Peachtree Christian Hospice Newsletter 2011
Peachtree Christian Hospice Newsletter 2011
3430 Duluth Park Lane Duluth, Georgia 30096 Winter 2012 Operated By United Hospice Sponsored By Peachtree Christian Church PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE at or contact our Community Relations Office at 770-232-7727 if you would like to: • Make changes to your address • Add a name to the PCH mailing list • Remove your name from the PCH mailing list • Receive information about becoming a hospice volunteer • Receive information about including PCH in your estate planning Featuring the Award-Winning Jim Ellis, “The Best of the Best” Peachtree Christian Hospice is committed to giving the best possible care to patients with a life-limiting illness, and to ensure they are surrounded by kindness. This care is also extended to their families and loved ones by a professional staff who lend emotional and spiritual support as well. The United Hospice Staff and the Peachtree Christian Hospice Board of Directors are a group of Christian men and women dedicated to continuing this mission and maintaining a beautiful and loving place of rest, comfort and hope to individuals at a most difficult time in their lives. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW FOR THE MAY 3, 2012 PCH GALA Contact Anne Mancini at 770-403-4581 or Hosts Luncheon State of the Hospice Senior Pastor Dr. Barry McCarty for Northwest Atlanta Disciples of Christ Bill & Martha Todd Dr. Barry McCarty, Senior Pastor of Peachtree Christian Church in Atlanta, hosted a luncheon for the Northwest Atlanta Disciples of Christ clergy at Peachtree Christian Hospice on February 15, 2012. The 18 guests received a warm welcome from Dr. McCarty and Bill and Martha Todd, Co-Chairs of the PCH Board of Directors, followed by a buffet luncheon and a tour of the beautiful facility conducted by Bill and Martha Todd. Co-Chairs, Board of Directors Faces Spaces New New Once again, we are pleased to announce that the state of Peachtree Christian Hospice (PCH) is EXCELLENT!!! As we begin the year 2012, we are extremely proud of the new faces shining brightly along the administrative corridor. Each of them extends a helping hand, not only to those needing reassurance due to the unsettled state of their lives and the lives of their loved ones, but to their fellow PCH teammates. Their collaboration and tireless work serve the greater good of this important hospice mission. Natalie McNeal is a refreshing addition to PCH in her vital role as Administrator. We extend a heartfelt welcome to Natalie, a vivacious individual with an impressive resume in the healthcare industry. She has extensive experience in facility management. Natalie is one of 100 national recipients of the prestigious American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living “National Quality Award Program.” She is an effective leader and is committed to being the best of the best as a PCH Administrator. Natalie holds a Bachelor of Business Administration-Economics, a Master of Health Administration, and a Master of Business Administration, all from Georgia State University. Anne Mancini, Assistant and Chief Advisor to the PCH Board Chairs, is an innovative and inspirational lady with an impeccable work ethic. She knows no boundaries when it comes to the number of hours she gives to PCH. She’s here for the long haul to get the job done no matter what it takes. Her experience in the fundraising world is marked by one success after another. Anne possesses extremely strong leadership skills and has held several leadership positions in very credible organizations. Best of all, she has an unbelievable passion for this ministry. In the few short months since coming on board, Anne has introduced several key strategic directives which will strengthen the very foundation of our organization. Additionally, she is very involved in an overall “facelift” of the hospice. The eye-catching space improvements extend from each of the Family Convenience Centers to the reconfiguration of office and storage space. If that is not enough, she is leading the charge in our database conversion, as well as directing major improvements in the PCH website. Anne has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Science in Legal Assistance from Madonna University. Karen Whitehead, Director of Community Relations and Volunteer Services, has remarkable organizational skills and a clear understanding of what must be accomplished to keep PCH a viable and valuable asset to the Greater Atlanta community. She brings As an outreach ministry of Peachtree Christian Church, PCH has enjoyed and valued the relationship with the church and its members over the past 11 years. with her a vast amount of experience in the non-profit world and understands the crucial role of sound and true volunteerism. Karen has a deep understanding of what it takes to manage a strong and efficient volunteer organization, and at the same time, she is extremely cognizant of the importance of the extensive regulatory demands of her job. In addition to her compassion for the PCH patients and their families, she also clearly comprehends the needs of her fellow associates and works with them in fulfilling those needs. Karen holds a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Behavior and Management from the University of Michigan, a Master of Science in Education and Social Policy from Northwestern University, and she is currently pursuing a Master of Social Work from Boston University. Ms. Dianne Watson is a new face to our board of directors. She is a dedicated volunteer who serves on our Gala Committee and has assisted with our Golf Classic for a number of years. Dianne is also a long-time Elder and distinguished member of Peachtree Christian Church. Over the years, we have continued to herald the entire PCH board and staff for their dedication and commitment to this Christian-driven mission. We welcome these four new faces who have brought reinforcement and new strength to the organization. We enter the year 2012 with a group of true team players and are proud of each and every one of them. Please feel free to drop any one of them a note of encouragement. Even a quick phone call would be very appreciated. In closing, we are thankful, that our improvements, repairs, and the never-ending replacements continue to be met due to the generosity of community friends, church friends, and the ever-faithful Scott Hudgens Family and the Foundation. We hasten to add, however, our needs are endless for the year 2012, which includes the funding of our benevolent program. During these unsettling economic times, all of us are examining our charitable donations more closely than ever before. We just humbly request that you not forget Peachtree Christian Hospice as you plan your 2012 giving. Above all else, please remember us in your prayers! We Remain Devotedly Yours, 2 Dr. Barry McCarty, shown above, proudly poses in front of his personalized parking sign. Bill and Martha Todd, Co-Chairs of the PCH Board of Directors, extend a warm welcome to Dr. McCarty and the guests. Hospice Board of Directors Mr. and Mrs. William N. Todd, Co-Chairs Dr. Joseph H. Barnes Mr. James H. Cowart Ms. Jo-Anne Graham-Jones Mr. J. Scot Kirkpatrick Mr. Phillip W. Maffett Mr. John B. McIntyre Dr. Jeffrey T. Nugent Mrs. Anita B. O’Reilly Rev. Linda D. Scott Mrs. Martha R. Vickers Ms. Dianne D. Watson Ms. Kathryn Parsons Willis (Honorary Board Member) Hospice Management PCH Mission Statement Our mission is to provide loving and compassionate care for persons with life-limiting illnesses, who are in need of a more intensive level of palliative care. We provide comprehensive interventions designed to stabilize the patient’s symptoms. For more information, visit: or call 770-232-7727. Natalie McNeal, Administrator Rev. Larry Connelly, Chaplain Rev. Kevin DeCantillon, Chaplain Dr. Hampton Groover, Medical Director Dr. Alice Smith, Medical Director Mandy Short, RN, Director of Health Services Malika Boyd, LCSW, Social Worker Beth Perlmutter, LCSW, Social Worker David Furlough, Bereavement Coordinator Leslie Ware, RN, Admission Nurse Anne Mancini, Assistant and Chief Advisor to the PCH Board Co-Chairs Karen Whitehead, Director of Community Relations & Volunteer Services Stephanie Hutchinson, Administrative Assistant 3 Welcome NATALIE McNEAL Administrator joined PCH in December 2011 - Sherry Anderson FIVE WISHES PCH VOLUNTEERS ARE “PRICELESS” Working in healthcare, I find that many people avoid preparing advanced directives in epidemic proportions. Advanced directives are a written plan for your future healthcare if you are unable to communicate your wishes. There are many reasons that people put off making end of life decisions. It is a daunting task after all. Some people become anxious or sad contemplating the care that may be needed at the end of their life. Others think that someone already knows their wishes. Misconceptions about advanced directives, such as they must be created by a lawyer, signed by a notary, or they cannot be changed, abound, which in turn creates fear in preparing advanced directives. There is an answer to this: FIVE WISHES. Our volunteers at Peachtree Christian Hospice are just that, priceless. In my short time at PCH it is apparent to me that each and every volunteer is part of our care team providing a loving place of rest, comfort, and hope to those with life-limiting illnesses. It is an honor for our volunteers to be welcomed into a patient’s inner circle during such an intimate time. Our volunteers make a difference every day when they offer a smiling face at the door, a friendly voice on the phone, a colorful bouquet, a gentle touch of the hand, or a kind word or thoughtful prayer to our patients and families who are going through one of life’s most difficult times. They also provide support by assisting with administrative duties to allow our medical team more time with patients. Five Wishes has been deemed by various new sources as a “living will with a heart and soul.” Jim Towey, the driving force behind this concept, worked closely with The American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging and other end-of-life care experts to create a living will that is easy to complete, valid in most states, and incorporates emotional and spiritual needs. Completing the Five Wishes document is as simple as reading basic statements and crossing them out if you do not agree or using check marks to designate your preferences. The Wishes Are: Wish 1 - D esignation of the person who will make healthcare decisions for you when you are not able Wish 2 - T he type of medical treatment or life support wanted when death is close, in case of a coma, brain damage, and other end-stage medical conditions Wish 3 - T he level of comfort measures such as pain medications, music, religious readings, and touch Wish 4 - How people should treat you and the preferred surroundings during serious illness Wish 5 - What you want your loved ones to know. In this area, love, forgiveness, and remembrance are common themes. If you want to complete the Five Wishes document, you can do so online at, or you can obtain a paper copy from the United Hospice Foundation by calling 678-533-6462. Completing the Five Wishes document is a gift to you and your family. You can be at peace knowing that your wishes will be known and followed, and your loved ones will have the guide you designed for the level of care that you desire. 4 “Volunteers don’t get paid because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.” Nancy Burdges has been a volunteer with PCH since 2004. She received the gold level “Presidential Volunteer Service Award” from President George W. Bush for volunteering 500 or more hours at PCH in 2005. While Nancy has Nancy received the gold level “Presidential Volunteer Service Award” from President George W. Bush for volunteering 500 or more hours at PCH in 2005. Karen Whitehead Director of Community Relations & Volunteer Services joined PCH in November 2011 certain tasks for which she takes responsibility at PCH, often in our medical records room, she goes above and beyond every time she volunteers. Nancy has helped with and attended on-site memorial services for patients and reached out to caregivers and family members well beyond a typical patient visit. Kathy Powell started volunteering with us last August. While she has been a volunteer for just a short time, she has embraced our mission and volunteers in any capacity, as often as her schedule allows. Nancy and Kathy are willing to help in whatever area they are needed. With a selfless and positive spirit, they are flexible and know that whatever service they provide will directly or indirectly benefit a patient or family member. They have been called to answer the phone, stuff envelopes, file charts, arrange flowers, work a special event, or sit with a restless patient. Too often we underestimate the difference the smallest act of kindness can make. These ladies, along with all of our volunteers, make an extraordinary difference to our patients and families every day, and for that we are eternally grateful. These ladies, along with all of our volunteers, make an extraordinary difference to our patients and families every day. 5 Best Wishes . . . and More Best Wishes to Rev. Linda D. Scott to Doreen Melville WIth great sadness for PCH, but with joyful anticipation for the future, Doreen Melville, CHPNA, announced her plans to retire in June 2012. A fter 11 years of dedicated service, Rev. Linda D. Scott, our Director of Community Relations, announced last fall her retirement that was effective December 31, 2011. “We respectfully honored Linda’s request in the spring to keep this news confidential as she was making plans for the next phase of her life,” commented Martha Todd, Co-Chair of the PCH Board of Directors. Following the official opening of the doors to PCH in October of 2000, it did not take long to realize that PCH needed a strong Volunteer Coordinator, as well as a dedicated and resourceful Director of Community Relations. PCH found all of those talents, and more, in Rev. Linda Scott. We were fortunate enough to bring her into the PCH organization in January of 2001. Since then, Linda has given her life to the volunteer program of PCH and has developed invaluable followers with the various church congregations of Duluth and the community-atlarge. “Linda is a great team player, and she has never met an assignment she didn’t love! Her commitment to the PCH ministry is unshakeable. Her faith in our Lord’s will and way is one to be admired by us all,” stated Bill Todd, Co-Chair of the PCH Board of Directors. In appreciation of Linda’s 11 years of service, the PCH Board of Directors recognized her with a retirement reception held on January 21, 2012, at the Payne-Corley House in Duluth. Amid a vast array of guests invited by Linda, including friends from Peachtree Christian Church, PCH volunteers, community and business associates, long-time personal friends, and family, she was heralded by Bill and Martha Todd, as well as Dr. Barry McCarty, Senior Pastor of Peachtree Christian Church, for her many achievements and tireless service. Dr. McCarty concluded the presentation with a special prayer for Linda and the PCH hospice ministry. In recognition of her service, she was presented with an elegant, engraved glass vase on behalf of the PCH Board of Directors. 6 Rev. Linda D. Scott served as the PCH Director of Community Relations from 2001 - 2011. She is shown above at the PCH Gala in May 2011. “We wish Linda all the best, as she goes with our love and admiration,” says Martha Todd. Doreen came to us in 2000 with a vast amount of hospice experience when PCH first opened its doors. She served for many years on the Committed to Caring Committee, which acts as a liaison between the PCH and the United Hospice Partners. Working diligently on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., she calmly and lovingly administers care to patients whose lives are nearing their end. “Doreen is always calm as she moves through her routine, gently giving warm baths, changing linens, and soothing patients so near death,” remarks Martha Todd, Co-Chair of the PCH Board of Directors. Doreen’s quiet spirit, beautiful smile, and positive demeanor have tenderly influenced those who work with her and the patients she serves. “Doreen has taught me more about patient care than I ever learned in nursing school,” says Brenda Wheatley, PCH LPN. Please join the PCH Board of Directors and staff in congratulating Doreen on her upcoming retirement and extending best wishes for good health and happiness in the years ahead. Seeking Solace and Support? Join Us in Our Bereavement Program PCH welcomes you to participate in our bereavement program. All are welcome regardless of the circumstances of your loss. The bereavement program is a free community outreach to support individuals in their time of need. No registration is needed; just come as you are. All programs are led by Dave Furlough, M. Div., the PCH Bereavement Coordinator. For more information, contact Dave at 770-232-7727 or at Bereavement Support Group Meetings Linda receives her retirement gift at her reception from (left to right) Bill Todd, Martha Todd, and Dr. Barry McCarty. WHERE: PCH Conference Room WHEN: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. NOTE: Whenever there is a 5th Tuesday in the month, the support group enjoys dinner together at a local restaurant. 7 Compassionate Care Extends to Kenya Mandy Short, MSN, RN, Director of Health Services at PCH went on a medical mission trip with an American team to Kenya last year providing compassionate medical care and spiritual ministry to children and adults. Mandy sent the letter below to Bill and Martha Todd, Co-Chairs of the PCH Board of Directors. 8 We have different gifts according to the grace given us...If it is serving, serve them well...If it is giving, give generously...Romans 12:6-8 Letters from the Heart ility. c a f r e ou nt at y by everyon e i t a p n to a r was ssion show impossible e h t o a m e “Our re and comp t would b above and I a ey re The c raordinary. rson for ca rt her journ pe ta xt was e ut any one blessed to s There are o e. s single Mom wa ian Hospic . d. ou st beyon htree Chri ay thank y s ac at Pe gh ways to u.” o ou t not en ess all of y patien H l b C God of a P r e t h g au –A d “...Wha ta to many. sweet, dear ma n A illness, w nd while we su and a great fri end ffe e he receiv took comfort in red with him in ed the speci his a the tende right up until the end. l care that rness an W d dignit treated a y with w e witnessed nd were h ic d at P eac htree Ch eeply touched. E h he was r veryone istian H staff, nu os rs workers- es, technicians, pice-the medical vo is dedicati to be commende lunteers and soc on d ia string of to what is surel for their ethics a l y n h never for eart-wrenching a never-ending d situation get your s. i Thank y ou for a ndescribable kin W e will d l l you do ness. -A frien .” d of a P CH pat ient ough lked thr a w e w s the moment this wa o e h w t e n m k o “Fr , we as s r at PCH . The staff w ular m the doo o r m fter reg u a o n r e v o e f ( and place d kind as warm eable an g w d e y l it w il o c there kn d the fa t home n a a t ) l ! e s f r w e hou knew w know ho e e W w . id g d invitin mily. t little e like fa tely, bu ia m d o e c e m b im ld a aff wou for over e r a your st c r al u ur typic as in yo o y w r t ’ e n h s t a any My mo she w de so m d while a n a m l h l t a n mo so you It is al patient, hospice ations for her. re she received od he ca ne accomm ent to t f everyo m o a t y l s e h t ig e so h such a he spok s e s u a bec her. now red for lot to k a t n who ca a e and y, it m available nsel er famil h s y , a s w u l a r Fo as cou staff w and even es to that the help, to listen, ggl o nal stru willing t our own perso terminal s ’ m o g m in ith our us dur erms w t o t e com eard a gh. I h status. u o n e t ’ down just isn at angels look u o y k to n h t Tha I’d have ay once k s in y h t o b I king . little are wor heaven .. s l m e g o n r a f on us . The We are with him tian Hospice. e e r g a tragedy dis ee Chris perienced this r t h c a e at P ve ex t loving te to ha he mos t e id s g fortuna on amily al in our f he world.” t people in tient PCH pa a f o y mil -The fa you , thank y il m a r f of my ife. You lf w a d h e e v b lo “On wed our r my be o o f ll a g s in r it spir ful for ca nd kind ion in a peace a s e ic v ser ruly nsit e to tra ment. We are t ue n o d e v lo on ntin d to co ing envir and lov nd pray for Go la gratefu ach of you.” se ient to bles CH pat P a f o mily –The fa “Mere words ca nnot express ho w very gratefu we are to each l of you for your kindness and thoughtfulness during this dif ficult time. W could never ha e ve found a mor e loving or peacef environment for ul our father. T he grace and professional man ner that al l th ere exhibit, unde such difficult ci r rcumstances ev ery da y, is wit compa rison. W hout hile this appl ies to al l staff and volunteers, we would like to m ention the follo specifica lly: Dr. wing Smith, RN’s Marga ret and We will keep Lisa. you in our hear ts and prayers. that you make Know a very big diffe rence in the liv touch. May G es you od go with each of you.” -The family of a PCH patient 9 The Scott Hudgens “Good and Faithful Servant” Award The Scott Hudgens “Good and Faithful Servant” Award presented to Jim Ellis in 2011 “The Best of the Best” These words are synonymous with the name, Jim Ellis. It is because of the wisdom and vision of Mr. D. Scott Hudgens, Jr. that Peachtree Christian Hospice exists. He saw and understood the crucial need for a facility like Peachtree Christian Hospice. He had the insight to recognize numerous needs in the community and the desire and resources to satisfy them. It was with an unselfish heart and spirit that he gladly contributed millions to his beloved community. Though a successful developer, his business insight translated with the greatest of ease into visionary philanthropic ventures. Over the years, he contributed much to the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. During his final years, he concentrated most of his attention on Gwinnett County by unselfishly funding the Gwinnett Children’s Shelter, the Jacqueline Casey Hudgens Center for the Arts, the Hudgens Family Special Care Center at Annandale Village, the Hudgens Center at Gwinnett Health System, and Peachtree Christian Hospice. The list of organizations touched by Scott Hudgens’ generous heart is endless. Scott Hudgens was a patriot to his country. Just prior to his death, the Federal Government accepted his donation of 750 acres of property for the Veterans’ Cemetery in Cherokee County. A longtime friend stated it best: “Scott Hudgens enjoyed finding out what was needed and seeing that need fulfilled; that was just the way Scott operated.” The Scott Hudgens “Good and Faithful Servant” Award is presented on an annual basis to the individual(s) who has exhibited an unselfish spirit of caring for other people and a genuine interest in the community. 10 “The Best of the Best” – That’s the way Ford Motor Company described Jim Ellis as Edsel B. Ford, II joined in an earlier salute to Jim in 2008. Jim Ellis was chosen as one of nine dealers from a field of over 6,000 across the United States and Canada to be honored for his unparalleled dedication to his community. A most distinguished tribute to a most amazing man, who has given time and time again to make an incredible difference in the Atlanta, Marietta, and Duluth communities. From Modest Beginnings Struggling to make something from limited resources is not foreign to Jim Ellis. When he was 10 years old, he and his family moved to the Atlanta Prison Farm property. Jim’s father was the foreman of the prison farm and his grandfather was the superintendent. Growing up, Jim worked on the farm, had milk and paper routes, did construction, ran a concessions business at Grant Park, and ran a laundry route. By the time he completed West Georgia College and Georgia State University in 1957 with a BBA in general management, he had also worked as a prison guard and foreman, sold insurance, IBM Machines, real estate, and held various other jobs while working his way through college. After returning from two years in the U.S. Army, Jim held a variety of jobs until he found his place in the automobile business with General Motors in 1960. In 1970, Jim Ellis and his wife, Billie, took the biggest financial plunge of their lives to establish their own automobile dealership. They sold all of their assets, used all of their savings, cashed in Billie’s retirement fund from over 15 years at Georgia Tech, and borrowed the balance to begin Jim Ellis Volkswagen in 1971. The Ellis Family Those who have had the privilege of knowing the Ellis Family, know it is a close-knit family! Jim’s wife, Billie, serves as Secretary and Treasurer of the Corporations. Their son, Jimmy, is the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Corporations. Their daughter, Karen Black, serves as a Corporate Officer, and their daughter, Kristi, also serves as a Corporate Officer. Karen’s daughter, Brooke Gatlin, serves as an office assistant. Jimmy’s daughter, Stacey Hodges, serves as General Manager of Jim Ellis Saab of Atlanta, Jim Ellis Wheego, and Jim Ellis Mazda of Atlanta. Jimmy’s son, Wes, serves as the General Manager of Jim Ellis Hyundai. Jim’s niece’s son, Chris Roper, serves as Insurance Loss Control Administrator for all of the Corporations. Jim has been lauded professionally, receiving scores of major industry accolades and awards for many activities in the automotive industry. The Ellis Family is celebrating their 40th year in business and plan to remain a familyowned and operated business for the next foreseeable generations of Ellises. The Jim Ellis Story and history of giving is so extensive, it’s impossible to capture it in its entirety within this limited space. In January 2000, the Ellises established the “Jim Ellis Foundation.” Since then, charitable funds have been distributed to various local and national organizations for social, religious, the arts, and educational purposes. Some of these gifts include: Adaptive Sports-Handicap Training American Cancer Society Annandale Village Atlanta Baptist Urban Church Ministry Atlanta Care Center Atlanta Union Mission-Agape Society Aurora Theatre Boys and Girls Club Campus Crusade for Christ Eagle Ranch Funded New Classroom Everlasting Living Water Native American Children Gateway Center-Mental Home for the Needy Good Samaritan Health Center Gwinnett Hospital System-The Chapel, Serenity Garden & Joan Glancy Rehab Hands for Hope Heart for Africa Interaction Mission Board Asian Earthquake Relief Johns Creek Baptist Church NAMI-Mental Illness Support Norcross Cooperative Ministry Center North American Mission Board-Katrina Peachtree Christian Hospice Rainbow Village Salvation Army-William Booth Society Samaritan Purse and Billy Graham Ministries St. Labre Indian School for Children The Ellises’ funding of Norcross Cooperative Ministry led to the Center being named “The Greg Ellis Center” for their son, Greg, who died in January 2000. The Center provides to the needy: food, clothing, financial aid, job services, temporary lodging, and medical assistance. In addition to giving to charitable and civic organizations, Jim served as Deacon and Sunday School Teacher for 30 years at Norcross Baptist Church. He now serves as Deacon at Johns Creek Baptist Church. Is it any wonder that Jim Ellis was chosen by the Peachtree Christian Hospice Board of Directors to be the recipient of this year’s Scott Hudgens “Good and Faithful Servant” Award? 11 Special Thanks The “Chairmen’s Legacy” Award for 2011 The Peachtree Christian Hospice Board of Directors proudly acknowledges the following “Ambassadors for Hospice” who supported the 9th Annual Peachtree Christian Hospice Benefit, Gala and Awards Dinner. Diamond-Plus Sponsor Mrs. Jacqueline Casey Hudgens This gift is presented as a memorial and honorarium to her late husband, D. Scott Hudgens, Jr. Presented to Rev. Linda D. Scott The “Chairmen’s Legacy” Award was created by Bill and Martha Todd, Co-Chairs of the PCH Board of Directors. At their discretion, this award is bestowed on an individual who has exhibited a steadfast commitment to PCH and the hospice ministry. During the 9th Annual Gala, Rev. Linda D. Scott was presented with this prestigious award. Gold-Plus Sponsor Mrs. Barbara D. Howard Silver Sponsors Flanigan Funeral Home & Crematory Mr. and Mrs. Junior Flanigan Mr. Dallas S. Hudgens, III Northside Hospital Piedmont Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Thompson She is a key player in our Golf Classic Campaign and tracks all reservations for these annual Galas. And she’s the main reason most of you have such a good seat tonight. Due to many months of study and hard work, she earned her Certificate in Ministry from the Christian College of Georgia in 2009, making her even more valuable to the PCH staff. Important to us personally, she has been a true friend!!! It is our pleasure to present this year’s Chairmen’s Legacy Award to the Rev. Linda D. Scott. Congratulations!!! We are so happy you came into our lives! 12 Save the Date Martha Todd eloquently said of Linda: Her late husband, Bill Scott, gave of his time and talents to the interior beauty of Peachtree Christian Hospice, and over the years, as Director of Community Relations, she has cultivated many wonderful friends throughout this community, who have contributed greatly to the success of Peachtree Christian Hospice. She is a team player, yet independent. And as I have said before, she never met an assignment she didn’t love. She wears many hats; in addition to the vast number of responsibilities, she is responsible for all of our volunteers and their training. She monitors all of our gifts and handles the acknowledgments. Diamond Sponsor Jim Ellis Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellis Peachtree C hristian Hos pice 10th Annual Benefit, Gala and Awards Dinner Bronze Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cowart Bill Head Funeral Homes and Crematory, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Head Gwinnett Hospital Systems Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Wolfe Mr. J. Sandhi Kozsuch & Family In memory of Jacqui Kozsuch Majestic Fine Wines and Treasury Wine Estates ServiceMaster of Gwinnett Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williamson Gold Sponsors Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Malon D. Mimms UHS-Pruitt Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pruitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Wood, Jr. (In memory of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrison) Special Gifts Emory Johns Creek Hospital Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen The Walmart Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John D. White Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wheeler, Jr. Other Special Contributors Clark Hill, Inc. Design Type, Inc. Encore Events Leland Holder Photography The Show Business United Media Productions May 3, 2012 Atlanta Athle tic Club 123 Bobby Jo nes Drive Johns Creek , Georgia 30 097 Join us for a captivating evening of dining foll owed by a professional performance from a delig htful Broadway Sh ow 13 (L-R) Dr. Manfred Sandler, Jim Maran, President & CEO - Gwinnett Chamber and Phil Wolfe, President & CEO - Gwinnett Medical Center Jim Ellis receives the coveted Scott Hudgens Jim Ellis receives the coveted 2011 2011 Scott Hudgens “Good and Faithful Servant” Award from Martha “Good and Faithful Servant” Award from Martha and Bill and Todd Bill Todd Metro Mayors Show Their Support of PCH (L-R: Bill Todd, Martha Todd, Mike Bodker - Mayor of Johns Creek, Janet Johnson - wife of Bucky Johnson, and Bucky Johnson - Mayor of Norcross and Honorary Gala Chairman) The Ellis Family joins in the celebration of this special occasion 2011 Golf Classic Diamond-Plus Sponsor Mrs. Jacqueline Casey Hudgens In memory of her late husband, D. Scott Hudgens, Jr. 2011 Sponsors AT&T Ameriprise-Kevin O’Brien Anheuser Marketing, Inc. – Mr. John Anheuser Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Bailey Beltmann Group IncorporatedMr. Glenn Jenkins Blue Ridge Grill & OK Cafe Cable Depot, Inc. – Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hinterschied Ms. Donna Cassity Columbia Insurance GroupMr. Robert K. O’Reilly, Jr. Ms. Cheri Lawson and Mr. Jim Frost Chick-fil-A Dart MeadowsMr. James D. “Dart” Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Mark Day Design Type Print Services – Sheryl and Jim McHugh Duluth Merchants Association, Inc. – Mr. John Monk Edwin Watts Golf - Mr. Rick Coursey Mr. Kent Elsbree Fallaize Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fallaize Tom and Martha Forkner Gem Shopping Network, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Circelli, GG Mr. and Mrs. David Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howell Jim Ellis Auto Dealerships – Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellis Johns Creek Presbyterian Church Kroger-Duluth Dr. and Mrs. Tony Landis Dr. Basil McKenzie Malon D. Mimms Company – Mr. and Mrs. Malon D. Mimms National Christian Foundation Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark DeMoss Notre Dame Academy Palmer Dodge – Mr. Chuck Palmer PGA Tour Superstore The Piedmont Bank - Mr. Monty Watson Mrs. Anne Prince Robinson Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sosebee Suzanna’s Kitchen United Distributors, Inc. United Hospice – Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pruitt, Jr. Ms. Dianne D. Watson Wheeler/Brand Management Company Mr. Tom W. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John White Rick and Patti Williams Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Wood, Jr. Gifts From the Heart In memory of Jack Benson by the Maddux Family In honor of A. J. “Unks” Frost by Jim Frost In memory of Bill Hopkins by Helene & Andy Eversbusch, Ethel Hopkins, Bill and Julie Hopkins In loving memory of Jacqui KozsuchSandhi, Hannah & Neal Kozsuch In memory of my father, Rev. Jim Sosebee by Richard J. Sosebee Dedicated to my father, Gregory I. Vinci by Greg Vinci 2011 Gift and Prize Donations Alpharetta Outfitters Store Anheuser Marketing Atlanta Athletic Club Atlanta National Golf Club Belk at the Forum Below Par Enterprises Blue Ridge Grill and OK Cafe Canongate Country Club Club Corners Carwash Crystal Falls Golf Club Dermatology Center of Atlanta Mr. Bob Dutlinger Edwin Watts Golf Mr. Kent Elsbree Cheri and Jim Frost Great Harvest Bread Company Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hinterschied Honey Baked Ham-Duluth Mr. Jim Huber Kroger-Duluth Mr. and Mrs.Tony Mancini Northwood Country Club Ocean Lodge Hotel on St. Simons Island One•41 Restaurant Palmer Dodge PGA Tour Superstore Parsons Gifts and Collectibles St. Ives Country Club Suzanna’s Kitchen Mr. and Mrs. John White Rick and Patti Williams Special thanks to NFL Alumni Chris Calloway, Brian Finneran, Keith Jones, Lou Kirouac, and Dewey McClain for their donations of autographed footballs, caps, and photographs. 16 Thanks to Palmer Dodge, the New Dodge Challenger is the hole-in-one prize for the Peachtree Christian Hospice Golf Classic. Admiring its sleek and powerful style are (from left) Bill Todd; Anne Mancini, Golf Classic Team Captain; and Martha Todd. Bill and Martha Todd are Co-Chairs of the PCH Board of Directors. Janelle Benson receives the 2011 Golf Classic “Top Gun” Award from Martha and Bill Todd for raising the most funds to benefit PCH Celebrating 11 Years of “Excellence” at PCH PCH celebrated its 11-year anniversary in October 2011 with a barbeque luncheon provided by Barbara Howard, long-time friend and supporter of the hospice. January 2011- December 2011 Donations Peachtree Christian Hospice is grateful to those who have given so generously and dedicated their gifts to someone special. In Memory Of Allen, Terry Mr. and Mrs. Claude R. Alberson, Jr. Barbee, Ken Mr. Larry T. Burgess Begum, Azmat Mr. Shaista Kahn Benson, Jack The Maddux Family Bermingham, John Otis Atlanta Retirees Mr. Winton B. Smith Board hairs of the PCH Todd, PCH Co-C a th ar M r) d te an en ll (c Bi ara Howard of Directors, Barb Annual Volunteer Bill and Martha Todd, Barbara Howard and staff enjoy the celebration. Christmas Coffee PCH recognized our dedicated volunteers at the annual Volunteer Christmas Coffee held in December. Once again, Cheri Lawson did a sensational job decorating the hospice. Bill and Martha Todd, along with Rev. Linda Scott, hosted our guests of honor. Even Santa Claus (alias Dave Furlough, M. Div.) made a guest appearance. A gift of appreciation was given to each guest as they departed. Boteler, Hermene Ms. Ruth S. Arnold Ms. J. Ann Deck Ms. Daphne A. Delaney Ms. Diane Farrell Ms. Belvia Ferguson Ms. Cheryl L. Finke Ms. Virginia R. Hasty Ms. Mary McBride Murtagh Ms. Jean H. Schofill Ms. Jane E. Strell Ms. Clarice Stroud Ms. Katherine Stuckey Brown, Althea Ms. Cynthia Paul Bryson, Janet Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Chambers Burch, Robert and Olive Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Burch Burkitt, Paul Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Byers, Betty Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Cannon, Alan Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Casey, Edith Findley Oaks Elementary School Cervoni, Carmen Mr. J. B. Forlines Mr. and Mrs. James E. Miller Clayton, Mary Jeanette Ms. Kaity Blacksher Kathryn Parsons Willis, devoted friend and Honorary PCH Board Member poses with Santa. 20 eri Lawson ott (left) and Ch Rev. LInda D. Sc th Santa. wi r ee ch ristmas share some Ch LaVada McCos h, a member of Peachtree Chris Hospice Church tian , graced our vo lunteers with he arrangement of r Christmas caro ls. Her lovely voice was enjoy ed by all! 20 Collins, Larry Mr. Thomas O. Ramsey Courville, Artelus P. “Art” Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoffman Ms. Linda K. Mitchell Ms. Margie Ann Orsak Ms. Karen H. Saunier Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherer and Family Ms. Deborah Z. Weatherton Mr. and Mrs. James Winston Cronic, G. A. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Oliver Crouse, Larry Ms. Cindy Ostrowski Mrs. Helen C. Patrick Ms. Evelyn P. Wilson Ms. Sherry Womble Davenport, Hazel Marie Godfrey Mrs. Margaret C. Snyder Davis, Florence Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Di Orio, Michelle Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eichert DiBella, Aqatino Ms. Judith M. Beyer Doktor, Deborah Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Santa Maria, Jr. Doll, Henry and Miriam Mr. Robert Doll Donelson, Carolyn Mr. and Mrs. Duff Donelson Dressell, Jr., Henry R. “Hank” Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Hodges Duncan, Pearline Elinburg Gwinnett Shrinettes Ms. Mary White Dunkel, Walter Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. East, Dion Mr. and Mrs. Wendell L. Ensor, Jr. UPS Competitive Intelligence Group Ms. Margaret Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lipsitt Ms. Jeanne Watt Eller, Lola Ms. Jane K. Hall Ethridge, Paul Mr. and Mrs. Pete Konenkamp Fetzer, J. Frank Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Ms. Dianne D. Watson Fields, Camilla Ms. June Landreth Fincher, Bonnie Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Fisher, Jean M. Mr. Bruce Bokor Mr. Joseph W. Gaynor Ms. Analisa Little Mr. Charles Samarkos Floyd, Charles Edward Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Brandt Ms. Christine Crosby Mr. and Mrs. John O. Dunster Ms. Nell F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Mark Andrew Ison Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mattie Mr. and Mrs. O. Scott Thomas The Burriss Company Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burriss Fox, Janet Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sellers Mr. and Mrs. John Sellers Garner, James Rowe Ms. Julie Bills Garrett, Irene “Renee” Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bell Ms. Suzanne C. Bohannon Carroll Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. Ms. Pamela McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Chapman Cheryl Stanley Interior Design Ms. Cheryl Stanley Ms. Sherri F. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Fleck, Jr. Gwinnett Technical College Ms. Sheila Brookshaw Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hamrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoing Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Mairose Ms. Susan K. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mixon Mr. and Mrs. Howard O. Moore Ms. Toye Windom Dr. and Mrs. T. Peter Worthy Gay, Ramona Mrs. Anne B. Dally Mr. J. Jerome Felton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Gay Ms. Frances D. Humphrey Ms. Cheri Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lowrance Ms. Jo Ann Marsh and Family Dr. and Mrs. Bob Steele Ms. Myrtle K. Tillman Ms. Helen Morris Watson Gilbertson, Maxine Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer Gilmore, Ann “Gilly” Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kluding Giudici, Julie Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ashworth Ms. Wanda L. Botsch Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Bratcher Mr. and Mrs. Todd Giudici Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCollough Glover, Ed and Marjorie Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. O’Reilly, Jr. 21 January 2011- December 2011 Donations continued Graves, Leo Ms. Carlah Luck Hopkins, Janie “Jean” Mr. Kenneth D. Hopkins Greenwood, Joseph Ms. Sue E. Greenwood Hudson, Chulita Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leister Gresham, Dorothy Cedar Heights Center, LLC Ms. Laura Bell Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Coffman Ms. Charlotte M. Dispain Huening, Betsy W. Eaton Corporation Ms. Caryn Davis Mr. and Mrs. William A. Harris Mr. Peter C. Huening Ms. Kimberley Korb Synterprise Solutions, LLC Hall, Elaine Joan Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. Castenson Corner Stone Private Client Group, Inc. Ms. Lindsey Hall Ms. Sydney Hall Mr. Zachary Hall Ms. Faye P. Dorminy Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Hallum Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Post Hambrick, Wallace L. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Campbell and Family Fulghum Fibres, Inc. Ms. Judy King Mr. Alvin Habersham Music & Arts Mr. Brian J. Vaas Mr. and Mrs. William L. Widmayer Hardin, Haskell B. Mrs. Jo An Hardin Harrell, Estelle Mrs. Helen B. Chilton Harrison, Beulah Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sparkmon Harrison, Maxine Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bridges Mr. and Mrs. John Richard Thomas Harrison, Richard and Maxine Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Wood, Jr. Hartness, Wilma Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Oliver Ho, Un Heng Ms. Shirley Cook Hodges, Betty Ms. Dorothy D. Hartsfield Hopkins, Dr. Bill Dr. and Mrs. Murray C. Adams, Jr. Ms. Dawn Arnstein and Family LTC. and Mrs. William H. Baker, Jr. (RET) Mr. Scott Deitchman Ms. Alyce Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Andy Eversbusch Ms. H. Irene Hall Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hooten Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hopkins Mrs. Ethel Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. John Lutzker Mr. and Mrs. Delos B. McKown Mr. Jack Michael Mr. and Mrs. James Odom Ms. Willie Jean Odom Mr. and Mrs. Taine Waller Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Winograd 22 Hund, Sr., Walter Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Hund, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Killeen and Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lynch Ms. Louise Naughton Hunter, Mel Mr. and Mrs. Merle Alderson Ms. Linda Larson LOMA Ms. Michele R. Lapouff Mr. Ross Mosley Ms. Karen J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Weaver Hurston, Laronce Allstate Giving Campaign Ms. Vickie Y. Hurston Hyde, Ronald Scott Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Hyde Inklebarger, J. T. Mr. and Mrs. Grady W. Renfro Dr. Edwin W. Smith Mr. Charles H. Walker Ms. Lois I. Walker Isabella, Katherine “Kay” Ms. Josephine Beyers Ms. Georgienne M. Boffa Ms. Judi Braxton Ms. Gayle A. Collier Mr. Joseph B. Crooms Mr. James A. Dormendo Ms. Anne M. Hermann Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Hicks and Family Mr. and Mrs. James A. Johnson Ms. Adrienne Miller Ms. Sher D. Reene Ms. Mary Riccardi Mr. and Mrs. Domenic B. Tropiano Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tropiano Ms. Helen Tull Jensen, Janet Susan Mr. Robert J. Jensen Jesitus, Lillian Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dobbins InterFACE Ministries Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaywood Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Jr. Johnson, Jeanette W. Duluth First United Methodist Church Choir members Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Near Johnson, Lewis Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Johnson, Louise Bone Ms. Darlene Bone Ms. Darlene Brown Ms. Kaye Parker and Family Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith Jordan, Emory “Jack” Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Bird Keith, Caroline Ms. Sharon Duty and Family Kelley, Mike Flanigan Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Junior E. Flanigan Ms. Deborah Pirkle Kennedy, Tiny Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bethune Ms. Natalie A. Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Doyle L. Shugart Kline, Beatrice J. “Terry” Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Blacker Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Broverman Mr. and Mrs. William M. Carleton Mr. Melvin S. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feldstein Mr. and Mrs. John P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Freedman Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Gersten Ms. Patricia M. Glazer Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kline Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Kobrick Ms. Linda J. Kreisel Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paster and Family Ms. Jennifer Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Rosen Kloz, Esther Ms. Harold Warren Knight, Katherine Faye Ms. Sally Diefenderfer Kozsuch, Jacqueline Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ehlke Mr. J. Sandhi Kozsuch and Family Kraemer, Arthur Mrs. Eileen Kraemer Mrs. Hannah T. Kraemer Kruger, Lois E. Mr. James Cline Mr. Jack Cunningham Gwinnett Daily Post Mr. Robert J. Kruger Mr. and Mrs. Ben Maurer Kull, Marian Mr. Frederick J. Kull Kurbel, Marjorie Kathleen Mr. Bob Kurbel Mr. Thomas Rose Ms. Janice D. Sears Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Van Wieren Laurens, Elsie Helen Presbyterian Church Ms. Heidi M. McGrew January 2011- December 2011 Donations continued Lee, Linda Ms. Frances H. Grant Lehner, Hilda Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Allenbach Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Black and Family Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Smithers Lynn, Jr., Gerald Franklin Jim Ellis Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Junior E. Flanigan Mr. Clifford H. Johnsa Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lou Kimbro Ms. Cora L. Lynn Ms. Melette Moss Mr. and Mrs. David Mote Suwanee Lumber Company Ms. Donnis Terry Mahoney, Daniel Mr. Stephen Egan Mr. Brian Mahoney Mr. Ed Mahoney Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Ms. Tullia Lindsten Mr. Craig Thompson Ms. Geraldine Oellrich Ms. Kimberly Wright Merrell, Frank “Al” Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Canavan Mr. and Mrs. Arto Elo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Evangelista Mr. and Mrs. David N. Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Griffin Illinois Tool Works Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Merrell Mrs. Linda E. Merrell Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Merrell Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mutschler Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Richards Ms. Leah L. Tibor Ms. Pat Welkener Michura, Jean Mr. and Mrs. Ken Estrada Mr. Andy F. Fiorenza Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gibson Mr. Craig T. Keller Ms. Eileen Kordecki Ms. Laura Melbourne Mier, Andrew Ms. Nancy L. Mier Milam, Larry Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Odum, Wallace Ms. Cheri Lawson Osowski, Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Rogers Payne, Dorothy Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Barry Payne Peppers, III, John W. Ms. Ada B. Hewell Mr. Walter F. Mashburn Ms. Mary R. Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Shults Dr. and Mrs. William T. Strahan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ware Perry, Emily Mr. Bruce I. Page Pirkle, Dan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Brooks Frontier Forest Bridge Club Ms. Sunya Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Williams, Sr. Miller, Edna Mr. and Mrs. John J. Carrick, III Ms. Katharine G. Deleot Ms. Patricia Falk Ms. Elizabeth S. Wahl and Family Powell, Hazel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce Alexander Mr. and Mrs. C. Neal Alexander, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Goss Ms. Roxanne R. Lanfair Mr. and Mrs. H. Brud Moore Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swaney Miller, Frances S. Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Powell, Julian F. “Josh” Mr. and Mrs. Dudley L. Moore, Jr. Minor, Margaret Elaine Mrs. Jerry D. Mumford Ramstadia, Steve Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. McDaniel, James Mr. and Mrs. Guy V. Blanchard, Jr. Cheatham Hill Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Heffner Ms. Rose McDaniel Moran, Cody Mr. Jack Jones McDonald, Bill and Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Burch Nash, Harry Mr. and Mrs. David Bruce Nash Richards, Roland “Tim” Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brewer Ms. Doris J. Hoffman Ms. Linda E. Merrell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Palmisano Ms. Virginia M. Weiger McDougal, James Arvest Bank Operations, Inc. Ms. Dena E. Lewis First National Bank & Trust Co Ms. Susanne McDougal Ms. Linda G. Murray Ms. and Mrs. Samuel R. Strickland Nelson, I. Mei Mr. and Mrs. William L. Grantham Ms. Kathryn J. Wilcoxson McGlaun, Brian Ms. Jananne Johnston Ms. Annabel McGlaun Mr. and Mrs. Doug W. McGlaun Oakes, Elaine Ms. Jean D. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Killingsworth Mr. and Mrs. Kiliaen V. Ludlow Mr. and Mrs. James R. Melvin Ms. Michele R. Palazzo Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Parleir Ms. Deborah Pirkle Mr. and Mrs. William Bruce Pope Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. Ragsdale Ms. Marilyn L. Smith Prestwick Home Owners Assoc., Inc. Ms. Suzanne B. Warren Mr. David J. Warvel Mr. James L. Whitworth Mallin, Michael Mr. Bruce I. Page Martinez, Opal Mr. Ted H. Snyder McDaniel, Howard “John” Vulcan Materials Company Mr. Jimmy Fleming Morris, Erma Mr. and Mrs. James M. Morris Noon, Geraldine Ms. Joanne H. Kellam Ms. Katherine Mann Robinson, J. C. Mrs. Zora Robinson Roe, N. Jeanne Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Everett and Family Schmidt, Joseph L. Mrs. Diane H. Schmidt Simms, Bill Ms. Wilma Simms Smith, Ralph “RH” DeLand High School Class of 1970 Mr. Tim Banks Smith, Ruth M. Ruth M. Smith Estate Mr. Jeffrey L. Smith and Family Snell, Reese Reverend Sandra Snell Booth Solik, Shirley M. Mr. Kevin Solik Lawrence, Elaine Mrs. Mildred Terry Warren 23 January 2011- December 2011 Donations continued Sosebee, Reverend James Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sosebee Springsteen, Karen Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Alexander “Berkeley’s Best” Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scheible and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Jon Blyth Ms. Elise Brownell Mr. and Mrs. William T. Caiaccio Ms. Sherry Cody and Family Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Colluro Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook and Family Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Copper Crawford Investment Counsel, Inc. Mr. Milton W. Williams, III Ms. Anita Crocker Mr. and Mrs. William B. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Wayne Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Dominy Mr. Charles Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Art Finley Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Greenwald Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Greg Kosater Legends Ladies’ Golf Association Ms. Valerie Cowan Ms. Martina G. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephen Mann Ms. Suzanne Mansour Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marion Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Sal Minicozzi OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Ms. Beth Scharfe Mr. Carl Oliver Mr. Nicolas Pappas Ms. Shirley Pearcy Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pettit Professional Certification Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Roof Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scheible Ms. Pamela Scudder Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Siegmund DC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sigmon and Family Ms. Felicia Simpson-Ogden Mr. Robert E. Stringer Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Thelin “Vegas Golf Crew” Mr. Anthony Auferio Symonds, Jr., William T. Ms. Sharon E. Symonds Thomas, Winford Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Wessely, Josef J. Mrs. Veronika R. Wessely The German Language & Culture, Inc. Mrs. Marvin H. Huckaby Thompson, Betty Jo Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Thompson Wessely, Peter Ms. Cynthia Lea Barber Yokeley, Donald Mr. and Mrs. Preston Abbey Mr. and Mrs. Alan Adams and Family Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Bastedo and Family Mr. David Botelho Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Haralson Mr. Gabriel Hudson Mr. and Mrs. D.C. “Bud” Knox, Jr. Lanier Outdoor Equipment Ms. Rosemary V. Lips Medicine Center of Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss P. Moss Ms. Margaret Norman Ms. Ann P. Odum Mr. and Mrs. Wade Putnam Ms. Rokell Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Smith Thompson, Equilla Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Allison Ms. Jo Ann Ferguson Whitlock, Mildred Wages Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Young, Peggy Ms. Virginia L. Spring Wickersham, Nancy Best Friend Senior Club Ms. Marie Puckett Branch Banking and Trust Company Ms. Tracy Brown “DG Team” Ms. Sherry Ives Ms. Jean Dyer Ms. Margaret Green and Family Mr. Patrick J. Henricks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stahl Ms. Eva Elaine Trice Wintergreen Condominium Association, Inc. GW & Associates, Inc. General Giving Tapley, Chester and Louise Filters for Life Mr. and Mrs. John B. McIntyre Thomas, Mary Ellen Ms. Paula A. Durr Mr. and Mrs. E. Jerry Ellis Sharp Realty Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Waterhouse Tignor, Sr., Charles Wesley Sparkmon & Associates CPA, P.C. Ms. Beverly A. Sparkmon Ms. Lynn Teague Tisdale, Jr., Robert L. Mr. Barrett Griffin, Jr. Ms. Karyn D. Tisdale Todd, John C. Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Ms. Dianne D. Watson Tripp, Jr., Winston M. Mrs. Deborah L. Prentice Ms. Lois M. Tripp Tunstall, Mavis Ms. Patricia Erwin Mr. and Mrs. James A. Valley Turner, Mardene Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Gilleland, Sr. Mr. Melvin J. Turner Tutton, Bessie Mae Mrs. Alice W. Falcon Upchurch, Bob Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Stallings, Ernest J. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Hyde Updegrove, Doris Mrs. Mildred Terry Warren Stanfield, Charlie Ms. Elizabeth P. Stanfield Vedejs, Ilona Mr. Arthur Vedejs Stanfield, Dawn Ms. Elizabeth P. Stanfield Stone, Frank Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Mr. Dennis and Dr. Jennie Springer Vinci, Gregory I. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Vinci Storey, Guy and Doris Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Faiia Mr. and Mrs. Allen Storey Mr. and Mrs. Guy Storey III Stutz, Sue Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Oliver Surles, Vara Elizabeth Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. 24 Wages, Sr., Jack B. Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Bullinger Winder-Barrow Class of 1957 Mr. Jim W. Harrison Mr. Charles Walden Weaver, Betty Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Weaver and Family Weaver, Jr., Lem John Ms. Elaine Ellis and Family Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harrison Mrs. Earlene Marshall and Family Ms. Fern Penny Ms. Elizabeth Silveira Ms. Geraldine Y. Silveira Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Weaver and Family January 2011- December 2011 Donations continued and Golf Donors Widener, Jr., Rev. Albert Ms. Mary K. Widener Williams, Clarence Ms. Taylor Alexander Ms. Suzanne Barksdale Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Davis Good Time Band Mrs. Eunice C. Spence Mr. and Mrs. William K. Hensler Ms. Lisa Langley Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. Nowell, Jr. Ms. Zetra W. Reese Mr. Craig Steuterman Mr. Charles E. Wood, Jr. Williams, Lucille Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ratchford, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sneed Williams, Mary Ellen Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bridges Fort Fisher Place Friends at Fort Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kortbawl and Family Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Meszaros Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Wood, Jr. Woodall, John Ms. Jeanette Woodall Woodward, Norman “Woody” Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Xenos, Julia Mr. Bruce I. Page Allstate Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson Mr. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Berryhill Ms. Linda Besaw Buford Lanier Woman’s Club Discovery Shared Services Ms. Stacy Gibson The Gibbs Family GoodSearch Ms. Vickie Y. Hurston Johns Creek Presbyterian Church Mr. Richard Krechevsky Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Lemming, Sr. Ms. Cyndi Little Ms. Katherine Mann Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Nall Ms. Margaret Norman Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. O’Reilly, Jr. Mr. Carl Oliver Mrs. Crystal Paden Ms. Patsy A. Parker Peachtree Christian Church Christian Women’s FellowshipMs. Judy Jones Peachtree Christian Church Group of Priscilla Mr. Mark A. Racek Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ruffin Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Jacqueline Casey Hudgens Ms. Sybil A. Shaw The Clorox Company Foundation Traveler Community Action Awards Mr. Dan Voegtly Woodmen of the World Ms. Darlene Williams In Honor of 2011 Gala Volunteers & Staff Mr. and Mrs. William N. Todd Mr. John S. Bischof Ms. Cheryl L. Bischof Mr. Larry Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Stanford Larry and Faye Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Stanford Mr. Herb Buffington Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Rev. Neal P. Ponder, Jr. Rev. Pete Dingeldey Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Junior and Sharon Flanigan Ms. Carolyn Gravitt Mr. A.J. “Unks” Frost Mr. Jim Frost Mrs. Jacqueline Casey Hudgens Mr. William L. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Nugent Mrs. Beverly D. Mitchell Bill and Susan Powers Ms. Cynthia Paul Al and Cathy Salt Ms. Cynthia Paul Mr. and Mrs. Nick Butt Mr. and Mrs. Tony Carano Mr. and Mrs. Larry Odom Rev. Linda Scott Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stark Ms. Kathryn B. Surles Mrs. Helen B. Chilton Restricted Giving Camp Cocoon Duluth First United Methodist Church Isley & Race, LLC Menders, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Milam, III The Stitch Store Ms. Terrie Pruitt 2011 Golf Donors Ameriprise Mr. Kevin R. O’Brien Anheuser Marketing, Inc. Mr. John Anheuser Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Archbold, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Arnold Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters, Inc. AT&T Ms. Marsha Mock Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Bailey Ms. Hetteke Bakker Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Barnes Ms. Joan Baxter Beltmann Group, Inc. Mr. Glenn P. Jenkins Ms. Dorothy Benjamin Mrs. Maria Betz Mr. Jonathon Blackwood Mr. Mike Booth Mr. Eugene L. Bothwell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Bradley Mr. Don Brock Mr. J. B. Brooks Ms. Cathy D. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Burch Mrs. Kelly Busbee Mr. Larry J. Byars Cable Depot, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hinterschied Mrs. Catherine Camacho Ms. Donna J. Cassity Mr. Alan C. Cheng Ms. Helen B. Chilton Mr. Norman S.Y. Ching Ms. Joanne Churak Mr. Charles T. Cimarik Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Clower, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jim Collins Columbia Insurance Group Mr. Robert K. O’Reilly, Jr. Ms. Erin Conaghan Mr. Jim Coomer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cox Mr. Terry Crouch Mrs. Melanie Peacock Culver Mr. and Mrs. Jane Eby Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Curry Mr. Robert Dale Mr. and Mrs. Mark Day Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeMoss Design Type Print Services Rev. Gregory Deters Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dollar, Jr. Dominick & Dominick, LLC Mr. Kevin D. Solik Mr. Robert Drury Duncan Dairy, Inc. Mr. Reginald Duncan Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Dunnam, Jr. Mr. Kent Elsbree Mrs. Rae Ann Ewbank Mr. and Mrs. Andy Eversbusch Fallaize Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fallaize Mr. David B. Falls, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Forkner Mrs. Rosemarie Fortier Mr. A. J. Frost Mr. Jim Frost Mr. John S. Frost Ms. Patty Frost Gem Shopping Network, Inc. 25 2011 Golf Donors and Benefit, Gala and Awards Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Circelli, GG Mr. R. Scott Gentry Mr. Dennis Gerdes Ms. Kathy Gialanella Mr. James Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Jim N. Grace Mr. Nelson Green Ms. Christine Grey Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grubbe Mr. Bob Halvorson Mr. Douglas Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. David G. Hannah Mr. Stephen E. Hart Mr. Gary F. Hegarty Mr. Gorge Heintzelman Mrs. Alice Hinterschied Ms. Barbara Hinterschied Mr. John C. Hinterschied Mr. John Hinterschied Mr. and Mrs. David Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hopkins Mrs. Ethel Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Horne Mr. and Mrs. James T. Howell, Jr. Mr. Jim R. Huber Mr. Donald C. Huff Ms. Vickie Y. Hurston Ms. Jennifer B. Ittner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jenkins Jim Ellis Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellis Mr. Abraham John Johns Creek Presbyterian Church Ms. Bonnie Jones Mr. Al Karnitz Mrs. Genny L. Kelly Mr. Lou Kirovac Mr. and Mrs. Steve Knight Mrs. Katherine E. Knox Mr. J. Sandhi Kozsuch and Family Mr. Jim Krupansky Mr. and Mrs. Tony M. Landis Ms. Cheri Lawson Mr. Christopher W. Lawson Mrs. Phyllis Pifer-Lindsey Mr. Carlos E. Lopez Mr. P.J. Lynch The Maddux Family Mrs. Anne M. Mancini Mr. and Mrs. John B. McIntyre Mrs. Margaret H. McIntyre Mr. Basil McKenzie Mr. James D. “Dart” Meadows Ms. Shirley Merritt Mr. Wiley S. Messick Dr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Miller, Jr. Mr. Robert H. Mills Malon D. Mimms Company Mr. and Mrs. Malon D. Mimms Ms. Jan Mitchell Mrs. James B. Mowry Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Mulroy Mr. Earl Neve Notre Dame Academy Mr. Gary Hegarty Ms. Molly Hole Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. O’Reilly, Jr. Palmer Dodge Mr. Chuck Palmer Mr. Chris A. Parker Ms. Paula Parris Mr. Mike Pertsch Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Phelan Ms. Deborah Pirkle 26 Ms. Joan S. Reaves Ms. Gertrude A. Reed Mr. Brad E. Ridnour Ms. Hazel K. Ringelstein Mr. and Mrs. John B. Robinson Mrs. Anne Prince Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Royster Mr. Thomas B. Scholl Ms. Kay Schrope Mr. and Mrs. William Schwarz Scott Hudgens Family Foundation Mrs. Jacqueline Casey Hudgens Mr. Richard A. Shoaf Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Shuler Mr. Kenneth M. Shumard Mr. Robert M. Slaughter Dr. Alice W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Jack L. Snellgrove Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sosebee Ms. Heidi Sprinkle Dr. and Mrs. Ramon A. Suarez Suzanna’s Kitchen Dr. Richard J. Taylor Mrs. Freda Teel Ms. Imogene L. Teel Mr. William F. Teel Mr. Andrew R. Teeple The Piedmont Bank Mr. Monty Watson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tindle Mr. and Mrs. William N. Todd Mr. Marvin E. “Red” Towner Ms. Nancy Tuck UHS-Pruitt Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pruitt, Jr. United Distributors, Inc. Mr. Alan VanDyke Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vasen Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Vickers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Vinci Mr. Andrew T. Watson Ms. Dianne D. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Watts Ms. Susan S. Weaver Wheeler/Brand Management Co. Mr. and Mrs. Tom W. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James White Mr. and Mrs. John D. White Mr. Bobby Whitmire Mrs. Mary K. Widener Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Wood, Jr. Ms. Ann Woodruff Mr. Jon Woodward Mr. and Mrs. J.Trenace Wright Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wright Ms. Elaine Yeager 2011 BENEFIT, GALA AND AWARDS DINNER Table Hosts Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cowart Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellis Ms. Jackie O. Ginn Gwinnett Hospital System, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hinterschied Mrs. Barbara D. Howard Johns Creek Christian Church Ms. Cheri L. Lawson Johns Creek Presbyterian Church Ms. Judy H. Jones Mr. J. Sandhi Kozsuch & Family Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mancini Ms. Linda Mauldin Mr. Bill McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Milam, III Dr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Malon D. Mimms Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. O’Reilly, Jr. Peachtree Christian Church Dr. and Mrs. Barry McCarty Mrs. Anne Prince Robinson Rev. Linda D. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William N. Todd UHS-Pruitt Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pruitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Vickers, Jr. Ms. Dianne D. Watson Mr. and Mrs. John D. White Ms. Kathryn Parsons Willis Donors and Supporters American Car Wash Equip. & Supply Co. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Arnett, Jr. Ann Warsham Interiors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Warsham Anonymous Donor Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Archbold, Jr. Mr. A. Douglas Armstrong Dr. Evis Babo Mr. Donald W. Baker Bank of America Corporate Philanthropy Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bannister Mr. and Mrs. Chase Barke Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. James S. Benton Bill Head Funeral Homes and Crematory, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Head Mr. Eugene Bothwell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Brown, Jr. Ms. Carol Bullock Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Burger Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Busbee Cable Depot, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hinterscheid Mr. and Mrs. Sam Canger Chantal Jacques-Bagwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Bagwell Ms. Helen B. Chilton Mr. Charles T. Cimarik Dr. and Mrs. James L. Collins, Jr. Mr. Edward G. Conder Mrs. Sally B. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cowart Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cox Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cunningham Rev. and Mrs. Peter E. Dingeldey Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Dunnam, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James DuRant, Jr. 2011 Benefit, Gala and Awards Dinner continued Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edwards Emory Johns Creek Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Faiia Filters for Life Mr. and Mrs. John B. McIntyre Flanigan Funeral Home & Crematory Mr. and Mrs. Junior E. Flanigan Ms. Gwendolyn S. Ford Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Frost Mr. and Mrs. James E. Frost Mrs. John Fuerst Mr. Joseph G. Gardner, Jr. Ms. Jackie O. Ginn Golf for Goodness Sake Mr. and Mrs. John D. White Gwinnett Hospital System, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Wolfe H. G. Robertson Fine Silver Mr. Harry G. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heinz Ms. Barbara D. Howard Ms. Bette B. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Hudgens, III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Hyde Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen Dr. Gary K. Iskol Jim Ellis Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellis Ms. Judy H. Jones Ms. Anita H. Keidel Mr. and Mrs. J. Scot Kirkpatrick Mr. J. Sandhi Kozsuch and Family Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Langenbach Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Lemming, Sr. Mr. Phillip W. Maffett Malon D. Mimms Company Mr. and Mrs. Malon D. Mimms Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mancini Mary B. Riley, CPA, PC Ms. Mary B. Riley Ms. Linda T. Mauldin Mr. and Mrs. David McCarty Mr. C. William McDaniel Dr. Nancy and Mr. Jim McGarrah Mr. and Mrs. James F. McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKay Dr. and Mrs. Basil McKenzie Ms. Doreen Melville Mr. and Mrs. Wiley S. Messick Mrs. Nancy L. Mier Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Milam III Dr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Beverly D. Mitchell Rev. and Mrs. Tom Money Norcross Village Partners, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Shewbert Northside Hospital Mr. Russell Davis Notre Dame Academy Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. O’Reilly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Parrish Mr. J. Michael Pertsch Mr. Richard F. Pharr Piedmont Hospital, Public Affairs Dept. Ms. Jill Korizon Mr. James L. Powell Preferred Insurance Underwriters, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Adderhold Ms. Lois Purrington Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Raines Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rainey Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey L. Rausch Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Ray Ms. Gertrude A. Reed Mr. Robert C. Reno Ms. Hazel K. Ringelstein Mrs. Anne Prince Robinson Mr. Charles E. Rowland, Jr. Mrs. Robert K. Sacre Dr. and Mrs. Manfred A. Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Saul Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Jacqueline Casey Hudgens Rev. Linda D. Scott ServiceMaster of Gwinnett Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eugene Shook Mr. Rudolph Smith Ms. Barbara M. Snelling Mr. Kevin Solik Mr. Dennis and Dr. Jennie Springer Ms. Betty M. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thomas Storey Colonel James O. Sutton, III Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William N. Todd Mr. Marvin E. “Red” Towner UHS-Pruitt Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pruitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Vasen Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Vickers, Jr. Walmart Stores, Inc. Mr. Charles M. Holley Mr. David J. Warvel Ms. Sharon L. Waters Ms. Dianne D. Watson Mr. Stephen G. Weizenecker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. White Ms. Mary K. Widener Ms. Kathryn Parsons Willis Mrs. Estelle K. Wisdom Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Wood, Jr. Mr. Ivan Yuspeh Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Zellmer 2011 Gala Committee The Honorable Bucky Johnson, Mayor of Norcross Honorary Gala Chairman Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Brooks Dinner Chairs 2011 Gala Committee Members Mary Ann Barke Dr. Joseph H. Barnes Mary W. Barnes Mary D. Burger Courtenay Collins Jackie O. Ginn Alice T. Hinterschied Barbara D. Howard Judy H. Jones Cheri L. Lawson Anne M. Mancini Louise R. Miller Carol M. Nugent Dr. Jeffrey T. Nugent Anita B. O’Reilly Rev. Linda D. Scott Martha S. Todd William N. Todd Dianne D. Watson Kathryn Parsons Willis Jill H. Wood Raymond S. Wood, Jr. 2011 Gala Volunteers Rev. Linda D. Scott, Coordinator Ronald L. Burch Valerie M. Burch Mary D. Burger Nancy L. Cox Alice T. Hinterschied Michael J. Hinterschied Judy H. Jones Cheri L. Lawson Louise R. Miller Doris C. Nelms Anita B. O’Reilly Rev. Linda D. Scott Diane D. Watson Jill H. Wood 2012 BENEFIT, GALA AND AWARDS DINNER Platinum Sponsor Gem Shopping Network, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Circelli, GG If you are interested in making a contribution to Peachtree Christian Hospice, please contact Anne Mancini at 770-403-4581 or mail your tax-deductible contribution to: 3430 Duluth Park Lane, Duluth, Georgia 30096. 27