Plan to Attend IBA 2016! - Illinois Broadcasters Assoc.


Plan to Attend IBA 2016! - Illinois Broadcasters Assoc.
(( transmitter ))
Available ONLY Online!
Plan to Attend IBA 2016!
March / April 2016
iHotel Champaign, IL
NEW 2016 - Lunch Included
for ALL Attendees!
Details Inside!
(( transmitter ))
“When’s the Last Time You Went to ‘Camp?’”
First, welcome to IBA’s first-ever
e-newsletter. Same name (Transmitter,)
many of the same features, but now
delivered to you via e-mail link where
you’ll find Transmitter available (and
archived) on our website. For the next
few issues, we’ll be snail-mailing a
hard copy of each issue’s cover, with a
reminder our bi-monthly publication is
now exclusively available electronically.
We welcome your thoughts.
This issue of Transmitter gives you
a first glance at IBA2016 which has
transformed into what’s best described
as a “Training Camp” for broadcasters.
When the IBA2016 Committee realized
our annual event would take place the
very same week a number of other
summer “camps” were taking place
on the nearby campus of University
of Illinois, committee member Mike
Hulvey (Neuhoff Communications) the
mastermind behind last year’s (and
we’re told the upcoming 2016) NAB
Radio Show couldn’t resist suggesting
that IBA adopt a “training camp” theme
for its June 14-15 Conference and thus
IBA2016’s theme was born.
With a new theme, also comes new
opportunities and new reasons to
attend not one, but two days of events.
Beth Neuhoff, has been selected by
IBA’s board
of directors
(see page 5)
as IBA’s 2016
of the Year,”
upon her late
G e o f f
2010, making
Beth the firstever spouse
of a previous
Beth Neuhoff
of the Year to also be honored with the
2 transmitter | March / April 2016
Traditionally IBA’s most prestigious
annual award has been awarded at
our luncheon between sessions on
Wednesday of each year’s event. This
year, however, you’ll find Beth being
honored at Tuesday night’s opening
night’s Chairman’s dinner along-side
retired veteran Springfield state capitol
reporter Ben Kinningham, on tap to be
awarded IBA’s “2016 W. Russell Withers
Jr. Broadcast Pioneer Award,” and
legendary broadcast manager and
trade association rep Dick Rakovan
on tap to be awarded IBA’s “Lifetime
Achievement Award.”
Plan to arrive late Tuesday afternoon
to be on hand for that night’s
President’s Reception at 6pm, followed
by the Chairman’s Dinner and awards
presentations at 7pm. Participation in
Tuesday night’s festivities is included
in your two-day registration fee, or may
be purchased at an ala carte price.
There’s no longer a general “opening
session” to kick off the day, Instead,
our usual “Legislative, Legal, and
Regulatory” afternoon “happy hour”
moves to mornings as we retool that
session as our 7am (yes, 7am) “Power
Breakfast”, as an audience of owners
and managers are treated for a full
breakfast while joined by a panel of
power experts including IBA attorney
Don Craven, IBA FCC attorney Scott
Flick, IBA contract lobbyist Mike
McCLain, and NAB’s Executive VicePresident Communications Dennis
Wharton. All other attendees will begin
their “training camp” at 9am with
trainers from TVB, RAB, Kixer, Yashi
plus panel sessions that will allow you
to leave training camp more prepared
than ever to succeed this year, and
every year!
More details on IBA2016’s “Training
Camp,” in this issue of Transmitter and
at Keep an eye on your
e-mail “in box” and at
Looking forward to seeing many of you
there! DL
IBA 2015-2016 OFFICERS
Chairman of the Board
Coby Cooper, WCIA-TV, Champaign-Urbana
Chairman Elect
Doug Levy, Univision Local Media, Chicago
Executive Vice Chair
Frank Whittaker, WMAQ-TV, Chicago
Vice-Chair Radio
Carlos Fernandez, WGEM-AM/FM, Quincy
Vice-Chair TV
John Idler, WLS-TV, Chicago
Drew Horowitz, Hubbard Radio, Chicago
Immediate Past-Chair
Sarah Hautala, WJIL/WJVO, Jacksonville
Gregory Powers, Lake Land College,
Greg Miller, Chicago Bears, Associate
Greg Easterly, WGN-TV, Chicago
Mike Haile, WHMS-FM/WDWS-AM, ChampaignUrbana
Roger Lundeen,WGIL/KFM Radio, Galesburg
Randy Miller, Miller Media Group, Taylorville
Marshall Porter, WHBF-TV, Moline
Robert Ramsey, Retired WCIU-TV, Chicago
Jerry Schnacke, iHeart Media, Chicago
Melody Spann Cooper, WVON Radio, Chicago
Dennis Welsh, WFLD-TV/WPWR-TV, Chicago
Steve Wheeler, WSIL-TV, Carterville
Marty Wilke, WBBM-TV, Chicago
Emily Barr, Graham Media Group
Marv Dyson, Chicago, URBan Radio
Beth Neuhoff, NAB Radio Board
Emily Barr, NAB TV Board
Dennis Lyle, President & CEO
Debra Gray, Marketing Director
Brittany L. Henderson
Social Media Strategist & Graphic Designer,
IBA NCSA/PEP Coordinator
Transmitter is published bimonthly by the
Illinois Broadcasters Association, 200 Missouri
Avenue, Carterville, IL 62918, solely for the
information of its membership and other
interested parties. Although every effort is
made to verify the accuracy of information
contained in the publication, no guarantee of
such accuracy can be made, and the IBA, and
its officers and staff are not responsible for any
errors or omissions of typographical or factual
nature of contained herein.
Issue copy price $6.95.
618-985-5555, Carterville; 217-793-2636, Springfield |
Find us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter: @ILBroadcasting
IBA Attends FCC
Advocacy Day
IBA’s Dennis Lyle and IBA Chairman Coby Cooper
IBA was among TV station operators who had to opportunity to visit with the FCC
when they convened in DC for the National Association of Broadcasters annual State
Leadership Conference held last month.
Historically the fly-in (officially NAB’s State Leadership Conference) is focused on taking
to the Hill to talk up key issues with Congress, which delegates from the IBA held visits
with 14 Members and Senator Durbin. But this year, NAB extended the visits by a day so
broadcasters could also pay a call on the FCC to talk about some key topics surrounding
the upcoming broadcast incentive auction. IBA’s Dennis Lyle and Chairman Coby Cooper
participated in these FCC visits. Lyle and Cooper were in the audience for visits from
Commissioners Pai and O’Rielly and with staff for Chairman Wheeler and Commissioners
Clyburn and Rosenworcel.
FCC Advocacy Day
NAB State Leadership Conference
Beth Neuhoff - Broadcaster of the Year
Dick Rakovan - Lifetime Achievement
Pioneer - Ben Kinningham
IBA 2016 Details
LOCASH Feature
IBA Convention Committee
Cameras in the Courtroom
Top of mind were the FCC’s timetable for transitioning to new channels after the auction—
the FCC has set a hard deadline of 39 months, a deadline NAB says should not be set
until the FCC knows how many stations will be moving. They are also concerned about
the FCC’s proposal to reserve vacant channels after the auction repack for unlicensed.
NAB president Gordon Smith talked about both of those in a speech to noncommercial
broadcasters, which held their own Washington summit.
NAB also argued that the $1.75 billion Congress set aside to reimburse broadcasters
(and some cable operator) moving expenses associated with the repack is not enough.
That will be one of the messages to the FCC. But since the commission did not agree to
make that $1.75 billion a budget (clearing no more spectrum than it can compensate
broadcasters for clearing), as broadcasters had asked, they will be taking that
message to the Hill as well.
The Illinois Broadcasters Association
announces that “Training Camp” for
the 2016 season has been scheduled
to take place at Champaign’s I Hotel.
This two-day camp kicks off on June
14th with the presentation of IBA’s
prestigious broadcaster awards (see
inside pages for details) included
in the price of a two-day ticket. Training sessions begin on
June 15th bright and early as mangers report at 7:00 am for
a Training Camp Manager Breakfast, aka Legal, Legislative
and Regulatory Panel. Other broadcast team members report
to camp by 9:00 am for participation in their choice of twelve
sessions designed to build selling strength, endurance, and
monetary rewards. New this year-All sellers are included in the
“Training Luncheon” with their ticket price of $40.
Training Camp concludes the evening of June 15th with the
Silver Dome Awards. No one will be cut but many will go home
with the “Silver Dome Award” trophy, being recognized as one
of the “Best in the Best” in Illinois Broadcasting. See you at
Illinois Broadcasters Association 3
IBA Attends NAB State Leadership Conference
(L-R) Mark Prak, Dennis Lyle, Carlos Fernandez, Bud Walters, Coby Cooper, Drew Horowitz, Beth Neuhoff,
Senator Dick Durbin, John Idler, and Ralph Oakley.
IBA sends delegates as broadcasters from 50 states convene
to lobby Capitol Hill, FCC issues affecting local radio, TV
IBA Chair Coby Cooper - WCIA-TV; US Rep Randy Hultgren; NAB Radio Board
Member Beth Neuhoff - Neuhoff Media; IBA Vice Chair-TV Carlos Fernandez WGEM; Dennis Lyle - IBA
Carlos Fernandez, Coby Cooper, US Rep Rodney Davis, Bud Walters
IBA Meets with Senator Dick Durbin. IBA delegates included Beth Neuhoff
- Neuhoff Media; John Idler - WLS-TV; Ralph Oakley - Quincy, Inc.; Coby Cooper WCIA-TV; Bud Walters - Cromwell Radio, and IBA’s Dennis Lyle
4 transmitter | March / April 2016
More than 500 local radio and television
broadcasters gathered in Washington,
D.C. for NAB’s annual State Leadership
Conference. The event featured speeches
from prominent policymakers on federal
legislative and regulatory issues affecting
the broadcast industry, and provided attendees an opportunity to meet with their
legislators to discuss how local radio and
TV stations serve their communities.
House Energy and Commerce Ranking
Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ) praised
broadcasters’ role as ‘first informers,’
specifically citing radio’s lifesaving role
during Hurricane Sandy. He spoke about
legislation he has sponsored to count
broadcasters as essential services during
emergencies so they would receive priority access to resources that help them to
stay on the air.
On Tuesday, February 23rd, attendees
were brought up to speed on the important policy issues that could affect local
radio and TV stations in the near- and
long-term future. The conference kicked
off with welcome remarks by NAB Joint
Board Chair and President Dave Lougee,
president of TEGNA Media, followed by a
speech on “The Power of Broadcasting”
by NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith.
On Wednesday, Febraury 24th, IBA joined
delegations from all 50 states traveled to
Capitol Hill to meet with their home-state
Members of Congress and Senators to
discuss broadcast issues. Among other
topics, television broadcasters addressed
the upcoming broadcast spectrum incentive auction and potential changes to
retransmission consent. For radio broadcasters, performance royalty legislation,
the FCC’s AM revitalization efforts and
pirate radio were among the issues addressed during the meetings.
Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS), a member of
the Senate Commerce and Appropriations Committees, addressed the crowd
on ongoing congressional issues affecting
broadcasters, including concerns surrounding the broadcast spectrum incentive auction, the grandfathering of joint
sales agreements between television stations and protecting ad tax deductibility.
FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly spoke
in support of the migration of broadcasters’ public inspection files to an online
format and the need for enforcement actions against pirate radio. He also invited
broadcasters to submit to the FCC their
input on outdated regulations or burdens
imposed on the industry that are no longer necessary.
Senator Dick Durbin holding Soul
Train Award
IBA’s 2016 Vincent T. Wasilewski
Broadcaster of the Year
The Illinois Broadcasters Association (IBA) has selected Elizabeth (Beth)
Russell Neuhoff, CEO of Neuhoff Communications, as its 2016 “Vincent T.
Wasilewski Broadcaster of the Year,” an award she’ll be presented during the
Chairman’s Dinner on opening night of IBA’s annual convention, June 14-15 in
Well known in both Illinois and national broadcast circles, Ms. Neuhoff, is CEO of
Neuhoff Communications, a privately held broadcast and digital media company
with a focus on Midwestern markets including Bloomington-Normal, Danville,
Decatur, and Springfield, Illinois. Ms. Neuhoff is an elected Director of the NAB,
serving as Second Vice-Chair of the Radio Board, representing NAB Radio’s
17th District, a district which includes the entire state of Illinois.
“Beth is an outstanding broadcaster who is deeply committed to the
communities served by her stations,” remarked IBA’s Chairman of the Board
Coby Cooper, VP/GM, WCIA-TV/WCIX-TV Champaign, IL. “We are so pleased to
have her as a member of our Illinois broadcasting family and excited that our
membership has recognized her leadership and devotion to broadcasting with
this award.”
The award was created to honor those Illinois broadcasters who exhibit the
same passion and dedication to this industry as Wasilewski did. Honorees are
recognized for broadcast excellence with their Illinois station(s) and within the
broadcast industry as a whole, for the respect they receive from their peers
both on a local market and national level, and for their work to achieve a
favorable legislative climate for the broadcast industry.
“Since taking the reigns of Neuhoff Communications, Beth has shown strong
leadership and has expanded her operations here in Illinois,” stated IBA’s
Immediate Past Chairman Sarah Hautala when nominating Neuhoff for the
award. “She continues to support local broadcasting and the interests of
“Ms. Neuhoff is an exceptional choice for our Association’s most prestigious
award,” added Dennis Lyle, president & CEO of the Illinois Broadcasters
Association. “You’ll find no one more engaged and/or supportive of the
broadcast industry today than Beth Neuhoff. She not only “gets it (local
broadcasting,)” she “lives it!”
In addition to serving on the NAB board, Ms. Neuhoff is a Director of the
Broadcasters Foundation of America; a Trustee of the National Association of
Broadcasters’ Education Foundation (NABEF,) and a Trustee of the National
Association of Broadcasters’ Political Action Committee (NABPAC.) In 2014
she was named as one of the “Most Influential Women in Radio” by Radio Ink
magazine, and was a finalist for “Best Broadcaster in America” at both the
2014 and 2015 NAB Radio Shows.
A believer that in serving others, we serve ourselves, Ms. Neufhoff is proudest
of the tremendous work her stations exert daily to better the lives in their
“I am truly humbled to receive the Vincent Wasilewski Award and to be in the
company of so many talented Illinois broadcasters, including my late husband,
Geoff,” exclaimed Neuhoff upon learning of her selection. “In truth, the honor
belongs to the hardworking team at Neuhoff Media. They go above and beyond
daily to make “Media Made Locally” more than just a slogan. I am grateful to
the Illinois Broadcaster’s Association for this incredible accolade and the fine
work they do on behalf of our profession.”
Who was
Vincent T. Wasilewski?
Born December 17, 1922 in Athens, Illinois, Vincent T. Wasilewski would
become the 18th President of the National Association of Broadcasters
(NAB) in January 1965. Wasilewski entered the University of Illinois
College of Engineering in 1940, but World War II would interrupt his
studies. He serviced the in US Air Force from September 1942 to
October 1945, and returned to the University at the close of the war. He switched
from political science and received his bachelor’s degree in 1948, followed by a degree
of Doctor of Jurisprudence the following year. Wasilewski joined the NAB’s legal staff
in 1949, where he spent his entire professional career. Like any true broadcaster,
Wasilewski was no stranger to public service, having served on the Board of Directors
of the Advertising Council, the Advisory Council on Federal Reports and the American
Advertising Federation. The IBA inducted Wasilewski into its Hall of Fame in 1976. In
his honor, the IBA renamed its “Broadcaster of the Year Award: in 1989 as, the “Vincent
T. Wasilewski Award.”
Illinois Broadcasters Association 5
Lifetime Dick Rakovan
The Illinois Broadcasters Association board of directors has
announced plans to award its fourth-ever Lifetime Achievement
Award at its upcoming June 2016 Conference to legendary radio
broadcaster and industry representative Dick Rakovan. Having
just ended a 20+ year career with the Radio Advertising Bureau,
Rakovan began his long-time broadcasting career as a salesman
with Capital Cities'-owned WKBW AM in Buffalo, New York only
to be promoted to sales and general management positions with
Capital Cities’ stations in New York, Detroit and Providence, RI.
Rakovan would leave a 20-year career with Capital Cities to join
Providence-based Outlet Broadcasting, managing itsradio group
with stations in Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Philadelphia,
Detroit, Orlando and Providence. He would first step foot in Illinois
in the mid eighties when he returned to station management via
RKO's WFYR-FM, Chicago.
Such an illustrious career would eventually catch the eye of RAB
which led to his 20+ year career run based in Chicago working
with RAB member and non member stations and groups.
Rakovan has served on the boards of directors of the NAB, RAB,
Rhode Island and Illinois Broadcasters Associations and is a longtime member of the selection committee for the Museum of
Broadcast Communications’ National Radio Hall of Fame.
“No one can ever accuse Rackets of not having been there-done
that,” remarked Dennis Lyle, President and CEO of the Illinois
Broadcasters Association upon announcing news that Rakovan
would be only the fourth broadcaster ever to receive IBA’s Lifetime
Achievement Award. “His contribution to the radio industry in
general, and particularly that of Illinois, is most admirable.”
“The telephone was his magic wand, and when it was Rackets
on the line, everyone (and I do mean everyone!) took his call,”
wrote Broadcast Management Strategies’ Lindsay Wood Davis
in nominating Rakovan for the award. “Rackets has made our
industry so much better over the course of his career. It is only
appropriate that his adopted home-state broadcasters recognize
this great career with the IBA Lifetime Achievement Award.”
6 transmitter | March / April 2016
IBA’s Lifetime Achievement Award will be
presented to Rakovan on June 14th, opening
night of IBA2016, June 14-15, 2016 at the iHotel in
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois .
Dick Rakovan
Ben Kiningham
“W. Russell Withers, Jr.,
Broadcast Pioneer Award”
It can be said that for decades, Ben Kiningham did more to keep Illinois citizens
informed of state government news than anyone else. His career spanning 40
years involved covering US Presidents and international dignitaries to Illinois
leaders and numerous issues affecting Illinoisians for dozens of stations across
the state. For years, he also hosted the public television show Capitol View.
Longtime dean of the Illinois Statehouse Press Corps and former Illinois
Legislative Correspondents’ Association President, Ben has been honored by
numerous organizations, from his college alma mater SIU Carbondale (RadioTV Alumnus of the year, 2004) to the Illinois News Broadcasters Association
(INBA Lifetime Membership, one of nine so honored) and multiple times by the
Associated Press, United Press International and National Association of State
Radio Networks. He received both Illinois General Assembly and Congressional
proclamations upon his retirement in 2006, a testament to the great respect
those he covered had for his excellent, always fair and honest, reporting.
Ben spent most of his formative years in Springfield, IL, graduated from
Springfield High School, and got his broadcast journalism degree from SIU
Carbondale. While in college, he worked at WSIU, WINI (Murphysboro) and WRAJ
(Anna). Ben was hired by WTAX Radio, Springfield, IL in 1966 and became
WTAX News Director before assuming a greater role in 1974 when the station
bought the Capitol Information Bureau.
As Capitol Bureau Chief, Ben spent 31 years covering the legislature
and gubernatorial administrations starting with Otto Kerner through Rod
Blagojevich. He mentored dozens of reporters who worked at his bureau as
part of the University of Illinois/Springfield Public Affairs Reporting program,
and many others who got to know him because of his leadership with the
Illinois News Broadcasters Association. He served on the board from 1973
through 1976 and again from 1981 through his term as INBA President in
Ben also served his country as a lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard.
He joined the Guard in 1964, served as communications officer and retired
from the 183rd Tactical Fighter Group 22 years later.
Ben Kiningham continues his legacy of service, operating the Menard County
Tourism radio station from his rural Petersburg home. With weekly updates, he
keeps hundreds of thousands of visitors informed of special events in historic
Lincoln’s New Salem log cabin village, the Long Nine Law Museum, Edgar Lee
Masters’ home and many other historic sites in the area.
He is Menard County Planning Commission Chairman and an officer on the
Menard County Tourism Board. Ben also continues as a ham radio operator
and enthusiast, helping with the Sangamon River Lincoln Heritage Water Trail
events, area emergency drills and exercises, and other events requiring
communication services.
An avid photographer, he has documented hundreds of events, landmarks and
locations. Much of his radio and photography work resides within the Illinois
State Historic Archives.
Married for 30 years, Ben and his wife Beth live on a 13 acre farm in rural
Petersburg, IL and delight in time with their family and three grandchildren.
Ben will receive the IBA’s W. Russell Withers, Jr., “Broadcast Pioneer Award”
on opening night, June 14th of IBA2016, to be held at the iHotel, Champaign,
The Freedom of Information/Open Meetings Hotline for Illinois broadcast
journalists was established during Ben’s INBA presidency (April, 1983). The
Hotline is made possible by joint funding of INBA and the Illinois Broadcasters
Association, with legal counsel provided by the late attorney James Craven and
son Don Craven. The Illinois Supreme Court announced late in Ben's presidency
that cams and mics would be allowed in the high court and appellate courts,
fulfilling a long-time INBA goal.
Illinois Broadcasters Association 7
Training Sessions June 15
The New Breed of Salespeople:
Integrated Marketing Solutions Providers
Combining on air, online, on-site, and on-demand
advertising opportunities maximizes advertiser
results and station revenues. The process starts
with a thorough CNA and concludes with an
integrated campaign recommendation. We’ll outline
a process that will increase your number of orders
and the size of each.
Power of Your Personal Brand
Are you using digital tools to their fullest? Social
Media? Online video testimonials? A marketing
blog? Personal website? See examples from top
billers, get tips on how to create an image as an
expert marketing consultant, and learn to build a
marketing campaign for your professional brand.
Mobile Monetization
Optimize revenue for a fast growing segment
of your digital business, covers current
landscape of 3rd party mobile monetization
Programmatic? What’s Programmatic?
Learn about the rising programmtic
advertising in a way that will sensibly frame
conversations with customers.
Everybody Wants Some:
Grabbing Programmatic Dollars
Learn about cutting edge solutions that enable
traditional media sellers and buyers to participate in the
programmatic space.
Expert Panels
One Million Dollars of Real Ideas in
One Hour
4 out of 5 state broadcasters will share actual
ideas that generated a collective $1,000,000 in
local market revenue in past year.
Broadcast Advertising Works! Clients Speak
Local direct clients who regard their radio partners
as indispensable members of their own team.
Interact with three wildly successful clients!
Legal, Legislative & Regulatory Manager Breakfast
Advertising is now the focus of tax reforms and new
taxation. IBA’s legal team discusses the future of
advertising, drone usage in news, and compliance
for 2017. Buffet breakfast will be served.
President’s Reception, Chairman’s Dinner,
and a Night of Awards!
IBA2016 kicks off at 6pm with the President’s Reception followed by the Chairman’s
Dinner at 7pm and a night of awards as we salute IBA’s 2016 “Vincent T. Wasilewski
Broadcaster of the Year” Beth Neuhoff, IBA’s W. Russell Withers Jr. Broadcast Pioneer
Ben Kinningham, and IBA’s “Lifetime Achievement Award” honoree Dick Rakovan.
NEW! Power Breakfast for Owners and Management
Start the day energized by a full breakfast and powerful discussion with our panel
of experts with answers or insight into today’s most pressing legislative, legal, or
regulatory issues facing broadcasters. Join IBA’s state of Illinois counsel Don Craven,
IBA’s contract Lobbyist Mike McClain, IBA’s FCC attorney Scott Flick, and NAB Sr. VP
Communications Dennis Wharton.
Open only to IBA-member management and owners registered for IBA2016, our
Power Breakfast begins at 7am, with the program scheduled to begin promptly at
7:30am, including the election of IBA’s 2016-2017 Officers and Board of Directors.
June 14-15, 2016
iHotel & Conference Center, Champaign, IL
Hotel Information at
Silver Dome Awards Gala
June 15th 6pm to 10pm
New format for awards presentation, complete with reception, dinner,
BMI entertainment, and awards presentations.
Training Sessions June 15
2016 Auto Overview
Expert Panels
Mobile Monetization
Presenter - Steve Sturm
Optimize revenue for a fast growing segment
Presents an overview of the 2016 auto market
of your digital business, covers current
including identifying sales opportunities, pacing,
landscape of 3rd party mobile monetization
historic new car launches and what to expect for
3rd and 4th quarter. Session will include open
Q&A. This is your opportunity to interact with Tier 1 Programmatic? What’s Programmatic?
brand marketers!
Learn about the rising programmtic
Overcoming Advertiser’s Objections to
advertising in a way that will sensibly frame
Buying Broadcast
conversations with customers.
Presenter - Brad Seitter
Everybody Wants Some:
Brad will present positioning to the common
misperceptions advertisers have when considering Grabbing Programmatic Dollars
broadcast. Session will include key talking points on
Learn about cutting edge solutions that enable
DVR viewing, multi-screen viewing, Hulu and Netflix
traditional media sellers and buyers to participate in the
numbers, cost to reach one person with different
programmatic space.
forms of media, digital offerings and much more.
This is the most requested session at many state
broadcast conventions!
Successful Tips to Close Big Business
Presenter - Brian Wexler
Brian will provide insight from around the
country on how to prospect, prepare, present,
and close big business. Sellers will walk away
with proven strategies to close the “whales” in
your market. This session will help sellers of all
skill levels put more money in their pocket and
in turn make more money for the station.
One Million Dollars of Real Ideas in
One Hour
4 out of 5 state broadcasters will share actual
ideas that generated a collective $1,000,000 in
local market revenue in past year.
Broadcast Advertising Works!
Clients Speak
Local direct clients who regard their radio partners
as indispensable members of their own team.
Interact with three wildly successful clients!
Legal, Legislative & Regulatory:
Manager Breakfast
Advertising is now the focus of tax reforms and new
taxation. IBA’s legal team discusses the future of
advertising, drone usage in news, and compliance
for 2017. Buffet breakfast will be served.
Two-Day Pass - includes all June 14 & 15 events
All-Day Manager Pass - includes all sessions, lunch, and Silver Dome Awards
Seller Pass (for your sales staff) - includes all training sessions and lunch
Tickets NOW on sale for the Silver Dome Awards banquet!
Tickets are $50 per person and are included in the two-day ticket price of $149 and
the one-day ticket price of $99.
Bring the entire station by purchasing a table of 10 for $450.
BMI Sweet Treats
Fresh off their chart topping single, “I Love This Life” LOCASH
comes to IBA2016. It’s an exciting tme to be LOCASH these days.
That might very well be one of the biggest understatements in
Nashville. Already in their career, the duo of Preston Brust and Chris Lucas have
enjoyed hit singles, sold-out concert appearances here and abroad, and have
tasted the top of the chart as two of Nashville’s quickest-rising songwriters. But,
to quote the old saying...You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.
Kick Back, enjoy dessert, and listen to one of Country Music’s super star
$50 Silver Dome Awards Gala
June 15th 6pm to 10pm
New format for awards presentation, complete with reception, dinner,
BMI entertainment, and awards presentations.
there is an underlying current of new and exciting energy, but the music is the
same style their fans have come to know. “We’ve been doing this for ten years
now, and I sort of feel like we have grown up a little bit in the business. We’ve
matured in the business, and learned how it all works. We just wanted to simplify
things and get down to the roots of what we are all about. That’s what LOCASH
means anyway is remembering where you come from, and your roots. Because
of that, we decided to go with LOCASH and just keep it real simple. Everybody
calls us that to begin with. I think we’ll always be referred to as LoCash Cowboys
out there somewhere, which is ok. That’s how we started.”
The duo has seen their profiles rise in the business thanks to a pair of hit
singles from two of the format’s most iconic voices. “I think having Keith Urban
recording ‘You Gonna Fly,’ and giving us our first number one song really
changed it all, and Tim McGraw doing ‘Truck Yeah” a few months later was huge
to us as songwriters.
Livin’ Loud with LOCASH at
IBA Silver Dome Awards
Hit Single “I Love This Life” Topped Country Billboard Chart at No. 2!
It’s an exciting time to be LOCASH these days. That might very well be one of
the biggest understatements in Nashville these days. Already in their career, the
duo of Preston Brust and Chris Lucas have enjoyed hit singles, sold-out concert
appearances here and abroad, and have tasted the top of the chart as two of
Nashville’s quickest-rising songwriters. But, to quote the old saying... You Ain’t
Seen Nothing Yet.
Recently signing with Reviver Records, the duo is joining forces with some of the
biggest names on the Country Music business landscape. Brust says they could
feel the team’s energy from the first meeting. “We haven’t felt an energy like this
since the day we began our journey. This feels like it has all come together –the
right label head, the right promo team, it finally feels like we’ve got all of our
ducks in a row for the first time in our lives. We’ve been out there doing the
grass roots thing for so long, and to feel it all come together, is so encouraging.”
As The LoCash Cowboys, the duo have made a presence at radio with such
records as the feel-good anthem of “Here Comes Summer,” and the tender
emotions of “Keep In Mind,” and “Best Seat In The House.” With a new name,
10 transmitter | March / April 2016
LOCASH has made believers out of Nashville, radio, and the corporate world, as
well. They have earned endorsement deals from Dean Guitars, Under Armour
and Mossy Oak apparel, Comcast, Bud Light, and Bowtick Bows and Crossbows,
as well as Kicker Audio, who sponsored their “Livin’ Loud” tour. Their love of
the outdoors has led to appearances on such lifestyle-oriented TV series as All
Star Cast. Chris and Preston also believe in giving back to their community, by
participating in such charities as D.A.R.E., St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, and the
T.J. Martell Foundation.
Other highlights on the LOCASH resume include performances on the TODAY
Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, in Times Square in New York City on New Years’ Eve,
as well as their debut at the historic stage of the Grand Ole Opry.
All along the way, the group is mindful of those who have stuck with them since
day one – the fans. “There’s ups and there are downs, but one thing about
our fans, they are faithful and loyal whether you are No. 1 or last place on a
chart,” admitted Brust. The coming year will bring the fans what they have been
clamoring for – new music. And, with the ultimate All-Star team at Reviver in play,
Lucas says that the future is bright. “We know we can make this new record deal
very successful. We’ve done our due diligence.
LOCASH will perform at IBA2016 as part of the Silver Dome Awards Banquet.
Tickets are available exclusively to IBA member stations at $50 per person or
are included with Two-Day and One-Day passes, Sellers on a $40 pass may addon Silver Dome tickets for $50.
Coby Cooper, VP/GM,
WCIA-TV, Champaign
Mike Haile, VP/GM,
WDWS/WHMS, Champaign
IBA 2016 - iHotel - Champaign, IL
June 14 - 15, 2016
Your Convention
Greg Easterly, President/GM,
WGN-TV, Chicago
Kevin Harlan, VP/GM,
WMBD-TV, Peoria
Michael Hulvey, COO,
Neuhoff Media
Michael Paterson, VP/GM,
Mid-West Family, Rockford
Illinois Broadcasters Association 11
Illinois’ High Court Endorses Electronic Media Coverage in State Trial Courts
By Esther J. Seitz, Donald M. Craven, P.C., Springfield, Illinois
E. Seitz
On February 22, 2016, the Illinois Supreme Court replaced a fouryear pilot program exploring camera access to courtrooms with a
permanent Policy for Extended Media Coverage in Illinois circuit
courts (Policy). That Policy is published on the Supreme Court’s
Electronic Media Coverage (or EMC) is about more than traditional cameras; it
describes coverage of courtroom proceedings by broadcast, television, audio and
video recording and photography when done by members of the media. Before 2012,
when the EMC pilot project commenced, cameras were strictly prohibited in Illinois trial
courts. And even now, EMC is far from the default. To take advantage of this newfound
newsgathering opportunity, the news media should take the following steps to petition
courts for permission to cover judicial proceedings with the use audio-visual recording
Ask yourself “does the court I hope to cover even permit ECM?” Not all judicial circuits allow EMC and some of the multi-circuit counties that do, don’t
permit ECM in all counties. For example, Illinois’ Third Judicial Circuit allows EMC in Madison County but not in Bond County. The Illinois Supreme Court
maintains a list of circuit and counties that currently allow EMC:
Ask yourself “does the proceeding I hope to cover qualify for EMC?” EMC is off limits for the following types of cases: juvenile, dissolution, adoption, child
custody, evidence suppression, trade secret cases and any other proceeding which Illinois law requires to be held in private.
Identify the “media coordinator” responsible for the courthouse you’d like to cover. The media coordinator is a member of the news media who the judge
designed to arrange EMC requests.
Contact the media coordinator, as soon as possible but no later than 14 days before the proceeding you wish to cover, and ask her to file a written request
for EMC. The media coordinator can initiate a request for EMC even if the proceeding has not yet been scheduled.
Ask the media coordinator to carbon copy you on her EMC request. The request must be in writing and comply with the requirements set out in Section
1.3(b)(2) of the Policy. Make sure the EMC request complies with those requirements.
If a litigant or a witness objects to your EMC petition (which they must accomplish no later than three days before the proceeding starts), consider a written
response rebutting the objections and explaining to the court why EMC of that particular case is good public policy. The court may hold a hearing to decide
whether, and what type of, EMC will be allowed.
If the court grants your EMC request, be sure to carefully comply with all rules concerning equipment type, use and placement. Those rules appear in Section 1.4 of the
Policy and circuit courts may have additional rules which you should review in advance. Judges, too, may impose case-specific restrictions designed to ensure that EMC
does not disrupt judicial proceedings. Also, the following are off-limits: (1) audio recording of conferences involving the judge, lawyers or their clients, (2) recording during
recesses and (3) recording of the jury or individual jurors.
Even when a judge has permitted EMC, he may choose to terminate it anytime or disallow it with respect to specific witnesses or portions of the proceeding. Judges have
plenty of discretion when it comes to EMC. So journalists should strictly follow judicial instructions and make sure they aren’t disrupting court proceedings. Many judges
and lawyers remain uncomfortable with the concept of cameras in the courtroom. By making the EMC process as smooth and non-distracting as possible for court
participants, journalists can ensure the continued acceptance of cameras in Illinois trial courts.
The Policy also directs circuit court to provide feedback to the Supreme Court concerning EMC usage and, specifically, the number of EMC requests filed. Critics of EMC
argue that the media has no interest in recording courtroom proceedings. To dispel that criticism, reporters should exercise their new right to pursue EMC petitions.
12 transmitter | March / April 2016

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