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PDF (2,2 MO) - Universitatea Agora
Doctor Honoris Causa
PhD in Mathematics (1977)
Senior Researcher I, Institute of Mathematics
of the Romanian Academy
Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy (1997)
Member of Academia Europaea (2006)
Titular Member of the Romanian Academy (2012)
July 30, 2015
Mişu-Jan Manolescu
Adriana Manolescu
Faculty of Economic Sciences (FSE)
Faculty of Low and Administration (FSJA)
Mişu-Jan Manolescu
CA-UAO President
Adriana Manolescu
Senate President
Ioan Dziţac
Rector UAO
Gabriela Bologa
Dean FSE
Elena Iancu
Universitatea Agora din Oradea, Piata Tineretului nr. 8, 410526 Oradea, jud. Bihor,
Tel: +40 259 427 398, +40 259 472 513, Fax:+40 259 434 925, secretariat@univagora.ro,
rector@univagora.ro, www.univagora.ro
Agora University of Oradea has celebrated this year 15 years since it was
founded and now it celebrates editing the tenth volume of International Journal
of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC), which in the end of 2015 will
count 50 issues; the journal is evaluated by ISI with IF=0,746 in JCR2014. Acad.
Gheorghe Păun is a member of the IJCCC editorial board since the beginning.
The most cited paper published in International Journal of Computers,
Communications & Control (IJCCC) is "Spiking Neural P Systems with AntiSpikes", by Gheorghe Păun (in collaboration with L. Pan). Moreover, he is coauthor of two more papers placed among the most cited 10 papers published in
On the occasion of Gh. Păun 65th birthday anniversary, IJCCC has published
a paper in honor of “the father of P Systems”:
Sursa: http://univagora.ro/jour/index.php/ijccc/
In 2008, Gheorghe Păun participated as an invited speaker in International
Conference on Computers, Communications and Control (ICCCC 2008), organized
by Agora University, contributing to the prestige of the meeting.
The Rector proposes to the Senate of the University to award the title
Doctor Honoris Causa of Agora University to Acad. Gheorghe Păun, on the
occasion of his 65th birthday anniversary and the tenth anniversary of IJCCC.
Sursa: http://isiknowledge.com
Now, when Agora University, accredited by Low 59/2012, celebrates 10
years of IJCCC, it is a priviledge for us, a great honor and a joy of the spirit to
award the title and the diploma of Doctor Honoris Causa to Academician
Gheorghe Păun, a Romanian mathematician and computer scientist well-known
internationally, titular member of the Romanian Academy, an important
personality of the Romanian science and culture.
Many happy returns, Academician Gheorghe Păun!
Prof. Ioan DZIŢAC
to Academician GHEORGHE PĂUN,
on the occasion of awarding him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa
of Agora University of Oradea
Gheorghe Păun is born in Cicănești
scientist, writer and culture promoter,
editor-in-chief of the cultural monthly
magazine Curtea de la Argeş.
Corresponding member of the
Romanian Academy since October 24
1997, titular member from October 24
2012. Reception speech („Looking for
computers in the biological cell. After
twenty years”) delivered on October 24
2014. Member of Academia Europaea,
London, since 2006.
village, Argeș county, on December 6, 1950.
 Primary school in Cicănești, then „Vlaicu-Vodă”
High School in Curtea de Argeş.
 Graduated of the Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Bucharest (5 years, with
specialization in computer science), in 1974.
 PhD in mathematics in 1977 (under the supervision
of professor Solomon Marcus), with the thesis
Simulating certain economic processes by means of
formal language theory.
 Mathematician at CEPECA Computer Centre in
1974–1978; from 1978 to 1987, researcher at the
System Studies Division of the University of
Bucharest; from 1987 to June 1990, researcher at
the Computer Centre of the Universitty of
Bucharest; from 1990 to August 1994, senior
researcher II, and after that until now, senior
researcher I at the Institute of Mathematics of the
Romanian Academy, Bucharest.
Lista de discipoli din MGP :
Gheorghe Paun
H-Index: 37 | #Paper: 226 | #Citation: 10566
The net of collaborators, from http://aminer.org
Acad. Gheorghe Păun is a Doctor Honoris Causa of the following universities:
1. Silesian University of Opava, Czech Republic (2008);
2. University of Piteşti, Romania (2010).
Scientific activity
 Research areas: automata theory and formal language theory, grammar systems, DNA
computing, membrane computing (initiator of this research area; membrane systems are
currently called P systems and more than 500 researchers from more than 25 countries have
contributions to this area), pattern grammars and languages, combinatorics on words, operation
research (multicriterial decision-making, indicator aggregation), semiotics, artificial intelligence,
computational linguistics.
 Five monographs of theoretical computer science published in Romanian and six in English, four of
them in collaboration (Springer-Verlag, 1989 and 1998, Gordon and Breach, 1994, Taylor and
Francis, 2000), the fifth one at Kluwer Academic Publ., 1997, and the sixth at Springer-Verlag,
2002; (co)editor and in many cases co-author of more than 55 collective volumes and of more
than 30 special issues of international journals; co-author of five chapters of Handbook of
Formal Languages (G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1997; co-editor and
(co)author of five chapters of Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing (Gh. Păun, G.
Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, eds.), 2010.
 Over 500 research articles (around 200 of them published in ISI – Institute for Scientific
Information, Philadelphia, SUA – journals) of theoretical computer science (especially formal
language theory, DNA computing and membrane computing), published in specialized journals
(over 35 of them being ISI journals); part of these papers are written in collaboration (with over
100 collaborators, including well-known researchers, such as A. Salomaa, G. Rozenberg, A.
Ehrenfeucht, S. Marcus, J. Dassow, M. Novotny, E. Csuhaj-Varju, J. Kelemen, M. Ito, T.
Yokomori, R. Freund, T. Head, G. Mauri, P. Mussio, F. Levialdi, V. Manca, M.J. Perez-Jimenez,
A. Di Nola, N. Krasnogor, L. Pan, etc.)
 Over 75 technical reports of universities from Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, France, New
Zealand, Finland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy, Canada.
 Participation in the project Goals, Processes and Indicators of Developments, of the United
Nations University, Tokyo (1978–1982), the project Economic Aspects of Human Development,
of the same university (1982–1985), the project Mathematical Structures of Computer Science,
of the Finish Academy (1994–1996), participation (starting with 1995) in the project Models of
Distributed Computability, of the Hungarian Academy, and (since 1996) in the project Multiagent Systems and Rough Set Theory Models, of the Polish Academy, co-founder of EMCC
(European Molecular Computing Consortium), 1999, the coordinator of the Romanian teams
participating in this consortium and in a NATO project (together with teams from France,
Canada, USA, Republic of Moldova), the coordinator of the Romanian team participating in the
project MolCoNet (Molecular Computing Network), supported by the European Community,
2001–2004 (together with other 11 countries from Europe), director of the CNCSIS project
BioMAT of IMAR Bucharest (2006–2008), member of the research group of several projects in
Spain (supported by the central government or by local governments, from Catalunya and
Andaluzia), and of IMAR Bucharest.
International impact
 His papers were cited in more than 15.000 known places (around half of them being papers
published in ISI journals) by Romanian (more than 190) and non-Romanian authors (over 1660),
many of them being well-known names in theoretical computer science: Y. Matyiasevich, A.
Salomaa, G. Rozenberg, A. Ehrenfeucht, M. Hagyia, J. Kral, J. Berstel, J. Beauquier, B. Rozoy,
J. Dassow, M. Novotny, R. Freund, P.R.J. Asveld, I.M. Havel, R. Siromoney, K.G.
Subramanian, F. Urbanek, E. Csuhaj-Varju, J. Kelemen, A. Kelemenova, J. Hromkovic, M.
Latteux, M. Clerbout, E. Makinen, N. Nirmal, H.C.M. Kleijn, Al. Meduna, CC. Squier, Z. Tuza,
X.M. Nguyen, F.J. Brandenburg, J. Kari, V. Niemi, H. Fernau, J. Shallit, D. Watjen, A. Lepisto,
A. Carpi, T. Harju, M. Jantzen, H. Bordihn, D. Raz, J. Honkala, T. Yokomori, G. Mauri, M.
Katsura, V. Manca, K. Krithivasan, J. Reif, M. Margenstern, J. Goldstine, Y. Rogozhin, H.
Tanaka, M. Conrad, S. Crespi Reghizzi, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, D. Wotschke, A. Obtulowicz, M.
Holcombe, O. Ibarra, O. Ecegioglu, C. Teuscher, J. Karhumaki, L. Cardelli, E. Shapiro, J.
Wiedermann, E. Moriya, C. Rossello, K. Ueda, S.G. Akl, L. Pan, etc.
 Many articles had an important impact. For instance, the paper which initiates the membrane
computing was cited more than 2000 times and it was considered a „fast breaking paper” by ISI
(see http://esi-topics.com, February 2003), while in the list of most cited computer science
papers, periodically compiled by the same ISI, this paper has appeared several times on places
between 100 and 200 (usually, the list contains in total between 1500 and 2000 papers); in
October 2003, a second paper in the area of membrane computing, written together with A.
Păun, was mentioned by ISI as „the citation leader in the category of Emergent Research Front in
Computer Science: Membrane Computing”. For three papers in membrane computing, in 2005,
Gh. Păun has received from ISI letters with the following contents: Congratulations, G. Paun!
Since 2000, you have been cited ... times for your article... This means that the number of
citations your article received places it in the top 1% within its field according to „Essential
Science Indicators”. Your work is highly influential, and is making a significant impact among
your colleagues in your field of study. Congratulations on your extraordinary career
 In March 2007, in the ISI page „Essential Science Indicators”, the column „Highly cited papers
(last 10 years)”, there were listed 4 papers by Gh. Păun. On this basis, in „Scientist rankings in
computer science” he was placed on position 83 (in a list of 2101 computer scientists taken in
consideration by ISI), the highest position held by a Romanian researcher in this list; in the
subsequent months, Gh. Păun occuppied positions between places 60 and 80 of the list.
 In February 2009, Gh. Păun was included by ISI in the category Highly Cited Scientists, which
means a place among the most cited 0.5% computer science authors in the world (see
http://isihighlycited.com); he is the only Romanian computer scientist included in this category
(together with another Romanian, a chemist).
The impact on his research areas
 Co-founder of the grammar systems area, a branch of formal language theory much investigated
in Romania, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Austria, USA, Poland, Czech
Republic, Spain, Japan, Canada, Italy, France; co-initiator of the study of self-reading infinite
sequences called now Păun-Salomaa sequences; the valence grammars introduced by him were
investigated by researchers from Romania, Germany, Spain; fundamental results concerning the
universality of the splicing operation, modeling the DNA recombination; results about the
universality of other molecular computing operations (sticking, insertion-deletion), author or coauthor of more than fifteen computing models using DNA based operations, such as the WatsonCrick automata, the „sticker” systems and the insertion-deletion systems, investigated by
researchers from Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Japan,
New Zealand, Spain, France, Greece, Republic of Moldova, etc.; the initiator of the „computing
by carving”, inspired from DNA computing and able to compute „beyond Turing”; many
contributions to the study of Marcus contextual grammars; several extensions and variants
introduced by him (sometimes in collaboration with researchers from Vietnam, Romania, The
Netherlands, Finland, Spain) are now central in this area.
 The founder of membrane computing, inspired from biology (a better name would be „cellular
computing”), investigated by many researchers from Romania, Austria, The Netherlands,
Germany, Finland, Japan, England, Canada, Hungary, India, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, USA,
Poland, France, Republic of Moldova, China, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Philippine,
Malaesia, etc.; the computing devices in this area are called P systems; there are over 2000
papers in this area, as well as about 10 monographs, over 50 collective volumes, over 60 PhD
theses, with more than 500 authors; in Vienna there is maintained a web page devoted to P
systems, http://ppage.psystems.eu; PhD theses in this area were presented in Madras, Milan,
Verona, Vienna, Leiden, London-Ontario, Madrid, Tarragona, Seville, Tokyo, Bucharest, Iaşi,
Piteşti, Sheffield, Palma de Mallorca, Auckland, Wuhan, Budapest, Jena, Chişinău, Opava, etc.
Each year there are organized three international meetings devoted to P systems, the Conference
on Membrane Computing (from 2000 to 2009, Workshop on Membrane Computing) and
Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing (since 2003), while since 2012 one also
organizes the Asian Conference on Membrane Computing (in China). Many other conferences
have the membrane computing in their scope.
Creating research schools
 Gheorghe Păun is one of the initiators of a the European school of DNA computing, many
researchers from Romania, Hungary, Austria, Spain, The Netherlands, Finland writing their first
papers in this area in collaboration with him or under his influence; researchers from Italy, India,
Canada, USA, Finland, Spain, New Zealand, France, Germany, China, Republic of Moldova
have worked on molecular computing models (co)invented by him.
 Many master and PhD theses were written in many countries on contextual grammars, grammar
systems, molecular computing, elaborating on ideas and research topics proposed by Gh. Păun.
 Several of the open problems formulated by Gh. Păun were addressed by well-known
researchers, such as: J. Berstel, L. Boasson, J. Beauquier, B. Rozoy, P.R.J. Asveld, F. Urbanek,
J. Dassow, M. Latteux, M. Clerbout, C.C. Squier, Z. Tuza, J. Cassaigne, S. Schwer, P. Seebold,
E. Makinen, F.J. Brandenburg, A. Lepisto, A. Carpi, J. Kari, V. Niemi, D. Hauschildt, M.
Jantzen, D. Raz, D. Pixton, G. Mauri, Cl. Ferretti, K. Khrithivasan, R. Freund, M. Margenstern,
Y. Rogozhin, H.J. Hoogeboom, A. Obtulowicz, etc., as well as by several Romanians.
 Supervisor of several diploma theses, of several students and young researchers, collaboration
with many PhD students and young researchers, founder of a Romanian school of formal
language theory. Several PhD students from Sevilla University who collaborated with him
(Matteo Cavaliere, Agustin Riscos-Nunez, Tseren Onolt-Isdorj) have received the Sevilla
University best computer science PhD thesis of the year prize.
 Member of PhD theses commissions or of other university commissions in Romania, Hungary,
Finland, Slovakia, Austria, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Republic of Moldova, etc.
International recognition
 Repeated invitations to universities and research institutions from Hungary, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Germany, Finland, France, Japan, The Netherlands, Austria, Spain, USA, Canada,
Poland, Italy, China, etc., resulting in a fruitful collaboration with local researchers.
 Over 100 invited lectures at universities from Europe, Asia, USA, Canada.
 Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship, from May 1 1992 to July 31 1993, at Magdeburg
University, Germany; several research scholarships in France, Finland, Spain, The Netherlands;
a five years Ramon y Cajal scholarship in Spain (2001-2006), started in Tarragona and
continued in Sevilla; the leader of an excellence project „with an internationally well-known
researcher”, supported by Junta de Andaluzia, in Sevilla, Spain (2009-2014).
 Member of the programme committee of more than 120 international conferences, organizer of
Artificial Life: Grammatical Models Symposium (Mangalia, 1994), Molecular Computing
Symposium (Mangalia, 1997), the first meetings in Europe devoted to these topics, Workshop on
Multiset Processing (Curtea de Argeş, 2000), Workshop on Membrane Computing (Curtea de
Argeş 2001, 2002, 2009, Tarragona 2003, Milano 2004, Viena 2005, Leiden 2006, Salonic 2007,
Edinburgh 2008, Jena 2010, Fontainebleau 2011, Budapesta 2012, Chişinău 2013, Prague 2014,
Valencia 2015); the initiator of the series Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing
(Tarragona 2003, Sevilla 2004–2015); member of the steering committee of the international
conferences Developments in Language Theory, Universal Machines and Computations and
DNA Based Computing, of workshops Grammar Systems and Descriptional Complexity in
Formal Systems.
 He has participated with presentations in more than 120 international conferences, in more than
half of them as an invited speaker.
Member (sometimes only for certain periods) of the editorial committee of journals: The
Mathematics-Informatics series of Annals of Bucharest University; The Mathematics-Informatics
series of Annals of Al.I. Cuza University of Iaşi; The Mathematics-Informatics series of Annals of
Oradea University; Journal of Universal Computer Science (Springer-Verlag) –ISI journal; Journal
of Computing and Informatics, former Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Slovak Academy,
Bratislava; Acta Cybernetica, Szeged University, Hungary; Journal of Automata, Languages, and
Combinatorics, Magdeburg University, Germany; Grammars, Kluwer Academic Publishing (from
1998 to 2003, when the journal is cancelled); Fundamenta Informaticae, Polish Academy, Varşovia
– ISI journal; Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Romanian Academy
(„executiv editor” from 1998 to 2003) – ISI journal; Computer Science Journal of Moldova, The
Academy of Moldova, Chişinău; International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (World
Scientific) – ISI journal; International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Gordon and Breach) –
associate editor 2002-2005 – ISI journal; Natural Computing. An International Journal (SpringerVerlag) – ISI journal; Soft Computing (Springe-Verlag) – area editor (DNA and membrane
computing) – ISI journal; BioSystems (Elsevier) – ISI journal; Theoretical Computer Science.
Natural Computing Series (Elsevier) – ISI journal; International Journal of Unconventional
Computing; New Generation Computing (Springer-Verlag and Omsha-Japonia) – ISI journal;
Progress in Natural Science (Elsevier and Science in China Press) – ISI journal; Economic
Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research (ASE, Bucharest); International
Journal of Computers, Communication, and Control, Agora University of Oradea – ISI journal, etc.
Prizes, honors, member of professional organizations
 The „Gheorghe Lazăr” Prize, of the Romanian Academy, 1983.
 Nominated for the Excellence Prize in the Romanian Culture, first edition, 1999.
 Member, for various periods, of the American Mathematical Society, Romanian Mathematical
Society, Romanian Computer Science Society.
 Since 1991, member of the Council of European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
(EATCS), reelected in 1994, 1997, and 2000.
 Invited to become a member of IEEE-USA and of AAAS (American Association for the
Advancement of Science), USA.
 Doctor Honoris Causa and honorary member of the International Academy of Informatization
of ONU, the Chişinău chapter, 1998.
 Honorary visiting professor of HUST (Huazhong University of Science and Technology),
Wuhan, China, 2005.
 Doctor Honoris Causa of the Silesian University at Opava, Cehia, 2008.
 Member of Academia Europaea, www.acadeuro.org, april 2006.
 Member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry, 2010.
 Doctor Honoris Causa of Piteşti University, Romania, 2010.
 In December 2000, Kluwer (Dordrecht, Boston, London) has published the volume Where
Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics, and Biology Meet (C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana,
eds.), with the sub-title Essays in Honour of Gheorghe Păun, containing 39 papers, by 75
authors; in 2002, Taylor and Francis, London, has published the volume Grammars and
Automata for String Processing: From Mathematics and Computer Science to Biology, and
Back (C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, eds.), also dedicated to him (the volume contains 40 papers,
by 69 authors). In 2010, on the occasion of his 60th birthday anniversary, two special issues of
journals were dedicated to Gh. Păun (International Journal of Foundations of Computer
Science, 272 pages, 22 papers, 72 authors, and Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 170
pages, 6 papers, 16 authors), as well as the volume Computation, Cooperation, and Life. Essays
Dedicated to Gheorghe Păun on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, edited by J. Kelemen şi A.
Kelemenova and published in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (nr. 6610) of
Springer-Verlag (218 pages, 16 papers, 32 authors).
 The „Gr.C. Moisil” Yearly Prize in Computer Science of the Academy of Economic Studies in
Bucureşti, 2009.
 The „Gr.C. Moisil” Prize of the Great National Lodge of Romania, 2011.
 The Romanian Oscar for Excellence, Science Section, awarded by the Youth Foundation and
the Bishopric of Alexandria, 2012.
 Numerous prizes of culture journals and culture institutions from Romania.
 Honorary citizen of Curtea de Argeş town (1999), honorary citizen of Argeş county (2007), and
of Cicăneşti village (2009).
Cultural activity
 Starting with 1980, a rich journalistic activity, columns in several magazines (Ştiinţă şi Tehnică,
Viaţa Studenţească, Flacăra-REBUS, Preuniversitaria); six books of scientific culture
(„popularization”); mathematical games, logical games in general (several books in this area).
 Starting with December 1982, he has practically introduced the game of GO in Romania; the first
journal columns, the first book on introduction to GO, he organized the production of the first GO
sets in Romania, organized clubs and GO circles (only one such circle existed before, in
Timişoara, since the middle of the previuous century); the first president of the Romanian GO
Federation, 1990 – 1992.
His first fiction publicatios were in Ştiinţă şi Tehnică and SLAST, at the beginning of 1980, while
his first fiction book was published in 1984, Sfera paralelă, Ed. Albatros, short stories. Member
of the Romanian Writers Union since 1990 (with recommendation letters from Alex Ştefănescu,
Tudor Octavian and acad. Solomon Marcus).
 Besides the books published in Romania (three short stories volumes, five novels, four poetry
volumes, volumes of essays, memoires, book presentations, epigrams), books of him were
translated in English and Hungarian (the novel O mie nouă sute nouăzeci şi patru) and Italian
(the novel Lotta). Short stories were translated in English, Hungarian and Bulgarian, poems
were translated in Spanish and French.
 Founder and organizer of the Club of Culture from Curtea de Argeş (since December 2005),
with monthly meetings, where personalities from Romania and from abroad are invited
(painters, sculpturers, writers, philosophers, muzicians); has edited the yearly Chronicle of this
 Has received several prizes, diplomas, cultural (especially literary) distinctions.
 Senior-editor of the Argeş Expres newspaper from Curtea de Argeş (www.argesexpres.ro),
where he had several columns („Lumea văzută de un matematician/The World Seen by a
Mathematician” and „Cărţi şi autori/Books and Authors” – weekly, „Ghimpe de veghe/The
Watching Thorn” – daily); in January 2013 he initiated the weekly column „Vedere de pe
Dealul Olarilor/Post Card from the Pottery Hill”.
 From December 2010 he is the editor-in-chief of the monthly cultureal magazine Curtea de la
Argeş (printed and also available at www.curteadelaarges.ro), where important names of the
Romanian culture are present (and very frequently, also from Chişinău, Rep. of Moldova).
Monographs of theoretical computer science
1. Mecanisme generative ale proceselor economice (Generative Mechamisms of Economic
Processes), Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1980.
2. Gramatici matriciale (Matrix Grammars), Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1981.
3. Gramatici contextuale (Contextual Grammars), Editura Academiei, Bucureşti, 1982.
4. Probleme actuale în teoria limbajelor formale (Current Topics in Formal Language Theory),
Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1984.
5. Paradoxurile clasamentelor (The Paradoxes of Hierarchies), Editura Ştiinţifică şi
Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1987.
6. (in collab. with J. Dassow, Germany) Regulated Rewriting in Formal Language Theory,
Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1989, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1989.
7. (in collab. with E. Csuhaj-Varju, Hungary; J. Dassow, Germany; J. Kelemen, Czech Republic)
Grammar Systems. A Grammatical Approach to Distribution and Cooperation, Gordon and
Breach, seria Topics in Computer Mathematics, London, 1994.
8. Marcus Contextual Grammars, Kluwer, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 1997.
9. (in collab. with G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa) DNA Computing. New Computing Paradigms,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1999 (translation in Japanese),
Mir, Moscova, 2004 (translation in Russian), Tsinghua Univ. Press, Beijing, 2004 (translation in
10. (in collab. with C. Calude) Computing with Cells and Atoms. An Introduction to Quantum,
DNA and Membrane Computing, Francis and Taylor, London, 2000.
11. Membrane Computing. An Introduction, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002 (Chinese traslation in
Scientific culture books:
1. (în collab. with C. Calude) Modelul matematic – instrument şi punct de vedere (The
Mathematical Model – Tool and Viewpoint), Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti,
2. Din spectacolul matematicii (From the Show of Mathematics), Editura Albatros, Bucureşti,
Între matematică şi jocuri (Between Mathematics and Games), Editura Albatros, Bucureşti,
1986; republished under the title Jocuri şi matematică (Games and Mathematics), vol. I, by
Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2000.
Matematica? Un spectacol! (Mathematics? A Show!), Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică,
Bucureşti, 1988.
Jocuri şi matematică (Games and Mathematics), vol. II, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2000.
Jocuri şi matematică (Games and Mathematics), vol. III, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2001.
Literary books:
1. Sfera paralelă (The Parallel Sphere), Editura Albatros, Bucureşti, 1984 (short stories).
2. Generoasele cercuri (The Generous Circles), Editura Albatros, Bucureşti, 1989 (povestiri).
3. O mie nouă sute nouăzeci şi patru (Nineteen Ninety-Four), Editura Ecce Homo, Bucureşti,
1993 (novel; translation in English, Nineteen Ninety-Four, or The Changeless Change, Minerva
Press, Londra, 1997, and in Hungarian, 1994. Avagy a változás, amely nem változtat semmit,
Ed. Pont Kiado, Budapesta, 2008).
4. Oglinzi mişcătoare (Moving Mirrors), Editura Scripta, Bucureşti, 1994 (novel).
5. Hotel Anghila (Anghila Hotel), Editura Scripta, Bucureşti, 1994 (novel).
6. Nemiloasele cercuri (The Pitiless Circles), Editura Meşterul Manole, Curtea de Argeş, 2004
(selection of short stories from The Parallel Sphere and The Generous Circles).
7. Lotta, Editura Paralela 45, Piteşti, 2005 (novel, translated in Italian in 2013).
8. Ultima saună (The Last Sauna), Editura Dacpress, Curtea de Argeş, 2006 (novel).
9. Inscripţii pe un bilet de tren (Writings on a Train Ticket), Editura Fundaţiei Orient-Occident,
Bucureşti, 2007 (poems in prose).
10. Teama de toamnă (The Autumn Fear), Editura Tiparg, Piteşti, 2009 (poems).
11. De-a viaţa (Playing the Game of Life), Editura Tiparg, Piteşti, 2009 (poems).
12. Haina arlechinului/L’habit de l’arlequin, Editura Tiparg, Piteşti, 2009 (bilingual volume,
Romanian-French, selection from the previous two volumes and translation by Paula
14. Guadalquiviria, Editura Vergiliu, Bucureşti, 2009 (poems, bilingual volume, RomanianSpanish, translation in Spanish by Maria Calleya).
15. Lumea văzută de un matematician (The World Seen by a Mathematician), Editura Arefeana,
Bucureşti, 2009 (esseys).
16. Privind peste umăr. Memorii premature (Looking Over the Shoulder. Premature Memoires),
Editura Tiparg, Piteşti, 2010.
17. Cactus de veghe (The Watching Cactus), Editura Tiparg, Piteşti, 2011 (epigrams, together with
cartoons by Cucu Ureche).
18. Cărţi şi autori (Books and Authors), Editura Tiparg, Piteşti, 2012 (books presentations).
19. De trecere şi petrecere (idiomatic, approx. For Departing and Parting or For Leaving and
Living), Editura Tiparg, Piteşti, 2013 (poems).
20. Vedere de pe Dealul Olarilor (Post Card from the Pottery Hill), Ed. Ars Docendi, Bucureşti,
2014 (humorous short texts).
21. Cactus de veghe II (The Watching Cactus II), Editura Tiparg, Piteşti, 2014 (epigrams, together
with cartoons by Cucu Ureche).
Logical games books:
1. Iniţiere în GO (Introduction to GO), Recoop, Bucureşti, 1985 (second edition – 1986, third
edition – 1988, fourth edition, by Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti – 2000).
2. Soluţii pentru 50 de jocuri logice solitare (Solutions to 50 Solitaires), Recoop, Bucureşti, 1987
(second edition – 1989).
3. 250 de probleme de GO (Tsume GO, 250 Problems), Recoop, Bucureşti, 1987 (second edition –
4. Cartea jocurilor (The Book of Games) (coordinator and coauthor), Recoop, Bucureşti, 1988.
5. Jocuri logice competitive (Competition Logical Games), Editura Sport-Turism, Bucureşti, 1989.
6. (in collab. with I. Diamandi) 40 de jocuri în BASIC (40 Games in BASIC), Recoop, Bucureşti,
7. Teoria chibritului. 234,5 probleme logico-distractive (The Theory of a Match. 234.5 Amusing
Logical Problems), Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1999.
8. Logică distractivă. 256 de probleme (Amusing Logics. 256 Problems), Editura Tehnică,
Bucureşti, 2000.
9. Jocuri cu cărţi (Card Games), Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2000.
Oradea, July 14, 2015
Prof. Ioan DZIȚAC
of awarding the title
Doctor Honoris Causa
to Academician Gheorghe Păun
Chairman: Prof. Mișu-Jan Manolescu, Agora University of Oradea, Romania.
1. Acad. Solomon Marcus, "Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the
Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.
2. Prof. Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, University of Sevilla, Spain.
3. Prof. Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
4. Prof. Linqiang Pan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China.
5. Prof. Svetlana Cojocaru, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the
Moldavian Academy of Sciences, Republic of Moldova.
COMMISION DECISION: The Laudatio Comission, unanimously proposes
to the Senate of the Agora University of Oradea awarding the Title and the
Diploma Doctor Honoris Causa to academician GHEORGHE PĂUN.
Date: 24.07.2015
Taking into consideration the proposal of the Rector of Agora University,
prof. Ioan Dzițac, as well as the decision of the Laudatio Commission, consisting
Chairman: Prof. Mișu-Jan Manolescu, Agora University of Oradea, Romania.
1. Acad. Solomon Marcus, "Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the
Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.
2. Prof. Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, University of Sevilla, Spain.
3. Prof. Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
4. Prof. Linqiang Pan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China.
5. Prof. Svetlana Cojocaru, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the
Moldavian Academy of Sciences, Republic of Moldova.
The Senate of Agora University, unanimously decides:
UNIQUE ARTICLE. One awards the Title and the Diploma ”Doctor
Honoris Causa of Agora University of Oradea” to Academician Gheorghe PĂUN,
IMAR Bucharest.
Oradea, 30.07.2015
Senate of Agora University
1. Prof. Adriana MANOLESCU – chair
2. Assoc. Prof. Vasile CREŢ – member
3. Assoc. Prof. Ioan STAN – member
4. Student George BURTA – member