The international platform for young people to explore and


The international platform for young people to explore and
The international platform for young
people to explore and develop their
leadership potential
Board positions 2016-2017
Dear student,
Great that you are considering a board position within AIESEC Groningen! Since 1948 we have chosen
more than a million students worldwide to join the board of the biggest student association of the
world. Our organization strives to develop students on a professional level beside their studies. Our
organization is even seen as the biggest developer of leadership. The personal and professional
development of our board members is central in this organization. During the year you get various
possibilities to develop yourself in skills you are interested in. Are you interested in becoming more
self-aware and solution oriented? Do you want you how to develop a strategy for an organization?
Do you want to have contact with multinationals or participate in an international congress? All of
this is possible, these are only a few examples of everything that is possible in a board year within
Through this booklet we would like to give you a little insight in the organization and what the
organization can mean to you if you would be part of it. Worldwide more than 100.000 students from
125+ different countries put all their effort into this organization. Next to the international contact,
you can cooperate on a local level with students of different backgrounds.
If you have any questions after reading this booklet, don’t hesitate to contact us
Enjoy reading the booklet!
On behalf of AIESEC Groningen,
Frank Stoer
Local Committee President 2015-2016
Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
History of AIESEC ..................................................................................................................................... 4
The structure of AIESEC ........................................................................................................................... 5
Board of AIESEC Groningen ..................................................................................................................... 6
Board activities ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Local board activities ............................................................................................................................. 10
Board positions ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Full-time Board ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Parttime Board ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Other programs ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Experiences with AIESEC....................................................................................................................... 16
Application procedure ........................................................................................................................... 17
History of AIESEC
AIESEC was established after World War II by students from seven different countries. The idea was
to restore the relations between several countries in Europe. Their goal was: Never war again.
According to AIESEC the best way to reach this goal is to let people experience themselves what life
in another country is like. After 65 years AIESEC has developed to: ‘The international platform for
young people to explore and develop their leadership potential’.
Intercultural understanding is being stimulated when students from different countries get into
contact with each other, that is why in 1948 the international internship program was founded.
Through this internship program students do not only get conscious of other cultures, it will be an
enrichment in many different levels. Your experience abroad will be much more intense if you live
and work there as well. Personal development is a central element in everything AIESEC does and all
the activities we organize.
You may know AIESEC also from the career events that we have organized for many years. This was
done by Make a Move, but since 2015 AIESEC the Netherlands has collectively decided to discontinue
the local activities of Make a Move. AIESEC now solely focusses on leadership development through
global internships and voluntary projects.
Meanwhile AIESEC has developed to a student organization that is represented in 127 countries,
which makes us the biggest student organization of the world and even the second NGO worldwide
(after the VN)! Annually more than 80.000 students work for this organization on a voluntary basis.
There is an AIESEC board located in 2400 cities in the world. They provide the opportunities to
students to go abroad and do an international internship or project. At this moment we realize about
16.000 exchanges per year.
In short AIESEC provides students all over the world the opportunity to develop themselves on a
personal level. This happens by international internships, voluntary projects and board positions, in
which students are able to develop their leadership potential.
´I commend AIESEC's continuing efforts to develop the future business leadership of our
Nelson Mandela
´The United Nations has long recognized that the imagination, ideals and energies of young men and
women are vital for the continuing development of the societies in which they live. And since its inception
in 1948, AIESEC has contributed to this development by serving as an agent of positive change through
education and cultural exchange. In an era of globalization, your programs have helped young people around the world to
develop a broader understanding of cultural, socio-economic and business management issues.´
Kofi Anan
The structure of AIESEC
Globally, AIESEC is divided in three board layers. There is an international committee (AIESEC
International), 125+ national committees (Member Committee) and eleven local committees (Local
Committee) in the Netherlands.
AIESEC International (AI)
AIESEC international is the governing body that is instituted in Rotterdam. Annually there are 22
persons elected to become a full-time member of the board that coordinates every national AIESEC
board and that makes sure the organization reaches their global goals.
Member Committee (MC) AIESEC in the Netherlands
This is the governing body within the Netherlands and is instituted in Amsterdam. The Member
Committee is the national board. This board consists of eight persons. They are responsible for the
strategic plans of AIESEC in the Netherlands and the coordination of the eleven local committees. In
addition, they have influence on the direction of AIESEC on a global level by giving advice to AIESEC
Local Committee (LC) AIESEC Groningen
This year the board of Groningen consists of 26 members, of which five persons work full-time. Here
in Groningen we have three teams: The Outgoing Global Internship Program Team, the Outgoing
Global Community Development Program Team and the Incoming Exchange Team.
Board of AIESEC Groningen
AIESEC Groningen is the board in Groningen where you can develop yourself while working in a
professional environment with a group of 26 very enthusiastic members. You can expect an
overwhelming board year full of surprises and getting out of your comfort zone to develop yourself,
but above all of that an amazing experience while being a student!
AIESEC Groningen consists of three teams, the Incoming Exchange team, the Outgoing Global
Internship Program team and the Outgoing Global Community Development Program.
Incoming Exchange Team: This team matches foreign students to internships in Groningen. They
acquire positions at companies for internationals to work and they find methods to reach and match
the right students to those places. Furthermore they welcome those students in Groningen and
organize all kind of activities to make the trainees feel at home and to make sure they learn as much
as possible from their exchange. Their product is called Global Talent.
oGCDP Team: These people focus on the process of sending people abroad. This means they help
students find the right voluntary project abroad and guide them in the preparation and reintegration
of their projects in order to maximize
experience. Their main product is called
Global Citizen.
oGIP Team: These people also focus on
the process of sending people abroad.
This means they help students find the
right internships abroad and guide
them in the preparation and
reintegration of their projects in order
development experience. Their main
product is called Global Talent.
The structure
Within AIESEC Groningen there is a full-time and a part-time board. The full-time board consists of a
president, a vice-president and vice presidents of the different teams in AIESEC Groningen. The parttime board has got a lot of different positions to offer.
Vice President
Finance & ER
(Voluntary Projects)
VP ICX (Professional
2x Marketing
2x Marketing
Acquisition Manager
External Relations
External Relations
Account Manager
2x Matching
4x EP Manager
Event Manager
Talent Manager
Talent Manager
General board activities
During a board year within AIESEC you will get a lot of chances and possibilities to develop yourself.
In line with our mission AIESEC pays a lot of attention to the development of the board members.
The possibilities that AIESEC offers are unique chances to raise your personal development to the
next level. You can go to various trainings, reception weekends, national and international
congresses and as a board member you can go help AIESEC-cities abroad as well. We will go a little in
to depth of all the general possibilities.
AIESEC the Netherlands cooperates with companies like BCG, McKinsey, Heineken, Krauthammer,
World Merit etc. This is to provide board members with the possibility to receive trainings and to
make the organization grow by developing themselves at the same time. During your board year you
can participate in various trainings that are structured by the so-called ‘trainings cycle’ and it consists
of trainings provided by internal and external trainers. The purpose of this cycle is to bring a structure
in the personal development and trainings of the board members. Every AIESEC’er can participate in
about 30 training-moments in a year if you participate in everything that is provided. Important for
this development growth is that 80% of it is ‘learning by doing’, the experience you get in AIESEC by
working together with other students and by getting out of your comfort zone. The trainings will take
place at the national congresses of AIESEC the Netherlands, national training days, in-house trainings
at companies or in Groningen by trainers in our own Local Development Plan.
Reception Weekends
Every year the different local boards in the Netherlands organize five reception weekends. These
weekends are open for every board member to join. The purpose of these weekends is to show the
international trainees who are living in the Netherlands the different cities of the Netherlands. The
cool part of these weekends is that in practice not only the trainees get to know the different cities,
but the board members themselves get to know a lot of students from different cities, the trainees
from the different cities
and a bit of the student
culture in the other cities
as well. This means that by
Weekends, your network
will expand very quickly.
National Conferences
At the national congresses, which take place twice a year, all the board members of AIESEC the
Netherlands come together to get to know each other a bit better and exchange experiences. The
days cover trainings and strategic sessions, in which you can help AIESEC the Netherlands by thinking
about the strategy that will change short- and long term projects. But next to that, national
congresses consist of three amazing days of
having cool conversations and very nice parties
as well with 250 students from the whole of the
Netherlands. This forms a great new network
that you will experience by joining AIESEC.
International Conferences
To realize: every single day of the year there is
an international AIESEC conference somewhere
in the world. Within a week you can be in
contact with hundreds of students from 125
AIESEC countries.
A conference is mostly about developing leadership skills together with people from all over the
world, a unique experience to discover how other cultures work and function. During these
congresses you are together with hundreds of students, all doing the same job, but in another reality
through their background from different countries. An awesome experience you can share with your
whole AIESEC board!
Local board activities
Week planning
As a part-time board member you are part of a team ánd of AIESEC Groningen. You will be spending
on average 20 hours at your functional tasks and general AIESEC Groningen tasks. These hours are
approximately evenly divided between particular tasks in your position, task for your team and tasks
for AIESEC Groningen.
Every Monday evening we have a meeting with the whole board and after that separate team
meetings. Before the meeting the teams will have dinner with each other and after the meeting
there will be drinks. This means that you are expected to be there every Monday evening from 18:00
till 23:00.
Next to that everyone works two office shifts per week at the office to make sure you can realize all
your projects. You can plan those office shifts yourself and are completely free in when you want to
work at the office, but both office shifts should be at least three hours.
General job description
As mentioned above you will be spending approximately 30 % of your AIESEC-time at general AIESEC
activities. We made a general job description to give you an insight in these activities. So next to your
functional tasks, these are general AIESEC activities you will be performing during the year.
 Marketing for other teams and new board members
A couple of times per year there is an intensive marketing period for the products we offer. To get as
much as attention as possible we need the whole board to help for some of the products. The
moments and products for this are strategically chosen and we expect all the effort for this from all
of our board members.
 Reception of trainees
The reception of the trainees who are doing an internship in Groningen is a responsibility of the
whole board. The trainees will come to the drinks on Monday evening and there will be activities
organized for them as well by the different teams of our board.
Most of us will have had a time abroad and know what an amazing time that is. We want to give our
trainees such an experience as well and that is why we try to involve them in all our fun activities as
well. Next to that every AIESEC-city in the Netherlands organizes a reception weekend. During this
weekend everyone participates in an activity that will show the city where we are. For example, in
Tilburg we went to the Efteling and in Maastricht we celebrated Carnaval. These weekends are a lot
of fun because you will get to know trainees from all the cities and from countries all over the world.
For the moment we have got trainees from Canada, Spain, Greece, China, Kyrgyzstan and Germany.
Conversations with trainees are your chance to get in contact with students from really different
cultures, just here in Groningen!
 Crossteams
Within the LC there will be made cross teams to organize activities for the whole LC. Every LC’er is
part of a cross team and everyone will be organizing a couple of things that are not part of their
function. Examples of those activities are reception weekend Groningen, coming up with ideas for
and preparing the marketing period for the new board members and thinking of strategies to
stimulate the LC to reach all the targets.
 Presence at the LC activities
At the LC-meeting on Monday evening important business is talked about and so these evenings are
mandatory for everyone. Furthermore we do have drinks afterwards and there are is a lot of social
activity going on, so most of the members will stay a bit longer than they had planned for on
Next to that LC-weekends like strategy weekend and take-over weekend are organized for all of the
board members. These weekends are important to be able to reach the goals you set with your
whole board and to be able to take-over everything you will learn or learned in a year. So everyone is
expected to attend those as well.
 National and International Conferences
Like described above, twice a year there is a national conference for all the board members of AIESEC
the Netherlands. These are very inspiring days in which you get to learn a lot and get to know a lot of
people from all over the Netherlands.
At a global level there are a lot of international conferences as well. Every board will at least attend
one of those international conferences with the whole board. We are about to go to Sofia in Bulgaria
and attend a conference over there with our whole LC, not doubting that this will be the most special
experience of our board term.
National as well as international conferences are an amazing addition to your year, so everyone who
would like to get everything out of his/her AIESEC year should make sure they attend those!:)
 Events of other teams
For you and your fellow board members it is nice to see a lot of you attending the events of other
teams. It is great when the whole LC is involved with an event, so that a team activity becomes an
activity of AIESEC Groningen and we can show this to other students as well.
Board positions
Full-time Board
The Executive Board (EB) is responsible for AIESEC Groningen. The team consists of five full-timers;
your working hours will be from 10.00 till 18.00 five days a week. There is a president (LCP) and there
are four vice-presidents (VP). One of the main responsibilities of the EB is the strategy of AIESEC
Groningen. You will write a strategy together with your EB in which the strategic direction of AIESEC
Groningen will be decided. The other main responsibility of the EB is guiding and coaching of the
teams. Every coordinator is responsible for the development of his/her teamies and for the product
of his/her team!
Furthermore you have a lot of contact with your colleagues in the other cities. You will have a
meeting every month with all the other ten students in the Netherlands who are performing exactly
the same job as you are. In those meetings you will discuss the national strategy and practical
implementation in the different realities of different cities. Some of the functional groups will go on
an international conference with all of them as well!
With a board position within AIESEC Groningen personal development will be a central element in
your year. For the full-time board members there is even more focus on this development than for
the part-time board-members. You will get special trainings for full-time board members on a local,
national and international level. Next to that you have the LCP who will help you with your personal
goals and challenge you to go that extra mile and develop yourself faster than you have ever done
The position of LCP is only open for students who have been involved with AIESEC before and the
new LCP will help select the new board. So there is no possibility to apply for this position anymore.
If you are interested in a position in the full-time board you can contact us to have coffee and chat
about the possibilities. In this way you can get a better insight in the different positions and what it
would mean to do a full-time year in the AIESEC board of Groningen. So please feel free to contact
me! (Frank Stoer,, 0650434051)
‘Through the intense cooperation with my full-time board-members I became more aware of what my
strengths and weaknesses are and how I contribute to a team. The strategical thinking about the
future of AIESEC Groningen gives me a lot of energy. Apart from that I enjoy the interactions with the
board-members in the other cities and the visits to the inspiring international conferences. It is great
to see how you together with students all over the world are trying to achieve the same goal.’
Thijmen Calis - VP Finance & ER
Part-time Board
Incoming Exchange (ICX)
As a member of the ICX team you are responsible for the Incoming Exchange Program. Together with
both your Vice President and the other ICX team members it is your responsibility to create as many
quality traineeship opportunities as possible and match foreign students to those traineeships.
Furthermore you try to give the trainees a leadership experience by coaching and helping them
during their time in the Netherlands. Starting from July we have 4 positions available.
Available part-time positions (4):
1x Account Manager
1x Acquisition Manager
1x Trainee Manager
1x Event Manager
‘I get so much energy from being part of AIESEC Groningen! AIESEC gives me the possibility to develop
myself on a personal and professional level in an encouraging and inspirational environment. While
learning how it is to work for a multinational organization, I am working with an incredible team to
get the most out of every opportunity. Everybody wants you to be the best version of yourself by
encouraging you to do things you thought you would never be able to do. To be able to grow, you
have to be critical, not only to yourself but also the world around you. I like that my experience is
AIESEC is not just about me, but that the organization is actively participating in trying to find
solutions for worldwide issues.’
Caro Jongert, Account manager ICX
Outgoing Exchange – Global Internship Program (oGIP)
As a member of the oGIP team you are responsible for the outgoing professional internships.
Together with both your Vice President and the other oGIP team members you select, support,
prepare and coach students who wish to go abroad with AIESEC. Providing a leadership development
experience through a professional internship involves many different steps. Starting from July we
have 3 positions available.
Available part-time positions (3):
2x Matching Manager
1x Marketing Manager
‘As a part of the oGIP team, I have developed myself in a very high pace. The freedom that comes with
being part of a new team is very challenging, but even more fulfilling.’
Daan Peeters Weem, Vice President oGIP
Outgoing Exchange – Global Community Development Program (oGCDP)
As a member of the oGIP team you are responsible for the outgoing voluntary projects. Together
with both your Vice President and the other OGX team members you select, support, prepare and
coach students who wish to go abroad with AIESEC. This team aims to provide students a leadership
development experience, but also aims to have an impact on the world through the projects that
exchange participants do. Starting from July we have 5 positions available.
Available part-time positions (5):
2x Marketing Manager
2x EP manager
1x External Relations Manager
‘Last December my term started and I immediately felt part of a very strong team. Next to executing
all the tasks and taking care of the responsibilities related to your function, teambuilding and –
bonding are aspects that appeal most to me within AIESEC. The consequence of this is that everyone
enjoys ‘working’ and results will follow automatically. De last couple of months taught me to be even
more proactive, make that extra step and grab every opportunity that is offered to you. All in all, I
learnt many practical things, but mostly I started to explore myself as a person.’
Maik Bokhove, EP manager oGCDP
‘In 2014 I decided to join AIESEC in the part-time board. I was truly amazed by the organization and its
people. I noticed that my behavior and self-perception changed positively. Not only myself and my
fellow-board members noticed this but my friends from outside AIESEC also complimented me about
this. Because this year gave me so much energy I applied for the full-time board and I got elected as
vice-president of the oGCDP team. I am responsible for the development and operations of my seven
team members and together we try to give as many students as possible the opportunity to volunteer
abroad with us. It's the best experience ever to see my team members grow and make them aware of
this. It makes me proud every day.’
Lotte Dragt, VP oGIP
Other programs
Besides the teams described above, there are some national programs which are not hosted by
AIESEC Groningen, but are our national AIESEC projects part of our local marketing.
Ambassadors program
The Ambassadors program is a program aiming to build partnerships with
other AIESEC entities and assess the quality of the projects they offer. So in
short the participants are Ambassadors for AIESEC in the Netherlands. This
project is only open for AIESEC Alumni and is organized by AIESEC Maastricht.
The NOUR-project is the response of AIESEC on the current
integration problems. AIESEC contributes to the solution of this
problem by exchanging students with the NOUR-project. With this
project students in the end of their studies will go to Oman, Tunisia,
Morocco or Jordan for a summer project. In these countries the
students will work in a local company and will go through a learning process about the Arabic world.
More information at:
Experiences with AIESEC
‘Your student years are the year to develop yourself, to discover who you are, what you are able of
and what you want in life. AIESEC is thé platform to make mistakes, learn of it and do something
meaningful for yourself and the people around you. I see my AIESEC year as one of the most valuable
additions to my student years and it provided me with numerous opportunities and opened doors that
I thought would never open for me!’
Govert van Beuningen – Acquisition Manager Incoming Exchange Team 2007-2008
‘AIESEC started to become really special to me when I had been at an international congress in Tunisia
with 5 other students from AIESEC Groningen. We have had the most amazing week with students
from over 25 countries. It was not until then that I realized how big the impact of the organization is
and what kind of possibilities it provides. It is very special to see what your role and what the role of
AIESEC Groningen is in such an enormous international network.’
Esther de Kruijk – EP manager Outgoing Exchange Team 2007-2008
‘AIESEC-students are full of energy and know how to convert that energy to creative results in a way
you do not see that often, even in students!’
M. Versteeg, HR-manager Gasunie, Partner in our Local Advisory Board
‘AIESEC has brought me a lot, I have learned incredibly much and perform actions I will probably only
be allowed to do after ten years again. AIESEC proved the possibilities to experience professional
experience at a young age, you will develop skills you will have benefit of the rest of your life. But the
most important part of my AIESEC-experience is the people I got to know. It is unique to see how
ambitious and motivated the board members of AIESEC are. To be able to work with such a group of
people is terrific, without a doubt you will have an awesome year!’
Ellis Broeks, President 2009-2010
‘I experience AIESEC Groningen as a sprightly and innovative organization. Because I live very close, I
would come to the office occasionally to feel the atmosphere. What I encounter there, are AIESEC’ers,
who individually or in small groups, are working very hard to realize their projects. This always
happens in an atmosphere of attention for each other. You will hear them laugh a lot as well.
Several times a year we come together with the local advisory board and the full-time board of
AIESEC Groningen. It strikes me how well prepared those meetings are. AIESEC is eager to get the best
our of the members of the local advisory board. This will happen by use of ‘cases’ or with ‘speed
dating’. There exists an atmosphere as if we are an active beehive. The focus and enthusiasm is clear
as soon as you have a look at their faces.
In the world of today it is unimaginable that there would be no AIESEC. From the moment they were
established after World War II they have always been precursors in the sector of international
exchanges of excellent students. As a member of the local advisory board I think it is a privilege to be
able to help my bit in this greater goal. I see that the other members in the advisory board feel the
same. You give your best insights to AIESEC, and you get ten times more energy and inspiration back.
AIESEC Groningen, keep up the good work!’
Geert Sanders, former chairman SER Noord Nederland, Partner in our Local Advisory Board
Application procedure
To apply you have to fill out this form with your CV uploaded before the 17th of April 23.59 hour: You can apply for a specific position,
show a preference for a team or apply open. This will not influence your chances of being selected. It
might happen that you will get offered a different position than the position of your preferences,
because we think it suits you better or it provides a bigger challenge for you.
The selection procedure will be as follows: After the application deadline, the president, Frank Stoer,
will contact you. He will send you a confirmation of your application and a date and time for a group
assessment. This part-time board assessment takes approximately 45 minutes and will take place at
19 or 21 April. You do not need to prepare anything for this assessment. After the assessment he will
contact you again and let you know if you made it through the assessment and will be invited for the
interviews. He will send a date and time for your interview and an explanation of what will happen in
the interview. Those interviews will take about half an hour per person. The interviews will be
planned on 25 April and 3 May. On the 19th of May you will be called about the result of your
The full time board selection consists of two interviews of approximately 2 hours. Instructions about
this will be sent after the application deadline. The interviews take place at 20 and 26 April and 3 and
4 May. The announcement will be in the evening of 18 May. Make sure you are available then.
If you are selected, your predecessor and the coordinator of the team will do an intense take over
with you so that you are completely ready for your position by the 1st of July when your term
officially starts. During the summer break you will already have your first tasks. But the workload will
be limited and flexible up until the KEI week for the part-time board. When you will be selected for
the full-time board, there will also be an opportunity to have a summer break. You will discuss the
specifics about this with your president and new board.
If you are thinking about applying I would recommend you to come to one of the info sessions. We
will tell everything you need to know about an AIESEC year and can help you with questions you still
have or considerations you have to make. Also, if you are applying for a full-time position, you can
have a coffee with one of us if you like to!
Important dates
7 & 12 April
Information sessions 16:00-18:00 (Location to be announced)
17 April
Application deadline
19 & 21 April
Part-time board assessment round
20 & 26 April
Full-time board first interview round
25 April & 3 May
Part-time board interview round
3 & 4 May
Full-time board second interview round
18 May
Full-time board announcement
19 May
Part-time board announcement
20 May
National Take Over Start (national event with all the new members of
AIESEC the Netherlands)
23 May
First Local Committee meeting (From this week every Monday
20 May – 30 June
Takeover period
25-27 May
EB Boarders (National transition conference, only for full-time board
3-5 June
EB Take over weekend (Only for full-time board members)
8-10 June
Functional Boarders (National functional transition, only for full-time
board members)
24-26 June
LC Take over weekend (Transition weekend with whole AIESEC
1 July
Official start of the term
Want to apply?
Fill out this form and upload your CV before the 17th of April 23.59 hour:
If you have any difficulties or questions feel free to contact me!
Check out these videos to get a better idea of our vision and products!
Why we do what we do
What is AIESEC?
Global Citizen
Global Talent
Frank Stoer