Grossmont College - National Institute for Learning Outcomes
Grossmont College - National Institute for Learning Outcomes
Grossmont College: Presenters: Dr. Angela Feres – SLO Coordinator Dr. Chris Hill – Sr. Dean, College Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Rethinking Institutional Learning Outcomes Taskforce participants Dr. Angela Feres – SLO Coordinator Jeff Waller – Curriculum Faculty Co-Chair Dave Dillon – Counselor Dr. Chris Hill – Sr. Dean, CPIE Dr. Mike Reese – Dean, Math, Nat. Sci, Exer. Sci./Wellness Dr. Sue Gonda – Academic Senate President Dr. Sunita Cooke – President Special Thanks Dr. Devon Atchison Who led us through the original SLO wilderness Problem to be solved? ur o e r we e s eas e r a Th SLO GE/I Example: Effective Communication ISLOs • • • • • Apply oral communication skills in order to maintain relationships, articulate perspectives, and solve problems within interpersonal, small group, and public context. Apply listening skills in order to understand, analyze, and evaluate messages and to empathize with and support others. Read critically and analytically, identifying central arguments and lines of reasoning in a number of different kinds of texts. Demonstrate autonomy as written by making effective rhetorical choices regarding point of view, tone, and voice in relation to audience and purpose. Use logical, ethical, and emotional appeals, avoiding logical fallacies in thought and language and utilizing a variety of rhetorical strategies. The "old college try" at assessment Workshops to analyze course-level data through the GE/ISLO lens Survey of students participating in one-book, onecampus project Faculty Inquiry Group (FIG) to assess a GE/ISLO across multiple sections Survey of graduating students Goal of our DQP project By using the DQP and associated resources we hope to: 1. collaboratively reassess our GE/ISLOs and refine them by identifying general education core competencies; and 2. develop an effective method(s) for assessing those competencies across all of our programs and GE areas. Journey taken College Convocation DQP Conference (August 2013) (April 2013) Begin Taskforce Conversations (September 2013) Constituent Group Endorsement (April 2014) DQP Final Project Conference (May 2014) College Planning Forum Breakout (March 2014) Developed Framework for Essential Learning (Sept 13-Mar 14) Results? A framework for essential learning that outlines the knowledge, skills, abilities, and habits of mind that a student has attained as a result of his or her engagement in the college learning experience MISSION Integrative and Applied Learning Personal and Social Responsibility Intellectual & Practical Skills Specialized Knowledge Broad, Integrative Knowledge Grossmont College is committed to providing an exceptional learning environment that enables diverse individuals to pursue their hopes, dreams, and full potential, and to developing enlightened leaders and thoughtful citizens for local and global communities. FRAMEWORK FOR ESSENTIAL LEARNING A bit more detail Next steps SLO 2.0 (2014-15) Rethink learning outcomes at all levels Begin with essential learning framework in mind and map backwards through programs and courses Review, re-design and deploy multiple measures for assessment at, and across, all levels including: Course-level Program-level Essential learning (college)-level via: Assessment workgroups Graduation and other surveys Integrate Essential Learning Framework within new GC pathways experience Thanks for listening! For additional information, please contact: • Dr. Chris Hill, or • Dr. Angela Feres,