Grace Evangel - Grace United Methodist Church


Grace Evangel - Grace United Methodist Church
Grace United
309 Herman Avenue
Lemoyne, PA 17043
Phone: 763-7632
Grace Evangel
APRIL 2016
Pastor’s Message . . .
Pastor to People
his month we will be stepping
into the flow of the movement of
God in history of Grace United
Methodist Church. Spring
Anniversary Sunday will be held on April
24, 2016. This will truly be a time of
celebration…we will be celebrating and
dedicating the renovation of Fellowship
Hall and the Kitchen.
The movement began as illustrated in a
1960 Dedication of the Children’s
Educational Building Program, “In the
beginning, when the area was still known
as Riverton, five years before the selection
of the name Lemoyne and twelve years
before this community became a borough,
when there were scarcely a dozen houses to
be counted in the area, Grace Church had
its beginning.” What started then
continues today.
Robert A. M. Stern, Dean of the Yale
School of Architecture has said, “The
dialogue between client and architect is
about as intimate as any conversation you
can have, because when you're talking
about building…, you're talking about
dreams.” (
building.html) Truly we are living some of the
dreams of those who have gone before us.
Also, in this current remodeling we are
setting the course for dreams to come.
I invite you to step forward with us, to
celebrate this wonderful accomplishment
and continuing to dream for what God
would have us do. We are Sharing God’s
Amazing Grace as we Journey Along
Life’s Highway. Please see other articles
that refer to our Spring Anniversary
Sunday celebrations.
Spring Anniversary Day
Sunday, April 24
Special Guest Speaker:
District Superintendent,
Rev. Barry Robison
Barry was born in Altoona and graduated
from Hollidaysburg High School, Robert
Morris College (now University) and The
Methodist Theological School in Ohio. He
has been in ministry for 33 years, serving
in the York, Lewisburg, and Williamsport
Districts. Barry's interests include Star
Trek, hunting, golf, softball, volleyball and
singing. Barry has sung with the Chi Rho
singers since 1984, and he and his wife,
Joni, have been part of the Conference's
Elementary Music Camp at Greene Hills
since its inception in 1985, serving as
deans since 1995 and 1992 respectively.
Grace Evangel
April 2016
Maundy Thursday Service and Communion on March 24
Living Cross
of flowers
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Photos courtesy of Frank Baker
Grace Evangel
April 2016
Sowers of the Seed Pee Dee Mission Trip
Help Us “Fill Our Tanks":
do that again. The goal would be $1,500, which is
$300 for each car. Checks can be made payable to
Grace UM Youth with Pee Dee Mission trip on
memo line. Cash can be placed in the little brown
pew envelopes marked "Pee Dee Mission Trip."
We will be "Sharing God's Amazing Grace as We
Journey Along Life's Highway" - the highway in
South Carolina. Please prayerfully consider helping
us on our journey.
Grace Church Missioners will again be traveling to
South Carolina this year for the Pee Dee mission
trip in June. They will be using their personal
vehicles. Each participant has paid their own way
for the trip ($325), which includes lodging, food,
and supplies needed. The drivers are also donating
the use of their cars for the trip down and back, plus
driving to and from work sites. Last year the
congregation was challenged to help up "Fill Our
Tanks" by donating funds to assist the drivers in
paying for gas for the mission trip. Last year’s goal
was met, with your help, and we are hoping we can
Photos by Frank Baker
-Leslie Kocher,
Pee Dee Mission leader
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Grace Evangel
April 2016
Thanks for all the prayers, cards, and support
given to me during the recent passing of my
daughter, Donna, but most of all for the multitude
of praying and support given for her over the last
twenty-five years.
Donna was a role model for Christians her entire
life. When first diagnosed, thirty-seven years ago,
she said, “God will get me through this.” And for
all that time, her faith never wavered. She and the
Lord God walked that path together and her
commitment and his promise have finally been
completed. Today she lives in Heaven, an
inspiration to all of us whose lives she touched.
If you
or anyone you know will be graduating from high
school or college this year, please notify the church office as
soon as possible and let us know the name of the person, the
school they are graduating from, what type of diploma or
degree they will be earning, and if they are going on to college, and which school they will be attending. The 2016
Graduates will be honored during the service on
Sunday, June 5!
- Don Markelwitz
YF April 3
YF April 10
April 16-17 Make sticky Buns overnight
April 17 -No YF
April 22-23rd – 30 Hour Famine overnight
April 24th –NO YF
The Youth Sticky Bun orders are due - Sunday April 3rd. If you wish to place an
order, please see a youth, a youth leader, or you can sign up in the fellowship hall!
They are $6.00 for an 8x8 inch pan. Pick up will be in the fellowship hall Sunday
April 17th before both services and Sunday school. All proceeds benefit youth
activities. Youth show up at 7 pm on Friday night to start working!!!
April 22-23rd - The Youth will grow closer to Christ and each other as they fast together
for 30 hours and raise funds to fight hunger. The Youth stop eating
at 6 am on Friday through noon on Saturday. They will participate
in a community service project on Saturday morning (picking up
trash). You can sponsor them today!! See me (Jacki) or a youth to
donate! Youth – Please sign up in the youth room so I can plan
enough food for Saturday at Lunch!!!!
Looking Ahead…..
Painting the youth room – May something….
End of Year Party – Overnight lock in… May 20-21 or 21-22….
Youth Camping Trip – July 29-31st Poe Paddy State Park…..Otterbein Youth were
invited to join us.
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Grace Evangel
April 2016
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Grace Evangel
April 2016
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Grace Evangel
April 2016
New Ministry – Young Adults and Young Families ministry!
Who are the Millennials? Accor ding to the U.S. Census, they ar e the appr oximately 83.1 million people bor n
between 1982 and 2000 who make up ¼ of our population, exceeding the75.4 million Baby Boomer population. This
is a huge portion of our population between the ages of 18-35 with energy, ideas, creativity, and passion. The Staff
Parish Committee and Church Council believe Grace is poised at the perfect place and time to establish a Young Adult
and Young Families Ministry; a ministry that will reach out through Christ to empower this generation to use their
gifts for the benefit of people and the purposes of God.
It is with Great Pleasure that the Staff Parish committee welcomes Aaron Reynolds as the new Director of the
new Young Adult and Young Families Ministry (see Aar on’s pr ofile attached). Aar on’s r ole as the Young
Adult and Young Family Ministries Director is to implement a comprehensive program of Christian life development
for post high school graduates, college, career single and young married adults and families (approximately ages 1835, currently known as the Millennial Generation). Aaron will be working collaboratively with Pastor John and our
existing staff and the young adults and families of our congregation and our larger congregation as a whole to facilitate
this ministry.
Aaron will be starting his position here at Grace on July 1, 2016 and will be working 20 hours/week. Aaron expressed
his passion for ministry to the millennial generation of which he is a part as follows:
I believe that all people deserve God’s grace extended to them no matter who they are, where they come from,
what they’ve done, etc. Specifically, I feel called to the millennial generation.....Refining that further, I have a
specific passion for those who are unchurched, de-churched, or anti-church. I really feel strongly about
reaching out to those who don’t fit into the “average” church crowd, at least average by UMC standards. I
want to share the unconditional love of God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit to those people, so that
they can find a lifelong relationship with God through Jesus Christ; and that is my definition of the Gospel.
Ultimately, my wife and I (we’re in this together) desire to see the unconditional love of God shared through
Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit to millennials all across the mid-state, starting in Lemoyne and Cumberland
County. We whole-heartedly believe that God is already moving and preparing the way for this ministry to
happen and the Kingdom of God to flourish out of Grace UMC for the lost generation. We now pray that God
works through the committee, the church leadership, and ourselves ….. so that God’s Kingdom can be glorified
and the local community of lost millennials in Lemoyne can be found once more.
We believe that God has placed Aaron at our doorstep at this perfect point in time to begin the work of God’s leading
for this ministry to the young adults of this church and to the generation of young adults and young families outside of
our church who have no church home or who do not know Jesus. This investment into programming requires the cooperative spirit of this body of Christ to assist in the growth of this new ministry and requires a reliance upon the leading of the Holy Spirit! We covet your prayers, your ideas, your input and your participation for this ministry. We are
the Body of Christ and the Body can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!
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Grace Evangel
April 2016
Building a Young Adult Ministry Team!!!
A Young Adult Ministry team has begun to be formed. This team will be part of the dreaming/discussion process and become a sounding board for Aaron as the programming aspects of this ministry take shape. If you
are interested in working with Aaron Reynolds and the Newly Developing Young Adult Ministry please email
Aaron at Staff Parish Contacts for this new team are Bonnie Bentz
( or 975-0435) and Jim Lighty. Jump in and say yes! Currently saying yes to this
new team are: – Marcie Reynolds – Allison Munn – Brandon Casner – Julie and Jessie Drabenstadt – Laura Foose – Jessica and Tyler Orndorf – Brian Boeshore – Allie Sponic – Tessa Arnold
Aaron Reynolds Profile
Graduate of Messiah College (2013) - Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Biblical and Religious studies with
a minor in Congregational Ministries, and Concentrations in Counseling & Theology.
Graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary (May 2016) - Masters of Divinity
Aaron is married to Marcie who is also a graduate of Messiah College and they have a young baby daughter
named Eleanor. While working on his Master of Divinity and being a new dad, Aaron currently works as the
Manager of the Chick-fil-a in Kentucky where he lives and also has served as the Head Cross country and
track and field coach for the West Jessamine High School for 2 years during his time in seminary.
While at Messiah College Aaron gained experience in several areas of leadership and church life as well as
being involved extensively in research on the millennial generation and their relationship to faith.
. Service Trip Leader Coordinator at Messiah College (September 2010 - May 2012) organizing 8-15
person service trips for College breaks which involved selecting leaders, developing a leader guide
and preparing both leaders and participants by leading orientation meetings
. Interned at Linglestown Life UMC (Sept. 2012-May 2013) developing Lenten/Easter Sermon series
and small group studies which he then led and preached in coordination with the pastoral team.
. Youth Pastor, Lykens Valley Camp Meeting Elizabethville, PA, July 2011- July (summers only)
. Youth Intern, Camp Hill United Methodist Church Camp Hill, PA, September 2011- May 2013
Aaron is familiar with the Harrisburg area as he was a high school graduate of Harrisburg Christian
School! He is also the son of UMC Pastor George Reynolds.
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Grace Evangel
April 2016
Letter from Aaron and Marcie Reynolds
First off, we want to thank you for inviting us into Grace UMC as partners in ministry! Before
we arrive (sometime towards the end of June) we would like to offer you this brief bio of our
little family so that you have an idea of who we are.
We met at Messiah College back in 2009 and we got married in 2012. We both graduated
from Messiah, Marcie with a BS in Music Education with a concentration in violin and Aaron
with a BA in Psychology with a concentration in Counseling, and Biblical and Religious Studies
with a concentration in Theology, and a minor in Congregational Ministries, and then we traveled down to Wilmore Kentucky where Aaron is currently finishing up his Masters of Divinity.
Back in July of 2015, we had our beautiful baby girl Eleanor, and we’re looking forward to celebrating her first birthday in Lemoyne!
Marcie loves all things crafty, from crocheting, to sewing, to decorating, and everything in between. While in Kentucky, Marcie enjoyed working as an Administrative Assistant at Asbury
University but enjoys staying home with Ellie even more! Marcie also has an online Etsy shop
where she sells bridal sashes and is an advocate of hope for Starfish Project, a company that
sells jewelry handmade by woman in China who have escaped from human trafficking. Marcie
is most excited about not only creating a new home in Lemoyne, but also creating a new
church home as well.
Aaron enjoys reading, running, and dreaming about literally anything. He has worked as a
manager at Chick-fil-a for the past two years and thoroughly enjoys working in food service. In
addition, Aaron is really excited to be approaching the end of his schooling (for now) after 20
long years. He is a certified candidate for ministry in the Susquehanna conference of the United Methodist Church and is pursuing commissioning as a deacon in the summer of 2017. Aaron is most excited about the potential for creating a vibrant community motivated by God to
make Lemoyne a better place to live and grow families.
Eleanor enjoys eating, sleeping, playing with her toys, giggling, riding on daddy’s shoulders,
snuggling with mommy, and just being alive!
We’re so excited to be joining the Grace UMC family and we can’t wait to see what God has in
store for all of us together.
God Bless!
Aaron and Marcie
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Grace Evangel
April 2016
Hospitality Monitor Schedule
Welcoming folks on Saturday mornings
April 2
Gwen Rhone
April 9
Amy Boeshore
April 23
Chick Zoll
April 30
Betty and Dave Kunkel
Children’s Church Schedule
April 3
Emily Stepp & Youth Helper
April 10
Jill Arnold & Youth Helper
April 17
Megan Naugle & Youth
April 24
Jess Orndorf & Youth Helper
Children’s Moment Schedule
Special message for children at 11:00 a.m.
Food Bank Schedule
Serving and sharing with others
April 1
Pat Wagner/Jill Robertson
April 4
Deanna Morrison/Barb
April 6
Mary Lynn/Jill Robertson
April 15
Cindy Warner/Yvonne
April 18
Donna Wilkins/Yvonne
April 20
Winnie and Milt Gouse
PLEASE NOTE: New Food Bank hours:
1st and 3rd Mondays: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
1st and 3rd Wednesdays: 3:00 - 5:00 pm
1st and 3rd Fridays: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Liturgist Schedule
April 3 Amy Boeshore
April 10 Dave Sponic
April 17 Mike Espenshade
April 24 Gary Wilkins
Acolytes Schedule
April 3 Abigail Ebel
April 10 Regan Naugle
April 17 Lucas Drabenstadt
April 24 Korin Arnold
April 3
April 10
April 17
April 24
Megan Naugle
Megan Naugle
Megan Naugle
Megan Naugle
Usher Schedule
Worship ushers for this month
*Indicates head usher
8:30 a.m.
*Dave Kunkel
Betty Kunkel
Royal Palmer
Bernice Palmer
*Chick Zoll
Alison Strack
Michelle Smey
Dave Sponic
April 11,
7 pm
April 14,
11 am
Women of
April 14,
7 pm
Church Council
April 18,
11 am
April 19,
6:30 pm
April 21,
7 pm
Anyone who would like to take part in
Sunday morning ushering, being a
liturgist or acolyte, please contact the church
Sharing God’s Amazing Grace as we Journey Along Life’s Highway
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Grace Evangel
April 2016
Dave Kunkel
Tammy Eberts
Emily Leader
Susan Lindsey
Tim Arnold
Jeanne Orris
Alex LaFaver
Joshua Roe
Bill Devlin
Tim Kern
Patty Wolff
Allison Munn
Mary Thomas
Delaney Kelley
Samantha Daniels
Nancy McCorkel
Stephanie Stackhouse
Lauren Swett
Marion Sauerwine
Michael Klinger
Michael Rupinski
Lauren Forry
Barb Dennis
David Patterson
Chris Weaver, Jr.
Contact Information:
Pastor John Shellenberger:
Church Office: 763-7632,
Parsonage: 737-6801, Cell 385-7884, or
Pastor Frank Bergstrom: 763-7632 or Cell: 645-5290
Harry Strack, Organist:
761-8423 or Email:
Amy Boeshore, Choir Director:
Cell Phone: 418-1988
Megan Naugle, Children’s Coordinator:
Cell Phone: 329-6238
Jaclyn Rogers, Youth Director:
Cell Phone: 805-0892
Debbie Schue, Secretary:
763-7632 or Email:
Thom Devlin, Custodian: 763-7632
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Howard Cope
Sandy Harvey
Patricia Irvin
Royal Palmer
Kaitlyn Kelly
Byron Krapf
Candi Rupinski
Naomi Schneider
Cory Stephenson
Matthew Forry
Cynthia Miller
Stephen Smey
Joseph Fortenbaugh
Jackson Hicks
Dale and Mildred Clemens
Edwin and Joanna Junkin
Greg and Colleen Cutler
William and Debra Campbell
Thom and Deb Devlin
Harry and Alison Strack
Kevin and Emily Stepp
Richard Pilsits and LouAnn Saylor
Clarence and Jackie Zettlemoyer
Stan and Cathy Murphy
Grace Evangel
April 2016
Grace United Methodist Church
309 Herman Avenue
Lemoyne, Pennsylvania 17043
Harrisburg, PA
Return Service Requested
Fri., April 1
Sun., April 3
Mon., April 4
Tues., April 5
Wed., April 6
Thurs., April 7
Sun., April 10
Mon., April 11
Tues., April 12
Wed., April 13
Thurs., April 14
Fri, April 15
Sat., April 16
Sun., April 17
Mon., April 18
Tues., April 19
Wed., April 20
Thurs., April 21
Fri., April 22
Sun., April 24
Mon., April 25
Tues., April 26
Wed., April 27
Thurs., April 28
11 am, Food Bank
7 pm, Youth Fellowship
9:30 am, Women’s Bible Study / 11 am, Food Bank / 7 pm, Boy Scouts
10:30 Prayer Group / 7:30 pm, Harrisburg Choral Society
10:30 am, 50+ Meeting / 3 pm, Food Bank / 6pm, Bible Study - ”Becoming Generous
Stewards” / 7 pm, GN
10:30 am, Knowing God Bible Study / 6 pm, Refit / 7 pm, Quilt Club
7 pm, Youth Fellowship
9:30 am, Women’s Bible Study / 7 pm, Boy Scouts
10:30 am, Prayer Group / 7:30 pm, Harrisburg Choral Society
6 pm, Bible Study / 7 pm Grace Notes
10 am, Knowing God Bible Study / 12 pm, 50+ Spring Luncheon / 6 pm, Refit
11 am, Food Bank
5 pm, Youth Sticky Bun making and sleepover
7 am, Youth sleepover ends / 7 pm, Youth Fellowship / 7 pm, Boy Scout Committee
9:30 am, Women’s Bible Study / 11 am, Food Bank / 7 pm, Boy Scouts
10:30 am, Prayer Group / 7:30 pm, Harrisburg Choral Society
3 pm, Food Bank / 6 pm, Bible Study / 7 pm, Grace Notes
10 am, Knowing God Bible Study / 6 pm, Refit
Youth - 30-Hour Famine begins
Spring Anniversary Day - 9:30 am, coffee /10:15 am, Organ Recital / 10:30 am, Worship
9:30 am, Women’s Bible Study / 7 pm, Boy Scouts
10:30 am, Prayer Group / 1:00 pm, Binky Patrol @ Judie Miller’s / 7:30 pm, Harrisburg
Choral Society
7 pm, Grace Notes
10 am, Knowing God Bible Study / 6 pm, Refit
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