Peace Lutheran Weekly News - Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church


Peace Lutheran Weekly News - Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Peace Lutheran Weekly News
“ P R E S S
9415 Merriman Road
Livonia, MI 48150
Church & School
(734) 422-6930
Preschool: (734) 762-6691
(734) 422-0790
O N ”
3 : 1 4
3 1 ,
2 0 1 3
Important Notes From Your Teacher
We hope that you and your families have a relaxing and safe summer vacation. We hope and pray,
however, that as you are taking a break from school, that you do not take a break from God and God’s
Word. Your children depend on you to be the model for them. What better model can we as parents be
than to be a model that makes going to God’s house a priority?
“But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory both now and forever.”
Have a blessed summer!
4th Quarter Report Cards ~ The report cards for the fourth quarter will be mailed to your homes next
week. They can also be picked up in church on Sunday, June 9 th. If you have any questions or would
 Fri, May 31st
like to speak about your child’s progress this year, feel free to give your child’s teacher a call. Just a
8:05 AM Chapel w/
reminder that report cards will not be issued until all tuition balances have been paid in full or until
Mission Offering-Wilson,
there has been an approved payment plan by our Board of Education.
Last Day of School Classes Dismiss at
Noon, Henson Cleaning
 Sun, June 2nd
Mr. Wilson - 7th & 8th . . . . Thank you all for a great year! Thank you for the opportunity you gave me
to work with your children to help them grow physically, mentally, socially, and above all spiritually. I
appreciate all of the help that you have given this year. Have a fun, safe, and relaxing summer!
~ Graduation is this Sunday! Please look for the graduation section of this note for more details.
9:30 AM Worship
Service w/o
Communion, K and 8th
Gr Graduation, PreKGr. 7 Sing, NO SS &
Mrs. Van Loton - 5th & 6th . . . . I can’t believe we are at the last day of school already…where did it
go??? Thank you everyone for a wonderful year!! What a blessing it was to be able to teach your
children both academically and spiritually.
~ Please do not forget that all children sing this weekend in church. I ask that your children be in Mrs.
Wilson’s room by 9:10am to practice the song and get lined up. Immediately following the church
service we will have a small ceremony recognizing the Kindergarten and 8 th grade graduates. Also, at
this time there will be certain awards given out: Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll, Track and Field,
Graduation, 10 AM
Music, etc… please stick around if you can and enjoy the cake and ceremonies!
Carol Nielson
~ I pray that you all have a relaxing, fun, and adventurous summer vacation. Before you know it, we will
be starting school again in the fall and repeating the madness for another 180 days…however, in the
Retirement Service at St.
mean time, I will see you in church throughout summer! The Lord’s Blessings on your summer plans.
 Mon, June 3rd
7:00 PM Worship
Service w/o
Communion, Teacher
Work Day
 Tue, June 4th
Mrs. Murphy - 3rd & 4th . . . . Today is our last day of school for the year! I enjoyed having your
children in my classroom and I am having trouble passing them on to Mrs. Van Loton. I wish everyone
a restful summer. Don’t forget church is 9:30 on Sunday and 7:00 on Monday and VBS is the week of
July 22 – 26. Hope to see you there.
Mrs. Wilson - 1st & 2nd . . . . Thank you to all our chaperones for the Greenfield Village trip. Hope you
enjoyed the scavenger hunt. The students said they really liked watching me make the glass flower. It
was even hotter behind the gate!
Teacher Work Day, 6
The best thing that you can do for your child in the summer, so that they can “hit the ground running
PM Board of Ed, 7 PM
is READ EVERY DAY. It sounds like such a simple thing to do. I can’t tell you what a difference it
makes! Enroll in a library summer reading program. The programs are free. They give away FREE
Board of Elders, 7 PM
gift certificates. The kids love getting their rewards.
Remember to sign up for VBS.
Property & Maintenance
It was been my absolute privilege and a blessing from God to spend the past year (or two) with your
 Thu, June 6th
children. They are each so special. God’s blessings to you this summer. 2 nd graders, I’ll see you in the
7 PM Stewardship &
hallway. First graders, we have one more year to enjoy each other. Love you, my monchichis.
 Sun, June 9th
9:30 AM Worship
Service w/o
Communion, NO SS &
Mrs. Ott - Kindergarten . . . . We enjoyed our last week together. We had Bible trivia to review our
Bible stories for the last few months. You will see from our handwriting sheets that we have made a lot
of progress in that area as well. We finished up our last unit and activity book, mixed primary color
paints to make other colors, and finished learning about the Mt. Rushmore presidents. Thanks for all
the fun treats for our rockin reader party. The kids will be receiving a tan envelope which is the
summer activity packet. There is a note inside it to explain a few things about the contents and things
they can do to keep their skills sharp over the summer. Don't forget that we will meet at 9:10 this
Sunday to be prepared for our graduation. I am so thankful that I was able to be a part of your child's
education this year! God bless your summer!
Mrs. Gorsegner - Preschool . . . . Thank you for all of the cards, gifts, and wonderful messages you have
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Important Notes From Your Teacher—Continued
giving Mrs. Dostal and I over the last year. We consider it a blessing and a privilege to be part of your child's education.
Have a wonderful summer.
Future 5th Grade Beginner Band Notes ~ The 4th graders were able to sit in on a band rehearsal this week and see the different
instruments that they will have to choose from. You will be receiving a band note in the summer mailing explaining the
program and the options you have for instruments. Let me know if you have any questions.
5-8th Band Notes & News ~ Rental instruments will be cleaned as time permits and we will let you know when they are available
for pick-up. The students should be practicing them on occasion so they don't lose their embouchure and skills learned thus far.
We would like to pick up where we left off in the fall instead of going backwards. Check out music stores if you are out as they
have a lot to offer for extra fun music to keep the kids interested. Future 8th graders can consider joining the Southeast
Michigan WELS band which meets on Sunday evenings beginning in the fall. We play at a few concerts throughout the year. It
is a commitment but the kids that have been involved have really grown from the experience and it has challenged them to excel
in their instrument. More details will come when school begins again but it is something to consider over the summer. Enjoy
the break!
Piano Notes and News ~ The students all did a fabulous job at the recital!! It is such a great experience for them to be able to get
in front of a crowd that big and perform. God has truly blessed each of them with different talents and abilities. Thanks for
allowing me the opportunity to share the gift of music with them!
Registration Days ~ THERE are still a
number of families who have not registered
for school next year. If you didn’t get a
chance to register yet, please fill out the
forms that were attached to a previous note
and return them to the school office as soon
as possible. Space is limited in our
classrooms! If your registration isn’t in,
we can’t guarantee you a spot for next
school year. If you misplaced the forms,
we have copies in the school office. Thank
you for your help!
Graduation/Church Singing ~ THIS
Sunday, June 2, we will be holding our
graduations at the end of the 9:30 a.m.
worship service.
The children in
kindergarten through seventh are
scheduled to sing at that service. Please
be sure to have your children to Mrs.
Wilson’s room NO LATER than 9:15 a.m.
We congratulate our eighth graders on
their graduation. We are confident that the
education they received here has not only
prepared them well for their lives here on
earth, but has also prepared them well for
their eternal life in heaven! We wish them
all God’s blessings as they begin a new
stage of their education.
We also congratulate our kindergarten
graduates. They have also completed one
of the first stages of their education. Now
they are also well prepared to continue on
in their education. We wish them God’s
blessings also.
There will be a short reception/awards
ceremony following the service. We will
be handing out academic awards,
attendance awards, track medals, and If you would be able to help please take a
preschool certificates at that reception. moment and complete the sign up sheet.
Sign up form is attached.
Please plan to stay.
Boxtops for Education & Campbells
Labels ~ Attention all Clippers: Peace
Lutheran School wants to thank all who
participated in this school year's box tops
and labels contest.
Mrs. Wilson's
Classroom did win with over 19,000
points. We will start the next contest in
the fall. Happy clipping and saving!
Kroger Rewards ~ We just received
another check from Krogers’ in the
amount of 170.14.
Thank you to
everyone who participates in this very
easy program . . . . just shop, swipe your
card and you save and we earn!
To enroll or re-enroll go to and
select Michigan. Thanks!
If enrolling for the first time the code for
Peace is 83027. Let us know if you do
not have internet access, we can help you
with that.
Help Be a WOMPer? ~ Are you
interested in being a WOMPer (Word of
Mouth Promoter) for our school. The
best advertisement we have is YOU.
There are several ways this can be done:
1. If you know of a family member or
friend who might be interested in our
school, please give them our
2. There will be a number of small
flyers for both the school and
preschool on the table in the narthex
that we would like to post on
community bulletin boards (i.e.
libraries, Starbucks, Panera Bread,
etc.). Would you be able to take a
few and post them?
3. Keep our school and preschool in
your thoughts and prayers. Pray
that the Lord would continue to bless
our work so that more and more
children and their families can learn
about their Savior, Jesus.
Thanks for your help! Now GET
Worship Service Summer Hours ~ We
began having one service on Sunday at
9:30 AM and one service on Monday at
7:00 PM. We will return to our 8:30 and
CAMP KILLARNEY ~ There is still
11:00 Services and Bible Class and
time to register for camp. The form is
Sunday School in September.
Vacation Bible School ~ Mark your
YOUTH GROUP ~ the June 16th will
calendars!!! July 22nd thru 26th, 9 AM
be a meeting. The Go-Carts and Putt-Putt
to Noon. Feel free to invite someone you
activity is on June 27th at 6pm. Any
Neighbors, friends, relatives,
questions contact Zach Garrett at
everyone is invited. Guaranteed to be a or 734-735fun filled week. Helpers are also needed.
7036 .
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Huron Valley Lutheran High School
Did you know that supporting Huron Valley Lutheran High School is only a mouse click away? HVL's home page,, offers a convenient "Donate Now" button. You can give a one-time gift, or set up recurring gifts that will help
HVL keep our cash flow steady throughout the year. All gifts are greatly appreciated.
Huron Valley Lutheran High School is currently accepting enrollment applications for the coming 2013-2014 school year. All
registration and tuition forms are available on line at Tuition assistance forms are due asap and are available
by calling the HVL office at 734.525.0160. God bless us as we prepare students for life!
HAWK TALK ~ Did you know that thirteen members of the Huron Valley Lutheran High School Band recently participated in
the District 12 Solo & Ensemble Festival? Each participant from HVL received a first or second place medal. We thank God for
the talents and skills He has instilled in the students who attend HVL. Please visit for more information. To keep
up to date with HVL, sign up for the weekly E-News at
Piano Lesson Sign-Up (all current students please fill out and return by Friday, June 1st) Please check
all that apply to your child. Thanks for your cooperation!
_____ My child is interested in taking summer piano lessons. Which days work? ____________
Morning or Afternoon?_____
_____ My child would like to continue piano lessons next fall.
_____ My child will not be continuing piano lessons in the fall.
_____ We are undecided at this time.