Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey
Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey
2 WAYS TO GIVE Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey Sunday 03/27/16 Monday Easter Sunday Easter Egg Hunt after 11AM Liturgy 03/28/16 OLMA No School OLM Rectory Closed Tuesday 03/29/16 OLMA No School RF MARCH 27, 2016 EASTER SUNDAY SATURDAY, March 26 - Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil 8:00 P.M. People of the Parish SUNDAY, March 27th- Easter Sunday 7:30 A.M. Intention of the Priest 9:30 A.M. Intention of the Priest 11:00 A.M. Intention of the Priest MONDAY, March 28th 9:00 A.M. Maria Anatavacci John Connors Virgil Roth (38th Ann) Herbert Campbell (37th Ann) TUESDAY, March 29th 9:00 A.M. Florence Scott Bisson WEDNESDAY, March 30th 9:00 A.M. Mirne Coelho Mary T. Casanova (1st Ann) THURSDAY, March 31st 9:00 A.M. Anne Lento FRIDAY April 1st 9:00 A.M. Leo O’Grady (32nd Ann) SATURDAY, April 2nd 9:00 A.M. Carl Rapp SATURDAY, April 2nd - Vigil Divine Mercy Sunday 5:30 P.M. Mary Casanova (1st Ann) John Yavorski (42nd Ann) Sophie Puskar (38th Ann) John Yavorski, Sr. (42nd Ann) SUNDAY, April 3rd - Divine Mercy Sunday 7:30 A.M. Special Intention for Anne Naused Deceased Members of the Guerin Family 9:30 A.M. Samuel A. Spina Jeanne C. McCormick Frank W. Minerowicz, Jr. 11:00 A.M. Joseph F. Rubacky, Jr. Gaston G. Margron, Jr. 03/30/16 OLMA No School GOD’S GIFT FOR GIVING March 27th Last Year th Wednesday $ 9, 993. 00 $ 7, 134. 00 How often isn't it true that our strengths are affirmed by another, and that we are helped to overcome weaknesses by knowing that another has faced and mastered the same weaknesses? The testimony of others can have a powerful effect on us, encouraging and assuring us in our hesitations and doubts. Not so with Thomas; even the rejoicing of the disciples in seeing the Lord wasn't able to bring Thomas to belief in the resurrection. Thomas asks for physical proof that Jesus is alive. He could have seen the proof in the disciples themselves who had been transformed from fear to rejoicing because of their encounter with the risen Lord. Yet, he was unbelieving – blind, unseeing – to the possibility of life coming from death. The challenge in the gospel is for Thomas to go from unbelief to belief in the risen Lord. The challenge for us is to go from paying lip service to belief in the resurrection to its being a dynamic believing, which makes an actual difference in the way we live our daily lives and how we ultimately approach each other in relationships. We ourselves are called to be the presence of the risen Lord in today's world, bringing life our of death. Love and Prayers... Fr. Sean RECTORY OFFICE HOURS The Rectory Office will be closed the Monday after Easter. The office will be open Tues-Fri Easter Week. Thank you. EASTER FLOWERS We are accepting donations for Easter flowers again this year. The flowers will be used to decorate the Church and Chapel. If you would like to give a donation for this purpose, please PRINT or TYPE CLEARLY the names of who you would like to have it in memory of on a piece of paper and either put it in the envelope in your Easter packet or place in your own envelope marked Easter Flower Memorials (make sure to put your name and address on the paper) and return it with your donation either in the collection basket or rectory by Mar 31st. Thank you Thursday 03/31/16 OLMA No School Friday 04/01/16 OLMA No School Saturday 04/02/16 Sunday 04/03/16 Divine Mercy Sunday Calendar Raffle RF For everything there is a Reason and a Time for Every Purpose under Heaven ...A Time to Heal... Pray for the sick Giuseppa Casarrubea, Pat Fusco, Ann Y., Connor Davey, Addie Cinquino, Connie Delio, Rita Tironi, Carol, Bob Bark, Marian Marfan, Angela Cassano, Allen Lebo, Dominic Guida, Daniel Matakitis, Larry C, Carolyn Mangravite, Susan Nicoll, Giovanna Cinquino, John Jaczyinski, Jacqueline Gorman, Shane Hakes, Mike McLaughlin, Bill Van Hall, Luis Ripa, Ralph LeFevere, Pat Conforti, Agnes Ryan, Kip Dangler, Robert DelPurgatorio, Michael, Fr. Charlie, John Stolfi, Charles Realmonte, Linda Ann Celeste, Roger, Lucille Cocca, John Strumolo Sr., Cara Coughlin, Shirley Smiecinski, Joyce Ann Michaelson, Stephen Donnelly, Ronnie Noll, Tom Tomat, Emma Carothers, Bob Roberts, Joseph Mascia, Colton Ford Petronaci, Mark Herkert, Gary Y, James Giannetti, Patrick J. Asay, Jr, Lisa Compas, William Bulman, Fr. William, Kevin Mulligan, Russell Cassella, Michael Smith, Randy Olsen, Arlene Gentile, Marylou Perrini, Michelle White, Patsy Manna, Bob Peters, James Rutkowski, Felisa Manlapig, Chris Surrago, Richard Virgil, Audrey Sherry, June Surrano, Paul Comerford, Lorraine Azzinnaro, Angela, Pat Rue-an, Angel Lamontagne, Neal Spickert-Fulton, Generoso Giesullo, Assunta Less, Anita & Armando Geroldi, Antoinette Gleave, Lee Campbell, Wagner Estivalletti, Christine McGarry, Angelina Martin, Mackenzie Cunnigham, Fran Zubel, Arlene Gentile, Ann Granziel, Theresa Pentz, John Cordova, Audrey Safin, Jean Marie Petrino, Ann-Marie Andre, and Betty Deren ...A Time to Die... Pray for the dead Please pray for those buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery and for those who have died ...A Time for Peace... Pray for peace and our enemies in our world, in our homeland, and in our Church LITURGY CORNER Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Over these past weeks of Lent, we have tried to walk in simplicity and in sacrifice with great anticipation of this most beautiful season of our Church year. Easter time brings us face to face with new life all around us. We celebrate with nature’s symbols; new born chicks, bunnies, eggs which we color, butterflies and the beautiful unfolding of spring flowers and the greening of the earth. These things bring us to the clear realization of God’s ever present goodness to us. All of us are abundantly nourished in God’s love when we approach the Sacrament of the Eucharist during the Easter Season, and indeed, week after week during the year! Easter is so special that the Church celebrates it, not just for a day...but for 50 days, the longest of any of the seasons of the Church year! It is during these precious weeks when the young children of our parish family, who are preparing for First Eucharist, will receive Jesus for the first time. What a beautiful experience, not only for those families, but for our entire parish family as well! For each of us, Easter time calls us to renewal of spirit so that we may more clearly hear the GOOD NEWS that, in Christ, life has overcome death, light has triumphed over darkness. CHRIST IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! Have a blessed Easter Season! Lisa FAITH AT HOME After the fasting of Lent, and the Easter Fast from Thursday night until the Vigil, the Easter foods have a special place. The following blessing prayer may be used as grace for your Easter dinner: “Let us pray. God of glory, the eyes of all turn to you, as we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death. Bless us and this food of our first Easter meal. May we who gather at this table, continue to celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection and be admitted finally to his heavenly banquet. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. May you and your family have a most blessed and holy Easter season! Happy Easter! Lisa OLM HEALTH MINISTRY PROGRAM Soon you will be able to sign up to attend a very special program sponsored by OLM’s Health Ministry. It is called “Think of Me When...during this Jubilee Year of Mercy”. Four speakers: Msgr. Francis, a local funeral director, a nurse who specializes in home care & hospice and our Pastoral Associate Lisa - will give their own perspective on end of life decisions. It’s the type of presentation that will help families to make decisions and plan in advance. The program will be held on Sat, 4/23 from 3-5PM in the Parish Ctr. Light refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Please put the date on your calendar. Don’t miss this program. CABARET NIGHT! World renowned jazz pianist, Rio Clemente, The Bishop of Jazz and his Abbots will be performing at OLMA in the Parish Ctr. on April 8th beginning at 7pm. This concert/cabaret style event will also feature entertainer and comedian Mark Dacey. Tickets for this special event can be purchased through the school at 973-887-2611 for $20 per person. Mr. Clemente is a consummate jazz musician who has performed at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall and other world famous venues. This is an event you won't want to miss! Attendees can BYOB and finger foods. OLM ACADEMY UPCOMING EVENTS “Grandparents Day” 4/27. This year they will present “The Lion King” on 5/18. Tickets are $10 pp. Please contact OLMA Office for further info 973-887-2611. UPCOMING EVENTS AT OLM Health Ministry Program: “Think of Me When...During this Jubilee Year of Mercy”, Sat 4/23 3-5PM. Caring & Sharing “Baby Shower” for Several Sources 4/24 12PM, “Annual Mother’s Day Raffle” 4/30-5/1; Celebration of First Eucharist 5/7 11AM & 2PM and OLM Annual Parish Family Picnic 5/15 1-4PM (raindate 5/22) at Blackbrook Park. Please mark your calendars and watch for more information about these upcoming events. RELIGIOUS FORMATION Religious Formation sessions will resume on Tues 3/29 and Sun 4/3. As part of their preparation for First Eucharist, our Candidates and their families will present the gifts at the following liturgies: 9:30 Jack Farrell CALENDAR RAFFLE NEWS Calendar raffle winners for March 20th - 26th 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Tony Grumka Felice DeNunzio Josephine Salko Mary Beth Thompson Philip Nicastro John Pasqua Barbara George $ 100 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 Congratulations to the winners. Remember, you must be in it to win it! Tickets are drawn after the 9:30 AM Liturgy on Sunday in the Academy Foyer. Extra books are available at the rectory and after Mass on Sat/Sun. REMEMBER YOU MUST BE IN IT TO WIN IT! PROGRAMS AT ST. PAUL INSIDE THE WALLS Speaking of Faith: Fr. Manning will interview Mary Oswald about her physical challenges, her encounter with and response to God, and the integration of faith into work and life. Wed, 4/6 from 7:30-9pm. Women’s Conference Feminine, Faithful, Fearless: A conference for women, at any age and any stage of life, affirming who we are in Christ. Sat. 4/9, 9am-1:30pm. Jewel of the Diocese: Come learn about the history of St. John the Baptist Cathedral from Msgr. Raymond Kupke, Diocesan Archivist. Wed, 4/13 from 7:30-9pm. What Are the Seven Habits of Christian Disciples? Join Br. Jude Lasota to find the answer to this question and learn much more. Sat, 4/16 from 10:00am-noon. For more details and to register go to www.insidethewalls.org CAREGIVERS CONFERENCE IN MORRIS COUNTY United Way Caregivers Coalition is dedicated not only to honoring the important role caregivers play, but also to connecting them to resources and information that empower them to best support their own needs and those of their loved ones. If you provide care for a loved one or work to support those who do, we have a free conference in April just for you! Join us to hear valuable information from local experts, learn about local resources, and connect with other caregivers. Join us on Saturday, April 2, 2016 8:30am – 1:00pm at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center in Whippany. The workshop topics will be: •Food and Your Mood: Practical Food Choices for Healthy Bodies, Minds, and Finances presented by Marisa Sweeny, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist; Owner of Be Well; •Getting Organized: Tips for Financial Caregiving presented by Kimberly Rescorla, Vice President, Senior Trust Officer, U.S. Trust, Bank of America and Private Wealth Management, Princeton HealthCare Systems; •Are You Legally Prepared? An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure presented by Debra Eckert-Casha, Esq., Partner at Casha & Casha, LLC. A light, complimentary breakfast and lunch will be provided. For more info and questions about this conference, or to register contact Stephanie Howland at 973.993.1160, x534. Registration requested by March 28th. 2015-2016 CYO RECAP We congratulate ALL of our girls & boys who participated in the Paterson Diocesan CYO Basketball Program this year representing OLM & ND. We are very proud of all their hard work and dedication. A special thanks to all the parents who participated either by coaching or “manning” the door for our home games Here is an update from the director of our program Mike Holleran - OLM/ND CYO basketball teams completed the 2015-2016 season with an overall record of 32-19 for our six teams. Our parish teams participate in the Paterson Diocese sponsored Upper Morris County CYO Basketball league. This year approximately 25 parishes/150 teams 4th through 8th grade participated. Five of our six teams advanced to postseason play. Congratulations to all below: OLM/ND JV Girls - A(6th graders) won the NCAA division championship. Coaches: M. Mess and R, Heusser. Players: K. Brunner, B. DeNunzio, K. Evans, M. Gilbert, M. Heusser, M. Laterza, G. Mess, J. Paskert. OLM/ND JV Boys A (6th graders/9-1 record) and JV Girls (5th graders/7-3 record)each won their first round CYO playoff games before falling short in close second round games. OLM/ND JV Boys B (5th grade) and JV Boys - C (4th grade) both participated in the season ending St. Elizabeth’s, Mt. Olive CYO tournament. OLM/ND VG - A (8th graders). Thanks to Coaches: Rich Campbell, Mark Jakubowski, Don Swan. Best of luck to our future Whippany Park Wildcat players: Arianna Bocchino, Alyssa Cahill, Natalie Campbell, Gianna Catalano, Haley Cipriano, Amber Freda, Chloe Jakubowski, Sarah Kelsey, Julia Levis, Ciara Monteverdi, Paige Walsh. On Sunday, 3/20 players, coaches and families (190 total) attended the CYO end of season banquet at the OLM parish center which included DJ music, face painting, sports trivia and great food. Players also got a chance to pie the volunteer coaches. If anyone is interested in our OLM/ND CYO basketball program please feel free to contact us at MHolleran57@gmail.com or 973-886-4743. As always, preregistration(required) will take place in the month of August 2016. Tryouts/evaluations will take place in September 2016. SERVED BY Reverend Sean Mc Donnell ............................................. Pastor Lisa Dempsey ................................................ Pastoral Associate Reverend Milton Camargo ................................ Parochial Vicar Vincent LoBello ....................................................... Deacon Elizabeth Ventola .......................................... Academy Principal Reverend Francis Duffy .........................Weekend Assistant Carmen Blandino ................................. Parish Council President Edwin Peterson ..............................................................Trustee WE INVITE YOU TO CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST ON… THE LORD’S DAY Saturday Evening ......................................................... 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning .............. 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Weekdays..................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Saturday Morning ...................................... 9:00 a.m. (Novena) Holyday Eve ................................................................. 5:30 p.m. Holydays ................................ 6:30 a.m. (Chapel), & 12 Noon RECTORY & ST. MARY’S CEMETERY OFFICE 9 Parsippany Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 Rectory Office is open from 9a.m—3p.m. Monday—Friday Phone: 973-887-0050 Fax: 973-887-0991 E-Mail: olmchwhip@aol.com Web: www.ourladyofmercyparish.com OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY 90 Whippany Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 Phone: 973-887-2611 Fax: 973-887-6629 E-Mail: olm.school@verizon.net Web: www.olmacademy.com RELIGIOUS FORMATION 70 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981 Phone: 973-887-0767 Fax: 973-887-0644 E-Mail: olmreligedwhip@aol.com YOUTH MINISTRY © 2011 Bon Venture Services, LLC 70 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981 Phone: 973-887-0767 Fax: 973-887-0644 E-mail: olmyouthminwhip@aol.com LITURGICAL MINISTRIES 70 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981 Phone: 973-887-0767 Fax: 973-887-0644 E-Mail: olmlitminwhip@aol.com SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Engaged couples should make arrangements with one of the priests one year in advance of the wedding date. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Parish Community celebrates Baptisms on all Sundays of the month at 12:00 p.m. One preparation session is required for first time parents. Parents should register by calling the Parish Office after the child’s birth. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Sacrament of the Lord’s Forgiveness is celebrated Saturday afternoons at 5:00 p.m. Other times for Reconciliation are announced in the bulletin, and by making an appointment with one of the priests. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The Parish Community celebrates this Sacrament at a Special Liturgy during the year or at home anytime. Floors, Inc. JOSEPH D. MIRANDA, D.M.D. Everlast Carpet • Vinyl • Ceramic LANDSCAPE SERVICES, INC. Whippany, N.J, Phone: 887-0774 Tom Brueno Homemade Sausage Catering For All Occasions 973-887-2316 2 Ridgedale Ave., E. 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Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey
Addie Cinquino, Connie Delio, Rita Tironi, Carol, Bob Bark,
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