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menomoneefallshs_apr.. - Academy Publishing, Inc.
“Pursuing Excellence One Student At A Time!” Principal’s Corner We have been proud in recent years that Menomonee Falls High School’s consistent graduation rate at or above 98% has been among the highest in Wisconsin. Last year, our graduation rate of 100% among African American students went unnoted but is a significant point of pride. At no other point in US history has a high school diploma been as important as it is today. Our success is a credit to our community and the commitment of our entire district to make post high school preparation our top priority. To that end, we are committed to every child and model the perseverance in our work that we hope every student will develop while they are Mr. Corey Golla with us. We have decreased failure rates to a fraction of what they were several years ago and have tripled the percentage of students in our AP courses since 2009. I would like to take this month’s space to celebrate the developments at Quest, where we serve our students who often struggle the most. Quest has nurtured, supported, and educated some of our most challenged students for many years. Diane Gariepy is widely known for the patience and support she has had with students and families who have struggled in the traditional high school setting. Last year, we were able to take advantage of resources made available as we ended a long running contract with WCTC, which has also offered an alternative graduation option for some students. With those resources, we added Erin Brodzeller to the program. Mrs. Brodzeller was a highly respected English teacher at Menomonee Falls before leaving to pursue a career in at-risk education. After three years working at Lad Lake, we were lucky to welcome her back. The partnership she has forged with Mrs. Gariepy and the fresh focus we have developed on Quest is allowing us to continue our high graduation rate while simultaneously raising the bar for these students. This year we have seen the development of more intense projects at Quest that allow students some choice in content as they prove their competency in key skills that will serve them after graduation. The students and staff at Quest have developed a partnership with local agencies to include service learning as part of the student experience at Quest. Most notably, they have worked intensely with Interfaith who marshals resources to serve a wide range of needs in Waukesha County. It is clear that this experience has given our students a fresh perspective on others while developing their own interpersonal skills and sense of self. ADMINISTRATION Mr. Corey Golla, Principal Ms. Suzy Thomas, Associate Principal for students with last names, A-L Mr. Bob Vitale, Associate Principal for students with last names, M-Z Mr. Ryan Anderson, Director of Athletics/Activities ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Mary Zentgraf Bobbi Von Asten Kathy Sanders Eileen Proffitt Tammy Strupp Tina Kastory ...continues on next page APRIL 2016 VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 5 262-255-8444 2 Principal’s Corner continues... Save the Date In the current school year, we have added more rigorous options for students to develop their reading and math skills. This is done through a combination of direct instruction from our Quest teachers, support from the staff at the High School, and the introduction of online options. We are seeing growth in these areas we have not seen at Quest in the past. Spring Metals Recycling Drive Saturday June 4th 2016 Even while teaching, Mrs. Gariepy and Mrs. Brodzeller are looking to the future. They have been partnering with content area teachers from the high school in each department to solidify standards and develop projects in those respective content areas. This will assure that the work done at Quest will align more closely with the work at the high school. This will also provide better opportunities for students at Quest to return to the high school. The projects being developed will further enhance the rigor at Quest while making the work more engaging for students. We have a lot to be proud of at Menomonee Falls High School. While our high achievement and growth in advanced programs is notable, the work at Quest is among our most notable development in the past several years. I am pleased that we are able to better support the growth and engagement of students who might have felt disenfranchised in the past. In Menomonee Falls, every student is important. Thank you for your support of these students and the teachers who serve them. Corey Golla Principal Save the Date What: Jamnesty Benefit Concert When: Friday, May 13, 2016 6:00 - 9:00 PM Where: Menomonee Falls High School Cafeteria The Menomonee Falls School District in conjunction with the Band Bunch Booster organization will be holding their annual Spring Metals Recycling Drive at the High School Stadium parking lot on Saturday, June 4th from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Clean water is recognized as a natural right, and yet we see that in many African countries, many people lack access to this basic necessity. In fact, UNICEF estimates that 4,500 children die from a water-related illness each year: three times the population of our high school! Jamnesty is a 5th annual event sponsored by the Amnesty Club at MFHS. The event will feature musical performances by MFHS students and teachers, as well as raffles and food. All proceeds benefit The Water Project in order to further well construction in Africa. We are currently at about half of our goal of $7,000. For questions, please contact Paul Franzowiak at This is a great way to unload that scrap metal for free while helping to raise funds and support our school district’s bands, Orchestra and music program. What can be donated? Any old appliances, snow blowers, lawn mowers, grills, shelving, fire pits, fireplace sets, patio furniture, old siding, stainless steel, brass, electrical wire, plumbing pipe, old window screens, old Christmas lights, bicycles, swing sets and much more. Just about anything goes. If nothing else, please simply save your aluminum cans for the event. Why pay a fee at the dump? Don’t just throw away at the curb. Awards Ceremony Parents, Guardians and Students, On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. Menomonee Falls High School will be hosting the Academic and Merit Awards Achievement Ceremony. In April students who have achieved a 3.8GPA, or above, for consecutive semesters, will be sent an invitation to attend. Please see the MFHS Website for the specific requirements. If you have any questions, you may call the High School at 262-255-8444 and ask for Nancy McDonald. This recycling event is free and open to the community so help spread the word to family, friends and neighbors. Thank you in advance for your support. Every little bit helps! If you have questions or need a place to drop off your treasures prior to June 4th, please contact Barb Nienow at 262 251-8968. Save the Date Menomonee Falls Scholarship & Educational Foundation Annual Auction - November 5th 2016, 5:30-10:00 Hilton Garden Inn Registration Days for 2016-2017 August 15, 2016 2:00 PM–7:00 PM August 16, 2016 9:00 AM-2:00 PM August 24, 2016 8:00 AM-12:00 PM Grades 9 and 10 Grades 11 and 12 Make-Up Day Calendar of Events March 25-April 3........... Spring Break April 4............................ School Resumes April 5............................ End of 3rd Quarter April 21-24.................... Spring Musical Play “Legally Blonde” May 2-13....................... AP Testing May 14.......................... Junior Prom May 16.......................... Achievement Awards Ceremony 6:00 PM Main Gym May 18.......................... High School Freshman & Symphonic Bands 7:30 PM MFHS May 19.......................... HS Orchestra & Wind Symphony Wall of Fame Concert 7:30 PM MFHS May 20.......................... Senior Holiday 6:30 PM Davian’s May 25.......................... Scholarship Night 7:00 PM May 27.......................... Built in Snow Day – No School unless snow day May 30.......................... No School – Memorial Day June 1........................... Senior Athletic Awards June 2........................... High School Spring Choir Concert 7:30 PM MFHS June 6-8........................ Final Exams June 8........................... Graduation Rehearsal 11:30 AM June 11......................... Graduation Ceremony 4:00 PM Schumann Stadium (Gymnasium if inclement weather) Athletics: Grad Bricks As the school year is wrapping up, it is time to think about graduation for our seniors. Almost 350 MFHS students will earn a diploma in 2016. One way to leave a lasting mark to celebrate the special occasion is to purchase a “Grad Brick”. Over 200 bricks have been purchased in the last 12 months to support the Capital Improvement Campaign to update the athletic facilities at MFHS. Bricks start at just $100 and will be permanently displayed at the entrance of Schumann Stadium. You can place your order online by simply going to: If you have questions, please contact Ryan Anderson at 262-255-8497. 3 Menomonee Falls Messenger April 2016 • Issue 5 Published Six Times Per Year Menomonee Falls High School W142 N8101 Merrimac Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 4 MFHS PTSO Calling ALL PARENTS! Are you feeling lost, left out and unsure what will be happening at the High School next year? The MFHS PTSO is a great way to find out what is going on at all levels and areas of the school. The PTSO is an organization that supports the Students, Parents, High School Staff and Community. We provide scholarship opportunities for our graduating seniors, gift and grants for our staff members, along with in-depth knowledge for our parents in the forms of speakers and/or special programs. We are called upon by various school clubs and administration for volunteer or financial help throughout the school year. It’s a great way to be involved with your child’s school! The MFHS PTSO is looking for parents wanting to get involved at the High School. There are many ways that you can get involved – attend the monthly meetings where you can meet other parents, staff, and administration and discuss issues. Do you have a special talent or skill that you would like to share? Perhaps one of our committees would work for you then. Check out our current roster (located under “organizations” on the HS Website), to see what types of committees are represented. New ideas are always welcomed! We are currently recruiting for board/ committee positions for the 2016/2017 school year, including Leadership positions – no experience necessary. Our current Leadership and Committee team members are either “graduating” this year or will be senior parents next year. In order to keep the HS PTSO active, we need you to get involved. You are invited to attend our April 19th PTSO meeting. Grab a friend and come join us. It will be held in the office conference room #119. Enter at the main entrance and follow the directional signs. Spiritwear and Marcus movie tickets are still available. Contact Cheryl or Sue if you would like to purchase any items. For more information on Committee/Leadership responsibilities, please contact one of our CoPresidents listed below. They will be happy to meet with you. Sue Sutherland & Cheryl Cieslewicz Co-Presidents – 2015/2016 MFHS PTSO From the Desk of Associate Principal, Ms. Suzy Thomas Spring is here and with that comes assessments. The Wisconsin Forward exam is a new assessment that will be used to gauge how well students are mastering the Wisconsin State Standards. In 10th grade, students are tested in Social Studies. The test is computer based and untimed. An Online Tools Training (OTT) is available to students at The OTT is intended to give students the opportunity to practice with the tools available on the Forward Exam and we strongly encourage students to visit the site. Aspire is an assessment that all 9th and 10th grade students take at MFHS. It measures what students have learned in the areas of: English, Reading, Math, Science, and Writing. ACT Aspire is an online assessment. It predicts how a student will perform on both The ACT and ACT WorkKeys when they reach 11th grade. MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) is an assessment for our 9th and 10th grade students. It shows growth over the course of the school year. Students are assessed in Math, Reading, English and 9th grade only in Science. We hope students put forth their best effort and take their time in completing this computer based, untimed test. Spring Testing Dates Test Date Grade level/class Subject tested Wisconsin Forward Exam April 19 10th grade US History Social Studies May 10 10th grade AP US History Social Studies Aspire April 25, 26, 28, 29 *Adjusted School Schedule 9th and 10th graders Eng, Writing, Reading, Math, Science MAP May 2-26 9th grade Math, Reading, English Science May 2-26 All 10th grade Math, Reading, English Aspire Testing Schedule for All Students: April 25 – April 29 Monday 4/25 Thursday 4/28 1 7:50-9:20 1 7:50-9:20 2 9:25-10:55 2 9:25-10:55 Lunch Lunch 3 12:00-1:30 3 12:00-1:30 4 1:35-3:05 4 1:35-3:05 Tuesday 4/26 Friday 4/29 5 7:50-9:20 5 7:50-9:20 6 9:25-10:55 6 9:25-10:55 Lunch Lunch 7 12:00-1:30 7 12:00-1:30 8 1:35-3:05 8 1:35-3:05 Note: • Wednesday, April 27 will be our regular Wednesday Schedule • Lunch will be from 10:55 – 11:55 for all students • Open Campus will be allowed only for Juniors and Seniors • Additional Lunch Seating will be available in the gym and outside (weather permitting) 5 From the desk of the Associate Grad Gram Alert! Principal, Mr. Bob Vitale We are quickly approaching the end of school. There are numerous achievement and award nights coming up during the months of May and June. Seniors, graduation is right around the corner and there are a few items which need to be completed before June 11. • 46 passing credits • attendance (detentions served) • books returned • fees paid • laptops returned If any of these items are not taken care of, your participation in the ceremony will be jeopardized. Those parents that are in need of handicapped seating for the graduation ceremony, that request needs to be made in writing or email and sent to Mr. Vitale by May 19, 2016. The handicapped seating allows for the handicapped individual and one other person. Senior parents, if graduation is held outside there are no tickets needed for entry. If graduation is held inside due to weather, your son/daughter will be given four (4) tickets. Those will be administered during graduation practice June 8th. If those tickets are lost, new ones will NOT be administered. As for final exams, we will follow the exam schedule found on page 4 of the student handbook. This is a reminder that campus is open for all students. June 6 1st hour Exam 7:50-9:20 2nd hour Exam 9:35-11:05 Lunch 11:05-11:50 3rd hour Exam 12:00-1:30 June 7 4th hour Exam 7:50-9:25 5th hour Exam 9:35-11:05 Lunch 11:05-11:50 6th hour Exam 12:00-1:30 June 8th 7th hour Exam 7:50-9:25 8th hour Exam 9:35-11:05 No lunch served Zero hour 12:00-1:30 This is another reminder for those students who would like to take some enrichment or credit recovery courses for the summer. Summer Academy will begin June 20 and run through July 28. If you have any questions, please see your counselor or administrator. Important dates to remember: Wednesday Early Release............. May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1 No School..................................... May 27, 30 Exam Dates.................................. June 6, 7, 8 Important dates: May 14 Prom, May 16 Achievement Awards, May 20 Senior Holiday, May 25 Scholarship Night, June 1 Senior Athletic Awards, June 8 Graduation Practice, June 11 Graduation Summer Academy: June 20- July 28 Session I 8:00-10:00/ Session II 10:15-12:15 (Week of July 4th of we will NOT meet on the 4th, but will continue on the 5th.) Registration begins April 17 and closes May 31. Respect Everyone, Respect Education, Respect Environment! If you have any questions, or if I can be of any assistance, please contact me at 262-255-8444, visit the school during the regular school hours, or email me at Thank you for your continued support! Do you know someone graduating in June? Grad Grams are those well wishes and congratulations on cardstock pages that are assembled into a booklet and presented to all graduating seniors along with their diploma. These Grad Grams will be available in the main office after Spring Break. Grad Grams are sponsored by the MFHS Booster Club and sell for $1.00 each, 8 for $5.00 and 25 for $15.00 with proceeds going toward senior scholarships and funding other activities and events that benefit all students. All Grad Grams will be due back to the main office no later than Friday, May 27th. 6 Healthcare Academy Healthcare Academy Capstone Research Exemplifies Collaboration The Healthcare Academy Capstone students have written over 200 pages of research investigating a variety of health concerns this year. Through their process, the students, working in small group research teams, have studied their topics and worked with community healthcare professionals to make real-life connections to their research, compile further evidence, and demonstrate understanding. The Healthcare Academy Senior Showcase, a presentation to community healthcare professionals, school personnel, and family, will culminate the experience April 20. HCA Class of 2016 Capstone Research Topics Senior Showcase Please join us in celebration of MFHS Healthcare Academy Class of 2016 Wednesday, April 20, 2016 7:30-9:00 a.m. Gallery Walk sharing Capstone Research Recognition Ceremony Light Breakfast Menomonee Falls High School Library RSVP to Jennifer Tarcin by April 13 262-946-2297 Francesca Anderson Anna Clough Stephanie Cole Bryanna Conroy Sophie Dejanovich Natalie Ehr Ariel Eikenmeyer Tessa Estock Rachel Frankowski Devin Godager Alexandria Graeber Taylor Hibl Jessica Kaiser Mayelie Kamara Kaitlin Kirchberger Sienna Knaebe Alishea Laird Laurie Lapp Soshina Lee Wen Lu Jacob Lucht Alexis Magaw Brianna Marinich Kelly Messina Ashley Nienhaus Madeline Perinovic Gabrielle Pipia Joseph Plantier Claire Rhode Hannah Roskopf Sarah Rynning Erica Schad Maura Schwabenlander Rima Shah Aprajita Singh Daovien Thao Destinee Xiong Ashley Zdroik Alzheimer’s Bipolar Disorder Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Children Osteoporosis Pediatric Cancer Postpartum Depression and Its Effect on Family Relationships Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Premature Birth School-Related Stress Teenage Obesity HCA Blood Drive Surpasses Goal The Healthcare Academy teamed with The American Red Cross in January to collect 95 units of blood, saving up to 285 lives. Blood drives have evolved into a significant component to the Healthcare Academy experience. Students receive handson experience working in a healthcare environment, have an opportunity to interact with donors and organization staff, and develop their understanding of the Academy Essential Questions in a real life setting. Student leadership develops over their three years in the Academy. Sophomores learn about blood donation, prepare materials for the drive, help recruit donors, and volunteer during the day of the drive. Juniors serve as volunteers and mentors to the sophomores. The seniors plan and orchestrate the event! Their leadership is essential and they are proud to accept the challenge. Seniors select a committee and work with each other to execute the duties of each component: 1. Advertising/Marketing 2. Donor Recruitment 3. Refreshment Coordination 4. Volunteer Scheduling. On the day of the drive, senior leaders oversee the operations of each volunteer job category. Our spring drive with BloodCenter of Wisconsin will be held April 29, 2016. As part of this relationship, the students tour BCW Headquarters and the Blood Research Institute. HCA Team Presents at National Conference Healthcare Academy teachers, Jennifer Tarcin, Dana Kopatich, Denise Killian-Janicek, and Beth Larson, presented a 75 minute workshop, Using a Career Lens to Foster Personalized Learning, at the National Career Academy Coalition conference earlier this year. They were also invited to share their expertise as members of a panel on integrated curriculum. It was an honor to showcase this work to a national audience. 7 The Film and Novel Society Welcomes Liza Wiemer Menomonee Falls Scholarship & Educational Foundation On March 9th, the MFHS Film and Novel Society hosted Wisconsin author Liza Wiemer in the library. Ms. Wiemer discussed her book Hello?, a fictional story of five Wisconsin teens whose lives intertwine because of a phone call. The story takes place in Door County so Ms. Wiemer told stories about and showed pictures of the real places that inspired her writing. Our students related to the themes of friendship and family, heartbreak and hope. The audience enjoyed Door County inspired snacks and beverages. After the presentation, students were able to get their personal copies of the book signed. The Scholarship Foundation is a non-profit organization formed to raise money for scholarships and provide funds to help with teacher classroom projects. The Foundation is the organization which plans and implements the Community Scholarship Program for Menomonee Falls High. Business Academy Students Network with Executives Very very important fact: Scholarship donors do not know what students receive from colleges/universities unless it is a full-ride, so this has no bearing on their selection. Selection committee uses the applications turned in by seniors to make their choice. Seniors have opportunity to apply for as many scholarships for which they meet the criteria. Important Date: Wednesday, May 25 at 7 p.m. Community Scholarship Program The Class of 2016 will be recognized with scholarships and awards-from colleges and universities on Wednesday, May 25 at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend! The community believes in the students of Menomonee Falls High School and has supported the Scholarship Foundation since 1989 with various amounts of money for students to further their education at a college/ university or career/technical school. Every year families, friends, organizations, clubs come together and offer scholarships to the senior class. One of the goals of the Business Academy is to expose students to the world of business and give them the opportunity to network with professionals in the field. Here are just some of the experiences the juniors and seniors have had so far this year. Entrepreneurship students attended an event with the Milwaukee Admirals where they learned about sports marketing from leaders in the Admirals organization. Kohl’s Corporate and Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin hosted a Profiles and Pathways session that students attended. Top executives from both organizations shared their experiences that led them to successful positions. Other students learned firsthand about careers in actuarial science when they visited Northwestern Mutual. The Chief Financial Officer and Controller of CG Schmidt hosted accounting students for a job shadow so they could learn about careers in finance and accounting. During this job shadow students also met with a partner and staff accountants from Baker Tilly for information on public accounting. Finally, students attended a trade show to learn about branding hosted by the Promotional Products Association of Wisconsin. These opportunities provide students a jump-start on their future careers in business, placing them well above other high school students. Students who privately receive an award or scholarship from a college/university will also be recognized at the Community Scholarship Program. Seniors are asked to submit a list of those recognitions to the Student Services Department by May 4 to be included in the booklet and honored on stage. The Foundation is always looking for new members to join the Board which meets the last Tuesday of the month at the high school at 7:30 a.m. If you also know of anyone interested in starting a scholarship, please let us know. If you have any questions about the scholarship process, please call Lynn Zindl, Scholarship Foundation Secretary, @ 414.651.8681. FREE TRIAL!!! Exp. 3/31/2016 Mathnasium of Menomonee Falls 262-251-5600 N78 W14569 Appleton Ave Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 For the parents, staff, students and community of Menomonee Falls High School Menomonee Falls High School W142 N8101 Merrimac Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Pd Menomonee Falls, WI Permit #31 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PLACE LABEL HERE 8 Nutrition News If your family lunch account is low ($5.00 positive or less) or is in the negative, you should be receiving an automated low balance email reminder from Wordware. If you are not getting this email reminder, please check your junk box and be sure to click to allow it! If you are still not getting the email, please call 262-250-6462 and verify with us that we have the correct email address that you want in your family’s lunch account. You can also still register your account online at You will need a family key in step 2 of the registration process. Please call 262-250-6462, or email to request yours. Please monitor your lunch account often! Did you know? We serve breakfast at all the schools! Research shows that students who skip breakfast have shorter attention spans and don’t do as well on tests. At the elementary schools the cost is $1.35, at the middle and high school it is $1.40. If your student receives Free or Reduced lunch, the cost is $0.00. Find our breakfast AND lunch menus on the web site under the Meal Menus/Online Payments tab! This month’s Star Food is… cereal! We offer reduced sugared Golden Grahams, Coco Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Multi Grain Cheerios and Trix every day! Fun Cereal Facts: • Battle Creek, Michigan is nicknamed the “Cereal City” because it’s the world headquarters of Kellogg Company. • The first breakfast cereal, originally named “Granula,” was invented in the United States in 1863 by James Caleb Jackson. • According to the book “Cerealizing America,” Americans consume 101 pounds or 160 bowls of cereal per person every year. Varsity Boys Bowling Team The MFHS Varsity Boys Bowling team wrapped up their season the first week-end in March. They ended with 9 wins and 7 losses in District 1, qualified 2nd in the District Tournament and moved on to finish in 4th place, earning them a spot at State. During the District 1 Tournament, Brian Pfiel took 1st and Nik Anderson took 2nd in the Singles Handicap Tourney for some nice scholarship money. At State, which was held in Wausau March 4, 5 and 6th, the team bowled extremely well under very tough lane conditions and finished 8th overall, missing the TV finals by 26 pins. In the Storm Doubles Tournament, Nick Bowers and Nik Anderson finished 6th winning $200 towards scholarships. Congratulations to all the bowlers and their coaches for another great season!
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