December 2015 - Unity Christian High School


December 2015 - Unity Christian High School
1 “Equipping the Next Generation”
2 Student Life
Shrek the Musical
Equipping the Next Generation: An Appeal to GIVE
UC Bands March in Holiday Parade
3 Heart to Heart
You're Not the Only One
6 News & Notes
Unity Community Business Directory
Calling All Veterans...
UC Grad Earns National Winner Status at SkillsUSA Competition
UC Website Gets a Total Re-do!
7 Development News
PACE 2015/2016
Year-End Giving
Capital Campaign Update
Buy-A-Brick Program Continues
8 EOCS Highlights
The Story Just Gets Better
10 Alumni News
Alumni Marriages & Births
Alumni in the Military
Alumni in Missions
Class Reunions
12 Revive News
Unity Christian High School
5900 48th Avenue
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Phone: 616.669.1820
Fax: 616.669.5760
Development Office
5340 Plaza, Suite 3
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Phone: 616.662.4011
Fax: 616.662.4006
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that
I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about
them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and
when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates.”
~ Deuteronomy 6:4-9
You will pass along something to your children
and grandchildren, but the question is what
will you pass along to them? What you do
now matters and affects generations.
“I lavish my love on those who love me and
obey my commands, even for a thousand
generations.” ~ Exodus 20:6
In order to leave a legacy of faith for the next
generation, we must equip them. Christian
parents and grandparents who honor God in
their home know how important a Christian
education is in equipping the next generation
of Jesus-followers. Unity Christian is excited
to be a center for ministry where young minds
are challenged academically, and where the
Christian faith of every young person is
nurtured and developed.
With the development of our new high school
campus we have opened the doors to new
and exciting times for Christian youth. The
spaces available for the programs that can
now be supported are allowing the culture
of our Christian community to reach new
heights, in order to equip future generations.
And, for this to happen, we must be ready.
That is why we are reaching out to you, the
Unity community, to help leave this legacy of
We have three avenues that you can support
in order to keep Unity and the ministry of
Christian Education going:
Building Unity ~ Unity is in the final
fundraising efforts to be debt-free for the new
building. To date we have received $20 million
in gifts and pledges! We will continue to accept
gifts and pledges, over a five-year commitment.
Goal: $3.1 million
PACE ~ Unity’s PACE drive began on
October 26, and the calling on our community
continues. PACE funds are critical in keeping
tuition affordable for ALL. PACE allows us
to provide families who demonstrate a need
with tuition assistance, ensuring that all
children are able to attend Unity Christian,
regardless of financial means. PACE also
provides each student with a grant-in-aid
toward tuition costs, and keeps tuition fees
lower. Goal: $400,000.
(continued on page 2)
Student Life
Shrek the Musical
November 19, 20 and 21
All three performances of Shrek the Musical were
sell-outs… This musical was truly appropriate for
all ages—duly noted by the number of children in
attendance. Kudos to UC student performers, stage crew,
costuming, set design, the Orchestra Pit, the Directors—
and the audience, parents,
grandparents and all whose
participation and support
made this musical a success!!
(continued from page 1)
The Unity Christian Education
Foundation ~ The Education
Endowment Fund consistently grows,
thanks to those who have desired
to leave a lasting financial legacy
to assist many future generations.
Currently the foundation fund
balance is $2.6 million and is growing
through the consistent generosity of
the Unity community.
Please help us… Providing financial
assistance to grow the ministries at
Unity Christian takes commitment.
We believe that God uses His people,
through the resources He provides,
to make a difference in His kingdom.
Comments from the Director, Mrs. Ashton Foreman: This show was extremely
fun to put together. The kids kept me laughing all throughout the season. The
hardest aspect of this show was by far the costumes. I still can’t believe that
there were about 175 costumes and about 150 of them were made by our costume
moms. Another interesting aspect to the show was the variety of dances. You
don’t normally find a show with tap dancing rats, skeletons, and fairytale
creatures all in one show! The students and I enjoyed ourselves so much during
the whole process of this show, and I think that’s what came through during the
performances. We thank our Lord Jesus for blessing us with talents and abilities,
and with the venue to share these with our wonderful supporting community.
UC Bands March in Hudsonville's
Holiday Parade
Unity Bands showcased their marching talents in Hudsonville’s
Holiday Parade on Saturday, November 21. The Band performed
Joy to the World and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. “It was great to
see familiar faces in the crowd during the parade,” said Director Mr.
Brian Knot. “The students worked hard to learn and memorize
the music in a short time span.” This year the weather looked a
lot like Christmas as the first snow of the year arrived before and
during the parade.
What is the legacy of faith you are
leaving? What you do NOW matters.
Unity Christian is educating young
people to develop as Jesus-followers
into leaders for Him. And, for
this ministry to grow and flourish
Please pray for
Unity… and consider how YOU can
help. Your generosity and support
allows the Kingdom of God to grow
through Christian education at Unity.
For this we say, THANK YOU!
UNITY… A legacy of FAITH,
Jerry DeGroot, Principal/CEO
Heart to Heart with Dan Landstra
You're Not the Only One
“Do you hear that, Dad?
What is that noise?”
My daughter Katie came
running into the family room
with wide eyes and raised
eyebrows while pointing
outside. She was looking to her
dad for an answer.
“I don’t know…” I said, “I was
wondering the same thing.”
Just then – “Whoosh!”
again, Dad!”
“There it is
The mysterious “Whooosh” became
louder and longer with each blast.
the balloons floated gracefully through
the air, the pilots delivering blasts of
flame to skillfully control the elevation.
In my mind I tried to visualize from
what kind of thing a noise like that
would come. Realizing it sounded silly,
I said to Katie “It sounds like the noise a
whale makes from its blowhole.”
It was then I remembered having read
an article about the Grand Rapids
Hot Air Balloon Festival coming to
Hudsonville. The organizers planned on
using the fairgrounds as headquarters.
What we were now witnessing was one
of several launches scheduled for the
With a roll of her eyes and a tilt of
her head, I got the Dad-that-soundsridiculous-look from Katie.
The morning was still, with only a gentle
breeze blowing from the southwest.
Each time we heard one of the bursts it
really stood out.
Just then my son David ran excitedly
into the room while pointing outside,
urging us to follow him to the deck.
“Come out here and look at this!”
We hustled to follow David to the deck.
Once outside, we immediately saw
“Whoa! That is cool!!” “There are so
many of them!” “Where did they come
Coming toward us were nine hot air
balloons! Each huge balloon was an
explosion of color. Some had beautiful
patterns, some advertised a business,
and one was the shape of a cartoon
character! They all stood out brilliantly
against the backdrop of a perfectly
clear early morning sky in late July. All
With hands up in the “question” pose
Katie asked, “Why are they so low, Dad?”
Looking to the east from our deck is
Apio Lake. The group of balloons slowly
drifted towards the lake, gradually
descending as they approached.
“If I didn’t know better it almost looks
like they are trying to land in the lake!”
I said.
We watched as each balloon approached.
Some descended to within a few feet of
the water before the pilot ignited the
fuel, producing a huge, bright flame and
a very distinctive “whoosh” sound. The
hot air created by the giant flame shot
up into the massive balloon, quickly
lifting it away from the lake.
One pilot was so brave (or he
miscalculated, we don’t really know)
that his basket actually touched the
water before quickly ascending! We had
never had such a close-up view of hot
air balloons in flight.
From the "Observation"
Deck in July to a
Classroom Conversation
in November:
“Mr. Landstra, a lot of times I feel I am
the only one who thinks and feels like
I do.”
“Anna” (not her real name) and I had
been talking about her life and faith.
She was describing how much personal
and spiritual growth had taken place
in her life since coming to Unity as a
freshman. Anna said, “’Change’ is a
good word to use for my first three years
at Unity.”
With a look of certainty and a slight
nod of her head she summed up three
years and three months of Unity
education and life by saying, “It’s been
really good.”
Those four words described a long and
amazing story. Anna had indeed been
very involved in student life, in extracurricular activities, and in service
opportunities. During the first three
months of her senior year Anna picked
up right where she left off as a junior.
Anna also made a decision to accept
more opportunities to lead.
So I asked her, “Is there anything you
(continued on next page)
Heart to Heart continued...
would specifically like to talk about
regarding your faith?”
Anna immediately dropped her head
and let out a sigh. “I thought you
might ask,” she said.
Hoping to encourage her I said, “I
would be glad to listen, if you want to
talk about it.”
She nodded, giving herself permission
to talk. “Ok, well here’s the deal. When
it comes to my faith, I look around and
find myself wondering all the time,
‘Am I the only one who thinks and feels
like I do?’”
I smiled at Anna, nodding in
agreement, and said, “I wonder that
myself sometimes, too!”
“You do?”
“Absolutely I do! But tell me this Anna,
related to your faith what do you mean
when you say ‘Am I the only one who
thinks and feels like I do?’”
Anna leaned back in her chair, folded
her arms, and told me her story. “Well,
last weekend I went to this event with
my youth group. It was fun to go with
my friends. It was a good night but
one thing that happened there has
kind of stuck with me… The event
was high energy and as the night
went along, quite a few people around
me started getting emotional. I didn’t
have a problem with that at all. As the
speaker talked more and we sang I was
wondering if I was going to experience
the emotion that some of the people
around me were experiencing. I never
did. And that was not the first time
something like this has happened. I
just don’t end up having the same kind
of experience others seem to have in
those settings.”
Anna uncrossed her arms, leaned
forward in her chair, and spoke softly.
“I believe everything said that night
is true. But honestly, I felt bad that I
didn’t have the same kind of emotional
experience others did. I guess it just
When it comes to my
faith, I look around and
find myself wondering all
the time, 'Am I the only
one who thinks and
feels like I do?'
feels like if I am really a Christian I
should feel that way too.”
As she recalled the evening Anna’s
eyes welled up with a few tears. “So,
Mr. Landstra, that’s why I wonder
if there is something wrong with my
faith. Does that make any sense at all?”
Anna was asking a great question. It
is an important question—one asked
in the privacy of the mind by many
Christians but asked publicly by few:
“Am I the only one who has these
questions or thinks like me?”
“Thanks for your honesty, Anna.” I
said. “Let me assure you, after talking
with Unity students for years, I have
heard many versions of this question
asked by lots of different people.”
“Really?” Anna said.
“Yes!” I said with enthusiasm. “There
is nothing wrong with you at all!”
Anna smiled a little but seemed to be
unconvinced. “So you don’t think it is
weird that my response to the night
was different than many in my group?”
“Let’s think about that, Anna. Earlier
in our conversation you were telling me
how much you had changed and grown
in your time at Unity. Part of what you
described was a change in how you
understood your faith. So let’s go back
to the basics. I want to ask you about
what you know for sure. Are you okay
with that?”
“Great! First question; do you believe
the Bible is true and it is God’s Word
to us?"
Without hesitation Anna said, “Yes.”
“Do you believe Jesus came to earth to
die for your sins and was resurrected
from the grave?”
“Definitely, yes!”
“Do you believe the gift of salvation by
grace through faith is for you?”
“For sure, yes!”
“Have you asked God to forgive your
sins and the Holy Spirit to come into
your heart?”
Tears were once again welling up in
Anna’s eyes. She responded, “You know
I have!” Anna knew now where I was
leading her and the realization of her
commitment to Christ settled upon her.
I smiled back at Anna and said, “There’s
that emotion you have been looking for!”
A single tear rolled down Anna’s cheek
as she chuckled a little at what was
happening. “Girls!” she said, “So
emotional!” (Anna always had a good
sense of humor!)
I laughed at Anna’s joke but added,
“There is nothing wrong with emotion
in your relationship with Jesus. In
fact, at times it can really be great.
Your faith, though, is also grounded in
the confidence you gain over time that
what you say you believe is really true
for you! That confidence, or belief, is a
conviction, not just an emotion!”
Wiping away the tears Anna said, “I see
what you mean.”
Grateful for the chance to talk I added,
“Anna, faith is a lifetime journey and
process. No one goes about it the same
exact way; and, I believe God intended
it to be that way.”
“Thanks for talking with me, Mr.
Landstra. Now don’t cry when I leave!”
Laughing again I said, “Funny, Anna…
very funny!”
Teachers and staff at Unity believe
with deep conviction each student has
been uniquely called by God to accept
His promises. For students, the process
of understanding God’s promises and
recognizing God’s call to love and serve
Him in all parts of life is not simple or
easy. It often seems complex and very
difficult, leading them to wonder, “Am
I the only one who thinks or feels like
I do?”
By God’s grace, Unity is a community
gathering together in the name
of Christ to wrestle with complex
questions, to encourage each other
through meaningful conversation, to
gain confidence in God’s promises, and
to know “I am not the only person who
thinks and feels like me!”
From a Classroom
Conversation to a
Reflection on Life, Faith,
and a Balloon Festival:
The day after we witnessed the balloons
floating by our house we decided to
go to the fairgrounds in Hudsonville
to watch a launch of over a dozen
balloons. I had no idea how much
time and effort went into launching a
balloon… We stood with a large crowd
watching each crew work to get their
balloon ready. The fabric was laid out
carefully and precisely in just the right
way. (Not at all like the way I unpack
and repack our family tent!) Each crew
member worked diligently, knowing the
importance of their labor.
As air was pumped into the balloon
with a fan, the process of inflation
began. Each of us spectators watched
with anticipation, some wondering how
this huge piece of fabric resting on
the ground would ever lift off. The
workers moved with confidence, each
continuing to do their part, knowing
that if they did their work, the rest
would take care of itself.
Finally, the balloon (“the big one,” Katie
called it) was filled with enough air
to turn on the flame attached to the
basket. Once the flame was lit, forcing
extra hot air into the balloon, it began
to inflate quickly.
Workers tugged, pulled, held on tightly
to guide ropes, and wrestled the basket
into position. All while the flame
continued to pump in life-giving air
to the balloon. At times it seemed the
crew would not be able to control the
rapidly-growing balloon. They certainly
had more confidence in their work than
some of us spectators!
Then the moment came. Enough hot
air was in the balloons! Pilots gave the
thumbs up, crews let go of the ropes,
and one by one they began to ascend
to the cheer of the crowd. At first they
swayed back and forth, banging against
other balloons nearby on the ground.
“Are they going to make it?” I heard a
young boy ask.
“They’ll be ok,” his dad assured him.
“They are built for this. They are going
to be fine.”
It was an amazing sight to see. Not long
ago these balloons lay on the ground
as piles of fabric attached to baskets.
After the diligent work of a deeplyinvested crew, we watched as each
balloon soared into the sky, beautifully
fulfilling the purpose for which they
were intended.
Now, when I see a hot air balloon
drifting through the sky, I think not
only of the balloon festival in July,
but also the spiritual journey of each
student at Unity. Teachers and staff
at Unity believe God intends for His
children—like the balloons—to SOAR!
Join us in thanking God for the
privilege of walking with Unity
students through questions and doubts,
through uncertainty and fear, and
through spiritual highs and lows as
they discover His calling: To engage in
God’s world and beautifully fulfill His
purpose, for which they were intended.
From the front row,
Dan Landstra
Unity Bible Teacher
News & Notes
If your business or company
is not included in the Unity
Community Business Directory
and you have supported Unity
financially as a parent, patron,
or business sponsor for one of our
fundraising events, you qualify
for inclusion in this directory. The
Directory is available at Unity’s
Development. Please submit your
business information by email
to development@unitychristian.
org, or contact the Development
Office at 616.662.4011. If you
are currently listed, please check
your listing and send/call us
with any updated information.
(Note: Updates and new listings
will appear in the directory as of
January 2016.) Thank you!
Calling All
Unity is looking to create a
database of ALL United States’
community. If you or someone you
know (parent, grandparent, son/
daughter or some other relative)
have served our country in the
military, please send us your/their
names, the years you/they have
served and the branch of service
to development@unitychristian.
org, or call the Development Office
at 616.662.4011. We hope to have
a completed database by the end
of February 2016.
UC Grad Earns National Winner
Status at SkillsUSA Competition
Unity is proud to announce that UC
grad Anthony Langeland (Class of
2015), and a Careerline Tech Center
(CTC) alum, placed first in the nation
in Diesel Equipment Technology at
the SkillsUSA National Leadership
and Skills Conference on June 25 in
Louisville, Kentucky. To commemorate
his achievement as the National Winner
in the 2015 SkillsUSA Competition in the
Diesel and Heavy Equipment category,
Anthony received a Special Tribute from
the Michigan Legislature signed by Gov.
Rick Snyder and Senate Majority Leader
Arlan B. Meekhof.
engines in trucks at Engineered Diesel
(in Allendale).
Editor’s Note: Careerline Tech Center
is operated by Ottawa Area Intermediate
School District and prepares high school
juniors and seniors for tomorrow’s
workforce by providing career and
technical education in 24 career areas.
CTC serves students from public
and private high schools, as well as
homeschools, within the following local
school districts: Allendale, Coopersville,
Grand Haven, Hamilton, Holland,
Hudsonville, Jenison, Saugatuck, Spring
Lake, West Ottawa, and Zeeland.
The competition in Louisville consisted of
14 skill stations including fundamental
failure analysis, electrical and electronic
systems and vehicle inspections, as well
as demonstrating job interview skills
and completing a written test.
“The competition was long and difficult,”
said Anthony, “but I am honored to come
out with first place among all of the
other student competitors.”
“This is quite an accomplishment,” said
Kevin Wiersma, diesel/heavy equipment
mechanics instructor for CTC. “In my
28 years working at CTC this is the first
time a student has won this award,”
Wiersma said.
State Representative Roger Victory
presented the Tribute to Anthony on
September 23 at the annual Farm Bureau
of Ottawa County meeting in Allendale,
Michigan. Anthony is currently
employed repairing and uprating diesel
Anthony Langeland ('15) receives National First
Place Winner/SkillsUSA award; June 2015
UC Website Gets a Total Re-Do!
Have you visited the UC website ( lately? If so,
you’ve noticed a new look… and an easier way to navigate! Check it out! We
think you’ll like the improvements. And, for all the UC sports fans out there, you
now can go directly to for all the latest news,
upcoming events and schedules. You can also “friend” UC on Facebook® and then
you’ll receive all the news, photos and highlights at UCHS!
Development News
PACE 2015/2016
A Gentle Reminder—Remember PACE in Your Year-End Giving
No need to "Save a Date"... or, come
to another dinner, or put another event
on your calendar! All we ask is that,
when your phone rings and it says “J.
Milito & Associates” in your caller ID,
please answer and hear what the caller
has to say about PACE 2015/2016.
Your gift/pledge to PACE ensures that
ALL students receive the tuition grantin-aid PACE provides to keep tuition
affordable. And, PACE provides for the
families who need and qualify for tuition
assistance, so that they can send their
children to Unity for a Christ-centered
education. Funds provided by PACE
also help with some programming/
facilities’ needs. So, you see? We need
YOUR gift/pledge to PACE… We can’t
do this without you! Will you help?
We pray that you will… Thank you—
in advance—for your prayers and
generosity! (P.S. All gifts/pledges to
PACE are not due until June 30, 2016!)
Program Continues!
Christmas is the season for
giving, and we are all inundated
with requests for funding from
many worthy charities and
causes. Please consider Unity
Christian High School and the
following areas where we can
use your financial help:
There’s still time…! If you’d
like to be (or have your family)
included in our beautiful brickpaved courtyard, please contact
Nick Balcer at 616.662.4011, or You
may also download a Buy-A-Brick
order form from the UC website at
Or, contact the Development Office
(616.662.4011) to pick one up or
request one and we’ll send it to you.
Please remember when ordering:
Each brick can only accommodate
three (3) lines of text, and are
limited to 14 characters per line.
(Each letter, space, punctuation
mark or number counts as ONE
character. NO EXCEPTIONS!)
PACE 2015/2016 ~ The PACE annual fund drive is used primarily for tuition
assistance for ALL students, as well as other capital needs that support programming
or facilities.
You may order as many bricks as
you want!
Capital Campaign for Building Unity ~ Gifts to Building Unity help fund the
construction costs of the new school by allowing us to pay down what was borrowed,
and thereby keep the new school debt-free.
You will need to fill out one form
per each brick.
Year-End Giving
UC Education Foundation ~ This Endowment Fund provides for various needs.
To give to one or more of these areas, please contact the Development Office at
616.662.4011, or email We accept checks, cash, and
two major credit cards (Visa and MasterCard). Thank you for remembering Unity
in your giving this year!
Capital Campaign Update:
Where We Stand
To keep our community apprised of the on-going fundraising
efforts, we need to report that recently we received notification
that a $1.2 million pledge was rescinded due to a change in
the financial status of one of our major donors. We understand
that these events can occur. So, to date, here is a revised
financial report on the status of fundraising for the remaining
funds needed to reach the goal of being debt-free:
When ordering multiple numbers
of bricks, please indicate on the
form the ORDER in which you want
these bricks to be laid. Thank you for participating!
$ 21,102,543.91
Cash spent
$ 6,048,150.95
Outstanding pledge balance
$ 3,100,000.00*
Pledges/gifts needed to be debt-free!
($ 6,935,000.00)
Borrowed to date
$ 106,575.40
Loan interest paid to date
As you can see, we still have $3.1 million to raise. Please keep these efforts in your prayers. If you would like to give to Building
Unity—either by increasing your previous gift or pledge, or giving an additional gift—please contact Jack Lutke at 616.662.4011,
or email Thank you for your support!!
EOCS Highlights with Jack Postma
Jack Postma (Unity’s Principal from 1982-2012) began writing his “Best Seat in the House” column in Unity’s Tidings in 1995.
Although Jack retired in June of 2012, his passion for Christian education continues and he frequently visits the Eastern Ottawa
County Christian Schools (EOCS) of Allendale, Borculo, Hudsonville, Jenison, Lamont and Unity. In this column he shares with
our readers his ”best seat” view of how these schools are educating God’s children as members of His kingdom.
From a 'Best Seat' with the Unity Staff:
The Story Just Gets Better from
the 'New' Unity on 48th Avenue!
In two previous articles, I brought you
first thoughts from those who answered
the question, “What binds us together
and to each other to have been
blessed in making this milliondollar effort to build a ‘new’ Unity
campus on 48th Avenue?”
The overwhelming response from all
ages was: “Passing on the faith…
And nurturing each student in that
In the second article I shared the firstmonth impressions of seniors in the
‘new’ Unity.
They expressed deep
appreciation for their ‘new’ Unity and
for the opportunity to lead: “We really
appreciate Unity. It’s a special place. We
are its first senior leaders. We want Unity
to be a hallowed place.”
So, now that the staff has had several
months to settle in, “How does the staff
feel about the ‘new’ Unity?” Here’s
what they shared.
On the morning of Friday, October 23 (the
second day of the annual CEA conference/
Professional Development break), I paid
a visit to the ‘new’ Unity, and visited first
with the office staff, a group who made
a most intense effort moving from Oak
Street to 48th Avenue
continuing businessas-usual within one
day of making the
August 17 move—a
phenomenal effort!
I asked them, What
are you finding to be
the benefits moving
into the ‘new’ Unity?
Here’s what they
of the annual CEA
Development break), I
paid a visit to the ‘new’
Unity, and visited first
with the office staff, a
group who made a most
intense effort moving
from Oak Street to 48th
Avenue continuing business-as-usual
within one day of making the August
17 move—a phenomenal effort! I asked
them, What are you finding to be the
benefits moving into the ‘new’ Unity?
Here’s what they shared:
We see the sun rise! That is such a
refreshing start for our day. The number
of windows facing to the south is a
fantastic building design.
with Tammi Victory and volunteers:
This Food Court area is huge and
wonderfully equipped compared to what
we had at Oak Street. We are part of the
commons that seats and holds the entire
school during break and lunch. It is a
wonderful place to serve the students and
staff. We thank God every day.
I see the ‘new’ Unity as having refreshed
our community! They are buzzing about it.
We don’t feel like “kitchen help.” We feel
like their mothers. We’re here to serve our
students before school (7:30-8:00 a.m.),
during morning break, lunch, and after
school (2:30-3:15 p.m.) You should see
the kids gather in the commons before
and after school—it is really cool. It’s
what mothers want for their kids.
I am excited to be part of this. And that
makes the intense effort of our move and
changes something God is blessing us to
From the Food Court, I went and visited
with teachers in their classrooms. Here’s
what they shared on the benefits of the
‘new’ Unity:
I then moved to the Food Court and talked
I am humbled and I am inspired by
how God is sustaining Unity—millions
of dollars from the Unity community
inspires me to know I am part of something
very special—a special community that
God is blessing!
When I enter the building I am
overwhelmed with a sense of blessedness…
I really sense God’s presence.
The Wi-Fi and the new Learning
Commons for students during their
study periods—these are awesome for
our students’ learning!
Math is math whether it is on Oak
Street or 48th Avenue; however, using the
new technology, we have so many new
opportunities to teach all students to
flourish in math.
On the morning
of Friday, October
23 (the second day
The new technology allows us to bring
in new applications for more resources.
It puts us at the leading-edge of teaching
and learning. It helps make Unity a
world-class Christian school, and Unity
students are achieving a world-class
These new classrooms—the size, the
configuration, the furniture—allow
arrangements which develop wonderful
learning communities. Students don’t
learn in isolation.
The commons area holds all the
which to look out. In the old study hall
model at Oak Street I felt more like a
jail-keeper than a teacher. Not so in this
Learning Commons.
Our chapel area in the multi-purpose
room—the sight lines and the acoustics
are outstanding! In the Oak Street south
gym where we held chapel for 60 years,
I would not always hear everything.
I felt left out. But now, I don’t miss
out on anything—I can see and hear
everything. I just can’t say enough
about it… Chapel is our favorite part
of the day.
I have the statement “Be strong and
Courageous” emblazoned on the front
wall of my room—God’s blessing of
this new facility gives new and deeper
meaning to that statement!
This new building with the
commons area and the student locker
arrangements integrate us into a true
Unity—freshmen, sophomores, juniors,
seniors and staff completely integrated.
I have never before felt such a
personal investment and responsibility
for this place and for my students. I get
emotional just talking about it.
I admit, when I first viewed our
new Learning Commons, I found tears
welling up in my eyes—I saw students
studying together… actually studying!
This is so opposite of running a ‘study
hall’ in my classroom for 45 minutes,
with some students not having anything
to study or read, or even a window from
I feel responsible for keeping this
place like ‘new’. A friend of mine is a
teacher in a public school that is now 2
years old and, in his opinion, is “falling
apart.” He toured this building and was
impressed with the construction and
workmanship. He said, “The people you
had construct this place really cared
about doing a great job. I can see that.”
I really appreciate our construction
crews, because the workmanship shows
how much they cared for this place and
understood its purpose!
Our ‘time on task’ has improved because
now there are limited interruptions. At
Oak Street we had to teach with doors
open to allow for air circulation. That
meant anyone walking the hallways
could be a distraction; it meant that
singing from the choir room had to be
toned down. We can now focus on our
teaching and learning.
The new science labs are awesome.
With all the newest safety features,
they are state-of-the-art labs unlike
any we had at Oak Street. We can be
innovative in equipping our students
to lead.
This facility stimulates a more
academic, collegiate environment
giving students the encouragement and
the freedom to excel! It has really
ramped up the Unity culture of Faith,
Excellence, Service… you feel it, you see
it… you thank the Lord for it.
students and staff during break
and lunch; it is an amazing area.
We can now all say “I Belong” and
feel it.
Our classrooms are grouped
together by subject area. We are
collaborating all the time about
our teaching. In fact, four of us
just spent an hour talking about
a math concept that students are
struggling to understand. We figured
out a number of different ways to help
our students learn.
Unity makes it comfortable for us so we
can focus even more on our students
achieving excellence.
It is new… it’s a re-do of the Oak
Street Unity. It’s a re-creation for an
extra-ordinary purpose—the Christian
education of our students and that is
so special.
This new Unity with its 21st
century technology gives us so many
opportunities to bring the best, current
resources into our classrooms for
economics, current events, geography,
history, science, math, etc. Yes, Unity is
excellence in Christian education.
Learning was always excellent at the
Oak Street campus – just look at our test
scores always in the upper echelon of
schools in Michigan. However, the ‘new’
The acoustics in the band room are
like a concert hall. The size of the band
room allows me to move freely among
the band students during practices—so
much better than the old band room
where I was confined to the podium.
And, we now have individual and
ensemble practice rooms, which is also
great! The students are enthused to
work and practice here.
(continued on page 11)
Alumni News
Alumni Marriages & Births
Torie Kuiper (‘12) married Nick Bonzelaar
on July 17, 2015.
Jill Van Wylen (‘05) married Brian De
Mann on April 4, 2015.
Pamela VanderJagt (’09) married Brent
Thurkettle on June 27, 2015.
Sarah Vollink (‘11) married Eddie Beckley
on September 12, 2015.
Brecken Lee Glass was born to parents
Kyle (‘07) and Kelsey Glass on August 14,
Mollie Kay Gruppen was born on June
15, 2015 to parents Kurt (‘04) and Karley
(Glass ‘05) Gruppen, and welcomed by
big brother Kaleb (2).
Delaney Ruth Haarsema was born to
parents Dan (’04) and Betsy (Boomsma
‘07) Haarsema on May 29, 2015.
Leah Joy Honderd was born to parents
Pete (’10) and Samantha (Mulder ‘10)
Honderd on November 5, 2015.
Cody John Berens was born on
September 18, 2015 to parents Rob and
Abigail (DeYoung ’02) Berens, and
welcomed by big sisters Jordynn (7) and
Aubrey (41/2).
Claire Victoria Jansen was born on
August 27, 2015 to parents Justin and
Jamie (Overweg ‘99) Jansen, and
welcomed by siblings Alexis (6) and Carter
Hudson Alexander DeYoung was born to
parents Thomas and Lynae (DeVries ‘06)
DeYoung on August 31, 2015.
Winnie Louise Koster was born to
parents Zach (‘05) and Annie Koster on
June 25, 2015.
Trillium Dawn Marie Glashower
and Florence Ruth Marie Glashower
(twins!) were born on July 29, 2015 to
parents Caleb (‘07) and Bri (Koster ‘07)
Glashower, and welcomed by big sister
Poppy (2½).
Roslyn Joy Manshaem was born on
August 28, 2015 to Steve (‘03) and Laura
(VanderVeen ‘03) Manshaem, and
welcomed by big sister Grace (3).
Schmitt on April 8, 2015. (See Alumni in
Kennadi Jade VanderVeen was born on
October 29, 2015 to parents Mark (’05)
and Alicia (Borst ‘05) VanderVeen, and
welcomed by big brother Brek (2).
Hendrick Daniel Vrieland was born on
September 23, 2015 to parents Joel (‘05)
and Bethany (Meyer ‘04) Vrieland, and
welcomed by siblings Elias (4), Sophia (2)
and Isabelle (2).
Harrison Thomas Walker was born on
September 26, 2015 to parents Matt and
Jacqueline (Selvius ‘02) Walker, and
welcomed by big sisters Isabella (6) and
Amelia (3).
Please submit any Alumni birth
or marriage announcements to:,
or call 616.662.4011.
(PLEASE NOTE: To celebrate our newest
little ones, we have a FREE “UC Blue
Crew” Onesie that parents/grandparents
may pick up from the Development Office
at 5340 Plaza St., Hudsonville MI. Please
call or email the Development Office and
we’ll put one aside for you. Thank you!
Isaiah Matthew Schmitt was born
to parents Matthew (’07) and Rachel
Alumni in the Military
UPDATES: James Jongekrijg (Class of 2009) has completed his service in the U.S. Marine Corps. We are grateful for James’ service to our country
and thankful for his safekeeping during his enlistment. Trevor Vedders (Class of 2015) recently left for boot camp in the U.S. Marines. Give thanks
for James’ return and safekeeping, and please keep Trevor and all the young people listed below in your prayers—and their families as well:
Class of 1987: Chad Geers; Jeff Rozema
Class of 1994: Eric Alan Brew
Class of 1996: Jeremy Molendyk
Class of 1998: Allen Broene; Joon Kee Lee (Patrick Crans)
Class of 1999: Derk Nyenhuis; Ron Thenn
Class of 2000: Steve Bloem; Rick Martinus; Clayton Poortenga
Class of 2001: Seth Allen; Darin Elgersma; Kyle Glashower;
Drew VerHage
Class of 2002: Bryan Flietstra
Class of 2003: Adam Bosma; Jeff Dekkinga; Katy Driesenga;
Justin Oosterbaan; Brian Tucker; Eric VanBeek;
Brian VandenBerg
Class of 2004: Kody Fennema; Justin Hatchner;
Ryan Zandstra
Class of 2005: Brett Jackson; Chris Kitler;
Andrew Niewiek; Stephan Thenn
Class of 2006: Jay Baum; Joshua Lankheet;
David Van Abbema
Class of 2007: Aubrey Bosma; Brandon Dragstra;
Drew Grooters; Quynn Schaaphok; Rachel Scott;
Bobby Sorensen; Lauren Zandstra
Class of 2008: Michael Dekker; Kyle Emelander;
Brandon Zomerlei
Class of 2009: Corbin Durek; Cameron Ritsema;
Kent Schaaphok; Tyler Stroven;
Joshua VanBelzen; Ryan VanVels
Class of 2010: Randy Dragstra; Tyler Wiersma
Class of 2011: Austin Dornbush; Jon Mohr;
Chris Poolman
Class of 2012: Ethan Ritsema
Class of 2013: Wyatt Johnson; Charlie Vrieland
Class of 2014: Jacob Herzog; Gavin Miedema; Joshua
TerKeurst; Nathan VandenBosch
Class of 2015: Trevor Vedders (U.S. Marines)
The names of the Alumni listed above have been submitted by
their families for recognition of their service to our country. If
you know of other Unity alumni currently serving in the military,
we would like to recognize and honor them in the Tidings. Please
send their information to, or
call the Development Office at 616.662.4011. Also, if you have
updated information on any of the Alumni listed, please call or
email the Development Office as soon as possible.
Alumni in Missions
Matthew Schmitt (Class of
2007), his wife Rachel and young son
Isaiah are serving in Bloomington,
Minnesota, where they are working
as ministry interns at Bethany Global
University, with the LEAD Program
(a 4-month ministry and discipleship
training school) as Student Life
Advisors, and with Publish 4 All. Publish
4 All is a ministry that distributes
print-on-demand systems to third world
countries. Publish 4 All provides Bibles,
Christian resources, devotionals, school
books, etc. at very low cost via their
solar-powered system.
We ask that you remember
Matthew, Rachel and Isaiah,
and the other members of our
extended Unity Community who
are working to advance our Lord’s
kingdom through missions. If you
know of other UC Alumni serving
in missions, please send their
names and information about
their ministries to development@,
Class Reunions in 2015-2016
The Class of 1956 is planning a
Garry Vander Ploeg at garry.vanderploeg@ for more information.
The Class of 1961 is planning a 55th
Is your class planning a reunion
event in 2015/16? Please contact
or call 6l6.662.4011, to publish this
information in the next issue of the
(Class Officers/Reunion
Planners: Class lists are available from
the Development Office.)
60-year reunion for Fall 2016. Watch
future issues of the Tidings for details. Or,
contact Molli (Marilyn Schut) Brunsting
class reunion to be held on Saturday,
April 30, 2016 at the new Unity Christian
High School facility, 5900 48th Avenue,
Hudsonville. Please contact Dr. Betty
Velthouse at or
EOCS Highlights (continued from page 9)
And, from the custodians… They
too were eager to share what their
experience has been in a ‘new’
It is so wonderful having
everything on one campus. Before
we had to travel 2.3 miles between
Oak and 48th. No matter how
well we planned, we always forgot
We love bringing visiting teams
into our building. Over and over we
hear the kids saying things like…
’Wow! This is really cool.’ They seem
most impressed with the commons
area and the cheerful colors.
Tell the people, Jack, this is a
special place… we feel God’s
presence here every day.
I completed my tour and talks with
Do You
John Vander Helm,
UC Janitor (from 1967 to
Celebrates 90 Years
UC Janitor John Vander Helm
celebrated his 90th birthday
this November, with a family
gathering at Sunset Villages
in Jenison. We remember John
fondly, and congratulate him on
this momentous occasion!
the staff—the office, the food court, the
teachers, and custodians. As I headed
for the south entrance the sunshine was
pouring in—the Son does shine brightly
in the new Unity!
Please join with the staff and the 3200
who gathered for the Unity Celebration
on September 27, in …thanking God
for binding us together and to each
other for the ‘new’ Unity to sustain
the effort of passing on the faith
that Jesus is Lord!
Lord Jesus,
may this will always be so.
Jack Postma,
UC Principal Emeritus 2012
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Revive News
Revive Distributes $250,000 to the
Schools of EOCS
Fall is the time of year when the proceeds from the resale store revive are
divvied up and distributed to the Christian schools of EOCS. This year, the
store raised $250,000—the largest distribution in the five years that revive
has been in business! On Thursday, October 8, the principals from Allendale,
Borculo, Hudsonville, Jenison, Lamont and UCHS each received a check
that provided $120 per student, per school, towards tuition funding. The
presentation by UC Principal Mr. Jerry DeGroot took place at revive and
was witnessed by 16 of revive’s volunteers who were present, as well as Store
Director Darlene VanKempen and two of the store managers Candace
Nienhuis and Jenny Walters. Truly the Lord is blessing this endeavor and we
give thanks to all who volunteer, donate, shop and support revive!
Christmas Open House at Revive
Thank you to all who came out for revive’s Christmas Open House on Friday,
November 13. What a night! Clothing, accessories, and Christmas items filled
the carts as happy shoppers found all kinds of great deals. We appreciate all
who braved the crowds, waited patiently in the check-out lines, and circled a
full parking lot to enjoy this night with us. Sales totaled approximately $4,400
for those 4 hours—and that’s with most purchases at half off! Thank you for
all of your support!
Don’t forget to shop revive for all your Christmas needs! We’ve got
serving dishes for those holiday goodies, sweaters for those Christmas parties,
decorations for your home, and gifts for everyone you love. So, check out the
great SALES coming up…
December 7 - 12
December 21 - 26
50% off ALL Clothing
50% off Christmas Items,
50% off select Books and Media
December 14 - 19
December 28 - Jan. 2
50% off Toys, Jewelry, and
Precious Moments
75% off Christmas Items,
75% off select Books and Media
Please note revive’s Holiday Hours:
Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve: 10am – 2pm
Christmas Day and New Year’s Day: CLOSED
EOCS Principals, pictured here
with Revive Volunteers and
Managers: (back row, l-r):
Mr. Jerry DeGroot, UC; Mr. Joel
Oosterheert, LCS; Mr. Nolan
Wiersma, BCS; Mr. Tim Paauw,
JCS; Mr. Dan Pott, HCS; and
Mr. Brian Koetje, ACS.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am – 5pm;
Tuesday, Thursday 10am – 7pm;
Saturday 10am – 3pm
Phone: 616.662.3375
3675 Baldwin Street, Hudsonville, MI 49426