menomoneefallshs_dec.. - Academy Publishing, Inc.
menomoneefallshs_dec.. - Academy Publishing, Inc.
“Pursuing Excellence One Student At A Time!” Principal’s Corner Raising the Bar with New Activities Over the past years we have made significant progress in the development of some key co-curricular activities that can link a student’s passions and skills with some exciting experiences linked to promising career fields. This month I would like to highlight a few of these developments. Forensics Menomonee Falls has had a forensics program for many years. Forensics is an activity that allows students to showcase their skills as public speakers and in public discourse. Students are able to compete against other students in a range of categories including but not limited to original oratory, debate, and dramatic performance. Under the leadership of Ms. Dwyer this program has grown to nearly 20 committed students. In addition to being a fun team activity, forensics is an outstanding connection for students pursuing any career. Mr. Corey Golla First Robotics MFHS is presently in the early stages of developing a First Robotics team. We are hopeful this team will be preparing for its first build as you read this entry. First Robotics requires a team of students to build a robot alongside a team of adult engineering mentors. While there is a lot of work done in preparation for the season this activity culminates in an intense six week build when the team must design and build the robot to complete a series of complex tasks. The final event brings all teams into an arena setting to compete against one another. This activity is a direct connection for students pursuing a career in any of the technical and engineering fields. Our coaches for this team are Robert Townsend (Math and Engineering) and Bret Warner (Technology Education). We are still in need of mentors for the work related to engineering, automation, and software. ADMINISTRATION Mr. Corey Golla, Principal Ms. Suzy Thomas, Associate Principal for students with last names, A-L Mr. Bob Vitale, Associate Principal for students with last names, M-Z Mr. Ryan Anderson, Director of Athletics/Activities ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Mary Zentgraf Bobbi Von Asten Kathy Sanders Eileen Proffitt Tammy Strupp Tina Kastory HOSA HOSA is a national student organization that supports students interested in pursuing careers in Health Science. The mission of HOSA is to develop leadership and technical competencies “through a program of motivation, awareness, and recognition”. Students in HOSA may participate in the State or Regional activities in addition ...continues on next page DECEMBER 2015 VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 2 262-255-8444 2 Principal’s Corner continues... to our local events. HOSA is advised by Ms. Kopatich in the Science department. The club is an obvious link for those in our Health Care Academy as well as any other student interested in the field. Future Educators In the interest of developing the next generation of educators MFHS now has a Future Educators Club. This group will have exciting opportunities to immerse themselves in the work of educators working shoulder to shoulder with our teachers or tutoring across the district. Given our passion for the work the experiences are certain to engage the compassionate students with an interest in teaching. This group is advised by Ms. Bersch in the Math Department Film and Media While the group is still in development we will create a club or activity for those with a passion in film making and communication using modern and social and mass media. This club will link to students with a passion in the ever changing world of modern media. Students will have opportunities to engage with those working in the field, develop projects for the district or local organizations, and work on their own projects. Our hope is that we can link to a youth film festival or explore other opportunities to showcase the work of our students in this area. Stay tuned for more information as we get this group off the ground. This is just a snapshot of some new opportunities at MFHS. Our goal is to help every student connect with at least one activity that will help them connect with our school through their own interests. In addition to being passion points for students these activities, as well as others already developed that have not been mentioned, all have an element of rigor that will support growth for our students in their respective areas of interest. Please help us connect your child to our building. Corey Golla Principal Calendar of Events December 2............ HS Jazz Bands Concert 7:30 pm MFHS Auditorium December 3, 15...... PTSO Holiday Spirit Wear Sale 5:30-8:30 pm MFHS Main Vestibule December 7............ Academy Parent Information Night 6:00-8:00 pm Auditorium December 9............ HS Orchestra and Freshman Band Holiday Concert 7:30 pm MFHS Auditorium December 10.......... HS Symphonic Band & Wind Symphony Holiday Concert 7:30 pm MFHS Auditorium December 17.......... HS Choir Holiday Concert 7:30 pm MFHS Auditorium Dec 24-Jan 3.......... No School Winter Break January 4............... School Resumes January 18 ............ No School – Teacher In-Service January 20-22........ Final Exams – End of 1st Semester January 25............. No School – Teacher Work Day January 26............. 2nd Semester Starts February 11-14...... Band Revue February 18............ HS Orchestra and Freshman Band Pops Concert 7:30 pm MFHS Auditorium February 20............ Winter Formal March 10................ No School – Teacher Work Day-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30-8:00 PM March 25-April 3.... Spring Break April 4..................... School Resumes April 5..................... End of 3rd Quarter April 21-24............. Spring Musical Play May 14................... Junior Prom May 16................... Achievement Awards May 20................... Senior Holiday May 25................... Scholarship Night May 27................... Built in Snow Day May 30................... No School – Memorial Day June 1.................... Senior Athletic Awards June 6-8................. Final Exams June 11.................. Graduation 3 From the desk of Associate Principal Ms. Suzy Thomas Welcome to Schoology! Here are the Top 10 reasons why we think Schoology is a great resource for students, teachers and parents: 1. Parent Account - If you don’t already have a Schoology account, go to and select Parent. Click on the Parent button and enter the access code. Access codes were distributed during conferences and mailed home with report cards. If you need your access code, please contact the main office. 2. Merging Student accounts - If you have more than one child with a Schoology account, you can easily link them. Click on the arrow next to your child’s name and go to Add Child. Enter that child’s access code. 3. Messaging - Schoology makes it easy to send a message to teachers. Look for the envelope icon in the top right corner of your Schoology page. Click on New Messages and click in the To: box and search by teacher name. You can include a file or link in your message. 4. Notifications - Click on the down arrow next to your child’s name to select your notification settings. You can receive a daily or weekly email report of your child’s activities. You can even select what time of day you’d like the notification to arrive. 5. Calendar - Keep up with your child’s assignments or activities with the Calendar feature. Teachers are posting events and assignments to their course calendars. Some sports and extracurricular activities have also created Schoology pages and their events will also show on the calendar. The home calendar includes events and assignments from every course and club in which your child is a member. Click on an individual course to see that specific calendar. 6. Announcements - Each MFHS student is a member of a course called Daily Announcements. Parents can access this course to read the announcements each day. 7. Curriculum Database - Teachers have loaded their curriculum into Schoology so that students have the ability to access all the content they need for their learning. 8. Learning Management System - Schoology allows students to access multiple resources like Google Drive, Khan Academy and pre-approved YouTube videos in one location. Students can move seamlessly between different apps while working on assignments. 9. Facebook-like interface - Schoology’s interface is familiar, easy to use and appealing to students. 10. Schoology App - The app that extends Schoology’s powerful learning management solution to your iOS or Android device. Download the app from iTunes or Google Play. Help is available on the MFHS website - Schoology Parent link. Please continue to check PowerSchool for information on grades and attendance. Menomonee Falls Messenger December 2015 • Issue 2 Published Six Times Per Year Menomonee Falls High School W142 N8101 Merrimac Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 4 Business Academy Capstone Project The year, the Business Academy Capstone class is supporting Menomonee Falls resident, Al Clark and his family, in his battle against ALS. Al was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) over a year ago and it has become increasingly difficult for him to take care of his beautiful yard and home. Kira Cerroni-King (daughter of 4th grade teacher, Andy Cerroni) and Cheri Furrer, Educational Assistant at Ben Franklin, through the Coach Cassidy Classic Foundation, gave a presentation about ALS to the class. The students learned that ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. It is a disease with no treatment and no cure. After hearing the presentation and learning about Al and his family, the students made a commitment to help. They have taken time to visit with Al and his wife and have gotten to know him well. So far this fall, the students have cleaned gutters, trimmed trees, raked, cleaned out the shed, took down summer lights, put up Christmas lights and even did some inside housecleaning! Last week, Johnson’s Nursery generously donated mulch for Al’s yard and the students spent time spreading mulch and raking leaves. “Team Capstone” joins “Team Cassidy” in the fight against ALS! “Tax Day”…A Reality The Menomonee Falls High School Business and Information Technology Department will be presenting the sixth annual “Tax Day…a Reality” on Wednesday, February 17, 2016! The project will again provide free tax preparation assistance of 1040-EZ & WI-Z tax forms to ALL interested students of the MFHS community. Last year over $11,500 in refunds were received by students! The Business Department will set up a tax preparation area in the library. The business students will serve as “tax advisers” to the students of MFHS. The students will receive advice on how to prepare their tax forms along with actual preparation. Alumni who are now CPAs will be available to check over final forms and answer any questions. All students will receive copies of their completed federal and state forms in envelopes to mail to the IRS and Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Students may sign up for tax preparation assistance during their study halls on Friday, February 12. Please note: Only 1040 EZ and WI-Z forms will receive assistance. If a student earned dividend income or collected social security, we are unable to assist with these returns. Bring the following materials on Wednesday, February 17 • • All W-2 Wage and Tax Statement forms from each employer Any 1099-INT Interest Income forms they received from their financial institutions Attention! Juniors interested in Badger Boys/Girls State 2016! More information and application forms will be available in January. Badger Boys State will be held at Ripon College on June 11-18, 2016 – visit their website at Badger Girls State will be held at UW Oshkosh – Gruenhagen Conference Center on June 19-24 2016 - visit their website at 5 From the desk of the Associate Principal, Mr. Bob Vitale I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are entering the last portion of semester one. Freshmen, semester exams are a time that can be very stressful. The key to having a successful semester exam period is to be caught up on all your work, making sure you begin organizing your materials, and studying the week before your exams. Freshmen, make sure you know exactly what you need to have accomplished and what material(s) it is you will need to know for exams. If you do not know, advocate for yourself and ask your teachers. Students of all grades make sure you are getting plenty of rest and eating before your exams. Students and parents, please look at the exam schedule listed below or in the Student Handbook. Seniors, hopefully you all have filled out and submitted your applications for post secondary choices. If not, see your counselor or administrator and the process needs to be completed. Seniors this is your last semester stay in tuned with your grades, make sure you have all your requirements for graduation, make sure your fees are paid, and make sure you have any detentions taken care of. In any of these situations, if you need assistance please make sure you see your administrator. Seniors finish up strong! I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Important dates to remember: Early Release Exam Schedule No School December 2, 9, 16, 23 January 6, 13, 20, 27 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 (1)7:50-9:20 (4)7:50-9:20(7)7:50-9:20 (2)9:35-11:05 (5)9:35-11:05(8)9:35-11:05 Lunch11:05-11:50 Lunch 11:05-11:50 NO Lunch Served (3)12:00-1:30 (6)12:00-1:30 (Zero Hour) 12:00-1:30 * STUDENTS DO NOT NEED TO BE IN THE BUILDING WHEN THEY HAVE NO EXAM. If they do need to be here they must report to the cafeteria. * ALL students have open lunch if they choose, but the cafeteria will also be open and serving Jan. 20 and 21. * Jan. 22 there is no lunch served and all students are dismissed at 11:05. Christmas Break: December 24-January 3 January 18: In-service January 25: End of first semester Respect Everyone, Respect Education, Respect Environment! If you have any questions, or if I can be of any assistance, please contact me at 262-255-8444, visit the school during the regular school hours, or email me at Thank you for your continued support! Sincerely, Mr. Vitale Quarter 1 Attendance Looking Great! Our goal at Menomonee Falls High School is to make sure that all of our students are college and career ready. We believe attendance is an important piece of this. Last year, we had 70% of our students with exemplary or good attendance. Exemplary attendance can be measured as having 4 or fewer absences, excused or unexcused, throughout the school year. Good attendance can be labelled as having 5 – 10 absences throughout the year. Based off of our data from last year, we have set a goal of 75% of students with exemplary or good attendance during the 2015-16 school year. At the end of Quarter 1, we are happy with our results. Currently, 64% of our students are on track for exemplary attendance as measured by having 1 or fewer absences. 83% of our students are on track for good or exemplary attendance as measured by 2.5 or fewer absences. Quarter 1 Quarter 1 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 Exemplary Attendance Good or Exemplary Attendance 60% 64% 80% 83% So far, we are beating last year’s attendance rates and on target to reach our year goal! We are asking the students to beat Quarter 2 attendance from last year which said that 88% of our students had good or exemplary attendance. If we beat last year’s numbers, we will be celebrating with ice cream for everyone! Thank you to all of you for helping us reach these positive numbers. We ask for your continued support as we continue this work. 6 PTSO Presidents’ Message Celebrating Computer Science at MFHS A big THANK YOU to all of our PTSO volunteers who donated their time to help with various school activities these past few months. Also, thanks to our PTSO Committee leaders for their help with organizing our events and activities. The students at MFHS are celebrating Computer Science Education Week on December 7-13. This nationally recognized week gives us an opportunity to raise awareness about the societal impact of computing, explore computing careers and discuss the need for college graduates majoring in computer science. The PTSO will be awarding fifteen (15) - $500 scholarships to seniors this year. Our deadline for submitting your membership is December 23, 2015. If your senior hasn’t become a member yet, please do so by the deadline to qualify for a scholarship. • Why study computer science? • • Computer science is driving job growth and innovation throughout our economy and society. More than half of projected jobs in STEM fields are in computing occupations. The current number of computing graduates will only fill 29% of the projected 1.4 million new computing jobs by 2020. School Spirit wear is our major fundraiser to support being able to give out scholarships each year. Remember – we are the only school organization who sells official HS spirit wear targeted to all students and families. Order forms can be found online under our PTSO link, by the front office or by emailing Cheryl Cieslewicz directly. Our Annual Holiday Sale will be held on Thursday, December 3rd from 5:30 - 8:30 pm and on Tuesday, December 15th from 5:30 - 8:30 pm in the main vestibule of the high school for your holiday shopping needs. We do accept cash, checks and credit cards. We are also selling Marcus Theatre movie tickets for a discounted price of $8.50 each. With the purchase of 2 tickets, you will also receive one free $3 snack cash voucher. These make great stocking stuffers or presents for teachers, hair stylists, mail carrier, newspaper delivery person, babysitter, etc. How can you get these discounted tickets? Order online through MFHS PTSO website https.// asp, purchase at the Holiday Spiritwear Sale or by contacting Sue Sutherland. Watch our PTSO announcements section on our webpage for up-to-date info. We are listed under the “Organizations” tab on the left side of the main page. Please click on the PTSO link. Check the PTSO webpage often as updates and announcements are constantly changing. Our next meeting is January 19th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the school office. We encourage you to join the PTSO. It’s a great way to stay connected and be “in the know” with all high school activities. Please contact our PTSO Co-Presidents, Susan Sutherland at or Cheryl Cieslewicz at with any questions or concerns you may have. The PTSO wishes everyone a healthy and safe holiday season. Happy Holidays! Sue Sutherland & Cheryl Cieslewicz Co-Presidents – 2015/2016 MFHS PTSO / Because information technology affects every aspect of society, students with computer science degrees have open to them an enormous variety of careers—engineering, medicine, law, teaching, manufacturing, entertainment, business, and countless others. How can students get involved? Try the Hour of Code! Hour of Code is an opportunity for every student to try computer science for one hour during Computer Science Education Week. To this day over 140 million people worldwide have tried the Hour of Code! We will be hosting a school-wide event on Friday December 11 where all students will be able to see what it is like to do computer programming. If the students enjoy computer science, they have the opportunity to take several computer science courses offered at MFHS. What courses are offered at MFHS? Students at MFHS have the opportunity to take 5 different computer science courses: • • • • • Computer Science Fundamentals teaches the students the basics of computer science using the Visual Basic programming language. App & Game Development is divided into two main parts – creating apps for phones and tablets and video game programming. AP Computer Science – Java uses the object-oriented Java programming language with an emphasis on problem solving and algorithm development and is equivalent of a first-semester college course in computer science. AP Computer Science – Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. Mobile App Development teaches the students how to design and create mobile apps for phones and tablets. For more information about Computer Science Education Week or the computer science courses offered at MFHS, please contact Brenda Larson ( 7 Nutrition News From the Desk of the Athletic and Activities Director, Ryan Anderson Congratulations to freshman, Kylee Wunschel for qualifying for the state Cross Country meet in Wisconsin Rapids! Our small, but mighty, runner made heads turn at the 2015 WIAA meet. Kylee stormed out of the gates with the head of the pack. She ended 35th out of 190 runners. Coach Tom Shannon couldn’t be happier for her. Way to go Kylee. MFHS is proud of you! NEW FACE in a NEW PLACE: The Boys Swim & Dive team will be lead by a new head coach this season. Coach John Douglass will be taking the lead role this season for our Falls/Sussex/Germantown coop team. Coach Douglass has been a swim coach for over 30 years. He has been named coach of the year twice- once by the Wisconsin Swim Coaches Association and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He is currently a finalist for the National Coach of the year award. Coach Douglass is also the girls swim coach at Grafton High School. Welcome Coach Douglass! As the winter sports season kicks off, I am excited about large crowds coming out to support our various teams. As always, we are encouraging all of our fans to support our teams in a positive and supportive fashion. We expect our fans to respect our opponents, the officials, and our own coaches who work long hours on behalf of our student-athletes. If you need a schedule for the winter events, they are available in the Athletic/Activities Office or at the ticket taker’s table at home events. Let’s all help continue the tradition of making athletic events at Menomonee Falls High School something the community, school, players, and fans consider the “best show in town!” Please monitor your lunch account online. If you are not registered yet, go to https://family. and click the orange ‘Quick and Easy Registration’ link on the right side. You can see your family balance, daily student purchases, set your own low balance email notification level and make a payment using FeeZee. In January we switched over to using a Family Key in step two. Call 262-250-6462 or email to request yours! Did you know? We use locally grown produce such as apples, onions, watermelon and much more! We receive these items from a produce vendor, A J Wholesale Produce Inc, from Sheboygan, WI. This month’s Star Food is… Apple! Fun Apple Facts: • • • FALLS PRIDE Ryan Anderson Athletic & Activities Director Apples contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol and are a good source of fiber. It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider. Apples ripen six to 10 times faster at room temperature than if they are refrigerated. Nutrition Facts of Golden Delicious Apple Vitamin C 20% Dietary Fiber 5.0 g 20% Iron2% Q: When is an apple a grouch? A: When it’s a crab apple! News from Band Bunch Band Bunch Fundraiser Platinum Marcus Theater movie Tickets $8.50 each (with every 2 purchased you receive a $3 concessions voucher) $10 Marcus Gift Cards $25 Marcus Gift Cards (includes a $5 concession voucher good Jan. 15-March 31st) Please contact Sally Tautges @ 414-418-9294 or Help our organization out by purchasing these great gifts and don’t forgot St. Nick’s is right around the corner! FREE TRIAL!!! Exp. 2/15/2016 Mathnasium of Menomonee Falls 262-251-5600 N78 W14569 Appleton Ave Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 For the parents, staff, students and community of Menomonee Falls High School Menomonee Falls High School W142 N8101 Merrimac Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Pd Menomonee Falls, WI Permit #31 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PLACE LABEL HERE 8 National Business Honor Society On Tuesday, September 15, 2015, the Business and Information Technology teachers at Menomonee Falls High School inducted 32 outstanding business students into the National Business Honor Society. The objectives of the National Business Honor Society include: • Promoting and recognizing academic achievement in business education • Fostering and recognizing leadership skills and character development • Helping members grow ethically and socially by promoting and encouraging an interest in business • Encouraging member involvement in service learning initiatives Congratulations to the following students: Front row (left to right): Kelly Mandry, Sierra Behari, Jessica Rabay, Makenzie Meyers, Tori Cichantek, Mindy Wolfe, Madalyn Thomas, and Megan Novak. Second row (left to right): Brittany Matovitch, Mallory Marchese, Bella Vang, Mara Tibbals, Morgan Schiedemeyer, Casey Seidl (president), Siddhant Jain, Isabella Abbott, and Ben Oswald. Third row (left to right): Katie Hulce, Amanda Schmit, Jeff Marohl, Brandon Kohnert, Matt Dreier, Tony Thorn, Joe Plantier, Jayce Kolinski, Marcus Haufschild, Tyler Jackson, and Max Paul. Fourth row (left to right): Ben Perdzock, Hunter Ruediger, Danny Balister, and Jim Eisenhauer.
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