Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey
Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey
Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey Sunday 05/29/16 Feast Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Calendar Raffle Corpus Christi Food Drive Monday 05/30/16 Tuesday 05/31/16 Wednesday 06/01/16 Memorial Day Rectory Closed Annual St. Mary’s Cemetery Mass 1PM Choir 6:30 PM MAY 29, 2016 FEAST MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST GOD’S GIFT FOR GIVING May 22nd Last Year SAT, May 28th- Vigil Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 5:30 P.M. Karolina Minerowicz Patricia Gaskill Frank Minerowicz, Sr. Joseph Delukey, Sr. (49th Ann) George Welschko (34th Ann) SUNDAY, May 29th- Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 7:30 A.M. Harry & Leila Sago William F. Ryan Ann Montesion 9:30 A.M. Jeanne McCormick Christa Feisullin Veronica Tibus Bolcar (52nd Ann) 11:00 A.M. Joseph Dempsey Mary Booth 1:00 P.M. All those buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery MONDAY, May 30th - Memorial Day 9:00 A.M. For all who have died serving our country TUESDAY, May 31st - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 A.M. Mary Ann Pizzani WEDNESDAY, June 1st - St. Justin 9:00 A.M. Richard Finkle Jane Werner Perina C. Varetoni (21st Ann) THURSDAY, June 2nd - St. Peter & St. Marcellinus 9:00 A.M. Edward Kalafut (31st Ann) Mary McCormack (34th Ann) FRIDAY, June 3rd - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 9:00 A.M. Antonia & Antonio Azzinari Special Intention for Ella Corchado SATURDAY, June 4th - Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 A.M. Josephine Turzi SATURDAY, June 4th - Vigil 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time 5:30 P.M. Maureen O’Connor Thomas D’Altrui Marge Welschko Barbara Clark SUNDAY, June 5th - 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 A.M. Ethel Timochko Josephine Turzi Edward Rowinski Deceased Members of the Guerin Family 9:30 A.M. Lucille McDonough Patricia Brueno Lucy DiMaggio 11:00 A.M. Peggy Ann F. Tuma Philip Jacobelli Alma Buckingham Charles A. Winkler (1st Ann) $ 5, 881. 00 $ 7, 825. 00 FROM THE DIOCESE OF PATERSON “If any person may have been abused by any priest, they should immediately contact their local County Prosecutor’s Office and the Diocese’s Victims Assistance Coordinator: Peggy Zanello at 973-879-1489. You may also be in touch with either of the Diocesan Response Officers: Rev. Msgr. James T. Mahoney, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, 973-777-8818 x205 or Sr. Joan Daniel Healy, S.C.C., Chancellor/Delegate for Religious, 973-777-8818 x 248". The entire text of the Policy of the Diocese of Paterson in Response to Complaints of Sexual Abuse is available on the diocesan Web site: www.patersondiocese.org OLM MINISTRIES We are looking for faithful and dedicated members of our parish family to become more involved in the ministries here at Our Lady of Mercy. We are in need of Extraordinary Ministers, Ministers of the Word, Adult Servers, Altar Servers and Hospitality Ministers (greeters/ushers) to help serve at our weekend liturgies. Each of us, by virtue of our baptism, are called to give witness to the power of God working in us and through us, despite our faults and failures, and maybe also because of them. God does not ask us to be perfect, but to struggle, sacrifice and make aware His love, compassion and mercy. If you are interested or would like more information about our ministries, please contact Lisa at 973-887-0767 or email at: olmlitminwhip@aol.com RUN FOR A NUN The Sisters of Christian Charity will be holding their annual 5K Run/Walk “Run for a Nun” on June 4, 2016 at Loantaka Brook Reservation in Morristown NJ. All proceeds benefit the education costs of those women in Initial Formation. Following the run, stop by the Motherhouse for a light lunch. For more information go to www.scceast.org/ RECTORY OFFICE HOURS The Rectory Office will be closed on this Monday for Memorial Day. The office will be open Tues - Fri 9AM-3PM. Thank you. FATHER’S DAY COLLECTION A special collection will be taken up the weekend of Father’s Day to support those men who are being educated at seminaries in our country and around the world and who will one day serve our parishes. Just as with your support of our Bishop’s Annual Appeal, this collection will be used to help fund the cost of their formation. Thursday 06/02/16 Friday 06/03/16 Saturday 06/04/16 Sunday 06/05/16 10th Sunday Ordinary Time For everything there is a Reason and a Time for Every Purpose under Heaven ...A Time to Heal... Pray for the sick Giuseppa Casarrubea, Pat Fusco, Ann Y., Connor Davey, Addie Cinquino, Connie Delio, Rita Tironi, Carol, Bob Bark, Angela Cassano, Allen Lebo, Dominic Guida, John Stolfi, Daniel Matakitis, Larry C, Carolyn Mangravite, Susan Nicoll, Giovanna Cinquino, John Jaczyinski, Jacqueline Gorman, Shane Hakes, Mike McLaughlin, Bill Van Hall, Fr. Charlie, Ralph LeFevere, Pat Conforti, Agnes Ryan, Kip Dangler, Robert DelPurgatorio, Michael, Charles Realmonte, Roger, Linda Ann Celeste, Lucille Cocca, John Strumolo Sr., Cara Coughlin, Shirley Smiecinski, Joyce Ann Michaelson, Stephen Donnelly, Ronnie Noll, Emma Carothers, Bob Roberts, Joseph Mascia, Colton Ford Petronaci, Mark Herkert, James Giannetti, Patrick J. Asay Jr, Lisa Compas, William Bulman, Audrey Sherry,Kevin Mulligan, Russell Cassella, Michael Smith, Randy Olsen, Arlene Gentile, Marylou Perrini, Michelle White, Patsy Manna, Bob Peters, Felisa Manlapig, Chris Surrago, Richard Virgil, June Surrano, Paul Comerford, Lorraine Azzinnaro, Angela, Pat Rue-an, Angel Lamontagne, Neal Spickert-Fulton, Gary Y., Generoso Giesullo, Assunta Less, Audrey Safin, Arlene Esposito, Anita & Armando Geroldi, Arlene Gentile,, Angelina Martin, Wagner Estivalletti, Christine McGarry, Ann Granziel, Mackenzie Cunnigham, Theresa Pentz, Betty Deren, Ann-Marie Andre, John Cordova, Ken Holzer, Beverly Fresco, Jean Marie Petrino, Jimmy H. and Jessica Hermans ...A Time to Die... Pray for the dead Please pray for those buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery and for those who have died especially Msgr. Carl Hinrichsen and Jean Roda Acklin ...A Time for Peace... Pray for peace and our enemies in our world, in our homeland, and in our Church OLM’S 11th ANNUAL GOLF OUTING For Men and Women Golfers Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Farmstead Golf & Country Club, Lafayette, NJ 07848 8:30 Shotgun Start, Scramble (Best Ball) format Price: $95, includes green fee/cart, buffet, and prizes Get a foursome together and join us for a great day. Send check made out to Church of Our Lady of Mercy to: Peter Jovellanos 15 Daniel Terrace, Whippany, NJ 07981 For more info or questions, please contact Peter at 973-539-3921 or e-mail pbjovell@gmail.com LITURGY CORNER Today we celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist is what unites us; it is what makes us one. To use the Eucharist as something that divides us or to keep someone or some group of persons away from the Eucharist goes against the very nature of God’s greatest gift to us. When all is said and done, we only have the Eucharist and no one can take that away from us. It is the Eucharist that makes us who we are. It is the Eucharist that keeps our Church together when it seems like it’s breaking apart. We must do everything we possibly can to protect the Eucharist—the Real Presence of Jesus among us. One very important thing we must do is ensure against the Eucharist becoming irrelevant, and it will become irrelevant if we ignore its centrality in our life or if we fall into the sin of believing we can regulate this gift of God and exclude people who don’t meet our limited and often sinful requirements. No matter what else happens in this Church, we must never abandon the Eucharist. There is nothing in the gospel that should make us believe Jesus only had certain people in mind when He preached the kingdom or certain people in mind when He gave us His Body and Blood. Jesus welcomes us all, Jesus feeds us all and Jesus satisfies us all. Imagine the great joy Jesus must feel when we are happy and satisfied with the meal He gives us to share. By the same token, it is unimaginable that Jesus would want any-one left out. As we move to the table of the Lord, let us keep in mind that this is a great gift and none of us is worthy but all of us are invited and all of us are welcome. This weekend we also celebrate Memorial Day, which really is a sacred day for Americans. It is so much more than the unofficial start of summer or a good time for a sale! This is the weekend when we remember all those brave men and women who fought for our country and gave their lives in service to our country. Along with remembering all those brave men and women and giving thanks for them, let’s also give thanks for our American heritage. We are a patriotic, peace-loving and generous nation. Just as the Holy Spirit guides our Church, so too can the Holy Spirit guide the United States. We all belong to God, so as patriotic Americans we should always listen to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide our nation to be just, to be welcoming and to be a leader in peace. So many people have given their lives in the struggle for these virtues. Let us honor them today and everyday by being faithful to their memory and listening to the Holy Spirit among us at all times! Happy Memorial Day! Have a blessed week! Lisa EMAIL UPDATES Have you recently changed your email, or haven’t been getting updates/info about our parish? If anything has changed, please send your new email to Lisa olmlitminwhip@aol.com so that we can update our records. Thank you! OLM ACADEMY UPCOMING EVENTS OLMA’s Annual “End of Year Mass” will be on 6/9 at 10AM in the Church. This summer “Camp Adventure” will be held 6/27 - 8/15 from 8:30 - 1:30 or 8:30 -5:30 and is available for children in PreS-5th gr. Please contact OLMA Office for further info 973-887-2611. UPCOMING EVENTS AT OLM Annual Memorial Mass 5/29 1PM at St. Mary’s Cemetery. Caring & Sharing “Father’s Day Raffle” 6/1112. Please mark your calendars and watch for more information about these upcoming events. RELIGIOUS FORMATION Registration forms for RF 2016-2017 will be going out soon. Please remember that the sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation/Eucharist and Confirmation are two years. 1st & 2nd grade for First Reconciliation & Eucharist and 9th & 10th for Confirmation. Please watch for information regarding signing up your son/daughter for formation sessions. Congratulations to Joseph Gigantino and his parents on receiving his Eagle Scout Court of Honors Award at the Hanover Rec Ctr on Sun 5/15. We are very proud of Joe and honored that he chose his project to benefit the parish family of OLM. Is your teen preparing for their Girl Scout or Boy Scout Awards, or working on something in the community? We would love to share projects and awards of our teens with our Parish Family. Please email Lisa with any info. CALENDAR RAFFLE NEWS Calendar raffle winners for May 22nd - 28th 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Rita Piotrowski George Cozzolino Anna Pisciotto Barbara Trokan Tony Grumka Greg Elliner Alma Martin $ 100 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 Congratulations to the winners. Tickets are drawn after the 9:30 AM Liturgy. REMEMBER YOU MUST BE IN IT TO WIN IT! K OF C COMMUNION BREAKFAST St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council 6904, Knights of Columbus, will hold their annual Communion Breakfast on Sunday June 5, 2016. at the Hanover Manor, Eagle Rock Avenue, in East Hanover. Mass will start at 8:30 A.M., in the Manor, and will be celebrated by Fr. Sean, and Deacon Vincent. Breakfast will follow immediately afterward. As has been our custom, we will honor a deserving member of the council with the S.K. August Maffie, Esq. Memorial Award. This year’s recipient will be Dennis Dittrick. The cost will be $20.00 per person. The breakfast is open to all parishioners, and reservations are required as no tickets will be sold at the door. 3rd ANNUAL PATERSON DIOCESE CORPUS CHRISTI FOOD DRIVE Once again this year, our Diocese will hold their annual Diocesan-wide food drive for Catholic Charities. Across our Diocese, especially over the summer months, there is a food shortage. Our items are any kind of oil (olive, canola, vegetable) and/or canned vegetables. Can you imagine how much we could collect if everyone brought just one item! It would be such an incredible sight! The collection will be held the weekend of May 29th, which is Memorial Day weekend. If you would like to donate but know you will not be around that weekend, donations may be left at the Ministry House, Rectory or you could bring your donation next weekend. Please mark on the bag, “Corpus Christi Food Drive”. Thank you for helping the families in our diocese that are in need. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lisa at olmlitminwhip@aol.com HOLY HEALTH NEWS We all are aware of the ZIKA virus which has been in the news for several months. Cases have been reported in our state. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause flu like symptoms but more seriously birth defects in the fetuses of pregnant women. Mosquito control and bite prevention are important for all of us this summer. Here are some tips: Standing water on your property must be eliminated; that includes baby pools, toys, plates under flower pots, bird baths, garbage cans, tires and clogged gutters. Swimming pools are OK since they are chlorinated and filtered.Use a DEET repellant and follow the directions and frequency of use on the container so you'll know when to reapply. It's OK for kids 2 months and older. Clothing, especially those which have been treated with the insecticide, Permethrin, can prevent bites. Always wear light weight, light colored clothing ( mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors). Wear a long sleeve shirt ( white, khaki or pastel) , long pants and high socks with sneakers if you will be outdoors. The mosquito which causes Zika tends to bite on the lower part of the body. They also bite during the day-light hours. You might consider eating indoors this summer. Any questions should be directed to the Morris County Mosquito Commission or your local Board of Health. FAITH AT HOME When the Lord gave us the Eucharist, he meant this great sacrament to sustain us. It is the “bread of angels” and “food for the journey.” It enables us to go to God. Adults: Are there particular moments when the Eucharist clearly became the decisive and life-giving sustenance of my life, enabling me to go forward? Children: How do I show gratitude and thanks in my life? A Family Perspective: In our age of fast food and eating on the go, families often find that they are not eating meals together at a dinner table. As a family, look back over the past week and recall how many meals were eaten together and how many meals were eaten alone or on the run. In the Bible, meals are seen as much more than a means to satisfy a physical need. The Hebrew people viewed eating a meal as a way of expressing and strengthening their relationship to one another under God's covenant. Talk about the kinds of hungers that people have in addition to physical hunger. Describe the hungers that a family nourishes (love, compassion, forgiveness, laughter, and so on). Together give thanks for the food that Jesus gives us that we celebrate on this Sunday's Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Enjoy your week! Lisa Floors, Inc. JOSEPH D. MIRANDA, D.M.D. Everlast Carpet • Vinyl • Ceramic LANDSCAPE SERVICES, INC. Whippany, N.J, Phone: 887-0774 Tom Brueno Homemade Sausage Catering For All Occasions 973-887-2316 2 Ridgedale Ave., E. Hanover Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 279 Whippany Road Hours by Appointment 973-503-0988 Wood • Area Rugs Commercial & Residential Your Complete Flooring Source 600 Route 10 West · Whippany 973-503-1350 Tents, Tables, Chairs, Etc. 887-7264 38 Route 10 Westbound East Hanover, NJ 07936 Open 7 Days FINE CONTINENTAL & AMERICAN CUISINE A 973-515-4433 Week 699 ROUTE 10 EAST · WHIPPANY, NJ 07981 Sun.-Thurs. 6am-1am Fri. & Sat. 24 Hours We Deliver 973-585-7602 622 Rt. 10 W., Whippany, NJ $2 OFF on $10 Purchase not to be combined with any other offer 101 Whippany Road · Whippany, NJ 07981 Lifetime Aluminum Since 1956 • Showroom: 162 Mt. Pleasant Ave. East Hanover • FREE ESTIMATES • Richard M. Tango, Esq. McDermott & McGee Attorneys-at-Law 75 Main Street, P.O. 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