Newsletter – June2013 - Clifton Knolls – Mill Creek Civic Association
Newsletter – June2013 - Clifton Knolls – Mill Creek Civic Association
June 2013 News CKMCCA & Views Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association Saturday, June 8th Locust Lane Pool and Park Games from 3-5 p.m. / Food Tent from 4 - 7:30 p.m. Swimming available all day at the Locust Lane Pool (Pool member’s guests are $3.00) $10 per Family **Please mail or drop off payment to 8 Valencia Lane or 8 Locust Lane** • C KMCCA will provide table service, burgers and dogs. • N eighbors with last name N-Z please bring a dessert to share. • N eighbors with last name A-M please bring a side dish to share. • E VERYONE BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS (no alcohol) Volunteers are needed! Do you like to play basketball, tennis, or pickle ball? Do you have a special talent that you could share? (Juggling, magic tricks, puppet show etc.) Do you need service hours for school, scouts, or church? Then WE NEED YOU!!!!!! The CKMCCA board has been hard at work to make this year’s neighborhood picnic the best one yet!! We need folks to help plan activities for the day as well as help with set-up and clean up. If you are interested in making this picnic FUN, FUN, FUN then please e-mail Candice Vild at or call 557-7471. R.S.V.P. to Brent at or 557-7471 News & Views New To Clifton Knolls or Mill Creek? First of all, welcome to the neighborhood! Many of us have been here since the neighborhood started in 1960, and some of us have only been here for a few years. But one thing we all have in common is wanting to live in a neighborhood that is clean, safe, and reflects our pride in the community. From the Editor I took a walk early this spring with my kids to go on a beaver hunt. I heard we had one that has been quite busy, but I wasn’t sure exactly where. So, we walked on the path that goes alongside the pond on Broadleaf, starting at Valencia. We didn’t see anything until we got to Barney Road; that’s where we saw the beaver swimming around in the lower pond. Further along the path towards Belmonte Lane, we saw all the stumps of the trees that the beaver chopped down. A busy beaver indeed! The Clifton Knolls-Mill Creek Civic Association has been around since August 1962. The CKMCCA is not a homeowners association that everyone must join, and does not imparts universal requirements, like mailbox styles. We are a true civic association—our goal since our inception has been to make our neighborhood better by fostering a sense of community. To that end, the CKMCCA sponsors a number of events in our neighborhood, from the Halloween parade and party every fall, to the neighborhood garage sale every year, to the summer picnic, winter wine and cheese party, and college scholarship. CKMCCA also publishes this newsletter (which goes to everyone in the neighborhood), and the annual directory (which only goes to dues-paying members of the CKMCCA). As someone who is new to our neighborhood, we ask you to contact us to give us your contact information for inclusion in the next version of the directory, and to provide us with your e-mail address, so we can get in touch with you between issues of the “News and Views”. In return, we’ll give you a free copy of the latest CKMCCA Neighborhood Directory, regardless of whether or not you join the Association. Thanks for choosing to live in our neighborhood! Other animals sited at the pond include muskrats, mallards, wood ducks, mergansers, osprey fish, minks, blue herons and eastern painted turtles. So much wildlife in our own backyards! Coming up that is sure to be a blast is the annual Family Picnic. We have a lot planned for this year. Let’s hope the weather cooperates, but even if it doesn’t we have plenty to do rain or shine. This is a great opportunity to meet neighbors, so please come join us on June 8th at the Locust Lane Pool and Park. And remember if you are interested, please volunteer! As always, we welcome any comments, suggestion or contributions (we would love some contributions, please!!). Contact us at Use your smartphone to scan this QR code and send an email directly to News and Views! PAGE 2 It’s never too soon to start thinking about the Annual Garage Sale! Our tentative date for this years Annual Garage Sale is August 24th. There is no cost to participate, we advertise in places like Craigs List and The Penny Saver and we offer a neighborhood map at the main entrances. Keep a lookout for an email with more information coming this summer! If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, email Clifton knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD This has been a somewhat challenging year for CKMCCA, with a shrinking number of volunteers, yet still with events to organize and pull off. The most recent of these was the annual meeting in April. About 30 people participated and discussed issues in the neighborhood, and afterwards learned a bit about lawn and garden maintenance from Sue Beebe of Cornell Cooperative Extension. While the turnout was a bit low, we think it was an informative night--most everyone in attendance seemed appreciative of Ms. Beebe’s answering questions well past bedtime! If anyone has any suggestions for future speakers at our annual meeting, please send an email to the Board. Our next two events are the summer picnic and the neighborhood garage sale. We hope both are successful and make our neighborhood a better place to live. More details are elsewhere in this issue of News and Views. We also ask you to be on the lookout for your 2013 membership forms in the mail soon, and consider joining or renewing your CKMCCA membership. We’ve had some issues with Staples printing envelopes for us, but those issues should be ironed out soon. Once the membership drive is completed, we will print and distribute the 2013 directory to members. The Board is always looking for more volunteers, and for ideas for different neighborhood events. The goal of CKMCCA as a civic association is to make our neighborhood a better place to live--and to keep our property values up! If you’d like to help contribute to that goal, please contact us. Summer in Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek is a great place to be. Our older neighborhood has nice wide streets, and people usually take full advantage of them--walking, running, and biking. Please be aware that more people are out on the road and drive safely.(And to those running at 5am--remember that windows of sleeping people are open!) Lastly, we’d like to remember former long-time CKMCCA board member Joyce Savage, who passed away this past March. Joyce was a tireless promoter of both Clifton Park and our neighborhood. Please take a moment to read the kind words about her on page 8. MEETING SCHEDULE • CKMCCA regular board meetings are held on every second Wednesday of the month between the months of September through June: June 12 November 13 September 11 December 11 October 9 CKMCCA Board of Directors Shanley Alber Bryon Backenson Deb Jackowski Kathy Lamanna-Friedman Amy McGeary Kevin Simon Sheila Suozzo Candice Vild Contact Information CKMCCA Board: Directory Information: News & Views Editor: Advertise in News & Views and/or Annual Directory: CKMCCA E-Mail List: Get Connected! Follow us on Twitter! We’re cliftonknolls. We’re on Facebook too! We’re a group — do a search for CKMC Civic Association. Feel free to add to our growing page on Facebook! And, don’t forget to be put on the email distribution list for important information between newsletters. • Meetings start at 8:00pm and run 60-90 minutes. • W e want your input! These are open meetings, all Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek residents are welcome to come and participate. • W e will send out an e-mail regarding the location of the meeting, and post them on as well. SAVE THE DATES June 8, 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neighborhood Picnic august 24 (tentatively), 2013. . . . . Neighborhood Wide Garage Sale PAGE 3 News & Views News & Views of the Children of Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek Welcome to MICRO VIEW! It’s the place for the children in the neighborhood to read, write and share. Have a story or article you’d like to share? Submit it! All entries are welcome and we will do our best to print them here. You are in the home stretch now - only a few more weeks of school and then summer vacation! I was going to talk to you about summer vacation and the history of it in the United States - it’s very interesting. And also the debate on whether or not we should even have a summer vacation. “What?!?!?”, you ask, “No summer vacation? Are you pulling my leg, or something?”. Nope. Ask your parents about it. I’m not opening up that can of worms here. So, lets talk about something everyone loves: ICE CREAM! “You scream. I scream. We all scream for ice cream!” When I was a kid we had 2 soft serve ice cream shops that we could ride our bikes to. And the cost? 85¢ for a small (that was huge) and $1.50 for a stomach buster (that was literally 8” of icecream on top of a cone). Below is a list of some places to get ice cream around here, all within 5 miles or less. Soft serve ice cream: Rainbow Delights, 1569 Route 9 Players Park-Eagle Crest, 1012 Route 146A Pirates Hide-Out, 175 Guideboard Rd Country Drive-In, 1455 Vischer Ferry Rd The Snack Shack, 1759 Route 9 Hard ice cream: Stewarts, 645 Grooms Rd Friendly’s, 815 Route 146 Frozen Yogurt: 16 Handles, 5 Southside Dr Menchie’s, 22 Clifton Country Rd And, don’t forget Mr. Ding-A-Ling! You can hear his trucks from streets away on almost every night of the summer. PAGE 4 micro view ANSWERS A) did you have homework over spring break? B) What neighborhood park do you like best: Locust lane park, Beechwood “train” park or Barney Road Park? Luke, Age 9, Greenlea Dr. a) No b) Locust Lane Park Brendan, 4, Chestnut Ln. a) No b) Locust Lane Park Macey, Age 2 1/2, Greenlea Dr. a) No! Silly b) Train Park Erin, Age 5, Eldorado Dr. a) No, just read. b) Barney Road Park Darby, Age 10, Eldorado Dr. a) No b) Locust Lane Park Nick, Age 6, Eldorado Dr. a) No, just read. b) Locust Lane Park Jaydon, Age 9, Eldorado Dr. a) Yes b) Barney Road Park Trevor, Age 9, Valdepenas Ln. a) Yes, too much. b) Barney Road Park Lucas, Age 6, Eldorado Dr. a) No b) Locust Lane Park Sarah, Age 13, Valdepenas Ln. a) Yes, but it was manageable. b) Barney Road Park John, 6, Chestnut Ln. a) No b) Locust Lane Park micro view Question Answer one or both of these questions. Have your parent email your answer to newsandviews@ Include your first name, age and the street you live on. 1) What do you look forward to the most this summer, or what was your favorite thing you did this summer (you can answer before or after summer)? 2) What do you like better: playing and swimming at the beach or at a pool? Babysitter? Yard Worker? Dog Walker? Hey kids, do you have services you’d like to offer? Submit your name and contact information and you will be listed in News and Views. Email information to Clifton knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association PAGE 5 News & Views Star gazing As summer ripens -- so does its celestial offerings We have two seasonal milestones (solstice and equinox) coming in the next 4 months, and a chance to see a young moon at a convenient time (for me at least!). I really enjoy trying to spot a baby moon, it’s a treat because timing is everything: crystal clear sky, unobstructed view, and a good window of time. I try not to use binoculars, it’s more fun to spot with the unaided eye. So many cultures based their calendars on the lunar cycle with each month beginning when the moon was first spotted after a new moon. The ancient Roman calendar contained three primary markers – the Kalends, the Nones and the Ides (this being the most known). The Kalends began on the first day of the month. In those times, a priest was assigned to observe the sky for the first sight of the slightest beginning of the crescent moon, he would then ceremoniously proclaim (‘kalends’ or ‘call out’) the beginning of a new month. Our word ‘calendar’ came from this Roman custom. June opens with The Big Dipper hanging by Amy Smith high in the north at nightfall. This high position makes it a great time to use those pointers and locate Polaris. June 9th - Baby moon. Look very low and due west after sunset, then solemnly announce your sighting to the family. June 11th - Look west after dusk - find the crescent moon. To its lower right are the planets Mercury and Venus; slightly upper right are stars Pollux and Caster (Gemini), and if your horizon site is low enough, lower left will be the star Procyon. June 17th - Waning crescent moon and Jupiter are in your eastern sky an hour or so before sun-up (around 4 a.m.). Look low along the horizon. June 19th - Look south after nightfall. The 6th planet, Saturn, will be upper right of moon. June 21st - Summer Solstice. The Earth will have reached its northernmost position in the sky. This is the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the Southern Hemisphere. CKMC “TBD” Club Calling all Girls, Ladies, Women, Females.... Welcome to the neighborhood club for us! We plan outings (Ladies Night Out) or inings (Ladies Night IN!) just for fun. We also plan to share recipes, plants, anything you can think of. This is an informal club, events can be planned or spontaneous depending on the group. All ages welcome! So far we have gone to Mocha Lisa’s, The Edge in Halfmoon for rock climbing, and in May we went to “Kitchen Garden Herbs for Beginners” held at Historic Grooms Tavern. We are always open to suggestions for something new to try! Interested? Email Heather Fariello at ha_trent@ PAGE 6 June 23rd - Look southeast, mid evening and treat yourself to spotting the dwarf planet Pluto (demoted due to being smaller than U.S.). Use a telescope to best see this faint star. July 2nd - The Northern Crown is high overhead, look for a backwards letter ‘C’. Jul 8th - Looking southwest, Saturn will be at its highest at dusk and begin descent as night falls. July 12th - Cygnus the Swan begins its flight due east. This is one of my favorite constellations, I love its simplicity and the fact it flies within the Milky Way. Jul 16th - Moon near Saturn, looking southwest. Aug 3rd - Look in the eastern predawn sky to see Jupiter, Mars and Venus to the lower left of the crescent moon. August 11th-12th - Perseids Meteor Shower. This is one of the best meteor showers to observe, generating up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak. Meteors are produced by comet Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight looking northeast. Aug 26th - Neptune will be at its closest but you’ll still need dark skies, binoculars or a telescope, look south. September 8th - Conjunction (closeness) of the Moon, Venus and Saturn. The thin crescent moon will be to the left of the planet pair. The planet pair will be visible in the western evening sky for about 2 hours after sunset. September 22nd - Autumnal Equinox. The Sun will shine directly on the equator with nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere. Clifton knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association Burglars Don’t Take Vacations While you’re away on vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is burglars invading your home and stealing your personal belongings. So before you leave, take these precautions. They’ll help protect your property and give you peace of mind. • L ock all windows and use dead-bolts on exterior doors. Install security bars on sliding doors to prevent them from being lifted off their tracks. • L eave a few shades or curtains open to maintain a “lived-in” appearance. • S et light timers in a few rooms so that it appears people are at home when it’s dark. • S top newspaper delivery so that papers don’t pile up at your door. • S tore cash, jewelry and other valuables in a bank safe-deposit box. • D on’t leave an outgoing message on your answering machine announcing you are on vacation. Lower the volume on the machine and your telephone ringer. • F inally, ask your neighbors to keep an eye on your property and to notify you if they suspect a problem. Even better, ask a friend or relative either to house sit or to stop by daily to collect your mail, put out your garbage, and check that everything’s okay. Don’t forget to exchange the favor yourself. For more information, please contact Kevin Simon at 518• If you can afford one, install and activate a security system. Or 371-2486 Ext. 53654 or at the very least, put security system warning decals on doors Coverage underwritten and provided by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company and its affiliates, 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. ©2013 Liberty Mutual Group. All rights reserved. and windows to deter intruders. • Install outside lights, preferably with motion detectors. ! h h h h h S Just a friendly reminder... Now that we are into warmer months and longer days, please remember that Clifton Park does have a Noise Control Ordinance, Chapter 149: No person shall make, cause, allow, or permit to be made any unreasonable noise within the geographical boundaries of the Town or within those areas over which the Town has jurisdiction between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. For the complete code, go to So, please remember to keep voices down on early-morning or late-night walks, now that the weather’s getting warmer and windows are open. And keep these hours in mind when hosting backyard gatherings and even mowing your lawn! PAGE 7 News & Views A TRIBUTE TO JOYCE SAVAGE (read at the May 20th Clifton Park Town Board meeting) Our community lost an incredibly dedicated individual recently whose hard work and determination will be sorely missed. Joyce Savage passed away last month. Her tireless efforts for the betterment of our community have made an indelible impression and we all owe a large debt of gratitude to her for her efforts. In Joyce’s extensive career, she was a history teacher, a realtor (Joyce actually sold us our house on Beechwood Drive 35 years ago) and she was very active in many town organizations; some of which were The Clifton Park Chorus, Beth Shalom Congregation, and The League of Women Voters. She was also a very active member of The Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association for many years. But my association with Joyce for the last thirteen years occurred when she was Chair of The Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Park District Advisory Committee and asked me to become a member since she knew I loved to garden. Joyce was a charter member of this committee. She lobbied for the establishment of our park district in Clifton Park and helped to design how the committee would work, from setting up the ByLaws, to helping to initiate the bond that would finance the work. The first order of business under Joyce’s chairmanship was to employ a landscape architect who designed a master plan for our parklands. Joyce then continued the hands on work of putting the plans into action. That entailed designing and overseeing the establishment of the playgrounds, walking paths, perennial gardens, and removal of the rusted fencing around the ponds. It also concerned the resurfacing of the tennis and basketball courts and re-fencing them. As if all of that was not enough, our community enjoys the lovely views of three ponds. But they had become pretty bad smelling and boggy. The committee decided that a pond study was essential and Joyce helped to finalize that study and review of the water quality by the Phenix Company called “Ecological Assessment of Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources.” That study ran from 1996-1998 and ultimately led to the plan we now have in place: conditioning the ponds to return them to the sweet smelling and algae/weed controlled waters of the past. When Van Patten decided to sell the community pools, Joyce realized that our park district could not undertake that obligation. She was instrumental in encourag- Studio 5 Art “Art makes you smart!” SUMMER ART CAMP Ages 8 and up, July 8th - August 15th Drawing-Painting-Collage-3D-Design Registrations now being accepted! Also offering Adult Classes & Private Lessons As local schools reduce Arts curriculum, we maintain dedicated to providing an enriching environment that encourages your child’s imagination, creativity and problem-solving skills. Carole Warburton, Director, NY State Certified Art Teacher 678 Riverview Rd, Rexford, NY 12148 | | (518) 371-2359 PAGE 8 Clifton knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association ing the Town to purchase and operate the Knolls Pools. She compiled a study of the costs of operating the pools which she presented in 1997. Happily for us all, the Town has now owned and operated the pools for the last few years. It is quite noteworthy that in fact, over a mere five year period primarily under Joyce’s leadership, the Clifton Knolls Park District acquired the property, commissioned professional studies, made plans, financed projects and set them all in motion. This is especially impressive given that our parks include such a variety of features: woods and trails, playgrounds and playing fields, courts and ponds It should also be noted here that Joyce was not one to delegate. When it was time to choose trees, she was never satisfied to phone a landscaper and order a tree. No, Joyce would insist on driving to the tree farm and personally selecting the exact tree to go in a certain spot. The same was true for everything that Joyce did for our park district. She researched and selected the playground equipment for the Barney Road Park. She knew exactly what the boundaries were and was exact in helping to position the various swings and slides. As the Vice-Chair for the past thirteen years, (when she encouraged me to take over as chair) Joyce was the one who knew all the requirements of the laws under which we needed to operate. Count on Joyce to remind us exactly how far the town’s property extended from the center of each roadway; how many feet were restricted by DEC from each of the ponds; the precise history of the formation of any decision made by the committee. Joyce was a strong woman, a person of very intense feelings which she made known throughout her tenure with the committee. But her motives were always for the betterment of the community and for the enjoyment of park residents. And I personally will not forget that even through excruciating knee surgery years ago and just lately very serious illnesses that led to her recent death, Joyce continued to come to park district meetings. We as a park district are all the better because Joyce Savage was so unselfishly active and determined for all those years in helping to make our community a wonderful place to Live, Work and Play. memory…one that will shade a bench so moms can sit comfortably and watch their children play at the Locust Lane Playground. We will publicize the date of the event as soon as we can finalize it. Thank you. Sincerely, Judy Hughes And let me add as a postscript: Our committee has elected to honor Joyce’s memory later this year with a gathering in the park. She loved trees and we plan to plant one in her GET FIT THE HEALTHY WAY GIVE US 6- WEEKS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL FITNESS LEVELS WELCOME. THE FIRST AND THE BEST BOOT CAMP STYLE PROGRAM IN THE CAPITAL DISTRICT. CAMPS MEET 3 TIMES PER WEEK IN THE EARLY MORNING AT: THE SHEN ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER (SACC) Contact Melissa Grattan of Make It Fit, LLC for more information at 366-1901 or visit PAGE 9 News & Views Shanley Alber Board Member Shanley Alber has been in the neighborhood since 2005 when she moved from Waterford with her husband Keith and son, Jaydon. Since then the family has grown with the addition of their second son, Lucas and a dog, Zoey. The draw to this neighborhood was large yards, comfortable-sized houses, location and all that the neighborhood has to offer with its parks, pools and family-friendly atmosphere. “We all love living here in Clifton Knolls. Jaydon and Lucas are constantly playing with the kids on our street. I enjoy running through the neighborhood and Keith likes to be able to go out on his bike and ride all of the rural roads from here to Lake Desolation.” When Shanley is not helping her children with homework, playing with them or bringing them to Tae Kwon Do, you can find her out running with Zoey. Shanley is an avid long distance runner, having just completed her second marathon. And although she never thought she would do more than one marathon, she is looking forward to training for the next one so she can qualify for Boston again. Shanley also tries her best with gardening; both flowers and vegetables. She and Keith have just started to grow fruits and vegetables in their backyard and have had some descent success so far. Shanley saw that the CKMCCA was in need of a volunteer to take over News & Views a year ago, so she stepped forward to offer her skills. Shanley is a graphic designer for Comfortex Window Fashions. Above: Shanley and husband, Keith. Left: Shanley and children, Jaydon and Lucas. Your Neighborhood Yoga Studio 1 Barney Road, Suite 222, Clifton Park (518) 744-5565 • Children ages 18 months to 7 years are nurtured and protected • Small groups with 4-to-1 Ratio; CPR, First Aid, and Mat Certified • We focus on Academics and the Arts through Hands-On Experience • Country Setting with Parklike Playgrounds • We teach children to read, write, and do basic math • FT/PT, hourly rates. M-F 7:30am5:30pm • Preschool 9:30-11:30am, M-F PAGE 10 Clifton knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association Erik Rossi — Electrician — Clifton Knolls Resident Troubleshooting Diagnostic Testing Outlets and Switches Indoor and Outdoor Lighting Panel Changes and Repairs Residential or Commercial Yes, I work on low voltage systems like those found in most Clifton Knolls homes! 518-371-3903 Fitness Classes in Your Neighborhood! SUMMER COUCH TO 5K PROGRAM Instructed by an experienced personal trainer. Register at: or call 371-‐6667. Starts 7/9/13 for 10 weeks. Cost: $90 THE STAFF AT FITNESS PROFESSIONALS NEEDS YOUR HELP to plan reasonably priced classes for you and your family at Locust Lane Club House and other nearby locations. Please email us ( answers to these questions: 1. Your 2 favorite exercise classes (E.g. Zumba®, Kickboxing) 2. Would you attend a 10-‐week total body-‐conditioning program meeting twice per week? Combines nutrition, weights, & aerobics with training plan. 3. Do you want exercise classes for children (e.g. ZumbAtomic®, Mommy & Me). Specify ages of children. 4. Preferred exercise times & days of the week for you and/or your children. We will send all who respond a schedule of classes, and 3 healthy low-‐glycemic recipes for the summer! Please visit us at and call to book a ZumbAtomic® class for your child’s party (505-‐2669) Interested in becoming a member of a Book Club? To join or for more information, email Lisa Westrick at Our book for May is Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed. We will discuss this book at our next meeting on May 29th. Our book for June is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. We will discuss this book at our next meeting on tentatively on June 26th. Other books which have been suggested are: - The Suiters, by Cecile David-Weill - Memoirs of a Geisha, by Arthur Golden - The Help, Katheryn Stockett - The Language of Flowers, Vanessa Diffenbaugh - Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen - Orange is the New Black, by Piper Kerman - Rebekah, by Orsen Scott Card - Hemingways Girl, by Erika Robuck - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot - Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, by Nicholas Kristof & Sheryl DuWunn PAGE 11 News & Views Have you tried out pickleball at the tennis courts behind the locust lane pool? Play-It-Again Sports sells the paddles and balls--or check online for good deal. The ymca has play time, also. Maybe I will ask the CKMCCA to put out an email one day and Chuck and I can explain the game. Put on your walking shoes and enjoy the beautiful trails around the ponds. Join the town swimming pools. Has it occurred to you that we practically live in a resort community? Sometimes I think of it that way, and when bob and I list or sell a home in our neighborhood, you can be sure that we point that out. by Genie Bassett We usually focus on our houses in this column, but with summer weather here--I thought I would write about our neighborhood and the environment in Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek. It’s time to get out! Go for a walk or a bike ride and admire your neighbors’ flowers and landscaping. Take note of the beautiful flowers planted at the entrances and other spots by our resident volunteer gardeners who add so much to the ambience of our neighborhood. Plan to attend the neighborhood picnic--and have fun with new and long-time friends. But most of all, just enjoy and appreciate our great neighborhood and location. And as always—HAPPY HOUSING! Get the clubs out and hit the links on the Barney Road golf course. The town is doing a great job in maintaining the course. The new bridge is spectacular. And did you know that we now have a rest room facility mid way through the course? And with the multi round pass, this golf course is a great bargain. Aaron Construction Co. Kitchens • Baths • Decks Plumbing • Electrical • Carpentry For all your home remodeling needs. NO JOB TOO SMALL! 857-8354 or 371-1519 PAGE 12 Want to help make the CKMCCA a few bucks? Make www.ckmcca. org your home page, (or bookmark it) and when you want to do a google search, just do it off the CKMCCA page. CKMCCA makes a few cents every time a google search happens off the search box on our page. Those cents add up, and help us defray the costs of what we do in the neighborhood! Clifton knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga County Speaks at Annual Meting by Kathy LaManna-Friedman The guest speaker at this year’s CKMCCA annual meeting was Susan Bebee of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga County. Susan gave a very interesting and informative presentation on getting lawns and gardens ready for Spring. PH TESTING Knowing the pH level of your soil will help you with determining how much (if any) phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer your lawn needs, or how to make your gardening soil ideal for vegetables. With Susan’s instructions it’s easy to do. Divide your yard into sections (i.e. front yard, side yard, back yard, garden as each section may have a different pH level). Then, simply take soil samples from within an area to be tested. To do this dig down about six inches and add a small amount of soil to a plastic bag. For best results, take from several locations within an area to Finishing Touch Painting Fine Eye To Detail Specializing In: • • • • • • All Phases of Interior Painting and Staining Accent Walls and Foyers Dry Wall Repair Wallpaper Removal Polyurethane Finishing Paint Color Consulting 518-583-0355 Call us today for your FREE ESTIMATE. add to your bag (for instance, 4 samples from your front yard). Label each bag to be tested. Next, bring your samples to the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga County located at 50 West High Street in Ballston Spa. There is a charge of one dollar per sample (bag). I dropped several samples from my yard off in the morning and I had an email from Susan with the results that afternoon. She gave her recommendations of what was needed for each area tested. Susan is quick to respond to questions emailed to her. Fertilizer Many of us keep fertilizer or other chemicals from one year to the next in the garage or shed. Susan explained products that have been frozen or subject to moisture may not be as effective. Before discarding any old chemicals check the label for proper disposal procedures. Gardening Tool Care To avoid contamination from season to season, Susan suggested cleaning pots and the blades on hand tools. Use a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Consider doing this in the fall as to have one less task in the spring. Do you know how often you should sharpen your lawn mower blade? Susan suggests sharpening your blade every 10 times of mowing to help maintain a green, healthy lawn. A sharp blade not only cuts blades clean so grass recovers quickly, it helps reduce your lawn mowing time. GROW LINE The CCE has a newsletter called Grow Line, the annual rate is ten dollars. Anyone who attended the meeting could subscribe at the discounted price of five dollars. CCE of SARATOGA COUNTY The CCE is located at 50 West High Street in Ballston Spa NY 12020. Their website is For more info or gardening questions call the Master Gardener at 885-8995. Or the Cornell Gardening site www. We proudly use Pittsburgh Paints. References Upon Request. PAGE 13 CKMCAA 2012/2013 ADVERTISING NEWSLETTER and/or DIRECTORY ***PAYMENT MUST BE MAILED WITH THE AD COPY!*** “News & Views” Newsletter: The five issues of the newsletter are sent to every household (about 900 homes) in Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek five times per season (October, December, February, April, and June). Rates and Sizes: A) 1/8 page (business card). . . . B) 1/4 page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C) 1/2 page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D) Full page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5” x 2” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 per issue 3.625” x 4.5” . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 per issue 7.75” x 4.5” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 per issue 7.75” x 9.375” . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 per issue B A C Please circle the ad size you want and check the boxes below for the issues you want your ad to appear. June ‘13 _____ October ‘13 ______ December ‘13 ______ CKMCCA Directory: The CKMCCA Directory includes names and addresses of everyone in Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek, as well as a street map with numbered housing locations. It is issued once annually (usually in March) and is sent to all dues paying members of the Civic Association. Rates and Sizes: A) 1/8 page (business card). . . . 3.5” x 2” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95 B) 1/4 page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.75” x 4.25” . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165 C) Full page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5” x 11” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225 Please circle the ad size you want. Instructions: Please include a copy of your ad submitted as “camera ready” and if possible in black and white print. For business card ads, please include a copy of your card. Or email a high resolution pdf or jpg to Send this form to (PAYMENT MUST BE MAILED WITH THE AD COPY!): Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association P.O. Box 2 Clifton Park, NY 12065 Provide us your contact information: Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail:________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________________________________________________________ See your ad at by calling up the archived issues of the News & Views! Clifton knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association CLASSIFIEDS BABYSITTERS, PETSITTERS, PLANT SITTERS AND MORE! Sophie is 15 and is available for babysitting, plant sitting and pet sitting. RUBY is 12 and is available for plant sitting, pet sitting and as a mommy’s helper. Both girls have taken the American Red Cross Babysitting Class and Certification, both have experience with new born to 8 year olds, dogs, cats and watering cans! Are you looking for a babysitter or mother’s helper? Call me, Rachel Sangaline at 518-383-3106 or 518-932-5122. I am a certified American Red Cross babysitter, I’m good with kids, I love being with kids, and I’m thirteen years old. My availability is weekday’s afterschool, weekends, and most days in the summer. Thank you! 518-280-3147 Do you have services you’d like to offer? Submit your name and contact information and you will be listed in News and Views. Email information to Help is only a phone call away! FOR SALE: Fireplace Child Safety Gate Fireplace child safety gate fits hearths up to 6-feet wide and 2-feet deep. Door provides access for adults but cannot be opened by toddlers. Excellent condition with all parts and directions. Sturdy, but easy to assemble. Model info: KidCo HearthGate Model G70d-C Price: $145 Contact: Mike DeMasi, 371-1667 FOR SALE: Used 4-burner electric range top from a Van Patten house Works fine; just replaced with a flat top style range. $10 or hghest bidder. Donald B. Aulenbach, 28 Valencia Lane. Call: 371-7572 Want to contribute to News & Views and make it a better newsletter? Send articles, classifieds, essays, or opinion pieces to: Door to Door Sales? According to Clifton Park Town Clerk Pat O’Donnell peddlers going door to door in the Town are required to have a license obtained from the Town Clerk’s office. Residents should always ask to see a license issued by the Town Clerk or Deputy Town Clerk. If an individual cannot produce a license, residents should immediately contact the Town Clerk’s office at 371-6681, Town Security at 369-6651 or the New York State Police or Saratoga County Sheriff ’s Department. We Need Ads! You Need Customers! Notice that there aren’t many ads in this issue? We need more ads to be able to keep producing News & Views, as well as support other CKMCCA activities. Your ad will reach over 900 homes, at very reasonable rates. Perfect for businesses located in the area, or home-based businesses in Clifton Knolls or Mill Creek. See the ad form on page 14 of this newsletter. If you have a lost or found item, please submit your information to PAGE 15 Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association PO Box 2 Clifton Park, NY 12065 PRSTD STD CAR-RT US Postage PAID Permit No. 8 Clifton Park, NY Clifton Park Bike Ride, June 2 Clifton Park holds two group bicycle rides every year, to highlight Open Space, Trails, and things to see and do in Town. There is one in the spring, and one in the fall. This year’s spring ride is being held on Sunday June 2 at 1 PM. The ride is beginning from Vischer Ferry Fire House Station 1, which is located at the intersection of Crescent Road and Riverview Road. If you’re interested in riding, please meet there. This year’s ride features an 8 mile or 17 mile loop option. This is a family-paced ride, and there are usually people there of all ages. There’s even stops for lemonade and cookies! The organizers are looking for two things at this time. If anyone is willing and able to volunteer as a ride marshall, please let Jerry Burr know at candjburr@aol. com. The ride marshals should arrive a couple of minutes early that day to help organize and pick up a safety vests. We want to hear from you! Do you have a question about the neighborhood? A suggestion for News & Views? A story you would like to contribute? We would love to hear what you have to say... Even to just say, “Yes, I am reading.”! Email us at Or, scan this code with your smartphone: The other thing we are in need of is a sag wagon to follow the ride. If anyone has an SUV or van that could follow the ride it would be greatly appreciated and please again contact Jerry at Hope some folks from Clifton Knolls and Mill Creek get out to enjoy the ride! Opinions in submitted pieces are those of the respective author, and not necessarily the opinions of the Clifton Knolls/Mill Creek Civic Association. Advertisements are solely responsible for the content of their ads.
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