About the Core Vocabulary Classroom Kit


About the Core Vocabulary Classroom Kit
 The Core Vocabulary Classroom Kit Supporting Language Development while Participating in the Classroom By Gail M. Van Tatenhove For students using Unity®, Words for Life™, or Pixons® who are enrolled in elementary, middle, or high school classroom programs. Attending school with an AAC system is not a guarantee that the student successfully operates his/her AAC system (operational competence), has learned the vocabulary in the system and can generate language (linguistic competence), interacts appropriately with the teacher and his/her classmates (social competence) or knows how to use different AAC strategies for different communication situations In Class…. To learn, you need to communicate. To communicate, you need to produce language. (strategic competence). To produce language, you need core vocabulary. More inside! . 2
Supporting Classroom Demands while Developing Linguistic, Social and Strategic Competence Students need to work toward developing AAC competence while meeting all the demands of the curriculum. To do this, many teachers need a variety of visual supports materials to address the curriculum needs of their students using AAC systems. The Core Vocabulary Classroom Kit gives teachers … (1) descriptive teaching boards with remove-­‐able vocabulary cards for referencing content words of activities and lessons with core vocabulary. (2) environmental engineering cards to place around the classroom to describe objects and actions with core vocabulary. (3) flashcards of the Dolch word list represented with printed words and pictures. (4) b ook-­‐style charts with sentences for mediating learning in the classroom. (5) b ook-­‐style charts of essential academic subject words that are used throughout a student’s school career. Content Words in Activities “We are going to make a special cake today. W e have to put in all the ingredients and follow each step to make it.” As the teacher makes her introduction to the class, she reviews all the ingredients: cake mix – eggs – water – butter – vanilla – To participate in the lesson, the students describe an attribute or action of the ingredients instead of naming the ingredient. This lets them participate AND practice core vocabulary. cake mix = dry water = wet, pour eggs = break, round, or white butter = soft vanilla = pour Descriptive Teaching Boards with Remove-­‐able Cards Descriptive Teaching Board is posted somewhere in the classroom. A The board contains words, represented with Pixon® or icon sequences from the Unity® or Words for Life™ program. Print out 2 copies of the needed board. Make one copy into the “base” of the board. With the second copy, cut the pictures into individual cards and attach them to the base. During activities, use the individual cards to describe objects by attaching them to the objects or to a clear box containing the object. The Descriptive Teaching Board can also b e made into a portable book for u se in various places around the school. 2 2
t. Versions & Production of the CVC Kit ™The Core Vocabulary Classroom Kit has pre-­‐made materials for students who use these vocabulary programs. Cards and Book Charts Environmental Engineering Cards: 1. Place these cards around the classroom •
Pixons from the Pixon Project Kit •
Unity®45 Sequenced and Unity®60 Sequenced with embellished icons ON; •
icons ON and with embellished icons OFF; to encourage spontaneous talking •
during non-­‐lesson activities. Use them student using AAC while learning to •
LAMP Words for Life™ Unity®84 Full read the printed words. •
Printed Words only (customize for any AAC program being used) Dolch W ords Flashcards: The cards have the printed w ords on one side and The materials are based on versions of the the pictures (without the w ords) on the programs as available on other side. Use them w ith all students to September 1, 2013 (using learn to read and write these core the NuVoice PASS software vocabulary words. 3. Unity®144 Sequenced with embellished icons OFF to model language. Have peers help the 2. Unity®84 Sequenced with embellished version dated 3-­‐25-­‐2013, Active Learning and Academic Subject from Prentke Romich Word Charts: Post these charts around Company.) the room and/or compile them into a booklet for an easy reference tool. Use The materials are all on a the Active Learning Charts to mediate CD and are produced learning and the locally. This allows you to Academic Subject customize materials and Words Charts produce as many copies as you need. Instructions during lessons to for making the materials are included on the CD. target subject specific words. 3 Additional Resources to Help in the Classroom The following websites and resources w ill provide additional help and support of the student using Unity, Words for Life, or Pixons in your classroom. Additional products as well as free resources and materials to support students using AAC, M inspeak, Unity, Words for Life and Pixons are available at www.vantatenhove.com. For seminars and trainings, please contact Gail Van Tatenhove at gvantatenhove@cfl.rr.com. © Gail M. Van Tatenhove, PA 8322 Tangelo Tree Drive Orlando, FL 32836 Minspeak®, Unity®, Words for Life™ and Pixons® are registered trademarks of Semantic Compaction Systems, Pittsburgh, PA. Vantage Lite, Vanguard, Eco, EcoPoint and Accent are trademarks of Prentke Romich Company, Wooster, OH. “I had been so nervous about using the
EcoPoint and how to help Janie in my
classroom, but the idea of focusing on core
vocabulary made such sense. We just kept
focusing on core words and, every day, little
by little, Janie was becoming a different
student. She was talking much more,
answering questions, and passing tests.
The materials were simple and easy to use.
Thanks for giving them to me! Miss Megan, 2rd grade teacher 

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