FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT To the Shareholders of the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.), which comprise the balance sheets as at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, and the statements of comprehensive income, changes in net assets and cash flows for the six-month periods ended November 30, 2015 and 2014, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained in our audits is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) as at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the six-month periods ended November 30, 2015 and 2014 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Signed, Deloitte LLP1 1 CPA auditor, CA, public accountancy permit No. A110972 Signed, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP2 2 CPA auditor, CA, public accountancy permit No. A125741 Montréal, December 22, 2015 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 1 BALANCE SHEETS Note Novembrer 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 Development capital investments 5 6,254 6,094 Other investments 6 5,299 5,384 (in millions of Canadian dollars, except net assets per share) Assets Investment property 11 31 31 Accounts receivable 12 205 244 28 18 Cash Other assets Property and equipment 13 45 47 Intangible assets 14 6 6 5 9 Income taxes Financial instruments related to securities sold under repurchase agreements 242 257 12,115 12,090 Liabilities Notes 15 413 419 Accounts payable 17 139 188 Deferred income taxes 23 13 3 Net defined benefit liability 24 44 43 21 30 242 257 872 940 11,243 11,150 33.59 33.26 Other liabilities Share redemptions payable Securities sold under repurchase agreements Net assets 18 Net assets per Class A share Commitments and contingencies (Notes 5, 6 and 20) The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. On behalf of the Board of Directors, (signed) “Robert Parizeau” Robert Parizeau, Director FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) (signed) “Gaétan Morin” Gaétan Morin, Director 2 STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE SIX-MONTH PERIODS ENDED NOVEMBER 30 (in millions of Canadian dollars, except net income per share) Note 2015 2014 27 85 84 88 71 7 8 180 163 Revenues Interest Dividends and distributions Rental, fee and other income Gains (losses) on development capital investments, other investments and investment property Realized 91 Unrealized (72) Transaction costs (1) 18 Interest on notes 27 (9) 77 201 (1) 277 (9) 189 431 Corporate 34 31 Development capital investments and other investments 18 16 Shareholder Services and Economic Training 19 19 71 66 118 365 9 11 109 354 Total operating expenses 21 Income before income taxes Income taxes 23 Net income Item of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to net income Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability 24 Comprehensive income 3 (3) 112 351 0.33 1.06 Supplemental information Net income per Class A share 18 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 3 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE SIX-MONTH PERIODS ENDED NOVEMBER 30 Note (in millions of Canadian dollars) 18 Share capital – Class A shares SubSeries 1 Series 2 scribed Contributed surplus Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive income 791 2,227 8 Net assets 11,150 2015 Balance at beginning of period 8,043 79 2 Net income 109 Other comprehensive income 3 Share issues 259 4 (208) (3) Net change in share subscriptions Change in outstanding redemptions 18 (1) (20) 5 Balance at end of period 3 263 (1) Share redemptions Transfers 109 - 70 (55) (286) - 5 (70) - 8,169 80 1 771 2,211 11 11,243 7,793 78 1 841 1,417 1 10,131 2014 Balance at beginning of period Net income 354 Other comprehensive income Share issues 354 (3) 19 253 4 (204) (3) Net change in share subscriptions - Share redemptions (3) 257 - (21) (36) (264) Change in outstanding redemptions Transfers Balance at end of period 8 18 1 75 7,925 - 9 (75) 79 1 821 1,660 (2) 10,484 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 4 STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE SIX-MONTH PERIODS ENDED NOVEMBER 30 (in millions of Canadian dollars) 2015 2014 109 354 Operating activities Net income Non-cash items Interest capitalized on development capital investments - (2) Interest capitalized on notes 9 9 Amortization of premiums and discounts 6 4 (Gains) losses on development capital investments, other investments and investment property Realized (91) Unrealized 72 Post-employment benefits 4 Depreciation of property and equipment and amortization of intangible assets 4 Deferred income taxes 10 (77) (201) 4 3 (2) 123 92 Accounts receivable - 6 Refundable taxes on hand - 2 Income taxes 4 (3) (12) (1) 4 2 119 98 (348) (188) Changes in non-cash items Accounts payable Other Acquisition of development capital investments Proceeds of disposal of development capital investments Acquisition of other investments Proceeds of disposal of other investments 271 92 (3,351) (3,917) 3,364 3,957 Increase in notes 76 56 Repayment of notes (91) (70) Acquisition of investment property 40 (3) 25 Financing activities Shares issued and subscribed 262 257 (290) (269) (28) (12) Acquisition of property and equipment and intangible assets (2) (4) Increase in cash 10 9 Cash at beginning of period 18 16 Cash at end of period 28 25 Interest received 93 92 Dividends and distributions received 87 70 7 15 Shares redeemed Investing activity Supplemental information (amounts included in operating activities) Taxes paid The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 5 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE FONDS STATUTES AND OBJECTIVES OF THE FONDS The Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) (the “Fonds”), incorporated by an Act of the Québec National Assembly, is a joint-stock company whose principal office is located at 545 Crémazie Boulevard East, Suite 200, Montréal, Québec, Canada and whose objectives are: to invest in Québec business entreprises and provide them with services in order to create, maintain or protect jobs; to promote the training of workers in economic matters to enable them to increase their influence on Québec’s economic development; to stimulate the Québec economy by making strategic investments that will be of benefit to Québec workers and business entreprises; to promote the development of qualified business enterprises by inviting workers to participate in that development by purchasing the Fonds’ shares. To this end, the Fonds endeavours to concentrate most of its development capital investments in unsecured investments, mainly in small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”) located in Québec. As a general rule, the Fonds will take a minority interest in the projects in which it invests. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). They have been approved for issue on December 22, 2015 by the Board of Directors of the Fonds. 2. MEASUREMENT BASIS These financial statements have been prepared on a fair value basis, except for property and equipment and intangible assets, which are measured on the historical cost basis, as well as certain financial instruments, as mentioned in item 6 of Note 2. These separate financial statements are the only financial statements presented by the Fonds. 3. INVESTMENT ENTITY The Fonds meets the definition of investment entity set out in IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, as the following conditions are met: the Fonds obtains capital from many investors for the purpose of managing their savings; the Fonds commits to its investors that the purpose of its investments activities is to generate a return and provide investment income, in accordance with its mission; and the Fonds measures and evaluates the performance of its investments on a fair value basis. Consequently, the Fonds does not prepare consolidated financial statements. 4. BALANCE SHEET PRESENTATION The Fonds presents its Balance Sheet in an increasing order of liquidity. All the assets and liabilities of the Fonds are noncurrent assets and liabilities as they are not mainly held for trading, except for the following current items: Accounts receivable (except as mentioned under the table in Note 12), Cash, Income taxes, Financial instruments related to securities sold under repurchase agreements, Notes, Accounts payable, Share redemptions payable and Securities sold under repurchase agreements. The current portion of loans, bonds and advances included in Development capital investments is presented in Note 5, while the current portion of bonds and money market instruments included in Other investments is presented in Note 6. 5. SUBSIDIARIES AND ASSOCIATES Investments in subsidiaries and associates are recognized at fair value through profit or loss. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 6 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 6. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS – RECOGNITION AND CLASSIFICATION Financial instruments are recognized at fair value at the transaction date, when the Fonds becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. The cost presented for development capital investments and other investments corresponds to the amount paid and is determined based on average cost, excluding transaction costs. Transaction costs are recognized in net income when incurred. A financial asset is derecognized when the Fonds no longer has the contractual rights to the cash flows from this asset. Financial assets and liabilities are classified in various categories based on their characteristics and the Fonds’ intention upon their acquisition and their issuance. Development capital investments, other investments, accounts receivable relating to development capital investments and other investments sold, loans included in accounts receivable – other, cash, financial instruments related to securities sold under repurchase agreements, accounts payable relating to development capital investments and other investments purchased, derivative financial instruments and securities sold under repurchase agreements are all financial instruments designated as at fair value through profit or loss. These financial instruments are part of a managed portfolio whose performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented financial asset integrated management strategy, and information is provided internally on that basis to the Fonds’ key management personnel. Other accounts receivable are classified in loans and receivables. Notes and other accounts payable are classified in other financial liabilities. These financial instruments are recognized at amortized cost, which approximates their fair value given their nature and short-term maturity. Financial liabilities are derecognized when the obligation is extinguished, which is when the obligation is discharged or cancelled or expires. 7. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS – FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the reporting date. a) Fair value of assets and liabilities traded on active markets To determine the fair value of financial assets and liabilities that are quoted in an active market, such as listed shares, bonds, money market instruments and listed derivative financial instruments, the Fonds uses the price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value, given the relevant facts and circumstances, at the reporting date. b) Fair value of assets and liabilities that are not traded on active markets The fair value of financial assets and liabilities that are not traded on active markets (including unlisted derivative financial instruments) is determined using valuation techniques selected based on certain specified criteria and market conditions prevailing at each reporting date. The valuation techniques used are based on valuation principles derived from the guidelines that are generally used in the industry by business valuation professionals. These valuation principles are approved every six months by the Fonds’ Audit Committee. The valuation technique used for a financial instrument is generally the same from one period to the next, except when a change in valuation technique results in a more accurate estimate of fair value. i) Unlisted shares and units When a yield method is used, the fair value of unlisted shares is mainly determined using the capitalized cash flow technique. The two main variables used in this technique are maintainable cash flows and the capitalization rate. To determine maintainable cash flows, recurring cash flows are estimated based on the entity’s historical results and/or financial forecasts. A weighting factor is applied to each of the cash flows used to reflect its probability of occurrence. The capitalization rate used to capitalize maintainable cash flows reflects how the investee could finance its operations and the risks associated with the materialization of these maintainable cash flows. When the price of a recent transaction negotiated between unrelated parties on an arm’s-length basis is available, this valuation technique is used under certain conditions. It may also be appropriate to use a valuation technique based on a bid from a third party. Using judgment is necessary to determine whether the price in such recent transaction or bid represents the best evidence of fair value at the reporting date. The period during which referring to a past transaction or bid is deemed appropriate depends on the circumstances specific to each situation. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 7 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 7. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS – FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT (CONTINUED) b) Fair value of assets and liabilities that are not traded on active markets (CONTINUED) i) Unlisted shares and units (CONTINUED) In certain circumstances or depending on the nature of operations, the future earning potential is better reflected by the value of the assets, and the adjusted net asset method is used. This method is also used to determine the fair value of unlisted investment fund units held. In such case, this method entails using the share of all assets and liabilities appearing on the balance sheet of the investee at their fair value and adjusting it as necessary. The main adjustments made are related to the fair value of the assets and liabilities, new information available and significant events that occurred between the investee’s reporting date and the Fonds’ reporting date. The fair value of certain unlisted units is determined using the price established by their respective manager. ii) Loans and advances The fair value of secured and unsecured loans and advances is determined by discounting the contractual cash flows expected to be received by the Fonds using a discount rate that reflects the return that the Fonds would require given the credit risk of the investee. Certain loans and advances to a wholly-owned company are considered as quasi-equity, and their fair value is determined using the adjusted net asset technique. iii) Guarantees and suretyships When it is likely that the Fonds will have to disburse an amount on a guarantee or a suretyship it granted, an asset-based approach and a liquidation value technique are used to estimate the amount of the liability to be recognized. iv) Derivative financial instruments The fair value of unlisted derivative financial instruments is determined using appropriate valuation techniques, including discounting future cash flows at the current rate of return. v) Accounts receivable relating to development capital investments and other investments sold The fair value of accounts receivable relating to development capital investments sold that are not traded on active markets is determined by discounting contractual cash flows. Generally, the estimated amounts to be received and timing of their collection depend on future events or the satisfaction of certain conditions. 8. SECURITIES LENDING, SECURITIES PURCHASED UNDER REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS AND SECURITIES SOLD UNDER REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS To generate additional revenues, the Fonds participates in the securities lending program put in place by its depositary for securities of which it is the custodian. Under this program, the Fonds can enter into securities lending transactions, as well as short-term purchases and sales of securities with a simultaneous commitment to resell and repurchase them at a specified price and date. Reverse repurchase agreements and repurchase agreements are recognized as secured lending and borrowing transactions. Reverse repurchase agreements are recorded on the Balance Sheet at their fair value, while repurchase agreements are recorded on the Balance Sheet at the repurchase price determined by the commitment, which approximates their fair value. The revenues resulting from the Fonds’ participation in this program are recorded in net income under Interest. As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, the Fonds had no securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements. 9. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Investment property is property held by the Fonds for renting and value appreciation purposes. The investment property is occupied by several tenants. The Fonds presents its investment property using the fair value model. Fair value is measured at each reporting date, and any change in fair value is recognized in net income. The fair value used is determined using the discounted cash flow technique, whereby fair value represents the aggregate of the present value of projected cash flows and the reversion value at the end of the projection period. To ensure that such fair value is appropriate, the result is compared with other techniques, such as the direct discounting technique, under which an overall discount rate is applied to normalized net operating income, and the direct comparison method, under which the most likely selling price is estimated by comparing and analyzing real estate transactions involving similar properties. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 8 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 10. CASH Cash includes bank accounts used in operating, processing transactions on share capital and managing development capital investments and other investments. 11. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS Property and equipment and intangible assets are stated at cost less any accumulated depreciation or amortization and accumulated impairment losses. Cost includes items that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the item of property and equipment or intangible asset. Subsequent costs for an item of property and equipment or an intangible asset are recognized only if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with it will flow to the Fonds and the cost can be measured reliably. Repair and maintenance expenses are recognized in total operating expenses through net income when incurred. The main property and equipment and intangible asset categories are depreciated or amortized over their estimated useful life using the following methods, periods and annual rates: Methods Periods/rates Property and equipment Buildings Straight-line Office furniture and equipment Diminishing balance 15 to 60 years Computer hardware Straight-line 4 years Straight-line 3 years 20% Intangible assets Information systems development The Fonds allocates the amount initially recognized in respect of an item of property and equipment or intangible assets to its significant parts and depreciates or amortizes them separately. The carrying amount of a replaced part is derecognized upon replacement. Residual values, depreciation or amortization method and useful life of assets are reviewed at each reporting date and adjusted if needed. At each reporting date, property and equipment and intangible assets are tested for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amount may not be recoverable. To determine the recoverable amount, items of property and equipment and intangible assets are aggregated at the lowest level for which identifiable cash flows are independent from the cash flows from other groups of items of property and equipment or intangible assets. The Fonds assesses possible reversals when events or circumstances warrant it. 12. POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS The cost of earned pension benefits and other employee post-retirement benefits is recognized through net income and comprises current service cost and net interest on the net defined benefit plan liability. Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability are recognized in Other comprehensive income. They are not reclassified subsequently to net income and are presented separately in the Statement of Changes in Net Assets. Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability comprise actuarial gains and losses as well as the return on plan assets, excluding interest income. Actuarial gains and losses result from changes in the actuarial assumptions used to determine the defined benefit obligation and from experience gains and losses on such obligation. The net defined benefit liability corresponds to the present value of the post-employment benefit plan obligation less the fair value of plan assets. 13. SHARE CAPITAL The Fonds’ Class A shares are puttable (redeemable at the option of the holder), subject to certain conditions, and are classified in net assets as they have all the following features: they entitle the holder to a pro rata share of the Fonds’ net assets in the event of the Fonds’ liquidation; they are in a class of instruments that is subordinate to all other classes of instruments of the Fonds; they have features that are identical to those of all the other instruments of this class; FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 9 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 13. SHARE CAPITAL (CONTINUED) apart from the contractual obligation for the Fonds to repurchase or redeem the instrument for cash or another financial asset, they do not include any contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity, or to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavourable to the entity, and they are not a contract that will or may be settled in the Fonds’ own equity instruments; the total expected cash flows attributable to the shares over their life are based substantially on the change in net assets. Share issues and redemptions are recognized as transactions on net assets. The consideration received for share issues is included in share capital. Share redemptions are recognized when the requests are approved under redemption criteria at the current redemption value, and shares are derecognized based on average cost. 14. FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY AND FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION The Canadian dollar is the functional currency and the reporting currency of the Fonds. Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency at the exchange rate prevailing at the transaction date. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency at the exchange rate prevailing at the reporting date. Translation differences related to cash are presented as translation differences on cash, and other translation differences are presented in net income under Gains (losses) on development capital investments, other investments and investment property. 15. REVENUE RECOGNITION a) Interest Interest revenue is recognized on an accrual basis using the effective rate method. Amortization of premiums and discounts under this method is recognized under Interest. b) Dividends and distributions Non-cumulative dividends and distributions are recognized when they are declared, while cumulative dividends are recognized on an accrual basis. c) Rental, fee and other income Rental income is recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease, while fee and other income are recognized on an accrual basis. d) Gains and losses on development capital investments, other investments and investment property Realized gains and losses on disposals of development capital investments and other investments are recognized at the time of sale. The amount of such gains and losses is the difference between the proceeds of disposal and average cost. Unrealized gains and losses on the measurement to fair value of financial instruments and investment property are recognized in net income at the time of measurement to fair value . 16. INCOME TAXES The income tax expense comprises the current tax expense and the deferred tax expense. Income taxes are recognized in net income unless they relate to items that are recognized directly in Other comprehensive income or net assets; in such case, income taxes are also recognized directly in Other comprehensive income or net assets, respectively. Current income tax is the amount of income tax payable in respect of the taxable income for the period, calculated using the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period, and any adjustments to income taxes related to prior periods. Deferred income tax is recognized for the temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred income tax is calculated on a non-discounted basis using the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period and that are expected to apply to the period when the deferred tax asset is realized or the deferred tax liability is settled. A deferred tax asset is recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 10 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 16. INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) The Fonds is subject to federal and Québec income taxes. It is also subject to the tax rules applicable to mutual fund corporations. For purposes of the federal income tax, the Fonds can, in particular, receive a refund of the income taxes paid on its capital gains by redeeming its shares or by transferring amounts from retained earnings to share capital. The Fonds considers itself, in substance, exempted from federal income tax related to capital gains for purposes of applying IFRS and, accordingly, does not recognize any deferred tax liability for unrealized net gains on development capital investments, other investments and investment property nor any corresponding deferred tax asset for unrealized recoveries resulting from the tax mechanisms related to refundable capital gains tax on hand. 17. NET INCOME PER CLASS A SHARE Net income per share is calculated by dividing net income by the weighted average number of Class A shares outstanding during the period. 18. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS ISSUED AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 BUT NOT YET ADOPTED As at the date of authorization of these financial statements, new standards and amendments to existing standards had been issued by the International Accounting Standards Board but were not effective. Information on those that might be relevant to the financial statements of the Fonds is provided below. a) IFRS 9 Financial Instruments The IASB issued the final version of the financial instrument standard dealing with classification, measurement, impairment and hedge accounting. This standard is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018. The Fonds is currently analyzing the impact of applying this standard. b) IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers The IASB issued IFRS 15, which supersedes IAS 18 Revenue and IAS 11 Construction Contracts. This new standard establishes a single, comprehensive revenue recognition model for all contracts with customers other than those that are within the scope of other standards, such as financial instruments. The core principle of this new standard is that revenue recognition should depict the transfer of goods or services in an amount that reflects the consideration received or expected to be received in exchange for these goods or services. The new standard also provides more guidance on certain types of transactions and will result in an increase in disclosures related to revenue. This standard is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018. The Fonds is currently analyzing the impact of applying this standard. 3. CRITICAL ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES AND JUDGMENTS The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires using accounting estimates and judgment when applying certain accounting policies. Changes to certain assumptions may have an impact on the financial statements for the period during which such changes are made. The Fonds believes that the underlying assumptions are appropriate and that, accordingly, its financial statements present fairly its financial position and performance. The following paragraphs present an analysis of the most significant critical accounting estimates and judgments made by the Fonds in preparing its financial statements. 1. FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS THAT ARE NOT TRADED ON AN ACTIVE MARKET The Fonds must make assumptions and use estimates in measuring the fair value of financial instruments that are not traded on an active market. Judgments are made with respect to selecting valuation techniques and with respect to the assumptions used in these valuation techniques. Although these techniques use observable inputs to the extent practicable, fair value is also determined using unobservable market inputs that take into account the specific features of the financial instrument and any factor relevant to the measurement. Using unobservable inputs requires the Fonds’ qualified valuators to make judgments so that these inputs reflect the assumptions, if any, that market participants would use to determine fair value using the best information possible in the circumstances. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 11 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. CRITICAL ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES AND JUDGMENTS (CONTINUED) 1. FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS THAT ARE NOT TRADED ON AN ACTIVE MARKET (CONTINUED) The Fonds considers observable inputs to be market data that is readily available, regularly distributed and updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary and provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market. Fair value reflects market conditions on a given date and, as such, may not be representative of future fair values. In accordance with the Regulation Respecting Development Capital Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure issued by the Autorité des marchés financiers, the Fonds implemented various controls and procedures to ensure that financial instruments are appropriately and reliably measured. To measure the fair value of financial instruments in accordance with the valuation principles adopted by the Fonds, the Fonds’ team of qualified valuators monitor twice a year the performance of the companies in the portfolio and are continuously looking for information on the business and operations of the companies being valued. Where appropriate, the qualified valuators monitor data on comparable companies, the results of recent transactions and the ratings of instruments issued by similar companies. Except in the case of listed public companies, any relevant information related to fair value measurements is submitted to an independent valuation committee composed of a majority of qualified valuators independent from the Fonds, as required by the Regulation Respecting Development Capital Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure. This committee reviews this information and submits a written report to the Audit Committee, which must examine the compliance of the financial statements. The President and Chief Executive Officer as well as the Executive Vice-President, Finance, sign a certification for the Audit Committee on the valuation of development capital investments that is filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers. This certification confirms, in particular, the reasonableness of the aggregate fair value of the development capital investments portfolio. 2. FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT OF THE INVESTMENT PROPERTY The Fonds must make assumptions and use estimates in measuring the fair value of its investment property. These assumptions include the internal rate of return and the capitalization rate. The investment property is measured based on its highest and best use. The Fonds uses a firm of independent real estate appraisal experts to determine fair value and approves the reasonableness of the assumptions used. 3. MEASUREMENT OF THE NET DEFINED BENEFIT LIABILITY The Fonds must make assumptions for using statistical data and other parameters to measure the net defined benefit liability. These assumptions include the discount rate for the pension obligation and for calculating the expected return on plan assets, the expected rate of increase in salaries and the mortality table used. Should the actuarial assumptions be materially different from the actual data observed subsequently, the plan cost recognized in Other comprehensive income as well as the net defined benefit liability presented on the Balance Sheet could substantially change. 4. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT RISKS Risks arising from financial instruments are an integral part of the audited financial statements and are discussed in the audited “Risk management” section of the Interim Management Discussion and Analysis for the Six-month Period Ended November 30, 2015, which is available at the Fonds’ head office, on its website at or at FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 12 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL INVESTMENTS The audited Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost, is available at the Fonds’ head office, on its website at or at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Cost May 31, 2015 Unrealized Unrealized appreciation appreciation (depreciation) Fair value Cost (depreciation) Fair value Unsecured Listed shares 804,686 72,581 877,267 768,070 161,207 929,277 Unlisted shares and units 2,937,874 855,916 3,793,790 2,846,408 755,334 3,601,742 Loans, bonds and advances 1,569,013 9,449 1,578,462 1,552,409 8,261 1,560,670 4,750 2,638 - 2,638 6,254,269 5,169,525 924,802 6,094,327 Secured Loans 5,750 5,317,323 (1,000) 936,946 Development capital investments include securities denominated in foreign currencies, mainly the U.S. dollar, with a fair value of $520.8 million (May 31, 2015: $452.5 million). Investment agreements may include clauses providing for conversion and redemption options. Thus, in the normal course of business, the Fonds may exercise these options and make non-monetary exchanges of financial instruments. BREAKDOWN BY MATURITY OF LOANS, BONDS AND ADVANCES AT FAIR VALUE Fixed rates (in thousands $) Variable rates Less than 1 year 1 to 5 years 5 years and more Total 328,916 733,774 503,980 1,578,462 7.4 7.2 November 30, 2015 Unsecured Average effective rate (%) 11,7921 8.8 1.22 Secured 4,750 Average effective rate (%) 4,750 6.5 May 31, 2015 Unsecured Average effective rate (%) 81,8781 7.6 Secured Average effective rate (%) 310,498 1.32 685,503 482,791 7.6 7.2 138 2,500 13.0 6.4 1,560,670 2,638 1. As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, variable-rate loans are maturing between 1 and 5 years. 2. This average rate includes non-interest bearing advances to a wholly-owned company repayable on demand of $270.5 million (May 31, 2015: $253.8 million). Excluding these advances, the average effective rate would be 7.9% (May 31, 2015: 8.1%). FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 13 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL INVESTMENTS (CONTINUED) BREAKDOWN BY INDUSTRY SEGMENT Information Energy and (in thousands $) Consumer technology, discretionary telecommuni- and Financials cations consumer and services and materials Industrials staples utilities healthcare Total 562,630 979,926 1,060,443 2,014,835 699,489 5,317,323 33,772 30,407 276,880 558,361 37,526 936,946 596,402 1,010,333 1,337,323 2,573,196 737,015 6,254,269 172,500 212,412 113,954 219,895 298,476 1,017,237 November 30, 2015 Cost Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) Fair value Funds committed but not disbursed1 Guarantees and 10,285 suretyships2 10,285 768,902 1,222,745 1,461,562 2,793,091 1,035,491 7,281,791 571,931 893,424 1,003,051 2,046,577 654,542 5,169,525 51,642 73,234 261,650 557,929 (19,653) 924,802 Fair value 623,573 966,658 1,264,701 2,604,506 634,889 6,094,327 Funds committed but not disbursed1 104,600 187,894 135,689 222,068 357,791 1,008,042 May 31, 2015 Cost Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 9,655 Guarantees and suretyships2 728,173 1,154,552 1,410,045 9,655 2,826,574 992,680 7,112,024 1. Funds committed but not disbursed represent development capital investments that have already been agreed to and for which amounts have been committed by the Fonds but have not been disbursed at the reporting date. Most of the funds committed but not disbursed have a maximum maturity date, and the counterparties may call amounts on demand. Disbursements are subject to compliance with the agreement’s terms and conditions. Of funds committed but not disbursed, an amount of $254.3 million (May 31, 2015: $234.8 million) represents credit facilities and project financing for operating companies, having a weighted average maturity of 25 months (May 31, 2015: 30 months); and an amount of $763.0 million (May 31, 2015: $773.2 million) represents commitments that will be disbursed to specialized funds in tranches, having a weighted average maturity of 7.1 years (May 31, 2015: 7.8 years). Commitments amounting to $194.9 million (May 31, 2015: $186.2 million) are denominated in foreign currencies, mainly the U.S. dollar. 2. Under Section 17 of its Incorporation Act, when the Fonds makes a development capital investment in the form of a guarantee or a suretyship, it must establish and maintain a reserve equal to at least 50% of the guarantee or suretyship amount for the term thereof. This reserve is established from Other investments. GUARANTEES AND SURETYSHIPS The Fonds granted guarantees and suretyships for operating activities and operating lines of credit purposes, without recourse, that do not generally include a specific maturity and that are irrevocable commitments by the Fonds to make the payments of partner companies that cannot meet their obligations to third parties. As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, there are no provisions related to guarantees and suretyships. As well, in the normal course of business, the Fonds enters into various indemnification agreements, usually related to sales of development capital investments, for the representations and warrantees made as well as to the liability of the Fonds’ directors, officers or representatives toward partner companies. The latter liability is covered, subject to certain conditions, by liability insurance. Due to the nature of these agreements, it is impossible to reasonably estimate the maximum amount that the Fonds may have to pay to counterparties. In management’s opinion, it is highly unlikely that these commitments will result in material expenses. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 14 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6. OTHER INVESTMENTS The unaudited Statement of Other Investments is available at the Fonds’ head office, on its website at or at November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 Unrealized Unrealized appreciation appreciation Cost (depreciation) Fair value Cost (depreciation) Fair value Listed shares and unlisted units 2,218,976 548,997 2,767,973 2,183,840 576,379 2,760,219 Bonds 2,333,605 59,094 2,392,699 2,320,097 117,936 2,438,033 138,213 46 138,259 185,074 77 185,151 4,690,794 608,137 5,298,931 4,689,011 694,392 5,383,403 - 293 293 - 172 172 4,690,794 608,430 5,299,224 4,689,011 694,564 5,383,575 (in thousands $) Money market instruments Derivative financial instruments Other investments include securities denominated in foreign currencies with a fair value of $2,075.5 million (May 31, 2015: $2,062.4 million), mainly including $1,234.2 million (May 31, 2015: $1,192.4 million) in U.S. dollars, $202.0 million (May 31, 2015: $201.0 million) in euros, $197.6 million (May 31, 2015: $199.0 million) in yens and $159.3 million (May 31, 2015: $166.4 million) in pounds sterling. BREAKDOWN BY MATURITY BONDS (in thousands $) Less than 1 to 5 to 10 to 20 to 30 years 1 year 5 years 10 years 20 years 30 years and more Total November 30, 2015 Fair value 48,790 760,350 795,803 281,725 394,342 111,689 2,392,699 Cost 48,760 750,281 783,104 259,288 380,148 112,024 2,333,605 Par value 48,336 736,279 753,600 216,360 341,047 108,760 2,204,382 Average effective rate (%) 2.2 2.0 2.7 4.0 3.6 3.7 2.8 Average nominal rate (%) 3.3 2.9 3.3 5.8 4.3 3.9 3.6 May 31, 2015 Fair value 55,750 691,773 811,750 382,468 328,021 168,271 2,438,033 Cost 55,587 675,473 787,124 343,566 299,717 158,630 2,320,097 Par value 55,147 664,944 749,833 297,639 259,329 152,431 2,179,323 Average effective rate (%) 1.5 2.1 2.7 3.8 3.6 3.7 2.8 Average nominal rate (%) 2.6 2.7 3.5 5.2 4.6 3.9 3.6 MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS 6 months and (in thousands $) Less than 1 month 1 to 6 months more Total 59,425 78,138 696 138,259 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 78,683 104,481 1,987 185,151 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 November 30, 2015 Fair value Average effective rate (%) May 31, 2015 Fair value Average effective rate (%) FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 15 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6. OTHER INVESTMENTS (CONTINUED) DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Less than (in thousands $) 1 month 6 months and 1 to 6 months more Total November 30, 2015 Fair value1 Listed stock index option contracts Written put options (13) Written call options (35) (35) (126) (126) 37 37 Foreign currency forward contracts Interest rate forward contracts Stock index futures (13) - Interest rate futures (137) - - - (137) Notional amount Listed stock index option contracts Written put options 2,321 Written call options 2,496 2,496 69,307 69,307 Interest rate futures 134,626 134,626 Stock index futures 8,103 Foreign currency forward contracts Interest rate forward contracts 2,321 8,103 6,941 6,941 May 31, 2015 Fair value1 Listed stock index option contracts Written put options Foreign currency forward contracts (27) Interest rate forward contracts Stock index futures (97) (1,495) (124) (1,495) (184) (184) (1,522) (281) (1,803) 2,361 4,652 - - Notional amount Listed stock index option contracts Written put options Foreign currency forward contracts 50,925 Interest rate forward contracts Stock index futures 1. 72,483 10,382 7,013 50,925 72,483 10,382 The fair value of instruments with positive values is $0.3 million (May 31, 2015: $0.2 million) and is presented under Other investments. The fair value of those with negative values is $0.4 million (May 31, 2015: $2.0 million) and is presented under Accounts payable. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 16 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6. OTHER INVESTMENTS (CONTINUED) BREAKDOWN OF FAIR VALUE BY INDUSTRY SEGMENT Information Consumer technology, Govern- discretionary telecommuni- ments and govern- Energy (in thousands $) and Financials cations and Indus- consumer and services and ment materials trials staples utilities healthcare agencies 409,948 243,632 609,721 770,993 733,679 76,175 624,482 48,037 Total November 30, 2015 Listed shares and unlisted units Bonds 96,288 56,867 Money market instruments Fair value 23,538 506,236 300,499 685,896 1,419,013 Funds committed but not disbursed1 781,716 2,767,973 1,490,850 2,392,699 114,721 138,259 1,605,571 5,298,931 20,807 20,807 506,236 300,499 685,896 1,439,820 781,716 1,605,571 5,319,738 466,610 252,632 570,021 732,508 738,448 74,609 621,771 55,550 1,557,965 9,999 7,984 152,175 185,151 563,317 299,056 644,630 1,364,278 801,982 1,710,140 5,383,403 563,317 299,056 644,630 1,384,512 801,982 1,710,140 5,403,637 May 31, 2015 Listed shares and unlisted units Bonds 81,714 Money market instruments 14,993 Fair value 46,424 Funds committed but not disbursed1 2,760,219 20,234 2,438,033 20,234 1. Funds committed but not disbursed to international infrastructure funds represent other investments that have alread y been agreed to and for which amounts have been committed by the Fonds but have not been disbursed at the reporting date. Disbursements are subject to compliance with the agreement’s terms and conditions. These commitments, having a weighted average maturity of 5.1 years (May 31, 2015: 5.6 years), are denominated in U.S. dollars. 7. OFFSETTING OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Fonds entered into International Swaps & Derivatives Association Inc. (“ISDA”) enforceable master netting arrangements with the majority of counterparties with which it trades derivative financial instruments over the counter. These master arrangements may make it possible to apply full netting of over-the-counter derivative financial instrument transactions. Derivative financial instruments subject to enforceable master netting arrangements are presented in the financial statements before offsetting. The fair value of derivative financial instrument assets subject to such arrangements is $0.3 million (May 31, 2015: $0.2 million), and the fair value of derivative financial instrument liabilities subject to such arrangements is $0.4 million (May 31, 2015: $2.0 million). For securities sold under repurchase agreements, the Fonds receives from or pledges to the counterparty collateral to manage credit risk. In the event of default, amounts related to a specific counterparty may be settled on a net basis under the Global Master Repurchase Agreement. As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, no amount was set off in the Balance Sheet. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 17 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Financial instruments measured at fair value are classified using a hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements. This hierarchy has the following levels: Level 1: Fair value based on the most representative price within the bid-ask spread observed on active markets for identical instruments. Level 2: Fair value based on quoted prices for similar financial instruments or based on valuation techniques for which all significant inputs are based on observable market information. Level 3: Fair value based on valuation techniques for which all significant inputs are not based on observable market information. (in thousands $) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total 877,129 138 3,793,790 3,793,790 446,446 1,132,016 1,578,462 4,750 4,750 446,584 4,930,556 6,254,269 63,906 2,767,973 11,539 2,392,699 November 30, 2015 Financial assets Development capital investments Unsecured Listed shares Unlisted shares and units Loans, bonds and advances 877,267 Secured Loans 877,129 Other investments Listed shares and unlisted units 2,704,067 Bonds 2,381,160 Money market instruments Derivative financial instruments 138,259 - 293 2,704,067 2,519,712 Accounts receivable relating to development capital investments and other investments sold Cash Financial instruments related to securities sold under repurchase agreements 115,125 27,568 Financial liabilities Accounts payable relating to development capital investments and other investments purchased Derivative financial instruments Securities sold under repurchase agreements FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) (48) 138,259 293 75,445 5,299,224 115,125 27,568 242,164 242,164 (95,340) (95,340) (382) (430) (242,164) (242,164) 18 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (in thousands $) (CONTINUED) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total 929,204 73 3,601,742 3,601,742 471,073 1,089,597 1,560,670 2,638 2,638 471,146 4,693,977 6,094,327 50,907 2,760,219 11,334 2,438,033 May 31, 2015 Financial assets Development capital investments Unsecured Listed shares Unlisted shares and units Loans, bonds and advances 929,277 Secured Loans 929,204 Other investments Listed shares and unlisted units 2,709,312 Bonds 2,426,699 Money market instruments Derivative financial instruments 185,151 - 172 2,709,312 2,612,022 Accounts receivable relating to development capital investments and other investments sold Cash 154,160 17,734 Financial instruments related to securities sold under repurchase agreements 185,151 172 62,241 5,383,575 154,160 17,734 256,810 256,810 (130,961) (130,961) Financial liabilities Accounts payable relating to development capital investments and other investments purchased Derivative financial instruments Securities sold under repurchase agreements FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) (124) (1,851) (1,975) (256,810) (256,810) 19 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONTINUED) The following tables show the reconciliation from beginning balances to ending balances for Level 3 fair values. There were no transfers between Levels 1 and 2 during the period. Transfers between levels are deemed to occur when the underlying information or the prices used in measuring assets and liabilities become more or less dependent on observable market data, as it is previously mentioned in the determination of Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the fair value hierarchy for the Fonds. DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Unlisted shares (in thousands $) Loans, bonds and advances and units Unsecured Secured Total 3,601,742 1,089,597 2,638 4,693,977 229,401 98,578 3,292 331,271 (179,150) (79,870) (180) (259,200) November 30, 2015 Fair value as at May 31, 2015 Purchases Sales and settlements Realized gains (losses) Unrealized gains (losses) 41,215 100,582 Transfer of a financial instrument into Level 3 Fair value as at November 30, 2015 (960) 7,836 16,8351 - 40,255 (1,000) 107,418 - 16,835 3,793,790 1,132,016 4,750 4,930,556 140,390 7,365 (1,000) 146,755 3,053,976 1,076,144 10,875 4,140,995 Unrealized gains (losses) on development capital investments held as at November 30, 2015 November 30, 2014 Fair value as at May 31, 2014 Purchases 115,145 55,745 895 171,785 (130,458) (72,225) Realized gains (losses) 12,056 2,196 (6,504) 7,748 Unrealized gains (losses) 63,435 (6,419) 8,840 65,856 Transfer of a financial instrument out of Level 3 Fair value as at November 30, 2014 (50,949) (7,284) Sales and settlements (30,000)2 3,172,387 1,046,717 (30,000) 6,822 4,225,926 Unrealized gains (losses) on development capital investments held as at November 30, 2014 194,008 (4,814) 3,481 192,675 1. The transfer from Level 2 to Level 3 was made as the measurement method is no longer based on observable market inputs. 2. The transfer from Level 3 to Level 2 was made as the measurement method is now based on observable market inputs. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 20 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONTINUED) OTHER INVESTMENTS (in thousands $) Listed shares and Hedge fund unlisted units units Bonds Total 11,334 62,241 November 30, 2015 Fair value as at May 31, 2015 Purchases Sales and settlements Realized gains (losses) 50,907 995 995 (1,512) (1,512) 186 186 Unrealized gains (losses) 13,330 205 13,535 Fair value as at November 30, 2015 63,906 11,539 75,445 13,330 205 13,535 11,261 87,797 Unrealized gains (losses) on other investments held as at November 30, 2015 November 30, 2014 Fair value as at May 31, 2014 Purchases Sales and settlements Realized gains(losses) Unrealized gains (losses) Fair value as at November 30, 2014 51,051 25,485 960 (1,660) 960 (25,868) (16) 988 4,177 (605) (27,528) 972 29 3,601 54,512 11,290 65,802 4,300 29 4,329 Unrealized gains (losses) on other investments held as at November 30, 2014 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 21 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS USE OF UNOBSERVABLE INPUTS IN MEASURING LEVEL (CONTINUED) 3 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Level 3 financial instruments are measured at fair value using valuation techniques and models that may incorporate assumptions derived from unobservable market inputs. The following table shows the main techniques and inputs used in measuring the fair value of financial instruments categorized within Level 3. Fair value Main valuation (in thousands $) techniques Unobservable inputs Input value ranges 621,873 Capitalized cash flows Capitalization rate 3.1% - 13.1% (7.6%) EBITDA margin %1 5.9% - 38.9% (16.6%) (weighted average) November 30, 2015 Development capital investments Unlisted shares and units Loans, bonds and advances 108,567 Discounted cash flows Required rate of return 5.0% - 12.0% (6.1%) 2,497,155 Adjusted net assets Adjusted net assets N/A2 468,816 Recent transactions - - 97,379 Other3 - - 833,993 Discounted cash flows Required rate of return 3.0% - 15.0% (8.4%) 270,523 Adjusted net assets Adjusted net assets N/A2 32,250 Other - - 4,930,556 Other investments Unlisted units 63,906 Manager’s quote - - Bonds 11,539 Other - - 75,445 May 31, 2015 Development capital investments Unlisted shares and units Loans, bonds and advances 598,342 Capitalized cash flows Capitalization rate 5.2% - 12.7% (7.8%) EBITDA margin %1 5.7% - 40.1% (15.9%) 101,111 Discounted cash flows Required rate of return 5.0% - 9.0% (5.5%) 2,460,854 Adjusted net assets Adjusted net assets N/A2 335,265 Recent transactions - - 106,170 Other3 - - 810,415 Discounted cash flows Required rate of return 3.0% - 15.0% (8.6%) 253,821 Adjusted net assets Adjusted net assets N/A2 27,999 Other - - 4,693,977 Other investments Unlisted units 50,907 Manager’s quote - - Bonds 11,334 Other - - 62,241 1. As a result of the high variety in sizes of the companies in the portfolio, maintainable flows are presented as a percentage of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) over sales. 2. Since the nature and size of adjustments to net assets vary greatly between investments, no input range is presented for adjusted net assets. 3. Other valuation techniques include the expected transaction value, redemption value, liquidation and bid value techniques. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 22 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONTINUED) SENSITIVITY OF THE FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS CATEGORIZED WITHIN LEVEL 3 Sensitivity analyses have been performed for financial instruments measured using the capitalized cash flow and the discounted cash flow techniques, for which the judgment of the Fonds’ qualified valuator is significantly important in determining fair value. The adjusted net assets, recent transactions and redemption value valuation techniques are not suited for sensitivity analysis as they use few or no underlying assumptions to determine fair value. The adjusted net assets technique is the most commonly used of these techniques. In most cases, it is used to determine the fair value of investment fund units. Such fair value is essentially based on the share in limited partners’ equity appearing in the most recent audited financial statements of these funds, adjusted to take into account interim results and subsequent transactions carried out up to the valuation date. The Fonds uses to a lesser extent other valuation techniques that rely on the valuator’s judgment and use certain assumptions, namely the expected transaction value, liquidation value and bid value techniques. As these techniques are used to measure financial instruments having an aggregate fair value of $51.3 million as at November 30, 2015 (May 31, 2015: $57.6 million), management believes that it is not relevant to perform sensitivity analyses for these valuation techniques. Our sensitivity analyses on loans, bonds and advances measured using the discounted cash flow technique lead us to conclude that a +/- 0.50% change in the required rate of return would result in a change in fair value that would not be material to net income and total assets and liabilities. For unlisted shares and units measured using the capitalized cash flow and the discounted cash flow techniques, using different variables related to maintainable EBITDA as well as capitalization and discount rates could result in a material increase or decrease in fair value. Since the assumptions are highly interrelated, a sensitivity analysis that isolates the impact of only one of these assumptions on the unlisted shares and units portfolio would not represent fairly the sensitivity of the results. In practice, the Fonds’ qualified valuators determine a range of plausible values for each of the securities being valued and the midrange point is generally used for preparing financial statements. Accordingly, for a given investment, the low end of the range reflects the worst-case scenario, while the high end of the range reflects the best-case scenario. This practice is the most common method used to estimate the overall financial impact of changing the main assumptions by other reasonably acceptable assumptions. Since the portfolio is diversified in terms of industries, maturities and sizes, estimating sensitivity to the various assumptions used by aggregating all the worse-case and best-case scenarios is not reasonable. Using alternative assumptions is unlikely to result in an undervaluation or overvaluation of all investments. Based on a probabilistic approach, management determined that using reasonably plausible alternative assumptions would not change fair value significantly. 9. INVESTMENTS IN SUBSDIARIES AND ASSOCIATES Further to its quantitative and qualitative analyses, management determined that the Fonds controls or exercises significant influence over operating companies and investment entities: November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 Fair value Fair value Number (in thousands $) Number (in thousands $) Operating companies 18 1,169,660 16 1,107,181 Investment entities 14 1,009,167 15 1,002,662 Operating companies 67 818,099 65 796,314 Investment entities 28 314,792 28 294,403 Subsidiaries Associates The principal place of business of the majority of subsidiaries and associates is in Québec. The proportion of ownership interests held by the Fonds is greater than 50% for subsidiaries and between 20% and 49% for associates. Interests in the share capital of operating companies are in the form of common shares, while interests in investment entities are in the form of units. Funds committed but not disbursed to subsidiaries amount to $181.5 million (May 31, 2015: $133.4 million). In certain circumstances, some conditions could restrict the ability of a subsidiary to transfer amounts to the Fonds: for instance, compliance with certain ratios or approval of a payment by another financial institution or other shareholders. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 23 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 9. INVESTMENTS IN SUBSDIARIES AND ASSOCIATES (CONTINUED) However, the Fonds considers that there are no significant restrictions to these transfers, except for one subsidiary operating in the insurance industry. In that case, laws and regulations do not allow the Fonds to receive dividends, redeem its shares or obtain repayment of its loans without approval by the Autorité des marchés financiers. When the Fonds controls an investment entity, it must also take into account in its scope of subsidiaries and associates those of that investment entity. Accordingly, as at November 30, 2015, the Fonds indirectly had 79 additional subsidiaries and 122 additional associates under this criterion (May 31, 2015: 83 subsidiaries and 105 associates). 10. SECURITIES LENDING As part of the securities lending program, the Fonds receives, in exchange for the securities loaned, guarantees or assets, mainly government and corporate bonds, equivalent to the minimum percentage prescribed by any applicable law or agreement or to a percentage that may vary according to best practices. Depending on the securities loaned, this percentage is at least 102% as at November 30, 2015 and at May 31, 2015. The fair value of the securities loaned is $560.8 million (May 31, 2015: $418.3 million). 11. INVESTMENT PROPERTY The investment property held by the Fonds comprises rental space. The following table presents the changes in the fair value of the investment property for the six-month periods ended November 30: 2015 2014 31,376 27,689 Increase in rental space - 2,871 Change in fair value recognized in net income - 816 31,376 31,376 (in thousands $) Balance at beginning of period Balance at end of period UNOBSERVABLE INPUTS The investment property measured at fair value is an asset categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, as significant unobservable inputs are used in the valuation techniques applied. Main unobservable inputs used in measuring the investment property are as follows: Fair value (in thousands $) Valuation techniques Unobservable inputs Input value Discounted cash flows Internal rate of return 7.50% Capitalization rate 6.75% Internal rate of return 7.50% Capitalization rate 6.75% November 30, 2015 Investment property 31,376 May 31, 2015 Investment property 31,376 Discounted cash flows 12. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (in thousands $) November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 Accounts receivable relating to development capital investments and other 115,125 154,160 Accrued dividends and interest investments sold 64,525 64,854 Other 24,789 24,993 204,439 244,007 Accounts receivable maturing in more than twelve months amounts to $39.3 million (May 31, 2015: $39.8 million). FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 24 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 13. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (in thousands $) Office furniture Computer Buildings and equipment hardware 42,947 11,996 Total November 30, 2015 Cost Accumulated depreciation Net carrying amount 16,775 71,718 (9,362) (13,533) (26,277) 39,565 2,634 3,242 45,441 39,918 2,841 3,766 46,525 332 106 475 913 (3,382) Change during the period Net carrying amount as at May 31, 2015 Acquisitions Disposals Depreciation Net carrying amount as at November 30, 2015 (685) (313) 39,565 2,634 42,615 11,890 (111) (111) (888) (1,886) 3,242 45,441 May 31, 2015 Cost Accumulated depreciation Net carrying amount 16,776 71,281 (9,049) (13,010) (24,756) 39,918 2,841 3,766 46,525 (2,697) Change during the year Net carrying amount as at May 31, 2014 41,099 2,556 3,923 47,578 Acquisitions 390 917 1,831 3,138 Disposals (214) - - Depreciation Net carrying amount as at May 31, 2015 (1,357) 39,918 (632) 2,841 (214) (1,988) (3,977) 3,766 46,525 As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, no item of property and equipment was impaired. In addition, as at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, the Fonds had no significant contractual commitment for the acquisition of property and equipment. The depreciation expense is presented under Corporate in Total operating expenses in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 14. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Information system development (in thousands $) November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 Cost 28,000 26,558 Accumulated amortization (21,721) (20,091) 6,279 6,467 Net carrying amount at beginning 6,467 6,542 Acquisitions 1,442 2,530 Amortization (1,630) (2,605) 6,279 6,467 Net carrying amount Change during the period or year Net carrying amount at the end As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, no intangible asset was impaired. In addition, as at November 30, 2015, and May 31, 2015, the Fonds had no significant contractual commitment for the acquisition of intangible assets. The amortization expense is presented under Corporate in Total operating expenses in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 25 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 15. NOTES The notes, which arise from excess liquidities of regional and local funds and of certain specialized funds, are repayable on demand and bear interest at a rate based on the expected average long-term rate of return of Other investments. As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, the interest rate is 4%. 16. CREDIT FACILITIES As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, the Fonds has credit facilities amounting to $80 million, bearing interest at prime rate and renewable annually. As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, these facilities are unused, and they were not used during the periods then ended. 17. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 investments purchased 95,340 130,961 Accrued expenses and other 42,618 55,008 (in thousands $) Accounts payable relating to development capital investments and other Derivative financial instruments 430 1,975 138,388 187,944 18. NET ASSETS 1. SHARE CAPITAL a) Authorized i) Class A shares Unlimited number of Class A shares to be issued in Series 1 and 2, without par value, voting, redeemable and inalienable unless approved by a resolution of the Board of Directors. Class A shares, Series 1 and 2 can be exchanged for shares of another series and rank pari passu. However, Class A share, Series 1 may be issued only to an individual requesting their transfer to a trustee under a registered retirement savings plan. ii) Class B shares Unlimited number of Class B shares, without par value, non-voting, entitled to a preferential dividend at the rate determined by the Board of Directors. In the event of liquidation, the Class B shares rank prior to Class A shares. b) Subscribed Subscribed capital is money cashed but for which no Class A share can be issued in consideration thereof pursuant to the Fonds’ Purchase-by-Agreement Policy. These Class A shares will be issued at the time set out in such policy at the share price in effect at that date. c) Redemption terms The Fonds is required to redeem shares in the circumstances set out in its Incorporation Act or to redeem them by mutual agreement in exceptional situations provided under a policy for such purpose adopted by the Fonds’ Board of Directors and approved by the Minister of Finance of Québec. The redemption price is determined semi-annually based on the value of the Fonds. d) Contributed surplus Contributed surplus arises from the reduction in issued and paid-up capital resulting from transfers and the excess of the average value of share capital over the redemption price. This excess is reduced when shares are redeemed at a price exceeding the average value of issued share capital, pro rata to the redeemed shares. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 26 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 18. NET ASSETS (CONTINUED) 1. SHARE CAPITAL (CONTINUED) e) Transfers During the period, the Board of Directors approved an increase in the issued and paid-up capital on Class A shares, Series 1 of $70 million through a transfer from retained earnings (November 30, 2014: $75 million). As at November 30, 2015, the Fonds had, since its incorporation, transferred the following cumulative amounts: $2,052 million from retained earnings to share capital, $1,500 million from share capital to contributed surplus and $291 million from contributed surplus to retained earnings. 2. NET INCOME PER CLASS A SHARE Net income per share is based on the weighted average number of Class A shares, which was 335,097,570 (November 30, 2014: 334,427,078). 3. NET ASSETS – CLASS A Series 1 (in thousands) Series 2 Subscribed Total Number $ Number $ $ $ 331,878 11,037,998 3,319 110,378 1,312 11,149,688 November 30, 2015 Net assets as at May 31, 2015 Net income Other comprehensive income Share issues 7,879 108,290 1,117 109,407 2,780 28 2,808 258,875 122 3,992 Net change in share subscriptions Share redemptions 262,867 (435) (8,563) (282,337) (123) (4,061) (435) (286,398) Change in outstanding redemptions 208 5,514 5,514 Net assets as at November 30, 2015 331,402 11,131,120 3,318 111,454 877 11,243,451 330,886 10,029,119 3,348 101,472 612 10,131,203 November 30, 2014 Net assets as at May 31, 2014 Net income 350,054 Other comprehensive income Share issues 3,575 (2,708) 8,427 253,382 132 3,977 (8,666) (261,123) (118) (3,561) Net change in share subscriptions Share redemptions 353,629 (27) (2,735) 257,359 190 Change in outstanding redemptions 337 9,287 Net assets as at November 30, 2014 330,984 10,378,011 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 190 (264,684) 9,287 3,362 105,436 802 10,484,249 27 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 19. CAPITAL DISCLOSURES The Fonds collects capital to make development capital investments in keeping with its mission, while maintaining the liquidities required to satisfy the share redemption requests submitted by shareholders and meet its commitments. The Fonds’ policy is to reinvest all income generated by its operations, and it does not expect to pay dividends to its shareholders. The Fonds is not subject to externally imposed capital requirements other than those governing share issues and redemptions. 1. EXTERNALLY IMPOSED REQUIREMENTS GOVERNING SHARE ISSUES a) Investment rule The Fonds may make development capital investments in any business enterprise with or without security. However, at the end of each financial year, qualified development capital investments must meet the investment rule minimum threshold as prescribed by the Fonds’ Incorporation Act. As at May 31, 2015, the minimum threshold was 60%. In the Québec budget tabled on March 26, 2015, it was announced that the investment rule threshold will be gradually raised (by 1% per year starting with the financial year ending May 31, 2016) to 65% in 2020. Accordingly, the investment rule minimum threshold as at May 31, 2016 will be 61%. If the Fonds fails to reach this threshold, the share issues giving rise to labour-sponsored fund tax credits for the following financial year are limited to a prescribed percentage of the total value of shares in the preceding financial year, except for shares acquired through payroll deductions and employer contributions stipulated in agreements concluded at the end of the preceding financial year. The percentage under the investment rule was 65.1% as at May 31, 2015 (May 31, 2014: 65.1%). Since the investment rule minimum threshold was reached as at May 31, 2015, the amount of share issues giving rise to labour-sponsored fund tax credits for the financial year ending May 31, 2016 will not be limited. b) Limit on share issues for the year ended May 31, 2015 The 2014-2015 Québec budget tabled before the National Assembly on June 4, 2014 limited to $650 million the amount of share issues giving rise to labour-sponsored fund tax credits that the Fonds could make during the financial year ended May 31, 2015. The Fonds complied with this limit and also issued $17 million in shares that do not give rise to tax credits and are not subject to this limit, pursuant to the provisions regarding the acquisition of replacement shares set out in the Home Buyers’ Plan and the Lifelong Learning Plan. There is no limit on share issues for the year ending May 31, 2016. 2. EXTERNALLY IMPOSED REQUIREMENTS GOVERNING SHARE REDEMPTIONS The Taxation Act (Québec) provides for the payment of a penalty by the Fonds when the total amount paid for purchases by mutual agreement made during a financial year exceeds 2% of paid-up capital, with certain criteria for purchases by mutual agreement being excluded from the calculation. Since this provision has been in effect, the Fonds has always complied with this limit. 20. CONTINGENCIES In the normal course of business, the Fonds is party to claims and litigations that could result in losses. A contingent loss is recognized when it is likely and can be estimated. Management believes that the aggregate amount of contingent losses would not have a material adverse effect on the Fonds’ financial position. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 28 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 21. TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES For the six-month periods ended November 30 2015 2014 41,303 38,677 Advertising and information 7,362 8,139 Occupancy expenses and rent 4,889 5,006 Professional fees 4,213 2,263 Management fees 3,539 3,377 Stationery and office supplies 2,801 2,206 Shareholder reporting costs 1,422 1,282 Travel and entertainment 1,315 1,368 500 427 Depreciation of property and equipment 1,886 2,007 Amortization of intangible assets 1,630 1,264 70,860 66,016 (in thousands $) Salaries and benefits Custodial fees and trustee’s fees 22. KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL COMPENSATION For the six-month periods ended November 30 2015 2014 1,814 1,221 Post-employment benefits 673 765 Directors’ remuneration and fees 577 698 3,064 2,684 (in thousands $) Salaries and short-term benefits 23. INCOME TAXES For purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada), the Fonds is subject to the rules applicable to mutual fund corporations. As such, the Fonds can receive a refund of the income taxes paid on its capital gains by redeeming its shares or by increasing its issued and paid-up capital through transfers. Since these income taxes are refundable and that, in management’s opinion, the issued and paid-up share capital will be increased sufficiently to recover them, these income taxes are not presented in the Statement of Comprehensive Income, but are presented under Refundable taxes on hand in the Balance Sheet. As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, the balance of these income taxes is zero. The Fonds, as a private company under the Income Tax Act (Canada), can receive a refund of a portion of the income taxes paid on its investment income through the refundable dividend tax on hand (RDTOH). The RDTOH is recoverable by increasing the issued and paid-up share capital through a transfer from retained earnings. This tax of $19.8 million (May 31, 2015: $23.7 million) was entirely applied against income taxes payable following transfers approved by the Board of Directors during the period. Under the Taxation Act (Québec), the Fonds is an open-ended investment company. As such, the Fonds can, in calculating its Québec taxes, deduct taxable capital gains from its taxable income. Consequently, capital gains realized by the Fonds are not subject to taxes in Québec. Income taxes on income before income taxes are detailed as follows: For the six-month periods ended November 30 (in thousands $) Current Deferred 2015 (469) 9,769 9,300 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 2014 13,638 (2,238) 11,400 29 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23. INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) The above income taxes are different from the amounts that would be obtained by applying the combined basic tax rate (Québec and federal) to income before income taxes. The difference is explained as follows: For the six-month periods ended November 30 2015 2014 118,707 365,029 46.6% 46.6% Income taxes 55,317 170,104 Non-taxable dividends and distributions (29,651) (22,940) Refundable dividend tax on hand (19,830) (17,437) Non-taxable portion and federal rate difference 3,737 (68,474) Refundable federal tax 1,965 (35,999) 835 (15,324) (in thousands $) Income before income taxes Tax rate to which the Fonds is subject Realized and unrealized capital gains (losses) Québec tax deduction Other items (3,073) 1,470 9,300 11,400 November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 Items giving rise to deferred income tax assets (liabilities) are as follows: (in thousands $) Development capital investments (16,351) (5,910) Investment property (1,741) (1,614) Property and equipment and intangible assets (4,110) (4,073) Net defined benefit liability 8,586 8,385 Other 216 (13,400) FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 261 (2,951) 30 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24. POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS On January 1, 2001, the Fonds implemented funded and unfunded defined benefit pension plans, which guarantee pension benefits to most of its employees. Also, since July 1, 2003, the Fonds has had an optional personal insurance plan for retired employees. The defined benefit obligation of these plans, as measured by independent actuaries, and the fair value of plan assets are determined as at November 30, 2015. 1. DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLANS The defined benefits from these pension plans are based on the number of years of service and the average annual salary, which is the highest annualized average salary for 36 consecutive months of service. The Fonds is responsible for these plans. The Fonds set up retirement committees to manage the plans, and these committees engaged independent investment managers, actuaries and trustees to obtain professional services. Changes in the defined benefit obligation and the fair value of plan assets during the period are as follows: For the six-month periods ended November 30 2015 Present value (in thousands $) Balance at beginning of period Net defined Present value of pension Fair value of benefit of pension of plan benefit obligation plan assets liability obligation assets liability (257,112) 217,302 (39,810) (228,410) 187,378 (41,032) (7,171) (6,509) (5,309) (4,921) Current service cost (7,171) Interest (5,309) Interest income Impact on net income 2014 (12,480) 4,354 4,354 4,354 (8,126) (8,003) (8,003) (11,430) Fair value Net defined (6,509) (4,921) 3,931 3,931 3,931 (7,499) 5,225 5,225 Remeasurements Return on plan assets, excluding interest income Gain (loss) arising from changes in financial assumptions 11,272 11,272 Experience gain (loss) (7,751) (7,751) (773) (773) Impact on other comprehensive income 11,272 Fonds contributions (8,003) 3,269 (8,524) 5,225 (3,299) 4,292 4,292 3,171 3,171 Employee contributions (3,617) 3,617 - (2,527) 2,527 - Benefits paid 3,250 (3,250) - 1,915 (1,915) - Balance at end of period (367) 4,659 4,292 (612) 3,783 (258,687) 218,312 (40,375) (248,976) 200,317 3,171 (48,659) As at November 30, 2015, the weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation for defined benefit pension plans is 17.9 years (November 30, 2014 : 17.7 years). During the next six-month period, the Fonds expects to contribute approximately $4.4 million to these defined benefit pension plans. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 31 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24. POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (CONTINUED) 2. POST-EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL PLANS The Fonds offers post-employment medical plans that cover hospital and medication costs for eligible retirees. These plans are unfunded. Changes in the defined benefit obligation, which is equal to the defined benefit liability, during the period are as follows: For the six-month periods ended November 30 2015 2014 Present value of obligation and net defined (in thousands $) benefit liability Balance at beginning of period (3,188) (2,860) (60) (54) Current service cost Past service cost (605) Interest Impact on net income (61) (61) (726) (115) 219 (116) 219 (116) Remeasurements Gain (loss) arising from changes in financial assumptions Impact on other comprehensive income Benefits paid 40 Balance at end of period 30 (3,655) (3,061) As at November 30, 2015, the weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation for post-employment medical plans is 15.5 years (November 30, 2014: 15.5 years). During the next six-month period, the Fonds expects to contribute approximately $0.04 million to these post-employment medical plans. 3. SIGNIFICANT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS The significant actuarial assumptions used to measure the Fonds’ defined benefit obligation and the costs recognized for the plans are as follows: November 30, 2015 November 30, 2014 Medical Pension plans plans Pension plans Medical plans Discount rate 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.00 Rate of increase in salaries 3.50 (in %) Defined benefit obligation Rate at end of period Mortality table 3.50 CPM 2014 CPM 2014 CPM 2014 CPM 2014 Discount rate 4.00 3.75 4.00 & 4.25 4.25 Rate of increase in salaries 3.50 Defined benefit costs recognized Rate at end of previous year Mortality table CPM 2014 3.50 CPM 2014 CPM 2014 CPM 2014 The Fonds set the maximum annual amount it will assume per retiree under the insurance plan and does not expect any increases in that amount in the future. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 32 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24. POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (CONTINUED) 4. SENSITIVITY ANALYSES The sensitivity analyses for the defined benefit obligation were prepared based on reasonably possible changes in each significant actuarial assumption, without considering the impact of simultaneous changes in several significant actuarial assumptions. Any change in an actuarial assumption may result in a change in another actuarial assumption, which could amplify or reduce the impact of changes in such assumptions on the present value of the defined benefit obligation. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Impact on the defined benefit obligation as at November 30, 2015 Increase in assumption Decrease in assumption Discount rate Rate of increase in salaries Life expectancy Change in assumption (impact in thousands $) 0.50% 0.50% 1 year (20,397) 6,167 4,868 (impact in thousands $) 23,291 (6,141) (5,040) Impact on the defined benefit obligation as at November 30, 2014 Increase in assumption Decrease in assumption Change in assumption Discount rate Rate of increase in salaries Life expectancy (impact in thousands $) 0.50% 0.50% 1 year (impact in thousands $) (20,738) 6,203 5,004 23,968 (6,122) (5,032) 5. COMPOSITION OF PENSION PLAN ASSETS Funded plan assets are held in trust and their breakdown is as follows: November 30, 2015 November 30, 2014 Equity mutual funds 62.2 62.4 Bond mutual funds 37.4 37.5 (in %) Cash and other 0.4 0.1 100.0 100.0 6. EXPOSURE TO ACTUARIAL RISKS As a result of its defined benefit plans, the Fonds is exposed to certain risks, the most significant of which are described below. a) Interest rate risk A decrease in fixed-rate bond interest rates, which would decrease the discount rate used, would increase the present value of the defined benefit obligation. This increase would however be partially offset by an increase in the value of plan assets. b) Rate of increase in salaries and longevity risk As the majority of the plan obligations relate to the payment of benefits over the retiree’s lifetime, an increase in life expectancy would increase the plan liability. Likewise, an increase in the rate of increase in the participants’ salaries would increase the plan liability. 7. REMEASUREMENT OF THE NET DEFINED BENEFIT LIABILITY For the six-month periods ended November 30 Actuarial gain (loss) arising from post-employment benefits Deferred income taxes 2015 2014 3,488 (3,415) (680) 2,808 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 680 (2,735) 33 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS 1. TRANSACTIONS WITH KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL The Fonds’ key management personnel comprises the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Management Committee. Information on key management personnel compensation for the period is presented in Note 22. 2. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES INCLUDED IN DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL INVESTMENTS In the normal course of business, the Fonds conducts transactions with related companies that it either controls or over which it has significant influence. Many of the development capital investments are of such an amount and nature that the investee is considered a related party. The number of investments in subsidiaries and associates is presented in Note 9. The following table details the transactions carried out with all the subsidiaries and associates of the Fonds during the period and presents the end-of-period balances appearing on the Balance Sheet. For the six-month periods ended November 30 2015 Subsi(in thousands $) diaries 2014 Subsi- Associates Total diaries Associates Total Transactions Interest 5,380 5,423 10,803 4,709 6,310 11,019 Dividends and distributions 6,408 14,097 20,505 3,775 8,305 12,080 Rental, fee and other income 1,687 653 2,340 897 468 1,365 Interest expense on notes 8,141 372 8,513 8,323 435 8,758 Total operating expenses 2,757 580 3,337 2,499 623 3,122 Increase on notes 75,665 1,130 76,795 55,540 1,085 56,625 Repayment of notes 90,252 560 90,812 68,882 694 69,576 52,260 78,302 130,562 25,908 34,567 60,475 2,085 17,917 20,002 5,576 24,723 30,299 Disbursements for development capital investments Receipts on development capital investments November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 Balances Development capital investments, at cost Accounts receivable Accounts payable Notes 1,643,937 945,647 2,589,584 1,611,190 992,673 2,603,863 9,896 2,829 12,725 10,948 5,373 16,321 80 32 112 103 146 249 389,715 19,095 408,810 396,160 18,153 414,313 181,452 280,375 461,827 133,370 317,944 451,314 Other information Funds committed but not disbursed The Fonds engaged two of its associates to manage portfolios with assets totalling $652.9 million (May 31, 2015: $652.4 million). 3. OTHER TRANSACTIONS The Fonds, of which directors are elected by the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ), agreed to pay $1.1 million to the FTQ for the six-month period ended November 30, 2015 (November 30, 2014: $1.4 million) under an agreement that calls for compensation to be paid for services rendered in respect of economic training, social audits, shareholder development, attendance at the Fonds’ governing bodies and support and guidance of certain activities. These transactions are measured at the exchange amount, which is the amount of consideration established and agreed to by the related parties. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 34 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS 3. (CONTINUED) OTHER TRANSACTIONS (CONTINUED) The Fonds incorporated the Fondation de la formation économique du Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) (the “Fondation”) under Part III of the Québec Companies Act and appoints the members of the Fondation’s Board of Directors. The Fonds granted a loan of $5 million to the Fondation at a variable, contingent interest rate, with a fair value of $3.9 million (May 31, 2015: $3.9 million). The Fonds issued a note of $3.6 million (May 31, 2015: $4.1 million). The Fonds granted non-interest bearing loans of $15 million with a fair value of $11,4 million (May 31, 2015 : $11.6 million) to the Fonds étudiant solidarité travail du Québec (FESTQ), which are considered related to the Fonds because the Fonds appoints some of their directors together with the Government of Québec. The Fonds granted a non-interest bearing loan of $5 million with a fair value of $3.3 million (May 31, 2015: $3.4 million) to Fiducie de Montréal inc., which is considered related to the Fonds because the Fonds appoints some of its directors. These loans are presented under Accounts receivable on the Balance Sheet. 26. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The audited Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost, the unaudited Relevé des autres investissements and the unaudited Index of the Share of the Fonds in Investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost are available at the Fonds’ head office, on its website at or at 27. CHANGES IN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PRESENTATION Interest on notes, which was previously applied against interest income in the Statements of Comprehensive Income, is now presented separately. Interest on notes of $8.8 million as at November 30, 2014 was reclassified to reflect this new presentation. Increase in notes and repayment of notes, which were presented as financing activities in the Statements of Cash Flows, are now presented as operating activities. FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) 35 INTERIM MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE SIX-MONTH PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2015 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) INTERIM MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE SIX-MONTH PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2015 This interim Management Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) is intended to help the readers assess, through the eyes of management, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ’s (the “Fonds”) results and financial condition as well as the material changes therein during the six-month period ended November 30, 2015. The interim MD&A complements and supplements the financial statements as at November 30, 2015 and contains financial highlights, but does not include the complete financial statements of the Fonds. To facilitate the understanding of events and uncertainties presented herein, this interim MD&A should be read together with the financial statements and the notes thereto. This MD&A contains forward-looking statements about the Fonds’ activities, results, and strategies that should be interpreted with caution. These forecasts necessarily involve assumptions, uncertainties and risks; it is therefore possible that a number of factors may cause them not to materialize. Legislative or regulatory changes, economic and business conditions and the level of competition are some examples of major factors that may influence, sometimes significantly, the accuracy of the forward-looking statements in this MD&A. This MD&A is dated December 22, 2015. The Fonds is subject to the Regulation Respecting Development Capital Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure (the “Regulation”) and applies its requirements, notably to its financial statements and its interim MD&A. You can get a copy of the financial statements as at November 30, 2015 by visiting our website ( or the SEDAR website (, or at your request, and at no cost, by calling us at 514-383-3663 or toll free at 1-800-567-3663, or by writing to us at P.O. Box 1000, Youville Station, Montréal, Québec H2P 2Z5. You can also get a copy of the annual documents in this same manner. 1 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The following tables show selected key financial information about the Fonds and are intended to help you understand the Fonds’ financial performance for the past five financial years and the six-month period ended November 30, 2015. This information is derived from the Fonds’ audited financial statements. Financial data for the six-month period ended November 30, 2015 and for the financial year ended May 31, 2015 are in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). Financial data for the financial year ended May 31, 2014 have been restated to conform to IFRS and be comparable with the data for the financial year ended May 31, 2015 and for the current year. In addition, for the financial year ended May 31, 2014, certain revenues that were previously presented as a reduction of expenses were reclassified to revenues. Financial data for the years that began prior to June 1, 2013 are in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles then effective as defined in Part V of the CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting (“GAAP”). The Fonds’ results are discussed under “Results of operations” on page 5. RATIOS AND SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Six-month period or years ended (in millions of dollars, unless otherwise specified) a Revenues b Net income Net assets Class A shares outstanding (number, in thousands) c Total operating expense ratio (%) d Portfolio turnover rate : Development capital investments (%) Other investments (%) e Trading expense ratio (%) November 30, 2015 (IFRS) (six-month period) May 31, 2015 (IFRS) May 31, 2014 (IFRS) May 31, 2013 (GAAP) May 31, 2012 (GAAP) May 31, 2011 (GAAP) 189 1,149 940 256 247 256 109 985 772 458 215 650 11,243 11,150 10,131 9,301 8,525 8,178 334,720 335,197 334,234 332,441 320,629 315,504 0.63 1.36 1.51 1.44 1.46 1.47 4.88 54.78 6.05 119.55 7.14 167.36 8.44 115.57 12.09 158.61 11.38 172.57 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 610,605 610,605 613,958 615,664 594,287 583,235 Issues of shares 263 667 787 855 767 698 Redemption of shares 286 643 730 542 620 465 7,282 7,112 6,415 6,144 5,757 5,207 f Number of shareholders (number) g Fair value of development capital investments a b c d e f g For the six-month period ended November 30, 2015 and the financial years ended May 31, 2015 and 2014, revenues include realized and unrealized gains and losses, distributions, and rental, fee and other income, which is not the case for the financial year ended May 31, 2013 and the prior years. Net income corresponds to revenues less total operating expenses and income taxes. To arrive at comprehensive income, the remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability is deducted from (or added to) net income. The total operating expense ratio is obtained as follows: for a six-month period, by dividing total operating expenses in net income for the six-month period by the net assets attributable to security holders of the Fonds at the end of that six-month period; for a year, by dividing total operating expenses in net income for the year by the average net assets attributable to security holders of the Fonds for that year. The total operating expense ratio for the six-month period ended November 30, 2015 is presented on a non-annualized basis. The portfolio turnover rate reflects the number of changes made to the composition of the portfolio. For example, a portfolio turnover rate of 100% means that the Fonds purchased and sold all the securities in its portfolio once during the financial year. There is not necessarily a relationship between a high turnover rate and the portfolio’s performance. The portfolio turnover rate for the six-month period ended November 30, 2015 is presented on a non-annualized basis. For the six-month period, the trading expense ratio represents transaction costs expressed as an annualized percentage of net assets at the end of the sixmonth period and, for the year, as a percentage of average net assets. As at May 31, 2015. These investments include funds committed but not disbursed as well as guarantees and suretyships. 2 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS PER SHARE Six-month period or years ended November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 May 31, 2014 May 31, 2013 May 31, 2012 May 31, 2011 (IFRS) (six-month period) (IFRS) (IFRS) (GAAP) (GAAP) (GAAP) 33.26 30.31 27.98 26.59 25.92 23.84 (in dollars) Net assets per share, beginning of a six-month period/year Impact of the transition to IFRS 0.02 Net assets per share, beginning of six-month period/year after impact a of the transition to IFRS b Increase from operations : Interest, dividends and distributions, rental, fee and other income and c interest on notes 33.26 30.31 28.00 26.59 25.92 23.84 0.33 2.94 2.31 1.41 0.68 2.10 0.51 1.02 1.08 0.79 0.78 0.82 0.27 0.67 0.53 0.30 0.16 0.26 (0.21) 1.74 1.21 0.77 0.22 1.48 Total operating expenses (0.21) (0.44) (0.45) (0.40) (0.39) (0.38) Income tax and capital tax (0.03) (0.05) (0.06) (0.05) (0.09) (0.08) d Realized gains Unrealized gains (losses) e Increase from other comprehensive income 0.01 0.02 0.01 Variance from issues and redemption of shares (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) Net assets per share, end of a six-month period/year 33.59 33.26 a b c d e 30.31 (0.02) (0.01) (0.02) 27.98 26.59 25.92 The amount of net assets per share is based on the actual number of shares outstanding at the relevant time. The increase from operations is based on the weighted-average number of shares outstanding during the relevant six-month period or financial year. For the six-month period ended November 30, 2015 and the financial years ended May 31, 2015 and 2014, this item includes distributions as well as rental, fee and other income. For the financial year ended May 31, 2013 and the prior years, distributions were presented under realized gains. For the financial year ended May 31, 2013 and the prior years, rental, fee and other income was presented as a reduction of total operating expenses. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS AND OUTLOOK The world economy picked up some steam in recent months due to growth in several developed economies, particularly in the United States, the Eurozone and the United Kingdom. However, weak emerging economies (particularly China, Brazil and Russia), falling commodities prices and persistent geopolitical risks in Europe and the Middle East have all been sources of concerns that contributed one way or another to worsen the outlook on the global GDP growth. Even though many economists believe that the recovery in developed economies should be enough to offset the emerging markets’ slowdown in the coming quarters, expected growth for global GDP in 2015 and 2016 has been revised slightly downward. Europe In the last six months, the Eurozone economy continued to grow after the European Central Bank (ECB) initiated its own version of large-scale quantitative easing. This growth, which was all-in-all moderate given the exceptional measures implemented by the ECB, clearly shows the structural weakness of Europe. The ECB even decided to extend for at least six months the quantitative easing program (monthly purchase of €60 billion bonds from Eurozone member countries) beyond September 2016. In addition, in recent months, the weak euro contributed to stimulating net exports from the Eurozone. 3 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Retail sales growth improved due to an acceleration in credit, particularly among households, and a downward trend in the unemployment rate. If we rely on various economic indicators, business confidence has remained fragile and investment, relatively weak. Many economists believe that it will take time to observe a true acceleration in investment, and consequently, growth in the Eurozone’s GDP should remain moderate in the coming quarters. The United States After recording a decrease in GDP in the first quarter of 2015, particularly due to difficult weather conditions during winter 2015, the U.S. economy recovered in the following quarter. This is explained by the acceleration in consumption, growth in investments (despite a fall on this front in the oil sector) and the important increase in government spending. Growth in U.S. GDP pulled back somewhat in the third quarter of 2015 mainly due to a decrease in net exports stemming from the strength of the U.S. dollar, problems in the oil sector, weak demand from emerging countries and the change in business inventories. Despite the slowdown experienced in the third quarter of 2015, economists are generally of the opinion that strong domestic demand and robust investment spending should continue to push the U.S. economy forward in the next quarters. The U.S. saw sustained job creation in the last six months, which lowered the unemployment rate even further: it was 5.0% in November 2015, compared to 5.5% in May 2015. Several economists forecast that the unemployment rate should be below the 5% mark throughout 2016. Wages show signs of improvement, but they are not terribly convincing. The average savings rate has been 5.2% in the U.S. since May 31, 2015, up from the average savings rate for the same period last year. Inflation, which was low in the U.S. in the last six months, should stay at this level in the coming months, to the extent oil prices do not increase significantly in the short term. In this context of low inflation, the U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed) announced on December 16, 2015 a 25 basis point increase in its key interest rate (from 0.25% to 0.50%). It should be recalled that this rate had been unchanged at 0.25% since December 2008. Canada The Canadian economy was in a technical recession in the first half of 2015, as a result of consecutive decreases in real GDP for the first two quarters. Non-residential investment was in large part behind the fall in Canadian economic growth, as spending in the energy sector was down sharply in response to the fall in oil prices and, consequently, the deterioration of the profitability of many projects. It is important to point out that the magnitude of the decrease in real GDP over the first two quarters of 2015 was much weaker than that seen in previous recessions. In addition, Canada’s economic difficulties were not generalized this time; instead they were concentrated in certain industries such as energy, and more particularly oil, mining, construction and manufacturing. In this context, the Bank of Canada announced another 25-basis point decrease in the discount rate at its July 15, 2015 meeting (from 0.75% to 0.50%). In fact, it should be recalled that an initial decrease in the discount rate, from 1.00% to 0.75%, had been announced at the beginning of the year. To justify lowering the discount rate, the Bank of Canada pointed to declining commodities prices and weak numbers for the Canadian economy. It should be noted that since the July 15, 2015 decrease, the discount rate has held steady at 0.50%. Based on GDP growth in the third quarter of 2015, the recession was short lived. The Canadian economy returned to growth in the third quarter, due in large part to foreign trade that benefitted from a weak Canadian dollar and from improved U.S. demand, which contributed positively to real GDP growth, and due, to a lesser extent, to an acceleration of growth in residential investment. Despite this growth in real GDP in the third quarter, most economists believe that overall economic growth in Canada for 2015 will not be very high, but they believe we should expect 2016 to be better to the extent that the new government in Ottawa will adopt measures to stimulate the country’s economy. Overall, during the last six months, the Canadian unemployment rate increased from 6.8% in May 2015 to 7.1% in November 2015, while inflation remained low. Many economists believe that the overall Canadian inflation rate should increase slightly in 2016, as the pulldown effect of falling oil prices in 2014-2015 should diminish, and we will likely have to wait until the beginning of 2017 to see a larger increase. The Canadian real estate market continued to grow in the last six months as a result of low interest rates, among other factors. However, this strong momentum was not evenly spread across the country. According to many real estate specialists, housing starts and resale activity should see an overall slight decrease in 2016, after staying very high in some provinces in 2015. During the last six months, short-term (2 years) and long-term (10 years) Canadian government bond rates remained relatively stable. During the same period, investment-grade corporation and provincial credit spreads trended up. The Canadian dollar traded at $US0.75 on November 30, 2015, compared with $US0.80 on May 31, 2015. In light of current conditions, we believe that the Canadian dollar could continue to fluctuate in the coming months and that interest rates on Canadian 10-year and 30-year bonds should vary in a range not exceeding plus or minus 50 basis points. 4 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Québec Even though low oil prices had little impact on Québec’s economic growth over the last six months, it was still weak due to consumption that lacked strength, a residential sector that went through an adjustment period, business investment that was slow to recover and exports that struggled to stimulate economy enough. Hopes for a faster growth in Québec’ real GDP than in Canada’s real GDP were quickly dashed. However, many economists believe that, eventually, Québec and Canada should experience similar economic growth in 2015, despite the differences in their respective industrial structures. In contrast to Canada, the technical recession was avoided in Québec, which only saw one negative quarter. The unemployment rate was 7.5% in November 2015, down from 7.6% in May 2015; this rate is higher than for Canada (7.1%) and for Ontario (6.9%). According to many economists, despite the difficulties the Québec economy is going through in the current environment of budget cuts, it could improve in the coming quarters to the extent that households increase their consumer spending, after limiting it over the last six months, currently low business investment accelerates and international exports (that depend largely on U.S. demand) continue to rise. The Fonds will therefore definitely continue to play an important role, particularly by contributing to creating and maintaining jobs in Québec and by working with Québec companies that are looking and willing to expand abroad while generating economic spinoffs for Québec. Despite the positive signs suggesting that an economic recovery built on a stronger foundation seems to be appearing in several developed countries, more specifically in the U.S. and the United Kingdom, economic, financial and geopolitical issues still abound elsewhere in the world, particularly in Europe and emerging countries. In another way, the road to greater stability on a global scale is still littered with obstacles of all kinds. This situation is raising many economic uncertainties that should continue to impact the performance of many financial institutions, including the Fonds. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS RESULTS FOR THE FONDS For the six-month period, the Fonds posted comprehensive income of $112 million, compared to $351 million for the corresponding period of the prior year. The Fonds generated a return of 1.0% for the six-month period, compared to the return of 3.5% earned for the same period a year ago. The return to the shareholder was also 1.0% for the six-month period (3.5% for the corresponding period of the previous year). The value of the Fonds’ shares increased by $0.33 compared to the value in effect since July 6, 2015 to stand at $33.59 as at January 5, 2016. The Fonds’ net assets amounted to $11.2 billion as at November 30, 2015 compared to $11.1 billion as at May 31, 2015. For the last 12 months (from December 1, 2014 to November 30, 2015), the Fonds generated a return of 7.0%, compared to a return of 7.4% for the corresponding period in 2013-2014. The return to the shareholder was 7.1% for the last 12 months (7.4% for the corresponding period in 2013-2014). As a result of its mission, a significant portion of the Fonds’ portfolio is comprised of private securities and specialized funds. In general, the Fonds’ asset allocation tends to limit its return potential in a bull market, while the opposite occurs in a bear market. 5 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) FONDS RETURN 1 Six-month periods ended November 30 2015 2014 Assets under management at end of period* $M Weight % 5,911 5,359 11,270 52.4 47.6 100.0 Return % Rental, fee and other income Total operating expenses Income tax Fonds return (six-month period) 3.0 0.1 1.6 0.1 (0.6) (0.1) 1.0 Fonds return (last 12 months) 7.0 Development capital investments Other investments** Assets under management at end of period* $M Weight % 5,201 5,308 10,509 49.5 50.5 100.0 Return % 3.5 4.8 4.2 (0.6) (0.1) 3.5 7.4 * Assets under management at end of period refer to the fair value, at the end of the six-month period, of the assets managed by the Investments and Other Investments sectors and used to generate revenues presented in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. This amount differs from the amount of assets presented in the financial statements, which includes, unlike assets under management, the notes arising from excess liquidities of regional and local funds and certain specialized funds, among other things. ** Other investments represent the remaining assets not invested in partner companies. Managed by the Other Investments sector, they consist of the following portfolios: cash and money market, bonds, shares, international infrastructure funds, high-income securities and absolute return strategies. It should be noted that the phase-out of the absolute return strategies portfolio was completed in April 2015. SECTOR RESULTS Investments sector The assets managed by the Investments sector are essentially mission-driven development capital investments made by the Fonds in public and private companies in the form of shares, units or loans. To stabilize its return, the Fonds favours a fair balance between investments in the form of loans—that are usually unsecured and provide a current return through interest payments—, investments in shares—that potentially generate a higher return but involve an increased level of volatility—, and investments in specialized fund units—that allow the Fonds to better diversify its portfolio while bringing private and foreign capital inflows to Québec. Development capital investments are governed by the Fonds’ Investment Policy, which is an important component of its Integrated Financial Assets Management Policy. The Investments sector earned a gross return of 3.0% for the six-month period, compared to the gross return of 3.5% generated for the corresponding period in 2014. Taking into account this return and given the level of mission-driven investments made by the Fonds, the assets in this sector represented $5.9 billion at the end of the six-month period or 52.4% of assets under management as at November 30, 2015 (49.5% as at November 30, 2014). The performance of the Investments sector is influenced by various factors, particularly the behaviour of the financial markets as well as the economic and business conditions in which our partner companies operate, and by the dynamic management of our investments. The gross return of 3.0% of the Investments sector for the most recently ended six-month period is largely explained by the following: • The 4.8% return generated by our private securities and specialized funds portfolio during the six-month period (compared to a return of 3.4% for the corresponding period in 2014). Overall, this performance is attributable to the general strength of the portfolio, which produced interest revenues, dividends and distributions and, in addition, generated an increase in value during the six-month period in a low economic growth environment in Québec. The depreciation of the Canadian dollar over the last six months is a factor that contributed positively to this increase in value; • The 6.3% negative return generated by our portfolio of listed securities during the six-month period. This return was earned in an environment in which the Canadian stock markets experienced significant decreases, which contrasts sharply with the conditions that prevailed during the corresponding period of the previous year, which were much more favourable and enabled our portfolio to generate a positive return of 4.0%. 1 The non-annualized return for a six-month period is calculated by dividing net income per share for the six-month period by net assets per share at the beginning of the six-month period. 6 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) The Other Investments sector The Other Investments sector manages the Fonds’ assets that are not invested in partner companies. Other investments consist of the cash and money market, bonds, shares, international infrastructure funds, high-income securities and absolute return strategies 2 portfolios. Other investments are managed in accordance with the Other Investments Portfolio Policy, which is an integral part of the Integrated Financial Assets Management Policy. The Other Investments Portfolio Policy is designed to optimize the return/risk ratio of the Fonds, diversify the development capital investments portfolio and ensure that the Fonds has a liquidity level that is sufficient to meet all its obligations. For the six-month period, the Other Investments sector earned a gross return of 0.1%, down from the gross return of 4.8% recorded for the corresponding period in 2014. The assets of this sector represented $5.4 billion or 47.6% of the Fonds’ assets under management as at November 30, 2015 (50.5% as at November 30, 2014). The evolution of interest rates and the performance of the stock markets are the determining factors in analyzing the performance of the Other Investments sector. Accordingly, the results achieved by this sector are influenced by the behaviour of the financial markets and the conditions affecting the economic environment. The gross return of 0.1% of the Other Investments sector for the six-month period is largely explained by the following: • The 0.7% return for the shares and other securities 3 portfolios, as the decrease in value of global and Canadian shares was more than offset by the depreciation of the Canadian dollar. These portfolios had generated a return of 6.2% for the corresponding period of the previous year, when economic conditions were characterized by a good performance by the foreign stock markets, combined to a depreciation of the Canadian dollar; • The 0.5% negative return on our fixed-income portfolio for the six-month period, compared to a positive return of 3.5% for the corresponding period in 2014. This return is mostly explained by the widening of the investment-grade corporation and provincial credit spreads, which pushed down the value of the bonds held in the portfolio. RETURN BY ASSET CLASS Six-month periods ended November 30 Assets under management at end of period $M Development capital investments Private securities and specialized funds Listed securities Other investments Fixed-income securities Shares and other securities 2015 Weight % Return % Assets under management at end of period $M 2014 Weight % Return % 5,033 878 44.6 7.8 4.8 (6.3) 4,269 932 40.6 8.9 3.4 4.0 2,554 2,805 11,270 22.7 24.9 100.0 (0.5) 0.7 1.6 2,587 2,721 10,509 24.6 25.9 100.0 3.5 6.2 4.2 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Total operating expenses consist mainly of expenses related to assets under management, shareholder services, subscription activities, economic training, systems and controls and their improvement, the process of investing in companies, personnel and all other resources the Fonds requires to achieve its mission and meet its objectives. Although it is essential that the Fonds has available resources to achieve its mission, it is also fundamental that it controls its expenses. Year after year, the Fonds was able to maintain its total operating expense ratio at a lower level than the management expense ratio of Canadian balanced funds, which stands at approximately 1.2% 4 on a six-month basis. For the six-month period ended November 30, 2015, the ratio of total operating expenses to net assets attributable to security holders of the Fonds at the end of the six-month period (on a non-annualized basis), calculated using the method prescribed in the Regulation, was 0.6%, which is identical to the ratio for the corresponding period of the previous year. Expressed in dollars, total operating expenses amounted to $71 million for the six-month period ended November 30, 2015, up $5 million compared to the corresponding period of the prior year. 2 3 4 The phase-out of the absolute return strategies portfolio was completed in April 2015. Other securities are comprised of the following portfolios: international infrastructure funds, high-income securities and absolute return strategies. Source: Bloomberg (based on a sample of 200 Canadian retail balanced funds). 7 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) ANALYSIS OF CASH FLOWS, BALANCE SHEET AND OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS Cash flows Cash flows from operating activities of the Fonds totalled $40 million for the six-month period, compared to a total amount of $25 million for the corresponding period in 2014. Changes in these cash flows mainly resulted from our current operations. Cash flows from financing activities of the Fonds were a total negative amount of $28 million for the six-month period, compared to a total negative amount of $12 million for the corresponding six-month period in 2014. These cash flows resulted from issues of shares amounting to $262 million 5 ($257 million for the corresponding six-month period in 2014) less redemptions of shares totalling $290 million 6 ($269 million for the corresponding six-month period in 2014). Cash flows from investment activities of the Fonds represented a net cash outflow of $2 million for the six-month period, compared to a net outflow of $4 million for the corresponding sixmonth period in 2014. As at November 30, 2015, the Fonds had lines of credit of $80 million available for its working capital requirements. These lines of credit were not used during the six-month period, and their outstanding balance was nil as at November 30, 2015. Balance sheet and off-balance sheet items Balance sheet development capital investments increased from $6.1 billion as at May 31, 2015 to $6.3 billion as at November 30, 2015. This $160 million increase mainly resulted from our net disbursed investments of $63 million (disbursed investments of $331 million less disinvestments of $268 million) and the increase in value of development capital investments during the six-month period. On a commitment basis, the Fonds made development capital investments of $324 million during the six-month period, compared to $240 million for the corresponding period of the previous year. Funds committed but not disbursed amounted to $1.0 billion as at November 30, 2015, as they did as at May 31, 2015. In addition, balance sheet other investments decreased by $85 million during the six-month period to $5.3 billion as at November 30, 2015 ($5.4 billion as at May 31, 2015). This decrease is mainly attributable to the volume of net development capital investments made during the six-month period and the total negative amount generated by the Fonds’ financing activities (issues of shares less redemptions of shares). The Fonds may use derivative financial instruments to facilitate the management of portfolios, increase its revenues, protect the value of its assets and manage its market risks. MISSION OF THE FONDS, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES There have been no material changes to the Fonds’ mission, objectives and business model since the issuance of the last annual MD&A. STRATEGIES During the 2014-2015 financial year, the Fonds began an extensive strategic review process to ensure that, in the medium-term, it continues increasing its socio-economic impact and optimizing its current activities and, in the long-term, it adapts its business mode. This strategic review process continued during the six-month period. More specifically, the main strategic orientations were approved by the Board of Directors and a budget was made available for the implementation phase. In the coming months, the Fonds will consult with its various relevant stakeholders before starting the implementation phase of certain initiatives. 5 6 This amount is presented on a cash basis and therefore includes the net change in share subscriptions between May 31, 2015 and November 30, 2015. This amount is presented on a cash basis and therefore includes the change in amounts payable between May 31, 2015 and November 30, 2015. 8 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) PHASE-OUT OF THE FEDERAL TAX CREDIT In the budget tabled on March 21, 2013, the previous Government of Canada had announced its intention to phase out through 2017 the 15% tax credit it grants to labour-sponsored fund shareholders. Despite the representations and proposals made by the two Québec-based labour-sponsored funds (the Fonds and Fondaction CSN), that government passed Bill C-4 in December 2013 without amending the measures set out in the March 2013 budget. More specifically, according to these measures, the federal income tax credit remained at 15% until the taxpayer’s 2014 tax year (therefore including any contributions made during the first 60 days of 2015 and applied to the 2014 tax year), and will then be phased out through 2017. The Québec tax credit of 15% remains in place. Consequently, for the taxpayer’s 2014 tax year, total credits remained at 30%, however, for the 2015 tax year, the tax credits to which the taxpayer is entitled total 25% (15% Québec and 10% federal). In other words, for the 2015 tax year, the maximum tax credit is $1,250 on a maximum annual subscription of $5,000. Please refer to the annual MD&A for the financial year ended May 31, 2015 for an analysis of the impact of the phase-out of the federal tax credit. That said, the new Prime Minister of Canada stated in his mandate to the Minister of Finance that one of his priorities is to “restore the tax credit for labour-sponsored funds to support economic growth and help Canadians save for their retirement.” The Fonds will actively monitor this situation in the upcoming months. INVESTMENT RULE The investment rule, set out in the Fonds’ Incorporation Act, stipulates that the Fonds’ qualified development capital investments must respect the minimum threshold of the investment rule at the end of each financial year. As at May 31, 2015, this minimum threshold was 60% of the Fonds’ average net assets of the previous financial year. The Fonds may invest the remaining assets in other financial vehicles for asset diversification and sound management purposes. The calculation method for the investment rule is based on the value of the Fonds’ assets, which depends in part on interest rate fluctuations and on the performance of stock markets and the economy in general. In the most recent Québec budget tabled on March 26, 2015, it was announced that the investment rule threshold will be gradually raised (by 1% per year starting in 2016) to 65% in 2020. Accordingly, the investment rule minimum threshold as at May 31, 2016 will be 61%. If the Fonds does not meet the investment rule minimum threshold, the share issues giving rise to labour-sponsored fund tax credits for the following financial year are limited to a prescribed percentage of the total value of the shares issued during the previous financial year, except for shares acquired through payroll deduction or by employer contributions set out in agreements concluded before the end of the prior year. As at May 31, 2015, the value of the average qualified investments 7 amounted to $6.3 billion or 65.1% of the average net assets of the previous financial year (compared to 65.1% as at May 31, 2014). Since the minimum threshold of the investment rule was reached as at May 31, 2015, the amount of share issues giving rise to labour-sponsored fund tax credits for the 2015-2016 financial year will not be limited by the investment rule. As at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015, the Fonds was in compliance with the investment rule as well as all other limits and rules set out by its Incorporation Act. The Fonds expects to comply with all the limits and rules set out in its Incorporation Act over the next several years. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS On December 9, 2015, in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister of Canada reaffirmed his commitment to restore the tax credit for labour-sponsored funds. In particular, he pointed out that this commitment is one of the priorities set out in the mandate given to his Minister of Finance, as previously mentioned. No other recent development had a material impact on the Fonds. 7 These investments include funds committed but not disbursed as well as guarantees and suretyships. 9 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) PAST PERFORMANCE This section presents the past performance of the Fonds. The past performance of the Fonds does not necessarily indicate how it will perform in the future. YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS OF THE FONDS The following chart shows the Fonds’ annual return and illustrates how the Fonds’ return has changed from year to year for the last ten financial years ended May 31 and the six-month period ended November 30, 2015. The annual return of the Fonds is calculated by dividing net income (net loss) per share for the financial year by net assets per share at the beginning of the financial year. Such return sometimes differs from the annual compound return to the shareholder because the annual return of the Fonds does not take into account other comprehensive income but takes into account share issues and redemptions made during the year, which have a dilutive or accretive effect on net income (net loss) per share, as the case may be. The non-annualized return for the six-month period ended November 30, 2015 is calculated by dividing net income per share for the sixmonth period by net assets per share at the beginning of the six-month period. ANNUAL COMPOUND RETURNS TO THE SHAREHOLDER At the current value of $33.59 per share, a shareholder who has invested at the beginning of each of the periods indicated below earns the following annual compound returns: The annual compound return to the shareholder is calculated by taking into account the annualized change in the value per share over the periods indicated. This return sometimes differs from the annual return of the Fonds since it takes into account other comprehensive income but does not take into account the dilutive or accretive effect of share issues and redemptions made during the year. Since the inception of the Fonds, the annual compound return to the shareholder has been 4.0%. ANNUAL COMPOUND RETURNS TO THE SHAREHOLDER (INCLUDING TAX CREDITS) A shareholder who would have invested an equal amount each year through payroll deduction would have earned, at the current value of $33.59 per share and including the Québec and federal labour-sponsored fund tax credits (15% at the Québec level and 10% at the federal level for the 2015 tax year – 15% for the previous tax years), an annual compound return of 17.0% and 12.1% for a 7-year and 10-year period, respectively. In addition to this return, the shareholder can receive additional tax benefits if he transfers his Fonds shares to an RRSP. It should be noted that the phase-out of the federal tax credit that is effective with the 2015 tax year will have a downward impact on these returns going forward. 10 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO As at November 30, 2015, the Fonds’ assets under management were broken down between the following categories of the development capital investments and other investments portfolios: Asset classes % of net assets Development capital investments Private securities Specialized funds Listed securities 33.1 11.6 7.8 52.5 Other investments Cash and money market Bonds Shares Hgh-dividend shares 8 International infrastructure funds 1.2 21.5 24.1 0.3 0.6 47.7 The following table presents the issuers of the top 25 positions held by the Fonds as at November 30, 2015, of which 20 are part of the development capital investments portfolio and 5 are part of the other investments portfolio. When the Fonds holds more than one class of securities of an issuer in the development capital investments portfolio, those classes are aggregated. However, with respect to the other investments portfolio, debt and equity securities of an issuer are not aggregated. Issuers % of net assets Development capital investments (20 issuers)* Other investments (5 issuers)** * The 20 issuers representing, as a group, 33.3% of the Fonds’ net assets are (in alphabetical order): Agropur Dairy Cooperative Camso inc. Cogeco Câble inc. Corporation Financière L'Excellence ltée Entreprises québécoises publiques 9 FinTaxi, s.e.c. Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ inc.9 Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ I, s.e.c.9 Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ II, s.e.c.9 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, s.e.c.9 Gestion TFI inc. La Coop fédérée Metro inc. Société de gestion d'actifs forestiers Solifor, société en commandite9 Société en commandite, Groupe CH SSQ Financial Group 10 TMX Group Limited Transcontinental inc. Trencap, s.e.c. VC, société en commandite 33.3 10.8 44.1 ** The 5 issuers representing, as a group, 10.8% of the Fonds’ net assets are: Province of Ontario Province of Québec Government of Canada Financement-Québec Canada Housing Trust No 1 4.2% 3.7% 1.3% 0.8% 0.8% This summary of investment portfolio may change due to the ongoing portfolio transactions of the Fonds. 8 9 10 High-dividend shares are included in the high-income securities portfolio. Despite their relatively important weight in the overall portfolio of the Fonds, these issuers do not constitute a significant concentration risk given the large number of investees. Includes all the Fonds’ investments in SSQ, Life Insurance Company Inc. and its subsidiary, SSQ General Insurance Company Inc. as well as the Fonds’ investment in SSQ, Mutual Holding Inc. 11 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) CONTRIBUTION TO QUÉBEC’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In keeping with its mission, the Fonds made investments over the six-month period that contributed to creating, maintaining or saving quality jobs in various sectors of the Québec economy. In the current economic conditions, the Fonds continues to play an active role in the development and growth of Québec companies. As such, during the six-month period, the Fonds invested $324 million, on a commitment basis, to support development projects in the Québec economy. Here are a few examples of the Fonds’ contribution to Québec’s economic development during the six-month period. To return Manac under Québec control, the Fonds invested $17 million in equity and $15 million in the form of a loan alongside other Québec-based investors. With this support, Manac, a flagship of the Québec manufacturing industry, will be able to pursue its growth while remaining firmly rooted in Québec. The Fonds invested $30 million to support another manfuacturer, One51, in acquiring IPL, a manufacturer based in Saint-Damien. IPL is a North American leader in injection-molded plastic products for the food and industrial sectors. With this acquisition, One51 brings to IPL a global network and complementary expertise in the plastics sector, which will secure jobs at IPL and allow it to strengthen its leadership position in the plastic packaging sector. The Fonds acquired a majority stake in Rouyn-Noranda-based Technosub in order to support the succession of this family business. This was the Fonds’ second investment involving an ownership transfer at Technosub; the first having been made with the Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ in January 2011. Technosub, a Canadian leader specialized in selling, repairing and manufacturing pumps and pump components, particularly for the mining industry, employs over 120 people. To continue actively supporting businesses in the new economy, during the six-month period, the Fonds led a financing round that allowed NoviFlow to raise a total of $9 million (of which $4 million was provided by the Fonds) to continue growing. Noviflow, a global leader in high-performance networking technologies, is specialized in the development of software and systems for intelligent SDN network switches. The amount raised in this financing round allowed this Montréal-based company to develop its market beyond its current base of clients in North America, Asia and Europe. TRENDS AND OUTLOOK TRENDS IN THE SAVINGS MARKET AND RRSP In the last few months, the debate over the sustainability of pension plans raised by the D’Amours report has continued to be an important topic. In addition, the Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans Act (“VRSP”), in force since July 1, 2014, is making an increasing number of employers who do not offer their employees any pension plan learn about the various offers on the market in order to propose one to their employees. The necessity for individuals to take charge of their personal savings remains fundamental, as numerous studies on this subject show that a large portion of Quebecers and other Canadians do not contribute to a group pension plan. And those who contribute on their own to a savings vehicle such as an RRSP or TFSA are not contributing enough. In other words, Canadians are far from maximizing their savings, even in financial vehicles that provide tax benefits. However, it should be noted that the current economic conditions in Canada, where interest rates are very low, encourage much more borrowing to increase spending than saving. In fact, in the last few years, household debt levels in Canada continued to rise (in the fourth quarter of 2014, household debt as a proportion of income was 146% in Québec and 163% in Canada) while the savings rate remained fairly low (in the second quarter of 2015: 1.7% in Québec and 4.9% in Canada). Due to financial market volatility in the last year, it seems that many savers across the country have turned to more conservative investments, such as guaranteed investment certificates (GIC), term deposits and government bonds in an effort to minimize the overall risk in their portfolios. However, these investments generate lower returns. Further, we also note the increasing popularity of the TFSA, because withdrawals are less restrictive than with an RRSP (in 2013, 63% of TFSA holders contributed to their account, a rate comparable to RRSPs). In this context, we believe that the Fonds will continue in 2015-2016 to be an advantageous choice for any individual looking to contribute to an RRSP, particularly due to its tax credit, which continues to provide a distinct benefit, a very competitive return on its shares (9.8% for the year ended May 31, 2015 and 7.1% for the 12-month period ended November 30, 2015), the implementation of a VRSP strategy focused on employers and the existence of a mobilized LR network. 12 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) FONDS OUTLOOK 11 Should it continue, the phase-out of the federal tax credit will not, strictly speaking, affect the overall strength of the Fonds’ assets, the share value, the return to shareholders or the ability of the Fonds to redeem shares, even in the long-term. However, the previous federal government’s decision, which will represent a significant tax hike for Québec workers who save, could reduce subscriptions and, consequently, decrease the Fonds’ job-creating investments in the Québec economy. However, a potential reinstatement of the tax credit by the current federal government would favourably change the situation. There have been no material changes to the other outlooks presented in our last annual MD&A. RISK MANAGEMENT Sound risk management practices are vital to the success of the Fonds. We manage our risk within a framework taking into account the nature of our activities and the risks we can reasonably assume considering the desired return/risk ratio and stakeholder expectations. To that end, we capitalize on a structured process to determine, measure and control the significant risks with which we must contend. Notice to readers: The following paragraphs and the sections on market risk, credit and counterparty risk and liquidity risk form an integral part of the financial statements on which an unmodified opinion was expressed in an independent auditors’ report dated December 22, 2015. The Fonds manages all its financial instruments in an integrated, comprehensive manner in accordance with the standards set out in the Integrated Financial Assets Management Policy. The Integrated Financial Assets Management Policy is complemented by the Investment Policy for the development capital investments managed by the Investments sector and by the Other Investments Portfolio Policy for the assets managed by the Other Investments sector. These policies, which were adopted by the Board of Directors, set goals, guidelines and several limits so that the Fonds’ management can ensure that the target return/risk profile is reached. In addition, the Fonds may use derivative financial instruments to facilitate the management of portfolios, increase its revenues, protect the value of its assets and manage its market risks. During the six-month period ended November 30, 2015, the Fonds continued to implement its integrated risk management framework. This process, which was undertaken a few years ago, is essentially aimed at providing the Fonds’ management with an overall vision of all risks to ensure that they are managed in accordance with their degree of importance. The production of an integrated risk profile allowed prioritizing the key financial and non-financial risks to which the Fonds is exposed, before and after considering the effectiveness of the controls implemented to mitigate the Fonds’ exposure to these risks. A mitigation strategy was developed for some of these risks, and action plans were set up and deployed. In addition, the Fonds produces on a quarterly basis a risk dashboard. This dashboard, which is integrated into its corporate dashboard, allows management to monitor the evolution of risks with respect to its business objectives and strategies. The integrated risk management approach was also designed to improve risk governance, monitoring and reporting. To that effect, the Fonds’ Board of Directors adopted, in May 2012, the Integrated Risk Management Policy, which sets out the Fonds’ requirements while specifying the responsibilities of the main stakeholders involved. This policy has been in effect since June 1, 2012. In addition, as the Fonds chose to manage its risks using the principle of subsidiarity, the Fonds’ business sectors continued to review their procedures and processes to integrate the management of the risks identified in the Integrated Risk Management Policy into the management of their operations. The review of processes has already been completed in the Other Investments, Investments, Shareholder Services and Information Technologies sectors and will continue in the upcoming months in other business sectors or components of the Fonds’ network. In the normal course of business, the Fonds is exposed to various risks; the principal ones are presented hereafter. 11 The outlook presented in this MD&A reflects the Fonds’ expectations with respect to future events, based on information available to the Fonds as at December 22, 2015, and presupposes certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors, several of which are beyond our control, may cause the Fonds' actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from explicit or implicit expected future results, performance, or achievements. 13 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) MARKET RISK Market risk, which is inherent to the Fonds’ participation in financial markets, represents the risk of losses in value arising from fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates and prices of listed financial instruments. More specifically, this risk varies with the financial market conditions and certain parameters of these markets, such as volatility, that may lower the value of the Fonds’ financial assets and thus have a negative impact on its balance sheet and results. Difficult economic or financial conditions may thus have a negative impact on the value of the Fonds’ shares. The Fonds manages market risk by allocating its financial assets across several classes. In addition, it invests in various industries (governments and government agencies; financials and utilities; information technology, telecommunications services and healthcare; consumer discretionary and consumer staples; industrials; energy and materials) and geographic areas, within the limits allowed by its Incorporation Act. The Fonds’ financial assets are sensitive to listed share prices, fluctuations in bond interest rates (Canada bond rates and credit spreads) and fluctuations in exchange rates. The Fonds performs sensitivity analyses and simulations to inform senior management of material levels of market risk exposure. It may use derivative financial instruments to manage its market risk. The following table presents a sensitivity analysis for each of the three market risk categories to which the Fonds’ financial assets are exposed, namely changes in interest rates, listed share prices and exchange rates. SENSITIVITY OF THE FONDS’ RESULTS TO MARKET RISK (in millions of dollars) November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 Change in bond interest rates* 1% increase in bond interest rates 1% decrease in bond interest rates (184) 184 (186) 186 Change in listed share prices** 10% increase in listed share prices 10% decrease in listed share prices 359 (359) 364 (364) Change in exchange rates*** 10% appreciation of the Canadian dollar 10% depreciation of the Canadian dollar (253) 253 (246) 246 * This analysis is performed on bonds held by the Fonds presented under Other investments in the financial statements. In this analysis, the impact on results takes into account the use, if any, of interest rate forward and futures contracts aimed at protecting assets. ** This analysis is performed on listed shares held by the Fonds presented under Development capital investments and Other investments in the financial statements. In this analysis, the impact on results takes into account the use, if any, of stock index futures. *** This analysis is performed on securities denominated in foreign currencies held by the Fonds presented under Development capital investments and Other investments in the financial statements. In this analysis, the impact on results takes into account the use, if any, of foreign currency forward contracts. The value of unlisted financial instruments in the development capital investments portfolio is established using approved and accepted valuation techniques. These techniques are based on a set of assumptions that take into account market conditions as at the valuation date, such as economic growth and credit spreads, but also other assumptions specific to each investment.For information about sensitivity analyses on unlisted financial instruments in the development capital investments portfolio, please refer to the “Sensitivity of the fair value of financial instruments categorized within Level 3” section of Note 8, “Fair value of financial instruments”, to the financial statements. CREDIT AND COUNTERPARTY RISK The Fonds’ exposure to credit risk results mainly from its mission-driven development capital investments, which are generally unsecured. Other investment activities generally entail less of this risk since the counterparties concerned are typically financially stronger (governments, banks, etc.). Furthermore, the Fonds is also exposed to credit risk as a result of its accounts receivable. However, the potential impact of the exposure to this risk is low given the amounts involved. The maximum exposure to credit risk related to the financial instruments described above corresponds to their fair value on the balance sheet, plus funds committed but not disbursed as well as guarantees and suretyships. 14 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Credit risk is the risk of losses due to the failure of a partner company (financial instruments presented under Development capital investments), issuer or counterparty in a transaction (financial instruments presented under Other investments) to honour its contractual obligations or due to a degradation of its financial position. The Fonds manages this risk in several ways, including a due diligence process to ensure that the credit risk level is acceptable. The Fonds maintains a sound diversification of its assets through the Integrated Financial Assets Management Policy, which is complemented by the Investment Policy for development capital investments and by the Other Investments Portfolio Policy for the assets managed by the Other Investments sector. Compliance with this policy therefore enables managing the concentration risk associated with the exposure to an issuer or group of issuers with common characteristics (industries, credit ratings, etc.). EXPOSURE TO CREDIT AND COUNTERPARTY RISK (fair value as a percentage of net assets) Weight of the five largest investments (Development capital investments) Weight of the five largest issuers or counterparties (Other investments) * ** November 30, 2015 19.0* 10.8** May 31, 2015 18.9* 11.5** The portion attributable to investments that do not constitute a significant concentration of credit risk given the large number of investees represented 10.7% as at November 30, 2015 (10.4% as at May 31, 2015). All of these securities are issued or guaranteed by government issuers (Canada or provinces). The summary of investment portfolio presented previously also discloses relevant information on the credit and counterparty risk concentration level. For the development capital investments portfolio, the Fonds approves on an annual basis targets by industries, in keeping with its internal structure. These targets are set using a risk allocation mechanism. It should be noted that the actual results may however differ from the industry targets determined based on the investment opportunities on the market. Based on an optimal risk level defined by the Fonds for this portfolio as a whole by taking into account its mission, the risk allocation mechanism facilitates a more effective monitoring and control of the portfolio profile and sector allocation by risk level. The return/risk balance of this portfolio is achieved through a sector-based risk allocation mechanism that takes into account the higher risk of our investments in certain sectors. The risk allocation mechanism and the sector-based allocation of the development capital investments portfolio are determined by taking into account funds committed but not disbursed. In certain cases, the terms of the agreements could allow the Fonds not to disburse these committed funds, which protects the Fonds against additional risks. The Fonds regularly re-examines the status of its development capital investments to ensure that they are adequately classified in one of the following three categories: compliant with internal criteria, under watch or in turnaround. To deal with the more difficult situations, an internal committee closely monitors investments that entail greater credit risk. CLASSIFICATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL INVESTMENTS PORTFOLIO (INCLUDING FUNDS COMMITTED BUT NOT DISBURSED) (fair value in millions of dollars) Compliant with internal criteria Under watch In turnaround November 30, 2015 May 31, 2015 6,955 278 39 7,272 6,789 273 40 7,102 For the other investments portfolio, issuer and counterparty credit ratings and compliance with exposure limits by borrower or counterparty contribute to the sound management of the credit and counterparty risk of the portfolio and to the diversification of assets. These criteria are set based on the risks specific to each asset class and reduce the risk that our results will be materially affected in the event of a payment default. The following table presents the breakdown of bonds, money market instruments and over-the-counter derivative financial instruments included in the other investments portfolio by credit rating as at November 30, 2015 and May 31, 2015. 15 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) CLASSIFICATION OF BONDS, MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS AND OVER-THE-COUNTER DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS INCLUDED IN THE OTHER INVESTMENTS PORTFOLIO November 30, 2015* May 31, 2015* Bonds Money market instruments AAA/R-1(high) 359 84 AA/R-1 (middle) 904 52 - 924 86 A/R-1 (low) 942 2 0.1 892 13 BBB/R-2 188 220 - (fair value in millions of dollars) Weighted average * Over-the-counter derivative financial instruments ** Bonds 402 Money market instruments Over-thecounter derivative financial instruments ** 86 - 2,393 138 0.1 2,438 185 - AA- R-1 (high) A+ AA- R-1 (middle) A+ Presents credit quality using the Dominion Bond Rating Services (DBRS) rating scale. ** To limit the exposure to counterparty risk, transactions related to over-the-counter derivative financial instruments are carried out under an International Swaps & Derivatives Association Inc. (ISDA) master agreement and entered into with recognized financial institutions. LIQUIDITY RISK The Fonds must make disbursements on a daily basis—when it redeems shares held by its shareholders, disburses amounts it committed to invest in partner companies, reimburses notes payable and pays expenses. It is worth noting that the Fonds is required to redeem its shares only in the circumstances set out in its Incorporation Act, or to purchase them by agreement in exceptional situations provided under a policy adopted for such purpose by the Board of Directors and approved by the Minister of Finance of Québec. The Fonds must be able to obtain the liquidity required to meet its commitments. Liquidity risk is therefore related to the potential for loss due to its inability to meet such commitments. In certain cases, securities acquired on the market can be subject to resale restrictions, thus potentially reducing their liquidity. The Fonds’ Incorporation Act provides that part of the financial assets of the Fonds may be invested in marketable securities on organized markets, such as stock and bond markets, so it can easily obtain cash. The Fonds also has access to bank credit facilities for additional liquidities. As at November 30, 2015, liquid financial assets, comprised of fixed-income securities (cash, money market and bonds) as well as listed shares of the other investments portfolio and certain listed shares of the development capital investments portfolio, amounted to $6.3 billion ($6.4 billion as at May 31, 2015). This amount represents 55.6% of assets under management as at November 30, 2015 (57.6% as at May 31, 2015), demonstrating, in management’s opinion, that the Fonds has the required liquidity to fulfill all its obligations and commitments, even under potential scenarios that would be less favourable to it. 16 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) The following table presents the contractual cash flow maturities for non-derivative financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other items. CONTRACTUAL MATURITIES (in millions of dollars ) On demand Under 1 year Total November 30, 2015 Non-derivative financial liabilities Notes* 413 413 139 Accounts payable** Share redemptions payable Securities sold under repurchase agreements 413 Derivative financial liabilities 139 21 21 242 242 402 815 - - Other items Funds committed but not disbursed*** 1,017 1,017 -Other investments 21 21 Guarantees and suretyships**** 10 10 -Development capital investments 1,048 1,461 1,048 402 1,863 May 31, 2015 Non-derivative financial liabilities Notes* 419 Accounts payables** 419 186 Share redemptions payable Securities sold under repurchase agreements 419 Derivative financial liabilities 186 30 30 257 257 473 892 2 2 Other items Funds committed but not disbursed*** -Development capital investments -Other investments Guarantees and suretyships**** 1,008 1,008 20 20 10 10 1,038 1,038 1,457 * ** *** **** 475 1,932 The notes arising from excess liquidities of regional and local funds and certain specialized funds are repayable on demand and, as such, have been classified as “On demand”. The balance of the notes increases or decreases based on the investment and disinvestment activities of these funds and has not exposed the Fonds to significant annual net disbursements to date. Accounts payable exclude derivative financial liabilities. Most of the funds committed but not disbursed have a maximum disbursement maturity date. However, they may be called on demand and, as such, are classified as “On demand”. In certain cases, the terms of the agreements could allow the Fonds not to disburse these committed funds. Although the entire amount of funds committed but not disbursed is classified as “On demand”, the amount that the Fonds will have to disburse over the next 12 months will be less, as the calls for payment from specialized funds to which the Fonds has committed are usually spread over several years. For instance, funds committed but not disbursed gave rise to disbursements of $421 million during the last 12 months. Guarantees and suretyships are irrevocable commitments and are classified as “On demand”. However, in the current conditions, management believes it is unlikely that the Fonds will have to disburse amounts for guarantees and suretyships. 17 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) OPERATIONAL RISK Inherent to all the Fonds’ activities, operational risk is the risk of sustaining losses as a result of the inadequacy or failure of certain processes or systems in place or due to human factors or external events. This risk also includes legal risk and regulatory compliance risk. Since the issuance of the last annual MD&A, there have been no material changes in the level and management of operational risk. OTHER RISKS The Fonds is also exposed to other risks, such as strategic and reputation risks, which could result in negative financial consequences. Since the issuance of the last annual MD&A, there have been no material changes in the level and management of strategic risk. In addition, there have been no material changes in the level and management of reputation risk since the issuance of the last annual MD&A. However, we should point out in that respect the final step in the implementation of the Fonds’ new governance, which materialized with the election of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors at the last Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (for more information, see the “Governance” section below). GOVERNANCE At the Annual General Meeting held on September 26, 2015, the shareholders of the Fonds have, for the first time, elected a majority of members of the Board of Directors. As such, Lyne Bouchard, Gérard Coulombe and Jean-Claude Scraire joined the Board as members independent from the Fonds, the FTQ and its affiliated unions. The call for nominations gave the ten selected candidates an opportunity to run for a seat on the Board of Directors. In addition, the seven independent directors recommended by the Governance and Ethics Committee of the Fonds were all elected by a strong majority. RISK GOVERNANCE The Management Committee, comprised of the President and Chief Executive Officer and executives, is responsible for the global management of the Fonds’ operations. Because integrated financial assets management is an essential part of risk governance, the Fonds has put in place a management framework to ensure that risk management and control strategies and resulting operational decisions take the established level of acceptable risk into account. The governance structure that supports the Fonds, in particular with respect to risk management, is as follows: 18 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) The Fonds’ risk governance structure is built upon a series of policies approved by the Board of Directors. The Fonds regularly reassesses policies, standards, guidelines and procedures to incorporate the best possible practices. Since the issuance of the last annual MD&A, there have been no material changes in the Integrated risk Management Policy, the Integrated Financial Assets Management Policy and the management framework that governs the procedure for valuing development capital investments. Since the issuance of the last annual MD&A, there have been no material changes in the mandate, the roles and the responsibilities of the main governing bodies of the Fonds (Board of Directors, investment boards and committees and other committees). Furthermore, the Integrated Risk Management Committee was formed and will start to meet at the beginning of the second six-month period. MANAGEMENT’S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROLS The Fonds has had for several years a financial compliance framework program commonly known as Confor. While not required to apply Regulation 52-109 respecting Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings, the Fonds has decided to base its work upon the principles stated in this regulation, thereby demonstrating its willingness to respect best practices in financial governance. Management is responsible for designing and maintaining internal control over financial reporting as well as disclosure controls and procedures. These controls are developed to provide reasonable assurance that the financial information is reliable and that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS. However, because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect certain misstatements on a timely basis. Management must periodically evaluate control design and effectiveness. The design of internal control over financial reporting has been evaluated using the COSO 2013 (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) framework, a recognized financial governance framework. During the six-month period, no change has occurred that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, internal controls. 19 STATEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL INVESTMENTS, AT COST AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT To the Directors of the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) We have audited the statement of development capital investments at cost of the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) as at November 30, 2015 ("the statement"). The statement has been prepared by management based on the dispositions of article 18 of the Regulation respecting development capital investment fund continuous disclosure. Management's Responsibility for the Statement Management is responsible for the preparation of the statement in accordance with the dispositions of article 18 of the Regulation respecting development capital investment fund continuous disclosure, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the statement that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the statement based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the statement is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the statement. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the statement, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation of the statement in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the statement. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the statement of development capital investments at cost of the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) as at November 30, 2015 is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the dispositions of article 18 of the Regulation respecting development capital investment fund continuous disclosure. Signed, Deloitte LLP1 1 CPA auditor, CA, public accountancy permit No. A110972 Montréal, December 22, 2015 1 Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Unsecured Year of Initial Investment 1988 Fonds de développement emploi-Montréal inc. 40 TransForce inc. 20 1989 Entreprises québécoises publiques (Appendix A) 1990 Transat A.T. inc. 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 Industry Segment B.M.B. (Îles-de-la-Madeleine) inc. 25 Listed Shares Unlisted Shares and Units Secured Loans, Bonds and Advances Total Guarantees and Suretyships Loans 9,955 9,955 351,058 351,058 V01400 V04179 V04288 38,274 38,274 V02243 V02102 V02273 V02497 V02828 V01945 V02780 V02606 V03189 1,338 1,338 25 750 750 ● Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ I, s.e.c. 40 28,975 28,975 ● Fonds locaux de solidarité FTQ, s.e.c. 40 38,000 38,000 ● Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ II, s.e.c. 40 25,000 Groupe Robert inc. 20 21,940 Le Devoir inc. 25 1,315 SSQ, Société d'assurance-vie inc. 40 221,363 Corporation Financière Brome inc. 40 2,598 2,598 Château M.T. inc. 25,000 27,917 49,857 66,100 287,463 1,315 25 2,610 2,610 ● Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, s.e.c. 40 300,380 300,380 ● Fonds d'investissement de la culture et des communications, société en commandite 25 26,700 26,700 V03133 V18672 V03748 TSO3 inc. 35 1999 La Financière des entreprises culturelles (FIDEC), société en commandite 25 347 347 V03615 V02088 V16026 V04288 V04287 V03184 V03827 V04472 2000 ARGO II : The Wireless-Internet Fund - Limited Partnership 45 11,318 11,318 V04893 Atrium Innovations inc. 35 22,180 Genopole 1er Jour S.A. 35 V04820 V05387 V04958 V04396 V04460 V05076 V04956 1998 2001 2002 Groupe Solmax inc. 15 Mines Richmont inc. 15 9274-0547 Québec inc. (Manoir Richelieu) 25 Exploration Azimut inc. 15 650 Niocan inc. 15 284 Société en commandite, Manoir Richelieu 25 1,618 6,797 9,219 8,415 9,219 44,579 44,579 650 284 1,254 5,236 1,254 5,236 22,180 136 136 Groupe HNZ inc. 20 GTI V, société en commandite 45 7,581 Marketing Léger inc. 20 1,000 ● Fonds Bio-Innovation, société en commandite 35 33,357 33,357 Investissement Premières Nations du Québec, société en commandite 40 2,000 2,000 Kruger Wayagamack inc. 15 Novacap II, société en commandite 40 24,633 24,633 7,581 1,250 13,351 2,190 2,250 13,351 2,190 Partenaires MidCap 40 447 447 SIDEX, société en commandite 15 15,000 15,000 FinTaxi, s.e.c. 40 16,200 2 60,800 77,000 V03772 V04981 V05454 V05339 V05683 Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Unsecured Year of Initial Investment 2002 2003 2004 2005 ● Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ inc. Listed Shares 40 Junex inc. 10 Unlisted Shares and Units 1 Loans, Bonds and Advances Total Guarantees and Suretyships Loans 270,523 270,524 304 304 Lumira Capital I Québec, société en commandite 35 3,999 3,999 Produits Intégrés Avior inc. 20 1,250 1,250 Vimac Early Stage Fund, L.P. 45 8,992 8,992 Fonds Vimac Milestone Medica Nord, s.e.c. 35 5,550 5,550 Le Fonds Entrepia Nord, s.e.c. 45 7,612 7,612 Mines de la Vallée de l'or ltée 15 437 437 Stella-Jones inc. 15 4262280 Canada inc. (Transat A.T.) 25 Corporation Aurifère QMX 15 Fonds d'investissement MSBI, société en commandite 45 Octasic inc. 45 1,741 Trencap, s.e.c. 55 198,516 198,516 35,938 35,938 801 4,647 4,647 300 300 8,905 8,905 6,264 8,005 Vimac ESF Annex Fund, L.P. 45 801 9053-2698 Québec inc. 20 1 1 A.M. Pappas Life Science Ventures III, L.P. 35 7,200 7,200 Addenda Capital inc. 40 71,406 71,406 Camso inc. 25 39,551 39,551 Château Bonne Entente inc. 25 1,138 40 27,467 ● FIER Partenaires, société en commandite 2006 Industry Segment Secured Fonds Brightspark II, s.e.c. 45 704 Média Groupe inc. 25 2,250 1,230 92 27,467 704 475 2,975 Metro inc. 30 ProQuest Investments III, L.P. 35 3,653 RHO Fund Investors 2005, L.P. 45 1,542 SAIL Plein Air inc. 25 6,000 6569293 Canada inc. (Maison des Futailles) 30 21,861 Boutique Linen Chest (Phase II) inc. 25 Capital Financière Agricole inc. 30 2,366 2,366 Capital St-Laurent, s.e.c. 45 11,320 11,320 Corporation développement Knowlton inc. 30 48,816 48,816 Coveo Solutions inc. 45 10,318 10,318 6,605 6,605 Emerald Cleantech Fund II, L.P. 40 Exploration Dios inc. 15 Fiducie du Chantier de l'économie sociale 40 73,948 250 73,948 3,653 1,542 4,625 10,625 21,861 500 184 500 184 12,000 12,000 Fonds CTI sciences de la vie, s.e.c. 35 3,887 3,887 Fonds ID, s.e.c. 40 10,000 10,000 Fonds Propulsion III, s.e.c. 45 5,696 5,696 3 V05025 V05601 V05720 V05148 V05543 V05951 V05841 V06004 V02986 V06375 V06287 V05710 V05549 V06277 V06177 V04338 V11759 V13108 V04935 V06252 V06260 V06280 V06408 V11740 V06351 V11625 V11743 V11897 V12067 V06115 V11478 V12363 V12251 V11778 V11976 V06285 V11965 V11741 V06283 Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Unsecured Year of Initial Investment 2006 2007 2008 Industry Segment Listed Shares Unlisted Shares and Units FPCI Aerofund 20 6,941 Gestion Rivière du Diable inc. 25 2,841 Les alcools de spécialités Greenfield inc. 15 NAPEC inc. 20 Relay Ventures Fund, L.P. 45 Ressources Cartier inc. 15 Rho Canada Capital de Risque, s.e.c. 19,985 Secured Loans, Bonds and Advances Total Guarantees and Suretyships Loans 6,941 300 3,141 16,000 16,000 9,846 29,831 2,554 2,554 45 20,000 20,000 Société en commandite, Agechem 35 15,747 15,747 VantagePoint Venture Partners 2006 (Q), L.P. 40 19,297 19,297 Exploration Midland inc. 15 Fonds d'investissement iNovia II, société en commandite 40 GO capital, s.e.c. 45 1,726 1,726 Investissement (12348) s.e.n.c. (Bandsintown Group) 45 12,029 12,029 Les Industries Spectra Premium inc. 25 9,264 MMV Financial inc. 40 1 1 918 918 2,136 2,136 3,820 3,820 1,403 10,667 Novacap Industries III, s.e.c. 40 16,372 16,372 Novacap Technologies III, s.e.c. 45 1,369 1,369 Partenaires Médias Remstar, s.e.c. 25 2,000 2,000 ProQuest Investments IV, L.P. 35 6,397 Soccrent 2006, société en commandite 40 11,380 ● Société de gestion d'actifs forestiers Solifor, société en commandite 15 150,000 Vertex III (C.I.) Fund, L.P. 45 3,244 Administration LVER inc. 25 Alimentation Coop Port-Cartier 6,397 4,400 150,000 3,244 550 30 15,780 112 550 112 ● BDR Capital, s.e.c. 45 Cogeco Câble inc. 25 100,000 100,000 Corporation Financière L'Excellence ltée 40 100,000 100,000 Dalkotech inc. 20 60 5,460 Exploration NQ inc. 15 Fonds soutien Montréal parallèle, s.e.c. 45 G.D.G. Environnement ltée 20 2,500 Gestion ACCEO inc. 45 22,870 Gestion TFI inc. 20 Groupe AGF inc. 15 59,725 5,400 59,725 124 124 2,000 20,000 2,000 2,500 5,250 28,120 125,000 125,000 9,032 29,032 HR Stratégies inc. 40 100 100 Ontario Venture Capital Fund, L.P. 45 5,105 5,105 Ovivo inc. 20 Placements Montrusco Bolton inc. 40 32,061 25,000 20,055 4 57,061 20,055 V11792 V11457 V12378 V12130 V12024 V12031 V11984 V06248 V11545 V12531 V12317 V12016 V12348 V06225 V12373 V12234 V12095 V11979 V12276 V11929 V11584 V12046 V13113 V12496 V13558 V12924 V13127 V13252 V13232 V13118 V11560 V13530 V14754 V12541 V11531 V13245 V13155 V13132 Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Unsecured Year of Initial Investment 2008 2009 2010 2011 Industry Segment Rho Ventures VI, L.P. 45 Sonaca Montréal inc. 20 Listed Shares Unlisted Shares and Units Secured Loans, Bonds and Advances Total Guarantees and Suretyships Loans 20,467 20,467 5,325 5,325 VantagePoint Cleantech Partners II, L.P. 40 5N Plus inc. 45 20,606 20,606 A.M. Pappas Life Science Ventures IV, L.P. 35 3,108 3,108 ADS inc. 25 2,400 2,400 Champlain Capital Partners, L.P. 40 3,791 Corporation Nuvolt inc. 20 1 14,166 14,166 Fonds Cycle Capital I, s.e.c. 40 18,569 FPCI Aerofund II 20 13,664 Gestion Juste pour Rire inc. 25 Holding Smardt inc. 20 12,121 3,791 196 197 18,569 13,664 604 604 4,750 16,871 12,729 34,231 Les Viandes Laroche inc. 30 2,000 MECA DEV S.A.S. 20 21,502 2,000 Média Cineflix inc. 25 10,925 10,925 Premier Tech ltée 15 40,938 40,938 Société en commandite, Groupe CH 25 11,324 Teraxion inc. 45 6,167 Transcontinental inc. 20 11,324 6,167 100,000 ● VC, société en commandite 40 121,037 Dalkotech International inc. 20 1 Foliot Management inc. 25 7,000 Fortress Paper Ltd 15 Groupe Technosub inc. 20 28,744 IPL inc. 15 15,000 Nemaska Lithium inc. 15 200 Ressources Géoméga inc. 15 472 Saladexpress inc. 30 Serdy Média inc. 25 Société de Diamant Stornoway 15 7,000 121,037 1 1,250 8,250 25,000 32,000 28,744 15,000 472 2,500 10,295 40 Twist, société en commandite 30 Abitibi Royalties inc. 15 Acquisio inc. 45 AmorChem, société en commandite 35 Bombardier inc. 20 Cogeco inc. 25 Corporation Aurifère Aurvista 15 400 Corporation Aurifère Monarques 15 305 Fonds Alpha+ Montrusco Bolton 40 3,000 11,318 167 2,667 14,700 24,995 15,000 15,000 6,000 6,000 387 387 4,429 500 6,842 4,929 6,842 49,779 49,779 40,000 40,000 400 305 20,240 5 30,000 200 8,318 SSQ, Société d'assurances générales inc. 100,000 20,240 V12930 V11595 V13031 V12431 V12898 V13601 V13625 V14081 V13823 V13661 V12916 V15321 V01417 V14354 V13243 V01387 10,067 V14109 V05734 V13756 V13847 V14868 V14270 V14403 V06405 V01975 V14826 V14798 V03768 V13802 V14396 V14428 V14444 18 V15313 V12982 V14317 V13647 V15279 V14828 V15054 V13562 Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Unsecured Year of Initial Investment 2011 2012 Industry Segment Fonds Capital Culture Québec, société en commandite 25 Listed Shares Unlisted Shares and Units Secured Loans, Bonds and Advances Total Guarantees and Suretyships Loans 10,000 10,000 V14949 V14929 V14455 Fonds d'amorçage Cycle-C3E, s.e.c. 45 6,167 6,167 Fonds d'investissement pour la relève agricole (FIRA), s.e.c. 30 5,367 5,367 Fonds d'investissement Réal, s.e.c. 45 7,348 7,348 Fonds Relève Québec, s.e.c. 40 3,188 3,188 35 3,106 3,106 ● Fonds de solidarité FTQ investissements croissance I, s.e.c. 45 4,277 4,277 V14927 V14948 V14867 V14936 V15039 V14834 V14814 V14769 V14985 V15314 V15367 V14839 V14933 V15284 V15425 V15783 V15297 V15817 ● Fonds de solidarité FTQ investissements technologiques I, s.e.c. 45 4,870 4,870 V15320 393 V14464 V15483 V15331 V06111 V15261 V15362 V14747 V14257 V15256 V13578 V14680 V13774 V02502 V15436 V16028 Groupe Crête division St-Faustin inc. 15 Groupe Meloche inc. 20 733 733 Groupe TMX Limitée 40 JV Driver Corporation inc. 20 16,000 16,000 Les Chantiers de Chibougamau ltée 15 1,250 1,250 Les Investissements Nolinor inc. 20 625 Milestone Pharmaceutiques inc. 35 3,000 3,000 97,600 97,600 625 6,841 6,841 Nunavik Nickel Mines Ltd 15 14 14 Rona inc. 25 35,375 35,375 Scandinave Spa in Whistler inc. 25 9187-8850 Québec inc. (Forage Boréal) 15 1,861 9262-2059 Québec inc. (Casavant Frères) 25 2,000 Abipa Canada inc. 20 9,600 Athos services commémoratifs inc. 25 Erfa Canada 2012 inc. 1,861 2,050 2,000 9,600 14,699 Germain Larivière inc. 25 Gestion SMS inc. 20 1 GLyPharma Thérapeutique inc. 35 3,484 Groupe Colabor inc. 30 2,050 393 14,699 1 3,484 30,000 30,000 Groupe MBI inc. 20 21,680 408 22,088 Groupe PCM inc. 20 1,200 351 1,551 Groupe QuébéComm inc. 25 3,000 3,000 Innovation Thrasos inc. 35 12,017 12,017 La Coop fédérée 30 75,000 75,000 Les Bois de plancher P.G. inc. 15 2,000 2,000 Les entreprises de divertissements Muse inc. 25 4,500 4,500 Lumira Capital II, société en commandite 35 10,439 10,439 Maibec inc. 15 10,000 Mine Barlow inc. 15 200 Pages Jaunes Limitée 25 1,747 6 4,512 14,512 200 1,747 Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Unsecured Year of Initial Investment 2012 2013 2014 Industry Segment Pages Jaunes Solutions numériques et médias limitée 25 Produits alimentaires Viau inc. 30 Société en commandite, Free 2 Play 25 Sojag inc. 25 SSQ, Société de participation mutualiste inc. 40 Listed Shares Unlisted Shares and Units Secured Loans, Bonds and Advances Total Guarantees and Suretyships Loans 5,804 5,804 V16027 4,700 4,700 V14878 V14906 V15446 V15372 V05411 V03963 V13081 V15890 V15836 V06167 V11876 V16328 V17283 V15867 V15642 7,500 7,500 2,613 2,613 78,050 78,050 3,618 3,618 Supermétal Structures inc. 20 Technologies Interactives Mediagrif inc. 45 Accedian Networks Corporation 45 Adetel Group 45 4,691 4,691 AJW Technique inc. 20 9,750 9,750 Asmacure inc. 35 1 Attraction Média inc. 25 5,173 4,792 9,965 Bandsintown Group inc. 45 Corporation d'Or Intégra 15 562 Entreprises Minières du Nouveau-Monde inc. 15 370 Fonds d'investissements Sanderling VII (Canada), s.e.c. 40 3,121 FPCI Aerofund III 20 7,106 Groupe de construction industrielle DCM inc. 20 Groupe Vision New Look inc. 25 Humania Assurance inc. 40 15,000 Les Brasseurs du Nord inc. 30 19,975 19,975 Les Réseaux Accedian inc. 45 7,764 7,764 Ressources Falco ltée 15 2525 inc. 45 2786591 Canada inc. (Groupe Multi-Prêts) 40 9121196 Canada inc. (Groupe Multi-Prêts) 40 A J Walter Aviation Limited 20 Acquisition Glacier II inc. 35 Adventure Gold inc. 15 Agropur Coopérative 30 Anges Québec Capital, s.e.c. 40 Argos Therapeutics inc. 35 AV & R Vision & Robotiques inc. 20 Coalision inc. 25 Colo-D inc. 45 Decolin inc. Densi Corporation 4,725 4,725 1,252 1,252 1 5,168 5,168 562 370 3,121 7,106 6,667 6,667 15,000 15,000 5,000 20,000 903 903 625 625 2,500 2,500 17,417 17,417 3,100 3,100 58,895 400 58,895 1 401 75,000 75,000 3,222 3,222 1,373 1,373 1 1 15,000 15,000 5,000 7,175 25 5,000 5,000 25 2,000 2,000 Double A Corp inc. 20 3,000 Enerkem inc. 15 2,175 11,015 7 3,000 11,015 V15929 V15945 V17373 V15294 V15958200 V11761 V16292 V18194 V18380 V18036 V18122 V17590 V13715 V17727 V17797 V15710 V15961 V06297 V18185 V17672 V17520 V17235 V13021 Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Unsecured Year of Initial Investment 2014 Listed Shares Unlisted Shares and Units Loans, Bonds and Advances Total Guarantees and Suretyships Loans Fonds CTI Sciences de la vie II, s.e.c. 35 1,873 1,873 ● Fonds de solidarité FTQ investissements croissance II, s.e.c. 45 4,501 4,501 ● Fonds Valorisation Bois, s.e.c. 15 5,000 5,000 Groupe Acier Pointe-Claire / Green Valley inc. 15 2,807 2,807 Groupe Bermex inc. 25 5,000 5,000 Groupe Giroux Maçonnex inc. 20 2,000 2,000 Groupe Laces inc. 25 2,500 Groupe V Média inc. 25 7,500 Héroux-Devtek inc. 20 21,537 7,485 2,500 7,500 21,537 Lumenpulse inc. 20 Maison des Futailles, s.e.c. 30 Mason Graphite inc. 15 Métal 7 inc. 20 Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée 15 Mines Coulon inc. 15 3,600 3,600 Novacap Industries IV, s.e.c. 40 12,409 12,409 7,485 9,937 2,000 57 950 4,750 2,000 1,007 4,750 3,990 3,990 Orckestra inc. 45 9,937 PRCL Research inc. 35 1,818 Redevances Aurifères Osisko ltée 15 1,818 27,905 27,905 Ricardo Média inc. 25 2,463 2,463 Rudsak inc. 25 4,750 4,750 Société d'investissement Alt Canada, s.e.c. 25 3,583 Sterinova inc. 35 6,000 Super Aqua Club inc. 25 Technologies Tremcar inc. 20 10,000 ● Teralys Capital Fonds de Fonds, s.e.c. 2015 Industry Segment Secured 3,583 6,000 2,700 2,700 10,000 45 45,384 Tuango inc. 25 5,000 45,384 Versant Venture Capital V, L.P. 35 5,382 Xenon Pharmaceuticals inc. 35 1 1 Yamana Gold inc. 15 3,405 3,405 2,500 7,500 5,382 Zymeworks inc. 35 4,000 8978832 Canada inc. (Groupe Stingray Digital inc.) 25 2,000 2,000 9314-3394 Québec inc. (MGT - Terminaux Montréal Gateway) 20 60,000 60,000 9327-2615 Québec inc. (Manac inc.) 20 17,000 APGN inc. 20 4,000 15,000 32,000 5,000 5,000 Artemano Canada inc. 25 500 500 Artika Maison 25 4,500 4,500 Corporation Fiera Capital 40 Emballage St-Jean ltée 15 12,600 12,600 9,600 8 9,600 V15952 V18165 V15486 V18053 V12828 V02222 V18199 V16356 V14766 V15264 V17474 V17459 V17257 V18101 V17399 V17668 V18164 V17211 V18105 V17379 V14788 V13237 V16093 V17395 V13729 V13842 V17516 V16155 V18203 V12055 V18031 V18757 V18178 V19133 V12377 V18177 V18807 V18462 V11888 Statement of Development Capital Investments, at Cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Unsecured Year of Initial Investment 2015 Listed Shares Unlisted Shares and Units Loans, Bonds and Advances Total Guarantees and Suretyships Loans enGene inc. 35 1,778 1,778 Esperas Pharma inc. 35 2,430 2,430 Forbion Capital Fund III C.V. 35 2,289 2,289 Gérodon (Canada) inc. 25 500 Gestion Estérel inc. 25 500 1,500 Gestion Frima inc. 45 2,400 Gladius Pharmaceuticals Corporation 35 407 Groupe Alithya inc. 45 1,500 2,400 407 10,000 10,000 Groupe Atis inc. 20 32,000 7,311 39,311 Groupe Maibec inc. 15 1 7,000 7,001 Groupe Stingray Digital inc. 25 GrowthWorks Atlantic Venture Fund Ltd 40 Immune Biosolutions inc. 35 179 179 Investissements Speedware ltée 45 7,136 7,136 Mediabiz Capital Canada, s.e.c 25 2,300 2,300 NoviFlow inc. 45 5,400 5,400 Pélican International inc. 25 20,000 20,000 2,540 2,540 500 500 Placements Mecyva inc. 40 17,500 17,500 Produits Zinda Canada inc. 30 3,000 3,000 Ressources Sphinx ltée 15 150 159 Retinad Réalité Virtuelle inc. 45 175 175 Société en commandite, Axium Infrastructure Canada II 40 Souris Mini inc. 25 Tecsys inc. 45 Teralys Capital Fonds d'Innovation, s.e.c. 40 1,147 Voyages Traditours inc. 25 2,925 Worximity Technologies inc. 45 1,400 40 2 1 2,937,874 1,569,013 19 general partners of limited partnerships 9 358 358 4,000 2,000 6,000 4,998 804,686 Total ● Industry Segment Secured 4,998 1,147 3,900 6,825 1,400 3 5,750 5,317,323 V16114 V18382 V18410 V17333 V17754 V17374 V16224 V16115 V18198 V18400 V16337 V19111 V19128 V05058 V18086 V16262 V03545 V18417 V18398 V13371 V18991 V16254 V18295 V13685 V18076 V18298 V19180 V18880 10,285 The list of investments made by these specialized funds is shown in the unaudited Index of the share of the Fonds in investments made by the specialized funds, at cost. This statement of development capital investments at a total cost of $5,317,323,000 itemizes by company the amounts invested by the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.). This amount appears in Note 5 to the financial statements as at November 30, 2015. In addition, this statement presents a list of the guarantees and suretyships granted by the Fonds. Ind u st r y seg ment l eg end 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Energy Materials Industrials Consumer discretionary Consumer staples Health care Financials Information technology Telecommunication services Utilities 9 APPENDIX A Entreprises québécoises publiques, at cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Description Industry Segment Listed Shares 5N Plus inc. 45 14,043 Abitibi Royalties inc. 15 8 Adventure Gold inc. 15 49 Aimia inc. 25 28,168 Air Canada 20 9,688 Alimentation Couche-Tard inc. 30 3,069 Amex Exploration inc. 15 12 Bombardier inc. 20 37,253 Bowmore Exploration Ltd 15 79 Cogeco Câble inc. 25 24,884 Corporation Fiera Capital 40 14,342 Corporation Minière Niogold 15 9 CR Capital Corp. 15 93 Ergorecherche ltée 35 5,410 Exploration Azimut inc. 15 3,155 Exploration Dios inc. 15 35 Exploration Midland inc. 15 108 Forage Orbit Garant inc. 20 8,856 Groupe Canam inc. 15 3,164 Groupe CGI inc. 45 14,103 Groupe d'alimentation MTY inc. 25 6,129 Groupe DMD Connexions santé numériques inc. 35 2,538 Groupe Stingray Digital inc. 25 5,940 Hecla Mining Company 15 13 Héroux-Devtek inc. 20 14,227 Industries Lassonde inc. 30 8,401 Innergex Énergie renouvelable inc. 55 8,632 Junex inc. 10 1,537 Le Groupe Intertape Polymer inc. 15 8,627 Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) inc. 30 493 Lumenpulse inc. 20 10,939 Mason Graphite inc. 15 30 Metro inc. 30 282 Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée 15 23 Mines de la Vallée de l'or ltée 15 12 Mines Richmont inc. 15 3,495 Nunavik Nickel Mines Ltd 15 3 Opsens inc. 45 1,935 Ovivo inc. 20 5,201 1 V12431 V15313 R14323 399453 008911 01626P 30214Q V13647 10303 V12924 31660A V11922 R11419 29482C V04288 V11976 V12531 68556N 13710C 39945C 55378N APTILON 86083Q 422704 42774L 417907 45790B V05601 460919 47215Q V15264 V17459 V11740 V18101 V06004 V02088 V15314 683823 V13155 APPENDIX A Entreprises québécoises publiques, at cost AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 (In thousands $) Description Industry Segment Listed Shares Quincaillerie Richelieu ltée 20 6,786 Redevances Aurifères Osisko ltée 15 27,437 Ressources Cartier inc. 15 24 Ressources Falco ltée 15 19 Ressources Géoméga inc. 15 10 Rogers Sugars inc. 30 9,159 SEMAFO inc. 15 28 Stella-Jones inc. 15 4,146 Technologies D-Box inc. 25 5,445 Technologies Interactives Mediagrif inc. 45 12,153 Technologies Sensio inc. 45 1,283 TransForce inc. 20 18,121 WSP Global inc. 20 19,048 Xebec Adsorption inc. 20 2,374 Yamana Gold inc. 15 40 351,058 Total Industry segment legend 10 Energy 15 Materials 20 Industrials 25 Consumer discretionary 30 Consumer staples 35 Health care 40 Financials 45 Information technology 50 Telecommunication services 55 Utilities 2 76329W V18105 V12031 V16292 V14798 77519R 816922 V02986 DBOX V03963 81725Y V04179 37230Q 983891 V12055 RELEVÉ DES AUTRES INVESTISSEMENTS (NON AUDITÉ) IN FRENCH ONLY AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts 3i Group plc GB00B1YW4409 3M Co. 88579Y101 A.P. Moeller - Maersk AS, classe B 425304003 ABB Ltd 710889908 Abbott Laboratories 002824100 AbbVie inc. 00287Y109 ABC-Mart inc. JP3152740001 Aberdeen Asset Management plc 000003125 Abertis Infraestructuras SA ES0111845014 Accenture plc G1151C101 ACE Ltd H0023R105 ACS, Actividades de Construccion y Servicios, SA ES0167050915 Actelion Ltd CH0010532478 Activision Blizzard inc. 00507V109 Adecco SA CH0012138605 Adidas AG 403197908 Adobe Systems inc. 00724F101 Advance Auto Parts inc. 00751Y106 Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd 00765F101 Aegon NV 592737902 Aena SA ES0105046009 Aeon Co. Ltd 648004000 AerCap Holdings NV NL0000687663 AES Corp. 00130H105 Aetna inc. 00817Y108 Aflac inc. 001055102 Ag Growth International inc. 001181106 Ageas SA BE0003801181 Aggreko plc GB00BK1PTB77 Agilent Technologies inc. 00846U101 AGL Energy Ltd B0ZNPN904 AGL Resources inc. 001204106 Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 008474108 Agrium inc. 008916108 AIA Group B4TX8S909Ltd Air Canada 008911877 Air Liquide SA B1YXBJ905 Air Products & Chemicals inc. 009158106 Airgas inc. 009363102 Ajinomoto Co. inc. 601090004 Akamai Technologies inc. 00971T101 Akzo Nobel NV 545831901 Albemarle Corp. 012653101 Alcatel-Lucent FR0000130007 Alcoa inc. 013817101 Alexion Pharmaceuticals inc. 015351109 Alfa Laval AB SE0000695876 Alfresa Holdings Corp. JP3126340003 Alimentation 01626P403 Couche-Tard, classe B Alkermes plc IE00B56GVS15 All Nippon Airways Co. Ltd JP3429800000 Alleghany 017175100 Corp. 1 30 677 267 318 44 900 5 969 9 363 488 749 992 126 454 2 894 3 196 111 600 4 462 6 676 41 094 1 954 3 182 8 500 404 615 25 188 180 161 10 595 244 218 36 300 3 250 5 183 13 600 1 272 2 080 4 929 191 214 1 596 215 299 7 000 158 351 1 208 110 110 13 724 1 512 1 765 16 400 918 1 997 1 900 248 412 150 000 1 126 1 056 58 349 421 476 5 336 782 806 24 700 341 510 4 105 248 248 56 800 891 756 9 300 580 1 272 12 000 693 1 043 17 542 893 511 6 539 297 381 17 510 512 353 21 200 828 1 180 108 101 1 609 1 726 1 900 158 158 189 700 6 745 6 729 73 970 6 967 9 752 833 600 4 182 6 630 496 100 5 434 5 174 9 034 881 1 467 5 700 460 1 039 2 700 165 497 56 000 813 1 708 4 700 303 361 13 361 885 1 265 3 500 220 250 88 289 419 463 32 600 499 406 5 400 531 1 283 10 080 300 248 37 400 700 985 133 700 3 944 8 139 166 1 700 145 28 000 102 105 3 700 1 591 2 509 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Allergan plc G0177J108 Alliance Data Systems Corp. 018581108 Alliant Energy Corp. 018802108 Allianz SE 523148906 Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 019456102 Allstate Corp. 020002101 Ally Financial inc. 02005N100 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals inc. 02043Q107 Alphabet inc., classe A 02079K305 Alphabet inc., classe C 02079K107 Alps Electric Co. Ltd JP3126400005 Alstom SA FR0010220475 AltaGas 021361100Ltd Altera Corp. 021441100 Altice NV, classe A NL0011333752 Altice NV, classe B NL0011333760 Alumina 695498006Ltd Amadeus IT Holding SA ES0109067019 023135106 inc. Amcor Ltd 606660009 Amec Foster Wheeler plc 002826006 Ameren Corp. 023608102 American Airlines Group inc. 02376R102 American Capital Agency Corp. 02503X105 American Electric Power Co. inc. 025537101 American Express Co. 025816109 American International Group inc. 026874784 American Tower Corp. 03027X100 American Water Works Co. inc. 030420103 Ameriprise Financial inc. 03076C106 AmerisourceBergen Corp. 03073E105 AMETEK inc. 031100100 Amgen inc. 031162100 AMP Ltd 670995901 Amphenol 032095101 Corp., classe A Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 032511107 Analog Devices inc. 032654105 Andritz AG 013042748 Anglo American plc B1XZS8907 Anheuser-Busch InBev NV 475531901 Annaly Capital Management inc. 035710409 Ansys inc. 03662Q105 Anthem inc. 036752103 Antofagasta plc 004561908 Aon plc G0408V102 Aozora Bank Ltd JP3711200000 AP Moeller - Maersk AS DK0010244425 APA Group 624730909 Apache Corp. 037411105 Apple inc. 037833100 Applied 038222105Materials inc. ARC Resources Ltd 00208D408 2 9 484 2 206 3 964 1 400 461 535 4 400 170 353 10 593 1 691 2 491 114 100 4 186 3 737 10 800 539 903 10 000 273 266 1 500 245 208 9 278 4 814 9 425 7 420 3 310 7 338 4 300 180 180 4 085 185 169 126 100 5 179 3 947 26 900 1 117 1 891 5 743 140 117 1 299 25 27 234 097 348 255 14 111 666 753 10 525 3 280 9 318 34 892 231 455 17 891 301 156 7 300 246 425 6 800 307 374 80 600 1 991 1 927 32 200 1 479 2 402 23 900 1 881 2 280 32 900 1 523 2 786 19 452 1 634 2 574 15 800 707 1 215 6 000 508 902 34 800 2 400 4 572 11 600 519 872 18 900 1 979 4 055 109 181 572 612 24 400 1 130 1 788 13 500 858 1 077 10 700 509 878 8 699 604 607 102 238 3 252 838 56 662 4 769 9 719 311 100 4 098 3 969 6 900 648 856 9 600 865 1 666 41 310 602 420 8 100 535 1 022 126 000 399 591 248 655 495 29 509 163 253 7 300 694 478 321 300 24 434 50 616 102 400 1 875 2 559 333 731 9 085 6 107 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts ArcelorMittal B03XPL901 Arch Capital Group Ltd BMG0450A1053 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. 039483102 ARM Holdings plc 005958905 Aryzta AG B39VJC900 Asahi Glass Co. Ltd JP3112000009 Asahi Group Holdings Ltd 605440007 Asahi Kasei Corp. 605460005 Asciano Ltd AU000000AIO7 Ashland inc. 044209104 Ashtead Group plc GB0000536739 ASM Pacific Technology Ltd KYG0535Q1331 ASML Holding NV ACI02GTQ9 Assa Abloy 569878903 AB, classe B Assicurazioni Generali SPA 405671009 Associated British Foods plc 067312900 Astellas 698538006Pharma inc. AstraZeneca plc 098952906 ASX Ltd AU000000ASX7 AT&T inc. 00206R102 ATCO Ltd, classe I 046789400 Atlantia SPA IT0003506190 Atlas Copco AB, classe A B1QGR4907 Atlas Copco AB, classe B SE0006886768 Atos SE FR0000051732 ATS Automation Tooling Systems inc. 001940105 Auckland International Airport NZAIAE0002S6 Aurizon Holdings Ltd AU000000AZJ1 Australia 606558005and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd Auto Trader Group plc GB00BVYVFW23 Autodesk inc. 052769106 Autoliv inc. 052800109 Automatic 053015103 Data Processing inc. Autozone inc. 053332102 Avago Technologies Ltd SG9999006241 AvalonBay Communities inc. 053484101 Avery Dennison Corp. 053611109 Aviva plc 021623004 Axa SA 708842901 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd G0750C108 Axis Capital Holdings Ltd BMG0692U1099 Azrieli Group Ltd IL0011194789 B/E Aerospace inc. 073302101 Babcock International Group plc GB0009697037 BAE Systems plc 026349902 Baker Hughes inc. 057224107 Ball Corp. 058498106 Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SPA IT0005092165 Banco Bilbao 550190904 Vizcaya Argentaria SA Banco Comercial Português SA PTBCP0AM0007 Banco de Sabadell SA ES0113860A34 Banco Popolare SC IT0005002883 3 58 120 1 060 379 37 200 2 367 3 590 18 100 594 880 101 655 1 699 2 290 3 442 139 215 42 000 269 328 15 600 304 650 51 000 302 464 12 167 97 100 3 200 291 480 13 773 287 302 1 500 16 15 26 482 2 523 3 258 34 392 482 974 31 139 602 788 9 850 188 700 123 500 1 437 2 312 78 013 5 567 7 041 29 190 1 080 1 166 364 452 13 179 16 340 2 500 121 90 13 773 402 484 34 174 932 1 220 28 105 812 926 1 000 101 109 32 100 485 411 150 895 597 699 40 000 192 215 91 702 2 682 2 403 160 298 1 313 1 306 1 800 124 152 2 700 299 452 68 700 4 959 7 891 6 299 3 359 6 574 19 800 1 454 3 440 11 400 1 696 2 760 246 2 800 156 89 638 472 919 46 223 973 1 665 3 716 144 144 12 550 891 936 1 772 93 91 9 700 697 597 13 643 301 293 107 080 686 1 109 16 000 954 1 152 2 400 70 222 50 669 360 106 470 020 5 335 5 193 614 411 86 44 110 869 273 272 10 777 247 207 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Banco Popular Espanol SA ES0113790226 Banco Santander SA 570594903 Bandai Namco Holdings inc. JP3778630008 Bank Hapoalim BM IL0006625771 Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM IL0006046119 Bank of America Corp. 060505104 Bank of East Asia Ltd HK0023000190 Bank of Ireland IE0030606259 Bankia SA 011330702 Banque Canadienne Impériale de Commerce 136069101 Banque de Montréal 063671101 Banque Laurentienne du Canada 51925D106Z Banque Nationale du Canada 633067103 Banque Royale du Canada 780087102 Banque Toronto-Dominion 891160509 Barclays plc 313486904 Barratt Developments plc GB0000811801 Barrick Gold Corp. 067901108 Barry Callebaut AG 547692905 BASF SE ACI0054Q2 Baxalta inc. 07177M103 Baxter International inc. 071813109 Bayer AG 506921907 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 575602909 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG - PRF DE0005190037 Baytex Energy Corp. 07317Q105 BB&T Corp. 054937107 BCE inc. 05534B760 Becton Dickinson and Co. 075887109 Bed Bath 075896100 & Beyond inc. Beiersdorf AG 510740905 Benesse Holdings inc. JP3835620000 Berkshire 084670702 Hathaway inc., classe B Best Buy Co. inc. 086516101 Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Corp. Ltd 609803903 BG Group plc 087628905 BHP Billiton Ltd 614469005 BHP Billiton plc 005665906 Biogen inc. 09062X103 BioMarin Pharmaceutical inc. 09061G101 BlackBerry Ltd 09228F103 BlackRock inc. 09247X101 BNP Paribas 730968906 Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust 096631106 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 653611905 Boliden AB B1XCBX901 Bombardier 097751200 inc., classe B Boral Ltd 621867902 BorgWarner inc. 099724106 Boston Properties inc. 101121101 Boston Scientific Corp. 101137107 Bouygues SA 400212908 4 46 903 390 220 963 591 8 517 7 004 3 600 103 107 206 123 1 349 1 420 179 310 810 864 253 400 3 575 5 882 326 519 1 747 1 554 696 940 325 346 59 799 59 100 161 500 14 813 16 195 171 600 11 102 13 232 459 697 15 515 24 962 104 563 4 686 4 576 474 320 31 663 36 087 737 140 34 626 40 204 428 176 2 000 1 916 13 910 158 168 351 500 5 691 3 456 838 1 186 1 161 22 051 1 443 2 425 46 900 1 568 2 147 45 400 1 931 2 276 45 706 5 706 8 118 18 610 1 969 2 706 2 888 301 322 106 800 644 593 21 200 724 1 090 154 080 7 408 8 856 27 879 3 350 5 578 13 700 975 995 12 466 1 222 1 540 20 900 878 704 57 100 7 289 10 196 9 500 265 402 517 064 998 1 484 248 939 5 214 5 147 308 224 9 842 5 381 163 029 4 848 2 605 5 900 1 414 2 254 4 800 354 610 80 470 908 855 3 000 867 1 453 26 992 1 637 2 130 72 628 4 597 3 444 294 500 970 1 201 6 173 81 151 2 413 900 8 732 3 139 30 744 142 168 8 000 336 455 6 300 702 1 049 39 300 379 957 3 286 166 165 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts BP plc 079805909 Brambles Ltd B1FJ0C904 Brenntag AG DE000A1DAHH0 Bridgestone Corp. 613210004 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 110122108 British Land Co. plc 013670005 Broadcom Corp., classe A 111320107 Brookfield Asset Management inc., classe A 112585104 Brookfield Properties Corp. G16249107 Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners LP G16258108 Brown-Forman Corp., classe B 115637209 BT Group plc 309135903 Bunge Ltd G16962105 Bunzl plc GB00B0744B38 Burberry 317430908Group plc Bureau Veritas SA B28DTJ907 C.R. Bard inc. 067383109 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. 127097103 CAE inc. 124765108 CaixaBank SA ES0140609019 CALBEE inc. B3TBRZ902 Calpine Corp. 131347304 Caltex Australia Ltd 616150009 Camden Property Trust 133131102 Cameco Corp. 13321L108 Cameron International Corp. 13342B105 Campbell Soup Co. 134429109 Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 134921105 Canadian Energy Services & Technology Corp. 13566W108 Canadian National Railway Co. 136375102 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 136385101 Canadian Oil Sands Ltd 13643E105 Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd 13645T100 Canadian 13650J104 Real Estate Investment Trust Canadian Tire Corp., classe A 136681202 Canadian Utilities Ltd, classe A 136717832 Canon inc. 617232004 Cap Gemini SA FR0000125338 Capita plc B23K0M900 Capital One Financial Corp. 14040H105 Capital Power Corp. 14042M102 CapitaLand Ltd 630930907 Cara Operations Ltd 140754409 Cardinal 14149Y108Health inc. Carlsberg AS, classe B 416921005 CarMax inc. 143130102 Carnival Corp. 143658300 Carrefour SA 564156909 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 417841004 Casio Computer Co. Ltd JP3209000003 Caterpillar 149123101 inc. Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd HK0293001514 5 519 402 4 481 4 011 79 726 768 838 4 228 268 309 25 600 980 1 211 74 800 3 920 6 674 45 970 448 769 32 400 1 188 2 357 156 250 5 163 7 164 304 400 7 140 9 095 101 400 3 274 3 407 15 400 1 035 2 103 264 012 1 337 2 627 12 000 970 1 065 52 892 1 617 2 036 37 506 991 936 28 152 834 771 10 500 1 788 2 612 43 400 1 485 1 088 5 400 76 82 63 978 378 312 5 000 129 275 2 900 42 57 9 937 171 329 4 900 388 499 12 000 255 196 10 900 639 991 38 900 1 827 2 706 2 480 93 400 2 243 353 008 2 107 1 670 156 300 8 887 12 459 285 800 9 668 9 242 10 900 269 93 3 700 511 728 101 100 4 563 4 269 89 950 9 277 11 254 3 000 120 98 158 000 5 799 6 342 5 326 410 654 30 646 469 781 14 400 915 1 505 200 000 4 775 3 370 96 000 273 274 21 700 742 715 24 600 1 575 2 846 9 294 927 1 052 7 500 359 572 14 100 478 949 18 582 749 763 9 500 956 723 5 000 147 147 33 400 3 157 3 231 79 000 171 186 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts CBS Corp., classe B 124857202 CCL Industries inc., classe B 124900309 CDK Global inc. 12508E101 Celanese Corp., série A 150870103 Celestica inc. 15101Q108 Celgene Corp. 151020104 Cenovus Energy inc. 15135U109 Centene Corp. 15135B101 CenterPoint Energy inc. 15189T107 Central Japan Railway Co. 618355903 Centrica plc B033F2900 CenturyLink inc. 156700106 Cerner Corp. 156782104 CF Industries Holdings inc. 125269100 CGI Group inc., classe A 39945C109 CH Robinson 12541W209 Worldwide inc. Charter Communications inc., classe A 16117M305 Chartwell 16141A103Retirement Residences Check Point Software Technologies Ltd IL0010824113 Chemtrade Logistics Income Fund 16387P103 Cheniere Energy inc. 16411R208 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 165167107 Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd 621255900 Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd KYG2103F1019 Chevron Corp. 166764100 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. NV 167250109 Chipotle Mexican Grill inc. 169656105 Chr. Hansen Holding AS DK0060227585 Christian Dior SA 406139907 Chubb Corp. 171232101 Chubu Electric Power Co. inc. 619560006 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd JP3519400000 Chugoku 619590003Electric Power Co. inc. Church & Dwight Co. inc. 171340102 CI Financial Corp. 125491100 Cigna Corp. 125509109 Cimarex Energy Co. 171798101 CIMIC Group Ltd AU000000CIM7 Cincinnati Financial Corp. 172062101 Cineplex inc. 172454100 Cisco Systems inc. 17275R102 CIT Group inc. 125581801 Citigroup inc. 172967424 Citizen Holdings Co. Ltd JP3352400000 Citizens Financial Group inc. 174610105 Citrix Systems inc. 177376100 City Developments Ltd SG1R89002252 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd 619027006 Clorox Co. 189054109 CLP Holdings 609701909 Ltd CME Group inc. 12572Q105 CMS Energy Corp. 125896100 6 13 362 684 898 23 700 1 949 5 256 1 000 65 63 9 000 456 848 408 045 5 223 6 145 19 900 1 250 2 900 534 400 14 897 10 560 2 900 266 223 15 900 273 359 4 000 453 950 121 130 616 530 18 100 677 649 7 500 381 595 7 000 193 430 88 900 4 155 5 169 8 800 568 790 1 300 289 324 276 600 3 093 3 651 891 103 104 32 000 639 578 412 6 500 195 16 000 401 112 215 000 1 459 2 508 76 988 775 669 64 000 5 918 7 783 3 500 197 199 2 200 1 289 1 698 4 526 378 378 3 678 628 896 24 700 2 354 4 293 19 400 452 356 3 300 114 153 12 400 257 211 49 700 3 470 5 676 85 400 2 864 2 710 6 600 460 1 186 5 400 561 856 7 818 161 189 10 300 500 838 113 717 4 795 5 693 173 200 4 744 6 285 4 500 263 257 218 093 11 575 15 709 17 700 154 174 10 000 319 355 4 900 325 500 57 000 491 395 67 488 460 1 179 19 400 1 786 3 211 431 500 3 589 4 803 8 100 572 1 053 10 600 258 494 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts CNH Industrial NV NL0010545661 Coach inc. 189754104 Cobham plc GB00B07KD360 Coca-Cola 612345900 Amatil Ltd Coca-Cola Co. 191216100 Coca-Cola Enterprises inc. 19122T109 Coca-Cola HBC AG B9895B904 Cochlear Ltd AU000000COH5 Cogeco Câble inc. 19238V105 Cognizant Technology Solutions, classe A 192446102 Colgate-Palmolive Co. 194162103 Colliers International Group inc. 194693107 Coloplast AS DK0060448595 Colruyt SA ACI009ZR8 Columbia Pipeline Group inc. 198280109 Comcast 20030N200Corp. Commerzbank AG ACI05RX61 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 621503002 Compagnie de St-Gobain 738048909 Compagnie Financière Richemont SA B3DCZF902 Compagnie Générale des Établissements Michelin SCA 458836004 Compass Group plc 053315909 Computershare Ltd AU000000CPU5 ConAgra Foods inc. 205887102 Concho Resources inc. 20605P101 ConocoPhillips 20825C104 Consolidated Edison inc. 209115104 Constellation Brands inc., classe A 21036P108 Constellation 21037X100 Software inc. Contact Energy Ltd 615252905 Continental AG 459858908 Continental Resources inc. 212015101 Cooper Companies inc. 216648402 Core Laboratories NV N22717107 Corning 219350105inc. Costco Wholesale Corp. 22160K105 Crédit Agricole SA FR0000045072 Credit Suisse Group AG CH0301992506 Crescent Point Energy Corp. 22576C101 Crew Energy inc. 226533107 CRH plc 418224002 Croda International plc 023352008 Crown Castle International Corp. 22822V101 Crown Holdings inc. 228368106 Crown Resorts Ltd AU000000CWN6 CSL Ltd 618549901 CSX Corp. 126408103 Cummins 231021106 inc. CVS Caremark Corp. 126650100 Daicel Corp. 625054002 Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd B0J7D9901 Daikin Industries Ltd 625072004 7 54 404 654 533 9 000 543 381 17 280 98 105 34 319 364 299 201 800 6 990 11 454 10 500 265 703 20 293 555 656 11 653 903 1 061 61 000 3 952 3 959 16 200 541 1 393 119 600 7 601 10 461 22 000 1 257 1 330 23 241 2 104 2 511 13 900 808 917 9 000 116 230 63 000 2 517 5 121 29 318 315 428 74 391 5 476 5 701 13 614 592 801 33 870 3 271 3 379 6 089 556 813 103 497 1 513 2 394 42 503 482 478 27 700 967 1 510 3 700 343 540 66 000 4 112 4 751 67 300 3 884 5 570 5 300 149 990 8 500 1 869 4 872 24 055 133 105 2 517 342 809 3 800 122 184 1 100 246 214 3 100 443 488 88 300 1 659 2 203 19 000 1 618 4 084 31 297 531 503 38 566 1 145 1 136 212 600 5 890 3 714 126 700 669 570 19 807 466 776 5 487 196 315 20 300 1 242 2 323 573 8 300 398 15 653 205 176 20 841 1 297 2 013 27 800 723 1 052 5 000 619 668 39 000 2 073 4 886 12 000 78 234 40 300 713 1 104 16 000 866 1 495 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Daimler AG 552902900 Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd JP3486800000 Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd 625136007 Daiwa Securities Group inc. 625144001 Danaher Corp. 235851102 Danone FR0000120644 Danske Bank AS 458882909 Dassault Systèmes SA FR0000130650 DaVita HealthCare Partners inc. 23918K108 DBS Group Holdings Ltd 617520903 Deere & Co. 244199105 Delhaize Group SA 426211009 Delphi Automotive plc G27823106 Delta Air 247361702Lines inc. Denso Corp. 664038007 DENTSPLY International inc. 249030107 Dentsu inc. JP3551520004 Detour Gold Corp. 250669108 Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE DE000A1ML7J1 Deutsche Bank AG 575035902 Deutsche Boerse AG 702196908 Deutsche Lufthansa AG DE0008232125 Deutsche Post AG 461785909 Deutsche Telekom AG 584235907 Devon Energy Corp. 25179M103 DEXUS Property Group AU000000DXS1 DH Corp. 23290R101 Diageo plc 023740905 Digital Realty Trust inc. 253868103 Direct Line Insurance Group plc GB00BY9D0Y18 DirectCash 25456A103 Payments inc. Discover Financial Services 254709108 Discovery Communications inc., classe A 25470F104 Discovery Communications inc., classe C 25470F302 DISH Network Corp. 25470M109 Distribuidora ACI00NNS8 Internacional DNB ASA 426330007 Dollar General Corp. 256677105 Dollar Tree inc. 256746108 Dollarama inc. 25675T107 Dominion Diamond Corp. 257287102 Dominion Resources inc. 25746U109 Dorel Industries inc., classe B 25822C205 Dover Corp. 260003108 Dow Chemical Co. 260543103 Dr Pepper 26138E109 Snapple Group inc. Dream Global Real Estate Investment Trust 26154A106 DTE Energy Co. 233331107 Dufry AG CH0023405456 Duke Energy Corp. 26441C204 E*TRADE 269246401 Financial Corp. E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. 263534109 8 49 553 3 838 5 910 4 000 420 553 21 000 417 778 67 000 561 576 15 800 1 022 2 028 41 587 3 189 3 880 36 936 926 1 319 7 125 513 755 26 900 2 057 2 616 139 876 1 986 2 181 9 500 860 1 007 2 796 207 373 16 776 1 122 1 964 3 800 165 235 15 500 676 983 3 600 255 291 3 800 240 284 110 000 1 543 1 530 5 200 211 215 30 787 1 379 1 052 6 569 439 747 4 441 79 85 24 737 646 965 74 679 1 091 1 833 10 600 773 649 64 581 437 479 111 545 3 588 3 596 216 259 6 289 8 280 1 700 149 163 43 242 287 357 98 063 1 462 1 179 13 700 677 1 036 5 800 241 241 8 200 326 323 6 600 402 551 10 507 87 88 23 285 391 409 25 100 1 483 2 186 24 911 1 807 2 503 64 900 3 546 5 796 169 000 2 624 1 862 55 200 3 739 4 952 90 850 3 201 2 795 5 800 472 509 63 899 2 442 4 436 9 800 416 1 171 75 800 742 633 5 000 249 536 1 015 162 162 86 399 6 251 7 796 7 400 262 300 51 400 2 632 4 609 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts E.ON SE 494290901 East Japan Railway Co. 629854902 Eastman Chemical Co. 277432100 Eaton Corp. plc G29183103 eBay inc. 278642103 Ecolab inc. 278865100 Edenred FR0010908533 Edgewell Personal Care Co. 28035Q102 Edison International 281020107 EDP - Energias de Portugal SA 410359905 Edwards Lifesciences Corp. 28176E108 Eisai Co. Ltd 630720001 Eldorado 284902103Gold Corp. Electric Power Development Co. Ltd B02Q32903 Électricité de France SA FR0013054939 Electrolux AB SE0000103814 Electronic Arts inc. 285512109 Element 286181201Financial Corp. Eli Lilly & Co. 532457108 Elisa OYJ 570151902 EMC Corp 268648102 Emera inc. 290876101 Emerson Electric Co. 291011104 Empire Co. Ltd, classe A 291843407 Ems-Chemie Holding AG 763561909 Enagas SA 738307909 Enbridge inc. 29250N105 Encana Corp. 292505104 Endesa SA 527178909 Endo International plc IE00BJ3V9050 Enel Green Power SPA B4TWTW909 Enel SPA 714456902 EnerCare 29269C207inc. Enerflex Ltd 29269R105 Energen Corp. 29265N108 ENI SPA 714505906 Ensco plc, classe A G3157S106 Entergy Corp. 29364G103 EOG Resources inc. 26875P101 EQT Corp. 26884L109 Equifax inc. 294429105 Equinix inc. 29444U700 Equity Residential 29476L107 Ericsson LM, classe B 595937905 Erste Group Bank AG AT0000652011 Essex Property Trust inc. 297178105 Essilor International 721247906 European 401225909 Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. NV Eutelsat Communications FR0013006566 Everest Re Group Ltd BMG3223R1088 Eversource 30040W108 Energy Exelon Corp. 30161N101 9 45 835 1 631 578 19 700 1 555 2 473 5 000 194 484 13 900 956 1 077 54 000 1 222 2 128 32 400 3 236 5 141 19 613 659 541 2 500 99 268 9 300 427 735 47 020 180 209 1 400 201 304 11 600 476 1 002 305 000 2 271 1 247 4 800 166 204 12 040 370 119 11 722 351 458 9 700 223 876 128 000 2 276 2 189 42 900 2 485 4 687 5 759 130 286 64 200 1 728 2 166 66 700 2 753 2 842 42 000 2 651 2 797 12 900 293 344 351 85 191 3 434 84 136 193 400 10 129 9 173 506 900 7 026 5 636 5 041 137 139 3 500 276 287 12 803 28 36 147 225 863 864 218 676 3 224 3 532 110 400 1 703 1 547 3 000 155 237 131 808 3 492 2 858 11 129 543 254 5 200 431 461 23 300 1 751 2 589 20 400 1 568 1 555 2 600 319 386 1 623 351 641 25 700 1 547 2 732 208 462 2 703 2 704 19 477 620 795 1 700 343 522 7 598 871 1 320 36 865 2 440 3 549 3 014 104 120 6 900 1 180 1 695 12 800 480 868 19 300 973 702 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Expedia inc. 30212P303 Expeditors International of Washington inc. 302130109 Experian plc B19NLV907 Express 30219G108Scripts Holdging Co. Extra Space Storage inc. 30225T102 Exxon Mobil Corp. 30231G102 F5 Networks inc. 315616102 Facebook inc., classe A 30303M102 Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd 303901102 FamilyMart Co. Ltd 633127006 Fanuc Corp. 635693005 Fast Retailing Co. Ltd 633243902 Fastenal Co. 311900104 Federal Realty Investment Trust 313747206 FedEx Corp. 31428X106 Ferrovial SA ES0118900010 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV NL0010877643 Fidelity National Information Services inc. 31620M106 Fifth Third 316773100 Bancorp Financière Sun Life inc. 866796105 Finmeccanica SPA IT0003856405 Finning International inc. 318071404 FireEye inc. 31816Q101 First Capital Realty inc. 31943B100 First Pacific Co. Ltd BMG348041077 First Quantum Minerals Ltd 335934105 FirstEnergy Corp. 337932107 Fiserv inc. 337738108 FleetCor 339041105Technologies inc. Fletcher Building Ltd 634160907 Flextronics International Ltd SG9999000020 Flowserve Corp. 34354P105 Fluor Corp. 343412102 FMC Corp. 302491303 FMC Technologies inc. 30249U101 Foncière des Régions FR0000064578 Ford Motor Co. 345370860 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd 608625901 Fortinet inc. 34959E109 Fortis inc. 349553107 Fortum OYJ 557955903 Fortuna Silver Mines inc. 349915108 Franco-Nevada Corp. 351858105 Franklin Resources inc. 354613101 Freehold Royalties Ltd 356500108 Freeport-McMoRan inc. 35671D857 Freescale Semiconductor Ltd BMG3727Q1015 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA 512907908 Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA 435209903 Fresnillo plc B2QPKJ909 Frontier Communications Corp. 35906A108 Fuchs Petrolub SE 435435003 10 3 200 213 525 6 000 262 388 35 256 675 870 42 233 3 322 4 807 800 76 89 151 600 12 096 16 485 1 400 218 192 65 712 3 146 9 121 1 300 658 833 2 400 92 142 13 700 2 367 3 244 753 1 400 496 10 000 537 540 7 700 971 1 502 6 800 681 1 436 10 725 282 338 23 424 304 445 20 900 1 000 1 772 29 400 550 809 235 000 8 907 10 350 9 491 157 183 142 125 3 819 2 788 3 000 125 91 34 700 610 680 262 000 286 217 57 200 1 001 278 12 100 612 506 28 200 1 530 3 614 700 100 143 28 205 173 180 28 000 286 419 7 200 568 444 9 400 747 608 11 400 656 653 14 000 568 634 1 964 176 232 90 100 1 490 1 719 191 917 873 363 2 600 125 125 7 900 254 291 9 210 261 179 57 400 188 188 56 400 2 890 3 621 13 300 704 742 20 500 242 239 147 200 4 458 1 603 8 865 491 459 14 988 1 111 1 645 14 619 658 1 426 92 509 1 485 1 326 40 400 318 268 6 452 280 405 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd 635640006 FUJIFILM Holgings Corp. 635652001 Fujitsu Ltd 635694003 G4S plc GB00B01FLG62 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd HK0027032686 Galp Energia SGPS, SA B1FW75903 Gartner inc. 366651107 Gas Natural SDG, SA 565042900 GDF Suez B0C2CQ902 GEA Group AG DE0006602006 Geberit AG B1WGG9901 Gemalto NV 019223973 General 369604103Electric Co. General Growth Properties inc. 370023103 General 370334104Mills inc. General Motors Co. 37045V100 Genuine Parts Co. 372460105 George Weston Ltd 961148509 Gilead Sciences inc. 375558103 Givaudan SA 598061901 GKN plc GB0030646508 Glaxosmithkline plc 092528900 Global Logistic Properties Ltd SG2C26962630 Global Payments inc. 37940X102 Goldcorp inc. 380956409 Golden Agri-Resources Ltd 616447900 Goldman Sachs Group inc. 38141G104 Goodman Group AU000000GMG2 GPT Group AU000000GPT8 Great Canadian Gaming Corp. 389914102 Great-West Lifeco inc. 39138C106 Groupe Canam inc. 13710C107 Groupe Eurotunnel SE FR0010533075 Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. 78460T105 GungHo Online Entertainment inc. JP3235900002 H&R Real Estate Investment Trust 404428203 Hammerson plc GB0004065016 Hanesbrands inc. 410345102 Hang Lung Properties Ltd 603050006 Hang Seng Bank Ltd 640837001 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings inc. 377420000 Hargreaves Lansdown plc 030166469 Harley-Davidson inc. 412822108 Harman International Industries inc. 413086109 Harris Corp. 413875105 Hasbro inc. 418056107 HCA Holdings inc. 40412C101 HCP inc. 40414L109 Healthscope Ltd AU000000HSO1 HeidelbergCement AG 512067901 Heineken Holding NV B0CCH4904 Heineken NV 779255900 11 17 400 405 956 35 900 1 424 1 934 60 000 259 403 119 805 622 545 256 000 2 185 1 002 22 334 389 316 4 400 516 546 13 418 320 386 27 997 976 649 3 613 184 199 1 540 396 686 3 344 352 281 310 417 8 030 12 376 21 100 447 716 112 600 5 949 8 661 33 800 1 276 1 629 16 700 1 461 2 016 18 000 1 886 1 966 45 200 2 827 6 378 1 855 2 930 4 462 44 632 307 269 207 401 5 741 5 635 166 000 388 309 1 000 95 94 324 100 8 224 5 117 684 000 375 233 9 900 1 655 2 505 17 359 99 103 421 314 1 592 1 878 87 923 1 828 1 416 94 876 3 342 3 443 79 900 1 062 1 118 6 740 121 115 4 000 147 170 17 800 158 72 149 800 3 374 3 215 24 292 307 297 3 400 137 139 108 000 402 337 237 100 4 135 5 722 113 000 741 962 8 278 211 248 6 200 353 404 1 500 226 206 2 200 214 244 3 200 282 311 9 000 364 816 29 900 1 446 1 415 325 718 824 845 4 123 237 437 8 441 511 883 17 021 1 098 2 015 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Helmerich & Payne inc. 423452101 Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd HK0012000102 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 500246905 Hennes 568743900& Mauritz AB, classe B Henry Schein inc. 806407102 Hermès International FR0000052292 Hertz Global Holdings inc. 42805T105 Hess Corp. 42809H107 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. 42824C109 Hexagon AB SE0000103699 Hilton Worlwide Holdings inc. 43300A104 Hirose Electric Co. Ltd JP3799000009 Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd 642912000 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd JP3787000003 Hitachi High-Technologies Corp. JP3678800008 Hitachi Ltd 642910004 Hitachi Metals Ltd 642920003 HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Ltd HK0000179108 HKT Trust and B4TXDZ907 HKT Ltd Hokuriku Electric Power Co. 643312002 HollyFrontier Corp. 436106108 Home Depot inc. 437076102 Honda Motor Co. Ltd 643514003 Honeywell International inc. 438516106 Hong Kong & China Gas Co. Ltd 643655004 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 626735906 Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd BMG4587L1090 Hormel Foods Corp. 440452100 Host Hotels & Resorts inc. 44107P104 Hoya Corp. 644150005 HP inc. 40434L105 HRS 3397334Holding Ltd HSBC Holdings plc 054052907 HudBay Minerals inc. 443628102 Hugo Boss AG 079582719 Humana inc. 444859102 Huntington Bancshares inc. 446150104 Husky Energy inc. 448055103 Hutchison Port Holdings Trust SG2D00968206 Hydro One Ltd 448811208 Iberdrola SA B288C9908 ICA Gruppen AB SE0000652216 Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd B1FF8P905 IHS inc. 451734107 Iliad SA 775943905 Illinois Tool Works inc. 452308109 Illumina inc. 452327109 Iluka Resources Ltd 695757005 Imerys SA B011GL903 Imperial 453038408Oil Ltd Incitec Pivot Ltd 667304901 Incyte Corp. US45337C1027 12 4 300 220 31 045 210 334 255 22 082 1 894 3 106 32 520 1 304 1 606 22 800 3 211 4 751 1 187 461 556 12 700 332 268 7 800 493 613 61 099 983 1 209 6 086 280 294 12 200 426 377 4 735 665 766 7 000 104 155 8 700 185 182 1 700 44 62 133 000 939 1 044 155 9 000 108 273 051 285 290 632 700 799 1 067 8 100 120 147 5 900 196 378 47 300 4 413 8 433 45 500 1 811 1 967 24 300 2 102 3 364 941 444 1 945 2 461 29 080 520 1 009 37 000 345 344 21 600 991 2 155 27 500 504 608 18 400 432 991 104 879 1 451 1 751 186 44 14 466 422 5 406 4 951 470 800 4 496 2 792 1 992 303 230 3 800 316 853 19 900 278 310 279 700 8 324 5 043 410 000 300 295 215 970 4 550 4 870 119 837 885 1 118 3 093 152 145 24 800 613 546 1 700 258 279 950 112 282 10 700 778 1 339 3 800 499 931 42 024 522 233 1 352 84 122 74 000 3 338 3 209 66 548 244 243 3 000 296 456 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Inditex SA 711131904 Industrielle Alliance, Assurance et services financiers inc. 455871103 Infineon Technologies AG DE0006231004 Ing Groep NV 715418901 Ingenico Group FR0000125346 Ingersoll-Rand plc G47791101 Inmarsat plc B09LSH907 Inpex Corp. B10RB1904 Insurance Australia Group Ltd 627102908 Intact Financial Corp. 45823T106 Intel Corp. 458140100 Inter Pipeline Ltd 45833V109 InterContinental Hotels Group plc B85KYF903 IntercontinentalExchange Group inc. 45866F104 International 459200101 Business Machines Corp. International Consolidated Airlines Group SA ES0177542018 International Flavors & Fragrances inc. 459506101 International Paper Co. 460146103 Intertape Polymer Group inc. 460919103 Intertek Group plc 316383900 Intesa Sanpaolo 407683002 Intuit inc. 461202103 Intuitive Surgical inc. 46120E602 Invesco Ltd G491BT108 Investec plc GB00B17BBQ50 Investment AB Kinnevik, classe B SE0000164626 Investor AB, classe B 567959903 Isis Pharmaceuticals inc. 464330109 Israel Chemicals Ltd 645553900 Isuzu Motors Ltd JP3137200006 Itochu Corp. 646780007 Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp. JP3143900003 ITV plc GB0033986497 J Sainsbury plc B019KW907 James Hardie Industries plc 641297908 Japan Exchange Group inc. 018949717 Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp. JP3040890000 Japan Real Estate Investment Corp. JP3027680002 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp. JP3039710003 Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd SG1B51001017 Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc IE00B4Q5ZN47 JB Hunt Transport Services inc. 445658107 Jeronimo Martins SGPS, SA B1Y1SQ901 JFE Holdings inc. 654379908 JGC Corp. JP3667600005 Johnson 478160104& Johnson Johnson Controls inc. 478366107 Johnson Matthey plc B70FPS903 Jones Lang Lasalle inc. 48020Q107 JPMorgan 46625H100 Chase & Co. JSR Corp. 647098003 Juniper Networks inc. 48203R104 13 27 814 885 1 332 78 252 3 325 3 545 67 543 863 1 338 102 320 989 1 870 2 476 411 415 9 300 556 727 77 268 1 115 1 727 137 300 2 010 1 813 89 141 511 477 108 100 7 555 9 622 342 700 9 571 15 868 32 571 896 756 12 672 415 649 3 359 622 1 162 50 300 10 514 9 338 14 516 153 165 7 200 580 1 150 7 600 212 423 23 700 345 431 16 713 908 947 372 992 724 1 704 7 100 429 947 1 100 584 761 15 400 538 691 53 986 501 612 16 284 643 667 17 158 514 871 1 700 150 138 29 889 288 200 23 000 290 344 55 300 744 897 16 000 368 440 104 766 383 569 45 666 293 232 17 527 126 277 21 200 304 442 255 940 1 171 259 1 488 1 639 758 1 808 1 928 8 888 340 268 1 100 211 215 9 400 819 980 31 086 503 574 15 700 448 329 8 000 308 181 110 700 10 263 14 925 16 800 652 1 029 6 668 198 378 1 600 321 354 87 600 4 963 7 778 7 500 155 157 10 000 273 401 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts JX Holdings inc. B627LW906 K+S AG ACI00RQT4 Kabel Deutschland Holding AG DE000KD88880 Kajima Corp. JP3210200006 inc. JP3206000006 Kansai Electric Power Co. inc. 648348001 Kansai Paint Co. Ltd 648374007 Kansas City Southern 485170302 Kao Corp. 648380004 KBC Groep NV BE0003565737 KDDI Corp. 624899902 Kellogg Co. 487836108 Keppel Corp. Ltd B1VQ5C905 Kering 550507909 Kerry Group plc, classe A 451957906 Kerry Properties Ltd BMG524401079 Keuring Green Mountain inc. 49271M100 KeyCorp 493267108 Keyence Corp. 649099009 Keyera Corp. 493271100 Kikkoman Corp. 649080009 Kimberly-Clark Corp. 494368103 Kinaxis inc. 49448Q109 Kinder Morgan inc. 49456B101 Kingfisher plc 331952903 Kinross Gold Corp. 496902404 Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd 649374006 KLA-Tencor Corp. 482480100 Klepierre SA FR0000121964 Kobe Steel Ltd 649602000 Kohl's Corp. 500255104 Komatsu 649658002Ltd Kone OYJ, classe B B09M9D905 Koninklijke Ahold NV 525260907 Koninklijke DSM NV 025328825 Koninklijke KPN NV 595607904 Koninklijke Philips NV 598662906 Koninklijke Vopak NV NL0009432491 Kroger Co. 501044101 Kubota Corp. 649750007 Kuehne + Nagel International AG B142S6906 Kuraray Co. Ltd 649766003 Kyocera Corp. 649926003 Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co. Ltd JP3256000005 Kyushu 649980000Electric Power Co. inc. L Brands inc. 501797104 L-3 Communications Holdings inc. 502424104 La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 064149107 Laboratory 50540R409 Corp. of America Holdings Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corp. 505440107 LafargeHolcim Ltd CH001221405E Lam Research Corp. 512807108 14 167 300 972 6 761 405 902 255 6 331 994 1 028 12 000 88 88 27 700 499 703 22 200 485 331 23 000 292 483 5 000 563 606 34 200 1 172 2 332 8 032 541 638 88 000 1 216 2 907 48 900 3 227 4 478 94 000 800 582 4 713 1 065 1 084 25 211 2 187 2 709 45 500 166 171 3 500 252 244 15 000 282 262 2 500 928 1 802 156 507 5 765 6 233 7 000 83 307 43 000 4 291 6 823 45 500 1 544 2 125 49 972 2 016 1 568 81 677 453 579 470 700 2 146 1 229 66 700 1 080 1 248 8 700 705 770 5 137 307 310 142 000 298 221 7 800 418 490 57 200 1 504 1 258 19 092 905 1 085 32 203 456 933 9 357 518 634 106 426 517 539 49 993 1 520 1 820 1 920 111 111 25 800 331 1 294 37 000 581 821 20 122 2 872 3 626 14 400 179 244 17 900 927 1 104 4 000 84 94 18 000 374 251 14 168 1 214 1 800 5 000 738 815 355 646 22 006 21 655 19 300 2 070 3 123 93 400 2 479 1 200 28 520 2 311 2 032 10 100 711 1 052 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Land Securities Group plc 318094901 Lanxess AG B05M8B904 Las Vegas Sands Corp. 517834107 Lawson 626691901inc. Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) inc., classe A 47215Q104 Lear Corp. 521865204 Legal & General Group plc 056039902 Legg Mason inc. 524901105 Legrand SA B11ZRK906 Lennar Corp., classe A 526057104 Les Vêtements de sport Gildan inc. 375916103 Leucadia National Corp. 527288104 Level 3 Communications inc. 52729N308 Li & Fung Ltd BMG5485F1692 Liberty Global plc, classe A 530555101 Liberty Global plc, classe C 530555309 Liberty Interactive Corp., classe A 53071M104 Liberty Media Corp., classe A 531229102 Liberty Media Corp., classe C 531229300 Linamar 53278L107Corp. Lincoln National Corp. 534187109 Linde AG 574081907 Lindt & Spruengli AG-PC 596228908 Lindt & Spruengli AG-REG 596230904 Linear Technology Corp. 535678106 LinkedIn Corp., classe A 53578A108 Liquor Stores NA Ltd 536347107 LKQ Corp. 501889208 Lloyds Banking Group plc 087061008 Loblaw Companies Ltd 539481101 Loews Corp. 540424108 London Stock Exchange Group GB00B0SWJX34 Lonza Group AG 733337901 L'Oreal SA 405780909 Lowe's Cos inc. 548661107 Lululemon 550021109 Athletica inc. Lundin Mining Corp. 550372106 Lundin Petroleum AB 718762909 Luxottica Group SPA IT0001479374 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA 406141903 LyondellBasell Industries NV, classe A N53745100 M&T Bank Corp. 55261F104 M3 inc. 019947980 Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd JP3870000001 Macquarie B28YTC906Group Ltd Macy's inc. 55616P104 Magna International inc. 559222401 Mallinckrodt G5785G107 plc MAN SE DE0005937007 Manitoba Telecom Services inc. 563486109 ManpowerGroup inc. 56418H100 Manulife 56501R106Financial Corp. 15 29 997 441 6 854 522 740 465 33 600 2 417 1 972 25 200 1 889 2 546 6 500 152 116 3 000 431 503 162 239 460 883 4 700 153 278 10 298 525 806 4 000 231 273 110 800 3 203 4 590 16 100 517 379 5 900 131 399 144 000 201 132 10 166 732 574 15 395 573 841 2 700 100 95 3 700 120 200 7 400 235 385 86 500 4 934 6 519 6 000 426 439 4 572 622 1 063 471 2 442 3 786 13 662 1 251 8 000 421 487 3 000 505 971 25 200 375 216 4 800 154 188 1 426 421 1 609 2 086 97 143 5 590 6 549 11 900 560 600 6 170 205 328 3 009 334 634 5 690 729 1 341 39 900 2 607 4 070 2 000 149 127 850 900 4 183 3 106 8 971 220 191 9 941 696 885 16 203 2 737 3 618 9 100 355 1 161 4 100 467 684 46 900 888 1 372 2 500 91 191 10 868 502 854 10 000 501 520 117 600 5 812 7 143 1 500 153 136 13 721 1 840 1 812 95 200 3 018 2 884 2 000 212 240 923 000 17 797 20 288 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Mapfre SA ES0124244E34 Marathon Oil Corp. 565849106 Marathon Petroleum Corp. 56585A102 Marks & Spencer Group plc 312748908 Marriott International inc., classe A 571903202 Marsh & McLennan Cos inc. 571748102 Martin Marietta Materials inc. 573284106 Marubeni Corp. 656946001 Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd 656950003 Marvell Technology Group Ltd BMG5876H1051 MasterCard inc., classe A 57636Q104 Mattel inc. 577081102 Maxim Integrated Products inc. 57772K101 Mazda Motor Corp. 690030002 McCormick 579780206 & Co. inc. McDonald's Corp. 580135101 McDonald's Holdings Co. Japan Ltd JP3750500005 McGraw Hill Financial inc. 580645109 McKesson 58155Q103 Corp. Mead Johnson Nutrition Co. 582839106 Medibank Private Ltd AU000000MPL3 Medivation inc. US58501N1019 Medtronic plc 585055106 MEG Energy Corp. 552704108 Meggitt plc GB0005758098 MEIJI Holdings Co. Ltd B60DQV902 Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd US5854641009 Merck & Co. inc. 58933Y105 Merck KGaA DE0006599905 Methanex 59151K108 Corp. MetLife inc. 59156R108 Metro AG 504141904 Metro inc. 59162N109 Metso OYJ FI0009007835 Mettler-Toledo International inc. 592688105 MGM China Holdings Ltd KYG607441022 MGM Resorts International 552953101 Michael Kors Holdings Ltd VGG607541015 Microchip Technology inc. 595017104 Micron Technology inc. 595112103 Microsoft Corp. 594918104 Millicom International Cellular SA B00L2M903 Minebea Co. Ltd 001227033 Miraca Holdings inc. JP3822000000 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp. B0JQTJ900 Mitsubishi Corp. 659678007 Mitsubishi Electric Corp. 659704001 Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd 659672000 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. inc. 659692008 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 659706006 Mitsubishi Materials Corp. 659708002 Mitsubishi Motors Corp. JP3899800001 16 6 000 27 22 13 000 351 303 15 200 286 1 182 57 650 429 581 7 800 342 737 41 100 1 893 3 027 1 800 167 377 94 000 693 692 8 700 288 320 26 000 448 307 29 900 1 771 3 899 15 100 703 500 19 200 735 992 19 900 424 550 36 400 2 611 4 164 65 100 6 812 9 897 20 000 584 646 7 500 424 963 11 500 1 547 2 900 20 200 1 529 2 167 852 964 1 752 1 909 2 000 126 113 66 128 4 388 6 635 67 6 000 242 12 230 119 95 10 000 289 1 064 5 557 120 120 134 000 7 433 9 459 4 814 452 655 3 000 199 157 22 700 1 045 1 544 5 287 339 234 63 200 2 170 2 431 3 738 133 124 1 100 285 502 68 400 268 120 17 800 486 539 5 800 521 332 11 200 594 720 84 800 1 579 1 799 224 000 8 370 16 211 8 180 818 641 10 000 163 146 16 700 816 987 56 000 317 488 45 300 839 1 014 51 000 510 751 35 000 900 979 37 000 247 266 104 000 674 708 150 000 693 705 25 500 295 302 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp. JP3469000008 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 633517909 Mitsui & Co. Ltd 659730006 Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd 659760003 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd IL0006954379 Mizuho Financial Group inc. 659101901 Mohawk Industries inc. 608190104 Molson Coors Brewing Co., classe B 60871R209 Mondelez International inc., classe A 609207105 Mondi plc B1CRLC906 Monster Beverage Corp. 61174X109 Moody's Corp. 615369105 Morgan 617446448Stanley Motorola Solutions inc. 620076307 MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings inc. B2Q4CS905 MTR Corp. Ltd HK0066009694 Muenchener 529412900 Rueckver AG Mullen Group Ltd 625284104 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd 661040006 Murphy Oil Corp. 626717102 Mylan NV 628530107 Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd JP3649800004 National Australia Bank Ltd 662460005 National Grid plc B08SNH908 National Oilwell Varco inc. 637071101 Nec Corp. JP3733000008 Neste Oil OYJ B06YV4907 Nestlé SA 712387901 NetApp inc. 64110D104 Netflix inc. 64110L106 New Flyer Industries inc. 64438T401 New World Development Co. Ltd HK0017000149 Newcrest 663710002 Mining Ltd Newmont Mining Corp. 651639106 News Corp., classe A 65249B109 Nexon Co. Ltd 070973251 Next plc 320898901 NextEra Energy inc. 65339F101 NGK SPARK PLUG Co. Ltd JP3738600000 NICE Sytems Ltd IL0002730112 Nidec Corp. JP3734800000 Nielsen Holdings plc GB00BWFY5505 NIKE inc., classe B 654106103 Nikon Corp. 654111103 Nintendo Co. Ltd 663955003 Nippon Building Fund inc. JP3027670003 Nippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd JP3733400000 Nippon Meat Packers inc. 664076007 Nippon Prologis JP3047550003 REIT inc. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. 664256005 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. 664137007 Nissan Motor 664286002 Co. Ltd 17 64 000 1 025 1 487 327 500 2 016 2 795 58 900 789 961 27 000 787 905 50 148 742 790 883 500 1 962 2 371 1 300 301 330 8 500 592 1 041 159 724 5 749 9 286 18 613 551 576 4 000 205 824 7 300 498 1 002 38 300 1 036 1 749 33 718 2 343 3 223 16 800 442 630 456 405 1 875 2 822 1 210 4 519 873 58 700 1 591 923 17 400 1 846 3 590 7 899 515 301 10 700 436 731 211 000 816 1 130 117 120 3 636 3 321 212 726 2 657 3 948 37 000 1 950 1 840 141 000 519 627 6 262 180 240 269 040 19 121 26 609 11 100 432 453 9 800 325 1 609 171 737 2 767 4 494 399 156 477 530 249 287 3 010 2 624 155 500 4 352 3 813 1 275 21 24 7 900 72 167 19 681 2 392 3 124 37 100 3 167 4 933 4 000 135 145 8 542 479 691 15 800 1 046 1 614 12 900 454 802 24 400 2 055 4 298 17 600 314 314 2 900 303 592 309 1 858 1 939 25 000 142 184 20 000 454 514 497 1 141 1 159 22 100 673 590 94 300 2 600 4 650 73 800 833 1 048 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Nisshin Seifun Group inc. 664096005 Nissin Foods Holdings Co. Ltd 664176005 Nitori Co. Ltd JP3756100008 Nitto Denko Corp. 664180007 Noble Energy inc. 655044105 Noble Group Ltd BMG6542T1190 NOK Corp. JP3164800009 Nokia OYJ 590294906 Nomura Holdings inc. 664310000 Nomura Real Estate Master Fund inc. JP3048110005 Nomura Research Institute Ltd JP3762800005 Norbord inc. 65548P403 Nordea Bank AB 538003906 Nordstrom 655664100 inc. Norfolk Southern Corp. 655844108 Norsk Hydro ASA B11HK3901 Northern Trust Corp. 665859104 Northland 666511100 Power inc. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd BMG667211046 Novartis 710306903AG Novo Nordisk AS, classe B 707752903 Novozymes AS, classe B B798FW902 NRG Energy inc. 629377508 NSK Ltd JP3720800006 NTT Data Corp. JP3165700000 NTT DOCOMO inc. 612927905 Nucor Corp. 670346105 Numericable - SFR SAS FR0011594233 NuVista Energy Ltd 67072Q104 NVIDIA Corp. 67066G104 NXP Semiconductors NV NL0009538784 Obayashi Corp. JP3190000004 OBIC Co. Ltd JP3173400007 Occidental 674599105 Petroleum Corp. Oceaneering International inc. 675232102 Odakyu Electric Railway Co. Ltd 665610002 OGE Energy Corp. 670837103 Oil Search Ltd PG0008579883 Oji Holdings Corp. 665770004 Old Mutual plc B77J08909 Olympus Corp. JP3201200007 Omnicom Group inc. 681919106 OMV AG 465145001 Oneok inc. 682680103 Onex Corp. 68272K103 Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd JP3197600004 Open Text Corp. 683715106 Oracle Corp. 68389X105 Oracle Corp. Japan JP3689500001 Orange 517617908SA O'Reilly Automotive inc. 67103H107 Orica Ltd 645800004 18 9 680 92 202 26 400 1 288 1 783 15 400 742 1 687 12 600 670 1 129 9 900 376 483 256 000 213 103 3 500 63 126 256 983 1 375 2 471 116 200 900 917 183 294 294 38 890 1 248 1 955 146 800 3 869 4 084 77 427 996 1 143 14 800 1 113 1 110 8 100 645 1 025 98 901 510 510 7 400 447 738 181 500 3 221 3 307 2 300 157 176 86 779 6 956 9 887 68 253 2 399 5 006 13 251 460 848 10 100 272 166 7 500 137 125 6 600 330 428 182 600 3 133 4 591 9 400 423 519 1 106 78 63 88 900 696 362 37 200 864 1 571 7 571 937 942 9 000 110 111 1 400 99 99 28 300 2 346 2 849 7 399 450 431 53 000 542 717 14 800 564 515 136 252 1 078 1 078 33 000 167 190 484 690 1 704 2 030 3 600 167 191 9 500 608 935 26 060 1 096 990 6 700 197 263 43 000 3 010 3 536 1 700 225 362 6 900 387 448 87 000 3 060 4 514 11 600 576 752 53 896 1 244 1 240 7 300 959 2 565 11 844 254 181 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Oriental Land Co. Ltd 664889904 Origin Energy Ltd 621486901 Orix Corp. 666114004 Orkla ASA B1VQF4902 Osaka Gas Co. Ltd 666176003 Osram Licht AG DE000LED4000 Otsuka Corp. JP3188200004 Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd B5LTM9909 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. B0F9V2906 PACCAR inc. 693718108 Palo Alto Networks inc. US6974351057 Panasonic Corp. 657270005 Pandora AS DK0060252690 Parex Resources inc. 69946Q104 Park24 Co. Ltd 007429126 Parker Hannifin Corp. 701094104 Parkland Fuel Corp. 70137T105 PartnerRe Ltd BMG6852T1053 Patterson Cos inc. 703395103 Paychex inc. 704326107 PayPal Holdings inc. 70450Y103 PCCW Ltd 657407904 Pearson plc 067760009 Pembina Pipeline Corp. 706327103 Pengrowth Energy Corp. 70706P104 Pentair Ltd H6169Q108 People's United Financial inc. 712704105 Pepco Holdings inc. 713291102 Pepsico inc. 713448108 Pernod Ricard SA 468232004 Perrigo Co. 714290103 Persimmon plc GB0006825383 Petrofac Ltd B0H2K5904 Peugeot SA FR0000121501 Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 717046106 Pfizer inc. 717081103 PG&E Corp. 69331C108 Phillips 66 718546104 Pinnacle West Capital Corp. 723484101 Pioneer Natural Resources Co. 723787107 Plum Creek Timber Co. inc. 729251108 PNC Financial Services Group 693475105 Polaris Industries inc. 731068102 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 710106907 Portefeuille de deux fonds d'infrastructures privés CITI5 Potash Corp. 73755L107 of Saskatchewan inc. Power Assets Holdings Ltd 643532005 Power Corp. of Canada 739239101 Power Financial Corp. 73927C100 PPG Industries inc. 693506107 PPL Corp. 69351T106 PrairieSky 739721108 Royalty Ltd 19 22 000 863 1 662 61 301 620 331 35 200 497 675 31 026 262 336 234 000 960 1 156 6 159 300 346 15 300 732 1 020 75 000 2 491 3 304 465 806 3 836 3 817 10 200 565 706 1 000 135 249 63 700 512 962 1 953 156 308 175 700 1 733 1 918 29 500 621 797 5 200 536 725 215 338 4 929 4 996 9 600 1 387 1 779 26 600 1 268 1 614 85 200 3 795 6 155 53 737 2 159 2 524 508 395 282 410 29 467 570 488 220 409 8 228 6 755 558 200 1 836 636 4 300 258 325 77 800 1 274 1 735 37 600 1 133 1 285 102 900 8 119 13 725 17 899 2 022 2 711 4 000 477 796 10 911 354 419 32 469 702 537 11 356 175 270 121 900 4 149 3 310 271 700 7 915 11 857 42 100 1 927 2 956 14 300 469 1 743 4 300 188 363 7 000 882 1 349 2 700 144 183 14 100 1 046 1 793 1 100 201 154 2 627 223 183 2 43 433 63 892 22 200 905 600 138 500 1 176 1 647 77 500 2 272 2 428 139 200 4 892 4 720 6 200 252 873 50 900 1 594 2 307 3 400 127 87 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Praxair inc. 74005P104 Precision Castparts Corp. 740189105 Premium 74061A108Brands Holdings Corp. Pretium Resources inc. 74139C102 inc. 741503403 Principal Financial Group inc. 74251V102 Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd 74339G101 Prologis inc. 74340W103 ProMetic Sciences de la vie inc. 74342Q104 ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG DE000PSM7770 Proximus SA B00D9P907 Prudential Financial inc. 744320102 Prudential 070995006 plc Prysmian SPA IT0004176001 Public Service Enterprise Group inc. 744573106 Public Storage 74460D109 Publicis 438042905Groupe SA QBE Insurance Group Ltd 671574002 Qorvo inc. 74736K101 QUALCOMM 747525103 inc. Quanta Services inc. 74762E102 Quebecor inc., classe B 748193208 Quest Diagnostics inc. 74834L100 Raging River Exploration inc. 750649105 Raiffeisen Bank International AT0000606306 Rakuten inc. 39672000 Ralph Lauren Corp. 751212101 Ramsay Health Care Ltd AU000000RHC8 Randgold B01C3S908Resources Ltd Range Resources Corp. 75281A109 Realty Income Corp. 756109104 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc B24CGK904 Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd JP3970300004 Red Electrica Corp. SA 572377901 Red Hat inc. 756577102 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals inc. 75886F107 Regions Financial Corp. 7591EP100 Reitmans (Canada) Limitée, classe A 759404205 RELX plc B2B0DG904 Rémy Cointreau SA 474171006 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd BMG7496G1033 Renault SA 471279901 Repsol SA 566935904 Republic 760759100Services inc. ResMed inc. 761152107 Resona Holdings inc. 642155907 Restaurant 76131D103 Brands International inc. Restoration Hardware Holdings inc. 761283100 Rexam plc GB00BMHTPY25 Ricoh Co. Ltd JP3973400009 Rio Tinto 622010007Ltd Rio Tinto plc 071887004 20 40 200 5 170 6 038 4 000 884 1 233 55 000 1 880 2 086 66 400 547 478 2 328 1 400 1 159 10 500 412 720 119 200 3 474 3 765 17 400 727 991 119 800 219 424 5 987 303 418 36 994 1 339 1 626 11 700 840 1 348 61 693 1 090 1 904 6 058 167 176 24 200 874 1 260 17 200 3 177 5 499 8 741 642 734 36 693 580 442 10 956 1 082 847 190 700 15 499 12 390 5 800 209 170 120 500 3 678 3 985 18 400 1 176 1 674 120 000 1 161 1 038 8 596 284 179 22 800 315 382 2 000 358 331 27 408 1 536 1 773 40 350 3 401 3 269 16 300 1 395 620 200 13 13 61 874 4 530 7 727 24 498 946 1 017 4 362 234 498 6 700 410 726 2 000 492 1 450 35 900 339 485 67 900 410 295 40 211 473 966 3 265 293 308 14 900 1 645 2 198 11 529 1 238 1 549 27 853 679 484 44 300 1 853 2 591 254 3 200 223 97 100 457 630 38 378 2 138 1 872 4 100 422 491 74 310 702 863 7 200 99 98 60 849 3 583 2 695 114 409 6 456 5 065 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust 766910103 Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers inc. 767744105 Rite Aid Corp. 767754104 Roche Holding AG 711038901 Rockwell Automation inc. 773903109 Rockwell Collins inc. 774341101 Rogers Communications inc., classe B 775109200 Rohm Co. Ltd JP3982800009 Rolls-Royce Holdings plc GB00BYSVPQ32 Roper Industries inc. 776696106 Ross Stores inc. 778296103 Royal Bank of Scotland Group B7T772907 Royal Boskalis Westminster NV NL0000852580 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd LR0008862868 Royal Dutch Shell plc, classe A B03MLX903 Royal Dutch Shell plc, classe B B03MM4906 Royal Mail plc GB00BDVZYZ77 RSA Insurance Group plc GB00BKKMKR23 RWE AG 476896907 Ryman Healtcare Ltd NZRYME0001S4 Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd JP3976300008 SABMiller plc 048354906 Safran SA B058TZ909 Saipem SPA 476876008 inc. 79466L302 Sampo OYJ, classe A 522603901 SanDisk Corp. 80004C101 Sands China Ltd B5B23W909 Sandvik AB B1VQ25903 Sandvine Corp. 800213100 Sankyo Co. Ltd JP3326410002 Sanofi 567173901 Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd JP3336000009 Santos Ltd 677670002 SAP SE 484628904 Saputo inc. 802912105 SBA Communications Corp., classe A 78388J106 SCANA Corp. 80589M102 Scentre Group AU000000SCG8 Schibsted ASA, classe B NO0010736879 Schindler Holding AG CH0024638212 Schindler Holding AG - part. cert. B11TCY906 Schlumberger Ltd 806857108 Schneider Electric SA 483410007 Seagate Technology plc G7945M107 Sealed Air Corp. 81211K100 Secom Co. Ltd 679159004 Securitas AB, classe B SE0000163594 Seek Ltd AU000000SEK6 Seiko Epson Corp. JP3414750004 Sekisui House Ltd JP3420600003 Sempra 816851109Energy 21 198 300 5 372 5 066 44 000 1 577 1 573 24 000 261 252 25 340 6 851 9 044 5 600 509 794 7 000 744 864 283 900 13 079 14 622 4 600 226 329 55 155 1 030 681 3 200 411 825 25 200 858 1 745 67 923 363 412 3 225 196 191 3 500 343 432 340 222 12 366 11 205 147 776 5 146 4 894 96 678 945 942 23 000 202 203 12 997 920 197 47 540 394 327 300 86 86 81 937 3 839 6 622 867 8 819 485 23 092 676 266 15 800 681 1 677 9 848 416 650 16 400 1 163 1 613 278 400 1 898 1 253 68 595 1 001 947 101 800 348 280 17 600 818 926 29 820 3 281 3 539 45 000 486 949 39 456 357 153 22 957 1 785 2 410 23 500 666 768 19 400 1 940 2 717 17 000 877 1 339 398 067 1 327 1 536 7 476 348 347 6 046 982 1 321 2 646 396 580 104 600 9 469 10 747 33 026 2 878 2 787 8 000 359 383 4 600 102 278 34 500 2 025 3 144 9 493 163 193 24 115 379 323 4 600 123 96 4 800 108 108 14 200 1 116 1 876 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts ServiceNow inc. 81762P102 SES SA B00ZQQ907 Seven & I Holdings Co. Ltd B0FS5D909 Seven Bank Ltd JP3105220002 Severn Trent plc B1FH8J905 SGS SA 482477007 Shangri-La Asia Ltd BMG8063F1068 Shaw Communications inc., classe B 82028K200 Shikoku Electric Power Co. inc. 680434008 Shimadzu Corp. JP3357200009 Shimamura Co. Ltd JP3358200008 Shimano inc. JP3358000002 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd 680458007 Shionogi & Co. Ltd JP3347200002 Shire plc B2QKY0906 Shiseido Co. Ltd 680526001 Showa Shell Sekiyu KK 680554003 Siemens 572797900AG Sienna Senior Living inc. 82621K102 Signet Jewelers Ltd BMG812761002 Sika AG 480808906 Silver Wheaton Corp. 828336107 Simon Property Group inc. 828806109 Singapore Airlines Ltd SG1V61937297 Singapore Press Holdings Ltd SG1P66918738 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd SG1F60858221 Singapore Telecommunications Ltd B02PY2901 SJM Holdings Ltd HK0880043028 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, classe A 481334902 SKF AB, classe B B1Q3J3907 Sky plc 014119903 Skyworks Solutions inc. US83088M1027 Sleep Country Canada Holdings inc. 83125J104 Smart Real Estate Investment Trust 83179X108 SMC Corp. 676396005 Smith & Nephew plc 092232909 Smiths Group plc B1WY23900 Snam SPA 725147904 Société de Diamant Stornoway 86222Q806 Société Générale 596651901 Sodexo 706271905 Softbank Corp. 677062903 Sohgo Security Services Co. Ltd JP3431900004 Solvay SA 482110004 Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Holdings inc. B62G7K908 Sonic Healthcare Ltd AU000000SHL7 Sonova Holding AG CH0012549785 Sony Corp. 682150008 South32 Ltd AU000000S32S Southwestern Energy Co. 845467109 Soutwest Airlines Co. 844741108 Spark New Zealand Ltd 012285353 22 5 300 294 15 136 464 614 559 21 600 640 1 288 76 000 329 442 9 301 234 420 978 2 515 2 493 100 000 177 124 155 100 3 863 4 299 145 7 600 220 33 000 323 710 6 500 616 1 054 3 700 438 730 14 200 832 1 068 8 200 393 481 16 077 549 1 497 10 800 200 344 38 600 452 452 39 497 4 717 5 467 94 754 1 317 1 620 500 92 87 114 293 515 157 200 3 944 2 760 11 100 1 794 2 753 50 000 481 480 510 000 1 880 1 938 217 000 721 587 1 341 000 4 066 4 855 134 000 398 131 42 937 465 608 18 848 480 438 135 147 2 066 2 996 16 900 1 286 1 869 11 100 185 211 62 757 1 896 2 008 2 800 603 986 67 655 1 073 1 525 20 863 457 432 28 831 143 195 2 409 928 1 687 2 000 19 369 800 1 231 6 166 543 811 24 200 704 1 709 1 600 102 102 4 074 561 625 12 100 290 496 119 266 2 213 2 340 3 706 616 623 32 100 668 1 102 405 263 789 464 11 000 385 132 5 000 251 305 79 751 161 233 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Spectra Energy Corp. 847560109 Splunk inc. 848637104 Sprint Corp. 85207U105 SSE plc 079087003 St. James's Place plc GB0007669376 St. Jude Medical inc. 790849103 Standard Chartered plc GB00BYZXCH29 Standard Life plc B16KPT907 Stanley Black & Decker inc. 854502101 Stanley Electric Co. Ltd JP3399400005 Staples inc. 855030102 Starbucks 855244109 Corp. StarHub Ltd B1CNDB906 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide inc. 85590A401 State Street Corp. 857477103 Statoil ASA 713360907 Stella-Jones 85853F105 inc. Stericycle inc. 858912108 STMicroelectronics NV NL0000226223 Stockland AU000000SGP0 Stora Enso OYJ, classe R 507267904 Stryker Corp. 863667101 Stuart Olson inc. 863834107 Suez Environnement Co. B3B8D0900 Sulzer AG CH0038388911 Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd 685856007 Sumitomo Corp. 685894008 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 685870008 Sumitomo 685884009 Metal Mining Co. Ltd Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group inc. 656302908 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings inc. 643189905 Sumitomo Realty & Development Co. Ltd 685890006 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 685992000 Suncor Energy inc. 867224107 Suncorp 658508007Group Ltd Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust SG1Q52922370 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd JP3336560002 SunTrust Banks inc. 867914103 Superior Plus Corp. 86828P103 Suzuken Co. Ltd JP3398000004 Suzuki Motor Corp. 686550005 Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA, classe B B1VVGZ901 Svenska Handelsbanken AB, classe A 570366906 Swedbank AB, classe A 484652904 Swire Pacific Ltd, classe A 686774001 Swiss Life Holding AG CH0014852781 Swiss Prime Site AG B083BH906 Swiss Re AG ACI00MQT5 Swisscom 553397902 AG Sydney Airport AU000000SYD9 Symantec Corp. 871503108 Symrise AG 027647189 23 73 200 2 601 2 554 1 900 160 151 8 508 56 41 61 725 1 602 1 774 8 000 141 163 8 300 371 697 179 642 4 192 2 100 58 983 362 492 4 800 393 698 6 000 146 177 12 400 151 199 65 600 2 142 5 363 195 000 685 669 6 200 441 593 12 900 890 1 247 58 259 1 661 1 201 25 000 1 055 1 288 13 600 1 627 2 186 36 554 368 353 221 861 857 856 12 969 137 171 17 100 1 530 2 196 74 632 764 505 11 008 215 278 623 94 87 43 000 219 328 44 400 594 627 33 400 425 632 59 000 1 008 885 34 700 1 443 1 761 122 000 534 619 12 000 480 485 116 364 1 694 1 905 402 200 13 550 14 842 48 475 615 626 62 000 100 90 48 594 1 960 2 522 13 800 460 798 171 400 1 911 1 774 8 660 330 449 29 100 806 1 189 18 267 292 702 42 210 632 757 27 853 695 822 61 000 806 887 774 243 260 18 644 1 531 1 858 8 434 567 1 071 7 964 5 175 5 231 61 136 272 389 22 500 521 587 2 553 199 230 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Synchrony Financial 87165B103 Syngenta AG 435664909 Synopsys inc. 871607107 Sysco Corp. 871829107 Sysmex Corp. JP3351100007 T. Rowe Price Group inc. 74144T108 Tahoe Resources inc. 873868103 Taiheiyo Cement Corp. 666020003 Taisei Corp. JP3443600006 Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd JP3442850008 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 687044008 Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd 87505Y409 Target Corp. 87612E106 Tate & Lyle plc 087541009 Tatts Group Ltd AU000000TTS5 Taylor Wimpey GB0008782301plc TDC AS 569879901 TDK Corp. JP3538800008 TE Connectivity Ltd H84989104 Technip SA 487416901 Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd HK0669013440 Teck Resources Ltd, classe B 878742204 Tele2 AB, classe B B97C73904 Telecom Italia SPA 763439908 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG DE000A1J5RX9 Telefonica SA ES06784309A5 Telenor ASA 473249902 TeliaSonera AB 597838903 Telstra Corp. Ltd 608728903 Telus Corp. 87971M103 Tenaris SA 753851906 Terna - Rete Elettrica Nazionale SPA B01BN5908 Terumo Corp. JP3546800008 Tesco plc 088470000 Tesla Motors 88160T101 inc. Tesoro Corp. 881609101 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 688217900 Texas Instruments inc. 882508104 Textron inc. 883203101 Thales SA FR0000121329 The ADT Corp. 00101J106 The Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 064058100 The Boeing Co. 097023105 The Charles Schwab Corp. 808513105 The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd B601QS905 The Estée Lauder Cos. inc., classe A 518439104 The Gap inc. 364760108 The Hartford Financial Services Group inc. 416515104 The Hershey 427866108 Co. The J.M. Smucker Co. 832696405 The Kraft Heinz Co. 500754106 The Link Real Estate Investment Trust HK0823032773 24 26 345 1 100 1 117 5 703 2 129 2 803 48 900 2 091 3 261 48 500 1 822 2 655 6 800 538 560 8 900 698 903 61 700 873 725 48 000 101 197 55 000 265 451 1 200 113 108 83 500 4 097 5 397 163 100 801 468 46 600 3 226 4 499 19 077 210 226 56 306 216 226 43 014 151 168 145 623 1 228 1 018 8 100 477 775 11 600 535 1 036 6 619 594 462 29 500 160 159 429 100 9 045 2 437 12 606 219 171 520 950 817 849 15 806 125 118 279 011 5 349 4 715 102 170 2 332 2 374 59 968 437 392 1 023 969 5 079 5 296 481 459 18 991 20 433 30 079 643 526 58 963 231 386 3 200 101 136 212 339 1 397 712 2 400 459 736 3 900 250 598 34 407 1 486 2 808 91 900 4 254 7 113 9 700 374 551 2 430 212 241 8 300 347 392 26 800 841 1 565 37 000 4 214 7 167 30 300 624 1 360 32 000 461 736 20 000 1 259 2 241 320 9 000 374 12 000 381 729 31 100 3 068 3 574 15 900 1 502 2 566 14 800 1 339 1 452 143 000 794 1 158 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts The Macerich Co. 554382101 The Mosaic Co. 61945C103 The North West Co. inc. 663278109 The Procter & Gamble Co. 742718109 The Progressive Corp. 743315103 The Sage Group plc GB00B8C3BL03 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 824348106 The Southern Co. 842587107 The Swatch Group AG CH0012255144 The Swatch Group AG - BR 718472905 The Travelers Cos. inc. 89417E109 The Walt Disney Co. 254687106 The Weir Group plc GB0009465807 The Western Union Co. 959802109 Thermo 883556102Fisher Scientific inc. Thomson Reuters Corp. 884903105 ThyssenKrupp AG 563692904 Tiffany & Co. 886547108 Time Warner Cable inc. 88732J207 Time Warner inc. 887317303 TJX Cos. inc. 872540109 T-Mobile US inc. 872590104 TNT Express NV NL0009739424 Tobu Railway Co. Ltd 689516003 Toho Co. Ltd JP3598600009 Tohoku Electric Power Co. inc. 689526002 Tokio Marine Holdings inc. 651312902 Tokyo Electric Power Co. inc. 689540003 Tokyo Electron Ltd 689567006 Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd 689544005 TonenGeneral Sekiyu KK 636600009 Toray Industries inc. 689714004 TORC Oil & Gas Ltd 890895303 Toshiba Corp. 689721009 Total System Services inc. 891906109 TOTO Ltd JP3596200000 Tourmaline Oil Corp. 89156V106 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd 690026000 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 689996007 Toyota Motor Corp. 690064001 TPG Telecom Ltd AU000000TPM6 Tractor Supply Company 892356106 TransAlta Corp. 89346D107 TransCanada 89353D107 Corp. TransDigm Group inc. 893641100 Transocean Ltd B5W3ND904 Transurban 620088906 Group Transurban Group NPV AU0000TCLXX8 Travis Perkins plc GB0007739609 Treasury Wine Estates Ltd B61JC6908 Trend Micro inc. JP3637300009 Trevali Mining Corp. 89531J109 25 2 300 203 21 028 1 196 239 886 86 800 2 156 2 357 228 100 18 233 22 732 20 900 546 858 33 599 297 395 8 400 1 464 3 088 115 400 5 297 6 845 3 358 404 295 2 163 1 279 1 014 19 700 1 757 3 006 39 400 2 572 5 953 15 099 697 364 25 300 498 635 11 200 1 026 2 064 289 700 12 094 15 647 9 700 307 274 1 800 189 191 7 900 781 1 944 21 700 1 240 2 022 57 800 3 772 5 434 5 600 134 265 12 658 139 137 237 000 1 274 1 536 9 200 204 325 18 900 391 295 20 200 626 991 38 000 858 309 13 600 777 1 204 158 000 803 1 004 109 000 1 082 1 398 162 000 1 410 1 959 135 478 1 251 875 106 000 525 345 1 100 67 82 2 600 120 119 16 472 457 418 6 600 109 173 23 800 776 1 131 68 200 4 202 5 641 11 453 101 114 2 100 180 250 22 700 128 122 37 100 1 697 1 564 719 2 300 645 12 048 564 231 506 372 3 686 5 070 28 133 260 282 6 239 243 254 29 973 156 219 6 500 220 352 439 600 383 154 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Tricon Capital Group inc. 89612W102 Trimble Navigation Ltd 896239100 TripAdvisor inc. 896945201 Tryg AS DK0060636678 TUI AG DE000TUAG000 Turquoise Hill Ressources Ltd 900435108 Twenty-First Century Fox inc., classe B 90130A200 Twitter inc. 90184L102 Tyco International plc H89128104 Tyson Foods inc., classe A 902494103 UBS Group AG CH0244767585 UCB SA BE0003739530 UDR inc. 902653104 Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance, inc. 90384S303 Umicore SA 400500005 Under Armour inc., classe A 904311107 Unibail-Rodamco SE 707624904 Unicharm 691148001 Corp. UniCredit SPA ACI01A0K7 Unilever NV NL0011509344 Unilever plc B10RZP905 Union Pacific Corp. 907818108 Unione di Banche Italiane SPA IT0003487029 Uni-Select inc. 90457D100 United Continental Holdings inc. 910047109 United Internet AG DE0005089031 United Overseas Bank Ltd 691678007 United Parcel Service inc., classe B 911312106 United Rentals inc. 911363109 United Technologies Corp. 913017109 United Therapeutics Corp. US91307C1027 United Urban JP3045540006Investment Corp. United Utilities Group plc B39J2M903 UnitedHealth 91324P102 Group inc. UOL Group Ltd SG1S83002349 UPM-Kymmene OYJ 505125906 US Bancorp 902973304 USS Co. Ltd JP3944130008 Valeant Pharmaceuticals International inc. 91911K102 Valeo SA FR0000130338 Valero Energy Corp. 91913Y100 Varian Medical Systems inc. 92220P105 Ventas inc. 92276F100 Veolia Environnement 403187909 VEREIT inc. 92339V100 Veresen 92340R106inc. Verisk Analytics inc., classe A 92345Y106 Verizon Communications inc. 92343V104 Vermilion 923725105 Energy inc. Vertex Pharmaceuticals inc. 92532F100 Vestas Wind Systems AS DK0010268606 VF Corp. 918204108 26 28 500 326 2 500 107 277 76 3 300 251 362 12 107 314 314 24 894 556 553 68 324 263 241 42 000 1 395 1 675 9 000 455 304 14 400 504 677 9 300 158 619 86 092 1 549 2 203 3 690 383 439 2 900 121 143 4 600 730 1 023 4 590 183 253 3 100 171 356 3 304 830 1 130 1 832 65 300 1 291 122 539 731 957 116 416 4 516 6 799 137 122 5 883 7 789 21 700 1 737 2 426 17 834 179 162 24 400 830 1 518 3 100 137 230 2 007 131 142 88 740 1 590 1 627 41 100 3 941 5 638 1 300 144 136 21 400 2 109 2 737 700 161 142 836 1 415 1 481 16 592 203 321 47 400 3 460 7 114 34 000 210 196 12 461 204 317 82 300 3 180 4 810 56 900 878 1 203 39 100 6 135 4 706 3 100 471 639 14 100 538 1 349 18 700 1 889 2 011 24 000 1 597 1 704 15 969 333 510 21 600 220 240 159 200 2 450 1 668 5 400 329 539 258 095 12 058 15 622 82 000 4 849 3 279 6 100 491 1 051 5 044 292 438 30 000 2 142 2 585 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts Viacom inc., classe B 92553P201 Vicinity Centres 022782991 Vinci SA B1XH02900 Visa inc., classe A 92826C839 Vivendi SA 483477907 Vodafone Group plc B16GWD903 Voestalpine AG 494340904 Volkswagen AG 549716900 Volvo AB, classe B 928856301 Vornado Realty Trust 929042109 Vulcan Materials Co. 929160109 Walgreens Boots Alliance inc. 931427108 Wartsila OYJ Abp 452518905 Waste Management inc. 94106L109 Waters Corp. 941848103 Weatherford H27013103 International plc WEC Energy Group inc. 92939U106 Wells Fargo & Co. 949746101 Welltower inc. 95040Q104 Wesfarmers Ltd 694883000 West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd 952845105 West Japan Railway Co. JP3659000008 Western Digital Corp. 958102105 Western Forest Products inc. 958211203 Westfield Corp. AU000000WFD0 Westjet Airlines Ltd 960410207 Westpac Banking Corp. 607614005 WestRock Co. 96145D105 Westshore 96145A200 Terminals Investment Corp. Weyerhaeuser Co. 962166104 WH Group Ltd 109647233 Wharf Holdings Ltd 643557002 Wheelock & Co. Ltd HK0020000177 Whirlpool Corp. 963320106 Whitbread plc GB00B1KJJ408 Whitecap 96467A200Resources inc. WhiteWave Foods Co. 966244105 Whitting Petroleum Corp. 966387102 Whole Foods Market inc. 966837106 William Demant Holding AS DK0010268440 William Morrison Supermarkets plc 060431004 Williams Cos. inc. 969457100 Willis Group Holdings plc G96666105 Wilmar International Ltd B17KC6900 Winpak Ltd 97535P104 Wolseley 098834435 plc Woodside Petroleum Ltd 697972008 Woolworths Ltd 698123908 Workday inc. 98138H101 WPP plc B8KF9B904 WR Berkley Corp. 084423102 WSP Global inc. 92938W202 27 8 600 586 37 766 101 570 99 14 746 788 1 277 73 000 3 524 7 680 36 405 772 1 020 885 571 3 569 3 981 4 334 161 188 4 673 1 048 864 86 045 1 368 1 185 7 200 511 928 3 800 206 520 21 400 813 2 395 11 244 557 672 36 000 1 818 2 578 531 3 000 393 42 555 846 612 46 865 2 263 3 078 129 700 5 891 9 516 31 060 2 458 2 614 73 907 2 801 2 717 3 200 204 175 27 000 1 405 2 268 16 699 1 305 1 388 1 186 129 2 584 2 633 188 968 1 314 1 750 165 400 4 158 3 526 96 803 2 817 3 004 6 988 404 471 79 600 2 441 1 487 20 665 641 885 496 149 418 341 114 000 986 871 41 000 175 236 4 700 757 1 017 4 963 382 452 212 490 3 175 2 433 4 400 261 238 4 700 305 103 11 000 353 427 6 797 672 869 94 866 454 290 18 600 451 906 16 900 701 1 034 252 000 836 681 27 000 1 168 1 221 9 282 514 717 156 162 5 959 4 537 67 403 2 085 1 540 2 900 296 323 41 803 744 1 286 29 700 1 361 2 201 117 974 4 718 5 315 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Quantité Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Actions et parts WW Grainger inc. 384802104 Wynn Macau Ltd KYG981491007 Wynn Resort Ltd 983134107 Xcel Energy 98389B100 inc. Xerox Corp. 984121103 Xilinx inc. 983919101 Yahoo Japan Corp. JP3933800009 Yahoo! inc. 984332106 Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd 698511003 Yamaha Corp. JP3942600002 Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd JP3942800008 Yamana 98462Y100Gold inc. Yamato Transport Co. Ltd JP3940000007 Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd 698550001 Yangzijiang 029649723 Shipbuilding (Holdings) Ltd Yara International ASA 775125909 Yaskawa Electric Corp. JP3932000007 Yokogawa Electric Corp. JP3955000009 Yue Yuen Industrial BMG988031446 Holdings Ltd Yum! Brands inc. 988498101 Zillow Group inc., classe C 98954M200 Zimmer Biomet Holdings inc. 98956P102 Zodiac Aerospace 002364611 Zoetis inc. 98978V103 Zurich Insurance Group AG 598381903 Total - actions et parts 28 2 100 552 561 198 400 738 329 7 900 1 435 660 81 600 2 549 3 875 41 500 378 583 13 400 730 886 53 000 315 290 23 700 646 1 067 3 800 122 250 2 700 84 90 13 900 245 451 375 400 3 593 1 059 63 300 1 497 1 609 8 000 115 200 47 000 45 49 10 382 433 640 3 300 58 58 9 000 159 143 200 500 875 970 34 500 2 623 3 331 2 200 69 72 7 200 595 969 9 720 336 350 20 400 806 1 269 3 451 877 1 211 2 218 976 2 767 973 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Valeur nominale Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Obligations VW Credit Canada inc. 918423AC8A La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 064149D53A Choice Properties L.P. 17039BAA2 Shoppers Drug Mart Corp. 82509ZAE6 Rogers Communications inc. 775109AM3 Banque Nationale du Canada 633067YJ6 Powell River Energy inc. 739135AB7 Enbridge inc. 29251ZAS6 Gouvernement du Canada 135087ZQ0 VW Credit Canada inc. 918423AF1 George Weston Ltd 96115ZAW2 La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 064149G76 Emera inc. 29087ZAD9 Canada Housing Trust No 1 13509PCZ4 Gouvernement du Canada 135087B60 Bell Canada 07813ZAU8 PSP Capital inc. 69363TAE2 Daimler Canada Finance inc. 23384NAK3 La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 064149J24 Choice Properties L.P. 17039BAB0 Brookfield Asset Management inc. 112585AC8 Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport Authority 689561AC2 VW Credit Canada inc. 918423AD6 Banque Nationale du Canada 633067VX8 Banque de Montréal (NHA MBS) 62932ZAF2 Banque Royale du Canada 780086BU7 Banque Canadienne Impériale de Commerce 13595ZHZ2 Hydro One inc. 44810ZAT7 Financement-Québec 31739ZAQ8 OMERS Realty Corp. 68214WAF5 Banque de Montréal 0636795H3 Enbridge 29254ZAJ3Income Fund Banque Toronto-Dominion (NHA MBS) 62932ZC60 Canada Housing Trust No 1 13509PDM2 AltaGas Ltd 02138ZAA1 Home Trust Co. 437376AD8 Banque Canadienne Impériale de Commerce 13595ZLB0 TELUS Corp. 87971MAZ6 American Express Canada Credit Corp. 02580ZAM8 VW Credit Canada inc. 918423AM6 La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 0641498J9 Shoppers Drug Mart Corp. 82509ZAF3 Caterpillar Financial Services Ltd 14911ZAP6 OMERS Realty Corp. 68214WAG3 NBC Asset Trust 62874WAA0 Banque Royale du Canada 780086FE9 bcIMC Realty 07329VAL4 Corp. Hydro-Québec 44889ZDU7 Genesis Trust II 37185ZAK7 Molson Coors International L.P. U60901AC6 Daimler Canada Finance inc. 23384NAN7 Groupe TMX Limitée 87262KAA3 3,60 % 2016-02-01 7 002 7 112 7 013 3,61 % 2016-02-22 3 236 3 314 3 255 3,00 % 2016-04-20 Rachetable à compter du 2016-01-20 1 500 1 506 1 503 2,01 % 2016-05-24 1 800 1 800 1 806 5,80 % 2016-05-26 2 500 2 499 2 553 13 000 13 000 13 007 6,45 % 2016-07-25 1 500 1 500 1 534 5,00 % 2016-08-09 7 000 7 139 7 159 2,75 % 2016-09-01 1 800 1 830 1 830 2,20 % 2016-10-11 2 000 2 000 1 990 3,78 % 2016-10-25 7 000 7 063 7 143 2,74 % 2016-12-01 3 295 3 323 3 347 2,96 % 2016-12-13 3 000 3 000 3 041 1,85 % 2016-12-15 20 500 20 758 20 750 1,50 % 2017-02-01 25 800 26 091 26 077 5,00 % 2017-02-15 3 000 3 038 3 119 2,26 % 2017-02-16 41 475 42 125 42 109 1,24 % 2016-06-23 Taux variable 2,28 % 2017-02-17 2 590 2 591 2 609 2,60 % 2017-02-27 17 300 17 471 17 586 1 500 1 516 1 521 3,00 % 2017-04-20 Rachetable à compter du 2017-01-20 5,29 % 2017-04-25 5 000 5 155 5 221 4,73 % 2017-05-02 11 000 11 518 11 530 2,90 % 2017-06-01 3 750 3 750 3 743 2,69 % 2017-08-21 3 500 3 500 3 575 2,10 % 2017-09-01 7 760 7 828 7 865 2,36 % 2017-09-21 7 200 7 245 7 320 2,35 % 2017-10-18 10 000 10 202 10 168 5,18 % 2017-10-18 7 600 8 127 8 133 3,50 % 2017-12-01 9 700 10 189 10 188 3,04 % 2017-12-05 355 355 362 2,24 % 2017-12-11 27 800 28 074 28 233 2,92 % 2017-12-14 2 500 2 500 2 540 1,70 % 2017-12-15 9 217 9 243 9 290 1,70 % 2017-12-15 2 900 2 958 2 950 4,60 % 2018-01-15 3 300 3 461 3 466 2,28 % 2018-03-06 1 450 1 450 1 425 2,22 % 2018-03-07 12 000 12 053 12 184 1,50 % 2018-03-27 1 000 1 000 993 2,31 % 2018-03-29 5 000 5 000 5 072 1,60 % 2018-04-04 3 750 3 750 3 618 1,33 % 2018-05-01 11 300 11 299 11 227 2,36 % 2018-05-24 3 500 3 500 3 544 2,29 % 2018-06-01 2 500 2 500 2 534 2,50 % 2018-06-05 6 000 6 000 6 126 7,24 % 2018-06-30 575 634 643 2,82 % 2018-07-12 9 300 9 456 9 582 2,79 % 2018-08-02 6 800 6 970 6 999 5,50 % 2018-08-15 26 965 27 336 30 081 1,68 % 2018-09-17 1 100 1 100 1 098 2,25 % 2018-09-18 3 000 2 999 2 985 1,42 % 2018-10-02 3 400 3 400 3 341 3,25 % 2018-10-03 10 000 10 011 10 410 29 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Valeur nominale Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Obligations Banque Canadienne Impériale de Commerce 13595Z4F0 Province de l'Ontario 68323ACW2 Brookfield Power Corp. 05573YAA9 Enbridge inc. 29250ZAH1 Banque HSBC Canada 40427HSZ7 BMW Canada inc. 05590HAN7 Financement-Québec 31739ZAS4 Province de Québec 74814ZDU4 Banque Royale du Canada 780086GH1 TD Capital Trust III 87239BAA3 Enbridge Income Fund 29254ZAF1 Loblaw Cos. Ltd 539481AH4 Brookfield Asset Management inc. 11257ZAB5 Power Corp. of Canada 739239AB7 Transcontinental inc. 893578AA2 Thomson Reuters Corp. 884903BR5 Scotia Plaza 78468GAA3 WestJet Airlines Ltd 960410AA6 First National Bank (NHA MBS) 62937Z5E6 Choice Properties L.P. 17039BAC8 Saputo inc. 80310ZAA7 Financement-Québec 31739ZAT2 TELUS Corp. 87971MAK9 Banque Royale du Canada 780086JX3 BP L.P. 05576AAA8 Banque Laurentienne du Canada 51925DBD7 Caisse Centrale Desjardins du Québec 12801ZCL0 Banque Toronto-Dominion 8911454A9 Capital Desjardins inc. 14006ZAD9 General Motors Financial of Canada Ltd 37045YAB0 Metropolitan 592179JP1 Life Global Funding I La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 064151BL6 Bell Canada 07813ZBD5 VW Credit 918423AN4Canada inc. NBC Asset Trust 62874WAB8 Merrill Lynch Canada inc. (NHA MBS) 62941ZPA6 Banque HSBC Canada 40427HSW4 Banque Canadienne Impériale de Commerce 13595ZZ66 CDP Financial inc. 125094AF9 Banque Royale du Canada 780086KY9 Inter Pipeline Ltd 45834ZAD1 Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust 199910AL4 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 13638ZCE3 Gouvernement du Canada 135087E59 Ford Credit Canada 34527ABN9 Thomson Reuters Corp. 884903BJ3 Banque de Montréal 06367XKF7 Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia 626209AE0 PSP Capital inc. 69363TAF9 Mississagi Power Trust 605204AA4 Province de Québec 74814ZEG4 Province de la Colombie-Britannique 1107098X3 1,70 % 2018-10-09 18 670 18 695 18 697 1,75 % 2018-10-09 5 990 5 982 6 095 5,25 % 2018-11-05 1 790 1 790 1 937 6,62 % 2018-11-19 7 000 7 907 7 922 2,08 % 2018-11-26 13 000 13 000 13 026 2,27 % 2018-11-26 1 900 1 938 1 921 2,40 % 2018-12-01 35 800 36 428 37 055 4,50 % 2018-12-01 55 100 60 424 60 487 2,77 % 2018-12-11 4 000 4 024 4 125 7,24 % 2018-12-31 1 160 1 160 1 324 4,10 % 2019-02-22 1 500 1 499 1 571 3,75 % 2019-03-12 9 000 9 000 9 491 3,95 % 2019-04-09 4 850 4 924 5 076 7,57 % 2019-04-22 3 000 3 000 3 524 3,90 % 2019-05-13 10 000 10 002 10 166 3,37 % 2019-05-23 5 000 5 000 5 175 3,21 % 2019-06-15 1 369 1 369 1 404 3,29 % 2019-07-23 100 100 101 1,75 % 2019-08-01 18 355 18 299 18 453 5 000 4 998 5 128 3,00 % 2019-09-20 Rachetable à compter du 2019-06-20 2,65 % 2019-11-26 8 000 8 000 8 161 2,45 % 2019-12-01 23 300 24 146 24 248 5,05 % 2019-12-04 5 000 5 249 5 547 2,35 % 2019-12-09 7 800 7 799 7 936 3,24 % 2020-01-09 579 582 596 2,50 % 2020-01-23 5 000 4 950 4 963 1,75 % 2020-03-02 22 920 22 928 22 664 1,69 % 2020-04-02 7 500 7 500 7 423 5,19 % 2020-05-05 1 135 1 284 1 268 3,08 % 2020-05-22 950 961 947 3,03 % 2020-06-11 1 415 1 437 1 467 2,13 % 2020-06-15 900 900 903 3,25 % 2020-06-17 9 000 8 900 9 368 2,15 % 2020-06-24 2 100 2 097 1 985 7,45 % 2020-06-30 2 925 3 319 3 477 1,07 % 2020-07-01 8 894 8 690 8 699 1,82 % 2020-07-07 850 850 832 1,85 % 2020-07-14 6 750 6 753 6 711 4,60 % 2020-07-15 12 150 12 634 13 751 1,92 % 2020-07-17 17 615 17 510 17 528 3,45 % 2020-07-20 9 375 9 372 9 786 4,94 % 2020-07-27 225 235 236 2,89 % 2020-08-14 1 510 1 537 1 516 0,75 % 2020-09-01 9 260 9 147 9 192 2,92 % 2020-09-16 1 015 1 016 1 012 4,35 % 2020-09-30 3 000 3 130 3 228 2,10 % 2020-10-06 7 800 7 798 7 805 1,75 % 2020-10-15 10 000 10 000 9 995 3,03 % 2020-10-22 7 500 8 000 8 002 6,92 % 2020-11-27 1 545 1 545 1 821 4,50 % 2020-12-01 4 500 5 125 5 123 3,70 % 2020-12-18 7 600 8 369 8 399 30 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Valeur nominale Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Obligations Cadillac Fairview Finance Trust 12741RAB5 Banque HSBC Canada 40427HSY0 Leisureworld Senior Care L.P. 52541RAC1 Goldman Sachs Group inc. 38141GVL5 Brookfield Asset Management inc. 112585AG9 Rogers Communications inc. 775109AS0 Canada Housing Trust No 1 13509PCS0 TELUS Communications inc. 110727BJ2 Granite Reit Holdings L.P. 387427AB3 Reliance L.P. 759480AG1 Choice Properties L.P. 17039BAE4 AltaGas Ltd 02138ZAE3 Thomson Reuters Corp. 884903BS3 Suncor Energy inc. 86721ZAL3 Metro inc. 59162NAA7 Province de Québec 74814ZEH2 Banque Toronto-Dominion 8911452R4 Algonquin Power Co. 01585PAE5 Enbridge Income Fund 29254ZAG9 OPB Finance Trust 67103MAD8 Banque Royale du Canada 780086KD5 Banque de Montréal 06367V6B6 TELUS Corp. 87971MBA0 TELUS Communications inc. 110727BL7 Banque Nationale du Canada 63306ZDM0 CT Real Estate Investment Trust 126462AA8 La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 064149M38 Choice Properties L.P. 17039BAF1 BMO Subordinated Notes Trust 055972AA1 Cameco Corp. 13321LAH1 Province 74814ZEL3de Québec Canada Housing Trust No 1 13509PDL4 Toronto Hydro Corp. 89119ZAE3 Empire Life Insurance 291839AC2 Province de l'Ontario 68323ABN3 AltaGas Ltd 02138ZAG8 Heathrow Funding Ltd 42246QAA6 Enbridge inc. 29251ZBD8 Bell Canada 07813ZBF0 Loblaw Cos. Ltd 539481AJ0 First Capital Realty inc. 31943BBU3 AltaLink L.P. 02135ZAL0 Bankers Hall L.P. 066164AA2 West Edmonton Mall Property inc. 952637AC0 IPL Energy 46065DAA4inc. Rogers Communications inc. 775109BA8 Genworth MI Canada inc. 37252BAC6 Province de l'Ontario 68323ACG7 Province 563469UC7du Manitoba Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 13638ZCR4 Province 803854JW9de la Saskatchewan Province du Nouveau-Brunswick 642869AJ0 4,31 % 2021-01-25 3 000 3 000 3 364 2,45 % 2021-01-29 1 100 1 100 1 099 3,47 % 2021-02-03 900 900 949 3,55 % 2021-02-12 870 870 914 5,30 % 2021-03-01 5 200 5 712 5 782 5,34 % 2021-03-22 9 470 9 972 10 724 3,80 % 2021-06-15 16 450 18 508 18 433 10,65 % 2021-06-19 743 843 1 043 3,79 % 2021-07-05 Rachetable à compter du 2021-06-05 795 797 810 4,08 % 2021-08-02 385 385 385 3,60 % 2021-09-20 5 000 5 011 5 193 3,72 % 2021-09-28 2 500 2 499 2 611 3,31 % 2021-11-12 Rachetable à compter du 2021-10-12 6 000 6 000 6 111 3,10 % 2021-11-26 Rachetable à compter du 2021-10-26 7 275 7 302 7 466 3,20 % 2021-12-01 Rachetable à compter du 2021-11-01 8 100 8 099 8 329 4,25 % 2021-12-01 65 600 71 936 74 451 2,62 % 2021-12-22 10 395 10 409 10 570 4,65 % 2022-02-15 3 000 3 010 3 145 4,85 % 2022-02-22 235 257 255 1,88 % 2022-02-24 16 130 15 850 15 823 1,97 % 2022-03-02 6 125 6 089 5 961 2,12 % 2022-03-16 11 450 11 434 11 260 2,35 % 2022-03-28 Rachetable à compter du 2022-02-28 665 663 647 9,65 % 2022-04-08 362 436 500 3,26 % 2022-04-11 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2017-04-11 700 700 714 2,85 % 2022-06-09 Rachetable à compter du 2022-05-09 750 750 741 2 490 2 514 2 536 2,90 % 2022-08-03 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2017-08-03 3,60 % 2022-09-20 Rachetable à compter du 2022-06-20 5,75 % 2022-09-26 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2017-09-26 410 404 421 2 000 2 000 2 140 3,75 % 2022-11-14 5 000 5 000 5 119 3,50 % 2022-12-01 63 900 66 940 69 723 2,40 % 2022-12-15 29 900 30 217 31 141 2,91 % 2023-04-10 1 350 1 343 1 394 300 300 306 2,85 % 2023-06-02 117 670 121 917 123 100 3,57 % 2023-06-12 2,87 % 2023-05-31 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2018-05-31 245 245 249 3,00 % 2023-06-17 Rachetable à compter du 2021-06-17 1 910 1 941 1 958 3,94 % 2023-06-30 Rachetable à compter du 2023-03-30 765 806 781 4,70 % 2023-09-11 995 1 011 1 096 4,86 % 2023-09-12 Rachetable à compter du 2023-06-12 380 439 425 3,90 % 2023-10-30 505 488 521 3,67 % 2023-11-06 10 000 10 701 10 754 4,38 % 2023-11-20 628 628 666 4,06 % 2024-02-13 1 870 1 907 1 960 8,20 % 2024-02-15 756 987 990 4,00 % 2024-03-13 545 547 569 4,24 % 2024-04-01 750 750 739 3,50 % 2024-06-02 20 050 21 325 21 784 3,30 % 2024-06-02 5 000 5 412 5 322 500 498 490 3,20 % 2024-06-03 20 000 21 458 21 253 3,65 % 2024-06-03 16 000 15 983 17 408 3,55 % 2024-06-03 Rachetable à compter du 2024-03-03 31 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Valeur nominale Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Obligations AltaLink L.P. 02135ZAM8 Canada Housing Trust No 1 13509PEF6 George Weston Ltd 9611488Y2 Lower Mattagami Energy 548243AG9 Cameco Corp. 13321LAK4 Province de Québec 74814ZES8 Westcoast Energy inc. 95751ZAS2 La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 064149P27 OMERS Realty Corp. 68214WAM0 Enbridge Income Fund 29254ZAM6 ENMAX Corp. 293365AC6 AltaGas Ltd 02138ZAM5 TELUS Corp. 87971MAX1 Hydro Ottawa Holding inc. 44882CAD6 Pembina Pipeline Corp. 70632ZAE1 Inter Pipeline Ltd 45834ZAM1 Wells Fargo & Co. 949746RQ6 Nova Gas 66975ZAE4Transmission Ltd Gouvernement du Canada 135087D50 Province de l'Alberta 013051DQ7 Province de Nouvelle-Écosse 669827BG1 Alimentation Couche-Tard 01626PAE6 Province de l'Ontario 68323ACX0 Province du Manitoba 563469UE3 bcIMC Realty Corp. 07329VAP5 Banque Royale du Canada 780086KR4 Banque Toronto-Dominion 8911454X9 Westcoast Energy inc. 95751DAK8 US Treasury 912828K74 Province de Québec 74814ZEV1 Enbridge Gas Distribution inc. 29290ZAQ3 AGT Ltd 00126TAB1 Sun Life Financial inc. 86682ZAG1 Banque Toronto-Dominion 8911455X8 Lievre Power 531739AA8 Financing Corp. Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 17039AAF3 Alliance Pipeline L.P. 01877ZAC4 Brookfield Asset Management inc. 11257ZAE9 North West Redwater Partnership 663307AE6 Banque Royale du Canada 780086JM7 Industrielle Alliance 455870AC9 La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 064151AR4 Pembina Pipeline Corp. 70632ZAF8 Bell Canada 078149DW8 Manufacturers 564835AL0 Life Insurance Co. Loblaw Companies Ltd 53947ZAD9 Melancthon Wolfe Wind L.P. 58533TAB6 Loblaw Companies Ltd 53947ZAF4 Province de l'Ontario 683234LJ5 Bell Canada 07813ZAC8 Province de la Colombie-Britannique 110709EK4 Ontario School Boards Financing Corp. 683244AM9 3,40 % 2024-06-06 Rachetable à compter du 2024-03-06 2,90 % 2024-06-15 4,12 % 2024-06-17 Rachetable à compter du 2024-03-17 3,42 % 2024-06-20 4,19 % 2024-06-24 Rachetable à compter du 2024-03-24 3 115 3 222 3 271 11 500 11 827 12 311 3 000 3 000 3 144 765 765 803 400 400 413 35 950 38 815 39 683 3,43 % 2024-09-12 Rachetable à compter du 2024-06-12 665 665 665 3,04 % 2024-10-18 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2019-10-18 250 250 258 3,33 % 2024-11-12 345 345 358 8 800 8 800 8 850 3,75 % 2024-09-01 3,95 % 2024-11-19 Rachetable à compter du 2024-08-19 3,81 % 2024-12-05 Rachetable à compter du 2024-09-05 420 420 429 3,84 % 2025-01-15 Rachetable à compter du 2024-10-15 1 970 2 013 1 994 3,75 % 2025-01-17 Rachetable à compter du 2024-10-17 1 300 1 298 1 337 2,61 % 2025-02-03 Rachetable à compter du 2024-11-03 8 000 8 000 7 894 3,54 % 2025-02-03 Rachetable à compter du 2024-11-03 730 730 710 3,17 % 2025-03-24 Rachetable à compter du 2024-12-24 6 000 5 824 5 843 3,87 % 2025-05-21 2 350 2 392 2 405 8,90 % 2025-05-27 2 000 2 338 2 835 2,25 % 2025-06-01 385 405 408 2,35 % 2025-06-01 16 000 16 190 15 762 2,15 % 2025-06-01 7 000 6 997 6 725 3,60 % 2025-06-02 Rachetable à compter du 2025-03-02 6 300 6 293 6 277 2,60 % 2025-06-02 88 500 90 483 89 021 2,45 % 2025-06-02 12 000 11 751 11 823 1 075 1 074 1 068 2,48 % 2025-06-04 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2020-06-04 950 950 924 2,69 % 2025-06-24 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2020-06-24 11 320 11 282 11 130 8,85 % 2025-07-21 2 086 2 309 2 892 2,00 % 2025-08-15 3 755 4 876 4 903 2,75 % 2025-09-01 8 500 8 587 8 622 3,31 % 2025-09-11 Rachetable à compter du 2025-06-11 975 975 990 8,80 % 2025-09-22 560 625 792 2,60 % 2025-09-25 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2020-09-25 1 425 1 424 1 416 2,98 % 2025-09-30 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2020-09-30 1 490 1 490 1 479 5,56 % 2025-10-06 1 500 1 500 1 673 4,06 % 2025-11-24 Rachetable à compter du 2025-08-24 3 000 3 000 3 046 6,77 % 2025-12-31 355 355 403 4,82 % 2026-01-28 875 875 927 3,20 % 2026-04-24 Rachetable à compter du 2026-01-24 3 195 3 189 3 195 3,45 % 2026-09-29 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2021-09-29 3 750 3 830 3 755 2,64 % 2027-02-23 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2022-02-23 6 000 5 999 5 958 2,58 % 2027-03-30 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2022-03-30 1 570 1 570 1 483 4,24 % 2027-06-15 Rachetable à compter du 2027-03-15 830 833 823 7,00 % 2027-09-24 445 424 562 10 000 10 000 10 062 6,45 % 2028-02-09 3 240 3 333 3 967 3,83 % 2028-12-31 1 125 1 126 1 125 6,50 % 2029-01-22 1 172 1 135 1 428 6,50 % 2029-03-08 40 900 53 849 56 909 6,55 % 2029-05-01 2 143 1 932 2 628 5,70 % 2029-06-18 7 000 8 215 9 237 5,48 % 2029-11-26 1 648 1 648 1 970 2,84 % 2025-06-03 Rachetable à compter du 2025-03-03 3,18 % 2027-11-22 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2022-11-22 32 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Valeur nominale Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Obligations Hydro One inc. 448810AC5 Greater Toronto Airports Authority 39191ZAA7 Enbridge inc. 29251ZAD9 Ontario School Boards Financing Corp. 683244AP2 Gaz Métro inc. 368271AU6 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd 89353ZBK3 Bell Canada 07813ZAL8 Ontario School Boards Financing Corp. 683244AR8 Province de l'Ontario 683234NM6 Greater Toronto Airports Authority 39191ZAC3 Aéroport de Montréal 007863AB9 Hydro One inc. 44810ZAB6 Province de Québec 748148QT3 North Battleford Power L.P. 65746TAA6 Province 683234SL3de l'Ontario 55 Ontario School Board Trust 31680PAA4 SEC L.P. and Arci Ltd 784103AA1 Aéroport de Montréal 007863AC7 Gaz Métro 368271AV4inc. Greater Toronto Airports Authority 39191ZAJ8 Financement-Québec 31739ZAG0 University of Ontario Institute of Technology 914764AA3 FortisAlberta inc. 34957EAB7 Hydro-Québec 44889ZCM6 Province de l'Ontario 683234VR6 Brookfield Asset Management inc. 10549PAJ0 407 International inc. 35085ZAM8 Enbridge inc. 29250ZAG3 Suncor Energy inc. 86721ZAB5 Toronto Community Housing Corp. 87228VAA2 Gouvernement 135087XW9 du Canada Ontario Infrastructure Projects Corp. 683086AA0 Province de l'Ontario 683234YD4 Province de la Colombie-Britannique 110709FL1 Province de Québec 74814ZDK6 Power Corp. of Canada 739239AC5 Nova Scotia Power inc. 66988ZAY5 Rogers Communications inc. 775109AP6 Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 13644ZAX5 Canada Post Corp. 13521JAB7 Hydro One inc. 44810ZAY6 407 International inc. 350863AU0 Winnipeg Airport Authority inc. 975014AA9 Greater Toronto Airports Authority 39191ZAX7 Province du Manitoba 563469TM7 Arrow Lakes Power 042767AB9 Gouvernement 135087YQ1 du Canada Province de Nouvelle-Écosse 669827FW2 Province de l'Ontario 683234B98 407 International inc. 35085ZBE5 TransCanada 89353ZBV9 PipeLines Ltd Manulife Finance Delaware L.P. 56502FAA9 7,35 % 2030-06-03 1 902 2 125 2 672 7,05 % 2030-06-12 3 437 3 524 4 791 7,22 % 2030-07-24 3 050 3 662 3 724 4,79 % 2030-08-08 2 198 2 198 2 413 7,05 % 2030-10-30 1 000 999 1 376 6,50 % 2030-12-09 1 115 1 032 1 351 7,85 % 2031-04-02 237 273 317 5,07 % 2031-04-18 1 361 1 361 1 572 6,20 % 2031-06-02 15 600 20 102 21 579 7,10 % 2031-06-04 610 659 863 6,95 % 2032-04-16 1 631 1 687 2 132 6,93 % 2032-06-01 3 575 4 292 4 920 6,25 % 2032-06-01 15 100 21 100 21 038 4,96 % 2032-12-31 598 599 672 5,85 % 2033-03-08 14 000 19 828 18 967 5,90 % 2033-06-02 5 815 5 812 7 616 5,19 % 2033-08-29 450 450 472 6,55 % 2033-10-11 2 600 2 980 3 508 6,30 % 2033-10-31 500 498 651 6,47 % 2034-02-02 500 500 678 5,25 % 2034-06-01 17 614 18 851 22 177 6,35 % 2034-10-15 4 092 4 159 4 941 6,22 % 2034-10-31 525 684 669 6,50 % 2035-02-15 20 040 24 948 28 992 5,60 % 2035-06-02 13 500 17 598 18 056 5,95 % 2035-06-14 1 060 1 054 1 145 5,75 % 2036-02-14 1 075 1 132 1 309 5,08 % 2036-12-19 450 506 480 5,39 % 2037-03-26 405 470 445 4,88 % 2037-05-11 1 200 1 200 1 407 5,00 % 2037-06-01 36 200 50 174 53 036 4,70 % 2037-06-01 6 000 6 011 6 914 4,70 % 2037-06-02 26 800 31 695 32 487 4,70 % 2037-06-18 22 000 25 689 27 071 5,00 % 2038-12-01 26 250 29 870 32 927 8,57 % 2039-04-22 980 1 113 1 513 5,95 % 2039-07-27 800 798 1 003 6,68 % 2039-11-04 605 667 751 6,45 % 2039-11-17 450 541 544 4,36 % 2040-07-16 3 000 3 000 3 804 5,49 % 2040-07-16 290 366 357 7,13 % 2040-07-26 1 690 1 806 2 520 5,21 % 2040-09-28 1 142 1 142 1 292 5,30 % 2041-02-25 2 500 2 501 3 091 4,10 % 2041-03-05 2 900 2 741 3 192 5,52 % 2041-04-05 275 275 315 4,00 % 2041-06-01 11 300 14 190 14 997 4,70 % 2041-06-01 9 200 11 211 11 071 4,65 % 2041-06-02 15 700 19 555 19 157 4,45 % 2041-11-15 570 607 624 4,55 % 2041-11-15 1 430 1 436 1 440 5,06 % 2041-12-15 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2036-12-15 1 000 1 133 1 054 33 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Valeur nominale Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Obligations EPCOR Utilities inc. 29410ZAK1 407 International inc. 35085ZBF2 OPB Finance Trust 67103MAA4 Aéroport de Montréal 007863AH6 Province du Manitoba 563469TW5 Nova Scotia Power inc. 66988ZBC2 AltaLink L.P. 02135ZAK2 Hydro One inc. 44810ZBK5 TELUS Corp. 87971MAU7 Province de l'Alberta 013051DK0 Ville de Toronto 891288DH2 Enbridge inc. 29251ZBG1 Pembina Pipeline Corp. 70632ZAD3 Inter Pipeline Ltd 45834ZAE9 Union Gas Ltd 90664ZAD2 Hydro One inc. 44810ZBN9 AltaGas Ltd 02138ZAL7 CU inc. 12657ZBE2 Bell Canada 07813ZBH6 Enbridge Income Fund 29254ZAN4 Metro inc. 59162NAB5 Hydro Ottawa Holding inc. 44882CAE4 407 International inc. 35085ZBK1 Gaz Métro inc. 368271AY8 Nova Scotia Power inc. 66988ZBD0 Province de Nouvelle-Écosse 669827FZ5 Province de l'Ontario 68323ACC6 Province de la Saskatchewan 803854JU3 Aéroport de Montréal 007863AJ2 AltaLink L.P. 02135ZAQ9 CU inc. 12657ZBG7 Toronto Hydro Corp. 89119ZAH6 US Treasury 912810RN0 Province du Manitoba 563469UB9 Canadian National Railway Co. 136375CG5 FortisAlberta inc. 34957ZAU8 Enbridge Pipelines inc. 29250ZAU2 US Treasury 912810RP5 Gouvernement du Canada 135087ZS6 Province de Québec 74814ZER0 Bell Canada 07813ZBR4 407 International inc. 35085ZBL9 Province de l'Ontario 68323ACY8 Province de la Saskatchewan 803854KA5 Province de la Colombie-Britannique 11070TAG3 Province de Québec 74814ZEW9 SSL Finance inc. 78468QAB9 Sun Life Capital Trust 86679QAB7 CU inc. 12657ZBH5 Master Asset Vehicle II, classe A-1 57632XAW3 Master Asset Vehicle II, classe A-2 57632XAY9 Great-West Lifeco Finance Delaware L.P. II 391382AA6 4,55 % 2042-02-28 3 500 3 492 3 778 4,19 % 2042-04-25 Rachetable à compter du 2042-01-25 3 000 2 996 3 156 3,89 % 2042-07-04 2 320 2 318 2 379 3,92 % 2042-09-26 1 400 1 395 1 417 3,35 % 2043-03-05 7 000 6 967 6 810 4,50 % 2043-07-20 4 000 3 978 4 171 4,92 % 2043-09-17 1 170 1 313 1 342 4,59 % 2043-10-09 Rachetable à compter du 2043-04-09 2 000 2 416 2 194 5,15 % 2043-11-26 585 601 610 3,45 % 2043-12-01 4 000 3 783 4 061 4,15 % 2044-03-10 4 470 4 442 4 820 4,57 % 2044-03-11 1 325 1 350 1 216 4,81 % 2044-03-25 Rachetable à compter du 2043-09-25 400 400 377 4,64 % 2044-05-30 Rachetable à compter du 2043-11-30 375 385 368 4,20 % 2044-06-02 Rachetable à compter du 2043-12-02 4 500 4 456 4 476 4,17 % 2044-06-06 Rachetable à compter du 2043-12-06 2 000 2 283 2 062 4,50 % 2044-08-15 Rachetable à compter du 2044-02-15 150 138 137 4,09 % 2044-09-02 Rachetable à compter du 2044-03-02 5 000 5 052 5 044 4,75 % 2044-09-29 Rachetable à compter du 2044-03-29 1 250 1 262 1 244 4,87 % 2044-11-21 Rachetable à compter du 2044-05-21 150 150 143 5,03 % 2044-12-01 Rachetable à compter du 2044-06-01 3 000 2 999 3 042 3,64 % 2045-02-02 Rachetable à compter du 2044-08-02 2 000 2 000 1 857 3,30 % 2045-03-27 Rachetable à compter du 2044-09-27 2 000 2 000 1 790 3,30 % 2045-03-31 Rachetable à compter du 2044-09-30 1 500 1 499 1 319 3,61 % 2045-05-01 Rachetable à compter du 2044-11-01 3 600 3 600 3 215 3,45 % 2045-06-01 16 000 15 870 15 917 3,45 % 2045-06-02 50 550 51 659 51 540 3,90 % 2045-06-02 7 000 7 055 7 653 3,92 % 2045-06-12 Rachetable à compter du 2044-12-12 3 150 3 150 3 187 4,09 % 2045-06-30 Rachetable à compter du 2044-12-30 1 480 1 512 1 489 3,96 % 2045-07-27 Rachetable à compter du 2045-01-27 2 075 2 057 2 043 3,55 % 2045-07-28 Rachetable à compter du 2045-01-28 2 500 2 497 2 294 2,88 % 2045-08-15 3 385 4 390 4 406 4,05 % 2045-09-05 16 000 16 557 17 659 3,95 % 2045-09-22 Rachetable à compter du 2045-03-22 1 300 1 296 1 303 4,27 % 2045-09-22 Rachetable à compter du 2045-03-22 100 100 102 4,55 % 2045-09-29 Rachetable à compter du 2045-03-29 1 600 1 590 1 586 3,00 % 2045-11-15 1 000 1 310 1 337 3,50 % 2045-12-01 8 900 11 108 11 238 3,50 % 2045-12-01 5 000 5 340 5 090 4,35 % 2045-12-18 Rachetable à compter du 2045-06-18 2 100 2 091 1 947 3,83 % 2046-05-11 Rachetable à compter du 2045-11-11 535 535 523 2,90 % 2046-12-02 13 000 11 892 11 891 2,75 % 2046-12-02 9 000 7 891 7 891 2,80 % 2048-06-18 7 950 7 886 7 249 3,50 % 2048-12-01 18 745 19 182 19 098 4,18 % 2049-04-30 1 000 1 000 966 7,09 % 2052-06-30 Rachetable à compter du 2032-06-30 1 390 1 516 1 751 4,21 % 2055-10-29 1 175 1 175 1 175 0,00 % 2056-07-15 2 969 2 984 2 873 0,00 % 2056-07-15 9 141 9 184 8 666 5,69 % 2067-06-21 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2017-06-21 3 770 3 836 3 975 34 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Valeur nominale Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Obligations Banque Toronto-Dominion 89116ZAC0 CIBC Capital Trust 12544UAA9 La Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse 80928FAA5 TD Capital Trust IV 87239GAC8 Manulife Financial Capital Trust II 56501XAA1 4,78 % 2105-12-14 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2016-12-14 8 600 8 939 8 846 9,98 % 2108-06-30 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2019-06-30 5 000 6 617 6 192 7,80 % 2108-06-30 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2019-06-30 5 200 5 200 6 101 6,63 % 2108-06-30 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2021-06-30 2 500 2 860 2 921 7,41 % 2108-12-31 Variable et rachetable à compter du 2019-12-31 2 785 2 785 3 293 2 204 382 2 333 605 2 392 699 Total - obligations 35 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Description Valeur nominale Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Instruments du marché monétaire Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7WY6 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7WY6 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7WY6A Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7XN9 Province de Québec, note promissoire 09006RM93 Province de Québec, bon du trésor 09852UMC4 Province de Québec, note promissoire 09006RMC6 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7WB6A Banque Nationale du Canada, acceptation bancaire 633068MP3 Province de l'Ontario, bon du trésor 6832Z54E7 Province de Québec, note promissoire 0900ZRN82 Banque Nationale du Canada, acceptation bancaire 6330Z8NC9 Banque Nationale du Canada, acceptation bancaire 6330Z8ND7 Province de l'Ontario, bon du trésor 6832Z54J6A Gouvernement 1350Z7WG5 du Canada, bon du trésor Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7WG5 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7WG5 Province de Québec, bon du trésor 0985ZUNG8 Province de Québec, bon du trésor 0985ZUNP8 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7W67 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7W67A Province de l'Ontario, bon du trésor 6832Z54N7 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7WL4 Province de Québec, bon du trésor 0985ZUPL5 Province de l'Ontario, bon du trésor 6832Z54Q0A Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7XA7 Province de la Saskatchewan, note promissoire 8039ZAQ28 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7WW0 Province de Québec, bon du trésor 0985ZUSU2 Gouvernement du Canada, bon du trésor 1350Z7XK5 0,38 % 2015-12-03 50 50 50 0,39 % 2015-12-03 1 410 1 410 1 410 0,41 % 2015-12-03 5 800 5 799 5 800 0,46 % 2015-12-04 85 85 85 0,52 % 2015-12-09 9 000 8 988 8 999 0,52 % 2015-12-11 10 000 9 988 9 998 0,49 % 2015-12-11 50 50 50 0,47 % 2015-12-17 11 800 11 797 11 797 0,73 % 2015-12-22 20 000 19 988 19 991 0,51 % 2015-12-23 1 245 1 244 1 245 0,51 % 2016-01-08 255 255 255 0,72 % 2016-01-11 2 100 2 097 2 098 0,75 % 2016-01-12 1 450 1 448 1 449 0,56 % 2016-01-13 50 50 50 0,40 % 2016-01-14 1 395 1 394 1 394 0,41 % 2016-01-14 3 900 3 897 3 898 0,42 % 2016-01-14 4 470 4 467 4 467 0,47 % 2016-01-15 1 500 1 498 1 499 0,55 % 2016-01-22 7 400 7 382 7 394 0,39 % 2016-01-28 740 739 739 0,43 % 2016-01-28 75 75 75 0,54 % 2016-02-10 80 80 80 0,45 % 2016-02-11 20 20 20 0,55 % 2016-02-19 50 000 49 934 49 937 0,56 % 2016-02-24 90 90 90 0,48 % 2016-02-25 3 100 3 096 3 096 0,52 % 2016-03-02 400 399 399 0,53 % 2016-05-05 200 199 200 0,55 % 2016-05-27 1 000 997 997 0,47 % 2016-10-20 700 697 697 138 365 138 213 138 259 Total - instruments du marché monétaire 36 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Relevé des autres investissements ( non audité ) au 30 novembre 2015 Prix de contrat ou d'exercice Élément sous-jacent Nombre d'unités Échéance / livraison Valeur notionnelle Coût Juste valeur (en milliers $) (en milliers $) (en milliers $) Contrats à terme - position acheteur Gouvernement du Canada, 1,25 %, 2018-02-01 F135E260312 Gouvernement F135B450312 du Canada, 2,50 %, 2024-06-01 Gouvernement du Canada, 3,50 %, 2045-12-01 F135ZS60312 Indice Euro StoXX 50 VGZ5F04NEW Indice Nikkei 225 NHZ5F04NEW Taux d'intérêt 10 ans obligations du gouvernement du Canada CNH6F01NEW 101,56 CAD 15 000 000 2015-12-03 15 235 - (40) 108,87 CAD 18 000 000 2015-12-03 19 597 - (108) 126,18 CAD 19 000 000 2015-12-03 23 973 - 14 3 179,00 EUR 121 2015-12-18 5 965 - - 17 535,00 JPY 20 2015-12-10 2 138 - - 138,23 CAD 50 2016-03-21 6 941 - - 73 849 Total - contrats à terme - position acheteur (134) Contrats à terme - position vendeur Dollar américain FUSD091215 Dollar américain FUSD231215 Dollar australien FAUD091215 Euro FEUR091215 Gouvernement du Canada, F135B860312 Gouvernement du Canada, F135ZJ60312 Livre sterling FGBP091215 1,33 CAD 25 440 000 2015-12-09 33 802 - 1,33 CAD 7 977 500 2015-12-23 10 623 - (77) (1) 0,94 CAD 7 120 000 2015-12-09 6 711 - (156) 1,43 CAD 3 294 000 2015-12-09 4 725 - 92 1,75 %, 2019-03-01 103,54 CAD 40 000 000 2015-12-03 41 416 - 76 3,25 %, 2021-06-01 112,07 CAD 30 700 000 2015-12-03 34 405 - 95 2,01 CAD 6 700 000 2015-12-09 13 446 - 16 Total - contrats à terme - position vendeur 145 128 45 Contrats d'options - position vendeur Indice Euro StoXX 50 SX5EF043300 Indice Euro StoXX 50 SX5EF043550 3 300,00 EUR 500 2015-12-18 2 321 (30) (13) 3 550,00 EUR 500 2015-12-18 2 496 (22) (35) 4 817 (52) (48) (52) (137) * 4 690 742 5 298 794 * Total - contrats d'options - position vendeur Total - instruments financiers dérivés Total des autres investissements * De ces totaux, un montant de 0,4 M$, représentant la juste valeur négative des instruments financiers dérivés est présenté sous Créditeurs et autres passifs aux états financiers du Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) au 30 novembre 2015. Titres vendus en vertu de conventions de rachat Au 30 novembre 2015, la juste valeur des titres en portefeuille vendus en vertu de conventions de rachat est de 242,4 M$ . Ces titres sont des obligations. Ces transactions ont été exécutées entre le 12 novembre 2015 et le 30 novembre 2015, tandis que leurs échéances se situent dans l'intervalle compris entre le 1er décembre 2015 et le 11 décembre 2015. Le collatéral reçu est de 247,2 M$. Le prix de rachat à payer est de 242,2 M$. 37 INDEX OF THE SHARE OF THE FONDS IN INVESTMENTS MADE BY THE SPECIALIZED FUNDS, AT COST (UNAUDITED) AS AT NOVEMBER 30, 2015 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances 31-12-14 BDR Capital s.e.c. Securities of eleven compagnies 21,274 31-12-14 FIER Partenaires, société en commandite Amorchem, société en commandite Capital St-Laurent, s.e.c. Fonds Brightspark II, s.e.c. Fonds CTI sciences de la vie, s.e.c. Fonds d'amorçage Cycle-C3E, s.e.c. Fonds d'investissement iNovia II, société en commandite Fonds d'investissement Réal, s.e.c. Fonds d'investissement Réal III, s.e.c. Fonds Propulsion III s.e.c. GO capital s.e.c. Novacap Industries III, s.e.c. Novacap Technologies III, s.e.c. Novacap Technologies IV, s.e.c. Rho Canada Capital de Risque, s.e.c. Société en commandite AgeChem Secured Loans and advances Total 3,635 24,909 37,458 Funds committed but not disbursed 31-03-15 Fonds Bio-Innovation, société en commandite Securities of nine companies Funds committed but not disbursed 8,716 31-05-15 Fonds de solidarité FTQ Investissements croissance I, s.e.c. 2525 inc. Colo-D inc. Distech Contrôles inc. Lumenpulse inc. 31-05-15 Fonds de solidarité FTQ Investissements croissance II, s.e.c. 2525 inc. Colo-D inc. Orckestra inc. 31-05-15 Fonds de solidarité FTQ Investissements technologiques I, s.e.c. Bonlook inc. Cadens Imagerie Médicale inc. E2metrix inc. Embrionix Design inc. GCS Medical inc. MConcierge Systems inc. Réflex Photonique inc. Solutions Axesnetwork inc. Funds committed but not disbursed 31-12-14 Fonds d'investissement de la culture et des communications, société en commandite Attraction Média inc. Carpediem film & TV inc. Corporation de distribution pour spectacle inc. Datsit Studios inc. De Marque inc. Gestion Juste pour Rire inc. Groupe Phaneuf inc. GVGS inc. (Laboratoire de test Enzyme) Hibernum Créations inc. La Compagnie Larivée, Cabot, Champagne Laboratoires GSS inc. Echo Média inc. Max Films inc. Média Cineflix inc. Media-Max inc. Studios Budge inc. Via Éditorial, société en commandite Vivavision inc. Wilson & Lafleur, limitée Securities of six other companies Funds committed but not disbursed 1 37,458 13,883 51,341 3,446 1,000 13,162 1,134 14,296 600 600 1,334 3,333 5,867 600 600 1,334 3,333 5,867 179 621 800 1,600 179 621 800 1,600 67 1 333 444 23 167 500 667 2,202 833 333 333 721 1,678 6,818 4,107 833 55 67 834 388 444 23 167 833 1,000 3,756 105 3,861 12,603 952 13,555 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances 31-12-14 Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ inc. 1030-1040 De Bleury s.e.c. 175 Metcalfe s.e.c. 300 St-Paul Québec inc. 325 St-Vallier inc. 790 Rand s.e.c. 81-83 Richelieu s.e.c. 875 Charest s.e.c. 880 Honoré-Mercier s.e.c. 9222-6810 Québec inc. Brossard-sur-le-Fleuve s.e.c. Carré Chambord s.e.c. Condominiums Le George V s.e.c. Condominiums Renaissance Blainville s.e.c. Condos Wanklyn-Milot s.e.c. Développement Joseph-Morin, s.e.c. Développements Wilfrid-Carrier s.e.c. Espace MV1 s.e.c. Espace MV2 s.e.c. Espace MV3 s.e.c. Espace MV4 s.e.c. Espaces Lebourgneuf Phase III s.e.c. Fonds accès terrains Québec s.e.c. Fonds d'investissement de Montréal (F.I.M.), société en commandite Fonds d'investissement de Montréal (F.I.M.) II, société en commandite Fonds d'investissement de Montréal (F.I.M.) III, société en commandite Graham-Mont-Royal s.e.c. R.P.A. Mont-Joli s.e.c. R.P.A. Rawdon s.e.c. Société en commandite Bourassa- Pelletier Société en commandite Château Hymus Société en commandite D.P.L.S. Société en commandite des Bassins I Société en commandite GII, Ilôt 10 (Comm-bur) Société en commandite GII, Ilôt 10 (Résidentiel) Société en commandite Griffintown II Société en commandite Griffintown II, Phase II Société en commandite Griffintown II, Phase II (Commercial) Société en commandite Griffintown II, Phase II (Condos-Tour 1) Société en commandite Griffintown II, Phase II (Condos-Tour 2) Société en commandite Griffintown II, Phase II (Tour 3) Société en commandite Griffintown II, Ilot 09 (locatif) Société en commandite Héritage Pointe-Claire Société en commandite immobilière T.D.C. Société en commandite Laurin/ St-Louis Phase I Société en commandite QDS Société en commandite Rose de Lima Société en commandite St-Bruno-sur-le-Lac Phase 4 St-Paul/Du Palais s.e.c. Technoparc Bromont Phase I s.e.c. Urbania Phase VII s.e.c. Wanklyn-Milot s.e.c. 40 general partners of limited partnerships Direct holdings: Terrain Boul. Lucille Teasdale, Terrebonne Terrain Boul. Le Corbusier, Laval 1,358 15,750 250 1,704 880 2,140 28,725 2,217 1 10 1,283 3,850 250 8,543 1 1 2,700 1,300 2,800 1 1,630 978 3,999 7,194 901 1,209 10 1 2,920 2,500 836 1,176 3,168 2,777 2,348 1,118 1,141 457 3,833 1 5,050 8,266 29,700 10 2,000 3,928 1,601 1 4,674 1 151,192 Secured Loans and advances 1,726 1,917 2,083 2,944 3,800 40 21 9,713 813 2,940 2,804 2,668 15,726 4,000 41,460 25,735 Total 15,750 3,084 2,167 2,083 1,704 3,824 2,140 28,725 3,800 2,217 1 10 1,283 3,850 290 8,543 1 1 2,700 1,300 2,800 1 1,630 978 3,999 7,194 922 1,209 9,723 1 2,920 3,313 836 1,176 3,168 2,777 5,288 3,922 3,809 457 3,833 1 5,050 23,992 29,700 10 6,000 3,928 1,601 1 4,674 1 218,387 2,596 11,377 232,360 2 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances 31-12-14 Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ I, s.e.c. C.C.L. II, société en commandite Complexe d'affaires 440, s.e.c. Condos Miscéo s.e.c. Fonds d'acquisition québécois, société en commandite Le 160 de l'Évêché, s.e.c. Riverside St-Lambert s.e.c. Sfère-Ahuntsic s.e.c. Société en commandite 1190 Jeanne-Mance Société en commandite 544 de l'Inspecteur Société en commandite Alfred-Nobel Société en commandite Alphonse T. Lépine Société en commandite Ann-Ottawa Société en commandite Beauharnois Société en commandite Boisé du Ruisseau Clair Société en commandite Claude Baillif Société en commandite Inspecteur-William Société en commandite Les Berges Brossard Société en commandite De La Dauversière Société en commandite Place Dunant Société en commandite Square Mont-Royal Société en commandite Ste-Hélène Village de la Gare s.e.c. 14 general partners of limited partnerships 484 1,825 225 2,929 1,983 1,000 1,483 6 1,725 1,504 1,045 20 11 150 27 1,080 1 15,498 Direct holding: Terrain ave. du Lac-Clermoutier, Chertsey Secured Loans and advances 400 2,193 3,374 16 11 1,000 2,892 11 200 7 20 7,232 299 3,191 Total 484 1,825 225 2,929 1,983 1,400 1,483 2,199 3,374 16 1,725 4,396 11 1,000 1,045 20 22 200 150 7 47 1,379 1 25,921 1,295 27,216 31-12-14 Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ II, s.e.c. 1030-1040 De Bleury s.e.c. 1405 Henri-Bourassa ouest s.e.c. Capital BLF inc. Espaces Lebourgneuf s.e.c. Faubourg la Grande Place, s.e.c. Fonds d'acquisition québécois II, s.e.c. Hôtel Particulier:Le Ste-Hélène s.e.c. Immobilière Concorde-Corbusier s.e.c. Les Haltes du Roi s.e.c. Neuvième Avenue s.e.c. Société en commandite Ann-Ottawa Société en commandite Cavelier de La Salle Société en commandite CDTI de Hull Société en commandite du 259 boulevard St-Joseph-Hull Société en commandite JBSL Société en commandite Mansfield Société en commandite RMI Trois A, Société en commandite Village de la Gare s.e.c. 9 general partners of limited partnerships 4,100 2,581 15,092 3,471 1,218 5,213 3,400 806 410 3,838 2,710 4,003 100 133 10 2,075 239 850 1 43,702 Direct holding: Condominium 410 des Récollets, Montréal Terrain ave. du Lac-Clermoutier, Chertsey 2,892 299 6,548 3,191 4,100 2,581 15,092 3,471 1,218 5,213 3,838 3,400 806 3,120 2,892 4,003 100 133 10 2,075 239 850 299 1 53,441 615 1,295 55,351 3 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances 31-08-15 Fonds locaux de solidarité FTQ, s.e.c. Administration régionale Baie-James Agglomération de Longueuil Agglomération des Îles-de-la-Madeleine Fonds local de solidarité MRC de Coaticook Fonds local de solidarité (FLS) de la MRC de La Jacques-Cartier Fonds local de solidarité (FLS) MRC d'Antoine-Labelle Fonds local de solidarité Laval Fonds local de solidarité MRC de Joliette Fonds local de solidarité ville de Saguenay MRC d'Acton MRC d'Argenteuil MRC d'Avignon MRC de Beauce-Sartigan MRC de Beauharnois-Salaberry MRC de Bécancour MRC de Bellechasse MRC de Bonaventure MRC de Brome-Missisquoi MRC de Caniapiscau MRC de Charlevoix MRC de Charlevoix-Est MRC de D'Autray MRC de Drummond MRC de La Côte-de-Beaupré MRC de La Haute-Côte-Nord MRC de La Mitis MRC de La Nouvelle-Beauce MRC de La Rivière-du-Nord MRC de La Vallée-du-Richelieu MRC de L'Érable MRC de L'Île-d'Orléans MRC de Lotbinière MRC de Manicouagan MRC de Marguerite-D'Youville MRC de Maria-Chapdelaine MRC de Maskinongé MRC de Mékinac MRC de Memphrémagog MRC de Minganie MRC de Pontiac MRC de Portneuf MRC de Rimouski-Neigette MRC de Rivière-du-Loup MRC de Robert-Cliche MRC de Roussillon MRC de Rouville MRC de Sept-Rivières MRC de Témiscamingue MRC des Appalaches MRC des Basques MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais MRC des Etchemins MRC des Laurentides MRC des Maskoutains MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut MRC du Domaine-du-Roy MRC du Fjord-du-Saguenay MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent MRC du Haut-Saint-François MRC du Rocher-Percé MRC du Val-Saint-François 38 60 143 63 80 114 150 77 32 102 17 150 4 10 370 10 10 10 10 10 420 10 25 15 10 45 437 332 170 280 10 10 205 35 20 148 570 10 10 10 230 10 250 10 45 15 205 10 173 504 10 10 10 10 30 145 113 4 10 280 10 10 10 10 10 595 115 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Secured Loans and advances Total 10 370 48 10 10 10 10 420 10 25 15 70 45 437 332 170 280 10 10 205 178 20 148 570 10 73 10 230 10 250 10 125 15 205 124 173 504 160 10 10 10 30 145 113 81 10 312 10 112 10 10 27 595 115 10 160 10 10 10 10 10 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances 31-08-15 Fonds locaux de solidarité FTQ, s.e.c. (continued) SOLIDE de la M.R.C. de Matane SOLIDE de la M.R.C. de Vaudreuil-Soulanges SOLIDE de la MRC des Jardins-de-Napierville SOLIDE de Mercier/Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Ville de Gatineau Ville de Lévis Ville de Montréal Ville de Sherbrooke 78 1,104 Funds committed but not disbursed Secured Loans and advances Total 205 173 10 10 460 220 2,339 285 9,808 205 173 10 10 460 220 2,417 285 10,912 48,036 58,948 542 240 156 97 15 1,122 157 176 542 240 156 97 15 2,422 157 176 195 170 1,585 493 193 200 204 200 47 168 201 175 180 1,901 810 191 277 100 376 447 1,118 65 1,382 141 135 105 750 1,173 438 80 17,305 31-03-15 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite Abitibi-Témiscamingue 2645-3530 Québec inc. (Hardy Construction) 2965-5099 Québec inc. (Les Réclamations du Nord-Ouest) 3088-6469 Québec inc. (Centre Jardin Lac Pelletier) 9052-5320 Québec inc. (Consultants B.C.H.) 9187-1186 Québec inc. (Dan Extermination) 9187-8850 Québec inc. (Forage Boréal) 9210-8737 Québec inc. (Pétroles Témis) A. & L. Pinard inc. Abitibi Royalties inc. Adventure Gold inc. Agritibi R.H. inc. ASDR Fabrication inc. Atelier Tangente inc. Climatisation Abitibi-Témiscamingue Experts inc. Corporation Aurifère Monarques Corporation Aurifère QMX Corporation d'Or Intégra CR Capital Corp. Entrepreneur Minier Promec inc. Ferabi inc. Géliko inc. Groupe MBI inc. Groupe Technosub inc. H.P. Hydraulique inc. Industries Wood4 inc. Les Aciers J.P. inc. et Immobilière J.P. inc. Les équipements de forage VersaDrill inc. Les Grains du Témis inc. et Ferme des Prés d'Or inc. LVL Global inc. Machineries Horticoles d'Abitibi inc. Machines Roger International inc. Matamec Explorations inc. Mines de la Vallée de l'or ltée Mines Richmont inc. Modulabec inc. Propair inc. Transport Clément Bégin inc. VCC-Massénor inc. 1,300 195 170 204 47 168 201 1,901 810 1 350 141 135 105 5,728 5 1,585 493 193 200 200 175 180 191 277 100 375 447 93 65 1,382 750 1,173 438 80 10,902 675 675 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances Secured Loans and advances Total 31-03-15 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite (continued) Bas-Saint-Laurent 6318703 Canada inc. (Méridien Maritime Réparation) et 3326403 Canada inc. 9031-8395 Québec inc. (Réfrigération Air C) et 9098-8106 Québec inc. 9181-4244 Québec inc. (Carrière Neigette) 9183-9530 Québec inc. (Pièces d'autos Sélect) 9198-8659 Québec inc. (Multi-Pièces D.L.) Adélard Soucy (1975) inc. AMH Canada ltée André Roy Électrique inc. Asselin & Asselin arpenteurs-géomètres inc. et Topocom Technologie inc. Bois BSL inc. Distributions R.M.G. (2004) inc. Ébénisterie Jean-Guy Lévesque & fils inc. Érablières des Alléghanys inc. Fonderie BSL inc. Fonds Soutien Bas-Saint-Laurent, société en commandite Gagnon Image inc. Gérald Leblond ltée et 9098-8106 Québec inc. Gestion du Fonds Soutien Bas-Saint-Laurent inc. Les Constructions H.L. Thériault inc. Les Distributions Arnaud inc. Les Produits PBM ltée Placements Gino Bois inc. et Transport C.F. Morin inc. Pourvoirie de la Seigneurie du lac Métis inc. Productions Québec Multimédia inc. Projexco inc. Richard Poirier et Frères Électrique ltée Funds committed but not disbursed Capitale-Nationale 9099-7768 Québec inc. (E.B.M. Laser) Armeco inc. Ascenseurs Maxi inc. Auvents W. Lecours inc. Corporation Distribution Sports Loisirs G.P. inc. DK-SPEC inc. Engrenage Provincial inc. Équipements supérieurs inc. Filtrum inc. Fleurigros 1995 inc. Groupe Qualinet inc. Groupe Renaud et Ass. inc. Imprimerie Nicober inc. Industries Métotech inc. J.A. Roby inc. Laboratoire Hygiènex inc. Les Aliments 2000 inc. Les Chaussures Henri-Pierre inc. Les Distributions Marc Boivin inc. Les Industries Rouillard inc. Les Vêtements Perlimpinpin inc. Machitech inc. Maçonnerie Dynamique ltée Métafab (1996) inc. Métal Excel inc. Métal Potvin inc. Miro Cuisines Tendances inc. Mode Avalanche inc. Onico inc. Panavidéo inc. Radio-Onde inc. SGPP (Québec) inc. (Simon Giguère Produits Pétroliers) TBC Constructions inc. Vohl inc. et Gestion A.V.F. inc. 125 150 417 1,000 1 1,693 200 460 750 25 1,435 Funds committed but not disbursed 6 167 451 167 451 125 395 207 83 650 125 159 145 125 1,000 655 46 1,000 256 458 1 215 294 24 120 174 212 106 766 7,959 500 8,459 245 207 83 233 125 159 145 125 1,000 655 46 256 458 215 294 24 120 174 212 106 766 6,266 114 300 330 191 75 1,528 1,500 748 33 861 188 294 500 174 160 695 117 303 669 75 847 375 500 327 556 381 700 128 750 396 750 296 14,861 486 486 314 300 330 191 460 75 750 1,528 1,500 748 33 861 188 294 500 174 160 695 117 303 669 75 847 375 486 500 327 556 406 700 128 750 396 750 296 16,782 750 17,532 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances Secured Loans and advances Total 31-03-15 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite (continued) Centre-du-Québec Écofib inc. Huppé Meubles inc. IPM Canada inc. J.I.T. Laser inc. Misa Tours Canada inc. Nitek Laser inc. Paul Rocheleau inc. Rénovation Expo inc. Vibrotech inc. Chaudière-Appalaches 9050-7641 Québec inc. (Ramp-Art) 9069-4654 Québec inc. (Supervac 2000) 9217-2840 Québec inc. et L'Usine Tac Tic inc. 9243-8423 Québec inc. Bercomac ltée Canada moteurs importations inc. Cométal inc. Équipements Demers inc. Équipements Plannord ltée Équipements récréatifs Jambette inc. Étic Produits Plein-Air inc. Fini. U.V. International inc. Groupe PCM inc. Groupe S.S. inc. J.L. Leclerc & fils inc. Les Productions Horticoles Demers inc. Mapa Innovations inc. et Les Produits Multi-Formes G.M. inc. Marol Express inc., C.R.S. Express inc., 9303-7760 Québec inc. et 9128-0644 Québec inc. (Transport Express Beauce U.S.A.) Menuiserox inc. Portes Veilleux 2000 inc. Produits RLC inc. Quéro Métal inc. et Gestion Dovin inc. Usine Sartigan inc. 700 725 1,425 7 200 33 500 750 227 67 185 267 491 2,720 200 33 500 750 227 67 185 267 491 2,720 633 56 730 397 400 400 84 403 785 500 51 288 633 56 730 964 333 217 89 700 397 400 400 84 403 785 1,225 51 288 1,000 17 450 1,000 293 394 8,520 1,000 17 450 1,000 293 394 10,909 333 217 89 964 964 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances Secured Loans and advances Total 31-03-15 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite (continued) Côte-Nord 7583168 Canada inc. (Les Entreprises Electro Select) 9011-1501 Québec inc. (Pompage Pelletier) 9262-3701 Québec inc. (Résidence J.R. Lafontaine) Carrosserie Pro 2010 inc. Construction Fortin & Lévesque inc. Construction J.G.M. inc. Fonds Soutien Côte-Nord, société en commandite Gestion du Fonds Soutien Côte-Nord inc. Hôtel Mingan inc. Hôtel Motel Le Q'Artier des Îles inc. Lajoie Réfrigération inc. Les Distributions G.F.D. inc. Les Motels de l'Énergie inc. Les Pétroles Paul Larouche inc. Mason Graphite inc. Métal 7 inc. Nord Industrie inc. Pec-Nord inc. Plomberie Chauffage O Max inc. et 9276-5593 Québec inc. Synergica Alliance inc. 413 1 6 700 300 1,420 Estrie 9100-2790 Québec inc. (Multi distribution Sherbrooke inc.) 9159-7500 Québec inc. (Armoires NAC) Boccam inc. Acier Fastech inc. Amecci inc. Ani-Mat inc. Groupe Cabico inc. Innotex inc. Kemestrie inc. LeProhon inc. Les Entreprises Dauphinais inc. Les Industries Touch inc. Les Quais Bertrand inc. Les Viandes Laroche inc. MPÉCO Construction inc. Motrec international inc. Oasis Tropik Nordik inc. Quinco & Cie inc. Signalisation de l'Estrie inc. Sport Powertek inc. 678 678 Funds committed but not disbursed Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine 9182-7683 Québec inc. (Pêcheries Yan Bourdages) Atelier d'Usinage Gaspé Machine Works inc. B.M.B. (Îles-de-la-Madeleine) inc. Duclos & Michaud Télécom inc. Fabrication Delta inc. Fonds Soutien Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, société en commandite Gaspésie Diésel inc. Gestion du Fonds Soutien Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine inc. Junex inc. Les Entreprises P.E.C. inc. Les Pêcheries Marinard ltée Pêcheries Vilo inc. Serres Jardins-Nature inc. Funds committed but not disbursed 8 25 524 125 1,000 1 46 97 1,818 135 506 186 296 928 650 1,812 550 49 392 400 90 200 68 415 25 6,702 107 287 1,300 244 117 1,038 458 864 1,500 521 758 453 407 283 771 61 500 920 160 10,749 700 205 187 175 175 95 646 225 252 2,660 135 506 186 296 928 650 413 1 1,812 550 49 392 400 90 206 700 68 300 415 25 8,122 107 287 1,300 244 117 1,038 458 864 678 1,500 521 758 453 407 283 771 61 500 920 160 11,427 1,550 12,977 700 230 524 312 175 1,000 175 1 46 95 646 225 349 4,478 25 4,503 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances Secured Loans and advances Total 31-03-15 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite (continued) Lanaudière ABC Environnement inc. et 9216-4615 Québec inc. (Centre de Valorisation de Crabtree) Agro-100 ltée Gestion EDB Mondor inc. Gestion Éric Riendeau inc., Viandes Riendeau ltée et Les Aliments Chatel inc. Groupe Manucam inc. Laboratoires Bi-Op inc. Labre et Associés, Arpenteurs-Géomètres inc. Meubles Jaymar Corp. Multi-modèles Martin Gaudet inc. Pneus Lanoraie inc. Sécurité GMR inc., 9172-9863 Québec inc. et 9135-5214 Québec inc. Triotech Amusement inc. Verre Select inc. Funds committed but not disbursed Laurentides 4486021 Canada inc. (Aliments Urbains) 7661665 Canada inc. (Profab mécanique 2010) et 9151-0768 Québec inc. (Desco) 9018-4995 Québec inc. (Lacelle & Frères) 9311-5947 Québec inc. (Les Aliments Kamloop) Autobus Lion inc. BMI Canada inc. Canrep inc. Complexe Hôtelier St-Jovite/ Mont-Tremblant inc. Distributions Denis Fontaine inc. et 9213-5771 Québec inc. Garage François Thouin inc., Remorques CFT inc. et 8236011 Canada inc. Gestion Estérel inc. Gestion hôtelière REVPAR inc. Groupe Aviation et Puissance inc. Groupe Sima Palsol inc. Groupe Star Suites inc. La Petite Bretonne inc. Le Groupe Synergie Xpress inc. Les Brasseurs du Nord inc. Lev-Fab inc. Montour ltée Myre, Pageau & Associés Consultant immobilier inc. Palmex International inc. Service Alimentaire Desco inc. Vision Villégiature inc. Funds committed but not disbursed Laval 9160-5188 Québec inc. (Hulix Construction) 9210-9107 Québec inc. (Jungle Aventure) Artemano Canada inc. Attractions SOS inc. Ciel Aventure Québec inc. Collections Unimage inc. Cunico ltée Geram Communications inc. et Gerba Entreprises inc. Hydrolico International inc. K.F. Construction inc. Les Bouteilles Recyclées du Québec (B.R.Q.) inc. Paris, Ladouceur & associés inc. Produits Alimentaires Berthelet inc. S.R.A.D. Communications inc. Vinyform ltée 1,000 300 1,300 126 126 Funds committed but not disbursed Mauricie 9145-5980 Québec inc. (Transport Jacques Labbé) Climatisation Trois-Rivières inc. Concept Éco-Plein-Air Le Baluchon inc. Estampage J.P.L. limitée Portes & fenêtres Nouvel Horizon inc. 751 751 9 706 375 275 1,250 577 1,063 500 475 80 464 217 187 8 6,177 706 375 275 1,250 577 1,063 500 475 80 464 217 187 8 6,177 750 6,927 107 107 500 73 500 321 1,187 177 390 490 466 528 78 717 7 1,112 772 167 500 73 500 321 1,187 177 390 490 466 528 78 717 7 1,112 772 167 1,000 240 270 128 15 217 300 9,762 200 9,962 240 270 128 15 217 8,462 332 217 250 350 1,317 350 750 300 667 360 167 190 717 67 250 6,284 332 217 250 350 1,317 350 750 300 667 360 293 190 717 67 250 6,410 600 7,010 389 57 601 2,000 450 3,497 389 57 1,352 2,000 450 4,248 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances Secured Loans and advances Total 31-03-15 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite (continued) Montérégie 9183-1214 Québec inc. (Service Sérigraphique Professionnel S.S.P.) Agro-Bio contrôle inc. Agrocentre Belcan inc. Atelier d'usinage Quenneville inc. Bousquet Frères Limitée Contrôle Industriel C.T.H. ltée Corporation Norme Internationale inc. DCL Nutrition & santé animale inc. Domaines Pinnacle inc. Elka suspension inc. FDC Composites inc. Géomap GIS Amérique inc. Groupe Exel International inc. ICANDA Corporation, Forages M.S.E. inc. et Gestion immobilière M.S.E. inc. Investissements Brasco inc. Laboratoires Natrum inc. et Dermolab Pharma ltée Les Cartons Northrich inc. Les Produits de Ventilation Lambro inc. Les Promotions Universelles inc. Les sols Sportica inc. M.G.B. Électrique inc. Matériaux paysagers Savaria ltée Plombco inc. Ricardo Média inc. Secco International inc. Simaudio ltée Soudure Brault inc. Soya Excel inc. SPB Psychologie organisationnelle inc. Suly inc. Montréal 3717291 Canada inc. (Bô-Bébé) et Kidiway inc. 7774672 Canada inc. (Derme & Cie), 3897338 Canada inc. et 3897320 Canada inc. Alimentation L'Épicier inc. Aliments Horizon Nature inc. Allard & Ricard inc. Andy transport inc. Anodisation Verdun inc. et Anodisation Montréal inc. Argon 18 inc. et Cycles Argon-18 inc. Corporation Smartsilk inc. Emballages Cré-O-Pack International inc. Galerie au chocolat inc. Groupe Carreaux Céragrès inc. Groupe Lincora inc. Le Groupe Conseil Integrim inc. Les Investissements Sylnic inc. Les Laboratoires de recherche de Lan Wirewerks inc. Location Jean Légaré ltée Magnus Poirier inc. Manutention Québec inc. Perlite Canada inc. Portes et fenêtres Cordy inc. Proaction International inc. Quincaillerie architecturale Capsol inc. Ray-Mont Logistiques inc. RB&C Maintenance de voies inc. Stylo Bankers (1991) inc. Tornatech inc. Turbines Essential inc. Vulcan Compagnie de Palans ltée Funds committed but not disbursed 10 422 133 555 117 17 24 900 275 285 270 354 250 158 147 33 1,950 506 115 35 187 100 590 1,334 100 750 567 464 70 200 540 197 10,535 192 192 422 117 17 24 900 275 285 270 354 250 158 147 33 1,950 506 192 115 35 187 100 590 1,334 100 750 567 464 70 333 540 197 11,282 1,000 1,000 235 533 388 340 100 150 500 361 334 272 1,800 45 351 54 346 333 478 1,150 233 232 500 96 494 154 250 465 500 494 12,188 235 533 388 340 100 150 500 361 334 272 1,800 45 351 54 346 333 478 1,150 233 232 500 96 494 154 250 465 500 494 12,188 1,000 13,188 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances Secured Loans and advances Total 31-03-15 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite (continued) Nord-du-Québec 9129-3852 Québec inc. (Entretien industriel D.L.B.) 9181-4228 Québec inc. (Nord Décoration inc.) 9189-3081 Québec inc. (Relais du Lac Caché) Corporation Éléments Critiques Équipement de bureau Ungava inc. Exploration Azimut inc. Exploration Dios inc. Exploration Midland inc. Exploration NQ inc. Fonds Soutien Baie-James, société en commandite Gestion du Fonds Soutien Baie-James inc. Les Consultants de l'Arctique inc. Les Pétroles M.J. inc. Les Ressources Yorbeau inc. M.A.S. Chibougamau inc. Mines Coulon inc. Nemaska Lithium inc. Redevances Aurifères Osisko ltée Ressources Cartier inc. Ressources Géoméga inc. Ressources Sphinx ltée Services Pétroliers Chibougamau inc. Société d'Exploration Minière Vior inc. Société de Diamant Stornoway 50 192 56 308 72 500 1 100 400 77 476 397 182 387 247 124 3,569 Funds committed but not disbursed Outaouais 140689 Canada ltée (Taxi Loyal) 2786630 Canada inc. (Vitrerie Vision 2000 enr.) 4031202 Canada inc. 6227945 Canada inc. (IEG) 6479138 Canada inc. (Les Services de la Première Générale (Gatineau)) 7095287 Canada inc. (Concept Pro-Métal) 7608187 Canada inc. (La trappe à fromage) 9111-8117 Québec inc. (Activec) Alary, St-Pierre & Durocher Arpenteurs-géomètres inc. Auberge & Spa le Nordik inc. Ed. Brunet et associés Canada inc. Gestion conseil Immogest-Sweeney inc. Imasight inc. Laiterie de l'Outaouais inc. Lauzon - Foresterie (Fiducie) Les Entreprises RGMSP ltée et 6588891 Canada inc. Macadamian Technologies inc. Norgau inc. PCI Géomatiques Entreprises inc. Philouze Boulanger-Patissier inc. ProVance Technologies inc. Restaurations Sélect inc. Service de Pneus Lavoie Outaouais inc. SolaCom Technologies inc. Systèmes de test Simbol inc. VanillaSoft inc. et VanillaSoft Corporation WMD Moulin de Wakefield développements inc. Funds committed but not disbursed 11 98 83 400 176 130 300 600 75 328 300 2,490 29 750 1,235 90 150 391 159 55 1,392 233 202 125 492 1,500 548 2,048 98 83 400 50 176 192 56 308 72 500 1 130 300 100 600 400 77 476 397 182 462 328 247 424 6,059 25 6,084 750 350 187 182 740 75 577 1 253 86 129 8,633 52 500 552 29 750 1,235 52 90 150 391 159 55 1,392 233 202 125 492 500 750 1,500 350 187 182 1,288 75 577 1 253 86 129 11,233 700 11,933 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances Secured Loans and advances Total 31-03-15 Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite (continued) Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean 2861-0467 Québec inc. (Notre Hôtel) 2953-7628 Québec inc., 2526-0100 Québec inc. (Terrassement Jocelyn Fortin) et 9300-9181 Québec inc. 2956-3475 Québec inc. (Interbus) 6482066 Canada inc. (Société P.C.P.) 8439117 Canada inc. (Récupère Sol) 9099-3593 Québec inc. (Inter-Projet) 9107-6513 Québec inc. (Menuiserie St-Henri) 9115-3023 Québec inc., 9244-7770 Québec inc. (Pub la Voie Maltée Chicoutimi) et 9261-9238 Québec inc. 9143-8945 Québec inc. (Giroux Maçonnex) A.S. Nettoyage inc. Dynamitage Express inc. Garage Marcel Simard inc. Gestion du Fonds AP 60 inc. Gestion LJ inc. Groupe Giroux Maçonnex inc. Industries Bofab inc. Isumi Précision ltée Laval Fortin ltée LCR Vêtements et Chaussures inc. Les Équipements pétroliers Claude Pedneault inc. Les Fenêtres AGM inc. Les Placements G.M.R. Maltais inc. Nolicam Location de camions inc. Novabrik International inc. Pétrolex St-Félicien inc. Précicast ltée Reboitech inc. et Plani-forêt S.G.F. inc. Remac innovateurs industriels inc. St-Félicien Diesel (1988) inc. SCP 89 inc. Transports J.M. Bernier inc. Funds committed but not disbursed Total Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ, société en commandite Funds committed but not disbursed 31-12-14 Fonds Valorisation Bois, s.e.c. Groupe Lebel (2004) inc. 30-04-15 Société de gestion d'actifs forestiers Solifor, société en commandite Gestion forestière Solifor Anticosti, société en commandite Solifor Bloc A-RPF, société en commandite Solifor Bloc B-LP, société en commandite Solifor Bloc Monet, société en commandite Solifor Charlevoix-Saguenay, société en commandite Solifor Lac Métis, société en commandite Solifor Lotbinière, société en commandite Solifor Mauricie, société en commandite Solifor Nicolas Riou, société en commandite Solifor Perthuis, société en commandite 12 227 840 1 58 158 40 270 1,405 559 295 123 350 1,000 55 832 767 800 132 1,000 55 832 767 800 132 610 610 840 108 868 350 1 60 1,160 259 58 1,000 400 348 642 40 535 1,527 384 647 170 173 651 295 380 15,442 250 15,692 108 868 350 60 1,160 259 1,000 400 348 300 265 122 384 170 173 651 184 88 3,853 380 11,317 272 26,399 132,963 3,141 162,503 6,350 168,853 6,000 6,000 140,005 140,005 FONDS DE SOLIDARITÉ DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC (F.T.Q.) Index of the Share of the Fonds in investments Made by the Specialized Funds, at Cost (unaudited) as at November 30, 2015 (in thousands $) Information from Annual Financial Report dated Unsecured Shares Loans and and Units advances 31-12-14 Teralys capital Fonds de Fonds, s.e.c. Celtic House Venture Partners Fund IV, L.P. EnerTech Capital Partners IV, L.P. Fonds Biosciences Merck Lumira (Québec), s.e.c. Fonds CTI Sciences de la vie II, s.e.c. Fonds Cycle Capital III, s.e.c. Fonds d'investissement iNovia III, s.e.c. Fonds d'investissement Réal III, s.e.c. Fonds Tandem Expansion I, s.e.c. Georgian Partners Growth Fund I, L.P. Investissements TVM Science de la vie VII, s.e.c. Iris Capital Fund III FCPR Lumira Capital II, s.e.c. Novacap TMT IV, s.e.c. Rho Canada Capital de Risque II, s.e.c. Sofinnova Capital VII Vanedge Capital I Limited Partnership Capital de risque Versant V (Canada), s.e.c. Funds committed but not disbursed 31-12-14 VC, société en commandite Securities of two companies Direct holdings of real estate Secured Loans and advances Total 15,665 9,540 1,636 6,835 5,049 3,367 3,200 2,803 2,857 2,357 2,145 2,083 848 633 530 406 118 59,680 15,665 9,540 1,636 6,835 5,049 3,367 3,200 2,803 2,857 2,357 2,145 2,083 848 633 530 406 118 59,680 127,406 187,086 32 32 123,845 123,877 This unaudited index details the investments made by the specialized funds as required by the Regulation Respecting Development Capital Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure. 13