and the grace news
and the grace news
GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 14521 Northwest Blvd. Corpus Christi, Texas 78410-5501 Address Service Requested Grace United Methodist Church 14521 Northwest Blvd., Corpus Christi, TX 78410 361.933.0109 Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage PAID Corpus Christi, TX Permit No. 690 The Good News 1st - Cottage meeting 4th - Operation Christmas Child starts Pumpkins arrive Cottage meeting 5th - Trustees meeting 10th - Church Work Day 11th - Men’s Service Ministry Breakfast 14th - Food Bank Distribution Day 17th - Harvest Fair 20th - Newsletter Deadline UMW Hope Circle Finance meeting 25th - Blood Drive 28th - Food Bank Distribution 29th - Newsletter Team 31st - Trunk or Treat Starting Monday, October 5th Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm Sunday 12:30pm - 6pm Volunteers are needed for 3 hr shifts and story time You can sign up at Fall has begun! However, I must admit that I’ve barely been able to detect the beginning of fall in terms of the end of hot weather. Welcome to the coastal bend of Texas! But fall has begun in terms of the flurry of activity in our lives. For those with children at home, school is in full swing with all the other activities associated with that – sports, band, and then other activities that aren’t directly associated with school – dance, other sports, etc. We also have begun a flurry of activity in the life of the church – Wednesday Night Live has kicked off, a new season of Sunday morning small groups for all ages, other Bible studies and groups have begun. The pumpkins will arrive October 4 (come help unload and volunteer to staff the Pumpkin Patch during October!). These are all wonderful activities and ministries. But not long ago, I participated in a gathering of pastors to reflect on ministry and fruitfulness and we were discussing goals for our churches. Much of the time we think of goals in terms of things like starting new ministries, having more people participating in ministries, increasing our giving, etc. These are certainly worthy goals, but we were challenged by the one leading our gathering to push beyond those things. These are all activities and resources. We were pushed to ask the question “why?” Having more people participating or creating new groups is not an “outcome,” nor is increasing our giving. What is it we hope to achieve by having more people or creating new groups or receiving more giving? What is the desired outcome? What is the “end” of which such activities are the “means?” What will creating more resources enable us to do in terms of accomplishing our mission? The mission statement of the United Methodist Church is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” So our focus isn’t merely to have activities, or more activities, or more people involved in those activities. We engage in small group Bible study each week to move people along the path of discipleship so they are sent out into the world to disciple others and to transform the world. We teach children the faith or provide youth a place to fellowship in order to grow them as disciples. One of the things I’ll be asking our leadership, both staff and lay is to think about what specific “outcome” goals we believe God is leading us to work towards. Then we’ll be poised to strategize our activities and resources to reach toward those outcomes. These are challenging, yet exciting times to be part of the church of Jesus Christ and to be focused on the mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” It is my hope that we as a congregation will become laser focused on that mission. Walking in Grace, Pastor Jason A Moment in Time… Church Office Main: 361.933.0109 fax: 361.933.0154 Pastors: Reverend Jason Fry Home: 361.933.0702 Cell: 830.992.0181 ext. 205 Pastor Michele Lott Cell: 361.222.4227 ext 204 Director of Youth Ministry: To Be Filled ext 203 Director of Children’s Ministry: Debbie Shannon ext 206 Administrative Assistant: Sandy Callis ext. 200 Office Administrator: Kristina Abrigo ext. 202 Property Manager: Phillip Christian Cell: 361-443-0094 Director of Finances: Lana Norris ext. 221 Director of Music Ministry: Anita Schulz Pianist: Mary Anne Christian Praise Band Director: Michael Perez Director of Media: Holli Horton Methodist Healthcare Ministry Counselor: Laura Lopez cell: 361-652-3573 Because he was the first pastor of Grace the Rev. Goodenough had so many important events occur during his tenure, so I am just going to highlight some of them. To begin with, the organizing of the congregation in Calallen. Remember, the congregants were still without a home of their own when Pastor Goodenough came on the scene in 1948. Talk of building a new church was certainly going on but there was so much to be done in order to make it happen. Then on March 13th, 1949 the deed was done and the first service was celebrated. Then there was the congregations urging for the good pastor to find him a wife which happened in 1950 although I have found no mention of a wedding in my research. But on September of 1951, Mrs. Goodenough was rushed to Ewing Hospital in Sinton for the birth of their first child, a little girl, Kathleen Sue. And of course the first of three new buildings was erected that same year and also a small parsonage. So you see it has been pretty easy for me to come up with columns for the last three months. Next month it will be the turn of the Rev. Walton and I am anxious to find out what went on during his tenure at Grace. Mary Lutz - Historian ...and the grace news August 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT THROUGH August 31, 2015 New Members Becky Cantu Year to Date received for Ministries $527,057.93 Year to Date Ministries - $507,547.83 Visitors - August Kathelin Trinidad Claude & Cherry Pichot 14521 Northwest Blvd TMF Loan Balance January 1, 2015 - $2,283,274.71 Balance July 31 - $2,188,257.75 Average - August Worship 8:50 143 11:15 126 Nursery 7 Monthly Average: 278 Small group (Sunday School) Average: 130 If you might know the addresses for the following members, please contact the church office at 9330109 or email Sandy Callis at Leo & Lisa Coffey, Robert Jones II, Gary & Debbie Lankford, Kathleen Najvar, Nicole Waters, D.J. Weber. Playground Fund Phase 2 $5014.15 Van Fund 1 van bought with $13,705.99 toward a second van Outreach has some exciting news!! Our fundraiser "Sweet Cases" for local Foster Children raised $2,500.00 that will provide 100 duffle bags to local Foster Children. This will get them started in their new journey. Thank you to all who were able to donate. We will put the bags together as a group, all are welcome to help. Date to be announced soon! Food Bank Ministry is doing great things in our community. We are averaging 65 Families a month. We are still in need of volunteers with pick up trucks/ SUVs. If you would like to join the Food Bank team, please contact Elizabeth McGehee at Distribution takes place the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month from 9-11am at the Thrift Shoppe. Volunteers are always needed, we would love to have you join us! Oak Park Walkway $10,034.67 Designated Ministry Offerings August Food Bank $20.00 Mentoring $805.25 Outreach (Rail-backpacks & sweet cases) $1740.25 Missions $10.00 As of August 31, 2015 2015 Apportionments $85,049.00 2015 Apportionments Paid $24,668.64 29.01% The Thrift Shoppe is always in need of your gently used items, so head to your closets, box up your treasures and bring them to the Thrift Shoppe. Our customers are just waiting for your items. Our mission goals are fulfilled because of your faithful giving. Thank you so much for all that you do! UMW NEWS Attention Ladies!! Start going through your favorite recipes for baked goods. Soon UMW members will be calling you to ask you to bake something for our Bake Sale to be held at the Harvest Fair on October 17, 2015. JOY CIRCLE will meet on October 14, 2015 at 6:30pm in a room to be announced later. Bring your favorite snack and join us for fellowship and fun. HOPE CIRCLE will meet on October 20, 2015 at 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for fellowship and refreshments. Looking forward to seeing you there!! Sign up at the ministry table on October 11 & 18. October Blood Mobile Details October 25th will be the last drive for this year. All donors must have a PHOTO ID. It only takes a few minutes to donate and change the lives of as many as 3 people! Our own George Tompkins received 2 units of blood in his recent heart surgery. Thanks to donors like you, blood was available for him! Men’s Service Ministry 2nd Sunday Breakfast Once a month, the Men’s Service Ministry will have a men’s breakfast to break bread, fellowship, and discuss projects around the church and/or for a family in need of our skills. We envision children working along side of their fathers, giving praise and glory to God, in the form of service to others. PLEASE JOIN US! Please contact Richard Shurley at for more information. A Big THANK YOU!! Wanda Armstrong would like to extend a huge thank you to all of you who have been praying for her and sending your cards of encouragement. She would especially like to thank Dottie Reindl and Winnie Janak for their assistance and support. Please keep Wanda in your prayers as she continues cancer treatments and receives hospice care. Beginning about the middle of September and stretching into October, there will be a series of “cottage meetings” – gatherings of groups of people of Grace in homes to allow Jason and Joan, our new Senior Pastor and his wife, to become better acquainted with us – and for us to get to know them. Sign up at the ministry table anytime! MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK! Join your brothers & sisters in Christ for a much needed beautification day for Grace! There will be window cleaning, mowing, trimming, prayer garden TLC, etc. Please sign up on the form provided. Cleaning set to start at 7:30am. Contact Richard Shurley with questions at 361-816-9653 or You’re probably used to hearing people in church talk about giving. But when was the last time in church that you talked about earning or saving? Is it unchristian to earn money? Is it wrong to save for ourselves and our families? John Wesley didn’t think so. Wesley, the Christian evangelist and founder of the Methodist movement, gave a remarkable sermon called “The Use of Money.” In it, he said that the important thing isn’t money itself but how we use it. Wesley’s surprising advice still rings true today: earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can. During the month of October, as a congregation we will be considering these issues through a sermon series: Earn. Save. Give.: Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money, The source material comes from the work of popular author and pastor James A. Harnish. In addition to the sermons, each family is encouraged to read the devotional guide by Harnish, copies of which have been distributed in worship the last couple of Sundays and will be mailed to other families who have not had opportunity to do so. During the month, each family will receive a narrative description of the financial investments the church has made this year to carry out the ministry of Grace UMC. Each family will also be invited and encouraged to consider making a commitment to give toward the ministries budget in 2016. October 4 - “Wisdom: What We Need More Than Money” - October 11 - “Money – Good or Bad?” – Earn All You Can October 18 - October 25 - November 1 - Proverbs 3:13-18 Proverbs 6:6-11 and Luke 16:1-13 “You Can’t Take it with You” – Save All You Can 1 Timothy 6:6-10 and Luke 12:13-21 “How Far Will You Go?” – Give All You Can Luke 21:1-4 and 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Commitment Sunday (All Saints Day) Turning 50 is best when celebrated with the Grace family! Just a little over a week ago I had the great joy of turning 50. Some might hope that it could slip by unnoticed – not me…luckily! Instead of slipping quietly into the next decade of life I received teasing, decorations, lots of cake, and an abundance of love. I also enjoyed hearing the congregation sing, “Happy Birthday” and seeing pictures of my decorations on the screens in worship. Thank you for any and every part you played in that! My family loves to celebrate together…especially the “big” days. Unfortunately my schedule didn’t allow us to get together for this one – I’ll admit that I was a bit moody that we wouldn’t be able to connect for this event. I was blessed that my parents were able to make a quick trip (22 hours of driving for a 38 hour visit) and they were willing to drive to San Antonio to eat at the restaurant where my oldest son works. And then I realized that my family is much larger than I imagined. I came home from a conference to find my home decorated with streamers, balloons, dead flowers, gifts, and cards…a whole lot of love packed into my home. When I looked closer I saw that another friend had come in and done a “deep cleaning” in preparation of my parents’ visit. My mailbox was filled (seriously filled!) with wonderful birthday cards from my Grace family. I have often said that I don’t know how people “do life” without a church family. This past week has reinforced my belief that family isn’t about blood but about love, faith, and God. Romans 12:10-13 says, “Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other. Don’t hesitate to be enthusiastic—be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the Lord! Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble, and devote yourselves to prayer. Contribute to the needs of God’s people, and welcome strangers into your home.” Thank you for being my family for more than three years! You have blessed me in more ways than I can remember. When I couldn’t see you drove me to appointments, when I was hungry you fed me, when I was lonely you became my friends, when I was Pastor Perk: Awesome kids feeling old you made a big deal out of it…that’s what family does. (Michael Castenada) bring warm cinnamon rolls for I realize that I’m definitely on the downhill side of my life (it’s goyour birthday. ing to be a GREAT adventure on this side!) but our family is going strong. I pray that we continue to be on fire in the Spirit as we serve the Lord. Let’s covenant together that we will be happy in hope, stand our ground when we’re in trouble, and devote ourselves to prayer. Let us contribute to the needs of God’s people and continue to welcome strangers into our house. We are the family of God, united by faith and love. With Joy and Thanksgiving, Youth News Kids Corner The Pumpkins are coming!!! Come help us prepare the patch for their arrival on Saturday, October 3rd at 10am. We will be laying pallets down and getting everything set up for delivery on Sunday. The pumpkins should arrive Sunday, October 4 around 12:30pm! Sometimes they are early; sometimes, late!! BUT COME PREPARED ON OCTOBER 4 to unload over 1,800 bright orange, red, green or stripped pumpkins along with gourds of all shapes and sizes. Bring the entire family – great fun!! WE will be in need of wagons, wheel barrows, garden carts. Etc. to help unload. Please spread the word and sign up in the Mall area to work a 3 hour shift, or register Wednesday Night Live Jr 6-8pm SonShine Singers Kinder- 5th grade th Kinder-5 Grade We are still looking for a leader to prepare for Birthday for Jesus scheduled for Wednesday, December 9th Please contact Debbie Shannon for Dinner, Activities, Games, Lessons and FUN!!! on line at The pumpkins will need to be rolled every Wednesday night as well; so WNL groups; get signed up to do so! Wear closed toed shoes and bring gloves; as well. These bright orange balls are right out of the field and can be quite dirty!! Begins September 9th more information. Meals are $3 each or Purchase a meal ticket for $36 October 7th Lasagna Salad, Garlic Bread Cobbler October 14th Hamburgers Baked Beans, Potato Salad Cookies Decorate your vehicle and bring some goodies to share Games, Prizes & Treats for the Kids Prizes for best decorated vehicles Free Hot Dogs, Chips and Drinks to the first 200 people Families/groups attending the event to “treat” children will park in the designated parking lot with their trunks/pick-up beds accessible and be set up by 5:45. If you prefer to give something other than candy, consider stickers, pencils, fruit, or bookmarks. October 21st Beef Tips Rice, Corn Ice Cream October 28th Pasta Salad, Garlic Bread Cupcakes As the summer of planning and praying for Grace UMC youth winds down, I am reminded of Romans 12:12 “ Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Normally, this is one of my favorite bible verses because it reminds me of the importance of hope, patience, and prayer in any process. But today, I choose to focus on the joyful in hope part of the verse. I love watching our youth taking on leadership roles in our church. Whether they are leading a prayer, reading scripture, or participating in mission work, they are growing and learning to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ here at Grace UMC. Pastor Michele, at one of our meetings, stated “The youth are not the future church. They are the church of today. They can be active members today.” This concept has resonated within me because as parents and church members we must step up, volunteer and support our church in all of our programs and ministries. We have a beautiful community, a beautiful church, and most important beautiful youth filled with hope. Our youth are the adults of tomorrow but active members today. From the wise words of Sitting Bull, “Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.” I hope to see YOU at our next Youth Leadership Team meeting! It is composed of some youth, some adults, some people with a lot of time, some people with a little time, and some people with no time… YOU will be a perfect fit. Thank you. Holli Horton