Ordinary Time
Ordinary Time
St. Isidore www.sichurch.com office@sichurch.com 440 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526 925-837-2122 / Fax 362-1919 St. Isidore Parishioners Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 17 July 2016 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17July 2016 Page 2 From the Office of the Bishop Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the senseless loss of life across our country this week, in Baton Rouge, in Minneapolis and in Dallas. We pray for mercy, for consolation and for healing for those who have lost loved ones, for those who have been killed and wounded, and for those whose hearts have been twisted by hatred. Let us also pray for courage, for each of us, to answer this escalating cycle of violence with more powerful acts of mercy and love. All lives matter, no matter the color of our skin or the profession of faith we make. We are all children of God and all human life is sacred and precious. Please join me in seeking common ground, and in calling upon our civic leaders to work together to find resolution to this escalating violence. Love is stronger than hate, but it requires each of us to act with courage and compassion. Let us recall the words of Pope Francis, “May the God of peace arouse in all an authentic desire for dialogue and reconciliation. Violence cannot be overcome with violence. Violence is overcome with peace.” Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ Diocese of Oakland 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Contact us: 17 July 2016 925.837.2122 CLERGY Father Gerard Moran PASTOR x1920 | gmoran@sichurch.com Father Gerald Pedrera PAROCHIAL VICAR x1916 | gpedrera@sichurch.com COUNCIL Tancred Agius PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIR 947-6925 | t.e.alban.agius@gmail.com EDUCATION Maria Ward SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 837.2977 | mward@stisidore.org Lyn Ford DIR OF REL ED, ADULT FAITH FORM 362.1905 | lford@sichurch.com Keith Machi DIR OF YOUTH, RELIGIOUS ED 362.1904 | kmachi@sichurch.com Jean Schroeder and Jan Conway CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION 362.1906 | jschroeder@sichurch.com jconway@sichurch.com Maura Piombo-Pacas FAITH FORM RCVR 362.1901 | mpiombopacas@sichurch.com Page 3 Your Parish Library is open after 9:00 and 10:30 AM Masses “From the last decade of the first century, Peter's grave was already being venerated, in secrecy, it was true. - Emperor Julian It was always thought that Peter was buried under St. Peter's Basilica but astoundingly, it was not until the 1939-1941 excavation repairs that his tomb and bones were found! Graffiti “Petreni' stated Peter was inside. Among 105 people buried under St. Peter's was that incription “Peter, pray to Christ Jesus for those pious people buried near your body.“ On the table today, find fascinating materials on the Vatican! STAFF John Erreca DIRECTOR OF MUSIC 362.1908 | SImusicministry@gmail.com Kendee Sigmon BUSINESS MGR / FACILTY RESERVATION 362.1917 | ksigmon@sichurch.com Marilyn-Rose Z. Dayleg SECRETARY 362.1915 | rdayleg@sichurch.com July and August are “Sandwich Months!” Lawrence Stauffer FACILITIES MANAGER 786.7892 | lstauffer@sichurch.com CLUBS Catholic Youth Org BASKETBALL 837.2122 x1927 | www.stisidorecyo.org Catholic Youth Org CROSS CTRY& TRACK | stistjcyotrack.clubspaces.com Knights of Columbus|Ed Indelicato Grand Knight 998.6876 |ed4fingrs@aol.com Italian Catholic Federa on|Tony Rosellini 925-820-1670 |tonylenarosellini@gmail.com 837.2122 x1927 ST. ISIDORE PARISH MISSION STATEMENT To build the parish into a living and growing Christian community carrying on the work of Christ in the world. Prayer hotline 925.820.3593 The Young at Hearts meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11:15 AM in the St. Isidore Room. Mass is celebrated and followed by lunch and bingo games. This Tuesday, July 19th, is the Young at Hearts luncheon. Anyone who is “young at heart” is welcome to come. A $3.00 donation is greatly appreciated. PRAY DAILY Each Christian needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy; then we need an hour. —St. Francis de Sales 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time `táá \ÇàxÇà|ÉÇá 17 July 2016 `táá fv{xwâÄx Saturday (Vigil): 4:00 P.M., Adult Choir Sunday: Saturday, July 16th 4:00 PM Intentions of Mary Jane Hourigan Sunday, July 17th 7:30 AM St. t. Isidore Parishioners 9:00 AM Leticia and Keith Mantell 10:30 AM Maria Maria Pino 12:15 PM Alexander Alexander Cornell, Jr. Monday, nday, July 18th 8:10 AM Francis Francis Koo Tuesday, July 19th 8:10 AM Lill Lill Holland Wednesday, July 20th 8:10 AM Joe Joe Coffey Thursday, July 21st 8:10 AM Francis Francis Koo Friday, July 22nd 8:10 AM +Louis Horne III Saturday, July 23rd 8:30 AM Francis Francis Koo 4:00 PM John John J. McGiff WE NEED ADORERS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Thursday! All we ask is just an hour of your time between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. 7:30 A.M., Organist 9:00 A.M., Youth Choir 10:30 A.M., Adult Choir 12:15 P.M., Teen Choir & Ensemble Daily Mass 8:10 A.M., Mon – Fri followed by The Rosary 8:30 A.M., Saturday Followed by The Rosary fà \á|wÉÜx ctÜ|á{ fàxãtÜwá{|Ñ jxx~Äç exÑÉÜà Sunday Collection, July 10th $30,498.38 Weekly Electronic, June $5,112.08 Weekly Budgeted Expenses, July $46,474.01 Sacraments Page 4 extw|Çzá Éy à{x jxx~ Monday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17; Mt 13:1-9 Thursday: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 26:6-7ab, 8-11; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Jer 3:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Saturday: Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30 Sunday: Gen 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 ft|Çàá 9 fÑxv|tÄ buáxÜätÇvxá Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Camillus de Lellis Wednesday: St. Apollinaris Thursday: St. Lawrence of Brindisi Friday: St. Mary Magdalene Saturday: St. Bridget of Sweden; Blessed Virgin Mary UtÑà|áÅ Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for your baby’s baptism. Baptisms are on the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sunday of the month. Y|Üáà VÉÅÅâÇ|ÉÇ B VÉÇy|ÜÅtà|ÉÇ Please call the Faith Formation Office, 362-1900 exvÉÇv|Ä|tà|ÉÇ? Saturday, 5:00 P.M. `tÜÜ|tzx? call Parish Office at least six months prior.. Thursdays after the 8:10 AM Mass until 5:00 PM 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17 July 2016 Page 5 CYO Basketball Registration Announcement St. Isidore CYO basketball registration for the 2016-2017 season started last June 9th and will continue through August 26th at www.stisidorecyo.org. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN REGISTRATION DATES FROM PRIOR SEASONS. Qualified players are any boys or girls who are in the third through eighth grade and meet any of the following: Attend St. Isidore School, or Attend Faith Formation (both this year and last year), or Live within St. Isidore Parish boundaries Preference is given to St. Isidore School and Faith Formation students and to returning players . The eligibility status of all players – returning and new - will be verified before they are placed on a team. If necessary, potential players will be put on a waiting list pending availability. We try our best to get all children on a team. Every year our program reaches capacity of 900 players so sign up soon! Player evaluation dates will be in early to mid-September. Evaluation dates will be posted on the website as we get closer to September. Practices will start in late September with league play beginning in early November. For further information and registration instructions, please go to the St. Isidore CYO basketball website at www.stisidorecyo.org. Mark your calendars right away so your child and the whole family can enjoy the great experience CYO basketball offers. Registration closes on August 26th! Registration fees are $325.00 Adult Faith Formation Faith Formation Website - http://www.sichurch.com/ Director of Religious Education – Lyn Ford at 362-1905 or LFord@sichurch.com July 10, 2016 Page 6 Discuss as a Family: Most of our When do you make time for the "better part" - spending moments with the Lord? Families Sharing Faith: A guest shows up, probably unexpectedly, and the hostess, Martha, knocks herself out trying to do everything at once. The guest, Jesus, sits down and makes himself at home. The sister of the hostess, Mary, sits with Jesus, and listens thoughtfully. When Martha complains that she is doing all the work, Jesus tells her that she has forgotten the most important thing. She has neglected to listen to Jesus, whose words are more nourishing than any meal. Adult Summer Bible Study: The Prophets Who were the prophets? What was their message? What do they have to do with us? Drop in to our free summer study. Each session can stand alone—no homework! Next Meeting—This Thursday, 7/21 7 PM—8:30 PM, St. Isidore Room lives are a combination of Martha and Mary. (Even cloistered monks and nuns, devoted to lives of prayer, have hours of work every day.) However, if our lives are all-Martha-all-the-time, they may be out of balance. We may be missing "the better part." The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in its discussion of observing Sunday as a day of worship and rest, declares, "Traditional activities (restaurants, sports, etc.) and social necessities (public services, etc.) require some people to work on Sundays, but everyone should still take care to set aside sufficient time for leisure" (Catechism, 2187). Most people in our country are working more hours a week than ever before. How does this affect their families, their children? What is the responsibility in this area for Catholic supervisors and managers? How can we put more Mary-like listening into our lives? When do we make time to listen to our families? our friends? When do we make time to listen to Jesus? FAITH FORMATION TEACHERS NEEDED! Will you give 1-1/2 hours/week to bring God’s Word to our children? Training and resources are provided. The blessings are incalculable! Call Jan: 362-1906. 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17 July 2016 Page 7 CLASSIC CLUB Community-Building Leisure Activities for Seniors at St. Isidore Church The Classic Club dinner will be held on Friday, September 16, 2016 at 5:45 PM in the Ministry Center St. Isidore Room The Classic Club Pot Luck dinner (the third Friday of every Month except July and August) is for all adult parishioners, couples or singles, ages 55 and older. WHEN: 5:45 PM- hors D'oeuvres; 6:30 PM-dinner WHAT TO BRING: Appetizer, salad, entrée (pre-cooked), dessert, (wine is supplied) COSTS: $3.00 per person (to cover beverages and paper goods) BONUS: Good food, camaraderie, and occasional Bingo, Fun Trivia and Joke-telling. IN ADDITION: New members are welcomed and introduced. Birthday celebrants are acknowledged! CONTACT PERSONS: Bob and Gloria Kerner, 925-735-8751. Father Gerry said the blessing before the dinner. An announcement was made that Fr. Gerry celebrated his 45th Anniversary of Priesthood on June 15th. Everyone gave him a grand applause. The theme was Father’s Day, and the tables were decorated, (keeping fathers in mind) with golf, 49ers, Hot rods, ties and hats. We sang “Happy Birthday” to those who celebrated in June. Food and desserts were enjoyed. Jim Huckestein read some funny sayings. Here are a few: Good Reasons for Joining a Seniors Group “You try to strengthen out the wrinkles in your socks, then realize you aren’t wearing socks” “It takes you longer to rest up then it did to get you tired” “A Pastor’s Proverb… The laughter of children in the congregation is very comforting-unless it’s directed at you” “The Forgotten Beatitude…. Blessed are you if you can laugh at yourself; for you shall never cease to be amused” FINALLY: We have a message from God…. “That ‘love thy neighbor thing.’ I meant that!!” See you all on Friday, Sept 16th at 5:45 pm. Enjoy the summer break in July and August! Again, much thanks to all who make Classic Club a success. We appreciate all you do. 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17 July 2016 GOING ON VACATION Page 8 Life Line by Msgr. Cardelli . . . Secure Thumb sucking is fetal tranquility. YOU'RE INVITED TO AN ITALIAN DINNER... Find Mass times in the city of your choice at www.catholicvoiceoakland.org (click on the Mass times link). Or go to www.masstimes.org. Parish Rosary Please join us on Tuesday, July 26th at 7 PM for our monthly rosary. Let`s fill the church that our voices may be lifted to Heaven. Thank you for responding to this call from Our Blessed Lady! sponsored by LEO(Lifelong Educational Opportunities) Center to benefit students grades 5-8 of De La Salle Academy. We are working now to purchase a van for their field trips and to view the football games at the DLSH high school. These are students from very economically depressed areas of Contra Costa county. Please come and join us: July 23rd, Saturday, 6:00-9:30 PM at St. Isidore's dining room. Angelo prepare a sumptuous dinner...door prizes...raffles... bountiful wine - all for only $25.00 a person. Flyers and registration forms are available at the door of the church. Pray for the Sick . . . Debbie, Frankie, Mike and Joe Ayala, Flo Aragon, Feliciaa Badillo, Rebecca Bocchicchio, Brianne Bochenek, Susan Emery Brandon, Natalie Buhagiar, Chris Campagna, Bob Cardelli, Steve Carmassi, Margaret Carmona, Luisita Castro, Frankie Catanzaro, Guadalupe Ceerro, Bill Church, Barbara Clark, Don Collopy, Brittany Connor, Carol Daust, Don Davis, Ellen Deal, Rose dela Cerda, Maria delas Mercedes Pastorino de Lemires, Isabel Delia, Flor De Lisa, John Duffy, Evelyn Erreca, Darrell Feay, John Freitas, Layton Frost, Kash Ghazansarpour, Catherine Goranson, Kaitlin Gore, Stephen Gore, Rygan Gracie, Alfredo Hamam, Harvey and Lucienne Hanson, Candice Hatzis, Gorge Hatzis, Sr., Mike Holt, Ronnie Hohn, Howard Huttner, Jake Javier, Rita Jearns, Charlene Haught Johnson, Charlotte Kelly, Linda Kelly, Jeff Kitz, Sue Lee, Patricia Lastufca, Erika Lovett, Frank “Fritz” Luciani, Amber Luehe, Kevin Madsen, Jean Majesky, Patrick Majua, Joseph Mallon, Nicole Malone, Phyllis Martinelli, Lupe Mendez, Marilou Mills, Bill Moresi, Michelle Morgan, Tommy Mota, Jr., John Murphy, Ed & Madeline Olberti, Richard Ortega, Anita O’Shea, Kimberley Pank, Jordan Peak, Allison Pence, Rachel Perez, Evan Luc Philon, Armando Pino, Tiffany Price, Nick Rago, Dorothy Ramos, Patrick Reid, Layla Riley, Scott Rindner, Joel Rivera, Romelia Rodriguez, Maria Rogers, Gene Sanchez, Darrell Seay, Curt Smith, Emily Solovieff, Kristy Sonnemann, Diane Stauber, Lilo Steigman, Robert Stodden, Mary Swerdfeger, Isabelle Tan, Brett Techau, Erma Tello-Salazar, Carol Thompson, Grace True, Kelly Turner, Celia Valdespino, Catherine Wallen, Ian Walsh, Shavon Wildman & Flordeliza. 8 June 2016 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17 July 2016 Page 9 St. Isidore School continues to strive to keep tuition as low as possible. The revenue from tuition and key fundraising events covers approximately 82% of the schools actual operating costs. This leaves a “Gap” of approximately $500 per student. This past year “Mind the Gap”, tuition and our fund raising efforts collectively raised the necessary funds needed to effectively run our school. The benefit of “Mind the Gap” to school families, grandparents and extended families is that your generous donations are tax-deductible. Whether you are able to donate $100 or $10,000, every donation benefits our children and our school. Please donate to “Mind the Gap” today and help make a difference! Donation made by_______________________for the_______________________Family Total Tax Deductible Donation/Pledge $_________________________ _____I am enclosing a check payable to St. Isidore School PTG-Mind the Gap (Checks may be mailed to St. Isidore School PTG-Mind the Gap, 435 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526) _____I prefer to donate online at www.stisidore.org Matching Gift Program: Does your company have a matching program? Yes_____ No_____ Questions? www.stisidore.org or contact Michelle Anderson 805.235.4947 or email ptgsis@gmail.com Thank you Families for all your Support! St. Isidore School Parent Teacher Group 435 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526 925.837.2977 Bulletin Number: 513992 Special Instructions: for issues for September onwards! Back to *1000 bulletin copies (Ordinary Time) 2000 (Easter) 2000 (Christmas) Church Name and address St Isidore Parish 440 La Gonda Way Danville, CA 94526 Telephone: (925) 837-2122 Contact Person: Kendee (9:30 AM to 5:00 PM) or Rose (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) Email: office@st-isidore-danville.org Software: MS Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 11.00.11 Windows 7 Printer: HP deskjet 6940 Transmission time: No later than Tuesday, July 12th @ 12 noon Bulletin for Sunday: 17 July 2016 Number of Pages sent including this page: 10
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