December 2009 - Clifton Knolls – Mill Creek Civic Association
December 2009 - Clifton Knolls – Mill Creek Civic Association
Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek Civic Association News & Views December 2009 SAVE THE DATE!!! March 6, 2010 6th Annual Wine & Cheese Party at the Locust Lane Club House The party offers a great way to meet new neighbors and relax with the ones you already know. If you are interested in helping to plan the party or would like to make a food donation, please contact Keri Horton at or 383-1325. Please remember to pay your Oct. ‘09 – Sept. ‘10 membership dues. A portion of your dues covers the cost of holding this fantastic event. Happy Holidays 1 Community Corner Announcements and Events Organized by Members of Our Neighborhood Dear Neighbors, Thank you to all who donated coats, hats and gloves for the homeless at the Mercy House and Lwanga shelters. We collected 25 coats. Your generosity will help keep someone warm this winter. Sincerely, Maureen Dahl Shenendehowa is proud to offer 8 lanes of lap swimming, 6 days a week to community members at our new Aquatic Center. The program is run through the district's Community Education Program. Dates: 1/4-2/27 (Session 3) Times: 5:45 to 6:45am Monday to Friday 1:00 to 3:00pm Saturday Fee is $2.00 per day for individual sessions, or $82 for all of Session 3. Register by filling out the form that can be found here, and following the instructions: Maximum Capacity Per Day: 40 Swimmers--5 Per Lane, first come/first serve basis. Must be 21 or older. Individuals must show a valid drivers licenses at the time of swim that will be crosschecked against the registration list. Lap Swim is open to individuals who prefer to swim for conditioning, fitness or practice. No coaching or organized swimming practices are permitted during Lap Swim! Happy New Year! Snow Plowing 2 Happy Housing! By Genie Bassett December! Christmas! A new year! Many of our neighbors in the Knolls and Mill Creek managed to get their outdoor decorations up before the snow and cold made the task memorable. But, what fun is that? It‘s warm – that‘s what it is! We have a tradition in our house that we never get the tree until there is 24 inches of snow on the ground and the temperature – driven by a 40 mph wind – is hovering around the minus-10. Hopefully, by the time you read this we will have a nice covering of white to get everyone into the holiday spirit. It is such a pleasure to take a leisurely drive around the neighborhood to appreciate the Courier and Ives scene in which we have the pleasure to live. We usually do that after the Christmas Eve church services. You know that inside most houses all the kids are home from college and families are making last minute preparations. And this is true for many non-Christian homes as well as we celebrate so many wonderful Holidays at this time of year. Such is the wonder of the season. Whether you celebrate Christmas or you simply appreciate what the holiday season means for just about everyone, it is a special time of year. Some of that may be due to the fact that it is the end of the year and we are preparing for a fresh start. And after the last year, I think everyone is ready for a new year. And it‘s even the beginning of a new decade! (Or is it?) But lets go back to that Courier and Ives scene again for a moment. Our wide, treelined streets, the warm glow of Christmas lights spilling across the snow-frosted lawns, the happy reunions, even the hectic preparations. It is a pretty nice picture. Let‘s make a special effort to extend the holiday spirit to our neighbors. It doesn‘t have to be a big deal, but it can be very meaningful if you reach out to someone. Perhaps to a new neighbor who just moved in this last year. (Despite the conventional wisdom, there have been quite a few sales this year.) Or maybe there is one of our seniors who you haven‘t chatted with for a while. If you make holiday cookies, make a few extra and take a plateful to someone who will surprised by it. You could check out the great little bouquets of flowers you can pick up at the food stores. Wouldn‘t it be great if this happened up and down the streets of our neighborhood? If you really want to spread some cheer, get together a halfdozen friends and neighbors and have a caroling party. It doesn‘t have to be complicated, just ask folks to bring some party food and open a couple of bottles of your favorite beverage. And just in case there are some carolers on your street, check tonight to ensure that the pole lamp in your front yard is working. It is a simple job to replace a burned out bulb and it doesn‘t cost too much if you have to get an electrician to fix the fixture. After all, we don‘t have street lights so those little post lamps are very important to keeping everyone safe since it seems like the sun is going down around 3 o‘clock in the afternoon. Happy Housing and keep warm! 3 Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Park District Advisory Committee Report for the 2009 Year To Our Neighbors: First of all, our committee would like to thank most enthusiastically the many neighbor volunteers in our community who care for the entrance marker gardens. It is always a joy to see the lovely flowers and plantings as we enter the development. And a special thank you at this holiday season to Tim Leonard who once again installed the decorations at each marker. The winter storm of 2009 is now a distant memory for most of us. However, for your park district advisory committee as well as many of our neighbors, it was quite a nightmare. The Town of Clifton Park did obtain some assistance in cleaning up some downed trees and limbs from FEMA. Then, this summer, our two high school boys did a fine job in clearing the pathways and remulching most of them so they are now passable again. The committee is continuing to obtain bids to do more and more cleaning up of the ponds and roadsides for safety and aesthetic appreciation of our residents. We also would like to give kudos to our perennial landscaper, A – Z Property Management, for continuing the excellent maintenance on our perennial gardens. A-Z also cleaned the scrub brush out around the ponds next to Valencia Lane and S. Barney which opened up more pond and woods views. And our trees and shrubs maintenance company, Cliffsides, also did a fine job in continuing to beautify the parklands. We hope you have noticed that the park district committee is working also on increasing parking and making exiting from the parking areas on each side of the tennis/ basketball courts onto Clifton Park Center Road, easier and safer. A-Z has taken down old and dead trees on each side of the courts. The Town Buildings and Grounds Department will be adding crushed stone to the areas soon. In the spring, our park district committee will plant more shrubs and flowering trees to beautify the grove on the western side of the basketball court. In a few weeks, the Buildings and Grounds Department will flood the basketball court so our residents can ice skate on that surface. Our goose chaser has continued this season to keep our lands relatively free of pesky Canada Geese. His manner, chasing with his Border Collies as he paddles his kayak at times, is a humane but very effective technique of discouraging the geese from finding a permanent home on the fields. Our residents have often commented that the fields are cleaner and much more usable since we have had these services. Once again this year, we employed Aquatic Control Technologies of Massachusetts, to condition the ponds with algaecide. Unfortunately, Aquatic Control suggested that the weeds were so intense, that they held up the algae and impeded any attempt to rid the ponds of the algae. Approximately every three years in the past, we also used herbicide to kill the weeds. And just this year, we installed several hundred weed eating fish to help out. Unfortunately, we have not noticed any lessening of the growth in our ponds. The ponds seem to be filling up with dirt and disintegrated matter so that they are much shallower and the sun‘s rays nourish any growth much more easily. So now our committee is exploring all other options to try to keep our lovely ponds from becoming completely overgrown and boggy. Many of us remember all too well how the ponds smelled 10-20 years ago before we began the treatments. We are working with LA Associates in Saratoga who is looking into the feasibility of removing large volumes of the materials that are clogging up the ponds. There are many issues related to this attempt, not the least of which is cost. We‘ll continue to update the community as we gather more information. We invite any interested residents to visit our committee. It meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month in Room B of Town Hall at 7:00 P.M. Call Judy Hughes at 371-9541 for information. Sincerely, the Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Park District Advisory Committee: Claudia Hroncich, Judy Hughes, Ron Johnson, John Laviano, Marlys McGinnis, Pat Miller, Loretta Parsons, John Rinebolt, Tom Sargent, Joyce Savage and Sheila Suozzo. 4 Halloween Party—A Big Success! Thank you to all of the Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek residents who pitched in to help make the 2009 Association Halloween Party a great big success. After the parade, we were able to host a bunch of games and distribute some goodie bags. A good portion of the Locust Lane was even turned into a fabulously scary haunted house! We would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to all of the generous donations from residents toward the party and goodie bags. Thanks also to all the families that turned their lawn tractors into floats for the parade, and special thanks go to all of our volunteers, who did everything from proposing the resolution and got the town board to pass it so we could "close" the streets for the parade, to the folks that set up and cleaned up Locust Lane Clubhouse for the party. These folks include Amy McGeary, Rose Finn, Kristen DeSalvatore, Kathy Friedman and Ed Schauffert who swept the floor for 2 hours Another note of appreciation goes to our motorcycle escorts and the residents who came out for their assistance in ensuring safety at the intersections along the parade route. The board would also like to express appreciation for the residents who signed up to volunteer to help plan next year‘s Halloween Party. The invitation is extended to all residents who are interested in helping to make next year‘s party a bigger success. Please contact any board member with your contact information if you would like to help with the Halloween party and any other community events! 5 6 7 2009-2010 CKMCCA MEMBERSHIP DUES JOIN THE CIVIC ASSOCIATION TODAY! We sponsor a number of exciting events throughout the year and need your support. An updated Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Directory will be published in early 2010 and delivered to all dues paying members of the Association. Your dues also support the publication and delivery of the News & Views. So fill out the coupon below and send it in with your check for $18.00. If you are away over the winter, let us know and we will hold your directory and deliver it to you when you return. Also, we‘d like to have your e-mail address so we can send you notice of events and meetings without the need for additional paid mailings. 2009-2010 DUES $18.00 October 1, 2009 – September 30, 2010 Send Dues ($18.00) to: Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association, PO Box 2, Clifton Park, NY 12065 Name: Address: Phone: Move in Date: E-Mail Address: Optional: indicate names and birth dates of your children for the directory, or if you have children that would be willing to babysit and/or pet sit: Please check any of the following that you’d be interested in participating in: ___ Adult Wine & Cheese Party ___ Annual Meeting Speaker ___ Become Board Member ___ Children’s Halloween Party ___ Entrance Marker Upkeep ___ Garage Sale ___ Obtain Directory Advertising ___ Obtain Directory Updates ___ Obtain News & Views Advertising ___ Scholarship Coordination ___ Web Site Development Comments: THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 7 CKMCAA 2009/2010 ADVERTISING NEWSLETTER and/or DIRECTORY PAYMENT MUST BE MAILED WITH THE AD COPY! ―News & Views‖ Newsletter: The five issues of the newsletter are sent to every household (about 900 homes) in Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek five times per season (October, December, February, April, and June). Rates: 1/8 page (business card) 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page $20 $30 $50 $100 per issue per issue per issue per issue Please circle the ad size you want and check the boxes below for the issues you want your ad to appear. February ‗10 ___ April ‗10 ___ June ‗10 ___ CKMCCA Directory: The CKMCCA Directory includes names and addresses of everyone in Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek, as well as a street map with numbered housing locations. It is issued once annually (usually in March) and is sent to all dues paying members of the Civic Association. Rates: 1/8 page (business card) 1/4 page Full page $95 $165 $225 Please circle the ad size you want. Instructions: Please include a copy of your ad submitted as ―camera ready‖ and if possible in black and white print. For business card ads, please include a copy of your card. Send this form to: Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association P.O. Box 2 Clifton Park, NY 12065 PAYMENT MUST BE MAILED WITH THE AD COPY! Provide us your contact information: Name: Address: Phone: E-Mail: Signature: Date: See your ad at by calling up the archived issues of the News & Views! 8 CKMCCA News MEETING SCHEDULE The CKMCCA regular board meetings of the 2009-2010 membership year will be held on: January 13 February 10 March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 We will send out an e-mail regarding the location of these meetings, and post them on as well. Meetings start at 7:30 pm, and typically run 60-90 minutes, depending on the number of items on the agenda. All are welcome to come and participate, be it to suggest something that would enhance our neighborhood, volunteer to help in one of our existing events, or to raise an issue or two. CKMCCA DIRECTORY The 2009-2010 CKMCCA Directory will print in the spring of 2010. That means that within the next few weeks you may be getting a phone call or knock on your door to verify your name and other information. If you want to help with gathering information, please contact a Board member. E-MAIL NEWSLIST The News & Views gets published five times a year. Often times, there are things that arise between publication dates, and more and more, e-mail is the best way to get quick messages out. The Civic Association has an e-mail distribution list of about 300, but most of those are from individuals who have paid their Civic Association Dues. As paying dues is optional—but highly encouraged!—we don‘t get e-mail addresses from most of the approximately 900 homes in Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek. In the past, we‘ve used it to alert residents about power and flooding issues, send a headstart on leaf pickup, as well as reminders on neighborhood events. If you would like to be put on the e-mail distribution list, please send an e-mail to Bryon Backenson at or Be assured that your e-mail will not be used for commercial purposes or spam, and when neighborhood-wide messages go out, all e-mail addresses are hidden, so people won‘t be able to get everyone‘s e-mail addresses. Thanks for your cooperation—e-mail really is the quickest way to get messages out these days. SOLICITORS Door-to-door solicitation is prohibited in Clifton Park. If you are receiving unwanted knocks at your door, or are concerned about solicitation in our neighborhood, please call Town Hall. STORM DRAINS AND HYDRANTS As the snow starts to pile up, remember to clean out storm drains and plow out access for fire hydrants. This prevents flooding, and gives access in case of emergency. Thanks! 79 Town Hall Updates Stony Creek Reservoir Purchase Update Supervisor Barrett gave an update on the town‘s interest in purchasing the Stony Creek Reservoir from the Town of Colonie, reporting negotiations came to a standstill and Colonie went out for an RFP. The Town of Clifton Park was the only bidder at $3.08 million. He explained once the NYSDOH restrictions have been lifted the offer would be $3.27 million. The Town of Clifton Park is partnering with the Open Space Institute (OSI) which is a large organization with endowments that preserve properties around the state. Supervisor Barrett noted OSI is an expert in this field and can guide the town through the process. OSI would front the money for the purchase and the town would have an agreement with OSI where the town would pay them substantially less than the purchase price $3.08 million over a period of years and eventually the town would take ownership of the property. He stated it is more than just OSI‘s expertise and guidance, they are a financial partner. The Supervisor said the town will continue to work towards acquiring the property and turning it into a recreational showplace for kayaking, canoeing, and fishing. He noted current state restrictions on the property would have to be lifted. Update on crosswalk or sidewalk on Clifton Park Center Road across from the Clifton Knolls development Supervisor Barrett responded the school has received a Safe Route to Schools Grant that will enhance that area as well as other connections on the school campus. The town helped in writing the grant and has helped with the execution. Mr. Scavo said the town Highway Safety Committee met with the representatives of the school district who received the NYSDOT grant. He continued, the town also provided NYSDOT with right-a-way maps and DOT is designing the trail system for the school district. DOT has completed the design and the next step is for the school district to actually implement construction of the trail system. Mr. Scavo reported as part of the towns Recreation Master Plan, town officials met with school officials and once the Safe Route to Schools Project is complete, there is the possibility of a walking school bus volunteer program with the parents of Clifton Knolls. Mr. Scavo explained the town cannot authorize construction as the grant award is with the school. Supervisor Barrett said there is not enough room for trails on Clifton Park Center Road. Clifton Knolls-Mill Creek Civic Association Board Information CKMCCA Members Bryon Backenson Chame Blackburn Chris Collet Todd Done Keri Horton Paige Rossi Sheila Suozzo Chris Zinsley 10 Contact Information To Contact the Board: To Update Your Directory Information: To Submit Information to the News & Views Editor: To Advertise in the News and Views or Annual Directory: To Get Added to the CKMCCA E-Mail Distribution List: Classifieds WANTED: Garage space to rent for classic Car, now through end of March. Clifton Knolls resident. If you have space, please call Tom at 348-2822. dential swag-for large living room window 118‖ wide( can easily be made smaller), 2Swag and Jabot, 41‖ wide and 65‖ wide. Perfect for Clifton Knolls homes. Custom made by Victoria‘s DecoratPIANO TEACHER: Palo Alto Court, Ages 4 ing corner, WAVERLY MONTAGUE. Beautiand up, $25 for 30 minutes. Instructor with ful, Call 383-8360 or 526-8978. I can email BA in Music Theatre. Call Katie at 371-4041. a photo. Asking $250. FOR SALE: Men's Wilsons leather jackets black XL $150, brown XL $150, red XL $100, camel suede L $100, all in excellent condition. Call 371-0599. FOR SALE: Adjustable car top ski racks that lock with keys to keep the skis safe. They will hold at least two pair of skis. Asking $50. Call 371-7945. FOR SALE: Croscill oversized King comforter set 11 piece set. Comforter, bed skirt, 2 standard shams, 2 king shams, 2 decorator pillows, 3 balloon valances. Nice paisley pattern, jewel tones. Call 383-8360 or 5268978. Can email photo. Asking $50. FOR SALE: 2 Youth cross country ski sets, includes boots, skis and poles, only used 3 times, asking $75 each set. Call 383-8360 or FOR SALE: Troy Bilt Lawn Vacuum. This is a 526-8978 for more information. self-propelled 22" mulcher with a wood chipper chute. Asking $150. Call 461-4118 in FOR SALE: 2 sets of Youth, LLBean, BearClifton Knolls. claw snowshoes for up to 60 lbs. Asking $25 FOR SALE: Window treatments: 1 - Presi- each. Call 383-8360 or 526-8978. Did you Make a snowman this year? Send your best pictures of your snowmen (or other snow sculptures) to: and we’ll post them on the Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek website for all to see. They won’t melt there, and we might even give prizes to the best ones! 11 Want to contribute to News & Views and make it a better newsletter? Send articles, classifieds, essays, or opinion pieces to: Or contact Bryon Backenson at 371-7931. Please remember to shovel out fire hydrants and storm drains this winter! Call For Applications: CKMCCA Annual Scholarship Award 2009 Your annual dues to the Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association helps our neighborhoods have the children‘s Halloween party, have the adult wine and cheese party, maintain our neighborhood entrance markers, and publish this newsletter and our annual directory. For the past several years, it has also granted a scholarship to a different deserving neighborhood student each year. The CKMCCA is again offering a $500.00 scholarship award to recognize an outstanding high school senior who shows academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and involvement in the community. Besides showing these characteristics, the other requirements are that the student must live in the Clifton Knolls or Mill Creek neighborhoods, and their family must be dues-paying members of the Civic Association. Students are eligible regardless of the school that they attend, or even if they‘re homeschooled. To apply for the scholarship, high school seniors are required to submit a letter describing their qualifications and interest in receiving the scholarship. Because the scholarship is awarded based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and civic involvement, it would be wise to include this information in the letter. A copy of the student‘s most recent high school transcript is also required. Other information, such as letters of recommendation, could prove helpful in the selection process, but are not required. Applications are evaluated and ranked by a group of business, governmental, and academic leaders in the Capital District. They are not members of the Civic Association, to ensure their impartiality. If there are questions regarding the scholarship or the application process, please contact: Bryon Backenson 8 Eldorado Drive Clifton Park, NY 12065 518-371-7931 There is no formal application form. The application consists of the letter/essay, transcripts, and optional supporting documents. These should be submitted to Bryon Backenson at the address above by March 15, 2010. And CALL US FOR YOUR snow plowing too! 12 Please Support Our Advertisers! ERIK ROSSI Troubleshooting Diagnostic Testing Outlets and Switches Indoor/Outdoor Lights Residential & Commercial Panel Changes & Repairs Clifton Knolls Resident! ROSEMARIE HABERL, OWNER NYS LICENSED 25 YEARS STAFF WITH EARLY CHILDHOOD DEGREES Children ages 18 months to 7 years are nurtured and protected We focus on Academics and the Arts through Hands-On Experience We teach children to read, write, and do basic math Small groups with 4-to-1 Ratio; CPR, First Aid, and Mat Certified Country Setting with Parklike Playgrounds FT/PT, hourly rates. M-F 7:30am-5:30pm Preschool 9:30-11:30am, M-F (1 mi. off Exit 8A) 5 Barcelona Drive, Clifton Park, NY 371-1519 13 Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association PO Box 2 Clifton Park, NY 12065 PRSTD STD CAR-RT US Postage PAID RESIDENT ROUTE 18 CLIFTON PARK, NY Permit No. 8 Clifton Park, NY Opinions in submitted pieces are those of the respective author, and not necessarily the opinions of the Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association. Advertisements are solely responsible for the content of their ads. 14
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