January 2015 - Beth Shalom Synagogue
January 2015 - Beth Shalom Synagogue
Beth Shalom Synagogue Bulletin A Reform Synagogue that Honors Tradition January 2015 • Tevet/Shevat 5775 9111 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70809-2496 225-924-6773 Rabbi Religious School President 1st Vice Pres. 2nd Vice Pres. Treasurer Secretary Sisterhood Mens Club Thomas Gardner Ellen Bush Dale Maas Karen Ceppos Mark Hausmann Mitch Rayner Michelle Levy Laurie Maas Gail Sherman John Carlson Regular Features Rabbi’s Message1 President’s Corner 2 Brotherhood 2 BaRTY News 2 Notes from Religious School 3 Sisterhood News 3 Greetings from Rayner Center 4 Special Events 5 Announcements & Reminders 10 Donations11 Please see our pull-out calendar for dates and times of services, special meetings, Religious and Hebrew School schedules. Also on the calendar are candlelighting times, weekly parshiot, as well as congregational birthdays, anniversaries and yahrzeits. Volume 77.05 We don’t know where Judaism came up with the idea of a minyan. The rabbis of the Talmud tell us that it comes from the ten scouts who brought back a bad report of the Promised Land in the Book of Numbers. Because they were described as a congregation, it takes ten people to make up a congregation. This, however, seems like one of those explanations added long after the tradition of the minyan had been established. Whatever the origin, the necessity of ten adults for prayer has been an important part of Judaism for many years. Recently, we have had a minyan for almost every service at Beth Shalom. We also sometimes have as many people who are gerei toshav, non-Jews who feel a connection to Judaism, and several people on the path to conversion. Recently we had nine Jews just before a service, including the rabbi and the people in the kitchen. We also had ten non-Jews, who do not count for the minyan. When our tenth Jewish person walked in, I was grateful. I usually make a comment about the merit that accrues to the person who makes up the tenth person of a minyan, although I refrained that evening. Actually, each person in the ten person minyan is equally important and equally necessary. If one person leaves, we are no longer a congregation, and there are a number of prayers we may not pray out loud. If we had fifty or sixty Jews at each service, it might not be as important, but if we only have ten, each person is vital. The same can be said of Judaism in Baton Rouge. We do not have an excess of Jews here. Each person is necessary for our minyan. We need to see you at services. We need to see you at the Jewish Film Festival. We need your donations to the synagogue and to the Federation. We can’t afford to lose a single person. In fact, the same can be said of Judaism in the 21st century. After loosing one third of the world’s Jews in the last century, after problems of assimilation and apathy and low birth rate, we can’t afford to lose any more Jews. And passive Jews are not what we need. We need people who are more than not Christian, Moslem, Buddhist or Hindu. We need active Jews. Everyone is different, and some people are not currently in a position to donate more money, to volunteer to be on a committee, or to attend services every week. But we need you to do what you can. You are part of our minyan. Judaism is about community, and if you are there for your community, it will be there for you when you need it. The rabbis taught that the minyan is so important that when ten gather together, the Shechinah, the Presence of Gd descends upon them. All of us should be active Jews, because we are needed. See you soon at our next minyan! Shabbat Does Not End Friday Night . . . Saturday is Shabbat, Too! The President’s Corner SLOW DOWN, BE HAPPY championship. In the end, people who are sick are still sick. Isn’t it really about happiness? Isn’t that what we want? Can’t we be happy with less than being number one? I submit that we can if we want to. Stop and smell the roses! Isn’t that a saying for …..? What? I guess I wasn’t paying attention. Why? Thinking of something else? In a rush to court? Rush to lunch? Rush home? Wait… why rush so much? We live in a “drive through” society. We live in a rush. We must be the best, fastest, smartest, make the most… I am out of breath and stressed just thinking about it. Stop! Slow! Shabbat! The three S’s? We hear “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, “Happy Birthday”, “Happy Father’ Day”, “Happy Mother’s Day”, the somewhat older song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”. Would you rather be right or be happy? It’s not necessary to expect the best. Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD, in “It’s Not As Tough As You Think”, says he recites Psalm 112 daily. “He will not fear bad tidings because his heart is firm with trust in God. Then he adds Psalm 121, “God will watch over your coming and going”. Rabbi Harold Kushner has told us that life is a shame because we label first place as a “winner”, and everyone else is a “loser”. Why? No wonder we are pathetically paranoid, frustrated, pill takers, sleep deprived. But this does not have to be true. Remember, second place wins an Olympic medal, scores points in track and field and cross country, and might even win a better prize at the school cake walk. Besides, if you are always first, there is stress to maintain that. Then what do you have to shoot for? So my point is, Sabbath can help us slow down, refuel, and rededicate ourselves to what life is all about. Being number one probably is a very lonely position. So if you are not number one, be happy with wherever you are. It is great to go to services, but take time to make Shabbat special because it is a big boost for you. Trust in God and you will find life good no matter what hill or mountain you have to climb, and whether you are first or not. The point is: Does it really matter who was first? Isn’t it really about happiness? Would you rather always being first and stressed to continue? So, we don’t win the national Brotherhood Not much exciting to report for the Brotherhood this month. We skipped the last meeting so everyone could participate in the holidays. Bob did a great job helping the Sisterhood with the nearly new sale. And the driveway repair is scheduled for 12/23. parking lot to grow a garden. I want to plant it using biblical principles (one third fallow and rotated). I have a couple of friends that are expert horticulturists and are willing to help me with advice. But I can use all the help I can get. Some folks have already offered their time. So if you are interested, I plan on starting work during Christmas week. Just let me know. So this will be a brief article. The next Brotherhood meeting will be Sunday 12/28 at 9am, please try to attend, we have plans to make. BTW, the plan is to use the majority of the produce to support homeless centers and soup kitchens, but also for the BSS kitchen. While the next topic is not necessarily a Brotherhood effort, I would like to take the opportunity to announce that the Synagogue and the Rayner Center have graciously consented to allow me to use the fenced in area at the back of the Happy Chanukkah! John Carlson Barfty News BaRFTY We are very excited for two out-of-town events coming up next year! First is our NFTY-SO “Kallahclave,” being held in Memphis, Tennessee, coming up in January. Shortly following this, there will be a national NFTY Convention in February in Atlanta. We hope all BaRFTY-ites will sign up and come! We are also planning a fundraiser for the spring. We are planning to bring back the ever popular Spaghetti Supper! Look for details in next month’s bulletin. Hope to see everyone at our upcoming events! Ari Hoffman Communications Vice President Notes from Religious School What do Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah have in common? Both allow us to reflect on our lives and consider the direction in which we will go. Rosh Hashanah, the new year, marks the beginning of a period of “teshuvah” or returning to the right path. Chanukah, a holiday of freedom, miracles, and the rededication of the temple by the Maccabees who believed in Gd and in their own strength invites us to celebrate the same. How can we rededicate our lives to doing our best for our Jewish community and the world at large? Maccabees, singing songs, making puppets, and decorating yummy cookies. Then they joined us for a wonderful treat. Nate Hausmann, one of our graduates, came back to share the story of his published children’s book. Our younger students had a chance to introduce themselves and shake hands with Nate before his presentation, and were excited to see and hear their new friend. Our teenagers engaged in a spirited game of Hebrew animal memory, and we all enjoyed lunch, socializing, and a great shopping opportunity. Special thanks to the Hausmanns, Michelle Levy, Cathy Melanson and Robin Fletcher and others who made this day possible. For the past two weeks, our children, have been learning about Chanukah, its story, its traditions, and its implications for our lives. We have talked about our life goals. We played with dreidls, practiced blessings and songs and made our own special Menorah of mitzvot that is hanging outside the sanctuary. Our children have worked hard to bring these mitzvot to life. They carefully selected and packed the groceries for a Thanksgiving feast for a special family in North Baton Rouge. They stuffed my car with blankets and towels to provide comfortable beds for the animals at the shelter. So why did I start out talking about Rosh Hashanah? Although most of the traditions of the secular new year are just that, the tradition of resolutions and goals is closely related to the traditions of Teshuvah and rededication. This spring we will do projects to serve the environment, our synagogue, and our senior friends and neighbors. We will continue to learn and grow together. We will continue to appreciate our wonderful teachers, volunteers, and mazel mavens. And we will do it all while remembering our first mitzvah of the school year, V’ahavta, and you shall love Gd. Beth Shalom Religious School is about all of our children, from the tiniest infants to our returning graduates. The mazeltots celebrated Chanukah, learning about the Shanah Tovah. Happy New Year. Ellen Bush Sisterhood News As November came to an end so did the second annual “Nearly New” sale. Again, a big thank you to everyone who assisted. If anyone still has things that they want to donate, Sisterhood opened an account with Here Today Gone Tomorrow, a resale shop, that will give you a donation receipt and when your merchandise sells, Sisterhood will get some proceeds. If you need assistance getting items to the shop, you can give Gail or Laurie a call and they will be happy to help you out. Our account is Beth Shalom Sisterhood No. 699. season. We hope the New Year finds you happy and heathy. As the secular New Year begins, Sisterhood would like to ask you to consider hosting an Oneg. We have numerous dates that are still open. Please let us know if you can help. January brings the Sisterhood Shabbat, scheduled for the 9th. Please say “yes” when called to participate. We hope to see everyone there to share an evening of prayer and fellowship. Thank you. We hope everyone was able to enjoy time with family and friends as the festival lights were burning this Hanukkah Sincerely, Diane Greetings fromTheRayner Center December was full of fun and adventure as we explored wild animals, values and manners, colors and shapes, science activities, ABCs and 123s, and of course our favorite, Hanukkah. We had our Speech and Hearing Screening on Dec. 9th where the staff from Abilities observed our children. members and friends joined in the festivities. Much thanks to volunteers for their support and for helping make the day as wonderful as it was. Todah Rabbah!!! January offers a new outlook and a fresh beginning. This month, we will focus on: nursery rhymes, arachnids and spiders, parts of the body, ABCs and 123s, colors and shapes, and a science activity. We will also have our parent/ teacher conferences the week of January 4th and our annual Grandparent’s Breakfast on January 22nd. On December 11th, Rayner Center was visited by BREC’s Wow Zoomobile and the children and staff watched intensely as BREC’s staff discussed facts and displayed some of the furry little animals and reptiles. This was a time for our students to learn more about our four legged friends. Todah Rabbah, Rabbi Gardner, Steven Winkler, Rayner Learning Center Board, Cathy Melanson, Parents and Friends helping with the Hanukkah Party Rayner Center was filled with smiles, laughter, and enthusiasm on December 18th as we enjoyed our annual Hanukkah Party. The children enjoyed the celebration with treats, games, art activities and Mousercise. Many family Hadassah Happy New Year! As I am writing this to meet the publication deadline before Chanukah, I have to think in terms of past tense and what will have happened by the time you read this. It is my hope that the Festival of lights was warm, fulfilling and illuminating and as the year wound it’s way to a close that our Members got their Chanukah gifts wrapped by our volunteers at Barnes & Noble, sent Chanukah eCards from Hadassah or thought of Hadassah in their year end giving to help equip the surgical towers with the Million Dollar Match. your heart where we will help participants buddy up and fire the starting gun on a month long 5K where we will help you track your progress towards a goal of a Healthy Heart. Speakers will provide Heart Healthy tips & materials for exercise and nutrition, demonstration of exercises and many other surprises. We will wrap up the NO RUN 5K program on the 22nd and award those who have walked the most, have raffle prizes and speakers that will help participants stay motivate throughout the year for the goal of a healthy heart. Looking forward we have all sorts of great programs and events to share with Members. Our chapter is supporting the Baton Rouge Jewish Film Festival by having a “Night at the Movies” Thursday, January 15th at 7:00 pm. where we will attend the screening of “The Lady in Number Six” and “Hitler’s Children”. See the trailer at brjff.com. We have reserved tickets available for this screening, if you are interested, contact DéAnna at 225-926-7389 or email at BatonRougeHadassah@gmail.com. Then, on Sunday January 25th join us for “A Fine Musicale! A Program of Piano Duos and Voice”. Mille Fine is hosting this afternoon musical interlude to be followed by a light supper. Seating is limited with a suggested minimum donation of $20. Contact DéAnna at 225-926-7389 or email at BatonRougeHadassah@ gmail.com. Lastly, join Hadassah for a Spring Pilgrimage to Historical Natchez. Baton Rouge Hadassah is planning an overnight educational pilgrimage and Shabbat to historical Natchez. Members will meet at 10:00 am to carpool to Natchez at 10:00 March 21 for a tour of Natchez’s Jewish roots and Services at Temple B’Nai Israel. On Saturday the adventure continues as we participate in the Natchez “Spring Pilgrimage” touring three historic Homes and Plantations then return to Baton Rouge Saturday Evening. Email or call our event organizer, Marilyn Martell, at hadassahbr.mym@gmail.com or 609-315-2264 or contact the chapter at 225-926-7389 or BatonRougeHadassah@ gmail.com if you are interested in participating in this event by December 31st. In February we are kicking off the Annual Louise Newman Heart Health Program with a NO RUN 5K! As always, thank you everyone for all that you do for Hadassah! Grab your pedometer if you have one and meet with us on February 1st for a program to help power you up and charge DéAnna Ernst, Special Events BETH SHALOM SYNAGOGUE ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE HELD JANUARY 11, 2015 3:00 PM Looking Ahead *** March 14, 2015 Sandwich Making Party *** March 15-17, 2015 Corned Beef Sandwich Sale WE WILL DISCUSS THE ANNUAL BUDGET & *** April 4, 2015 COMMITTEE REPORTS. Second Night Seder PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND *** BABYSITTING WILL BE PROVIDED Anniversaries: 1 2 3 31 Cary & Kathy Mack Eric & Ellen Bush David & Kim Deitch Yigal & Ellen Bander Birthdays: 2 Michael Kober 3 Debbie Cavalier, Martha Littlefield 6 Benjamin Hausmann 9 Mark Hausmann, Ben Valentine 11 Pam Piha-Paul 13 Mike Rubin, Isabel Posner 14 Randy Goldich 15 Terry Howey, Aaron Savoie 16 Cary Mack 19 Ofer Mintz 20 Jessica Fletcher, Madison Kober 23 Ayan Rubin, Stephen Weil 26 Max Levy 29 Julie Cherry 30 Harold Silverman Amanda Bullman 31 Laurie Maas January 2015 Sunday Monday 28 6th of Tevet, 5775 Tuesday 29 7th of Tevet, 5775 8th of Tevet, 5775 9:00 AM Brotherhood meet‐ ing 12:00 PM Beginning Hebrew 1:00 PM Intermediate He‐ brew 2:00 PM Talmud Class 4 13th of Tevet, 5775 5 14th of Tevet, 5775 15th of Tevet, 5775 10:00 AM Religious School 2:00 PM Talmud Class Yahrzeits: Jan. 2: Lawrence Trahan, Julius Aronofsky, Pete Novik, Alfred Rayner, Belle Reznikoff, Herbert Weil, Emma Wiessenberg, Emmett Armel, Hyman Horowitz, Manfred Sternberg, Anne Lampert, Nina Ginsberg, Morris Levy, Louis Sharky, Stella Gordon, Leah Schulman, Jack Shaab, Joshua Bombet, Polly Flicker, Fannie Goldich, Pearl Horowitz,David Pesses Jan. 9: Bernard Carlson, Elek Markovits, Philip Pesses, Anna Rak, Jennie Herskovitz, Sara Loeb, Dora Orlansky, Bluma Polmer, Simon Feibusch, Ann Raffie, Harold Chapman, William Tepper, Harry Helfman, Lillian Rambach, Herbert Silverman, Mildred Suffrin, Bennie Deitch, Dr. Samuels Goldfain, Leonard Sheffler Jan. 16: Rose Adcock, Louis Liss, Rose Pushker, Simon Ball, Jake Levine, Dora Miller, Karoly Aczel, William Hutt, Lilien Schermer, Esther Slipman, Wolf Sadikoff Jan. 23: Herbert Jenkins, Florence Bergadine, Ethel Emmich, George Austein, Pam Finson, Gerald Bienn, Sylvia Scolnick, Wendell Shorr Jan. 30: Madge Botnick, Rebecca Malen, Nancie Mansfield, Abe Orlansky, Samuel Plonsker, Louis Rotman, Anna Moellenhoff, Jennie Haltzman, Ruth Fenton, Kate Glazer, Sarah Hiedovitz, Gabriel Hausmann, Sr., Israel Rambach, Theodore Hoffman, Fannie Zaglin 11 20th of Tevet, 5775 12 21st of Tevet, 5775 22nd of Tevet, 5775 10:00 AM Religious School 10:30 AM Mazel Tots 2:00 PM Talmud Class 3:00 PM Annual meeting 18 Jewish Film Festival 27th of Tevet, 5775 19 28th of Tevet, 5775 29th of Tevet, 5775 2:00 PM Talmud Class 25 5th of Sh'vat, 5775 9:00 AM Brotherhood meet‐ ing 10:00 AM Religious School 2:00 PM Talmud Class 26 6th of Sh'vat, 5775 7th of Sh'vat, 5775 Wednesday 30 Thursday 31 9th of Tevet, 5775 6 Friday 1 Asara B'Tevet 10th of Tevet, 5775 7 16th of Tevet, 5775 8 15 24th of Tevet, 5775 21 25th of Tevet, 5775 22 2nd of Sh'vat, 5775 5:15 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services 8:00 PM Oneg hosted by Rachel & Josh Stephenson and Phoenix & Kim Aiodh 28 4:30 PM Hebrew School 29 9th of Sh'vat, 5775 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:12 PM Havdalah (50 min) 17 Parashat Vaera 26th of Tevet, 5775 Parashat Vaera 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:18 PM Havdalah (50 min) 23 3rd of Sh'vat, 5775 4:30 PM Hebrew School 10 19th of Tevet, 5775 Parashat Shemot Parashat Shemot 16 5:09 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services 8:00 PM Oneg hosted by Lil‐ ia & Zach Berkowitz 1st of Sh'vat, 5775 Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat 8th of Sh'vat, 5775 9 18th of Tevet, 5775 4:30 PM Hebrew School 27 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:06 PM Havdalah (50 min) 5:03 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Sisterhood Shabbat Services 8:00 PM Birthday & Anniver‐ sary Oneg hosted by Sister‐ hood 14 3 12th of Tevet, 5775 Parashat Vayechi Parashat Vayechi 4:57 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services 8:00 PM Oneg hosted by Martha Littlefield & Joel Goldman IHO: Martha's birthday 17th of Tevet, 5775 Jewish Film Festival 23rd of Tevet, 5775 20 2 11th of Tevet, 5775 4:30 PM Hebrew School 13 Saturday 24 Parashat Bo 4th of Sh'vat, 5775 Parashat Bo 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:24 PM Havdalah (50 min) 30 10th of Sh'vat, 5775 5:21 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services 8:00 PM Oneg hosted by Carin & John Carlson 31 11th of Sh'vat, 5775 Parashat Beshalach Parashat Beshalach 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:30 PM Havdalah (50 min) Page 1/1 22 15 8 1 9:00 AM Brotherhood meet‐ ing 10:00 AM Religious School 2:00 PM Talmud Class 2:00 PM Hadassah event 3rd of Adar, 5775 Washington's Birthday 2:00 PM Talmud Class 26th of Sh'vat, 5775 10:00 AM Religious School 2:00 PM Talmud Class 19th of Sh'vat, 5775 10:00 AM Religious School 10:30 AM Mazel Tots 2:00 PM Hadassah event 2:00 PM Talmud Class 12th of Sh'vat, 5775 Sunday 4th of Adar, 5775 27th of Sh'vat, 5775 Presidents' Day 20th of Sh'vat, 5775 13th of Sh'vat, 5775 Monday February 2015 23 16 9 2 5th of Adar, 5775 Mardi Gras 28th of Sh'vat, 5775 21st of Sh'vat, 5775 14th of Sh'vat, 5775 Tuesday 24 17 10 3 4:30 PM Hebrew School 6th of Adar, 5775 29th of Sh'vat, 5775 4:30 PM Hebrew School 22nd of Sh'vat, 5775 4 25 18 11 4:30 PM Hebrew School/Tu B'shat Party 15th of Sh'vat, 5775 Tu BiShvat Tu B'Shvat Wednesday 7th of Adar, 5775 Rosh Chodesh Adar 30th of Sh'vat, 5775 Lincoln's Birthday 23rd of Sh'vat, 5775 16th of Sh'vat, 5775 Thursday 26 19 12 5 6 13 20 27 5:43 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services 8th of Adar, 5775 5:38 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services 1st of Adar, 5775 Rosh Chodesh Adar 5:33 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services 24th of Sh'vat, 5775 5:27 PM Candle lighting 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services 8:00 PM Birthday & Anniver‐ sary Oneg hosted by Sister‐ hood 17th of Sh'vat, 5775 Friday 21 28 Page 1/1 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:52 PM Havdalah (50 min) Parashat Tetzaveh 9th of Adar, 5775 Parashat Tetzaveh Shabbat Zachor 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:47 PM Havdalah (50 min) Parashat Terumah Parashat Terumah 2nd of Adar, 5775 7 14 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:42 PM Havdalah (50 min) Parashat Mishpatim 25th of Sh'vat, 5775 Shabbat Shekalim Parashat Mishpatim Valentine's Day 9:00 AM Bagels & Torah 10:00 AM Morning Services 6:36 PM Havdalah (50 min) 7:00 PM Pajama/Havdalah with Judy Kaplan Parashat Yitro 18th of Sh'vat, 5775 Parashat Yitro Saturday Welcome Announcements & Reminders We welcome any and all to come and worship with us at Beth Shalom. Oneg Shabbat Would you like to host an Oneg Shabbat? If so, please contact the synagogue office for information. Need a Ride to Services? Please call the synagogue office by Wednesday prior to the service that you would like to attend, and we will make arrangements for a ride to services. Within Our Congregation Regarding Hospital Visits Todah Rabah ... to Nate Hausmann for his awesome presentation .. to all that helped make Nate’s presentation possible, especially Michelle Levy, Gus Levy, Monica & Steven Winkler, Linda Posner, Lynn Kober, Eileen Shieber, Julie Hoffman, Paula Hoffman, Janet Bonaventure, Diane Dean, Ari Krupkin, Ellen Bush, Robin Fletcher & Rachel & Mark Hausmann ... to Mirra Miller for the wonderful job organizing the Chanukah pot luck dinner Our Rabbi is eager to keep in touch with members of the congregation who are in the hospital or recuperating at home. As recent legislation prevents hospitals from circulating patient’s names, we rely on you to call the synagogue office and let us know when you, a family member or friend are in the hospital and would welcome a visit from Rabbi Gardner. May He who blessed our ancestors grant all who are ill a complete and speedy recovery. Nita Lepp Bill Emmich Sarah Maas Fundraising Efforts We have many ongoing fundraisers at Beth Shalom. • Remember to use your Albertson’s and Winn-Dixie Communtiy Partners cards. This is a painless way to support Beth Shalom. • Do your online shopping through the Beth Shalom website. Visit the Judaica Shop Gift Needs for all your Contact Dauna Emmich at bdemmich@cox.net .net or 9270910 for personal shopping and gift wrapping. Ahava Dead Sea Skin Care Products Candles, Candlesticks, Menorahs Shofars and Stands, Kippot, Tallitot Kiddush Cups Mezzuzot, Jewelry Baby, Birthday & Anniversary Gifts Bar & Bat Mitzvah Gifts New Home Presents Vote! The elections are not yet over! Beginning January 13th, you can vote for a representative for the American Zionist Movement. Please go to their website (azm.org) on January 13th to register and vote. 29% of the World Zionist Congress seats are reserved for Americans. If we elect Reform Jews to the Congress, they can take concrete steps to ensure that Reform Jews have equal rights in Israel. If the website does not make it clear which candidates are Reform, please go to the website of ARZA (arza.org) to learn more. Registries are available for any event. Boomers Plus Jewish Singles Group If you are a Jewish single over 45, you are cordially invited to join our casual group for monthly coffee and conversation, synagogue & community service projects, & cultural activities. Please call Heidi Shapiro at 225-924-2597. (Please put “Jewish Singles” in the subject line of your e-mail.) 10 Thank You for Your Generous Donations Synagogue Funds General Fund - supplements dues and fund raising projects of the congregation, Men’s Club and Sisterhood. Building Fund - for the future needs of the Synagogue building. Mose Wander Memorial & Stanley Stein Education Funds - for materials, equipment and provide scholarships for Religious and Hebrew School. Rosalyn G. Liss Endowment Fund - to present an award for Academic Excellence in the sixth grade of our Religious School. Youth Scholarship Fund - to assist in sending our children to Jacob’s Camp, NFTY events and Israel and to help with Religious and Hebrew School tuition. Alvin B. Rubin Institute for Adult Education - established by Louis and Rosalyn Liss for Adult Judaic Studies. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund - to be used at the discretion of the Rabbi. Marks Fellman Memorial Library Fund - to purchase books and equipment and assist in library maintanence. Mitzvah Fund - used to send Passover Food Baskets and Rosh Hashanah Packages to our home-bound members. Synagogue Renewal Fund - newly created fund for the reconstruction of Beth Shalom following Hurricane Rita. Richard Kober Memorial Prayer Book Fund - to purchase Mishkan Tefilah siddurim for the congregation. Fund: ( ) General ( ) Building ( ) Education ( ) Rabbi’s Discretionary ( ) Other: ____________________ Purpose: ( ) In Honor of: ( ) In Memory of: ( ) Speedy Recovery of: General Fund In Honor of: Runia Leah - Leatrice Adams The Synagogue - Lynn Arceneaux Speedy recovery of Sarah Maas - Susie Gidan Rabbi Gardner - Andrea Bodron Rabbi Gardner - Michele & Steven Feist The births of Lea Serenity Martell, Runia Leah Gardner, and Isaac Elliott Stephenson - Lynn Schechter & Shalom Hurrey Isaac Stephenson’s Bris - Alina & Rabbi Gardner Speedy recovery of Nathan Fisher Jack & Elinor Goldberg Speedry recovery of Bill Emmich Jack & Elinor Goldberg Author Nate Hausmann - Miriam & Stephen Bensman Births of Lea Serenity Martell, Runia Leah Gardner, and Isaac Elliott Stephenson - Lynn Schechter & Shalom Hurrey In Memory of: My husband, Asa Adams - Leatrice Adams My beloved husband, Michael Jasman - Carole Jasman David Reznikoff - Tamara Reznikoff Eric and Trudy Gidan - Susie Gidan My grandmother, Ethel Steinman - Ron & Ruth Slipman Mattie Gold - Ava & Cordell Haymon Louis Kaufman - Lynn Schechter & Shalom Hurrey Mitzvah Fund In Memory of: Albert & Lena Meyer - Joseph & Alice Meyer Aliyahs Marilyn Rosenson Robin & James Fletcher Karen & Jerry Ceppos Dauna & Bill Emmich Carin & John Carlson Cantor Fund Paula Samuels Rabbi’s discretionary fund In Honor of: Your new daughter, Runia Leah Sylvia Rusoff, Gail & Don Roache & Marsha Rusoff Rabbi Gardmer - Deanna Ernst & Don Ortego Runia Leah Gardner, baby naming - Rhea & Mark Vogelhut In Memory of: My mother, Anne Brownleader Gimmie & Derek Brownleader Donation Form: Amount Enclosed: $ ____________ Donor: ______________________ Send acknowledgement to: Address: _____________________ Name: ______________________ ____________________________ Address: _____________________ How would you like this tribute signed? ____________________________ ____________________________ 11 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Baton Rouge, LA Permit No. 530 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 9111 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70809-2496 225-924-6773 fax 225-923-1373 bethshalom-admin@earthlink.net www.bethshalomsynagogue.org 12