Spring/Summer 2016 - Galapagos Conservancy


Spring/Summer 2016 - Galapagos Conservancy
Spring-Summer 2016
When it Rains:
El Niño History
The Gold Rush
& the Tortoise
Can K-12
Johannah Barry
GC Membership
Galapagos Guardians
4-5 Galapagos News
6-8 When it Rains: El Niño
8-9 Birds on the Brink
10-11The Gold Rush and the Tortoise
12-13Tortoise Resurrection
14-15From the GC Blog
16-17Education in Galapagos
18-19GC Updates
GC Travel Info: Updated
2017 GC Cruises
Shop Sharp Shirter!
Member Spotlight
GC on Instagram
4 Stars for GC on Charity Navigator
GC Photo Contest
Cover Image
A marine iguana
poses on the beach
near the Charles
Darwin Research
Station in Puerto
Ayora on Santa Cruz.
This iguana "has
no doubt witnessed
many changes
around town," says
photographer, Tui de
Roy. © Tui de Roy
his issue of Galapagos News reflects on some historic rain events in Galapagos and the
science that emerged from the astute observations of eminent Galapagos scientists who
experienced “the wet.” As I write this, my area of the US is experiencing the longest rain
event in recent history. Gazing out at yet another rainy day, I wish I could lay claim to some
equally cogent insights, but regrettably my thoughts turn to a simple wish for sunshine. As
the article indicates, rain patterns in Galapagos can have some extraordinary impacts on
native flora and fauna, and as the pictures show, some “once in a lifetime” events.
We are very excited to share with our readers both old and new news on the tortoise
front. Cyler Conrad’s account of the role tortoises played in the California Gold Rush gives
us another glimpse into how and why these animals were exploited more than a century
ago. But, we are proud to follow that story with recent excerpts from our GC Blog series,
The 2015 Expedition to Wolf, as well as a report from Washington Tapia on his work to
restore tortoises and the ecological balance on the islands of Floreana and Pinta — one
of the ambitious goals of Galapagos Conservancy’s Giant Tortoise Restoration Initiative.
By finding tortoises whose makeup includes both Pinta and Floreana tortoise genes, the
project will begin a captive breeding and repatriation program. To put this initiative in
context, tortoises went extinct on Floreana in the mid-19th century, and on Pinta in 2012
with the death of Lonesome George. Hybrid tortoises on Isabela Island’s Wolf Volcano
have been found to share these extinct lineages. There is great hope that over the next five
to ten years, we will be able to repopulate these islands with tortoises that carry the same
genes as their extinct ancestors.
We would also like to invite our readers to submit their best Galapagos photos to our
annual photo contest. We have come to expect the spectacular from all of you, whose
stunning visuals continue to delight year round on our handsome wall calendar. Deadline
is July 25.
I would like to close on a personal reflection regarding the loss of Roger Perry, former
director of the Charles Darwin Research Station (1964–1970). I had the privilege of
working with Roger for many years after he left the CDF and continued his extraordinary
career in some of the most far-flung islands and communities in the world. Roger was the
ultimate gentleman and scholar and his foresight in establishing a tortoise captive-breeding
program sowed the seeds for our work today. We are grateful for his wisdom and insight.
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Galapagos News is a twice-yearly publication that is produced for Galapagos Conservancy supporters and friends.
The information in this issue was obtained from various sources, all of which have extensive knowledge of Galapagos.
The opinions expressed are those of the authors, and not necessarily of Galapagos Conservancy.
Editors: Lori Ulrich, Henry Nichols
Designer: Lori Ulrich
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The tortoises thank you.
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he government of Ecuador has
announced the creation of a new marine
sanctuary around the islands of Darwin and Wolf
in Galapagos that will offer protection to the
world’s greatest concentration of sharks. The new
sanctuary includes 15,000 square miles within
the existing Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR),
wherein industrial fishing has been banned since
1998 but smaller fishing operations had been
allowed. With the creation of this new sanctuary,
several areas within the GMR will now be
designated as “no-take” zones, meaning fishing of
any kind is off-limits.
The government says that such additional
protection is essential, as the habitat has come
under increased pressure due to climate change
and illegal shark fin poachers. From an economic
perspective, a 2015 report found that sharks also
have an immense value to tourism that greatly
outweighs their value to the fishing industry.
Tourists travel from all over the world to visit the
Islands and dive to see the sharks, of which more
than 34 different species can be found in these
This new designation is the result of a dialogue
initiated in 2014 that included input from more
than 600 participants across various sectors in
Galapagos, including the local fishing industry.
The consensus leading to the designation of the
new reserve means that 32% of the waters around
Galapagos will now be protected from fishing
Whale Sharks are
one of the many
shark species that
will receive extra
protection as a
result of the new
marine sanctuary
in the Galapagos
Marine Reserve.
© Pete Oxford/iLCP
Roger Perry in
the 1960s © CDF
alapagos Conservancy is saddened to announce the recent
death of Roger Perry, former director of the Charles Darwin Research
Station (CDRS) who passed away in January at age 82. Roger was director
of the CDRS from 1964–1970, and the longest serving director of the
CDRS to date.
“The most urgent task in 1964 was to protect the surviving populations
of giant tortoises,” he wrote in Galapagos News in 2009. “So far as we
knew, there were only the remnants of colonies on Santa Cruz and the
northern volcanoes of Isabela. Other races, those of Pinzón and Española,
were critically endangered. I proposed that we should begin a captivebreeding program. This was to become one of our most encouraging
ventures.” The Española population (down to only 15 individuals in the
1960s) now stands at over 2,000 individuals, demonstrating the impact of
Roger’s contribution to the conservation of Galapagos giant tortoises.
n Saturday, April 9, 2016, the Maria Tatiana IV fishing
boat was intercepted by Galapagos National Park rangers
and staff of the Ecuadorian Navy at the harbor of Puerto Ayora,
Santa Cruz Island for conducting fishing operations 10 miles
inside the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR), northwest of
Fernandina Island.
The authorities initially gathered longline fishing gear, which
is prohibited in the GMR, and then found six small speedboats
with the Ma. Tatiana IV — where they ultimately discovered
60 pieces of swordfish, 23 albacore, 55 shark fins, and 81
parts of sharks from a variety of shark species, some of which
are designated as vulnerable on the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of endangered species.
“Ecuador is committed to the conservation of sharks.
Galapagos National Park rangers are faithful custodians. We
will use control measures and all legal tools to defend the rights
of nature,” said Environmental Minister, Daniel Ortega. Court
hearings will be conducted for this environmental offense in the
coming days.
n January 2016, the Galapagos National Park
Directorate (GNPD) — in coordination with the national
police — discovered an illegal shipment of approximately
3,600 sea cucumbers from two different species during a
baggage control operation at Baltra airport in Galapagos.
Sea cucumbers are protected within the Galapagos Marine
Reserve, and the sea cucumber fishing season was closed at
the time.
Environmental Minister Daniel Ortega said that his
administration will maintain the fight against the trafficking
of protected species nationwide. The GNPD has initiated an
investigation to identify the persons responsible.
Isostichopus fuscus, or brown sea cucumber, is listed as
endangered on the IUCN red list due to a population decline
of at least 60% across its entire range in the last 30–50
years. Isostichopus horrens is listed as “data deficient” by the
IUCN, as it is often misidentified. While previously not a high
value species in fisheries, the latter has increased in value in
Galapagos due to the decline of the brown sea cucumber.
n November 2015, the World Meterological
Organization confirmed that an El Niño event was underway.
Galapagos experienced more rainfall than normal with an
intense period in January causing localized flooding in the
highlands of Santa Cruz. This affected several households
and closed the road from Baltra to Puerto Ayora for a short
time. However, to date, the rainfall and ocean temperatures in
Galapagos have not come close to levels seen during the last
major El Niño of 1997–98, which is good news for the wildlife.
n January, the Galapagos National Park established
camps at Las Bachas on Santa Cruz and Quinta Playa on
Isabela, both important nesting sites for green sea turtles
(Chelonia mydas). By monitoring the number of females that
come ashore, the nests, and the hatchlings produced, the
rangers will be able to assess the impact of El Niño and the
presence of tourists on this species.
Mexican citizen who attempted to smuggle
11 iguanas from Galapagos has been sentenced to
two years in prison and a fine of $20,000. In September of
2015, Gustavo Eduardo Toledo Albarran was arrested in
Puerto Ayora after he was found with nine marine iguanas
(Amblyrhynchus cristatus) and two land iguanas (Conolophus
subcristatus) in a backpack. These are both species endemic to
Galapagos. He was sentenced in February under Article 247
of the Ecuadorian Criminal Code.
When it
ith an El Niño underway, we look at
the impact of this cyclical weather
phenomenon on life and work in
Linda Cayot, Galapagos Conservancy
Late one afternoon, during the first months of the
1982–83 El Niño, I was completing a two-day watch of an
adult male tortoise on Santa Cruz when he decided it was
his time to migrate. Once the rains begin in earnest, the
highlands are transformed. Rivers, sometimes 30 meters
wide, rush through the forests. And there is mud. So much
mud. The tortoises escape this by heading down to the
lowlands en masse.
Rather than plodding down the muddy trail, this tortoise
chose a more efficient route: a river. He floated, bounced
against rocks, walked a bit, then floated again. I followed,
crawling with the current. Bushes grabbed at my daypack,
much as they did at the tortoise’s carapace, giving me a
new sense of empathy for my study species. El Niño and the
resulting migration of tortoises had a huge impact on my
work. After nearly two years collecting data in the highlands, I
had to start over in the lowlands.
The tortoise floated, bounced
against rocks, walked a bit, then floated again. -Linda Cayot
© Linda Cayot
El Niño is a big deal for most species in
Galapagos. The trade winds, which normally
blow across the Pacific from east to west, begin
to weaken and the Humboldt Current that
brings cold, nutrient-rich water from Antarctica
to Galapagos slows. As the temperature and
composition of waters around Galapagos
change, so too does the marine ecosystem, with
consequences for any species further up the food
chain. The increased temperatures can result in
excessive rainfall and localized flooding. Under
these conditions, the struggle for survival can
become too great and many species may suffer
a precipitous decline, experiencing changes in
population structure that can last for years.
The suffering is not only felt by plants and
animals, but also by humans. We asked several
Galapagos residents and researchers to describe
how they have been affected by El Niños past.
© Ole Hamann
It was the first and last time
I took a swim in a quadrat.
-Ole Hamann
Ole Hamann, University of Copenhagen
Kate Huyvaert, Colorado State University
It was the first and last time I took a swim in a quadrat.
We knew we were in trouble just looking at the clouds
One of the ways botanists monitor plants is to peg out
quadrats, patches of habitat that are visited repeatedly to
see how the vegetation is changing. In 1983, soon after
the El Niño rains had stopped, I travelled to Santa Fe only
to find that one of my quadrats had become a lake. The
corner poles were barely visible. All the plants were drowned.
Without any data to collect, I took a dip.
Even large plants and trees can be seriously affected
by extreme rainfall. After the 1982–83 El Niño, almost all
the old Scalesia trees in the Santa Cruz highlands died.
Seedlings did eventually emerge a couple of years later, but
they struggled to compete against invasive plants taking over.
The Opuntia cacti too can become seriously waterlogged
and collapse under their own weight. On Santa Fe, for
instance, the number of big Opuntias decreases dramatically
after an El Niño event and the number of shrubs increases.
building over the ocean behind Punta Cevallos on Española.
They were big and dark, heavy with rain and lightning,
a portent of things to come. After the rains began in late
October 1997, we spent our days measuring the effects of
the El Niño event: we emptied the rain gauge countless times
over six months, recording nearly a meter of rain; we tracked
daily changes in the growth of the vines creeping through
camp; we tallied the cans of tuna eaten; and we watched our
hair grow in the heat and humidity.
We also tracked the effects this monster event had on
the Nazca boobies that call Punta Cevallos home. The
warmer sea surface temperatures characteristic of El Niño in
the eastern tropical Pacific drive fish deeper into the ocean
where they are difficult for seabirds to catch. On Española,
nests became murky puddles where booby chicks shivered
unattended. Our daily records included the numbers of nests
lost because the chicks starved or the nest was washed away
by the rain or the tide. At night, we swatted the mosquitoes
that swarmed into our tents and outside the boobies did
likewise, slap-slapping their feet on the rocks to unsettle the
insects. That year, nearly all the Nazca nests that we were
monitoring failed.
Carlos Valle,
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
El Niño is not a new phenomenon, so there have probably
been very severe episodes in the past. But for the marine
realm in Galapagos, the most dramatic event on record is
indisputable. During the 1982–83 El Niño, the seabirds in
Galapagos stopped breeding and abandoned their nests,
eggs, and chicks. Inshore feeders, like the blue-footed
booby, wandered through the Archipelago in flocks of
several hundred birds, while others left the Islands altogether
in search of food.
At the time, I was working on Galapagos penguins and
flightless cormorants around Fernandina and both these
species suffered greatly, the penguin population declining by
around 80% and the cormorants by some 50%. Once the
El Niño had passed and the fish returned to the waters, the
penguins and cormorants began to breed again. I’ll never
forget how the cormorants used the mummified remains of
marine iguanas to line their nests.
Carlos Valle mingles with the flightless cormorants. © Joanne F. Avery
Martin Wikelski,
Institute for
El Niño has always been
a dramatic event for
The Galapagos Islands are considered
a paradise for birds, but many of the
islands’ native avian species face
challenges caused by climate change
and invasive species. Conservation
efforts are always ongoing to protect
these vulnerable birds and here we
report on the status of a few of the
birds recently studied.
oday's population of Galapagos penguins is likely less than
half of what it was in the early 1970s, before a series of
strong El Niños between 1972 and 1997 took their toll on
these vulnerable birds that rely so heavily on the productivity
of cold ocean water. Luckily, the El Niño of 2015–2016,
although predicted to be more severe than 1997–1998, was
less severe. The penguins, nonetheless, are still struggling,
reports GC-funded penguin scientist, Dr. Dee Boersma. In
February 2016, Boersma made a trip to investigate how the
penguins were holding up. She noted, “No penguins were
breeding, we saw no courtship, heard no brays, and saw only
one juvenile among the over 200 penguins we counted. I
have never seen penguins with as much green algae covering
© Martin Wikelski
marine iguanas. In the
early 1990s, I lived through
an El Niño on Genovesa
in the northeast of the
Archipelago. The sea temperature,
normally around 18°C, rose to
over 30°C, killing off the red and green
algae that are the iguanas’ main source of food.
Some 90% of the population perished and only
the smallest animals survived.
Many of these small iguanas made it
through a subsequent El Niño in 1997–98, but I
got the impression they were getting even smaller. But when I
analyzed the data, it became clear that a marine iguana’s skeleton
does indeed become shorter during an El Niño year, lengthening again
afterwards. It sounded strange at the time but we now know that other
animals, like fish, tortoises, and even some mammals do the same
thing. They shrink and regrow. 
their flippers and chests as I did on this trip.” The algae is
caused by the penguins staying in the water to forage for fish
longer than usual, and not spending enough time on shore to
dry fully.
Boersma has been working with Galapagos penguins
for 45 years, and her historical perspective confirms that the
penguins are in better condition than they were during the
severe El Niño of 1997–98. She believes that occasional
pulses of cool, nutrient-rich upwellings have allowed the
penguin population to make it through this rough time.
Boersma will return to Galapagos in July to check on the
penguins again, and she hopes she'll be able to report back
that La Niña has arrived, breeding resumed, nests are being
used, and penguin chicks are healthy. “The new zoning
approved by the president of Ecuador should also help the
penguins,” she said, “as the head of Elizabeth Bay and around
Bartolome are now no-fishing zones.”
he colony of red-footed boobies (Sula sula) at Punta Pitt in
the east of San Cristóbal has shown a remarkable recovery.
Almost 20 years ago, the El Niño event of 1997–98 brought
the population down to just 45 adults. Since then, careful
conservation efforts to control invasive species and reduce the
numbers of ants, rodents, feral cats, and goats helped foster
increased growth of the booby population. Regular monitoring
trips over the years have shown a steady increase, and in
January, Galapagos National Park rangers counted 974 adult
birds at this site. An additional 89 chicks and 252 juveniles
were also recorded.
The red-footed booby is the smallest of the booby family
and can be distinguished by its bright red feet. They share
the area of Punta Pitt with Nazca boobies and blue-footed
boobies, but their nesting sites differ: red-footed boobies
nest in bushes, blue-footed boobies nest on the ground, and
Nazca boobies nest in the cliff areas.
or the third year in a row, Mangrove finches, the rarest of
“Darwin's finches,” were successfully captive-reared at the
Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS). The Mangrove Finch
Project team, led by the CDRS and the Galapagos National
Park Directorate (GNPD), collected nests and young nestlings
of the critically endangered Mangrove finch (Camarhynchus
heliobates) in the wild at Playa Tortuga Negra on the west
coast of Isabela Island in February for the 2016 head-starting
With an estimated population of only 80–100 individuals,
inhabiting just 75 acres at two sites on western Isabela Island,
all wild-hatched nestlings would have likely died in their
natural habitat due to infestation by the introduced parasitic
fly Philornis downsi. This year, weather conditions were dry
on western Isabela, so Mangrove finch breeding was slower
with many territories having no nests at all. After eight weeks
of successful rearing in the laboratory, fifteen fledglings were
returned to their natural habitat at Playa Tortuga Negra in
March. The birds will be monitored by scientists and park
rangers to determine their initial survival.
GOOD NEWS! During the initial egg collection, a chick
found near fledgling age, yet older than ideal for headstarting, became the first wild-fledged Mangrove finch to be
observed in February (during the early breeding season) in
seven seasons. Also, two captive-reared fledglings released
in 2014 and 2015 were observed in the wild, with both
birds identified by their unique color bands. This is very
positive news for the project, as no captive-reared fledgling
observations had been made beyond three months following
their release. 
A thin and algae-covered Galapagos penguin,
photographed in February 2016 © Dr. Dee Boersma
A red-footed booby perched, as usual, on the branch of a tree.
© Sara Ellis, GC Member
Below: Archeologists busy
excavating Thompson’s Cove in 2011.
© Kale Bruner & Archeo-Tec
Right, top: Whalers collecting sea
turtles in the early 1800s, just as
Gold Rush entrepreneurs harvested
giant tortoises from Galapagos en
route to California.
© National Library of Australia
hree meters beneath the streets of downtown
San Francisco lie the remains of a small inlet
called Thompson’s Cove, a thriving trading
port that had its heyday in the middle of the
19th century during the California Gold Rush
(1848 –1855).
Right, bottom: The Galapagos
tortoise humerus bone excavated from
Thompson’s Cove.
© Cyler Conrad
Below, inset: An advertisement in the
Daily Alta California from March 11,
1851 for Galapagos tortoises imported
into San Francisco.
© California Digital Newspaper Collection
by Cyler Conrad, Anthropology PhD student at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque
n 2011, I worked on the archeological analysis of this
site. It was one of the first well-controlled and properly dated
investigations of life in the early days of San Francisco. We
uncovered thousands of objects – ceramic and glass bottles,
part of a ship’s mast and anchor chain, bricks and much more
– but one of the most puzzling items was the forelimb of a
Galapagos giant tortoise.
This bone was found in a cluster with several others, but it
was strikingly distinct. At first, I thought it had to be from a sea
mammal, perhaps a harbor seal. It was only after talking to
a colleague specializing in Galapagos tortoise anatomy that
I came up with a match. I began to research how and why a
giant tortoise could have ended up in a major city, thousands of
miles from its native home, more than 150 years ago.
The answer, I believe, is gold. In 1848, the discovery of
this precious metal at Sutter’s Mill in the nearby Sierra Nevada
marked the beginning of the California Gold Rush. The news
spread quickly. Between 1848 and 1849 alone more than
20,000 people from all around the world travelled to the
region. But with the transcontinental railroad yet to be built,
many of the gold-seekers came by sea. Thompson’s Cove
and neighboring coastal settlements became flooded with
prospectors, new arrivals spilling into the vibrant and turbulent
streets of San Francisco, drinking, gambling, shooting, and
shouting. This was the American Wild West.
Ships reached San Francisco from all around the world. The
most popular passage from the Atlantic was around the tip of
South America. Just like the whalers in the first half of the 19th
century, the travellers needed fresh food for their long maritime
journeys and passed Galapagos on their voyage north. In
the days before refrigeration, the hardy nature of a living
Galapagos tortoise proved indispensable.
It soon became common practice for these vessels to stop
in Galapagos and collect tortoises, colloquially referred to as
“terrapin.” It is not known how many thousands of tortoises
were transported to northern California to feed the burgeoning
human population, but accounts of more than 500 animals
in a single vessel indicate the extent of this activity. According
to an eyewitness on board the Canton, which passed through
Galapagos in 1849, if passengers and crew were unable to
take tortoises near the shore they were prepared to venture
far inland. The Canton left Galapagos with a total of 60 large
reptiles, a mixture of tortoises and sea turtles.
Once in California, the prospectors were able to sell the live
animals for enormous sums. One man by the name of Franklin
Mead reached San Francisco in 1849 and quickly sold 17
Galapagos tortoises for a fortune, roughly $50,000 adjusting
for inflation. Marine turtle racing became a popular pastime,
with turtles being released from fenced enclosures behind
restaurants onto the streets, providing the population with
entertainment and followed by a hearty meal. The insatiable
demand drew these reptiles into cities closer to the gold fields
and, for a time, Galapagos tortoises could be seen grazing
along the banks of the Sacramento River while they were slowly
consumed in Sacramento’s saloons.
It was not until the California Academy of Sciences
expedition to Galapagos in 1905 that the world began to
realize the substantial impact of human activity on all aspects of
life in the Islands and especially on the tortoises. It is now clear
that the argonauts exploited giant tortoises as much as, if not
more than, the whalers had done before them. While whalers
collected tortoises solely for their own consumption, commerce
took the Gold Rush exploitation to a new extreme. It is only
with future research that we will begin to understand just how
abundant and damaging this process was to Galapagos during
the mid-to-late nineteenth century. 
Turtle racing
became a popular
The long-term
goal is to restore
the ecological
integrity of
Floreana and
Pinta Islands.
by Washington Tapia
Galapagos Conservancy's Director of the Giant Tortoise Restoration Initiative
was ascending the craggy, rugged slopes
of the volcano, alongside a canyon. In the
distance, I could see the distinct shape of
a tortoise neck at full stretch. It had to be a
saddleback, but it was not just any saddleback.
As I got closer, I realized I had come face to
face with Lonesome George’s twin. It was
November 24th last year, my birthday. I could
not have wished for a better present.
Several days earlier, the Galapagos National Park's research
vessel, Sierra Negra, had dropped anchor off the northeast coast
of Isabela. We were there to search for giant tortoises on Wolf
Volcano, the highest in Galapagos, its capricious topography
made more unpredictable by several days of intense rain.
Thanks to genetic analyses carried out by researchers at
Yale University over the last two decades, we knew that Wolf is
home to many hybrid tortoises, some with genes of the long-lost
tortoises of Floreana and others with genes of the Pinta lineage,
a species that went extinct with the death of Lonesome George
in 2012. These revelations gave us hope. The expedition’s goal
was to search for, locate, and remove as many of these hybrid
animals as possible, bringing them into captivity to participate in
a carefully planned breeding program.
The Sierra Negra’s onboard helicopter began to transport
expedition gear, food, and water onto the volcano, and small
field teams of rangers and scientists set off on foot, each group
heading for one of ten different sites covering a combined
area of over 70 km². The next morning, at 5:30 am, each
team began its daily routine, crawling out of tents, preparing
breakfast and then heading off in search of tortoises.
It was almost one week into the expedition that I came
across the Lonesome George-like saddleback. As I took
measurements of him, I became even more excited. His
carapace was the same size as George’s. It was a great
moment that provided an injection of encouragement to push
on and find still more hybrids.
At 3pm every day, each team would radio in to the Sierra
Negra to report the GPS location of any tortoises of interest. The
helicopter would then travel back and forth, ferrying tortoises
from the island to the vessel in a hanging net. By the end of the
two-week-long expedition, we had recovered 32 hybrid tortoises
from Wolf, two with Pinta ancestry, five of Floreana descent, and
the rest with saddleback shells — a good indication that they
may be animals of conservation value.
The Sierra Negra shipped all these tortoises to Santa Cruz,
where they were airlifted into the Fausto Llerena Tortoise Center
near the headquarters of the Galapagos National Park. The
geneticists at Yale will run detailed genetic analyses of all these
animals, information that will inform the captive breeding. The
long-term goal is to restore the ecological integrity of Floreana
and Pinta by repopulating these islands with tortoises that carry
the same genes as their long-dead ancestors.
Each day, as I review these hybrids as part of the quarantine
procedure, I take some moments to contemplate the male twin
of Lonesome George. Watching him strengthens my conviction
that we are on the right road to recover not only Lonesome
George’s lineage but the ecosystem of his native island. 
Left page:
The Lonesome George-like
tortoise (left tortoise) on the slopes of
Wolf Volcano in November 2015.
© Washington Tapia
The helicopter airlifts giant tortoises
from Wolf Volcano onto the waiting
Sierra Negra in Banks Bay.
© Galapagos National Park
Tortoises arriving at the Fausto Llerena
Tortoise Center on Santa Cruz Island.
© Galapagos National Park
From the
he Galapagos Conservancy blog is
full of amazing stories about our efforts to
conserve these treasured islands. We simply
cannot showcase all of our hard work in print,
but we do strive to cover the best conservation
stories, from a variety of perspectives, in our
blog. Here, we share with you a few excerpts
from recent posts and encourage you seek out
the full stories online:
The Genetics, posted December 28, 2015
Excerpted from The 2015 Expedition to Wolf series
"Once we realized the DNA of extinct tortoise species could be
mined from living individuals, we started planning an expedition to
see how many tortoises with mixed ancestry we could find. In 2008
we returned to Wolf and took blood samples from 1,667 tortoises.
Subsequent genetic analyses identified 17 with genetic material from
the extinct Pinta species and over 80 with genetic material from the
extinct Floreana species. This led to the proposition that it might just
be possible to bring the tortoises from Pinta and Floreana back from
extinction through selective breeding."
Author: Milton Yacelga is a native of Ecuador with a background
in animal behavior. He is a co-founder of Kaminando: Habitat
Connectivity Initiative, which aims to preserve the cloud forest in
Panama. Milton completed his thesis on Galapagos marine iguanas in
the early 1990s under GC's Science Advisor, Dr. Linda Cayot.
A First-Time View of Galapagos, posted January 11, 2016
Excerpted from the The 2015 Expedition to Wolf series
"Over the next six days we find many small tortoises among the
scrub. They transform my perception of Wolf ’s lower arid slopes.
Beneath the brush I begin to see mats of moist soil that sound
hollow when I thump them: nests dug by females laying their
eggs in these lowlands before moving upslope. Soon I see nests
everywhere; it’s like learning a new word. These unstable piles of
lava, those ankle-grabbing vines and arm-stabbing thorns are
protecting a gigantic tortoise nursery. What seemed hostile to me
represents safety for tortoises by evolutionary design. Here the
second cousins of Lonesome George will hatch; some will survive
to mature and eventually mate. A few may play their part in
restoring the species of their ancestors."
Author: Jane Braxton Little writes about science and the environment
from California’s northern Sierra Nevada. Her work has appeared in
Scientific American, National Geographic, Discover and Audubon, where
she is a contributing editor.
Author: Gisella Caccone is an evolutionary biologist at Yale University,
where she is a Senior Research Scientist and director of the Center for
Molecular Systematics and Conservation. Gisella has been studying the
genetics of Galapagos giant tortoises since 1994 and has led the tortoise
genetics team for the last decade.
A Return to Galapagos, posted January 8, 2016
Excerpted from The 2015 Expedition to Wolf series
"From the moment we embarked on the Sierra Negra on November
18, 2015, my sense of wonder increased. Onshore we had the
possibility of finding a tortoise that could be related to Lonesome
George, the last Pinta Island tortoise whose death marked the first
extinction in Galapagos in the 21st Century. If we could find several
tortoises closely related to Lonesome George, the Pinta legacy would
survive — the extinction of this species could be reversed!"
Above: The Sierra Negra, docked in Banks Bay in 2015 © Jane Braxton Little
Top, left: A tortoise on Wolf Volcano © Milton Yacelga
Top, right: Carlos Espinosa Proaño with a teacher in April © Richard Knab, GC
From the
Thirty-Five Years of Galapagos and Still Loving It,
posted March 14, 2016
"On March 5, 2016, I celebrated the 35th anniversary of the day
I first arrived in Galapagos. I had no idea when I stepped off
the plane onto the reddish soil of Baltra Island in March of 1981
that my life had just changed forever. Many people speak of their
transformational journey to Galapagos. My two-and-a-half years
studying giant tortoises on Santa Cruz and Pinzón in the early
1980s slowly morphed into a lifetime of passion, dedication, and
hard work for the conservation of these amazing giants and the
islands they call home."
Author: Dr. Linda Cayot is GC’s Science Advisor and has played an
important role in Galapagos conservation for more than 30 years.
An Educator’s Checklist: Teacher Professional
Development in Galapagos, posted May 12, 2016
"For five days on the islands of Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal, a
very committed group of nearly 300 educators — local teachers
and national and international trainers — collaborated in
an extraordinary event: the first week of teacher professional
development offered in Galapagos in many years, and the first week
of a five-year teacher training effort in the Islands! We were all
united by the goal of making a positive and a lasting difference in
the social and environmental development of this unique natural
paradise through the power of K-12 education."
Author: Karla del Rosal is the Assistant Professor in the Department of
Teaching and Learning at Southern Methodist University.
Engaging Teachers and Students as Problem-Solvers,
posted May 16, 2016
"I was very pleased to be invited to join a team of professionals
to conduct professional development for social studies teachers in
Galapagos. I must admit that at that time I really didn’t know much
about the situation in Galapagos, its teachers, or their training. Our
goal was to share techniques that engage children in the classroom
and make learning more meaningful. In other words, we sought
to offer alternatives to more traditional approaches and heavy
emphasis on memorization ... A comment made by teachers on the
last day keeps ringing in my head: 'You must come back.' Many
teachers have felt abandoned by the system, and these five days of
professional development showed them that they are important."
Author: Carlos Espinosa Proaño is the former Head of Elementary
Education at Colegio Terranova in Quito. Carlos has decades of
experience as a classroom teacher, working with elementary grade
students in Ecuador and the US.
The Implications of Climate Change for Galapagos,
posted April 21, 2016
"Galapagos is not like where most of us live. Galapagos climate
experiences unusually complicated interactions between the marine
environment — primarily the altering predominance of different
ocean currents — and the land. How changing global climate will
play out on the complicated topography of these isolated islands
is unclear. So we need to get a reliable prognosis for the climate in
Galapagos before any specific prescription can be made."
Above: Linda Cayot (right) hunts for invasive snails © Thomas Heller
Top, left: A happy sea lion basks in the warm sun © JJ LaBella
Top, right: Teachers participate in a training workshop © Richard Knab, GC
Author: Dr. James Gibbs is professor and Associate Chair of the
Department of Environmental and Forest Biology at the State
University of New York. He has partnered with Galapagos Conservancy
for many years in efforts to restore giant tortoise populations through
the Giant Tortoise Restoration Initiative. 
Can K-12 Education Save Galapagos?
by Richard Knab, Galapagos Conservancy's Director of Strategic Partnerships
n 2007, when UNESCO considered placing
Galapagos on the list of World Heritage Sites
in Danger, its Mission Report identified 12 areas,
including education, in need of urgent attention. The
report noted the local education system’s failure to
address issues related to conservation and heritage
preservation and lack of attention to preparing
Galapagueños for employment opportunities that
were often filled by non-residents. In its 2010 Mission
Report, UNESCO noted progress in many areas. But
it could not point to any significant improvements in
the area of education.
Local residents and external observers have long expressed
concern about the weak education system in Galapagos.
Teachers have received little training in effective teaching
strategies or the content of areas they teach. Instruction has
relied heavily on rote memorization, and teachers have not
been trained to take advantage of their physical surroundings
to focus their lessons and to strengthen the connection between
young people and their natural environment.
This lack of connection with the environment should
not come as a surprise. Much of the current population of
Galapagos arrived during the 1990s and 2000s, in response
to poor economic conditions on the mainland and employment
opportunities related to tourism. While migration to Galapagos
is regulated much more closely than in previous decades, 74%
of those living in Galapagos are migrants and 35% of children
under the age of 11 were born outside of the Islands (INEC,
2010). Consequently, many observers agree that there isn’t a
strong “sense of place” in Galapagos or a deep understanding
of or connection to what makes Galapagos special.
The bottom line: Galapagos education has failed to arm its
youths with the basic skills needed to join the local labor market,
enter and complete college, or to fill important leadership roles
in conservation, science, and sustainable tourism.
The Power of Education for Sustainability
Given this situation, where should we begin to improve
education in Galapagos? And perhaps more importantly,
can K-12 education prepare Galapagos youths for the local
workplace and empower them to become engaged members
of a sustainable society? The concept of education for
sustainability has become commonplace in public and private
education in the US and other countries, both at the K-12
level and in higher education. Definitions vary, but at its core,
education for sustainability helps young people to understand
the inter-connectedness of the social, environmental, political,
and economic issues affecting their communities and the world
beyond. It also increases the connection students feel with the
natural environment and brings relevance to their daily lives. But
beyond developing knowledge and understanding, education
for sustainability prepares young people to act on their
knowledge to make a positive difference in their communities.
This isn’t just wishful thinking. A growing body of research
shows that this approach, when implemented effectively,
improves students’ content knowledge across subject areas and
develops the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they
need to be successful in an increasingly complex world.
How Do We Get There in Galapagos?
Over the past five years, Galapagos Conservancy has
worked closely with the Galapagos-based non-profit Fundación
Scalesia and Ecuador’s Ministry of Education to identify
opportunities for improving education in the islands in ways
that reinforce long-term sustainability. Despite the remarkable
success of the Ministry’s 10-Year Education Plan in transforming
education on the mainland, national exams had revealed that
the performance of Galapagos students lagged behind national
averages in core subject areas and critical-thinking skills. The
isolation of Galapagos, among other factors, represented a
significant barrier to education reform.
In 2014, the Ministry of Education, Galapagos
Conservancy, and Fundación Scalesia coordinated a
participatory needs assessment, conducted by a team of
Above, left: High school biology teachers learn to make low-cost microscopes using smart phones and the focal lenses of inexpensive laser pointers.
Above, right: Arthur Powell works with elementary math teachers on the use of manipulatives to teach fractions.
Left page: Teachers gather at the end of their weeklong workshop on Santa Cruz Island.
All photos © Jonathan Drake, T2T-I
education experts who collected and analyzed the ideas and
concerns of teachers, school directors, students, parents and
community leaders.
The assessment recommended intensive professional
development in Galapagos (workshops and ongoing coaching),
the establishment of a local demonstration school, and focused
training for school directors to empower them as leaders of
educational change. The report also stressed that it can take up
to five years of intensive professional development for teachers
to significantly change their practice, and that it can take up
to a generation of students (12 years) to see the kind of deep
change that will transform Galapagos in positive ways.
Ideas in Action
In April 2016, Galapagos Conservancy, the Fundación
Scalesia, and the Ministry of Education launched the Education
for Sustainability Program, a five-year teacher training program
comprised of intensive workshops (weeklong Teacher Institutes
conducted every April and October) and continuous mentoring
from full-time Galapagos-based coaches. We were assisted by
a new partner, the Galapagos Governing Council, which is the
coordinating governmental entity in Galapagos.
The program is designed to help Galapagos educators
shift away from traditional teaching methods that rely on
lectures and rote learning. The focus is “student-centered
instruction” — an approach that changes the role of the teacher
from “giver of information” to “facilitator of student learning.”
Student-centered strategies engage students in problem
solving activities, collaborative team projects, hands-on
experimentation, independent projects, and out-of-classroom
learning. The program will also help teachers strengthen their
content knowledge in the areas they teach, develop lessonplanning skills, and to use Galapagos (its most pressing social
and environmental issues, real data collected by scientists, and
the natural environment) to teach their classes and to facilitate
learning beyond the classroom.
How was all of this manifested during the April Institute?
Here are a few examples.
On San Cristóbal, joint literacy and social studies sessions
introduced problem-based learning (PBL), an approach
that helps students develop problem-solving strategies and
disciplinary knowledge through their engagement in real-life
problem solving. Elementary teachers developed a plan to
address population growth in the islands. High school teachers
used the PBL approach to tackle an issue related to the
Galapagos Special Law.
On Santa Cruz, math teachers learned to use
“manipulatives" for teaching fractions. Manipulatives are
small objects that can be handled by students, which can help
demonstrate or model abstract concepts.
While visiting natural areas in close proximity to schools,
biology teachers learned to help their students formulate
simple research questions based on observations made at
these sites, and to answer these questions through practical
All of the lessons modeled by the trainers connected directly
to the curriculum teachers will need to teach during the current
school year.
Moving Forward
While the first Institute was a great success, the heavy lifting
has just begun. Even the best teacher training will have limited
impact without intensive and strategic follow-up.
Fortunately, we have two exceptional Ecuadorian educators
on the job — Miriam Chacón on Santa Cruz and Lilliana
Garcés on San Cristóbal. Both have extensive experience as
instructional coaches. They are working 1:1 with teachers,
observing classes, providing feedback, and helping them to
implement what was presented during the Institute. Miriam and
Lillian both report that teacher enthusiasm remains very high
following the Institute and that many teachers have already
implemented a number of the lessons modeled by the trainers.
None of this work would be possible without a talented
group of education specialists from the US and Latin America,
the full support of Ecuador’s Ministry of Education, and the
generosity of a growing number of donors who share our
conviction about the importance of quality education in the
islands. Galapagos Conservancy is extremely grateful for the
commitment of these essential partners. We look forward to
sharing our progress over time. 
Grecent updates and enhancements toto announce
alapagos Conservancy is proud
Travel Section
of our website at www.galapagos.org. While most of
our Galapagos News readers know GC primarily as an
environmental conservation organization, many people
come to us for insider advice on traveling to the Galapagos
Islands. In response to our viewers' most common needs
and questions, we revamped this area of our website with an
emphasis towards green-minded, sustainable travel. If you
are considering a trip to Galapagos, we invite you to click
around! If you think we missed something, we invite you to
share your thoughts on improvements with us by email at
Brighten your home (or yourself) with a
colorful sea turtle throw pillow, shower curtain,
or women's tee from our friends at Sharp
Shirter! For a limited time, they will generously
donate 20% of proceeds from the sale of these
items to Galapagos Conservancy.
Shop: www.sharpshirter.com/collections/
2017 GC Cruises: Booking Now
In 2017, Galapagos Conservancy will lead two cruises in
conjunction with our travel partner, International Nature and
Cultural Adventures (INCA).
February 8 – 19, 2017: Western Route
June 7 – 18, 2017: Eastern Route
You can download cruise brochures and itineraries at:
To reserve a cabin or for more information,
please email Meridith at mbolado@galapagos.org
or call 703-383-0077 X 204
GC Now on Instagram
Randy & Sally Knight
andy and Sally Knight first visited the Galapagos Islands
in 2004 and were so enchanted by the Islands and their
animals that they decided to return in 2016 – on Galapagos
Conservancy’s annual cruise!
According to Randy, “Like most people, we initially had the
idea that the Galapagos were remote and largely untouched.
But between our observations, the guides on our first trip,
and reading Plundering Paradise: The Hand of Man on the
Galapagos Islands (by Michael D’Orso) we realized that the
islands face many challenges and will endure only if individuals
and organizations actively tackle those challenges.”
The Knights learned of Galapagos Conservancy while at the
Charles Darwin Research Station in 2004, and they have been
loyal, generous donors to our efforts ever since. Randy and Sally
cite their reason for supporting GC is its long track record of
success, coupled with “GC’s holistic approach to working with
government agencies, key players, and especially the people
who live in the islands. Trying to solve environmental problems
such as invasive species or illegal fishing, without also dealing
with the social and political conditions that led to the problems is
simply a Band-Aid with little chance for lasting impact. Long-term
success requires working with all the stakeholders to change the
underlying conditions so that everyone sees a positive benefit
from conservation.”
Galapagos Conservancy is proud to have members like the
Knights who understand the complex nature of conservation and
the need to involve and support the residents of Galapagos while
also protecting the unique environment in which they live.
L Our new Instagram account
ove Galapagos wildlife?
features some great photos and
information on flora and fauna
in Galapagos! Follow us on
Instagram and get your daily dose
of Galapagos!
4 Stars for GC!
FGalapagos Conservancy has
or the second consecutive year,
earned the coveted 4-star rating
from Charity Navigator for “sound
fiscal management and commitment
to accountability and transparency” — the highest rating
a nonprofit organization can receive! According to Charity
Navigator, “Receiving four out of a possible four stars
indicates that your organization adheres to good governance
and other best practices that minimize the chance of unethical
activities and consistently executes its mission in a fiscally
responsible way.”
We’re proud to be among the 21% of charities reviewed
by Charity Navigator that have received at least two
consecutive 4-star evaluations. This “exceptional” designation
from Charity Navigator is an honor that differentiates GC,
and we hope demonstrates to the public that Galapagos
Conservancy is worthy of their trust.
2016 GC Online Survey Results
More than 1,600 people responded to our online
survey in February 2016, and 15 of you scored a nifty
Galapagos gift! You told us that we're meeting your needs
for communications overall, but you asked for more tips
on Galapagos travel, information about wildlife, details
on our blog and social media, and more. We'll do our
best to accommodate — thanks to everyone who gave us
valuable feedback!
11150 Fairfax Boulevard, Suite 408
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA
for 2017 CALENDAR
ENTER BY 7.25.2016
Sea Turtles
© GC Member, Michael Haber
Blue-footed Booby
© GC Member, Burt Finkelstein
Please email no more than 5 photos, one per email, to photo@galapagos.org. Include your name, subject of the photo,
and location (if known) in the email subject line. Include your full contact information in the body of the email, with any other
descriptive details about the photo. Visit www.galapagos.org/travel/travel/photo-contest/ for rules, permissions,
and to view last year’s winners.