HistoRy Our - AQS Liquid Transfer


HistoRy Our - AQS Liquid Transfer
10th edition, April 2014
Where it all
Leave your
The AQS Beat
April 2014 - 10th Edition
C ontents
From the
Creative Team
e have written this sentence ive times over, and
the words just refuse to low freely. Is this what
writer’s block feels like?
And it seems like we are not the only ones
struggling to stay focussed - if you walk through head
ofice you will hear a little more chatter than usual as
everyone gossips about the previous long weekend
and looks forward to the next one, time seems to
drag and eyelids grow heavy by 2pm and diets and
excercise routines have been abandoned as people
indulge in Easter treats (we take comfort in knowing
that the coming cold will allow us to cover up any extra
In contradiction to these “chilled vibes” there
have been some impressive highlights at AQS this
month; from sales records (check out the back page)
to the arrival of several shipments of our new product
ranges (see page 5).
Nationally, there is also plenty of excitement.
South Africa is revving up for a massive national
election! There are political posters on almost every
lamppost on the way to work, more advertisements
than songs on the radio these days, phones are
buzzing with sms’s from political parties and the
advertisments on YouTube and TV are unavoidable.
While the two of us were oblivious to the
historical magnitude of the 1994 elections (in our
defence we were ighting our own political battles
in the sandpit), we still feel this innate sense of
responsibility to place our votes on the 7th of May.
Read about how psychology plays a role in our need to
vote on page 8 and reasons for why we should make
that cross on the ballot in Gerhard’s article (page 2).
This will mark 20 years of democracy and
just as that irst election revolutionised the country,
so did the inception of AQS Industries in 1994 create
and shape this company. On page 7 we have a look at
Where it all Began.
Today we say goodbye to April and a few
of the AQS Family members but look forward to a
more productive and structured month. Before we
get back into the swing of things, enjoy your last long
weekend! We suggest you take a trip to the gorgeous,
quaint island we have recently discovered (see page
9). Take your Beat with you and enjoy the read. We
hope something in this edition makes a mark on you whether it is Theaan’s artistic expression (back page)
or Evelina’s smile (page
12). Now go tick that box
and make your own mark!
o n the Cover
7. Where It All Began
8 .Leave Your Mark
9. Our Pumps In Action
F eatures
14. Let’s take a Trip down Memory Lane
15. Farewell Simon Mojalefa
15. Special Acknowledgments
I n every Issue
2. From the MD’s Desk
2. ISO Matters
3. Family Matters
5. Commercial Department
To You, Our Valued Customer &
Dear Friend
6. Support Department
Reasons, Seasons or Lifetime
10. All About Marketing
11. Technical Article
Shaft Triggers
13. Training
15. A Doodle by Theaan
15. Smashing Records
April 2014 - 10th Edition
The AQS Beat
From the mD’s Desk
o ur mD is
m ulti -t alenteD
Gerhard Prinsloo - Managing Director
f you
dream it,
you can
from Zig
Ziglar could be the theme for
this month’s ediion of The Beat.
When one considers the humble
beginnings of AQS Industries and
what AQS Liquid Transfer is busy
with today, you realise just how
important it is to have a dream.
What is your dream?
If the publicaion of a
spectacular AQS Beat is the dream
of the Creaive Team, I can today
congratulate Topaz and Anika on
the March ediion. Rest assured
Ladies, atending that course on
publishing was not in vain, well
done, you make us proud. Did
you perhaps miss Anika’s aricle
“The Power of Small Wins” about
leading to success? Please take
the ime to read it and search
for those opportuniies for 1%
improvements in your life.
labour strike acion at three of
the plainum producers namely
Amplats, Implats and Lonmin
has not come to an end. One can
only hope that this situaion will
be resolved soon.
April is normally a
relaxed period in South Africa
with ample public holidays
during the month, but not this
year. The main reason for this
is of course the general elecion
which will be held on the 7th
of May 2014. One cannot open
a newspaper, listen to a radio
staion or watch local television
without being bombarded by
messages from representaives
from many poliical paries, all
promising a beter future in
exchange for your vote.
It is not my place to tell
you which poliical party to vote
for in the upcoming elecion. But
what I would like to do is give
you a few interesing facts about
poliical elecions:
►Voing dates back to ancient
Greece and ancient Rome and
right through the medieval ages.
The ancient Roman government
stayed in power for 2000 years.
Modern governments stay in
power for between 3 and 5 years.
►Elecions in South Africa take
place every 4th year.
consist of 400 members (seats)
in parliament. Of all the paries
who took part in the 2009
elecion, only 13 paries got
seats in parliament. The ruling
party held 264 seat and 4 of the
other paries only received 1
seat each.
►19 new poliical paries have
during the previous 9 months
for the elecion in May, bringing
the total number of registered
paries to 152 (see page 8 for
more on the naional elecions).
The quesion many
voters ask is “Why should
I vote?”. I can give you ive
1. It is your right to do so.
2. It is your duty to do so.
3. Your vote is your voice.
4. Voing is the most important
exercise a person will engage
in as a responsible ciizen of a
democraic naion.
5. If you don’t vote, you cannot
complain about or criicise the
government ater elecions. The
choice is yours.
Have the courage to do
what you have to do, I dare you.
Unil next ime, make
diference. God bless.
Gerhard explains
& demonstrates to
Frans how to use the
new lawnmower.
G erharD
visits our
D urban b ranch
Sarel Myburgh
- Compliance Manager
Actions tAken in April:
►Document control is one of
the back bones of the
Quality Management System. In April an on-going
evaluaion of documents was perfomed in order
- Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue
- Review, update and reapprove documents as
- Ensure that changes and the current revision
status of documents are ideniied
- Ensure that relevant versions of applicable
documents are available at points of use
- Ensure that documents remain legible and
readily ideniiable.
►Various correcive acion reports were received
and channelled to the right persons in order to
conclude acions and close the loops.
►A Hazard Ideniicaion and Risk Assessment
(HIRA) was performed at N4 Branch and
subsequent correcive acions taken. Health
and Safety signage was
purchased and introduced
according to the HIRA.
Actions to be tAken
in MAy:
►Internal audits will
be performed in all our
Carel & Alicia brought
departments in order to attention to the new
signs with some
maskingtape artwork.
with ISO standards and to
prepare for the Surveillance Audit in July 2014.
►Emphasis will be placed on prevenive acions
to limit any risks to the company.
The AQS Beat
April 2014 - 10th Edition
e mployee B Irthdays
01 May - Michael van Zyl (MTA)
06 May - Gavin Fincham (KTU)
09 May - Annatjie Koekemoer (MTA)
14 May - DeBruin Nienaber (MTA)
20 May - Carel Poley (MTA)
26 May - Quintus Dippenaar (FV)
28 May - Thiaan Smith (MTA)
W elCome to the a qs F amIly
Congratulaions to Theaan Knoetze (MTA) and
his wife, Imke, on the birth of their baby boy,
Connor. Connor was born on 16 April with a
weight of 3.25kg and a length of 48cm.
a nneBel ’ s C hrIstenIng
Thiaan Smith’s (MTA)
daughter, Annebel,
was christened on the
13th of April. To the
right you can see the
beautiful Smith family.
Baby Connor
g raduatIon s eason
- Congratulations to
Donovan Fernandes
(MTA) for graduating on 8
April. Donovan achieved
his BCom Human Resource
Management degree from
the University of Pretoria.
Gerhard Prinsloo Jnr.
(MTA) for completing a
Programme in Project
University of Pretoria’s
Department. He graduated
on 18 March.
Theaan & Connor
Keagan holds his baby
brother, Connor, with pride
K atIe ’ s W eddIng
Congratulations to Katie (RTB) and Jaco Stols on
their wedding. They were wed on 11th of April in
the Bushveld. Katie was the epitome of beauty!
Donovan & Unarese
Gerhard Jnr.
Katie & Jaco
April 2014 - 10th Edition
The AQS Beat
h eavy p edallIng
On the 29th of March, Gerhard Prinsloo Jnr. (MTA)
and his wife, Shané, together with Quintus Dippenaar (FV) and Cor
Lombaard (RTB) embarked on a challenge that required stamina,
endurance and determination. They took part in the annual Barden
24hour Mountain Bike Race held at Rosemary Hill. One lap was
9km long and the aim was to see how many laps you can complete
in 24 hours. Cor Lombaard did extremely well and snatched up
the bronze medal. Well done guys, keep up the great work!
Congratulations to the Kathu Cricket
Club for winning the Northern Cape
East District Cricket League for the
fourth consecutive year! Jim-Allen van
Deventer and Gavin Fincham plays for
this team (KTU).
Congratulations Petra Du
Plessis (MTA) on your brand
new Boulevard Motorcycle.
Cor on the podium
Shané & Gerhard
To the right: Petra on her
new ride!
m IsCellaneous n eWs
- Congratulaions to Peet Snyman’s (MTA) wife,
Marianne, who will celebrate her birthday on the
1st of May.
Cor in action
Quintus taking a breather - Congratulaions to Carel (MTA) and Alicia’s (N4)
son, Corean, who will celebrate his birthday on
the 8th of May.
- We would like to wish Rebecca Mtshweni (MTA)
- Congratulaions to Carel
good luck for the driver’s license test that she will
(MTA) and Alicia (N4) Poley,
take on 13 May.
they celebrated their 9th
- We would like to wish Aileen Taljaard (MTA) a
wedding anniversary on 16
speedy recovery. Aileen had an operaion at the
end of March. We miss you!
April 2014.
- Big announcement: Tinus and Marie Terblanche
- Congratulaions to Ephraim
Alicia & Carel
(KTU) will become grandparents in December.
Ribombo (MTA) and his
Congratulaions to their son, Flip, and his wife,
wife, Evelyn, they will be
Lize, who is expecing a baby.
celebraing their 7th wedding
- We want to wish Maryke Van Vuuren (MTA)
anniversary on 12 May 2014.
farewell. She received an exciing opportunity to
- Congratulaions to Peet
work at an art gallery in Rosebank.
(MTA) and Marianne Snyman
- Good luck to Carel (MTA) and Alicia (N4) Poley
on their 25th wedding
who will be represening AQS at the Sandpiper
anniversary on 8 April.
Global Distributor Sales Conference in the USA.
Ephraim & Evelyn
Enjoy it and take a bunch of pictures!
The AQS Beat
April 2014 - 10th Edition
To You , our valued customer
&dear friend
and there
are things
a n d
in between are the doors of
perception” - Aldous Huxley
As a man, the writing of
an open letter is somewhat of
a challenge, because by its very
nature it would require of me to
share information that is close to
my heart. It would also demand
of me to have the faith that
the letter will be received by a
receptive reader.
I need you to be that
receptive reader for a moment,
so that we can separate negative
perception from truth and have
a real chance of maintaining the
wonderful relationship that we
(as AQS LT) have been privileged
to enjoy with you.
As a supplier of water
pumping equipment we are
obliged and committed to
bringing to our dealer network the
most reliable quality products at
a price that would position them
as the irst choice for pumping
Such a venture would
not be successful in the long
term if the technology that is
supplied does not lead the way
and constantly adapt to the
challenges of this ever-evolving
For ive years we have
doggedly pursued excellence in
our supply chain and left no stone
unturned in an attempt to sniff out
the very best manufacturers of
pumping and control equipment
throughout the global market.
The downside to this
process is that existing stock
sometimes dwindles during
Leon Fourie - Commercial Director
the process of negotiating and memo, our irst container of new
specifying products from superior stock is being ofloaded in the
Durban harbour. This container
This could create a is followed by 8 more 20 footers
negative perception that we, as that will dock on an ongoing
a supplier, are being negligent basis. The follow-up orders are
as far as our responsibilities go already being manufactured and
AQS LT has committed the bulk
towards our dealer network.
Please allow me to assure of its monthly spend to grow and
all of you, whom have become nurture the utility product lines.
We have a passion to
more than customers and in
some cases are now dear and not grow our dealer network
faithful friends, that we are within in terms of numbers, but to
days of a profound evolution in rather grow our
existing dealer
product improvements.
Some of the advances market share
through advances
►Introducing a 3 inch borehole in technology,
combo range aimed at satisfying service, training and
basic water needs in rural and stock availability.
The fact that we 3” borehole
farming communities. We will be
the irst to introduce 3 inch units have become friends
at a substantially lower cost than during this process
its traditional 4 inch counterparts. is a welcome
► Introducing a new 4 inch by-product.
borehole pump range with the
capability to delivering up to Kind regards,
Leon Fourie
20m3/h. Highest in its class!
► Eficiency improvements Commercial
across our end-suction, peripheral Director and
vane and jet pump ranges to Utility Product
Jet PumP
achieve pressures up to 30% Specialist
more than previous ranges.
► The addition of a stainless
steel, langed end suction range
capable of being coupled to a
standard langed motor and
competing in price with traditional
cast iron units.
► Submersible dewatering and
sewage ranges increased in size
from 0.25kW to 75kW.
► Developing the infrastructure
sewaGe PumP
to build variable speed driven
booster pump sets
in-house, allowing you to
compete with any
local or international
supplier in terms of
quality, cost and speed
of delivery.
stainless steel FlanGeD ranGe
As you read this
by Diana Prinsloo
- Support Director
h i l e
is the shortest
month on the
will go down
as the shortest
working month.
We had long
weekend upon
long weekend and sill it is not the end.
May looks promising too. But with all
the holidays Winter has crept closer
and soon we will take out the woollies
and hot chocolate and homemade
soup. It also gives us the chance to
pull up our socks (hard to do when
you wear sandals), shake of the lazy
long weekends and enter yet another
Those with mathemaical minds know
that a third of the year has passed
and you may also have noiced that
only a third of the calendar months
this year do not have a public holiday.
Those with creaive minds look at the
beauiful Autumn colours and rejoice
in the “outburst” of red, orange,
yellow and brown. The scienists
among us calculate that mother earth
is four months older and realign
themselves with the sun, the moon
and other planets, aware of how the
distances between them all and the ilt
of our axis results in the change of the
No mater which method your mind
favours, life is ever-evolving. New
babies were born into our AQS Family
this month, some employees reired,
some let us and others have joined
us. A whole bunch of employees have
now reached their 5th or 10th year of
service with AQS Liquid Transfer. Some
of them started with AQS Industries
while others began with IWP and just
as these companies evolve and grow
and split or amalgamate, so do the
seasons naturally change and progress
into years.
For everything in life there is a reason,
a season or a lifeime period. I would
like to share with you these wise
words which I have edited a litle to
not only apply to friendship, but also
to business, colleagues and life in
People (business opportunities,
customers, suppliers) come into your
life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is
you will know what to do for
each person (with each business
When someone (something) is in your
life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have
They have come to assist you through
a difficulty;
to provide you with guidance and
to aid you physically, emotionally or
They may seem like a godsend, and
they are.
They are there for the reason you need
them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your
The AQS Beat
part or at an inconvenient time,
this person (opportunity) will say or do
something to bring the relationship to
an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they
walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you
to take a stand.
What we must realise is that our need
has been met, our desire fulfilled; their
work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been
answered and now it is time to move
Some people (colleagues) come into
your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share,
grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace
or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you
have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable
amount of joy.
Believe it. It is real. But only for a
LIFETIME relationships (happenings)
teach one lifetime lessons;
things you must build upon in order to
have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson
(circumstances), love the person
(embrace the role players)
and put what you have learned to use
in all other relationships and areas of
your life.
It is said that love is blind but
friendship is clairvoyant - Unknown
“Lord, grant me the strength to
accept the things I cannot change, the
courage to change the things I can, and
the wisdom to know the diference.”
- St Francis of Assisi
I hope that in whatever reason, season
or lifeime period you are, life is good
for you.
R e a s o n,
April 2014 - 10th Edition
Steelpoort’s Offices are Revamped
The repair pump workshop
and shelves were
“upgraded” and space was
made to accommodate
a new repair contract.
Administrator offices were
repainted and the reps’
offices are next!
The AQS Beat
April 2014 - 10th Edition
Here at AQS we know that
last year was our 10 year
anniversary, but few of
us know that our story actually
starts in André’s garage,
many years ago...
André resigned, focussed
all his attention on AQS Industries
and started working from his home.
His brother, Derek, had a “crappy” job,
so he got him to answer the phone at
AQS Industries.
André was working as a
There were many days when
maintenance manager for the
André would come home
Atomic Energy Corporation. He
Unfortunately this
Some of the first clients
was loyally supporting a small, company did not always and ask if anyone had were the Atomic Energy Corp,
phoned him, only
growing engineering company,
keep their promises.
Coca Cola and the SA Mint.
to get the answer
when the brother of his
So, André registered AQS
As a result of his relationship
“Yes, your wife”.
contact approached him and
Industries and, with
with them, André often got
asked if he would help them
their consent,
auxillary jobs (in one case
expand. He left his job and
negotiating with Mr Price to have
helped them do just that.
part time in his
80 shirts and 80 pairs of jeans
own capacity.
Gerhard & Peet
André as
André was
Gerhard’s client
previously and after a AQS Industries.
vendor swap involving
worked for the
Sasol and AQS
company that supplied André with
Industries, worked with
pumps. They had a good relationship
AQS Industries as a
and helped each other out. Peet was
“gatvol” for his current employer.
This was the
first office a converted
at André’s
home. André
was often
busy stripping pumps in his garage at
3am as the demand grew. It became
clear he needed more space!
He bought into a development in
Centurion ( a mini-factory of 150m²)
1 year later AQS Industries moved to
Hennops Park where it still is today.
AQS Industries
changes suppliers
& received the first
Versa-Matic stock.
Soon there was not
enough space for the
imports and repairs
Leon was the
first rep to ever call
on André and they
held their first product
meeting in his lounge.
Leon later became an
André’s son, André jnr,
employee. He left, but
joined AQS Industries
then returned to AQS LT as a skivvy in the
in 2009 (“when the
workshop. He is now a
pay was better”).
of the
Barbara joined.
She has since done
everything from the
paperwork, orders & invoicing
to operating the forklift!
One of her most memorable
moments with the company
was when they celebrated
their first
million Rand
silkscreened for the SA Mint).
André: “They wanted to use me
because my prices were
good (I had no overheads)
and I wanted to give
them the best”.
AQS Liquid Transfer
is registered. It was
originally meant to be
AQS Fluid Transfer,
something went wrong
in the process...but we
like it like this!
April 2014 - 10th Edition
by Topaz Booysen
And without the right to complain
about the government, there goes
many hours of conversaion…best be
prepared for awkward silences at the
next dinner party!
Some call it your right to vote,
or your duty as a responsible ciizen.
But what if it is to do with more than
social morality and obligaions, what if
it boils right down to your psychological
As humans, we have an innate
need to fulil our potenial, be the best
we can be and leave a legacy. This is
based on the Humanisic Theory of
Moivaion and is best depicted by
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (below).
Once the basic biological needs for food
and shelter, as well as those for safety,
love and esteem have been met, our
primary moivator becomes the need
for self-actualisaion (Maslow A.H, A
Theory of Human Moivaion, 1943).
That is a big and impressive word, but
what does it actually mean? Kendra
Cherry, a psychology professional on
about.com, sums this up as: “What a
man can be, he must be”. There
are few characterisics of people who
have reached this top-most level of
►Acceptance and Realism: selfactualised people have realisic
percepions of themselves, others and
the world around them.
►Problem-Centering: These people
are concerned with solving problems
outside of themselves, including
helping others and inding soluions to
“Democracy is the worst form problems in the external world. They
of government, except for all are moivated by a sense of personal
the other ones”. As ciizens of a responsibility and ethics.
democraic naion, we are awarded the ►Spontaneity: Self-actualised people
are spontaneous in their internal
right to vote for our government –
thoughts and outward behaviour.
the civic act of which is a simple
►Autonomy and Solitude: They
and crucial tool for change-making.
have a need for independence
As David Nahmias explains on
and privacy, and ime to focus
the Forbes Blog, it allows us to
on developing their own
express ourselves poliically,
individual potenial.
inluence key decision-makers
►Coninued Freshness of
and manifest our pleasure/
Appreciaion: Viewing the
displeasure with the
world with a coninual
government. As Gerhard
sense of appreciaion,
menioned, if you do
wonder and awe.
not place a vote, then
Simple experiences
you do not have the
coninue to
right to criicise the
be a source of
government (page 2).
s most of us well know, the South
African annual elecions are taking
place next week. For some this will
merely mean yet another shortened
work week, but for others it might be a
signiicant day, an exciing opportunity,
a meaningful way for us to make
ourselves heard by voing for what we
feel is the way forward.
Perhaps you feel that as only 1
of 52 million people, your vote cannot
possibly make a diference. But it could
just be the one that changes history.
One such vote took place in Germany
ater WW2. Adolf Hitler worked for
the Weimar Republic as a spy (details
available at www.thehistoryplace.
com) and was instructed to join and
observe the German Worker’s Party in
Munich, which later changed its name
to the Nazi Party. Hilter grew more and
more intrigued by the ideologies of the
party and their desire to revolt against
democracy. Soon he was a noicable
rising poliician within the party. When
members of the party voted for their
new leader, Hitler won by one single
vote. In July 29 1921 he was publicly
introduced as Fürher of the Nazi Party
for the irst ime. The rest, as they say,
is history.
Poliics is oten the but of
our criicism – too much corrupion,
inefecive policies, too few jobs,
unfulilled promises and embarrassingly
naïve poliical igureheads (“The 2014
Elecions in 35 Quotes” by Gareth van
Onselen on bdlive.com is a must read).
But in the words of Winston Churchill:
The AQS Beat
For the legalisation
of marijhuana.
For Collectivism, Marxism and the
nationalisation of mines.
(Keep it Straight & Simple)
Based on a libertarian school of
inspiraion and pleasure.
We could relate this directly
to the need to partake in poliical
elecions. Let us assume that your basic
needs are fulilled – you are full, warm,
you have shelter, you have friends and
family, a stable job and you feel like a
true individual. Then presumably, you
are let with the ability to look around
you and realise that the country is
run by a government, one which
has come into power through the
votes that ciizens, like yourself, have
made (“Acceptance and Realism”).
You have the desire to help others
around you, for example those who
are oppressed or disadvantaged. This
sense of ethical responsibility can be
atributed to “Problem-Centering”.
Also, (“Spontaneity” and “Autonomy
and Solitude”), you can think for
yourself, strive to be independent in
your thoughts and acions and not
always be swayed by what society feels
is the norm (for example not voing for
a poliical party merely because your
peers or parents expect you to do so).
Lastly, you recognise the opportuniies
around you and take pleasure in the
meaningful things, albeit a small
cross on that ballot sheet (“Coninued
Speak up, be a change-maker,
earn that right to complain about or
applaud the government, embrace
the human condiion and that need
of yours to be all you can be, and trust
that your vote could just be the one to
change it all. Leave your mark.
The AQS Beat
April 2014 - 10th Edition
our pumps in action
These diaphragm pumps (S15 & S30) are used to
pump soap effluent that awaits removal. They
are at a plant at Maydon Wharf in Durban and
are outside in all weather conditions. Steven
(DBN) supplied them more than a year ago and
there has never been a need to open/repair
Spilhaus Malmesbury approached AQS in March to assist them in providing water for citizens on the
Island of Tristan da Cunha. The project had been underway for a long time as there were difficulties
in providing pumps that met the necessary specifications: 6 litres per second at 3.5 bar pressure.
Also, the engineers would not accept any pump that ran faster than 1450rpm (4 pole). We do not
have pumps that run on 4 pole in our
product range. Chris (CT) then did all of the
necessary calculations and determined that
our Vertical Multi-Stage Pumps (DL 45-70)
would deliver the results if run at 4 pole. The
pumps are designed to work with 30kW
motors, but in this case only 4kW was
necessary. After arranging with Leon (MTA),
the necessary parts were flown in and then
Chris had the 4 pumps converted from 30kW
to 4kW. 3 weeks later and the residents of
a remote
island in
Tristan da Cunha
is a remote
volcanic island
(and the name
have water!
of the cluster of
four islands) in the South Atlantic Ocean. It has a
population of 264 and the main island is 98km².
The islands are British territory and were first
inhabited in 1810. It is the most remote inhabited
chain of islands in the world, lying 2816km from
the nearest land which is South Africa!
April 2014 - 10th Edition
The AQS Beat
All of the
school’s kids
stood in the
shape of the
number 50
GolFinG 4 GooDWill
Some of the AQS guys
recently played in a golf
day in aid of raising funds
for NHK Silverton Church.
The event was organised
by Barbara from AQS
Industries (see page 7).
Look out for this
in the KZN
Industrial and
Business News
The AQS Beat
April 2014 - 10th Edition
shaFt triGGers
Building on last month’s discussion regarding the air distribution system of diaphragm
pumps, we will now have a closer look at the trigger that is needed to initiate air valve
change over.
To recap; the main air valve can only redirect air from one side of the pump to the other
when a timed signal is given.
This signal is triggered in one of two ways:
What Triggers
With the use of the pilot shaft arrangement or
the Shift?
By using the main diaphragm shaft
The easiest way to determine whether
Where is the Pilot Shaft?
a pump is pilot shaft or main shaft
triggered is to look at the main shaft:
►If there are no holes or undercuts
present (i.e. a straight shaft), the
pump is triggered by its pilot shaft.
Pilot shaFt triGGer
We now have a look at the Versa-Matic Pump which is pilot shaft triggered.
We can see the pilot shaft in the middle of the center section. The pilot
shaft is pushed from one side to the other by the inner diaphragm plates.
It is critical that the seals on the pilot shaft are in good condition. If air is
allowed to bypass these seals the main air valve will receive a false signal
to start the shift which can cause the pump to stall. For those of you who
work with pumps, you will notice that they are lightly greased. This is to
aid with the assembly and to ensure
that we do not cut any of the O-rings when
pushing the assembly into the center block.
Straight Shaft =
Pilot Shaft Trigger
►If the shaft has holes or undercuts
(i.e. a dented shaft) the pump has a
main shaft trigger.
Shaft =
Main Shaft
Preventing air from leaking past
seals is paramount. False triggers
can result in the pump performing
Pilot Shaft
April 2014 - 10th Edition
The AQS Beat
main shaFt triGGer
The Blagdon pump operates with the main shaft as the trigger. You will notice the
small holes in the main shaft. These holes allow air to bypass the inner lip seal.
The sealing ability of these lip seals is critical for constant pump performance.
Lip seals offer superior sealing in dynamic operations as the main shaft travels
further through the center section with this design, in
comparison to other models in which the pilot shaft
may only move a few millimeters with each stroke. It is
also important to keep the trigger holes open and not
to damage the shaft when removing diaphragms.
Always use soft jaws in
the vise so as to prevent
shaft damage which will
accelerate wear on the
seals. Long scratches will
also allow air to bypass the
lip seals, initiating badly
timed shifts.
Lip Seals
Pilot Holes
Critical Seal Areas
Note the lip seal
Get it wrong and
you will have to
strip the pump
again to correct the mistake. The inner
seals face one another to “lock” the air
in the cavity.
The Advantages
Either of these designs can be used with conidence as they both have their advantages.
►Pilot shaft O-rings are lube free across all designs.
►All pilot shaft assemblies are serviceable (other brands
Apple) with individual
parts sold separately.
►Lip Seals are lube free.
►Wear resistant material for
dirty air applications.
►Removable bushes makes
for easy maintenance on the pumps.
Peet (MTA) would like to thank Sarel
(MTA) for being so courteous & friendly to all
vistors who come to AQS Head Office. We are
fortunate to have him at AQS, especially as
the “window” to the company.
Thank you Evelina (MTA) for your
dedication to your work. We have all
noticed that you start cleaning
Evelina hard at
work to the rhythm very early lately, long before
in her earphones the rest of us even arrive
(her favourite
at the office.
group is Joyous
ruDy’s Demo
Rudy (FV) took these demo
with our diaphragm pumps) to
Sibanyegold. They bought 3!
The AQS Beat
April 2014 - 10th Edition
Even though April was a short month, plenty
of training took place! From curves and
complicated calculations
to clay pigeon shooting and go-carting...
traininG at sibanyeGolD
Rudy (FV) gave training at Sibanyegold,
Khomanane shaft, on how a Sandpiper pump works.
Lee (KZN) gave
traininG at
training to staff at
coastal Farmers Coastal Farmers,
a valued client in
KZN. The focus
was on our Utility
Product Range,
which has been
upgraded lately (see
page 5). This is the
third year that these
quarterly training
sessions have been
taking place.
Go-cartinG with
aQs inDustries
Peet (MTA) went
go-carting with
AQS Industries
and their clients
as part of the
Dealer Day in
March (the activity
was postponed
due to rain).
technical traininG
For Fortuin
DeBruin (MTA) gave
training on the VersaMatic Catalogue to our
Welkom Branch.
Dealer Day with seven mile traDinG
Fortuin (CPT) came up
to Pretoria two weeks
ago for training. He
spent three days at the
N4 Store and Technical
Facility, learning about
rewinding, seals and
how to repair subbies,
from Peet v Z, Johan
and Tinus. He said it
was exciting and very
This Dealer Day was
hosted with Seven Mile
Trading, a valued and
loyal dealer. The focus
was on efficient pump
selection and operation
to ensure maximum
efficiency. The attendees
got to “unwind” with
clay pigeon shooting
April 2014 - 10th Edition
The AQS Beat
l et ’ s t aKe a t rIp d oWn m emory l ane ...
d o y ou K noW W ho t hese K Ids a re ?
Here are a few pictures of Sue & Diana (MTA) with
their prizes. They won the February Competition.
s ee
Last Month’s pictures proved to be more
difficult than we thought, so we decided
to give you a few hints about who the
kids below are.
IF you Can IdentIFy Who It Is In the pICture
and send your ansWers to
a nIKa at
u se
the numBer In the pICture to reFerenCe the
name oF the person you thInK It Is .
h ere are a FeW h Ints
Picture 1: I work at one of our mining branches
and these days I style a much cleaner cut.
Picture 4: I am a fan of Bob Marley and enjoy
Picture 2: I am taking my driver’s license test in
Picture 5: Let me just say, I don’t think that I
will be doing ballet soon. Too much toe-pointing if
you ask me.
Picture 6: From now on call me Mrs. Stols.
Picture 3: My birthday is in May.
tri f th
es e
Dress up a pump
hoW to enter :
Above: The Welkom Crew and their creations
Make your Branch count
We challenge all of the AQS Branches
to submit photos of dressed up pumps
and their staff members. This month’s
competition closes 25 May 2014. Send
all entries to Anika at anikarossouw@
aqslt.co.za. You may submit more than
1 entry!
Above: The Internal Sales Crew From the mine and straight to the office
The AQS Beat
April 2014 - 10th Edition
Farewell Simon Mojalefa.. a Letter by Ronel Coetzee
To Simon, not only a colleague but
a friend.
Our journey with AQS started
on 1 Sept 2009, Simon & Ronel
the newbies…… and a road was
travelled, one of joy, fun, hard work,
and a bond of friendship and loyalty.
My road with Simon was educaional
as we both had to learn about the
industry, and we did so as a team.
We were only four people at our
branch and as the “newbies” we
had to endure the feeling of not
iing in, and trying harder than
anybody else.
And look at you now, due to your
ability to keep going, you have
stepped in to every possible posiion
available in the branch. You started
as a driver, then moved on to the
workshop, trained some guys in
the ways of pump iing and inally
you moved to the store. Literally no
staion was untouched by you.
You never backed away from a
challenge; your aitude toward
the job and people was always
A Doodle by Theaan Knoetze
admirable and honest.
You have taught us how to
appreciate every opportunity we
get and to use them wisely.
With age comes wisdom they say
and we are grateful that you were
not one to keep this wisdom to
You are a team member of AQS
Liquid Transfer’s Steelpoort Branch
and you have cemented your place
within our hearts.
We wish you only success in your
future endeavours and trust you will
enjoy the earned rest you get now.
May reirement be all that you have
God Bless.
Ronel Coetzee & The Team
s peCIal a CKnoWledgements
A Special Thank You from a Valued Customer:
“I would like to express my gratitude to William
Watt (WLK) for the quick response and excellent
service he has given us in the past.”
~Warren Freeman (Mine Manager)
Harmony Joel Shaft
Get Well Soon from AQS:
Dear Mr Frans Saunders,
We are sorry to hear that your wife is ill. May
she have a quick and easy recovery.
~From William Watt and the AQS Family
Smashing Records
Your company
needs you!
aqs n eWsletter 10 th edItIon , a prIl 2014
C reatIve t eam : a nIKa r ossouW & t opaz B ooysen
p rooF r eader : d Iana p rInsloo