Information Newsletter - Moody AFB Force Support Squadron
Information Newsletter - Moody AFB Force Support Squadron
Moody AFB School Liaison Officer & Exceptional Family Member Program-Family Services Coordinator Information Newsletter May 2016, Vol 8, # 5 Inside this edition of “Tidbits” Page 1: SLO “Focus On” column Page 2: More Education News Page 3: Windy’s Corner Page 4: SLO/EFMP Calendar & Resources Page 5: More Resources Focus On: It’s PCS Time Again... Ann E. Lukens, School Liaison Officer For military families, a PCS move is inevitable. Your kiddos may not be excited when you announce the move. From their perspective... They will have to say “good-bye”. As parents you may hear, “no, I don’t want to go… you are ruining my life!...I’m a junior (senior) and I want to finish high school here!” Younger children may cry and become clingy as you’re trying to sort through clothes and other stuff. Finally the movers arrive. As the adult, you’re busy. The kiddos may not be saying too much as they watch their belongings disappear into boxes, but they are thinking. There are already worried that they won’t fit in with the kids in their new neighborhood or school. You may hear, “what if they don’t like me?... “What if I can’t find someone to be my friend?” These fears continue throughout the actual move. I can guarantee that someone will ask you, at least once, “are we there yet?” You finally arrive; you and the kiddos are being welcomed by unit members (e.g., Key Spouse, sponsor). The van with the boxes arrives. Soon everyone is busy setting up their space. Before heading off to the first day at the new school, you hear, “they’ll laugh at me...I won’t have anyone to eat lunch with…” Hopefully within a week or two, you may hear, “maybe this place isn’t so bad.” You know then that you are home again. For military families, home isn’t a place. It’s where our family is. The 101 Critical Days of Summer begin Memorial Day weekend. Please remember to make safety part of all your travel plans. Beat the Summer Slump this Year! Information of Note/Resources for Students and Parents Check out the College Board website for free SAT practice questions and latest on the revised SAT ( Are you looking for low-cost SAT and ACT test preparation programs? Take the time to affiliate_welcome.asp?coupon=FBEC67159 or call (951) 256-4076 Are you interested in private school? Call the SLO Did you know your child can attend free, online public school in GA? Visit the SLO for more information. Home School Association for Military Families/HSAMF Visit or call (402) 906-9766 PO Box 642221, Omaha NE 68164 “Moody Home School Connection” Come join this free military family home school group on 1st and 3rd Thurs from 1300-1445 monthly at Youth Center. Look for the house listed on meeting dates. Call 257-3067/stop by Bldg 1804. Local Support group Valdosta Innovative Network of Educators (VINE) is the local support group. Visit (www.homeschool-life/ga/valdostahomeschool) or on Facebook. Monthly meetings; fee charged Georgia Dept of Education Homepage ( Local Public School Websites: Lowndes County Schools ( Take time to read for 15 minutes every day during summer vacation. Valdosta City Schools ( Lanier County Schools ( Berrien County Schools ( Please Note: The School Liaison Officer is open fr om 0800-1630 MondayFriday except on Federal Holidays. If SLO must be gone, she will announce it in “Bits & Pieces” and in an “Out-of-Office” message. When the A&FRC is closed for training, please use door with the handicap ramp at end of Bldg 400 closest to the outdoor Base Pool. Turn right to enter A&FRC; SLO’s office is on the left side of the hallway. Thank you! Scintilla Charter Academy ( Remember: You can’t learn if you are not in class everyday. 1 Military Child Education Mission: “Connecting Families, Communities and Schools” I’m Ann Lukens, your School Liaison Officer. My hours are 0800-1630 Mon-Fri. My office is located for your convenience in the Airman & Family Readiness Center (Bldg 400); Suite 120. My phone number is (229) 257-4380. Feel free to come by and chat. My office is open during lunch hours (1100-1300). School Liaison Officer (SLO) Notes & News Brief: PCS Checklist for School Moves (as suggested by the Military Child Education Coalition/MCEC) Course Description Book (absolutely essential for high school students) School Profile Attendance and Tardy Records Report Card/Withdrawal Grades. Ideally grades should be listed as numeric values rather than letter grades due to difference in state grading policies. This is especially true for middle and high school students) Current Schedule Transcript/Course History (with local grading system) Class Rank Cumulative Folder Testing Information Health Records including Shot (Immunization) Records Birth Certificate Social Security Number Activities Record: This is a good opportunity to include information about a student’s extracurricular activities (e.g., band, clubs and/or sports) IEP/504/Gifted Records (Essential) JROTC Records Guardianship/Custody Papers/Proof of Primary Custodian Authority Fees Owed Alternative School Records Letters of Recommendations (especially for senior students) If available, include writing samples, At-Risk or Action Plans for classroom modifications, Portfolio, Accelerated Reader Points, and Service Learning Hours Anyone who has ever attended the Moody AFB Smooth Move seminar or looked thr ough the MAFB M ilitary Child Education Program/MCEP Guide is probably familiar with the (above) list. It was developed and published by the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) in 2007. Moving with a child or any age can be challenging. It gets more complicated as a child grows older and enters school. Military students experience an average of 6-9 moves between entering Kindergarten and High School graduation. If there is a move in your future, stop by the SLO’s office for information about the schools at your new location and name of your new SLO. Don’t let your student struggle or fall behind. Take advantage of this DoDfunded service. Go to military and get help from a live tutor! Use online app for busy middle and high school students! Visit SLO link on by clicking on “Facilities”, then click on “Family”, then scroll down to “Military Child Education”. You can also access this site by clicking on “Getting Settled” under “PCSing to Moody” at the top of the Moody homepage ( Announcements: SLO Office Closed: 27 & 30 May Federal Holiday: Memorial Day School Closings for Summer: Berrien Co = 27 May Lanier Co = 20 May Lowndes Co = 20 May Valdosta City = 20 May Scintilla Charter Academy: 13 & 29 –30 May “GA Military Family Act “ GA Dept of Education Rule 160-51-.10, “Student Attendance”, section 7 permits military students to spend up to 5 days with a parent preparing to deploy into OR returning from war zone. The military member or spouse may complete the form; get the signature of Commander or First Sergeant and bring it/scan and email it to the SLO’s office. Letters must be submitted and Superintendent’s approval is received BEFORE a student is taken out of class. NOTE: Lowndes Co/Valdosta City School Parents: ALL absences to include those taken IAW GA Military Family Act count IAW the current Lowndes County Juvenile Truancy Protocol totals listed in document. Public School Student Bus Transportation If you have a question about your child’s bus stop, bus number, or the time the bus will arrive, please call the number listed below for your specific school district: Berrien Co Schools: 229-686-2527 Lanier Co Schools: 229-482-3966 Lowndes Co Schools: 229-245-2257 Valdosta City Schools: 229-245-5640 Under GA DoE Rule 160-5-3-.13. Student Safety, loading limit for any bus may not exceed 120% of the manufacturer’s rated seating capacity. Ex: A 66-passenger bus may not exceed 76 students. No student should be standing in the bus aisle or sitting on another student’s lap. 2 MAFB Exceptional Family Member Program Coordinator My Name is Windy Scott and I am your Moody AFB Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)-Family Support Coordinator. Please stop by the A&FRC and let me know what you need. You can reach me by email or call 257-3335 to make an appointment! Your EFMP-Medical is Ms. LaShayla Dyer and can be reached by calling 257-2893. She is located in the Base Gym room 124. Windy’s Corner: May Awareness: Cancer Research Month, (Relay for Life), Military Appreciation Month, Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, National Mental Health Month Relay For Life Each year, more than 4 million people in over 20 countries raise much needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through relay for life movement. Moody Warriors will be participating this year on 6 May at Lowndes High School Relay for Life! Stop by our Booth. Resource: Military Appreciation Month Congress designated May as National Military Appreciation Month in 1999 to ensure the nation was given the opportunity to publically demonstrate their appreciation for the sacrifices and successes made by our service members past and present. Each year the president makes a proclamation, reminding Americans of the important role the U.S. Armed Forces have played in the history and development of our country Resource: Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month Each year, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) declares May to be "National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month." It's a peak season for asthma and allergy sufferers, and a perfect time to educate your patients, family, friends, co-workers and others about these diseases. Asthma affects approximately 25.9 million Americans and more than 50 million Americans suffer from all types of allergies. Please join us in raising awareness for these common diseases. Resource: National Mental Health Month During the month of May, NAMI and participants across the country are bringing awareness to mental health. Each year we fight stigma, provide support, educate the public and advocate for equal care. Each year, the movement grows stronger. We believe that these issues are important to address all year round, but highlighting these issues during May provides a time for people to come together and display the passion and strength of those working to improve the lives of all Americans whose lives are affected by mental health conditions. 1 in 5 Americans will be affected by a mental health condition in their lifetime and every American is effected or impacted through their friends and family and can do something to help others. Mental Health Awareness Day will be at the Valdosta courthouse on 5 May at 1100. Please wear green if you are planning to attend. See support group page for meetings! Resource: 3 MAFB School Liaison & Exceptional Family Member Program Calendar: May 2016 “Give Parents a Break”: 21 May 16; Call CDC/YP; Reservations are required Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 0900 Monthly EFMP Coffee Connection 3 4 Love and Logic (1200) 5 Weekly Playgroup 6Family Connection Youth Center Call 257-3335 (EFMP) Transition GPS; 2-6 May 2016; Call 257-3333 to sign up 6 May: Moody Warrior Relay for Life Lowndes High School 6PM 2-6 May is National Teacher Appreciation Week. Take time to thanks your child’s teachers. 9 10 0730 Wing Right Start/Club Berrien BoE Mtg/1900 Lanier BoE Mtg/1900 Lowndes BoE Mtg/1800 Valdosta City BoE Mtg/1900 16 17 11 12 0900 Smooth Move @ A&FRC 0900 Heart Link Seminar 1200: Love and Logic 13 14 May: EFMP Spouse Paint Party 5PM Studio Imagination 6 May is “Military Spouse Appreciation Day” Take time to hug your spouse for all that she/he does to support you! 18 1200: Love and Logic 19 20 Youth Center Kids Run/ Movie in the Park Transition GPS, 16-20 May 2016; Call 257-3333 to sign up 23 24 0730 Wing Right Start/Club 25 1200: Love and Logic 31 Classes & Events subject to change so please call agency: A&FRC = 257-3333 CDC = 257-9220 Youth Center = 257-3067 In case of disaster, log into 26 Scintilla Charter Academy BoD Meeting/1800 ACC Family Day Most Base Services are Closed Today Family Advocacy: FASES (4); Crossroads to Parenting & Divorce (6) Great Expectations (18); Love & Logic (2, 4, 9, 11); Fearless Marriage (2, 9, 16, 23) To Sign Up, please call 229-257-4805 Not sure about a product? Check out Consumer Product Safety Commission ( Educational Services, and EFMP Resources: Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Services We have a number of agencies providing ABA services to families with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Please contact your EFMP Family Support Coordinator for a current listing. The cost of services may be covered by TRICARE ECHO. Need to Talk to Someone? Call the Moody Military Family Life Consultant 229-561-7915. Or do you have an issue involving your child? Call Child & Youth Behavioral Consultant 229-561-7924. These consultations are FREE and Confidential Jacobs Ladder is a Therapeutic Horseback Riding facility. For more information, please contact the EFMP Coordinator or the SLO. You can also look at their website by going to or call Leslie Jacobs at 794-1188 for more information. Is your State Parent Training Institute. They provide support information and training to families that have children with disabilities. Do you want to talk to a parent who understands what you’re going through? Do you want to volunteer to be a parent to talk to or call 1-800-229-2038. Moody Family Connections Playgroup: Meets every Friday except for days school is out from 10-11:30 at the Youth Center. Ages 0-4 please let us know if you need any accommodations. Please stay in touch with our Facebook group: Moody Family Connections : to ensure location of playgroup changes Easter Seals of Southern Georgia 610 N. Patterson Street, Suite A, Valdosta GA 31601 Easter Seals offers many programs such as respite care, family support, vocational training, specialized medical equipment, and communication devices for children 3 years and up that have a diagnosis of Autism or Developmental Disabilities. Please visit for more information call 229-247-5912. Jacob’s Ladder Therapeutic Horseback Riding Military OneSource has a wealth of infor mation on the Exceptional Family Member Program from webinars to toolkits. Take a few minutes to tour their website to learn more: The Ballet School The Ballet School offers a FREE class for children with disabilities. Please contact Kelly Smith, Artistic Director, at 229-219-9949 or by email at info@the This class is open to all ages, all types of special needs; male and female. Military OneSource provides 60-minute consultations, up to 12 times a year, with a Special Needs Specialty Consultant. The consultant will assess your family’s needs and answer your questions about moving benefits, education, finances, housing, support groups, medical resources, and more. To schedule your consultation, call Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647 and ask for an appointment with a Special Needs Specialty Consultant 4 Military Support/Advocacy Groups/Respite OneSource Specialty Consultations Military OneSource provides 60-minute consultations, up to 12 times a year, with a Special Needs Specialty Consultant. The Miracle League of Valdosta Baseball Program for children & adults with any disability Valdosta Multiple Sclerosis Support Group: Meets 3rd Thursday of each month Smith Northview Hospital; 6:30 Cafeteria Website: SOS Kids: Support group for parents with children with all types of special needs. Please contact Tammy Greenway 319-0392 or email at for more information. Special Ed Connect: Georgia Advocacy Office New program where you can learn from the comfort of This office provides information and referral your home about Special Education and how to advocate: for resources. You can call 1-800-537-2329. Special Education Online Dictionary They can provide free information and legal Special Ed Topics/Search engine To register please contact me so I can get you enrolled: advice when appropriate or 257-3335 For more information go to Down Syndrome Association of South Georgia Support Group Meets every second Saturday of the Month 1000-Noon Email: First Christian Church 1905 N. Patterson Street Alzheimer Support Group and Day Care Program My Friend’s House: Valdosta State University Alzheimer day car e pr ogr am. Call 229-293-6146. Support Group meets 3r d Wed of ever y month. Alzheimer Caregiver Time Out (ACTO): 245-9094 Looking for a Play Group Check out Parenting in Valdosta Playgroup on Facebook AF Respite (FREE) Are you registered? If you have a child that has been diagnosed as moderate or severe than you may qualify for an Air Force Funded Respite Program. This program provides 12 hrs. of care for all children in the home. Contact your EFMP-FS Coordinator to find out more: 227-3335 Online Child and Adolescent Bipolar Support Group for Families Go to and connect with other parents. This is a free online support group. Click join a support group and mention military in the comment box. Depression and Bipolar Online Support Groups for Adults Go to click on Peer Support National Alliance Mental Illness (NAMI) Support Group 4th Monday of each month First Christian Church 1905 North Patterson Street Contact: Jane Osborn: You can also find information about NAMI on FAST Family Autism Support Team Meets the 2nd Saturday of each Month First Christian Church 1905 N. Patterson Street 1:30-3 Find them on Facebook: Fastvaldosta Contact: or Ashley Jones: 229-630-8262 Mended Hearts of South Georgia For more information go to their Facebook Page Mended Little Hearts of South Georgia or contact SGMC for more information MOPS “Mothers of Preschoolers Sep-May Contact Meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 9:30-11 Trinity Presbyterian Church 3501 Bemis Road Facebook: Trinity Presbyterian MOPS YMCA Challenger League The Challenger League program offers recreational opportunities for children with physical or mental disabilities. Their philosophy is to help each child experience as much success as possible in a non-competitive environment. The program operates year round; basketball in the fall, indoor soccer in the winter, baseball in the spring and bowling and swimming in the summer: There is no cost to participants For more information contact: Cheryl 244-4646 or go to: Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP) Parent Training Institute federally funded and established to assist military families who have children with special education or health needs. To access their services please go to or call 1-800-572-7368 to find the main office nearest you. 5
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Information Newsletter - Moody AFB Force Support Squadron
All schools provide bus transportation. That information is available
during the Open House. Otherwise please call the Transportation Office
for your district using the number listed on page 2.