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Workshop 5 6 7 8 2.1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 405 SOUTH MAIN STREET MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2014 5:30 p.m. Special Session 7:00 p.m. Regular Session The City Council of the City of Lampasas met in regular session on the above date with Mayor Grayson presiding. Council Members present: Wanda Bierschwale, Mayor Pro Tem Christian Toups Michael White Misti Talbert Chuck Williamson T.J. Monroe Council Members absent: None City Staff Present: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager Christina Marez, City Secretary Carol Boberg, Finance Director Tim Angermann, Police Chief Shane Brown, Public Works Director Micky Tower, Parks & Recreation Director Kathi Masonheimer, Economic Development Director Van Berry, Golf Course Manager Shanda Subia, Library Director Reece Oestreich, Fire Marshal/Building Inspector Flint Geagley, Electric Superintendent Dean Grant, Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Justin Hill, Network Administrator SPECIAL SESSION 5:30 p.m. I. Call to Order Mayor Grayson called the special session to order at 5:30 p.m. II. Adjourn into Executive Session Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale moved to adjourn into executive session at 5:31 p.m. The motion was seconded by Council member Williamson and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. Kathi Masonheimer, Economic Development Director, sat in on executive session for Item 1 only. Council Minutes October 27, 2014 9 EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council of the City of Lampasas, Texas will meet in closed Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, as follows: 1. Section 551.087 (economic development) - (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1). 2. Section 551.086 (Relating to the authority of public power utility governing bodies to deliberate regarding competitive matters) 3. Adjourn executive session and reconvene Special Session Executive session was adjourned at 5:52 p.m. SPECIAL SESSION III. Discussion and possible action concerning items posted and discussed by Council in Executive Session There was no action taken. IV. Adjourn Special Session Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale moved to adjourn the special session at 5:53 p.m. The motion was seconded by Council member White and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. WORKSHOP SESSION 1. Call to order Workshop Session Mayor Grayson called the workshop session to order at 5:54 p.m. 2. Presentation by HDR Engineering regarding an update on the Nix Tank and Coleman Waterline Study City Manager deGraffenried explained that Collin Dudley and Jim Glaser with HDR Engineering were present to provide an update on the Nix Tank and Coleman Waterline study. Mr. Dudley reviewed the following: Existing Pressure Planes Existing System – minimum pressures and contours Proposed Coleman Waterline – would increase 45 to 74 psi – reviewed the proposed 10” and 8” waterline areas and the proposed flow control valve Two options to increase water flow: o Raise the existing Nix Tank 35 feet would increase the flow. Piping improvements would have to be done. This option would take six to eight weeks. The cost could be Council Minutes October 27, 2014 10 2 $250,00 to $300,000 to elevate, $250,000 for rehab and piping, which could total $600,000 to $700,000. o Could put a small booster pump station adjacent to the Nix Tank – piping improvements would need to be done – drawback on this option would be that it would be another maintenance system to maintain. Third option would be to replace the existing tank with a new one, which would be very costly. The cost for a new one could be up to $625,000 and with piping improvements, could total up to $800,000, if not more. Shane Brown, Public Works Director, said that his standpoint would be to look at elevating the tank. The present tank is in need of work and clean out due to corrosion. Another thought would be move to the tank to the Sport Park property. He was not in favor of a pressure tank (booster pump). Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale asked if it would help if a new tank was put up at the Sports Park property and then move the Nix Tank to replace the Georgetown Tank. Brown said that they have looked at that possibility because they have been having trouble with the Georgetown Tank. Mr. Dudley, HDR Engineering said that he could have a report in two to three weeks on costs for the options discussed. 3. Discussion regarding any item on the regular agenda There was no discussion. 4. Adjourn Workshop Session Council member Talbert moved to adjourn the workshop session at 6:20 p.m. The motion was seconded by Council member Toups and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. REGULAR SESSION 7:00 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Call to Order Mayor Grayson called the regular session to order at 7:00 p.m. B. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Tim Angermann, Police Chief, gave the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags were recited. C. Proclamations and/or Presentations There were no proclamations or presentations. 1.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS/CITIZEN COMMENTS Council Minutes October 27, 2014 11 3 1.1 Citizen comments – Any citizen who desires to address the City Council on a matter not included on the Agenda may do so at this time. The City Council may not deliberate on items presented under this Agenda Item There were no citizen comments. 2.0 2.1 MINUTES Discussion and possible action concerning approval of minutes of the regular meeting on October 13, 2014 Council member Talbert moved to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 3.0 3.1 CONSENT AGENDA N/A There were no consent agenda items. 4.0 4.1 BOARDS/DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. Utility Billing and Collections Monthly Report 2. Public Works Monthly Report for Electric, Streets, Water/Wastewater 3. Library Monthly Report – will be included in the November 10th packet 4. Building Official Monthly Report 5. Fire Department Monthly Report 6. Economic Development Monthly Report 7. Information Systems Monthly Report 8. Parks and Recreation Monthly Report for Parks, Recreation, Airport & Cemetery 9. Golf Course Monthly Report 10. Municipal Court Monthly Report 11. City Secretary Monthly Report 12. Police Department Monthly Report Carol Boberg, Finance Director, reviewed her monthly report with the following information: Utility Billing and Collection Department Billing 3 cycle, 16 routes for water, wastewater, electric, street maintenance fee and garbage for a total of $1,780,094 for September 2014. In September 2013, the City billed $1,582,586 for a difference of $197,508. 371 Utility customers had bank draft set up on their account. The City received $128,152. 592 Utility customers paid with a credit card for a total of $155,390. Sent 49 accounts to the credit collection totaling $17,444. Finance Department Accounts payable checks for September 2014 was 277 for a total of $2,056,489. In September 2013, 325 accounts payable checks for $1,636,970 for a difference of $419,519. Billed airport hangars rentals for September 2014 for a total of $5,065. For September 2013, billed for a total of $3,850 for a difference of $1,215. Council Minutes October 27, 2014 12 4 5.0 5.1 Billed the County for fire inspections and Code enforcement individuals. Processed bi-weekly payroll for 130 employees with gross pay of $171,726. ROUTINE MATTERS City Manager’s Operational Report City Manager deGraffenried reviewed his report: 5.2 Watermaster – He provided Council a copy of the notification from the State regarding the implementation of a Watermaster Program for the Brazos River Basin. Watermasters generally have the authority to manage surface water rights, and in some cases, have the ability to ration junior rights in the event of a call. Although the City maintains a strong position in terms of the amount and seniority of its rights, the City should be actively engaged in water issues and should consider participation in Region G, and the Advisory Committee. City staff will attend the meeting in Killeen regarding the program implementation on November 17. Charter – He will be meeting with Legal Counsel on November 3 to begin drafting amendment language for Council review. Council will have an opportunity at future meetings to discuss draft amendments or other suggested changes to the City’s Charter. Council Planning – He reminded Council that a Planning Session for City Council is scheduled for Monday, November 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce meeting room. The goal of the meeting is to outline projects and priorities. Camo Christmas – He provided Council a copy of the flyer for the Lighted Christmas Parade. Sustainable Communities – He explained that the City received an invitation to participate by memorandum of understanding in a multi City partnership promoting sustainable education, recycling and conservation. He will place this item on a future agenda at Council’s discretion. Tourism – The City will be hosting a stakeholder meeting on tourism on November 6 at 6:00 p.m. at the Old Middle School Cafeteria. The purpose of the meeting will be to elicit ideas for promotion and marketing; asset building; branding and tourism infrastructure. Invited stakeholders include the Chamber of Commerce, Vision Lampasas, Courtyard Square Association, LAFTA, LEDC, County and LISD. Mayor’s Comments Mayor Grayson said that the City staff and Council have been extremely busy. He thanked everyone for being at the meeting and reminded everyone of the Special Council meeting to be held on November 3. 6.0 6.1 UNFINISHED BUSINESS N/A There was no unfinished business. 7.0 7.1 NEW BUSINESS Discussion and possible action on payment of the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance annual dues City Manager deGraffenried explained that the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance (HOTDA) is requesting payment of annual dues in the amount of $5,630. HOTDA continues to monitor and Council Minutes October 27, 2014 13 5 advocate for a strong military presence and partnership in Central Texas. The City has been a supporter of their efforts for ten years. Bill Parry, HOTDA Executive Director, was present at the meeting to answer any questions and provided a report on HOTDA activities. Parry reviewed the following information: Organization and purpose of HOTDA. Formed February 2003 in response to an expressed need by the communities of Central Texas most affected by the activities of Fort Hood. Promotes the importance and sustainability of Fort Hood and all defense-related industries, organizations and institutions in the Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood area. Current Operation Structural HOTDA’s Strategic Goals Fort Hood Fast Facts Current Authorized Military Strength: 39,173 Current Assigned Strength: 41,300 Soldiers and Airmen Family Members: 69,400 (53,400 off-post) Civilian Employees: 5,350 Contractors: 13,300 Current deployments: 7,500 Active Army today is 509,000. Army must reduce 19,000 soldiers by September 30, 2015. By the end of 2017, Active Army should be 440,000 to 450,000 due to cut backs. Council members thanked Mr. Parry and Jack Calvert, former Mayor and member of HOTDA, for attending the meeting and the information provided. Council member Williamson moved to support the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance and approve the payment of annual dues in the amount of $5,630.00. The motion was seconded by Council member Talbert and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.2 Discussion and possible action regarding approval for Mad Goat Productions to use WM Brook Park for a goat roping event on April 18, 2015 Kathi Masonheimer, Economic Development Director, explained that she was contacted by Will Stevens with Mad Goat Productions requesting to use the WM Brook Park to put on the World’s Largest Goat Roping on April 18, 2015. Mr. Stevens, Mad Goat Productions promoter, was present at the meeting to explain this event. Mr. Stevens explained that Mad Goat provides a forty feet by forty feet (40’x40’) self-contained arena for the roping event. He anticipates this event to bring in thousands of visitors to Lampasas. He said that the prize money would be at least $10,000 up to possibly $30,000. He had put on an event in Las Vegas and it was a huge event. He said that he wanted Lampasas to be the birthplace of Mad Goat Roping. He said that he could hold this event in another town but three major highways intersect in Lampasas and believed it was an ideal location. He would bring in his own security crew for this event, if allowed, and would like to see local vendors sell food and alcohol if permitted. After discussion about the event, Council members felt that the WM Brook Park would not be the ideal place to hold this event. Council felt that the Sports Park would be a better site. It was ideal because Council Minutes October 27, 2014 14 6 of parking, restrooms, lighting and more land space. Since Mr. Stevens had not seen this location, they asked him to look at the site. Council also reminded Stevens of having proper insurance for this event. Council member Talbert moved to approve the request for Mad Goat Productions to hold a goat roping event on April 18, 2015 contingent on site selection and with the stipulation that they provide proof of insurance and name the City as additional insured. The motion was seconded by Council member White and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.3 Discussion and possible action on waiving permitting fees for Schlotzskys Kathi Masonheimer, Economic Development Director, explained that Schlotzsky’s developers have requested that the City waive permitting fees totaling approximately $3,400. Schlotzskys will be entirely all electric, so the City will gain from utility sales, as well as the ad valorem taxes. Historically, the City has waived fees on a case by case basis. Council member Toups moved to approve the waiving of permitting fees for Schlotzskys in an amount not to exceed $3,400. The motion was seconded by Council member White and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.4 Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the application and reporting process forms for use by entities seeking use of Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Funds Kathi Masonheimer, Economic Development Director, explained that the City had met with the Chamber of Commerce Director and Board member President on September 22 during workshop session to discuss the contract with the City and the Chamber. After discussion, it was decided through mutual consent that the City would handle requests from outside entities that request hotel occupancy tax funds (HOT) for advertising. Masonheimer presented a proposed guidelines and application form for the request of HOT funds. This form is a starting point and can be modified. Deadline dates for applications will be advertised. Council member Talbert moved to approve the application and reporting process forms for use by entities seeking use of Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Funds. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.5 Discussion and possible action concerning approval of the Lampasas Economic Development Corporation Semi-Annual Report for the period ending September 30, 2014 Kathi Masonheimer, Economic Development Director, informed Council that the Lampasas Economic Development Board met on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 and approved this Semi-Annual Report for the period ending September 30, 2014. Council member Williamson moved to approve the Lampasas Economic Development Corporation Semi-Annual Report for the period ending September 30, 2014 as presented. The motion was seconded by Council member Toups and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.6 Discussion and possible action regarding Bids on Real Property of the Appraisal District Council Minutes October 27, 2014 15 7 City Manager deGraffenried explained that the Lampasas Appraisal District solicited for bids for real property that had past due taxes owed. This property has been struck off to the County, LISD and the City. The two properties are: Parcel 684, Lots 7 & 8, Block 31, GC & SF Addition – appraised value is $3,600.00 Parcel 8195, 1 acre +/-, John Burleson Survey – appraised value is $1,200.00 Two bids were submitted: 1. Robert Harris for Parcel 684 in the amount of $1,407.00. 2. John Robert McBryde for Parcel 8195 in the amount of $10.00. deGraffenried said that Parcel 8195 would have significant titling issues because no one is sure where this property is exactly located. This property has never been platted or surveyed. There is some information that indicates that it is a strip of land that is less than an acre somewhere along the Sulphur Creek, possibly under the 4th Street bridge. He said that LISD accepted the $10.00 bid. Council member Talbert moved to accept the bid from Robert Harris for Parcel 684, Lots 7 & 8, Block 31, GC & SF Addition in the amount of $1,407.00 and the bid from John Robert McBryde for Parcel 8195, 1 acre +/-, John Burleson Survey in the amount of $10.00. The motion was seconded by Council member Monroe and with a vote of six in favor and one opposed (Toups), the motion carried. 7.7 Discussion and possible action regarding the first reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 54, Parks and Recreation, Appendix A Fee Schedule to amend the Golf Course Fees; containing repealer clause; containing severability clause; providing effective date Van Berry, Golf Course Manager, explained that the reason for this proposed increase is to cover the shortfall of the unexpected increase on the lease of the new golf cart rentals and the two utility vehicles. The amount that was budgeted for 2014-2015 budget year was short $3,484.00. With the proposed $1.00 increase on golf cart rentals, it would generate approximately $7,600.00, which would cover the shortfall. This proposed increase is comparable to what surrounding golf courses are charging. Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale moved to approve the first reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 54, Parks and Recreation, Appendix A Fee Schedule to amend the Golf Course Fees; containing repealer clause; containing severability clause; providing effective date. The motion was seconded by Council member White and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.8 Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the purchase of wire for the City Hall underground project from Irby Utilities in the amount of $5,175 Flint Geagley, Electric Superintendent, explained that the Electric Department is requesting approval of the purchase of 500 feet of 500mcm copper wire and 500 feet of 250mcm copper wire from Irby Utilities in the amount of $5,175.00 for the reconstruction of the underground to the City Hall and Police Department buildings. Geagley said that there were three (3) quotes received: 1. Irby Utilities in the amount of $5,175.00 2. Techline in the amount of $5,450.00 3. Dealer’s Electric in the amount of $5,458.07 Council Minutes October 27, 2014 16 8 Council member Toups moved to approve the purchase of wire for the City Hall underground project from Irby Utilities in the amount of $5,175 and authorize the City Manager to execute related documents. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.9 Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the purchase of three 50 kva transformers for the new Schlotzskys from Techline Inc. in the amount of $4,470 Flint Geagley, Electric Superintendent, explained that the Electric Department is requesting approval to purchase three (3) 50kva transformers to service the new Schlotzsky’s building. He recommended the purchase of the transformers from Techline Inc. in the amount of $4,470.00. The City has a purchasing agreement with Techline through the LCRA Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale moved to approve the purchase of three 50 kva transformers for the new Schlotzskys from Techline Inc. in the amount of $4,470.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute related documents. The motion was seconded by Council member White and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.10 Discussion and possible action concerning the proposal for design of a 12” waterline in West 3rd Street, from Key Avenue to Spring Street, by Eckermann Engineering Dean Grant, Water/Wastewater Operations Manager, explained that this project will replace a six inch (6”) waterline in West 3rd Street. This waterline has had over 50 leaks in the last five (5) years. The waterline is twelve inches (12”) in diameter on East 3rd Street from Hackberry to the West side of Key Avenue. The replacement of this line will not only replace a weak piece of infrastructure, but also ensures a good potable water supply to the West side of the lower pressure plane. Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale moved to approve the proposal for design of a 12” waterline in West 3rd Street, from Key Avenue to Spring Street, by Eckermann Engineering in the amount of $31,500.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute the related documents. The motion was seconded by Council member White and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.11 Discussion and possible action concerning the approval of a Resolution appointing Frost Capital Markets Service (Frost Bank) to be and is hereby designated a Depository of City of Lampasas for the safekeeping of Securities City Manager deGraffenried explained that it was the recommendation of the City’s Financial Advisor, Patterson and Associates, that the City appoint Frost Capital Markets Service (Frost Bank) as the City’s safekeeping depository. The City did contact our depository bank, First State Bank of Central Texas, and they do not offer this service. deGraffenried said that the City will set up one account with Frost Bank and name the same individuals authorized on the signature card to be the same as those listed at the depository bank which is the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager and City Secretary. City staff reviewed all documentation with Legal Counsel. Council member Talbert moved to approve a Resolution appointing Frost Capital Markets Service (Frost Bank) to be and is hereby designated a Depository of City of Lampasas for the safekeeping of Council Minutes October 27, 2014 17 9 Securities. The motion was seconded by Council member Toups and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. 7.12 Discussion and possible action concerning a request from Perception Creative Art and Rock School to host a Fundraiser Event at Ruth Eakin Theater Micky Tower, Parks and Recreation Director, explained that the City was just made aware of a fundraising event by Perception Creative Art and Rock School that includes the use of the City’s outdoor Ruth Eakin Theater that would be charging an entrance fee. This event is scheduled for Sunday, November 2, 2014 from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tower said that Judith McGinty, Director of the Perception Creative Art School was present to inform Council of this event. Ms. McGinty explained that Perception Creative Art School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that holds annual fundraisers to promote the arts in Lampasas through a live concert and art show call Perception Fall Music Fest. She said that this is their 3rd Annual Music Fest that they have had at the Ruth Eakin Theater. This year however, to raise more funds, they organized it differently this year by charging an entrance fee, cooler fee and backstage passes fees. She did not realize that this change made it necessary to come before Council for approval and apologized for that. When she made the reservation of the Ruth Eakin at City Hall, she thought that was it and she obtained an alcohol permit through the Police Department. She is seeking approval from Council to hold this event and will meet all that is required by the City. McGinty explained that the Perception Creative Art School nurtures and guides the artistic talents of Central Texas residents. Students of all ages and backgrounds are provided instruction and various avenue of participation in the visual and musical arts. Students who are enrolled in public or home school, have passing grades and are in need of financial assistance may apply for a scholarship. Flint Geagley, Electric Superintendent, explained that after hearing this request, the Ruth Eakin Theater would not be available because the transformer at the stage was damaged from the last storm. His crew had just made him aware of this issue and he ordered replacement parts for this transformer but it won’t be in before this event. Another location will have to be used if they need electricity or they would have to bring in generators. After some discussion, the City’s pavilion was suggested as a possible site, City Manager deGraffenried checked the City’s Code of Ordinance and Christina Marez, City Secretary, checked the availability of the pavilion. The pavilion was available for use and deGraffenried said that per Section 54-170 (6) of the City’s Code of Ordinance, City Council may on a case by case basis approve amplified music for events supported by the City for non-profit groups as long as the music is not played between 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 noon. Council member White moved to approve the fundraiser event for Perception Creative Art and Rock School to be held at the City’s Pavilion as per Section 54-170 (6). The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. Adjourn Mayor Pro Tem Bierschwale moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. The motion was seconded by Council member Talbert and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. Council Minutes October 27, 2014 18 10 PASSED AND APPROVED this ___________ day of ____________________, 2014. ____________________________________ Jerry Grayson, Mayor ATTEST ________________________________________ Christina Marez, City Secretary Council Minutes October 27, 2014 19 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 20 2.2 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING ROOM 205 SOUTH US HIGHWAY 281 LAMPASAS TEXAS 76550 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2014 6:30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Lampasas met in regular session on the above date with Mayor Grayson presiding. Council Members present: Christian Toups Michael White Misti Talbert Chuck Williamson T.J. Monroe Council Members absent: Wanda Bierschwale, Mayor Pro Tem City Staff Present: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager Christina Marez, City Secretary Carol Boberg, Finance Director Shane Brown, Public Works Director Kathi Masonheimer, Economic Development Director Micky Tower, Parks & Recreation Director SPECIAL SESSION I. Call to Order Mayor Grayson called the special session to order at 6:33 p.m. II. Discussion and Direction to staff regarding City Council Priorities; One to Five (1-5) Year Goals; Currently Programmed Projects; Implementation Plan; Assessment of Resources; and Target Dates City Manager deGraffenried thanked everyone for their attendance and said that the change in venue setting was to allow for a more open, relaxed, conversational, change the pace type atmosphere. deGraffenried reviewed the following: Review and Discussion – What the City needs? Resources Identify Projects and Areas of Importance Setting Targets What’s Important City Council CIP Committee Special Council Meeting Agenda November 3, 2014 21 1 Ongoing Efforts of Concern Community What’s important to your neighbors? What are they thinking? Public Works and Community Development What’s Been on our List CIP Community and Economic Development Public Safety Public Works Parks and Recreation Nix Tank, Georgetown Tank Water and Sewer Extensions Treatment Plant Upgrades Annexation Comp Plan and Zoning Business Park Council Chambers Civic Center Downtown Marketing and Promotion Charter and Governance Personnel Policy Amendments Trail System to 4th Street Next Steps Setting Priorities Identifying Resources Developing Action Steps and Targets The List Priority Projects and Efforts Financial and Human Resources Target Dates Action Steps Means to Check Progress Next Steps The City Manager showed two video clips on Public Works and Community Development. Council’s discussions included the following: Council Efficient Services Annexation 183 S, 190 N & 281S Expansion of utilities to Business Park What’s Best for Majority Consistency/Transparency of services Recreation – Rec Director/Activity Director Jobs Special Council Meeting Agenda November 3, 2014 Community Taxes Safety – Police & Fire Restaurants, Retail Entertainment Civic Center/ Meeting Place Recycling Public Safety 22 2 Code Enforcement – lack of enforcement, weeds, junk vehicles and dump sites Recreation Council listed and discussed the following projects and efforts that the City should work on: 1. Water Control 2. Water Treatment Upgrades/Pre-treatment 3. Charter and Governance 4. Skate Park 5. Rehab of walking bridges 6. Utility infrastructure extensions 7. Annexation 8. Civic Center 9. Comp Plan and Zoning 10. Business Park 11. Council Chambers 12. Downtown 13. Marketing and Promotion 14. Personnel Policy Amendments 15. Creek trails and Retail development along the creek 16. Sulphur Creek 17. Irrigation along Sulphur Creek 18. Message/Consistency 19. Standard Operating Procedures for Developers – Incentives, Development Checklist 20. Alcohol Sales policy Council member Talbert spoke about consistency such as waiving of tap or building permit fees. Derrek Eckermann, Eckermann Engineering, spoke about the City having a checklist for developers. Kathi Masonheimer, Economic Development Director, spoke about the City as an organization needing to start a movement from within to show people how great our community is. City Manager deGraffenried said that there are ways to accomplish all the goals discussed. III. Adjourn Special Session Council member Talbert moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. The motion was seconded by Council member Williamson and with a unanimous vote, the motion carried. (Bierschwale absent) PASSED AND APPROVED this ________ day of __________________________, 2014. ______________________________________ Jerry Grayson, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Christina Marez, City Secretary Special Council Meeting Agenda November 3, 2014 23 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 24 ITEM NO. 3.1 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: Discussion and possible action regarding the second reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 54, Parks and Recreation, Appendix A Fee Schedule to amend the Golf Course Fees; containing repealer clause; containing severability clause; providing effective date REQUESTED BY: Van Berry, Manager, Hancock Park Golf Course SUBMITTED BY: Van Berry, Manager, Hancock Park Golf Course DATE SUBMITTED: October 20, 2014 FOR THE AGENDA OF: October 27, 2014 Expenditure Required: N/A Available Funding: N/A Attachments: Ordinance SUMMARY STATEMENT: The reason for the proposed increase is to cover the shortfall of the unexpected increase on the lease of the new rental carts and two utility vehicles. The amount that was budgeted for the 2014-2015 budget year was short $3,484.00. With the proposed $1.00 increase on cart rentals, it will generate approximately $7,600.00 which will cover the shortfall on the rental carts and utility vehicle lease, as well as add revenue to the overall budget. The rental amount shown on the Ordinance is for the rental fee and sales tax. =============================================================== Recommendation: Motion to approve the Ordinance amending Chapter 54, Parks and Recreation, Appendix A Fee Schedule to amend the Golf Course Fees; containing repealer clause; containing severability clause; providing effective date. 25 ORDINANCE NO. _______________ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54, PARKS AND RECREATION, APPENDIX A FEE SCHEDULE TO AMEND THE GOLF COURSE FEES; CONTAINING REPEALER CLAUSE; CONTAINING SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 54, Parks and Recreation, Appendix A, Fee Schedule relating to the fees charged at the Golf Course is amended to read as follows: Section Amount this Code (g) Golf course fees: (1) – (6) No change (7) Golf cart rental, 9 holes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 (8) Golf cart rental, 18 holes ( 1/2 cart) . . . . . 12.00 (9) Golf cart rental, 18 holes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 (10) – (17) No change Section 2. If any section or part of a section of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, that holding shall not invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of a section of this ordinance or Code of Ordinances, City of Lampasas, Texas. Section 3. This ordinance supersedes and repeals all ordinances or parts of ordinances, if any, in conflict herewith; however, such present ordinances shall remain in full force and effect until the effective date of this ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the date of final passage noted below, or when all applicable publication requirements, if any, are satisfied in accordance with the City’s Charter, Code of Ordinances, and the laws of State of Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this _________ day of _______________________, 2014. Date of 1st reading Date of 2nd reading 10/27/2014 11/10/2014 Jerry Grayson, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED: ___________________________ Christina Marez, City Secretary ______________________________ Sue Zane Faulkner, City Attorney 26 ITEM NO. 3.2 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING PURCHASES AND CHARGES IN EXCESS OF $4,000 FROM OCTOBER 1, 2014 THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2014 REQUESTED BY: Carol Boberg, Finance Director SUBMITTED BY: Carol Boberg, Finance Director DATE SUBMITTED: November 4, 2014, FOR THE AGENDA OF: November 10, 2014 Expenditure Required: Available Funding: N/A N/A Attachments: A/P History Check Report SUMMARY STATEMENT: An excerpt from Section 6.11 Purchasing Procedure of the Lampasas City Charter; “All contracts for expenditures involving more than four thousand dollars must be expressly approved in advance by City Council.” This agenda item is presented to provide assurance the City Council has approved expenditures in excess of $4,000. The Check History Report presents the detail of individual charges and amounts for all checks over $4,000 for the period of October 1 through October 31, 2014. Recommendation: To approve the expenditures as presented. 27 11/04/2014 9:57 AM VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF LAMPASAS BANK: FSB FIRST STATE BANK - OPERA DATE RANGE:10/01/2014 THRU 10/31/2014 VENDOR I.D. A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT NAME 27050 STATUS PAGE: CHECK DATE INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT CHECK NO CHECK STATUS 2 CHECK AMOUNT 201410027438 201410027438 201410027439 201410027438 201410027439 IRS-PAYROLL TAXES FEDERAL WITHHOLDING FICA TAX FICA TAX MEDICARE TAX MEDICARE TAX D D D D D 10/03/2014 10/03/2014 10/03/2014 10/03/2014 10/03/2014 14,949.62 19,950.66 682.86 4,665.96 159.70 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 40,408.80 I-T1 201410167442 I-T3 201410167442 I-T4 201410167442 IRS-PAYROLL TAXES FEDERAL WITHHOLDING FICA TAX MEDICARE TAX D D D 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 16,174.35 20,693.38 4,839.56 000000 000000 000000 41,707.29 I-A17501.5 GRAVES DOUGHERTY HEARON & MOOD KWSC CONTRACT R 10/01/2014 14,781.27 123696 14,781.27 I-9112014 ALEXANDER TRUCKING COLD LAY ASPHALT R 10/07/2014 4,213.19 123730 4,213.19 I-9302014 CENTEX WASTE MANAGEME INC SOLID WASTE COLLECTION R 10/07/2014 84,055.02 123760 84,055.02 I-150695 CIVIC PLUS AND ePOWEREDSCHOOLS ANNUAL WEBSITE SUPPORT R 10/07/2014 4,132.98 123773 4,132.98 I-4707,4709 DEFENDER SUPPLY LLC 3 PD VEHICLES R 10/07/2014 115,393.62 123781 115,393.62 I-0424 I-0426 ECKERMANN ENGINEERING INC EAST 5TH AMENDMENTS COLEMAN WATER LINE R R 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 1,710.00 10,000.00 123785 123785 11,710.00 I-55909082014 I-57309182014 I-57409192014 I-57509262014 I-57609262014 I-57709262014 M W HAIL CONSTRUCTION INC INJECTION VAULT CONCRETE UPGRADE ROOF REPAIR AFTER CABLE INSTAL RED CONCRETE ON ELEC. LIN CONCRETE GENERATOR SITE DRIVE THRU CONCRETE R R R R R R 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 1,735.00 5,383.00 592.00 2,524.00 5,385.00 3,035.00 123792 123792 123792 123792 123792 123792 18,654.00 I-178183-B HDR ENGINEERING, INC. WESTERN PRESSURE PLANE R 10/07/2014 8,274.00 123795 8,274.00 I-003584 HOME PLACE FLOORS CITY HALL CARPET AND VINY R 10/07/2014 14,651.58 123800 14,651.58 I-T1 I-T3 I-T3 I-T4 I-T4 27050 33574 1760 16500 02261 02614 01680 37806 37000 01568 28 11/04/2014 9:57 AM VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF LAMPASAS BANK: FSB FIRST STATE BANK - OPERA DATE RANGE:10/01/2014 THRU 10/31/2014 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: CHECK DATE INVOICE AMOUNT R R 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 142.68 14,100.00 123809 123809 14,242.68 LAMPASAS PUBLIC UTILITIES SEPTEMBER UTILITIES R 10/07/2014 37,255.21 123813 37,255.21 I-9302014 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY SEPTEMBER LCRA BILL R 10/07/2014 587,935.59 123828 587,935.59 I-2-9232014 M & C FONSECA CONSTRUCTION CO. E 5TH, WATER, WW, DRAINAG R 10/07/2014 85,711.50 123829 85,711.50 I-7UB-0158581 I-7UB-0158939 I-7UB-0159806 OSMOSE UTILITIES SERVICES INC POLE INSPECTIONS POLE INSPECTIONS POLE INSPECTIONS R R R 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 5,828.88 4,117.32 10,083.01 123840 123840 123840 20,029.21 I-201410037440 I-CCC201410027438 I-CCE201410027438 I-CCF201410027438 I-CCS201410027438 I-HE1201410027438 I-HEA201409187437 I-HEC201409047432 I-HEC201410027438 I-HI1201410027438 I-HID201410027438 I-HIE201410027438 SCOTT & WHITE HEALTH PLAN SCOTT & WHITE HEALTH PLAN HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM EMPLOYEE SHARE HEALTH INSURANC EMPLOYEE SHARE HEALTH INSURANC EMPLOYEE SHARE HEALTH INSURANC CITY HEALTH INSURANCE CITY HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYEE CITY HEALTH CONTRIB R R R R R R R R R R R R 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 560.80 3,560.10 14,580.80 6,245.19 1,563.28 6,459.95 7,604.43 173.64 7,604.43 9,962.40 6,357.30 23,044.68 123854 123854 123854 123854 123854 123854 123854 123854 123854 123854 123854 123854 87,717.00 I-1242878-00 I-1243290-00 I-1243305-00 I-1243316-00 I-1243406-00 I-1243620-00 I-1243651-00 I-1243652-00 I-3074237-00 I-3074295-00 I-3074453-00 I-3074487-00 TECHLINE, INC 225 KVA TRANSFORMER #6 CU WIRE #6 CU WIRE #6 CU WIRE 37.5 KVA TRANSFORMER 225 KVA TRANSFORMER 25 KVA TRANSFORMER 25 KVA TRANSFORMER #6 CU WIRE #6 CU WIRE 37.5 KVA TRANSFORMER 37.5 KVA TRANSFORMER R R R R R R R R R R R R 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 11,646.20 936.00 340.94 860.00 1,568.00 6,864.00 2,362.00 1,109.00 289.92 79.00 399.00 22.50 123862 123862 123862 123862 123862 123862 123862 123862 123862 123862 123862 123862 26,476.56 VENDOR I.D. NAME 68680 I-4091 I-4099 L A PORTER CONSTRUCTION, 3 X 5 ROCK FLEX BASE I-9/26/14 52200 56260 02372 02523 74775 82300 STATUS DISCOUNT CHECK NO CHECK STATUS 3 CHECK AMOUNT INC. 29 11/04/2014 9:57 AM VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF LAMPASAS BANK: FSB FIRST STATE BANK - OPERA DATE RANGE:10/01/2014 THRU 10/31/2014 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: CHECK DATE INVOICE AMOUNT R R R R 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 1,158.53 37,186.87 67.19 38,194.38 123867 123867 123867 123867 76,606.97 ALEXANDER TRUCKING COLD MIX COLD MIX ROCK - GRADE 4 COLD LAY COLD LAY COLD LAY COLD LAY R R R R R R R 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 2,011.37 1,975.74 4,457.02 4,213.19 6,385.21 4,086.70 1,787.92 123880 123880 123880 123880 123880 123880 123880 24,917.15 I-C948888 I-c696030 I-c876899 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. 4" WATER METER 3" METER FOR BEST WESTERN METERS R R R 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 3,601.49 2,769.49 3,900.00 123908 123908 123908 10,270.98 I-187643-000 I-187643-001 I-187738-000 JOHNSON LAB & SUPPLY INC BRASS CLAMPS CLAMPS R R R 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 3,597.15 158.24 1,121.28 123912 123912 123912 4,876.67 I-9302014 KEMPNER WATER SUPPLY CORP SEPT MONTHLY BILL R 10/10/2014 67,211.70 123914 67,211.70 I-502335 I-502378 I-502450 I-502465 I-502467 I-502473 I-502562 I-502575 I-502610 I-502649 I-502676 I-502820 I-502837 I-502842 I-502867 I-502881 I-502999 I-503006 I-503046 LAMPASAS BUILDERS MART INC OIL CONCRETE REDI MIX WATERHOSE SCREWDRIVER, GARDEN TROWEL CHAIN TOW,HOOK CLEVIS WATER COOLER NUTS & BOLTS CABLE TIE COMMODE, PIPE , CEMENT, BLASTER RUST HOSE COTTER PIN, NUTS & BOLTS 2x4 WOOD SHEETROCK, PAINT,INSULATION LEVEL TORPEDO, CONCRETE COMPRESSION COUPLING ADAPTER, PIPE SAFETY GLASSES PVC BUSHING R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 27.78 4.85 71.74 3.67 137.86 54.02 2.55 29.40 689.88 6.43 18.39 10.97 4.63 1,784.58 16.41 19.76 9.28 18.38 2.29 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 VENDOR I.D. NAME 84250 I-TMR201409017431 I-TMR201409047432 I-TMR201409157435 I-TMR201409187437 TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYS RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS I-143530 I-144115 I-70214-TENNISCOURT I-9112014-STREETS I-91814-STREETS I-9182014-STREETS I-9222014-STREETS 1760 01344 02291 47585 48720 STATUS DISCOUNT CHECK NO CHECK STATUS 4 CHECK AMOUNT 30 11/04/2014 9:57 AM VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF LAMPASAS BANK: FSB FIRST STATE BANK - OPERA DATE RANGE:10/01/2014 THRU 10/31/2014 VENDOR I.D. A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT NAME STATUS PAGE: CHECK DATE INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT CHECK NO CHECK STATUS 5 CHECK AMOUNT I-503048 I-503071 I-503128 I-503142 I-503143 I-503185 I-503244 I-503248 I-503369 I-503391 I-503466 I-503551 I-503553 I-503618 I-503635 I-503650 I-503765 I-503875 I-503921 I-503945 I-504014 I-504038 I-504047 I-504088 I-504199 I-504211 I-504220 I-504276 I-504388 I-504469 I-504506 I-504519 CEMENT, CONCRETE FENDER WASHERS, SOCKET POLLEN MASK HOLE SAW , ARBOR BIT CLEANERS WASP KILLER HACKSAW BLADES & SAW CABLES CHAIN SAW, BRUSHCUTTER KNIFE, MASKING TAPE PVC, JACK DUAL WEEDEATER LINE, SHOVEL CLEAN OUT 2 WAY CABLE TIES NUTS AND BOLTS AMERIGAS EXCHANGE&CYLINDER GALVANIZED NIPPLE DRILL BIT, SCREWDRIVER SET ROLLER COVER AIR HOSE BATTERY 8 PK WASP KILLER & TAPE MEASURE SAFETY GLASSES SCREWS FIRE ANT KILLER PLUG, BUSHING ADAPTER TRASH CAN, NUTS& BOLTS, TAPE SPRAY PAINT CONCRETE BLOCK CONCRETE REDI MIX PORTLAND CEMENT BULBS COUPLING FOR WATER LINE R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 127.84 19.57 4.41 27.65 24.25 13.77 32.18 935.96 6.11 4.64 65.26 45.98 33.08 23.41 119.75 5.51 68.04 3.67 44.15 14.99 29.41 9.19 7.51 38.61 34.88 60.37 82.70 12.72 9.98 31.96 22.05 2.45 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 123917 4,874.92 I-08022013 METALWORKZ CONSTRUCTION INC PRE ENGINEERED BUILDING R 10/10/2014 6,375.00 123936 6,375.00 I-2294-100114 TML INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK POO LIABILITY, PROPERTY, W/C R 10/10/2014 174,356.72 123945 174,356.72 I-025-103125 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES DIVISION ANNUAL INCODE MAINTENANC R 10/10/2014 33,939.65 123947 33,939.65 I-201410097441 VALERO MARKETING & SUPPLY CITY GAS R 10/10/2014 12,697.98 123951 12,697.98 02400 87700 42313 02286 31 11/04/2014 9:57 AM VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF LAMPASAS BANK: FSB FIRST STATE BANK - OPERA DATE RANGE:10/01/2014 THRU 10/31/2014 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: CHECK DATE INVOICE AMOUNT R 10/14/2014 121,581.42 123982 121,581.42 CPS ENERGY SEPETMBER CPS BILL R 10/17/2014 98,129.09 124024 98,129.09 I-001452 LAMPASAS VOL FIRE DEPT CONTRIBUTION TO VOL. FD R 10/17/2014 4,000.00 124037 4,000.00 I-006803944 AVFUEL INC 4051 GAL 100LL R 10/22/2014 16,506.88 124062 16,506.88 I-5403 COPsync INC 11/30/14-11/29/15 LIC FEE R 10/22/2014 10,720.25 124066 10,720.25 I-4970 TRAC-N-TROL INC INJECTION SITES R 10/30/2014 4,550.00 124158 4,550.00 VENDOR I.D. NAME 02609 I-1 THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION OF LAMP ROOF,WINDOWS,FLOORING I-LCRA-0914 01979 53520 4100 02087 02122 * * T O T A L S * * REGULAR CHECKS: HAND CHECKS: DRAFTS: EFT: NON CHECKS: NO 32 0 2 0 0 VOID CHECKS: TOTAL ERRORS: STATUS DISCOUNT CHECK NO CHECK STATUS 6 CHECK AMOUNT INVOICE AMOUNT 1,806,848.79 0.00 82,116.09 0.00 0.00 DISCOUNTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NO 34 INVOICE AMOUNT 1,888,964.88 DISCOUNTS 0.00 CHECK AMOUNT 1,888,964.88 34 1,888,964.88 0.00 1,888,964.88 36 1,952,048.66 0.00 1,952,048.66 0 VOID DEBITS VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 CHECK AMOUNT 1,806,848.79 0.00 82,116.09 0.00 0.00 VENDOR SET: 99 0 BANK: FSB BANK: FSB REPORT TOTALS: TOTALS: TOTALS: 32 4.1 LAMPASAS PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 Circulation* OverDrive Items Library Visits September August September September September 2014 2014 2013 2012 2011 5468 5731 6226 6728 6424 162 179 99 107 N/A 4097 4667 4826 4962 6956 858 935 802 993 978 $1105 $1283 $1094 $1067 $931 $274 $178 $318 $333 $341 Non-Resident Fees Total Patrons $240 $265 $165 $220 N/A 7058 6883 6254 7145 6175 Non-Resident Patrons Phone Calls 44.7% 44.2% 43.7% 44.1% 43% 242 219 264 270 227 Reference Questions Info. Questions Items Used in Library Overdue Notices Volunteer Hours Collection Age 61 92 43 65 67 106 127 201 480 405 55 136 112 191 173 76 61 54 65 46 78.25 125 93.5 82 144.75 2002 2002 2001 2000 1999 10 86 48 19 16 916 1003 830 1074 1057 134 208 267 50 186 Internet Usage Library Receipts Book Fines Events Attendance Computer Interaction Materials Added 332012. * Includes items downloaded through OverDrive by our patrons beginning January 1. Circulation was down 4.6% from August. Library Visits were down 12.2% from last month. The library was closed September 1 for Labor Day as well as September 4 and 5 due to construction. 2. We had 2307 searches executed on our online catalog during the month of September, which is down 6.5% from August. 3. Total receipts were down 13.9% from last month, and book fines comprised 24.8% of total receipts this month (versus 13.9% last month). 4. Meetings Shanda attended in September: a. Weekly Directors’ meetings b. Library Board meeting c. City Council meetings, including called meeting regarding library ceiling and ductwork d. Weekly progress meetings with General Contractor, architect, and Foundation members e. Conference call with Monica, Justin, and Userful representative for product demonstration 5. Shanda proctored 1 exam this month. 6. Staff news: a. Krispin Blow, part-time clerk, started with us on Sept. 8 (and is now leaving Oct. 17) b. Esther Momberg, part-time clerk, started with us on Sept. 16 c. Emily Stone, full-time clerk, returned from maternity leave on Sept. 26 7. September events and closures included: a. September 1 – Library closed for Labor Day b. September 4 & 5 – Library closed due to construction c. September 10 – Preschool story time (2) d. September 17 – Shanda & Mary - Library card sign-up at LHS (issued ~65 cards) e. September 24 – Preschool story time (8) f. September 29 – Shanda & Emily - Library card sign-up at LMS (issued ~250 cards) 8. Upcoming events and closures: a. October 6-11 – Library closed due to construction b. October 13 – Library Advisory Board meeting, 9am c. October 14 – November 10 – reduced hours due to construction (open Tue, Wed, & Thu 10am-6pm and Sat 10am-3pm) d. October 20 – BBQ for Books, 11am-1:30pm e. November 11 – Library closed for Veteran’s Day f. November 12 – Re-open with new library and regular hours g. December 4 – Grand Reopening 34 2 5.1 City of Lampasas MEMO To: From: Re: Date: Mayor and City Council Finley deGraffenried Manager’s Report 7 November 2014 Charter As previously discussed, staff has met with Legal Counsel regarding amendments to the City Charter. In a recent phone conversation with Counsel, a tentative schedule for presentation to Council was discussed. J.C. will be forwarding her draft and notes by the end of the month for distribution to Council, and we have discussed her attendance in the January meeting to further discuss and formalize amendments based on Council input. She is preparing information and draft amendments based on Council request to extend terms. Council Planning Staff will be organizing Council comments and direction based on our meeting November 3rd for presentation during the November 24th workshop. Council will be encouraged to provide additional input, as well as, direction for implementation. Tourism Meeting Staff would like to thank and commend participants who attended the Tourism, Event and Business Stakeholders’ meeting on November 6th. It was a productive meeting, and Ms. Masonheimer will be providing follow up and communication. Initial specific steps discussed included formalized, coordinated marketing; communication; internal marketing and hospitality training; and events. TCEQ Residents will be receiving notification from the City in the next week regarding a TCEQ violation related to the City’s drinking water. The violation is not for a water quality issue, it is because the City failed to turn in the First Quarter disinfection report on the required date. This is an issue staff for which takes full responsibility. This issue has been formally addressed with all responsible parties. Library Opening Ahead of the Grand re-Opening on December 4th, please stop by the Library on or after November 12th to review the completed project. Staff has done a great job moving and restocking Library materials, and the contractor is now 100% complete. Landscaping is being done, outside the general contractor’s scope, and should be underway and complete in the next month. Staff did approve some needed repairs to the two older roof top a/c units outside the Foundation’s scope of work. Young Eagles Although Council approved the event, staff wanted to take the opportunity to encourage anyone with young folks in the house to come to the Airport on November 15th, weather permitting, to enjoy the delights of general aviation. Pilots will be providing rides to kids between the ages of 8 to 18. It is a very popular event with always excellent reviews. 35 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 36 ITEM NO. 7.1 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: Discussion and possible action concerning the award of quote for the trimming of trees out of the power lines to Asplundh in the amount of $95,000.00. REQUESTED BY: Flint Geagley, Electric Superintendent SUBMITTED BY: Shane Brown, Public Works Director DATE SUBMITTED: November 4, 2014 FOR THE AGENDA OF: November 10, 2014 Expenditure Required: $95,000.00 Available Funding: $ 95,000.00 (Tree Trimming Services 81-510-5350) Attachments: Tree Trimming Contract SUMMARY STATEMENT: The electric department is requesting that Asplundh be awarded the contract to trim the trees out of the power lines. =============================================================== Recommendation: The Electric department request the City consider awarding the quote to Asplundh to trim the trees out of the power lines for the amount of $95,000.00. We have a purchasing agreement with Asplundh through the LCRA Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. Motion to award contract of tree trimming to Asplundh in the amount of $95,000.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute related documents. 37 Memo To: Shane Brown From: Flint Geagley Date: November 4, 2014 Re: Tree Trimming Electric Department The City of Lampasas would like to contract the tree trimming with Asplundh for this fiscal year. This program will begin approximately December 1, 2014 and will continue for approximately nine weeks. The City of Lampasas has a purchasing agreement with LCRA which Asplundh participates in. The City of Lampasas has been using the LCRA contract to trim our trees since 2005 and has had good success with both their work and their dealing with the public. The first area that they will be working in will be the Hoffpauir Edition The second area to be covered will be from Key to Hackberry from South Street to Ave. D The third area will be from Campbell to McClean from Ave. G to Ave. J The fourth area will be from Stanley to Casbeer from Ave. F to Ave. J The fifth area will be on CR 3010 Homeowners will be notified by door tags in advance of the trees being trimmed in their area. 38 Page 1 of 1 CUSTOMER SERVICES CONTRACT CUSTOMER: City of Lampasas 312 East Third Street Lampasas, Texas 76550 Attn: Flint Geagley ENERGY - WATER • COMMUNIFf SERVICES DATE SUBMITTED: SCOPE OF SERVICES: October 20, 2014 JOB NUMBER: The Customer Semces Department of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) shall provide tree trimming services to the City ofLampasas (City). These semces will be performed by an LCRA Contractor, Asphmdh, for the purpose of increasing the reliability of electric service within the Lampasas sendce territory. Prior to the start of work, the City will specify which lines Asplundh is to clear. Invoices will be submitted each week by Asplmidh directly to the city. LCRA will add a 5% user/program fee to the City's power bill to cover the scheduling and administering the program. The Contractor will perfonn the work in accordance with the terms and specifications between LCRA and the Contractor. Work/Services provided are done in accordance with the Technical Services Agreement between LCRA and the City ofLampasas dated November 12, 1979. SCHEDULE: About 9 weeks (schedule to be determmed-December 2014-Febmary-2015). CONTRACT PMCE: Approximately: $89,599.56 per year (direct charge from Asphmdh) LCRA will bill a 5% user fee to the city's power bill. Estimated charges are: $ 4,479.98 Per hour rates will depend on individual classification of each employee. (See attached rate schedule). Asphmdh will bill the City direct, on a weekly basis, and the City will pay the invoices to Asphmdh in accordance with the LCRA payment terms with Asplundh. Customer and the Lower Colorado River Authority agree that the work described above shall be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions on the front and reverse sides of this form. Note: Reverse side of this form is intentionally left blank, City of Lampasas Lower Colors^o River Authority By: By: Title: Title: Manager, Customer Services Date: Date: 10/20/2014 .^^f, OFFICE USE ONLY Accounting: Approved By: Completion Date: P.O. BOX 220 • AUSTIN, TEXAS • 78767-0220 • (512) 473-3200 • 1-800-776-5272 • WWW.LCRA.ORG 39 11/18/2013 Asplundh Rate Schedule Contract #3141 2014/2015 Lampasas Rates 1 Supervisor/General Foreperson 31.26 Foreperson Trimmer 26.25 23.56 Trimmer/Ground Man 22.17 Ground Man 20.81 1 1 1 1 1 $ $ $ $ $ 1 1 1 1 1 $ $ $ $ $ 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 7 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Personnel Level Equipment Chain Saws (each) Bucket Truck with Chip Bed Split Dump Truck 4X4 Pick-up Truck Chipper 0.5 13.84 9.5 9.53 3.01 Crew Rate (using Max Rates) Supervisor/General Foreperson 4X4 Pick-up Truck Foreperson Trimmer Split Dump Truck Bucket Truck with Chip Bed Chipper Chain Saws Total Hourly Crew Rate Total Weekly Crew Rate 31.26 9.53 26.25 23.56 9.5 13.84 3.01 0.5 Total weeks Total crew members OT Rate Rate $ $ $ $ $ 31.26 26.25 23.56 22.17 20.81 43.76 36.75 32.98 31.04 29.13 0.50 13.84 9.50 9.53 3.01 31.26 9.53 78.75 94.24 9.50 27.68 3.01 3.50 257.47 10,298.80 89,599.56 8 Includes per diem costs for Lodging and meals Total (using max rates) Average/week T $ ~69 ft99 '56' Note: This is the estimated direct 10,,298 .80 charge from Asplundh. Actual Charges according to the rate schedule will be billed. LCRA will bill a 5% user fee to cover the cost of scheduling and administering the program This fee will be added to the city's power billing the following month after work is completed $ 4,479.98 The estimated charge is: Total (LCRA and Asplundh) Total (LCRA and Asplundh) weekly avg. "$~ $ "94, 079: 54 JO, 813. 74 40 7.2 41 42 43 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 44 ITEM NO. 7.3 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: SELECT AND ANNOUNCE POSSIBLE WINNER OF WEB SITE PHOTO CONTEST ENTRY. REQUESTED BY: Monica Wright, Director of Information Systems SUBMITTED BY: Monica Wright, Director of Information Systems DATE SUBMITTED: November 3, 2014 FOR THE AGENDA OF: November 10, 2014 Expenditure Required: $0.00 Available Funding: $0.00 Attachments: Memo and October photo contest entries SUMMARY STATEMENT: The contest winner, if selected, will receive a City of Lampasas insulated tumbler w/straw and posting of their photo on the web site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff would like to make the recommendation that you take into consideration the photo contest rules that state: “Any photos that tell part of the story or show the area of the city of Lampasas are eligible. Only photos taken within the city of limits of Lampasas will be considered. Buildings, landscapes, events and other City related scenes are all acceptable. Inappropriate material will be rejected. Pictures showing nudity or that are not viewable by a general audience are considered inappropriate. This is a photo contest. All images must be original photographs. The photo must have been taken by the contestant or a family member and all rights to the photo must be the property of the contestant or that family member. Digitally enhanced photos are acceptable. Any photo complying with the rules can be the monthly winner. The monthly winner is chosen by the City Council of the City of Lampasas. Winners receive a City of Lampasas insulated tumbler w/straw and posting of the photo on the City of Lampasas web site. Entries will be judged on visual appeal, color, content, and composition. Your photo can be taken with any type of camera, but we would prefer images converted to digital format (.jpg.) One photo entry per person per month.” 45 Memo To: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager From: Monica Wright, Director of Information Systems Date: Monday, November 3, 2014 Re: Web site photo contest Information Systems Please find attached web site photo contest entries and email correspondence submitted for October 2014. The City Council may or may not choose to select the submitted photos as the monthly contest winner. If the Mayor announces the photo as the contest winner at the City Council meeting, we will notify the winner by e-mail, mail a City of Lampasas insulated tumbler w/straw, and post the winning entry on the City web site. 46 Entry 1 Shotgun Angermann “Chief Angermann with the H-E-B buddy” taken at H-E-B during National Night Out. 47 Entry 2 Tim Angermann “Police Chief Angermann, City Manager Finley deGraffenried and Fire Chief Lindsey”, taken at H-E-B during National Night Out. 48 Entry 3 Sabrina Angermann “Lampasas Police Department”, taken at H-E-B during National Night Out. 49 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 50 ITEM NO. 7.4 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING APPROVAL TO PURCHASE TWO PRE-LEASED UTILITY GOLF CARS FOR THE PARKS AND CEMETERY DEPARTMENTS FROM YAMAHA GOLF CAR COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,000 REQUESTED BY: Micky Tower, Parks and Recreation Director SUBMITTED BY: Micky Tower, Parks and Recreation Director DATE SUBMITTED: 11-5-14 FOR THE AGENDA OF: 11-10-14 Expenditure Required: Not to Exceed $4,000 Available Funding: Parks and Cemetery 0 & M Budget Attachments: Invoice from Yamaha Golf Car Company SUMMARY STATEMENT: These units were leased to the Golf Course on a three year term. They were discounted at the end of the lease which renewed in October. We had requested to purchase the units for use in the Parks and Cemetery Department. They are very useful during Spring-Ho for trash detail and are used in the Cemetery for customer assistance. =============================================================== Recommendation: Staff recommends approval to pay invoice from Yamaha Golf Car Company for purchase of two utility golf cars in the amount of $4,000. Motion to approve the purchase of two pre-leased utility golf cars for the Parks and Cemetery Departments from Yamaha Golf Car Company in the amount of $4,000. 51 52 ITEM NO. 7.5 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: Discussion and possible action concerning canceling the December 22, 2014 Council meeting REQUESTED BY: Christina Marez, City Secretary SUBMITTED BY: Ursula Paddie, Assistant City Secretary/Zoning Administrator DATE SUBMITTED: November 4, 2014 FOR THE AGENDA OF: November 10, 2014 Expenditure Required: N/A Available Funding: N/A Attachments: None SUMMARY STATEMENT Council generally cancels the second meeting in December because of its timing in relation to the Christmas holidays. =============================================================== Recommendation: 53 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 54 ITEM NO. 7.6 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: Discussion and possible action regarding approval for the City of Lampasas to partner with the Lampasas Volunteer Fire Department in the purchase of a storage building to be built at the Lampasas Fire Department, 1107 East 4th Street, in the amount not to exceed $10,500 REQUESTED BY: Terry Lindsey, Fire Chief SUBMITTED BY: Reece Oestreich, Fire Marshal DATE SUBMITTED: 11/10/2014 FOR THE AGENDA OF: 11/10/2014 Expenditure Required: $10,500.00 Available Funding: Attachments: See quote SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Lampasas Volunteer Fire Department is requesting the City of Lampasas to enter into a partnership for the purchase of a storage building (30’X25’on a 4” slab) to be built at the Lampasas Fire Department. The total cost the storage building is $21,000.00 and the Lampasas Volunteer Fire Department has agreed to pay half of the total cost of construction, the cities matching cost would not exceed $10,500.00. (Note: The Lampasas Volunteer Fire Department requested 4 bids from the following companies Randy Long Construction, Lamco Construction, Ronnie Muse Construction and Mike Hail Construction. Randy Long and Lamco were the only two to respond with Randy Long being the low bidder for the project.) =============================================================== Recommendation: Motion to approve the City of Lampasas to partner with the Lampasas Volunteer Fire Department in the purchase of a storage building to be built at the Lampasas Fire Department, 1107 East 4th Street, in the amount not to exceed $10,500. 55 56 57 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 58 ITEM NO. 7.7 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: Discussion and possible action concerning the purchase of a factory field service partnership from Hach Company in the amount of $8,766.60. REQUESTED BY: Dean Grant, Water/Wastewater Operations Manager SUBMITTED BY: Shane Brown, Director of Public Works DATE SUBMITTED: November 6, 2014 FOR THE AGENDA OF: November 10, 2014 Expenditure Required: $8,766.60 Available Funding: 82-520-5415 ($7,000.00) Attachments: Quotes from Hach $8,766.60 SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Water Department would like to purchase a factory field service partnership to ensure the proper maintenance and repair of vital water analyzers. The APA 6000 (ammonia) analyzers will be serviced 4 times per year, and CL17 analyzers will be serviced 2 times per year. The partnership includes all parts and labor, if any of the 4 analyzer were to stop working properly during this service partnership, and all preventative maintenance. Factory start-up is also included with the service partnership. =============================================================== Recommendation: Motion to approve the purchase of a factory field service partnership from Hach Company in the amount of $8,766.60. 59 60 61 62 63 64 ITEM NO. 7.8 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: Discussion and possible action regarding approval of payment to Arnett Marketing in the amount of $50,000 REQUESTED BY: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager SUBMITTED BY: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager DATE SUBMITTED: 11/04/2014 Expenditure Required: $50,000 Available Funding: $50,000 FOR THE AGENDA OF: 11/10/2014 Attachments: SUMMARY STATEMENT: Council has approved the expenditure of $50,000 for the Christmas on the Creek Lighting Project. The project has been organized and administered by a volunteer committee working under the umbrella of Vision Lampasas!. Arnett Marketing is under State Contract and the services are not required to be bid. Councilman Toups may have additional information at the meeting. =============================================================== Recommendation: Motion to pay Arnett Marketing $50,000 as the City’s share of the Lighting Project. 65 66 ITEM NO. 7.9 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: Discussion and possible action regarding approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Lampasas, Texas authorizing the City Manager or his/her designee to implement a Section 3 Program, which to the greatest extent feasible, will provide job training, employment, and contracting opportunities for Section 3 Businesses of the area in which the Texas Community Development Block Grant (TXCDBG) Program/Project is being carried out REQUESTED BY: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager SUBMITTED BY: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager DATE SUBMITTED: 11/06/2014 Expenditure Required: N/A Available Funding: N/A FOR THE AGENDA OF: 11/10/2014 Attachments: Resolution SUMMARY STATEMENT: The attached Resolution outlines the City’s commitment to solicit; through bid documents, public notices, advertisements, and public signage; Section 3 Residents as defined. The Resolution relates to our current CDBG grant to improve water and sewer. =============================================================== Recommendation: Motion to approve Resolution #14-09, authorizing the City Manager or his/her designee to implement a Section 3 Program, which to the greatest extent feasible, will provide job training, employment, and contracting opportunities for Section 3 Businesses of the area in which the Texas Community Development Block Grant (TXCDBG) Program/Project is being carried out. 67 A1002-rev RESOLUTION NO. ____14-09________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE TO IMPLEMENT A SECTION 3 PROGRAM, WHICH TO THE GREATEST EXTENT FEASIBLE, WILL PROVIDE JOB TRAINING, EMPLOYMENT, AND CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR SECTION 3 BUSINESSES OF THE AREA IN WHICH THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (TXCDBG) PROGRAM/PROJECT IS BEING CARREID OUT. WHEREAS; the City of Lampasas has been funded under the Texas Community Development Program, and WHEREAS; the City of Lampasas is required to adopt a Section 3 Program as part of the requirements of the grant(s), and WHEREAS; a Section 3 resident is defined as a public housing resident and/or a low to very-low income person who lives in an area where a TxCDBG assisted project is located, and WHEREAS; a Section 3 business is defined as a business that has a Section 3 resident own at least 51 percent or more of the business or have at least 30 percent of the permanent, full-time employees of the business identified as Section 3 residents: WHEREAS; the City of Lampasas will strive to attain goals for compliance with Section 3 regulations; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS: 1. The City has reviewed and hereby agrees to implement the following steps, which, to the greatest extent feasible, will provide job training, employment and contracting opportunities for Section 3 residents and Section 3 businesses of the area in which the TxCDBG program/project is being carried out. 2. The City hereby agrees to strive to attain goals for compliance with Section 3 regulations by increasing opportunities for employment and contracting with Section 3 residents and businesses where feasible. 3. The City hereby agrees to assign duties related to implementation of this plan to the designated Section 504 and Equal Opportunity/Fair Housing Officer. 4. The City hereby agrees that the City will Notify Section 3 residents and business concerns of potential new employment and contracting opportunities as they are triggered by TxCDBG grant awards through the use of: Public Hearings and related advertisements; public notices; bidding advertisements and bid documents; local advertising media including public signage; and including Section 3 clauses in all TxCDBG solicitations and contracts. 5. The City hereby agrees to maintain a list of those businesses that have identified themselves as Section 3 businesses for utilization in TxCDBG funded procurements, notify those businesses of pending contractual opportunities, and make this list available for general Grant Recipient procurement needs. 68 6. The City hereby agrees to maintain a list of those persons who have identified themselves as Section 3 residents and contact those persons when hiring/training opportunities are available through either the Grant Recipient or contractors. 7. The City hereby agrees to require that all Prime contractors and subcontractors on TxCDBG projects with contracts over $100,000 commit to this plan as part of their contract work. Monitor the contractors’ performance with respect to meeting Section 3 requirements and require that they submit reports as may be required to the Grant Recipient. 8. The City hereby agrees to submit reports as required by the TxCDBG program regarding contracting with Section 3 businesses and/or employment as they occur; and submit reports within 20 days of calendar year end which identify and quantify Section 3 businesses and employees. 9. The City hereby agrees to maintain records for the TxCDBG program, including copies of correspondence, memoranda, etc., which document all actions taken to comply with Section 3 regulations. As officers and representatives of the City of Lampasas, we the undersigned have read and fully agree and become a party to the full implementation of this program. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lampasas held on the 10TH day of November, 2014. Jerry Grayson, Mayor ATTEST: Christina Marez, City Secretary 69 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 70 ITEM NO. 7.10 BUSINESS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS SUBJECT: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS, DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES FOR CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS AND DOCUMENTS FOR REQUESTING FUNDS PERTAINING TO THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (TxCDBG) CONTRACT NUMBER 7214279 REQUESTED BY: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager SUBMITTED BY: Finley deGraffenried, City Manager DATE SUBMITTED: 11/06/2014 Expenditure Required: N/A Available Funding: N/A FOR THE AGENDA OF: 11/10/2014 Attachments: Resolution SUMMARY STATEMENT: The attached Resolution identifies and authorizes signatories related to the City’s current CDBG project. Generally the Mayor and/or City Manager have contractual signatory authority; and the Finance Director and City Secretary have authority to sign pay requests. =============================================================== Recommendation: Motion to approve Resolution #14-10 designating authorized signatories for contractual documents and documents for requesting funds pertaining to the Texas Community Development Block Grant program (TXCDBG) contract number 7214279. 71 Resolution No. 14-10 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNATORIES A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS, DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES FOR CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS AND DOCUMENTS FOR REQUESTING FUNDS PERTAINING TO THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (TxCDBG) CONTRACT NUMBER 7214279. WHEREAS, the City of Lampasas, Texas has received a 2014 Texas Community Development Block Grant award to provide water and sewer improvements, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint persons to execute contractual documents and documents for requesting funds from the Texas Department of Agriculture, and; WHEREAS, an original signed copy of the TxCDBG Depository/Authorized Signatories Designation Form (Form A202) is to be submitted with a copy of this Resolution, and; WHEREAS, the City of Lampasas, Texas, acknowledges that in the event that an authorized signatory of the City changes (elections, illness, resignations, etc.), the City must provide TxCDBG with the following: a resolution stating who the new authorized signatory is (not required if this original resolution names only the title and not the name of the signatory); and a revised TxCDBG Depository/Authorized Signatories Designation Form (Form A202). NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and/or City Manager be authorized to execute contractual documents between the Texas Department of Agriculture and the City for the 2014 Texas Community Development Block Grant Program. The Mayor, City Manager, Finance Director, and City Secretary be authorized to execute the State of Texas Request for Payment Form (Form A203) document required for requesting funds approved in the 2014 Texas Community Development Block Grant Program. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMPASAS, TEXAS on November 10, 2014. ____________________________________ Jerry Grayson, Mayor Attest: ____________________________ Christina Marez, City Secretary 72 Depository/Authorized Signatories Designation Form TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DEPOSITORY/AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES DESIGNATION FORM Grant Recipient CITY OF LAMPASAS TxCDBG Contract No. 7214279 The individuals listed below are designated by resolution as authorized signatories for contractual documents. FINLEY DEGRAFFENRIED JERRY GRAYSON (Name) (Name) CITY MANAGER MAYOR (Title) (Title) (Signature) (Signature) In addition to the individuals listed above, the individuals listed below are designated by resolution as authorized signatories for the Request for Payment Form (Form A203)—(At least two (2) signatories required). CAROL BOBERG CHRISTINA MAREZ (Name) (Name) FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY SECRETARY (Title) (Title) (Signature) (Signature) (Name) (Name) (Title) (Title) (Signature) (Signature) NOTE: A copy of a Resolution passed by the city council or county commissioner’s court authorizing the signatories must be submitted along with this form. Grant Recipients are strongly encouraged to use the sample resolution provided. 73 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 74 Misc. 75 76