Spring 2015 - Christian Veterinary Mission


Spring 2015 - Christian Veterinary Mission
Christian Veterinarian
The Journal of Christian Veterinary Mission
Learning Through Love:
The Gumuz Project
Chasing the Sunset, and
Finding the Son
Spring 2015
In this issue of the Christian
Veterinarian, we’re saying
thank you for your prayers and
generosity by reporting back on
what your support is doing and
how you’re helping transform
lives for Christ through
veterinary medicine.
Whether it’s in your workplace,
home, community or even
serving overseas, we’re all
missionaries for Christ.
Standing Together in Ministry
Page 03 | Perspective
Page 04 | Long-term Missions
Page 10 | Affilliates
Page 14 | Professionals
By Dr. Kit Flowers, CVM President
When the values
of integrity and
accountabi lit y
are mentioned,
our default is
to consider financial matters.
Rightfully so. CVM has a commitment to
excellence in financial accountability and
integrity. However, some years ago as we
were working on the CVM vision, mission, and values, an additional outcome
from our discussion was a commitment
to have integrity and accountability in
our heart to hear God’s voice through His
word and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
We continue to seek this level of accountability in the work of CVM. We do not report
this type of accountability in a graph, rather we pray that you see His kingdom fruit
in the testimonies of transformed lives as
reported through our communications. We
must be passionate in our pursuit of listening for and obeying His voice and the leading of the Holy Spirit. We seek His peace as
the confirmation of being on track.
Dr. Kit Flowers
kflowers@cvmusa.org • 206.546.7226
Fundraising & Communications Director
Jonathan Steck
jsteck@cvmusa.org • 206.289.7368
Program & Latin America Regional Director
Dr. Brad Frye
bfrye@cvmusa.org • 206.546.7248
Short-Term Missions Coordinator
Tracy Rubstello
trubstello@cvmusa.org • 206.546.7344
Training & Asia Regional Director
Dr. Karen Stoufer
kstoufer@cvmusa.org • 206.546.7308
U.S. Ministry Coordinator
Krista Forseth
kforseth@cvmusa.org • 206.289.7811
Africa Regional Director
Dr. Fred Van Gorkom
fvangorkom@cvmusa.org • 206.289.7953
Director Emeritus
Dr. Leroy Dorminy
missionvet@aol.com • 229.468.7898
© Christian Veterinary Mission 2014. All rights reserved.
Christian Veterinarian | Spring 2015
Our theme this year is abounding love
based on Philippians 1:9-10 “And this I
pray, that your love may abound still more
and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the
things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ.”
Do we live with integrity and accountability in how we love others? We are challenged by His word and His Spirit as we
continue to reflect on these verses within the CVM team and we pray that He is
speaking to you as well. We serve, seeking
to be accountable ourselves and encouraging others to be accountable to what He
is asking them in the way of serving in
missions, or in workplace ministry. I pray
that He will speak to your heart to love
others more and more and together we
can be people of integrity and accountability to His kingdom purposes.
Dr. Kit Flowers
CVM President
Pray that our Father will
protect our long-term field
staff as they serve communities around the world.
Abounding Love | cvmusa.org
Pray for wisdom as vets,
vet students and techs
seek out their calling for
the year ahead.
Pray that the Lord will provide a bountiful harvest so
that we can continue serve
the veterinary family well.
Learning through Love:
The Gumuz Education Project
By Dr. Cherie Igielski and Jonathan Steck
Celebrating its twelfth anniversary this
year, the Gumuz Education Project in
Ethiopia has seen many changes. Yet the
focus on discipleship and evangelism
has never been stronger.
Today, the project is providing literacy and health education to more than
500 children and adults, including preschoolers, all lives that are waiting to
be touched by Christ. The Holy Spirit is
working in this land –Christian veterinarians bearing witness to regular baptisms and evangelism to neighboring
villages through preaching, personal
witness and service.
The Story So Far
There was once a time when Ethiopian
agencies had little interest in the Gumuz
people, who were thought to be so impoverished that educating them seemed
like a waste of time. Ethiopia has one
of the poorest literacy rates in the world
and while there are schools, the poorest of the poor don’t have access to these
learning centers.
In the Gesses region, international missionaries have had a presence for 12 years.
During this time a non-formal education
program was created for both adults and
children. As the children’s program grew
and gathered momentum, two elementary schools were built and were recently handed over to be used by the government. Each year the government has
added a new grade to the school and today, Gumuz students in Gesses are able to
attend grades one through five.
Christian Veterinarian | Spring 2015
If students desire a higher education, they
have to make a 4-hour trip into town.
narians like Cherie Igielski are going into
villages where the love of God is not proclaimed or known.
As the Holy Spirit changes
hearts, people are feeling
empowered to think beyond
the borders of their villages.
“Education has been a wonderful vehicle
for the Gospel,” Cherie explains. “It has
given men, women, and children the opportunity to hear about the saving work
of Christ without having to enter a church
building, which can be quite intimidating
for these people.”
The Gumuz language has only been
scripted and formally prepared within
the last 5 years. While this language uses
a Latin script, rather than the Amharic
Fidel that is used country-wide, children
are struggling to read and learn in their
mother tongue. So with funds provided
through the Christian Veterinary Mission
Endowment Fund, materials were prepared to train facilitators in the Gumuz
language to teach the children and adults
how to read in their native language.
The Gospel Message
Learning is achieved through stories, pictures, songs, games, health lessons, and
math problems. Any time a facilitator
delivers a lesson, students participate in
prayer and worship; many times throughout the lesson there is also Bible storying,
which is an incredibly powerful way to
share the Gospel when written language
is a barrier to learning. The Gumuz people
love to hear stories making it an effective
way for people to learn, build relationships, and share the Good News.
Thanks to the support provided by faithful CVM supporters and donors, veteriAbounding Love | cvmusa.org
Christ’s Love Expressed
The Holy Spirit is working miracles in
this land, giving people bold hearts to
share the Gospel beyond the borders of
their villages. Armed with a renewed
confidence in Christ, they are beginning
to question stereotypes and set goals that
will facilitate a brighter future.
One of the biggest challenges the project has had over recent years is helping
families to understand that girls (and
women) can benefit from going to school.
That an education is not solely reserved
for the males. Women of all ages have
been proactively encouraged to enter the
school programs but the cultural transition is difficult, with the villages regularly discouraging the idea and telling our
facilitators that the role of women is to
work, not learn.
Yet through much prayer, God is softening hearts. “Six women from our church
entered into the elementary school program this year! This is the first time
we’ve ever seen this occur”, Cherie joyfully shares.
“It is our hope and prayer that God will
continue to work among the Gumuz here,
winning hearts to Christ, and changing
the ideas that the older generations are
desperate to hold onto. As a veterinarian serving overseas, I am honored and
blessed to be a part of this profession and
to be sent by Christian Veterinary Mission in order that I may share my love for
Christ with others.”
“In time, it is my hope that I may share
more of my veterinary knowledge with
the different villages. Instead of us, the
missionaries, determining what will be
good for the people to learn, we want them
to feel empowered and to start thinking
about how they want to improve their
own lives. It can be difficult to look at circumstances and situations, especially as a
trained veterinarian, and stifle the desire
to go in and change everything. However,
this is not the example Jesus gave us and it
is not something that is sustainable within a people group.”
We want them to feel empowered and to start thinking about how they want to
improve their own lives.
In some of the poorest and most challenging parts of the world, God is using
veterinary medicine as a bridge to share
the Gospel. And as friends and supporters of this mission, we encourage you to
remember servants like Cherie, and pray
that their veterinary knowledge will be
used to minister to groups like the Gumuz through service, prayer and Christ’s
abounding love.
The Endowment Fund
By Jonathan Steck, CVM Fundraising & Communications Director
Christian Veterinary Mission’s Endowment
Fund (CVMEF) started with the purpose to
provide for meaningful programs that could
not be funded by the regular budgeting process.
The long term vision of the people who established the CVMEF was simple—to position CVM to take advantage of the opportunities to glorify God through veterinary
medicine. With God’s grace, the fund was
seen as a way to fulfill that purpose.
Twenty-seven years later, the Lord has
blessed the faithful gifts made to the Endowment Fund, but much work is still to be done.
If you would like to support programs like
the Gumuz Project and see Jesus’ name
glorified through the profession of veterinary medicine, please request an Endowment and Planned Giving Pack by contacting CVM President, Dr. Kit Flowers at
kflowers@cvmusa.org. We thank God for you.
Dr. Cherie Igielski
Cherie is a 2008 graduate from the University of Minnesota with a DVM/
MPH. One year into
practice, she started
praying about a long-term opportunity and
discovered there was a great need in Gess6
es, Ethiopia. Through much thought, prayer,
and a one month vision trip to Gesses, Cherie found God leading her to Ethiopia to work
among the Gumuz people. Cherie have been
seconded to an organization know as SIM
(Serving in Mission) and works alongside a
family from Canada to serve the Gumuz.
Website | cvmusa.org/Igielski
Christian Veterinarian | Spring 2015
Abounding Love | cvmusa.org
August 26-29
Join us for our annual conference for veterinary professionals and their spouses as we grow together, build relationships, worship, and are challenged in our profession.
Sharing Your Faith
Learn how to share your faith through your veterinary practice or on a
short-term trip. Anything from how do you start the conversation, to how
can anything of significance be shared in under 15 minutes, and more!
Good Soil Evangelism
Two day presentation on practical evangelism and discipleship for veterinarians using the materials of “Good Soil Evangelism”, a program of the
Association of Baptists for World Evangelization.
Long-term Missions
Spend time with experienced long-term vet field staff and explore what it
means to combine veterinary medicine with long-term missions. Let us
challenge, empower and facilitate your response to God’s call in your life.
Register Starting May 1st! cvmusa.org/Shortcourse
August 26
August 27
August 28
Introductory Session
Starts @ 1pm
Worship & Keynote
All-Day Seminars
Starts @ 9am
Worship & Speakers
Worship & Speakers
Housing and meals are provided at Heartland Presbyterian conference center,
just outside Kansas City, Missouri.
Questions? Email shortcourse@cvmusa.org
hanced ministry. When we share our lives
and mission with believers in other countries, we encourage one another in times
of hardship. We also know we have others
praying for us and walking with us.
Partnering in the Gospel
By Dr. Gina Wintermantel
Partnership is a central pillar of CVM’s
mission, values and vision. Within the
various ministries we engage in through
CVM, we partner with different people
and groups such as missionaries, other
mission organizations, veterinarians in
the U.S. and Canada, and international affiliated veterinary groups.
So who are our international affiliates?
CVM affiliates are international groups of
Christian veterinarians who share the common value of Christ-centeredness and a veterinary focus, and have agreed to partner
together to share the love of Christ through
veterinary medicine. To give some perspective, we currently have affiliate groups in 9
countries, and we are praying that God will
show us how we can serve Him together.
When I use the word partnership, I am
speaking of biblical partnership. Paul’s
letter to the Philippians gives us great insight into what partnership should look
like, the benefits of partnership, and how
partnership can improve the effectiveness
of the church in reaching the unreached.
But that’s not all! Partnership allows us to
do more together than we can alone. As
a practical example, let’s take the development of a short term mission trip in a
new location. By partnering with an affiliate veterinary group in another country,
we are able to learn from their experience.
Our partners can let us know the best season to hold a veterinary clinic, the easiest and safest roads to travel on, who to
connect with in the community, and language and culture tips that can make the
difference between being welcomed and
being asked not to come back.
Partnership with our affiliates also blesses
their work. When our partners bring in a
veterinary team to serve, or veterinarians
with specialized skills, it helps build trust
and respect in the community for the affiliate veterinarians. This improves their
When we yield to the Holy
Spirit and approach partnership with the attitude of
Christ, there will be many
good results.
relationships with the community being
served, and can result in on-going ministry opportunities for our affiliates. Mutuality and reciprocity are essential elements
to developing a biblical partnership.
I have been blessed by international
brothers and sisters in Christ serving me
and modeling the behavior of Christ. The
idea of putting others first is counter-cultural to what the world tells us. The world
When we share our lives
and mission with believers in other countries, we
encourage one another in
times of hardship.
In Philippians, Paul mentions several
characteristics that demonstrate biblical partnership. We read about joy in the
work together, encouragement, humility,
suffering, sharing of resources, mutuality, reciprocity, accountability, and enChristian Veterinarian | Spring 2015
Abounding Love | cvmusa.org
tells us to put ourselves first. When our affiliates gather together and share in ministry, we are a tangible, visible example of
what the church of Christ should look like.
One day, every nation under God will
be worshipping together at the throne.
Through shared ministry with our affiliates, we have the opportunity to experience a little of that here on earth, and
know that others will also witness our
groups working together. As they watch,
if we love and forgive as Christ taught us,
we will be the pleasing aroma of Christ (2
Cor 2:15). May they know that we are His
disciples because of our love for one another (John 13:34-35)
Partnership will always have its challenges until we are all made into new
creations in Christ! Partnership is all
about relationship, and within relationships there will always be the potential for conflicts and differing opinions
and ideas. However, when we yield to
the Holy Spirit and approach partner-
ship with the attitude of Christ, there
will be many good results. As we share
in ministry together, the Lord will open
doors to opportunities to be a blessing to
one another and to the communities in
which we minister. As our relationships
deepen, we will empower one another
and build sustainable ministry. As Affiliates work together side by side, Jesus will reveal our strengths and weaknesses, so that we can encourage one
another and help one another find the
best uses of our abilities to glorify the
Lord and strengthen His church.
As we live life and minister through veterinary medicine together, we pray that
God will use us to visibly transform lives
and communities for His glory.
If the Lord is moving your heart, then we
would like to help you use your gifts and
passions for His glory. You are welcome
to email me for any of the above opportunities, or to add one of your own!
Email | gwintermantel@cvmusa.org
Get Involved!
Would you like to become involved in affiliate ministry? Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
• If you know an international veterinarian who desires to share the love of Christ
through veterinary medicine, please
let CVM know. We sometimes have requests from the same country and are
able to connect people.
• Connect with and encourage an affiliate veterinarian in the location that you currently
travel to for short-term mission trips.
• Host an international veterinarian for a visit to your practice.
• Pray for our affiliates.
Christian Veterinarian | Spring 2015
Animal Loveline
Give a gift in memory of a client’s or friend’s beloved pet. The
grieving owner receives a beautiful sympathy card, acknowledging their loss and announcing your gift. Comfort those
who are grieving with the knowledge that their loss will allow
veterinarians to help others in need.
Send a card now at cvmusa.org/Loveline
but I quickly realized that I wasn’t alone
on this journey.
I had an overnight layover at the Bangkok airport where I was to be met by Peter,
a long-time CVM missionary. The airport
was quite large and I found myself walking with a mass of people down a long staircase where at the final step I had the choice
to go left or right. There were people everywhere and somehow I had to find Peter, only
I didn’t know what he looked like!
Chasing the Sunset, and Finding the Son
I looked into the crowd and boldly asked a
friendly face whether he was named Peter.
I was relieved when he answered, “Yes”.
By Jonathan Steck and Dr. Bill Rishel
When a friend extended an invitation to
Bill Rishel for his attendance at a prayer
breakfast he had no idea what a life changing experience it would be. Somewhere
amidst the food and the fellowship, God
revealed a calling that two decades later
would see Bill influencing every part of
Christian Veterinary Mission–from faceto-face interactions with long-term field
staff to mentoring veterinary students at
Real Life Real Impact events.
We spoke with Bill about this remarkable
journey and asked him to share how his
service with Christian Veterinary Mission
has influenced his professional career. His
testimony and response was a beautiful
glimpse as to how God can provide when
we respond to His call and step out in faith.
“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your
name be the glory, because of your love
| Missions
and faithfulness.” (Ps. 115:1) NIV
“Back in the late 90’s, a friend of mine
had invited me to attend a prayer breakfast at the Nebraska Veterinary Medical
Association (VMA) meeting. It was at
this meeting where I heard about Christian Veterinary Mission and how veterinary medicine could be used a bridge to
share the Gospel.
I was driving home alone when I heard
God’s voice. It was as if someone was sitting in the car beside me, and the message
was clear—I want you to do something
about that mission talk you heard. Now
we all get wild ideas from time to time but
this one didn’t go away. It sat with me and
the call became stronger and stronger.
Fast forward a little and I am chasing the
sunset across the Pacific on my way to
Nepal. I wondered how I got to this point,
Christian Veterinarian | Spring 2015
veterinarians who had put their professional careers on hold to answer God’s
call to serve. Over the next few weeks I
witnessed servanthood like I’d never seen
before as these people poured themselves
out to the community. But despite their
example, I was still afraid. I found myself praying about everything—is the water safe, will the food make me sick, will
the lights come on, why are the roads so
dangerous! But it was amidst the struggle
that I learned to rely on God and soon accepted that even in a foreign land, He was
at work everywhere.
When I returned back to the United States,
I felt His presence like never before.
But it was amidst the struggle that I learned to rely on
my God and soon accepted
that even in a foreign land,
He was at work everywhere.
On my first day back in the clinic, a client
pointed at a picture of me on an elephant
and asked me where I had been. I’d always
been so busy, so committed to building my
practice that the even my clients now wondered how I found the time to travel. But it
wasn’t just one client asking, it was many.
So the telling of the story started.
On the way back to the airport the following morning, Peter told me more about
missions with Christian Veterinary Mission and how the profession and faith
can intersect. As my plane flew over the
mountains surrounding the Kathmandu
valley, I pondered Peter’s words. Outside my window I could see the huts and
make out the busyness of village life. At
that moment I realized I was going on
mission and there was no turning back.
In the six weeks after getting home from
Nepal, I talked to 14 groups, a number of
churches, 4-H clubs, Saddle Clubs, and
various service organizations. I simply
couldn’t stop telling the story of what God
was doing through our profession.
On landing I met with three CVM missionary families–all faithful Christian
Abounding Love | cvmusa.org
I’m pleased to say that the short-term trips
have continued and my clients still get
curious about where I’m going and eagerly
await the stories on my return. In fact if
I don’t go, they begin to wonder why! My
journeys with Christian Veterinary Mission have started lots of good conversa15
“Now wherever we go
He uses us to
tell others about the Lord
and to spread the Good News
like a sweet perfume.”
2 Corinthians 2:14b
To serve the Lord and glorify Him using
the gifts He has given our employees
to research, develop, manufacture,
and market products that improve the
quality of life for people and their pets.
Proud Sponsor of CVM Since 2005!
Christian Veterinarian | Spring 2015
tions and more than once a tech has to
gently nudge me to hurry up.
the Loveline letter and tearfully told me
how much that meant to her.
Despite the adventures, I understood that
God was preparing me to help others. So I
volunteered to participate in CVM Shortcourse, a training event that sought to encourage and inform veterinarians considering missionary work. God made it clear
that other veterinary staff at my clinic
needed to attend and while finances presented a problem, God always provided.
One tech that attended was so inspired
that they’ve since been on 6 short-term
Native American mission trips! Another
professional that attended has taken two
trips to Bolivia, one with his family, and
yet another colleague pursued the work
place ministry training at CVM Shortcourse, returning home and writing the
mission statement for our clinic.
A very good friend once asked me why I
travel when there is so much to be done
in our hometown. I told him that God has
given me the opportunity and through
every experience He is showing me what
it means to love thy neighbor.
Nothing has influenced my
workplace ministry more
than my short-term trips with
Christian Veterinary Mission.
Christian Veterinary Mission provides so
many opportunities for professional veterinarians to serve. Our clinic has extensively used the Animal Loveline program
and that in itself has been a great resource
for sharing our faith at the most difficult
time for clients. One particular client saw
me in the local grocery store years after
we had put her pet down. She pulled out
Abounding Love | cvmusa.org
I retired last summer, but the calling does
not end. All my experiences with Christian
Veterinary Mission have given me connections with other professional area vets and
we have now started an Omaha Area Christian Veterinary Fellowship (CVF) group
that meets monthly. One associate DVM we
mentored has even left to start their own
Christian based practice. I mentor young
people in the grade school and Junior High,
using the opportunity to tell my stories. And
the opportunities continue to pour in—I
have spoken about veterinary missions at
colleges, our local library, and at a local vet
tech program showing technicians how they
can serve in a mission setting.
In short, nothing has influenced my workplace ministry more than my short-term
trips with Christian Veterinary Mission.
So if you are considering going on a short
term trip, or are interested in learning more
about how to share Christ’s love at your
clinic, please get in touch with the folks at
Christian Veterinary Mission. They would
love to pray with you and seek God’s calling
for your life through veterinary medicine.
The story will continue to be told because
it’s God’s story through me. I’m just privileged to be a small player in it all.
CVM’s mission is to challenge, empower and
facilitate veterinary professionals to serve
others by living out their Christian faith.
What We Do
Our purpose as an organization is to walk alongside
Christians in the veterinary community whose desire is to bring glory to God through the use of their
professional skills. It is our honor and privilege to
pray with, talk with, encourage, equip, mentor and
provide resources and opportunities for men and
women to follow God’s call in their life, whether
serving in their own community or cross-culturally.
Animals are a bridge to relationship. Whether at
a clinic in urban America or, the countryside of
Mongolia, a veterinary school in Bolivia or the
Cherokee Nation, relationships are formed over the
care of an animal. Trust is built, hearts are shared,
and a seed is planted for the Kingdom of Christ.
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The Christian Veterinarian journal is a quarterly publication. If you wish to unsubscribe, please send an email to
info@cvmusa.org or call (206) 546-7238. We suggest an annual donation of $40/year for United States mailing
address, $60/year for Canada and Mexico residents, and $100/year for International residents to support CVM
and cover mailing and publication costs. You may also request to receive the journal electronically.
Christian Veterinarian | Spring 2015
Abounding Love | cvmusa.org
Christian Veterinary Mission
19303 Fremont Avenue N., MS 50
Seattle, WA 98133
Part of the CRISTA Ministries Family
Dr. Mary and Richard Ballenger, Mongolia
Dr. Gerald and Frances Mitchum, Mongolia
V.E.T. Net Team, Mongolia
Dr. Peter and Mary, Thailand
Ms. Melissa White, CVT, India
Drs. Trent and Tabitha Cox, Ethiopia
Dr. Cherie Igielski, Ethiopia
Dr. Troy and Rebekah Sammons, Kenya
Dr. Julie and Steve Henderson, Mozambique
Dr. Margaret Thompson, Tanzania
Ms. Emily Arndt, CVT, Uganda
Dr. Daniel and Rachel Graham, Uganda
Dr. Val & Waffle Lomilo, Uganda
Staff Raising Deputation
Non Profit Org.
US Postage
Seattle, WA
Permit No. 3092
Long-term Service Candidates
Drs. Bill and Angie, Asia
Dr. Ann MacCormac and Shawn Fischer, Ghana
Dr. Rebecca Quam, South Africa
Dr. Lena and Patrick Wensel, Tanzania
Dr. Shad and Amy Wilkerson, Senegal
Dr. Justin and Helen Woolsey, Mongolia
Central & South Americas
Dr. Kim and David Carney, Bolivia
Dr. Bill and Heidi Janecke, Bolivia
Dr. Coalson Lacey, Bolivia
VetRed, Bolivia
Ms. Rhoda Beutler, Haiti
Dr. Kelly Crowdis, Haiti
Mrs. Jan Flanagan, Haiti
Dr. Jeff and Bethany Bracht, Nicaragua
Dr. Rick and Mary Ervin, Nicaragua
Ministry Around the World
Dr. Wendell & Jann Cantrell, USA
Dr. Roy and Nancy Coolman, USA
Dr. Rachel and Helmfried Dietsch, Thailand
Drs. Jonathan and Leanna Dohanich, Haiti
Dr. Tim and Cathi Emery, South Africa
Dr. Mary and Jack McDonald, Uganda
Dr. Allen and Ann Pederson, Honduras
Dr. Tom and Diane Schiefer, Latin America
Dr. Karen Smirmaul, Asia
Dr. Andrew & Chris Spence, Mongolia
Drs. Tim and Paula Ulrich, S. Africa
Dr. Don and Marilyn Wilson, Bolivia
Dr. Ed and Anne Neufeld
Dr. Susan Sowa
Dr. Lauren and Jon Charles
Dr. Melissa and Maurice Cheeks
Dr. Kit and Jan Flowers
Dr. Brad and Angela Frye
Dr. Glenn and Kathy Gaines
Dr. Heather and Leon Heisey
Drs. Monty and Shelley
Dr. Barry and Colette Schwenk
Dr. Karen and Ron Stoufer
Dr. Denise and Roy Thagard
Drs. Fred & Vicki Van Gorkom
Dr. Emiko and Joshua Van Wie
Dr. Susan and Court
Dr. Gina and Steven Wintermantel