The e-RUNDOWN - Tidewater Striders


The e-RUNDOWN - Tidewater Striders
February 2011 Edition
Monthly newsletter of the TIDEWATER STRIDERS Running Club. One of the nation’s largest running organizations.
Distance Series runs thru First Landing State Park
The first group of runners begins the 10k/20k at First Landing as the Distance Series tests
out a new venue and staggered race start.
Upcoming Events
Friday, February 11
Register for Banquet
Sign Up Online
Saturday, February 12
Virginia is for Lovers
Saturday, February 19
TS Distance Series 20K & 30K
Saturday, February 26
Bay View Elementary 1 Mile
Saturday, February 26
Sign Up Online
Annual Awards Banquet
Grand Prix Awards plus
First Year Hall of Fame Induction
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Cape Henry Beach Club (Army-Operated)
Ft. Story
Time: 6 - 7 PM Cocktail Hour
followed by an Italian Buffet
More details inside!
Register for Banquet no later than
February 11th
The 2011 RRCA National
Convention is just up the road in
Fredericksburg, VA on May 1215, 2011. More info at http://
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
The RUNDOWN - February 2011 - Issue Number 418
Tidewater Striders, P.O. Box 2121, Chesapeake, VA 23327-2121 or newsletter@Tidewater
Deadline is the 20th of every month, may be earlier during the holiday seasons.
Letters and Comments are appreciated, please send to
Annual Awards Banquet . . . . . . . . . 1
Striders Service Directory . . . . . . . . 2
President’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Notes from the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Treasurer’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Volunteer for Shamrock Weekend . . 4
Happy Birthday! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
History Buff Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Final 2010 Grand Prix Standings . . . 5
Register for the 2011 Grand Prix . . 5
Praise for the Volunteers . . . . . . . . . 6
The Athlete’s Kitchen - News from the
American Dietetic Association . . . . . 8
Volunteer Opportunities . . . . . . . . . 10
2011 Grand Prix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Tidewater Strider Scholarship Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Camperships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Annual Awards Banquet . . . . . . . . 11
Recipe Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
New Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Membership Expirations . . . . . . . . 16
Recipe Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Tidewater Striders Training Sites . 17
Distance Series 10k-20k . . . . . . . . 18
Frosty 5k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Striders on the Road . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Another Birthday Run for WWP . . . 19
Strider Walkers Training for Races 20
Special Discounts for . . . . . . . . . . 21
Striders Tweet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
RUNDOWN Ad Rates . . . . . . . . . . 21
The RUNDOWN is published monthly
by the Tidewater Striders, a nonprofit educational and recreational
organization for running, walking and
triathlon enthusiasts in the Tidewater
Virginia area. Opinions expressed in the
RUNDOWN are not necessarily those
of the Editor or the Tidewater Striders
Board of Directors.
Click for AD rate info
Striders Service Directory
2010 Board Of Directors Officers:
Jean Phelan, President (681-0248)
Rich Hildreth, Vice President (481-9027)
Sharon Rodier, Secretary (377-1269)
Dan Edwards, Treasurer (717-0259)
Officers are elected by BOD from BOD and serve 1
year terms from January thru December.
Board Members thru Dec 2011
Amiele Barakey (757-650-2431)
Dave Harrah (636-2204)
Dan Edwards
Jean Phelan (681-0248)
Lori Sherwood (406-1247)
Deb Sommer (623-0594)
Board Members thru Dec 2012
Bob Brunner (340-2068)
Ryan Conrad (717-496-1049)
Rich Hildreth (481-9027)
Steve Patterson(406-0077)
Cathi Reade (717-8774)
Sharon Rodier (377-1269)
Adopt-A-Highway: Rich Hildreth*
Advisory: Mel Williams
Audit: Bethany Sanchez (471-8233)
Awards: Deb Sommer and Sharon Rodier
Banquet: Jean Phelan
Budget: Dan Edwards*
Community Service: Chris Catoe
Constitution & Bylaws: Mel Williams
Elections: Curt Aasen
Grand Prix:
Running: Bob Brunner *
Triathlon: Mike Mitchell*
Walking: Lori Sherwood *
Youth: Angelo Celesia
Marketplace: OPEN
Cathi Reade (Updates and Inquiries)
Steve Patterson
Nominations: Joan Gustaffson (621-6473)
Photography: (623-0892)
Programs: Nick May (426-6167)
Publications: OPEN
Publicity & PR: Dave Harrah*
Race Committee Co-Chairs:
Rick Brown (499-5506)
Dan Edwards*
Scholarship: Dan Edwards*
Social: Cathi Reade*
Chairperson - Bob Brunner*
Senior Men’s- Mel Williams
Master / Senior Women - Sheri Segal
Women Open-Colleen Pak 481-4608
Men Open-John Adams 289-5676
Men Masters-Tommy Nesson
Triathlon -Gene Bachman - 467-0898
Walk -Steven Shapiro
Youth - Angelo Celesia (288-7715)
Triathlon: Sharon Rodier*
Volunteer: Rich Hildreth*
Cindy Williams
Youth Programs:
Chair -Dan Edwards*
Coach -Angelo Celesia
Web Site Committee Chair:
Tommy Neeson
Web Site Manager:
Steve Speirs (478-6403)
*Board members contact information is not repeated Please see their BOD listing for contact
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
President’s Corner
Treasurer’s Report
Fellow RUNNERS::
Here goes my first attempt at the
Presidents corner. I would like to
thank the 2011 Board members for
their vote of confidence in electing me
president. These are hard shoes to Fill.
I personally would like to thank Rich
for 5 years of great leadership. In the
next year, I hope to be able to keep you
better informed on what your club is
involved with and what you can do to
make the Tidewater Striders better. With
the exception of the Rundown Editor,
Ada Lester, & the Striders webmaster,
Steve Speirs, this is an all-volunteer
organization and we need you. In the
next couple of months the Board will be
updating the Service Directory and the
Policies and Procedures. We will need
some members to step forward and take
the ball running on chairing committees.
There is always something that needs
attention. Speaking of that, is there a
history buff out there that would like to update the Club History? If you look at our
website, it hasn’t been done in quite a few years. You will probably learn quite a bit.
Club Races:
50K Ultra Trail Run
Race for Breath
Distance Series
Executive Race Committee
Interest Income
Scholarship - Turkey Trot
Youth Dev.
Total Rev
Banquet Expense
Board Operations/Election
Club Races
50K Seashore Ultra
All Access 5K
Race for Breath
Distance Series
I would like to see more articles on out of town races that you travel to. I’m always
looking for a race that’s worth the time and money to travel to. Sometimes websites
describe their courses as fast and flat and then us flat land runners travel there only to find
HILLS. Please consider writing a description of what you liked about the race or not and
forwarded to the Rundown. Send your race results to Steve Scudder at svscudder@juno.
com. This does count for those all important volunteer points for Grand Prix standings.
Please make sure you let our new volunteer coordinator, Rich Hildreth know.
Community Service
Hope to see you at the annual awards banquet on Saturday, February 26th. Deadline is
fast approaching.
Newsletter Expense
RRCA Dues & Insurance
Schol: Turkey Trot Expense
Scholarship Expense
See you at the races,
Jean Phelan
Exec Race Comm Vehicle
General Operations: Web/
Youth Development
Total Exp
Net Income
Notes from the Editor
Account Balances
A New Year and for the first time in a long while, a new President for the Tidewater Striders.
Rich - Thank you for serving for so many years and even more importantly continuing to
serve on the board as Vice President and taking over as volunteer coordinator.
Due to computer complications last month, this issue of the Rundown contains two articles
from Nancy Clark and two recipes from Strider Sheila Bailey.
BankofAmer Checking
BankofAmer Money
Race for Breath
Happy New Year!
See ya at the races,
General Operations
Ada Lester
Since you can now earn 50 Grand Prix points for volunteering, consider writing an article
in 2011 for the Rundown. Believe me one article a year vs 12 is a piece of cake and all
you have to do is repeat a story you might tell on a long run with your running buddies...
on second thought, please keep the younger audience in mind!
Exec Race Committee
Total - Restricted
Total - All Accounts
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Tidewater Striders Race Schedule
January 2011
Distance Series
Distance Series Flyer - Also visit Strider
website for updates
January 29th 15k/25k
February 19th 20k/30k
Click for online registration.
The Distance Series moves to First Landing
State Park in 2011. With the new venue will
come many changes and fine tuning as the
series progresses. Please read ALL e-mails
from the race director and check the Strider
Website regularly for updates.
Packet Pick-up will take place at Final Kick
from 5 to 6:30pm on the Friday night before
each event. Registration is LIMITED to
450 runners per day so register in advance
to avoid being closed out.
Start/finish, parking and registration will
be at the boat ramp area that you will enter
via 64th Street. Complimentary parking
will be available for those who are preregistered. Additional information will be
provided to those pre-registering online or
via paper entries if email is provided. Any
questions can be directed to Dan Edwards
Remember the 20k on January 8th and
the 30k on February 19th are part of the
Tidewater Striders Grand Prix. To compete
in the Grand Prix you must register with
Bob Brunner. Please provide your name,
gender and age to
Bayview Elementary Mile
February 26, 2011
Another new race which will help more
runners prepare for the Shamrock Final
Mile. At “printing” a flyer was not available
but please check the Tidewater Striders site
or e-mail the race director, Chastity Tucker
2011 Race Schedule
Club Races are in bold. Striders provide timing services or other support to the rest.
February 12 Va is for Lovers
14K & 1.4 Mile Run
February 19 TS Distance Series 20K & 30K
20K 30K
February 26 Bayview Elem Mile
March 06
Pembroke Meadows 1-Mile
March 12
Falcon 5K
5K & 1-Mile
March 19
1-Mi, 8K, Half Mar & Marathon
March 26
Wounded Warrior
April 2
Contemp Art Center - Run for the Art
April 09
VB Rescue Squads
April 10
Christopher Farms
5K & 1-Mi
April 16
Lion’s Journey for Sight 5K & 1-Mile
5K & 1M
April 23
Suffolk YMCA 5K & 1-Mile
April 30
Independence Middle School 5K & 1-Mile 5K & 1M
May 01
Thoroughgood ES 1-Mile
May 07
St John the Apostle Stingray Run
5K & 1M
May 08
Jewish Fam Svcs 5K & 10K
1Mi 5K 8K
May 21
Capernaum Stroll Roll
May 22
I Need a Lighthouse
May 28
Elizabeth River Run 10K & 1-Mile
10K & Mi
May 30
RRR Ranch
5K & Mile
June 04
June 05
Weight Watchers Walk-It 5K
June 11
Eggleston Services
June 18
Run-Walk for the Children
1-Mi, 2-Mi & 8K &
July 05
Summer Series 1
July 09
Childrens Miracle Network
July 12
Summer Series 2
July 16
Allen Stone
Rn-Sw-Rn & 5K
July 19
Summer Series 3
July 23
Operation Homefront
5K and Mile
July 26
Memorial Schol. 5K 5K
more coming in a future edition!
Volunteer for Shamrock Weekend
Shamrock is a busy race weekend for a lot of Striders. Whether your running or walking
the 8K, half or full please consider giving back to the running community by volunteering
at these events.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY, Sunday, March 13th at 10:00. Meet at the West Gate on Shore
Drive. Following trash pickup there will be a get together for lunch.
SHAMROCK Sports and Fitness Expo – Friday, March 18th 1 to 9 PM , and Saturday,
March 19th 10 AM to 5 PM. Volunteers needed for a 2 hour shift. Please contact or 681-0248.
For the 7th consecutive year the Striders will be manning a water stop on Saturday, March
19th, from 7 AM to 10 AM. So if you’re not running the 8K and would like to volunteer,
please contact Jean Phelan ( As thanks for your volunteering, you
will receive a Shamrock t-shirt and entry into the post race beach party. The water stop
will be on the Boardwalk at 17th Street.
Other volunteer positions are available. Please visit for
additional opportunities. Feel free to pass this information to family and friends!
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Happy Birthday!
Register for the
2011 Grand Prix
In February, 114 Striders are celebrating
their birthday and 27 are MOVING ON
UP to a new age group.
Gary Searcy
Benny Le Bon
Timothy Collins III
Louie D’Angelo
Shirley Parsley
Edward Ferguson
Theresa Holleran
Robert Thomson
Valerie Cunningham
Kathryn Fine
Pam Wiltshire
Brett Riley
Amanda Kenyon
Meredith King
Ray Cagle
Katie Palluch
Madison Brunner
Werner Mangold
Elizabeth Zinn
Edric Morgan
Barbara Gerhardt
Katie Haver-Santos
Peter Gerlach
James Wolfe
Alyssa Allegre
Misty Scanlon
Dylan Fox
If you wish to compete in the 2011
Tidewater Striders Running Grand
Prix.Please provide your name,
gender and age to
Feb. 01
Feb. 01
Feb. 02
Feb. 05
Feb. 11
Feb. 12
Feb. 13
Feb. 14
Feb. 14
Feb. 15
Feb. 16
Feb. 16
Feb. 17
Feb. 17
Feb. 18
Feb. 19
Feb. 19
Feb. 20
Feb. 21
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
Feb. 23
Feb. 24
Feb. 24
Feb. 25
Feb. 27
Feb. 28
The 2011 Walking Grand Prix has
the same requirement, Walking
Committee Co-Chair, Steve Durrant,
doing their first Walking Grand Prix
The Multisport Grand Prix is also
requiring registration. To register for
the Grand Prix, please e-mail Sharon
History Buff Wanted
Based on the club website, an update on
the Tidewater Striders History is very
much needed. If this is something you’d be
interested in compiling, please contact our
Club President, Jean Phelan.
Final 2010 Grand Prix
Clydesdale Grand Prix
Final 2010 Clydesdale Grand Prix
e-mail questions to Julio Colmenares
at .
Running Grand Prix
Final 2010 Running Standings
Walking Grand Prix
If you wish to change the e-mail address
where you receive the e-Rundown, please
e-mail Cathi Reade, Co-Membership
information. Thanks in advance for your
Final 2010 Walking Standings
From top to bottom are Robert Thomson
and Peter Gerlach. Robert is aging up during the distance series while Pete will age
up just after the last race in the series.
Peter is currently in 4th place in the Half
Marathon Series 45 to 49 age group by two
seconds. But guess what, Robert is in 2nd
place and he’ll be aging up before the end
of the series! Robert should insure that he’s
scored in the next age group as he would
currently be in first place in the 50 to 54 age
group. Rick Brown will have fun with this
scoring. Happy Birthday to both Robert and
Peter and the rest of the Striders who have
birthdays this month!
Multi-Sport Grand Prix
Final 2010 MultiSport Standings
All the awards for the Grand Prix
competitions will be presented at the
Banquet on February 26, 2011. Click for
more information on the banquet.
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Praise for the Volunteers
The Seashore Nature Trail 50K - December 18, 2010 - Mel Williams – Race Director
Although a bit chilly, the weather was much
improved compared to the conditions of the
Inaugural Race in 2009, and we were able
to run the original course with two loops
instead of three. Similar to last year, runners
in the Seashore Nature Trail 50K at First
Landing State Park had nothing but praise
for the volunteers on the course. Runners’
comments were highly complimentary,
and reflect the extraordinary commitment
of Tidewater Striders members and others
who volunteered to support this event. In
particular, several groups of individuals
should be recognized for their time
and effort in making this race possible,
including the race committee, the race
volunteers, and race supporters.
Race Committee
More than a dozen outstanding committee
members, both official and ex-officio, were
instrumental in the planning, organization
and conduct of the race. Many of the
committee members are ultrarunners and
marathon runners with experience in trail
races. Here are the committee members
and their major roles, and it also should be
noted that all were volunteering (or running
the race in the case of John Price, Steve
Speirs, Gene and Carole Bachman) on the
course from before daylight until after dark
on race day.
o Gene and Carole Bachman – Finish line
o Rick Brown – Finish line
o Angelo Celesia - Course support
o Dan Edwards – Finish line
o Rob Levinsky – Course support
o Stacin Martin – Volunteer coordinator
o Bee McLeod - Aid stations
o Tom Murphy – Course support
o Linda Palluch – Registration
o Jean Phelan – Registration
o John Price – Course layout and support
o Jim Ross – Course support
o Steve Speirs - Computer logistics
o Goody Tyler – Aid Stations
Race Volunteers
You have all heard the cliché “We could
not have done it without the volunteers”
and in the case of running races it was
never more appropriate than it was for the
Seashore Nature Trail 50K. I received
nearly 50 emails from runners, all extolling
the efforts of the volunteers. Here is one
“I just wanted to take a moment to
send you an email and let you know
that I was completely blown away by
how well the race was done. This was
my first ultra, and also my first time
running on a trail and I have to say, I’m
hooked! I absolutely loved it. I’m not
particularly fast, but my pace wouldn’t
have made a difference anyway because
the scenery was so beautiful I stopped
and took pictures along the way.”
“Your food and hydration stations
were so well stocked with food and
incredible volunteers that I didn’t
need to worry about carrying water,
Gatorade or food throughout the entire
race. Your volunteers were extra kind
and considerate and they were great for
standing out in that cold to cheer us on
and make sure the runners were ok.”
“The scenery, the volunteers, the food
stations – I rate this my favorite race so
far and I am looking forward to running
this again next year!”
Our race committee members were busy
in preparation for and conduct of the race.
Stacin Martin did an outstanding job as
overall coordinator of volunteer efforts,
while Bee McLeod and Goody Tyler
coordinated the volunteer activity at the
two aid stations. Dan Edwards organized
volunteer efforts at the finish line while
Angelo Celesia, Rob Levinsky (still
recuperating from a broken clavicle), and
Jim Ross roamed the course throughout the
day to address any concerns. Jean Phelan
and Linda Palluch handled the packet
pickup and registration both days, while
Tom Murphy orchestrated parking on race
day. Steve Speirs handled our computer
needs, while Rick Brown provided timely
and accurate finish times for all runners.
John Price coordinated marking of the
course, and on Friday shoveled snow off all
the bridges on the Bald Cyprus/Osmanthius
loop. Gene and Carole Bachman provided
a recreational vehicle at the finish as a
warm-up shelter for runners after the race.
We had over 80 volunteers to help make
the Seashore Nature Trail 50K a success.
Here is the master list of the volunteers,
listed alphabetically by first name, whose
manifold efforts helped many runners finish
this ultramarathon and earn their praise.
They worked the aid stations, the runner
number check points, various hazardous
sites on the course, the finish line, and postrace events. Our deepest thanks to all. If
for some reason we missed your name,
please contact us at stacin.martin@gmail.
com and we will add your name to the list
for future publication.
Aimee Sessler
Ally Speirs and mother
Angelo Celesia
Barbara Henry
Becky & Liam Grieser and sons
Bee Mcleod
Beth Gadkowski
Bob Stern
Chris Eugene
Claudia Crawford
Corrine Milligan
Dan Edwards
Dan Thomas
Dave Harrah
David Hodge
David Phillips
Deb Sommers
Debbie Cook
Debbie Mustin
Deborah Kopecky
Deborah Redmond
Deloris Clark
Dick Carter
Dylan Henry
Edward Rucka
Elvie Ramirez
Eric Brooks
Frank Schuetz
Gary Boswick (and Boy Scout Troop)
Gene & Carole Bachman
Ginger Gibbs
Gladys Sopko
Glen Logan
Glenda Dennison
Goody Tyler
Heidi Sleasman
Iris Welsch
Jacob Anderson
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Janet Thomas
Steve Speirs
Jean Phelan
Terry Koob
Jennifer Cowell
Todd Howrilla
Jeremy Niedzwiecki
Tom Murphy
Jim Dare
Townsend Brown
Jim Ross
Travis Redmond
Joe Wood
Vanessa Clement
John Price
Wanda Renner
Julie Vaughn
Kathleen Brooks
Kathy Rumberger
Kelly Borkman
Kevin Cloe
Kim Smith
Linda Palluch
Lisa Armistead
Lynette Mason
Maria Poranski
Mark Mustin
Mary Beth Marshall
Meghan Foley
Melinda Roesly
Michael Nicolaides
• Mike Robinson, owner of Running Etc.
in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, donated
various raffle prizes appropriate for
• Ada and Allen Lester and their TriDuo
photographers captured the event
along the course. You may peruse
their photography at
Race Supporters
Several individuals provided substantial
support for the race, and should be
recognized for their contributions to the
overall success of the race.
• Jerry and Amy Frostick of J&A
Racing, the company that produces the
Shamrock Sportsfest and other popular
local races. Jerry and Amy supported
the race by providing
concentrate, cups, and Mylar blankets
for the aid stations and finish line. The
latter were deeply appreciated by the
runners given the cold conditions.
• Kim Miller, activity coordinator at First
Landing State Park, was very supportive
and cooperative in helping to secure the
use of the park as a race venue. Thanks
her efforts, the Tidewater Striders was
able to use the park, which is considered
a treasure by Striders members, for this
ultradistance race
In summary, thank all of you who have
made the 2010 race the success it was.
We truly could not have done it without
you. We plan on having the race again in
December, 2011. We hope to see you in
December either as a runner or a volunteer.
• Jim Golden, owner of Final Kick
Sports in Virginia Beach, donated gift
certificates and running gear for the
Michelle Schenck
Mike Borysewicz
Misty Williams
Patrick Boyd
Paula Graham
Philip Guy
Pooch Palluch
Rachel Semcheski
Randy Cook
Renee High
Rich Bush
Rich Hildreth
Richard Edwards
Rick Brown
Rick Schoonover
Rob Levinsky
Roland Tsosie
Scott Lang
Shannon Wohler and sons
Steve Andrews
Steve Durrant
Susan Snead
Stacin Martin
Meet on Shore Drive opposite Fort Story west entrance for cleanup along Shore
Drive to Atlantic Avenue. Social follows in First Landing/Seashore State Park.
Sunday, March 13
Sunday, May 15
Sunday, July 10
Sunday, Sept 11
Sunday, November 20
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
 For more information call Rich Hildreth at 481-9027 
Meet at the “Narrows” boat ramp parking area (west end of 64th St. off Atlantic
Ave.) at First Landing/Seashore State Park for trail maintenance along Long
Creek Trail and Osprey Trail. Social usually follows in boat ramp area.
Sunday, April 17
Sunday, June 12
Sunday, August 7
Sunday, October 16
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
For more information call Chris Catoe on 425-6556 or e-mail
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
The Athlete’s Kitchen - News from the American Dietetic Association
Copyright: Nancy Clark MS, RD SSD,December 2010
The American Dietetic Association (the
nation’s largest group of food and nutrition
professionals) recently convened in Boston
(Nov., 2010). The following are just a
few of the highlights from that meeting.
Perhaps the information will help you
enjoy a high energy, high quality, healthpromoting sports diet.
•While cholesterol used to be the buzz
word when it comes to heart disease,
inflammation is the current focus. Dr. Britt
Burton-Freeman of the National Center for
Food Safety and Technology spoke about
the power of food on reducing inflammation
and lowering the risk of the so-called
diseases of aging (that are actually diseases
of inflammation). Obesity, for example,
is a pro-inflammatory condition. This
helps explain why obesity is associated
with inflammatory diseases such as heart
disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's,
arthritis, and pulmonary diseases.
How can you reduce inflammation? By
eating at each meal a colorful rainbow
of fruits and vegetables rich in bioactive
compounds. This would offer your body
continual protection and could potentially
reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke
by 20%, and cancer and diabetes by 30%.
Red strawberries, blueberries, dark purple
grapes (or grape juice), oranges, and leafy
greens are just a few examples of colorful
foods that fight inflammation.
Nuts are also powerfully health protective.
Dr. Michelle Wien of Loma Linda
University reported that people who
eat two ounces (46) almonds a day can
significantly reduce the risk of heart disease
and diabetes. And more almonds are better!
No, you will not get fat from eating the
nuts. The trick is to exchange other snacks
(such as cookies or cheese & crackers) for
almonds. Note:: 23 almonds = about 160
Plan to enjoy almonds with carbs, such
as dried fruit, or as almond butter on toast.
This reduces the blood glucose response of
the carbohydrates with which the almonds
are eaten. This helps stabilize blood glucose
swings that can contribute to inflammation.
(Plus, carb-protein combinations contribute
to sustained energy that gets you through
a busy day and a hard workout, as well
as optimizes recovery from workouts.)
Almonds are a good source of magnesium,
a mineral protective against heart disease
and diabetes. Bottom line: enjoy almonds
(and other nuts) daily!
take-out foods); use running as a means
of transportation, enjoy local parks for
recreation, and support farmers' markets.
• If you are fond of pistachio nuts, buy
them in the shell. You'll be less likely to
over-eat them. Keep the empty shells in
plain sight (as compared to discarding the
empty shells into a waste basket where you
don’t see them). The pile of empty shells
becomes a visual clue you've eaten plenty!
• Given two-thirds of Americans are
overweight or obese, you likely have
friends or relatives who have Type II
(adult onset) diabetes. To help resolve their
confusion about what to eat, encourage
them to explore The Healthy Diabetes
Plate Website (
diabetesplate/index.html). It is an excellent
interactive tool for planning balanced
meals. Runners with “bad diets” can also
benefit from the info; just add more portions
to satisy your need for more calories.
• Most dieters believe the less they eat, the
more body fat they will lose. Not always
true. A study compared obese people who
were given 1,200-calorie (for women) and
1,600-calorie (for men) reducing diets. A
comparison group was given diets with
about 1,750 calories (women) and 2,100
calories (men). Both groups lost the same
amount of weight—even though one
group ate about 500 more calories each
day. Conclusion: Why suffer needless
deprivation when you can achieve weight
loss success with a higher calorie level?
• Many runners who want to lose weight
restrict chocolate, thinking it's fattening.
In a weight reduction study, overweight
women enjoyed a daily dark chocolate
snack as a part of their “discretionary
calories” in a reduced-calorie diet. They
lost the same amount of weight as the
comparison group who ate no chocolate.
The researchers concluded a daily does
of dark chocolate does not interfere with
weight reduction and may reduce cravings
for sweets. Woohoo!!!!
• If you want to lose weight, try to make
sleep a priority. A survey of 772 college
students suggests those who slept less than
seven hours a night had a significantly
higher Body Mass Index (BMI) than
those who slept more than seven hours.
This association was strongest among the
female students.
Another sleep-related study with healthy
adults suggests sleep deprivation is
associated with increased hunger and
the potential to overeat. Without doubt,
sleep is helpful for a successful weight
management program.
• One way to lose weight is to go on an
Eco-Friendly Diet that save calories as
well as the environment. Here’s how: buy
fewer foods and beverages with excess
packaging (such as soda, vending items,
• More and more people (including runners)
are following gluten-free diets. Because
these diets is very restrictive, gluten-free
eaters need to be educated how to choose
balanced meals. “Problem nutrients” that
tend to be low in gluten-free menus include
fiber, iron, B-vitamins, and carbohydrates.
If you need to go gluten-free, seek help
from a registered dietitian. (Use the referral
network at to find a RD who
is a sports dietitian.)
• Is vegetarianism a passing fad? No!
A three-year follow-up survey of 176
vegetarians suggests 83% were still
vegetarian and 11% had become vegan.
Only 6% were no longer vegetarian.
Among those who ate vegetarian diets for
primarily environmental concerns, 100%
remained vegetarian, as compared to 9192% who remained vegetarian if their
primary motivation was health or animal
rights, respectively.
• Energy drinks are popularly consumed
as a mixer with alcohol (more so than as
a way to improve athletic performance).
Energy drinks are associated with negative
effects: 41% of student consumers reported
“jolt and crash” events; 22% reported heart
palpitations. Consume in moderation …
or, better yet, perk yourself up with an
invigorating run!
Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD (Board Certified
Specialist in Sports Dietetics) counsels both
casual and competitive athletes in her practice
at Healthworks, the premier fitness center
in Chestnut Hill MA (617-383-6100). For
more information, enjoy her Sports Nutrition
Guidebook and food guides for new runners,
marathoners or soccer players. See www. and sportsnutritionworkshop.
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Nancy Clark MS, RD, CSSD
The Athlete’s Kitchen
Supermarket Shopping: Decisions & Dilemmas
Question: How many food decisions does the average person make in a day: 25, 80, 100, 200? According to Bonnie
Taub-Dix RD, author of Read it Before You Eat It: How to
Decode Food labels and Make the Healthiest Choice Every Time,
the answer is 200. No wonder grocery shopping can be
mind-boggling and a source of overwhelming confusion!
Time and again, my clients wistfully comment, “Nancy, I
wish I could take you food shopping with me.” They are
confused about which foods to buy so they can eat healthfully. They wonder if they should buy organic or standard
foods? fresh or frozen vegetables? low-fat or fat-free milk?
Their list of questions seems endless.
While I can answer their questions about food shopping,
Taub-Dix’s newly released book can guide everyone
through the grocery store. Read it Before You Eat It is a handy
resource for hungry athletes. Here are just a few tidbits that
I gleaned from this easy-reader.
• Supermarkets are set up in the way they want you to shop,
which means lots of unplanned purchases. That's why
loaves of freshly baked bread or pretty flowers greet you as
you enter the store. Be sure you have a plan (and your guard
up) when you enter! Sixty to seventy percent of what ends
up in a shopping cart tends to be unplanned.
• Beware of descriptive labels such as freshly baked, homemade, natural, and wholesome. These words make products
appear more attractive so they jump into your food cart. The
same holds true with menus: Succulent Italian Seafood Fillet
sells more than Fish of the Day.
• Don't be tempted by “fat-free.” When food manufacturers
take out the fat, they generally add extra sugar. You'll end up
with a similar amount of calories, and sometimes more! A
smaller portion of the “real food” can create a better tastememory than a larger portion of a fat-free substitute.
• Your goal should not be to eliminate dietary fat; you need
some fat to absorb certain vitamins, provide fuel for
endurance exercise, and contribute a nice taste and texture
to foods. Rather, strive to enjoy more mono- and poly-unsaturated fats, while staying away from trans fats, listed on the
label as “partially hydrogenated oils.” Even if the label says
“0 grams trans fat,” it might contain <0.5 gram, so the better
bet is to read the ingredient list on the label and nix foods
with “partially hydrogenated” oils.
• The “serving size” listed on a food label may not be the
appropriate portion for your body. Most athletes need at
least two servings of cereal to create the foundation for an
adequate breakfast. That is, you are not being piggy if you
eat 2 packets (2 servings) of oatmeal. You might even need 3!
• The recommended fiber intake is about 25 to 35 grams per
day. Most people fail to reach that goal. Yet, some healthconscious athletes consume far more fiber than that— and
complain about undesired pit stops during exercise.
Moderation tends to be a wise path.
• Not all foods have labels with protein information. Case in
point: deli-meats. That makes it hard to count grams of protein. The alternative is to use weight. An ounce of cooked
meat, such as deli roast beef or turkey breast, has about 7
grams of protein. If you use 4 ounces sliced turkey in a sandwich, you will consume about 28 grams of protein. That's
about half the daily protein needs of an active woman, and
about one-third of the amount needed by an active male.
• Fresh produce may not have a label, but it will have a
“Country of Origin” sticker. If you start reading the little
stickers, you'll notice that grapes might come from Chile, the
bananas from Ecuador, the peppers from Canada. The
United Nations of food has gathered in your market's produce stand! While world-wide imports offer us more variety,
they also contribute to a significant carbon footprint. Buying
locally grown produce is a nice way to support your local
farmers and protect the neighboring farmlands.
• Concerned about that long list of food additives that you
cannot pronounce? Food additives are carefully regulated
and subject to ongoing safety reviews. The consumer advocate group Center for Science in the Public Interest suggests we
“avoid sodium nitrate, saccharin, caffeine, olestra, acesulfame-K, and artificial coloring” not only because they are
questionable additives but also because they are used primarily in processed foods with low nutritional value. You
won't go wrong eating more unprocessed or lightly
processed foods (such as oatmeal instead of Froot Loops).
• “Best if used by” dates are related to freshness and best
quality, not safety. Eating the food after that expiration date
won't hurt you but there might be some loss of flavor or
quality. Canned tomatoes, pineapple and other high-acid
foods can last for 12 to 18 months on the shelf. Canned meat,
fish, poultry, vegetables and low acid foods can last for two
to five years if the can has been stored in a cool, dry place.
Yet, “when in doubt, throw it out.”
• What exactly does “organic” mean on a food label? The
official international definition is: “Organic foods have been
produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides,
fungicides, or synthetic fertilizers, and cannot be genetically
modified or radiated. Organic poultry, dairy, meat, and eggs
are produced without the use of growth hormones or antibiotics, and are humanely raised and slaughtered.”
This definition may not reflect the nutritional value of a
food; organic food tends to be nutritionally similar to standard food. And take note: organic chips are still chips that
are loaded with fat, sodium, and calories! Organic also does
not mean the food is locally grown. Does organic food
shipped from China really benefit to the environment?
Yikes. I’ve read to page 55 and have run out of space. Guess
you’ll have to read the remaining 200 pages of Read It Before
You Eat It to learn more about the whats and whys of food
shopping, so you can make decisions based on fact, not fear.
Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD (Board Certified Specialist in Sports
Dietetics) counsels both casual and competitive athletes in her
practice at Healthworks, the premier fitness center in Chestnut Hill
MA (617-383-6100). Her Sports Nutrition Guidebook and food guides
for new runners, marathoners, and soccer players are available at See also
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Volunteer Opportunities
Shamrock Weekend
There are multiple opportunites to
volunteer as a Strider in support of the
Shamrock Marathon weekend. Please read
the article about Shamrock Volunteers
Do you have an idea for a meeting or
meeting location? Would you be willing to
make all the arrangements for a program
from finding the location and arranging
a speaker. Topics can be anything that is
relevant to running or multi-sports. If you
have some ideas and are willing to help
please contact the club president, Jean
Race Volunteers
Start off the New Year by helping your
club with the Distance Series. If you’re not
running help out on race day as a course
Chesapeake, VA
Kevin Bilms
Ella Wofford
Tarsha Darden
Morgan Schutz
Norfolk, VA
JJ Johnson
Stephanie Johnson
Russell McIntyre
Eric Malinowski
Monica Evans
Jesus Cordero
Patrick Brogan
Maribel Cordero
Tammy Duncan
Anne Curtis
Poquoson, VA
Maria Peters
Suffolk, VA
Rency Yeatts
Stephanie Godfrey
John Oliver, Jr.
Lisa Jahnke
Virginia Beach, VA
Reese Tempest
marshall, registration or at the Finish Line.
If you are running, you can still help at
packet pick-up on Friday night. Make 2011
the year you volunteer more at Club events.
For Club Races, volunteers are needed
for all aspects of the event from race
registration to course set-up and take-down
along with the finish line. Upcoming club
events are the Distance Series on February
19th and Bayview Elementary 1 Mile on
February 26th. Please contact Dan Edwards
to volunteer at an upcoming race
Historian Needed
Based on the club website, an update on
the Tidewater Striders History is very
much needed. If this is something you’d be
interested in compiling, please contact our
Club President, Jean Phelan.
Rundown Articles
Ted Lambert
Elle Lambert
Andrea Smith
Kethy Lambert
Julia Lambert
Robert Thomson
Kayla J. Reis
Jade S. Carson
John Moriarty
Mavel Velasco
Rory Nicole Walters
Burak Ozdemir
Kimberly Burgess
Paloma Rose Santos
Bob Brockman
Michael Nicolaides
Marshall Hudson
Christoffer Smith
Gayle Smith
Caleb Smith
Gabrielle Smith
Rebessa Bailey
Jeffrey Dudzienski
Yorktown, VA
Valerie Cunningham
Kevin Cunningham
Submit an article for the e-Rundown,
ideas include but not limited to training
routines, exercises, nutrition, funny stories,
race reviews, favorite workouts, etc. Send
articles to Ada Lester.
Pick a committees that interests you
and contact the committee chair to learn
how you can help. If there isn’t a chair,
volunteer to be the chair by contacting the
club president, Jean Phelan
Grab those extra 50 points for the Grand
Prix competitions, VOLUNTEER!
Every weekend and almost every
day there are Striders volunteering
and racing all over Hampton Roads
and beyond. After a race or volunteer
activity, take a few minutes and
write a brief report and e-mail to
com. Share your news with the
2011 Grand Prix
Running Grand Prix
2011 Running GP Current Standings
Walking Grand Prix
2011 Walking GP Current Standings
The currently posted WGP results include
results from 3 of the 22 scheduled races in
the Walking Grand Prix.
Multi-Sport Grand Prix
Season begins with the Virginia Duathlon
on March 27th. The complete schedule is
available online
Youth Grand Prix
Season begins on March 6th with the
Pembroke Meadows Elementary 1 Mile.
Please note that thru all of 2011 these links
from the e-Rundown will remain the same.
They link to the results that are stored on
the Striders website and should be updated
shortly after each event of the series.
Schedules for all the Grand Prix Series are
available at
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Scholarship applications for the 2011-12
academic year will be available in January
2011 and are due by April 15, 2011. These
scholarship awards range from $1,500
to $2,000 and are based on academic and
athletic performance and community
service in general and to the running
community through the Striders. Contact
Dan Edwards by email:
for further information and/or to receive
the application forms.
Tidewater Strider youth members planning
to attend a running camp this summer may
apply for a club campership for partial camp
tuition reimbursement. Requests should be
sent to Dan Edwards by email lionrun@ with the following information:
Date Joined Striders:
Last three Strider races run:
Annual Awards Banquet
Grand Prix Awards plus First Year
Hall of Fame Presentations
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Cape Henry Beach Club (Army-Operated)
Ft. Story
Time: 6 - 7 PM Cocktail Hour
followed by an Italian Buffet
Beer, Wine, Soda, Coffee are provided
$24.00 per person by February 11, 2011
Preferred method sign up RaceIt (no fee)
Checks to Dan Edwards, 1513 Beachview Dr. 23464
Entrance to event: Gate 8 (Old Gate 1)
8900 Atlantic Avenue, not Shore Drive entrance
Entrance into Gate must be by Full Name Matching
Photo ID required
Questions: Jean Phelan 681-0248
Looking for volunteers to serve on committee.
Please contact
Name & dates of camp you will attend:
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Minutes for December 5, 2010
Rich Hildreth called the meeting to order at
1:15 pm at his home in Virginia Beach. All
board members were present except Cathi
and Bob.
Minutes of the November 2010 Board
meeting were approved.
President’s Report:
Rich thanked Dan and his team for another
successful Turkey Trot. He also thanked
Jean for organizing the Striders Booth at
the Santa Shuffle 10 miler.
Rich thanked Mary Beth Marshall for all
her work as the Awards Chairperson for the
last 10-11 years. Mary Beth has always
performed this task behind the scenes and
Rich explained that Mary Beth has stepped
down as the Awards Chairperson and
asked if the board knew of anyone willing
to perform this task. Sharon and Deb
volunteered to chair the Awards Committee
for this year. Due to the last minute change
we will continue to accept nominations
past the stated due date in the policy and
Rich reported that Cathi received an
email suggesting that the Striders thank
the individuals that stopped to assist the
runner who collapsed at the Turkey Trot
race. Rich asked the board for suggestions
on the best way to acknowledge these
individuals. Some of the Board’s concerns
were that we did not have all the names of
the individuals that helped, and we did not
know if they would mind being publicly
acknowledged. A motion was made to
invite these individuals to the banquet
and present them with a certificate of
appreciation. Motion passed 10-0.
Rich reported that the Hall of Fame
Committee meeting would be held on
December 14, 2010 to select the first class
of inductees.
Treasurer’s Report:
Dan Edwards presented the detailed
November financial reports.
Old Business:
Banquet: Jean reported that the annual
banquet will be held Saturday, February
26, 2011 at the Cape Henry Beach Club
(Army-Operated), Ft. Story, starting at
6PM. We will encourage all attendees to
register through Race-It.
requested help at the Santa Shuffle. We
already have 850 registered and will have
close to 1000 participants on race day.
A discussion was held about what items
will be presented to the awardees. Dan
recommended we meet on the side to
finalize what the club will give out this
The 50K will be December 18. The race
already has a large group volunteering,
but it is a long day and could always use
more people. Hopefully the weather will
be better this year.
We discussed what information from each
member would be required to gain access
onto the base. Jean will contact the Club
manager to get specifics.
Dan requested input on the format of the
Distance Series. It’s scheduled to be held
at First Landing using the main trail and
the road to the narrows. Due to some
comments expressed to Dan by members
he asked the Board if we should even hold
the event this year. Since we received word
so late that Ft Story was not an option, the
Park was our only alternative to canceling
the event completely. We agreed that the
event would not be what it once was, where
an individual could run and test their race
pace for the whole run especially difficult
along the trail. There will be a staggered
start to hopefully remove crowding. It was
brought up that it was never technically a
race, even though many members used it
as such. It was suggested to have Pacers
and advertise a specific pace will start
at a specific time and make it more of a
supported training run. Parking will be
down at the boat ramp and has enough
spaces for 400 cars. The Striders will cover
parking fees.
A discussion was held about moving the
banquet to a new location this year due to
the refusal of the Navy command at Fort
Story to allow us to hold the distance series
there as we have done for numerous years.
It was pointed out that the Officers Club is
owned and operated by the Army not the
Navy and they have treated us well the last
couple of years.
Policy and Procedures: Rich reported
he had received an email from a past
President concerned about the status of the
clubs policy and procedures. According to
Article Nine of the Bylaws all policy and
procedures are to be updated and amended
every five years. We are a few years
behind and unfortunately have committees
that do not have a chairperson to review
the contents. Jean recommended that we
advertise for a volunteer to review the
contents of documents. Sharon pointed
out that we do have policy and procedures
that have to be updated now due to the
way the club is using electronic means for
communication (ie., electronic rundown,
elections, etc.). It was recommended that
we come up with a priority list and start a
review process.
Freedom Half Marathon: Dave reported
about the most recent organizational
meeting that the Freedom Marathon group
had last week. The group has secured four
major sponsors. They unveiled their medal,
which they state is the most expensive
medal given out at such an event. It is
gold plated with an eagle and very large
in size. The first event will consist of a
half-marathon, an 8k and 1-mile fun run.
Dave stated the group would like to have
something listed in the rundown. Rich
explained all they needed to do is send a
press release to Ada for review and it could
be included.
Committee Reports
Race Committee:
Dan reviewed the remaining events and
We decided to continue with the planning
and support Dan and the Distance Series
committee to make the best of the event.
Dan spoke about the possible Distances
Series swag items he is considering (gloves
and tech-shirt)
Dan reported that the 2011 Scheduled has
been updated. A new October race will
take place in the Lake James area hosted
by W.E. Wood.
Walking Committee: Please see report
Submitted by Steve Durrant:
Dick reviewed the walking committee
grand prix events for the board.
The Walking Committee has requested
that the Board increase their budget to two
thousand dollars for the up coming year.
The Striders Walking team is now known
nationally and will field male and female
teams to participate in three national races
(USTF 5K Championship in Tennessee,
20K Championship in Florida, and 30K
Championships in New York).
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Dan replied that the budget has not been
prepared for 2011 but this request will be
included in the proposed budget for review
at the January 2011 meeting.
Meeting was adjoined at 3:00pm
Respectfully submitted by Sharon Rodier
Committee Report for Nov 2010
Committee Members:
Steve Durrant, Co-Chair
Hartley Dewey, Co-Chair
Dwight Kane
Dick Kole
Lori Sherwood
Cindy Williams
Walk judges were provided to monitor
walkers at the Seaside 7.7 Mile Walk
held concurrently with the Seaside HalfMarathon on the Virginia Eastern Shore
at the Town of Wachapreague. This was
the final race of the 2010 Walking Grand
Prix (WGP) Series (23 walkers, 4 were
Striders). An article and photographs were
submitted to the Rundown.
2010 Walking Grand Prix Final Results
1st Place – Tom Gerhardt
2nd Place – Steve Durrant
3rd Place(tie) – Bill Spruill
3rd Place(tie) – Dwight Kane
5th Place(tie) – Hartley Dewey
5th Place(tie) – Jordan “Buddy” Levitin
1st Place – Paula Graham
2nd Place – Linda Janssen
3rd Place – Heidi Sleasman
4th Place – Lori Sherwood
5th Place – Judy Paschall
2010 Walking Participation Results
1st Place – Cindy Williams
2nd Place(tie) – William Lipford
2nd Place(tie) – Richard Kole
4th Place – Diane Zinn
A copy of the complete 2010 WGP & WP
Standings and Results is attached.
Recipe Corner
Planning is underway to hold a race
walking clinic the weekend of September
10-11, 2011, using the track at Kempsville
Middle School and classroom facilities
at the Kempsville Presbyterian Church.
The same facilities were used for a Dave
McGovern World Class Racewalking
clinic this past April 2010. Steve Durrant
and Hartley Dewey will again co-host the
clinic. The September 10-11 clinic will
be a Tim Seaman and Jeff Salvage Race
Walking Clinic of Excellence. Tim Seaman
is America’s most dominant active race
walker – a two time Olympian and a 43time National Champion. Jeff Salvage is a
former international race walk competitor
who is now an award winning educator,
race walking supporter, and nationally
recognized coach. He tirelessly promotes
race walking as a writer, photographer,
and webmaster. Due to Tim’s national
coaching responsibilities he will not be
able to attend. His wife, Rachel Lavallee
Seaman will be replace him at the clinic.
Rachel is currently the dominant Canadian
woman race walker. More details will
Seashore’s Healthy Mashed
Potatoes (10/20k)
by Sheila Bailey, RD Nutritionist ACSM Health / Fitness Instructor
Certified Adult Weight Management -
3 pounds russet potatoes, peeled and quartered
3 garlic cloves (peeled ends trimmed)
½ teaspoon white pepper
1 ½ teaspoons salt
3 bunches scallions, green or spring onions, cleaned
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
I invite you to send me your favorite recipe to
“make-over” if you would like or to find out how
nutritious it might be. E-mail me at WeAreFit@ or send by snail mail to 824 Etheridge
Avenue Norfolk, VA 23502. Sharing recipes
can be as informative as sharing our tips on
running which can be a valuable resource for
those that are new to our sport. Experience is
what we can pass on to others and that includes
FOOD recipes!
Put potatoes, garlic and 1 teaspoon of salt into a large
saucepan. Add water until potatoes are covered.
Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered, 1520 minutes, until done.
Reserve 1 cup of the cooking water and drain potatoes. Cook scallions in a small covered saucepan
with remaining salt and 1 tablespoon olive oil for 5
minutes. In mixing bowl, beat potatoes with electric
mixer, adding remaining oil and reserved cooking
water as needed for creamy consistency. Stir in
scallions and white pepper. Yields 8 servings -1 cup
For those of us that can remember back when running a race at
Seashore State Park (now First Landing) was not so unusual,
this past Saturday’s 10k and 20k were kind of strange to me.
I know that for the past few years there has been a handful of
races there but this was my first one since the late 80’s. Also
unusual was not running Ft. Story and all those beautiful hills.
If you have been running the Distance Series for a while then
you know that this series has been in a number of locations
like Pungo for one and Northwest River Park in Cheaspeake.
I still remember some of the “war stories” from those races at
Northwest River, one of the coldest weather/wind chills I have
ever experienced and some clashes with the local drivers. It’s
comforting to know that this series still lives on no matter the
challenges we seem to face with the various locations. In honor
of the first race in the series I offer the following recipe for
you to make while remembering some of the mud you probably
encountered at the race.
Nutrients per serving:
Calories 248
Sodium 319 mg
Carbohydrate 43g
Dietary Fiber 4g
Protein 4g
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
New Energy
Tidewater Striders Youth Running Group
Coach: Angelo Celesia 288-7715
Important New Energy Links
Register for New Energy
New Energy Page at
Spring is Coming!
Spring Training begins on March
3, 2011. Contact Coach Angelo
or Coach Matt if you need more
New Energy Calendar
Thank you to Pete Chalmers for putting together this New Energy Montage to commemorate the 2010 Running Season.
A larger version is available at the end of this e-Rundown.
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
A HeAltHier
HeAltHY Kids
“March Into Spring” at our Kick-off Walk
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sponsored by:
March 27, 2011 only
surrouNd YourselF witH NAture to iMproVe Your HeAltH
Our “Healthier You” programs offer you & your family many ways to enjoy a healthy
lifestyle. Why join a gym with the same old scenery when you can walk, run or bike in our
ever-changing 155 acres of outdoor beauty.
6700 Azalea Garden Rd.
Norfolk, VA 23518
Sponsored by:
• Get moving–
Take Garden Tai Chi,
Yoga or Pilates.
• Breathe deep–
Stop and smell our roses–
it actually lowers blood
• Get off the couch–
Take an Eco Tour to see
owls, bats or eagles.
• Exercise your mind–
Learn a new skill; try
Garden Art, Floral
Design and Garden
Gourmet classes.
• Tone up–
Kayak on beautiful
Lake Whitehurst.
• Have fun–
Learn Line, Zumba or
Ballroom Dancing.
• Be adventurous–
Explore open trails
and secluded paths.
• Be one with Nature–
Take a closer look
with Landscape
Painting and
Photography classes.
• Take a hike–
Join family & friends to stay fit.
• Share time together–
Stay connected.
• Switch off the video games–
Take a scavenger hunt or Garden
Night Adventure.
• Bring your bikes, family & friends–
Pedal through our 12 miles of
paved paths on Bike Nights.
for more details.
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Membership Expirations
If your name is on this list, your membership is due to expire in
January 2011. You may renew online or mail in the application.
Austin Beavers
James W. Brown
Jamie L. Bunting
Eric Bunting
Wesley Butler
David Butler
Brandon Butler
Dee-Ann Butler
Rhoda Carroll
John C Carroll
Sherry O. Celesia
Angelo Celesia
Charlie Celesia
Nick Cerda
Celeste Chapman
William “Billy” Chorey
Danielle Crumpler
Joy De La Rosa
Sean Dillon
Adam Eldridge
Aidan Eldridge
Robert Gerstner
Ainsley Harrower
Nathan Harrower
Robert Harrower
Helene Harrower
Lee Hasty
Lauren A. Hasty
Malcolm B. Higgins, II
Mia Hughes
Marie Johns
Dwight J Kane
Russell Litchfield
Vicky Manning
Austin Manning
David Meyerholz
Anna Myers
ReBecca Neeley
Jeremiah Niedzwiecki
Ryan Noell
Logan Pearson-Hines
David Pickett
Kristopher Purzycki
Joel Reyes
Carlos Reyes
Ricardo Reyes
Ed Schiavoni
Natalie Sherbak
Steve J. Speirs
Ally R. Speirs
Javier St. Remy
Lily St. Remy
Ada St. Remy
Carl St. Remy
Erika Sutherland
Bruce Venanzi
William Wagner
Tom Walsh
Michelle R Williams
Leslie Williams
John Wills
Karen E. Wills
Julia’s Veggie Quiche Cups
Recipe Corner
10 oz frozen chopped spinach
¼ cup diced bell pepper
¾ cup egg substitute
¼ cup diced onion
¾ cup shredded reduced fat cheese
¼ cup chopped mushrooms
by Sheila Bailey, RD Nutritionist ACSM Health / Fitness Instructor
Certified Adult Weight Management -
I invite you to send me your favorite recipe to
“make-over” if you would like or to find out how
nutritious it might be. E-mail me at WeAreFit@ or send by snail mail to 824 Etheridge
Avenue Norfolk, VA 23502. Sharing recipes can
be as informative as sharing our tips on running
which can be a valuable resource for those that
are new to our sport. Experience is what we
can pass on to others and that includes FOOD
Microwave spinach for 2 ½ minutes on high. Drain
all excess liquid. Line 12-cup Muffin pan with cupcake liners and spray with cooking spray. Combine
egg substitute, cheese, peppers, onions, mushrooms and spinach in a bowl. Mix well. Divide
mixture evenly among the muffin cups. Bake at 350
degrees for 15-20 minutes or until a knife inserted in
the center comes out clean.
Now that the New Year is in full swing it may be a good time
to start a healthy diet with this quick meal recipe that can easily
yield tasty leftovers. If the holidays left you a few pounds
heavier and the weather has sabotaged your exercise routine
that usually keeps your weight under control, and then join the
rest of us as we practice portion control. I believe we can eat
what we want if portion size is kept in the front of our minds.
If you are having trouble with this concept then just downsize
your plate so it can only hold ½ of what you normally eat and
you will not gain weight. The following recipe reheats great in
the microwave says Julia who was kind enough to share it with
us. To round out the meal add a side salad which will help fill
you up not out.
each muffin:
Calories 37
Protein 4g
Fat 2g
Carbohydrate 2g
Fiber >1g
Calcium 90mg
Cholesterol 3g
Sodium 75mg
If you use real eggs calories are 43 each muffin and
cholesterol is 55g, sodium is 75mg
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Tidewater Striders Training Sites
Weekday Training
Weekend Training
NEW Training Opportunity
Location: 1410 W 49th Street, Norfolk (That is right
across the street from Old Dominion University - it looks
like it’s still on campus).  
Days: Monday thru Thursday
Time: 7am
POC: or call 901-626-4447
Location:  Visitor’s Center of First Landing State Park
Days:  Saturdays
Time:  7:00 AM
Distances:  Varies.  We run from 12 to 20 miles depending on training for marathons
Pace:  Generally 9:30 miles
Number of runners:  Varies.  Ranges from 4 to 10
Reason to run with us:  We run at a pace representative of middle of the pack marathoners and are a diverse
group with discussions that include anything.  We even
discuss politics and religion.
Contact:  Rich Hildreth @ 481-9027 or 377-4130 or Doug
Location: Seatack Recreation Center
Coached Swim Workout by Betsy Durrant
Days & Times:
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 7:45 – 8:45 a.m.
Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Monday & Wednesday 7-8 PM
Pace: All levels welcome!
Reason to swim with us: The only way to improve
your swim split is to swim, so join us in the water for a
coached workout. The cost is $3 per class; punch cards
are available at the front desk.
Contact: Betsy Durrant (
Location: Final Kick Sports at Great Neck, VB
Days: Saturday morning
Time: 7:30 AM
Distances: Long run in First Landing State Park
Pace: All ability levels and paces
Number of runners: Anywhere from 30 – 60 runners
Reason to run with us: Great social atmosphere with a
wide range of ability levels. 
Contact: Final Kick Sports 757-481-3400
Location: Group meets at Running Etc, 1707 Colley
Ave., Norfolk. 
Days: Tuesday and Thursday evenings
Time: 5:30 PM.
Tuesday workout: 5-8 miles total interval distances
range from 400 meters to 1 mile. The workouts are
located on a measured Graydon Ave.“street course” in
West Ghent. Geared for runners with 5K pace of 5:30 to
9:00 minutes per mile pace.
Thursday workout: 6 to 10 miles. Training runs, tempo
runs, or depending on a group’s desires, just an easy run.
Pace varies from 5:30 to 9:45 minutes per mile.
Number of runners: 15 to 30
Reason to run with us: Improve your race times by
running a structured workout and meet other runners
with similar goals.
Contact: Running Etc, 627-1500
Sources for Group Workouts:
Check the websites at and www. for more information on group training.
Walker Training and Workouts The Strider Walkers
hold many informal walks with various starting points, distances and
paces. If you’d like to be notified of any walks being held contact Cindy
Williams at to be added to their distribution
The Tidewater Striders Training Sites column is
designed to list training sites organized by Tidewater
Strider members throughout the Southside Hampton
Roads area. It complements information provided on the
Tidewater Striders website. Provide info to newsletter@ One Time Training Events may
also be listed.
Location: Running Etc at Virginia Beach, Regency
Hilltop Shopping Center, 1940 Laskin Road Suite 308
Days: Wednesday evenings
Time: 5:30 PM.
Training Run: 4 to 8 miles easy run
Pace: 7 to 10 minute mile
Number of runners: 10 to 15
Reason to run with us: mid week run with a fun group
Contact: Mark @ Running Etc, 491-2340
Hampton Roads Runners - HRR
The Hampton Roads Runners is an informal running group designed
to give runners in the Hampton Roads area a chance to run, share
training advice, and motivate each other. We meet in different
areas in Hampton Roads throughout the week.. A number of us
run the local races in the area, so a good percentage of the races
you can find someone from our group there. We are a very social
fun group of runners that like to run with others. We welcome all
ability levels and offer more opportunities to meetup as we grow.
Our website is
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Distance Series 10k-20k
Race Summary & Highlights:
January 8, 2011 - Virginia Beach, VA
10k Finishers: 178 20k Finishers: 152
In the 20k for the Marathon Series, which is the first race of the Striders Running
Grand Prix, Ryan Carroll took the GP lead by finishing first, he was followed
by Steve Speirs and Jeremy Downs. On the women’s side Renee High has
established a lead in the women’s Distance Series and Grand Prix by winning the
20k. Jennifer Jellig and Hannah Leffew finished second and third.
In the Half Marathon series, Joel Bell is in first followed by Todd Eveland and
Ron Weaver. The women are led by Janet Dierstein, Elizabeth Campos and Amy
Seven walkers are competing in the Marathon Series, an additional four are
doing the Half Marathon Series.
This year’s distance series is not only at a new venue but is the first time where
Striders are required to register for the Grand Prix. If you are not in the GP results
but are a Strider and competed in the 20k, please let Bob Brunner konw that you
wish to be scored for future Grand Prix events.
Well, families that arrive together probably don’t stay together for the race but they share
lots of great healthy time together. Above, Kristen DiCarlo and her Dad, John DiCarlo head
to the start line with Carole and Gene Bachman. Gene is in the dreeds, not John! All went
on to complete the 20k. More photos from the Distance Series are available at
Frosty 5k
January 15, 2011 - Virginia Beach, VA
5k Finishers: 141
Race Summary & Highlights:
The Inaugural Frosty 5k Run presented
by the Kempsville Lions Club took place
at Mount Trashmore on a chilly Saturday
morning. Leading the men were August
Sander with a 17:24 finish, followed by
Andrew Heck and kris Ellington. On the
women’s side, Stephanie Smith-Olansen,
Strider Susan Hagel and Dianna McDowell
were the top 3 finshers. Stephanie was
actually 3rd overall.
Rick Brown
Sharon Brown
Bob Curtin
Dan Edwards
Pauline Ely
Mike Gontesky
Amiele Barakey
Dick Brothers
Rick Brown*
Jim Dare
Steve Durrant
Dan Edwards*^
Sue Edwards*
Evie Foster
Terry Foster
Mike Gontesky
Paula Graham
Don Greene
Rich Hildreth*
Jeannine Jones
Ron Jones
Dwight Kane
Dick Kole
Rob Levinsky
Buddy Levitin
Bill Lipford
Mark Mierchuk*
Sean Mierchuk
Steve Patterson
Tom Patton
Jean Phelan
Deb Sommers
Mel Williams
Alex Yerkes*
Jan Yerkes*
*Friday & Saturday
^Race Director
Wow, we ran out of paper, look for more pictures in the February Rundown.
Now we’ll see how many people read the
Rundown based on comments sent to the
Editor about ‘running out of paper’.
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Striders on the Road by Steve Scudder
If you’ve been racing on the road, please let Steve know for running events. E-mail your name, race name, location, date and your results
to for running events If the full results are available online, please provide that link so that other Striders might
be identified. This is a great opportunity to let Striders know about other events out of the area. When sending in your results, please
consider including a little write-up about your experience.
In 2011, Iris Welsch will be collecting on the road results for multisport events, please e-mail Iris at
those results.
Disney World Weekend
Frostbite 15K
* - Goofy Challenge
Half Marathon January 8, 2011
*Jim Brown
Ed Capps
Ulla Capps
Christina Lowton
Larry Lowton
*Todd Oakes
*Mark Patterson
Kim Rubin
Lori Tubbs
*Eileen Werve
James Wolfe
Marathon January 9, 2011
*Jim Brown
Jane Crouch
Tommy Neeson
3:20:23 (Pacer)
*Todd Oakes
*Mark Patterson
Nicole Roccograndi 5:03:25
Carla Serex
*Eileen Werve
Tom Bednarz
Renee High
56:20 (2 O/A)
Steve Scudder
Orlando, Fla.
January 23, 2011 - VCU - Richmond, Va.
Thanks to for their assistance
with the results.
Another Birthday Run for WWP
I am currently a member of The Tidewater
Striders, even since I returned to the area
last year.
For several months, I have been working
with The Wounded Warrior Project to
create a fundraising event on my 30th
birthday. I know others have done similar
events in the past. Most of the details are
now finished, and they have given me my
own link on their fundraising website.
Joel Fenlason
The details are as follows: I am currently
training, with many hours and lots of
mileage, to run 30 miles on my 30th
birthday (Monday, June 20, 2011) in
Honolulu, Hawaii. There is a USMC Col
and LtCol in Hawaii who are currently
working on getting ten small groups of
active duty military and/or ROTC units
to each run three miles with me as I'm
completing the 30. My goal is to raise at
least $3,000.00 for WWP. I don't want
a party or gifts, I want my 30th to mean
something. Currently, this event has
already raised $720!!! (And many others
have plans to contribute at a later date,
P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll
Arizona Marathon & Half
The link to the website is: http://
w w p p r o u d s u p p o r t e r. k i n t e r a . o r g /
Run to Read Half-Marathon
January 9, 2011 - Fairmont, W.Va.
Robin Land
Lori Sherwood
Riverfront Race Festival
Charleston Marathon
January 15, 2011 - Charleston S.C.
January 16, 2011
Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe AZ
Steve Speirs
Half Marathon
Michael Kottmer
Ally Speirs
Since the donations go directly to WWP,
which is a non-profit organization, all
contributions ARE fully tax deductible.
Also worth noting, just in case people are
wondering, I am not using any of WWP's
money for this event. I am funding the trip
to Hawaii myself.
A friend in DC (her name is JoAnne) created
a Facebook fan page last night about my
event. When I woke up this morning, there
were over 30 people, a third of whom I've
never met, who were in support of my
birthday event, and the number has since
increased to nearly 50 throughout the day
today. For those who are interested, the link
The site was created for those who wish to
show support for the event, whether they
choose to financially contribute or not.
She wants me to start posting my training
updates, so people can follow along and
see how many hours and miles I'm putting
into this. Great idea to spread the word.
And I am loving how enthusiastic people
are about is so motivating!
Furthermore, a gentleman called from
The Flagship this morning to set up an
interview with me. He wants to publish a
story about my event! We arranged to meet
next Thursday afternoon.
I’ve read in previous Tidewater Striders
newsletters that you would like to keep up
with different events that your members are
engage in, so I figured I’d write to give you
all of the information that I have. Worth
noting, I’m also registered to run The
Shamrock Whale Challenge in March and
The Marine Corps Marathon in October…
Thank you so much for your time.
LT Amanda "Vixen" Fox, MSC, USN
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Strider Walkers Training for Races In 2011
by Steve Durrant
The Town of Wachapreague is located on
As we begin the new year, Tidewater Strider
walkers have their sights set on competing
in several of the 22 local races that make
up the 2011 Walking Grand Prix (WGP)
race series. Many of our walkers will also
compete in other local and national races in
addition to the WGP.
Steve Shapiro will be heading south to
race walk the Birmingham, AL, marathon
on Feb 13th. Successful completion of
the race will qualify him for admittance
in the Marathon Maniacs Club whose
initiation requirement is the successful
completion of three marathons, or races of
greater distances, in a 90 day period. His
completion of last November’s Outer Banks
Marathon, last December’s Tidewater
Striders Seashore Nature Trail 50K, and
the upcoming Birmingham Marathon, will
Half- Marathon Teams:
Tidewater Striders Women Team A
Linda Janssen (Virginia Beach)
Rebecca Garson (Afton)
Debra Hovatter (Richmond)
insure his selection. During March Steve
is scheduled to undergo shoulder surgery
for an impinged rotator cuff which will
preclude him from entering competition for
at least three months.
Paula Graham will represent the Tidewater
Striders in the USATF National Open and
Masters 15K Race Walk Championship on
May 15th. The race will be in Riverside,
Six days later, twelve Striders are planning
a “Tidewater Strider Presence” at the
Minnesota We Walk! Marathon, HalfMarathon, and 50K races on May 21st.
The unique event was created by walkers,
and is for walkers only. There are judged
race walking, walking, and Nordic walking
divisions in all the races. The race courses
for all the divisions are on The Lake
Wobegon Regional Trail, a 3 meter wide
asphalt trail built on a no longer used
railroad right-of-way. 2011 will be the third
year for the event. Nine of our walkers
will be divided into two women’s and one
men’s Tidewater Strider Teams to compete
in the We Walk! Half-Marathon race walk
division. Lori Sherwood, Pat Thomas, and
Tom Gerhardt will compete as individuals
in the We Walk! Marathon (and perhaps
extended it another 8K to complete the
Tidewater Striders Women Team B
Judy Paschall (Virginia Beach)
Cindy Williams (Virginia Beach)
Kathy Nash (Maryville, TN)
Tidewater Striders Men Team
William Lipford (Hampton)
Steve Durrant (Virginia Beach)
Bill Spruill (Chesapeake)
Lori Sherwood is already a Marathon
Maniac Club member. She has been
trying to maintain a “marathon a month
plan” which will eventually lead her to a
marathon completion in all 50 states and
qualify her for membership in the elite
50 States Marathon Club. To date she has
completed 25 marathons and two 50Ks in
21 states. She has four marathons already
scheduled for this year.
Lori Sherwood (Portsmouth)
Pat Thomas (Dillwyn)
Tom Gerhardt (Chesapeake)
We’re also planning to send a Tidewater
Strider team, or teams, to the USATF
National Open and Masters 5K Race Walk
Championships in Kingsport, TN, October
1st and, to the USATF National Open and
Masters 30K Race Walk Championships in
Valley Cottage, NY, October 30th.
From left to right: Striders training on January 15th at Mount Trashmore in preparation for
the upcoming challenges in 2011. Paula Graham and Steve Durrant, Bill Lipford who is
dressed for the cold and Steve Shapiro. All pictures by Hartley Dewey.
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
Special Discounts for Tidewater Striders
Chesapeake Foot & Ankle Ctr.
10% Discount 436-5824
Great Bridge Cyclery
10% Discount Parts & Accessories, 4825149
Brian D. Deutsch, MD, 10% Discount
Freedom Ford, Call 583-3673 for details
Running Etc. - Ghent (See ad in this
$10.00 Discount on all therapeutic massages
New Balance Virginia - Hilltop East
10% Discount 433-0100
Running Etc. - Regency Hilltop (see our ad
in this issue)
Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy
Student Clinic 457-7146 - Student massages ~ $20.00; Other services (Reflexology,
massage/facial) ~ $5.00 off with Tidewater
Striders ID
Mediation Center of Hampton Roads,
10% off of Mediation Services and Training, 624-6666.
Shorebreak (Pizza, Sports & Billards)
10% discount to Striders, not to be combined
with any other specials or coupons.
Ghent Chiropractic - complimentary
first day services (including consultation,
examination, x-rays (if needed) 622-1222
Sterling Meadows Kennel - 471-0040
10% off boarding/supplies - does not include
pet food - Must present Strider membership
Newport News:
Runner’s Source 223-4970 15% discount
on non-sale in stock inventory.
Scat Bikes 483-2818 (10% off parts and
Virginia Beach:
Conte’s Bicycle & Fitness Equipment
491-1900 Also, Norfolk, NN & Richmond
Dynamic Health Services - Free consult for
Final Kick Sports - 10% off shoes and
First Colonial Chiropractic 496-4956
Free Exam. Necessary x-rays included
with one paid treatment.
Dr. Mike Geheren, Chiropractor
50% off all services 498-0098
HDK Cycles - Kempsville 424-6151
15% parts and accessories
Hybrid Academy of Martial Arts (Scores Plaza) Receive a free one week
trial on Muay Thai Kickboxing or Submission Grappling 490-6906.
Therapeutic Massage - Allison Thomas
10% discount 285-6411
Foot Reflexology - 757-430-2526 or e-mail 10% discount for members
Wells Therapeutics, Inc. - 490-9488
Massage therapy in Mount Trashmore area
10% discount on all therapeutic massage.
Zen Hot Yoga. - 757-288-9142 $25 discount
off 1-month unlmited package or $75 off
a 3-month unlimited package. http://www.
Various Locations
In Motion Physical Therapy and Sports
10% off VO2 Max testing -
Duck, NC
Outer Banks Running Co.
10% Discount 252-255-5444
Other Locations
Lifetime Running and Fitness
10% on all training programs, 703-975-1605
Monthly advertising rates are as
Full Page.................$75.00
Half Page.................$50.00
Quarter Page...........$35.00
Eighth Page.............$25.00
Business Card.........$15.00
Flyers (8.5”x11”)......$100.00
5% Discount for 6 months
10% Discount for 12 months
as the Rundown converts to 100%
electronic delivery
To qualify for newsletter mailing costs
assigned to non-profit organizations,
we can only accept ads which are
related to sports or health, fitness
and wellness. Ads may be accepted
from other agencies when they help
sponsor the Tidewater Striders and
club events.
To advertise in the RUNDOWN,
please contact Ada Lester, ada@ or call 757-623-0892.
Ads should be in a pdf, .tif or .jpg
format. All ad copy is due by the
20th of each month. - 20% discount use code “STRIDERS”.
Sports Authority - $10 off with coupon with
$50 or more purchase..
Integrative Message Therapies, 575These merchants give discounts to Tidewater Strider members. Most stores give at least 10% discount on non-sale
items. Bike shops usually give discounts on parts and accessories only. You must show your Strider membership
card and the discount is non-transferable. Please support these merchants willing to support us!
Striders Tweet
Follow the Tidewater Striders on Twitter:
Feel free to send an email to with any
Strider announcements you’d like to make via Twitter.
Strider Apparel
and more..
new energy app
PLAN TO JOIN the Tidewater Striders' New Energy Youth 2011 Running Team
New Energy is an informal youth group training together to improve their times in road races as well as their
performance in track and field and cross-country events sanctioned by the USA Track and Field (USATF)
and AAU . Motivations vary from those who simply enjoy running, to those who are goal oriented and
recognize the need to train in order to perform well in races . With its group approach to running practices,
New Energy provides a fun, sociable forum for running preparation and development .
New Energy welcomes all youth runners, ages 6-16, regardless of ability . Practices are informal, and
participants are encouraged to attend as many as possible . Runners must have a good pair of running
shoes to avoid injuries . Uniforms (singlet and shorts) and Warm ups ( Hoodie and Pants) can be purchased,
but are optional . Membership in the Tidewater Striders is required by the third practice in order to
participate in sessions and compete on a team basis in Track and Relay teams . The cost is $10 .00 per year
or $15 .00 for two years . The Team participates in road races held in the Tidewater area, which are part of
the Youth Grand Prix 1-mile series and are sponsored by local organizations such as school PTAs . Check
race flyers for specific information by visiting www .tidewaterstriders .com . A New Energy Team race
schedule will be part of the program and can be found under ‘Youth Programs’ on our Web Site.
Coaching is provided by volunteers who are Tidewater Striders members . Again this year, Angelo Celesia
will provide leadership for training . Other running enthusiasts/parents will also assist .
New Energy provides youth runners and their families an enriching environment which can be a building
block to the youth runners' future . In the past, New Energy runners attended National Cross Country and
Track and Field Championships around the Country . Many previous New Energy runners are currently
participating with high school and college teams where they have excelled in Cross Country, Indoor and
Outdoor Track and Field with All State and National recognition . New Energy has produced numerous
All-American medalists, State Champs and one National Champion in Cross Country .
The New Energy Team practices will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5-6 p .m ., at Mt . Trashmore
(Kid's Cove area facing South Blvd .), beginning Thursday March 3, 2011 . Visit the Striders Web Site and
look under ‘Youth Programs’ for a complete training and racing calendar.
Suffolk Training Site: Practices are Tuesday and Thursday from 5-6 –pm beginning March 3, 2011 .
Contact coach Matt at: trangemo@gmail .com for more information .
For more information, contact:
Coach Angelo: acelesia@aol .com 288-7715 or Suffolk - Coach Matt: trangemo@gmail .com
Dan Edwards, Chairman of the Tidewater Strider Youth Committee: lionrun@aol .com 757-495-3551
Evie Foster, Team Coordinator: NRGRUNR1@aol .com
Detach and Mail completed form to: Angelo Celesia, 2586 Ocean Shore Ave., Va. Beach, VA 23451
(Also, you may email completed form to or fax to 481-9514 or use our Online
web form: )
Name of Runner: ________________________________________DOB:___________ Gender___
Address__________________________________________ City__________________ ZIP_________
Parent’s Name(s)_____________________ Phone #_____________*Email______________________
*{required to receive schedule / team info}
Child currently a Strider Member _____ Child will be joining the Striders as a New Member_____
Parent's/Guardian's signature________________________________________ Date___________
The RUNDOWN - February 2011
distance series 2011
2010 new energy poster