Newsletter PDF—Winter 2008 - AMTA-AZ
Newsletter PDF—Winter 2008 - AMTA-AZ
Making Connections By Tee Wills, AMTA-AZ Secretary/Treasurer The theme of the Cincinnati 2007 AMTA National Convention, “Making Connections,” became a reality for the Arizona Chapter members in attendance, thanks to Michelle Cordero’s great idea to conduct a scavenger hunt for attendees to enter a drawing for free registration to the 2008 Convention in Phoenix. The only clue was based on caricatures on a postcard enclosed in each convention attendee’s packet. The scavenger hunt consisted of finding the six Arizona Chapter members named on the postcard. They had to find us so we could hand punch the card next to our name and picture. We all had a different punch shape—a butterfly, a flower, a heart, a sun, a cat and a Mickey Mouse. Once a convention attendee had all 6 punches they were then eligible to enter their card into the drawing to be held on Saturday night at the dinner/dance. What fun we had. When one of us was spotted, we would be inundated and completely surrounded by large groups of people. Most often there would be several of us together so folks would feel as if they hit the jackpot. Every time a class would have a break, people would be hunting us down—even into the restrooms. With convention attendance hovering around QRRRRRRRRRRRRU January 2008 DFFFFFFFFFFFFG Continuing Education Workshop DFFFFFFFFFFFFG Lymphatic Drainage Massage DFFFFFFFFFFFFG with Teri Rogers DFFFFFFFFFFFFG DFFFFFFFFFFFFG January 12–13, 2008 in Tucson DFFFFFFFFFFFFG Plan ahead now to be with us for this January 12–13, 2008 CE workshop. DFFFFFFFFFFFFG For more information and registration form, DFFFFFFFFFFFFG see pages 5, 6 and 7. ZVVVVVVVVVVVVM 1200 we met so many people. Constantly people would be staring at us, calling our names, searching us out, and we couldn’t help but wonder—Do I know this person or do they want their card punched? QRRRRRRRRRRRRRU We felt like stars. DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG It was such a great DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG idea that many other Sandy Lillian DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG chapters said they Anderson Walker would be taking the DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG idea home. National DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG loved what we were DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG doing because it fit Kellye Michelle DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG Webber Cor der o Corder dero right in with President DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG Leena Guptha’s theme DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG for making connections. We truly did DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG make hundreds of Tee Lil DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG Hackett Wills connections over the DFFFFFFFFFFFFFG five days we were in ZVVVVVVVVVVVVVM attendance. It was The scavenger hunt consisted of finding our six a wonderful way to AZ Chapter representatives named on the promote the Phoenix postcard. The Convention 2007 attendees who found all six of our representatives were eligible Convention and to enter a drawing for a free registration to the make acquaintances Phoenix 2008 National Convention. for next year!!! Note from Our President . . . . . . 3 Newly Appointed 2nd Vice President .............. 3 CVOP 2007 . . . . . 4 Summer 2007 Meeting and CE Workshop Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5 2007 National Convention House of Delegates . . . . . . . 5 A Few Days in the Life of a Convention Delegate . . . . . . 10 CEU Workshop, January 12–13: “Lymphatic Drainage Massage” . . . . . 6–7 State Board of Massage Therapy 10 Welcome to Our New Members . 8 –9 Late Arrivals . . . . . 9 Raffle Tickets . . 11 Practitioners for 2008 Convention 12 BOD Elections 2008 Application . insert AMTA Arizona In-Touch The AMTA-AZ Arizona In-Touch is published three times a year by the American Massage Therapy Association, Arizona Chapter, a non-profit professional massage therapy association. Mission of AMTA Arizona Chapter The mission of the Arizona Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association is to develop and advance the art, science and practice of massage therapy in a caring, professional and ethical manner in order to promote the health and welfare of humanity in Arizona. Goals of AMTA Arizona Chapter To establish massage therapy as integral to the maintenance of good health To increase public awareness of massage therapy and the profession Arizona Chapter Board Members President Lillian Walker 10217 E. Marmon St Tucson, AZ 85748 520-241-2727 3rd Vice President Connie Griffith 1650 E. Barbarita Ave. Gilbert, AZ 85234 480-813-9326 1st Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Lillian Hackett 7484 N. La Cholla Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85741 520-975-5837 Tee Wills 3020 N.Country Club Tucson, Arizona 85716 520-322-6161 2nd Vice President Immediate Past President Sandy Anderson 2547 N. Sparkman Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716 520-881-5438 Patti Stanley 3080 N. Civic Center Plaza Dr. #14 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 602-568-4458 To promote high standards in providing massage therapy to the public To increase access to quality massage therapy for all persons To be an influential member of the health care community To be a leader and a resource for issues in the field of massage therapy including— definitions, practice and education standards, legislation and regulation To enhance the professional development and personal growth of members To continue the Arizona AMTA’s growth, development, organizational effectiveness and visibility In pursuit of the above goals, the Arizona Chapter of the AMTA will be guided by the values of care and competency. Arizona In-Touch Winter 2007 Arizona Chapter Committee Chairs Awards Committee Chair Sandy Anderson 2547 N. Sparkman Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716 520-881-5438 Membership Committee Chair Rodney Valentine 1924 E. Jacinto Ave. Mesa, AZ 85204 480-813-5414 Marketing/PR Committee Chair Michelle Cordero 2210 S. Mill Ave. #9 Tempe, AZ 85282 480-557-9770 Education Committee Chair Kellye Webber 800 N. Swan Rd. #106 Tucson, AZ 85711 520-891-0802 Government Relations Contact Lillian Walker 10217 E. Marmon St Tucson, AZ 85748 520-241-2727 “Making Connections,” the theme of the Cincinnati 2007 AMTA National Convention, really hit home for me. This is what massage therapists do everyday! We touch our clients, we make connections. As massage therapists, we have an awareness of how making that connection works physiologically in our clients—moving blood and lymph, assisting the body to heal itself. Yet have you ever thought about how that positive touch can affect others of whom we are not aware? The client leaves your table feeling a little better. How will “Making Connections” at the 2007 National Convention in Cincinnati—Dr. Leena Guptha, AMTA National President (pictured left) and Lillian Walker, Arizona Chapter President that client, in a positive state of mind and body, continue making connections with other people? I have had the opportunity, as an AMTA volunteer, to branch out and make many connec- tions on a lot of different levels in the association. I can honestly say that I’m a better person for the volunteer experience. The most important connection I get to make is on the chapter level— meeting fellow massage therapists and chapter volunteers at the Arizona general meetings. As chapter president, I have also had the opportunity to travel and to meet the AMTA National Board and staff, the members of the Arizona State Board of Massage Therapy, the board members of the Massage Therapy Foundation, and the members of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. All these connections make me proud to be an AMTA member. This has been a special year for the Arizona Chapter. Lil Hackett (1st Vice President for the Arizona Chapter), Tee Wills (AMTA-AZ Secretary/Treasurer), Kellye Webber (Chair of the Arizona Chapter’s Education Committee), Michelle Cordero (Chapter Marketing Committee Chair), Sandy Anderson (AMTA-AZ Awards Committee Chair) and I (Arizona Chapter President) traveled to the national convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. In addition to our 2007 chapter member and representatives’ responsibilities, we attended as ambassadors for the 2008 national convention which will be held at the Phoenix Convention Center. This allowed me to connect with all sorts of massage therapists from all over the country. I absolutely loved having the opportunity to make even more connections!! How are you getting out in the world and making your connections? Lillian Walker AMTA-AZ Chapter President Lillian Walker AMTA-AZ Chapter President Newly Appointed 2nd Vice President On June 6, Shelene Taylor resigned her position as 2nd Vice President of the AZ Chapter. She has been an asset to the Chapter; it has truly been an honor to work with Shelene for the past four years. Her wisdom and logical thinking skills will be missed at the AZ Chapter Board meetings. We wish Shelene the best in all her endeavors. Sandy Anderson was unanimously approved by the Board to serve out the remainder of the 2nd Vice President’s term. She is currently the Chair of the Awards Committee and of the Leadership and Development Committee. The 2nd Vice President’s position will be open for election at the AMTA-AZ Chapter annual membership meeting in Phoenix, May 2008. In appointing Sandy, the AZ Board of Directors followed procedures outlined in the AMTA Bylaws: Article XIV. Chapters Section 5. Chapter Officers, E. Vacancy and Succession 4. A Vacancy in any appointed office may be filled by appointment by the Chapter President with the approval of the Chapter Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting or by mail ballot. 5. All members filling vacancies by election or appointment must satisfy the qualifications for office as put forth in these Bylaws. Arizona In-Touch Winter 2007 Chapter Volunteer Orientation Program 2007 By Kellye Webber, AMTA-AZ Education Committee Chair Our thriving chapters are the best way to build strong local communities of AMTA therapists who can improve their practices and increase consumer access to safe, compassionate touch. This summer I was appointed by our Chapter Board to attend AMTA’s 5th annual Chapter Volunteer Orientation Program (CVOP)—for which I am very grateful. I had a truly rewarding experience. As Tee Will’s partner in attendance, it was so nice to have an experienced and knowledgeable volunteer by my side. AMTA recognizes that each state chapter is the first face-to-face impression of the association to our members. They know it is critical that our members’ experience with the local chapters be positive, dependable, and personally and professionally uplifting. Our thriving chapters are the best way to build strong local communities of AMTA therapists who can improve their practices and increase consumer access to safe, compassionate touch. So, to support its local chapters, this year’s CVOP—in Evanston, Illinois July 12-15—was themed “Journey to Leadership.” There were a whopping 94 chapter volunteers representing 50 chapters. What a great feeling to know that all of these attendees were all volunteers—just like me! Chris Voltarel (from CA) is our Chapter Relations Committee Chair. She started off this 3-day journey by encouraging all CVOP attendees to consider how they can best serve AMTA members while also embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with volunteering. We were led through educational sessions that ranged from chapter financial reporting, to acting as an ambassador for AMTA, to rejuvenating the volunteer spirit. At this point my volunteer spirit was soaring being around all these wonderful volunteers and sharing thoughts and ideas, but the session on ambassadorship definitely got my attention. One of the “team” exercises was for us to come up with a portrait of an AMTA Ambassador. Each team was allowed to use whatever material, paper, or accessories they chose (or could come up with) to create what they viewed the portrait to be. Some teams created colorful drawings ranging from one of an AMTA massage therapist embracing the world of people, to (one of my favorites) a sheet of foil carefully and artfully portraying a mirror. This one really put some thoughtful attention into focus for me and the reason why I was there. Although this exercise gave a lot of us a great release of laughter and enjoyment to share, it truly delivered a fundamental message. Each of us members—especially as volunteers—should be knowledgeable about, and committed to, AMTA’s mission, goals, core values, and envisioned future, thus giving us a consistent message to the public about massage therapy. I have been a volunteer for our Arizona chapter just under four years. As a volunteer for AMTA, I am not only a member of a “memberdriven organization of ethical professionals,” but an ambassador for all members of the American Massage Therapy Association as well. Summer 2007 Membership Meeting Top row, pictured left to right— Graciano Lopez, Natalie Lecher, Carissa Perry, Linda Mills, Valerie Floyd. Bottom row, left to right— Anne Kurtz, Debbie Atchison Arizona In-Touch Winter 2007 National Convention House Of Delegates By Lil Hackett, AMTA-AZ 1st Vice President Thank you to all the members that voted me into the House of Delegates (HOD) to represent our state, along with our three other delegates, Lillian Walker, Kellye Webber and Tee Wills. This was my first opportunity representing our state in a national capacity and it was extremely fascinating! We had a ‘mock’ session the first day, and learned all about the proper procedures for speaking and voting in this forum. The next day, we voted on 5 separate recommendations, representing our chapter membership’s decisions from our general meeting in August. The recommendations that were considered, discussed and voted upon at this year’s HOD were: 1. Regarding the installation of new officers… ‘allowing them to be installed during a Chapter Annual Meeting, Convention in which they are elected, or at a later date.’ This recommendation did pass. 2. Regarding the duties of the Nominating Committee… ‘they may submit one (1) or more names for each elective office to be filled.’ This recommendation passed. 3. Regarding “Professional Active Classification” requiring the therapist to ‘hold a valid license, registration or certification issued by the state, territory or District of Columbia.’ This recommendation did not pass. 4. Regarding the “Membership in Chapters,” requesting ‘each Member to be assigned to as many State Chapters as they choose with the payment of each required State Chapter fee.’ This recommendation did not pass. 5. Regarding the recommendation to ‘supply only Business, Ethics and Theory type continuing educational units in the On-Line Learn Site.’ This recommendation passed. If you want to delve deeper into these recommendations, please feel free to log onto our National website,, for a more in-depth view of the above information. Again, thank you for allowing me to represent our members in these parliamentary procedures. It was quite enlightening to see how these recommendations become, or do not become, additions or changes to our Bylaws. Deep Massage And Zero Balancing Workshop David Lauterstein (pictured below, playing the guitar) and students at the summer 2007 CE workshop: “Deep Massage and Zero Balancing Applications for the Back and Neck.” qrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Chapter Meeting/Workshop dffffffffffffff Lymphatic Drainage Massage dffffffffffffff January 12–13, 2008 Tucson, AZ 12 CE Hours dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff dffffffffffffff zvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Saturday, January 12, 2008 10–12 AMTA-AZ General Meeting 12–1 1–6 President’s Lunch Reception (for workshop attendees) Workshop— Lymphatic Drainage Massage • ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ • Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:30–12:30 Workshop— Lymphatic Drainage Massage 12:30 –1:30 Lunch (included) 1:30 – 4:30 Workshop— Lymphatic Drainage Massage Location Registration Contact Radisson Hotel 6555 East Speedway Blvd. • Tucson, AZ 85710 Kellye Webber, Education Committee Chair 800 N. Swan Rd. #106, Tucson, AZ 85711 Phone: 520-891-0802 E-mail: Directions Due to the intense work on I-10, take the Ina Road exit (248). Travel east on Ina (Ina will turn into Skyline, then Sunrise). At Swan turn south (right). At Speedway turn east (left). Pass Wilmot. The hotel will be on the north (left) side of the road. Room Reservations Phone: 520-721-7100 Toll free: 888-201-1718 To qualify for group rates, reservations must be made by December 12, 2007. Identify group rate as AMTA-AZ. Room Rate Single/Double—$159 plus tax Check-in starts at 3:00 p.m. Check-out is at 1:00 p.m. Workshop Registration Cut-Off Date Note—$35 late fee will be charged after registration cut-off date, December 29, 2007. Only early registrants are eligible for lunch choice pre-selection. Materials Needed For Workshop We will be working with our clothes on—so please wear loose, flexible, comfortable clothing with a minimum of belts, zippers, buckles or underwire bras. Layers work well as we tend to get chilly when lying on the table and then warm while we are working. Please bring your tables with a working cover, cradle cover, light blanket and a knee bolster. You will want to be drinking a lot of water during class, so a non-spill water bottle would be advisable Pens/pencils and some healthy personal snacks would also be a good idea. Workshop Fee See Workshop Registration Form on facing page. 25% non-refundable deposit included. Continuing Education Hours This workshop must be taken in its entirety (Saturday, January 12 and Sunday, January 13). Total CE Hours: 12 rrrrrrrrrrrrrru Lymphatic Drainage Massage ffg ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g Teri Rogers ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g ffff g vvvvvvvvvvvvvvm Saturday, January 12 and Sunday, January 13—Our lymphatic system is our body’s natural immune system. A healthy body can fight disease, repair injuries, and repel negative influences naturally. It is also our natural beauty system. Our lymphatic system is what keeps our skin lubricated, glowing and flexible. We all know that glowing fresh skin is a sign of good health. When the lymphatic system gets blocked, through old injuries, allergic reactions, lifestyle and dietary habits, etc., our bodies can’t do the effective job they were designed for. Lymphatic Drainage Massage, an eclectic combination of techniques shared from my teachers throughout the world, is a very gentle, soft-touch treatment—almost meditative. It is incredibly effective, fast working, non-invasive, gentle release work. This class will be an introduction to Lymphatic Drainage Massage. There will be some discussion on how and why you would want to use it and lots of hands-on practice as well. Teri Rogers, Acupressurist, holistic health practitioner, writer, teacher, healer and Naturopath, has been studying massage and Eastern healing arts since 1980 and teaching massage and Accupressure since 1985. She has traveled extensively throughout Asia, studying and teaching with various schools, teachers, masters and healers. Teri currently maintains a successful practice working with doctors (both Eastern and Western), chiropractors and healers. She taught at Meuller College for Holistic Studies in San Diego for 20 years and is currently teaching at the Western Institute of Neuromuscular Therapy in Laguna Hills, California. Lymphatic Draining Massage: Registration Form Full Name ______________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Zip ______________ City __________________ Phone _____________________________ Workshop Fee — Members $120 AMTA #___________________ State ____________ Email _______________________________ Any Massage Student $120 Non-Members $170 Meal Choice (Only early registrants are eligible for meal choice pre-selection)— Vegetarian Chicken ★Note—$35 late fee will be charged after the registration cut-off date, December 29, 2007.★ Fees listed below apply to all registrations made after December 29, 2007. Workshop Fee (After December 29, cut-off date)— Members $155 Any Massage Student $155 Non-Members $205 Total enclosed $ _________ Make checks payable to AMTA-Arizona Chapter Do you desire registration confirmation?— Yes No If yes— By phone By email Please note the fee is for the workshop. A 25% non-refundable deposit is included in the workshop fee. There is no charge for the AMTA-AZ meeting. Mail payment to—Kellye Webber, AMTA-AZ Education Committee Chair 800 N. Swan Rd. #106 • Tucson, AZ 85711 • 520-891-0802 • Warm Welcome To Our New AMTA-AZ Members! Professional Tiffany Aguero Jodi Allred Tempe Catina Grady Mesa Rosalie Ochoa Tucson Bullhead City Beth R. Gress Phoenix Kerry M. Parisi Phoenix Chandler Sharisse Parker Flagstaff Surprise Delores Patino Gilbert Carrie Anderson Clarkdale Amanda Hellman Lisa Angrist-Sirko Glendale Mary Hicks Tynika Arizana Deborah A. Atchison Pinon Samantha Hill Scottsdale Anne R. Percival Scottsdale Gilbert Candice Perone Scottsdale Jarrett Holmes Tempe Gina A. Petrie Phoenix Mary J. Houge Scottsdale Robert Privaral Phoenix Chandler Tamara K. Rich Prescott Valley Tucson Daviann Hodgson Edward L. Bailey Peoria Jan H. Ballantyne Chandler Crystal Bennett Mesa Troy M. Howell Gennifer Brinker Yuma Lauren Ide Bernadette Chappell Theresa Colburn Jennifer De La Ossa Susan Drost Jason R. Duba Laura B. Eason Brittany Eltsosie Amanda Jean Feist Caroline A. Feliciano Alexis Fishback Mesa Heather Satchell Chandler Tiffany Jimenez Avondale Susan G. Simon Gilbert Prescott Lauren D. Jorden Chandler Melissa Sottile Buckeye Nogales Kurt Kardoskee Fort Huachuca Apache Junction Mesa James H. Knackstedt Camp Verde Kirsten Tinning Flagstaff Tucson Niki Livengood Tucson Kerianne Long Scottsdale Page Glendale Renee Lucas Glendale Chelsea Lucas Tucson Kimberly N. Mabry Glendale Jon Thompson Cottonwood Gilbert Colleen Thomas Scottsdale Mesa Jeannee Vale Angela M. Valencia Summer A. Valenzuela Jamie L. Vaughan Gilbert Talina Waite Alicia Mascheri Gilbert Mary Wang Julie McAllister Glendale Tucson Prescott Chandler Tucson Mesa Tucson Richard A. Maez Catherine Fisher Tucson Valorie J. Floyd Tucson Chelsea Ford Sedona Michael McGehee Tucson Michelle Wieseler Mesa Susan Fowler Vail Robert Michelon Phoenix Pamela S. Williams Phoenix Dezaree Ward Phoenix Peoria Jose M. Garcia Phoenix Misty Mitchell Phoenix Jason Williams Tucson Heather Gesswein Phoenix Jonathan James Nguyen Prescott Tricia M. Yeats Phoenix Sarah R. Ghasedi Anna M. Gonzalez Gilbert Aaron Nosheny Tucson Aimee Zimmerman Glendale Huachuca City Professional Transfers Kristen M. Baker Lisa F. Carter Sedona-MI Phoenix-OH Ellen Kruse Mesa-IL Leticia Qamar Tempe-LA Denise Lane Dewey-CA Jacquelyn Ricker Taylor-FL Scottsdale-NV Betty L. Lawrence Bisbee-NY Luz D. Santiago Yuma-NC Ann M. Forbes Glendale-CA Karla Jane Linden Karl Granroth Flagstaff-MN Jennifer Lyscars Marla A. Guest Scottsdale-IL J. McCrackan Christine DeCarlo Brenda Halter Dennis R. Hill Joan Kapp Amy K. Klobucar Mesa-NV Belvidere-IL New River-PA Avondale-IN Phoenix-GA Sedona-CT Mesa-IL Theresa K. Moon Patricia A. Schloe Rachal Sellen Phoenix-WI Tempe-WI Ellen Symonette Whiteriver-FL Litchfield Park-WA Linda J. Whitaker Clarkdale-WI Scottsdale-MN Becky Whitmore Phoenix-NV Kimberly R. Nesburg Jill Obermeier Mesa-MI Charles Pereira Vail-PA Crystal C. Williams Denise Wilson Tempe-GA Mesa-CA Student Marilena Angelo Kristi Basile Amy Betancourt Peoria Anne T. Braun Flagstaff Kari Carter Yuma Charles Bussell Phoenix David V. Delgadillo Phoenix Kim Caltumo Amy Binkley Anthem Romana A. Carpio Lisa M. Bledden Phoenix Koo Carroll Mesa Chandler Queen Creek Debra Dillard Brooke Edwards John Fleury Phoenix Tucson Mesa Flagstaff Mesa Late Arrivals Policy All businesses have policies. One policy that most massage therapists can be sure of testing to its limits is the one about how to handle late arrivals and no-shows. Your Time Is Valuable Some businesses charge for the whole hour even if the client arrives with only 20 minutes left for a session. Some will prorate the fee to the time left. If a client cancels less than 24 hours in advance, some businesses charge at least some percentage of the hourly fee, if not the entire fee. Other businesses don't have a firm policy, but decide how to handle each situation as it occurs. Impact on Business Whether you are in a position to create your own policy or to influence the policy where you work, here are questions to ask yourself about the late arrivals policy. Would I enforce this policy even if I did not have another client scheduled for the next time slot? If a client did not agree with my policy, would I make an exception? If this is a regular client's first time to arrive late, would I make an exception? Would I communicate the late policy to clients before their first appointment so they would be aware of the importance of arriving on time? Would I post this policy on a sign in the reception area? Would I print this policy on my appointment cards? No Right or Wrong Answer Only you can decide the overall effect of your late arrivals policy on your business. Even though all businesses have policies, some are made to be broken or at least bent. Warm Welcome To Our New AMTA-AZ Members! Student Rebecca Fox Jan Gdovic Amanda Golde Sarah Grace Amanda Holmes Allyssa Hoskie April L. Johnson Rachel Johnson Mesa Tempe Mesa Tucson Mesa Chandler Mesa Scottsdale Rochelle Martin Surprise Glorya Sabin Timothy McDermott Phoenix Kiesa Perry Salazar Mesa David L. McNutt Phoenix Elizabeth Sarmiento Mesa Lisa S. Metoyer Tempe Taylor M. Scott Flagstaff Mesa Brandy St. Jean Surprise Mesa Korina K. Stalman Phoenix Leon Stroman Glendale Jennifer L .Monroe Paula Nash Sophia Marie Ornelas Glendale Lake Havasu City Haritheesan Peethambaran Tempe Traci Temple-St John Surprise Glendale Sarah Patience Penisten Tucson Danelle Leilani Trejo Maricopa Brenda Krug Chandler Stacy Lee Perez Todd LaBarbera Chandler Kathrine R. Prince Kristen A. Kanehl-Whaley Phoenix Natascha Troehler Lake Havasu City Mesa Christine Wenger Chandler Aaron Michael Larson Tucson Danielle Reeves Maricopa Emmalee Lawlor Gilbert Jennifer Riberdy Mesa Kristine Wines Mesa Bullhead City Robert Wolski Cave Creek Sandra Macklin Phoenix Mary Jo Rohrbacher Dixie Lea Wilhelmi Apache Junction Supporting Casey E. Hagon Phoenix Barbara Hallum Scottsdale School Transfers Joel Scimeca Tempe-WI Arizona In-Touch Winter 2007 A Few Days In The Life Of A Convention Delegate By Tee Wills, AMTA-AZ Secretary/Treasurer Our 2007 national convention delegates in Cincinnati, pictured clockwise from left— Kellye Webber (Education Committee Chair), Michelle Cordero (Marketing Committee Chair), David Anderson, Sandy Anderson (Awards Committee Chair), Tee Wills (Secretary/Treasurer), Lillian Walker (Chapter President) and Lil Hackett (1st Vice President) Photo right— Sandy Anderson signing her new Shiatsu book at the publisher’s booth. After checking into the hotel and seeing the magnificent view from the 17th floor overlooking the Ohio River and the Cincinnati waterfront, the Arizona contingency joined together for dinner in the hotel dining room. Since the flight was 2 ½ hours late due to a ‘black hole’ caused by a cut cable at the Memphis airport control tower, we were too tired to venture out very far. The hotel dining room was full of other AMTA convention people and it didn’t take long to see familiar faces and to strike up conversations. Wednesday morning, after a good night’s rest, we were off to the Convention Center to peruse the Hospitality Desk and attend the Chapter Leadership Training. The Arizona Chapter surprised Chris Voltarel, Chapter Relations Chair, with an Arizona Softball National Championship T-shirt and visor. Chris collects national championship T-shirts and since the National Convention will be in Arizona next year and we are the home of the Softball National Champions it seemed an appropriate gift. Wednesday evening we attended the House of Delegates (HOD) Orientation. The procedures were explained and we went through a couple of mock recommendations. This allowed new delegates to become familiar with the process. Everything ran smoothly and the mock recommendations were hilarious and had everyone in a fun mood. Wednesday night was spent at a Karaoke bar and restaurant with other AMTA people. The DJ said it was the most fun night he had ever experienced and asked the AMTA people to come back again real soon. Kudos to our own Judy Boyer, Member-At-Large, who knocked out a rendition of ‘All That Jazz’ that had people on their feet, drew the loudest applause of the night, and brought the house down. Thursday was on to the Opening Business Meeting, Awards and Keynote Speaker. The afternoon was the HOD where much business was conducted and 5 recommendations were voted on. (See HOD article on page 5). Friday and Saturday were the numerous Continuing Education Workshops. Then, Saturday night was the dinner/dance. The Arizona contingent handed out luggage tags to everyone as they entered, collected entries for the raffle, and then Lillian Walker and Michelle Cordero went up on stage for the passing of the banner/crown. The host Ohio Chapter President presented the banner to the Arizona Chapter President, host of next year’s convention. After which Lillian and Michelle conducted the Arizona drawing for the free registration to the Phoenix convention. Of course, in addition to all the important meetings we attended, we made our way through the Exhibitors Hall to see all the latest massage equipment and gadgets on the market. Another proud highlight was seeing Sandy Anderson signing her new Shiatsu book at the publisher’s booth. I must say this was one of the busiest and most fun conventions I have had the pleasure to attend as your chapter representative. Arizona State Board of Massage Therapy By Patti Stanley, AMTA-AZ Immediate Past President Arizona In-Touch Winter 2007 One of the requirements of being on the Government Relations Committee for the AMTA-AZ chapter is to attend the State Board of Massage Therapy meetings. These meetings are open to the public and can be quite interesting. They occur every other month at the State Board of Massage Therapy, 400 W. Washington in Phoenix, at 10 am. The next meeting is November 26, 2007. I encourage you to sit in on one of the meetings to see what they are all about. You can experience what this board does now, since we have state licensure. The State Board has formed a sub-committee to take a closer look at the continuing education aspect of our law. They also wish to have the process of renewals run more smoothly. Their website will keep you apprised of any changes to the law at Enter Now And Be A Lucky Winner Four lucky winners will receive pre-paid registration to the AMTA National Convention 2008. The 2008 convention is being held in Phoenix, Arizona, September 17–20. Our benefit raffle is for AMTA Arizona members, bodywork students and non-member bodyworkers. Tickets are $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. If you need more raffle entries, just copy the tickets below. Simply complete the attached tickets and send them, along with a check made payable to AMTA-AZ Chapter, to— Sandra K. Anderson, 2547 N. Sparkman Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85716. A random drawing will be held at the May 3, 2008 AMTA-AZ Membership Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. The winner will be notified immediately by phone, followed by a written notice. If the winner is not able to redeem this prize as stated, a gift certificate for an AMTA professional membership or a 1 year professional renewal will be issued. There is no other cash value. Pre-paid Registration to the AMTA National Convention 2008 Pre-paid Registration to the AMTA National Convention 2008 Name __________________________________________ Name __________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ No cash value. Void where prohibited. Not deductible as a charitable contribution. No cash value. Void where prohibited. Not deductible as a charitable contribution. Pre-paid Registration to the AMTA National Convention 2008 Pre-paid Registration to the AMTA National Convention 2008 Name __________________________________________ Name __________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ No cash value. Void where prohibited. Not deductible as a charitable contribution. No cash value. Void where prohibited. Not deductible as a charitable contribution. Massage Room Practitioners For 2008 Convention The 2007 AMTA National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio was absolutely wonderful! It was a great opportunity to meet and connect with practitioners from all over the country, and to take part in continuing education classes with well-known figures in the massage and bodywork profession. The energy was high and the action non-stop. While all the activity of the convention can be exciting, it can also be very tiring. Coupled with the stress of traveling, lugging heavy suitcases and dealing with time zone changes, it is really easy to become depleted. To help attendees rest, relax and rejuvenate, massage and other bodywork modalities are available on site at conventions. Professional practitioners who are AMTA members are needed at the 2008 AMTA Convention in Phoenix to provide treatments that will give folks a break from all the hustle and bustle. We are looking for dedicated, hard working, responsible therapists who would enjoy sharing their expertise with people from all over the country. Practitioners will be compensated for their treatments so this can be a way to “earn while you learn” at the convention! The 2008 convention is September 17–20, and there will be many different shift options. January 12, 2008 AMTA-AZ Membership Meeting Tucson, AZ January 12–13, 2008 CE Workshop: Lymphatic Drainage Massage Tucson, AZ May 3, 2008 AMTA-AZ Membership Meeting Phoenix, AZ AMTA National Convention September 17–20, 2008 Phoenix, AZ All necessary equipment and supplies will be provided. Interviews will be conducted by Sandy Anderson, Massage and Bodywork Room Coordinator, throughout 2008 until September. If you are interested in providing treatments at the 2008 convention in Phoenix, please send a cover letter and resume, listing all the modalities you perform, to: Sandy Anderson, Massage and Bodywork Room Coordinator 2547 N. Sparkman Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716 And the lucky winner is…. Patricia Clouse (pictured right) of Farmland, Indiana. Patricia, a first time attendee at the National Convention, is truly thrilled to have won the raffle drawing and says she will definitely be at the 2008 Phoenix AMTA National Convention. Our benefit raffle is for AMTA Arizona members, bodywork students and non-member bodyworkers. In 2008, four lucky winners will receive pre-paid registration to the AMTA National Convention held in Phoenix, Arizona, September 17–20. See page 11 for information and tickets. Tickets are $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. Arizona In-Touch AMTA-AZ Connie Griffith 1650 E. Barbarita Ave. Gilbert, AZ 85234 Next Newsletter Deadline—January 28, 2008 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Tucson, AZ Permit #277 AMTA Arizona Chapter Board Of Directors May 2008 Elections ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ One of the agenda items for the May 3, 2008 AMTA Arizona Chapter Membership Meeting will be to elect the Board of Directors’ positions of President, 2nd Vice President and Treasurer. Those interested in serving the Arizona Chapter need to submit a resume to AMTA-AZ, c/o Michelle Cordero, 2210 S. Mill Ave. #9, Tempe, AZ 85282. Resumes must be received by April 12, 2008. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Candidate Application And Resume Full Name ______________________________________________ AMTA Membership #_________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ County ______________ State ____________ Zip ______________ Phone (h) __________________ Email (h) _____________________________ Fax (h) ___________________ Number of years practicing massage ________________ Number of years with AMTA ____________________ Massage school attended (name) ________________________________________________________________ Massage school attended (address) ______________________________________________________________ Hours to complete certification ___________________ Date of graduation _____________________________ Other related education ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Current massage license? __________ Location _________________ NCTMB? _________________________ Place of employment _________________________________________________________________________ Address of employment _______________________________________________________________________ Phone (w) _________________ Email (w) _____________________________ Fax (w) ___________________ List office or position you seek— List AMTA chapter and/or national offices held and/or committee work (include dates)— List any relevant community or professional experience— What do you perceive of as your relevant strengths and qualifications for the position you seek? What do you hope to gain and to contribute by being in this position? What is your understanding about the AMTA-AZ’s Strategic Plan and your role as an officer to implement this plan? Are you aware of and informed about the job description and the number of hours required to perform the duties of the position you seek? (Please call the current officer or committee member for the details of their position.) Are you able to commit the appropriate time for the entire term of the office or committee position you seek? Your signature below indicates that, if you are elected to office or appointed to this committee, you will carry out your duties with integrity and that you are committed to serve for the entire term of the position held.* Signature________________________________________ Date ___________________ * Chapter Officers serve a term of 2 years and are elected by the general membership. Committee Chairs serve a term of 1 year and are appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. Committee Members serve a term of 1 year and are recommended by the Committee Chair, approved by the President. Questions? Contact Michelle Cordero by phone at 480-557-9770, or by email at ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Mail completed Candidate Application and Resume to— c/o Michelle Cordero • AMTA-AZ 2210 S. Mill Ave. #9 • Tempe, AZ 85282 Resumes must be received by April 12, 2008 Thank you for your interest and for your willingness to serve your chapter!
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