Can`t Take Our Eyes Off Winter Formal


Can`t Take Our Eyes Off Winter Formal
Volume 47, Issue 4
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Covina, CA 91722
Can’t Take Our Eyes Off Winter Formal
By Cristy Arce, Aimee Cisneros,
Karen Rodriguez, Sara Tobin
This year’s winter formal court can only
be described in one word: different. The
court is now made up of five senior princes, five senior princesses, and a prince and
a princess for each remaining grade level.
This year’s theme is “Can’t Take My Eyes
Off of You,” spotlighting the song “You and
Me” by Lifehouse and the formal’s colors
are teal and silver.
Freshmen princess Lindsey Woodward
names her father as her inspiration to shine.
Woodward would like to thank her friends,
the freshman class, and everyone who voted for her. Woodward will be attending the
dance with her boyfriend, Richard.
Happy to be taking part in the newly extended senior winter formal court, Princess
Cynthia Andalon stated: “I never thought
someone like me would be a princess. It’s
such an opportunity for me and such a great
honor.” Escorting her at the rally was her
little brother Tony Andalon. She will attend
the dance with senior prince Sam Gaxiola.
Andalon credits her mother as being her
inspiration because, as she says, “she has
always wanted the best for my family and
has encouraged us to succeed in anything
we do.” Andalon thanks her ’07 clique and
everyone who voted for her for giving her
this opportunity. Lastly, she thanks her
brother Tony for escorting her and for being the best brother there is.
Claiming to “add a little muscle” to the
court, senior prince Ricky Skolaski cannot
wait for all of the picture-taking and fun that
comes with being on court. Skolaski said,
“I was excited to represent the class and be
with my friends [on court].. Skolaski said
that his father is what inspires him, “just for
Vicky Becerril
The Upperclassmen Court—(from left to right) Ricky Skolaski, Desiree Mora, Leslie Castorena, George Tovar, Dean Coco, Sam Gaxiola, Cynthia
Andalon, Curtis Skinner, and Crystal Hernandez. Vanessa Gutierrez was not available to be photographed.
always being there in my heart.” Skolaski
was escorted by long-time friends Sara
Tobin and Stephanie Delgado, and he will
be attending the dance with his girlfriend,
Brooke. Skolaski would like to thank the
class of 2007 for nominating him.
Senior prince Curtis Skinner’s reaction to being chosen was as unique as he
is: “Booyahshaka! I was really surprised.”
Skinner was escorted at the rally by his boys
Steve and Johnson, and he will be attending
the dance with his best friend, Paola Bianca
Hernandez. When asked what diversity he
feels he contributes to the court, Skinner responded, “I’m gonna bring sexy back. But
on a serious note, I think my personality,
being a little out there, helps bring the pan-
el some more depth.” Skinner would like to
thank ASB for nominating him, the class of
’07 “for being the dopest class ever,” and
everyone who voted him on the court.
Nominated by ASB, senior princess
Crystal Hernandez is very grateful to be a
part of the court. “I am very excited and
thankful to be elected as a Princess, it has
made my senior year more fun!” She plans
to go with Lionel Pimental. “When I found
out that I made it to the top five of the winter
formal court I was so happy and surprised.
This has been a great experience and I can’t
wait until the dance!”
Excited to take part in this year’s court,
Dez Mora states, “I feel lucky to have this
experience and to be princess with my
Continued on Page 4
Page 2
Juarez and
Medina are
this month’s
Page 3
Will Cheer win
Page 4
Which celebrity would you
take to winter
Page 2
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Juarez, Medina Named Young Women of the Month for January
Starting off the new year, Christine Juarez receives one of January’s Young Women Of The Month awards. With a positive attitude, Juarez feels she was chosen for this title because of her
academic performance here at Northview. Juarez is involved in the
Spanish Club, AP Society, CSF, and also takes stats for the boys
varsity basketball team.
Juarez’s plan after high school is to go to college and keep herself busy by working in her extra time. She wants to get into NYU
and work her way up to become a pediatrician.
Maintaining a G.P.A of 3.5, working hard, and showing a lot
of dedication, Juarez feels her mother has inspired her to be the
young lady she is today.
“She has shown me that hard work pays off in the end,” said Juarez.
Juarez also received homecoming princess this
year and got the
chance to be in the
field show at our
homecoming game
against the San Dimas Saints. Having
that chance to be
on court will be her
fondest memory
here at Northview.
Vicky Becerril
For the month of January, Northview named Christian Medina
Young Woman Of The Month.
When she found out that she was chosen, she was shocked to
see her name and thought it was really cool. “It felt good because
I’ve been working hard to be one of the top ten in my class, and
this year I got number nine. It makes me feel like all the hard work
is paying off”
Christian participates in color guard and is also involved in
Northview’s environmental club. When asked what she is going
to miss the most about high
school after she graduates, she
said that she’ll miss being able
to hang out with friends after
school. “I’m especially going
to miss color guard because
it helped me open up and get
away from my shyness.”
After high school, Medina
wants to attend Azusa Pacific University or Cal State Long Beach
and major in Math. “Mr. Bohn inspired me because he made Math
very simple. He made me love it ,
and that’s the reason why I want to
major in it.”
“My dad inspires me the most
Vicky Becerril
because he gets so proud once he
sees all my accomplishments, and it makes me
want to work harder.”
Come Support the Senior Class!
Valhalla Staff
Northview High School
1016 W Cypress Ave
Covina CA 91722
(626) 974-6120
Editor-in-Chief: Rob Andrade
Advertising Editor: Breanna Keller
Section Editors: Cristy Arce, Stephanie Delgado,
Krystle Garcia-Gibbons, Daniel Quiroz, Sara
Photographers: Vicky Becerril and Jessica
Artwork: Artie Loredo and Ana Luevano
Reporters: Shaina Andrade, Lauren Bruno, Aimee Cisneros, Jacky Fuentes, Vanessa Gutierrez,
Desiree Jaramillo, Jennifer Loya, Nicole Mancuso, Andy Nguo, Cyrene Padama, Cristina Paz,
Jeremy Prickett, Karen Rodriguez, Alan Sims
Advisor: Mr. Todd Seagle
Artie Loredo
Celebrity Dwarves Take On the Northview Staff.
Friday Night, February 9th
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Is Northview Wrestling CIF Bound?
Continuing the great tradition of Northview wrestling, the Vikings look promising for
the 2006-2007 season. With the leadership role of P.J. Martinez, Ziek Sanchez, Nick Inclan, Oscar Molina, and Steven De La Fuente, the Vikings are definitely the team to beat.
Having recently participated in the Carter Tournament, Northview Tournament, Lemoore
Tournament, and the Nogales Tournament, the Vikings, with firsts in all their appearances,
have yet to disappoint. Coach Bellamy is pleased to say that his wrestlers have been giving their best efforts.
“Our kids are working extremely hard, and they are on track to accomplish their goals.
Our goal this season is to be the Southern Section CIF Champions,” says an enthusiastic
Coach Bellamy.
The Vikings have the talent to make their dreams come true with Senior Steven De La
Fuente currently ranked first in
the state of California. There
is always that one person that
has put forth the effort to become the best they can be, and
so far, junior Robert Alcantar
has proven to coaches that he
can be the best.
“He has worked very hard
this past off season, and he
is reaping the benefits,” says
Coach Bellamy.
The Vikings have definitely shown what hard work and
dedication is all about. “The
best, never rest.”
Vicky Becerril
Gaxiola, Anunkor Named Players of the Month
By Cristina Paz
Five years of football and four years in
wrestling are just some of the many accomplishments of Sam Gaxiola. Sam is a senior and has been involved in various extra
curricular activities. On his free time, he
likes to spend time with
friends and help coach
little kids in football
and basketball. Coach
Ochoa is one of Sam’s
idols. Sam said, “If I’m
lucky, I’ll be half the
man he is.”
Brian Erlacher
Sam’s favorite player in
the NFL.
Academic accomplishments of Sam’s
are that he will graduate with two hundred
and seventy-five credits, and he has never
failed a class. In the future he plans to go
to college and then start a business.
“I am very appreciative of my family,
friends, teachers, and coaches, and without
them, I wouldn’t be who I am today.”
By Krystle Garcia-Gibbons
Senior Chinonso Anunkor has been selected as Player Of The Month for cross
country. Anunkor, who also participates in
track, has managed to earn many academic
accomplishments, which include being a
the class top 10, a University of California
Eligibility in Context
Program Scholar, and
Principal’s Honor Roll.
He is also very involved here at NHS.
Anunkor is in the California Scholarship FedVicky Becerril
eration, on the yearbook
staff (photographer), and in the AP Society.
He states that, “my ultimate goal in life is
to make the best of every opportunity given.” As for his motivation in life he credits
his parent because “they have two difficult
lives, but they try to make it work.”
Anunkor revealed that his favorite saying
is, “It is the possibility of having a dream
come true that makes life interesting.”
Thursday, January 25, 2006 Page 3
Cheer “Brings It On”
to Nationals
By Breanna Keller
Viking cheerleaders involved in the
competition squad have been working
hard. That hard work has paid off. On Sunday, December 10th in Chino Hills at Ayala
High School, the Competition Squad took
2nd place, which qualified them for Nationals in March.
The competition squad is new to Northview’s cheerleading program. Only 23
girls are involved in the competition squad
out of the 44 girls in both varsity and JV.
Since their auditions during the summer,
the Competition Squad have been working hard on their routines and stunts since
August, practicing on weekends and four to
five days a week for up to three hours.
“With a new coach and staff there were
so many new things for them to learn, but
a lot had to do with the discipline and commitment they gave to me as a coach and to
each other as a team. That got them 2nd
place and qualifying for Nationals,” remarked Coach Ybarra.
As a new coach and member to Northview’s cheer team, Coach Ybarra was
slightly nervous.
“[But] I couldn’t let the team know that
I was nervous. It was their first time ever
doing something this big. I wanted them
to be confident and know that I believed in
them and that they were ready and could do
this. I was very proud.”
With more competitions approaching
later this month, the girls are back to work.
Their next competitions are January 20th
at Agoura High School and January 21st
at Fountain Valley
High School. These
next events will determine their spot for
finals at Nationals.
Nationals is a 3
day competition held
at the Anaheim Convention Center on
March 23-25, with
a semi-final round
to qualify for finals
on day 3. Over 5,000
compete in front of
15,000 spectators.
Vicky Becerril
Page 4
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Vicky Becerril
The Underclassman Court—(from left to right) Hector Castorena, Lindsey Woodward, Samantha Granados, Darlene Gonzalez, and Robert
Williams. Kevin Jones was not available to be photographed.
Continued from Page 1
good friends, Leslie and Cyn.” She was escorted at the rally by Matt Vego. Her date is
her wonderful friend, Steven Gibson.
Princess of 2009, Samantha Granados
is happy to be chosen. “I feel honored and
special, but at the same time it’s no biggy!”
She is excited to attend with her boyfriend,
Javier Ramirez.
Rob Williams has been chosen as this
year’s junior prince. He states, “I feel very
excited and enjoy this privilege!” His date
that night will be Jordan Gray. He says,
“Thank you to the ’08 class for voting me
as Prince. Go class of 2008!’
Leslie Castorena was “super shocked
and excited” that she was selected to be
one of the princess’s for 2007. She is also
excited to be on court with her younger
brother Hector. Castorena was escorted and
will be attending the dance with her boyfriend, Max. She gives a special thanks to
the football team and Coach Arellanes for
nominating her.
Girls League nominated senior Sam
Gaxiola to represent them as one of the
princes on court. Sam looks forward to just
having a good time with all his friends the
night of formal. He will be attending the
dance with fellow court member Princess
Cynthia Andalon.
Princess Vanessa Gutierrez said, “I am
looking forward to having a good time
with my boyfriend and all my friends since
it’s our last formal. I want it to be a night I
won’t forget and make memories that will
last.” She thanks Journalism for nominating her. She will be escorted to the dance
by her boyfriend, Paul.
George Tovar was beyond surprised, yet
very excited, when he found out he had
made it on court. He was nominated by
the AP Spanish Club and will be attending
the dance with his girlfriend Sharon. When
asked who he’d like to thank, he said, “AP
Spanish Club, my girlfriend, and friends
Steve, Nate, Anthony, and Sam. Dipset!”
Lastly, George just wants to wish good luck
to everyone who is on court.
Nominated by our own Valhalla, senior
Dean Coco feels honored and special for
being on court this year. Coco was escorted
by his parents at the rally. When asked who
he will he taking to the dance he said, “A
special lady.” Coco thanks everyone who
voted for him. He would also like to give a
special shout out to his boys, Paul and Andrew, and his best friend Vanessa.
Junior Darlene Gonzalez, who was nominated by the junior class, said, “I was actually shocked and really happy and excited
when they announced me as princess.”
Darlene will be attending the dance with
her friend, Martin Valdez. Gonzalez thanks
all of the ‘08 who voted for her and, her
two best friends, Nicole and Jessica, for being there for her and being as excited as she
was for winning court..
Sophomore Kevin Jones, when hearing
his named being announced, responded,
“I was shocked because I didn’t actually
hear my name being called, someone told
me that they had announced me as the
sophomore prince I was extremely excited
for winning.” Jones’ date for formal will be
Alexis Garcia. He thanks the class of 2009
for voting for him. “A special shout out to
Christine and Bernie Juarez who have always been there for me and always being
true friends to me ,” Jones said.
Freshman prince Hector Castorena could
not believe that he was the first prince of all
the double digits classes. Castorena plans
to take Melanie Perez to formal. Castorena
said, “Thank you to everyone in my freshman class for voting for me and also nominating me. I feel very honored to represent
2010 at this year’s formal.” Hector is also
excited for his sister, senior princess Leslie
I f Yo u C o u l d Ta k e A n y C e l e b r i t y t o W i n t e r F o r m a l ,
W h o Wo u l d I t B e a n d W h y ?
If I could take any celebrity to winter
formal, it would be Orlando Bloom
because he looks like a person who’s
kind and honest, and those traits are
important. Plus, he looks like a fun
person to be around, and he’s really
—Erica Dimas, 9th
I would dump my boyfriend for the
night and take Hayden Christensen :)
J/K, Javi!
—Samantha Granados, 10th
I would take Chad Michael Murray to
winter formal because he is cute and
seems like a nice guy. Also, because
he is on a great show, One Tree Hill.
—Stephanie Jaramillo, 9th
If I would take any celeb to winter
formal, I would take Tom DeLonge. I
would take him ‘cause he’s hot and a
good dancer!
—Kara C, 10th
I would take David Beckham because
he’s fine.
—Amanda Pimentel, 9th
If I could take any celebrity to winter
formal it would be Johnny Depp because he has handsome man features
and seems like an adventurous and outgoing person.
—Jaimie Lynn Miranda, 10th
I would take Chris Brown to winter
formal because he’s super cute, and
he’s a great dancer.
—Priscilla Alamo, 9th
Marilyn Monroe because she’s the
—Leon Cortes, 10th
Chuck Norris because his tears cure
cancer--too bad he never cries.
—Brian Buenaventura, 11th
Jennifer Love Hewitt because she is
—Daniel Alvarez, 11th
I would have to go to formal with Jessica Simpson because, for sure, she
would make me laugh by saying something dumb like she always does. And
she’s pretty hot.
—Josh Perez, 11th
Wentworth Miller from Prison Break.
He’s gorgeous!
—Evelyn Jara, 11th
I would take Chris Brown because he’s
my baby, and I know all the girls is
gonna be hate-n.
—Markell Johnson, 11th
I am a celebrity so someone should take me.—Bohn. James Bohn, teacher
Michael Keaton ‘cause he would pick
me up in the Bat Mobile since he’s
—Albert Orona, 12th
Shakira because she knows how to
dance and all eyes would be on us.
—Diego Gomez , 12th
Tom Welling, of course. Imagine! “It’s
a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s Liz with a
hot bird! I mean, Superman!
—Liz Vergara, 12th
I would take my boyfriend because
he’s a celebrity in my eyes.
—Delaney Jones, 12th
Eric Dane because he’s so McSteamy!
—Carol Quach, 12th