AIESEC Maastricht Full-time and Part
AIESEC Maastricht Full-time and Part
AIESEC Maastricht Full-time and Part-time Board Positions Spring 2016 Application Booklet Dear applicant, Great that you are considering a board position within AIESEC Maastricht! Since 1948, more than 1 million students have fulfilled a board position within the largest international student-run NGO in the world: AIESEC! This booklet will help you to understand the bigger picture of this organization, why and how it was established, but also why this organization can be relevant for you. All over the world, there are more than 90.000 students from 125 different countries working for AIESEC. Every AIESEC experience depends on the person that decides to take on the challenge. What do you want to develop, learn or experience? Do you want to work in a close team, learn how to guide and coach people, send students on an exchange and have a major impact on their life's, set up and maintain relations with multinational companies and organisations, or have you always wanted to attend an international conference with delegates from all over the globe and establish meaningful relationships? Anything is possible, and an AIESEC board year, both full-time and part-time, gives you the opportunities to do so. We hope that after reading this booklet you will have a good image of all the things AIESEC can provide and hopefully you will be even more interested to apply for a part-time or full- time board position. Enjoy reading and we are looking forward to receive your application! On behalf of AIESEC Maastricht, Karlijn Feskens Local Committee President of AIESEC Maastricht 2015- 2016 The History of AIESEC In 1948, seven economics and business students of Western Europe came together in Stockholm. They founded of what has grown out to be the largest international student-run association of the world: AIESEC. AIESEC is an acronym for Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales: an organisation set up for students in economics, business and related studies. Nowadays, AIESEC is no longer strictly an economics and business related organization, it is open for students of every study. With the idea of recovering the good relations between European countries, the founders of AIESEC aimed for peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential. They believed they would achieve this goal by giving individuals the experience of living and working abroad themselves. By giving people cultural experiences, they would create mutual cultural understanding. Currently AIESEC has grown from 7 to 125 countries. AIESEC has become the largest student association in the world, with about 90,000 active members at this very moment. It forms an international platform for young people to discover and develop their leadership potential, and have a positive impact on society. “I commend AIESEC's continuing efforts to develop the future business leadership of our countries.“ Nelson Mandela AIESEC’s Programs At AIESEC, we aim to develop students next to their university studies. With increasing globalization and an abundance of political, religious and cultural disputes all over the world, there is a need for a generation of young entrepreneurial and ambitious people who look further than just the boundaries of their studies and their own country. Within AIESEC, our goal is to develop these students, and give them the tools to have a positive impact on society in their professional lives later on. In order to do this, AIESEC has two main programs which are in line with our Leadership Development Model (LDM): Board Positions AIESEC Maastricht is run by a board of 29 students. We have part-time positions (team members in one of the four teams), and we have six full-time positions in the Executive Board of AIESEC Maastricht. In these functions everyone gets the chance to develop themselves in both a professional and personal way. Exchange Programs In order to create global cultural understanding, we send people all over the world on professional internships (Global Internship Programs) and volunteer projects (Global Community Development Program). In addition, we also receive interns from every corner of the world, and place them at companies in the Limburg region to pursue traineeships. It’s all part of the experience… A sparkling year is what you can expect when you choose to fulfill a board position at AIESEC! At our local office in Maastricht, we currently work in a team of 29 motivated and ambitious students in four different teams. On a daily basis, we run our processes, we talk to students, to companies, we write strategy, we send and receive students to and from all around the world, we organize events and of course, we have a lot of fun. A board position within AIESEC is based on 4 pillars. Accelerateyourgrowth InAIESEC,wefocusonpersonal&professionaldevelopment ofourmembers.Webelievethatmostgrowthcomesthrough aprocessoflearningbydoing.AsaboardmemberofAIESEC youwillexperienceaprofessionalworkenvironmentand enjoytheopportunitytolearninthisenvironment.AIESEC offersyoutrainings,personalcoaching,feedbacksessionsand numerousotheropportuniDestogrow. Developaglobalmindset AIESECoffersaninternaDonalworkenvironmentwith countlessopportuniDestogetintouchwithdifferentpeople andcultures.Youwillhavetheopportunitytocollaboratewith internaDonalcolleagues,toparDcipateinoneofthe470 internaDonalconferencesorganizedduringtheyear,andtogo abroadyourself. Expandyournetwork AIESECisthelargeststudent-runnetworkintheworld.You willmeetnumerousnewpeopleonalocal,naDonaland internaDonallevel.Furthermore,youwillgetincontactwith clientsandpartnercompanieslikeBCG,McKinseyand Randstad.AIESECofferstheopportunitytogetintouchwith prospecDveemployersanddiscoverthemanyotherpresent opportuniDes. EnjoyparDcipaDon AnAIESECboardyearcanbecharacterizedbya‘workhard, playhard’mentality:weprovideourprofessionalservicesby puTngalotofeffortandenergyinit,butwestrongly acknowledgethevalueofpleasureandfunduringandaUer work.SocialacDviDesareorganizedthroughouttheyear,such asteamweekends,dinners,weeklydrinks,localcommiVee weekends,andmore. The structure of AIESEC AIESEC International, located in Rotterdam, is the global umbrella organization of all national and local AIESEC entities. AIESEC International works full-time to coordinate all global AIESEC activities and communicate between the 125 countries in which AIESEC is present. Coordinated by AIESEC the Netherlands which is located in Amsterdam, AIESEC has 11 local committees: Amsterdam, Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Twente, Utrecht, Delft and Wageningen. AIESEC Maastricht consists of 29 board members at the moment. Six of them represent the daily executive board, coordinating the 4 different teams of AIESEC Maastricht. 24 part-time board members are all responsible for their own tasks within one of the teams. The structure of AIESEC Maastricht Execu;veBoard FrontOffice VPFERIT LCP VPiGIP LCP:LocalCommiVeePresident VPFERIT:VicePresidentFinance,ExternalRelaDons,andIT iGIP:IncomingGlobalInternshipProgram oGCDP:OutgoingGlobalCommunityDevelopmentProgram oGIP:OutgoingGlobalInternshipProgram BackOffice AMB:AmbassadorsProgram VPoGCDP Team6x VPoGIP Team6x MedicineProject 2x VPAMB Team5x Team4x Open Positions Executive Board Members (full-time) • Local Committee President • Vice President Finance, External Relations & IT • Vice President Incoming Global Internship Program • Vice President Outgoing Global Community Development Program • Vice President Outgoing Global Internship Program • Vice President Ambassadors Program Board Members (part-time) • Incoming Global Internship Program: • Account Manager • Acquisition Manager • Trainee Manager • Outgoing Global Community Development Program Team: • Marketing Manager • Process Manager • 3 x EP* Managers • Special Projects Manager (Medicine Project) – Marketing, Selection & ER • Outgoing Global Internship Program Team: • Marketing Manager • Process Manager • EP* Manager • Ambassadors Program • External Relations Manager • Marketing and Selection Manager • Talent Manager • Foreign affairs Manager *ExchangeParDcipant Pleasenote:Allfunc/onsareundercondi/on Full-time Board Positions The Executive Board The Executive Board consists of seven people working full-time for AIESEC Maastricht. They are mainly responsible for the development of AIESEC Maastricht as an organization and they coordinate all the projects that AIESEC Maastricht offers. Main responsibilities: • Keep track of the continuity of AIESEC Maastricht • Create a strategic plan for AIESEC Maastricht • Implementation of strategies • Decision making on a general level • Lead, motivate and support all the members of AIESEC Maastricht • Represent AIESEC Maastricht nationally and internationally • Decision making and strategic thinking on a national level • Contact with external relations: university, companies, and students • Implementation of national and international direction on local reality Local Committee President (LCP) The LCP gives direction to and support the whole AIESEC local committee. He or she ensures the continuity of AIESEC Maastricht. Furthermore, the LCP will form a key figure in coordinating and representing the local committee. The LCP leads meetings of the Local Committee, the Executive Board, and meetings with external relations. The LCP serves both as an overall support for all members as well as the person who keeps track of the strategy of the whole LC. An LCP also has frequent contact with AIESEC on the national level and with the other committees in The Netherlands. Main responsibilities: • Human Resources • External Relations • Communication & Coordination • Strategy & Planning Vice President Finance, External Relations & IT (VP FERIT) The Vice President FERIT works closely together with the Local Committee President. He or she is responsible for ensuring the financial situation of AIESEC Maastricht now and in the future. The VP needs to make decisions about investments and budgets. Next to that, the VP is responsible for external relation exploration and relationship management. He keeps close contact with the Local Advisory Board, Sponsor group & university related connections. Finally, the VP makes sure that the information systems in the office are up to date. The VP will also have regular contact with VPs of other local committees in the Netherlands and the national committee. Main responsibilities: • Finance • External Relations • Management Information Systems Vice President Incoming Global Internship Program (VP iGIP) The Vice President Incoming Global Internship Program is responsible for all incoming exchange operations. It is your goal to create and raise quality traineeships and receive foreign trainees in Maastricht. You will work closely with your team and the Executive Board. On a regular basis you have contact with your Dutch counterparts of other Local Committees and other VPs iGIP of the National Board and . Apart from this you and the board will discuss and implement strategic plans concerning AIESEC Maastricht. Main responsibilities: • Motivate and support the ICX team • Manage and expand relations with local companies • Make partnerships with other international AIESEC entities • Set and achieve the team targets • Create and implement the Strategic Plan for the ICX team • Holding the final responsibility for receiving and supporting foreign trainees who come to Maastricht (on a formal and a social basis) Vice President Outgoing Global Community Development Program (VP oGCDP) The Vice President Outgoing Global Community Development Program is responsible for the volunteer projects of the Outgoing Exchange Program. This involves sending University Maastricht students abroad on a volunteer project and guiding these students in the process of going abroad. You are responsible for reaching the set targets and goals. You lead, support and motivate the oGCDP team. Together with the EB you will discuss strategic issues concerning the whole LC. You will also regularly have contact with VPs oGCDP of other local committees in The Netherlands and the national committee. In addition, you will keep contact and form partnerships with foreign AIESEC committees. Main responsibilities: • Motivate and support the oGCDP team • Set and achieve targets and goals • Create and implement the strategic plan of AIESEC in the oGCDP team • Manage contact with Maastricht University and AIESEC abroad • Holding the final responsibility for all students going abroad Vice President Outgoing Global Internship Program (VP oGIP) The Vice President Outgoing Global Internship Program is responsible for the professional internships of the Outgoing Exchange Program. This involves sending University Maastricht students abroad on a professional internship and guiding these students in the process of going abroad. You are responsible for reaching the set targets and goals. You lead, support and motivate the oGIP team. You will focus on developing alliances with external parties in Maastricht and in foreign countries to establish partnerships. Together with the EB you will discuss strategic issues concerning the whole LC. You will also regularly have contact with VPs oGIP of other local committees in The Netherlands and the national committee. Main responsibilities: • Motivate and support the oGIP team • Set and achieve targets and goals • Create and implement the strategic plan of AIESEC in the oGIP team • Manage contact with Maastricht University and AIESEC abroad • Holding the final responsibility for all students going abroad Vice President Ambassadors Program (VP AMB) The Vice President Ambassadors Program is responsible for a National Program of AIESEC in The Netherlands. You might know the Ambassadors Program as a program that sends 20 first- and second year students abroad with a sponsored ticket by Rabobank. However, due to some strategical changes of the National Board the Ambassadors evolved to a new program. The goal of the Ambassadors Program 2.0 is to function as a Partnership Management team for AIESEC the Netherlands. Therefore, the main responsibility is to manage our national partnerships, and through this, ensure sufficient internships for high- quality exchange experience for our Exchange Participants. This is done through an extensive program, in which the Amb team recruits, trains and prepares and sends the participants to partnership countries of AIESEC the Netherlands. As a VP Ambassadors Program you are responsible in managing the complete process, from finance to selection. You will guide and develop a team of four part-time members. You will be the face of the program by travelling through the country, giving presentations to local branches, companies and universities. You will be in direct contact with the National Board of AIESEC and receive a lot of freedom in the changes you want to make to the program. Main responsibilities: • Motivating and supporting your team members • Responsible for the strategic and financial structure of the program • Responsible for the further improvement of the quality, the financial sustainability of the program • Responsible for the planning of the process from marketing to selection, and representing the program throughout the country Financial Compensation As a full-time board member of AIESEC Maastricht you are entitled to 12 months of compensation from the university (which is similar to your study financing). You can stay enrolled in your studies if necessary, but you can also choose not be enrolled at the university while doing your board year. This would mean not having to pay tuition fees, but still receiving the 12 months of financial compensation. For questions, please approach any of the current Executive Board members. Thinking about applying for the Executive Board? First of all, you are up for the biggest and most amazing challenge of your student life! If you want more information, you can always: • Send an e-mail to • Come to one of our information moments: • • Monday 9th of March: Info lunch (we gather in front of the SSC), 12.30h • Tuesday 22nd of March: Info evening at SBE, 20.00h Check out AIESEC the Netherlands AIESEC International AIESEC 2020 AIESEC Hub WHY, HOW, WHAT of AIESEC Humans of AIESEC Maastricht Get in contact with the current EB Members to receive more information about the available positions: LCP: Karlijn Feskens,, 06- 22295741 VP Ferit: Victor Custers,, 06- 23253831 VP iGIP: Fenna Peper,, 06- 23102428 VP oGCDP: Dennis Amoey,, +49 17678614447 VP oGIP, Roos Vegting,, 06- 12904128 VP Amb: Melanie van Bussel,, 06- 15571626 ApplicaDondeadlines: LocalCommiVee President:13thofMarch 2015,13.00h VicePresident:1stofApril 2015,16.00h Should you want to apply for one of the Executive Board functions, then please send an email to so we can send you the instructions. Part-time Board Positions The Part-time Board As a part-time member, you will be part of one of the four teams of the Local Committee and contribute to its performance. You will spend on average 15 hours per week on AIESEC, next to other activities that are organized national. The four teams will be described on the next pages of this booklet. IncomingGlobalInternshipProgramTeam OutgoingGlobalInternshipProgramTeam Goaloftheteam: AsamemberoftheiGIPteamyouareresponsibleforthe IncomingExchangeprogram.Togetherwithbothyour coordinatorandtheotheriGIPteammembersitisyour responsibilitytocreateasmanyqualitytraineeshipopportuniDes aspossibleinMaastrichtandsurroundingareas.InaddiDon,you areresponsibleforreceivingandsupporDngforeigntraineeswho cometoMaastrichtforatraineeship. Mainresponsibili;es: • CreaDngqualitytraineeshipsinMaastrichtandsurrounding areas • Searchingforsuitablecandidatesforthesetraineeshipsby contacDngabroadAIESECofficesandsearchinganonline database • Keepingclosecontactwiththecompaniesthatwishtoreceive foreigntrainees • ArrangingformaliDestoensurethataforeigntraineecancome totheNetherlands • OrganizingsocialacDviDesforAIESECtraineesinMaastricht Goaloftheteam: AsamemberoftheoGIPteamyouareresponsibleforthe outgoingprofessionalinternships.Togetherwithbothyour coordinatorandtheotheroGIPteammembersyouselect, supportandpreparestudentswhowishtogoonaprofessional internshipwithAIESEC. Mainresponsibili;es: • SeTngupandexecuDnganeffecDvemarkeDngplanto promotetheAIESECbrandandrecruitstudentsfor internaDonalinternships • SetuppartnershipswithexternalparDesinMaastrichtand foreignAIESECcommiVees • SelecDngsuitablestudentsfortheprogramandexecuDngthe interviews • CoachstudentswhogoabroadwithAIESECbyguiding, supporDngandpreparingthemfortheirinternship • Organizingeventsinordertoeitherrecruitstudentsorto preparethemfortheirinternshipabroad • AVendingnaDonalandinternaDonalsummits,conferencesand in-housedaystoconsultwiththeaiesecnetworkinthe Netherlands The Part-time Board OutgoingGlobalCommunityDevelopment AmbassadorsTeam ProgramTeam Goaloftheteam: AsamemberoftheoGCDPteamyouareresponsibleforthe outgoingvolunteerprojects.Togetherwithbothyourcoordinator andtheotheroGCDPteammembersyouselect,supportand preparestudentswhowishtodoavolunteerprojectwithAIESEC. Mainresponsibili;es: • SeTngupandexecuDnganeffecDvemarkeDngplanto promotetheAIESECbrandandrecruitstudentsforvoluntary projectsabroad • CoachstudentswhogoabroadwithAIESECbyguiding, supporDngandpreparingthemfortheirexperienceaccording toAIESEC’sLeadershipDevelopmentModel • Organizingeventsinordertoeitherrecruitstudentsorto preparethemfortheirinternshipabroad • KeepingcontactwithabroadAIESECofficesandstudentsthat havebeensentabroad • AVendingnaDonalandinternaDonalsummits,conferencesand in-housedaystoconsultwiththeaiesecnetworkinthe Netherlands Goaloftheteam: ThegoaloftheAmbassadorsProgram2.0istofuncDonasa PartnershipManagementteamforAIESECtheNetherlands. Therefore,themainresponsibilityistomanageournaDonal partnerships,andthroughthis,ensuresufficientinternshipsfor high-qualityexchangeexperienceforourExchangeParDcipants. Thisisdonethroughanextensiveprogram,inwhichtheAmb teamrecruits,trainsandpreparesandsendstheparDcipantsto partnershipcountriesofAIESECtheNetherlands Mainresponsibili;es: • SeTngupanaDonalmarkeDngstrategyandimplementthe strategyincollaboraDonwiththeotherAIESECcommiVeesin TheNetherlands • SelectdesDnaDonsfortheparDcipants • CreaDnganextensiveselecDonmethodtoselectapplicants • SetupanpreparaDoncycletopreparetheparDcipantsfor theirexperienceabroad Expectations Who are we looking for? Practical information concerning the member profile: If you are interested in joining AIESEC Maastricht, these are • You spend around 15 hours a week on AIESEC as a part- some things we expect from you: time board member. These hours include office hours, • Enthusiastic students with a good motivation for joining marketing, team and LC meetings, trainings and activities AIESEC with the trainees. • • Students with a global view and international interest, as • you will meet international trainees and engage with other onwards as there are team meetings, local committee entities at e.g. conferences and summits meetings and AIESEC drinks The ability to look beyond your own function and contribute • summits or conferences) should be considered as they Students that have a strong connection to the vision and demand time values of our organization • Team players • Ambitious people who want to achieve something in today’s world • Pro-activity • Good social skills Extra activities with your team (e.g. team weekend or activities) and on the international or national level (e.g. to the local committee as a whole • Tuesday evenings are reserved for AIESEC from 18.00 • It is possible for every university student to apply (all studies and faculties). • If you decide to apply, you must apply for AIESEC in general, but you can indicate your preference for a certain team or position. • If selected you will be a member of AIESEC for the duration of at least 1 year (it is possible to stay longer) Thinking about applying for the part-time board? Forpart-DmeposiDonsapplyviathisform MoreinformaDon?VisitourinformaDonevenings: Tuesday22rdofMarchatSBE,20.00h Monday4thofAprilatSBE,20.00h ApplicaDondeadline: 8thofApril,16.00h WearelookingforwardtoreceivingyourapplicaDon! Checkout AIESECtheNetherlands AIESECInternaDonal AIESEC2020 AIESECHub WHY,HOW,WHATofAIESEC HumansofAIESECMaastricht If you have any questions left, please send an email to:
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