Substitute Teacher Handbook - St Vrain Valley School District
Substitute Teacher Handbook - St Vrain Valley School District
Department of Human Resources 395 S. Pratt Pkwy, Longmont, CO 80501 AESOP : 1-800-942-3767 AESOP Online: Licensed Substitute Teacher Handbook 2015 - 2016 Contact Information Aesop Automated Call System 800-942-3767 Aesop on line Substitute Coordinator – LeAnn Cooper 303-682-7393 Aesop Back-up Operator – Michelle Stephenson 303-682-7297 Human Resources Fax 303-682-7366 District Website Colorado Department of Education 303-866-6628 P.E.R.A. 303-832-9550 Workman’s Compensation - Heather Keith 303-682-7428 Utah State University Sub Teaching Institute 1-800-922-4693 District Sites for: Email access Paystubs access Computer Help Desk Getting Started with Technology http:/ Table of Contents Welcome Letter 1 Board of Education 1 Substitute Pay Rates 2 Payroll Cut Off Dates 2 Long Term Substitute Teacher Positions 2 Substitute Teacher Responsibilities 3 Policies, Behavior, Discipline 3 Emergency Closures 3 Treatment for Work-Related Injuries 4 Professional Development Courses 5 October Count 5 PLC (late start) days 5 Web and Call Procedures 6-8 Understanding Reduced Calling Mode 9 Substitute FAQ's 10-11 School Start/Ending Times and Directions 12-21 Calendars 22-24 Welcome to the St. Vrain Valley School District! St. Vrain Valley Schools, SVVSD, is pleased to welcome you as a member of our valued and important team of substitute teachers. We want to wish you the best in your teaching experiences with St. Vrain Valley Schools. Your success is important to our students and to the smooth operation of our schools. Students will be depending on you for their continued learning in the absence of their regular teacher. We know, however, that your job is not always easy. We think that you are up to meeting the challenges, and we are committed to doing all we can to make your teaching experience with us successful, for both you and our students. We want you to know that we value your contribution to our educational program, and that we consider you an important member of our educational team. Board of Education 2015-2016 The St. Vrain Valley Board of Education consists of seven members, each residing in a different geographic section of the St. Vrain Valley School District, but voted on by the entire electorate. There is a regular board meeting held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month and study sessions on the third and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Educational Service Center (ESC), 395 South Pratt Parkway, Longmont. The public is invited to attend Board of Education meetings. The Board of Education agenda is available to the public via the District website at and a hard copy of the Board packet is provided in the lobby of the ESC prior to each meeting. VISION STATEMENT To be an exemplary school district which inspires and promotes high standards of learning and student wellbeing in partnership with parents, guardians and the community. MISSION STATEMENT To educate each student in a safe learning environment so they develop to their highest potential and become contributing citizens. District District District District District District District A B C D E F G 1|Page Joie Siegrist Debbie Lammers Bob Smith John Ahrens John Creighton Paula Peairs Mike Schiers (303) 517-9836 (303) 946-0431 (303) 304-1496 (303)523-2418 (303) 682-0907 (303) 330-6089 (720) 353-2828 Substitute Pay for 2015-2016 School Year IMPORTANT Payroll Cut-Off Dates Substitute Pay Full Day (7.0 hours) Half Day (3.5 hours) Long Term - full day (on 11th consecutive day) Long Term - half day (on 11th consecutive day) $100.00 $ 50.00 $150.00 $ 75.00 From - To Payable On 08/01-09/04 09/07-10/09 09/30 10/31 10/12-11/06 11/09-12/04 12/07--01/08 01/11-02/05 11/28 12/31 01/30 02/27 02/08-03/04 03/31 03/07-04/08 04/30 04/11-05/06 05/29 05/09-05/31 06/30 Long Term Substitute Teacher 1. A substitute teacher is considered "long term" when he/she has the same assignment on the 11th consecutive day. The rate for long term pay changes to $150.00 per full day from the 11th day until the end of the assignment. (Days 1-10 will remain at the rate of $100 per day.) If the long term assignment is broken, the days for long term pay start over at $100 per day. The substitute will need to contact the substitute office of any break. 2. A substitute teacher will be recommended for the long term assignment by the building principal. Personal interviews may also be conducted depending upon the circumstance and length of the absence. 3. A long term substitute teacher will be paid for attendance at parent/teacher conferences and regularly scheduled school in-service sessions if requested to attend by the principal. In the event that a building compensation day falls within the dates of the long term assignment, the substitute will be paid for that day as compensation for parent/teacher conferences. If a compensation day does not fall within the dates of the long term assignment, then a time card must be submitted and signed by the principal for any extra duty hours. 4. Long term substitute teachers will not be paid for; absence from work, staff meetings, work taken home or worked on after school, accepting assignments or any duties without prior approval from LeAnn Cooper in the Substitute Office 2|Page Responsibilities of a Substitute: Dress professionally, setting a good example for the students. Report to the office of the assigned building at least 30 minutes prior to the reporting time. Locate the classroom and introduce yourself to the teachers whose classrooms are next door or are in your vicinity. Review the classroom teacher's daily schedule, lesson plan book, seating charts, textbooks and other materials. If the lesson plans are not available or inadequate for length of substitution, contact the principal and/or complete the Feedback Form in Aesop. Complete all lesson planned activities before introducing any other materials. Check the attendance procedures of your assigned school. Start class immediately with the assigned work. Maintain classroom order. Refer any unusual incidents to the building principal or designated administrator(s). Keep all students in your classroom under supervision at all times. NEVER leave a class unattended. Consider all records and information pertaining to students confidential. Maintain a professional attitude. Use extreme caution in expressing personal reactions and opinions about what you observe in the classrooms of various schools. Under no circumstance should a substitute criticize a regular teacher or the students in the presence of other teachers or students. Prepare a summary of work covered or complete the Feedback Form in Aesop. Complete necessary reports and grading. Leave desk, books and room in order and a note for the teacher with your name and contact information. Policies, Behavior, Discipline: Exceptionally difficult problems of student control should always be referred to the school administrator's office. Do not use profanity in the presence of students. Never attempt to restrain or discipline a student using physical contact of any description. Personal injury to a student or teacher should be reported to the office immediately. Any student appearing to be ill should be sent to the office with a pass. No personal cellphones or other electronic devices should ever be used in the presence of students. No personal work of any kind will be permitted. Substitute employment is "at will", temporary, and intermittent employment. Substitute employment requirements include: o An active phone number, o An unexpired license o Working more than 10 days in a school year. If these requirements are not fulfilled, I understand that I will be blocked from subbing and it will be assumed that I am voluntarily resigning my position as a substitute teacher and removed from the list. Emergency Closures In case of inclement weather, or any natural disaster and schools are closed or delayed: Aesop will call and email you about the cancellation of your job and post a web alert! As soon as a decision to close or delay schools has been made by the Superintendent of Schools, the communication staff uses a variety of means to relay the information to the general public. The most expedient means of communication is by calling the Newsline at 303-682-7387 or by checking the district’s web site at A short cut to this information is We also notify the radio stations and local news stations or you can call 303-682-7393 to listen for any further instructions. 3|Page Treatment for Work-Related Injuries If you sustain an injury arising out of and in the course of employment, any medical treatment must be obtained from one of the Designated Providers listed below. Services from other providers are considered unauthorized and the payment for these services is your responsibility. These designated providers will make any necessary referrals for diagnostic services, therapy, specialist visits, etc. Aurora WorkWell Occupational Medicine, 3350 Peoria Ave, Suite 190 303-827-3158 Boulder Arbor Occupational Medicine, 1690 30th Street 303-443-0496 Broomfield Arbor Occupational Medicine, 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 303-460-9339 Firestone SCL Physicians, 8350 Colorado Blvd, Suite 160 303-689-5160 Fort Collins WorkWell Occupational Medicine,1600 Specht Point Rd., Suite 115 970-672-5100 Greeley WorkWell Occupational Medicine, 2528 W. 16th Street 970-356-9800 Greenwood Village Arbor Occupational Medicine, 8200 E. Belview, #428C 303-741-1166 Longmont Arbor Occupational Medicine, 1860 Industrial Circle, Suite D 303-682-2473 WorkWell Occupational Medicine, 205 S. Main St., Suite C (Burlington Medical Center) 303-702-1612 Loveland WorkWell Occupational Medicine, 1608 Topaz Dr. 970-593-0125 AFTER HOURS INJURIES. If you are injured after 5:00 p.m. and do not need immediate medical attention, please follow up with a Designated Provider the next business day. If you need immediate medical attention after 5:00 p.m., please seek treatment at an urgent care facility, then go to a Designated Provider the next business day for follow up care. SERIOUS INJURIES. Call 911 for injuries that seem life or limb-threatening. If you call 911, please schedule a follow up appointment with a Designated Provider as soon as possible. Reminder: A written “Job-Related Injury Report” is required within four working days of the accident. Please email the report to Heather Keith, or fax the report to 303-682-7427, on the day of the accident or as soon as possible thereafter. If you have any questions, please call Heather Keith, Claims & Safety Specialist, at 303-682-7428 or OPX 57428. Revised 7/2015 4|Page Professional Development Courses Substitute teachers are eligible to take Professional Development Classes offered by the Department of Learning Services. We highly encourage substitutes to take any classes that will help to improve instructional delivery and classroom management. Classes are listed at October Count The October Count window begins 9/24 and ends on 10/8. The official count day this year is 10/1. During this window, accurate attendance is crucial to the District. The District receives the majority of its funding from the count. The October Count is a count of students in attendance on October 1st and/or throughout the 11-day window. Each building has instructions to give to teachers for taking attendance during this window. When you sign in, please ask for a copy of these instructions or check with the attendance clerk in the main office for your instructions. Attendance for each classroom must be taken in a timely manner during this count and must be signed daily by the teacher who was responsible for the classroom that day. The District appreciates your help in making sure we receive the maximum funding during this important count period. 8 Late Start School Days All staff across our school district is committed to meeting our school and district goals for student achievement, well-being and partnerships. Professional Learning Community (PLC) Time will dedicate 2.5 hours, 8 school days a year, specifically for this purpose. School buses will pick up students 2.5 hours later than originally scheduled. Subs need to be at the school at least 30 minutes before Late Start begins. The “PLC Times” schedule does not apply to preschool programs. September 2 February 3 5|Page October 7 March 2 November 4 April 13 December 2 May 4 Logging in to Aesop on the Web To log into Aesop, navigate to in your Web Browser A. Enter your ID number and Pin, and then click Login. ID Number: 10 digit phone number PIN Number is as follows: 1st time in- use the PIN printed on your Welcome Letter from Aesop Once in the system, you should go to “Review or change your personal information” to change your pin to your choice. If you forgot your login info – Click the “Forgot your login?” link next to the login button for more information. B. Once you log in, then you can view all available jobs right on the homepage. The jobs available for you to accept show in green on the calendar and in list form under the “Available Jobs” tab. 6|Page C. To accept a job, simply click the Accept button next to the absence. Once you have accepted the job, you will receive a pop-up at the top of your screen showing you the confirmation number. If you do not want to accept this job, click the Reject button instead. Rejecting a job will make it disappear from your available jobs and you will not see it again. Only click the reject button if you are absolutely sure that you will not want to come back to this job later. D. The icon that looks like a sheet of paper indicates that this job has notes associated with it. These could be important notes from the teacher letting you know information about the job. Click the icon to view the notes. E. Some jobs in your available jobs list may be multi-day jobs. Multi-day jobs will be indicated by a circle icon with a plus inside it. On multi-day jobs, you won't see an "Accept" button right away. To view the individual days, click the See Details button. This will reveal each individual day for the job, as well as a new button, Accept Multi-Day. 7|Page Call Procedures: A. The substitute telephone line may be accessed 24 hours a day. The phone number is: 800-942-3767 B. Each time you call the Aesop system you must enter your ID number (followed by the # sign), then your PIN number (followed by the # sign). ID Number: 10 digit phone number PIN Number is as follows: 1st time in- use the PIN printed on your Welcome Letter from Aesop Once in the system, you should go to “Review or change your personal information” to change your pin to your choice. C. Call-out Times Aesop calls out in the morning call-out period from 5:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The assignments it is calling for during this call-out period are for that day only and only one job at a time. The evening call-out period is from 4:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. for future assignments. You can always call into Aesop to hear the list of all available jobs. D. When Aesop calls you to offer you a job: When you answer the phone, be sure to say a loud and clear “Hello” after answering the call. This will ensure that the system knows you picked up the call. If you are interested in the available jobs, Press 1. You will be asked to enter your PIN number (followed by the # sign). At this point, Aesop will list the job details and you will have the opportunity to accept or reject the job. E. When you receive a call from Aesop, you can also Press 2 - To prevent Aesop from calling again today Press 3 - To tell Aesop the sub it is trying to reach is NOT available Press 9 - To prevent Aesop from ever calling again F. When you call Aesop, you can: Press 1 – To find available jobs Press 2 – To review or cancel upcoming jobs Press 3 – To review or cancel a specific job Press 4 - To review or change your personal information 8|Page Understanding Reduced Calling Mode One thing we don’t want is Aesop calling substitutes who don’t take jobs when it could be calling the substitutes who do take jobs. To prevent this, Aesop will put substitutes who rarely accept jobs over the phone into "Reduced Calling Mode" or RCM. The software is designed to “learn” which substitutes probably won't accept a job from a call from Aesop. This allows the software to focus on calling substitutes who are more likely to accept the job. We call this Reduced Call Mode (RCM). Substitutes will automatically enter RCM if they reject jobs from the outbound phone system on a regular basis. This is designed to make the outbound calling process a more efficient way to place substitutes in positions. For example, let's consider a substitute has been called with job offers from Aesop well over 60 times in the past 30 days. The substitute does not accept any of the jobs. Aesop will now put this substitute into RCM. The substitute will still receive calls from Aesop with job offers but it will now be on a very limited basis. A substitute can also set themselves back to “normal calling.” To do this they would first have to click the Preferences tab on the home page, then click on the Call Times section. Then click the Resume Normal Calling button: 9|Page Substitute FAQ's Q. What happens if Aesop calls me and gets my answering machine? A. Your answering machine will record some portion of Aesop's greeting and narration asking for your PIN - Personal Identification Number. Aesop will realize that the phone was answered, but will not leave any information regarding the job. Aesop may call back later and offer you the job again or, you may want to call in and see if anything is available. Q. What if someone in my family answers the phone and its Aesop calling? A. You have two choices: 1) If you are not home, you can teach family members how to accept jobs for you. If you choose to do this, please make sure they realize how important it is to tell you about the job after they accept it on your behalf!! 2) If you are home, have the person who answered the phone put the receiver down and call you. Aesop will ask for your PIN several times, waiting approximately 30 seconds between each request, so you will have time to get to the phone before the call is terminated. Q. Do I need to remember my job code number? A. Yes. The job code number is your confirmation that you have accepted the job. Q. Can an employee assign me, or request me for, his/her absence? A. Yes, the employee can request you by your name or prearrange you if the teacher contacts you directly first. Q. A teacher would like to request me for a job and the system says I am not available. Why does this happen? A. There are several reasons why this may happen; login to your profile and check your daily availability. Make sure you are available on that day. Make sure you have their site on your profile. Make sure you have not accepted another job on that day, and check the expiration of your teaching or sub-teaching license. Q. If a substitute was requested for a job and another substitute shows up for the same job, who gets the job? A. The person who accepted the job via Aesop and has the job code number is paid for the job. Q. I have a background in Science, can I pick up a job teaching 1st grade? A. Yes please! As a substitute teacher you may accept any job posted. Q. What is a supplemental job? A. The Special Educational Department is required to conduct meetings with parents; the supplemental sub may be in many different classrooms so teachers can be in these meetings. You may be subbing in regular and/or Special Education classrooms. Q. What if the days I am available to work change from week to week? A. If you have days or partial days when you are not able to substitute, you can create "Non-Work Days" so Aesop will not offer you jobs on those days. Click the Non-Work Days tab to view your non-work days and to create new ones. The tab will have a number on it indicating how many Non-Work Days you have scheduled. Q. When I call in to review available jobs, will I be given a list of jobs from which to choose? A. No. You will hear one job at a time and will be able to accept the job, listen to the job again, or listen to the next job. If you accept the job, you may still review jobs for other dates, if there are any available at that time. If you go to the Aesop web page you can see a list of available jobs. 10 | P a g e Q. If I reject a job for a particular day, will Aesop quit calling me for that day? A. No. Aesop may still call you for other jobs if you meet the criteria unless you select #2, which will tell the system to stop calling you that day. Q. How can I qualify for a long term assignment? A. According to the N.C.L.B. law, you will have to be highly qualified. To be considered highly qualified, you must have an endorsement in the content area that you are teaching, have 24 college semester hours in the content area, or have passed the PLACE/Praxis exam for the content area. Q. I am seeing Preschool Para and Preschool Special Ed Para jobs listed on my available jobs; can I take those and what is the pay? A. The State of Colorado requires two adults in a preschool room, therefore; if you see these jobs then you may take them and you will receive teacher pay. Q. If I accept a Spec Ed Para job what is the pay? A. Special Education Paras and Behavior Coaches are paid at an hourly rate at 11.10 an hour. Please call the sub office if you would like to add yourself to this list. Q: Another district I work in also has Aesop, do I have to have a different account with SVVSD? A. No, Aesop has the ability for you to create a multiple district pin so you can job shop in all the local districts using Aesop. Q. Is there an app for Aesop on my mobile device? A. On a mobile device enter the following address in your web browser: Once the web site is displayed set this internet site to your Homepage. 11 | P a g e SCHOOL START/ENDING TIMES AND DIRECTIONS School Report Time School Hours Alpine Elementary (PK-5) 8:30 9:00-3:30 2005 Alpine St. Longmont, CO 80501 720-652-8140 Deanna Frothingham, Principal Nicole Buhlig, Secretary Main Street to 17th Ave. Turn east. Pass the railroad tracks and Lashley. Turn left (north) onto Alpine Street. Continue until you see the school on your left (west). Aspen Ridge Preparatory School (K-5) 8:00 8:30-3:00 705 Austin Ave. Erie, CO 80516 720-242-6225 Kera Pratt, Asst. Principal Kara Harper, Secretary Main Street in Longmont south to Isabelle Road. Turn left. Continue onto Erie Pkwy. Turn right onto E. County Line Rd. Take the 1st left onto Austin Ave. The school is on the left of Austin Ave. Black Rock Elementary (PK-5) 8:35 9:05-3:35 2000 Mountain View Blvd. Erie, CO 80516 720-890-3995 Cathy O’Donnell, Principal Laura Stubbs, Secretary From Longmont: Go east on Hwy 119 to I-25. Take I-25 south toward Denver. Go south 13.7 miles to Exit #229 (Hwy 7 Lafayette/Brighton). Turn right onto Hwy 7 and go west 1.9miles to Mountain View Blvd intersection (7 Eleven Store is at this intersection). Turn right onto Mountain View Blvd and go north .4 miles. Turn right onto the side street (south side of Black Rock Elem.), Forsythia, to enter into Black Rock’s parking lot. Blue Mountain Elementary (PK-5) 8:30 9:00-3:30 1260 Mountain Dr. Longmont, CO 80503 720-652-8220 Kristie Venrick, Principal Misty Green, Secretary Main Street to Ken Pratt Blvd (CO-119) and turn west. Turn right onto Nelson Rd. Go 3.2 miles and turn left onto N. 75th Street. Turn left onto Mt. Sanitas Ave. Turn right onto Mountain Drive. Burlington Elementary (PK-5) 7:55 8:25-3:00 1051 S. Pratt Pkwy Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-8861 Janis Hughes, Principal Kyra Sare, Secretary Main Street south to Ken Pratt Boulevard (Longmont/Boulder Diagonal), west to the intersection of Ken Pratt Boulevard and South Pratt Parkway. Turn left (south) on South Pratt Parkway and go approximately 1/2 mile to Burlington Elementary which is located on the west side of street. 12 | P a g e School Report Time School Hours Carbon Valley Charter (K-6) 7:30 8:00-3:15 4040 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80530 303-774-9555 Julie Johnson, Principal Tina Steen, Secretary From Main Street, follow Hwy 119 east past I-25 to the Frontage Road. Turn right (south) and follow the Frontage Road to Weld County Rd 18. Turn left (east) (only available turn). Turn right onto Johnson Drive. Turn right onto Coriolis Way. Centennial Elementary (K-5) 8:35 9:05-3:35 10290 Neighbors Parkway Firestone, CO 80504 720-652-8240 Dr. Shirley Jirik, Principal Coleen Campbell, Secretary From Main Street, Longmont, head east on Ken Pratt Blvd (CO-119). Go 1 mile east of I-25 to Birch Street. Turn right and go south ½ mile to Neighbors Parkway. Turn left, and follow the road to the school parking lot. Central Elementary (PK-5) (Bilingual) 8:00 8:30-3:00 1020 4th Avenue Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3236 Jim Hecocks, Principal Jodi Carlson, Secretary Main Street to 4th Avenue, west on 4th Avenue approximately 4 blocks. Enter at main door facing Bross St. There is no parking lot. Columbine Elementary (PK-5) (Bilingual) 8:05 8:35-3:05 111 Longs Peak Avenue Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-2840 Audrey Seybold, Principal Yvonne Lopez, Secretary Main Street to Longs Peak Avenue, east on Longs Peak Avenue approximately 4-1/2 blocks. Eagle Crest Elementary (PK-5) 4444 Clover Basin Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-485-6073 Ryan Ball, Principal Karen Silveira, Secretary 8:35 9:05-3:35 From Longmont, take Hover north to Clover Basin Drive (across from Twin Peaks Mall). Take Clover Basin Drive west, cross Airport Road, to the school. From Boulder, take the Diagonal to Airport Rd. Take Airport Rd. north to Clover Basin Dr. Take Clover Basin Dr. west to the school. 13 | P a g e School Report Time School Hours Erie Elementary (PK-5) 8:35 9:05-3:35 4137 E. County Line Rd. Erie, CO 80516 303-828-3395 Lauren Eker, Principal Beverly Archuleta, Secretary Go south on Highway 287 (Main Street) until you reach the light at Highway 52. Turn east and go until you reach the stop light at County Line Road. Turn south and follow County Line Road until you come to a stop sign. Erie Middle School is on the left and Erie Elementary School is on the right. Fall River Elementary (PK-5) 8:25 8:55-3:25 1400 Deerwood Drive Longmont, CO 80504 720-652-7920 Dr. Jennifer Guthals, Principal Rhonda “Jo Jo” Charles, Secretary From Main Street, take 17th Ave. east past Pace Street. Turn south on Deerwood Drive. Follow Deerwood Drive until you see the school. Flagstaff Academy (K-8) 7:45 8:15–3:30 Primary 2040 Miller Drive 7:30 8:00-3:30 Secondary Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-7900 Terri Long – Primary Principal Dr. Charlie Warren, Secondary Principal Sheila Strukel, Office Manager From Main Street, take Ken Pratt Blvd (CO-119) apx 1.6 miles to Hover Road (95th Street), turn left. Turn left on Pike Road. Turn left on Miller Drive. The school is on your left. Hygiene Elementary (K-5) 8:35 9:05-3:35 11968 North 75th Street Hygiene, CO 80503 720-652-8021 Renee Collier, Principal Pam Dean, Secretary Take 17th Avenue west (becomes Hygiene Road) to North 75th (dead end). Turn right (north) and continue one block. The school is on the east side of the road. Imagine Charter School (K-8) 7:45 8:10-3:20 K 5753 Twilight Ave. 7:45 8:10-3:25 2-4 Firestone, CO 80504 7:45 8:10-3:30 5-8 303-772-3711 Kia Chapman, EL Principal Nancy Box, MS Principal Darcy Peterson, Secretary From Main Street, Longmont head east on Ken Pratt Blvd (CO-119) past I-25. The school site is on the northwest corner of WCR 13 (Colorado Blvd) and WCR 24 (Firestone Blvd) 14 | P a g e School Report Time School Hours Indian Peaks Elementary (PK-5) Bilingual 8:35 9:05-3:40 1335 South Judson Street Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-7240 Kathi Jo Walder, Principal Dora Villavicencio, Secretary Take Main Street south to Ken Pratt Boulevard (Longmont/Boulder Diagonal). Take Ken Pratt Boulevard to South Bowen Street, go south on South Bowen Street to Holly Avenue. Turn right (west) on Holly Avenue which becomes South Judson Street at the curve where you will be able to see the school on the west side of South Judson Street Legacy Elementary (K-5) 8:35 9:05-3:40 7701 Eagle Blvd Frederick, CO 80504 720-652-8160 Sean Corey, Principal Lynette Frank, Secretary From Main Street, follow Hwy 119 east past I-25 to the Frontage Road. Turn left (east) on Godding Hollow (CR18).Turn right (south) on Eagle Blvd. You will see the school on your right. Longmont Estates Elementary (PK-5) 7:55 8:25-3:00 1601 Northwestern Road Longmont, CO 80503 720-652-8101 Traci Haley, Principal Tara Roeder, Secretary From Main Street take Mountain View Avenue west past Hover Road to Harvard Street. Turn right (north) on Harvard Street and then left on Northwestern Road. Follow Northwestern Road until you reach the school which is located on the south side of the street. Lyons Elementary (PK-5) 7:35 8:05-2:35 338 High Street Lyons, Colorado 80540 303-823-6915 Andrew Moore, Principal Kim Doering, Secretary Take Highway 66 west into Lyons. As you enter the Town of Lyons, turn north (right) on 3rd Street. Turn left on High Street. The school will be on the right in the middle of the block. Mead Elementary (PK-5) 8:35 9:05-3:35 520 Welker Avenue Mead, Colorado 80542 970-535-4488 Betsy Porter, Principal Judy Redmon, Secretary From Main Street take Highway 66 east approximately 5-6 miles to Road 7 (Mead sign). Turn left (north) and proceed to the first stop sign. Turn left (west). Mead Elementary is the first school on the left. 15 | P a g e School Report Time School Hours Mountain View Elementary (PK-5) 7:55 8:25-3:00 1415 14th Avenue Longmont, CO 80501 720-652-8261 Jennifer Ryan, Principal Shelly Wierzbinski, Secretary From Main Street take Mountain View Avenue west to Francis Street. Turn right (north) on Francis Street. The school will be on the right. Niwot Elementary (PK-5) 8:35 9:05-3:35 8778 Morton Road Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-2828 Nancy Pitz, Principal JoAnn Borys, Secretary Take Main Street (Highway 287) south to Niwot Road (stop light). Turn right (west) on Niwot Road and continue past 95th Street (stop light) until you come to Walker Avenue. Turn left (south) one block until you come to the school at the intersection of Walker Avenue and Morton Road. Northridge Elementary (PK-5) Bilingual 8:00 8:30-3:10 1200 19th Avenue Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3040 Lorynda Archibeque Sampson, Principal Sarah Applestein, Secretary From Main Street take 17th Avenue west to Gay Street (stop light). Proceed north on Gay Street to 19th Avenue. The school will be on the east side of Gay Street. Prairie Ridge Elementary (K-5) Bilingual 8:35 9:05-3:40 6632 St. Vrain Ranch Blvd. Firestone, CO 80504 720-494-3641 Kirsten McNeill, Principal Cristi Zuege, Secretary From Highway 287 (Main Street) turn east on Highway 119 (3rd Ave.). Go past I-25 approximately 3 miles until you reach Frontier (WCR 15). Turn right and continue to St. Vrain Ranch Blvd. Turn right and continue until you see the school. Red Hawk Elementary (PK-5) 8:35 9:05-3:40 1500 Telleen Ave. Erie, CO 80516 303-774-2700 Cyrus Weinberger, Principal Donna Skonicki, Secretary From Longmont, take Hwy 287 south to CO 52. Turn east on CO 52 and drive to County Line Road. Turn right and go through town. Go past Erie Elementary to Telleen Ave and turn right. Drive about ½ mile and you will see the school on your left. 16 | P a g e School Report Time School Hours Rocky Mountain Elementary (PK-5)Bilingual 8:25 8:55-3:30 800 East 5th Avenue Longmont, Colorado 80504 303-772-6750 Stephen Hoel, Principal Donna Sehringer, Secretary From Main Street take 3rd Avenue (Hwy 119) east to Lashley (stop light). Turn left (north) on Lashley to E. 5th Avenue. Turn right (east) on E. 5th Avenue and follow to the school. The school will be on the north side of the street. Sanborn Elementary (PK-5) 8:00 8:30-3:00 2235 Vivian Street Longmont, Colorado 80501 303-772-3838 John Wahler, Principal Ellen Cooper, Secretary From Main Street take 21st Avenue west to Vivian Street. Turn right (north) on Vivian Street and follow to the school. The school will be on the west side of Vivian Street. SPARK! Discovery Preschool 8:00 8:30-11:10 555 8th Street 11:55 12:25–3:05 Frederick, Colorado 80530 720-652-7906 Paige Gordon, Head of School Andrea Almanza, Secretary From Longmont go south on Highway 287 (Main Street) until you reach the light on Highway 52. Turn left (East) on Highway 52. From Highway 52, turn left (North) at stop light which is Colorado Blvd/WCR13. Turn right (East) at Fifth Street. Once over the small bridge, take an immediate right (North), this is Main Street. Follow Main Street to the end, take a left (East) at Eighth Street Continue until you see the school on your left. Thunder Valley (K-8) 7:50 8:20-3:20 600 5th Street Frederick, CO 80530 303-833-2456 Dr. Karen Musick, Principal Denise LaSalle, Secretary From Longmont go south on Highway 287 (Main Street) until you reach the light at Highway 52, turn left. On Highway 52, drive to 2 miles east from I-25 to Colorado Blvd, turn left at the light onto Colorado Blvd/WCR13. Go to the 1st street, 5th street, and turn right (East). Continue over the bridge and through town, the school is on the right. Timberline (PK-8) 7:55 8:25-3:30 233 E Mountain View Longmont, Co 80504 303-772-7900 Karolyn Borski, Principal Deanna Ellison Shaver, Secretary From Main Street take Mountain View Avenue east past Lashley Street to the school. Timberline is located on the south side of E. Mountain View. 17 | P a g e School Report Time School Hours Twin Peaks Charter Academy (K-12) 7:45 Elem 8:15-3:15 340 South Sunset Sec 8:15-3:15 Longmont, Colorado 80501 303-772-7286 Danielle Feeney, K-5 Principal Adriana Solc, Primary Secretary Pooja Bahirat, Secondary Secretary From Main Street in Longmont go to Hwy 119 (Ken Pratt Pkwy). Turn west on Hwy 119 to Sunset. Turn right (north) onto Sunset. Drive approximately ½ mile north until you see the school sign on the east side of Sunset. The school is recessed 200 yards within interior of Sunset. Altona Middle School (6-8) 7:50 8:20-3:40 4600 Clover Basin Drive Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-3980 Jeremy LaCrosse, Principal Pat Glassner, Secretary Take Hover Road to Clover Basin Drive. Proceed west on Clover Basin Drive past Airport Road approximately 1 mile. The school will be on your right, north side of the road. The school is on the corner of Clover Basin Road and Grandview Meadows Drive with the entrance on Clover Basin. Career Development Center (CDC & O.C.H.S.) 7:15 CDC 7:45-2:05 Vocational School and Olde Columbine HS 7:30 OCHS 7:55-3:00 1200 S. Sunset Street Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3333 (CDC) 720-494-3961 (OCHS) Deniece Cook, Principal Alison Vincent, Secretary (CDC) Susan Berger, Secretary (OCHS) Go south on Main Street (Highway 287) Ken Pratt Boulevard. Go west on Ken Pratt Boulevard to South Sunset Street. Turn left (south) on South Sunset Street. The CDC/Olde Columbine building is located approximately 1/2 mile down on the east side of the street. Coal Ridge Middle School (6-8) 7:15 7:45-2:52 6201 Booth Drive Firestone, Colorado 80504 303-833-4176 Brian Young, Principal Jodi Marsolek, Secretary From Longmont, go east on Highway 119 (3rd Ave.). Go past I-25 approximately 2 miles. Turn right at light on Colorado Blvd. Turn left onto Booth Drive. 18 | P a g e School Report Time School Hours Erie Middle School (6-8) 7:30 8:00-3:00 650 Main Street Erie, Colorado 80516 303-828-3391 Todd Bissell, Principal Patricia Atwood, Secretary o south on Highway 287 (Main Street) until you reach the light at Highway 52. Turn east and go to the stop light at County Line Road. Turn right (south) on County Line Road and follow until you come to the stop sign. Erie Middle School is on the left and Erie Elementary School is on the right. Erie High School (9-12) 6:55 7:25-2:25 3180 County Road 5 Erie, CO 80516 303-828-4213 Matt Buchler, Principal Loretta Hardin, Secretary Go south on Highway 287 (Main Street) until you reach the light at Highway 52. Turn east and go approximately 4.4 miles to County Road 5. Turn south on County Road 5 and go 2.5 miles to Erie High School. The school sits on the corner of County Road 5 and Leon Wurl Parkway (aka Road 8). Frederick Senior High (9-12) 7:00 7:30-2:30 5690 Tipple Parkway Frederick, Colorado 80504 303-833-3533 Peter Vargas, Principal Mary Goldsberry, Secretary From Main Street in Longmont and Ken Pratt, travel south on Main (Hwy 287) to Hwy 52. Turn left (east) on Hwy 52. Travel east until CR#13 (Colorado Blvd). Turn left onto Colorado Blvd and travel north to Tipple Parkway. Turn left (west) on Tipple Parkway and the high school will be on the left. Park in the east parking lot and enter through the front doors. Longmont High School (9-12) 7:15 7:45-2:45 1040 Sunset Street Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6014 Rick Olsen, Principal Kathy VanBuskirk, Secretary From Main Street take 9th Avenue west to Sunset Street. Turn right (north) on Sunset Street. The school is on the east side of Sunset Street. Longs Peak Middle School (6-8) 7:25 7:55-3:15 1500 14th Avenue Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-5611 Tim Bishop, Principal Linda Monteil, Secretary From Main Street take Mountain View Avenue west to Francis Street. Turn right (north) on Francis Street. The school is located on the west side of Francis Street between 14th Avenue and 15th Avenue. 19 | P a g e School Lyons Middle/Senior High School (6-12) 100 2nd Ave. 7:00 Lyons, Colorado 80540 303-823-6631 Greg Winger, Principal Debbie Bustamante, Secretary Report Time 7:20 HS MS 7:30-2:55 School Hours 7:50-2:50 Take Highway 66 west into Lyons. After you pass the Diamond Shamrock station, look for the stone sign, “Welcome to Lyons, on the left. Turn left onto the bridge, McConnell Drive (2nd), just after the welcome sign. Continue past the stop sign and the school is on the right. Main Street 7:30 820 Main Street Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-5662 Heidi Weekley, Education Coordinator Paula Carr, Secretary On the east side of Main Street between 9th and 10th Avenue. 7:00 – 3:00 Mead High School (9-10) 6:45 7:15–2:15 12750 WCR 7 Longmont, CO 80504 720-494-3940 Linda Rawlings, Principal Pam Long, Secretary From Main Street, go east on Highway 66th for approximately 5-6 miles. Turn right (South) at the stop light onto WCR 7. Continue until you see the school. Mead Middle School (6-8) 7:20 7:50-2:50 620 Welker Avenue Mead, Colorado 80542 970-535-4446 Joshua Barnett, Principal Diana Munoz, Secretary From Main Street take Highway 66 east approximately 5-6 miles to Road 7 (Mead sign). Turn left (north) and proceed to the first stop sign. Turn left (west). Mead Middle is the second school on the left. Niwot High School (9-12) 6:50 7:20-2:23 8989 E. Niwot Road Niwot, Colorado 80503 303-652-2550 Eric Rauschkolb, Principal Michelle Henry, Secretary Follow Highway 287 (Main Street) south to Niwot Road (stop light). Turn right (west) on Niwot Road and follow past 95th Street (stop light) to the school. The school will be on the north side of the road. 20 | P a g e School Report Time School Hours Silver Creek High School (9-12) 7:00 7:30-2:30 4901 Nelson Road Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-3721 Erick Finnestead, Principal Ann Arling, Secretary Take Hover Road to Nelson Road and turn west. Follow Nelson Road past Airport Road until you see the school on the south side of the road. Skyline High School (9-12) 7:00 7:30-2:30 600 E. Mountain View Avenue Longmont, CO 80504 720-494-3741 Heidi Ringer, Principal Melissa Chambers, Secretary From Main Street, turn east on Mountain View Avenue. Follow Mountain View Avenue until go up the hill, Skyline High School is located on the (left) north side of E. Mountain View Avenue. Sunset Middle School (6-8) 7:05 7:35-2:30 1300 S. Sunset Street Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3963 Dawn Macy, Principal Karen Gralewski, Secretary From Main Street take Ken Pratt Boulevard (Longmont/Boulder Diagonal) to South Sunset Street. Turn left (south) on South Sunset Street and proceed past CDC (Career Development Center) to the school. The school is located on the east side of South Sunset Street. Trail Ridge Middle School (6-8) 7:15 7:45 -2:45 1000 Button Rock Drive Longmont, CO 80504 720-494-3820 Eddie Cloke, Principal Vi Sherratt, Secretary From Main Street take Ken Pratt Pkwy east to County Road 1. Turn left on County Road 1. Turn left onto 9th Ave. Turn right onto Button Rock Drive. Westview Middle School (6-8) 7:40 8:10-3:15 1651 Airport Road Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3134 Mark Spencer, Principal Sandy Roy, Secretary From Main Street take 17th Avenue west (turns into Hygiene Road) past Hover Street to Airport Road. Turn left (south) on Airport Road and the school will be seen on the right (west) side of Airport Road. 21 | P a g e 17 End of Trimester Denotes Day 1 For Middle and High School Schedules Beginning of Trimester Schools Closed STUDENT CONTACT DAYS Trimesters 1st Trimester) 61 2nd Trimester) 55 3rd Trimester) 58 174 Total Days Quarters/Semesters 1st Qtr) 41 2nd Qtr) 40 1st Semester) 81 3rd Qtr) 45 2nd Semester) 93 4th Qtr) 48 174 Total Days May 30, 2016 the end of the present calendar. Saturdays, during scheduled school breaks, and/or at Board of Education may schedule makeup dates on • If for any reason this calendar must be altered the specific dates and times for their conferences. parents. Please check with your student’s school for the evening to accommodate the schedules of working conferences. Conferences are frequently scheduled in • 4 Teacher Compensation Days for evening parent • 5 Teacher Work Days NON STUDENT CONTACT DAYS May 28, 2016 - Sat. Morning Staggered May 27, 2016 - Fri. Evening May 28, 2016 - Sat. Morning New Teacher Orientation Non-Student Contact Days First Day of School for Students Labor Day Non-Student Contact Day Thanksgiving Break Non-Student Contact Day Winter Break Non-Student Contact Day Martin Luther King Day Non-Student Contact Day Presidents’ Day Non-Student Contact Day Spring Break Graduation - St. Vrain Online Global Academy Life Skills ACE Completion Ceremony Last Day of School for Students Non-Student Contact Day Universal High School Graduation Celebration (Held at Silver Creek High School) Graduation - Olde Columbine High School Graduation - Erie HS, Frederick HS, Longmont HS, Lyons Middle/Senior, Niwot HS, Silver Creek HS Graduation - Mead HS, Skyline HS Aug 11-13, 2015 Aug 14, 17, 18, 2015 Aug 19, 2015 Sep 7, 2015 Oct 16, 2015 Nov 23-27, 2015 Dec 21, 2015 Dec 22, 2015-Jan 1, 2016 Jan 15, 2016 Jan 18, 2016 Feb 12, 2016 Feb 15, 2016 Feb 26, 2016 Apr 4-8, 2016 May 20, 2016 - Fri. Afternoon May 24, 2016 May 25, 2016 May 26, 2016 May 27, 2016 - Fri. Morning Memorial Day Summer school, academic enrichment opportunities and community schools programming. For complete schedule go to IMPORTANT DATES 17 Graduation 17 17 New Teacher Orientation 17 17 17 17 Beginning of Quarter End of Quarter 17 Non-Student Contact Days 9 Total, 4 Compensation, 5 Work Professional Learning Community Day/Late Start All students in all schools begin the school day 2.5 hours later than normal. All teachers/staff will be engaged in collaborative professional development. 17 17 LEGEND 2015-2016 Calendar 24 23 30 M 1 29 S 29 22 15 31 24 17 10 3 T 23 16 9 25 18 11 4 W MAY 2016 24 17 10 3 W 25 18 11 26 19 12 5 T 25 18 11 4 T 26 19 12 5 T FEBRUARY 2016 24 17 10 4 W 27 20 13 6 T 27 20 13 6 F 26 19 12 5 F 27 20 13 6 F 28 21 14 7 F 28 21 14 7 S 27 20 13 6 S 28 21 14 7 S 29 22 15 8 1 S 26 19 12 5 S 27 20 13 6 S 27 20 13 6 S 27 20 13 6 S 27 20 13 6 M 28 21 14 7 M 28 21 14 7 M 28 21 14 7 M T 3 28 21 29 22 15 8 1 W 30 23 16 9 2 30 23 16 9 2 T 31 24 17 10 3 T 31 24 17 10 JUNE 2016 14 7 T 29 22 15 8 1 W 30 23 16 9 2 W 24 17 10 3 T MARCH 2016 T 29 22 15 8 1 T 30 23 16 9 2 W DECEMBER 2015 29 22 15 8 1 T SEPTEMBER 2015 24 17 10 3 F 25 18 11 4 F 25 18 11 4 F 25 18 11 4 F Revised and Approved by the Board of Education 02/12/2014 30 23 16 9 2 1 8 M 29 28 S 22 21 15 23 22 14 16 15 8 2 9 8 7 T 2 1 3 M T 26 19 12 5 W NOVEMBER 2015 25 18 11 4 T AUGUST 2015 S 31 17 16 30 10 3 M 9 2 S 25 18 11 4 S 26 19 12 5 S 26 19 12 5 S 26 19 12 5 S 31 24 17 10 3 S 24 17 10 3 S 31 24 17 10 3 S 25 18 11 4 S 25 18 11 4 M 25 18 11 4 M 25 18 11 4 M 26 19 12 5 M 7 T 26 19 27 20 13 6 W 27 20 13 6 28 21 14 7 T 28 21 14 7 T 28 21 14 JULY 2016 12 5 T 26 19 12 5 W 27 20 13 6 W 29 22 15 8 1 T APRIL 2016 T 26 19 12 5 T 28 21 14 7 W JANUARY 2016 27 20 13 6 T OCTOBER 2015 29 22 15 8 1 F 29 22 15 8 1 F 29 22 15 8 1 F 30 23 16 9 2 F 30 23 16 9 2 S 30 23 16 9 2 S 30 23 16 9 2 S 31 24 17 10 3 S Aspen Ridge Preparatory School 2015-2016 Calendar AUGUST FEBRUARY Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 IMPORTANT DATES Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 5 Sat 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Aug. 11-18 Teacher Work Days 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Aug. 19 First Day of School 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 Aug. 19 Sept. 7 Beginning of 1st Trimester Labor Day/ No School 21 28 22 29 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 Oct. 13-15 Parent/Teacher Conferences Oct. 16 Non-Student Contact Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sat Nov. 13 End of 1st Trimester SEPTEMBER Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Nov. 16 Beginning of 2nd Trimester 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Nov. 23-27 Thanksgiving Break 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 20 14 21 15 22 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 Dec. 21 Dec. 22-Jan. 1 Non-Student Contact Day Winter Break 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jan. 18 Martin Luther King Day/No School OCTOBER Feb. 15 President's Day/ No School Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Feb. 23-25 Parent/Teacher Conferences Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat APRIL 1 2 1 2 3 Feb. 25 End of 2nd Trimester 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Feb. 29 Beginning of 3rd Trimester 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 12 19 13 20 14 21 15 22 16 23 17 24 Apr. 4-Apr. 8 May. 25 Spring Break/ No School Last Day of School 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 May. 26 Non-Student Contact Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat NOVEMBER Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 29 30 LEGEND MAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 No Students or Staff- Break 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 No Students or Staff- Holiday Non-Student Contact Day 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 26 27 28 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Early Release Day, 12:30 dismissal DECEMBER Parent/Teacher Conferences Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 14 21 15 22 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE Beginning of Trimester End of Trimester Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 25 Trimester 2 - 55 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Trimester 3 - 58 1 2 STUDENT CONTACT DAYS Trimester 1 - 61 JANUARY 1 TOTAL - 174 JULY 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Quarters 1st Qtr ) 40 2nd Qtr ) 38 3rd Qrt ) 45 4th Qrt ) 47 170 Total Days STUDENT CONTACT DAYS Aug 11-14, 2015 Aug 17-18, 2015 Aug 19, 2015 Sep 7, 2015 Sep 21, 2015 Oct 16, 2015 Oct 19, 2015 Nov 16, 2015 Nov 23 - 28, 2015 Dec 21, 2054 - Jan 1, 2016 Jan 4, 2016 Jan 18, 2016 Feb 8, 2016 Feb 12, 2016 Feb 15, 2016 Mar 21, 2016 Apr 4 - 8, 2016 April 11, 2016 May 16, 2016 May 26, 2016 May 27, 2016 IMPORTANT DATES Summer Break Summer School, Academic Beginning of Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences Student Assessment School Closed * If for some reason this calendar must be altered, the Board of Directors may schedule makeup dates on Saturdays, during scheduled school breaks, and/or at the end of the present * 2 Parent /Teacher Conferences. Please check with your student's teacher for specific times of their conference. * 13 Teacher Work Days NON-STUDENT CONTACT DAYS Teacher Professional Development Student Assessments First Day of School for Students Labor Day - No School Professional Dev. - No School P/T Conferences Professional Dev. - No School Professional Dev. - No School Thanksgiving Break Winter Break Professional Dev. - No School Martin Luther King Day -No School Professional Dev. - No School P/T Conf ernces - No School President's Day - No School Professional Dev. - No School Spring Break Professional Dev. - No School Professional Dev. - No School Eighth Grade Graduation Last Day of School for Students End of Quarter All teachers/staff will be engaged in collaborative professional developement Professional Development /No School - LEGEND 2015 - 2016 Calendar 31 30 23 30 22 29 2 1 16 M S 15 29 28 9 22 21 8 15 14 25 18 11 4 W 26 19 12 5 T 24 17 10 3 W 25 18 11 4 T 31 24 17 10 3 T 25 18 11 4 W 26 19 12 5 T May 2016 23 16 9 2 1 8 27 20 13 6 T February 2016 24 17 10 3 T T 7 26 19 12 5 W November 2015 25 18 11 4 T August 2015 M 30 29 S 23 16 15 22 9 8 2 24 23 1 17 16 M 10 9 S 3 M 2 S 27 20 13 6 F 26 19 12 5 F 27 20 13 6 F 28 21 14 7 F 28 21 14 7 S 27 20 13 6 S 28 21 14 7 S 29 22 15 8 1 S 26 19 12 5 S 27 20 13 6 S 27 20 13 6 S 27 20 13 6 S 27 20 13 6 M 28 21 14 7 M 28 21 14 7 M 28 21 14 7 M 30 23 16 9 2 W 24 17 10 3 T 30 23 16 9 2 W 31 24 17 10 3 T 30 23 16 9 2 W 31 24 17 10 3 T 28 21 14 7 T 29 22 15 8 1 W 30 23 16 9 2 T June 2016 29 22 15 8 1 T March 2016 29 22 15 8 1 T December 2015 29 22 15 8 1 T September 2015 24 17 10 3 F 25 18 11 4 F 25 18 11 4 F 25 18 11 4 F 25 18 11 4 S 26 19 12 5 S 26 19 12 5 S 26 19 12 5 S 31 24 17 10 3 S 24 17 10 3 S 31 24 17 10 3 S 25 18 11 4 S 25 18 11 4 M 25 18 11 4 M 25 18 11 4 M 26 19 12 5 M 28 21 14 7 W 29 22 15 8 1 T 27 20 13 6 W 28 21 14 7 T 27 20 13 6 W 28 21 14 7 T 26 19 12 5 T 27 20 13 6 W 28 21 14 7 T July 2016 26 19 12 5 T April 2016 26 19 12 5 T January 2016 27 20 13 6 T October 2015 29 22 15 8 1 F 29 22 15 8 1 F 29 22 15 8 1 F 30 23 16 9 2 F 30 23 16 9 2 S 30 23 16 9 2 S 30 23 16 9 2 S 31 24 17 10 3 S 2015-2016 FLAGSTAFF ACADEMY CALENDAR Aug-15 Feb-16 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 2 9 16 23 30 Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 TBD 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 August 17, 2015 17 18 19 20 21 22 5 24 25 26 27 28 29 August 17, 2015 1 August 18, 2015 31 IMPORTANT DATES New Parent Orientation Kindergarten Camp 6th Grade Orientation Day First day of School Full Day Kindergarten Noon Dismissal 10 August 18-20, 2015 Sep-15 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5 27 28 29 30 1 2 Middle School Back to School Night August 27, 2015 Elementary Back to school night. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat August 28, 2015 1st-8th Student Assessment Day A-L August 28, 2015 1st-8th M-Z no school August 31, 2015 1st-8th Student Assessment Day M-Z August 31, 2015 1st-8th A-L no school Late start - Professional Learning 27 28 29 30 31 21 September 7, 2015 No School - Labor Day September 23, 2015 September 24, 2015 Noon Dismissal Elem. Conferences 3 2 September 25, 2015 No School Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 5 October 7, 2015 Late start - Professional Learning 4 October 12, 2015 No School - Teacher Inservice 5 November 4, 2015 Late start - Professional Learning 5 November 23-27, 2015 No School - Thanksgiving Break 21 December 2, 2015 Late start - Professional Learning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 5 5 5 16 Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 27 28 29 30 31 January 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 1 8 Sat 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat No School - Martin Luther King Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 58 48 No School No School - Presidents' Day Late start - Professional Learning March 16, 2016 Elem.Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences March 17, 2016 Noon Dismissal - K-5th grade No School No School - Spring Break April 13, 2016 Late start - Professional Learning May 7, 2014 Late start - Professional Learning May 26, 2016 Noon Dismissal - Last day of school May 27, 2016 No School - Teacher Inservice Quarter 1 = 41 Quarter 2 = 44 7 1 8 2 9 Elementary Trimesters 1 No contact days 5 Contact Days Elementary: 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jul-16 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat MS Quarter End 175 6 Elem start time 11:00 5 9 late starts 4 3 All day inservices 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 19 44 5 Quarter 3 = 42 Quarter 4 = 48 Late Start Times 5 MS start time 10:45 Jun-16 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat April 4-8, 2016 Trimester 1 = 56 Trimester 2 = 61 May-16 Late start - Professional Learning Late start - Professional Learning 4 March 18, 2016 7 Apr-16 No School - Teacher Inservice Dec. 21, 2015 - Jan. 1, 2016 Winter break Sat Dec-15 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 6 23 42 Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 January 6, 2016 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 January 18, 2016 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5 February 3, 2016 February 12, 2016 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 February 15, 2016 29 30 56 16 March 2, 2016 5 4 5 5 5 4 December 18, 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 4 Mar-16 August 20, 2015 3 September 2, 2015 Nov-15 5 5 4 5 1 20 Elem.Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 41 3 28 29 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Oct-15 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Middle School: 175 Prepared by sstrukel 3/2/2015 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Page 1 5 5 5 3 18 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 6 13 20 27 AUGUST 2015 M T W T F 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 24 31 25 26 27 28 SEPTEMBER 2015 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 4 11 18 25 S 1 8 15 22 29 NOVEMBER 2015 M T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 S 6 13 20 27 S 3 10 17 24 S 1 8 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 OCTOBER 2015 M T W T F 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 S Imagine Firestone DECEMBER 2015 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 JANUARY 2016 M T W T F 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 29 S 5 12 19 26 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 7 14 21 28 S 5 12 19 26 S 2 9 16 23 30 2015-2016 School Calendar Aug.6-7: Aug. 10-14: Aug. 17: Aug 18: Aug 17-21: Aug. 28: New teacher orientation Non student contact days First day for 1-6 th th All students (7 /8 starts) Kindergarten staggered start** Staff Professional Development, No school for students Sept. 7: Sept. 21: Labor Day, School Closed Staff Professional Development, No school for students FEBRUARY 2016 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 S M 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 MARCH 2016 T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 Nov. 20: Early Release Nov. 23-27: Thanksgiving Break, School Closed S M APRIL 2016 T W T Dec. 18: Early Release Dec. 21-Jan. 1: Winter Break, School Closed 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 S M 5 12 19 26 Oct. 13-14: Fall Conferences, Early Release Oct. 15-16: Fall Break, School Closed Oct. 19: Staff Professional Development, No school for students Jan. 4: Staff Professional Development, No school for students Jan. 18: MLK Day, School Closed Jan. 29/29: Conferences, Early Release Feb. 12: Feb. 15: Staff Professional Development, No school for students President’s Day, School Closed Mar. 7: School Closed Apr. 4-8: Spring Break, School Closed May 6: Staff Professional Development, No school for students th 8 Grade Promotion Last Day of School, Early Release Memorial Day Last Day for Teachers May 23: May 25: May 30: May 31: Quarter 1: 8/17-10/9 37 days Quarter 2: 10/12-12/18 43 days Quarter 3: 1/5-3/11 45 days Quarter 4: 3/14-5/25 47 days Total Student Contact Days: 171 Half Day, school ends at 12:40 School Closed/Non contact day Beginning/End of Quarter **Kindergarten students will be assigned one day to attend during the week of Aug 17-21, regular classes for Kindergarten will begin Aug. 24.. S 6 13 20 27 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 MAY 2016 T W T 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27 JUNE 2016 T W T 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 S M JULY 2016 T W T 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 This calendar subject to change by Board vote 175 Total Days STUDENT CONTACT DAYS Quarters/Semesters 1st Quarter: 41 Days 2nd Quarter: 39 Days 3rd Quarter : 46 Days May 30 May 27 Feb 12 Feb 15 Mar 2 Mar 11 Apr 1 Apr 4-8 May 4 May 21 May 26 Nov 4 Nov 23-27 Dec 2 Dec 18 Dec 22-Jan 1 Jan 18 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Aug 18 Sep 7 Sept 25 Oct 7 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 22 Oct 23 IMPORTANT DATES Aug 6 Aug 7, 10-11 Aug 13 Aug 17 1st Semester : 80 Days 2nd Semester : 95 Days Office & Admin Staff Report New Teacher Orientation Teachers & IA/Paras Report Orientation for Grades 6, 9 & New 7-12 Students First Day for All Students Labor Day Non-Student Contact Day Early (Noon) Release (PLD) Quarter 1 (Q1) Ends Non-Student Contact Day Conferences -Early Release Conferences - Non-Student Contact Day Early (Noon) Release (PLD) Thanksgiving Break Early (Noon) Release (PLD) Q2/Semester 1 Ends Winter Break Martin Luther King Day Early (Noon) Release (PLD) Conferences -Early Release Conferences - Non-Student Contact Day Non-Student Contact Day Presidents’ Day Early (Noon) Release (PLD) Q3 Ends Early (Noon) Release (PLD) Spring Break Early (Noon) Release (PLD) Graduation (AM) Q4/Semester 2 Ends Last Day for Students Last Day for Instructional Staff Memorial Day Conferences Thursday - Early (Noon)Release Friday - Non Student Contact Day End of Quarter Beginning of Quarter School Closed Non-Student Contact Day Professional Learning Day Noon Release-No Lunch 2015-2016 Calendar Twin Peaks Charter Mo Su Tu 2 9 16 23 30 1 8 15 22 29 29 28 Mo 22 21 Su 8 15 7 14 31 24 17 10 3 Tu 23 16 9 30 29 24 2 23 22 17 10 3 Tu 25 18 11 4 Tu 1 16 15 9 2 1 8 Mo 31 Su 30 24 17 16 23 3 10 2 9 Mo Su 25 18 11 4 We May 24 17 10 3 We February 25 18 11 4 We November 26 19 12 5 We August 26 19 12 5 Th 25 18 11 4 Th 26 19 12 5 Th 27 20 13 6 Th 27 20 13 6 Fr 26 19 12 5 Fr 27 20 13 6 Fr 28 21 14 7 Fr 28 21 14 7 Sa 27 20 13 6 Sa 28 21 14 7 Sa 29 22 15 8 1 Sa 26 19 12 5 Su 27 20 13 6 Su 27 20 13 6 Su 27 20 13 6 Su 27 20 13 6 Mo 28 21 14 7 Mo 28 21 14 7 Mo 28 21 14 7 Mo 28 21 14 7 Tu 29 22 15 8 1 Tu 29 22 15 8 1 Tu 29 22 15 8 1 Tu 29 22 15 8 1 We June 30 23 16 9 2 We March 30 23 16 9 2 We December 30 23 16 9 2 We September 30 23 16 9 2 Th 31 24 17 10 3 Th 31 24 17 10 3 Th 24 17 10 3 Th 24 17 10 3 Fr 25 18 11 4 Fr 25 18 11 4 Fr 25 18 11 4 Fr 25 18 11 4 Sa 26 19 12 5 Sa 26 19 12 5 Sa 26 19 12 5 Sa 31 24 17 10 3 Su 24 17 10 3 Su 31 24 17 10 3 Su 25 18 11 4 Su 25 18 11 4 Mo 25 18 11 4 Mo 25 18 11 4 Mo 26 19 12 5 Mo 26 19 12 5 Tu 26 19 12 5 Tu 26 19 12 5 Tu 27 20 13 6 Tu 27 20 13 6 We July 27 20 13 6 We April 27 20 13 6 We January 28 21 14 7 We October 28 21 14 7 Th 28 21 14 7 Th 28 21 14 7 Th 29 22 15 8 1 Th 29 22 15 8 1 Fr 29 22 15 8 1 Fr 29 22 15 8 1 Fr 30 23 16 9 2 Fr 30 23 16 9 2 Sa 30 23 16 9 2 Sa 30 23 16 9 2 Sa 31 24 17 10 3 Sa Approved 4/23/15 T-ICA/T-ICA-E
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