The Scottie Scamper - The Canadian Scottish Terrier Club


The Scottie Scamper - The Canadian Scottish Terrier Club
June 2004
Specialty, Calgary July 9,2004
The Scottie Scamper
The Official Publication of the Canadian Scottish Terrier Club
President’s Message
This is the last Scamper before the next
National Specialty which is being held in Calgary on
July 9th of this year. I hope to see many of you there
and if you cannot attend please try to support the
Calgary committee in any way you can. By buying raffle
tickets or donating to the silent auction or to the
trophy fund. Our National specialty is the one event
that draws us together from across the nation each
year and without the support of our members and the
hard work of our committee members we would not be
able to continue having this wonderful event. If you
are looking for information on the specialty we do have
a website set up with information, the URL is
http// The AGM is
also held in conjunction with the specialty and if you
have any questions or concerns you would like to see
raised please email either John Price or myself to get
them included on the agenda.
them (a very good arrangement) and I field the odd
piece of correspondence from the CKC - usually
something someone else has already resolved.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held
in conjunction with the 2004 Specialty in Calgary and
the agenda, at this point is fairly open. Regional
specialties will be discussed as a carry over from last
year and I am going to propose a central clearing
house (probably the Secretary) for puppy availability.
At present, I get calls and emails from people who
have visited out website or Dogs in Canada and they
use me as the first point of contact. As I may know of
pups in my own area but usually have no knowledge of
litters anywhere else, it may be useful if someone
knew where litters were in other parts of the country.
I am still pumping out short articles for Dogs in
Canada Breedlines but am beginning to feel that I am a
voice in the wilderness. This column is in excellent
opportunity for opinion and discussion and I invite
members to get involved. There are lots of subjects
upon which to opine so dust off the old keyboard and
send in your cards and letters
Lastly, I conducted a seminar on the Scottie to our
local Judges group here in Ottawa and used an
excellent presentation developed by Darle Hecke. It is
in Powerpoint and available from Darle and if you do
get involved in this kind of educational process it is an
excellent baseline. John
Treasurer’s Report
None at this time.
Until next time.
Darle Heck
Secretary’s Report
From the Secretarial point of view, there is
very little to report. I receive the bills and Verna pays
TJ. Photo by Toni Wright
2003 to 2005
Quebec Report
no director at this time
Non Voting
Ontario Report
Anne Newlands
[403] 931-3110
Darle Heck
Monica Madore
[905] 701-1754
John Price
Verna Moodie
f [403]-571-4769
Barry Truax
Karen Prokopetz
Marnie McCombe
[905] 377-0322
Stephen Andrews
[709] 895-2067
Newsletter Editors
March & September Issues
Cheryl Lang
R.R. #1
Zehner, SK ,S0G 5K0
June & December Issues
[306] 757-6389
fax [306] 757-6378
Linda St James
[905] 701-1754
1684 Regional Road 3,
fax [905]701-1753
Dunnville, On. N1A 2W8
The Scottie Scamper is the official publication of the
Canadian Scottish Terrier Club and is published
quarterly. A membership application is on the last page.
The CSTC online:
Atlantic Report
none at this time
Steve Andrews
None at this time
Prairies Report
Karen Prokopetz
Obedience Trials Reports
Dawn Gilchrest reports - Gilly also known also
know also known as "W ee Lord McTough" CDX was
the 2nd highest scoring Scottish Terrier in
Obedience in 2003.
Devil also known as
"Beinnein's Little Devil" CDX was the 3rd highest
BB & Group Second Ch. Stalwart’s Hear me Roy
scoring Scottish Terrier in Obedience in 2003.
Y owned by Kyra Dennis and Sheila Scott
Tuffy has gotten off to a good start at his first
BOS Ch. Tarabelle Prairie Star owned by John
obedience trail he won his class out of 12 dogs
and Dell Mathieson
(another Scottie standing tall!) and got his first
BP & BPIG Ch. Langholm’s Night Rider owned by
leg in his CD
Cheryl and Sharon Lang
“The Boys” are busy training for the 2004 season.
They are anxious to see everyone at the "Scotty
Saturday 2 dogs (1 moved to Specials) 3 bitches, 1
Male Special (one moved to Specials) 1 Bitch
Dawn & "The Boys"
W D Rynara’s Radiant Stalwart owned by
Samantha Poon, Sheila Scott and Kathy McAra
W B & BW Langholm’s Light my Fire owned by
Show reports
Darle Heck
BB. Ch. Tarabelle Prairie Star owned by John
Red Deer and District Kennel club
and Dell Mathieson
Friday 1 Dog Special 2 Bitch Specials
BOS & BP. Ch. Langholm’s Night Rider owned by
BOB and Group Fourth. Ch. Stalwart’s Hear me
Cheryl and Sharon Lang
Ror Y owned Sheila Scott and Kyra Dennis
BOS and Best Puppy Ch. Rynara’s Turn Back
Sunday 2 dogs (1 moved to Specials) 3 Bitches (1
Time. Owned by Kathy McAra
Absent) 1 Male Special (one moved to Specials) 1
Bitch Special
Friday..All Breed Sweepstakes
W D, BW BOS BP BPIG Rynara’s Radiant
Best in Sweepstakes Ch. Rynara’s Turn Back
Stalwart owned by Samantha Poon, Sheila Scott
Time owned by Kathy McAra
and Kathy McAra
Saturday 1 Dog Special 1 Bitch Special
BOB, Group 1
Stalwart’s Hear me Ror Y owned by Sheila Scott
Stalwart’s Radiant Pillow Talk owned by
Sheila Scott & Kyra Dennis
BB Tarabelle Prairie Star owned by John and
Dell Mathieson
and Kyra Dennis
BOS Ch. Tarabelle Prairie Star owned by John
Finishing his championship Rynara’s Radiant
and Dell Mathieson
Sunday 1 Dog Special 1 Bitch Special
BOB and Group 2
Ch. Stalwart’s Hear me Ror
owned by Sheila Scott and Kyra Dennis
Kathy McAra reports – Calgary Canine Centre
BOS Ch. Tarabelle Prairie Star owned by John
and Dell Mathieson
Saturday April 2
Ch. Rynara’s Jus in the Nic of Time AG.X
earned her first Master’s Agility Leg.
Friday 2 dogs (1 moved to Specials) 2 Bitches, 1
Calgary Canine Centre’s NADAC agility trial held
Male Special (one moved to Specials) 1 Bitch
on April 24
& 25.
W D and BW Rynara’s Radiant Stalwart owned by
Nic is now Int. Nat. Can. Ch. Rynara’s Jus inthe
Samantha Poon, Sheila Scott and Kathy McAra
W B Langholm’s Light my Fire owned by Darle
Her title total is now 22.
Int. Nat. Can. Ch. Rynara’s Jus in the Nic of
Scottish Terrier Boosters
Kathy McAra reports - Just wanted to inform you
TN-N TG-N O-W V-N had a fantastic weekend
that the Alberta group from the 2001 specialty is
at the Calgary Canine Centre’s NADAC agility trial
supplying booster prizes for the Alberta Kennel
held in Balzac Alberta. She qualified all 8 rounds
club’s 100
to win the Top Open Dog award. An award that
help celebrate their anniversary…. They are also
this proud owner has never achieved.
supporting the All Terrier Club of Alberta’s 35
anniversary shows….ALL three days to
qualified four titling rounds to earned her Open
anniversary show as well. There will be prizes for
Agility Certificate and two qualifying rounds
Scotties in the following categories…BB BOS BOW
jumpers rounds to earn her Open Jumpers
WD WB BP High in Obedience and High Q ualifying
Certificate and 2 Novice Gamblers rounds to earn
in Agility as well. Wonderful booster
her Outstanding Gamblers Certificate. This
prizes…Handpainted gourds featuring Scotties
brings Nic’s accomplishments to 22 titles. Nic and
from an artist in Florida, Watercolours from a
Kathy are off to the States to have a try at their
New artist in California, Monica Madore Ceramics
American Championship and American Agility titles
from Ontario and Plated Slate from Suzanne
in June.
Staines from British Columbia.
In a field of 19 competitors which included
the June news letter is ready to go but could you
Papillons, a Lakeland Terrier, Jack Russells,
mention it, if it hasn’t.
I don’t know if
Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, and
Border Collies, the Scottie stood tall! Ch.
Member Information
Rynara’s Jus in the Nic of Time of Time
qualified all 8 rounds of agility at the trial. With
Tom, Sharon and Cheryl Lang’s email address is
this great success, she earned the Top Open Dog
Lang's Dairy
(Side-bar) In all the years that I have
been doing agility with my dogs, I have never won
this award. I have come close with my Lakeland
Have a great summer everyone!
Terrier and once with Temper. I am very proud of
Karen Prokopetz and the GyverScots
National Specialty Information
"The true Scottie is a mixture of one third tiger,
one third grizzly bear, the last third pussy cat.
The new specialty website is up have a look
Either personality trait can, and often
does, dominate the other at a moments notice.
I am still looking for a few more donations for
That unpredictability is what makes the Scottie so
prizes for the National Specialty – if you can
interesting and so much fun to live with."
contribute anywhere from $10 and up contact
Karen at 306-789-1547 or
Kathryn Hepburn
Please send cheques to Verna Moodie in Calgary,
out CSTA Treasurer .
Special Thanks to the 2003 Specialty Committee
who have donated $300.00 from their proceeds
for Best of Breed.
Discussion Topic Put Forward by the
Executive at the June 2003 Annual
General Meeting.
For discussion:
At the June, 2003 Annual General Meeting held in
“that the BC proposal is proposed for October,
Regina it was decided that an inquiry would be held
2003 and far enough away in time from the July
on the topic of holding regional specialties. What
National Specialty.”
follows is an excerpt from the minutes regarding
this mater
“that I can only travel to one big specialty a year –
and that I will have to pick which one it will be”
Point 2 – moved by Kathy McAra and moved by
Sheila Scott
“there should be a provision for regional
That to celebrate the 100th Alberta Kennel Club
show and the 35
All Terrier show a regional
specialties, as long as they are held in a region
other than the National
specialty be held in Calgary in conjunction with
on dates that are at least 3 months apart from
these shows, requesting no money from the
those of the National.”
Canadian Scottish Terrier Club
A great of deal of discussion ensued it was felt
“The only other combination that we see working is
that hosting a regional specialty 3 weeks after a
if the Regional is held at the same time as the
national specialty show could have detrimental
National (I've seen this work in the US quite
effects on both shows. That the specialty of
successfully and it certainly helps to draw more
regional specialty as a whole carried other
implications including fiscal responsibly, the reality
of low number of working volunteers and the extra
“If a group feels that there are sufficient entries
burden it would place on them
within the area to support this event, we have no
It was felt that it should be discussed in the
objections to this proposal. Perhaps, a booster
scamper and more input obtained from the
could be considered as an alternative? The
members. Tabled
problem of volunteers to do the work is an ongoing
one and is the major problem in many clubs.”
As a member please feel free to submit your input
on this matter. Members input and comment will
be accepted until April 7
2004, the executive will
examine all gathered data and determine what
action will be taken in this matter.
Voting results:
7 in favour of BC going ahead with their regional
0 opposed
Points made by respondents:
“The idea of course is not to split entries by
forcing people to choose between travel to one of
two specialties that are close together time wise.”
“Not to dilute the efforts of a region to host more
than one event too close together.”
“A regional specialty should not offer the
perpetual trophies, since they should be awarded
annually at the National.”
“The population of volunteers willing and able to
"Hamish" is guaranteed a loving home for many
put on these specialties is too small to allow in club
years to come.
competition for entries.”
All of Hamish’s expenses have been paid by
the adopting family,
“The big advantage of a regional specialty is that
more people get to go to a Scottie Specialty and it
raises the profile of the breed locally. It also
helps to develop the organizational skills of local
Pedigrees on the Web
If your dog isn’t yet in the database, then please
members such that they can take on the larger
send Mary an email with all the information you can
National Specialty when their turn comes round.”
British Columbia Report
"Mary O'Neal" <>
Barry Truax
Fun Links
See the back pages for last year’s top dog stats.
These are described every year in the July issue
of Dogs in Canada.
Have a look at Gary’s website for info on
Member Reports
his opera - produced in Vancouver June 2-6. Very
exciting. (Gary has written and produced an
Opera. It may be too late to go see it, but the
website is a really good read. ed)
S.W. Ontario Happenings
After a long, cold winter that didn't want to leave
us, the London group got together for a long
awaited walk along the Thames river here in town.
by Monica Madore
We gathered at Heather and Wayne Irwin's
home, as they lived closest to the river and had
been given the task of planning the route. Their
instructions being about 45 minutes in length and
no hills!
Nine Scots and their owners turned out and a
very pleasant walk was taken, we actually walked
for over an hour along the river bank. I am proud
to report that, despite the fact that we were
walking along by the route favoured by joggers,
sweet brindle boy, about a year old, came into
cyclists, skateboarders as well as other dogs. our
Rescue via the Brampton Humane Society in May.
Diehards were on their best behaviour and totally
He had no microchip, tattoo or license ID and
ignored the many distractions encountered.
although the Humane Society kept him for three
weeks, no one showed up to claim him. "Hamish" has
We returned to the Irwins to pick up our cars for
now been neutered, heartworm tested (negative
the drive to the Monteith's home where a very
thank goodness) and vaccinated and will be leaving
delicious Pot-Luck meal was served. Diane and
for his new home the first week of June. His new
Richard Monteith and Jeanette and Johnny
family has had Scotties for many years and
Cerven were in charge of the catering
arrangements and have been given the position of
The following Saturday, the McKellars took this
the same on an ongoing basis! This is what happens
donation to Faculty of veterinary Medicine's Open
when you do an excellent job.
House and proudly presented it on the group's
behalf. Look for the group's photo on the Pet
The walk had a serious aspect to it, as each dog
Trust Web site in the near future.
had a sponsor sheet and I am proud to report that
9 little four legged dogs earned $662.00,for Pet
The following dogs and their owners participated.
The Irwins
The Cervens
The Monteiths
The Bacsis
Karen Otto and Aunt
Mike and Marlene
motel, so that she could join us in the walk!
Our next event is planned for Sat. June 26th. at
Tersha Kennels when we will have a picnic. I should
add that this is the Airshow weekend and we have
a front row seat as the kennels are close to the
* Linda McKellar Aberdeen and McDougal.
The McKellars
came from Ridgeway, On. staying overnight in a
airport. Everyone is welcome; if you are
interested please contact
Marlene Langford
Karen Otto
Linda, no relation, had heard about us and
E1izabeth McKellar
In Memoriam
On Sunday May 16th. the Scottie Clan here in London lost a faithful supporter when Tibor Bacsi died.
For many years. the Bacsi's have been generous supporters of the C.S.T.C. as well as the Scottie Rescue
group. Never participating in the conformation or obedience rings, but always showing up at ringside and
attending after show dinners whenever they were held in this area.
Tibor's love of Scotties and all things Scottish would shine through whenever the opportunity arose to
discuss this subject. He and his wife Violet participated in the recent Scottie walk for Pet Trust with
their boy Argyll. The memory of his presence will stay with us. He will be sadly missed.
We can take comfort in the knowledge that waiting for him at the Rainbow Bridge were two fellows with
tails awagging and woofs of greeting, his Scottie boys, Piper and Haiggis.
Tibor always left the McKellars with a "God Bless" and at this time we will return the greeting to a
Hungarian Scotsman.
How Quickly They Can Be Gone...
By Cheri Biggs
On the afternoon of May 20th, Lee Netzler, who has inspired all of us with his Scottish Terrier
writings, lost his beloved Scottie, Rusty.
Fearing the worst, I opened the e-mail from Lee entitled "Loss of My Best Friend." Sadly I read
his words"When we arrived home Rusty greeted us with his usual enthusiastic bouncing and nuzzling, and
raced around awaiting supper. As I was mixing his food, he disappeared for a few moments, which was
totally out of character. We stopped what we were doing to check on what Rusty was up to, and saw him
laying motionless at the end of the hall. He was already gone. The vet believes that he suffered a blood
clot causing a heart stoppage. Rusty had been struggling with the balance between his symptoms of
Cushings Disease and the side effects of the medication for 18 months."
Rusty was, clearly, happy up to his last breath - happily anticipating supper, in spite of his health
problem. What a tribute to the life and love he enjoyed at the Netzler household! Lee loved to share
stories of his adventures with Rusty! There were many,
but never enough; Rusty was only 10.
Lee has asked that we each give our best friend a hug in
memory of a good
dog gone.
In an ironic twist of fate, the very May 20, 2004 page
of MacCalendar featured Rusty at supper time! Special
thanks to Joseph Harvill,
Ph.D./Publisher of MacCalendarMacPlatitudes with
Attitude, for allowing us to include this
page where he re-told the story of Rusty awaiting his
My name is Kelly. My parents are Jane and Brian.
Last year at the Scottie picnic Monica and Linda asked me if I would like to try junior handling. In
January 2004 I did my first show. I didn't win, but I really had fun. We went to a few more shows and at
my fourth show I took first place. I have shown 3 different Scottish terriers: Gryndlscot Miss
Represented, Gryndlscot Bits of Pieces and Ch. Revoch So Help Me Hannah. I am 7 years old and compete
in Junior Novice (7-12 year olds) and when I win first place four times I will move up to Junior Open.
When you are in the ring you have to listen to the judge and not copy the other handlers around you.
Some of the questions the judges have asked me are: the dogs name, the type of dog and group as well as
what they are bred for and the parts of their body. The judge is the person who picks the top four
places. I think it does not matter if you win or not as long as you have fun. I am really having fun! I would
like to thank Monica, Linda and Marnie for letting me show their Scotties. I am learning so much. I really
love junior handling and would like my own show dog -a wheaten Scottie - sometime soon.
Kelly Hatt
Sela Solomon and Molly
Kelly & Missy
Advertising The Scamper is now offering advertising
Kelly andspace.
Missy Ideal for your dog related business or that important
win you may wish to share! Rates are as follows.
Full Page
$ 8.00
Half Page
$ 5.00
$ 9.00
Quarter Page
$ 3.00
$ 5.00
2" x 3"
$ 1.50
Submissions must be camera ready and submitted on or before the 15th of the month piror to the
Scamper publication. Rates are payable to CSTC and must be sent to the club treasurer.
Doggy Humour
submitted by Karen Prokopetz
The Puppies
A client brought a litter of puppies to my veterinary clinic for inoculations and worming. As the
look-alike pups squirmed over and under one another in their box, I realized it would be difficult to tell
the treated ones from the rest.
I turned on the water faucet, wet my fingers, and moistened each dog's head when I had finished
a treatment.
After the fourth puppy, I noticed my hitherto talkative client had grown silent. As I sprinkled the
last pup's head, the woman leaned forward and she whispered, "I didn't know they had to be baptized."
What is the difference between a dog and a cat?
A dog lives in your house and sees that you give it food and water and says to itself,
"W ow, these beings give me food and water without my having to do anything. They must be gods!"
A cat lives in your house and sees that you give it food and water and says to itself,
"W ow, these beings give me food and water without my having to do anything. I must be a god!"
Doggie Dictionary
LEASH: A strap which attaches to your collar, enabling you to lead your person where you want him/her to
DOG BED: any soft, clean surface, such as the white bedspread in the guest room or the newly
upholstered couch in the living room.
DROOL: Is what you do when your persons have food and you don't. To do this properly you must sit as
close as you can and look sad and let the
drool fall to the floor, or better yet, on their laps.
SNIFF: A social custom to use when you greet other dogs. Place your nose as close as you can to the other
dog's rear end and inhale deeply, repeat several times, or until your person makes you stop.
GARBAGE CAN: A container which your neighbours put out once a week to test your ingenuity. You must
stand on your hind legs and try to push the lid off with your nose. If you do it right you are rewarded with
margarine wrappers to shred, beef bones to consume and moldy crusts of bread.
BICYCLES: Two-wheeled exercise machines, invented for dogs to control body fat. To get maximum
aerobic benefit, you must hide behind a bush and dash out, bark loudly and run alongside for a few yards;
the person then swerves and falls into the bushes, and you prance away.
DEAFNESS: This is a malady which affects dogs when their person wants them in and they want to stay
out. Symptoms include staring blankly at the person, then running in the opposite direction, or lying down.
THUNDER: This is a signal that the world is coming to an end. Humans remain amazingly calm during
thunderstorms, so it is necessary to warn them of the danger by trembling uncontrollably, panting, rolling
your eyes wildly, and following at their heels.
WASTEBASKET: This is a dog toy filled with paper, envelopes, and old candy wrapper. When you get
bored, turn over the basket and strew the papers all over the house until your person comes home
SOFAS: Are to dogs like napkins are to people. After eating it is polite to run up and down the front of
the sofa and wipe your whiskers clean.
BATH: This is a process by which the humans drench the floor, walls and themselves. You can help by
shaking vigorously and frequently.
LEAN: Every good dog's response to the command "sit !", especially if your person is dressed for an
evening out. Incredibly effective before black-tie events.
BUMP: The best way to get your human's attention when they are drinking a fresh cup of coffee or tea.
GOOSE BUMP: A maneuver to use as a last resort when the Regular Bump doesn't get the attention you
require especially effective when combined with The Sniff. See above.
LOVE: Is a feeling of intense affection, given freely and without restriction. The best way you can show
your love is to wag your tail. If you're lucky, a human will love you in return.
The Dog Rules
Dogs are never permitted in the house. The dog stays outside in a specially built wooden compartment
named, for a very good reason, the doghouse.
OKAY, the dog can enter the house, but only for short visits or if his own house is under renovations.
OKAY, the dog can stay in the house on a permanent basis provided his doghouse could be sold at a lawn
sale to a rookie dog owner.
Inside the house, the dog is not allowed to run free and is confined to a comfortable, but secure metal
OKAY, the cage becomes part of a "two for one" deal in the lawn sale and the dog can go wherever the hell
he pleases.
The dog is never allowed on the furniture.
OKAY, the dog can get up on the old furniture, but not the new furniture.
OKAY, the dog can get up on the new furniture until it looks like the old furniture and then we'll sell the
whole works and buy new furniture on which the dog will most definitely not be allowed. The dog never
sleeps on the bed. Period.
OKAY, the dog can sleep at the foot of the bed only.
OKAY, the dog can sleep alongside you, but he's not allowed under the covers.
OKAY, the dog can sleep under the covers, but not with his head on the pillow.
OKAY, the dog can sleep alongside you, under the covers, with his head on the pillow, but if he snores, he
got to leave the room.
OKAY, the dog can sleep and snore and fart and have nightmares in your bed, but he's not to come in and
sleep on the couch in the TV room, where you are now sleeping. That's just not fair. The dog never gets
listed on the census questionnaires as "primary resident" even if its true. Remember, in any and all
household interactions or disputes -- the dog rules!
How to show a Scottie to Win
"Your number is upside down" 69 or 96 what does
by Julie Ann Locket
it matter anyway?
So as I am walking round behind other
I used to take little Bobby to little
dogs in the ring trying to fix it, without being
matches, in the early summer. I went for the
noticed, my brush falls out of my pocket along
fun and to socialize myself and my dogs. Bobby
with a stack of liver pieces. I have a comb stuck
is teaching me the way to walk up and down, and
on the back of my hair. I resemble a fat,
in triangles and how to stack him up on a table
redheaded geisha girl, doing a costume change.
Everyone is lined up now and the judge is
It was a beautiful day at the Niagara
walking up and down, pulling the usual, miserable,
Falls Sanctioned Match. "Time for the Scotties"
contorted faces, and the expert handlers have
someone yelled at me as I was watching the
their dogs perfectly still in wonderful poses,
clouds go by with one of those awful "show, cold
waving bait in front of their noses always
hot dogs" half way into my mouth. " you are
checking to see if the judge is looking at their
going to miss your turn" Oh my god I have to get
dog. Not one two O'clock tail is in sight.
Meanwhile, Bobby is now peeing on my
him out of the crate and into the ring. How can
they have got through all those dogs so quickly?
new denim shoes and then after precipitating
“S” is at the end of the alphabet. I do a hundred
what seemed to be half a gallon of yellow liquid
meter dash to the terrier ring. We all enter
onto my shoes, proceeds to kick with his hind
the ring and wait patiently. He looks like an
legs for several seconds. Grass and mud, three
exploded mattress factory. I reward him with a
feet in the air, precipitates over the other
piece of dried liver, for being a good boy and not
handlers and their dogs. Great hilarity on the
eating any of the other terriers.( by the way this
side lines. I pretend nothing has happened. My
liver has ruined all the pockets in the long
shoes are now green! Bobby at this point is
dresses which I wear for this torture). Everyone
looking very proud of himself. His tail is up and
walks around the ring together. Apparently there
he is ready to kill. "I own this ring" he tells me.
is some hidden signal from the judge which
He shows his true fiery Scottie spirit to all. The
initiates this but I have not figured it out yet.
judge waves his arm which apparently means "all
Soon it is our turn for the table. I set
around once again please"
So the leather stringy show leash is
him up on the edge of the table. The judges
hands pass from one end to the other. The head,
bunched up in my now sticky palm and I slush
the neck, the teeth, the back,legs, the what!!!
around the square in my new green shoes.(Thank
Bobby enjoys this and gives the judge a kiss.
god for that, as I always end up with the leash
"Put the leash around your neck", some expert
three times around my ankles, when one does
whispers from the crowd! Bobby strangles me
that triangle thing --a Tee or an L would give me
with his show lead when I lift him down, from the
a heart attack) Every other competitor now
table to the ground, - I forgot the narrow
stops to eat a piece of Bobbies gift of liver. The
leather lead is around my neck. (Great hilarity
crowd is now cheering Bobby after his exploits
on the side lines), as the other dogs are being
and even clapping more when the judge starts
checked over.
moving us around and changing the order, of the
I am wearing a pretty blue denim dress
with flat blue denim shoes to match. Apparently
Bobby wins a beautiful pink ribbon all
it brings out Bobbie's color when the judge
fluted and pretty from the "Sanctioned
actually looks at him while I prance around the
Match",and a big bag of kibble for his beautiful
sister Flossie who can't do this because she is
The rubber band on my left arm is cutting
off the blood supply and the number on the card
is upside down. More whispers from the expert.
neutered, and this makes me sad.
Yes this is a true one. Its hard being a beginner
but it sure makes you appreciate the pros.
Introduction to Quarry
by Linda St James
After two great days at Terrier
years old. She finished her championship, had
puppies and now makes a living killing vermin
around the house. This girl is good! She knows
Breeders and K-W shows with our newest
where they are and she knows how to catch them
champions, I thought I would have a day out with
when they run into a blind corner or get caught
my first home bred champ. Bodle and I went off
on a sticky trap. We have to walk her down the
to see what the Earthdog trials were all about.
lane on a leash because she goes into the drain
This was the first outing in Eastern Canada
pipe and waits for vermin to come in. I was sure
sponsored by the Border Terrier Club. Next
she would run right into that hole and find the
Month the Dachshund Club of Canada will be
rat. I put the girl down, aimed at the trench and
putting on two days of trials in Pontypool,
said “get the rat”. She looked at me, looked at
Ontario. Everyone was excited that not one, but
the hole, looked at me again and marched right
two Scotties had shown up.
across the top of the trench to the box where
The event took place in a Conservation
the rat was. She pointed at the quarry and then
area. Tunnels were placed in a trench and
looked over her shoulder at me. I don’t think
covered with a layer of dirt. The judge gave
she quite understood the game. Needless to say,
some information about how things were
these two Scotties did not show much of an
supposed to go, We were to have two minutes to
interest in crawling through tunnels. The pup
see if our dogs were possible qualifiers. There
may turn into an earth dog one day, but I’m
were thirty dogs ahead of us, the Scottie pup
afraid Bodle is just not going to go through a
was the dog before us. Great, we thought, we’ll
muddy hole when she can spring across the grass.
be done in an hour. I should have been
forewarned when the orientation started 30
minutes late.
We had some hot dogs that were sold by
the club and we waited. I groomed the Scottie
pup a bit in preparation for a show in two weeks.
(His first). We waited some more. Finally after
4 hours, (it seems like everyone was getting a
thorough indoctrination at ten minutes each) the
pup was up to bat. We couldn’t see much as we
were standing a long way from the fence. We
could see him go around the test area checking
out all the other foot smells from the day.
Finally he left and it was our turn. Bodle is 6
Scottie Pup and Handler Mel
Judge with the Quarry.