Fall 2015 - Southeastern Federal Credit Union
Fall 2015 - Southeastern Federal Credit Union
Fall 2015 2nd Annual Fill-a-Truck Food Drive gets off to a "WILD" Start The second annual Fill-a-Truck for Hunger Food Drive sponsored by Southeastern CU was a HUGE success! Wild Adventures Theme Park helped kick things off in a big way by offering BOGO tickets with a canned food donation over the Labor Day holiday weekend. Representatives from Southeastern, Wild Adventures, and Second Harvest food bank even got a #Spoontember selfie with the park's resident sloth! At the time of print, we did not have a final total from the Labor Day weekend collections, but we do know this year's collections exceeded last year's more than 3,600 pounds of food. Way to go! Non-perishable food donations were accepted throughout the month of September at all six Southeastern CU branch locations. September is national Hunger Action Month and a time of year when food supplies are typically low at our food banks. Our region of Georgia has the highest hunger rate in the state with 1 in 4 South Georgians struggling with hunger on a daily basis, including 1 in 3 children. A number of community partners participated in this September's food drive, benefiting local food bank Second Harvest of South Georgia. Many local residents made a canned food donation at their neighborhood Winn-Dixie store, and multiple businesses contributed to the cause at the Valdosta Chamber's Business After Hours event hosted by Southeastern. Valdosta State University took the "Fill-a-Truck Challenge" and asked their community of over 12,000 students, faculty and staff to help alleviate hunger. Steel's Jewelry in Valdosta accepted donations and raffled off a watch to one lucky donor. Several area civic and faith-based organizations collected donations and special offerings for the cause. A special thank you to our event media sponsors, 99.5 Kix Country, Star 105.3, Valdosta Daily Times, and Tifton Gazette for promoting the food drive throughout the communities we serve! At the time of print, we don't have a final total, but we're confident that we reached our goal of filling an entire semi-truck full of food donations – that's over 40,000 pounds! We are proud of and extremely grateful to our community for coming together to make this event a success yet again. Additionally, Southeastern will match our community's donations with a second donated truck full of food! We continue to grow the annual Fill-a-Truck for Hunger Food Drive, hoping to add more community partners and outdo our previous year's collections each year. For more information on getting involved with future community events, contact our Marketing department at marketing@southeasternfcu.org. Annual Meeting to Be Held March 10th Southeastern Credit Union’s 63rd Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, March 10, 2016 at the Holiday Inn Valdosta Conference Center. Registration will begin at 5:30 pm with the business meeting starting at 6:00 pm. You must be a member as of January 31, 2016 to be eligible to attend. Nominations Being Taken for Annual Election As a member of Southeastern CU, you own a portion of the Credit Union. Your share savings account makes you a member-owner and entitles you to vote for the individuals you would like to have serve on the Board of Directors. Your membership also allows you to be nominated as a candidate to serve on the Board of Directors. If you are interested in being a candidate, you will need to pick up a petition form at our Headquarters Branch and follow the rules for Nomination by Petition below. All nominations by petition are brought before the Nominating Committee, a committee within the Board of Directors. All final candidates to fill the vacancies on the Board of Directors will be determined by this committee. Rules for Candidacy/Nominations by Petition: • If the Nominating Committee has an equal number of candidates to positions available on the Board of Directors, these individuals will be elected by acclamation. • If the Nominating Committee has more candidates than positions available, the election will be determined by plurality vote. A ballot will therefore be mailed to all eligible members by January 8, 2016. • If the Nominating Committee does not have enough candidates to fill the necessary positions available, nominations will be taken from the floor at the annual meeting and a plurality vote will be taken with the members present at that time. • Individuals must be 16 years of age or older to serve on the Board of Directors. • If filing by petition, it: • Must be signed by at least one percent of the membership and not to exceed 500 members. • Must include a statement of qualifications and brief biological data on the person being nominated. • Must be received by the Credit Union at its Headquarters Branch located at 3501 North Valdosta Road, Valdosta, Georgia 31602 no later than close of business December 4, 2015. • All persons being nominated for candidacy must sign an acknowledgement stating that he/she is willing to serve, if elected. • All results will be announced at the annual meeting. Southeastern FCU's Privacy Policy can be found online at www.southeasternfcu.org/privacy. If you have any questions about how Southeastern shares your information, please call us at 229-244-2732 or 800-228-9839. Columbus Day Monday, October 12, 2015 Veterans Day Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Thanksgiving Thursday, November 26, 2015 Friday, November 27, 2015 (close at 1 pm) Christmas Thursday, December 24, 2015 (close at 1 pm) Friday, December 25, 2015 New Year’s Day Friday, January 1, 2016 As of August 31, 2015 Assets Shares Loans Members $220,222,030 $197,809,819 $147,487,873 29,112