written by charles l. mee directed by eleni papaleonardos
written by charles l. mee directed by eleni papaleonardos
BOBRAUS CHENBERG AMERICA AVA I LA B L E LIGHT T H E AT R E WRITTEN BY CHARLES L. MEE DIRECTED BY ELENI PAPALEONARDOS BROUGHT TO YOU BY AVAILABLE LIGHT THEATRE bobrauschenbergamerica written by CHARLES L. MEE directed by ELENI PAPALEONARDOS CAST Feed Your Soul is more than a one night event, its a state of mind. We’re starting a movement. Share what feeds your soul, Columbus. We’re ready to experience your best kept secrets, and soon we’ll be sharing all of ours. #feedyoursoulcolumbus Be a part of the journey! feedyoursoulcolumbus.com Pam Decker........................................................................................................... Bob’s Mom Acacia Leigh Duncan.................................................................................................. Susan Drew Eberly......................................................................................................................Allen Adam Humphrey.........................................................................................................Wilson Keith Lamar Nolen.......................................................................................................... Carl Weston Oberg........................................................................................ Bob, the Pizza Boy Elena M. Perantoni................................................................................................Phil’s Girl Amy Rittberger..................................................................................................Roller Skater Ian Short............................................................................................................................. Phil Ben Sostrom................................................................................................................. Becker BEHIND THE SCENES Jarod Wilson.............................................................................................Lighting Designer Kat Barnes................................................................................................Costume Designer Dave Wallingford...............................................Production Manager, Sound Designer Jaylene Henderson..................................................................................... Stage Manager Ben Jones.....................................................................................Assistant Stage Manager Pam Welsh-Huggins.................................................................................... Music Director Acacia Leigh Duncan..................................................................................Choreographer Matt Slaybaugh...................................................................................Projection Designer Joe Wolfle, Greg Latham, and Jon Baggs..................................................... Carpenters RIFFE CENTER STUDIO TWO 77 S. High St. 4th Floor • Columbus, Ohio 43215 SEPTEMBER 5 - 21, 2O13 bobrauschenbergamerica will be performed in approximately 95 minutes, with no intermission. Talkbacks will be held immediately following all Thursday and Friday performances. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL NOISEMAKING DEVICES. CAST & CREW AUTOBIOGRAPHIES KAT BARNES (Costume Designer) Why Pay What You Want? Now more than ever, we all need great art. And now, more than ever, we can’t let economic circumstances shut anyone out of the theater. It’s simply a better world when we can all afford to see great shows, no matter how much cash we’ve got in our wallets on any given day. WHAT IS PAY WHAT YOU WANT? You choose how much you pay for your tickets. Again, it’s about removing the barriers between you and great art. WHEN CAN I PAY WHAT I WANT? With very rare exceptions, Pay What You Want is available at the door for every ticket, for every show, for everyone. SO HOW MUCH SHOULD I PAY? Well, we design the shows to be worth $30+ per seat. However, we want that to be broad enough to include those who might not be able to pay as such. So, our suggested price is $20. At that number you’re covering the cost of your seat and throwing in a little extra to help support the Pay What You Want program for everyone. The most popular choices are $20, $10, and $5. CAN I DECIDE WHAT TO PAY AFTER I SEE THE SHOW? You have to pay something to get in, but we do have a fishbowl to accept additional support after the show. DOES ANYONE REALLY PAY MORE THAN THEY HAVE TO? Yes, we have many wonderful supporters who pay $30, $50, even $100 and much more every time they see a show. Their support is a large part of how we’re able to continue this program. We could get really deep and philosophical at this point about the actual value of money and the psychological implications of paying more, but we’ll let you determine your own views on that. We can say this: you will probably feel good doing it. studied at the Ohio State University. She is very happy to be back for her third show with AVLT. Kat designed costumes for Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson and props for Jane Eyre, last season. A former costume fellow with CATCO, Kat enjoys lightheartedly critiquing runway fashion during awards season, shopping for chicken suits, and dreaming up new travel adventures. She would like to thank her husband, Jonathan, for his constant love, moral support, and delightfully crafted cocktails; and Puck-the-Psycho-BorderCollie, for emanating joy and entertaining her with his methodical and violent evisceration of stuffed toys. PAM DECKER (Bob’s Mom) spent the last seven years as a graduate student in theatre at the University of Madison-Wisconsin (from 2006-2008) and at The Ohio State University in Columbus (2008-present). While a graduate student, she worked as an actor, director, and dramaturg for various productions, and taught classes within the OSU Department of Theatre. This May, she successfully defended her dissertation and will graduate in August! Pam’s next step is to acclimate to non-graduate-school life, which she is told involves less poverty and a little more free time. ACACIA LEIGH DUNCAN (Susan, Choreographer) is a founding member of Available Light Theatre. Favorite roles with AVLT include those in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, John Cage 101, Skyscrapers of the Midwest, Hum, The Life and Death of Richard the Third, Dirty Math, Church, A Lonely Crowd, Dead City, and 33 Variations. Other favorites include The Rubenstein Kiss (CATCO), Hamlet, Taming of the Shrew, Tartuffe (Actors’ Theatre), and All My Sons (Gallery Players). Acacia studied at Miami University and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. STAFF artistic director Matt Slaybaugh production manager Dave Wallingford operations manager Michelle Whited box office manager Megan Morelock COMPANY Carrie Cox Acacia Leigh Duncan Drew Eberly Jordan Fehr Ryan Osborn Eleni Papaleonardos Elena M. Perantoni Michelle G. Schroeder Ian Short Matt Slaybaugh Dave Wallingford Michelle Whited BOARD OF DIRECTORS Amy Hamm Bridget Granger Christian Long Emily Rhodes Will Saam Melissa Weber Ron Weber, president Y.A.C.H.T. CLUB ( YOUNG ARTISTS CREATIVELY HUSTLING FOR THEATRE ) Maria Archer Ben Jones Megan Morelock MISSION Available Light is a fellowship of artists dedicated to building a more conscious and compassionate world by creating joyful and profound theatre and by serving our community. SPECIAL THANKS Demos Evans Bryan CAPA CATCO Rebecca Daskalova MacRorie Dean Brad Steinmetz & Ohio State University Theatre Department Kristen Cooperkline Otterbein University Theatre Department Brad Steinmetz Fred & Debbie Somerlot Dave Ulmer CAST & CREW AUTOBIOGRAPHIES DREW EBERLY (Allen) has been an artist and teacher in Columbus for ten years. As an Available Light Company Member, he’s originated roles in Skyscrapers of the Midwest, John Cage 101, and Down & Out in the Magic Kingdom. He also directed AVLT’s The History Boys. Prior to Columbus, Drew lived in Philadelphia where he performed in both regional and touring productions. His work in theatre has been recognized by The Dorothy Haas Fellowship, The American College Theatre Festival, the Columbus Theatre Roundtable, and The Jebby Awards, where he was named the 2012 Performer of the Year. JAYLENE HENDERSON (Stage Manager) is happy to be back with Available Light after stage managing Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson and John Cage 101 last season. She recently designed lighting for Grandview High School and last summer she was the lighting assistant for the One Night With Janis Joplin Regional Tour in Cleveland. Other AVLT credits include 33 Variations, Sleeper, and Down and Out in The Magic Kingdom. She also traveled to NYC and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland with the production Unanswered, We Ride in 2011. Special thanks to her fiancé Jeff and AVLT for the amazing opportunities. ADAM HUMPHREY (Wilson) is still absolutely tickled to be doing what he loves in a town he loves with people he loves. After growing up here, then skipping town for a to do theater with the Purple MEET THE year Rose Theatre Company in Chelsea, COMPANY MI, he came back and re-discovered and fell in with a crowd AND OUR Columbus, that consistently encourages him to COLLABORATORS. BIOS, PHOTOS, be a better artist and a better person. doesn’t get any better than that. BLOG POSTS, AND MORE. ItThanks to his family, friends, and avltheatre.com/collaborators brothers, and especially his lovely and long-suffering wife. BEN JONES (Assistant Stage Manager) graduated from Heidelberg University with a focus on developing new work. In college, he directed many new plays and interned with Available Light Theatre and The Kennedy Center. KEITH LAMAR NOLEN AKA “Scooter” (Carl) originally from Boston, MA, is a recent graduate of Denison University in Granville, where he double majored in theatre arts and dance. He is 22 years old and has a huge passion for the arts and an unstoppable force to keep moving! Keith can’t sit still for two seconds, and this energy drives his acting and dancing. He says, “if I am not moving, I am not living. This is my working attitude and I do not feel shame in my joy.” Keith feels proud and blessed to be a part of Available Light’s 2013-14 season. WESTON OBERG (Bob, the Pizza Boy) is a recent graduate of Miami University. His on stage work at Miami included Our Town, As You Like It, and Beyond Therapy. He also worked heavily backstage at Miami as Assistant Scenic Designer for Dead and Buried and Scenic Designer for 9 Circles. Last December, Weston won the award for best non-realized scene design for Spring Awakening at the KCACTF region three festival. This is Weston’s first show with Available Light and he’s extremely excited to be a part of bobrauschenbergamerica. In the future he hopes to move to L.A. to pursue a career in acting and modeling. He would like to thank his family for their consistent support and for letting him live with them still. Love and Honor. ELENI PAPALEONARDOS (Director) is a teacher and theatre creator. She studied theatre at the Ohio State University, Actors’ Theatre of Louisville, and was a member of the first M.F.A. company in Contemporary Performance at Naropa University where she studied with 2013-2014 MEMBERS Karen Adams Cynthia Anderson Scott Austin & Shannon Haager Jeb Bigelow Katherine H. Burkman Jim Coe & Sharon Levy Helen & John Detrick Leigh Householder & Craig Dieckhoner Pamela Feldman-Hill Danielle Mari Danielle Fosler-Lussier Kathy Fox & Amery Fitch Brian D Galloway Martha Gostely Roy Gottlieb Bridget & Rich Granger Dustin & Alyssa Grovemiller Amy Hamm Robin & Peter Hersha Ann Horner Artie & Alisa Isaac Paige Johnson Canada Keck Kevin Lavin Frank Lazar Kim Lowe John and Chris Makar Mary Pat Martin & Rick Livingston Char and Scotty McCasland Luke & Mary Beth McCormick Don Tigue Melissa Muguruza Ellen Nickles Jo Anne & David O’Carroll CAST & CREW AUTOBIOGRAPHIES many prominent American theatre innovators. Since returning to Ohio she has taught at Denison University, Hocking College, and the Wellington School, and led workshops at the Ohio State and Otterbein universities. Most recently with AVLT she directed 33 Variations and appeared as the Storyteller in Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. She lives in Granville, Ohio, with her husband and son. Eleni would like to thank this wonderful group of artists for an experience that has been so thoroughly joyful. 1101 West 1st Ave Grandview (614) 299-9330 ELENA M. PERANTONI (Phil’s weekdays 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Girl) is a very proud Available Light company member. Favorites with AVLT so far include Hum, Skyscrapers of the Midwest, How To Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Jane Eyre, and Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. Some of Elena’s favorite things include her hilarious husband, adorable cat, amazing family, running long distances, and attempting to bench press a bear. As always, she is incredibly grateful that AVLT challenges her to create without analyzing and to beat down resistance. saturday & sunday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. luckbroscoffeehouse.com WHAT’S NEXT? AMY RITTBERGER (Roller Skater) is excited to be back at Available Light after appearing in last season’s face-melting musical, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson (Rachel Jackson). Other recent credits include Urinetown (Penny) and Hairspray (Penny). Amy enjoys spending her days as mommy to Isaac and wife to Jay. Special thanks to Jay for running all of these lines with her. As a child, Amy would often create roller skating routines in the basement with her two sisters. She is thankful that all the hard work has finally paid off and she can now showcase those skills. Art was a part of their life, and she will forever be grateful to her parents for that! My Kaywa QR-Code Join our e-mail list and don’t miss a single event, announcement, or show! Scan the QR code or visit avltheatre.com/emailist/ avltheatre.com/emailist IAN SHORT (Phil) is a founding member of http://kaywa.me/Y2TBC Available Light Theatre and was most recently seen in John Cage 101. He graduated from Otterbein University with a BFA in acting and directing and then lived in New York City for about ten years, doing stage, television and film work, including a performance at the Lincoln Center and guest spots on One Life to Live and the CBS series New York News. Since moving back to Columbus, he has worked with BalletMet, CATCO, Actor’s Theatre, Gallery Players and has directed several musicals for Gahanna Community Theatre. Some of his favorite shows with Available Light include Church, The Life and Death of Richard the Third, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, and Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice. BEN SOSTROM (Becker) is excited to be back with AVLT. This time, in a box! He’s an OSU Theatre graduate and a CATCO acting apprentice program alumnus. Recent roles include Antonio in Actors’ Theatre’s Twelfth Night, various roles in CATCO is Kids’ 2012-13 season, and John Calhoun in AVLT’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, where he wore a large neck ruff. He also serves as executive producer for the film division of Offshoot Productions LLC, a local production company. MATT SLAYBAUGH (Projection Designer) is the Artistic Director of Available Light Theatre. His writing and directing of new plays and original works for Available Light and the BlueForms Theatre Group has been lauded by American Theatre magazine, the National New Play Network, New York Press, Philadelphia’s Barrymore Awards, the Cincinnati Entertainment Awards, NYtheatre dot com, and many more. His adaptations of sci-fi and graphic novels have been featured by The Comics Journal and io9 dot com. Matt has been known to perform poetry at special events like TEDxColumbus and iCitizen, and to teach at places like Otterbein and CCAD. Look for him in the photo pit at music festivals nationwide. 2013-2014 MEMBERS (CONTINUED) Dimitris & Holly Papaleonardos Steve & Joan Parrish Jackqueline Pasternack Bev & Lanny Rhodes Emily Rhodes Will & Margy Saam Mark Skinner Dave & Liz Slaybaugh Dwayne Steward Nick & Leydiana Tomashot Gleb Tsipursky Tracy & Bruce Tuckerman Ben Twaits Steven Vogel and Jane Henderson Dave’s Mom Ron & Melissa Weber Tim Weizer Karen York MEMBERS ENJOY: •UNLIMITED repeat viewings of every show of the 2013-14 season. •The incredible esteem of being a supporter of the arts. •Additional goodies, perks and suprises. SIGN UP TODAY AT THE BOX OFFICE AND APPY THE PRICE OF YOUR TICKET TOWARD YOUR MEMBERSHIP PURCHASE. PROUD SUPPORTER OF AVAILABLE LIGHT Call for pick up or delivery! 614.228.DELI Delivery charges may vary. 475 S. Third St. Columbus, OH 43215 Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday 9 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. We ^ Katzingers. Thank you, Diane! CAST & CREW AUTOBIOGRAPHIES DAVE WALLINGFORD (Production Manager, Sound Designer) Dave’s work as a sound designer has been heard in places such as Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, Montreal, Sacramento, Boston, and New York City. He was the sound supervisor at the Tony Award-winning Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts where he designed countless productions including several world premieres. In Columbus, he has worked with BalletMet, Opera Columbus, CATCO, the Wexner Center, Red Herring, Phoenix Theatre Circle, and Madlab. Dave received a DayTony award for Excellence in Sound Design for his work on Getting to Know You at the Human Race Theatre Co. PAM WELSH-HUGGINS (Music Director) directed music for Available Light’s three musicals, Merrily We Roll Along, Falsettos, and Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. She also wrote and coached vocal arrangements for The History Boys and Jane Eyre. Bob Rauschenberg once said that “there was a whole language that [he] could never make function for [him]self in relationship to painting and that was attitudes like tortured struggle, and pain.” Pam’s music-making life similarly skews toward freedom, collaboration, and joy – so she is grateful that Eleni invited her along. JAROD WILSON (Lighting Designer) Melissa Muguruza, LMT Director 614.581.5893 Melissa@VitalityForWellbeing.com www.VitalityForWellbeing.com PROUDLY SUPPORTING AVAILABLE LIGHT THEATRE is excited to once again be joining the AVLT team, having previously designed The History Boys and Sleeper. Originally from Colorado, Jarod made Columbus his new home after completing his M.F.A. in lighting design at the Ohio State University. He works as a freelance designer and technician in the Central Ohio region, and also provides affordable moving light technology to local theatre companies. Jarod has also designed productions around the United States, as well as in London and Hong Kong. THANK Y U, DONORS! Irene & Mannie Alvarez Cynthia & Norm Anderson Steven Anderson Brian & Dominique Brooks Kitty & Tim Croke Leah & Joao Simoes Craig Dieckhoner & Leigh Householder Steven Duncan Robert Fehr Roy Gottlieb, DDS Rich & Bridget Granger Amy M. Hamm Joe E. Heimlich & Jim Hodnett Robin & Peter Hersha Scott Ihrig & Shannon Morrison Jackie Isaac Kent Jackson KellyThomas Rick Livingston & Mary Pat Martin Kim Lowe Suzanne D. Lucas Parker & Betsy McDonell Dory & Joe Martin Jane Mykrantz Daniel Nash Jo Anne & David O’Carroll Holly Papaleonardos Elena Perantoni Diane & Jules E. Ratliff Mary Ross-Dolen Will & Margy Saam Jen Schlueter & Brad Steinmetz Mark Skinner Matt Slaybaugh & Acacia Duncan Mary Ellen Starr Deb & Greg Stype Gillian Thomas Nick & Leydiana Tomashot Ron & Melissa Weber Alan & Bobbie Weiler Wendy Weiler Michelle Whited Kim & Jim Wilson Ann & Alan Woods FRIEND, LIKE, & FOLLOW US! Shaping Ohio’s Communities Through the Arts Culturally, Educationally and Economically. @avltheatre avlt.tumblr.com Visit ArtsinOhio.com to search for thousands of performances, events, festivals and exhibitions that are sure to move you. The only site you need for arts and cultural events in Ohio. Ohio Arts Council Rhodes State Office Tower 30 E. Broad St., 33rd Floor Columbus, OH 43215-3414 Phone: 614 /466-2613 Fax: 614 /466-4494 www.oac.ohio.gov ArtsinOhio.com is a collaboration between • Experience Columbus • Positively Cleveland • Cincinnati USA RTN • Ohio Arts Council Facebook: bit.ly/avltfb AVAILABLE LIGHT THEATRE 77 S. High St., 2nd Floor | Columbus, Ohio 43215 avltheatre.com | avltheatre@gmail.com | 614.558.7408 facebook: bit.ly/avltfb | twitter: @avltheatre | tumblr: avlt.tumblr.com Red Herring Productions presents ASSASSINS Music and Lyrics by STEPHEN SONDHEIM Book by JOHN WEIDMAN Featuring veterans of available light musicals: Ian Short KIm Garrison Hopcraft Christopher Storer Nick LingNofski Scott wilson Kate Lingnofski Drew Eberly Jay Rittberger Danielle Mann Director - John Dranschak Musical Director - Pam Welsh-Huggins Riffe Center - Studio One Theater Performances: 10/31 - 11/9 Thu-Sat @ 8 PM Sun 11/3 @ 2PM Tickets: $20 in advance or Pay-What-You-Want at the Door 614-723-9116 Assassins Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International. All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI www.MTIShows.com 421 West 54th Street New York, NY 10019 Phone: 212-541-4684 Fax: 212-397-4684 www.redherring.info