown Moorpark Project
• Moorpark Wastewater Reclamation Facility percolation ponds
Slide 34
Stakeholder Presentations
Public Works Agency
Date of Presentation
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
April 28, 2010
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
February 27, 2013
WWD No. 1 (Moorpark) Citizens’ Advisory Committee
May 8, 2014
WWD No. 19 (Somis) Citizens’ Advisory Committee
May 15, 2014
Calleguas Municipal Water District (Calleguas) Purveyors
June 2, 2014
Calleguas Board of Directors
June 4, 2014
Las Posas Users Group (LPUG)
June 25, 2014
County of Ventura staff
July 10, 2014
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
July 23, 2014
City of Moorpark
September 17, 2014
Ventura County Board of Supervisors (WWD No. 1)
(EIR consultant contract)
September 23, 2014
Moorpark Rotary Club
September 26, 2014
Milligan Family (Property Owner of Well Field)
Las Posas Users Group (LPUG)
December 1, 2014
September 23, 2015
Calleguas MWD Water Purveyors
October 26, 2015
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
January 27, 2016
Slide 31
Public Works Agency
Next Steps
Finalize Groundwater Modeling Report
Complete Draft CEQA document
Complete Preliminary Engineering Design Report
FCGMA Pumping Allocation Request
Financing plan (grants and SRF loan)
Land and Easement Acquisition
Jan. 2016
Feb. 2016
Feb. 2016
Feb. 2016
Mar. 2016
 Design and Construction
 Well field
 Membrane treatment system and solar PV system
 Operations Plan
 Comply with the adopted monitoring and contingency plan
Slide 36
Public Works Agency
Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1 Moorpark County Club Golf
Course Supplied with Recycled Water since 2004
Slide 37

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