Simply the Best. - Illinois Broadcasters Assoc.
Simply the Best. - Illinois Broadcasters Assoc.
August/ September 2016 $6.95 Simply the Best. Inside: -IBA2016 Coverage -IBA Board “camps out” in DC OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE ILLINOIS BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION ly On at w e No -Lin e n rg ssu le O a.o I ll b lb Fu aila w.i Av ww FROM THE PRESIDENT DENNIS LYLE, IBA PRESIDENT / CEO May IBA Have Access to Your Stations’ Social Media Efforts? Like many of your advertisers, our valuable NCSA/ PEP sponsors are more than ever asking us for a social media component to accompany their overthe-air (and often streamed) campaigns aired by our member stations. As you well know, IBA’s NCSA/PEP program is our association’s #1 revenue stream, made possible only by the generous contribution of airtime our members extend to us for such campaigns. We now hope that generosity will expand to include complimentary limited access to many of those same stations’ Facebook and Twitter efforts as we work with Denver-based social media company GrowthWeaver with a concept that will soon allow us to combine the on-air NCSA/PEP campaign presence on your airwaves with additional limited complimentary access to your Facebook/ Twitter pages. By allowing us to access your Facebook/Twitter accounts, we will ultimately be able to extend the reach of our sponsor’s NCSA/PEP campaigns, increasing the value to our sponsors, and ultimately creating more revenue to the IBA thanks to our ability to now offer an attractive option for public outreach to those city, state, and federal agencies and non-profit organizations with limited budgets who are now being told their outreach efforts must also include a social media component. GrowthWeaver tells us the process for our member stations will really be quite simple. Basically, once an NCSA/PEP sponsor requests a social media component from us, we pass that message along to your digital/social media designate with a simple request and a one-button click to share the sponsor’s message. The sharing process takes less than ten seconds. We’re told stations in other states already participating with their state’s broadcasters’ association have found these messages have a high engagement rate among their fans. So, now that our board of directors has approved us making this ask of you, our member stations, we hope all, or many, will agree to extending us complimentary limited access to your Facebook/Twitter pages. Once you give us the “green light,” we’ll next simply need the name of the contact person at your station(s) responsible for helping us expedite these transactions as they come available. Member station GM’s should look for a letter to arrive that makes a formal ask of your station(s.) A simple “yes,” in addition to providing us the name of your contact person to handle this social media component, will send us on our way to adding this exciting new component to IBA’s NCSA/ PEP efforts. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration. DL About the Cover: Simply the Best! IBA honored three broadcast professionals that have “Ben” there, Done that, and Getting it Done on June 14, 2016 as part of the Chairman’s Dinner and IBA2016. Ben Kiningham, longtime state reporter, received the W. Russell Wither, Jr., “IBA Broadcast Pioneer” Award, for covering Illinois politics and politicians for over four decades. Retired RAB radio professional Dick “Rackets” Rakovan, who has “done that” in the radio industry from his early positions in stations sales and management to being Sr. Vice President with RAB, was honored with IBA’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Beth Neuhoff, President/CEO of Neuhoff Media was named the IBA Vincent T. Wasilewski “Broadcaster of the Year” and displays each and every day the importance of local broadcasting in her radio markets with her team of Neuhoff professionals. 2 Transmitter August/September 2016 LEGISLATIVE NEWS IBA 2016-2017 OFFICERS: Chairman of the Board- Doug Levy, Univision Communications-Chicago Chairman-elect- Frank Whittaker, NBC5 Chicago Executive Vice-Chair- Carlos Fernandez, WGEM-AM/FM/TV Quincy Vice-Chair TV- John Idler, ABC7 Chicago Vice-Chair Radio- Melody Spann, Cooper-WVON Radio Chicago Treasurer-Drew Horowitz- Hubbard Radio Immediate Past Chairman- Coby Cooper, WCIA-TV Champaign-Urbana DIRECTORS Leticia Aguilera- WLEY-FM,Chicago Steve Farber- Weigel, Chicago Mike Haile- WDWS/ WHMS-Radio-Champaign-Urbana Kevin Harlan- WMBD-TV, Peoria Kelly Lattimer- WTVO-TV, Rockford Roger Lundeen- Galesburg Radio Greg Miller- Chicago Bears Randall Miller- Miller Media, Taylorville Marshall Porter- WHBF-TV, Rock Island Gregory Powers- Lake Land College Jerry Schnacke- iHeart Media-Chicago Dennis Welsh- FOX-TV, Chicago Steve Wheeler- WSIL-TV, Carterville Marty Wilke- CBS2, Chicago Dana Withers- Dana Comm/Withers, Benton DIRECTORS EMERITI Emily Barr- Director Emeritus Marv Dyson- Director Emeritus IBA Dennis Lyle- President & CEO Debra Gray- Marketing Director IBA Hosts 12th Annual Legislative Reception -Thanks supporters of HR 0889 Carlos Fernandez-WGEM, Greg Miller-Chicago Bears, Marilyn Kushak-Midwest Family, Dennis Lyle-IBA, State Representative Cynthia Soto D-4, Marv Dyson-URBan Broadcasting, and Roger Lundeen-Galesburg Radio. At a time when there was little to celebrate in Springfield, IBA hosted their annual Legislative Reception at the Sangamo Club in Springfield, celebrating and sharing their thanks for the 74 signatures on the House Resolution 0889 that states “a firm opposition to any additional taxes on advertising or advertising-related services.” Fast forward to July when a “stop gap budget” was passed to keep essential services operational, and the IBA has learned that the Ad Tax issue is not dead. IBA and it’s members will continue to work to secure support of HR 0889 and advises members to watch for additional updates on the No Ad Tax issue early this fall. General Email/Job Postings Transmitter is published online bimonthly by the Illinois Broadcasters Association, solely for the information of its membership and other interested parties. Although every efforts is made to verify the accuracy of information contained in the publication, no guarantee of such accuracy can be made, and the IBA, and its officers and staff are not responsible for any errors or omissions of typographical or factual nature of contained herein. IBA 200 Missouri Avenue Carterville, IL 62918 618-985-5555 Carterville 217-793-2636 Springfield Fax: 618-985-6070 Find us on Facebook ILBroadcasters Follow us on Twitter: @ILBroadcasting Carlos Fernandez-WGEM and State Representative Randy Frese R-94. Steve Wheeler-WSIL, Marv Dyson-URBan Broadcasting, Dennis Lyle-IBA and State Senator Gary Forby D-59. Mike McClain-IBA Lobbyist, Sarah Hautala-WJIL/WJVO, and Bud WaltersCromwell Radio. Illinois Broadcasters Association 3 FEATURE "On the Hill" IBA took their issues (and their camping gear) to Washington, DC for the 5th Annual Summer Lobbying trip “On the Hill” in July. Members and their staffers were invited to attend IBA’s reception held in the Cannon House Office Building where IBA had pitched a tent, started a (mock) campfire, and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows. Nearly 100 staffers joined their Congressman for the reception fun in advance of the meetings held with most of the Congressional offices the following day. NAB provided IBA delegates with the most current information on key issues that were to be discussed with Members of Congress. Issues included: Retrans Consent, Cable Fee Increases, Advertising Deductibility, Performance Tax and Relocation Fund Issue. Following are photos taken from the “Camp Out” reception and visits “On the Hill.” (l-r) Dennis Lyle-IBA, US Representative Robin Kelly, Drew Horowitz-Hubbard Radio, Marv Dyson-URBan Broadcasting, Carlos Fernandez-WGEM. (l-r) US Representative Mike Bost, Dennis Lyle-IBA, Shawn Donilon-NAB. 4 Transmitter August/September 2016 (l-r) Dennis Lyle-IBA, Doug Levy-Univision, US Representative Mike Quigley, and John IdlerABC 7. (l-r) Doug Levy-Univision, Marv Dyson-URBan Broadcasting, Melody Spann-Cooper-Midway Broadcasting/WVON, US Representative Danny Davis. (l-r) Coby Cooper-WCIA/WCIX, Carlos Fernandez-WGEM, US Representative Darrin LaHood, Steve Wheeler-WSIL, and Roger Lund FEATURE (l-r) Carlos Fernandez-WGEM, Roger Lundeen-Galesburg Radio, Marshall Porter-WHBF, US Representative Cheri Bustos, Coby Cooper-WCIA/WCIX, Steve Wheeler-WSIL. (l-r) US Representative Louis Gutierrez (center), Dennis Lyle-IBA (left) and on the right Doug Levy-Univision, Marv Dyson-URBan Broadcasting, John Idler-ABC 7, and Steve Wheeler-WSIL. (l-r) Dennis Lyle-IBA, Doug Levy-Univision, John Idler-ABC 7, US Representative Bobby Rush, Marv Dyson-URBan Broadcasting, Drew Horowitz-Hubbard Radio, and Melody Spann-Cooper/ Midway Broadcasting/WVON. (l-r) Roger Lundeen-Galesburg Radio, Carlos Fernandez-WGEM, Coby Cooper-WCIA/WCIX, US Representative Rodney Davis, Dennis Lyle-IBA and Steve Wheeler-WSIL. Illinois Broadcasters Association 5 6 Transmitter August/September 2016 ON THE COVER Beth Neuhoff is IBA “Broadcaster of the Year” Her company mantra is “Media Made Locally” and with her Neuhoff family in the audience, Beth Russell Neuhoff became only the second woman to be honored as an IBA “Broadcaster of the Year.” proud of her stations’ efforts each and every day to better the lives in their communities. She accepted her award on behalf of the entire hardworking team at Neuhoff family that makes “Media Made Locally” more than just a slogan. Neuhoff, President and CEO of Neuhoff Communications, shared her story of taking the reigns of Neuhoff Media after the death of her husband Geoff, IBA 2012 Broadcaster of the Year. She told the audience that, “in serving others, we serve ourselves,” and that she is most Neuhoff is president and CEO of Neuhoff Communications, a privately held broadcast and digital media company with a focus on Midwestern markets including those in Illinois, Bloomington-Normal, Danville, Decatur, and Springfield. Beth Nehoff, IBA 2016 Vincent T. Wasilewski “Broadcaster of the Year” Dennis Lyle-IBA, Beth Neuhoff, Larry Nelson-2015 Broadcaster of the Year, Coby Cooper-IBA 2015-2016 Chairman of the Board. Introducing Skye Claire “Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean that I have to sing about my diary. I want to be brave with my music…….and I’m not afraid to be a little outside of the box,” -Skye Claire She wouldn’t miss the opportunity to entertain the audience on the night her mentor, Beth Neuhoff, was honored as IBA’s Vincent T. Wasilewski “Broadcaster of the Year,” and she took the opportunity to open IBA2016 with her country performance as part of the Chairman’s Dinner and Awards. BMI Singer/Songwriter Skye Claire performs at Broadcaster of the Year Award presentation. In April of 2012, Skye packed her truck and made the drive from New York without knowing a soul in Music City. Just over a year later, Skye has already played over 250 shows in Nashville and recorded her first album “For Better or For Worse”. Illinois Broadcasters Association 7 IBA2016 REVIEW IN PHOTOS IBA Stations of the Year IBA Chicago Market TV Station of the Year is WBBM-TV. President and General Manager Marty Wilke and Dennis Lyle, IBA. IBA Chicago Radio Station of the Year is WGN-AM. Judy Pielach, WGN-AM, News Anchor. IBA Medium Market Radio Station of the Year is WDNL, Danville. The Women of Neuhoff took home many Silver Dome Awards! 8 Transmitter August/September 2016 IBA Medium Market TV Station of the Year is WTVO. VP/GM Kelly Lattimer and News Director Scott Picken, WTVO, Rockford. IBA Small Market Radio Station of the Year is WDZQ, Decatur. Silver Dome Co-Host Jennifer Roscoe, WCIA-TV accepts her award for Best Medium Market TV Anchor from her Silver Dome Co-Host Brian Barnhart, WDWS/WHMS, and the Voice of the Fighting Illini. Steve Falat, Market Manager, River Radio, Carterville accepting Best Medium Market Sportscaster for Derek Fogel. IBA2016 REVIEW IN PHOTOS and Silver Dome Winners continued on page 11 Scott Busboom and Chris Bullock, WZUS, Decatur, Best Medium Market Community Service for Spirit of Life Giving Toy Drive. Mike Bradd and Jack Ashmore, WEIU, Best Small Market Radio Play-by-Play. Kris Wexell, WYOT, Rochelle, Small Market Radio Personality of the Year. Derrick Brown, Director of Urban Programming, iHeart, Chicago accepts for WGCI, Best Chicago Market Radio Community Service. WREX, Rockford, wins big at Silver Dome Awards! WGN-AM Silver Dome winners Jason Skaggs, Judy Pielach, and Vic Vaughn. The folks from WSPY, Plano, celebrate a Silver Dome win! Diana Bushnell, WJIL/WJVO, accepts the Silver Dome Award for Best Small Market Radio for Best Light Feature. Illinois Broadcasters Association 9 HALL OF FAME IBA Hall of Fame Adds Two Legends IBA Hall of Famer Doug Banks Friends and colleagues of the late, great Doug Banks honored the beloved radio and television personality at a memorial service held in June. Wendy Banks and Marv Dyson-IBA Director Emeritus. “iHeartMedia Chicago Remembers Doug Banks” was the perfect opportunity to posthumously induct Banks into the Illinois Broadcasters Association’s Hall of Fame. IBA Director Emeritus presented the honor to Wendy Banks, wife of Banks. Banks died April 11 of complications from diabetes at 57. His funeral was in Dallas, where he lived with his family. The nationally syndicated radio show Banks hosted was the top-rated afternoon program in Chicago on iHeartMedia urban adultcontemporary WVAZ FM . He previously hosted mornings and afternoons on WGCI FM and was a contributor to programming on ABC-owned WLS-Channel 7. IBA Hall of Famer Dick Van Dyke (l-r) Derrick Brown-iHeart Media, Marv Dyson- Retired former President/General Manager of WGCI-FM/WVAZ-FM Radio, Chicag, Founding Partner of URban radio Broadcasting, LLC., and IBA Emeritus, Wendy Banks, and Ramonski Luv-V103 Weekend DJ. He's still dancing, still singing, and still entertaining. Dick Van Dyke arrived in Central Illinois to visit his home town of Danville, riding the in the famous Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car. memories created there. Van Dyke is working with his foundation to raise money to restore the home, along with raising money for students in fine arts departments. The Dick Van Dyke Foundation hopes to raise $250,000 to renovate the home and hopes to eventually turn the home into a museum. The 90 year old actor says when he heard his childhood home was condemned, he knew he had to do something about it because all of the While in Illinois, Van Dyke became the 57th IBA Hall of Famer at the June 24th reception held at the David S. Palmer Arena in Danville. Dennis Lyle, IBA, Dick Van Dyke and Carlos Fernandez, IBA Executive Vice Chair. 10 Transmitter August/September 2016 Dick Van Dyke is IBA’s newest Hall of Famer. ON THE COVER Simply the Best — A Night of Awards Lindsay Wood Davis, Dick Rakovan, Coby Cooper and Dennis Lyle. Holland Cooke, Dennis Green-Westwood One, Warren ShulzRetired EAS Coordinator, and Dick Rakovan, Lifetime Achievement Honoree. Congratulations Dick “Rackets” Rakovan 2016 IBA Lifetime Achievement Award From your friends at Mark & Holly Levy Bob Lawrence Tim Foley Ben Kiningham, longtime reporter on Illinois Government, recognized as IBA’s 2016 W. Russell Withers, Jr., “Broadcast Pioneer”. Dick “Rackets” Rakovan, Retired Sr. Vice President with RAB, is the 2016 recipient of IBA’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Ben Kiningham along with Tom Serafin demonstrate what covering the news looked like a few decades ago. Illinois Broadcasters Association 11 Illinois Broadcasters Association 200 Missouri Avenue Carterville, IL 62918 Meet Your IBA 2016-2017 Board of Directors Elected on June 15, 2016 during the General Manager Breakfast as part of IBA2016, meet your board members who will guide the organization this next year. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Chairman of the Board-Doug Levy, Univision Communications-Chicago Chairman-elect- Frank Whittaker, NBC5 Chicago Executive Vice-Chair-Carlos Fernandez, WGEM-AM/FM/ TV Quincy Vice-Chair TV-John Idler, ABC7 Chicago Vice-Chair Radio-Melody Spann Cooper-WVON Radio Chicago Treasurer-Drew Horowitz-Hubbard Radio Immediate Past Chairman-Coby Cooper, WCIA-TV Champaign-Urbana DIRECTORS Leticia Aguilera-WLEY-FM,Chicago Greg Easterly-Tribune Broadcasting Steve Farber-Weigel Broadcasting Mike Haile-WDWS/WHMS-Radio-, Champaign-Urbana Kevin Harlan-WMBD-TV, Peoria Kelly Lattimer-WTVO-TV, Rockford Roger Lundeen-Galesburg Radio Greg Miller-Chicago Bears (Associate Seat) Randall Miller-Miller Media, Taylorville Marshall Porter-WHBF-TV, Rock Island Gregory Powers-Lake Land College (Academic Seat) Jerry Schnacke-iHeart Media-Chicago (RBC Seat) Dennis Welsh-FOX-TV, Chicago Steve Wheeler-WSIL-TV, Carterville Marty Wilke-CBS2, Chicago Dana Withers-Dana Comm./Withers, Benton DIRECTORS EMERITI Emily Barr-Director Emeritus Marv Dyson-Director Emeritus IBA Dennis Lyle-President & CEO NAB REPRESENTATIVES: Emily Barr-Graham Media Beth Neuhoff-Neuhoff Media LEGAL COUNSEL Don Craven-Craven Law Office, Springfield Scott Flick-Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw, Pittman, LLP, Washington, DC Richard Zaragoza-Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw, Pittman, LLP, Washington DC
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