quick start guide


quick start guide
A S M E ® V I I I S O F T WA R E
COMPRESS is an engineering productivity tool that models, calculates and creates reports for ASME pressure
vessels and UHX/TEMA heat exchangers.
The COMPRESS Modeling Approach
COMPRESS offers two approaches to modeling vessels: Wizards and Free Form Design. For quick model creation,
COMPRESS includes a Wizard interface which requires only basic information to model typical vessels.
For unparalleled flexibility, COMPRESS also offers a component-by-component Free Form Design approach. This
method is useful when designing vessels which do not fit typical parameters and when modifying vessels created
by Wizards.
Whether you are building new vessels or rating existing equipment, you can build your model using a specially
tailored input mode. In Design mode, COMPRESS selects sizes, thicknesses and ratings to meet Code requirements.
In Rating mode, COMPRESS calculates the MAWP and minimum thickness while allowing you to input your existing
geometry. In both modes, inputs are re-evaluated during the modeling process and updated as necessary to reflect
applicable Code dependencies. In selected circumstances, warnings and good engineering practice reminders are
Suggested Vessel Modeling Sequence
This guide outlines one possible way to model a pressure vessel in COMPRESS. This is just one of many ways to
model vessels in COMPRESS.
Please note, components and loads may be modeled in any order and individual components may be designed
without specifying the entire vessel.
1. Begin a new design by selecting File | New | Division 1 Vessel (or Division 2 Vessel). Alternatively, you can begin
a new design by clicking on the
Division 1 or
Division 2 toolbar icon. All required information for each
model is saved in a single file.
2. COMPRESS automatically uses the latest ASME Code Edition/Addenda when creating a new file. You may
change this default setting to any ASME Code Edition/Addenda from 1995 through to the present by selecting
Codes | ASME.
3. If wind or seismic loads are present, add the applicable loads by selecting Codes | Wind or Codes | Seismic.
4. Specify the datum line location and vessel orientation by selecting Action | Set Datum.
5. Set design options, such as units, hydrotest and nozzle design basis, by selecting Action | Set Mode Options or
pressing F7. These options can be updated later if required.
5224 Station Way, Sarasota FL 34233 | Phone: (941) 927-2670 | sales@codeware.com | www.codeware.com (rev. 3-16)
6. Design the vessel.
COMPRESS builds the model by working sequentially down from the top of the vessel. Begin with the top
head (left head for horizontal vessels) and work down (or left to right). Components can be added to the
model from the Component menu, from the Component toolbar or by pressing the Insert key.
Add the pressure boundary components (cylinders and formed heads) before adding nozzles. If external
pressure is specified and vacuum rings are required, ring spacing should be finalized before adding nozzles.
If operating liquid is present, set the desired liquid level(s) by selecting Loads | Liquid Level.
If external forces or loads are present, add them by selecting Loads | Lateral Force or Loads | Vertical
Load. Note that vertical loads are treated as a mass and affect the natural frequency of the vessel.
Add the major attachments such as platforms/ladders, trays and packed beds. These items are located
under the Attach menu.
Add the supports (skirt, lugs, saddles, legs, etc.) from the Support menu. •
Add nozzles to the vessel. Select Nozzle | Quick Design to have COMPRESS select wall thicknesses and
add pads automatically.
Add any remaining attachments. These items generally will not affect the nominal thickness of shell
components and may be left until the design is almost completed.
7. Reports can be generated at any time during the operation of COMPRESS by pressing F3. Click the
toolbar icon to toggle between a file’s design and report windows. You can control how reports are displayed
within the Report Defaults dialog. This area can be reached by selecting Action | Reports | Report Defaults.
8. Prepare and submit ASME forms to the National Board (optional).
Select Forms | Form Settings and Defaults to store your company’s information, such as your name,
address and shop information, in a centralized location for use on all forms.
Select the form type you require from the Forms menu. COMPRESS automatically fills in your vessel or
exchanger data and displays an editable form.
Click the Generate button to create your PDF form.
Once your PDF has been generated, select Form | Submit Electronically to create an EDT-compatible
file. This file can be uploaded directly to the National Board’s website. You can also save the PDF form for
manual submission or internal record keeping.
Click on the
Form toolbar icon and select Forms | Manage Forms to archive forms and related files in a
central database as well as manage your National Board Log.
5224 Station Way, Sarasota FL 34233 | Phone: (941) 927-2670 | sales@codeware.com | www.codeware.com (rev. 3-16)
9. Use the Project feature to organize, view and back-up a variety of file types. Select File | New | New Project or
click the
Project toolbar icon to create a new Project.
Integration Is Standard Functionality
COMPRESS fully integrates out-of-the-box with Inventor® and SOLIDWORKS® through our no-charge Codeware
Interface® add-in. If you’re not using Inventor or SOLIDWORKS, COMPRESS exports 3D solid models of your
pressure vessel and heat exchanger designs in ACIS (*.sat), IGES (*.iges), Granite (*.g) or STEP (*.step) format. These
neutral files can be opened in many drafting and plant design systems. We also support your custom systems. You
can programmatically hook into your COMPRESS data using our XML data export.
Full Integration With Inventor, SOLIDWORKS
The included Codeware Interface is an add-in for Inventor and SOLIDWORKS. It imports your COMPRESS pressure
vessel model and manages the associated data through iProperties (Inventor) or custom properties (SOLIDWORKS).
How to export a COMPRESS file to Inventor or SOLIDWORKS:
1. Install the Codeware Interface within Inventor or SOLIDWORKS.
2. In COMPRESS, click the
3. Click the
toolbar icon to generate a solid model.
toolbar icon to export your model. Select Codeware XML 3D as the file type.
4. Open Inventor or SOLIDWORKS and select Codeware | Import Model to transfer your design from COMPRESS.
Neutral 3D Solid Model Export
Our 3D solid model export enables you to convert any COMPRESS file into a 3D solid model. Import the
COMPRESS 3D solid model into any software package that can open ACIS (*.sat), IGES (*.iges), Granite (*.g) or
STEP (*.step) files.
1. Click the
toolbar icon to generate a solid model.
2. Once your solid model is created, click the
toolbar icon and select your neutral file format.
3. Open the exported file in your software of choice.
1. Every open file has two (or more) windows associated with it: the design (graphic) window and the report
(calculation) window. To toggle between a file’s various windows, click the corresponding toolbar icon (
PDF report,
general arrangement drawing).
5224 Station Way, Sarasota FL 34233 | Phone: (941) 927-2670 | sales@codeware.com | www.codeware.com (rev. 3-16)
2. Learn to use the COMPRESS shortcut keys. Examples include:
“Insert” to insert a component
“Delete” to delete a component
“F2” for nozzle design
“Ctrl”+ “F3” to run FEA on nozzles
“F3” to generate Code reports
“F4” to edit a component
“F7” to set mode options
“F8” to set the datum
3. COMPRESS can perform dimensional conversions automatically. For example, when you input 6’7” and press
the Tab key, COMPRESS converts your input to 79”. Similarly, you can also enter data as a basic mathematical
expression. For example, an input of 1/16” will be automatically converted to 0.0625” when you press the Tab key.
4. COMPRESS provides a database of all materials listed in Section II, Part D. Any of these may be added to the
material lists in the component dialogs.
5. COMPRESS provides a database of all structural sections from the AISC Manual of Steel Construction such as
angles, wide flanges, WTs, channels, flat bars and pipes. These items may be added to the lists that appear for
stiffener rings and support legs as needed.
6. Applying external loads on flanges results in a reduced pressure capacity for that flange. By selecting
Component | Body Flange | ASME B16.5/16.47 and checking “Consider external loadings on flange MAWP
rating,” COMPRESS automatically reduces the pressure rating of ANSI/ASME flanges based on the “equivalent
pressure” related to the external loads. A similar option is available for flanges on nozzles.
7. Support skirts may be comprised of multiple segments, both tapered and cylindrical. This assists with designing
a skirt made of different materials.
8. The MAWP of a nozzle may be limited by any one of a number of criteria. COMPRESS determines the nozzle
MAWP by iteratively performing the Code calculations: the pressure is increased incrementally until one of the
Code criteria is met. The corresponding pressure is by definition the MAWP.
9. You can shorten the Code reports generated by COMPRESS within the Report Defaults dialog. This command
can be reached by selecting Action | Reports | Report Defaults.
10. The
Undo (“Ctrl”+ “Z”) and
Redo (“Ctrl”+ “Y”) buttons enable quick design changes.
5224 Station Way, Sarasota FL 34233 | Phone: (941) 927-2670 | sales@codeware.com | www.codeware.com (rev. 3-16)
Codeware Inc.
5224 Station Way
Sarasota, Florida 34233
United States
(941) 927-2670
(941) 927-2459
Codeware and its respective logo is a trademark of Codeware Inc.
COMPRESS is a registered trademark of Codeware Inc. Inventor is a
registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. SOLIDWORKS is a registered
trademark of Dassault Systèmes.