SLS Order Pack 2016 - Leeds City Council
SLS Order Pack 2016 - Leeds City Council
Order Pack Academic Year September 2016 – July 2017 Updated to support the new National Curriculum Yo Entur Sc Ord itle hoo er me l’s Ple you nt r a s s you e pas now s r st to ! aff Bookworm Fiction Boxes T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g Author boxes A • These contain 25 books by the same author ov. uk/ sls Foster a love of reading ß.H\VWDJHDOORZDQFHLVER[RIPL[HG÷FWLRQSOXVER[RQDWKHPHRUDQDXWKRU WK ß.H\VWDJHDOORZDQFHLVER[HVRIPL[HG÷FWLRQSOXVER[HVRQDWKHPHRUDQDXWKRU Author 2 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack Key stage Author Key stage Alborough, Jez 1 Mould, Chris 2L Atinuke 2L Palmer, Tom 2 Blackman, Malorie 2U Pullman, Philip 2U Boyce, Frank Cottrell 2U Rayner, Catherine 1 Browne, Anthony 1/2 Rosen, Michael 1 Cassidy, Cathy 2U Sedgwick, Marcus 2U Chapman, Lynne (illustrator) 1 Sharratt, Nick 1 Strong, Jeremy 2L Dahl, Roald 2 Waddell, Martin 1 Donaldson, Julia 1 Walliams, David 2U Fine, Anne 2 Wilson, Jacqueline 2U Gravett, Emily 2L Gray, Kes 1 Horowitz, Anthony 2U Jeffers, Oliver 2L King-Smith, Dick 2L Lewis, Gill 2U Melling, David 1 Morpurgo, Michael 2U Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS Bookworm Themed Boxes The boxes have been updated to support the Literacy Curriculum. They contain a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 25 books depending on availability and publishing trends. Key stage 1 Key stage 2 Poetry Adventure and Mystery Stories Rhythm & Rhyme stories Classics (modern, traditional & graphic) Stories with Familiar Settings Fantasy Worlds Stories with Issues (PSHE) Funny Stories Supporting Phonics Graphic Novels Traditional Tales Higher Interest, Lower Reading Age Stories from Around the World Historical Stories T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g ov. uk/ sls Letters, Diaries, & Instructional Texts Myths and Legends Poetry Scary Stories Stories from Around the World Stories with Issues Key stage 2 Upper Leeds Book Awards : Past winners & shortlisted titles Key stage 1/2 Pirates Superheroes 3 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS Topic Boxes 0RVWRIRXUQRQ÷FWLRQLVORDQHGLQ pre-packed topic boxes at KS1 and KS2. We are continuing to develop our range of national curriculum topics, but until publishing catches up, this will be limited. Boxes normally contain a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 25 items depending on availability and publishing trends. Where possible the box will contain a 6 copy set to support group work. A If any subject you are studying is not listed, ÷FWLRQWLWOHPD\DOVREHLQFOXGHGZKHUH appropriate. please contact us and we will do our best Each class is entitled to 2 boxes per term. to supply and incorporate in future years. Topic Box Art Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g Art and Design Range of art materials Practical ideas Famous artists, craftsmen and designers Range of art materials Art movements ners Famous artists, architects and designers Buildings and structures English $OVRVHHWKHWKHPHG÷FWLRQER[HVRQSDJH $OVRVHHWKHWKHPHG÷FWLRQER[HVRQSDJH Biographies, Issues and Arguments Not applicable Covers biographies of inspirational people and a range of issues e.g. health & environment Instructions, Reports and Persuasive writing Not applicable Covers a range of topics e.g. inventions, cookery Not applicable A range of African countries, their culture, customs, and way of life Not applicable North and South America including the Caribbean, their culture, customs, and way of life ov. uk/ sls Geography Africa (The) Americas Countries All aspects of life in countries around the world, including the UK 4 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack Not applicable Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS Topic Boxes Topic Box Environmental Change Europe Food and Farming Indian Subcontinent Journeys and Transport Key Stage 1 Not applicable Not applicable Our food, where it comes from and how it is grown Not applicable Key Stage 2 nt, Changes that affect the environment, including energy, conservation, pollution, and recycling T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g European countries, including the UK, their culture, customs and way of life Not applicable The culture, customs, people, and way of life in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Travelling around in the past and today Different types of transport Travel and transport in other countries Not applicable Katie Morag Way of life of a Scottish island community Not applicable Localities and Settlements Human and physical geography e.g. school, park, town centre, river, forest, vegetation Human and physical geography e.g. urban, rural, coastal Maps and Directions Simpler atlases, books about maps, and planning a journey A selection of maps, atlases and books about maps. An introduction to Ordnance Survey People who help us* Jobs people do in the local community Not applicable Rainforests Not applicable The people, plants and animals of the rainforest Human impact and protection of the rainforest Not applicable Rivers and their effects on landscapes and people, including physical features of rivers, FRDVWVDQGøRRGSODLQV,QFOXGHVSDUWLFXODU rivers around the world Not applicable Composition of rocks and soil, including volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes Rivers and Coasts Rocks and Soils Seaside The seaside and holidays past and present. Physical properties e.g. cliffs 5 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack ov. uk/ sls Not applicable *Includes PSHE and Citizenship content Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g Topic Boxes Topic Box The World Key Stage 1 Not applicable Weather Weather and the seasons Key Stage 2 marks and The culture, customs, climate, landmarks way of life of countries around the world. (For Africa, Europe, The Americas, Indian Subcontinent and Europe see individual boxes) ov. uk/ sls Weather and climate in the UK and around the world. Includes extreme weather and climate change History Ancient Egypt Not applicable Way of life, beliefs and achievements of the people living in Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Not applicable Way of life, beliefs and achievements of the people living in Ancient Greece Not applicable Example of an Ancient Non-European Society, their everyday life, beliefs and customs Arooj is a Leeds strategy to raise the attainment of Muslim heritage pupils. (Includes KS1 and KS2 Arooj titles) Not applicable Their invasions, settlements, village life, art and culture Not applicable 6LJQL÷FDQWHYHQWVLQ%ULWLVKVRFLDOKLVWRU\ British monarchs and leaders Everyday lives of men, women and children from different sections of British society, to include, rich/poor, leisure and entertainment, crime and punishment, fashion and music Ancient Islamic Civilisations and Arooj Anglo Saxons and Celts Britain – Social Change Everyday Life The way of life of people past and present Not applicable Famous People 7KHOLYHVRIVLJQL÷FDQWPHQZRPHQDQG children from different periods Not applicable Inspirational Lives Not applicable 6 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack Inspirational lives Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g Topic Boxes Topic Box Festivals* Key Stage 1 Worldwide festivals & family celebrations, religious and non-religious. Includes world religions. Key Stage 2 Not applicable Florence Nightingale Life and work of Florence Nightingale Not applicable Great Fire of London History of the event, how it started and its impact Not applicable Homes Past and present, and from around the world (includes animal homes) Not applicable Mayans, Aztecs and Incas Not applicable Example of an early Non-European Society Everyday life, beliefs and customs of Mayans, Aztecs and Incas Roman Britain Not applicable Everyday life, beliefs and customs of the Romans, and their impact on Britain Schools Schools today and in the past Stone Age, to Iron Age Not applicable Toys Tudors Toys in the past, and toys today Not applicable Stone Age – beliefs and customs, including Neolithic hunters and early farmers Bronze Age – technology, travel and religion, including Stonehenge Iron Age – hill forts, tribal kingdoms, farming, art and culture Not applicable Not applicable Everyday life, monarchs and exploration in the Tudor period Not applicable 9LFWRULDQVRFLHW\VLJQL÷FDQWHYHQWVDQG individuals, including Queen Victoria and The Empire Vikings Not applicable Everyday life, beliefs and customs in Britain during Viking times World War II Not applicable History of the War, at home and abroad Victorian Britain ov. uk/ sls Maths Maths Simple counting, addition & subtraction, money. Measuring (size, shape, weight, length and time) 7 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack Includes decimals, multiplication, problem solving, division, and times tables *Includes PSHE and Citizenship content Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS Topic Boxes Topic Box Music Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g Includes musical instruments, vibration and hearing sers and History of Music, musicians, composers instruments See Festivals page 7 Includes all major religions of the world Electricity Electrical circuits, appliances and supply More complex circuits, appliances and supply of electricity including other means of power Forces and Motion Movement of familiar things, pushes, pulls and other forces Types of force including magnetism, gravity, friction, springs, and levers Green Plants 3ODQWVøRZHUVDQGWUHHVLQFOXGLQJ gardening ideas 3ODQWVøRZHUVDQGWUHHVLQFOXGLQJ gardening ideas Growth An example of life process. Life cycles and growth in animals, plants and people Music and Sound ov. uk/ sls Religious Education World Religions Science Healthy Lifestyle* Not applicable Not applicable Includes hygiene, exercise, healthy eating, cooking, emotions, feelings, and drugs, (appropriate for 10-11 year olds) Humans and Other Animals Similarities and differences between humans and animals Life Processes Living things and what they do. Includes Life processes in plants and animals plants and animals, movement, food, senses, including life cycles, movement, growth, growth and reproduction, and life cycles nutrition and reproduction Light Light and dark, including light sources e.g. sunlight Everyday effects of light including light VRXUFHVVKDGRZVUHøHFWLRQVUHIUDFWLRQDQG sight Living Things in their Environment Plants and animals found in a variety of habitats How animals and plants adapt to their habitats and biomes e.g. water, desert, forest, grassland, tundra How this leads to evolution and the work of palaeontologists like Charles Darwin 8 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack The bodies of humans and other animals, including growth, eating, health and skeletons. *Includes PSHE and Citizenship content Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS Topic Boxes T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g Key Stage 1 A range of materials, including their properties and how they can change ov. Key Stage 2 uk/ sls Grouping and classifying materials, their ween them properties and the differences between Changing and separating materials by various processes e.g. dissolving, burning Minibeasts A study of insects, spiders and creepy crawlies, where they live and thrive A study of insects, spiders and creepy crawlies, where they live and thrive Ourselves* How we change and grow, including feelings, emotions and family life. Topic Box Materials Recycling Senses Not applicable The 5 human senses Not applicable Importance of recycling and how to recycle Not applicable 1RQ÷FWLRQ extra boxes These are smaller collections made to order, and are in addition to your entitlement. Schools are limited to GLIIHUHQWWRSLFVSHUVFKRROSHUWHUP Arctic/Antarctic Guy Fawkes Black History Inventors and Inventions Castles China Sound See Music and sound Sound including vibration, hearing and the ear Space The Earth, Sun, Moon and planets Earth, Sun, Moon, planets, solar systems and space exploration Teeth Not applicable Care of teeth, how food affects them and going to the dentist Variation and &ODVVL÷FDWLRQ Not applicable The similarities and differences between plants, animals and micro-organisms. ,QFOXGHVLGHQWL÷FDWLRQJXLGHV Water Not applicable Water cycle, saving and recycling water Local History Local history information about the locality of a school is available at your nearest public library. For images of Leeds visit The Local and Family History Department in Leeds Central library offers a range of local history and heritage sessions geared to your area, a general history session on Leeds City Centre, heritage tours and a handling session. To discuss and book a visit contact 0113 2478290 9 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack *Includes PSHE and Citizenship content Chocolate Christmas Dinosaurs Leeds/Yorkshire Shakespeare Spanish Language World War 1 (available from January 2014 to December 2018) French Language Places of worship and individual religions are now in Festivals KS1 on page 7 and World Religions KS2 on page 8 Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS Audio Fiction Packs T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g (Contains 6 copy book set plus CD) Key stage 1 Author A Alborough, J Andreae, G Andreae, G Andreae, G B Bently, P Blathwayt, B Bright, P Browne, A Butler, C C Carle, E Clark, E Cutbill, A Cutbill, A D Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Title Where’s My Teddy? Commotion in the Ocean The Lion Who Wanted to Love The Magic Donkey Ride King Jack and the Dragon Green Light for the Little Red Train The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm Gorilla One Winter’s Day The Very Hungry Caterpillar Merry Christmas Blue Kangaroo! The Best Cow in Show The Cow that Laid an Egg Hippo Has a Hat Jack and the Flum Flum Tree One Mole Digging a Hole One Ted Falls out of Bed Stick Man Sugarlump and the Unicorn Superworm Tabby McTat The Gruffalo The Gruffalo’s Child The Highway Rat The Princess and the Wizard The Rhyming Rabbit The Singing Mermaid Tiddler Tyrannosaurus Drip What the Ladybird Heard What the Ladybird Heard Next Author Title Author Donaldson, J Duddle, J Zog The Pirate Cruncher F Fearnley, J Finch, M Finney, Wendy Fletcher, T Fletcher, T Freedman, C Freedman, C )UHQFK9 Mr Wolf’s Pancakes Three Billy Goats Gruff What’s My Name? The Dinosaur that Pooped the Past The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet! Aliens in Underpants Save the World Aliens Love Underpants &DWHUSLOODU%XWWHUø\ G Galloway, R Gardner, S Gardner, S Gardner, S Gardner, S Gardner, S Gliori, D Gliori, D Gliori, D Gray, K Smiley Shark Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Snow White The Frog Prince The Princess and the Pea Mr Bear’s Holiday Mr Bear’s New Baby No Matter What Really Really H Harter, D Holabird, K +XJKHV6 Walking Through the Jungle Angelina Ballerina $O÷H*LYHVD+DQG J Jackson, W Jeffers, O Jeffers, O Jeffers, O Flash Flips Out Stuck The Way Back Home Up and Down K Kerr, J The Great Granny Gang 10 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack ov. uk/ sls Title Author Title L Lister, M Lumley, J Winter King Summer Queen The Journey Home from Grandpa’s M Mayo, D Melling, D Mitton, T Mitton, T Simon, F Simon, F Smallman, S Smith, G The Parent Swap Shop Where are My Lambs? The Monkey With a Bright Blue Bottom The Wonky Donkey The House that Jack Built Hugless Douglas Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus Spookyrumpus Stockham, J Town Mouse, Country Mouse T O Oborne, M Oppenheim, J Hamilton’s Hats The Prince’s Bedtime R Roberts, D Roberts, D Rosen, M T Thomas, V Thomas, V Thomas, V Thomas, V Thomas, V Thomas, V Winnie the Witch Winnie’s Big Bad Robot Winnie’s Dinosaur Day Winnie’s Flying Carpet Winnie’s Pirate Adventure Winnie Under the Sea Dirty Bertie Pooh! Is that you, Bertie? We’re going on a bear hunt Thompson, E The Christmas Tale of Peter Rabbit S Scotton, R Scotton, R Sendak, M Seuss, Dr Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F Simon, F W Whybrow, I Wormell, C Harry & the Bucketful of Dinosaurs George, the Dragon and the Princess Scaredy-Cat Splat! Splat the Cat Where the Wild Things Are One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Barnyard Hullabaloo Billy the Kid Goes Wild Chicks Just Want to Have Fun Do You Speak English, Moon? Horrid Henry – various titles Mish Mash Hash Moo Baa Baa Quack Moody Margaret Casts a Spell Moody Margaret’s Makeover Moody Margaret’s School Mr P’s Naughty Book Runaway Duckling Spider School Contactt us: Tel: 0113 378 2677 School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Fax: 0113 336 7241 Foxcroft Close @LeedsSLS Leeds LS6 3NT Audio Fiction Packs T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad e i rm e (Contains 6 copy book set plus CD) ds. t g ov. uk/ sls Key stage 2 lower Author A Andreae, G Andreae, G Title Billy Bonkers Sir Scallywag and the golden underpants B Blyton, E Blyton, E Bond, M Bond, M Bond, M Five Fall into Adventure Five Go Off To Camp A Bear Called Paddington Paddington at the Zoo Paddington Here and Now C Clarke, J Coats, L Coats, L Coats, L Cole, S Cole, S Cole, S Cole, S Curtis, R Gilbert in deep The Beasts in the Jar The Dolphin’s Message The Monster in the Maze The Moo - my’s curse The Seas of Doom The Skies of Fear The Ter - Moo - nators The Empty Stocking D Dahl, R Dahl, R Dahl, R Dahl, R Dahl, R Donaldson, J Donaldson, J Fantastic Mr. Fox George’s Marvellous Medicine The Enormous Crocodile The Magic Finger The Twits Cave Baby The Troll Author Title Author Title Donaldson, J E Eliot, T.S Milne, AA Morpurgo, M P Pinford, S Puttock, I Winnie the Pooh P Beauty and the Beast Duddle, J Duffy, C.A The Further Adventures of the Owl and the Pussy Cat The Pirate - Cruncher The Tear Thief Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats F Fine, A Friel, M Funnell, P Funnell, P Diary of a Killer Cat Witch Switch Rosie the Perfect Pony Samson the Stallion R Ray, J Reeve, P Reeve, P G Gardner, S The Invisible Boy H Halliwell, G Ugenia Lavender and the Burning Pants J Jeffers, O Jeffers, O The Great Paper Caper The Incredible Book Eating Boy K King-Smith, D Sophie’s Tom M McCall Smith. A McCombie, K McCombie, K MacDonald, A McKay, H Milne, AA 11 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack Akimbo and the Elephants How to be Good(ish) Wow, I’m a Gazillionaire! (I wish) The Revenge of the Green Meanie The Zoo in the Attic The House at Pooh Corner Black Dog The Love Bugs Can you Catch a Mermaid? Cakes in Space Pugs of the Frozen North S Sebag0RQWH÷RUH0 2OLYHU7ZLVW Seuss, Dr The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories Seuss, Dr How the Grinch Stole Christmas Simon, F Don’t be Horrid, Henry! Simon, F Horrid Henry Simon, F Horrid Henry and the Abominable Snowman Simon, F Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire Simon, F Horrid Henry Rocks Simon, F Horrid Henry’s Stinkbomb Simon, F Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy Simon, F Horrid Henry Wakes the Dead Simon, F Horrid Henry’s Cannibal Curse Strong, J Giant Jim and the Hurricane Strong, J My Brother’s Famous Bottom Contact us: Tel: 0113 378 2677 School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Fax: 0113 336 7241 Foxcroft Close @LeedsSLS Leeds LS6 3NT Audio Fiction Packs T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g (Contains 6 copy book set plus CD) ov. uk/ sls Key stage 2 upper Author Title A Adams, G Adams, G Almond, D Ardagh, P The Queen’s Bracelet The Silver Pool My name is Mina Stinking Rich and just Plain Stinky B Bawden, N Boyce, F.C Carrie’s War Millions C Cabot, M Carroll, L Cassidy, C Child, L Child, L Coats, L Coolidge , S Cowell, C Cowell, C Cowell, C The New Girl Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Sundae Girl Clarice Bean Spells Trouble Utterly Me Clarice Bean Atticus the Storyteller’s 100 Greek Myths Artemis Fowl Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox What Katy Did How to Be a Pirate How to Train Your Dragon How to Twist a Dragon`s Tale D Dahl, R Dahl, R Dahl, R Dahl, R Dahl, R Dahl, R Dahl, R Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Danny the Champion of the World Dirty Beasts Matilda Revolting Rhymes The BFG The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me Colfer, E Colfer, E Colfer , E Author Title G Gardner, S Gardner, S Gardner, S Operation Bunny The Boy with the Lightning Feet The Boy with the Magic Numbers H Hawking, L Higson, C George and the Big Bang SilverFin I Ibbotson, E Ibbotson, E Ibbotson, E Journey to the River Sea The Great Ghost Rescue Star of Kazan K King-Smith, D Kinney, J Kinney, J Kinney, J Kinney, J Kipling, R L Landy, D Lane, A Lane, A Lawrence, M Lewis, C. S M Morpurgo, M Morpurgo, M 12 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack The Water Horse Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth The Jungle Book Playing with Fire Young Sherlock Holmes: Death Cloud Young Sherlock Holmes: Red Leech The Killer Underpants The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe A medal for Leroy An Elephant in the Garden Author Title Author Title Morpurgo, M Morpurgo, M Morpurgo, M Morpurgo, M Morpurgo, M Morpurgo, M Morpurgo, M Muchamore, R Murray, P Born to Run Kaspar - Prince of cats Kensuke’s Kingdom Little Manfred Running Wild Shadow War Horse The General Mokee Joe is Coming N Nesbit, E The Railway Children O Ogilvy, I W Walliams, D Walliams, D Walliams, D Walliams, D Walliams. D Wilson, J Wilson, J Wilson, J Wilson, J Wilson, J Wilson, J Billionaire Boy Gangsta Granny Mr Stink Ratburger The Boy in the Dress Double Act Sleepovers The Worry Website The Story of Tracy Beaker Vicky Angel Video Rose Measle and the Wrathmonk P Patterson, J Prior, N J Pullman, P R Riordan, R Rosen, M Middle School the Worst Years of my Life Lily Quench and the Dragon of Ashby The Firework-Makers Daughter Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy S Snickett, L The Bad Beginning T Twain, M The Adventures of Tom Sawyer U Umansky, K Umansky, K The Silver Spoon of Solomon Snow Wicked Wilma’s Spell Contact us: Tel: 0113 378 2677 School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Fax: 0113 336 7241 Foxcroft Close @LeedsSLS Leeds LS6 3NT T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g Story Bags ov. uk/ sls (DFKEDJFRQWDLQVD÷FWLRQVWRU\ERRNH[FLWLQJLQWHUDFWLYHUHVRXUFHVWR FRPSOHPHQWWKHVWRU\DQGDUHOHYDQWQRQ÷FWLRQWLWOH0DQ\RIWKHEDJVFRYHU a range of subjects suitable for both KS1 and KS2, including PSHE/SEAL issues. Story Bag Albert’s Tuneful Trunk Key Themes Animals, music & dance Story Bag Old Macdonald Key Themes Traditional rhyme, farm animals Animal Boogie Indian jungle setting Owl Babies Nocturnal life / family Badger’s Parting Gift Bereavement Parrot Tico Tango Rainforest Big Hungry Bear Sharing Peace at Last Familiar setting / sounds Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear? Familiar setting / bedtime Ringo the Flamingo Special needs / disability Dinosaur Roar Dinosaurs / opposites Room on the Broom Sequencing and rhyming Farmer Duck Animals / teamwork Rumble in the Jungle Jungle setting, poetry Fatou, Fetch the Water Multicultural / Gambia Scarecrow Who Didn’t Scare Seasons / self esteem Gingerbread Man Traditional story Shaun the Shy Shark Tackling bullying Gruffalo Forest setting/rhyme Sneezy Bear Handa’s Surprise Multicultural, counting, sequencing Repetitive vocabulary and fun with sounds Tallula’s Atishoo Team work, and animals Learning about transport Itchy Bear Animals & habitats Jack and the Beanstalk Traditional story, growth The Journey Home from Grandpa’s Knickers and Pants Maths, patterns and shapes Three Billy Goats Gruff Little Moon Solar system Traditional story, themes of courage & greed Little Red Riding Hood Traditional story, stranger danger Train Ride Rhyme, rhythm, repetition / transport Madame Arc–en–Ciel French is Fun French for Primary children, vocabulary on colours, seasons, rooms and buildings Ugly Duckling Traditional story, being different Very Hungry Caterpillar Healthy eating / life cycles Nursery Rhyme Storystarter Sack Music, rhythms and rhymes to develop language skills 13 • Leeds School Library Service Order Pack We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Journeys, rhythm & repetition We’re Sailing Down the Nile Egypt, history & geography :LQQLHWKH:LWFK 0DJLFFRORXUVFDPRXøDJH Contact us: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 @LeedsSLS T an o do ord wn ww e lo w.l vis r fo ad eed it rm s.g ov. uk/ sls About us The Leeds School Library Service is run by Leeds Libraries & Information Service. Leeds School Library Service (SLS) provides the best available resources direct to you to underpin the curriculum, and inspire reading for pleasure in your pupils and staff, raising attainment throughout the school. “Schools should be empowered to use the expertise of professional cultural practitioners to develop an inspiring curriculum for their pupils to become lifelong participants in the cultural life of the country.” Department of Education, Cultural Education report, page 9, July 2013 “Reading for Pleasure is not only important because it improves performance in reading tests; it has a PXFKZLGHUVLJQL÷FDQFHIRUFKLOGUHQØVHGXFDWLRQ 5HVHDUFKVKRZVWKDWLWEULQJVEHQH÷WVWKDWKHOS pupils achieve more across the whole curriculum.” Department for Education: Reading: the next steps March 2015 “A good school library service can KDYHDVLJQL÷FDQWLPSDFWRQSXSLOVØ literacy. We would like to see all schools have a well stocked library.” Department for Education: Encouraging Reading for Pleasure, June 2012 Contact us at: School Library Service SLS Queenswood Education Centre Foxcroft Close Leeds LS6 3NT Tel: 0113 378 2677 Fax: 0113 336 7241 email: @LeedsSLS