orthview news - Northview Public Schools


orthview news - Northview Public Schools
Published eleven times a year by Northview Public Schools Vol. XXI Issue 5 | May 2016
orthview news
4365 Hunsberger NE | Grand Rapids, MI 49525 | (616) 363-6861 | www.nvps.net
Preparing Students for Life's Next Step
lic Schools
Max Colley Jr. Performing Arts Center
NHS Vocal Music Pops Concert Tuesday, May 10 (7:30 p.m.)*
NHS Vocal Music Pops Concert Wednesday, May 11 (7:30 p.m.)*
“Northview Select” Concert
Sunday, May 15 (3 p.m.)**
Crossroads Band Concert
Tuesday, May 17 (7:30 p.m.)
Crossroads Choir Concert
Monday, May 23 (7:30 p.m.)
Highlands Red Band Concert
Tuesday, May 24 (6 p.m.)
Highlands White Band Concert Tuesday, May 24 (7:30 p.m.)
Highlands Choir Concert
Wednesday, May 25 (7:30 p.m.)
* $1 Admission. NHS Seniors will be honored at Wednesday night performance
**Northview’s select ensembles including Women’s Chorus, Varsity Voices,
Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band. Donations will be accepted at the door.
Surprise someone with a beautiful flower basket
or planter of lush, vibrant spring color.
Northview Hockey will once again be selling florist-grade fresh flower
hanging baskets and deck planters in the parking lot of Tony Betten
& Sons Ford (3839 Plainfield Ave NE) on Mother’s Day weekend May 6
through May 8. All major credit cards will be accepted.
Come out and support Northview Hockey!
Northview High School
Northview HS East Campus
Crossroads Middle School
Highlands Middle School
Tuesday, May 10 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Don't miss this exciting event showcasing
fabulous art. Meet the artists and explore the
vast array of art highlighting Northview's creative
talent. Enjoy the world premier film showing of
"Art from the Heart" produced by NHS alumnus
and filmmaker Steve Harryman. It is a heartwarming documentary featuring NHS advanced
art students. The first showing is at 5 p.m.;
a second showing follows. Northview Arts
Education: teaching mindfulness, empathy
and critical thinking through art making
> East Oakview Elementary
> North Oakview Elementary
> West Oakview Elementary
> Administration Building
Superintendent’s Comments
Dear Families, Community Members,
Staff & Students,
My mother’s favorite month is May. It is mine as well, but for different reasons.
My mother loves the month of May because of the beautiful flowers that begin
to bloom in her garden. For me, the month of May is special because of our
graduating seniors.
Guest readers from all around the Northview
district, including Supt. Korpak, visited Highlands to
read to students. Some read poems, others read
chapters from their favorite book or just talked
about a book they loved. Students had a chance
to display their book-themed classroom doors and
share their love of reading on HTV with poems,
stories or book talks on their favorite books.
As an educator, it is a special privilege to celebrate this occasion with our students
and their families. When I watch the students walk across the stage to receive
their diploma, I see the team of people who helped them get to this point in their
journey. That team includes their family, loved ones and friends, but also a school
community made up of teachers, bus drivers, band and choir directors, mentors,
custodians, building administrative assistants, interpreters, food service workers,
aides, and principals. Each member of the team unified through their work to support the success of every student.
As a school district, it is important that we ask families on a yearly basis how we are doing in the areas of Family Engagement, School
Fit, School Climate, Potential Barriers to Engagement, and School Safety. Between March 7 and March 21, we asked our families to
respond to questions in each of these areas. We had a terrific response with 783 completed surveys, and the feedback we received
was encouraging and validated the work of the Northview teachers and staff. Specific information from this survey is available in the
Monitoring Report from Board Policy 3.7, which can be found on the Northview Public Schools website. Special thanks go to each
parent/guardian who took time out of their busy day to complete the survey. Your assistance allows us to maintain our commitment
to continuous improvement in Northview schools.
Finally, as I close in on the completion of my first year as your Superintendent, I want to thank you for welcoming me into the
Northview community. It is a privilege to serve as your Superintendent.
As always, I encourage you to read this Northview News and visit our website, www.NVPS.net, to learn the latest on how Northview
Public Schools is “Preparing Students for Life’s Next Step.” Experience the joy of learning in Northview!
To the Continued Success of Students,
>>> Saturday, June 4
NHS Rowing
If your student moved out of the Northview
school district and you didn’t tell us, please
let us know NOW (deadline May 13 at 4
p.m.). You need to do Schools of Choice
paperwork to keep your child at Northview
next school year. Contact Kathy Maas at
the Administration Building (363-6861 or
kmaas@nvps.net) as soon as possible.
She will explain the paperwork that needs
to be completed.
Save the Date: August 11, 2016 brings the
24th Annual NEF Golf Outing with contests,
dinner and silent auction. Details at
Movie Night: “Captain America: Civil War” Opening Night. This is a fundraiser
on May 6 at 7 p.m. at Celebration Cinema North. Your ticket of $20 gives
you admittance into the theatre (general admission) and a small popcorn
and small pop. The school buying the most tickets receives a special
grant of $1000. Tickets are limited and will sell out. Order forms are at
northvieweducationfoundation.org or at the school offices. Order online at
http://nefmovienight.eventbrite.com. Questions: nef@nvps.net or 365-6153.
Honor Wall: Looking for a great way to thank a teacher or honor a graduating
senior? What better way to say thank you to a teacher for a great year than to
purchase an Honor Wall Tile from the NEF. This is also a great way to honor
a graduating senior or class. The Honor Wall is growing and is a great tribute
to many people. The wall is located inside the athletic wing at NHS. For more
information go to northvieweducationfoundation.org or e-mail nef@nvps.net.
NEXT NORTHVIEW NEWS DEADLINE: Friday, May 27, 2016 for the June/July 2016 issue (in homes near Saturday, June 25).
Send items to Kathy Maas, Editor (kmaas@nvps.net) or deliver to the Administration Building at 4365 Hunsberger NE.
Board Of Education
(detailed minutes at nvps.net)
Vol. XXI Issue 5 | May 2016
Regular Meeting on Monday, March 14, 2016
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Member Gallery shared that on March 23
at East Grand Rapids High School several of our area legislators
are coming to talk about DPS and the Flint water crisis. This is an
opportunity to advocate for our local school district.
STUDENT/BUILDING REPORTS: Detailed reports available at
nvps.net. Jerry Klekotka, Tyler Menhart and Noah Weeda gave a
presentation regarding CPR for students. They reported on the
progress being made toward a new law to have all high school
students trained in CPR before graduation. Dan Duba shared all
7th and 8th graders at Crossroads are trained in CPR during PE by
the Plainfield Fire Department.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Craig McCarthy reported our revenue
is slightly behind last year’s figures for February. Property tax
collections continue to be the area of greatest difference. As
a percentage, we are down 1.81%. We have a new revenue
category - Restricted Federal Rev - Govt Agency.
• We are working with Goodwill Industries and MI Rehabilitative
Services to help Region 1 students Achieve Competitive
Employment (ACE). The ACE program coordinated by Kim
Norman works to provide employment opportunities for
students with local businesses. The district covers initial costs
of $10,000 and MRS matches this times three. We receive our
initial investment back and students have great educational
experiences. • Expenses are in line with expectations.
Board of Education Directory
Doug LaFleur, President. . . . . . . . . . 328-1083
Tim Detwiler, Vice President . .. .. 364-6146
Jim Manikowski, Treasurer . . . . . . 581-6671
We are currently working on the spring budget amendment and
will bring that to the Board work session in two weeks. • The NHS
changing room project came in slightly higher than we’d like,
but within budget. The project begins at spring break and should
be complete by the end of the school year.
BOARD MEMBERS APPROVED: Approval of Minutes (February
8, 2016 Regular Meeting and February 22, 2016 Work Session
Meeting); Payment of Bills; Personnel Actions; Gifts to the District.
MONITORING: Monitoring Report 3.5 Curriculum and Instruction:
Acknowledged the Board received the monitoring report as of
March 14, 2016 for the period March 23, 2015 - March 14, 2016
of the Superintendent concerning Ends Policy 3.5 and finds the
Superintendent’s interpretations are reasonable, his conclusions
are reasonably supported by data that is relevant, justified, and
complete. Monitoring Report 4.3 Problem Solver: Acknowledged
the Board received the monitoring report as of March 14, 2016 for
the period March 24, 2015 - March 14, 2016 of the Superintendent
concerning Ends Policy 4.3 and finds the Superintendent’s
interpretations are reasonable, his conclusions are reasonably
supported by data that is relevant, justified, and complete.
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Supt. Korpak shared he
recognized the letter of resignation from Dr. Julia Reynolds.
Reynolds will complete the rest of the school year before moving
to Georgia.
Renee Montgomery, Secretary. . . .
John Belaski, Legislative Liaison. ..
Michelle Gallery, Trustee. .. .. .. ..
Jeff Lambert, Trustee. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Student Representatives
Max Purwin, Senior
Iris Johnson, Junior
E-mail: boardofeducation@nvps.net
KENT ISD Offers “Let’s Talk” It’s new at the Kent Intermediate School District!
There is now an online feedback tool giving you the ability to submit a question, concern, comment
or compliment 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A Let’s Talk button is on the left-hand side of each
page of their website (kentisd.org) as well as on all of the webpages of every other school, student
and staff program they operate. You may remain anonymous or leave contact information for a
personal response. Let’s Talk enables Kent ISD to take the pulse of their customers and community
and makes it easier for you to get the information you need. Northview already offers a service for
questions/comments about Northview at “Contact Us” at nvps.net.
School closing and delay decisions are made by administrative staff
with the safety of your child(ren) in mind. In a situation where school
remains open, parents may choose not to send their child(ren) to
school. Adverse weather conditions and other emergency situations
may make it necessary to cancel school, to delay the beginning of
school, or to send students home early or late.
Whenever this happens, notice will be communicated through (1) our
Instant Alert notification system, (2) local radio and television stations,
and (3) the district website at nvps.net. Whenever possible, event
cancellations/reschedules will be posted on the website throughout
the day as they occur.
Please arrange for an alternative shelter-home where students can go
if you will not be home. Emphasize that students should stay off the
streets once they reach home. Review your family’s plan with your
children on a regular basis.
Two-hour Delay Procedure: In the case of a two-hour delay, your
child’s bus pick-up time and school start time will be exactly two hours
after his/her originally scheduled bus pick-up/school start time.
Tornado Watch/Warning Procedures: 1. Tornado Watch: If a
tornado “watch” is announced prior to or during regular school
hours, students will normally be dismissed at the regular dismissal
time. 2. Tornado Warning: If an official tornado “warning” is
announced, or if a tornado appears, children will be retained in
school in predetermined shelter areas until the warning is lifted.
3. After Hours School & Community Activities: If a tornado “watch”
or “warning” is announced during school hours, all after-school
and evening activities will be CANCELLED unless an ALL-CLEAR
is announced prior to 4 p.m.
Boater Safety Class Boater Safety
is a Michigan Safe Boating Course offered by
the Kent County Sheriff’s Department. It covers
all of the laws, ethics, and safety procedures
needed to legally and safely operate a boat
or PWC (Jet Ski/Wave Runner) in MI. Much
emphasis is on water safety and “drown
proofing” the student. The MI Boating Safety
Certificate is acceptable in most states. Students
must attend both classes to receive a certificate.
Classes are FREE, however, you must preregister. Who needs this course? (1) anyone born
after 1978 who wants to operate a personal
water craft, (2) 12-16 year olds who want to drive
a motorboat alone, and (3) everyone concerned
about the laws and how to operate a vessel
safely on the waterways. Requirements for class
include bringing a pencil/pen to each class and
the student must be at least 12 years old by
August 1, 2016. Classes are at Highlands Middle
School cafeteria on Monday, May 2 and Tuesday,
May 3 from 6-9 p.m. To register, contact
Community Education (361-3444 or jhigdonbovo@nvps.net). Student’s name, address,
birth date and phone number is needed to
register. A minimum of 20 participants is
required to confirm class will take place.
Northview Senior Citizens has been serving Northview, Plainfield Charter
Township and the surrounding area for over 35 years. Visit northviewseniors.
org or contact Christine Friedt (365-6150 or cfriedt@nvps.net) to learn more
about exercise classes, weekly activities, lecture series, presentations, outings
and day trips.
Low Vision Services - Thursday, May 5 (1 p.m.). Aging eyes experience
more frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions.
Cataracts also become more common over age 65. When their patients
are diagnosed with severe vision impairment, which cannot be medically
corrected, doctors often refer patients to ABVI for help and support.
Presented by the Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired.
Coffee with a Deputy - Tuesday, May 24 (10 - 11:30 a.m.). Enjoy a cup
of coffee with a Kent County Deputy. Coffee with a Deputy brings police
officers and the community members they serve together, over coffee,
to have a distraction free conversation to discuss issues and learn more
about each other. No agenda or speeches, just an opportunity to ask
questions, voice concerns and meet the deputies who serve us face-toface. Drop in between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Cost: Free.
Apprentice for Life Lecture Series: Happy 125th Birthday, John Ball Zoo!
Monday, May 16 (1 p.m.). 2016 is a big birthday and the Zoo is celebrating
all year long. Lots of birthday parties, in fact, 125 animal birthdays. This
presentation tells the story of the creation of the 10th oldest zoo in
the country—John Ball Zoo. Speaker Brenda Stringer is the Director of
Institutional Advancement at the Zoo. She has been with the Zoo for 35
years and previously served as Executive Director of the John Ball Zoo
Society. This event is generously underwritten by Heron Woods. For
those relatively independent, affordable Heron Woods Senior Apartments
residents enjoy a warm, caring environment with all the comforts of home
and none of the burdens of home ownership.
New class! Tai Chi - Wednesdays & Fridays (11 a.m. – Noon). Class fee:
$3 drop in fee. Tai Chi is a Chinese system of slow meditative physical
exercises designed for relaxation, improving flexibility, balance and
increased health. The class promotes a comfortable and enjoyable way to
learn the very basic movements.
RUN LIKE BANDits 5k Run/Walk
Northview Band Boosters is pleased to
announce the 5th annual Run Like BANDits 5k Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run. It takes
place on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 7 p.m.
at Northview High School with Kids Fun Run
to follow. More information available
at www.northviewbandboosters.net.
Transfer of children in the Northview district from one elementary school
attendance area to another may be requested by the parent/guardian.
To request a change in elementary school buildings, please submit an
In-District Schools of Choice application to an elementary principal by May
6, 2016. Copies are available from elementary buildings and from the
Superintendent’s office. Approval of application is contingent on availability
of space. Annual re-application is necessary and the parent/guardian may
have to be responsible for transportation.
Check out the fabulous stories about our local public schools (including
NORTHVIEW) at schoolnewsnetwork.org. It’s just one ‘click’ off nvps.net.
Vol. XXI Issue 5 | May 2016
Students in Mrs. Bailey’s
class need your help.
There are milk jugs to be
filled! Students (pictured
Zachary Krebs, Matthew
Gibson, Jayna Mojica and
Christian McDonald) have
approximately 30 jugs
filled for donation to
Ronald McDonald House
and they want more.
They make their annual
donation delivery in late May/early June. Pop tabs are a valuable resource to the
Ronald McDonald House of Western Michigan. Collected pop tabs are recycled,
generating much-needed funds. Each year the Ronald McDonald House of
Western Michigan hopes to raise $5,000 from can tabs. Drop off tabs at any
Northview school building or the Administration Building. Help them meet their
goal…..and then some!
Class of 1981: It’s been 35 years! Celebrate on Saturday, August 13, 2016 from
7-11 p.m. at the Casino Club (3260 Salerno Drive NE). $15 for Alumni and $25
for Couples before July 1 (after this date the cost doubles). Cash bar, appetizers
and a casual fun evening. Payments and questions go to: Renee (Grimes)
Montgomery, 2838 5 Mile Road NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 (616-363-5760).
Class of 1996: It’s been 20 years! Planning and looking for missing classmates.
Contact Mary (Rankin) Middleton (marycmiddleton@gmail.com).
Helping you help your child!
Bright Beginnings playgroup provides you with information,
resources, educational play activities and support so you can help
your child learn and grow to their fullest potential. This program
is for birth to kindergarten entry aged children and their families.
Thursday, May 12 (1-2:30 p.m.) “Pet Shop”
Tuesday, May 17 (6-7 p.m.) "Family Fun Night"
All events are at West Oakview Elementary School
(3880 Stuyvesant NE). Questions? Call Denise Kreske (616-447-4904)
Are You A Non-Resident
Family Attending Northview?
If “Yes,” Please Read This.
If someone else in your household wants to
start attending Northview next year, be sure
to contact Kathy Maas at the Administration
Building (363-6861 or kmaas@nvps.net)
as soon as possible. She will explain
the paperwork/process that needs to be
completed BEFORE MAY 13. Thank you!
Mentor Celebrations
It's always such a fun time when the mentors
and their students get together to celebrate
the year of mentoring. Make sure to mark
your calendars for the following dates. This
is not only a great time to wrap up the year of
mentoring, it's also an opportunity to invite
someone who is thinking about mentoring to
come with you to check out the program.
Wednesday, May 25 Crossroads @ 8:15 a.m.
Thursday, May 26
High School @ 8 a.m.
Fundraiser at Freddy’s:
May 10 The NHS Senior All
Night Party parents are sponsoring a
fundraiser on Tuesday, May 10 (5-9 p.m.)
at the new Freddy’s (on Plainfield Ave. in
front of Meijer). Dine inside or drive-thru
to support our students. 15% of all sales
go directly to the SANP fund. Freddy’s
is known for tasty steak burgers and
custards. Give this NEW business on
Plainfield Ave. a Wildcat welcome and
enjoy an evening out of the kitchen.
What You Need to Know
All Northview resident parents/guardians with a child who will be 5 years old
before SEPTEMBER 1, 2016, please contact your nearest elementary school NOW
and let the office staff know that your child will be starting kindergarten in the fall.
Registration materials will be mailed to your home. Call 363-6861 if you do not
know which of these three schools is nearest to your home.
East Oakview (361-3460) • North Oakview (361-3450)
West Oakview (361-3470)
A Developmental Kindergarten program will be available for students who meet the kindergarten age requirement but
are not yet ready for the comprehensive kindergarten program (limited number of positions available with entry based
on kindergarten screening at Northview). Individual kindergarten screening appointments at Northview will be scheduled
in the springtime for those not attending preschool at Northview.
Non-resident students who want to attend kindergarten at Northview must complete the Schools of Choice
process April 11-May 13. For details, contact Kathy Maas (kmaas@nvps.net or 363-6861).
Community/Elementary Schools
NORTHVIEW PRESCHOOLS – Community Ed & Great Start Readiness
Northview Preschool (held at West Oakview Elementary School) is a wonderful place to begin early school
experiences. The Northview Community Education Preschool and Great Start Readiness programs are designed
for children who will be four years old by September 1, 2016. There is an early childhood certified teacher and
paraprofessional in each classroom. Each preschool section keeps a low student to teacher ratio with no more
than 16-18 children working with the teacher and paraprofessional at a time.
The COMMUNITY EDUCATION PRESCHOOL program is for residents and non-residents of Northview. We offer a three-day (Monday/
Wednesday/Friday) or two-day (Tuesday/Thursday) program in either the mornings or afternoons. Registration for Northview
residents begins on February 1. Non-residents may begin registering on March 1. There is a $25 non-refundable registration
fee. If you have questions or want to register your child, call West Oakview (361-3470) or send an e-mail to lniedzielski@nvps.net.
Information may also be obtained from our website at nvps.net.
The GREAT START READINESS PROGRAM provides financial aid for families with children who would benefit from extra early
learning experiences. Applications are available through the Kent Intermediate School District (KISD). Contact them at 447-2409 or
visit www.kentisd.org for more information.
The preschool curriculum is coordinated with the kindergarten curriculum of the Northview school district. Activities are designed to
develop every aspect of a child: understanding self and others, improving muscle control and coordination, experiencing creativity,
and increasing language, reading and math skills. Teachers work with individual children, small groups and whole groups to help
children learn at their own pace and in their own way. Alphabet and numbers are introduced through everyday experiences such
as cooking, painting, drawing, music and computer games.
Get MULCH from
Get your yard looking great
this spring and support
Northview’s Senior All Night
Party (SANP) by ordering your MULCH through the
Big Chipper. Big Chipper is a Grand Rapids-based
tree service and landscape supply company.
Order now through May 15. Call 616-456-5401,
pickup or delivery, and mention Northview.
East, North, West:
21 Years of Jump Rope for Heart
North, East and West Oakview elementary
schools recently finished the Jump Rope for
Heart fundraising season by RAISING OVER
$10,000 for the American Heart Association.
During the fundraising period, students at all
three elementary schools collected donations
for lifesaving research for kids and families in
need. In return, the students earned prizes
and participated in heart-healthy activities
encouraging lifelong
wellness. A big thank
you goes out to all
of the students and
community members
donating and/or
participating in a
school event.
DAY CARE at Northview
SUMMER 2016 REGISTRATION: Summer registration for currently enrolled
students begins May 2, 2016. Summer registration for new enrollments begins
on May 9, 2016. We accept children 5-12 years old. Summer Fees: $25 per
family (non-refundable). $30/day for 1st child; $20/day for each additional child.
Field trips and special food days are NOT included in tuition fees. Questions:
Contact Nicholette Driggs at (616) 361-3439 or ndriggs@nvps.net.
2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR REGISTRATION BEGINS JUNE 1: We are open before
school, after school, half days and some “No School” days for your child care
needs. We accept children 5-12 years old. During the school year, busing is
available from Day Care to all Northview schools (through 6th grade) in the
morning and returns are made in the afternoon. School Year Registration Fee:
$50 per family (non-refundable). Before School (6:30 – 8:30 a.m.): $8/day.
After School (3-6 p.m.): $10/day. School Year Half Day: $20. School Year
Full Day: $25.
East Cares!
East Oakview collected
and donated over 550 fun
character-themed boxes
of bandages for the Helen
DeVos Children's Hospital
during February. The
teachers who organized the
project and a few students
delivered the donation
along with Principal Scogg.
The purpose of the service
project was to "help
make kids smile" when
they are able to get a fun
colorful bandage instead
of a plain brown one after
blood draws and other
procedures. East students
learn the importance of helping others and make a difference in this big world.
Elementary Schools
West Celebrates
Down Syndrome
Did you know the 21st day of the third
month was World Down Syndrome Day?
Did you know it was Rock Your Socks Day?
West Oakview celebrated World Down
Syndrome Day on March 21 by wearing
all kinds of colored and mismatched
socks. When asked “Why the socks?,”
staff explained the celebration of all the
wonderful things about people with Down
syndrome while helping advocate for
individual rights, inclusion and respect.
The 21st day of the 3rd month was selected to signify the uniqueness of the
triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which leads to Down syndrome.
What a special day of awareness at West!
NEF Brings Shape
to East 1st Grade
Thanks, NEF! The Northview Education
Foundation funded a grant which allowed
Mrs. Johnston to purchase award-winning
Magformer shapes for her first grade
classroom. These shapes use magnets
to connect, allowing students (photo Zak
Johnson & Arlyn Grix) to use visual and
spatial thinking to create two- and
three-dimensional shapes.
NEF Promotes
Literacy at East
Thanks, NEF!
There is something new in Mrs. Burn’s
classroom. Her students now interact with
the Read It Once Again curriculum. It is an
early childhood comprehensive curriculum
using familiar children’s literature to
provide a solid educational foundation
for the basic skills necessary for children
to be successful.
Book Bingo at
East Oakview East Oakview's
first annual Book Bingo night was a huge
success. Families came out to play bingo
and win lots of books as prizes. Book
Bingo has kids reaching for books and
makes reading a blast. It’s a simple fact:
the more your child reads,
the better they read!
They are ALL
WINNERS at North
Thanks go to the North Oakview
PTC for funding a grant for the
North Oakview library. With the
grant money provided, Teacher
Librarian Mrs. Davies purchased
over 40 books to add to the
collection of Caldecott or Caldecott
Honor medal winners. These books
are a wonderful support to the
school-wide Mock Caldecott unit.
Students are eager to check out
these great books.
Vol. XXI Issue 5 | May 2016
Guest Cartoonist/
Author Visits West
West Oakview students and staff
were thrilled to spend the day learning
and drawing with local cartoonist/author
Wade Gugino on March 24. Gugino
participated in ArtPrize for a number of
years and is the author of two graphic
novels on positive character traits titled “Rolando
Responsible” and “Olympia On-Time.” To prepare
for Mr. Gugino’s visit, students heard one of his
books and created their own cartoon character
inspired by his drawing style.
Students in kindergarten – 4th grade met with
Mr. Gugino for individual sessions where they
heard about his writing process, read “Rolando
Responsible” using a giant copy created for
ArtPrize, and created their own 3-panel comic
strips. A special cartooning session was held for a
small group of students in 1st-4th grade who have
a particular interest in comics and drawing. Many
students came away inspired to create their own
comics and graphic novels; several new books are
in the works! More about Wade Gugino and his
work may be found at googuysandgals.com.
Family Fun Night Donors
Thank you to the donors, teachers and staff,
volunteers and families supporting the recent
North Oakview Family Fun Night on March 18.
The funds raised complete technology upgrades,
improve playgrounds, support field trips and add
to leveled libraries. Donors include Adobe, Aerials,
Alliance Beverage, Anna’s House, Art Engage,
Artistic Enhancements, Bagger Dave’s, Barton
Chiropractic, Bengtson Center for Aesthetics,
Big Kidz Games, Boulder Creek Golf, Bravo, Bud
and Stanley’s, BW’s, Cake Connection, Catch Air,
Cheer’s, Craig’s Cruisers, Crushed Grape, CU
Answers, Dance Dimensions, Design One, Fiesta
Sweets, Fit Body Boot Camp, Fitness Together,
Flo’s Pizzeria, Gilmore Collection, GR Art Museum,
GR Drive, GVSU, Granola Goddess, Great Lakes
Fasteners, Gymco, Hearts N Motion Dance Studio,
Hope Volleyball Camp, Humane Society, Jester’s
Court, John Ball Zoo, John-Grace Construction,
Jordan Kramer Builders, Kent County Sheriff’s
Department, Kool Chevrolet, Lowe’s, Maple Hill
Golf Course, Meijer, MI Basketball Academy, MI
Volleyball Academy, Mines Golf Course, Moby’s
Dive Shop, MVP Fieldhouse, Naked Plates,
Northfield Lanes, Oceana Glass and Paint,
Outer Image, Panopoulos Salons, Plainfield
Fire Department, R-Athletics, Radiant Sports,
Rainbow International, Rebounderz, Rising Starz
Gymnastics, Robinette’s, Secchia Institute for
Culinary Education, Sheldon Cleaners, Signature
Photography Studios, Soaring Eagle Hotel &
Waterpark, Super T Karate, Alcumbrack Family, Bill
Carlson Family, Denyes Family, Judy Koster Family,
Molnar Family, Raven Family, Starr/
Teunis Family, Will Family, Thousand
Oaks, Trader Joe’s, V.I Pets, Van
Ball’s Prime Beef, Village Bike Shop,
Walker Ice & Fitness, Waterworks
Auto Wash, White Birch Builders
and Williams Distributing.
Middle & High Schools
Crossroads Middle School
Exam Schedule
(dismissal at 10:55 a.m.)
Wednesday, June 8
2nd & 3rd Period Exams
Thursday, June 9
4th & 5th Period Exams
Friday, June 10
6th & 7th Period Exams
French Back to Back
Meeting -- May 5
It’s time to start planning for
next year’s French B2B exchange
program, open to current 6th,
7th and 8th graders. Mark your
calendars for the informational
meeting at Crossroads on
Thursday, May 5 at 7 p.m. Contact
Kathy Williams (kathy.com2@
gmail.com) with questions.
Highlands Student
is WZZM Winner!!
Congratulations to Jack Schuler
from Highlands. He was
selected as WZZM Special
Olympic Athlete of the Day
on March 14. Jack has been
competing in Special Olympics
for three years in basketball,
track and soccer. Way to go, Jack!
Crossroads PE Students
Swim, Swam Swum
As part of a new Crossroads PE unit, 7th and 8th
graders visited the Northview pool to learn pool
and waterfront safety. Opportunities in learn-toswim and technique improvement skills, personal
safety and basic first aid, how to safely assist a
struggling swimmer, severe weather protocols,
and winter ice safety were provided along with
free time.
Crossroads/NHS Odyssey
of the Mind Team Takes
3rd Place at State
Congratulations to the Northview
High School/Crossroads Middle
School Odyssey of the Mind Team
for their 3rd place finish at the State
Tournament. Brenna Potter (9th),
Tori Ballor (9th), Lauren Alsgaard
(9th), Maizee Rogers (8th), Calder
Burton (7th), Avery Harriger (8th) and Alli Norcutt (8th) competed in the State
Tournament and took 3rd place in the technical problem. Odyssey of the Mind
is an international educational program providing creative problem-solving
opportunities for students. It teaches students to learn creative problem-solving
methods while having fun in the process.
Crossroads Students
Support their School
Fundraising happens! A limo ride to
Rockford and an ice cream treat from
McDonald’s were the prizes won by
twelve students selling twelve or more
items in the Crossroads Great American
Spring Fundraiser. What fun for all,
including PTC President Mrs. Wagner.
Thanks, Northview community!
Creative Upcycling from
Highlands Green Team
Several members of Highlands Green Team
stayed after school one day to make crafts
from items no longer needed or wanted in
the Green Room. Students let their creativity
show. Olivia Austin, Kendra Street and Alexis
Strecker (l to r) worked together to make a
mural from caps. Upcycling stuff into art is
Students Manage a School
Improvement at Highlands
Highlands’ Student Council experienced what
it takes to accomplish a school improvement
goal. Among the improvement possibilities
were automatic restroom dryers. They
discussed it with Highlands’ Principal,
Mr. Vermaat.
They invited Mr. Fargo, Director of Facilities,
to determine what would be involved with
cost and installation and found new electrical was needed in addition to the cost
of the dryers. Once the final estimate was determined, Mr. Vermaat and Mr. Fargo
offered to help fund the project. Highlands’ Green Team director, Mrs. Krueger,
offered to share in the cost, too. When the suppliers, American Dryer Company
and Standard Electric, discovered students were funding the project, they
reduced the price. The result: Highlands’ Student Council was able to have four
automatic restroom dryers installed. What a great example of collaboration and
shared service.
Non-swimmers and those weak or fearful worked
on foundational skills: safe water entries,
submersion, front and back floats, proper use
of kickboards/other instructional tools, and basic
front crawl/backstroke technique. Swimmers
competent in deep water or competitive/highly
skilled worked in the deep water and focused on
improving treading skills, diving skills, using flippers/
kickboards to strengthen muscles, and drills to improve technique across competitive
strokes. Students from both groups showed significant improvement in ability
and confidence.
Kelsey Wilterink, Northview’s Swim Lesson Coordinator/Water Safety Instructor, and Suann
Foust, Head Coach for the Northview Community Swim Team, ensured students received
individualized instruction for maximum gains, as well as personalized encouragement to
help everyone have a positive experience. E-mail kwilterink@nvps.net or ryoungberg@
nvps.net with feedback or questions about Northview swimming programs.
NEEDS PHOTOS Hey, parents!
NHS yearbook is seeking pictures from
your kid’s spring break and prom.
Send prom pictures to: averyboyce@
yahoo.com. Send spring break pictures to:
High Schools
Bring Home 3rd
Place Trophy
Six representatives from the
NHS Math Team competed at
the GRCC Math Challenge on
Saturday, March 19. Students
earned points by completing
team and individual challenges.
The team placed 3rd in their division and 4th place overall. Pictured are Ashley
Gogolin, Chloe Warmuskerken, Ellie Haveman, Spencer Todd, Alayna Kent and
Brodie Kieras. Nice job, Northview Mathletes!
NEF Adds
Plays at NHS
Thank you to the Northview
Education Foundation for
the generous grant to add 25
contemporary plays to Mrs.
Hoffman's classroom library.
The plays give students the
opportunity to read current
scripts by critically acclaimed
playwrights. Works by August Wilson, Bruce Norris and Annie Baker are among
the many Pulitzer Prize winning plays. Any student at NHS is welcome and
encouraged to sign out a script from Mrs. Hoffman's class.
SR. ALL NIGHT PARTY Parent Meeting Join us!
Parents are planning the 2016 All Night Party following graduation. They meet on
Tuesday, May 17 at 7 p.m. in the NHS health room. This is the last chance for
parents to get involved with the party. If you can't attend the meeting and want
more information, e-mail your name, phone number and child's name with your
e-mail address to NV2016sanp@gmail.com.
Poetry is an Important Art to Study at Any Age
The NHS English Department welcomed “The Diatribe” poetry group in March. Fable
the Poet and May Day (Kelsey May, NV 2012 graduate) led the workshop sponsored by
Kent District Library with a grant from the KDL Reads initiative. Students got to listen to
the spoken word poetry of two great local poets and were able to share some of their
own work. They discussed relevant issues and personal experiences. Fable opened
the conversation by saying that growing up he felt like “his voice didn’t matter.” But
on this day the message to the students was clear: no one will tell your story like you!
Thanks KDL for investing in Northview students in such an important way.
Congratulations NHS All Conference Athletes
Front Row (l-r)
Nick Lovejoy
(bowling), Abbi
Brewer (bowling),
Laura Frey (bowling),
Samantha Dean
(cheer), Carter
Hedges (wrestling).
2nd Row (l-r) Jason
Rector (wrestling),
Kelly Keen (bowling),
Megan Lowell
(basketball), Joe
Kapustka (basketball).
3rd Row (l-r) Jacob Coppock (bowling), Matthew Dolleman (wrestling), Emma VanZanten
(basketball), Wyatt Gee (bowling), Zach Pangborn (basketball). Back Row (l-r) Katie
Paasche (skiing), Katie Todd (skiing), Trajan Shomin (hockey), Cole Dochod (skiing).
NHS Exam Schedule (Grades 9-11)
(dismissal at 11 a.m.)
Wednesday, June 8 1st & 2nd Hour Exams
Thursday, June 9 3rd & 4th Hour Exams
Friday, June 10 5th & 6th Hour Exams
NHS Exam Schedule (Grade 12)
Tuesday, May 17 1st & 2nd Hour Exams
Wednesday, May 18 3rd & 4th Hour Exams
Thursday, May 19 5th & 6th Hour Exams
Northview East Campus
HS Exams (dismissal at 10:50 a.m.)
Wednesday, June 8 1 & 3rd Hour Exams
Thursday, June 9 4th & 5th Hour Exams
Friday, June 10 6th & 7th Hour Exams
Northview Film WINS
Top Film Honors in the
37th Annual Telly Awards
Congratulations to filmmaker Steve
Harryman, Northview 1981 graduate and
friend of the Northview Art Department.
The Telly Awards named his film “The Last
Lesson” as the winner of the prestigious
Silver Award in the 37th Annual Telly
Awards. The film won the top honor in
the category for Film/Entertainment. The true
story of Northview High School retired art
teacher Ruth Bitting (Clapp) and her student;
it premiered at the 2015 Northview Visual Arts
Show. “The Last Lesson” also picked up a second
honor with a Bronze Award in the category for
motivational films.
With nearly 12,000 entries from all 50 states and
five continents, filmmaker Harryman said, “This
is truly an honor and showcases the significance
of art education programs across the country
and the important role art teachers play in the
lives of creative students, like I was many years
ago. The impact of a great teacher is something
you carry around for a lifetime.” Check out
Harryman’s latest production “ART FROM THE
HEART” at the 2016 Northview District Visual Art
Show on Tuesday, May 10 at 5 p.m. (a second
showing will follow the premiere).
The film features conversations with
Northview’s Advanced Art students.
The Counselors’ Corner information is available
online at nvps.net (High School, Guidance).
This month’s topics include: Advanced
Placement (A.P.) testing; personal crisis;
transcript requests; and credit recovery.
NHS appreciates these businesses for hosting
9th grade students for a job shadow experience
on April 12: City Flats Hotel, Davenport
University, Equestrian Center, Farmers
Insurance, GE Aviation, Grand Rapids Fire
Department, GR TV, Integrated Architecture,
Lambert-Edwards & Associates, Northpointe
Bank and Wolverine World Wide.
Sports & Fitness
Red Whacker Thank You!
(5:30 - 8 PM)
Sports physical for the 2016-17 school year are on
Monday, June 6 (5:30-8 p.m.). Cost is $25. They take
place in the locker rooms off the NHS large gym.
Student-athletes are NOT allowed to start practices
without having a valid physical on file (MUST
be dated after April 15, 2016). There is a vision
screening as part of this so have glasses and/or
your contacts with you. Questions? Contact Athletic
Trainer Jesse Brinks (jbrinks@nvps.net).
Looking for a Summer Job?
Sign up today to become a certified
Red Cross life guard at the NHS
pool. Get started on a life-long skill
valued on college applications and
with future employers. Dates:
May 7-8 and 14-15. Time: 8-5 p.m.
(1-hour lunch). Cost: $200.
Details: µMust be 15 years or
older; µSwim 300 yards continuously using the
following strokes: 100 yards of the front crawl using
rhythmic breathing and a stabilizing propellant kick,
100 yards of the breaststroke, 100 yards of the front
crawl and/or the breaststroke; µSwim 20 yards,
surface dive to a depth of 12 feet, retrieve a 10 pound
object, and swim 20 yards back to the starting point in
under 1 minute 40 seconds; and µTread water for two
minutes only using your legs.
If your certification expired over one year ago, you
are not eligible for re-certification and must take
a new certification course. If interested or have
questions, follow this link or e-mail Rich Youngberg
(ryoungberg@nvps.net) or https://docs.google.
The Northview Baseball Program thanks all participants
and sponsors for another great Red Whacker event. Ten
teams participated in the 2016 games. Fresh snow made
for an almost perfect day for snow softball. The baseball program encourages
support for the following companies sponsoring the 2016 Red Whacker: Old
Orchard Brands, Kool Chevrolet, West Michigan Community Bank, The
Score, Kingsbury Cabinets, Fred’s Pizza, Quality Express Car Care, West River
Carpets, Lacks Enterprises, Vitale’s of Comstock Park, Farmers Insurance,
FSP Gym, The Pit Stop BBQ, Plate Rack Specialists, West Michigan Eyecare,
Waddell & Reed Financial Advisors, Dawn Mieras/Keller Williams, Jim Hill
Photo, Northfield Lanes, Bouwhuis Supply, Grand Ridge Orthodontics and
JDC Properties. A special thank you goes out to Todd and Tara Julien for their
efforts with all the tasty food. Thanks to all and see you next year!
Hours of Operation & Contacts: Monday: 5:30-7:30 a.m. and 5-9 p.m.; Tuesday: 5-9
p.m.; Wednesday: 5:30-7:30 a.m. and 5-9 p.m.; Thursday: 5:30-7:30 a.m. and 5-9 p.m.;
Friday: 5:30-7:30 a.m. and 5-7 p.m.; Saturday: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; and Sunday: Noon-3 p.m.
Contact: 616-365-6140 or northviewfitnesscenter@gmail.com.
Spring is in the air and exciting things are happening at the Northview Fitness Center. If
you've stopped by lately you may have noticed a bit of renovation work going on. We're
putting up with the dust for a bit because the end results will be well worth it when we
welcome our new changing rooms and two new unisex bathrooms.
If you're looking for fitness classes, we just announced our next series and we've got two
new offerings with TRX® Group Training Class and HIIT. We can already tell these are
popular choices among community members because spaces are filling up quickly. To
sign up for any of our classes, visit northernpts.com/classes or call 616-365-6140. Drop-ins
are welcome at all fitness classes, with the exception of the TRX® class, which will only
welcome a drop-in if space permits. Here's the complete list:
TRX® Group Training Class - NEW class using suspension bands and your own body
weight. Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. through June 7.
Water Aerobics - Saturdays at 10 a.m. through May 21.
Water Aerobics - Wednesdays at 6 a.m. starting May 4.
Yoga - Mondays at 7 p.m. starting May 9.
HIIT - NEW High Intensity Interval Training class! Mondays at 7:30 p.m., starts June 6
All runners are invited to attend a free Precision Running Workshop on May 19 at 6:30
p.m. This workshop shows how proper form can help you run faster, with less stress and
injury. Our team of sports rehab experts offers individual advice and talks about issues
influencing the way we run. This workshop is free, but space is limited so early registration
is suggested. Sign up at northernpts.com/rsvp or call 616-365-6140.
Little Cats Night
Saturday, May 7 (6-9 p.m.)
Northview HS
(enter through athletic entrance)
Hosted by the NHS Girls Soccer
Enjoy a night out while we watch
your kids! We welcome grades K-6.
Activities include swimming, carnival
games, indoor soccer, face painting, basketball,
crafts, board games, movie, games in both gyms,
karaoke and more. Pizza, candy, drinks and snacks
are available for purchase. Cost for "Little Cats" is
$6 per child or $10 for two kids in the same family.
ATTENTION: Wildcat Football & Golf Fans!
The annual NHS Football Golf Outing is on August 7 at the North Kent Golf
Course (11029 Stout Ave NE Rockford, MI). 100% of the proceeds go directly
to support the NHS Football program. Enjoy an 18-hole scramble on a fun and
challenging course. A hot dog at the turn and a barbecue dinner is provided
along with contests, raffles and prizes, not to mention the great company of NHS
football players and fellow supporters. Last year, there were over 25 four-somes,
so please get registered early. For more information and a registration form,
visit the Northview Football website (nvwildcatfootball.com) or stop by the NHS
athletic office for a registration form. For more information, e-mail Coach Max
Kerry (mkerry@nvps.net).
When: Tuesday, May 17 (6 – 8 p.m.)
Where: Entrance of Wildcat Stadium behind NHS
Ages: Flag Football 6-7 years old, age as of 09.01.2016
Tackle football 8-14, age as of 09.01.2016
Cost: $50 – Tackle
$40 - Flag
What to bring: Birth Certificate or other proof of age
document. Participant must be present for weigh-in.
Volunteers are needed for head and assistant coaches.
Volunteer registration forms will be available at sign-ups.
New this year – Northview will be competing in a
newly-formed league consisting of six participating schools:
The West Michigan Youth Football League.
Sports & Fitness
Vol. XXI Issue 5 | May 2016
This year’s powerlifting team once again has the team slogan "PRESS ON.” The goal of each member of the powerlifting team
is to focus on personal bests regardless of overall strength levels. This growth-based mindset helps improve strength and
confidence levels. Being a member of the powerlifting team is a unique
opportunity. Students interact, compete, and encourage lifters from all
around Michigan. (l-r) Damian Dominguez, Kamari McNeely, Tyler Scanlon,
Justin Meier, Zach Idema, Brendan Nickelson, Jayden Beeney, Nick Kluisza,
Khalil Graham, Jose Reza, Courtney Bullerman, Tylor Nordmark, Rosemary
Dishaw, Kennedy Smith, Danielle Anderson, Dayon Lewis.
Not Pictured: Jacob Hansen-Miller, Madison Dusendang.
Northview offers swim lessons for all
ages. Lessons are age-based with a highly
trained and qualified instructor. Private
lessons for both kids and adults who want
to learn to swim or stroke development
are available to be scheduled.
Spring Option A: Mon. & Wed.
(2 classes/week for 4 wks)
Children 1-5 yrs old: 9-9:45 a.m.
Spring A 1: April 11-May 4
Spring A 2: May 9-June 1
Spring Option B: Tues. & Thurs.
(2 classes/week for 4 wks)
Children 1-5 yrs old: 9-9:45 a.m.
Spring B 1: April 12-May 5
Spring B 2: May 10-June 2
Spring Option C: Thurs. & Sat.
(2 classes/wk for 4 wks)
Children 1-5 yrs old: Th 6-6:45 p.m.,
Sat 8-8:45 a.m.
Children 6-12 yrs old: Th 7-7:45 p.m.,
Sat 9-9:45 a.m.
Spring C 1: April 14-May 7
Spring C 2: May 12-June 4
Summer Option A: Mon.-Thurs.
mornings (4 classes/wk for 2 wks)
Children 1-5 yrs old: 8-8:45 a.m.
Children 6-12 yrs old: 9-9:45 a.m.
Summer A 1: June 13-23
Summer A 2: June 27-July 7
(closed 7.4, makeup 7.8)
Summer A 3: August 8-18
Summer A 4: August 22-September 1
Summer Option B: Thurs. & Sat. (2
classes/wk for 4 wks)
Children 1-5 yrs old: Th 6-6:45 p.m.,
Sat 8-8:45 a.m.
Children 6-12 yrs old: Th 7-7:45 pm.,
Sat 9-9:45 a.m.
Summer B 1: June 16-July 9
Summer B 2: August 11-Sept 3
(makeup labor day weekend is 9.10)
Costs per session are $70 for
Northview residents/students or
$85 for non-residents. Register or
inquire about swim lessons:
(1) e-mail nvswimlessons@gmail.com
OR (2) call 616-361-3466. Please
include your child’s name, age, and
session title you want (ex. Spring A 1).
Payment is due first day of class by
check (written to Northview Public
Schools) or cash.
Swim Faster With NCST Join the Northview Community Swim Team
this summer for another season of fun and excitement in the pool. Our staff is
dedicated to helping swimmers of all ages and ability reach their maximum potential.
NCST summer season begins on May 1 and runs until July 29, 2016 unless otherwise
noted. All NCST programs require online registration before swimmers can begin
training with any NCST group. Visit www.ncst-swim.com to register.
Northview Girls Youth
Volleyball – Grades 3 - 6
Mark your calendars now for spring registration/
skill evaluations on Saturday, May 7 (9-11 a.m.) OR
Thursday, May 19 (6-8 p.m.) at Highlands Middle
School gym. Evaluations are about 20 minutes long
and players should be prepared with appropriate
attire, including gym shoes. The registration fee is
$45 and should be turned in with a completed form
at the registration/skill evaluations. This program is
in September - November. Fall skills clinics are during
the first week of school led by the Varsity Volleyball
team. All practices begin the week of September 12
with games beginning on Saturday, September 24.
Look for information about the summer volleyball
camps in June led by the NHS Varsity volleyball team.
Details will be in the Summer Fun booklet coming
home from school in May. Check out our Northview
Girls Youth Volleyball website at ngyv.net for more
information. If you are interested in coaching or have
questions, contact Kelsey VanZanten (kvanzanten@
nvps.net or 447–8673).
Monday & Wednesday 5:30 - 7:30 a.m. & 7:30 - 9 p.m.
(closed May 30 – Memorial Day)
5:30 – 7:30 a.m.
9-11 a.m.
(NEW TIME 8-10 a.m. starting June 4)
(A Northview Fitness Center membership covers
your cost to participate in lap swim.)
OPEN SWIM: Saturday & Sunday (12-3 p.m.)
($3 fee per person per visit) During open swim,
children under the age of 12 must be accompanied
by an adult. Children in diapers must wear a swim
diaper. Children that cannot swim on their own
must be accompanied by an adult in the water. A life
jacket may be used if the parent/guardian is on deck
nearby as child is swimming. Questions? Contact Rich
Youngberg (361-3466 or ryoungberg@nvps.net).
µNew USA Swimming Team: It’s designed to help young swimmers develop
into future champions. By incorporating an advanced training regimen involving
event-focused swim practices and specialized strength and conditioning sessions,
accelerated improvement in physical fitness and stroke mechanics is anticipated.
These swimmers will also compete in Olympic-size pools at meets on college campuses. µNew Pre-Swim Team Opportunities: Not sure if
your young swimmer is cut out for competitive swimming? Join the pre-swim team and learn the fundamental skills necessary. Progress at
your own pace in a comfortable learning environment and make new friends with other first-time swimmers.µNew Masters Training Group:
If you are 25 years old or older, you are eligible to join our Masters Training Group. Whether you're out of shape or looking to improve your
swimming endurance for a triathlon, this group is the perfect place to improve physical fitness and achieve personal goals.
When, Where & How Much? µPre-Swim Team Group/Friday 6-7 p.m./$30 per month ($80 full summer season); µNovice Group/
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 6-7p.m./$45 per month (full season $?); µIntermediate Group/Monday-Thursday 6-7:15 p.m./$45 per
month (full season $?); µAdvanced Group/Monday-Friday 7-8:30 p.m./$45 per month (full season $?); µUSA Group/ Monday-Friday 7:159 p.m. Saturday 7-9 a.m. /$75 per month ($250 full summer season); µMasters Group/Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:30-7 a.m. $25 per
month ($100 full summer season).
PASS Soccer Tryouts for 2016-17 teams Premier and Academy (statewide league) tryouts are June 18.
(local league) tryouts are June 20-23 in the evenings. Visit PASSsoccerclub.com for specifics on days and times for each age group.
Following US soccer guidelines, teams will now be split according to birth year instead of the August 1-July 31 age split. For information,
visit http://www.michiganyouthsoccer.org/AssetFactory.aspx?did=4499. Questions? Contact JoAnne VanSlooten (616-304-8978).
Northview Public Schools
POSTMASTER: This publication contains dated material.
Deliver to homes no later than Saturday, April 30, 2016.
4365 Hunsberger NE • Grand Rapids, MI 49525
(616) 363-6861 • www.nvps.net
The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, (including sexual orientation or transgender identity), disability,
age, religion, height, weight, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, or any other legally protected category, (collectively,
"Protected Classes"), in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities.
May 2nd - June 11th
Vol. XXI Issue 5 | May 2016
Athletic Boosters Mtg
NHS PE Classroom 7 p.m.
Highlands PTC Mtg
Highlands 7 p.m.
French Back to Back Mtg
Crossroads 7 p.m.
Flower Sale
Tony Betten Ford
NEF Movie Night
Celebration Cinema North 7 p.m.
Northview News Deadline
Flower Sale
Tony Betten Ford
Girls Grades 3-6
Volleyball Registration
Highlands 9-11 a.m.
Open Swim
NHS Pool Noon-3 p.m.
Little Cats Night
NHS 6-9 p.m.
Bright Beginnings Playgroup
District-Wide Visual Arts Show 10
NHS Pops Choir Concert
Open Swim
West Oakview 1-2:30 p.m. 12 1314
NPAC 5-6:30 p.m.
Board of Education Reg Mtg
Adm Bldg 7 p.m.
Adm Bldg 5:30 p.m.
NHS Honors Convocation
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
SANP Fundraiser
Freddy’s (Plainfield Ave.) 5-9 p.m.
Crossroads PTC Mtg
Crossroads 6 p.m.
NHS Pops Choir Concert
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
NHS Seniors Exams
Bright Beginnings Playgroup West Oakview 6-7 p.m.
Rocket Football Sign-ups
NHS Wildcat Stadium 6-8 p.m.
East Oakview PTC Mtg 6:30 p.m.
North Oakview PTC Mtg 7 p.m.
Sr All Night Party Planning Mtg
NHS Health Rm 7 p.m.
Crossroads Band Concert
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
NHS Senior Exams
NHS Pool Noon-3 p.m.
Crossroads Honors Night
NPAC 7 p.m.
West Oakview PTO Mtg
West Oakview 7 p.m.
NHS Senior Exams
Girls Grades 3-6
Volleyball Registration
Highlands 6-8 p.m.
Open Swim
19 2021
NHS Pool Noon-3 p.m.
NHS Mentor Celebration 2627
Highlands Red Bands Concert 2425
Open Swim
Crossroads Mentor Celebration
Crossroads Choir Concert
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
NPAC 6 p.m.
Highlands White Bands Concert
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
Crossroads 8:15 a.m.
Highlands Choir Concert
NPAC 7:30 p.m.
NHS 8 a.m.
East Campus High School Graduation
NPAC 7 p.m.
NHS Pool Noon-3 p.m.
Northview News Deadline
311 23
NHS Rowing Returnable
NHS Graduation
(Students & Staff)
Fitness Center & Pool
Can Drive
Open Swim
NHS Pool Noon-3 p.m.
Sunshine Church 7:30 p.m.
Athletic Boosters Mtg 7
Sports Physicals
NHS 5:30-8 p.m.
NHS PE Classroom 7 p.m.
Run Like BAND-its 5K
NHS 7 p.m.
Grades 7-12 Exams
Grades 7-12 Exams
Grades 7-12 Exams