Higashi Higashi - Boston Higashi School


Higashi Higashi - Boston Higashi School
Fall 2015
Higashi Gala
Puts Programming
in the Spotlight
Fall on campus brought together a spirit of camraderie, a passion for
programming, and a renewed sense of Higashi pride.
www.bostonhigashi.org • Helping children with autism exceed expectations since 1987 • (781) 961-0800
The Principal’s Perspective
A Message from th
I would like to thank everyone for joining
“Take pride in who you are and how far you have
take this
opportunity to welcome all of ou
Have faith and confidence that you can soar toThis
is a special year as the Boston Higashi S
have passed quickly so please allow me, on
I am honored and proud to continue to serve as principal as we enter our
29th yearto
ofall staff, past and present,
operation with all members of the Boston Higashi School both past andSchool’s
Together wegrowth and succe
part of this organization and it is a pleasu
are indeed the stewards of Dr. Kitahara’s legacy and the guardians of the
culture that defines
have faithfully served the Boston Higashi S
Higashi Schools both east and west. We recognize and honor the past, appreciate what is
working well and strive to meet the demands and challenges that the future
Our staff
worked with great diligence
overcome many challenges to perform in
and look forward to th
The theme for this new school year is Pride. We refer to pride in its most
breaking the barriers of autism and achie
As a virtue, pride can mean, a greatness of soul.” St. Augustine defined pride as “the love of one’s own excellence.”
tion to our supporters and benefactors, f
At Higashi, our pride is not just comprised of platitudes or empty words that are boastful and school
pride is
and our
deeply rooted and has evolved over time. It stems from the positive performance outcomes and the exhilaration that
Please enjoy the 25th Annual Celebration!
we all feel when our students achieve their goals. When our pride partners with hope it helps us sustain our focus
and enhance our creativity, productivity and tenacity. It is pride that enables us to live our school
motto- “Challenge
and Believe, Together”.
The fall season brought so many opportunities for us to showcase our Higashi pride. We began the school year with
wonderful trainings presented by our staff for our staff. They really brought the concept of job-embedded learning
to new heights. We explored the concept of the school theme “Be Proud” with parents at our opening day parent
collaboration session. The shared inquiry and dialogues were insightful and inspirational for one
newly you to the 2012 A
It isand
my all.
joy to
renovated classrooms on the first floor stand as testimony to the pride we take in making our environment
the Celebration
gether. It is the
25th Annual
for this school year is CELEBRATE. We hav
pride of ownership we all have for our property.
A Message from th
legacy of our founder, Dr. Kitahara, and th
to the enduring and sustaining friendship
October brought our traditional annual events, as well as special visitors and talented guests toacknowledge
campus. Offour
alumni and their familie
road races, charity golf tournaments, our elegant Gala, the Longwood Symphony Concert withWe
highly our
students, families and frie
pianist Nobu Tsujii, and his special performance here for our students, have increased our mindfulness about how
Our performance today will touch your h
blessed we are and how much we have to be grateful for, especially as Thanksgiving approaches.
age, and talents. You will not only be en
motto in action. We challenge our stude
The beauty of the foliage that surrounds our campus, the smiles and warm feelings among students,
know when we all work tog
families all come together to offer a very rich slice of life at its finest. Thank you to one and all Thank
for being
of with us today. On wi
for being
us, and the work we do here at Boston Higashi School. We will continue to be Proactive, Resourceful,
Best Regards,
United and Determined to make each child glow and grow each and every day!
Deborah Donovan
(R) MS Party 6:00-7:30,
(D/R) Winter Dance, 6:30-7:30
(JH & older)
10am - 12pm
(Vacation Program
Dec 21 - 23, 28 - 30)
Higashi Gym
DEC 4 | Open House / Guided Tour
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
DEC 5 | Sibling Day, 9:30am - 12:00pm /
Parent Assoc. Mtg., 10:00 am - 12:00pm
JAN 4 | 217 / 304 Program Reopens, Breakfast 8:30am - 9:45am
Parent Collaboration Mtg., 10:30am - 12:00pm
Speaker: Helen Tager-Flusberg, PhD
JAN 27| Parent Training
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
For the latest news and events, visit our website at www.bostonhigashi.org
Class Notes
Welcome to the 2015-2016 School
Year! As the seasons begin to
change, our Emergence students
are exploring the beauty of fall
through their academic unit on
poetry. They read aloud the poem
“Fall,” and put their hands to work
depicting all that makes the fall
season beautiful.
The Elementary Division always looks
forward to our skill group lessons. We
start with warm up activities such as
finger stretches and book reading,
and then engage in a variety of fine
motor tasks. This fall, we practiced
lacing fun picture boards and cutting
straws to make beaded necklaces.
We are so proud of ourselves and our
final projects!
The new school year has gotten off
to a fantastic start in Middle School!
Staff and students are working
hard, showing our division pride
and welcoming our new academic
support, Andrea. The students
recently enjoyed our maps unit,
learning not only what a map is, but
how to use them as well. We look
forward to continuing our landforms
unit in science, and starting our
family unit in the next few weeks.
Our High School students had
a great Sports Day celebrating
with their family and friends.
It was a hard fought tug of war
challenge, but ultimately High
School C-class came in first
place! Our students spent the
month of October learning
about safety signs both in
the community and also
within the school building.
To conclude this unit, they
observed various safety signs
out in the neighborhood,
as they took a trip to the
pumpkin store and bought
pumpkins to bring back to
school and carve.
A hearty welcome back from the
Junior High School Division! We
were the ‘Best Around’ this year
at Sports Day, showing all of our
family and friends how we can
work together to be our best! We
were proud to show off both our
experienced students and new ones!
Our new P.E. teacher Brittany tried
her best to get us ready, and I think
we made her proud! As the weather
begins to turn, we look forward to
the Winter Music Festival! Until
then we are honing our academic
skills in the classroom and computer
room, and working hard to achieve
our goals! See you all soon!
Residential Reflections
Our Middle School and Girls’ Divisions had a chance to
experience some off-campus Trick-or-Treating fun in the
neighborhood of our very own Residential Director, Christopher
White. Students and staff were out for about an hour, from 5pm
to 6pm, and students practiced saying “Trick or Treat” and the
all-important, “Thank You!” They did very well knocking on
doors on their own, and carrying around their candy without
eating a single piece until after dinner! Students also got
practice crossing the street safely, and interacting with grownups and peers their own age out in the community. Chris’
Holbrook neighbors could not say enough about how well the
kids did, and the great job the teachers were doing as well.
Everyone shared in the Halloween fun!
The first party of this school year, our Younger Division
Halloween Party, was a great success and memorable
and fun evening for all. With help from our newest staff,
Akiyo, Eimei, Nana, and Naoko, Marble Hall was amazingly
decorated with student artwork, and seasonal spookiness!
The students and staff were dressed in costumes ranging
from scary to silly, and we even had some parents
dress up as well! The students’ music talents shone as
they performed on various instruments, and they even
showcased their dancing talents with a little “whip and nae
nae,” Higashi-style. After the music session, all students
went to their once-familiar, but now haunted, classroom
floors for trick-or-treating. We can’t wait to see what the
Winter Party brings! Happy Halloween!
This year’s Older Division Dance Party truly embodied our school theme of Pride: pride in our creativity, teamwork and
perspectives. Different departments worked together seamlessly to ensure a spooky, safe, and seasonal event for all. Teachers
and students, led by Employment Ed teacher Fumi, designed and created the beautiful decorations on the walls, turning our
gymnasium into a ghoulish sight! All this effort culminated into an eventful and fun-filled evening. Parents and guests arrived
in style and waited for the students to arrive. Staff and students, donning costumes that ranged from colorful and funny, to
macabre and grotesque, streamed into the dance hall to the delight of all. What an awesome sight! We danced, bonded, made
friends and marveled at the beauty of diversity on campus. Thanks to all who took part in piecing together this special day. Your
contribution, large or small, is highly appreciated. Winter Dance Party, we are getting ready for you!
On October 22, 2015, a group of students from our EP Boys Division were invited to
Kings Bowling in Dedham, MA to participate in a recreational bowling activity organized
by “Diamond is the Sky,” a charitable organization whose mission is to provide social
opportunities for those with special needs. Our students were at their best, using
this opportunity to foster social skill development, use role-modeling, showcase their
bowling skills, and most importantly, have fun! They ate, played, competed, cheered, and
laughed! We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Sean Daly, the President and
the co-founder of “Diamond is the Sky” organization, for giving us this opportunity to
shine with the rest! Domo arigato! (Thank you so much!)
Get a Higashi Hoodie
in time for the Holidays!
The BHS Parent Association will be selling
navy blue hoodies at the Winter Music
Festival on December 18th! Stop by the PA
table and take one home with you to give
as a gift, or to stay cozy this winter yourself!
There’s a limited number available, so stop
by early and claim yours before they sell out.
See you at the Festival!
Greetings from the Parent Association! ~ Approaching the Season of Giving!
Parent Perspectives
We had a great time at Sports Day and the EP Golf Tournament, the Parent
Association provided coffee and refreshments. We also purchased prizes & treats for the Halloween Dance and Costume
Party. The mission of the Boston Higashi Parent Association is to support and enhance the educational and recreational
endeavours of the school on behalf of the students and the staff. Your contribution is essential to the Parent Association.
Your support enables us to aid in enhancing the programs and activities offered to our children. Please consider making
a gift to support the Parent Association. Our goal for the 2015-2016 school year is to achieve 100% participation from all
families. No gift is too small. Thank you for all of you that have supported us so far this year. Let’s show our Higashi Pride!
All donations can be sent to the school, 800 North Main Street, Randolph, MA 02368, attention Parent Association. Can
we count on you?
I look forward to seeing you all at the Winter Music Festival on Friday, December 18th @ 10:00am. The Parent Association
will be selling merchandise, come by our table and say hello.
I wish you and your families a joyous holiday season filled with time spent with friends and family both near and far. As
always do not hesitate to contact me with questions or suggestions by phone 508-813-0587 or email, lisa_burgess@
Lisa Burgess, Boston Higashi Parent Association President (& Mother of Dakota in EP)
2015 Gala ~ a Night to Remember!
The excitement in the room was contagious as 300 friends,
parents and supporters from all over, gathered at Granite Links
Golf Club in Quincy to celebrate “Continuing the Experience:
Creating Lifelong Opportunities for Individuals with Autism.”
Thanks to your generosity and that of so many others, we are
extremely excited to announce that we raised over $130,000.
With a beautiful venue, superb food, a compelling program and
most importantly, a spirited crowd, we believe we have captured
the ingredients for many future successes. As always, the Boston
Higashi Jazz Band put on a stellar performance, and David Wade’s
personal journey into the world of autism was insightful and
moving. As the co-anchor on WBZ-TV, David is no stranger to
the spotlight. He certainly outdid himself during the live auction,
bringing the crowd to hysterics on many occasions, while raising
unanticipated dollars for our programs at Higashi.
Plans are already in place for next year’s event, and our heartfelt
appreciation goes out to all who supported the evening. Because
of your generosity, we will be able provide meaningful and much
needed programming to our over 22 population. Congratulations
to our new Chief Development Officer, Paul Fanning, for his work
in making the Gala such a success. We look forward to next year!
Save the Date
for next year’s Gala!
October 13th, 2016
Development News
Capturing the BHS Spirit - On Film!
“As a filmmaker and storyteller, it
was an honor to work on the Boston
Higashi school video. There are so
many rich and important stories
to tell, and I think many people
would benefit from understanding
more about it’s history, philosophy,
methodology, culture and people.”
-Buz Laughlin, Conductor Productions
Earlier this summer, two filmmakers heard about BHS, shot
20+ hours of video and interviews, and edited it all down to a
three and a half minute masterpiece. The video, “Educating
Heart to Heart” premiered at our Gala to rave reviews. For
two guys who produce commercials for Toyota, Progressive
and Putnam Investments to name a few, they had the time
of their lives working for Higashi. How lucky are we?
Fitness Room Gets a Facelift
Thanks to the generosity of the The Boston Bruins
Foundation and Fitness Brokers USA, the fitness center in
the basement of the Brady Building has new equipment. On
Friday October 30th, 10 new treadmills and 2 new elliptical
machines were delivered to BHS replacing the old and tired
equipment that has served our students so well for the past
several years. With each machine weighing 450 lbs. it took
almost an entire day to remove the existing equipment and
bring in the new. The room remains incomplete, as new
upright bikes are on their way, along with new mats for a
new stretching area. The room has also been decorated
with logos from all our Boston Sports teams. With the cold
weather on its way, the arrival of the new equipment could
not have come at a better time.
Many thanks to Bob Sweeney, Director of the Boston Bruins
and Phi Vendetti, Director of National Sales for Fitness
Brokers USA for making this happen. Also, hats off to our
Facilities Department for a new coat of paint and for their
hard work and dedication in support of our students!
“The Higashi school and their
staff represent the highest level
of education and caring. I’m very
impressed and proud to have been
asked to help them on their latest
video production.”
-Don Packer, Engine Room Edit
Campus Happenings
Stay an active part of the
Higashi Community, and never
miss an alumni event!
Our New Alumni Program Draws
International Participation!
The Continuing Adult Education Program (CAEP) committee is proud to
report that we have had an amazing start to our Fall 2015 session. We
knew there was a huge need for quality adult service opportunities, but
we never anticipated we would have an alumnus travel from Europe and
stay locally for the duration of our six-Saturday program!
We have had so much fun with twenty-one of our alumni and their
families, group home staff, and other caretakers. So far, the participants
have enjoyed classes in art, music, and swimming. As a committee, we
have observed noticeable gains in the participants’ skills and behavior,
even over this short time. Special thanks go out to the generous BHS
staff who have put together outstanding lesson plans and who have been
leading these Saturday classes. Thanks, also, to the parents and caretakers
who have sent their enormously positive feedback. We look forward to
watching this program continue to grow. Stay tuned to the alumni pages
on the BHS website for updates on the Winter/Spring 2016 session!
Sign up for our email list by
clicking this icon on the alumni
page on the BHS website.
See you on campus!
All About Fall
upcoming Sibling Days
at Higashi
Parent Trainings Provide Tips,
Foster Community on Campus
December 5th
(Siblings Only)
9:30am - 12pm
The first two months of the 2015-2016 school year have been
filled with many activities – including two fantastic Parent
“Training” Meetings. During our “Welcome Back Night” in
September, parents had an opportunity to meet with all of
the staff and tour the classrooms. At the “Communication”
meeting in October, our SLPs Rebecca Stratford and Lindsay
Bishop, along with the Master Teacher of Communication
Janelle Palleschi, discussed the use of Core Words. The turnout for both meetings was great, with approximately 45
parents in attendance. Keep it up parents! We love to see you
on campus, and the community of support that is fostered by
parent participation is amazing!
February 18th
(BHS students +
their siblings)
9:30am - 12pm
Like seeing photos?
“Like” us on Facebook
to see even more!
Just a reminder, all parents are welcome to the monthly
meetings where a variety of topics are discussed. Keep your
eyes open for the monthly calendar from the Education Office,
as it will give you information about upcoming trainings, and
even links to RSVP online. If you have any questions, concerns
or ideas for the Parent Training, please contact Heather Katz
at katz@bostonhigashi.org.
To see more event photos,
“Like” us on Facebook!
Photos 1-8: Sports Day; photos 9-12: EP Golf Tournament;
photo 13: Scholastic Book Fair; photos 14-17: Continuing
Adult Education Program.
Community Connections
The Harvey Memorial Local 7 Retired Iron Workers’
Golf Tournament was held on September 16th at
Presidents Golf Course in Quincy. Representing
Higashi was Mike Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Ebihara, and Amy
Carter. Jim Lawlor, grandfather of Higashi student
Austin Linnehan, organized the event, and all the
proceeds benefitted BHS! Thank you so much, Jim,
for making this great outing possible!
We’re pleased to announce that many of
our students have artwork on display in the
Akillian Gallery at Massasoit Community
College! This is the second year in a row
for the collaborative show between Higashi
and the Massachusetts Hospital School. The
show ran from October 19th to November
19th. Congratulations artists, and thank you
Massasoit for the opportunity!
Inspired Piano Music Wows Children and Staff Alike
We received a very special visit from Nobuyuki Tsujii, and other special guests on Monday, October 26th here at
Higashi. They included Nick Adams, Executive Manager for the Longwood Symphony Orchestra, Mr. And Mrs. Peter
Grilli of the Japan Society of Boston, Christopher Knott, Director of World Link, Mr. Naoyuki Asano, Nobu’s manager
and three members from the Japanese television network Asahi.
Nobu is a highly acclaimed blind Japanese pianist who performed with the Longwood Symphony Orchestra the day
before at Jordan Hall in Boston. Higashi was one of the beneficiaries, and will receive half of the proceeds from that
marvelous concert. His performance here at school delighted both students and staff. While Nobu was playing you
could hear a pin drop in our gymnasium. His music truly touched the hearts of everyone there. It is not every day
that we encounter such talent and genius up close and personally. Thank you to Yoshie Gordon and Mrs. Ebihara for
coordinating this wonderful performance!
(Left and below) Our
students even got to meet
the cast members after the
On November 13th, our Jazz Band
performed at the “Current Trends in
Autism” conference, at the Hilton Hotel
in Dedham. The conference is organized
by Dr. Margaret Bauman, who also sits on
the Higashi Advisory Board. The Jazz Band
played 4 songs, to the delight of conference
attendees, during the conference lunch
hour. You make us proud, Jazz Band!
Boston Conservatory
brings “Little Red
Riding Hood” to the
Higashi stage
(Left and below) The
Conservatory’s performance
was engaging, fun, and a
truly memorable day for
students and staff alike.
We were delighted to welcome The Boston Conservatory
Children’s Opera on November 9th to perform Little Red Riding
Hood on campus. Our students learned all about the story before
the event, and even prepared their own surprise performance
for the Conservatory cast. Our Elementary and Middle School
students sang and acted their own version of “Little Red,”
complete with costumed characters, before the Conservatory’s
show began!
Nobu’s performance included selections from
Liszt and Chopin, some Gershwin, selected
specifically for his trip to America, and “A
Morning in Cortona,” a piece of his own
Photos: (Left) Nobuyuki Tsujii demonstrates
his mastery of the piano for a rapt audience;
(Above) Susan Grilli and other special guests
enjoy Nobu’s performance.
Many thanks to the talented performers who brought the story to
life for all in the audience, to Kimberly Haack, Melanie Bacaling,
and Deena Grier from the Conservatory, and to Elementary Music
Teacher Rach Azrak for coordinating the event!
800 North Main Street
Randolph, MA 02368
(781) 961-0800
For the latest news and events, visit
our website at
or subscribe to our online calendar
PG 2 | Principal’s Perspective
PGS 3-4 | Class Notes, Residential Reflections
PG 5 | Parent Association
PGS 10 - 11 | Community Connections