20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT GODIŠTE / YEAR OF BIRTH: 1995 Mijat Gaćinović STEVAN VILOTIĆ ĆELE SUBOTICA 04 – 09. 09. 2013. 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 RASPORED UTAKMICA / MATCH SCHEDULE Učesnici turnira / Tournament participants: Grupa/Group A: Srbija/Serbia, Belgija/Belgium, Ukrajina/Ukraine. Grupa/Group B: Izrael/Israel, Mađarska/Hungary, Francuska/France. 05. 09. 2013. 1. Kolo / 1st Round Grad/City Stadion/Stadium Početak/Kick off Srbija/Serbia – Belgija/Belgium Subotica FK Spartak 17:00 Izrael/Israel - Francuska/France Subotica FK Bačka 1901 17:00 06. 09. 2013. 2. Kolo / 2nd Round Belgija/Belgium - Ukrajina/Ukraine Izrael/Israel - Mađarska/Hungary Grad/City Stadion/Stadium Senta FK Senta Početak/Kick off 17:00 Bačka Topola FK Bačka Topola 17:00 07. 09. 2013. 3. Kolo / 3rd Round Srbija/Serbia - Ukrajina/Ukraine Francuska/France - Mađarska/Hungary Grad/City Stadion/Stadium Početak/Kick off Vrbas FK Vrbas 17:00 Tavankut FK Tavankut 17:00 08. 09. 2013. Slobodan dan / Rest day 09. 09. 2013. Utakmice za plasman Matches for final ranking Grad/City Stadion/Stadium Početak/Kick off Peto mesto / Fifth Place Bačka Topola FK Bačka Topola 15:30 Treće mesto / Third Place Subotica FK Spartak 16:00 Finale / Final Match Subotica FK Bačka 1901 17:00 Svečano zatvaranje turnira i podela priznanja - Stadion FK Bačka 1901 u 19:00 časova Official tournament closing and award ceremony - Stadium FK Bačka 1901 at 19:00h 3 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 SUBOTICA GRAD DOMAĆIN / HOST CITY S ubotica is an old town, a multinational community, openhearted towards its visitors, especially the young and athletes. Besides being known as “The Beauty of Panonia”, Subotica, for decades on has, with reason deserved the denomination “the Town of Sports”... the ball started rolling here yet in 1901. So far this town has launched players who later became Yugoslav champions, European and world stars, winners of the Olympic medals and winners of the Mediterranean games and Balkan championships. This was the place where generations of football players such as Vladimir Petrović Pižon, Dragan Stojković, Dejan Savičević, Predrag Mijatović, Dejan Stanković and Mateja Kežman made their first football steps and enchanced their performances. It was here that the famous generation of “Chileans”, winners of the U-20 World Cup 1987, was generated. Subotica achievede its status of a free town yet in 1779. The tram appeared in its streets at the time when half the Europe had not had it. The town is situated in the Northern Serbia, in the vicinity the beautiful lake of Palic, and nowadays counts with 150.000 inhabitants. Palić is a reknown spa, with sports training and recreation grounds, hotels and a ZOO. There is no generation of footballl players that has hot had preparations in Palić. S ubotica je stari grad otvorenog srca, mladosti, višenacionalne sredine, ljudi koji su u svakoj prilici otvarali dušu prema gostu, posebno kad je reč o sportistima. Pored epiteta “Panonske lepotice” već decenijama Subotica zaslužuje i epitet “grada sportista”. S razlogom, jer je ovde lopta počela da se kotrlja još 1901. godine. Ovaj grad je godinama lansirao jugoslovenske šampione, evropske i svetske asove, osvajače olimpijskih medalja, kao i medalja na Mediteranskim igrama i šampionatima Balkana. Prve prave fudbalske korake i akcije ovde su usavršavale generacije Vladimira Petrovića Pižona, Piksija Stojkovića, Dejana Savićevića, Predraga Mijatovića, Dejana Stankovića i Mateje Kežmana, poznatih imena jugoslovenskog i evropskog fudbala. Ovde je stasala i čuvena generacija “Čileanaca”, fudbalera koji su 1987. postali juniorski šampioni sveta. Status “slobodnog grada” Subotica je stekla još 1779. godine. Njenim ulicama vozio je tramvaj u vreme kad ga pola Evrope nije imalo. Grad se nalazi u najsevernijem delu Srbije u okruženju prelepog Palićkog jezera, a danas ima 150.000 stanovnika. Palić je poznata banja, sa sportskim i rekreativnim terenima, hotelima i velikim ZOO vrtom. Nema fudbalske generacije koja se nije pripremala upravo na Paliću. 4 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 UČITELJ I STVARALAC / THE MASTER AND CREATOR A STORY ABOUT STEVAN VILOTIĆ T he 20th International Memorial Football Tournament “Stevan Vilotić Ćele” is staged in memory of a distinguished coach who dedicated his whole life to football, working with young players almost from the beginning to the very end of his successful career. He was born on 15th September 1923. He began his career in FK Ma÷va where he played 18 years, in a generation of brilliant players, the one which was popularly called “the Province Uruguay”, named after the actual World Champion at the time. A social worker by vocation, he started to work with children during his player career helping them to resolve their problems, helping them in their development by training them on the football pitch. He proved himself in FK Partizan, that engaged him as its youth-team coach in 1964. On few occasions he temporarily has taken over the FK Partizan first team. In 1971/1972 season he was the FK Rijeka coach, however, the work with the young football players has remained his preoccupation and life-long determination. PRIČA O STEVANU VILOTIĆU D vadeseti međunarodni memorijalni fudbalski turnir “Stevan Vilotić Ćele” održava se u spomen na istaknutog trenera koji je sav životni i radni vek proveo u fudbalu, a gotovo od početka do kraja uspešne karijere radio je sa mladim fudbalerima. Rođen je u Šapcu 15. septembra 1925. godine. Karijeru je počeo u Mačvi za koju je igrao 18 godina, u generaciji sjajnih fudbalera, generaciji koja je dobila nadimak “provincijski Urugvaj”, po tadašnjem svetskom šampionu. Po profesiji socijalni radnik, još kao aktivni igrač počeo je da se bavi decom i njihovim problemima, tako što im je pomagao u razvoju trenirajući ih i na fudbalskom terenu. Afirmisao se u Partizanu, koji ga je angažovao 1964. godine, kao trenera omladinaca. Nekoliko puta je privremeno preuzimao kormilo prvog tima, u sezoni 1971/1972 bio je trener Rijeke, ali je rad sa mladima bio i ostao njegova opsesija i životno opredeljenje. Još kao trener Partizana, asistirao je selektoru omladinskih reprezentacija FSJ, da bi 1975. godine prešao u FSJ i preuzeo tu funkciju. Punih 12 godina, do odlaska u penziju, vodio je sve mlađe jugoslovenske selekcije, obilazio je Jugoslaviju i selektirao talente, učestvovao na mnogim međunarodnim turnirima, evropskim i svetskim prvenstvima. Umro je 27. juna 1989. godine, a prvi turnir koji je nosio njegovo ime održan je od 15. do 17. jula 1994. godine u Subotici. U istoriji jugoslovenskog fudbala ostaće zabeleženo da je omladinska reprezentacija, predvođena Stevanom Vilotićem, bila evropski šampion 1979. godine u Austriji, da su “plavi” još dva puta bili vicešampioni Evrope i da su četiri puta trijumfovali na prestižnom međunarodnom turniru “Trofej Jugoslavije”. Na Evropskom prvenstvu u Subotici 1986. godine, Vilotićevi izabranici osvojili su 5. mesto i izborili odlazak u Čile. Godinu dana kasnije, na Svetskom šampionatu u Čileu, ta generacija je trijumfovala, ali bez čika Ćeleta, koji je nekoliko meseci ranije otišao u penziju. Najlepše uspomene Stevana Vilotića vezane su za najveći omladinski turnir u Evropi, koji se tradicionalno održavao u Monte Karlu, a koji se bez čika Ćeleta i “plavih” nije mogao zamisliti, kao i italijansku školu fudbala u Koverćanu, gde je kao predavač bio čest gost. Even as the FK Partizan coach he assisted the coach of the Yugoslav youth nat. team, and in 1975 he took over that function within the Yugoslav FA. For another 12 years, until his retirement, he led all Yugoslav youth selections, travelling around the country, selecting talented players, participating in many inter-national, European and World championships. He died on 27th June 1989 in Belgrade, and the first tournament bearing his name was staged on 15-17 July 1994 in Subotica. The Yugoslav football history recorded that the Yugoslav youth selection, led by Stevan Vilotić, won the European Championship in Austria in 1979, that the “PLAVI” (blue boys) were European runner-ups twice and that they took part in the prestigious international tournament “Trophy of Yugoslavia” four times. In 1986 Vilotić’s selection took 5th place in European championship, and cleared themselves a path to Chile. A year later, in 1987, in the World Championship in Chile that generation triumphed, however, without “Uncle Ćele”, who had retired a few months earlier. 5 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 FUDBALSKI SAVEZ SRBIJE / FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION OF SERBIA Tomislav Karadžić Zoran Laković Predsednik / President Generalni sekretar / General Secretary Osnovan: 1919. Članstvo FIFA: 1921. Članstvo UEFA: 1954. POTPREDSEDNICI Ivan Ćurković, Goran Milanović, Željko Kojić IZVRŠNI ODBOR Ratko Borovnica, Ratomir Babić, Žarko Stevanović, Branko Stojaković, Bogoljub Stepanović Željko Knežević, Dragan Denčić, Goran Jović, Branimir Babarogić, Veljko Odalović, Dragan Obradović, Goran Karić, Dragoljub Vukadinović, Dragan Subotić POČASNI ODBOR Tomislav Karadžić, Zoran Laković, Savo Milošević, Modest Dulić, Ratko Borovnica i Svetlana Vučić Vilotić ORGANIZACIONI ODBOR Nemanja Simović, Zdravko Jokić, Dragan Simović, Đorđe Žutić, Zoran Marković, Dragoslav Radonjić, Janoš Žemberi, Sive Mačković, Predrag Đurović, Ištvan Haško, Dragoslav Vučić, Igor Gačić, Ivica Kajdoči, Dejan Vuković Broj klubova: 2.290 Registrovani igrači: 114.740 Sudije: 4.631 Treneri: 3.595 Najviše titula u prvenstvu: FK Crvena zvezda i FK Partizan - 25 Najviše pobeda u Kupu: FK Crvena zvezda - 24 Šampion 2012/2013: FK Partizan Pobednik Kupa 2012/2013: FK Jagodina Terazije 35, 11000 Beograd, SRBIJA Tel: +381 11/3235-354; 3246-208; 3233-447 Fax: +381 11/3233-433 E-pošta: Sajt: /FSSrbije 6 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 SRBIJA / SERBIA Ime i prezime: Name and Lastname: Golmani/Goalkeepers: Miloš Ostojić Rastko Šuljagić Marko Drobnjak Odbrana/Defenders: Nikola Maraš Branko Jovanović Nemanja Antonov Miloš Veljković Srđan Babić Stefan Milošević Stefan Vico Aleksandar Cvetković Sredina /Midfielders: Veljko Simić Nemanja Maksimović Sergej Milinković-Savić Mijat Gaćinović Saša Zdjelar Danilo Pantić Andrija Živković Milan Spremo Napad/Forwards: Stefan Ilić Georgije Ilić Miljan Škrbić Staniša Mandić Klub/Club: Datum rođenja: Date of Birth: OFK Beograd Štutgart FK Borac (Čačak) 21.04.1996. 27.01.1995. 17.05.1995. FK Rad FK Crvena zvezda OFK Beograd Tottenham FC FK Vojvodina FK Spartak FK Rad BSK Borča 19.12.1995. 07.04.1995. 06.05.1995. 26.09.1995. 22.04.1996. 25.01.1995. 28.02.1995. 04.06.1995. Basel FC Domžale FK Vojvodina FK Vojvodina OFK Beograd FK Partizan FK Partizan FK Sloga (PM) 17.02.1995. 26.01.1995. 27.02.1995. 08.02.1995. 20.03.1995. 26.10.1996. 11.07.1996. 27.04.1995. FK Partizan FK Vojvodina OFK Beograd FK Čukarički 07.04.1995. 13.05.1995. 18.09.1995. 27.01.1995. 7 Selektor / Head Coach: Veljko Paunović Stručni štab / Technical Staff: Trener/Coach: Marko Mitrović Trener/Coach: Milan Kosanović Trener golmana/Goalkeeper Coach: Aleksandar Sarić Kondicioni trener/Fitness Coach: Petar Milčanović Lekar/Doctor: dr Pavle Maksimović Fizioterapeut/Physiotherapist: Viktor Vujošević Menadžer tima/Team Manager: Igor Gačić 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 BELGIJA / BELGIUM Ime i prezime: Name and Lastname: CAENEPEEL Jinty CASTAGNE Timothy COOPMAN Sander CRANINX JOOSTENS Alexandro DE MAN Preben DEHOND Joren DENAYER Jason DENDONCKER Leander DIERCKX Tuur FIORE Corentin GALVEZ LOPEZ Jessy GEENS Bo GERKENS Pieter HAAGEN Kristiaan HENDRICKX Gaetan LOCIGNO Sébastien MARQUET François MERT Muhammed MILOSEVIC Deni ORIGI Divock PIRARD Lucas REUTEN Yannick RIVITUSO Anthony SPRUYT Frederik VANDEPUTTE Jari YAGAN Ben Datum rođenja: Date of Birth: K.A.A. Gent 18.07.1996. K. Racing Club Genk 05.12.1995. Club Brugge K.V. 12.03.1995. Real Madrid 21.10.1995. Sp. Lokeren Oost-Vlaanderen 27.09.1996. Oud-Heverlee Leuven 08.08.1995. Manchester City 28.06.1995. RSC Anderlecht 15.04.1995. Club Brugge K.V. 09.05.1995. R. Standard de Liège 24.03.1995. Sp. du Pays de Charleroi 17.07.1995. Sp. Lokeren Oost-Vlaanderen 10.08.1995. K. Racing Club Genk 17.02.1995. RSC Anderlecht 30.04.1995. K. Racing Club Genk 30.03.1995. K.A.A. Gent 02.09.1995. R. Standard de Liège 17.04.1995. K. Racing Club Genk 09.02.1995. R. Standard de Liège 09.03.1995. OSC Lille 18.04.1995. R. Standard de Liège 10.03.1995. Club Brugge K.V. 09.05.1995. AC ChievoVerona 06.01.1995. K. Racing Club Genk 23.05.1995. K.A.A. Gent 14.02.1996. Oud-Heverlee Leuven 09.02.1995. Klub/Club: Selektor / Head Coach: Gert Verheyen Stručni štab / Technical Staff: Pomoćni trener/ Assistant Coach: Julien Cools Trener golmana/Goalkeeper Coach: Patrick Creemers Lekar/Doctor: Olivier Henry Fizioterapeut/Physiotherapist: Philippe Keyeux Sekretar tima/Team Secretary: Raf Van Beek Šef delegacije/Head of Delegation: Gilbert Timmermans Član odbora/Member Board Belgian FA: Gaston Schreurs 8 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 UKRAJINA / UKRAINE Ime i prezime: Name and Lastname: Arendaruk Denys Bilonoh Dmytro Burda Mykyta Chizhykov Vitalii Chumak Yevhen Нabelok Artem Kacharaba Taras Kalinin Igor Kharatin Igor Selektor / Head Coach: Kravchenko Dmytro Petrakov Oleksandr Basilyvich Kovalenko Viktor Lazarovych Roman Stručni štab/Technical Staff: Lukanov Dmytro Trener/Coach: Levchenko Vitalii Luk’yanchuk Pavlo Markovych Andriy Trener golmana/Goalkkeper Coach: Miranian Artur Gumeniuk Oleksandr Polehenko Pavlo Radchenko Artem Lekar/Doctor: Trofimchuk Pavlo Sarnavskyi Bogdan Shchichka Maksym Fizioterapeut/Physiotherapist: Storchak Andriy Shevchuk Vadym Sobol Eduard Menadžer kluba/Club Manager: Iakubovskyi Igor Soldatenko Vadim Syzyi Serhii Tankovs`kyy Vyacheslav Ткаснuk Yuriy Yaremchuk Roman Zaviyskiy Taras 9 Klub/Club: Shakhtar Donetsk Shakhtar Donetsk Dynamo Kyiv Zoria Lugansk Dynamo Kyiv Shakhtar Donetsk Shakhtar Donetsk Illichivets Maryupol Dynamo Kyiv Vorskla Poltava Shakhtar Donetsk Dynamo Kyiv Zoria Lugansk Dynamo Kyiv Karpaty Lviv Shakhtar Donetsk Dynamo Kyiv Metalist Kharkiv Shakhtar Donetsk Shakhtar Donetsk Dynamo Kyiv Shakhtar Donetsk Dynamo Kyiv Metalist Kharkiv Shakhtar Donetsk Metalist Kharkiv Dynamo Kyiv Karpaty Lviv Datum rođenja: Date of Birth: 16.04.1996. 26.05.1995. 12.03.1995. 26.08.1995. 25.08.1995. 02.01.1995. 07.01.1995. 11.11. 1995. 02.02.1995. 25.02.1995. 14.02. 1996. 02.01.1995. 02.03.1995. 19.05.1996. 25.06. 1995. 27.12.1995. 06.01.1995. 02.01.1995. 29.01.1995. 04.02.1995. 21.10.1995. 20.04.1995. 28.05.1996. 01.09.1995. 16.08.1995. 18.04.1995. 27.11.1995. 12.04.1995. 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 IZRAEL / ISRAEL Ime i prezime: Name and Lastname: Golmani/Goalkeepers: Mahadi Zoabi Matan Imbar Gal Din Odbrana/Defenders: Omer Danino David Kaltunas Aaid Habashi Mohammed El Hija Amer Masarwa Sean Goldberg Guy Aviv Sredina /Midfielders: Yaniv Brik Dor Peretz Eden Shamir Michael Ohana Sagiv Yehezkel Avishay Coehn Etan Biton Dan Glazer Napad/Forwards: Dor Hugi Nur Bisan Ramzi Safuri Sagi Dror Sean Weissman Klub/Club: Datum rođenja: Date of Birth: Beitar Tubruk Hapoel Rishon Le Zion Maccabi Netanya 15.07.1995. 18.07.1995. 13.02.1995. Maccabi Petach Tikva Beitar Jerusalem Maccabi Haifa Hapoel Tel Aviv Maccabi Netanya Maccabi Tel Aviv Maccabi Tel Aviv 17.02.1995. 11.06.1995. 10.05.1995. 11.01.1995. 26.03.1995. 13.06.1995. 26.02.1996. Maccabi Haifa Maccabi Tel Aviv Hapoel Kiryat Shmona SC Ashdod Maccabi Petach Tikva Beitar Jerusalem Maccabi Haifa Maccabi Tel Aviv 28.05.1995. 17.05.1995. 25.06.1995. 04.10.1995. 21.03.1995. 19.06.1995. 16.01.1996. 20.09.1996. Maccabi Haifa Maccabi Netanya Hapoel Tel Aviv Maccabi Tel Aviv Maccabi Haifa 10.07.1995. 17.01.1995. 21.10.1995. 17.08.1995. 14.02.1996. Selektor / Head Coach: Eli Ohana Stručni štab/Technical Staff: Pomoćni trener/Assistant Coach: Haim Cohen Trener golmana/Goalkkeper Coach: Itzhak Visoker Kondicioni trener/Fitness Coach: Yoram Ben David Tehnički menadžer/Technical Manager: Asi Meir Lekar/Physician: Dr. Aharon Frank Fizioterapeut/Physiotherapist: Igor Vrashka Maser/Masseur: Igor Lomovsky 10 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 MAĐARSKA / HUNGARY Selektor / Head Coach: Mészöly Géza Stručni štab/Technical Staff: Pomoćni trener/Assistant Coach: Pisont István Pomoćni trener/Assistant Coach: Hegedüs Gábor Trener golmana/Goalkkeper Coach: Hegedüs Gyula Lekar/Doctor: Kormos Miklós Ime i prezime: Name and Lastname: Bobál Gergely Leindler Domonkos Hrabina Alex Polgár Kristóf Talabér Attila Bobál Dávid Asztalos Dávid Nagy Dominik Vallejos Dominique Pongrácz Viktor Németh Márió Medgyes Zoltán Csirszki Martin Lorentz Márton Tamás Krisztián Farkas Zoltán Kalmár Zsolt Berecz Zsombor Varga Szabolcs Tóth László Fizioterapeut/Physiotherapist: Tihanyi Miklós Tim menadžer/Team Manager: Forgács István Head of Youth Dep.: Both József 11 Klub/Club: Budapest Honvéd Szolnok Budaörs Liverpool FC MTK Budapest Budapest Honvéd MTK Budapest Ferencváros Puskás Academy Győri ETO Haladás FC Haladás FC Diósgyőr Puskás Academy AC Milan Győri ETO Győri ETO Vasas FC MTK Budapest Puskás Academy Datum rođenja: Date of Birth: 31.08.1995. 19.05.1995. 05.04.1995. 28.11.1996. 29.05.1996. 31.08.1995. 09.03.1995. 08.05. 1995. 22.10.1995. 18.09.1995. 01.05.1995. 23.07.1995. 07.01.1995. 01.02.1995. 18.04. 1995. 11.08.1995. 10.02.1995. 13.12.1995. 17.03.1995. 09.07.1995. 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 FRANCUSKA / FRANCE Ime i prezime: Name and Lastname: Golmani/Goalkeepers: Maignan Mike Didillon Thomas Odbrana/Defenders: Amiot Grégoire Viard Tom Lenglet Clément Gbamin Jean-Philippe Nganioni Louis Vumbi Bundu Lenda Belly Sredina /Midfielders: Fofana Seko Lemar Thomas Kaabouni Younes Bahlouli Fares Rabiot Adrien Napad/Forwards: Ongenda Hervin Jean Corentin Kore Franck Labidie Zakarie Saïd Wesley Klub/Club: Datum rođenja: Date of Birth: Paris-SG FC Metz 03.07.1995. 28.11.1995. Toulouse FC FC Lorient AS Nancy Lorraine RC Lens OL Tours FC 10.05.1995. 10.03.1995. 17.06.1995 25.09.1995. 03.06.1995. 13.07.1995. Manchester City SM Caen FCG Bordeaux Olympique Lyonnais Paris-SG 07.05.1995. 12.11.1995. 23.05.1995. 08.04.1995. 03.04.1995. Paris-SG ES Troyes Ac Tours FC Olympique Lyonnais Stade Rennais 24.06.1995. 15.07.1995. 16.05.1995. 08.02.1995 14.02.1996. 12 Selektor / Head Coach: Francis Smerecki Stručni štab/Technical Staff: Šef delegacije/Head of Delegation: Jacques Geisselhardt Pomoćni trener/Assistant Coach: Stephane Pilard Trener golmana/Goalkkeper Coach: Gilles Fouache Lekar/Doctor: Patrick Flamant Fizioterapeut/Physio: Laurent Crouzal 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” 1. TURNIR 5:2 i Jugoslavija - Grčka 2:0. Selektor “plavih” bio je Đorđe Koković, a igrali su: Slobodan Ponorac (Borac Čačak), Ilija Orlović (Zemun), Zoran Urumov, Marko Mitrović, Nikola Lazetić, Dejan Stanković, Ivan Gvozdenović, Sead Muratović (Crvena zvezda), Jovan Tanasijević (Priština), Aleksandar Nedović (Budućnost Podgorica), Aleksandar Živković (Radnički Niš), Milorad Peković i Dušan Đurišić (OFK Beograd), Vladimir Matijašević (Mladost Lučani), Marko Marković (Milan), Ivan Petrović (Partizan) i Ivica Francišković (Spartak). Prvi turnir “Memorijal Stevan Ćele Vilotić” održan je od 15. do 17. jula 1994. godine u Subotici, kao kadetsko prvenstvo republika i pokrajina SR Jugoslavije, uz učešće kadetskih selekcija Srbije, Crne Gore, Vojvodine i Kosova i Metohije. Bilo je to vreme sankcija, pa inostrane nacionalne selekcije nisu mogle da se odazovu pozivu FSJ i učestvuju na ovom memorijalnom turniru. Trijumfovala je selekcija Srbije. Rezultati: Srbija - Kosovo i Metohija 5:0, Vojvodina Crna Gora 5:0, Vojvodina - Kosovo i Metohija 6:1, Srbija - Crna Gora 1:1, Kosovo i Metohija - Crna Gora 2:1 i Srbija - Vojvodina 5:5. Odlukom Takmičarske komisije, međutim, tri utakmice registrovane su službenim rezultatom: Srbija Vojvodina 3:0, Crna Gora - Vojvodina 3:0 i Crna Gora - Kosovo i Metohija 3:0. Na spisku učesnika turnira, između ostalih, bili su: Ivan Petrović, Pavle Delibašić, Ognjen Koroman i Dejan Stanković (Srbija), Aleksandar Nedović i Ardijan Đokaj (Crna Gora), Vlada Avramov, Radovan Krivokapić, Srđan Baljak i Ivica Francišković (Vojvodina) Jovan Tanasijević (Kosovo)... Najbolji igrač i strelac turnira bio je Pavle Delibašić (Crvena zvezda). Jugoslavija - pobednik drugog turnira Najbolji igrač turnira bio je Zoran Urumov, najbolji strelac (3 gola) Dejan Stanković, a najbolji golman Ilija Orlović. 3. TURNIR Treći turnir održan je od 4. do 9. septembra 1996. godine. Domaćini su bili Palić, Kanjiža i Novi Kneževac. Učestvovale su dve omladinske selekcije Jugoslavije, Kipar i Makedonija. Pobedila je najbolja omladinska selekcija Jugoslavije. Srbija – pobednik prvog turnira 2. TURNIR Na drugom turniru, prvom međunarodnom, učestvovale su omladinske selekcije Jugoslavije (rođeni posle 1. januara 1978), Bugarske i Grčke od 6. do 9. septembra 1995. godine na Paliću i u Bačkoj Topoli. Rezultati: Grčka - Bugarska 2:2, Jugoslavija - Bugarska Jugoslavija - pobednik treceg turnira 13 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Ilijev, Goran Arnaut, Dragan Ćalija, Saša Radivojević, Ardijan Đokaj, Branko Bošković, Nikola Jolović, Milan Martinović, Miloš Dobrijević, Vladimir Tintor, Boban Stojanović... Rezultati: Jugoslavija “B” - Makedonija 2:1, Jugoslavija “A” - Kipar 0:0, Kipar - Jugoslavija “B” 1:1, Jugoslavija “A” - Makedonija 3:2, Kipar - Makedonija 3:0 i Jugoslavija “A” - Jugoslavija “B” 2:0. Za najboljeg igrača proglašen je Stelios Ahileos (Kipar), golgeter turnira bio je Borče Postolov (Makedonija), najbolji golman Oliver Patoski (Makedonija). Najuspešniji trener bio je Krsta Mitrović. 5. TURNIR Peti turnir održan je od 3. do 6. septembra 1998. godine u Subotici, Paliću i Novom Kneževcu. Prvi put je učestvovala omladinska reprezentacija Italije i osvojila prelazni pehar lista “Sport”, koji više nije vraćen u Beograd. 4. TURNIR Na četvrtom turniru od 2. do 6. septembra 1997. godine učestvovalo je osam selekcija, a utakmice su igrane u Subotici, Paliću, Kanjiži, Novom Kneževcu i Bačkoj Topoli. Italija - pobednik petog turnira REZULTATI: Italija - Češka 2:0, Jugoslavija - Mađarska 2:1, Italija - Mađarska 2:0, Češka - Jugoslavija 1:1, Češka Mađarska 3:1, Italija - Jugoslavija 2:1. PLASMAN: Italija 9, Jugoslavija i Češka po 4, Mađarska 0 bodova. Frank Semioli (Italija) bio je najbolji igrač i sa tri gola najbolji strelac turnira, Alesandro Leopici najbolji golman, a Rozario Rampantini najuspešniji trener. Generaciju mladih rođenih 1980. i kasnije predvodili su Nenad Stojaković i Branko Bošković, a igrali su još M. Marković, Zorić, Klještan, Rusmir, Dobrijević, A. Delibašić, Kasom, Dunjić... Jugoslavija - pobednik cetvrtog turnira Rezultati: GRUPA A - Jugoslavija A - Kipar 0:0, Izrael - Češka 4:2, Izrael - Kipar 2:1, Jugoslavija A - Češka 2:1, Češka - Kipar 2:1, Izrael - Jugoslavija A 0:0. PLASMAN - 1. Izrael 7, Jugoslavija A 5, Češka 3, Kipar 1 bod. GRUPA B - Mađarska - Grčka 3:0, Jugoslavija B Makedonija 6:1, Mađarska - Makedonija 3:0, Grčka Makedonija 6:2, Jugoslavija B - Grčka 1:0, Jugoslavija B - Mađarska 1:0. PLASMAN - Jugoslavija B 9, Mađarska 6, Grčka 3, Makedonija 0 bodova. U finalnom meču Jugoslavija B je savladala Izrael sa 4:0, a u meču za 3. mesto Jugoslavija A je pobedila Mađarsku sa 5:3 na penale, posle nerešenog rezultata 2:2. Najbolji strelac turnira bio je Josi Benajun (Izrael), najbolji golman Saša Radivojević, a trener Momčilo Vujačić. Na spisku omladinskih reprezentativaca Jugoslavije u obe selekcije bili su: Mateja Kežman, Igor Duljaj, Ivica 6. TURNIR Šesti turnir održan je od 3. do 5. septembra 1999. u Subotici i Paliću, ali zbog agresije NATO na SR Jugoslaviju nije imao međunarodni karakter, već su učestvovale kadetske selekcije Srbije, Crne Gore i regiona. REZULTATI: Subotica - Istočna Srbija 4:1, Vojvodina Crna Gora 2:2, Beograd - Zapadna Srbija 2:0, Beograd - Istočna Srbija 3:1, Vojvodina - Zapadna Srbija 5:1, Crna Gora - Subotica 3:2, Beograd - Subotica 4:0, Crna Gora - Zapadna Srbija 2:0 i Vojvodina - Istočna Srbija 1:1. 14 20. MEĐUNARODNI 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI FUDBALSKI TURNIR TURNIR U-19U-19 20th20th INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENT U-19U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” utakmici za 3. mesto Mađarska je pobedila Rumuniju 5:4 na penale (2:2). Najbolji igrač bio je Jusuf Hersi (Holandija), najbolji strelac Jovan Damjanović (Jugoslavija), najuspešniji trener Mile Tomić (Jugoslavija), a najtalentovaniji jugoslovenski igrač Danko Lazović. U selekciji rođenih 1982. (i mlađi), pored Damjanovića (Crvena zvezda) i Lazovića (Partizan), igrali su još: Saša Cilinšek (Vojvodina), Nemanja Jovšić i Marko Marković (Partizan), Dejan Kekezović i Zoran Ljubinković (Spartak), Aleksandar Luković i Đorđe Tutorić (Crvena zvezda), Nenad Milijaš i Slaven Stanković (Zemun), Mirko Vučinić i Vukašin Poleksić (Sutjeska)... Reprezentacija Vojvodine Za pobednike su proglašene kadetske selekcije Beograda i Vojvodine. Najbolji igrač bio je Luka Šumarčević (Beograd), najbolji golman Miloš Zorić (Beograd), a najbolji strelci Nikola Grubješić, Marko Perović (Beograd), Miloš Krasić i Bojan Milisavac (Vojvodina). 8. TURNIR 7. TURNIR Sedmi turnir održan je od 5. do 10. septembra 2000. godine u Subotici, Paliću, Bačkoj Topoli, Bajmoku, Kanjiži i Novom Kneževcu uz učešće osam nacionalnih selekcija: Jugoslavije, Mađarske, Belgije, Rusije, Holandije, Ukrajine, Rumunije i Izraela. Jugoslovenski tim Osmi turnir održan je od 4. do 9. septembra 2001. u Subotici, Paliću, Bačkoj Topoli, Bajmoku, Vrbasu, Bečeju, Apatinu, Kuli, Banatskom Dvoru, Čelarevu i Somboru, a ponovo je učestvovalo osam nacionalnih selekcija: Italija, Holandija, Rusija, Mađarska (A grupa), Jugoslavija, Izrael, Portugal i Belgija (B grupa). REZULTATI: GRUPA A: Rusija - Italija 0:0, Holandija - Mađarska 3:1, Holandija - Rusija 1:0, Italija - Mađarska 4:3, Italija Holandija 3:1, Rusija - Mađarska 2:0. PLASMAN: Italija 7, Holandija 6, Rusija 4 i Mađarska 0 bodova. GRUPA B: Jugoslavija - Belgija 2:0, Portugal - Izrael 1:0, Jugoslavija - Izrael 2:0, Portugal - Belgija 1:0, Jugoslavija - Portugal 1:0, Belgija - Izrael 0:0. PLASMAN: Jugoslavija 9, Portugal 6, Belgija i Izrael po 1 bod. U finalu Italija je pobedila Jugoslaviju 6:5 (1:1, 1:0), a u meču za 3. mesto Portugal je pobedio Holandiju 7:6 (2:2, 1:2). Jugoslavija - pobednik sedmog turnira REZULTATI: GRUPA A: Belgija - Rusija 0:0, Mađarska - Jugoslavija 1:1, Rusija - Mađarska 1:1, Jugoslavija - Belgija 4:2, Jugoslavija - Rusija 2:0, Belgija - Mađarska 0:0. PLASMAN: Jugoslavija 7, Mađarska 3, Belgija i Rusija po 2 boda. GRUPA B: Holandija - Ukrajina 2:0, Rumunija - Izrael 1:1, Izrael - Holandija 1:1, Rumunija - Ukrajina 3:2, Ukrajina Izrael 0:0 i Holandija - Rumunija 2:0. PLASMAN: Holandija 7, Rumunija 4, Izrael 3, Ukrajina 1 bod. U finalnom meču Jugoslavija je pobedila Holandiju posle izvođenja penala 11:10 (meč završen 2:2), a u 15 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Najbolji igrač bio je Glen Lovens (Holandija), najbolji strelci Danko Lazović i Niki Hofs (Holandija), najbolji golman Nemanja Jovšić, a najuspešniji trener Paolo Beretini (Italija). Za selekciju plavih rođenih 1983. godine (i mlađi), osim Danka Lazovića i Nemanje Jovšića, nastupali su još, između ostalih: Aleksandar Selkić, Milan Stepanov, Nenad Milijaš, Dejan Milovanović, Mirko Vučinić, Vladimir Stojković, Miloš Krasić, Ljubiša Vukelja... Purović, Miloš Krasić, Boško Janković, Marko Perović, Nikola Drinčić... 9. TURNIR Srbija i Crna Gora - pobednik desetog turnira 10. TURNIR Deseti turnir održan je od 16. do 19. septembra 2003. godine u Subotici i Šapcu, uz učešće šest nacionalnih selekcija. U Šapcu su se nadmetali Turska, Belgija i Slovenija (Grupa A), a u Subotici i Paliću Srbija i Crna Gora, Mađarska i Makedonija (Grupa B). REZULTATI: GRUPA A: Slovenija - Belgija 3:0, Turska - Slovenija 1:0 i Belgija - Turska 2:1. PLASMAN: Slovenija, Turska i Belgija po 3 boda. GRUPA B: SCG - Makedonija 5:2, Makedonija - Mađarska 3:1 i Mađarska - SCG 2:1. PLASMAN: SCG, Makedonija i Mađarska po 3 boda. U finalnom meču u Šapcu omladinci SCG su pobedili Slovence sa 1:0. Najbolji igrač bio je Simon Vukčević, najbolji strelac Borut Semler (Slovenija), najbolji golman Milan Jovanić, najuspešniji trener Miodrag Martać, a najtalentovaniji fudbaler SCG Nebojša Marinković. Na spisku selektora Martaća, između ostalih, bili su: Simon Vukčević, Nebojša Marinković, Duško Tošić, Igor Burzanović, Milan Purović, Borko Veselinović... Italija - pobednik devetog turnira Domaćin devetog turnira od 2. do 6. septembra 2002. godine prvi put je bio Šabac, rodni grad Stevana Vilotića. Utakmice su još igrane u Valjevu i Sremskoj Mitrovici. Učestvovalo je šest nacionalnih selekcija, podeljenih u dve grupe: Jugoslavija, Holandija i Izrael (A), Italija, Turska i Belgija (B). REZULTATI: GRUPA A: Jugoslavija - Holandija 3:0, Holandija - Izrael 2:2 i Jugoslavija - Izrael 0:0. PLASMAN Jugoslavija 4, Izrael 2 i Holandija 1 bod. GRUPA B: Italija - Turska 1:0, Italija - Belgija 1:1 i Turska - Belgija 2:0. PLASMAN: Italija 4, Turska 3 i Belgija 1 bod. U finalnom meču Italija je pobedila Jugoslaviju sa 2:1. Najbolji igrač i strelac sa tri gola bio je Frančesko Lodi (Italija), najbolji golman Andrea Ivaldi (Italija), a najuspešniji trener Paolo Beretini (Italija). Najtalentovaniji jugoslovenski fudbaler bio je Marko Perović. Na spisku selektor plavih Slobodana Pavkovića bili su, između ostalih: Duško Tošić, Dušan Basta, Dragan Mrđa, Damir Kahriman, Dejan Milovanović, Milan 11. TURNIR Jedanaesti turnir održan je od 31. avgusta do 3. septembra 2004. godine u Subotici, a učestvovale su selekcije Srbije i Crne Gore, Mađarske, Belgije i Turske. REZULTATI: Mađarska - Belgija 2:1, Srbija i Crna Gora Turska 3:2, Mađarska - Turska 1:0, Belgija - Srbija i Crna Gora 2:1, Turska - Belgija 3:1 i Srbija i Crna Gora 14. 16 20. MEĐUNARODNI 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI FUDBALSKI TURNIR TURNIR U-19U-19 20th20th INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENT U-19U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” - Mađarska 4:1. PLASMAN: Srbija i Crna Gora 6, Mađarska 6, Turska 3, Belgija 3 boda. Najbolji igrač bio je Oguz Šabankaj (Turska), najbolji strelci Mulaim Erden (Turska) i Zoran Zlatkovski (Makedonija), najbolji golman Igor Stefanović, a najtalentovaniji igrač SCG Balša Božović. Na spisku selektora Miodraga Radulovića, između ostalih, bili su: Igor Stefanović (Radnički Niš), Bojan Šaranov (OFK Beograd), Gojko Kačar (Vojvodina), Nenad Marinković (Partizan), Balša Božović (Budućnost Podgorica), Ivan Vuković (Zeta)... 13. TURNIR Srbija i Crna Gora - pobednik jedanaestog turnira Trinaesti turnir održan je od 10. do 15. septembra 2006. godine u Subotici, utakmice su igrane na stadionima Spartaka, Bačke, Palića i Vinograda u Hajdukovu, a učestvovale su omladinske selekcije (1988. godište) Srbije, Izraela, Mađarske i Ukrajine. Najbolji igrač bio je Asu Bonteng (Belgija), najbolji strelac Marko Markovski, najbolji golman Aleksandar Jović, a najuspešniji trener Zoran Perković. Kapiten plavih bio je Stefan Babović, a osim Markovskog i Jovića, igrali su još: Nebojša Marinković, Borko Veselinović, Tomislav Pajović, Milan Perendija, Miloš Bosančić... 12. TURNIR Dvanaesti turnir održan je od 20. do 23. septembra 2005. godine u Subotici, utakmice su igrane na stadionima Spartaka, Palića, Bačke i Vinogradara u Hajdukovu, a učestvovale su selekcije Srbije i Crne Gore, Mađarske, Turske i Makedonije. REZULTATI: Srbija i Crna Gora - Makedonija 2:1, Turska - Mađarska 1:0, Srbija i Crna Gora - Mađarska 1:0, Turska - Makedonija 4:3, Turska - Srbija i Crna Gora 3:1 i Mađarska - Makedonija 3:1. PLASMAN: Turska 9, SCG 6, Mađarska 3 i Makedonija 0 bodova. Izreal - pobednik trinaestog turnira REZULTATI: Srbija – Ukrajina 2:1, Izrael – Mađarska 4:2, Izrael – Srbija 2:0, Mađarska – Ukrajina 3:0, Izrael – Ukrajina 2:0 i Srbija – Mađarska 1:1. PLASMAN: Izrael 9, Mađarska i Srbija po 4, Ukrajina 0 bodova. Najuspešniji trener bio je selektor Izraela Zev Zelcer, najbolji igrač turnira Izraelac Maor Bar Buzaglo, najbolji strelac Mađar Balaž Farkaš, najbolji golman Izraelac Gal Mešika, a najtalentovaniji igrač Srbije Rodoljub Marjanović. Trofej za fer plej pripao je Izraelu. Na spisku selektora Srbije Zvonka Živkovića bili su, između ostalih: Knežević, Karišik, Jovanović, Stanić i Sulejmani (Partizan), Danilović i Marjanović (Rad), Zlatković i Srećković (Crvena zvezda), Filip Krstić (Herta), Vukobratović i Tadić (Vojvodina)... Turska - pobednik dvanaestog turnira 17 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” 14. TURNIR Sve ekipe su bile smeštene u renoviranom subotičkom hotelu “Patrija”, a utakmice su igrane na stadionima FK Bačke u Subotici, FK Njegoš u Lovćencu, Bačkoj Topoli, Senti i na SC “Janko Pejanović” na Paliću. Srbija - drugo mesto na cetrnaestom turniru Četrnaesti turnir održan je od 4. do 10. septembra 2007. godine u Subotici i Sremskoj Mitrovici. REZULTATI: - grupa Sremska Mitrovica: Srbija – Cna Gora 1:0, Slovačka – Crna Gora 0:0, Srbija – Slovačka 4:3. PLASMAN: Srbija 6, Slovačka i Crna Gora po 1 bod. - grupa Subotica: Izrael – Bugarska 1:1, Mađarska – Bugarska 2:0, Mađarska – Izrael 2:0. PLASMAN: Mađarska 6, Bugarska i Izrael po 1 bod. UTAKMICE ZA PLASMAN: Za 5. mesto: Crna Gora – Izrael 2:2, penalima 12:11. Za 3. mesto: Bugarska – Slovačka 2:0. Za 1. mesto: Mađarska – Srbija 0:0, penalima 5:4. KONAČAN PLASMAN: 1. Mađarska, 2. Srbija, 3. Bugarska, 4. Slovačka, 5. Crna Gora, 6. Izrael. Najuspešniji trener bio je Mađar Tibor Šiša, najbolji igrač turnira Vladimir Koman (Mađarska), najbolji strelac Aleksandar Prijović (Srbija), najbolji golman Živko Živković (Srbija), a najtalentovaniji fudbaler Srbije Nenad Krstičić. Trofej za fer-plej pripao je Mađarima. Na spisku selektora Zlatka Krmpotića, između ostalih, bili su: Živković, Adamović, Brežančić, Brković, Blagojević i Milojević (Partizan), Perović i Nikolić (Crvena zvezda), Prijović (Parma), Krstičić (OFK Beograd), Kojić (Rad)... Nikola Gulan igrao je za mladu selekciju... Srbija - pobednik petnaestog turnira REZULTATI: 1. KOLO: Srbija – Crna Gora 4:1 i Izrael – Mađarska 1:0 2. KOLO: Srbija – Mađarska 1:0 i Izrael – Crna Gora 2:0 3. KOLO: Mađarska – Crna Gora 1:0 i Srbija – Izrael 1:0 TABELA: 1. Srbija 2. Izrael 3. Mađarska 4. Crna Gora 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 6:1 3:1 1:2 1:7 9 6 3 0 Najuspešniji trener bio je Aleksandar Stanojević, selektor reprezentacije Srbije, najbolji igrač turnira i najtalentovaniji mladi fudbaler Srbije Adem Ljajić (rođen 29. septembra 1991. godine), golgeter turnira sa dva pogotka Nemanja Milić (Srbija), najbolji golman Boris Klejman (Izrael). Trofej za fer-plej pripao je selekciji Izraela. Na spisku selektora Stanojevića, u selekciji Srbije, uz Ljajića (Partizan) i Milića (OFK Beograd), bili su, između ostalih: Medojević (Vojvodina), Kirovski i Crnoglavac (Zemun), Milanović (Lokomotiva Moskva), Seničanin (Šefild Junajted), Miljković (Partizan), Škuletić (Teleoptik), Šćepović i Ignjovski (OFK Beograd), Smiljanić (Inđija)... A, selektor nije mogao da računa na Aleksića (Vojvodina), Lazovića (Borac), Savića (Rad), Ivkovića (Viking), Mišana (OFK Beograd)... 15. TURNIR Petnaesti turnir je održan od 13. do 18. septembra 2008. godine. Učestvovale su omladinske selekcije Srbije, Crne Gore, Izraela i Mađarske, igrači rođeni 1990. godine i mlađi. 18 20. MEĐUNARODNI 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI FUDBALSKI TURNIR TURNIR U-19U-19 20th20th INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENT U-19U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” 16. TURNIR Marko Šćepović i Nikola Trujić (Partizan – Teleoptik), Nikola Krčmarević (Čukarički).... Šesnaesti turnir održan je od 2. do 7. septembra 2009. godine. Učestvovale su omladinske selekcije (igrači rodjeni posle 1. januara 1991. godine) Srbije, Mađarske, Izraela i Ukrajine. Sve ekipe bile su smeštene u hotelu “Patria” u Subotici, a utakmice su se igrale na stadionima Bačke i Spartaka u Subotici, zatim u Tavankutu i Senti 17. TURNIR REZULTATI : 1. kolo: Srbija – Mađarska 2:0 i Ukrajina – Izrael 1:1 2. kolo: Srbija – Izrael 2:0 i Ukrajina – Mađarska 2:0 3. kolo: Srbija – Ukrajina 1:0 i Izrael – Mađarska 0:0 TABELA: Srbija - pobednik sedamnaestog turnira 1. Srbija 2. Ukrajina 3. Izrael 4. Mađarska 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 5:0 3:2 1:3 0:4 9 4 2 1 Sedamnaesti turnir održan je od 4. do 9. septembra 2010. godine. Učestvovale su omladinske selekcije (igrači rodjeni posle 1. januara 1992. godine) Srbije, Mađarske, Izraela i Ukrajine. Sve ekipe bile su smeštene u hotelu “Patria” u Subotici, a utakmice su se igrale na stadionima Bačke i Spartaka u Subotici, zatim u Čantaviru. REZULTATI: 1. kolo: Srbija – Mađarska 4:1 i Ukrajina – Izrael 1:1 2. kolo: Srbija – Izrael 1:0 i Mađarska – Ukrajina 1:0 3. kolo: Srbija – Ukrajina 0:0 i Izrael – Mađarska 2:1 TABELA: Srbija - pobednik sesnaestog turnira 1. Srbija 2. Izrael 3. Mađarska 4. Ukrajina Najuspešniji trener bio je Miloš Miljanić, asistent selektora omladinske reprezentacije Srbije Aleksandra Stanojevića, najbolji igrač i golgeter turnira bio je Filip Đuričić, kapiten srpske selekcije, najtalentovaniji mladi fudbaler Srbije bio je Uroš Ćosić, a najbolji golman Ukrajinac Igor Levčenko. 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 5:1 7 3:3 4 3:6 3 1:2 2 Najuspešniji trener bio je Dejan Govedarica, selektor omladinske reprezentacije Srbije, najbolji igrač Goran Čaušić, golgeter turnira Đorđe Despotović, najtalentovaniji mladi fudbaler Srbije bio je Matija Nastasić, a najbolji golman Ram Štraus (Izrael). Trofej za fer-plej pripao je selekciji Srbije. Na spisku selektora Srbije, između ostalih, bili su Filip Đuričić (Herenven), Uroš Ćosić (CSKA Moskva), Nemanja Gudelj (NAC Breda), Marko Dmitrović (Crvena zvezda), Saša Marković (OFK Beograd), Jovan Krneta, Miloš Ostojić, Darko Brašanac, Aleksandar Đoković, Trofej za fer-plej pripao je selekciji Ukrajine. Na spisku selektora Srbije, između ostalih, bili su Uroš 19 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Ćosić (CSKA Moskva), Marko Ditrović (Crvena zvezda), Goran Čaušić, Đorđe Despotović, Andrej Mrkela, Aleksandar Kovačević (Crvena zvezda, Sopot), Darko Brašanac, Matija Nastasić (Partizan), Jovan Krneta, Nikola Trujić (Teleoptik), Nikola Perić (Mačva), Uroš Vitas, Aleksandar Pantić, Lazar Ćirković, Filip Malbašić (Rad), Marko Petković, Luka Milunović (OFK Beograd)... TABELA: 1. Srbija 2. Mađarska 3. Crna Gora 4. Ukrajina 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 5:1 4:4 6:7 2:5 7 4 4 1 Najuspešniji trener bio je Zoran Marić, selektor omladinske reprezentacije, najbolji igrač Srđan Mijailović, golgeter turnira Ivan Dragičević, najtalentovaniji mladi fudbaler Srbije bio je Lazar Marković, a najbolji golman Filip Pajović (svi Srbija). 18. TURNIR Osamnaesti turnir održan je od 1. do 6. septembra 2011. godine. Učestvovale su omladinske selekcije (igrači rođeni posle 1. januara 1993. godine) Srbije, Mađarske, Crne Gore i Ukrajine. Sve ekipe bile su smeštene u hotelima “Patria” i “Gloria” u Subotici, a utakmice su se igrale na stadionima Bačke i Spartaka u Subotici, zatim u Bačkoj Topoli i Čantaviru. Trofej za fer-plej pripao je selekciji Crne Gore. Na spisku selektora Srbije, između ostalih, bili su Srđan Mijailović, Uroš Spajić, Stefan Rudić, Ivan Dragičević, Nikola Đorđević (Crvena zvezda i Sopot), Nikola Aksentijević, Lazar Marković, Nikola Ninković (Partizan), Dejan Meleg, Nemanja Radoja i Bojan Nastić (Vojovodina), Filip Pajović i Uroš Nikolić (Videoton), Saša Ivković (Teleoptik), Marko Poletanović (Cement), Nemanja Vidović (Borac Banjaluka), Uroš Radaković (Proleter), Marko Zoćević (Borac).. REZULTATI: 1. kolo: Srbija – Mađarska 2:0 i Crna Gora - Ukrajina 3:2 2. kolo: Srbija – Crna Gora 3:1 i Mađarska – Ukrajina 2:0 3. kolo: Srbija – Ukrajina 0:0 i Crna Gora – Mađarska 2:2. Srbija - pobednik osamnaestog turnira 20 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Hronologija Memorijalnog međunarodnog omladinskog turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Izrael - pobednik devetnaestog turnira ,19. TURNIR Najuspešniji trener bio je selektor Izraela Ohan Elijahu, najbolji igrač Bjorn Engels (Belgija), golgeter turnira Ismail Rajan (Izrael), najbolji golman Gergelj Nađ, a najtalentovaniji mladi fudbaler Srbije Uroš Đurđević. Nagrada za fer-plej pripala je Belgiji. Devetnaesti turnir održan je od 5. do 11. septembra 2012. godine. Učestvovale su omladinske selekcije (igrači rođeni posle 1. januara 1994. godine) Srbije, Belgije, Mađarske, Crne Gore, Izraela i Ukrajine. Ekipe su bile smeštene u hotelima Gloria, Patria i PBG, a utakmice su igrane u Subotici (stadioni Spartaka i Bačke), Senti, Kuli, Bačkoj Topoli i Kanjiži. Na spisku selektora Srbije Ljubinka Drulovića bili su, između ostalih: Predrag Rajković (Jagodina), Dejan Meleg i Bojan Nastić (Vojvodina), Vukan Savićević i Ognjen Ožegović (Crvena zvezda), Miloš Veljković (Totenhem), Aleksandar Čavrić (OFK Beograd), Uroš Đurđević (Rad), Luka Stojanović (Sporting), Marko Živković (Partizan - Teleoptik)... A zbog povrede je izostao Aleksandar Mitrović (Partizan)... REZULTATI: 1. kolo: Srbija – Belgija 0:2 (0:1) i Crna Gora – Izrael 0:1 (0:1) 2. kolo: Belgija – Mađarska 1:1(0:0) i Ukrajina – Crna Gora 1:0 (1:0) 3. kolo: Srbija – Mađarska 3:3 (2:1) i Izrael – Ukrajina 9:7 (4:4, 2:2) TABELA Grupe A: 1. Belgija 2. Mađarska 3. Srbija 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 3:1 4:4 3:5 4 2 1 TABELA Grupe B: 1. Izrael 2. Ukrajina 3. Crna Gora 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 5:4 5:4 0:2 4 4 0 REZIME: Od 19 Memorijalnih turnira “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” čak 17 je bilo međunarodnog karaktera. Dva puta je učestvovalo osam nacionalnih selekcija, četiri puta šest, devet puta četiri, a dva puta je turnir imao tri učesnika. Omladinske selekcije Jugoslavije, odnosno Srbije i Crne Gore pobeđivale su šest puta, a Srbije četiri puta (prvi put 2008. godine), Italijani su tri puta učestvovali i tri puta pobedili, dva puta Izrael, po jednom Turska i Mađarska. Broj učešća nacionalnih selekcija iz inostranstva: 14 - Mađarska, 9 - Izrael, 6 - Belgija, 5 - Ukrajina 4 - Crna Gora, Turska i Makedonija, 3 - Italija, 2 - Bugarska, Holandija, Grčka, Rusija, Češka i 1 - Slovačka, Portugal i Slovenija. Za 5. mesto: Srbija – Crna Gora 2:1 (1:1) Za 3. mesto: Mađarska – Ukrajina 2:0 (1:0) Za 1. mesto: Izrael – Belgija 4:2 (1:1, 0:1) Konačan poredak: 1. Izrael, 2. Belgija, 3. Mađarska, 4. Ukrajina, 5. Srbija i 6. Crna Gora. 21 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament 1st TOURNAMENT Results: Greece – Bulgaria 2:2, Yugoslavia – Bulgaria 5:2 and Yugoslavia - Greece 2:0. Head coach for Yugoslavia was Đorđe Koković, and the team included the following players: Slobodan Ponorac (Borac Čačak), Ilija Orlović (Zemun), Zoran Urumov, Marko Mitrović, Nikola Lazetić, Dejan Stanković, Ivan Gvozdenović, Sead Muratović (Crvena Zvezda), Jovan Tanasijević (Priština), Aleksandar Nedović (Budućnost Podgorica), Aleksandar Živković (Radnički Niš), Milorad Peković and Dušan Đurišić (OFK Beograd), Vladimir Matijašević (Mladost Lučani), Marko Marković (Milan), Ivan Petrović (Partizan) and Ivica Francišković (Spartak). The first “ Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial was held from 15 to 17 July 1994 in Subotica, as U-17 championship of republics and provinces of FR Yugoslavia, with participation of U-17 teams of Serbia, Montenegro, Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija. This was the time of international sanctions, so the foreign teams were not able to accept the invitation of Football Association of Yugoslavia and participate in the memorial tournament. The team of Serbia won the tournament. Results: Serbia - Kosovo and Metohija 5:0, Vojvodina - Montenegro 5:0, Vojvodina - Kosovo and Metohija 6:1, Serbia - Montenegro 1:1, Kosovo and Metohija Montenegro 2:1 and Serbia - Vojvodina 5:5. However, by decision of Competition Committee, three matches were recorded as forfeited matches: Serbia - Vojvodina 3:0, Montenegro - Vojvodina 3:0 and Montenegro - Kosovo and Metohija 3:0. The list of tournament’s participants included, among others: Ivan Petrović, Pavle Delibašić, Ognjen Koroman and Dejan Stanković (Serbia), Aleksandar Nedović and Ardijan Đokaj (Montenegro), Vladan Avramov, Radovan Krivokapić, Srđan Baljak and Ivica Francišković (Vojvodina) Jovan Tanasijević (Kosovo)... The best player and top scorer was Pavle Delibašić (Crvena Zvezda). Yugoslavia - Winner of the Second Tournament The best player of the tournament was Zoran Urumov, top scorer (3 goals) was Dejan Stanković and the best goalkeeper was Ilija Orlović. 3rd TOURNAMENT The third tournament was held from 4 to 9 September 1996. The host towns were Palić, Kanjiža and Novi Kneževac. It was contested by two national U-19 teams of Yugoslavia and teams of Cyprus and Macedonia. The best Yugoslav national team won. Results: Yugoslavia “B” - Macedonia 2:1, Yugoslavia “A” - Cyprus 0:0, Cyprus - Yugoslavia “B” 1:1, Yugoslavia “A” Macedonia 3:2, Cyprus - Macedonia 3:0 and Yugoslavia “A” - Yugoslavia “B” 2:0. The best player was Stelios Achilleos (Cyprus), top scorer of the tournament was Borče Postolov (Macedonia) and the best goalkeeper was Oliver Patoski (Macedonia). Krsta Mitrović was named the best head coach. Serbia - Winner of the First Tournament 2nd TOURNAMENT The second tournament, being the first international one and contested by national U-19 teams (players born after 1 January 1978) of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Greece, was held from 6 to 9 September 1995 in Palić and Bačka Topola. 22 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament best head coach was Momčilo Vujačić. Among the players of both Yugoslav national teams were: Mateja Kežman, Igor Duljaj, Ivica Ilijev, Goran Arnaut, Dragan Ćalija, Saša Radivojević, Ardijan Đokaj, Branko Bošković, Nikola Jolović, Milan Martinović, Miloš Dobrijević, Vladimir Tintor, Boban Stojanović... 5th TOURNAMENT The fifth tournament was held from 3 to 6 September 1998 in Subotica, Palić and Novi Kneževac. Italian national U-19 team participated for the first time and won the trophy of the “Sport” daily newspaper, never to return it to Belgrade. Yugoslavia - Winner of the Third Tournament 4th TOURNAMENT The fourth tournament, held from 2 to 6 September 1997 was contested by eight national teams and the matches were played in Subotica, Palić, Kanjiža, Novi Kneževac and Bačka Topola. Results: GROUP A - Yugoslavia A - Cyprus 0:0, Israel - Czech Republic 4:2, Israel - Cyprus 2:1, Yugoslavia A - Czech Republic 2:1, Czech Republic - Cyprus 2:1, Israel Yugoslavia A 0:0. STANDINGS: 1. Israel 7, Yugoslavia A 5, Czech Republic 3, Cyprus 1 point. GROUP B - Hungary - Greece 3:0, Yugoslavia B Macedonia 6:1, Hungary - Macedonia 3:0, Greece Macedonia 6:2, Yugoslavia B - Greece 1:0, Yugoslavia B - Hungary 1:0. STANDINGS: Yugoslavia B 9, Hungary 6, Greece 3, Macedonia 0 points. In the final, Yugoslavia B beat Israel by 4:0, while in the 3rd place match Yugoslavia A beat Hungary by 5:3 in a penalty shootout, after a 2:2 draw. Italy - Winner of the Fifth Tournament RESULTS: Italy - Czech Republic 2:0, Yugoslavia Hungary 2:1, Italy - Hungary 2:0, Czech Republic - Yugoslavia 1:1, Czech Republic - Hungary 3:1, Italy Yugoslavia 2:1. STANDINGS: Italy 9, Yugoslavia and Czech Republic 4 points, Hungary 0 points. Franco Semioli (Italy) was named the best player of the tournament and, after scoring three goals, the top scorer as well. Alessandro Leopizzi was the best goalkeeper, while Rosario Rampantini was named the best head coach. The generation of players born in 1980 and later was led by Nenad Stojaković and Branko Bošković, and among the players were M. Marković, Zorić, Klještan, Rusmir, Dobrijević, A. Delibašić, Kasom, Dunjić... 6th TOURNAMENT The sixth tournament was held from 3 to 5 September 1999 in Subotica and Palić, but due to NATO aggression on FR Yugoslavia it did not have an international status, and only Serbian, Montenegrin and regional U-17 teams participated. Yugoslavia - Winner of the Fourth Tournament Top scorer of the tournament was Yossi Benayoun (Israel), best goalkeeper was Saša Radivojević, and the 23 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament GROUP B: Netherlands - Ukraine 2:0, Romania - Israel 1:1, Israel - Netherlands 1:1, Romania - Ukraine 3:2, Ukraine - Israel 0:0 and Netherlands - Romania 2:0. STANDINGS: Netherlands 7, Romania 4, Israel 3, Ukraine 1 point. In the final, Yugoslavia defeated Netherlands after penalty shootout by 11:10 (the match ending in a 2:2 draw), while in the 3rd place playoff Hungary beat Romania by 5:4 after penalty shootout (2:2). The best player was Youssouf Hersi (Netherlands), top scorer was Jovan Damjanović (Yugoslavia), best head coach was Mile Tomić (Yugoslavia), while Danko Lazović was named the most talented Yugoslav player. The team of players born in 1982 (and younger), apart from Damjanović (Crvena Zvezda) and Lazović (Partizan), also included: Saša Cilinšek (Vojvodina), Nemanja Jovšić and Marko Marković (Partizan), Dejan Kekezović and Zoran Ljubinković (Spartak), Aleksandar Luković and Đorđe Tutorić (Crvena Zvezda), Nenad Milijaš and Slaven Stanković (Zemun), Mirko Vučinić and Vukašin Poleksić (Sutjeska)... Team of Vojvodina RESULTS: Subotica – Eastern Serbia 4:1, Vojvodina - Montenegro 2:2, Belgrade – Western Serbia 2:0, Belgrade - Eastern Serbia 3:1, Vojvodina – Western Serbia 5:1, Montenegro - Subotica 3:2, Belgrade Subotica 4:0, Montenegro – Western Serbia 2:0 and Vojvodina - Eastern Serbia 1:1. Teams of Belgrade and Vojvodina were named the winners of the tournament. The best player was Luka Šumarčević (Belgrade), best goalkeeper was Miloš Zorić (Belgrade), while the top scorers were Nikola Grubješić, Marko Perović (Belgrade), Miloš Krasić and Bojan Milisavac (Vojvodina). 8th TOURNAMENT 7th TOURNAMENT The seventh tournament was held from 5 to 10 September 2000 in Subotica, Palić, Bačka Topola, Bajmok, Kanjiža and Novi Kneževac and was contested by eight national teams: Yugoslavia, Hungary, Belgium, Russia, Netherlands, Ukraine, Romania and Israel. Team of Yugoslavia The eighth tournament was held from 4 to 9 September 2001 in Subotica, Palić, Bačka Topola, Bajmok, Vrbas, Bečej, Apatin, Kula, Banatski Dvor, Čelarevo and Sombor, and again it was contested by eight national teams: Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Hungary (Group A), Yugoslavia, Israel, Portugal and Belgium (Group B). RESULTS: GROUP A: Russia - Italy 0:0, Netherlands - Hungary 3:1, Netherlands - Russia 1:0, Italy - Hungary 4:3, Italy Netherlands 3:1, Russia - Hungary 2:0. Yugoslavia - Winner of the Seventh Tournament RESULTS: GROUP A: Belgium - Russia 0:0, Hungary - Yugoslavia 1:1, Russia - Hungary 1:1, Yugoslavia - Belgium 4:2, Yugoslavia - Russia 2:0, Belgium - Hungary 0:0. STANDINGS: Yugoslavia 7, Hungary 3, Belgium and Russia 2 points. 24 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament STANDINGS: Italy 7, Netherlands 6, Russia 4 and Hungary 0 points. GROUP B: Yugoslavia - Belgium 2:0, Portugal - Israel 1:0, Yugoslavia - Israel 2:0, Portugal - Belgium 1:0, Yugoslavia - Portugal 1:0, Belgium - Israel 0:0. STANDINGS: Yugoslavia 9, Portugal 6, Belgium and Israel 1 point. In the final, Italy defeated Yugoslavia by 6:5 (1:1, 1:0), while in the 3rd place playoff Portugal beat the Netherlands 7:6 (2:2, 1:2). The best player was Glenn Loovens (Netherlands), top scorers were Danko Lazović and Nicky Hofs (Netherlands), best goalkeeper was Nemanja Jovšić, while the best head coach was Paolo Berrettini (Italy). The team of players born in 1983 (and younger), apart from Danko Lazović and Nemanja Jovšić included, among others: Aleksandar Selkić, Milan Stepanov, Nenad Milijaš, Dejan Milovanović, Mirko Vučinić, Vladimir Stojković, Miloš Krasić, Ljubiša Vukelja... point. GROUP B: Italy - Turkey 1:0, Italy - Belgium 1:1 and Turkey - Belgium 2:0. STANDINGS: Italy 4, Turkey 3 and Belgium 1 point. In the final, Italy defeated Yugoslavia by 2:1. The best player, as well as top scorer with three goals, was Francesco Lodi (Italy), best goalkeeper was Andrea Ivaldi (Italy), while the best head coach was Paolo Berrettini (Italy). The most talented Yugoslav player was Marko Perović. The head coach Slobodan Pavković’s list of players included, among others: Duško Tošić, Dušan Basta, Dragan Mrđa, Damir Kahriman, Dejan Milovanović, Milan Purović, Miloš Krasić, Boško Janković, Marko Perović, Nikola Drinčić... 10th TOURNAMENT The tenth tournament was held from 16 to 19 September 2003 in Subotica and Šabac, with participation of six national teams. Turkey, Belgium and Slovenia competed in Šabac (Group A), while Serbia and Montenegro, Hungary and Macedonia (Group B) played in Subotica and Palić. RESULTS: GROUP A: Slovenia- Belgium 3:0, Turkey – Slovenia 1:0 and Belgium - Turkey 2:1. STANDINGS: Slovenia, Turkey and Belgium 3 points. GROUP B: Serbia and Montenegro - Macedonia 5:2, Macedonia - Hungary 3:1 and Hungary - Serbia and Montenegro 2:1. STANDINGS: Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia and Hungary 3 points. In the final, in Šabac, national team of Serbia and Montenegro beat Slovenia by 1:0. 9th TOURNAMENT Italy - Winner of the Ninth Tournament For the first time, the host town of the ninth tournament, held from 2 to 6 September 2002, was the town of Šabac, birth town of Stevan Vilotić. The matches were also played in Valjevo and Sremska Mitrovica. Six national teams participated, divided into two groups: Yugoslavia, Netherlands and Israel (Group A), Italy, Turkey and Belgium (Group B). RESULTS: GROUP A: Yugoslavia - Netherlands 3:0, Netherlands Israel 2:2 and Yugoslavia - Israel 0:0 STANDINGS: Yugoslavia 4, Israel 2 and Netherlands 1 Serbia and Montenegro - Winner of the Tenth Tournament 25 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament The best player was Simon Vukčević, top scorer was Borut Semler (Slovenia), best goalkeeper was Milan Jovanić, best head coach was Miodrag Martać, while the most talented player of Serbia and Montenegro was Nebojša Marinković. Head coach Martać’s list of players included, among others: Simon Vukčević, Nebojša Marinković, Duško Tošić, Igor Burzanović, Milan Purović, Borko Veselinović... . 11th TOURNAMENT Turkey and Macedonia. RESULTS: Serbia and Montenegro - Macedonia 2:1, Turkey - Hungary 1:0, Serbia and Montenegro Hungary 1:0, Turkey - Macedonia 4:3, Turkey - Serbia and Montenegro 3:1 and Hungary - Macedonia 3:1. STANDINGS: Turkey 9, Serbia and Montenegro 6, Hungary 3 and Macedonia 0 points. The best player was Oguz Sabankay (Turkey), top scorers were Mulayim Erdem (Turkey) and Zoran Zlatkovski (Macedonia), best goalkeeper was Igor Stefanović, while the most talented player of Serbia and Montenegro was Balša Božović. The eleventh tournament was held from 31 August to 3 September 2004 in Subotica, and was contested by national teams of Serbia and Montenegro, Hungary, Belgium and Turkey. RESULTS: Hungary - Belgium 2:1, Serbia and Montenegro - Turkey 3:2, Hungary - Turkey 1:0, Belgium - Serbia and Montenegro 2:1, Turkey - Belgium 3:1 and Serbia and Montenegro - Hungary 4:1. STANDINGS: Serbia and Montenegro 6, Hungary 6, Turkey 3, Belgium 3 points. Turkey - Winner of the Twelfth Tournament Head coach Miodrag Radulović’s list of players included, among others: Igor Stefanović (Radnički Niš), Bojan Šaranov (OFK Beograd), Gojko Kačar (Vojvodina), Nenad Marinković (Partizan), Balša Božović (Budućnost Podgorica), Ivan Vuković (Zeta)... Serbia and Montenegro - Winner of the Eleventh Tournament 13th TOURNAMENT The best player was Asubonteng (Belgium), top scorer was Marko Markoski, best goalkeeper was Aleksandar Jović, while the best head coach was Zoran Perković. Stefan Babović was the team captain, and apart from Markovski and Jović, the team included: Nebojša Marinković, Borko Veselinović, Tomislav Pajović, Milan Perendija, Miloš Bosančić... The thirteenth tournament was held from 10 to 15 September 2006 in Subotica, while the matches were played at the stadiums of Spartak, Bačka, Palić and Vinogradar in Hajdukovo, with participation of national U-19 teams (players born in 1988) of Serbia, Israel, Hungary and Ukraine. RESULTS: Serbia – Ukraine 2:1, Israel – Hungary 4:2, Israel – Serbia 2:0, Hungary – Ukraine 3:0, Israel – Ukraine 2:0 and Serbia – Hungary 1:1. STANDINGS: Israel 9, Hungary and Serbia 4, Ukraine 0 points. The best head coach was Israeli coach Zeev Zeltzer, the best player of the tournament was the Israeli player Maor Bar Buzaglo, top scorer was the Hungarian player Balazs Farkas, best goalkeeper was Israeli player 12th TOURNAMENT The twelfth tournament was held from 20 to 23 September 2005 in Subotica, while the matches were played at the stadiums of Spartak, Palić, Bačka and Vinogradar in Hajdukovo, with participation of national teams of Serbia and Montenegro, Hungary, 26 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament Gal Mesika, while the most talented player of Serbia was Rodoljub Marjanović. shootout 12:11. 3rd place match: Bulgaria– Slovakia 2:0. 1st place match: Hungary – Serbia 0:0, after penalty shootout 5:4. FINAL STANDINGS: 1. Hungary, 2. Serbia, 3. Bulgaria, 4. Slovakia, 5. Montenegro, 6. Israel. The best head coach was Hungarian coach Tibor Sisa, the best player of the tournament was Vladimir Koman (Hungary), top scorer was Aleksandar Prijović (Serbia), the best goalkeeper was Živko Živković (Serbia), while the most talented player of Serbia was Nenad Krstičić. The fair play trophy was awarded to Hungary. Head coach Zlatko Krmpotić’s list of players included, among others: Živković, Adamović, Brežančić, Brković, Blagojević and Milojević (Partizan), Perović and Nikolić (Crvena Zvezda), Prijović (Parma), Krstičić (OFK Beograd), Kojić (Rad)... Nikola Gulan played for the national U-21 team... Israel - Winner of the Thirteenth Tournament The fair play trophy was awarded to Israel. Serbian head coach Zvonko Živković’s list of players included, among others: Knežević, Karišik, Jovanović, Stanić and Sulejmani (Partizan), Danilović and Marjanović (Rad), Zlatković and Srećković (Crvena zvezda), Filip Krstić (Hertha), Vukobratović and Tadić (Vojvodina)... 15th TOURNAMENT The fifteenth tournament was held from 13 to 18 September 2008. It was contested by national U-19 teams of Serbia, Montenegro, Israel and Hungary, with players born in 1990 and younger. All national teams were accommodated at the renovated “Patria” hotel in Subotica, and the matches were played at the stadiums of FK Bačka in Subotica, FK Njegoš in Lovćenac, Bačka Topola, Senta and SC “Janko Pejanović” in Palić. 14th TOURNAMENT RESULTS: ROUND 1: Serbia – Montenegro 4:1 and Israel – Hungary 1:0 ROUND 2: Serbia – Hungary 1:0 and Israel – Montenegro 2:0 ROUND 3: Hungary – Montenegro 1:0 and Serbia – Israel 1:0 Serbia - Second Place on Fourteenth Tournament The fourteenth tournament was held from 4 to 10 September 2007 in Subotica and Sremska Mitrovica. RESULTS: - Sremska Mitrovica Group: Serbia – Montenegro 1:0, Slovakia – Montenegro 0:0, Serbia – Slovakia 4:3. STANDINGS: Serbia 6, Slovakia and Montenegro 1 point. - Subotica Group: Israel – Bulgaria 1:1, Hungary – Bulgaria 2:0, Hungary – Israel 2:0. STANDINGS: Hungary 6, Bulgaria and Israel 1 point. PLAYOFF MATCHES: 5th place match: Montenegro – Israel 2:2, after penalty STANDINGS: 1. Serbia 2. Israel 3. Hungary 4. Montenegro 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 6:1 3:1 1:2 1:7 9 6 3 0 The best head coach was Aleksandar Stanojević, head coach of the Serbian national team, the best player of the tournament and the most talented Serbian player 27 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament was Adem Ljajić (born 29. September 1991), top scorer, with two goals, was Nemanja Milić (Serbia), and the best goalkeeper was Boris Klaiman (Israel). Serbia - Winner of the Sixteenth Tournament The best head coach was Miloš Miljanić, assistant to the head coach of the Serbian national U-19 team Aleksandar Stanojević, the best player and top scorer of the tournament was Filip Đuričić, captain of the Serbian national team, the most talented Serbian player was Uroš Ćosić, and the best goalkeeper was the Ukrainian Igor Levchenko. Serbia - Winner of the Fifteenth Tournament The fair play trophy was awarded to Israel. Serbian head coach Stanojević’s list of players, apart from Ljajić (Partizan) and Milić (OFK Beograd), included, among others: Medojević (Vojvodina), Kirovski and Crnoglavac (Zemun), Milanović (Lokomotiv Moscow), Seničanin (Sheffield United), Miljković (Partizan), Škuletić (Teleoptik), Šćepović and Ignjovski (OFK Beograd), Smiljanić (Inđija)... and the coach could not include Aleksić (Vojvodina), Lazović (Borac), Savić (Rad), Ivković (Viking), Mišan (OFK Beograd)... The fair play trophy was awarded to Serbia. Serbian head coach’s list of players included, among others, Filip Đuričić (Heerenveen), Uroš Ćosić (CSKA Moscow), Nemanja Gudelj (NAC Breda), Marko Dmitrović (Crvena zvezda), Saša Marković (OFK Beograd), Jovan Krneta, Miloš Ostojić, Darko Brašanac, Aleksandar Đoković, Marko Šćepović and Nikola Trujić (Partizan – Teleoptik), Nikola Krčmarević (Čukarički).... 16th TOURNAMENT The sixteenth tournament was held from 2 to 7 September 2009. It was contested by national U-19 teams (players born after 1 January 1991) of Serbia, Hungary, Israel and Ukraine. All national teams were accommodated at the “Patria” hotel in Subotica, and the matches were played at the stadiums of Bačka and Spartak in Subotica, as well as in Tavankut and Senta 17th TOURNAMENT The seventeenth tournament was held from 4 to 9 September 2010. It was contested by national U-19 teams (players born after 1 January 1992) of Serbia, Hungary, Israel and Ukraine. RESULTS: Round 1: Serbia – Hungary 2:0 and Ukraine – Israel 1:1 Round 2: Serbia – Israel 2:0 and Ukraine – Hungary 2:0 Round 3: Serbia – Ukraine 1:0 and Israel – Hungary 0:0 All national teams were accommodated at the “Patria” hotel in Subotica, and the matches were played at the stadiums of Bačka and Spartak in Subotica, as well as in Čantavir. STANDINGS: 1. Serbia 3 2. Ukraine 3 3. Israel 3 4. Hungary 3 RESULTS: Round 1: Serbia – Hungary 4:1 and Ukraine – Israel 1:1 Round 2: Serbia – Israel 1:0 and Hungary – Ukraine 1:0 Round 3: Serbia – Ukraine 0:0 and Israel – Hungary 2:1 3 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 5:0 9 3:2 4 1:3 2 0:4 1 28 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament STANDINGS: 1. Serbia 3 2 1 0 5:1 7 2. Israel 3 1 1 1 3:3 4 3. Hungary 3 1 0 2 3:6 3 4. Ukraine 3 0 2 1 1:2 2 RESULTS: Round 1: Serbia – Hungary 2:0 and Montenegro Ukraine 3:2 Round 2: Serbia – Montenegro 3:1 and Hungary – Ukraine 2:0 Round 3: Serbia – Ukraine 0:0 and Montenegro – Hungary 2:2. STANDINGS: 1. Serbia 2. Hungary 3. Montenegro 4. Ukraine 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 5:1 1 1 1 4:4 1 1 1 6:7 0 1 2 2:5 7 4 4 1 The best head coach was Zoran Marić, head coach of the Serbian national U-19 team, the best player was Srđan Mijailović, topo scorer of the tournament was Ivan Dragičević, the most talented Serbian player was Lazar Marković, and the best goalkeeper was Filip Pajović (all from Serbia). Serbia - Winner of the Seventeenth Tournament The best head coach was Dejan Govedarica, head coach of the Serbian national U-19 team, the best player was Goran Čaušić, top scorer of the tournament was Đorđe Despotović, the most talented Serbian player was Matija Nastasić, and the best goalkeeper was Ram Strauss (Israel). The fair play trophy was awarded to Montenegro. Serbian head coach’s list of players included, among others, Srđan Mijailović, Uroš Spajić, Stefan Rudić, Ivan Dragičević, Nikola Đorđević (Crvena zvezda and Sopot), Nikola Aksentijević, Lazar Marković, Nikola Ninković (Partizan), Dejan Meleg, Nemanja Radoja i Bojan Nastić (Vojvodina), Filip Pajović and Uroš Nikolić (Videoton), Saša Ivković (Teleoptik), Marko Poletanović (Cement), Nemanja Vidović (Borac Banja Luka), Uroš Radaković (Proleter), Marko Zoćević (Borac)... The fair play trophy was awarded to Ukraine. Serbian head coach’s list of players included, among others, Uroš Ćosić (CSKA Moscow), Marko Ditrović (Crvena zvezda), Goran Čaušić, Đorđe Despotović, Andrej Mrkela, Aleksandar Kovačević (Crvena zvezda, Sopot), Darko Brašanac, Matija Nastasić (Partizan), Jovan Krneta, Nikola Trujić (Teleoptik), Nikola Perić (Mačva), Uroš Vitas, Aleksandar Pantić, Lazar Ćirković, Filip Malbašić (Rad), Marko Petković, Luka Milunović (OFK Beograd)... 18th TOURNAMENT The eighteenth tournament was held from 1 to 6 September 2011. It was contested by national U-19 teams (players born after 1 January 1993) of Serbia, Hungary, Montenegro and Ukraine. All national teams were accommodated at the “Patria” and “Gloria” hotels in Subotica, and the matches were played at the stadiums of Bačka and Spartak in Subotica, as well as in Bačka Topola and Čantavir. Serbia - Winner of the Eighteenth Tournament 29 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Chronology of the “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial International Youth Tournament Israel - Winner of the Nineteenth Tournament 19th TOURNAMENT The best head coach was Israel’s coach Eliyahu Ohana, the best player of the tournament was Bjorn Engels (Belgium), top scorer was Ismail Rajan (Israel), the best goalkeeper was Gergely Nagy, while the most talented Serbian youth player was Uros Djurdjević. The fair play trophy was awarded to Belgium. The nineteenth tournament was held from 5 to 11 September 2012. It was contested by national U-19 teams (players born after 1 January 1994) of Serbia, Belgium, Hungary, Montenegro, Israel and Ukraine. The national teams were accommodated at Gloria, Patria and PBG hotels, and the matches were played in Subotica (stadiums of Bačka and Spartak), Senta, Kula, Bačka Topola and Kanjiža. Serbian head coach Ljubinko Drulović’s list of players, among others, included: Predrag Rajković (Jagodina), Dejan Meleg and Bojan Nastić (Vojvodina), Vukan Savićević and Ognjen Ožegović (Crvena Zvezda), Miloš Veljković (Tottenham), Aleksandar Čavrić (OFK Beograd), Uroš Djurdjević (Rad), Luka Stojanović (Sporting), Marko Živković (Partizan - Teleoptik)... Aleksandar Mitrović (Partizan) did not play due to an injury... RESULTS: Round 1: Serbia – Belgium 0:2 (0:1) and Montenegro – Israel 0:1 (0:1) Round 2: Belgium – Hungary 1:1(0:0) and Ukraine – Montenegro 1:0 (1:0) Round 3: Serbia – Hungary 3:3 (2:1) and Israel – Ukraine 9:7 (4:4, 2:2) Group A STANDINGS 1. Belgium 2 2. Hungary 2 3. Serbia 2 Group B STANDINGS 1. Israel 2 2. Ukraine 2 3. Montenegro 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 3:1 4:4 3:5 4 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 5:4 5:4 0:2 4 4 0 5th place match: Serbia – Montenegro 2:1 (1:1) 3rd place match: Hungary – Ukraine 2:0 (1:0) 1st place match: Israel – Belgium 4:2 (1:1, 0:1) Final standings: 1. Israel, 2. Belgium, 3. Hungary, 4. Ukraine, 5. Serbia, and 6. Montenegro. 30 SUMMARY: Among the 19 “Stevan Ćele Vilotić” Memorial Tournaments held, as much as 17 had an international status. The tournament was twice contested by eight national teams, four times it was contested by six teams, nine times by four teams, and twice the tournament was contested by three national teams. The national U-19 teams of Yugoslavia, and Serbia and Montenegro, won six tournaments, Serbia won four times (first time in 2008), Italians participated and won three times, Israel won two tournaments, whereas the national teams of Turkey and Hungary won one tournament each. Foreign national teams’ appearances: Hungary – 14, Israel - 9, Belgium - 6, Ukraine - 5 Montenegro, Turkey and Macedonia - 4, Italy - 3, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Greece, Russia and Czech Republic – 2, and Slovakia, Portugal and Slovenia – 1. 20. MEĐUNARODNI MEMORIJALNI FUDBALSKI TURNIR U-19 20th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT U-19 Umetnička Livnica “Voždovac” braće Jeremić je godinama već sponzor tradicionalnog Međunarodnog omladinskog turnira Memorijal “Stevan Vilotić Ćele”. Livnica izrađuje statuete sa likom Stevana Vilotića i statuete fudbalera, koje Fudbalski savez Srbije i čika Ćeletova porodica dodeljuju učesnicima turnira, najuspešnijem treneru i najboljem igraču, golgeteru i golmanu. Jeremić brothers’ Art Foundry “Voždovac” has sponsored the traditional “Stevan Vilotić Ćele” International Memorial Youth Tournament for years. The foundry makes statuettes of Stevan Vilotić and football players, which the Football Association of Serbia and uncle Ćele’s family award to tournament participants, to the best head coach and best player, top scorer and best goalkeeper. 31