TDP Board of Directors
TDP Board of Directors
Newsletter Summer 2013 P.O.Box 60753, Savannah GA, 31420 912-657-3927 TDP Board of Directors PEACH HUBBARD President, Edu Outreach, Training DON BENDER Vice President, Edu Outreach KRYSTAL GOODWIN Secretary, Facebook KAREN STACK Treasurer DONNA CALENDINE SC Education Liaison Dr. LORI MUSKAT NOAA liaison LUCY ROBINSON Fundraising GEORGE SCUORSO Survey Review FRANK SITERA Surveys CHERYL TILTON Merchandise VIP STAFF MARGARET ANN BROWN Atlanta Training DONNISSA & DOUG BUSCH Survey Photo Coordinators DOLORES DYSON ENGLE Social JESSICA GOODY Publicity - Coast HERB JOE Membership, Survey Logistics KARLA JOHNSON Elections CHARLOTTE KEENOY Adopt A Dolphin MAUREEN MORALES Publicity-Greater Atlanta Science Advisors FROM THE HELM Greetings! It’s been a hot, steamy, wet summer here, but we’ve been keep busy while trying to keep cool. We’re in the development stages of a program for middle school students, making plans for our 25th Anniversary and a new and improved database for our membership and survey logistics. Our survey crews have spotted interesting dolphin behaviors over the summer. We welcome all of our new members and look forward to working with you. Peach ` TDP President 25th Anniversary TDP was supposed to be a 10-year program!?!?!? We can hardly believe that we are actually starting to plan our 25th Anniversary which will take place on July 19th 2014. Mark your calendars. There will be a survey scheduled for that day as well. If you know of any TDP members who were involved in the late 80’s and 90’s, let us know. If you can recommend sponsors, please contact us. Our 20th Anniversary was great fun; Our 25th will be even better!! If you’d like to help with the party and silent auction, please contact Peach— 2013 SURVEYS August 17 September 21 October 12 November 9 + Dolphins & Desserts social DR. TARA COX/Savannah St. U. CLAY GEORGE /GA-DNR CHERYL BONNES / NOAA DR. ROB YOUNG/Coastal Carolina U. All members in The Dolphin Project are volunteers and receive no compensation for their services Thanks to Krystal Goodwin, we’ve got a great Facebook page. Please check us out and be our ‘friend’ and have your friends be our ‘friend’ too! Survey Reminders... If you are a survey crew member and haven’t been to a training workshop in a few years, please plan on a refresher course. We have added a lot of new information, scientific facts and survey protocol to our program. Our next coastal training is scheduled for at the Southside Savannah Library (behind Target on Abercorn) for September 14th at 10am. If you are eligible for inclusion on or are currently on our NMFS-NOAA Permit due to your hours of ‘on the water experience’, you will need to attend training soon. Our permit is processed for renewal every five years and is up for review early next year. Remember… Photographers: PLEASE adjust your cameras prior to the survey so that the photos being taken will start will 1, or 001, or 0001 and proceed in an ascending order. It’s confusing and time consuming for the photo review chairperson to review the photos after a survey when they start with 4682 or another large number. ..even worse when the numbers go backwards!!!!! Only the official survey photographer is permitted to take photographs while on the survey. NO personal photographs are allowed unless you are at the dock, on lunch break or going to/from the zone. Photographers: Be sure and fill your viewfinder with the dorsal fin as best you can. Skippers need to keep their speed down when traveling the survey zone. Fast enough so that the boat is reaches a plane but slow enough so that you can see the dolphins— typically about 8-10 MPH. When Skippers sign up, they are assigned a zone within their preferred list. Ideally we would like each boat to cover more than one zone since our zones are based on outdated criteria and are small in area. Skippers are notified as to what other skippers are participating and their phone numbers. Please check in with the other skippers who are in your area so that when you choose your second zone, you will not be overlapping the assigned or secondary zone of another skipper. Skippers: be sure you have your boats inspected by the Coast Guard Auxiliary every year. It’s free! For more info on an available inspector call George Scuorzo 912-756-5152 Team Leaders: Be sure to use our new and improved event sheets which are on the TDP website. They will minimize the confusion between the latitude and longitude, make it easier to indicate dolphin behavior and remind you to continue the number of event sightings throughout the day—from the morning period through the afternoon so that at the end of the day, you’ll know how many sightings you’ve had. Please use the fine-point markers when completing the event sheets so that when they are copied they are readable. When sighting a dolphin in distress or deceased, call the emergency number on the marine mammal stranding form. South Carolina and Georgia have different contact numbers. 2 Salinity Testing TDP will begin a pilot program to test for salinity and water temperature on our surveys. Thanks to a donation form the Savannah-based Jolly Foundation, we will be purchasing small, hand-held refractometers to start the program for a select few crew members. After a period, we will expand it to all Team Leaders. Training will be given for those using the equipment. The testing is not difficult. A few drops of water are dropped onto the refractometer and it will automatically give the salinity. Then the number will be entered onto the event sheet. The current event sheets will be revised to accommodate the information for temperature and salinity. Sample refractometer Given the massive amount of rainfall and the opening of upstream flood gates, the influx of fresh water to our salt water estuary is expected to have significant impact on the vegetation and wildlife on our coasts. Testing for salinity and temperature will prove to be a significant addition to our Photo-ID research. Adopting Dolphins... TDP received a letter in the mail recently that we’d like to share with you… Dear Dolphin Project members, Hi, my name is Hilary and I am 10 years old. For my birthday party I asked all my friends to bring money instead of presents. Even though I’m Canadian I go to South Carolina every year and I saw a presentation by your group at the Coastal Discovery Museum in Hilton Head (March 2013). So I would like to donate the money I have raised to adopt 3 dolphins because I love dolphins. From, Hilary Hilary also added a lovely graphic of a dolphin on her letter. We sent her 3 dolphin adoption packets and a snazzy TDP cap. She’ll be coming back to HHI with her family at the end of August and may join Board member and skipper, Frank Sitera for a cruise in Georgia waters with hopes of seeing some wild dolphins. TDP Dolphin Adoptions make great gifts for all occasions and obviously all ages! To adopt: 3 Fall Festivals ... Fall is traditionally a time for festivals as the weather cools... we hope it cools!!! The Dolphin Project will be participating in several festivals this fall. We could use your help to man our displays. We will be selling merchandise at some venues and host a coloring contest for children at the Bluffton Art & Seafood Festival. We will be scheduling shifts for helpers VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for lotsa fun and a little work ... (these are currently confirmed for TDP) Saturday, October 5 Coastfest at DNR HQ in Brunswick GA. 9am—5pm Saturday, October 19-20 Bluffton Art & Seafood Festival, on Calhoun Street in Bluffton SC Saturday, October 26 Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah—Marine Science Day. noon to 4pm If you can lend a hand, email: If you know of any festivals that welcome environmental organizations, please let us know. Training... Training hours: 10am to 12noon SAVANNAH training will be held at the Southwest Chatham Library (behind Target at Savannah Mall) 14097 Abercorn Street, Savannah 31419 September 7—October 26 ATLANTA training will be held at REI, 1800 Northeast Expressway NE, Atlanta 30329 October 26 Nominations... Nominations are being accepted for positions on the 2014-2016 TDP Board of Directors. Please send your nominations to FYI: Our local wild, estuarine Bottlenose dolphins do NOT live in PODS, they live in GROUPS. They live in a FISION—FUSION SOCIETY. Dolphins come and go within groups. ORCAS live in PODS. They have very strong family units. In the wild, male ORCAS stay with their mothers for life!. 4 Bad News ... Sea World allows young dolphin (Pilot whale) to strand : Note in the video how a larger Pilot whale tries to assist the young dolphin which was most likely calling for help. BLACKFISH This documentary focuses on the captivity of the killer whale Tilikum, who was involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping such large and intelligent animals in captivity. The coverage of Tilikum begins with his capture in 1983 off of Iceland and shows how he was harassed by fellow captive whales and left in dark tanks for hours, which Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite argues contributed to the whale's aggression. Cowperthwaite also focuses on SeaWorld claims that whales in captivity live longer, a claim that the film argues as false. Sea World is trying to squash this film. About The Film: Many of us have experienced the excitement and awe of watching 8,000-pound orcas, or “killer whales,” soar out of the water and fly through the air at sea parks, as if in perfect harmony with their trainers. Yet, in our contemporary lore this mighty black-and-white mammal is like a two-faced Janus—beloved as a majestic, friendly giant yet infamous for its capacity to kill viciously. Blackfish unravels the complexities of this dichotomy, employing the story of notorious performing whale Tilikum, who—unlike any orca in the wild—has taken the lives of several people while in captivity. So what exactly went wrong? Shocking, never-before-seen footage and riveting interviews with trainers and experts manifest the orca’s extraordinary nature, the species’ cruel treatment in captivity over the last four decades, and the growing disillusionment of workers who were misled and endangered by the highly profitable seapark industry. This emotionally wrenching, tautly structured story challenges us to consider our relationship to nature and reveals how little we humans have learned from these highly intelligent and enormously sentient fellow mammals. - See more at: #sthash.6BhbpQV7.dpuf Mother Dolphin tries to rescue newborn calf. Frank Sitera’s June 22nd survey crew witnessed a dead male neonate (newborn dolphin) being pushed by its mother near the junction of the Half Moon and Bull Rivers. Photographer Michael Tiemeyer photographed and videoed the event while Frank called Clay George with DNR for instructions. Charlotte Keenoy recorded the event and completed the Marine Mammal Stranding Report which was later emailed to Clay. TDP crew was told not to interfere with the situation. Typically the mothers are left alone unless their well-being is compromised. The mothers do not eat. Their focus is on trying to the reviving their calf. We’ve had several events like this in Georgia this year. This calf was actually a neonate (newborn) with the umbilical cord still attached. The pictures are too distressing so we will not include them here. 5 Good News ... August 1, 2013. A recreational boater spotted a live Bottlenose dolphin entangled in a crab pot buoy line in the Wilmington River in Savannah. The UGA MAREX staff responded while the Georgia-DNR staff traveled from Brunswick. The dolphin had the line wrapped tightly around her tail and peduncle and had trouble getting air to breathe with the crab trap pulling her down. She also had a calf with her that was around one year old. The MAREX staff was concerned that the dolphin might drown so GDNR gave permission to cut the ropes and free the dolphin. Attempts were made to cut the line but the dolphin was wildly thrashing about. The crew added two polyballs to the crab line in order to buoy the crab pot. The dolphin was then able to breathe easier. When the GDNR crew arrived, they worked together with the MAREX crew to carefully secure the dolphin’s tale and cut the lines. After about 5 hours of work by the MAREX and GDNR crews the dolphin was finally swimming free and did not appear seriously injured. All the fishing gear was collected. Both dolphins appeared to be swimming normally. WHITE DOLPHIN sighted off coast of Cumberland Island From Clay George– GNDR: It was sighted in the Atlantic Ocean, off the south end of Cumberland earlier this year Given that location, I would expect it to be part of the coastal stock, which could explain why we haven’t received any other reports (it could be anywhere between Florida and Hatteras, or even farther north). White dolphins have been documented in other locations. Perhaps the most famous was “Carolina Snowball,” who was responsible for SC passing a state law prohibiting capture and display of wild dolphins: This is a video of the white dolphin. It also shows young boys in the boat without life jackets out in the ocean and an anchor in an extremely dangerous position—someone could fall on it and be impaled !!!!!! Note that the video is entitled “Casper the friendly dolphin”. Wild dolphins are not necessarily friendly and certainly not trying to be our ‘friends’. They are wild animals. They can bite and hurt humans. They are not Flipper. In fact Flipper, whose real (human) name was Kathy didn’t like being Flipper so much she committed suicide according to her trainer Ric O’Barry FYI: White dolphins have difficulty surviving in the wild due to their lack of protective coloring. They are susceptible to shark attacks—and humans grabbing them for captivity. 6 Where do the survey photos go? Data Trials and Data Accuracy: Notes from TDP’s Principal Investigator, Dr. Lori Muskat When I am out on a survey, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is: “What happens to the data and photographs after the survey?” The answer: it is a multi-step process… Step 1: After a survey, the event sheets and camera cards/film are sent to the Photo Review Chairpersons, Syd & Doug Busch or TDP President, Peach Hubbard, with all of it being reviewed by the Busch’s Step 2: Doug and Syd review the photos for usability. Each photographer’s goal is to get a snapshot of each dolphin’s entire dorsal fin (i.e., as opposed to partially submerged), on a horizontal plane, and so that the fin takes up 50 percent or more of the photo frame. Photos should be of single fins. Groups of fins are typically unusable unless a single fin can be viewed separately and is clear. Even for seasoned photographers, this can be a very hard to task to accomplish. Fin photographs GOOD photo need to be taken flat-on, not on angles. It’s hard to judge which way the dolphin will be turning. When dolphins behave as they were meant to in the wild, they are only minimally interested or not at all interested in us humans—and they can be very elusive animals to photograph as most of NOT good photo us learn very quickly out on our first survey. Photos that are less than the ideal may still be usable—depending upon their clarity. In any survey, there are more unusable photos than usable ones. The Buschs filter the photos, save the usable ones and delete the ones that are unusable. This saves a lot of time for the folks whose job it is later to work with the data. Step 3: Peach routes the event sheets to George Scourzo. It is George’s job to ensure that event sheets have been filled out legibly and accurately. This is essential. If event sheets are inaccurate, the information is unusable. If the information is not usable, it may mean that even if excellent photographs were taken, the dolphin cannot be traced because we do not know where it was seen or when, whether it was traveling with a single partner or in a larger group—and we also do not know the weather and tide conditions. Step 4: Once the data and photos have been “filtered”, they are returned to Peach, who then forwards them to me. In my role as a Professor at the Georgia School of Professional Psychology, I work with a team of students (i.e., research assistants or “RAs”), whose job it is to enter the data from event sheets into a master table. In this process, the RAs also log any additional information such as unusual behaviors or unique markings. They also make sure that data from the master 7 Where do the survey photos go? continued…. table readily corresponds with the photos of event sheets and dorsal fins. If inaccurate or difficult to read event sheets arrive at this step, it slows down the data entry process immeasurably. That is why event sheet accuracy is critical and TDP members are urged to go through training annually to ensure that they are up to date on the latest procedures for the accurate completion of event sheets. I would like to give special acknowledgement and thanks to my research team for the 2012 – 2013 academic year... Stacey Berry, Carin Wolfe and Jeremy Salzman, for the fantastic job they have done. We wish Stacey and Carin the best of luck and success as they progress to their internships. And we are delighted that Jeremy will be staying on board to lead the RA crew for the 2013 – 2014 year. Step 5: The master table is then submitted to Kim Urian, a research associate at Duke University Marine Mammal Lab. Kim then filters the data further. First, she uses FinScan software to identify any matching fins. FinScan is a software program that works according to the same principles as the software used to match human fingerprints—except that it is applied to usable dorsal fin photos. When matches are identified, data from event sheets can be used to track the locations where the specific dolphin has been seen over time. This information is then entered into two databases: OBIS-SEAMAP (Ocean Biogeographic Information System – Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations) and MABDC (the Mid-Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin Catalog). These databases are available, free of charge, to any researcher anywhere in the world who is conducting dolphin research. TDP members can be proud that for the past nearly quarter-century, we have been the largest contributor of data related to Atlantic Bottlenose dolphins from Hilton Head to Richmond Hill. Up until this year, TDP’s main role has been to provide data to OBIS-SEAMAP and the MABDC for the use of other researchers. This will continue to be TDP’s main role for the foreseeable future. However, in the coming year, TDP will begin to do its own research as well. This is related partly to our NOAA permit. It is our permit from NOAA that affords us a waiver of the Marine Mammal Protection Act and allows us to get closer than 50 yards to dolphins and to follow them from a safe distance in order to photograph them. As part of the environmental and scientific responsibility that goes along with having this type of permit, NOAA encourages research presentations at professional conferences. This year, Dr. Michael Tiemeyer of Armstrong Atlantic State University and I will be collaborating in the analysis of TDP’s data and hope either to make an oral presentation or to develop a poster presentation for the 2014 SEAMAMMS conference. (SouthEast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium) Were it not for The Dolphin Project, very little would be known about the Atlantic Bottlenose population from Hilton Head to Richmond Hill. TDP continues to play a very important role in increasing the world’s knowledge of these majestic and magnificent animals we are blessed to have in our intra-coastal and coastal waterways. In July 2014, TDP will celebrate its 25th anniversary, a remarkable achievement for any volunteer organization. None of this important work could be done without the time, energy and expertise of our most precious asset, YOU….our volunteers. On behalf of the Atlantic Bottlenose dolphin population, we offer our heartfelt thanks. We hope that we will see you out on surveys or on land at our education/outreach events and socials for many years to come! 8 We’re in the news! There is an awesome article about The Dolphin Project in the latest Georgia Magazine. written by TDP member and survey photographer Amy Schnieder. The Georgia magazine is published by the Georgia Electric Membership Corporation and is read by more than 1.5 million Georgians each month. If you don’t receive this publication, go to our website and there is a link to it on our home page. < Check out our cover girl—Krystal Goodwin! The Savannah magazine had an article entitled “Nice People Kill Dolphins”. We were under the impression the article was to be about The Dolphin Project, but it was not. They “interpreted” facts and information given to them about the dangers to our local dolphins. We are pleased that some of our information went out to the public about the dangers of balloons, pollution and dolphin feeding abuse. During our July 27th training in Savannah, a reporter showed up unexpectedly with a video camera and filmed a portion of our training and interviewed Peach Hubbard about The Dolphin Project. That night a few minutes of the interview and video appeared on WJCL (ABC) at 11:00pm and the local FOX station at 10:00pm. We appreciate the coverage. Need a Speaker? We love spreading the word about our dolphins. We have a program that is both educational and entertaining. Speakers are available for Southern South Carolina, the greater Atlanta area and the Georgia coast. We offer age-appropriate programs for pre-schoolers to seniors and everyone in-between. Contact Grants We’re looking for funding for our middle school project and refractometers for salinity testing. If you know of a corporation, foundation or individual that funds education programs and environmental issues, please let us know. 9 LOVES OUR SPONSORS... Sincere gratitude to Don & Judy Bender, Tammie Walz, and the Jolly Foundation for their generous donations to The Dolphin Project 10
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