2013 May.pub - Town of Foxfield, Colorado


2013 May.pub - Town of Foxfield, Colorado
The Official Town of Foxfield Newsletter
June 2013
Town of Foxfield
Annual Independence Day
Parade and Picnic
June 13, 2013
July 18, 2013
South Metro Fire Station
7320 South Parker Road
The Board meeting minutes
published in the Communiqué are
recorded by the Town Clerk and
filed for public record.
Complete transcripts may be
requested from the Town Clerk.
July 4, 2013
Parade begins at 10:30 a.m.
Annual Clean-Up
Day June 8
* * * * * * * *
Con and Lori Frank
are hosting the picnic at
17219 East Easter Avenue
IndependenCe Day
Parade & Picnic
July 4
Inside this issue:
Independence Day Celebration
The Board Bulletin
Clean-Up Day
Medication Take-Back Project
Waterway Gas and Wash
Colorado Rockies Dugout Store
Of Interest
Neighborhood News
Foxfield’s Financials
Board Meeting Minutes
Watch your email and the website
for more details
The Board Bulletin
Memo from the Mayor
Everything is finally in bloom, the grass is green and the Town looks
beautiful. Every day I feel so blessed to live here. The Board would like to thank all residents
for maintaining the rights-of-way adjacent to their property and for helping battle the nasty
noxious weeds. This is a very special and unique Town and if we all work together we can
balance maintaining properties with preserving our rural atmosphere.
Weed Control
A letter was sent to all residents this year from SAFEbuilt who provides code enforcement services
for the Town. We have received a number of emails and calls from residents who thought the
letter was abrupt and not in the spirit of Foxfield. This was certainly not our intent. As you
know, the Town for many years has been trying to get a handle on noxious weeds. Not only is
noxious weed management required by the State, weeds that are allowed to mature and go to seed
spread to neighboring properties. This is unfair to neighbors that have spent time, energy and
money to control weeds on their own property. Over the years, the Town has tried different approaches to weed management. This year the Board thought it would be more efficient and cost
effective to send a community-wide letter reminding folks of our weed policy. It was designed to
be a reminder that if weeds are present and not taken care of, a notice will be issued. We are
trying to get residents to take care of the problem on a timely basis. We apologize to those that
thought the letter was rude or threatening. For code enforcement questions, please contact Frank
Goodard at 303-774-1388 or FGoodard@safebuilt.com.
ROW Maintenance
Effective this year, residents are responsible for the maintenance of the ROWs adjacent to their
properties. In an effort to maintain the appearance of the Town, The Board passed an ordinance
requiring a maximum height restriction for vegetation of 12” in the rights-of-way. ROW maintenance has always been the responsibility of residents but in past years the Town absorbed the cost
of mowing and weed control. Since the majority of residents were already maintaining the ROW
it didn’t seem reasonable to use Town resources on a project that only benefited a few. We
appreciate everyone’s cooperation.
Arapahoe County Open Space Grant
The Town has been awarded an Open Space Planning Grant in the amount of $30,000. The
planning process will include updating the Town’s Trail Master Plan, determining trail routes,
design, materials and cost estimates. This is an exciting project. We are taking the next step toward a trails system that the Town envisioned in the Master Plan adopted in 1996. These trails
will ultimately provide connectivity to the Cherry Creek Trails System. Community input will be
essential to this process so we will keep you posted on our progress. I would like to thank Trustee
Sky Yost for the outstanding job she did in preparing the grant application.
Ring Road Landscaping
Weather conditions delayed the project but the completion of the ring road landscaping should be
done this spring. CDI is the contractor. Thanks to Trustee Con Frank for all his time and effort in
coordinating this project.
Road Resurfacing
Phase one of the road resurfacing project is complete. This is a 3-year project. Street conditions
were evaluated and prioritized. The more heavily traveled roads were resurfaced with a 3/8” chip
seal and the less traveled streets with a 1/4“. Chip seal was a little more expensive but the
expected longevity of the product outweighed the additional cost.
Garage Sale and Clean up Days
It was a beautiful weekend for the garage sale and it appears to have been very successful. Next
Saturday, June 8th, is the annual Town Clean-Up Day (see page 4 for more information). We are
excited that electronic recycling is available this year. Thanks to Trustee Susan Current for
organizing these two annual events.
A big part of what makes Foxfield such a wonderful place is our sense of community. If you have
an elderly neighbor or a neighbor who is not able to mow their ROW or shovel their driveway and
you are out with your mower or snow blower, ask if you can help. A little bit of kindness goes a
long way.
It’s Ozone Aware Season!
What is ground‐level ozone pollution?
Ground‐level ozone is a harmful air pollutant that is formed when emissions from gas‐powered vehicles
and lawn equipment and even household paints and solvents “cook” in heat and sunlight. The highest
ozone levels are usually recorded in summer months when temperatures approach the 80s and 90s and
the wind is stagnant or light. In the Denver metro area, ozone season runs from June 1 through
August 31.
To help reduce ground ozone levels:
● Walk, bike, use public transit, carpool
● Refuel in the evening
● Mow in the evening
● Combine errands and drive less
● Stop at the click when replacing the fuel cap
● Use an electric mower
What is the “Clean Air Community” Pledge?
Denver metro residents can take a pledge, either online at OzoneAware.org or at events throughout the
summer, to take a few simple actions to help reduce harmful ground‐level ozone pollution. Taking the
pledge is easy‐‐ just log on to ozoneaware.org, click on the “Join Our Clean Air Community” button, and
choose from one of four different pledge levels. Cool prizes ‐‐ such as bikes and electric lawn mowers ‐‐
are offered every week during ozone season.
Saturday, JUNE 8, 2013
8 a.m. – 2p.m.
This is a great opportunity to get rid of stuff, piles of yard debris and more
without the hassle and the rising cost of a trip to the dump!
Clean Up Services:
● Trash dumpsters will be located along Easter Way just east of the fire station
between the hours of 8 a.m.— 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 8.
● IMPORTANT!!! We will have a limited number of dumpsters so come early.
⇒ Residents may use the dumpsters to dispose of items not picked up in the
weekly trash collection. For this service, a donation of $10.00 per load is
greatly appreciated.
⇒ The following items may not be disposed of in the dumpsters: Hazardous
waste, including large appliances, refrigerators, microwaves, TVs, computers,
A/C units; herbicides, asbestos, pesticides, chemicals, toxic or flammable
materials such as paint, oil, fuel, gasoline cans, aerosol cans, propane
containers, lawn mowers, tires. Limited amounts of heavy items such as sod,
concrete, rock & dirt will be allowed.
● Scrap Metal Service
⇒ To have an item picked up at your residence call Susan Current @ 303-6801986 to make arrangements. There will be a $25 charge for the pick-up service.
⇒ Lawn mowers, grills, wire fencing and scrap metal will be placed in a separate
pile at the dump site.
Electronic recycling will be available at the dump site. Disposal is free for all electronics
with the following exceptions: $15 each for CRT computer monitors and non-LCD
Volunteers will be needed to attend the
dumpsters during
collection hours.
If you can help for a 2 hour shift,
please contact
Trustee Susan Current at 303-680-1986
or scurrent@townoffoxfield.com
Flushing and unsafe trash disposal of unused and unwanted medications can cause pollution of
lakes, streams and water supplies. Medications collected in the take-back project are destroyed
in an environmental protective manner.
If you don’t have access to a secure collection box, do not flush your medications down the
toilet or drain. Follow the steps listed below. The same steps should be followed for the
disposal of narcotics and other controlled substances.
○ Take the medications out of their containers. Mix them with an undesirables substance
such as kitty litter or used coffee grounds.
○ Conceal or remove personal information, including Rx number, on the empty medicine
containers by covering it with black permanent marker or scratching it off.
○ Wrap the medication mixture and the empty containers separately in newspaper to help
conceal them from children and pets and place them in the trash.
The Communique will profile local businesses in each issue
We decided to feature in this newsletter the first retailer to open in the Foxfield Town Center as well
as the most recent addition.
Waterway Gas & Wash
16330 East Arapahoe Road
Opening in 2008, Waterway carwash, gas
station and convenience store was the first
business in the Foxfield Town Center. The
parent company, Waterway Gas and Wash,
is headquartered in St. Louis and has been in
existence since 1970.
The manager is Matt Shields, a native of Colorado and graduate of Boulder High School. He
has been with the company for five years and
the manager of the Foxfield location for one and
a half years.
Foxfield is one of six locations in Colorado,
and one of 19 across the country. Their website, www.waterway.com, lists the many
special discounts and promotions available. The mission statement of Waterway is:
“Our team delivers clean cars to happy customers.”
Articles written by Sky Yost
Colorado Rockies Dugout Store
16350 East Arapahoe Road, Unit 112
The Colorado Rockies Dugout Store, the newest store, opened in July 2012. It is located
between the dry cleaners and the dentist on the south side of the Foxfield Town Center.
The store itself is the newest of six in Colorado. The location was chosen by the Colorado
Rockies because of the high number of season ticket holders in our area. The goal of
management is to have one Rockies Dugout Store in every area code in Colorado.
Megan Roberts, a Colorado native, has been the manager at this location since it opened.
Before that, she managed a Rockies Dugout store in Colorado Springs for three years.
According to Megan, the store is doing well. When the summer baseball season is over, the
holiday season starts heating up; then with spring training starting in February, business
tends to be fairly steady.
The store is open seven days a week. Other than at Coors Field, this is the least expensive
place to purchase Colorado Rockies tickets to all home games in Denver and Scottsdale.
The service fee is less than the fee at King Soopers or online. Season ticket holders can
exchange tickets at the store, and get special discounts on items.
There is almost any item you can imagine (and some you never thought of) with a Rockies
logo on it, from baby items, t-shirts, hats, blankets and pillows to cell phone cases and
earrings - and much more. They are the first to carry any new items and they are able to
customize any Rockies jersey. There is always some kind of “gift-with-purchase”
promotion going on.
It’s time to think about landscape needs. I am making a schedule for field mowing,
field weed spraying and field re‐seeding. Call for rates and to be put on the schedule.
Right‐of‐way mowing and string trimming $50.
As our yards are greening up, some are noxious weed invaders. If left uncontrolled, these
weeds will outgrow the native species of grass and plants. I am a licensed herbicide applicator
and can help you control them.
Thank you
303‐699‐1203 or 303‐669‐9888 (cell)
Foxfield, South East Aurora & Centennial area
The total sales tax rate of 8.00% is collected on items purchased
within the Town of Foxfield.
Town of Foxfield
State of Colorado
Arapahoe County
The following items are exempt from the 3.75% Town of Foxfield sales tax:
● Automobiles
● Items for which a use tax has been paid (this is primarily for building
materials that are delivered to the site in Foxfield)
● Items purchased outside the town and delivered to Foxfield (appliances,
furniture, etc.)
Items that are exempt from the Foxfield tax should not be charged any other local
jurisdiction sales tax. For example, if you buy a refrigerator in Lone Tree and have
it delivered to your house in Foxfield, you should pay only 4.35% sales tax. If you
purchase a dining table in Centennial and have it delivered to
Foxfield, you should pay only 4.35% sales tax.
Anything you purchase that is not delivered is subject to the
local authority’s sales tax. So that microwave oven you buy
in Aurora will be subject to their sales tax rate of 8.00%.
Our Lady of Loreto School will open
for the 2013-2014 school year in August.
The school will open with K-5 and add a
grade each year until they have reached
the eighth grade.
Garage Sale
With beautiful weather, and advertising
and signage provided by the Rauhs
(even though they no longer live in
Foxfield!), the annual garage sale was
a rousing success.
Need Help?
Landscaping-Labor ($12/hr)
Yard Maintenance (trimming, cleaning, pruning, hedging and mowing)
Landscaping Projects (weed barrier, plant and tree installation, mulching, path-making,
land sculpting)
Heavy Lifting/Moving Assistance
Packing/Organizing (room, garage, barn, basement, clean out, disposal)
Construction Projects
Painting (Interior/Exterior--->$15/hr)
Anything You Need Done
$75 per ½ Acre
$20 per lawns (Front and Back, Weekly Scheduling Recommended)
Satisfaction or Money Back Promise
Patrick Hart-Cooper
April 2013 Call Out Report
Traffic Complaints/Arrests
Medical Assist
Property Damage
Criminal Mischief
DUI / Injury Accident
Animal Calls
Shoplifting / Theft
Suspicious Person / Vehicle
There were 19 traffic tickets issued in Foxfield in April 2013
May 2013 Call Out Report
Traffic Complaints/Arrests
15 Medical Assist
Property Damage
Criminal Mischief
DUI / Injury Accident
Animal Calls
Shoplifting / Theft
Suspicious Person / Vehicle
There were 21 traffic tickets issued in Foxfield in May 2013
Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department telephone numbers:
** Emergency - 911
** Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department - 303-795-4711
(Dispatch, for non-emergency calls)
** Lieutenant Tammy Townsell-Twombly — 720-874-3807
To report traffic concerns please call the traffic hotline at 720-874-4170
April 2013
Escrow Accounts
Reserved for Paving Improvements
Reserved for Paving Bond Reduction
Net Revenues over Expenditures
January — April 2013
Property Taxes
Specific Ownership Taxes
Franchise Fees
Sales Tax
Use Tax
Building Permits
Grading/Street Cut Permits
Highway Users Tax
Traffic Fines
Other Revenues
Public Safety
Public Works
Open Space
Minutes - BOT Meeting
February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013
Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. at
South Metro Fire Protection District Station #42 at
7320 South Parker Road, Foxfield, Colorado.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.
The following Trustees were present: Con Frank,
Dave Goddard, Susan Current, Bob Easton and
Mayor Lisa Jones. A quorum was present.
Audience Participation
Mike Kowalski, 1720 E Easter Avenue, spoke to
the Board regarding the use of drones in the
Town’s airspace and encouraged the Board to
monitor their use by Arapahoe County and consider prohibiting their use in the Town.
Lt. Twombly of the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s office stated that at this point in time the Sheriff’s
department is not considering the use of drones.
Greg Worthington, 7051 S Waco, makes and sells
ceramics from his home. He inquired about home
occupations and if the Town would consider hosting an arts and crafts fair. He was thanked for his
comments and referred to the Town Clerk regarding the Town’s requirements.
Lt. Tammy Twombly introduced herself as the new
liaison to the Town from the Arapahoe County
Sheriff’s Office. She reported on recent Town law
enforcement activities.
Approval of Minutes
Trustee Current moved, seconded by Trustee
Goddard, to approve the January 17, 2013 minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Public Hearings:
Ordinance 2013-04, Amending Article 2 of
Chapter 16 of the Town of Foxfield Municipal
Code to Add a New Section 16-2-45 Concerning the Prohibition of Medical Marijuana Centers, Optional Premises, Cultivation Operations
and Facilities for Which a Medical MarijuanaInfused Products Manufacturers’ License
Could be Obtained and Prohibiting Establishments Described in Article XVIII, Section 16 of
the Colorado Constitution and Marijuana Clubs
Mayor Jones opened the public hearing and asked
for comments. There were no comments and the
public hearing was closed.
After a brief discussion, Mayor Jones moved,
seconded by Trustee Easton to approve Ordinance 2013-04, Amending Article 2 of Chapter 16
of the Town of Foxfield Municipal Code to Add a
New Section 16-2-45 Concerning the Prohibition
of Medical Marijuana-Infused Products Manufacturers’ License Could be Obtained and Prohibiting
Establishments Described in Article XVIII, Section
16 of the Colorado Constitution and Marijuana
Clubs. The motion passed unanimously by voice
Ordinance 2013-05, Amending Article 4 of
Chapter 16 of the Town of Foxfield Municipal
Code to Add a New Section 16-4-70 Concerning the Cultivation of Marijuana in Residential
Structures for Personal Use
Mayor Jones opened the public hearing and asked
for comments. There were no comments and the
public hearing was closed.
After a brief discussion, Trustee Goddard moved,
seconded by Trustee Easton to approve Ordinance 2013-05, Amending Article 4 of Chapter 16
of the Town of Foxfield Municipal Code to Add a
New Section 16-4-70 Concerning the Cultivation of
Marijuana in Residential Structures for Personal
Use. The motion passed unanimously by voice
Ordinance 2013-06, Amending Section 16-2-50
(b)(3)(c) Repealing the Need for a Special Review for Private Garages Capable of Housing
More Than Four Vehicles
Mayor Jones opened the public hearing and asked
for comments. There were no comments and the
public hearing was closed.
Mayor Jones moved, seconded by Trustee Goddard to approve Ordinance 2013-06, Amending
Section 16-2-50(b)(3)(c) Repealing the Need for a
Special Review for Private Garages Capable of
Housing More Than Four Vehicles. The motion
passed unanimously by voice vote.
Members of Town Board
Trustee Frank reported that he received a bid from
the vendor used by Arapahoe County for speed
monitoring signs. Trustee Frank will return to the
Board with an exact price for the purchase and
costs to mount the sign.
Old Business
Ordinance 2013-07, Regulating the Discharge
of Firearms Within the Limits of the Town of
After discussion, Trustee Goddard proposed an
amendment to the definition of Firearms and
moved to approve Ordinance 2013-07, Regulating
the Discharge of Firearms Within the Limits of the
Town as amended. The motion was seconded by
Trustee Frank. The motion passed with four affirmative votes and one dissenting vote by Trustee
Trustee Frank informed the Board that reflectors
need to be installed off the end of South Norfolk.
He will work with CDI to install the reflectors and
repair the erosion.
Approval of 2013 Personal Services Contract –
SAFEbuilt Building Services
Mayor Jones moved, seconded by Trustee Goddard to revoke the SafeBuilt contract that was approved on January 17, 2013 and to approve the
new contract as presented. The motion passed
unanimously by voice vote.
New Business
Special Event Permit Application, Knights of
Trustee Goddard moved, seconded by Trustee
Frank, to approve the Special Event Permit Application for the Knights of Columbus. The motion
passed unanimously by voice vote.
Approval of Audit Engagement Letter
Trustee Current moved, seconded by Trustee Goddard, to approve the Audit Engagement Letter with
John Cutler and Associates. The motion passed
unanimously by voice vote.
Approval of Agreement for Law Enforcement
Services for 2013
Trustee Goddard moved, seconded by Trustee
Frank, to approve the Agreement for Law Enforcement Services for 2013. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Mayor Jones reported that the application for a trail
planning grant has been submitted to Arapahoe
County. She thanked Trustee Yost for her hard
Trustee Frank stated that Xcel wants a map of
street areas that will be resurfaced this year. He
will send the contact information to the City Administrator who will work with SEH and Xcel.
Mayor Jones adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m.
Minutes - BOT Meeting
March 7, 2013
March 7, 2013
Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. at
South Metro Fire Protection District Station #42 at
7320 South Parker Road, Foxfield, Colorado.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.
The following Trustees were present: Con Frank,
Sky Yost, Susan Current, Bob Easton and Mayor
Lisa Jones. A quorum was present.
Audience Participation
Lt. Tammy Twombly reported that 2013 has been
quiet so far. A total of 27 traffic tickets have been
issued since the beginning of the year.
Bob McAllister, 7358 S. Richfield Street, spoke to
the Board about the new policy of each homeowner being responsible for maintenance of the
right-of-way, noting his drainage ditch is very
steep and difficult to mow.
Autumn Sears, 7234 S. Uravan Court, spoke
about community-supported agriculture.
Stephan Aguirre, 18247 E. Easter Avenue, spoke
in favor of the trails system. He also thanked the
Board and staff for being accessible and willing to
work with him on land use and ROW issues.
Approval of Minutes
Mayor Jones moved, seconded by Trustee Current, to approve the February 7, 2013 minutes as
presented. The motion passed unanimously by
voice vote.
New Business
Relocation of Bulletin Board at Easter
and Yampa
Due to the construction of a private road
on an easement north of Easter and
Yampa, Mayor Jones moved to allow the
applicant to move the bulletin board at
Easter and Yampa to the northeast corner
of Easter and Waco, the cost to be borne
by applicant; the applicant will also purchase and install additional signage as required. Following a second by Trustee
Frank, the motion passed by unanimous
voice vote.
Proposal for Radar Speed Sign
Mayor Jones moved to approve the purchase of a
Portable Speed CheckTM sign for an amount not to
exceed $4,707.00, seconded by Trustee Frank.
The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Waste Management Fee Increase
Mayor Jones moved to approve the request from
Waste Management to allow a 60-day notice for
this next rate increase in return for a discounted
rate similar to the agreement they have with Chenango, whereby at least 125 homeowners will
agree to pre-pay a discounted rate on an annual
basis. Trustee Current seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously by voice vote.
SEH Management Proposal – 2013 Street
Trustee Easton moved to approve the SEH proposal for management of the street resurfacing
program in 2013 in an amount not to exceed
$7,198.00, seconded by Trustee Yost. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Mayor Jones requested that Town Clerk Gallivan
put a notice in the Communiquè that the Our Lady
of Loreto school will open for the 2013-2014
school year.
Members of Town Board
Trustee Yost reported that she submitted the application for the Open Space Planning Grant for
the trail system in Foxfield. She and Town Administrator Kuechenmeister will host a site visit with
the Arapahoe County Open Space grant committee on Monday, March 11.
Trustee Current noted that the garage sale will be
scheduled for June 1-2, and Clean-Up Days are
scheduled for June 7-8. She requested that Town
Clerk Gallivan send an e-mail to the Town residents regarding increased coyote sightings in
Town and how to protect their pets and property.
Trustee Frank reported that the Town has received the full payment from CDOT for landscaping of the Ring Road and he will be meeting with
CDI to work on that project next week. Discussion
ensued regarding a Town of Foxfield sign to be
erected along the Ring Road.
Town Clerk Gallivan presented the January 2013
financial reports for Board review. Mayor Jones
moved to approve the January financial reports
and accounts payable in the amount of
$27,650.75, seconded by Trustee Frank. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Jones adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Minutes - BOT Meeting
April 4, 2013
April 4, 2013
Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. at
South Metro Fire Protection District Station #42 at
7320 South Parker Road, Foxfield, Colorado.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.
The following Trustees were present: Bob
Easton, Susan Current, Con Frank, Sky Yost, Allyson Zoellner and Mayor Lisa Jones. A quorum
was present.
Audience Participation
Lt. Tammy Twombly reported that there had been
some graffiti in the pedestrian tunnel. Forty-one
traffic tickets have been issued since the beginning of the year.
New Business
Street Improvement Plan
Rick Coldsnow of SEH presented a plan for the
first phase of the street resurfacing. Mayor Jones
moved to hire Foothills Paving & Maintenance to
do the 2013 phase of the road resurfacing with
a chip seal coating at a cost not to exceed
$297,300, and authorizing the mayor to sign the
contract. The motion was seconded by Trustee
Frank and passed by unanimous voice vote.
Waste Management Contract Renewal and Fee
Mayor Jones moved to approve the annual
renewal of the contract with Waste Management
and authorize a 1.9% rate increase with less than
the specified 90-day notice, contingent upon the
Town being offered a prepaid plan at a lower rate
effective July 1, 2013. Trustee Frank seconded
the motion which passed by unanimous voice
2012 Audited Financial Statements
Mayor Jones moved to approve the 2012 Audit with
a change in the narrative to Board of Trustees
rather than Town Council, seconded by Trustee
Easton. The motion passed by unanimous voice
Public Posting of Meeting Notices
The Board agreed to relocate the bulletin board on
East Easter Avenue to the southeast corner of
South Waco Street and East Davies Avenue. The
Town Clerk will amend the public posting resolution
to reflect this change.
The Board discussed a resident’s concerns about
drones in the Town’s airspace. After a comprehensive discussion, it was determined the Board will
monitor the issue through the Colorado Municipal
Mayor Jones discussed concerns of several
residents regarding the maintenance of the ROW.
Members of Town Board
Trustee Zoellner initiated a discussion about the
amount of trash along the roads and open space in
Town. Possible solutions including a community
clean-up day were discussed.
Trustee Frank reported that plans are progressing
for the landscaping along the Ring Road.
Trustee Frank noted that he has received the new
radar speed sign and is currently in the testing
Trustee Frank spoke about graffiti in the pedestrian
tunnel. Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department will
remove the graffiti at no charge to the Town.
Trustee Current spoke about Clean-Up Days in
June. It was decided that residents may begin
accumulating bundles of branches for disposal
beginning May 1, but those bundles may not be
placed in the right-of-way. Details will be finalized
next month.
Town Clerk Gallivan reported the she received a
scholarship from CIRSA, covering all expenses, to
attend the International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Annual Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey in
Town Clerk Gallivan presented the February 2013
financial reports for Board review. Mayor Jones
moved to approve the January financial reports
and accounts payable in the amount of $3,620.98,
seconded by Trustee Easton. The motion passed
Executive Session
Mayor Jones moved, seconded by Trustee
Current, to move into an executive session to
confer with the Town Attorney for the purposes of
receiving legal advice on specific legal questions
pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b); and To instruct
negotiators pursuant to C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(e).
The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Mayor Jones stated, “The following discussion
is to confer with the Town Attorney for the
purposes of receiving legal advice on specific
legal questions pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402
(4)(b); and To instruct negotiators pursuant to
C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(e).” The Board entered an
executive session at 8:31 p.m.
At 8:55 p.m., the mayor closed the executive
session and the Board returned to the regular
Mayor Jones adjourned the meeting at 8:56 p.m.
Minutes - BOT Meeting
May 2, 2013
May 2, 2013
Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. at
South Metro Fire Protection District Station #42 at
7320 South Parker Road, Foxfield, Colorado.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.
The following Trustees were present: Sky Yost,
Dave Goodard, Susan Current, Bob Easton and
Mayor Pro Tem Con Frank. A quorum was present.
Audience Participation
Mike Woodruff from Waste Management reported
on his progress with a new proposal for trash
service in Foxfield. He will have something for the
Board by the end of May.
Lt. Tammy Twombly reported that 61 traffic tickets
have been issued since the beginning of the year.
In April, there was one fraud call and one family
squabble but no arrests.
Brendan Johnson, 17117 E. Davies Avenue, requested the loan of the Town tables and chairs
again this year for an air show in August. The
Board approved the request.
Approval of Minutes
Trustee Current moved, seconded by Trustee Yost,
to approve the March 7, 2013 and April 4, 2013
minutes as presented. The motion passed
unanimously by voice vote.
New Business
Resolution 2013-02, Amending Resolution
No. 01, Series 2013 Designating Public
Places for the Posting of Meeting Notices as
Required by the Colorado Open Meetings
This amended resolution designates the southeast
corner of South Waco Street and East Davies
Avenue as the location for the third bulletin board.
Mayor Pro Tem Frank moved to approve
Resolution 2013-02, Amending Resolution
No. 01, Series 2013 Designating Public
Places for the Posting of Meeting Notices
as Required by the Colorado Open Meetings Law. Following a second by Trustee
Easton, the motion passed unanimously.
Ring Road in June. Once the erosion is under
control, Urban Drainage will be contacted for its
approval of the project.
Trustee Current again discussed additional stop
signs along East Easter Avenue.
Amendment to Final Development Plan for Our
Lady of Loreto Church
Trustee Goddard moved to determine that the location of the proposed playground at Our Lady of
Loreto Church in the designated building envelope
is a minor amendment to the Final Development
Plan and as such, no further action by the Board is
required. Trustee Easton seconded the motion
which passed by unanimous voice vote.
Mayor Pro Tem
Mayor Pro Tem Frank reported that the new radar
speed sign is working well and when it is deployed,
it slows traffic in that area.
Mayor Pro Tem Frank noted that CDI has the permit back from CDOT and will plant trees on the
Members of Town Board
Trustee Current is working on flyers for the Annual Garage Sale and Clean-Up Day. Notifications will go out to Town residents as soon as
Town Clerk Gallivan presented the March 2013
financial reports for Board review. Mayor Pro
Tem Frank moved to approve the March Treasurer’s Report and accounts payable, seconded
by Trustee Goddard. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Pro Tem Frank adjourned the meeting at
7:32 p.m.
In an effort to promote and maintain positive relationships with the
community, the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office welcomes the opportunity to speak with citizens in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere
over a cup of coffee. The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with local businesses to provide a venue where citizens can speak one-on-one
with Sheriff’s Office members. These informal walk-in events have no agenda and
citizens may discuss any topic they choose.
● Saturday, June 8, McDonald’s, 10555 E. Briarwood Circle, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
● Saturday, July 13, McDonald’s, 8241 S. Holly Street, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Other dates, times and locations will be announced soon, or you may follow us on
Twitter: @arapahoeso. Information may also be obtained by contacting the Arapahoe
County Sheriff’s Office Community Resources Section at 720-874-3892, or online at
Show up, bring a friend, enjoy some coffee and let us answer any questions you have.
We hope this will be as informative for you as it is for us!
Arapahoe County E-9-1-1
(reverse 911)
Arapahoe County will use the
Everbridge Citizen Alert System to
let you know about issues that may
affect your safety. The system will
allow public safety agencies to contact
thousands of residents in seconds
so you find out about an emergency
The Citizen Alert system can deliver
messages to your cell phone, home
phone or email.
REGISTER to receive these
emergency notifications.
Visit www.arapahoee911.com
and click on the Citizen Alert icon
to register .
The Communiqué is available for advertisements.
All ads are subject to review. Rights reserved to
decline or re-work. Ads and articles may be
submitted via e-mail.
Advertising Costs and Deadlines
Please contact the editor for deadlines.
1/2 SHEET AD: $35
1/4 SHEET AD: $25
Articles and Letters
Public interest stories and related Town interest
articles are encouraged. If you have interesting
tidbits, snippets and happenings that you would like
to share, we welcome your input.
Letters to the Editor are also welcome.
All articles published must have the author’s name
and address. They may be edited for publication
due to space limitations.
Town Clerk, Editor
Town of Foxfield established 1994
Mayor: Lisa Jones
Ward 1: Bob Easton
Ward 2: Susan Current
Ward 3: Sky Yost
At Large: Con Frank
Allyson Zoellner 303-680-8276
Dave Goddard
Town Clerk:
Randi Gallivan
Sheriff Dispatch
Arapahoe County Water and Wastewater
303-790-4830 x322
Building Permits:
Barry Kramer
303-774-1388, x. 103
The Town of Foxfield communicates with its
residents primarily through e-mail. You will
receive the Communique electronically, as well
as updates and alerts concerning Board of
Trustee meetings, traffic, lost pets and other
important topics.
Please take a moment and verify that the Town
has your correct e-mail address.
If you need to submit your e-mail address,
you may:
● Call the Town Clerk at 303-680-1544
● E-mail Clerk@TownofFoxfield.com
● www.foxfieldcolorado.com
Click on Forms under the For Residents
link. Complete the form and click Submit
Town of Foxfield
P.O. Box 461450
Foxfield, CO 80046-1450