D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor
D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor
BIONICO BIOGAS MEMBRANE REFORME R FOR DECENTRALIZED HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FCH JU G RANT A GREEMENT N UMBER : 671459 Start date of project: 01/09/2015 Duration: 3 years WP5 – Lab Scale Biogas Reformer D5.1 Preliminary Design of the Lab Scale Membrane Reactor Topic: Type of Action: Call identifier: FCH-02.2-2014 - Decentralized hydrogen production from clean CO2-containing biogas FCH2-RIA Research and Innovation action H2020-JTI-FCH-2014-1 Due date of deliverable: 2016-03-01 Actual submission date: 2016-04-21 Document name: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLR-TuE-20160421-v01.doc Reference period: Prepared by (*): TUE Version DATE Changes CHECKED v0.1 2016-04-21 First release TUE APPROVED Niek de Nooijer Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) CON X Confidential, only for members of the Consortium ___________________________________________________________________________________ (*) indicate the acronym of the partner that prepared the document D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 2 of 12 PUBLISHABLE SUMMARY This deliverable reports the design of the lab scale membrane reactor. Particular attention is given to the position and number of the membranes inside the reactor to improve the recovery and conversion. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 3 of 12 Content PUBLISHABLE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Description of the deliverable content and purpose .............................................................. 4 1.2. Brief description of the state of the art and the innovation brought ....................................... 4 1.3. Deviation from objectives ..................................................................................................... 4 1.4. If relevant: corrective actions ............................................................................................... 4 1.5. If relevant: Intellectual property rights .................................................................................. 4 LAB SCALE REACTOR DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 5 2.1. The reactor .......................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. The setup............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3. Design model for biogas reforming ...................................................................................... 6 2.4. Results design model........................................................................................................... 8 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................... 12 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 12 TABLE OF FIGURES Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 4 of 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Description of the deliverable content and purpose The deliverable reports on the preliminary design for the lab scale reactor for the reforming of biogas. The lab scale reactor system will be placed in a setup used in prior projects with minor changes. In this design a first model results are used to confirm the possibility for biogas reforming in the reactor. The model parameters are varied to cover the possible range of operation for BIONICO. 1.2. Brief description of the state of the art and the innovation brought The design for the reactor for biogas reforming is presented. Beside this the design is validated with a model and found to be suitable for biogas reforming with membranes. 1.3. Deviation from objectives Delivered few weeks after deadline to check the model results. 1.4. If relevant: corrective actions Not required. 1.5. If relevant: Intellectual property rights IP by TUE _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 5 of 12 LAB SCALE REACTOR DESIGN 2.1. The reactor The reactor presented is selected for the integration of the BIONICO components. The length of the reactor vessel allows operating it with different bed heights, Moreover different membrane lengths and configurations also different space between the porous plate and the membranes to allow oxidation reaction to convert all oxygen fed in case of autothermal reforming reactions. The reactor walls are made of SS310 to be able to operate up to 600ºC. The porous plate, Inconel based with aperture of 40 microns, can withstand higher temperatures to avoid damages in case of highly exothermic reactions taking place at the entrance of the gas. The dimensions of the reactor is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Reactor dimension in mm The top flange of the reactor allows for the connection of five membranes via Swagelok connectors. With the possibility for integration up to 10 pressure sensors or thermocouples. The membranes are connected to the same permeate outlet, however can be opened and closed separately to allow separate measurement or exclusion of a broken membrane. A picture of the flange is included in Figure 2. Figure 2 Top flange of the reactor _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor 2.2. Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 6 of 12 The setup Figure 3 shows a schematic representation of the setup. The setup is able to feed the required components for a model biogas composition (only few MFC have been changed and recalibrated). The setup allows for the extension to the integration of sweep gas on the permeate side. Both outlet from the reactor and the permeate side can be analysed. The permeate flow is measured with the use of a bubble flow meter. Figure 3 Scheme of the setup 2.3. Design model for biogas reforming To determine if the design allows for the desired operation parameters for the lab scale reactor a model is made of the lab scale reactor. The model is used to predict the desired in flow regimes to have the fluidization and composition range for the reactions. The model will also predict the expected outlet composition where the analysers can be calibrated for. The model results can furthermore predict if changes are required on the selected reactor or setup. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 7 of 12 Figure 4 Schematic representation of the gas in the model The system is simulated with a typical fluidized bed model to describe the behaviour of a FBMR. The model is based on the three phase model from Kunii and Levenspiel [1] to describe the gas and the solid behaviour of the bed and combined with kinetics to describe the reaction system. The gas phase in the model is divided into a bubble wake and emulsion fraction, a schematic representation is given in Figure 4. The mass transfer between bubble and emulsion is taken into account. The removal of hydrogen through the membranes is modelled as a flux of hydrogen that is removed. For the flux is the following expression used to estimate the flux JH2. Where Pm is the permeability of the membrane, tm the membrane layer thickness and P0.5H2,ret - P0.5H2,per. 𝑃𝑚 0.5 𝐽𝐻2 = (𝑃 − 𝑃𝐻0.5 ) 2 ,𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑚 𝐻2 ,𝑟𝑒𝑡 The reactions in this model are based on the kinetics study of Numaguchi and Kikuchi [2], based on a nickel catalyst, however in BIONICO is aimed to use an Rh based catalyst. The Rh catalyst is selected over nickel due to its higher resistance to coke formation than nickel. Furthermore the activity of Rh is much higher than the activity of nickel [3]. The exact kinetics for the BIONICO catalyst are however not known yet. To accurately model the reactor these kinetics are required, experimental work is ongoing to obtain the kinetics for the Rh catalyst used in BIONICO. For the design of the reactor the kinetics of Numaguchi and Kikuchi are assumed to be comparable with the Rh catalyst. Because of the high loading concentration of nickel used in the model. When the actual kinetic rate of the BIONICO catalyst is know the design can be updated and checked if it is still suitable or if adaptations are required to the setup. The DR reforming reaction is not included in the model of Numaguchi and Kikuchi. The DR reforming is therefore assumed to have no significant effect on the design of the lab scale reactor and the CO2 is assumed to be inert for the SMR reaction not for the WGS reaction. The base case simulated for the design is formulated at possible lab scale conditions for the lab scale reactor at TUE. For the base case normal Steam methane reforming is selected to obtain a case which the Biogas case can be compared to. Furthermore the setup should be able to test the required biogas compositions for the lab scale reactor. The base case and the biogas case are shown in table 1. Properties Pressure [bar] Table 1 properties for simulation of Base cases Base case Biogas Base case SMR reforming 4 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Temperature [K] Bed height [m] Reactor diameter [m] u0/umf [-] Steam/methane [-] CH4 feed molar fraction [-] H2O feed molar fraction [-] CO2 feed molar fraction [-] CO feed molar fraction [-] H2 feed molar fraction [-] N2 feed molar fraction [-] Particle diameter [µm] Solid density [kg/m 3] Particle porosity [-] Active phase content [wt%] Sphericity factor [-] 2.4. 823 0.4 0.1 3 2.5 0.15 0.375 0.475 300 3650 0.404 20 0.75 Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 8 of 12 823 0.4 0.1 3 2.5 0.15 0.375 0.115 0.36 300 3650 0.404 20 0.75 Results design model First both base case systems are simulated and compared. In Figure 5 the conversion of both cases are plotted. The Conversion of methane in biogas is lower compared to the normal SMR reaction case. This can be explained due to the addition of CO2 in the feed stream. The CO2 is a product of the WGS reaction therefore the reaction rate of the WGS is lowered and the equilibrium is reached faster for the WGS and SMR resulting in a lower conversion. Figure 5 Conversion and reaction rate of the SMR and biogas base case _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 9 of 12 0,5 SMR CH4 Biogas CH4 Molar fraction [-] 0,4 SMR CO Biogas CO 0,3 SMR CO2 0,2 Biogas CO2 SMR H2 0,1 Biogas H2 SMR H2O 0 0 0,08 0,16 0,24 0,32 0,4 Reactor lenght [m] Biogas H2O SMR N2 Figure 6 Composition in molar fraction over the length of the reactor Figure 6 shows the composition in the reactor. The outlet compositions obtained when steam is condensed is within range of the analyser available for both base cases. No effect of the outlet composition is obtained on increase of the superficial velocity. The composition obtained at the outlet is at equilibrium for all cases. Moreover it is mentioned before the BIONICO catalyst is expected to be equally active or even more active the nickel simulated. Therefore there are not problems expected with obtaining equilibrium compositions at the outlet. To check the assumption that the dry reforming has no significant effect on the design of the lab scale setup the kinetics in the model are adapted to include the dry reforming reaction. The rate of the dry reforming reaction is assumed to be equal to the steam methane reforming. This assumption is the case when the dissociation of methane on the catalyst surface is the kinetically limiting step [4]. Including the DRR does not change the outlet conversion of methane or the outlet composition. Molar fraction [-] 0,4 Biogas CH4 Biogas + DR CH4 Biogas CO 0,3 Biogas + DR CO 0,2 Biogas CO2 Biogas + DR CO2 Biogas H2 0,1 Biogas + DR H2 0 0 0,04 0,08 0,12 Reactor lenght [m] Figure 7 the molar fraction along the beginning of the reactor for the biogas base case and the biogas case including dry reforming. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 10 of 12 The membranes selectively remove hydrogen from the system. The selective removal of hydrogen shifts the equilibrium of the WGS shift reaction. The shift in equilibrium results in a different outlet composition. In the model the presence of the membranes is evaluated for both base cases and two different membrane configurations. The two configurations are compared to evaluate the effect of the height of the membranes in the reactor. In Figure 8 both reactor configurations are shown. In configuration A the membrane is 3 cm from the distributor plate, in configuration B the membrane is 15 cm from the distributor plate. The membrane selected represents the expected performance, the properties of the membrane are given in Table 2. Figure 8 Reactor configuration with membrane Table 2 Membrane properties Membrane Properties Number of membranes length [m] Diameter [m] Membrane thickness [m] Reference permeability At Tref [mol1s-1m-1Pa0.5] Activation energy [J/mol] Permeate pressure [Pa] PdAg membrane on ceramic support 5 0.17 0.01015 4*10-6 1.483*10-8 10.24*103 30397.5 Introduction of the membrane for both base cases increases the conversion significantly, as shown in Figure 9. In Figure 9 the membrane configuration A is introduced. Removing the hydrogen shifts the equilibrium resulting in much higher conversions. It must be noted that the conversion might be over predicted since the model does not include concentration polarization. In the case of concentration polarization the transport of hydrogen through the membrane is faster than the transport of hydrogen from the bulk to the membrane wall. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 11 of 12 1 Conversion of CH4 0,8 0,6 0,4 Biogas SMR Biogas + Memb. A SMR + Memb. A 0,2 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 Reactor lenght [m] Figure 9 Conversion of CH4 for the base case with and without membranes Figure 10 shows the conversion for membrane configuration A and B. The conversion is decreased when the membranes are placed more upwards in the reactor. The effect for this decrease becomes clear when the mass transfer limitations are removed (NML). In this case the concentration in the bubble wake and emulsion phase are equal. The mass transfer limitations are more pronounced when the bubbles are big. The bubble size increases from the bottom of the reactor to the top. The mass transfer is more enhanced when the bubbles are small, therefore the conversion is higher when the membrane is placed near the distributer where the mass transfer to the membrane is higher. It is thus suggested that also in the larger scale reactor, the membranes should be placed closer to the bottom of the reactor. 1 Conversion of CH4 0,8 0,6 0,4 Biogas + Memb. A Biogas + memb. B Biogas + memb. B NML 0,2 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 Reactor lenght [m] Figure 10 Conversion of methane for both membrane configurations and the effect of mass transfer limitations From the results can be seen that the outlet composition changes significantly when the membranes are introduced. Moreover the placement of the membrane can have an effect on the outlet composition. Therefore it will be aimed at placing the membrane close to the distributor plate to avoid the mass transfer limitation. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU D5.1 Preliminary design of the lab scale membrane reactor Proj. Ref.: BIONICO - 671459 Doc. Ref.: BIONICO-WP5-D51-DLRTUE-20160421-v01 Date: 2016/04/21 Page Nº: 12 of 12 CONCLUSIONS The deliverable reports on the preliminary design for the lab scale reactor for the reforming of biogas. The lab scale reactor system will be placed in a setup used in prior projects. In this design first model results are used to confirm the possibility for biogas reforming in the reactor. The results show that the reactor dimensions should be suitable for the system of BIONICO for biogas reforming. However the model results are based on different kinetics. The results should be checked with updated kinetics as soon as possible to review the possibility for biogas reforming in the setup. The effect of dry reforming is not expected to effect the design significantly. The introduction of the membranes changes the outlet composition significantly, however it is still within the range of the analyser. REFERENCES [1] D. Rippin, Chemical reaction engineering O. Levenspiel Wiley. xv 501 pp. 81s, Chem. Eng. Sci. 19 (1964) 91. [2] T. Numaguchi, K. Kikuchi, Intrinsic kinetics and design simulation in a complex reaction network; steam-methane reforming, Chem. Eng. Sci. 43 (1988) 2295–2301. [3] S.D. Angeli, G. Monteleone, A. Giaconia, A.A. Lemonidou, ScienceDirect State-of-the-art catalysts for CH 4 steam reforming at low temperature, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 39 (2013) 1979–1997. [4] A. Donazzi, A. Beretta, G. Groppi, P. Forzatti, Catalytic partial oxidation of methane over a 4% Rh/??-Al2O3 catalyst Part II: Role of CO2 reforming, J. Catal. 255 (2008) 259–268. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PU
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