Year-end report January – December 2015
Year-end report January – December 2015
MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB (PUBL) Q4 YEAR-END REPORT JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015 This Year-End Report is a translation of the original text in Swedish, which is the official version. MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB YEAR-END REPORT 2015 Published on 22 February 2016 EARNINGS IN BRIEF 2015 Oct-Dec 19,8 Key rations Net sales excluding alcohol tax, MSEK Growth in sales excluding alcohol tax Sales Bottles, MSEK Sales, Casks and Experiences, MSEK Gross profits before under-absorption, MSEK Gross profit margin before under-absorption, percent 2014 2015 2014 Oct-Dec Full year Full year 17,4 62,1 52,1 14% -20% 19% -19% 13,4 6,4 10,6 11,1 6,3 8,4 37,5 24,3 32,8 30,0 21,9 31,3 53% 48% 53% 60% Gross profits, MSEK Gross profit margin, percent 8,0 41% 6,6 38% 21,5 35% 19,9 38% Operating profits before depreciations (EBITDA) and under-absorption, MSEK -0,2 -2,4 -4,4 -9,7 Under-absorption and depreciations, MSEK Operating profits, MSEK Interest expenses Tax Earnings after tax, MSEK -2,9 -3,1 -1,8 -0,1 -5,0 -2,0 -4,4 -2,0 -1,6 -8,0 -12,9 -17,3 -8,6 -0,1 -26,1 -12,7 -22,4 -8,5 -1,6 -32,4 Cash flow after capital expenditures, MSEK Basic earnings per share, SEK 3,6 -0,55 -2,4 -0,98 -7,0 -3,19 -27,0 -4,90 MACKMYRA RETURNS TO RAPID SALES GROWTH IN THE YEAR 2015 Sales figures for 2015 increased by 19 percent or MSEK 10 compared with the previous year due to a clear increase in both bottles and casks. During the fourth quarter, sales increased by 14 percent. Sales to Mackmyra’s prioritised foreign markets more than doubled and increased by MSEK 3.7 to approximately MSEK 7.0 in 2015. The sale of private brand products constituted MSEK 2.5 of the year’s increase in sales. The fourth quarter’s cash flow after capital expenditures was positive and amounted to MSEK 3.6 (-2.4). Cash flow after capital expenditures improved in 2015 by MSEK 20.0 and amounted to MSEK -7.0 (-27.0). Likewise, the beginning of 2016 is showing a continued increase in sales compared with the previous year. • Mackmyra showed in 2015 continued strong improvement in cash flow after investments. 2015 cash flow was improved by SEK 20 million, which was in line with the 2014 improvement of SEK 21 million. • The sale of bottles increased by 20 percent in the fourth quarter due to a continued strong upward trend in sales to Systembolaget, the prioritised export market, as well as increased sales within the private brand segment. The sale of bottles increased by 25 percent in 2015 compared with the previous year. • In total, 214,000 bottles were sold in 2015 (169,500), which is the highest volume that Mackmyra has achieved so far on a yearly basis. Selling 83,000 bottles, the fourth quarter showed the highest volume that Mackmyra has reached for any one particular quarter. • Sales to Mackmyra’s prioritised export markets (excluding border trade and Travel Retail), where the development in Germany has come furthest along, increased by approximately MSEK 3.7, amounting to approximately MSEK 7.0, representing 19 percent of total bottle sales in 2015. • During the year, Mackmyra developed the private brand segment, which represents MSEK 2.5 of the total increase in sales for 2015. • MACK by Mackmyra, which was introduced to Systembolaget’s to-order product range during the quarter, experienced high sales volume and thus has been guaranteed a place in Systembolaget’s ordinary product range as of March 2016. MACK by Mackmyra sells for SEK 299 at Systembolaget and is a strategic step in the price segment where the majority of the volumes of whisky are sold today. • Motörhead Whisky, which is sold to a distributor, sold very well during the quarter, and it will have a place in Systembolaget’s ordinary product range as of March 2016. • Sales of Casks and Experiences for the year 2015 increased by 11 percent. One important success factor behind the positive trend is the whisky warehouse that was established in Lofsdalen. During the fourth quarter, sales increased by 2 percent. 2 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE FOURTH QUARTER • Sales to Systembolaget and Mackmyra’s prioritised export markets showed strong development during the quarter. • The fourth quarter’s cash flow after capital expenditures was positive and amounted to MSEK 3.6 (-2.4). • MACK by Mackmyra was introduced to Systembolaget’s to-order product range. • Vinterrök, Mackmyra’s winter edition, was launched for sale at Systembolaget on 20 November. • The most highly situated whisky warehouse in Europe, with its sky bar in Lofsdalen at the top of Hovärken, 1,125 metres above sea level, was inaugurated in the beginning of December 2015 • At the C2C Spirits Cup in Germany, Mackmyra’s whisky was awarded gold for Svensk Rök and silver for Svensk Ek and Vinterrök. EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE YEAR • Sales in the month of January show a continued increase compared with the previous year. • MACK by Mackmyra takes its place in Systembolaget’s ordinary product range as of March 2016. • As well, Motörhead Whisky will be sold as part of Systembolaget’s ordinary product range and to export markets as of March 2016. As a part of this, Mackmyra sold another issue of 5,000 bottles in January. • Mackmyra whisky received five gold and two silver awards in the 2016 edition of Wizards of Whisky. Mackmyra in Systembolaget’s Ordinary Product Range In March 2016, the flagship products of Svensk Ek, Svensk Rök and Mackmyra Brukwhisky will be joined in Systembolaget’s ordinary range of products by the MACK by Mackmyra and by the private brand cooperation Motörhead Whisky. 3 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB meet our customers on site in order to present our whisky for them to taste. In 2016, we will continue with our gradual expansion on the selected markets. A MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTOR Mackmyra increased sales by almost 20 percent in 2015. The number of bottles sold increased and amounted to 214,000, which is the highest volume that Mackmyra has sold in a year so far. The private brand segment is relatively new area for us and it serves as a tool for using our wellfilled maturation stock in order to increase sales and thereby to improve cash flow. However, it proved to be very successful as early as 2015. This is a pleasant combination of the expertise we have developed from all the Limited Editions over the years and the personal aspects that the Reserve Casks represents. Sweden Rock Whisky and Motörhead Whisky represent the large volumes, while we have also made a few smaller editions. The field has great potential both in Sweden and in Europe, and it is a prioritised area in our growth plan for 2016. MACK is perhaps the most interesting phenomenon we are bringing to the market right now. The fact is that approximately 90 percent of all sales of whisky at Systembolaget is of whisky costing less than SEK 350. The major sellers, which are priced at around SEK 300, sell between 100,000 and 700,000 bottles per year at Systembolaget alone, while at the same time the segment lacks a Swedish alternative. MACK, which costs SEK 299 at Systembolaget, already fills that gap. As of March, MACK will join Systembolaget’s ordinary product range following very successful qualifying sales figures in the fourth quarter via the to-order product range. The growth is a result of the action plan that was begun in 2014. The action plan has been implemented as scheduled and it currently involves us focusing on sales work in selected areas, as well as resulting in lower costs and a sharp focus on cash flow. 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 NUMBER OF BOTTLES SOLD 12 MONTHS ROLLING (THOUSANDS) 220 210 The growth we demonstrated in 2015 is a result of our strategy within the following areas: - our prioritised export markets, France, Germany, Belgium and United Kingdom. - Private Brand, exclusive bottling in cooperation with or on behalf of others - MACK, our new single malt whisky for the wide demographic of those who like whisky in a lower price segment That said, I also want to emphasise that the work in recent years on efficiency, on forming a tighter organisation, on economising our cash flow, on focusing on meeting customers in the field and on smart cooperation will all continue. Even though we had a positive cash flow after capital expenditures last quarter, a lot of work still needs to be done before we experience substantial surpluses. In 2015, we have taken Mackmyra to a point where it realised a respectable level of growth with controlled costs and thus we have set the stage for us to be able to continue. Here at Mackmyra, we also find this work to be pleasant and inspiring. Basically, we are focusing on a few selected markets and meeting our customers at conventions, events and tastings. This offers many opportunities for tastings and good responses regarding flavour, quality and the story. Along with our innovative concept and product development, it sets the stage for continued positive sales trends. We are doubling sales for the second year in a row on our prioritised export markets, which currently represent 20 percent of our bottle sales. Germany is the engine that has demonstrated very good growth during the year. In addition to the interest for such Craft distillers increasing considerably in Europe, the growth can be explained by Mackmyra’s wide and innovative offers attracting the growing number of whisky enthusiasts located in Europe. Experience from previous investments shows us that sales do not grow quickly merely through long-distance activities. These days, we Magnus Dandanell Managing Director Mackmyra Svensk Whisky AB PS: Do not miss out on a visit to Lofsdalen’s Skybar this winter. More information can be found here. 4 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY During the fourth quarter, Casks and Experiences constituted 32 percent (36), Bottles 68 percent (64) of the net sales excluding alcohol tax. Mackmyra Svensk Whisky AB (publ) was founded in 1999 is the first malt whisky manufacturer in Sweden. The company has successfully launched the first single malt whisky in the form of personal 30-litre casks and single malt whisky in bottles. The business operates in Mackmyra Whiskyby outside of Gävle with its marketing operation in Stockholm and even through the subsidiaries Mat och Upplevelser i Kungsbäck AB and Mackmyra Swedish Whisky GmbH with its headquarters in Hamburg. Mackmyra has roughly 6,300 shareholders and B-shares are listed on Nasdaq First North. For all of 2015, Casks and Experiences constituted 39 percent (41), Bottles 61 percent (59) of the net sales excluding alcohol tax. There is a clear trend showing a growth in the share of bottle sales. This is largely due to sales of bottles being more quickly established on foreign markets. Profits Gross profits before under-absorptions amounted to MSEK 10.6 (8.4) for the first quarter, with a gross profit margin of 53 percent (48), and for 2015 amounted to 32.8 (31.3) with a gross profit margin of 53 percent (60). MARKET In Sweden, Systembolaget’s total sales of single malt whisky increased in 2015 by approximately 10 percent (2) compared with the previous year. The trend for New World Whisky, whisky from non-traditional countries, continues to be positive. Many new distilleries are starting up all over the world, and the consumers and media have taken great interest in them. The gross profits during under-absorption amounted to MSEK 8.0 (6.6) for the fourth quarter and amounted to MSEK 21.5 (19.9) for 2015. Profits were then encumbered by expenses for under-absorption in the amount of MSEK 2.5 (1.8) for the quarter and by MSEK 11.3 (11.4) for 2014 and 2015 due to the low distillation volume. Thus, it is substantial that the low distillation volume strikes negatively against gross profits as profits are encumbered by fixed costs that cannot reasonably be charged to the value of the maturation stock with regard to the low distillation volume, known as under-absorption. The lower distillation volume contributes to a substantially better cash flow, but it has a negative effect on earnings when the fixed manufacturing costs cannot fully be distributed onto the distilled volumes. NET SALES, EARNINGS AND CASH FLOW Net sales SALES PER QUARTER (MSEK) 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Other operating costs amounted to MSEK 11.1 (11.0) for the fourth quarter and MSEK 38.9 (42.3) for 2015. The 8 percent lower overhead cost level for 2015 is a result of the action plan that was implemented in the early spring of 2014. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 2013 Quarter 3 2014 Quarter 4 Operating profits before depreciation and underabsorption, that reflect the underlying profitability, have improved and amounted to MSEK -0.2 (-0.4) for the fourth quarter and MSEK -4.4 (9.7) for all of 2015. 2015 Whisky sales experience considerable seasonal variations. For Mackmyra, the second and fourth quarters have historically been stronger than the first and third quarter; however, these variations have been evened out in 2015. Operating profits for the fourth quarter amounted to MSEK -3.1 (-4.4), which is due to the improved gross profits. Operating profits for 2015 improved by MSEK 5,1 through better gross profits and lower operating costs, and amounted to MSEK -17.3 (-22.4). Net sales excluding alcohol tax amounted to MSEK 19.8 (17.4) during the quarter, which was an increase of 14 percent compared with the previous year. Earnings after tax amounted to MSEK -5.0 (-8.0) for the fourth quarter and amounted to MSEK -26.1 (-32.4) for 2015. Net sales excluding alcohol tax increased in 2015 by 19 percent to MSEK 62.1 (52.1). 5 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB Cash Flow The number of bottles sold amounted to 83,500 (55,500) during the fourth quarter, which was an increase of 50 percent compared with the previous year. In 2015, the number of bottles sold increased by 26 percent to 214,000 (169,500). Cash flow after capital expenditures was positive for the fourth quarter and amounted to MSEK 3.6 (-2.4). Cash flow after capital expenditures for 2015 amounted to MSEK -7.0 (-27.0), which was an improvement of MSEK 20.0 compared with the previous year. Full Year 2015 The improvement of the cash flow after capital expenditures from 2013-2015 is shown below. MACK by Mackmyra and products within the private brand segment, such as Motörhead Whisky, are essential measures for turning around the cash flow. 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -10.0 CASH FLOW AFTER CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (MSEK) -15.0 -20.0 Sales of bottles in 2015 increased by 25 percent of MSEK 7.5 compared with the previous years and the number of bottles sold increased 26 percent. The number of bottles sold, 214,000, thereby reached a historic level in 2015. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 2013 Quarter 3 2014 Quarter 4 2015 The increase in sales for 2015 is connected with: BOTTLES The majority of Mackmyra’s sales take place in Scandinavia, as well as within Travel Retail and in border shopping around the Baltic Sea. Mackmyra has concentrated its own marketing activities to these markets and the prioritised export markets in Germany, France, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Other export markets are managed by external cooperative partners and distributors. • Mackmyra’s prioritised export markets • Systembolaget • New products • Private brand and cooperation Mackmyra’s prioritised export markets Sales to the prioritised export markets increased by MSEK 3.7 to approximately MSEK 7.0 in 2015, which is more than double the figures for 2014. This means that sales to these markets, where sales to Germany have done the most, together represented 19 percent (11) of total bottle sales for 2015. Sales of Bottles increased during the fourth quarter by 20 percent to MSEK 13.4 (11.1). During 2015, sales increased by 25 percent to MSEK 37.5 (MSEK 30.0). 6 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB Upon selling to Systembolaget, MACK by Mackmyra has lower margins than do Mackmyra’s other products, but it improved the opportunities to increase sales volumes and further to improve cash flow. Systembolaget Sales to Systembolaget increased by 10 percent in 2015. The increase is to a great degree attributable to Svensk Ek, Mackmyra Brukswhisky, the most recent releases of seasonal whisky and the sales of MACK by Mackmyra in the fourth quarter. Private brand and cooperation In the past year, Mackmyra has improved the offering within the private brand segment, which constituted MSEK 2.5 of the year’s increase in sales. The sales pertain mainly to Motörhead Whisky and Sweden Rock Edition that were mainly sold at Systembolaget. New products During the year, Svensk Ek has replaced Den Första Utgåvan (The First Edition) in Mackmyra’s regular product range and is sold in a new packaging / gift box. During the year, Svensk Ek was upgraded to containing 10 percent (previously 5 percent) of whisky stored in Swedish oak casks, which produces a more powerful and spicier flavour. On 1 October 2015, Mackmyra introduced MACK to Systembolaget’s to-order product range. The sale price at Systembolaget is SEK 299. Motörhead Whisky, which is sold to an external distributor, will find its place among Systembolaget’s regular product range as of 1 March and also be sold on export markets. In addition, a number of smaller bottlings have been sold via Systembolaget during the year, for example to Peking Fanz in Norrköping in order to celebrate its 2015 Swedish football championship. The Fourth Quarter The increased sales in the quarter are attributable to Systembolaget, private brand and to the prioritised export markets. Sales to the prioritised export markets continue to increase and they constituted 25 percent of total bottle sales during the quarter. During the fourth quarter, Mackmyra has strengthened the organisation with another area sales manager in Germany. MACK by Mackmyra is a single malt whisky made from Swedish ingredients in Mackmyra’s traditional and hand crafted way. With MACK by Mackmyra, Mackmyra is taking a strategic step in the price segment where the majority of the volumes of whisky are sold today. Only in Sweden a total of about 9 million bottles per year of all whiskey (malt, bourbon, blended, rye, etc.) are sold at Systembolaget. Up to 90 percent of the whisky sold in Sweden today consists of whisky selling for up to SEK 350 per bottle. This price segment is currently dominated by some twenty brands each sold annually in volumes of about 100,000 to 700,000 bottles. Among the top sellers around SEK 300 per bottle are classics such as Famous Grouse, Tullamore Dew, Jameson, Glen Grant and Jack Daniels. Mack by Mackmyra challenge the segment with the first Swedish alternative. Mackmyra’s perennial products such as Svensk Ek, Mackmyra Brukswhisky and Svensk Rök showed clear increases in volumes during the quarter. MACK by Mackmyra, which was launched onto Systembolaget’s to-order product range during the quarter, has experienced good sales volumes. MACK by Mackmyra takes its place in Systembolaget’s ordinary product range as of March 2016. 7 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB in Europe and featuring a sky bar, was inaugurated in the beginning of 2015. The establishment, which is a cooperation with Lofsdalen Fjällanläggningar, offers opportunities for Mackmyra to increase its target audience geographically through local cooperation, and also by supplementing the winter and summer season with an attractive selection of cask and whisky experiences. Sales of the seasonal edition, Vinterrök, which was launched at Systembolaget and on some of Mackmyra’s export markets during the quarter, showed sales volumes at the level of the 2014 winter edition. The Special Cask sales campaign was carried out during the fourth quarter. In the Special Cask, three of Mackmyra’s most popular flavours are combined in one and the same cask: Svensk ek, Amerikansk ek and Olorosvin. CASKS AND EXPERIENCES 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 As a step toward further increasing sales, the organisation was strengthened by yet another seller in southern Sweden during the fourth quarter. SALES, CASKS AND EXPERIENCES (MSEK) Quarter 1 Quarter 2 2013 Quarter 3 2014 Quarter 4 Even during 2015, Mackmyra put out large volumes to the Swedish market, approximately 75,000 reserve bottles (75,000), of Mackmyra’s best whisky through the supply of bottles from previously sold customer casks. This can temporarily meet the demand for Mackmyra’s ordinary bottles at Systembolaget, but it continues to be well distributed in the somewhat longer terms when it is offered to friends and acquaintances. At the same time, the high levels of reserve bottles help slowly to increase the sales of Mackmyra’s regular bottles at Systembolaget. 2015 Mackmyra’s visitor centre in Mackmyra Whiskyby, just like before, offers visits, whisky tastings, distillery and warehouse tours and conferences. Mackmyra is targeted toward private individuals and companies. Mackmyra’s visitor centre plays an important part in supporting the marketing of Mackmyra’s whisky experiences regarding both bottles and casks. Fourth quarter sales of Casks and Experiences amounted to MSEK 6.4 (6.3), which was an increase of 2 percent compared with the previous year. During 2015, sales increased by 11 percent to MSEK 24.4 (21.9). One important success factor behind the increased sales in casks was the year’s co-founder campaign, which was also associated with the whisky warehouse established in Lofsdalen at the top of Hovärken, 1,125 metres above sea level. The warehouse, which is the highest whisky warehouse 8 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Dominic Roskrow commented on the distinctions on his blog: ”Sweden can make claim to being the world’s best New World Whisky nation after winning the clash of the European titans.” Appointments and prices are an important part of marketing and a strength in discussions with international partners. The quality on Mackmyra whisky continues to get attention both internationally and in Sweden. PRODUCTION DISTILLATION Stockholm Beer and Whisky Festival Gold: Mackmyra Reserve Elegant Bourbon and Mackmyra Reserve Prestored Sherry Silver: Mackmyra Sommartid Bronze: Mackmyra Svensk Ek During the quarter, approximately 23,000 bottles (30,000) were distilled, which means that 60,000 bottles (78,000) were distilled in 2015. The low distillation rate is temporary, and is an important part of the ongoing action plan to achieve a neutral cash flow. The supply capacity for finished whisky is secure thanks to the maturation warehouses being well filed. C2C Spirits Cup, Germany Mackmyra plans gradually to increase the pace of distillation in 2016-2017. In October, Mackmyra took part in the C2C Spirits Cup in Germany and won three medals: MATURITY WAREHOUSING In October, Mackmyra was awarded four medals at the Stockholm Beer and Whisky Festival: The maturity warehouse’s book value decreased in value during the quarter by MSEK 0.2 to a total of MSEK 171.4 as of 31 December 2015. The maturity warehouse’s book value includes, like last year, the costs for maturity warehousing. Gold: Svensk Rök Silver: Svensk Ek and Vinterrök The maturity warehouse was valued at the lower value between the manufacturing cost and the net sales value as of the balance sheet date. Manufacturing costs include the costs for warehousing during the period until the moment the whisky is mature enough for sale. The competition was carried out as a blind test by consumers and over 75 kinds of whisky took part among the various classics. Wizards of Whisky Awards 2016 Mackmyra whisky received five gold and two silver awards in the 2016 edition of Wizards of Whisky. Having finished whisky of the correct age and recipe mix in sufficient volumes is a crucial condition necessary in order to increase sales in a long-term perspective. The maturity warehouse that has been built up over several years allows Mackmyra today to adapt the manufacturing to a higher degree in accordance with the sales growth trends without jeopardising future delivery capacity. Gold Mackmyra Reserve Black Cask 42.3% Sweden Mackmyra Moment Fenix 45.5% Sweden Mackmyra Vinterrök 46.1%, Sweden Mackmyra Reserve Special Oak 51.2%, Sweden Mackmyra Blomstertid 46.1% Sweden Approximately 30 percent of Mackmyra’s total maturity warehouse consists of whisky having been stored from five to ten years. This means that Mackmyra currently has a high supply capacity, even of somewhat older whisky. Silver Mackmyra Sommartid 46.1% Sweden Mackmyra Svensk Ek 46%, Sweden 9 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB FINANCIAL INFORMATION The subscription time ended on 25 June 2015 and the preferential issue was subscribed for 88 percent and brought Mackmyra MSEK 9.8 before issue expenses totalling MSEK 0.9. Issue funds were obtained in July of 2015. STAFF AND ORGANISATION During the fourth quarter, the group have an average of 35 full-time employees (36). The average number of full-time employees for 2015 amounted to 35 (39) people. The business are inherently capital intensive and liquidity is sensitive to variations insales. Both the Board and the management have therefore highly focused on financing issues and capital requirements. Corporate administration consists of a CEO, CFO, sales and marketing director, master blender and a supply manager. As of the balance sheet date, long-term liabilities amounted to MSEK 174.0 compared with MSEK 173.8 as of 31 December 2014, of which MSEK 3.8 (6.3) pertained to bank overdraft facilities utilised and MSEK 12.7 (14.3) pertained to interest-free liabilities attributable to loans from the company’s cask owners. What follows is the trend concerning the average number of full-time employees per quarter. 70 AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 60 50 40 Bank overdraft capacity amounts to MSEK 10.0 (10.0). 20 EQUITY 30 10 0 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 2013 Quarter 3 2014 During the year, the implemented preferential issues increased the number of shares from 8,050,792 shares to 9,045,924 shares. Share capital thereby increased from 8,052,792 Swedish crowns to 9,045,924 Swedish crowns. The issue was registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office on 16 July 2015. Quarter 4 2015 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital expenditures in 2015 amounted to MSEK 1,8 (2.2) of which MSEK 0.4 (0.9) were made in the fourth quarter, and pertained to capital expenditures on casks for maturity warehousing of whisky, as well as on IT systems. RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES For a description of the risks and uncertainties, please refer to Mackmyra’s Annual Report for 2014, page 26. CASH FLOW SHARES Cash flow from the ongoing business operation in the fourth quarter amounted to MSEK -1.2 (-3.5). Change in working capital amounted to MSEK 5.2 (2.0), of which the change in the inventory constituted MSEK 0.6 (2.7). Cash flow to capital expenditures was MSEK -0.4 (-0.9) Cash flow from financing amounted to MSEK -0.1 (-0.1) Cash flow improved in the fourth quarter by MSEK 6.0 and amounted to MSEK 3.6 (-2.4). Shares are listed on First North. The shares’ closing rate as of 30 December 2015 was SEK 8.95, compared with SEK 10.45 as of 30 September 2015. During the quarter, 336,899 shares were turned over, compared with 546,111 shares during the corresponding period in the previous year. In total, 1,413,256 (2,366,064) shares were turned over in 2015. The shares’ price trend for 2015 is shown below. LIQUIDITY AND FINANCING As of the balance sheet date, cash and cash equivalents amounted to MSEK 6.0 compared with MSEK 2.1 as of 31 December 2014. Nonutilised bank overdraft facility amounted to MSEK 6.2 compared with MSEK 3.7 as of 31 December 2014. In order to improve the company’s financial position, the Annual General Meeting decided on 30 May 2015 to implement a preferential issue. DIVIDEN The board intended to recommend to the Annual General Meeting that no dividends be paid. 10 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES Description of the accounting principled applied, please refer to the annual report for 2014. All the information in this quarterly report pertains to the group, which consists of Mackmyra Svensk Whisky AB and the wholly owned subsidiaries Mat och Upplevelser i Kungsbäck AB, as well as Mackmyra Swedish Whisky GmbH. This interim report has been prepared with the application of the Annual Accounts Act and the Swedish Accounting Standards Board's General Guidelines BFNAR 2012:1 Annual Reports and Consolidated Statements (K3). The same accounting principles have been applied as in the annual report for 2014. For a more exhaustive The above list of owners reflects the ownership structure as of 31 December 2015. * The founder group consists of the eight founders (Annika Berg, Jonas Berg, Astrid Dandanell, Magnus Dandanell, Jennie Kastengren, Carl-Johan Kastengren, Rikard Lundborg and Malin Lövemark), Spiritum Spritaktiebolag AB, as well as the Gillesvik AB group. 11 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB FINANCIAL REPORTS INCOME STATEMENTS INCOME STATEMENT (1000 SEK) Net sales Minus: Alcohol tax 2015 2014 2015 2014 Oct - Dec Oct - Dec Full year Full year 29,379 23,324 81,675 68,067 -9,593 -5,950 -19,593 -15,979 Net sales excluding alcohol tax 19,786 17,375 62,082 52,089 Cost of goods sold Under-absorption -9,218 -2,520 -9,091 -1,707 -29,233 -11,327 -20,753 -11,390 Gross profit 8,047 6,576 21,522 19,945 Other operating expenses Sales expenses Administration costs -7,611 -3,518 -7,139 -3,825 -24,127 -14,735 -26,631 -15,682 Operating profit -3,082 -4,388 -17,341 -22,368 Net financial items -1,769 -2,003 -8,643 -8,486 -4,851 -6,391 -25,984 -30,854 -123 -1,566 -123 -1,566 -4,974 -7,957 -26,106 -32,420 Earnings after financial items Tax Earnings after tax 12 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB BALANCE SHEETS BALANCE SHEETS (1000 SEK) 31 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014 ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS 121,195 131,320 Inventory 184,347 186,948 Other current assets 20,096 21,801 CURRENT ASSETS Cash and bank 5,950 2,105 210,393 210,853 331,588 342,173 EQUITY 119,074 136,165 LONG-TERM LIABLITIES AND PROVISIONS 178,375 175,759 34,139 30,250 331,588 342,173 TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES CASH FLOW ANALYSES CASH FLOW (1000 SEK) 2015 Oct Dec 2014 Oct Dec Cash flow from operating activities -1,190 -3,487 602 4,589 2,711 -680 2,600 5,594 -1,681 -3,520 4,001 -1,456 -5,147 -24,791 -414 -939 -1,819 -2,196 3,587 -2,395 -100 -94 10,811 25,172 Cash flow for the financial period 3,487 -2,489 3,845 -1,815 Cash and cash equivalents upon the beginning of the period Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 2,464 5,950 4,594 2,105 2,105 5,950 3,921 2,105 Change in working capital Change in inventory Change in other working capital Cash flow after changes in working capital Cash flow to capital expenditures Cash flow after capital expenditures Cash flow from financing 13 2015 Full year 2014 Full year -13,341 -19,590 -6,966 -26,987 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB CHANGE IN EQUITY 1000 SEK Equity at the beginning of the period New share issue Issue expenses Convertible bonds, the value of the conversion rights Translation difference Profits for the year Equity at the end of the period 14 2015 136,165 2014 148,620 9,846 -860 1,615 30 -26,106 22,007 -1,919 -123 -32,420 120,689 136,165 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB KEY RATIOS 2015 Oct - Dec 2014 Oct - Dec 2015 Full year 2014 Full year Net sales excluding alcohol tax, MSEK 19.8 17.4 62.1 52.1 Growth in sales excluding alcohol tax 14% -20% 19% -19% 13.4 11.1 37.5 30.0 6.4 6.3 24.3 21.9 Gross profits before under-absorption, MSEK Gross profit margin before under-absorption, percent 10.6 53% 8.4 48% 32.8 53% 31.3 60% Minus: under-absorption -2.5 -1.8 -11.3 -11.4 Gross profits, MSEK 8.0 6.6 21.5 19.9 Gross profit margin, percent 41% 38% 35% 38% Operating profits before depreciations (EBITDA) and under-absorption, MSEK -0.2 -2.4 -4.4 -9.7 Key ratios Sales, Bottles, MSEK Sales, Casks and Experiences, MSEK Operating profits, MSEK -3.1 -4.4 -17.3 -22.4 Interest expenses -1.8 -2.0 -8.6 -8.5 Tax -0.1 -1.6 -0.1 -1.6 Earnings after tax -5.0 -8.0 -26.1 -32.4 5.2 3.5 0.4 -2.4 -2.5 0.9 -5.4 3.8 1.8 -27.0 -1.8 2.1 171.4 173.1 171.4 173.1 146.7 159.4 146.7 159.4 95% 91% 95% 91% -1.7 -2.6 -2.0 -2.6 Equity, MSEK 120.7 136.2 120.7 136.2 Equity per share, SEK 13.34 16.71 36% 40% 13.34 36% 16.71 40% Number of shares before full dilution 9,045,924 8,150,792 9,045,924 8,150,792 Number of shares after full dilution 9,946,521 8,251,389 9,946,521 8,251,389 Basic earnings per share, SEK -0.55 -0.98 -3.19 -4.90 Diluted earnings per share, SEK -0.55 -0.98 -3.19 -4.90 Average number of shares before full dilution 9,045,924 6,622,519 8,175,657 6,622,519 Average number of shares after full dilution 9,946,521 6,724,116 8,942,920 6,724,116 35 36 35 39 Cash flow after capital expenditures, MSEK Cash flow, MSEK Capital expenditures, MSEK Maturity warehouse, book value, MSEK Financial net liability excluding convertible debt instruments, MSEK Quick ratio, percent Interest coverage ratio, times Equity ratio, percent Average number of employees This quarterly report has not been subject to examination by the company’s auditor. 15 YEAR-END REPORT 2015 MACKMYRA SVENSK WHISKY AB FINANCIAL CALENDAR, GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS DATE OF PUBLICATION OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Financial net liability excluding convertible debt instruments Interest-bearing liabilities excluding convertible debt instrument - cash and bank balances 8 April 2016 Annual Report for 2015 12 May 2016 Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2016 14 May 2016 Annual General Meeting 25 August 2016 Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2016 16 November 2016 Quarterly Report Jul-Sep 2016 Equity ratio (%) Equity divided by the balance sheet total. GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS Return on equity (%) Earnings after tax divided by average equity. Bottle 700 ml raw spirits or whisky estimated to have an alcoholic concentration of at least 40 percent and which is distributed and sold via traditional channels. Interest coverage ratio (times) Earnings before interest expenses divided by interest expenses. Earnings per share (SEK) Earnings after tax divided by the average number of shares during the period. Cask Personal whisky cask ordered and manufactured as per customer order. Delivered after an average maturity warehousing of five years in approximately 48 whisky bottles of 500 ml. ADDRESSES Angle’s share Approximately three percent of the whisky evaporates out of the oak cask each year during storage. This is known as the Angel’s share. Mackmyra Svensk Whisky AB (publ) Corp. ID no. 55667-4610 Mackmyra Whiskyby Kolonnvägen 2 802 67 Gävle Gross profit margin (%) Gross profits divided by net sales. Telephone: +46 (0) 26 541 880 Fax: +46 (0) 26 541 881 Operating margin (%) Operating profits divided by net sales. E-mail: Home page:, Quick ratio Total of short-term receivables, cash and cash equivalents and non-utilised bank overdraft facility divided by short-term liabilities. CERTIFIED ADVISOR Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag Box 7405 103 91 Stockholm Visiting address: Biblioteksgatan 9 Telephone: 08 – 463 80 00 E-mail: Home page: 16