August 14, 2016
August 14, 2016
St. Isidore 440 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526 925-837-2122 / Fax 362-1919 St. Isidore Parishioners 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 August 2016 Page 2 ‘POPE FRANCIS AMONG THE WOLVES’ During my recent vacation in Ireland, I read Marco Politi’s newly published book, Pope Francis Among the Wolves. Marco Politi has been a leading international expert on Vatican issues for more than forty years. Politi, in his book, highlights Pope Francis’s emphasis on pastoral sensitivity and compassion for all who struggle with living the Christian message. Sadly, this has provoked the ire legalists and traditionalists. Politi claims that the Pope is isolated in the Vatican, with no pro-Bergoglio party evident in the Curia. Pope Francis will not be easily dissuaded from his vision of Church as prior to his election as Pope, Cardinal Bergoglio is described by Politi as a clever, even “cunning”, strategist who knows all about dirty tricks from the bare-knuckled politics of Argentina. Among the Pope’s strongest supporters is the retired Pope Benedict XVI. On June 28, the 65th anniversary of the retired pope’s priestly ordination, Benedict expressed his gratitude to Francis, saying that his goodness “from the first moment of your election, in every moment of my life here, touches me deeply.” Recalling Benedict’s promise of obedience to his successor in the days leading up to the conclave, Francis said he had heard that some people, after complaining “about the new pope,” have been “sent away” by Benedict. “If [the report] isn’t true, it is well-founded, because this man is like that: a man of his word, a righteous man!” Francis exclaimed. Pope Benedict XVI, who was one of the most influential theologians at the Second Vatican Council, often exhorted the People of God to re-read the documents of the Council to rediscover what they contained. Pope John XXIII convoked the Second Vatican Council and Pope Paul VI guided the Council to its conclusion and began the implementation of its decrees. The Holy Spirit was truly speaking through the bishops of the world who met from 1962-65, in communion with each other and with the Successor of Peter. It is important that we continue to digest what the Spirit was saying through them. In the years after the Council, many things that were labeled “Vatican II” were nowhere in the documents of Vatican II, but came from the opinions of this or that individual. On the other hand, the Council documents were rejected by a minority of individuals who wanted to retreat to the past way of doing things. Studying the documents themselves is the antidote to both extremes. The Council did intend to renew and reform the liturgy, to bring the riches of Sacred Scripture to more Catholics, to involve the laity more in the daily life of the Church, to reach out to the modern world with Christ’s teaching. It hoped, through the foundation of the Synod of bishops, to establish a permanent means of keeping the Pope in touch with the whole Church. It wanted to promote unity among Christians and harmony with non-Christians. Most of all, the Council hoped for a spiritual renewal in all of us, so that we would answer the Universal Call to Holiness. These, and the other projects of the Council, have been partially realized. There is still much more to do. Not all the goals of the Council have been met. Pope Francis received his theological education during Vatican II. He has declared unequivocally that the genuine reforms of the Council are to be continued and strengthened. He has given an example in his manner of living and his own ministry of where the Council said the Church should be. He has called upon all of us to assist him in the reform of the Church. We pray that God will give him a long life so he will be able to realize his hopes. 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Contact us: 14 August 2016 925.837.2122 Page 3 MISSIONARY COOPERATIVE PLAN APPEAL St. Patrick Fathers CLERGY Father Gerard Moran PASTOR x1920 | Father Gerald Pedrera PAROCHIAL VICAR x1916 | COUNCIL Tancred Agius PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIR 947-6925 | EDUCATION Maria Ward SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 837.2977 | mward@s Lyn Ford DIR OF REL ED, ADULT FAITH FORM 362.1905 | Keith Machi DIR OF YOUTH, RELIGIOUS ED 362.1904 | Jean Schroeder and Jan Conway CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION 362.1906 | Maura Piombo-Pacas FAITH FORM RCVR 362.1901 | STAFF John Erreca DIRECTOR OF MUSIC 362.1908 | Kendee Sigmon BUSINESS MGR / FACILTY RESERVATION 362.1917 | Marilyn-Rose Z. Dayleg SECRETARY 362.1915 | Lawrence Stauffer FACILITIES MANAGER 786.7892 | CLUBS Fr. Michael Moore is with us again this weekend, August 13th and 14th. Many of you know him already from his many visits to St. Isidore Church. This time he is making the MISSIONARY COOPERATIVE PLAN APPEAL on behalf of the St, Patrick Fathers. He is a member of the St. Patrick Fathers and has been on their USA Promotion Team since 1994. St Patrick’s Missionary Society (also known as St. Patrick’s Fathers) was formally established on March 17, 1932. The Society was founded by Irish Diocesan priests who initially had gone to work on a temporary basis in Nigeria, West Africa, but who later wished to dedicate their lives fully to the missions. Later as the new missionary society grew, more work was undertaken,m not only in Nigeria but also in Kenya (1951), Brazil (1962), Malawi (1970), Grenada (1970), Zambia (1973), Sudan (1983), Zimbabwe (1989), Cameroon (1989) and Homelands of South Africa (1989). There are now 291 priests in the Society, of which 21 are newly-ordained African priests. After a drop in vocations in recent years, there are now more than 50 students and two deacons preparing for the priesthood information centers in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. Most of the people among whom we work are extremely poor, and we have no means of training our seminarians and supporting our priests in their work other than the donations we receive. Catholic Youth Org BASKETBALL 837.2122 x1927 | www.s Catholic Youth Org CROSS CTRY& TRACK 837.2122 x1927 |s Knights of Columbus|Ed Indelicato Grand Knight | The second collection will be for the St.Patrick Fathers. They have a house in Chicago, IL at 8422 W. Windsor Avenue. 60656. PLEASE VOTE TODAY 925998.6876 Italian Catholic Federa on|Tony Rosellini | 925-820-1670 ST. ISIDORE PARISH MISSION STATEMENT To build the parish into a living and growing ChrisƟan community carrying on the work of Christ in the world. Voting is now open for electing new members to our Pastoral Council. Candidate profiles are available at all the entrances to the Church along with the ballot boxes. 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 August 2016 `táá fv{xwâÄx `táá \ÇàxÇà|ÉÇá Saturday (Vigil): 4:00 P.M., Adult Choir Page 4 extw|Çzá Éy à{x jxx~ Monday: Sunday: Saturday, August 13th 4:00 PM Hadley Keathley Sunday, August 14th 7:30 AM St. Isidore Parishioners Parishioners 9:00 AM Lou Gervolino 10:30 AM Charlotte Anderson 12:15 PM Berta Berta Bermudez Monday, nday, August 15th 8:10 AM Deceased Deceased members of the Sanders and Water families Tuesday, August 16th 8:10 AM Angelita Angelita Perez Wednesday, August 17th 8:10 AM Barb Barb Bochenek Friday, August 19tth 8:10 AM Ann Ann del Beccaro 8:30 A.M., Saturday Followed by The Rosary fà \á|wÉÜx ctÜ|á{ fàxãtÜwá{|Ñ jxx~Äç exÑÉÜà Weekly Electronic, June $5,112.08 Weekly Budgeted Expenses, July $46,474.01 Saturday, August 20th 8:30 AM Rosemarie Rosemarie Calhoun 4:00 PM Jan Jan Miller All we ask is just an hour of your time between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. followed by The Rosary Sunday Collection, August 7th $ Thursday, August 18th 8:10 AM Intentions of Linda Mace Mace WE NEED ADORERS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Thursday! 7:30 A.M., Organist 9:00 A.M., Youth Choir 10:30 A.M., Adult Choir 12:15 P.M., Teen Choir & Ensemble Daily Mass 8:10 A.M., Mon – Fri Sacraments Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 UtÑà|áÅ Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for your baby’s baptism. Baptisms are on the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sunday of the month. Y|Üáà VÉÅÅâÇ|ÉÇ B VÉÇy|ÜÅtà|ÉÇ Please call the Faith Formation Office, 362-1900 exvÉÇv|Ä|tà|ÉÇ? Saturday, 5:00 P.M. `tÜÜ|tzx? call Parish Office at least six months prior.. Thursdays after the 8:10 AM Mass until 5:00 PM 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 August 2016 A message from SVdP members: Thank you to all our generous Parishioners for your donations at the last Bundle Weekend. There will be NO LUNCHEON this Tuesday, August 16th! The monthly Dinner/Meeting (6pm/7pm) of the ICF group is this Monday, August 15th. Menu: Spaghetti & Meatballs, Salad, Dessert, Coffee & other refreshments Donation: $10:00 adults $5:00 children 7yrs & older FREE children under 7 yrs old For more information, please email Tony Rosellini at Saint Mary's College High School, Berkeley, 32nd Golf Tournament fundraiser for tuition assistance, September 12, Mira Vista Golf and Country Club, El Cerrito. $225 entry fee. Tee signs and sponsorships available. 19th Hole Reception open to non-golfers for $25/person; reservations required. Online registration at (use the "Support Saint Mary's" link) or contact Joanne Howe at 510-559-6227 or Page 5 Adult Faith Formation Director of Religious Education & Adult Faith Formation – Lyn Ford at 362-1905 or August 14, 2016 Page 6 RCIA Inquiry Throughout the history of Christianity, people of all faiths have found their way to the Catholic Church. While each person’s journey is as unique as the individual , all are drawn to the one God and for the same purpose – to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults offers a program of faith formation for adults that will prepare them for full initiation/communion into the Catholic Church. New Group Now Forming! For more information or to register, contact Lyn Ford, Director of Religious Education (925-362-1905). Bible Study: Matthew, The King & His Kingdom by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer Matthew Matthew: The King and His Kingdom is an exciting study that explores the life and mission of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel. Matthew demonstrates how the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ, who establishes a New Law and inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Participants will see Jesus as the awaited Messiah who relives the life and struggles of Israel to become the faithful and victorious King. Set in the rich context of Jesus' Jewish culture, this study will help participants understand who Jesus is and what his life and teachings mean for us today. Wednesday, September 7th (9:15—11 AM) Thursday, September 8th (7:15—9 PM). No previous scripture knowledge needed! *Class registration fee: $65; Registration form is on website. Free babysitting provided for the morning classes. Call Faith Formation for more information. 362.1900 Adult Confirmation If you are an adult, 18 years or older, who has not been confirmed, you may register for Saint Isidore’s adult Confirmation classes which will begin in November 1st and conclude with the Sacrament of Confirmation in January. Check out our parish website for a calendar and registration form: Call Lyn to register (362.1905). Children’s Faith Formation Children’s Faith Formation—Jean Schroeder & Jan Conway at 362-1906 or August 14, 2016 Page 7 CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION: We need volunteers! Would you like to earn stars in your heavenly crown? Yes? We have a place for you! We need volunteer teachers, aides, and substitute teachers on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 4-5 pm, especially in Kindergarten and 2nd grades. The lesson plans are done and support is always there. We are looking for at least two adults and/or teens for each classroom. Please consider giving one hour a week and ensuring Stars in Your Heavenly Crown. Please call (925) 362-1906 and Jean Schroeder will call you back. Thank you! DO YOU HAVE AN OLDER CHILD WHO HAS MISSED THE SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM AND/OR FIRST COMMUNION? St. Isidore Church offers special Wednesday programs to fully initiate your child into the Church: RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation): For nonbaptized children - ages 7 & up - they are divided into groups based on age. SSP (Special Sacramental Prep): For baptized, catechized children (Catholic or nonCatholic) who need First Communion. PSSP (Pre-Sacramental Prep): For baptized, non-catechized children to prepare them for SSP in year 2. FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION THE GOSPEL THIS WEEK: Jesus wants his followers to know the truth. Jesus tells us that, if we are truly living as Christians, sometimes we will experience trouble and division. We cannot experience the peace of Christ until we turn away from sin and let God reign in our lives. Sometimes when people chose to do God's will, those they love turn against them. This can happen when people do not fully understand or accept the message of Jesus. This conflict with loved ones is what Jesus speaks of today. Remember that Jesus himself suffered rejection. DISCUSS AS A FAMILY: When does faith require divisions? When does it require unity? LITTLE FARMERS Fall registration is currently underway. Forms are available at church entrances, in the Faith Formation Office and on our website: http:// Our parish offers a pre-school program for three to five year olds at 9:00 on Sunday mornings. Children love it and it’s a great way to get the most out of Mass! $100/year. Please call Maura at 362-1900 if you would like to help teach We need you! 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 August 2016 Page 8 CYO Basketball Registration Announcement St. Isidore CYO basketball registration for the 2016-2017 season started last June 9th and will continue through August 26th at PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN REGISTRATION_DATES FROM PRIOR SEASONS. Qualified players are any boys or girls who are in the third through eighth grade and meet any of the following: Attend St. Isidore School, or Attend Faith Formation (both this year and last year), or Live within St. Isidore Parish boundaries Preference is given to St. Isidore School and Faith Formation students and to returning players . The eligibility status of all players – returning and new - will be verified before they are placed on a team. If necessary, potential players will be put on a waiting list pending availability. We try our best to get all children on a team. Every year our program reaches capacity of 900 players so sign up soon! Player evaluation dates will be in early to mid-September. Evaluation dates will be posted on the website as we get closer to September. Practices will start in late September with league play beginning in early November. For further information and registration instructions, please go to the St. Isidore CYO basketball website at Mark your calendars right away so your child and the whole family can enjoy the great experience CYO basketball offers. Registration closes on August 26th! Registration fees are $325.00 2016 CYO Cross Country Season Registration is now open. St. Isidore's CYO Cross country program is an eight week program that offers children of all abilities a fun introduction to the sport of running. The season will run from Monday, August 22 to October 21. Practices will be on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 5PM. For more information and to register see our website - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 August 2016 Page 9 St. Isidore School continues to strive to keep tuition as low as possible. The revenue from tuition and key fundraising events covers approximately 82% of the schools actual operating costs. This leaves a “Gap” of approximately $500 per student. This past year “Mind the Gap”, tuition and our fund raising efforts collectively raised the necessary funds needed to effectively run our school. The benefit of “Mind the Gap” to school families, grandparents and extended families is that your generous donations are tax-deductible. Whether you are able to donate $100 or $10,000, every donation benefits our children and our school. Please donate to “Mind the Gap” today and help make a difference! Donation made by_______________________for the_______________________Family Total Tax Deductible Donation/Pledge $_________________________ _____I am enclosing a check payable to St. Isidore School PTG-Mind the Gap (Checks may be mailed to St. Isidore School PTG-Mind the Gap, 435 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526) _____I prefer to donate online at Matching Gift Program: Does your company have a matching program? Yes_____ No_____ Questions? or contact Michelle Anderson 805.235.4947 or email THE BIG LA BOCCE 2016 Join us for the Annual Charity Fund Raiser, "The Big La Bocce", hosted by St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County and Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa at the Martinez Bocce Courts. In addition to lively games of bocce, participants will enjoy a dinner catered by the New Mecca Café Mexican Restaurant, and a chance to participate in our Silent Auction and $500 Cash Prize Raffle! Thank you to our Sponsors… FOOD SPONSOR COURT SPONSORS New Mecca Café-Pittsburg Karen Introcaso TEAM SPONSORS Marlene Haws The Gerson Family Jim and Leanne Noe BOCCE SPONSORS The Wallace Family Deutscher Properties Gallagher Chapman, Lehmer’s Buick/ a Division of Arthur J. Chevrolet Concord Gallagher & Co. SATURDAY, September 10, 2 - 7pm Martinez Bocce Courts Joe DiMaggio Way, Martinez $59.00 per player includes dinner, drinks and play! Register online at: or PLAY & SUPPORT TWO GREAT ORGANIZATIONS! Questions: Barb Hunt, 925-330-6732 or Joleen Lafayette 925-293-4792 Come in and see why we say... Behind the hanging beef, BRETT AND MAUREEN MORTENSEN the freshest fish & poultry, and hand-picked tomatoes is a 58-year tradition PARISHIONERS, SCHOOL FAMILY Certified Diamonds - Custom Design SAN JOSE – 4650 Meridian (Corner of Meridian Ave. and Branham Lane) SAN JOSE – 2666 S. Bascom Avenue (Between Curtner and Union Avenue) LOS GATOS – 720 Blossom Hill Rd. (Corner of Blossom Hill Rd. and Los Gatos Blvd.) BURLINGAME – 1825 El Camino Real (Corner of El Camino and Trousdale Drive) BELMONT – 1085 Alameda de las Pulgas (Corner of Ralston and Alameda) SAN BRUNO – 2801 San Bruno Ave. (Corner of Skyline Blvd. and San Bruno Ave.) WALNUT CREEK – 1600 Palos Verdes Mall (Geary and Pleasant Hill Road) DANVILLE – 343 Railroad Ave. (Between Church and School Streets) TRI-VALLEY Painting 925-743-9535 Tim O’Halloran Interior & Exterior Power Washing Prep Restaining Decks FREE ESTIMATES Pre-Owned Rolex - Religious Medals ROBERT M. CUENIN, D.D.S. Orthodontics By Appointment Only 925.820.8042 San Ramon For Children & Adults Parishioner 300 El Cerro Bl, Ste.A For a wide selection of Catholic greeting cards, artwork, and inspirational recordings, visit Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 837-1333 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Adrienne Uchikura Feyock, DDS Alumnus of St. Isidore and Carondelet High School 300 El Cerro Blvd., Suite D Danville, CA 94526 T: (925) 837-7277 HULL’S 925-683-0112 R E S T O R AT I V E • A E S T H E T I C Parishioner FD250 • COA538 • CR196 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematory On Site 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! Family Owned & Operated Since 1892 All Facilities are onsite 925-934-5400 ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 1139 Saranap Ave. Walnut Creek, CA 800.393.9954 “Serving the Catholic Faith Since 1892” At the Name of Jesus Diablo Plumbing Lic # 570711 The Way, The Truth, The Life Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 800-566-6150 Residential • Commercial Service & Repair 24 Hours 925-463-7900 Walnut Creek Chapel Parishioner World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. FD 2088 Wendy Wilson Boyer Dennis Steiner Burial and Cremation Services “We Invite Price Comparison” 125 Railroad Ave., Ste D • Danville, CA 94526 (925) 837-2500 Deanna Moser 513992 St Isidore Church (C) Advance Planning Made Easy. Call Deanna for a FREE Consultation For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Ken R. Anderson, CPA is the premium Services Include: provider of Up to 24 Hour Care • Hygiene Assistance • Live-In or Live-Out In-Home Care Services Light Housekeeping • Flexible Schedules • Day or Night Care • Meal Preparation for the Rewarding Companionship • Errands/Shopping • Respite for Family Caregivers Greater Bay Experienced Caregivers • Temporary or Long Term Area! ★ EMPLOYEE BASED ★ SCREENED ★ BONDED ★ INSURED Call Today for your FREE No Obligation consultation! (925) 552-6500 A Professional Corporation Individual, Business and Trust Tax Preparation Accounting Services for “Mom & Pop Shops” Over 25 Years Experience 2551 San Ramon Valley Bl, Ste 211 Diablo Hills Country School Corner of S.R.V. & Norris PRE-SCHOOL • DAY CARE • KINDERGARTEN School-Age Care • Transportation Provided (925) 314-0930 COMPREHENSIVE SKILLS. DECADES OF SOLUTIONS. SARAH S. NIX Attorney at Law Danville 820-8523 San Ramon 831-1210 Trusts and Estate Planning Parishioner 279 Front Street Danville 837-0585 TIMOTHY A. LEACH, M.D. OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY AND INFERTILITY 110 TAMPICO, SUITE 210 WALNUT CREEK (925) 935-6952 PARISHIONER The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-231-0805 Blessed Art Thou PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. Paluch Company 1.800.231.0805 Mother, Lady, Mystic, Queen Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. WILLS ◆ TRUSTS ESTATE and TRUST ADMIN. ESTATE TAXES PRE/POST MARITAL and EXPECTATION AGREEMENTS FAMILY LAW - CHILD CUSTODY Mediation, Collaboration or Litigation ◆ ◆ ◆ Law Offices of Blaha, Hartford & Perry Jerome Blaha Erene Anastopoulos 925-734-9000 510-886-2800 Pleasanton Castro Valley ⽦ ⽦ ⽦ ⽦ Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Tender Heart Home Care Agency Lt. Housekeeping Med. Reminders 2 Hours to 24 Hours Ambulation Help ⽦ ⽦ ⽦ ⽦ Personal Care Grooming Meal Prep. Transportation 2400 Camino Ramon Ste., 130 San Ramon, CA 94583 (925) 838-4444 Judy Horvath Director A Referral Agency See Your Ad in COLOR Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.231.0805 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... Contact MONICA DiPERNA today at (800) 675-5051 • 513992 St Isidore Church (B) Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 COPIERS – PRINTERS – FAX MACHINES Sales–Service–Supplies BRIAN DRISCOLL, CEO Parishioner Authorized (925) 875-0480 Serving the Valley for Over 35 Years Carpets • Hardwood Floors • Vinyl Flooring Bob Beaton, Parishioner Dealer 1985 San Ramon Valley Blvd. 837-3716 GARY C. CAPPELLETTI, D.D.S. MARY ASPLAND SRES, GRI, CRS, PMN, CLHMS Cal BRE # 01266517 Cosmetic, Reconstructive and Family Dentistry Parishioner 300 El Cerro Blvd., Suite C Parishioner 837-8564 760 Camin Ramon | Danville, CA 94506 Cell: 925.819.0660 Fax: 925.309.2520 | Each office is independently owned and operated Heating & Cooling • Tax Planning & Reporting • Accounting & Auditing • Financial Planning • Investments & Insurance • Retirement & Education Planning • Litigation Services Repair • Improve • Maintain RE Broker 1-800-245-7839 BRE# 00623995 925.596.1972 KEVIN M. SWEENEY, CPA/PFS Serving The Heart of San Ramon Valley With Integrity for 30+ Years Parishioner (925) 648-3660 • LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL F. BROWN M ICHAEL FRANCIS B ROWN RON GATTI Parishioner/Resident Since the 1950’s Check It Out Today! The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. PARISHIONER GENERAL PRACTICE CIVIL, CRIMINAL, AND FAMILY LAW MEDIATION SERVICES CALL OR GO ONLINE TO SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION: 2010 C ROW CANYON PLACE, STE 100, SAN RAMON, CA 94583 PH: 925.824.3101 • F: 925-824-3102 MFBCOUNSEL@AOL.COM • WWW.MFBCOUNSEL.COM 111 Deerwood Rd., Suite 350 • San Ramon, CA 94583 • • Tel: (925) 718-8970 Wilson & Kratzer - since 1921 Chapel of San Ramon Valley FD 1634 A Full Service Funeral Home Providing: Cremation, Burial and Celebrations of Life Michael Nicosia - Managing Partner 925-820-2999 825 Hartz Way, Danville ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Investment Management for Families and Institutions Erick E. Ormsby 925-997-9644 Founder and President Parishioner 3180 Crow Canyon Pl., Suite 210, San Ramon STATE FARM INSURANCE AUTO • FIRE • LIFE Parishioner 2200 Camino Ramon, San Ramon (½ Block South of Crow Canyon Rd.) Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Family & Cosmetic Dentistry JOHN P. O’GRADY, D.M.D. Parishioner New Patients Welcome 520 La Gonda Way Suite 104 Danville, CA 94526 925.820.5585 925-244-1700 ROGER FERNANDO AGENCY 513992 St Isidore Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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